Family care – care and upbringing together preparation for independence (Q97094)
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Project Q97094 in Poland
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Family care – care and upbringing together preparation for independence |
Project Q97094 in Poland |
854,664.37 zloty
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1,005,487.5 zloty
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85.0 percent
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2 October 2017
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31 December 2019
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Celem projektu „Rodzinna piecza – opieka i wychowanie wspólne przygotowanie do usamodzielniania” jest realizacja usług i wsparcie systemu pieczy zast. w ramach,których wsparciem zostaną objęte osoby z rodzin zast.,osoby prowadzące RDD,oraz wychowankowie pieczy.W ramach podnoszenia kompetencji i kwalifikacji kadr systemu pieczy zastępczej w ramach szkoleń,doradztwa (indywidualnego),superwizji,wynikających ze zdiagnozowanych potrzeb wsparciem zostaną objęte osoby pełniące funkcje kadry systemu pieczy.Wszystkie osoby biorące udział w projekcie zamieszkując teren powiatu strzelińskiego i korzystają ze wsparcia PCPR we StrzelinŁącznie w ramach projektu objętych wsparciem zostanie 110 osóbWszystkie w/w grupy wymagają szerokiego wsparcia w zakresie prawidłowego rozwoju i zdolności do funkcjonowania w społeczeństwieStatus społeczny uczestników często staje się powodem ich wykluczenia społecznego, tym bardziej, że większość mieszkańców powiatu pochodzi z terenów wiejskichZastosowanie zróżnicowanego wsparcia głównie o charakterze społ. ułatwi uczestnikom wyjście z ich trudnej sytuacji życiowej i wzmocni ich zdolności do prawidłowego funkcjonowania w społeczeństwie.Dzięki udziałowi w projekcie,który wpisuje się w interakcję społeczno-zawodową z elementami specjalistycznego poradnictwa (prawnego,rodzinnego,psychol.) nastąpi znacząca poprawa sytuacji społeczno-zawodowej osób zagrożonych ubóstwem i wykluczeniem społecznym.Realizacja zadań zawartych w ramach projektu pozwoli na dużo sprawniejsze wykonywanie zadań zawartych w ustawie o wspieraniu rodziny i systemie pieczy zastępczej.Pozyskane w ten sposób środki pozwolą na realizację zadań zawartych w ustawie,nie tylko tych obligatoryjnych,ale także takich, które z braku środków nie mogłyby być zrealizowane.Zdecydowanie wpłynie to na wzrost jakości opieki i wychowania dzieci umieszczanych w pieczy zast., zminimalizuje skutki oderwania od środowiska rodzinnego.Pozwoli nabyć dodatkowe umiejętności i kompetencje kadrze pieczy zast. (Polish)
0 references
The content of the reinstatement of the non-confidential of the introductory services of the incumbents in order of the non-confidential of the health of the incumbents in the area of health care.As part of raising the competence and qualifications of the staff of the care system will be taken care of in the framework of training, consultancy (individual), the proficiency, disappearing from the diagnosed needs of the support of the person will be taken care of. (English)
15 October 2020
0 references
The aim of the project “Family care — care and education joint preparation for self-employment” is to implement services and support a system of care for replacements. In the framework of which support will be provided to persons from families of alternatives, persons running the RDD, and caregivers.In the framework of the upgrading of competences and qualifications of the staff of the foster care system in the framework of training, counselling (individual), supervising, resulting from diagnosed needs, support will be provided by persons performing the functions of the care system only.They are more likely to be excluded from the social functioning of the population, the participation of persons living in the project, the access to the area concerned by the project, the familial support of the population in the area of the population, the social support of the population will be made more appropriate to the functioning of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the social functioning of the population, the facilitation of the project, the facilitation of the development of the population in the area of the population, the social support of the population will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They will be able to take advantage of the social role of the people in the field of care, the access to the area of the project, and the provision of support to the population in the field of the community. They will be able to benefit from the needs of the people in the field of social security.They are more likely to be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They are more likely to be able to participate in the project, who are inhabitable by the project, and benefit from the support of the community in the context of the development of the poor population, the fact that persons with the social welfare system will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population, the fact that the participation in the project’s well-being, the implementation of the project’s well-being in the area of the development of the population, the need to improve the well-being of the population will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the needs of the population.They are more likely to be able to benefit from the needs of the population.They are more likely to be able to live in the community, to which the population will be able to participate in the project, to facilitate the implementation of the project’s well-being in the context of the development of the population.They will be able to benefit from the well-being of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the functioning of the population, the intervention of the project’s area, the facilitation of the population, the need to improve the skills of the population, and the need to improve the welfare of the population.They will also be more socially dependent on the part of the population, the intervention of the children, the access to the area of the project, the facilitence of the population, the need to improve the well-being of the population, and the social support of the population, the intervention of the children, the access to the area of the project, the facilitative support of the population, the well-being of the populations, and the social support of the population will be made more easily accessible to the people’s society.They will be better off-of-the-people’s role in the project’s well-functioning and socially supportive areas.They will be able to improve the well-being of the population, and the need to improve the well-being of the population.They will be able to take advantage of the needs of the community, the support of the rural areas, and the provision of the support to the community, the improvement of the skills and support of the welfare of the people.In the context of the promotion of the skills and qualifications of the foster care system in the framework of training, counselling (individence),supervisibility,results from the identified needs, support will be given to persons performing the care system.In addition to the out-of-the-skilly tasks, the remoteness of the population, the access to the area of the project, the facilitation of the area of the project, which will be facilitated by the support of the population in the area of the community, the development of the population will be well-relevant to the population, the population will be able to live in the community, the people living in the area of the project, the support of the people in the community, the protection of the population, the support of the population, the protection of the population, the intervention of the population, the protection of the population, the protection of the population, the need to support the population will be well-suitable to the needs of the population and the social support of the population.They will be able to live out of the conditions of the (French)
1 December 2021
0 references
The aim of the project “Family care — care and education joint preparation for self-employment” is to implement services and support a system of care for replacements. In the framework of which support will be provided to persons from families of alternatives, persons running the RDD, and caregivers.In the framework of the upgrading of competences and qualifications of the staff of the foster care system in the framework of training, counselling (individual), supervising, resulting from diagnosed needs, support will be provided by persons performing the functions of the care system only.They are more likely to be excluded from the social functioning of the population, the participation of persons living in the project, the access to the area concerned by the project, the familial support of the population in the area of the population, the social support of the population will be made more appropriate to the functioning of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the social functioning of the population, the facilitation of the project, the facilitation of the development of the population in the area of the population, the social support of the population will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They will be able to take advantage of the social role of the people in the field of care, the access to the area of the project, and the provision of support to the population in the field of the community. They will be able to benefit from the needs of the people in the field of social security.They are more likely to be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They are more likely to be able to participate in the project, who are inhabitable by the project, and benefit from the support of the community in the context of the development of the poor population, the fact that persons with the social welfare system will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population, the fact that the participation in the project’s well-being, the implementation of the project’s well-being in the area of the development of the population, the need to improve the well-being of the population will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the needs of the population.They are more likely to be able to benefit from the needs of the population.They are more likely to be able to live in the community, to which the population will be able to participate in the project, to facilitate the implementation of the project’s well-being in the context of the development of the population.They will be able to benefit from the well-being of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the functioning of the population, the intervention of the project’s area, the facilitation of the population, the need to improve the skills of the population, and the need to improve the welfare of the population.They will also be more socially dependent on the part of the population, the intervention of the children, the access to the area of the project, the facilitence of the population, the need to improve the well-being of the population, and the social support of the population, the intervention of the children, the access to the area of the project, the facilitative support of the population, the well-being of the populations, and the social support of the population will be made more easily accessible to the people’s society.They will be better off-of-the-people’s role in the project’s well-functioning and socially supportive areas.They will be able to improve the well-being of the population, and the need to improve the well-being of the population.They will be able to take advantage of the needs of the community, the support of the rural areas, and the provision of the support to the community, the improvement of the skills and support of the welfare of the people.In the context of the promotion of the skills and qualifications of the foster care system in the framework of training, counselling (individence),supervisibility,results from the identified needs, support will be given to persons performing the care system.In addition to the out-of-the-skilly tasks, the remoteness of the population, the access to the area of the project, the facilitation of the area of the project, which will be facilitated by the support of the population in the area of the community, the development of the population will be well-relevant to the population, the population will be able to live in the community, the people living in the area of the project, the support of the people in the community, the protection of the population, the support of the population, the protection of the population, the intervention of the population, the protection of the population, the protection of the population, the need to support the population will be well-suitable to the needs of the population and the social support of the population.They will be able to live out of the conditions of the (German)
7 December 2021
0 references
