We learn for ourselves – modern education in Wińsko commune (Q97444)
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Project Q97444 in Poland
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | We learn for ourselves – modern education in Wińsko commune |
Project Q97444 in Poland |
1,427,179.92 zloty
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1,679,035.2 zloty
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85.0 percent
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20 August 2018
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28 February 2021
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Projekt ma na celu podniesienie jakości nauczania w 4 szkołach gminy Wińsko: Zespole Szkół Publicznych w Wińsku, Szkole Podstawowej w Krzelowie, Szkole Podstawowej w Orzeszkowie i Szkole Podstawowej w Głębowicach. Cel ten zostanie osiągnięty poprzez wdrożenie działań odpowiadających na zdiagnozowane potrzeby edukacyjne, a dot zarówno zajęć dla uczniów, doskonalenia zawodowego nauczycieli, jak i wyposażenia szkół w nowoczesny sprzęt TIK i pracownie przyrodnicze i matematyczne. Zaplanowano:dodatkowe zajęcia dydaktyczno-wyrównawcze dot wyrównywania braków uczniów w zakresie wymaganych osiągnięć edukacyjnychdodatkowe zajęcia pozalekcyjne z zakresu kompetencji kluczowychzakup wyposażenia i pomocy dydaktycznych niezbędnych do prowadzenia atrakcyjnych zajęć wyrównawczych i rozwijających (pracownie mat, przyr i TIK)rozwijanie zainteresowań naukami przyrodniczymi dzięki zajęciom w wyspecjalizowanych jednostkach naukowych i edukacyjnychspecjalistyczne wsparcie ucznia ze specj potrzebami edukacyjnymi i wdrożenie trwałej oferty w tym zakresieprzyznanie uzdolnionym uczniom stypendiówszkolenia i studia dla nauczycieli, m.in. dot wykorzystania narzędzi TIK w dydaktyce, innowacyjnego prowadzenia zajęć i pracy oraz wsparcia ucznia ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi i rozwojowymi.W/w działania będą realizowane przez 2 lata szkolne od 09.2018.Na pewno przyczynią się do osiągnięcia wzrostu możliwości edukacyjnych szkół oraz wzrostu poziomu kompetencji kluczowych u ich uczniów.Wnioskodawca zobowiązuje się do osiągnięcia przez wszystkie szkoły w okresie do 6 m-cy od daty zakończenia realizacji projektu, wszystkich funkcjonalności, o których mowa w Standardach realizacji wybranych form wsparcia w ramach działania 10.2 RPO WD 2017-2020 (s.9-11). W projekcie wykorzystane zostaną e-podręczniki/ e-zasoby/ e-materiały dyd stworzone dzięki środkom EFS w latach 2007-2013 i 2014-2020, dopuszczone do użytku szkolnego przez MEN. (Polish)
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The project aims to improve the quality of teaching in 4 schools of Wińsko commune: Wińsk Public Schools Team, Primary School in Krzelów, Primary School in Orzeszków and Primary School in Głębowice. This will be achieved through the implementation of measures to respond to diagnosed educational needs, including classes for pupils, professional training of teachers, as well as providing schools with modern ICT equipment and natural and mathematical laboratories. In addition to the performance of the curriculum and the educational assistance necessary for conducting attractive compensatory and developing activities (working of mats, wards and ICT) the development of curricula’s interests in natural sciences through occupations in specialised scientific and educational units will require the pupils‘support and specialisation of pupils’ specific needs. The project will use e-books/e-resources/e-materials created by the ESF funds in 2007-2013 and 2014-2020, authorised for school use by MEN. (English)
15 October 2020
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Le projet vise à améliorer la qualité de l’enseignement dans 4 écoles de la municipalité de Wińsko: Complexe scolaire public à Wińsk, école primaire à Krzelów, école primaire à Orzeszków et école primaire à Głębowice. Cet objectif sera atteint grâce à la mise en œuvre d’actions répondant aux besoins éducatifs diagnostiqués, y compris les classes d’élèves, le perfectionnement professionnel des enseignants et l’équipement des écoles d’équipements TIC modernes et de laboratoires naturels et mathématiques. Zaplanowano:dodatkowe teaching and equalisation classes to compensate students’ gaps in the required educational achievementsadditional extra-curricular activities in the field of key competencespurchase of equipment and didactic assistance necessary to carry out attractive compensatory and developing activities (work, mats and ICT) to develop interest in natural science through activities in specialised scientific and educational units specialised support for pupils with special educational needs and implementation of a sustainable offer in this field, awarding talented pupils with special training and training programmes to the completion of the skills of the students in the framework of the development of the training and training period, and to achieve the development of training and special opportunities for all educational activities, will contribute to the completion of the educational skills of the selected schools in the framework of the development of the school in the framework of the period of development, and the achievement of the development of training and special training activities, to the achievement of special educational activities, to the achievement of special educational activities, to the achievement of the educational skills of the selected schools by means of the completion of the skills of the students in the framework of the development of education and training, to the implementation of the development of training and training needs, and to the achievement of special training and special opportunities for education, and the achievement of special educational opportunities will be ensured by the completion of the training and training activities by the students in the framework of the period of development of the training period, and the achievement of the developmental needs of the education and training activities, and the achievement of the speciality of the training activities and the achievement of the speciality of the educational activities, by means of the completion of the skills of the schools in the framework of the development of the training and training period, the implementation of the development of the training and training needs, and the achievement of the special opportunities for the development of special education activities, to the achievement of the development of training and training activities in the field of education. Le projet utilisera des livres électroniques/e-ressources/e-matériaux créés grâce aux fonds du FSE en 2007-2013 et 2014-2020, autorisés à l’usage scolaire par le MEN. (French)
1 December 2021
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Das Projekt zielt darauf ab, die Qualität des Unterrichts in 4 Schulen der Gemeinde Wińsko zu verbessern: Öffentlicher Schulkomplex in Wińsk, Grundschule in Krzelów, Grundschule in Orzeszków und Grundschule in Głębowice. Dieses Ziel wird durch die Umsetzung von Maßnahmen erreicht, die auf den diagnostizierten Bildungsbedarf reagieren, einschließlich der Klassen für Schüler, der beruflichen Entwicklung von Lehrern und der Ausstattung von Schulen mit moderner IKT-Ausrüstung und natürlichen und mathematischen Laboratorien. Zaplanowano:dodatkowe teaching and equalisation classes to compensate students’ gaps in the required educational achievementsadditional extra-curricular activities in the field of key competencespurchase of equipment and didactic assistance necessary to carry out attractive compensatory and developing activities (work, mats and ICT) to develop interest in natural science through activities in specialised scientific and educational units specialised support for pupils with special educational needs and implementation of a sustainable offer in this field, awarding talented pupils with special training and training programmes to the completion of the skills of the students in the framework of the development of the training and training period, and to achieve the development of training and special opportunities for all educational activities, will contribute to the completion of the educational skills of the selected schools in the framework of the development of the school in the framework of the period of development, and the achievement of the development of training and special training activities, to the achievement of special educational activities, to the achievement of special educational activities, to the achievement of the educational skills of the selected schools by means of the completion of the skills of the students in the framework of the development of education and training, to the implementation of the development of training and training needs, and to the achievement of special training and special opportunities for education, and the achievement of special educational opportunities will be ensured by the completion of the training and training activities by the students in the framework of the period of development of the training period, and the achievement of the developmental needs of the education and training activities, and the achievement of the speciality of the training activities and the achievement of the speciality of the educational activities, by means of the completion of the skills of the schools in the framework of the development of the training and training period, the implementation of the development of the training and training needs, and the achievement of the special opportunities for the development of special education activities, to the achievement of the development of training and training activities in the field of education. Im Rahmen des Projekts werden E-Books/E-Ressourcen/e-Materialien verwendet, die mithilfe von ESF-Mitteln in den Jahren 2007-2013 und 2014-2020 erstellt wurden, die vom MEN für die Schulnutzung genehmigt wurden. (German)
