Expansion of the School and Preschool Complex in Długołęka – stage II and III (2014-2018) (Q96421)

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Project Q96421 in Poland
Language Label Description Also known as
Expansion of the School and Preschool Complex in Długołęka – stage II and III (2014-2018)
Project Q96421 in Poland


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    1,201,502.06 zloty
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    267,093.91 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    2,184,549.23 zloty
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    485,625.29 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    55.0 percent
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    7 August 2015
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    3 December 2018
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    51°2'35.23"N, 16°52'23.09"E
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    Projekt pn. Rozbudowa Zespołu Szkolno-Przedszkolnego w Długołęce - etap II i III (2014-2018) realizowany jest w Gminie Długołęka i dotyczy jej jednostki organizacyjnej. Projekt pn. Rozbudowa Zespołu Szkolno-Przedszkolnego w Długołęce - etap II i III (2014-2018)realizowany jest w Gminie Długołęka i dotyczy jej jednostki organizacyjnej.Przewidywane lata realizacji to 2014-2018. Przedsięwzięcie jest częścią szerszego planu inwestycyjnego, którego długofalowym celem jest podniesienie jakości edukacji na terenie Gminy Długołęka.W ramach niniejszej inwestycji planuje się przeprowadzenie następujących działań:1. rozbudowa budynku Zespołu Szkolno-Przedszkolnego o skrzydło dydaktyczne (Etap II w trakcie realizacji)2. przebudowa budynku Zespołu Szkolno-Przedszkolnego oraz budowa łącznika z budynkiemprzedszkola3. wyposażenie sal lekcyjnych nauczania początkowego (klasy I-III) oraz pracowni tematycznych:matematycznej, przyrodniczej i komputerowej4. promocja projektu.Zgodnie z wymogami prawa budowlanego, w procesie budowlanym uczestniczyć będzie i nspektor nadzoru, który czuwać będzie nad prawidłowością przebiegu procesu inwestycyjnego.Realizatorem głównym przedsięwzięcia będzie Gmina Długołęka, natomiast w przypadku zadania obejmującego zakup wyposażenia, podmiotem pełniącym rolę realizatora będzie Zespół Szkolno -Przedszkolny w Długołęce.Wnioskodawca częściowo przeprowadził (roboty budowlane i nadzór inwestorski dla etapu II) i planuje przeprowadzić w kolejnych etapach szereg postępowań na wyłonienie wykonawców inwestycji, w tym robót budowlanych, dostaw wyposażenia, usługi w postaci nadzoru inwestorskiego,dostawy artykułów promocyjnych.Wnioskodawca posiada zdolność finansową do realizacji przedsięwzięcia w założonym zakresie.Przedsięwzięcie będzie realizowane ze środków własnych, nie przewiduje się finansowania z kredytu.W przypadku otrzymania decyzji o dofinansowaniu, środki uzyskane z refundacji już realizowanego etapu II zostaną przeznaczone na pokrycie kosztów kolejnych (Polish)
    0 references
    Project Mon. The expansion of the School and Preschool Complex in Długołęka – stages II and III (2014-2018) is carried out in the Długołęka commune and concerns its organizational unit. Project Mon. The expansion of the School and Preschool Complex in Długołęka – stage II and III (2014-2018) is carried out in the Długołęka commune and concerns its organizational unit.The projected years of implementation are 2014-2018. In the course of this investment, it is planned to carry out the following activities:1. the extension of the building of the school-pre-school team with a teaching wing (Stage II during the implementation)2. reconstruction of the building of the School-pre-school project will be carried out in order to carry out the completion of the commission and the construction of a liaison with the supervision of the preschool establishment3. (English)
    15 October 2020
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    Le projet de B.C. L’extension du complexe école-école à Długołęka — phases II et III (2014-2018) est réalisée dans la municipalité de Długołęka et concerne son unité organisationnelle. Le projet de B.C. L’extension de l’équipe scolaire et préscolaire à Długołęka — phases II et III (2014-2018) est mise en œuvre dans la municipalité de Długołęka et concerne son unité organisationnelle. The project is part of a broader investment plan, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołęka.In the framework of this investment, it is planned to carry out the following activities:1. the extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team with a teaching wing (Phase II in the course of implementation)2. Reconstruction of the building building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a liaison with the building building3. equipping classrooms of the initial teaching (classes I-III) and refurbishment of the following works will be carried out on the basis of the construction works, the operator has the supervision of the building equipment.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the main project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be the main part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the construction works will be carried out in the case of the construction works, the project will be implemented in accordance with the requirements of the building law, the implementation of the project will be part of the project’s part of the project, which will be part of the scope of the project’s financing, the long-term objective of the project is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołęka.The project is planned to carry out the following activities as part of this investment project: 1. The extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a link with the building building3. equipping classroom classrooms (classes I-III) and the refurbishment of the works will be carried out by means of the construction works, the management of the equipment of the project.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the building will be carried out by the project, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in the Długołęka Municipality will be part of the project’s part of the project, the following activities are planned within the scope of this investment project: 1. The extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a link to the building building3. The school halls will be equipped with the initial education (class I-III) and the workstation will be financed by the company’s own resources, the development of the project’s equipment is carried out.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the building will be carried out in the construction phase, the implementation of the building will be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be implemented, the project will be implemented as part of the project’s development plan, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in Długołęka Municipality.The project is planned to carry out the following activities: 1. The extension of the building complex building building and the preschool wing with the teaching wing (Statap II in the course of implementation)2. Reconstruction of the building building of the School and Pre-school Team building and construction of a liaison with the building building3. The school hall will be equipped with the initial decisions (classes I-III) and the construction of the building’s own resources will be implemented in the construction phase, the development of the equipment of the project.In accordance with the requirements of the building law, the implementation of the project will be a part of the project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be part of the project’s development plan, the long-term goal is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołękasia.The following activities are planned under this investment project: 1. The extension of the School and Preschool Complex building building and the construction of the teaching wing with the school wing (Phase II during implementat (French)