The aim of the project “Family care — care and education joint preparation for self-employment” is to implement services and support a system of care for replacements. In the framework of which support will be provided to persons from families of alternatives, persons running the RDD, and caregivers.In the framework of the upgrading of competences and qualifications of the staff of the foster care system in the framework of training, counselling (individual), supervising, resulting from diagnosed needs, support will be provided by persons performing the functions of the care system only.They are more likely to be excluded from the social functioning of the population, the participation of persons living in the project, the access to the area concerned by the project, the familial support of the population in the area of the population, the social support of the population will be made more appropriate to the functioning of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the social functioning of the population, the facilitation of the project, the facilitation of the development of the population in the area of the population, the social support of the population will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They will be able to take advantage of the social role of the people in the field of care, the access to the area of the project, and the provision of support to the population in the field of the community. They will be able to benefit from the needs of the people in the field of social security.They are more likely to be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They are more likely to be able to participate in the project, who are inhabitable by the project, and benefit from the support of the community in the context of the development of the poor population, the fact that persons with the social welfare system will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population, the fact that the participation in the project’s well-being, the implementation of the project’s well-being in the area of the development of the population, the need to improve the well-being of the population will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the needs of the population.They are more likely to be able to benefit from the needs of the population.They are more likely to be able to live in the community, to which the population will be able to participate in the project, to facilitate the implementation of the project’s well-being in the context of the development of the population.They will be able to benefit from the well-being of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the functioning of the population, the intervention of the project’s area, the facilitation of the population, the need to improve the skills of the population, and the need to improve the welfare of the population.They will also be more socially dependent on the part of the population, the intervention of the children, the access to the area of the project, the facilitence of the population, the need to improve the well-being of the population, and the social support of the population, the intervention of the children, the access to the area of the project, the facilitative support of the population, the well-being of the populations, and the social support of the population will be made more easily accessible to the people’s society.They will be better off-of-the-people’s role in the project’s well-functioning and socially supportive areas.They will be able to improve the well-being of the population, and the need to improve the well-being of the population.They will be able to take advantage of the needs of the community, the support of the rural areas, and the provision of the support to the community, the improvement of the skills and support of the welfare of the people.In the context of the promotion of the skills and qualifications of the foster care system in the framework of training, counselling (individence),supervisibility,results from the identified needs, support will be given to persons performing the care system.In addition to the out-of-the-skilly tasks, the remoteness of the population, the access to the area of the project, the facilitation of the area of the project, which will be facilitated by the support of the population in the area of the community, the development of the population will be well-relevant to the population, the population will be able to live in the community, the people living in the area of the project, the support of the people in the community, the protection of the population, the support of the population, the protection of the population, the intervention of the population, the protection of the population, the protection of the population, the need to support the population will be well-suitable to the needs of the population and the social support of the population.They will be able to live out of the conditions of the (Dutch)
16 December 2021
0 references
The aim of the project “Family care — care and education joint preparation for self-employment” is to implement services and support a system of care for replacements. In the framework of which support will be provided to persons from families of alternatives, persons running the RDD, and caregivers.In the framework of the upgrading of competences and qualifications of the staff of the foster care system in the framework of training, counselling (individual), supervising, resulting from diagnosed needs, support will be provided by persons performing the functions of the care system only.They are more likely to be excluded from the social functioning of the population, the participation of persons living in the project, the access to the area concerned by the project, the familial support of the population in the area of the population, the social support of the population will be made more appropriate to the functioning of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the social functioning of the population, the facilitation of the project, the facilitation of the development of the population in the area of the population, the social support of the population will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They will be able to take advantage of the social role of the people in the field of care, the access to the area of the project, and the provision of support to the population in the field of the community. They will be able to benefit from the needs of the people in the field of social security.They are more likely to be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They are more likely to be able to participate in the project, who are inhabitable by the project, and benefit from the support of the community in the context of the development of the poor population, the fact that persons with the social welfare system will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population, the fact that the participation in the project’s well-being, the implementation of the project’s well-being in the area of the development of the population, the need to improve the well-being of the population will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the needs of the population.They are more likely to be able to benefit from the needs of the population.They are more likely to be able to live in the community, to which the population will be able to participate in the project, to facilitate the implementation of the project’s well-being in the context of the development of the population.They will be able to benefit from the well-being of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the functioning of the population, the intervention of the project’s area, the facilitation of the population, the need to improve the skills of the population, and the need to improve the welfare of the population.They will also be more socially dependent on the part of the population, the intervention of the children, the access to the area of the project, the facilitence of the population, the need to improve the well-being of the population, and the social support of the population, the intervention of the children, the access to the area of the project, the facilitative support of the population, the well-being of the populations, and the social support of the population will be made more easily accessible to the people’s society.They will be better off-of-the-people’s role in the project’s well-functioning and socially supportive areas.They will be able to improve the well-being of the population, and the need to improve the well-being of the population.They will be able to take advantage of the needs of the community, the support of the rural areas, and the provision of the support to the community, the improvement of the skills and support of the welfare of the people.In the context of the promotion of the skills and qualifications of the foster care system in the framework of training, counselling (individence),supervisibility,results from the identified needs, support will be given to persons performing the care system.In addition to the out-of-the-skilly tasks, the remoteness of the population, the access to the area of the project, the facilitation of the area of the project, which will be facilitated by the support of the population in the area of the community, the development of the population will be well-relevant to the population, the population will be able to live in the community, the people living in the area of the project, the support of the people in the community, the protection of the population, the support of the population, the protection of the population, the intervention of the population, the protection of the population, the protection of the population, the need to support the population will be well-suitable to the needs of the population and the social support of the population.They will be able to live out of the conditions of the (Italian)
16 January 2022
0 references
The aim of the project “Family care — care and education joint preparation for self-employment” is to implement services and support a system of care for replacements. In the framework of which support will be provided to persons from families of alternatives, persons running the RDD, and caregivers.In the framework of the upgrading of competences and qualifications of the staff of the foster care system in the framework of training, counselling (individual), supervising, resulting from diagnosed needs, support will be provided by persons performing the functions of the care system only.They are more likely to be excluded from the social functioning of the population, the participation of persons living in the project, the access to the area concerned by the project, the familial support of the population in the area of the population, the social support of the population will be made more appropriate to the functioning of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the social functioning of the population, the facilitation of the project, the facilitation of the development of the population in the area of the population, the social support of the population will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They will be able to take advantage of the social role of the people in the field of care, the access to the area of the project, and the provision of support to the population in the field of the community. They will be able to benefit from the needs of the people in the field of social security.They are more likely to be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They are more likely to be able to participate in the project, who are inhabitable by the project, and benefit from the support of the community in the context of the development of the poor population, the fact that persons with the social welfare system will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population, the fact that the participation in the project’s well-being, the implementation of the project’s well-being in the area of the development of the population, the need to improve the well-being of the population will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the needs of the population.They are more likely to be able to benefit from the needs of the population.They are more likely to be able to live in the community, to which the population will be able to participate in the project, to facilitate the implementation of the project’s well-being in the context of the development of the population.They will be able to benefit from the well-being of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the functioning of the population, the intervention of the project’s area, the facilitation of the population, the need to improve the skills of the population, and the need to improve the welfare of the population.They will also be more socially dependent on the part of the population, the intervention of the children, the access to the area of the project, the facilitence of the population, the need to improve the well-being of the population, and the social support of the population, the intervention of the children, the access to the area of the project, the facilitative support of the population, the well-being of the populations, and the social support of the population will be made more easily accessible to the people’s society.They will be better off-of-the-people’s role in the project’s well-functioning and socially supportive areas.They will be able to improve the well-being of the population, and the need to improve the well-being of the population.They will be able to take advantage of the needs of the community, the support of the rural areas, and the provision of the support to the community, the improvement of the skills and support of the welfare of the people.In the context of the promotion of the skills and qualifications of the foster care system in the framework of training, counselling (individence),supervisibility,results from the identified needs, support will be given to persons performing the care system.In addition to the out-of-the-skilly tasks, the remoteness of the population, the access to the area of the project, the facilitation of the area of the project, which will be facilitated by the support of the population in the area of the community, the development of the population will be well-relevant to the population, the population will be able to live in the community, the people living in the area of the project, the support of the people in the community, the protection of the population, the support of the population, the protection of the population, the intervention of the population, the protection of the population, the protection of the population, the need to support the population will be well-suitable to the needs of the population and the social support of the population.They will be able to live out of the conditions of the (Spanish)