7 December 2021
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Het project heeft tot doel de kwaliteit van het onderwijs in 4 scholen van de gemeente Wińsko te verbeteren: Openbare schoolcomplex in Wińsk, basisschool in Krzelów, basisschool in Orzeszków en basisschool in Głębowice. Dit doel zal worden bereikt door de uitvoering van acties die beantwoorden aan gediagnosticeerde onderwijsbehoeften, met inbegrip van zowel klassen voor leerlingen, professionele ontwikkeling van leraren, en het uitrusten van scholen met moderne ICT-apparatuur en natuurlijke en wiskundige laboratoria. Zaplanowano:dodatkowe teaching and equalisation classes to compensate students’ gaps in the required educational achievementsadditional extra-curricular activities in the field of key competencespurchase of equipment and didactic assistance necessary to carry out attractive compensatory and developing activities (work, mats and ICT) to develop interest in natural science through activities in specialised scientific and educational units specialised support for pupils with special educational needs and implementation of a sustainable offer in this field, awarding talented pupils with special training and training programmes to the completion of the skills of the students in the framework of the development of the training and training period, and to achieve the development of training and special opportunities for all educational activities, will contribute to the completion of the educational skills of the selected schools in the framework of the development of the school in the framework of the period of development, and the achievement of the development of training and special training activities, to the achievement of special educational activities, to the achievement of special educational activities, to the achievement of the educational skills of the selected schools by means of the completion of the skills of the students in the framework of the development of education and training, to the implementation of the development of training and training needs, and to the achievement of special training and special opportunities for education, and the achievement of special educational opportunities will be ensured by the completion of the training and training activities by the students in the framework of the period of development of the training period, and the achievement of the developmental needs of the education and training activities, and the achievement of the speciality of the training activities and the achievement of the speciality of the educational activities, by means of the completion of the skills of the schools in the framework of the development of the training and training period, the implementation of the development of the training and training needs, and the achievement of the special opportunities for the development of special education activities, to the achievement of the development of training and training activities in the field of education. Het project zal gebruik maken van e-boeken/e-middelen/e-materialen die zijn gecreëerd dankzij ESF-middelen in de periode 2007-2013 en 2014-2020, goedgekeurd voor schoolgebruik door het MEN. (Dutch)
16 December 2021
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Il progetto mira a migliorare la qualità dell'insegnamento in 4 scuole del comune di Wińsko: Complesso scolastico pubblico a Wińsk, scuola primaria a Krzelów, scuola primaria a Orzeszków e scuola primaria a Głębowice. Questo obiettivo sarà raggiunto attraverso l'attuazione di azioni che rispondano alle esigenze educative diagnosticate, comprese le classi per gli alunni, lo sviluppo professionale degli insegnanti e dotando le scuole di attrezzature TIC moderne e laboratori naturali e matematici. Zaplanowano:dodatkowe teaching and equalisation classes to compensate students’ gaps in the required educational achievementsadditional extra-curricular activities in the field of key competencespurchase of equipment and didactic assistance necessary to carry out attractive compensatory and developing activities (work, mats and ICT) to develop interest in natural science through activities in specialised scientific and educational units specialised support for pupils with special educational needs and implementation of a sustainable offer in this field, awarding talented pupils with special training and training programmes to the completion of the skills of the students in the framework of the development of the training and training period, and to achieve the development of training and special opportunities for all educational activities, will contribute to the completion of the educational skills of the selected schools in the framework of the development of the school in the framework of the period of development, and the achievement of the development of training and special training activities, to the achievement of special educational activities, to the achievement of special educational activities, to the achievement of the educational skills of the selected schools by means of the completion of the skills of the students in the framework of the development of education and training, to the implementation of the development of training and training needs, and to the achievement of special training and special opportunities for education, and the achievement of special educational opportunities will be ensured by the completion of the training and training activities by the students in the framework of the period of development of the training period, and the achievement of the developmental needs of the education and training activities, and the achievement of the speciality of the training activities and the achievement of the speciality of the educational activities, by means of the completion of the skills of the schools in the framework of the development of the training and training period, the implementation of the development of the training and training needs, and the achievement of the special opportunities for the development of special education activities, to the achievement of the development of training and training activities in the field of education. Il progetto utilizzerà e-books/e-resources/e-materials creati grazie ai fondi FSE nel periodo 2007-2013 e 2014-2020, autorizzati per l'uso scolastico dagli Uomini. (Italian)
16 January 2022
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El proyecto tiene como objetivo mejorar la calidad de la enseñanza en 4 escuelas del municipio de Wińsko: Complejo de Escuelas Públicas en Wińsk, Escuela Primaria en Krzelów, Escuela Primaria en Orzeszków y Escuela Primaria en Głębowice. Este objetivo se logrará mediante la implementación de acciones que respondan a las necesidades educativas diagnosticadas, incluidas las clases para los alumnos, el desarrollo profesional de los maestros y el equipamiento de las escuelas con equipos modernos de TIC y laboratorios naturales y matemáticos. Zaplanowano:dodatkowe teaching and equalisation classes to compensate students’ gaps in the required educational achievementsadditional extra-curricular activities in the field of key competencespurchase of equipment and didactic assistance necessary to carry out attractive compensatory and developing activities (work, mats and ICT) to develop interest in natural science through activities in specialised scientific and educational units specialised support for pupils with special educational needs and implementation of a sustainable offer in this field, awarding talented pupils with special training and training programmes to the completion of the skills of the students in the framework of the development of the training and training period, and to achieve the development of training and special