Promotion of continuing vocational training in the state of Brandenburg, continuing education measures in companies (Q6966826)

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Project GENERATED-ID-2014DE05SFOP006-2024-2-9-26608 in Germany
Language Label Description Also known as
Promotion of continuing vocational training in the state of Brandenburg, continuing education measures in companies
Project GENERATED-ID-2014DE05SFOP006-2024-2-9-26608 in Germany


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    3,540.0 Euro
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    29 May 2018
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    20 October 2020
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    Natürliche Person
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    52°14'10.90"N, 12°58'12.00"E
    0 references
    Bindungsorientierte Körperpsychotherapie-Weiterbildung zur EEH-Therapeutin (German)
    0 references
    Formation continue en psychothérapie corporelle axée sur l’attachement à la thérapie EEH (French)
    0 references
    Usposabljanje za psihoterapijo telesa, usmerjeno v veze, za terapevta EEH (Slovenian)
    0 references
    Bond-orienterad kroppspsykoterapiutbildning för EEH-terapeut (Swedish)
    0 references
    Bond-orientoitunut kehon psykoterapiakoulutus EEH-terapeutille (Finnish)
    0 references
    Entrenamiento de psicoterapia corporal orientado al vínculo para terapeuta de EEH (Spanish)
    0 references
    Bond-orienteret kropspsykoterapi træning for EEH terapeut (Danish)
    0 references
    Į obligaciją orientuotas kūno psichoterapijos mokymas EEH terapeutui (Lithuanian)
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    Formare de psihoterapie corporală orientată prin legături pentru terapeutul EEH (Romanian)
    0 references
    Allenamento di psicoterapia del corpo orientato al legame per il terapeuta EEH (Italian)
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    Formação em psicoterapia corporal orientada para a ligação para terapeuta EEH (Portuguese)
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    Bond-oriented body psychotherapy training for EEH therapist (English)
    0 references
    Bond-orienteeritud keha psühhoteraapia koolitus EEH terapeutile (Estonian)
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    Bond-orientované tělo psychoterapie školení pro EEH terapeuta (Czech)
    0 references
    Bond-orientált testpszichoterápiás képzés az EEH terapeuta számára (Hungarian)
    0 references
    Taħriġ fil-psikoterapija tal-ġisem orjentat lejn bond għat-terapista tal-EEH (Maltese)
    0 references
    Bond-georiënteerde lichaamspsychotherapie training voor EEH therapeut (Dutch)
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    Uz obligācijām orientēta ķermeņa psihoterapijas apmācība EEH terapeitam (Latvian)
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    Oiliúint síciteiripe comhlacht banna-dhírithe do theiripeoir EEH (Irish)
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    Κατάρτιση ψυχοθεραπείας σώματος προσανατολισμένη στο δεσμό για θεραπευτή EEH (Greek)
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    Bond-orientované telo psychoterapie tréning pre EEH terapeuta (Slovak)
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    Бонд-ориентирано обучение за тялото психотерапия за EEH терапевт (Bulgarian)
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    Trening psihoterapije tijela orijentiranog na vezu za EEH terapeuta (Croatian)
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    12 February 2024
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