    1 December 2021
    0 references
    Das Projekt von B.C. Die Erweiterung des Schul-Vorschul-Komplexes in Długołęka – Etappen II und III (2014-2018) erfolgt in der Gemeinde Długołęka und betrifft seine Organisationseinheit. Das Projekt von B.C. Die Erweiterung des Schul- und Vorschulteams in Długołęka – Phasen II und III (2014-2018) wird in der Gemeinde Długołęka umgesetzt und betrifft ihre Organisationseinheit.Die erwarteten Jahre der Umsetzung sind 2014-2018. The project is part of a broader investment plan, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołęka.In the framework of this investment, it is planned to carry out the following activities:1. the extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team with a teaching wing (Phase II in the course of implementation)2. Reconstruction of the building building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a liaison with the building building3. equipping classrooms of the initial teaching (classes I-III) and refurbishment of the following works will be carried out on the basis of the construction works, the operator has the supervision of the building equipment.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the main project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be the main part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the construction works will be carried out in the case of the construction works, the project will be implemented in accordance with the requirements of the building law, the implementation of the project will be part of the project’s part of the project, which will be part of the scope of the project’s financing, the long-term objective of the project is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołęka.The project is planned to carry out the following activities as part of this investment project: 1. The extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a link with the building building3. equipping classroom classrooms (classes I-III) and the refurbishment of the works will be carried out by means of the construction works, the management of the equipment of the project.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the building will be carried out by the project, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in the Długołęka Municipality will be part of the project’s part of the project, the following activities are planned within the scope of this investment project: 1. The extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a link to the building building3. The school halls will be equipped with the initial education (class I-III) and the workstation will be financed by the company’s own resources, the development of the project’s equipment is carried out.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the building will be carried out in the construction phase, the implementation of the building will be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be implemented, the project will be implemented as part of the project’s development plan, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in Długołęka Municipality.The project is planned to carry out the following activities: 1. The extension of the building complex building building and the preschool wing with the teaching wing (Statap II in the course of implementation)2. Reconstruction of the building building of the School and Pre-school Team building and construction of a liaison with the building building3. The school hall will be equipped with the initial decisions (classes I-III) and the construction of the building’s own resources will be implemented in the construction phase, the development of the equipment of the project.In accordance with the requirements of the building law, the implementation of the project will be a part of the project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be part of the project’s development plan, the long-term goal is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołękasia.The following activities are planned under this investment project: 1. The extension of the School and Preschool Complex building building and the construction of the teaching wing with th (German)
    7 December 2021
    0 references
    Het project van B.C. De uitbreiding van het school-voorschoolcomplex in Długołęka — fase II en III (2014-2018) wordt uitgevoerd in de gemeente Długołęka en betreft de organisatie-eenheid. Het project van B.C. De uitbreiding van het school- en kleuterteam in Długołęka — fasen II en III (2014-2018) wordt uitgevoerd in de gemeente Długołęka en betreft de organisatie-eenheid.De verwachte uitvoeringsjaren zijn 2014-2018. The project is part of a broader investment plan, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołęka.In the framework of this investment, it is planned to carry out the following activities:1. the extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team with a teaching wing (Phase II in the course of implementation)2. Reconstruction of the building building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a liaison with the building building3. equipping classrooms of the initial teaching (classes I-III) and refurbishment of the following works will be carried out on the basis of the construction works, the operator has the supervision of the building equipment.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the main project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be the main part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the construction works will be carried out in the case of the construction works, the project will be implemented in accordance with the requirements of the building law, the implementation of the project will be part of the project’s part of the project, which will be part of the scope of the project’s financing, the long-term objective of the project is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołęka.The project is planned to carry out the following activities as part of this investment project: 1. The extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a link with the building building3. equipping classroom classrooms (classes I-III) and the refurbishment of the works will be carried out by means of the construction works, the management of the equipment of the project.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the building will be carried out by the project, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in the Długołęka Municipality will be part of the project’s part of the project, the following activities are planned within the scope of this investment project: 1. The extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a link to the building building3. The school halls will be equipped with the initial education (class I-III) and the workstation will be financed by the company’s own resources, the development of the project’s equipment is carried out.