Training EMP2 platform April 2019 (Q3542407)

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Project Q3542407 in Germany
Language Label Description Also known as
Training EMP2 platform April 2019
Project Q3542407 in Germany


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    11,624.54 Euro
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    14,530.68 Euro
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    80.0 percent
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    1 April 2019
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    30 April 2019
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    Opel Automobile GmbH
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    25218 Rüsselsheimam Main
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    Zielgruppe: - 24 Mitarbeiter der Opel Automible GmbH, Werk Eisenach Ziel: - Befähigung zur Produktion des Opel Grandland X in Eisenach Inhalte: - Aufbau und Besonderheiten der EMP2-Plattform (German)
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    Target group: — 24 employees of Opel automible GmbH, Eisenach plant Goal: — Ability to produce the Opel Grandland X in Eisenach Content: — Structure and specific features of the EMP2 platform (English)
    18 November 2021
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    Groupe cible: — 24 employés d’Opel automible GmbH, Werk Eisenach Ziel: — Capacité à produire l’Opel Grandland X dans Eisenach Contenu: — Structure et particularités de la plateforme EMP2 (French)
    9 December 2021
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    Doelgroep: — 24 medewerkers van Opel Automible GmbH, Eisenach-fabriek Doel: — Vermogen om de Opel Grandland X in Eisenach Content te produceren: Structuur en specifieke kenmerken van het EMP2-platform (Dutch)
    21 December 2021
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    Gruppo destinatario: — 24 dipendenti di Opel Automible GmbH, stabilimento di Eisenach Obiettivo: — Capacità di produrre la Opel Grandland X in Eisenach Contenuto: — Struttura e caratteristiche specifiche della piattaforma EMP2 (Italian)
    20 January 2022
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    Grupo destinatario: — 24 empleados de Opel automible GmbH, planta de Eisenach — Capacidad de producir el Opel Grandland X en Eisenach Contenido: — Estructura y características específicas de la plataforma EMP2 (Spanish)
    23 January 2022
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    Målgruppe: — 24 ansatte hos Opel automible GmbH, Eisenach-fabrikken Mål: — Mulighed for at fremstille Opel Grandland X i Eisenach-indholdet: — EMP2-platformens struktur og særlige karakteristika (Danish)
    15 July 2022
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    Ομάδα-στόχος: — 24 υπάλληλοι της Opel automible GmbH, Eisenach plant Goal: — Ικανότητα παραγωγής του Opel Grandland X στο Eisenach Content: — Δομή και ειδικά χαρακτηριστικά της πλατφόρμας EMP2 (Greek)
    15 July 2022
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    Ciljna skupina: — 24 zaposlenika društva Opel automible GmbH, Eisenach plant Goal: — Sposobnost proizvodnje Opel Grandland X u Eisenach Sadržaj: Struktura i posebne značajke platforme EMP2 (Croatian)
    15 July 2022
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    Grupul țintă: — 24 de angajați ai Opel Automible GmbH, uzina Eisenach Goal: Capacitatea de a produce Opel Grandland X în Eisenach Content: Structura și caracteristicile specifice ale platformei EMP2 (Romanian)
    15 July 2022
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    Cieľová skupina: — 24 zamestnancov spoločnosti Opel automible GmbH, Eisenach Plant Goal: — Schopnosť vyrábať Opel Grandland X v obsahu Eisenach: — Štruktúra a špecifické vlastnosti platformy EMP2 (Slovak)
    15 July 2022
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    Grupp fil-mira: — 24 impjegat ta’ Opel automible GmbH, Eisenach plant Goal: Il-kapaċità li tipproduċi l-Opel Grandland X fil-Kontenut ta’ Eisenach: — Struttura u karatteristiċi speċifiċi tal-pjattaforma EMP2 (Maltese)
    15 July 2022
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    Grupo-alvo: — 24 funcionários da Opel automible GmbH, Eisenach Objetivo: — Capacidade de produzir o Opel Grandland X em Eisenach Conteúdo: — Estrutura e características específicas da plataforma EMP2 (Portuguese)
    15 July 2022
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    Kohderyhmä: — 24 työntekijää, Opel automible GmbH, Eisenachin tehdas Goal: — Kyky tuottaa Opel Grandland X vuonna Eisenach Content: — EMP2-alustan rakenne ja erityispiirteet (Finnish)
    15 July 2022
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    Grupa docelowa: — 24 pracowników Opel automible GmbH, Eisenach Plant Cel: — Możliwość produkcji Opel Grandland X w treści Eisenach: — Struktura i specyficzne cechy platformy EMP2 (Polish)
    15 July 2022
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    Ciljna skupina: — 24 zaposlenih podjetja Opel Automible GmbH, cilj obrata Eisenach: — Sposobnost izdelave Opel Grandland X v Eisenach vsebini: — Struktura in posebne značilnosti platforme EMP2 (Slovenian)
    15 July 2022
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    Cílová skupina: — 24 zaměstnanců Opel Automible GmbH, Eisenach závod Cíl: — Schopnost vyrábět Opel Grandland X v obsahu Eisenach: — Struktura a specifika platformy EMP2 (Czech)
    15 July 2022
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    Tikslinė grupė: – 24 darbuotojai Opel automible GmbH, Eisenach plant Goal: – Gebėjimas gaminti „Opel Grandland X“ „Eisenach“ turinyje: – EMP2 platformos struktūra ir ypatumai (Lithuanian)
    15 July 2022
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    Mērķa grupa: — 24 Opel automible GmbH, Eisenach plant Goal darbinieki: — Spēja ražot Opel Grandland X Eisenach Saturā: EMP2 platformas struktūra un īpatnības (Latvian)
    15 July 2022
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    Целева група: — 24 служители на Opel automible GmbH, завод Eisenach Цел: — Способност за производство на Opel Grandland X в съдържанието на Eisenach: — Структура и специфични характеристики на платформата EMP2 (Bulgarian)
    15 July 2022
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    Célcsoport: – Az Opel automible GmbH 24 alkalmazottja, Eisenach Növényi Cél: – Képesség az Opel Grandland X előállítására Eisenach Tartalomban: Az EMP2 platform felépítése és sajátosságai (Hungarian)
    15 July 2022
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    Spriocghrúpa: — Fostaithe 24 de Opel Automible GmbH, Eisenach plant Goal: — Cumas an Opel Grandland X a tháirgeadh in Eisenach Content: — Struchtúr agus gnéithe sonracha ardán EMP2 (Irish)
    15 July 2022
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    Målgrupp: — 24 anställda vid Opel automible GmbH, Eisenach-anläggningens mål: — Förmåga att producera Opel Grandland X i Eisenach Innehåll: — EMP2-plattformens struktur och särdrag (Swedish)
    15 July 2022
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    Sihtrühm: – 24 töötajat Opel automible GmbH, Eisenach tehase eesmärk: – Võime toota Opel Grandland X Eisenach Content: – EMP2 platvormi struktuur ja eripärad (Estonian)
    15 July 2022
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    16 February 2024
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