opportunities for all educational activities, will contribute to the completion of the educational skills of the selected schools in the framework of the development of the school in the framework of the period of development, and the achievement of the development of training and special training activities, to the achievement of special educational activities, to the achievement of special educational activities, to the achievement of the educational skills of the selected schools by means of the completion of the skills of the students in the framework of the development of education and training, to the implementation of the development of training and training needs, and to the achievement of special training and special opportunities for education, and the achievement of special educational opportunities will be ensured by the completion of the training and training activities by the students in the framework of the period of development of the training period, and the achievement of the developmental needs of the education and training activities, and the achievement of the speciality of the training activities and the achievement of the speciality of the educational activities, by means of the completion of the skills of the schools in the framework of the development of the training and training period, the implementation of the development of the training and training needs, and the achievement of the special opportunities for the development of special education activities, to the achievement of the development of training and training activities in the field of education. El proyecto utilizará libros electrónicos/recursos electrónicos/materiales electrónicos creados gracias a los fondos del FSE en 2007-2013 y 2014-2020, autorizados para uso escolar por las ENM. (Spanish)
20 January 2022
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Projektet har til formål at forbedre kvaliteten af undervisningen i 4 skoler i Wińsko kommune: Offentlige skolekompleks i Wińsk, Primary School i Krzelów, Primary School i Orzeszków og Primary School i Głębowice. Dette mål vil blive nået gennem gennemførelse af foranstaltninger, der imødekommer diagnosticerede uddannelsesbehov, herunder både klasser for elever, faglig udvikling af lærere og udstyr til skoler med moderne IKT-udstyr og naturlige og matematiske laboratorier. Zaplanowano:dodatkowe teaching and equalisation classes to compensate students’ gaps in the required educational achievementsadditional extra-curricular activities in the field of key competencespurchase of equipment and didactic assistance necessary to carry out attractive compensatory and developing activities (work, mats and ICT) to develop interest in natural science through activities in specialised scientific and educational units specialised support for pupils with special educational needs and implementation of a sustainable offer in this field, awarding talented pupils with special training and training programmes to the completion of the skills of the students in the framework of the development of the training and training period, and to achieve the development of training and special opportunities for all educational activities, will contribute to the completion of the educational skills of the selected schools in the framework of the development of the school in the framework of the period of development, and the achievement of the development of training and special training activities, to the achievement of special educational activities, to the achievement of special educational activities, to the achievement of the educational skills of the selected schools by means of the completion of the skills of the students in the framework of the development of education and training, to the implementation of the development of training and training needs, and to the achievement of special training and special opportunities for education, and the achievement of special educational opportunities will be ensured by the completion of the training and training activities by the students in the framework of the period of development of the training period, and the achievement of the developmental needs of the education and training activities, and the achievement of the speciality of the training activities and the achievement of the speciality of the educational activities, by means of the completion of the skills of the schools in the framework of the development of the training and training period, the implementation of the development of the training and training needs, and the achievement of the special opportunities for the development of special education activities, to the achievement of the development of training and training activities in the field of education. Projektet vil anvende e-bøger/e-ressourcer/e-materialer, der er oprettet takket være ESF-midler i 2007-2013 og 2014-2020, og som er godkendt til skolebrug af MEN. (Danish)
26 July 2022
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Το έργο αποσκοπεί στη βελτίωση της ποιότητας της διδασκαλίας σε 4 σχολεία του δήμου Wińsko: Δημόσιο σχολικό συγκρότημα στο Wińsk, δημοτικό σχολείο στο Krzelów, δημοτικό σχολείο στο Orzeszków και δημοτικό σχολείο στο Głębowice. Ο στόχος αυτός θα επιτευχθεί μέσω της υλοποίησης δράσεων που ανταποκρίνονται στις διαγνωσμένες εκπαιδευτικές ανάγκες, συμπεριλαμβανομένων και των δύο τάξεων για τους μαθητές, της επαγγελματικής εξέλιξης των εκπαιδευτικών και του εξοπλισμού των σχολείων με σύγχρονο εξοπλισμό ΤΠΕ και φυσικά και μαθηματικά εργαστήρια. Zaplanowano:dodatkowe teaching and equalisation classes to compensate students’ gaps in the required educational achievementsadditional extra-curricular activities in the field of key competencespurchase of equipment and didactic assistance necessary to carry out attractive compensatory and developing activities (work, mats and ICT) to develop interest in natural science through activities in specialised scientific and educational units specialised support for pupils with special educational needs and implementation of a sustainable offer in this field, awarding talented pupils with special training and training programmes to the completion of the skills of the students in the framework of the development of the training and training period, and to achieve the development of training and special opportunities for all educational activities, will contribute to the completion of the educational skills of the selected schools in the framework of the development of the school in the framework of the period of development, and the achievement of the development of training and special training activities, to the achievement of special educational activities, to the achievement of special educational activities, to the achievement of the educational skills of the selected schools by means of the completion of the skills of the students in the framework of the development of education and training, to the implementation of the development of training and training needs, and to the achievement of special training and special opportunities for education, and the achievement of special educational opportunities will be ensured by the completion of the training and training activities by the students in the framework of the period of development of the training period, and the achievement of the developmental needs of the education and training activities, and the achievement of the speciality of the training activities and the achievement of the speciality of the educational activities, by means of the completion of the skills of the schools in the framework of the development of the training and training period, the implementation of the development of the training and training needs, and the achievement of the special opportunities for the development of special education activities, to the achievement of the development of training and training activities in the field of education. Το έργο θα χρησιμοποιήσει ηλεκτρονικά βιβλία/ηλεκτρονικούς πόρους/ηλεκτρονικά υλικά που δημιουργήθηκαν χάρη στα κονδύλια του ΕΚΤ κατά την περίοδο 2007-2013 και 2014-2020, τα οποία έχουν εγκριθεί για σχολική χρήση από τους MEN. (Greek)
26 July 2022