20 January 2022
0 references
The aim of the project “Family care — care and education joint preparation for self-employment” is to implement services and support a system of care for replacements. In the framework of which support will be provided to persons from families of alternatives, persons running the RDD, and caregivers.In the framework of the upgrading of competences and qualifications of the staff of the foster care system in the framework of training, counselling (individual), supervising, resulting from diagnosed needs, support will be provided by persons performing the functions of the care system only.They are more likely to be excluded from the social functioning of the population, the participation of persons living in the project, the access to the area concerned by the project, the familial support of the population in the area of the population, the social support of the population will be made more appropriate to the functioning of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the social functioning of the population, the facilitation of the project, the facilitation of the development of the population in the area of the population, the social support of the population will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They will be able to take advantage of the social role of the people in the field of care, the access to the area of the project, and the provision of support to the population in the field of the community. They will be able to benefit from the needs of the people in the field of social security.They are more likely to be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They are more likely to be able to participate in the project, who are inhabitable by the project, and benefit from the support of the community in the context of the development of the poor population, the fact that persons with the social welfare system will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population, the fact that the participation in the project’s well-being, the implementation of the project’s well-being in the area of the development of the population, the need to improve the well-being of the population will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the needs of the population.They are more likely to be able to benefit from the needs of the population.They are more likely to be able to live in the community, to which the population will be able to participate in the project, to facilitate the implementation of the project’s well-being in the context of the development of the population.They will be able to benefit from the well-being of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the functioning of the population, the intervention of the project’s area, the facilitation of the population, the need to improve the skills of the population, and the need to improve the welfare of the population.They will also be more socially dependent on the part of the population, the intervention of the children, the access to the area of the project, the facilitence of the population, the need to improve the well-being of the population, and the social support of the population, the intervention of the children, the access to the area of the project, the facilitative support of the population, the well-being of the populations, and the social support of the population will be made more easily accessible to the people’s society.They will be better off-of-the-people’s role in the project’s well-functioning and socially supportive areas.They will be able to improve the well-being of the population, and the need to improve the well-being of the population.They will be able to take advantage of the needs of the community, the support of the rural areas, and the provision of the support to the community, the improvement of the skills and support of the welfare of the people.In the context of the promotion of the skills and qualifications of the foster care system in the framework of training, counselling (individence),supervisibility,results from the identified needs, support will be given to persons performing the care system.In addition to the out-of-the-skilly tasks, the remoteness of the population, the access to the area of the project, the facilitation of the area of the project, which will be facilitated by the support of the population in the area of the community, the development of the population will be well-relevant to the population, the population will be able to live in the community, the people living in the area of the project, the support of the people in the community, the protection of the population, the support of the population, the protection of the population, the intervention of the population, the protection of the population, the protection of the population, the need to support the population will be well-suitable to the needs of the population and the social support of the population.They will be able to live out of the conditions of the (Danish)
26 July 2022
0 references
The aim of the project “Family care — care and education joint preparation for self-employment” is to implement services and support a system of care for replacements. In the framework of which support will be provided to persons from families of alternatives, persons running the RDD, and caregivers.In the framework of the upgrading of competences and qualifications of the staff of the foster care system in the framework of training, counselling (individual), supervising, resulting from diagnosed needs, support will be provided by persons performing the functions of the care system only.They are more likely to be excluded from the social functioning of the population, the participation of persons living in the project, the access to the area concerned by the project, the familial support of the population in the area of the population, the social support of the population will be made more appropriate to the functioning of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the social functioning of the population, the facilitation of the project, the facilitation of the development of the population in the area of the population, the social support of the population will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They will be able to take advantage of the social role of the people in the field of care, the access to the area of the project, and the provision of support to the population in the field of the community. They will be able to benefit from the needs of the people in the field of social security.They are more likely to be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They are more likely to be able to participate in the project, who are inhabitable by the project, and benefit from the support of the community in the context of the development of the poor population, the fact that persons with the social welfare system will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population, the fact that the participation in the project’s well-being, the implementation of the project’s well-being in the area of the development of the population, the need to improve the well-being of the population will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the needs of the population.They are more likely to be able to benefit from the needs of the population.They are more likely to be able to live in the community, to which the population will be able to participate in the project, to facilitate the implementation of the project’s well-being in the context of the development of the population.They will be able to benefit from the well-being of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the functioning of the population, the intervention of the project’s area, the facilitation of the population, the need to improve the skills of the population, and the need to improve the welfare of the population.They will also be more socially dependent on the part of the population, the intervention of the children, the access to the area of the project, the facilitence of the population, the need to improve the well-being of the population, and the social support of the population, the intervention of the children, the access to the area of the project, the facilitative support of the population, the well-being of the populations, and the social support of the population will be made more easily accessible to the people’s society.They will be better off-of-the-people’s role in the project’s well-functioning and socially supportive areas.They will be able to improve the well-being of the population, and the need to improve the well-being of the population.They will be able to take advantage of the needs of the community, the support of the rural areas, and the provision of the support to the community, the improvement of the skills and support of the welfare of the people.In the context of the promotion of the skills and qualifications of the foster care system in the framework of training, counselling (individence),supervisibility,results from the identified needs, support will be given to persons performing the care system.In addition to the out-of-the-skilly tasks, the remoteness of the population, the access to the area of the project, the facilitation of the area of the project, which will be facilitated by the support of the population in the area of the community, the development of the population will be well-relevant to the population, the population will be able to live in the community, the people living in the area of the project, the support of the people in the community, the protection of the population, the support of the population, the protection of the population, the intervention of the population, the protection of the population, the protection of the population, the need to support the population will be well-suitable to the needs of the population and the social support of the population.They will be able to live out of the conditions of the (Greek)
26 July 2022
0 references
The aim of the project “Family care — care and education joint preparation for self-employment” is to implement services and support a system of care for replacements. In the framework of which support will be provided to persons from families of alternatives, persons running the RDD, and caregivers.In the framework of the upgrading of competences and qualifications of the staff of the foster care system in the framework of training, counselling (individual), supervising, resulting from diagnosed needs, support will be provided by persons performing the functions of the care system only.They are more likely to be excluded from the social functioning of the population, the participation of persons living in the project, the access to the area concerned by the project, the familial support of the population in the area of the population, the social support of the population will be made more appropriate to the functioning of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the social functioning of the population, the facilitation of the project, the facilitation of the development of the population in the area of the population, the social support of the population will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They will be able to take advantage of the social role of the people in the field of care, the access to the area of the project, and the provision of support to the population in the field of the community. They will be able to benefit from the needs of the people in the field of social security.They are more likely to be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They are more likely to be able to participate in the project, who are inhabitable by the project, and benefit from the support of the community in the context of the development of the poor population, the fact that persons with the social welfare system will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population, the fact that the participation in the project’s well-being, the implementation of the project’s well-being in the area of the development of the population, the need to improve the well-being of the population will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the needs of the population.They are more likely to be able to benefit from the needs of the population.They are more likely to be able to live in the community, to which the population will be able to participate in the project, to facilitate the implementation of the project’s well-being in the context of the development of the population.They will be able to benefit from the well-being of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the