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the building will be carried out in the construction phase, the implementation of the building will be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be implemented, the project will be implemented as part of the project’s development plan, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in Długołęka Municipality.The project is planned to carry out the following activities: 1. The extension of the building complex building building and the preschool wing with the teaching wing (Statap II in the course of implementation)2. Reconstruction of the building building of the School and Pre-school Team building and construction of a liaison with the building building3. The school hall will be equipped with the initial decisions (classes I-III) and the construction of the building’s own resources will be implemented in the construction phase, the development of the equipment of the project.In accordance with the requirements of the building law, the implementation of the project will be a part of the project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be part of the project’s development plan, the long-term goal is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołękasia.The following activities are planned under this investment project: 1. The extension of the School and Preschool Complex building building and the construction of the teaching wing with the school (Dutch)
    16 December 2021
    0 references
    Il progetto di B.C. L'ampliamento del Complesso Scuola-Prescolare di Długołęka — fasi II e III (2014-2018) è effettuato nel comune di Długołęka e riguarda la sua unità organizzativa. Il progetto di B.C. L'ampliamento del gruppo scolastico e prescolare a Długołęka — fasi II e III (2014-2018) è attuato nel comune di Długołęka e riguarda la sua unità organizzativa. The project is part of a broader investment plan, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołęka.In the framework of this investment, it is planned to carry out the following activities:1. the extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team with a teaching wing (Phase II in the course of implementation)2. Reconstruction of the building building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a liaison with the building building3. equipping classrooms of the initial teaching (classes I-III) and refurbishment of the following works will be carried out on the basis of the construction works, the operator has the supervision of the building equipment.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the main project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be the main part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the construction works will be carried out in the case of the construction works, the project will be implemented in accordance with the requirements of the building law, the implementation of the project will be part of the project’s part of the project, which will be part of the scope of the project’s financing, the long-term objective of the project is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołęka.The project is planned to carry out the following activities as part of this investment project: 1. The extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a link with the building building3. equipping classroom classrooms (classes I-III) and the refurbishment of the works will be carried out by means of the construction works, the management of the equipment of the project.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the building will be carried out by the project, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in the Długołęka Municipality will be part of the project’s part of the project, the following activities are planned within the scope of this investment project: 1. The extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a link to the building building3. The school halls will be equipped with the initial education (class I-III) and the workstation will be financed by the company’s own resources, the development of the project’s equipment is carried out.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the building will be carried out in the construction phase, the implementation of the building will be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be implemented, the project will be implemented as part of the project’s development plan, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in Długołęka Municipality.The project is planned to carry out the following activities: 1. The extension of the building complex building building and the preschool wing with the teaching wing (Statap II in the course of implementation)2. Reconstruction of the building building of the School and Pre-school Team building and construction of a liaison with the building building3. The school hall will be equipped with the initial decisions (classes I-III) and the construction of the building’s own resources will be implemented in the construction phase, the development of the equipment of the project.In accordance with the requirements of the building law, the implementation of the project will be a part of the project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be part of the project’s development plan, the long-term goal is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołękasia.The following activities are planned under this investment project: 1. The extension of the School and Preschool Complex building building and the construction of the teaching wing with the school wing (Phase II during implementation)2. Reconstruction (Italian)
    16 January 2022
    0 references
    El proyecto de B.C. La ampliación del Complejo Escolar-Preescolar en Długołęka — etapas II y III (2014-2018) se lleva a cabo en el municipio de Długołęka y se refiere a su unidad organizativa. El proyecto de B.C. La ampliación del Equipo Escolar y Preescolar en Długołęka — fases II y III (2014-2018) se lleva a cabo en el municipio de Długołęka y se refiere a su unidad organizativa.Los años previstos de implementación son 2014-2018. The project is part of a broader investment plan, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołęka.In the framework of this investment, it is planned to carry out the following activities:1. the extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team with a teaching wing (Phase II in the course of implementation)2. Reconstruction of the building building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a liaison with the building building3. equipping classrooms of the initial teaching (classes I-III) and refurbishment of the following works will be carried out on the basis of the construction works, the operator has the supervision of the building equipment.