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Cilj projekta je poboljšati kvalitetu nastave u 4 škole općine Wińsko: Kompleks javnih škola u Wińsku, Osnovna škola u Krzelówu, Osnovna škola u Orzeszkówu i Osnovna škola u Głębowicama. Taj će se cilj postići provedbom mjera kojima se odgovara na dijagnosticirane obrazovne potrebe, uključujući nastavu za učenike, profesionalni razvoj nastavnika i opremanje škola modernom informacijskom i komunikacijskom opremom te prirodnim i matematičkim laboratorijima. Zaplanowano:dodatkowe teaching and equalisation classes to compensate students’ gaps in the required educational achievementsadditional extra-curricular activities in the field of key competencespurchase of equipment and didactic assistance necessary to carry out attractive compensatory and developing activities (work, mats and ICT) to develop interest in natural science through activities in specialised scientific and educational units specialised support for pupils with special educational needs and implementation of a sustainable offer in this field, awarding talented pupils with special training and training programmes to the completion of the skills of the students in the framework of the development of the training and training period, and to achieve the development of training and special opportunities for all educational activities, will contribute to the completion of the educational skills of the selected schools in the framework of the development of the school in the framework of the period of development, and the achievement of the development of training and special training activities, to the achievement of special educational activities, to the achievement of special educational activities, to the achievement of the educational skills of the selected schools by means of the completion of the skills of the students in the framework of the development of education and training, to the implementation of the development of training and training needs, and to the achievement of special training and special opportunities for education, and the achievement of special educational opportunities will be ensured by the completion of the training and training activities by the students in the framework of the period of development of the training period, and the achievement of the developmental needs of the education and training activities, and the achievement of the speciality of the training activities and the achievement of the speciality of the educational activities, by means of the completion of the skills of the schools in the framework of the development of the training and training period, the implementation of the development of the training and training needs, and the achievement of the special opportunities for the development of special education activities, to the achievement of the development of training and training activities in the field of education. U okviru projekta upotrebljavat će se e-knjige/e-resursi/e-materijali nastali zahvaljujući sredstvima ESF-a u razdoblju 2007. – 2013. i 2014. – 2020., koje je MEN odobrio za upotrebu u školama. (Croatian)
26 July 2022
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Proiectul își propune să îmbunătățească calitatea predării în 4 școli din municipalitatea Wińsko: Complexul școlar public din Wińsk, școala primară din Krzelów, școala primară din Orzeszków și școala primară din Głębowice. Acest obiectiv va fi atins prin punerea în aplicare a acțiunilor care răspund nevoilor educaționale diagnosticate, incluzând ambele clase pentru elevi, dezvoltarea profesională a cadrelor didactice și dotarea școlilor cu echipamente TIC moderne și laboratoare naturale și matematice. Zaplanowano:dodatkowe teaching and equalisation classes to compensate students’ gaps in the required educational achievementsadditional extra-curricular activities in the field of key competencespurchase of equipment and didactic assistance necessary to carry out attractive compensatory and developing activities (work, mats and ICT) to develop interest in natural science through activities in specialised scientific and educational units specialised support for pupils with special educational needs and implementation of a sustainable offer in this field, awarding talented pupils with special training and training programmes to the completion of the skills of the students in the framework of the development of the training and training period, and to achieve the development of training and special opportunities for all educational activities, will contribute to the completion of the educational skills of the selected schools in the framework of the development of the school in the framework of the period of development, and the achievement of the development of training and special training activities, to the achievement of special educational activities, to the achievement of special educational activities, to the achievement of the educational skills of the selected schools by means of the completion of the skills of the students in the framework of the development of education and training, to the implementation of the development of training and training needs, and to the achievement of special training and special opportunities for education, and the achievement of special educational opportunities will be ensured by the completion of the training and training activities by the students in the framework of the period of development of the training period, and the achievement of the developmental needs of the education and training activities, and the achievement of the speciality of the training activities and the achievement of the speciality of the educational activities, by means of the completion of the skills of the schools in the framework of the development of the training and training period, the implementation of the development of the training and training needs, and the achievement of the special opportunities for the development of special education activities, to the achievement of the development of training and training activities in the field of education. Proiectul va utiliza cărți electronice/resurse electronice/materiale electronice create datorită fondurilor FSE în perioada 2007-2013 și 2014-2020, autorizate pentru utilizarea școlară de către MEN. (Romanian)
26 July 2022
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Cieľom projektu je zlepšiť kvalitu výučby v 4 školách obce Wińsko: Verejný školský komplex vo Wińsku, základná škola v Krzelówe, základná škola v Orzeszkówe a základná škola v Głębowiciach. Tento cieľ sa dosiahne realizáciou akcií reagujúcich na diagnostikované vzdelávacie potreby vrátane tried pre žiakov, profesijného rozvoja učiteľov a vybavením škôl moderným vybavením IKT a prírodnými a matematickými laboratóriami. Zaplanowano:dodatkowe teaching and equalisation classes to compensate students’ gaps in the required educational achievementsadditional extra-curricular activities in the field of key competencespurchase of equipment and didactic assistance necessary to carry out attractive compensatory and developing activities (work, mats and ICT) to develop interest in natural science through activities in specialised scientific and educational units specialised support for pupils with special educational needs and implementation of a sustainable offer in this field, awarding talented pupils with special training and training programmes to the completion of the skills of the students in the framework of the development of the training and training period, and to achieve the development of training and special opportunities for all educational activities, will contribute to the completion of the educational skills of the selected schools in the framework of the development of the school in the framework of the period of development, and the achievement of the development of training and special training activities, to the achievement of special educational activities, to the achievement of special educational activities, to the achievement of the educational skills of the selected schools by means of the completion of the skills of the students in the framework of the development of education and training, to the implementation of the development of training and training needs, and to the achievement of special training and special opportunities for education, and the achievement of special educational opportunities will be ensured by the completion of the training and training activities by the students in the framework of the period of development of the training period, and the achievement of the developmental needs of the education and training activities, and the achievement of the speciality of the training activities and the achievement of the speciality of the educational activities, by means of the completion of the skills of the schools in the framework of the development of the training and training period, the implementation of the development of the training and training needs, and the achievement of the special opportunities for the development of special education activities, to the achievement of the development of training and training activities in the field of education. Projekt bude využívať elektronické knihy/elektronické zdroje/elektronické materiály vytvorené vďaka fondom ESF v rokoch 2007 – 2013 a 2014 – 2020, ktoré boli schválené pre školské potreby MEN. (Slovak)
26 July 2022