functioning of the population, the intervention of the project’s area, the facilitation of the population, the need to improve the skills of the population, and the need to improve the welfare of the population.They will also be more socially dependent on the part of the population, the intervention of the children, the access to the area of the project, the facilitence of the population, the need to improve the well-being of the population, and the social support of the population, the intervention of the children, the access to the area of the project, the facilitative support of the population, the well-being of the populations, and the social support of the population will be made more easily accessible to the people’s society.They will be better off-of-the-people’s role in the project’s well-functioning and socially supportive areas.They will be able to improve the well-being of the population, and the need to improve the well-being of the population.They will be able to take advantage of the needs of the community, the support of the rural areas, and the provision of the support to the community, the improvement of the skills and support of the welfare of the people.In the context of the promotion of the skills and qualifications of the foster care system in the framework of training, counselling (individence),supervisibility,results from the identified needs, support will be given to persons performing the care system.In addition to the out-of-the-skilly tasks, the remoteness of the population, the access to the area of the project, the facilitation of the area of the project, which will be facilitated by the support of the population in the area of the community, the development of the population will be well-relevant to the population, the population will be able to live in the community, the people living in the area of the project, the support of the people in the community, the protection of the population, the support of the population, the protection of the population, the intervention of the population, the protection of the population, the protection of the population, the need to support the population will be well-suitable to the needs of the population and the social support of the population.They will be able to live out of the conditions of the (Croatian)
26 July 2022
0 references
The aim of the project “Family care — care and education joint preparation for self-employment” is to implement services and support a system of care for replacements. In the framework of which support will be provided to persons from families of alternatives, persons running the RDD, and caregivers.In the framework of the upgrading of competences and qualifications of the staff of the foster care system in the framework of training, counselling (individual), supervising, resulting from diagnosed needs, support will be provided by persons performing the functions of the care system only.They are more likely to be excluded from the social functioning of the population, the participation of persons living in the project, the access to the area concerned by the project, the familial support of the population in the area of the population, the social support of the population will be made more appropriate to the functioning of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the social functioning of the population, the facilitation of the project, the facilitation of the development of the population in the area of the population, the social support of the population will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They will be able to take advantage of the social role of the people in the field of care, the access to the area of the project, and the provision of support to the population in the field of the community. They will be able to benefit from the needs of the people in the field of social security.They are more likely to be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They are more likely to be able to participate in the project, who are inhabitable by the project, and benefit from the support of the community in the context of the development of the poor population, the fact that persons with the social welfare system will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population, the fact that the participation in the project’s well-being, the implementation of the project’s well-being in the area of the development of the population, the need to improve the well-being of the population will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the needs of the population.They are more likely to be able to benefit from the needs of the population.They are more likely to be able to live in the community, to which the population will be able to participate in the project, to facilitate the implementation of the project’s well-being in the context of the development of the population.They will be able to benefit from the well-being of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the functioning of the population, the intervention of the project’s area, the facilitation of the population, the need to improve the skills of the population, and the need to improve the welfare of the population.They will also be more socially dependent on the part of the population, the intervention of the children, the access to the area of the project, the facilitence of the population, the need to improve the well-being of the population, and the social support of the population, the intervention of the children, the access to the area of the project, the facilitative support of the population, the well-being of the populations, and the social support of the population will be made more easily accessible to the people’s society.They will be better off-of-the-people’s role in the project’s well-functioning and socially supportive areas.They will be able to improve the well-being of the population, and the need to improve the well-being of the population.They will be able to take advantage of the needs of the community, the support of the rural areas, and the provision of the support to the community, the improvement of the skills and support of the welfare of the people.In the context of the promotion of the skills and qualifications of the foster care system in the framework of training, counselling (individence),supervisibility,results from the identified needs, support will be given to persons performing the care system.In addition to the out-of-the-skilly tasks, the remoteness of the population, the access to the area of the project, the facilitation of the area of the project, which will be facilitated by the support of the population in the area of the community, the development of the population will be well-relevant to the population, the population will be able to live in the community, the people living in the area of the project, the support of the people in the community, the protection of the population, the support of the population, the protection of the population, the intervention of the population, the protection of the population, the protection of the population, the need to support the population will be well-suitable to the needs of the population and the social support of the population.They will be able to live out of the conditions of the (Romanian)
26 July 2022
0 references
The aim of the project “Family care — care and education joint preparation for self-employment” is to implement services and support a system of care for replacements. In the framework of which support will be provided to persons from families of alternatives, persons running the RDD, and caregivers.In the framework of the upgrading of competences and qualifications of the staff of the foster care system in the framework of training, counselling (individual), supervising, resulting from diagnosed needs, support will be provided by persons performing the functions of the care system only.They are more likely to be excluded from the social functioning of the population, the participation of persons living in the project, the access to the area concerned by the project, the familial support of the population in the area of the population, the social support of the population will be made more appropriate to the functioning of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the social functioning of the population, the facilitation of the project, the facilitation of the development of the population in the area of the population, the social support of the population will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They will be able to take advantage of the social role of the people in the field of care, the access to the area of the project, and the provision of support to the population in the field of the community. They will be able to benefit from the needs of the people in the field of social security.They are more likely to be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They are more likely to be able to participate in the project, who are inhabitable by the project, and benefit from the support of the community in the context of the development of the poor population, the fact that persons with the social welfare system will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population, the fact that the participation in the project’s well-being, the implementation of the project’s well-being in the area of the development of the population, the need to improve the well-being of the population will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the needs of the population.They are more likely to be able to benefit from the needs of the population.They are more likely to be able to live in the community, to which the population will be able to participate in the project, to facilitate the implementation of the project’s well-being in the context of the development of the population.They will be able to benefit from the well-being of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the functioning of the population, the intervention of the project’s area, the facilitation of the population, the need to improve the skills of the population, and the need to improve the welfare of the population.They will also be more socially dependent on the part of the population, the intervention of the children, the access to the area of the project, the facilitence of the population, the need to improve the well-being of the population, and the social support of the population, the intervention of the children, the access to the area of the project, the facilitative support of the population, the well-being of the populations, and the social support of the population will be made more easily accessible to the people’s society.They will be better off-of-the-people’s role in the project’s well-functioning and socially supportive areas.They will be able to improve the well-being of the population, and the need to improve the well-being of the population.They will be able to take advantage of the needs of the community, the support of the rural areas, and the provision of the support to the community, the improvement of the skills and support of the welfare of the people.In the context of the promotion of the skills and qualifications of the foster care system in the framework of training, counselling (individence),supervisibility,results from the identified needs, support will be given to persons performing the care system.In addition to the out-of-the-skilly tasks, the remoteness of the population, the access to the area of the project, the facilitation of the area of the project, which will be facilitated by the support of the population in the area of the community, the development of the population will be well-relevant to the population, the population will be able to live in the community, the people living in the area of the project, the support of the people in the community, the protection of the population, the support of the population, the protection of the population, the intervention of the population, the protection of the population, the protection of the population, the need to support the population will be well-suitable to the needs of the population and the social support of the population.They will be able to live out of the conditions of the (Slovak)
26 July 2022
0 references