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the main project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be the main part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the construction works will be carried out in the case of the construction works, the project will be implemented in accordance with the requirements of the building law, the implementation of the project will be part of the project’s part of the project, which will be part of the scope of the project’s financing, the long-term objective of the project is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołęka.The project is planned to carry out the following activities as part of this investment project: 1. The extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a link with the building building3. equipping classroom classrooms (classes I-III) and the refurbishment of the works will be carried out by means of the construction works, the management of the equipment of the project.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the building will be carried out by the project, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in the Długołęka Municipality will be part of the project’s part of the project, the following activities are planned within the scope of this investment project: 1. The extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a link to the building building3. The school halls will be equipped with the initial education (class I-III) and the workstation will be financed by the company’s own resources, the development of the project’s equipment is carried out.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the building will be carried out in the construction phase, the implementation of the building will be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be implemented, the project will be implemented as part of the project’s development plan, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in Długołęka Municipality.The project is planned to carry out the following activities: 1. The extension of the building complex building building and the preschool wing with the teaching wing (Statap II in the course of implementation)2. Reconstruction of the building building of the School and Pre-school Team building and construction of a liaison with the building building3. The school hall will be equipped with the initial decisions (classes I-III) and the construction of the building’s own resources will be implemented in the construction phase, the development of the equipment of the project.In accordance with the requirements of the building law, the implementation of the project will be a part of the project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be part of the project’s development plan, the long-term goal is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołękasia.The following activities are planned under this investment project: 1. The extension of the School and Preschool Complex building building and the construction of the teaching wing (Spanish)
    20 January 2022
    0 references
    Projektet af B.C. Udvidelsen af skole-gymnasiet i Długołęka — fase II og III (2014-2018) gennemføres i kommunen Długołęka og vedrører dens organisatoriske enhed. Projektet af B.C. Udvidelsen af skole- og førskoleteamet i Długołęka — fase II og III (2014-2018) gennemføres i kommunen Długołęka og vedrører dens organisatoriske enhed.De forventede gennemførelsesår er 2014-2018. The project is part of a broader investment plan, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołęka.In the framework of this investment, it is planned to carry out the following activities:1. the extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team with a teaching wing (Phase II in the course of implementation)2. Reconstruction of the building building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a liaison with the building building3. equipping classrooms of the initial teaching (classes I-III) and refurbishment of the following works will be carried out on the basis of the construction works, the operator has the supervision of the building equipment.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the main project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be the main part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the construction works will be carried out in the case of the construction works, the project will be implemented in accordance with the requirements of the building law, the implementation of the project will be part of the project’s part of the project, which will be part of the scope of the project’s financing, the long-term objective of the project is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołęka.The project is planned to carry out the following activities as part of this investment project: 1. The extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a link with the building building3. equipping classroom classrooms (classes I-III) and the refurbishment of the works will be carried out by means of the construction works, the management of the equipment of the project.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the building will be carried out by the project, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in the Długołęka Municipality will be part of the project’s part of the project, the following activities are planned within the scope of this investment project: 1. The extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a link to the building building3. The school halls will be equipped with the initial education (class I-III) and the workstation will be financed by the company’s own resources, the development of the project’s equipment is carried out.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the building will be carried out in the construction phase, the implementation of the building will be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be implemented, the project will be implemented as part of the project’s development plan, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in Długołęka Municipality.The project is planned to carry out the following activities: 1. The extension of the building complex building building and the preschool wing with the teaching wing (Statap II in the course of implementation)2. Reconstruction of the building building of the School and Pre-school Team building and construction of a liaison with the building building3. The school hall will be equipped with the initial decisions (classes I-III) and the construction of the building’s own resources will be implemented in the construction phase, the development of the equipment of the project.In accordance with the requirements of the building law, the implementation of the project will be a part of the project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be part of the project’s development plan, the long-term goal is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołękasia.The following activities are planned under this investment project: 1. The extension of the School and Preschool Complex building building and the construction of the teaching wing with the school wing (Phase II during implementation)2. Rec (Danish)
    26 July 2022
    0 references