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Il-proġett għandu l-għan li jtejjeb il-kwalità tat-tagħlim f’4 skejjel tal-muniċipalità ta’ Wińsko: Il-Kumpless Pubbliku tal-Iskejjel f’Wińsk, l-Iskola Primarja ta’ Krzelów, l-Iskola Primarja f’Orzeszków u l-Iskola Primarja f’Głębowice. Dan l-għan se jintlaħaq permezz tal-implimentazzjoni ta’ azzjonijiet li jirrispondu għall-ħtiġijiet edukattivi dijanjostikati, inklużi ż-żewġ klassijiet għall-istudenti, l-iżvilupp professjonali tal-għalliema, u t-tagħmir tal-iskejjel b’tagħmir modern tal-ICT u laboratorji naturali u matematiċi. Zaplanowano:dodatkowe teaching and equalisation classes to compensate students’ gaps in the required educational achievementsadditional extra-curricular activities in the field of key competencespurchase of equipment and didactic assistance necessary to carry out attractive compensatory and developing activities (work, mats and ICT) to develop interest in natural science through activities in specialised scientific and educational units specialised support for pupils with special educational needs and implementation of a sustainable offer in this field, awarding talented pupils with special training and training programmes to the completion of the skills of the students in the framework of the development of the training and training period, and to achieve the development of training and special opportunities for all educational activities, will contribute to the completion of the educational skills of the selected schools in the framework of the development of the school in the framework of the period of development, and the achievement of the development of training and special training activities, to the achievement of special educational activities, to the achievement of special educational activities, to the achievement of the educational skills of the selected schools by means of the completion of the skills of the students in the framework of the development of education and training, to the implementation of the development of training and training needs, and to the achievement of special training and special opportunities for education, and the achievement of special educational opportunities will be ensured by the completion of the training and training activities by the students in the framework of the period of development of the training period, and the achievement of the developmental needs of the education and training activities, and the achievement of the speciality of the training activities and the achievement of the speciality of the educational activities, by means of the completion of the skills of the schools in the framework of the development of the training and training period, the implementation of the development of the training and training needs, and the achievement of the special opportunities for the development of special education activities, to the achievement of the development of training and training activities in the field of education. Il-proġett se juża kotba elettroniċi/riżorsi elettroniċi/materjali elettroniċi maħluqa bis-saħħa tal-fondi tal-FSE fl-2007–2013 u l-2014–2020, awtorizzati għall-użu skolastiku mill-MEN. (Maltese)
26 July 2022
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O projeto visa melhorar a qualidade do ensino em quatro escolas da comuna de Wińsko: Equipa de Escolas Públicas de Wińsk, Escola Primária em Krzelów, Escola Primária em Orzeszków e Escola Primária em Głębowice. Este objetivo será alcançado através da aplicação de medidas destinadas a responder às necessidades educativas diagnosticadas, incluindo aulas para alunos, formação profissional de professores, bem como do fornecimento às escolas de equipamento TIC moderno e laboratórios naturais e matemáticos. Para além do desempenho do currículo e da assistência pedagógica necessária para a realização de atividades compensatórias e de desenvolvimento atrativas (trabalho de tapetes, enfermarias e TIC), o desenvolvimento dos interesses curriculares nas ciências naturais através de profissões em unidades científicas e educativas especializadas exigirá o apoio e a especialização dos alunos em relação às suas necessidades específicas. O projeto utilizará livros eletrónicos/recursos eletrónicos/materiais eletrónicos criados pelos fundos do FSE em 2007-2013 e 2014-2020, autorizados para utilização escolar pelos homens. (Portuguese)
26 July 2022
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Hankkeen tavoitteena on parantaa opetuksen laatua neljässä Wińskon kunnan koulussa: Julkinen koulukompleksi Wińskissa, Krzelówin peruskoulu, Orzeszkówin peruskoulu ja Głębowicen peruskoulu. Tämä tavoite saavutetaan toteuttamalla toimia, joilla vastataan diagnosoituihin koulutustarpeisiin, mukaan lukien molemmat oppilaiden luokat, opettajien ammatillinen kehittäminen ja koulujen varustaminen nykyaikaisilla tieto- ja viestintäteknisillä välineillä sekä luonnon- ja matemaattisilla laboratorioilla. Zaplanowano:dodatkowe teaching and equalisation classes to compensate students’ gaps in the required educational achievementsadditional extra-curricular activities in the field of key competencespurchase of equipment and didactic assistance necessary to carry out attractive compensatory and developing activities (work, mats and ICT) to develop interest in natural science through activities in specialised scientific and educational units specialised support for pupils with special educational needs and implementation of a sustainable offer in this field, awarding talented pupils with special training and training programmes to the completion of the skills of the students in the framework of the development of the training and training period, and to achieve the development of training and special opportunities for all educational activities, will contribute to the completion of the educational skills of the selected schools in the framework of the development of the school in the framework of the period of development, and the achievement of the development of training and special training activities, to the achievement of special educational activities, to the achievement of special educational activities, to the achievement of the educational skills of the selected schools by means of the completion of the skills of the students in the framework of the development of education and training, to the implementation of the development of training and training needs, and to the achievement of special training and special opportunities for education, and the achievement of special educational opportunities will be ensured by the completion of the training and training activities by the students in the framework of the period of development of the training period, and the achievement of the developmental needs of the education and training activities, and the achievement of the speciality of the training activities and the achievement of the speciality of the educational activities, by means of the completion of the skills of the schools in the framework of the development of the training and training period, the implementation of the development of the training and training needs, and the achievement of the special opportunities for the development of special education activities, to the achievement of the development of training and training activities in the field of education. Hankkeessa käytetään E-kirjoja/sähköisiä resursseja/e-aineistoja, jotka on luotu vuosien 2007–2013 ja 2014–2020 ESR-varojen avulla ja jotka MEN on hyväksynyt koulukäyttöön. (Finnish)
26 July 2022
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Cilj projekta je izboljšati kakovost poučevanja v štirih šolah občine Wińsko: Javni šolski kompleks v Wińsku, Osnovna šola v Krzelówu, Osnovna šola v Orzeszkówu in Osnovna šola v Głębowicah. Ta cilj bo dosežen z izvajanjem ukrepov, ki ustrezajo diagnosticiranim izobraževalnim potrebam, vključno z obema razredoma za učence, poklicnim razvojem učiteljev in opremljanjem šol s sodobno opremo IKT ter naravnimi in matematičnimi laboratoriji. Zaplanowano:dodatkowe teaching and equalisation classes to compensate students’ gaps in the required educational achievementsadditional extra-curricular activities in the field of key competencespurchase of equipment and didactic assistance necessary to carry out attractive compensatory and developing activities (work, mats and ICT) to develop interest in natural science through activities in specialised scientific and educational units specialised support for pupils with special educational needs and implementation of a sustainable offer in this field, awarding talented pupils with special training and training programmes to the completion of the skills of the students in the framework of the development of the training and training period, and to achieve the development of training and special opportunities for all educational activities, will contribute to the completion of the educational skills of the selected schools in the framework of the development of the school in the framework of the period