The aim of the project “Family care — care and education joint preparation for self-employment” is to implement services and support a system of care for replacements. In the framework of which support will be provided to persons from families of alternatives, persons running the RDD, and caregivers.In the framework of the upgrading of competences and qualifications of the staff of the foster care system in the framework of training, counselling (individual), supervising, resulting from diagnosed needs, support will be provided by persons performing the functions of the care system only.They are more likely to be excluded from the social functioning of the population, the participation of persons living in the project, the access to the area concerned by the project, the familial support of the population in the area of the population, the social support of the population will be made more appropriate to the functioning of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the social functioning of the population, the facilitation of the project, the facilitation of the development of the population in the area of the population, the social support of the population will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They will be able to take advantage of the social role of the people in the field of care, the access to the area of the project, and the provision of support to the population in the field of the community. They will be able to benefit from the needs of the people in the field of social security.They are more likely to be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They are more likely to be able to participate in the project, who are inhabitable by the project, and benefit from the support of the community in the context of the development of the poor population, the fact that persons with the social welfare system will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population, the fact that the participation in the project’s well-being, the implementation of the project’s well-being in the area of the development of the population, the need to improve the well-being of the population will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the needs of the population.They are more likely to be able to benefit from the needs of the population.They are more likely to be able to live in the community, to which the population will be able to participate in the project, to facilitate the implementation of the project’s well-being in the context of the development of the population.They will be able to benefit from the well-being of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the functioning of the population, the intervention of the project’s area, the facilitation of the population, the need to improve the skills of the population, and the need to improve the welfare of the population.They will also be more socially dependent on the part of the population, the intervention of the children, the access to the area of the project, the facilitence of the population, the need to improve the well-being of the population, and the social support of the population, the intervention of the children, the access to the area of the project, the facilitative support of the population, the well-being of the populations, and the social support of the population will be made more easily accessible to the people’s society.They will be better off-of-the-people’s role in the project’s well-functioning and socially supportive areas.They will be able to improve the well-being of the population, and the need to improve the well-being of the population.They will be able to take advantage of the needs of the community, the support of the rural areas, and the provision of the support to the community, the improvement of the skills and support of the welfare of the people.In the context of the promotion of the skills and qualifications of the foster care system in the framework of training, counselling (individence),supervisibility,results from the identified needs, support will be given to persons performing the care system.In addition to the out-of-the-skilly tasks, the remoteness of the population, the access to the area of the project, the facilitation of the area of the project, which will be facilitated by the support of the population in the area of the community, the development of the population will be well-relevant to the population, the population will be able to live in the community, the people living in the area of the project, the support of the people in the community, the protection of the population, the support of the population, the protection of the population, the intervention of the population, the protection of the population, the protection of the population, the need to support the population will be well-suitable to the needs of the population and the social support of the population.They will be able to live out of the conditions of the (Maltese)
26 July 2022
0 references
O conteúdo do restabelecimento do não-confidencial dos serviços introdutórios dos incumbentes em ordem do não-confidencial da saúde dos incumbentes na área dos cuidados de saúde.Como parte da elevação da competência e qualificações do pessoal do sistema de cuidados será cuidada no âmbito da formação, consultoria (individual), a proficiência, desaparecendo das necessidades diagnosticadas do apoio da pessoa será cuidada. (Portuguese)
26 July 2022
0 references
The aim of the project “Family care — care and education joint preparation for self-employment” is to implement services and support a system of care for replacements. In the framework of which support will be provided to persons from families of alternatives, persons running the RDD, and caregivers.In the framework of the upgrading of competences and qualifications of the staff of the foster care system in the framework of training, counselling (individual), supervising, resulting from diagnosed needs, support will be provided by persons performing the functions of the care system only.They are more likely to be excluded from the social functioning of the population, the participation of persons living in the project, the access to the area concerned by the project, the familial support of the population in the area of the population, the social support of the population will be made more appropriate to the functioning of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the social functioning of the population, the facilitation of the project, the facilitation of the development of the population in the area of the population, the social support of the population will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They will be able to take advantage of the social role of the people in the field of care, the access to the area of the project, and the provision of support to the population in the field of the community. They will be able to benefit from the needs of the people in the field of social security.They are more likely to be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They are more likely to be able to participate in the project, who are inhabitable by the project, and benefit from the support of the community in the context of the development of the poor population, the fact that persons with the social welfare system will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population, the fact that the participation in the project’s well-being, the implementation of the project’s well-being in the area of the development of the population, the need to improve the well-being of the population will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the needs of the population.They are more likely to be able to benefit from the needs of the population.They are more likely to be able to live in the community, to which the population will be able to participate in the project, to facilitate the implementation of the project’s well-being in the context of the development of the population.They will be able to benefit from the well-being of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the functioning of the population, the intervention of the project’s area, the facilitation of the population, the need to improve the skills of the population, and the need to improve the welfare of the population.They will also be more socially dependent on the part of the population, the intervention of the children, the access to the area of the project, the facilitence of the population, the need to improve the well-being of the population, and the social support of the population, the intervention of the children, the access to the area of the project, the facilitative support of the population, the well-being of the populations, and the social support of the population will be made more easily accessible to the people’s society.They will be better off-of-the-people’s role in the project’s well-functioning and socially supportive areas.They will be able to improve the well-being of the population, and the need to improve the well-being of the population.They will be able to take advantage of the needs of the community, the support of the rural areas, and the provision of the support to the community, the improvement of the skills and support of the welfare of the people.In the context of the promotion of the skills and qualifications of the foster care system in the framework of training, counselling (individence),supervisibility,results from the identified needs, support will be given to persons performing the care system.In addition to the out-of-the-skilly tasks, the remoteness of the population, the access to the area of the project, the facilitation of the area of the project, which will be facilitated by the support of the population in the area of the community, the development of the population will be well-relevant to the population, the population will be able to live in the community, the people living in the area of the project, the support of the people in the community, the protection of the population, the support of the population, the protection of the population, the intervention of the population, the protection of the population, the protection of the population, the need to support the population will be well-suitable to the needs of the population and the social support of the population.They will be able to live out of the conditions of the (Finnish)
26 July 2022
0 references
The aim of the project “Family care — care and education joint preparation for self-employment” is to implement services and support a system of care for replacements. In the framework of which support will be provided to persons from families of alternatives, persons running the RDD, and caregivers.In the framework of the upgrading of competences and qualifications of the staff of the foster care system in the framework of training, counselling (individual), supervising, resulting from diagnosed needs, support will be provided by persons performing the functions of the care system only.They are more likely to be excluded from the social functioning of the population, the participation of persons living in the project, the access to the area concerned by the project, the familial support of the population in the area of the population, the social support of the population will be made more appropriate to the functioning of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the social functioning of the population, the facilitation of the project, the facilitation of the development of the population in the area of the population, the social support of the population will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They will be able to take advantage of the social role of the people in the field of care, the access to the area of the project, and the provision of support to the population in the field of the community. They will be able to benefit from the needs of the people in the field of social security.They are more likely to be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They are more likely to be able to participate in the project, who are inhabitable by the project, and benefit from the support of the community in the context of the development of the poor population, the fact that persons with the social welfare system will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population, the fact that the participation in the project’s well-being, the implementation of the project’s well-being in the area of the development of the population, the need to improve the well-being of the population will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the needs of the population.They are more likely to be able to benefit from the needs of the population.They are more likely to be able to live in the community, to which the population will be able to participate in the project, to facilitate the implementation of the project’s well-being in the context of the development of the population.They will be able to benefit from the well-being of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the functioning of the population, the intervention of the project’s area, the facilitation of the population, the need to improve the skills of the population, and the need to improve the welfare of the population.They will also be more socially dependent on the part of the population, the intervention of the children, the access to the area of the project, the facilitence of the population, the need to improve the well-being of the population, and the social support of the population, the intervention of the children, the access to the area of the project, the facilitative support of the population, the well-being of the populations, and the social support of the population will be made more easily accessible to the people’s society.They will be better off-of-the-people’s role in the project’s well-functioning and socially supportive areas.They will be able to improve the well-being of the population, and the need to improve the well-being of the population.They will be able to take advantage of the needs of the community, the support of the rural areas, and the provision of the support to the community, the improvement of the skills and support of the welfare of the people.In the context of the promotion of the skills and qualifications of the foster care system in the framework of training, counselling (individence),supervisibility,results from the identified needs, support will be given to persons performing the care system.In addition to the out-of-the-skilly tasks, the remoteness of the population, the access to the area of the project, the facilitation of the area of the project, which will be facilitated by the support of the population in the area of the community, the development of the population will be well-relevant to the population, the population will be able to live in the community, the people living in the area of the project, the support of the people in the community, the protection of the population, the support of the population, the protection of the population, the intervention of the population, the protection of the population, the protection of the population, the need to support the population will be well-suitable to the needs of the population and the social support of the population.They will be able to live out of the conditions of the (Slovenian)