of development, and the achievement of the development of training and special training activities, to the achievement of special educational activities, to the achievement of special educational activities, to the achievement of the educational skills of the selected schools by means of the completion of the skills of the students in the framework of the development of education and training, to the implementation of the development of training and training needs, and to the achievement of special training and special opportunities for education, and the achievement of special educational opportunities will be ensured by the completion of the training and training activities by the students in the framework of the period of development of the training period, and the achievement of the developmental needs of the education and training activities, and the achievement of the speciality of the training activities and the achievement of the speciality of the educational activities, by means of the completion of the skills of the schools in the framework of the development of the training and training period, the implementation of the development of the training and training needs, and the achievement of the special opportunities for the development of special education activities, to the achievement of the development of training and training activities in the field of education. Projekt bo uporabljal e-knjige/e-vire/e-materiale, ustvarjene s sredstvi ESS v letih 2007–2013 in 2014–2020, ki jih je MEN odobrila za uporabo v šolah. (Slovenian)
26 July 2022
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Cílem projektu je zlepšit kvalitu výuky ve 4 školách obce Wińsko: Komplex veřejných škol ve Wińsku, základní škola v Krzelówě, základní škola v Orzeszkówě a základní škola v Głębowicích. Tohoto cíle bude dosaženo prováděním opatření reagujících na diagnostikované vzdělávací potřeby, včetně obou tříd pro žáky, profesního rozvoje učitelů a vybavení škol moderním vybavením IKT a přírodními a matematickými laboratořemi. Zaplanowano:dodatkowe teaching and equalisation classes to compensate students’ gaps in the required educational achievementsadditional extra-curricular activities in the field of key competencespurchase of equipment and didactic assistance necessary to carry out attractive compensatory and developing activities (work, mats and ICT) to develop interest in natural science through activities in specialised scientific and educational units specialised support for pupils with special educational needs and implementation of a sustainable offer in this field, awarding talented pupils with special training and training programmes to the completion of the skills of the students in the framework of the development of the training and training period, and to achieve the development of training and special opportunities for all educational activities, will contribute to the completion of the educational skills of the selected schools in the framework of the development of the school in the framework of the period of development, and the achievement of the development of training and special training activities, to the achievement of special educational activities, to the achievement of special educational activities, to the achievement of the educational skills of the selected schools by means of the completion of the skills of the students in the framework of the development of education and training, to the implementation of the development of training and training needs, and to the achievement of special training and special opportunities for education, and the achievement of special educational opportunities will be ensured by the completion of the training and training activities by the students in the framework of the period of development of the training period, and the achievement of the developmental needs of the education and training activities, and the achievement of the speciality of the training activities and the achievement of the speciality of the educational activities, by means of the completion of the skills of the schools in the framework of the development of the training and training period, the implementation of the development of the training and training needs, and the achievement of the special opportunities for the development of special education activities, to the achievement of the development of training and training activities in the field of education. Projekt bude využívat e-knihy/e-zdroje/e-materiály vytvořené díky fondům ESF v letech 2007–2013 a 2014–2020, které byly schváleny pro školní použití MEN. (Czech)
26 July 2022
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Projektu siekiama pagerinti mokymo kokybę keturiose Wińsko savivaldybės mokyklose: Valstybinės mokyklos kompleksas Wińsk, pradinė mokykla Krzelów, pradinė mokykla Orzeszków ir pradinė mokykla Głębowice. Šis tikslas bus pasiektas įgyvendinant veiksmus, kuriais reaguojama į diagnozuotus švietimo poreikius, įskaitant mokinių klases, mokytojų profesinį tobulėjimą ir aprūpinant mokyklas modernia IRT įranga bei gamtos ir matematikos laboratorijomis. Zaplanowano:dodatkowe teaching and equalisation classes to compensate students’ gaps in the required educational achievementsadditional extra-curricular activities in the field of key competencespurchase of equipment and didactic assistance necessary to carry out attractive compensatory and developing activities (work, mats and ICT) to develop interest in natural science through activities in specialised scientific and educational units specialised support for pupils with special educational needs and implementation of a sustainable offer in this field, awarding talented pupils with special training and training programmes to the completion of the skills of the students in the framework of the development of the training and training period, and to achieve the development of training and special opportunities for all educational activities, will contribute to the completion of the educational skills of the selected schools in the framework of the development of the school in the framework of the period of development, and the achievement of the development of training and special training activities, to the achievement of special educational activities, to the achievement of special educational activities, to the achievement of the educational skills of the selected schools by means of the completion of the skills of the students in the framework of the development of education and training, to the implementation of the development of training and training needs, and to the achievement of special training and special opportunities for education, and the achievement of special educational opportunities will be ensured by the completion of the training and training activities by the students in the framework of the period of development of the training period, and the achievement of the developmental needs of the education and training activities, and the achievement of the speciality of the training activities and the achievement of the speciality of the educational activities, by means of the completion of the skills of the schools in the framework of the development of the training and training period, the implementation of the development of the training and training needs, and the achievement of the special opportunities for the development of special education activities, to the achievement of the development of training and training activities in the field of education. Įgyvendinant projektą bus naudojamos 2007–2013 m. ir 2014–2020 m. ESF lėšomis sukurtos e. knygos/e. ištekliai/e. medžiagos, kurias MEN leido naudoti mokyklose. (Lithuanian)
26 July 2022
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Projekta mērķis ir uzlabot mācīšanas kvalitāti četrās Vińsko pašvaldības skolās: Valsts skolu komplekss Viņskā, sākumskola Krzelów, sākumskola Orzeszków un pamatskola Głębowice. Šis mērķis tiks sasniegts, īstenojot darbības, kas atbilst diagnosticētām izglītības vajadzībām, ietverot gan klases skolēniem, skolotāju profesionālo attīstību, gan aprīkojot skolas ar modernu IKT aprīkojumu un dabas un matemātiskās laboratorijas. Zaplanowano:dodatkowe teaching and equalisation classes to compensate students’ gaps in the required educational achievementsadditional extra-curricular activities in the field of key competencespurchase of equipment and didactic assistance necessary to carry out attractive compensatory and developing activities (work, mats and ICT) to develop interest in natural science through activities in specialised scientific and educational units specialised support for pupils with special educational needs and implementation of a sustainable offer in this field, awarding talented pupils with special training and training programmes to the completion of the skills of the students in the framework of the development of the training and training period, and to achieve the development of training and special opportunities for all educational activities, will contribute to the completion of the educational skills of the selected schools in the framework of the development of the school in the framework of the period of development, and the achievement of the development of training and special training activities, to the achievement of special educational activities, to the achievement of special educational activities, to the achievement of the educational skills of the selected schools by means of the completion of the skills of the students in the framework of the development of education and training, to the implementation of the development of training and training needs, and to the achievement of special training and special opportunities for education, and the achievement of special educational opportunities will be ensured by the completion of the training and training activities by the students in the framework of the period of development of the training period, and the achievement of the developmental needs of the education and training activities, and the achievement of the speciality of the training activities and the achievement of the speciality of the educational activities, by means of the completion of the skills of the schools in the framework of the development of the training and training period, the implementation of the development of the training and training needs, and the achievement of the special opportunities for the development of special education activities, to the achievement of the development of training and training activities in the field of education. Projektā tiks izmantotas e-grāmatas/e-resursi/e-materiāli, kas izveidoti, pateicoties ESF līdzekļiem 2007.–2013. gadā un 2014.–2020. gadā, ko MEN ir atļāvusi izmantot skolās. (Latvian)
26 July 2022
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Проектът има за цел да подобри качеството на преподаването в 4 училища на община Винско: Обществен училищен комплекс във Винск, Начално училище в Крелов, Основно училище в Оржешков и Основно училище в Гленбовице. Тази цел ще бъде постигната чрез изпълнението на действия, отговарящи на диагностицираните образователни потребности, включително и двата класа за ученици, професионалното развитие на учителите и оборудването на училищата със съвременно ИКТ оборудване и естествени и математически лаборатории. Zaplanowano:dodatkowe teaching and equalisation classes to compensate students’ gaps in the required educational achievementsadditional extra-curricular activities in the field of key competencespurchase of equipment and didactic assistance necessary to carry out attractive compensatory and developing activities (work, mats and ICT) to develop interest in natural science through activities in specialised scientific and educational units specialised support for pupils with special educational needs and implementation of a sustainable offer in this field, awarding talented pupils with special training and training programmes to the completion of the skills of the students in the framework of the development of the training and training period, and to achieve the development of training and special opportunities for all educational activities, will contribute to the completion of the educational skills of the selected schools in the framework of the development of the school in the framework of the period of development, and the achievement of the development of training and special training activities, to the achievement of special educational activities, to the achievement of special educational activities, to the achievement of the educational skills of the selected schools by means of the completion of the skills of the students in the framework of the development of education and training, to the implementation of the development of training and training needs, and to the achievement of special training and special opportunities for education, and the achievement of special educational opportunities will be ensured by the completion of the training and training activities by the students in the framework of the period of development of the training period, and the achievement of the developmental needs of the education and training activities, and the achievement of the speciality of the training activities and the achievement of the speciality of the educational activities, by means of the completion of the skills of the schools in the framework of the development of the training and training period, the implementation of the development of the training and training needs, and the achievement of the special opportunities for the development of special education activities, to the achievement of the development of training and training activities in the field of education. Проектът ще използва електронни книги/електронни ресурси/електронни материали, създадени благодарение на средства от ЕСФ за периода 2007—2013 г. и 2014—2020 г., разрешени за ползване от МЕН. (Bulgarian)
26 July 2022
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A projekt célja az oktatás minőségének javítása Wińsko település 4 iskolájában: Nyilvános iskolakomplexum Wińskban, Krzelów Általános Iskola, Orzeszków Általános Iskola és Głębowice Általános Iskola. Ez a cél olyan intézkedések végrehajtásával érhető el, amelyek megfelelnek a diagnosztizált oktatási igényeknek, ideértve a tanulók mindkét osztályát, a tanárok szakmai fejlődését, valamint az iskolák modern IKT-eszközökkel, valamint természeti és matematikai laboratóriumokkal való felszerelését. Zaplanowano:dodatkowe teaching and equalisation classes to compensate students’ gaps in the required educational achievementsadditional extra-curricular activities in the field of key competencespurchase of equipment and didactic assistance necessary to carry out attractive compensatory and developing activities (work, mats and ICT) to develop interest in natural science through activities in specialised scientific and educational units specialised support for pupils with special educational needs and implementation of a sustainable offer in this field, awarding talented pupils with special training and training programmes to the completion of the skills of the students in the framework of the development of the training and training period, and to achieve the development of training and special opportunities for all educational activities, will contribute to the completion of the educational skills of the selected schools in the framework of the development of the school in the framework of the period of development, and the achievement of the development of training and special training activities, to the achievement of special educational activities, to the achievement of special educational activities, to the achievement of the educational skills of the selected schools by means of the completion of the skills of the students in the framework of the development of education and training, to the implementation of the development of training and training needs, and to the achievement of special training and special opportunities for education, and the achievement of special educational opportunities will be ensured by the completion of the training and training activities by the students in the framework of the period of development of the training period, and the achievement of the developmental needs of the education and training activities, and the achievement of the speciality of the training activities and the achievement of the speciality of the educational activities, by means of the completion of the skills of the schools in the framework of the development of the training and training period, the implementation of the development of the training and training needs, and the achievement of the special opportunities for the development of special education activities, to the achievement of the development of training and training activities in the field of education. A projekt olyan e-könyveket/e-forrásokat/e-anyagokat fog használni, amelyeket a 2007–2013-as és 2014–2020-as ESZA-alapoknak köszönhetően hoztak létre, és amelyeket a MEN engedélyezett iskolai felhasználásra. (Hungarian)
26 July 2022