26 July 2022
0 references
The aim of the project “Family care — care and education joint preparation for self-employment” is to implement services and support a system of care for replacements. In the framework of which support will be provided to persons from families of alternatives, persons running the RDD, and caregivers.In the framework of the upgrading of competences and qualifications of the staff of the foster care system in the framework of training, counselling (individual), supervising, resulting from diagnosed needs, support will be provided by persons performing the functions of the care system only.They are more likely to be excluded from the social functioning of the population, the participation of persons living in the project, the access to the area concerned by the project, the familial support of the population in the area of the population, the social support of the population will be made more appropriate to the functioning of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the social functioning of the population, the facilitation of the project, the facilitation of the development of the population in the area of the population, the social support of the population will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They will be able to take advantage of the social role of the people in the field of care, the access to the area of the project, and the provision of support to the population in the field of the community. They will be able to benefit from the needs of the people in the field of social security.They are more likely to be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They are more likely to be able to participate in the project, who are inhabitable by the project, and benefit from the support of the community in the context of the development of the poor population, the fact that persons with the social welfare system will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population, the fact that the participation in the project’s well-being, the implementation of the project’s well-being in the area of the development of the population, the need to improve the well-being of the population will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the needs of the population.They are more likely to be able to benefit from the needs of the population.They are more likely to be able to live in the community, to which the population will be able to participate in the project, to facilitate the implementation of the project’s well-being in the context of the development of the population.They will be able to benefit from the well-being of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the functioning of the population, the intervention of the project’s area, the facilitation of the population, the need to improve the skills of the population, and the need to improve the welfare of the population.They will also be more socially dependent on the part of the population, the intervention of the children, the access to the area of the project, the facilitence of the population, the need to improve the well-being of the population, and the social support of the population, the intervention of the children, the access to the area of the project, the facilitative support of the population, the well-being of the populations, and the social support of the population will be made more easily accessible to the people’s society.They will be better off-of-the-people’s role in the project’s well-functioning and socially supportive areas.They will be able to improve the well-being of the population, and the need to improve the well-being of the population.They will be able to take advantage of the needs of the community, the support of the rural areas, and the provision of the support to the community, the improvement of the skills and support of the welfare of the people.In the context of the promotion of the skills and qualifications of the foster care system in the framework of training, counselling (individence),supervisibility,results from the identified needs, support will be given to persons performing the care system.In addition to the out-of-the-skilly tasks, the remoteness of the population, the access to the area of the project, the facilitation of the area of the project, which will be facilitated by the support of the population in the area of the community, the development of the population will be well-relevant to the population, the population will be able to live in the community, the people living in the area of the project, the support of the people in the community, the protection of the population, the support of the population, the protection of the population, the intervention of the population, the protection of the population, the protection of the population, the need to support the population will be well-suitable to the needs of the population and the social support of the population.They will be able to live out of the conditions of the (Czech)
26 July 2022
0 references
The aim of the project “Family care — care and education joint preparation for self-employment” is to implement services and support a system of care for replacements. In the framework of which support will be provided to persons from families of alternatives, persons running the RDD, and caregivers.In the framework of the upgrading of competences and qualifications of the staff of the foster care system in the framework of training, counselling (individual), supervising, resulting from diagnosed needs, support will be provided by persons performing the functions of the care system only.They are more likely to be excluded from the social functioning of the population, the participation of persons living in the project, the access to the area concerned by the project, the familial support of the population in the area of the population, the social support of the population will be made more appropriate to the functioning of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the social functioning of the population, the facilitation of the project, the facilitation of the development of the population in the area of the population, the social support of the population will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They will be able to take advantage of the social role of the people in the field of care, the access to the area of the project, and the provision of support to the population in the field of the community. They will be able to benefit from the needs of the people in the field of social security.They are more likely to be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They are more likely to be able to participate in the project, who are inhabitable by the project, and benefit from the support of the community in the context of the development of the poor population, the fact that persons with the social welfare system will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population, the fact that the participation in the project’s well-being, the implementation of the project’s well-being in the area of the development of the population, the need to improve the well-being of the population will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the needs of the population.They are more likely to be able to benefit from the needs of the population.They are more likely to be able to live in the community, to which the population will be able to participate in the project, to facilitate the implementation of the project’s well-being in the context of the development of the population.They will be able to benefit from the well-being of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the functioning of the population, the intervention of the project’s area, the facilitation of the population, the need to improve the skills of the population, and the need to improve the welfare of the population.They will also be more socially dependent on the part of the population, the intervention of the children, the access to the area of the project, the facilitence of the population, the need to improve the well-being of the population, and the social support of the population, the intervention of the children, the access to the area of the project, the facilitative support of the population, the well-being of the populations, and the social support of the population will be made more easily accessible to the people’s society.They will be better off-of-the-people’s role in the project’s well-functioning and socially supportive areas.They will be able to improve the well-being of the population, and the need to improve the well-being of the population.They will be able to take advantage of the needs of the community, the support of the rural areas, and the provision of the support to the community, the improvement of the skills and support of the welfare of the people.In the context of the promotion of the skills and qualifications of the foster care system in the framework of training, counselling (individence),supervisibility,results from the identified needs, support will be given to persons performing the care system.In addition to the out-of-the-skilly tasks, the remoteness of the population, the access to the area of the project, the facilitation of the area of the project, which will be facilitated by the support of the population in the area of the community, the development of the population will be well-relevant to the population, the population will be able to live in the community, the people living in the area of the project, the support of the people in the community, the protection of the population, the support of the population, the protection of the population, the intervention of the population, the protection of the population, the protection of the population, the need to support the population will be well-suitable to the needs of the population and the social support of the population.They will be able to live out of the conditions of the (Lithuanian)
26 July 2022
0 references
The aim of the project “Family care — care and education joint preparation for self-employment” is to implement services and support a system of care for replacements. In the framework of which support will be provided to persons from families of alternatives, persons running the RDD, and caregivers.In the framework of the upgrading of competences and qualifications of the staff of the foster care system in the framework of training, counselling (individual), supervising, resulting from diagnosed needs, support will be provided by persons performing the functions of the care system only.They are more likely to be excluded from the social functioning of the population, the participation of persons living in the project, the access to the area concerned by the project, the familial support of the population in the area of the population, the social support of the population will be made more appropriate to the functioning of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the social functioning of the population, the facilitation of the project, the facilitation of the development of the population in the area of the population, the social support of the population will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They will be able to take advantage of the social role of the people in the field of care, the access to the area of the project, and the provision of support to the population in the field of the community. They will be able to benefit from the needs of the people in the field of social security.They are more likely to be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They are more likely to be able to participate in the project, who are inhabitable by the project, and benefit from the support of the community in the context of the development of the poor population, the fact that persons with the social welfare system will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population, the fact that the participation in the project’s well-being, the implementation of the project’s well-being in the area of the development of the population, the need to improve the well-being of the population will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the needs of the population.They are more likely to be able to benefit from the needs of the population.They are more likely to be able to live in the community, to which the population will be able to participate in the project, to facilitate the implementation of the project’s well-being in the context of the development of the population.They will be able to benefit from the well-being of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the functioning of the population, the intervention of the project’s area, the facilitation of the population, the need to improve the skills of the population, and the need to improve the welfare of the population.They will also be more socially dependent on the part of the population, the intervention of the children, the access to the area of the project, the facilitence of the population, the need to improve the well-being of the population, and the social support of the population, the intervention of the children, the access to the area of the project, the facilitative support of the population, the well-being of the populations, and the social support of the population will be made more easily accessible to the people’s society.They will be better off-of-the-people’s role in the project’s well-functioning and socially supportive areas.They will be able to improve the well-being of the population, and the need to improve the well-being of the population.They will be able to take advantage of the needs of the community, the support of the rural areas, and the provision of the support to the community, the improvement of the skills and support of the welfare of the people.In the context of the promotion of the skills and qualifications of the foster care system in the framework of training, counselling (individence),supervisibility,results from the identified needs, support will be given to persons performing the care system.In addition to the out-of-the-skilly tasks, the remoteness of the population, the access to the area of the project, the facilitation of the area of the project, which will be facilitated by the support of the population in the area of the community, the development of the population will be well-relevant to the population, the population will be able to live in the community, the people living in the area of the project, the support of the people in the community, the protection of the population, the support of the population, the protection of the population, the intervention of the population, the protection of the population, the protection of the population, the need to support the population will be well-suitable to the needs of the population and the social support of the population.They will be able to live out of the conditions of the (Latvian)