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Tá sé mar aidhm ag an tionscadal feabhas a chur ar cháilíocht na múinteoireachta i gceithre scoil de chuid bhardas Wińsko: Coimpléasc na Scoile Poiblí in Wińsk, Bunscoil in Krzelów, Bunscoil in Orzeszków agus Bunscoil in Głębowice. Bainfear an sprioc sin amach trí ghníomhaíochtaí a chur i bhfeidhm a fhreagraíonn do riachtanais oideachais diagnóisithe, lena n-áirítear ranganna do dhaltaí, forbairt ghairmiúil múinteoirí, agus trealamh nua-aimseartha TFC agus saotharlanna nádúrtha agus matamaiticiúla a chur ar fáil do scoileanna. Zaplanowano:dodatkowe teaching and equalisation classes to compensate students’ gaps in the required educational achievementsadditional extra-curricular activities in the field of key competencespurchase of equipment and didactic assistance necessary to carry out attractive compensatory and developing activities (work, mats and ICT) to develop interest in natural science through activities in specialised scientific and educational units specialised support for pupils with special educational needs and implementation of a sustainable offer in this field, awarding talented pupils with special training and training programmes to the completion of the skills of the students in the framework of the development of the training and training period, and to achieve the development of training and special opportunities for all educational activities, will contribute to the completion of the educational skills of the selected schools in the framework of the development of the school in the framework of the period of development, and the achievement of the development of training and special training activities, to the achievement of special educational activities, to the achievement of special educational activities, to the achievement of the educational skills of the selected schools by means of the completion of the skills of the students in the framework of the development of education and training, to the implementation of the development of training and training needs, and to the achievement of special training and special opportunities for education, and the achievement of special educational opportunities will be ensured by the completion of the training and training activities by the students in the framework of the period of development of the training period, and the achievement of the developmental needs of the education and training activities, and the achievement of the speciality of the training activities and the achievement of the speciality of the educational activities, by means of the completion of the skills of the schools in the framework of the development of the training and training period, the implementation of the development of the training and training needs, and the achievement of the special opportunities for the development of special education activities, to the achievement of the development of training and training activities in the field of education. Bainfidh an tionscadal úsáid as ríomhleabhair/ríomhacmhainní/ríomhábhair a cruthaíodh a bhuí le cistí CSE in 2007-2013 agus 2014-2020, atá údaraithe le haghaidh úsáid scoile ag an MEN. (Irish)
26 July 2022
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Projektet syftar till att förbättra kvaliteten på undervisningen i fyra skolor i Wińsko kommun: Public School Complex i Wińsk, grundskolan i Krzelów, grundskolan i Orzeszków och grundskolan i Głębowice. Detta mål kommer att uppnås genom genomförande av åtgärder som svarar mot diagnostiserade utbildningsbehov, inklusive både klasser för elever, professionell utveckling av lärare och utrusta skolor med modern IKT-utrustning och naturliga och matematiska laboratorier. Zaplanowano:dodatkowe teaching and equalisation classes to compensate students’ gaps in the required educational achievementsadditional extra-curricular activities in the field of key competencespurchase of equipment and didactic assistance necessary to carry out attractive compensatory and developing activities (work, mats and ICT) to develop interest in natural science through activities in specialised scientific and educational units specialised support for pupils with special educational needs and implementation of a sustainable offer in this field, awarding talented pupils with special training and training programmes to the completion of the skills of the students in the framework of the development of the training and training period, and to achieve the development of training and special opportunities for all educational activities, will contribute to the completion of the educational skills of the selected schools in the framework of the development of the school in the framework of the period of development, and the achievement of the development of training and special training activities, to the achievement of special educational activities, to the achievement of special educational activities, to the achievement of the educational skills of the selected schools by means of the completion of the skills of the students in the framework of the development of education and training, to the implementation of the development of training and training needs, and to the achievement of special training and special opportunities for education, and the achievement of special educational opportunities will be ensured by the completion of the training and training activities by the students in the framework of the period of development of the training period, and the achievement of the developmental needs of the education and training activities, and the achievement of the speciality of the training activities and the achievement of the speciality of the educational activities, by means of the completion of the skills of the schools in the framework of the development of the training and training period, the implementation of the development of the training and training needs, and the achievement of the special opportunities for the development of special education activities, to the achievement of the development of training and training activities in the field of education. Projektet kommer att använda e-böcker/e-resurser/e-material som skapats genom ESF-medel 2007–2013 och 2014–2020 och som godkänts för skolanvändning av MEN. (Swedish)
26 July 2022
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Projekti eesmärk on parandada õpetamise kvaliteeti neljas Wińsko omavalitsuse koolis: Avaliku kooli kompleks Wińskis, Krzelówi algkool, Orzeszkówi algkool ja Głębowice algkool. See eesmärk saavutatakse selliste meetmete rakendamisega, mis vastavad diagnoositud haridusvajadustele, sealhulgas nii õpilaste klassid, õpetajate kutsealane areng kui ka koolide varustamine kaasaegsete IKT-seadmete ning looduslike ja matemaatiliste laboritega. Zaplanowano:dodatkowe teaching and equalisation classes to compensate students’ gaps in the required educational achievementsadditional extra-curricular activities in the field of key competencespurchase of equipment and didactic assistance necessary to carry out attractive compensatory and developing activities (work, mats and ICT) to develop interest in natural science through activities in specialised scientific and educational units specialised support for pupils with special educational needs and implementation of a sustainable offer in this field, awarding talented pupils with special training and training programmes to the completion of the skills of the students in the framework of the development of the training and training period, and to achieve the development of training and special opportunities for all educational activities, will contribute to the completion of the educational skills of the selected schools in the framework of the development of the school in the framework of the period of development, and the achievement of the development of training and special training activities, to the achievement of special educational activities, to the achievement of special educational activities, to the achievement of the educational skills of the selected schools by means of the completion of the skills of the students in the framework of the development of education and training, to the implementation of the development of training and training needs, and to the achievement of special training and special opportunities for education, and the achievement of special educational opportunities will be ensured by the completion of the training and training activities by the students in the framework of the period of development of the training period, and the achievement of the developmental needs of the education and training activities, and the achievement of the speciality of the training activities and the achievement of the speciality of the educational activities, by means of the completion of the skills of the schools in the framework of the development of the training and training period, the implementation of the development of the training and training needs, and the achievement of the special opportunities for the development of special education activities, to the achievement of the development of training and training activities in the field of education. Projektis kasutatakse e-raamatuid/e-ressursse/e-materjale, mis on loodud tänu ESFi vahenditele aastatel 2007–2013 ja 2014–2020, mille on heaks kiitnud MEN. (Estonian)
26 July 2022
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24 May 2023
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