26 July 2022
0 references
The aim of the project “Family care — care and education joint preparation for self-employment” is to implement services and support a system of care for replacements. In the framework of which support will be provided to persons from families of alternatives, persons running the RDD, and caregivers.In the framework of the upgrading of competences and qualifications of the staff of the foster care system in the framework of training, counselling (individual), supervising, resulting from diagnosed needs, support will be provided by persons performing the functions of the care system only.They are more likely to be excluded from the social functioning of the population, the participation of persons living in the project, the access to the area concerned by the project, the familial support of the population in the area of the population, the social support of the population will be made more appropriate to the functioning of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the social functioning of the population, the facilitation of the project, the facilitation of the development of the population in the area of the population, the social support of the population will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They will be able to take advantage of the social role of the people in the field of care, the access to the area of the project, and the provision of support to the population in the field of the community. They will be able to benefit from the needs of the people in the field of social security.They are more likely to be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They are more likely to be able to participate in the project, who are inhabitable by the project, and benefit from the support of the community in the context of the development of the poor population, the fact that persons with the social welfare system will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population, the fact that the participation in the project’s well-being, the implementation of the project’s well-being in the area of the development of the population, the need to improve the well-being of the population will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the needs of the population.They are more likely to be able to benefit from the needs of the population.They are more likely to be able to live in the community, to which the population will be able to participate in the project, to facilitate the implementation of the project’s well-being in the context of the development of the population.They will be able to benefit from the well-being of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the functioning of the population, the intervention of the project’s area, the facilitation of the population, the need to improve the skills of the population, and the need to improve the welfare of the population.They will also be more socially dependent on the part of the population, the intervention of the children, the access to the area of the project, the facilitence of the population, the need to improve the well-being of the population, and the social support of the population, the intervention of the children, the access to the area of the project, the facilitative support of the population, the well-being of the populations, and the social support of the population will be made more easily accessible to the people’s society.They will be better off-of-the-people’s role in the project’s well-functioning and socially supportive areas.They will be able to improve the well-being of the population, and the need to improve the well-being of the population.They will be able to take advantage of the needs of the community, the support of the rural areas, and the provision of the support to the community, the improvement of the skills and support of the welfare of the people.In the context of the promotion of the skills and qualifications of the foster care system in the framework of training, counselling (individence),supervisibility,results from the identified needs, support will be given to persons performing the care system.In addition to the out-of-the-skilly tasks, the remoteness of the population, the access to the area of the project, the facilitation of the area of the project, which will be facilitated by the support of the population in the area of the community, the development of the population will be well-relevant to the population, the population will be able to live in the community, the people living in the area of the project, the support of the people in the community, the protection of the population, the support of the population, the protection of the population, the intervention of the population, the protection of the population, the protection of the population, the need to support the population will be well-suitable to the needs of the population and the social support of the population.They will be able to live out of the conditions of the (Bulgarian)
26 July 2022
0 references
The aim of the project “Family care — care and education joint preparation for self-employment” is to implement services and support a system of care for replacements. In the framework of which support will be provided to persons from families of alternatives, persons running the RDD, and caregivers.In the framework of the upgrading of competences and qualifications of the staff of the foster care system in the framework of training, counselling (individual), supervising, resulting from diagnosed needs, support will be provided by persons performing the functions of the care system only.They are more likely to be excluded from the social functioning of the population, the participation of persons living in the project, the access to the area concerned by the project, the familial support of the population in the area of the population, the social support of the population will be made more appropriate to the functioning of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the social functioning of the population, the facilitation of the project, the facilitation of the development of the population in the area of the population, the social support of the population will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They will be able to take advantage of the social role of the people in the field of care, the access to the area of the project, and the provision of support to the population in the field of the community. They will be able to benefit from the needs of the people in the field of social security.They are more likely to be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They are more likely to be able to participate in the project, who are inhabitable by the project, and benefit from the support of the community in the context of the development of the poor population, the fact that persons with the social welfare system will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population, the fact that the participation in the project’s well-being, the implementation of the project’s well-being in the area of the development of the population, the need to improve the well-being of the population will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the needs of the population.They are more likely to be able to benefit from the needs of the population.They are more likely to be able to live in the community, to which the population will be able to participate in the project, to facilitate the implementation of the project’s well-being in the context of the development of the population.They will be able to benefit from the well-being of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the functioning of the population, the intervention of the project’s area, the facilitation of the population, the need to improve the skills of the population, and the need to improve the welfare of the population.They will also be more socially dependent on the part of the population, the intervention of the children, the access to the area of the project, the facilitence of the population, the need to improve the well-being of the population, and the social support of the population, the intervention of the children, the access to the area of the project, the facilitative support of the population, the well-being of the populations, and the social support of the population will be made more easily accessible to the people’s society.They will be better off-of-the-people’s role in the project’s well-functioning and socially supportive areas.They will be able to improve the well-being of the population, and the need to improve the well-being of the population.They will be able to take advantage of the needs of the community, the support of the rural areas, and the provision of the support to the community, the improvement of the skills and support of the welfare of the people.In the context of the promotion of the skills and qualifications of the foster care system in the framework of training, counselling (individence),supervisibility,results from the identified needs, support will be given to persons performing the care system.In addition to the out-of-the-skilly tasks, the remoteness of the population, the access to the area of the project, the facilitation of the area of the project, which will be facilitated by the support of the population in the area of the community, the development of the population will be well-relevant to the population, the population will be able to live in the community, the people living in the area of the project, the support of the people in the community, the protection of the population, the support of the population, the protection of the population, the intervention of the population, the protection of the population, the protection of the population, the need to support the population will be well-suitable to the needs of the population and the social support of the population.They will be able to live out of the conditions of the (Hungarian)
26 July 2022
0 references
The aim of the project “Family care — care and education joint preparation for self-employment” is to implement services and support a system of care for replacements. In the framework of which support will be provided to persons from families of alternatives, persons running the RDD, and caregivers.In the framework of the upgrading of competences and qualifications of the staff of the foster care system in the framework of training, counselling (individual), supervising, resulting from diagnosed needs, support will be provided by persons performing the functions of the care system only.They are more likely to be excluded from the social functioning of the population, the participation of persons living in the project, the access to the area concerned by the project, the familial support of the population in the area of the population, the social support of the population will be made more appropriate to the functioning of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the social functioning of the population, the facilitation of the project, the facilitation of the development of the population in the area of the population, the social support of the population will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They will be able to take advantage of the social role of the people in the field of care, the access to the area of the project, and the provision of support to the population in the field of the community. They will be able to benefit from the needs of the people in the field of social security.They are more likely to be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They are more likely to be able to participate in the project, who are inhabitable by the project, and benefit from the support of the community in the context of the development of the poor population, the fact that persons with the social welfare system will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population, the fact that the participation in the project’s well-being, the implementation of the project’s well-being in the area of the development of the population, the need to improve the well-being of the population will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the needs of the population.They are more likely to be able to benefit from the needs of the population.They are more likely to be able to live in the community, to which the population will be able to participate in the project, to facilitate the implementation of the project’s well-being in the context of the development of the population.They will be able to benefit from the well-being of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the functioning of the population, the intervention of the project’s area, the facilitation of the population, the need to improve the skills of the population, and the need to improve the welfare of the population.They will also be more socially dependent on the part of the population, the intervention of the children, the access to the area of the project, the facilitence of the population, the need to improve the well-being of the population, and the social support of the population, the intervention of the children, the access to the area of the project, the facilitative support of the population, the well-being of the populations, and the social support of the population will be made more easily accessible to the people’s society.They will be better off-of-the-people’s role in the project’s well-functioning and socially supportive areas.They will be able to improve the well-being of the population, and the need to improve the well-being of the population.They will be able to take advantage of the needs of the community, the support of the rural areas, and the provision of the support to the community, the improvement of the skills and support of the welfare of the people.In the context of the promotion of the skills and qualifications of the foster care system in the framework of training, counselling (individence),supervisibility,results from the identified needs, support will be given to persons performing the care system.In addition to the out-of-the-skilly tasks, the remoteness of the population, the access to the area of the project, the facilitation of the area of the project, which will be facilitated by the support of the population in the area of the community, the development of the population will be well-relevant to the population, the population will be able to live in the community, the people living in the area of the project, the support of the people in the community, the protection of the population, the support of the population, the protection of the population, the intervention of the population, the protection of the population, the protection of the population, the need to support the population will be well-suitable to the needs of the population and the social support of the population.They will be able to live out of the conditions of the (Irish)
26 July 2022
0 references
The aim of the project “Family care — care and education joint preparation for self-employment” is to implement services and support a system of care for replacements. In the framework of which support will be provided to persons from families of alternatives, persons running the RDD, and caregivers.In the framework of the upgrading of competences and qualifications of the staff of the foster care system in the framework of training, counselling (individual), supervising, resulting from diagnosed needs, support will be provided by persons performing the functions of the care system only.They are more likely to be excluded from the social functioning of the population, the participation of persons living in the project, the access to the area concerned by the project, the familial support of the population in the area of the population, the social support of the population will be made more appropriate to the functioning of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the social functioning of the population, the facilitation of the project, the facilitation of the development of the population in the area of the population, the social support of the population will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They will be able to take advantage of the social role of the people in the field of care, the access to the area of the project, and the provision of support to the population in the field of the community. They will be able to benefit from the needs of the people in the field of social security.They are more likely to be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They are more likely to be able to participate in the project, who are inhabitable by the project, and benefit from the support of the community in the context of the development of the poor population, the fact that persons with the social welfare system will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population, the fact that the participation in the project’s well-being, the implementation of the project’s well-being in the area of the development of the population, the need to improve the well-being of the population will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the needs of the population.They are more likely to be able to benefit from the needs of the population.They are more likely to be able to live in the community, to which the population will be able to participate in the project, to facilitate the implementation of the project’s well-being in the context of the development of the population.They will be able to benefit from the well-being of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the functioning of the population, the intervention of the project’s area, the facilitation of the population, the need to improve the skills of the population, and the need to improve the welfare of the population.They will also be more socially dependent on the part of the population, the intervention of the children, the access to the area of the project, the facilitence of the population, the need to improve the well-being of the population, and the social support of the population, the intervention of the children, the access to the area of the project, the facilitative support of the population, the well-being of the populations, and the social support of the population will be made more easily accessible to the people’s society.They will be better off-of-the-people’s role in the project’s well-functioning and socially supportive areas.They will be able to improve the well-being of the population, and the need to improve the well-being of the population.They will be able to take advantage of the needs of the community, the support of the rural areas, and the provision of the support to the community, the improvement of the skills and support of the welfare of the people.In the context of the promotion of the skills and qualifications of the foster care system in the framework of training, counselling (individence),supervisibility,results from the identified needs, support will be given to persons performing the care system.In addition to the out-of-the-skilly tasks, the remoteness of the population, the access to the area of the project, the facilitation of the area of the project, which will be facilitated by the support of the population in the area of the community, the development of the population will be well-relevant to the population, the population will be able to live in the community, the people living in the area of the project, the support of the people in the community, the protection of the population, the support of the population, the protection of the population, the intervention of the population, the protection of the population, the protection of the population, the need to support the population will be well-suitable to the needs of the population and the social support of the population.They will be able to live out of the conditions of the (Swedish)
26 July 2022
0 references
The aim of the project “Family care — care and education joint preparation for self-employment” is to implement services and support a system of care for replacements. In the framework of which support will be provided to persons from families of alternatives, persons running the RDD, and caregivers.In the framework of the upgrading of competences and qualifications of the staff of the foster care system in the framework of training, counselling (individual), supervising, resulting from diagnosed needs, support will be provided by persons performing the functions of the care system only.They are more likely to be excluded from the social functioning of the population, the participation of persons living in the project, the access to the area concerned by the project, the familial support of the population in the area of the population, the social support of the population will be made more appropriate to the functioning of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the social functioning of the population, the facilitation of the project, the facilitation of the development of the population in the area of the population, the social support of the population will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They will be able to take advantage of the social role of the people in the field of care, the access to the area of the project, and the provision of support to the population in the field of the community. They will be able to benefit from the needs of the people in the field of social security.They are more likely to be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They are more likely to be able to participate in the project, who are inhabitable by the project, and benefit from the support of the community in the context of the development of the poor population, the fact that persons with the social welfare system will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population, the fact that the participation in the project’s well-being, the implementation of the project’s well-being in the area of the development of the population, the need to improve the well-being of the population will be able to benefit from the welfare of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the needs of the population.They are more likely to be able to benefit from the needs of the population.They are more likely to be able to live in the community, to which the population will be able to participate in the project, to facilitate the implementation of the project’s well-being in the context of the development of the population.They will be able to benefit from the well-being of the population.They are more likely to benefit from the functioning of the population, the intervention of the project’s area, the facilitation of the population, the need to improve the skills of the population, and the need to improve the welfare of the population.They will also be more socially dependent on the part of the population, the intervention of the children, the access to the area of the project, the facilitence of the population, the need to improve the well-being of the population, and the social support of the population, the intervention of the children, the access to the area of the project, the facilitative support of the population, the well-being of the populations, and the social support of the population will be made more easily accessible to the people’s society.They will be better off-of-the-people’s role in the project’s well-functioning and socially supportive areas.They will be able to improve the well-being of the population, and the need to improve the well-being of the population.They will be able to take advantage of the needs of the community, the support of the rural areas, and the provision of the support to the community, the improvement of the skills and support of the welfare of the people.In the context of the promotion of the skills and qualifications of the foster care system in the framework of training, counselling (individence),supervisibility,results from the identified needs, support will be given to persons performing the care system.In addition to the out-of-the-skilly tasks, the remoteness of the population, the access to the area of the project, the facilitation of the area of the project, which will be facilitated by the support of the population in the area of the community, the development of the population will be well-relevant to the population, the population will be able to live in the community, the people living in the area of the project, the support of the people in the community, the protection of the population, the support of the population, the protection of the population, the intervention of the population, the protection of the population, the protection of the population, the need to support the population will be well-suitable to the needs of the population and the social support of the population.They will be able to live out of the conditions of the (Estonian)
26 July 2022
0 references
WOJ.: DOLNOŚLĄSKIE, POW.: strzeliński
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13 December 2023
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