    Το έργο του B.C. Η επέκταση του σχολικού-προσχολικού συμπλέγματος στην Długołęka — στάδια II και III (2014-2018) πραγματοποιείται στον δήμο Długołęka και αφορά την οργανωτική του μονάδα. Το έργο του B.C. Η επέκταση της σχολικής και προσχολικής ομάδας στην Długołęka — φάσεις II και III (2014-2018) υλοποιείται στον δήμο Długołęka και αφορά την οργανωτική του μονάδα.Τα αναμενόμενα έτη εφαρμογής είναι το 2014-2018. The project is part of a broader investment plan, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołęka.In the framework of this investment, it is planned to carry out the following activities:1. the extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team with a teaching wing (Phase II in the course of implementation)2. Reconstruction of the building building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a liaison with the building building3. equipping classrooms of the initial teaching (classes I-III) and refurbishment of the following works will be carried out on the basis of the construction works, the operator has the supervision of the building equipment.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the main project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be the main part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the construction works will be carried out in the case of the construction works, the project will be implemented in accordance with the requirements of the building law, the implementation of the project will be part of the project’s part of the project, which will be part of the scope of the project’s financing, the long-term objective of the project is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołęka.The project is planned to carry out the following activities as part of this investment project: 1. The extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a link with the building building3. equipping classroom classrooms (classes I-III) and the refurbishment of the works will be carried out by means of the construction works, the management of the equipment of the project.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the building will be carried out by the project, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in the Długołęka Municipality will be part of the project’s part of the project, the following activities are planned within the scope of this investment project: 1. The extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a link to the building building3. The school halls will be equipped with the initial education (class I-III) and the workstation will be financed by the company’s own resources, the development of the project’s equipment is carried out.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the building will be carried out in the construction phase, the implementation of the building will be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be implemented, the project will be implemented as part of the project’s development plan, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in Długołęka Municipality.The project is planned to carry out the following activities: 1. The extension of the building complex building building and the preschool wing with the teaching wing (Statap II in the course of implementation)2. Reconstruction of the building building of the School and Pre-school Team building and construction of a liaison with the building building3. The school hall will be equipped with the initial decisions (classes I-III) and the construction of the building’s own resources will be implemented in the construction phase, the development of the equipment of the project.In accordance with the requirements of the building law, the implementation of the project will be a part of the project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be part of the project’s development plan, the long-term goal is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołękasia.The following activities are planned under this investment project: 1. The extension of the School and Preschool Complex building building and the construction of the teaching wing with the school wing (Greek)
    26 July 2022
    0 references
    Projekt B.C. Proširenje školsko-predškolskog kompleksa u Długołęki – faze II. i III. (2014. – 2018.) provodi se u općini Długołęka i odnosi se na njezinu organizacijsku jedinicu. Projekt B.C. Proširenje školskog i predškolskog tima u Długołęki – faze II i III (2014. – 2018.) provodi se u općini Długołęka i odnosi se na njezinu organizacijsku jedinicu.Očekivane godine provedbe su 2014. – 2018. The project is part of a broader investment plan, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołęka.In the framework of this investment, it is planned to carry out the following activities:1. the extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team with a teaching wing (Phase II in the course of implementation)2. Reconstruction of the building building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a liaison with the building building3. equipping classrooms of the initial teaching (classes I-III) and refurbishment of the following works will be carried out on the basis of the construction works, the operator has the supervision of the building equipment.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the main project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be the main part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the construction works will be carried out in the case of the construction works, the project will be implemented in accordance with the requirements of the building law, the implementation of the project will be part of the project’s part of the project, which will be part of the scope of the project’s financing, the long-term objective of the project is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołęka.The project is planned to carry out the following activities as part of this investment project: 1. The extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a link with the building building3. equipping classroom classrooms (classes I-III) and the refurbishment of the works will be carried out by means of the construction works, the management of the equipment of the project.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the building will be carried out by the project, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in the Długołęka Municipality will be part of the project’s part of the project, the following activities are planned within the scope of this investment project: 1. The extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a link to the building building3. The school halls will be equipped with the initial education (class I-III) and the workstation will be financed by the company’s own resources, the development of the project’s equipment is carried out.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the building will be carried out in the construction phase, the implementation of the building will be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be implemented, the project will be implemented as part of the project’s development plan, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in Długołęka Municipality.The project is planned to carry out the following activities: 1. The extension of the building complex building building and the preschool wing with the teaching wing (Statap II in the course of implementation)2. Reconstruction of the building building of the School and Pre-school Team building and construction of a liaison with the building building3. The school hall will be equipped with the initial decisions (classes I-III) and the construction of the building’s own resources will be implemented in the construction phase, the development of the equipment of the project.In accordance with the requirements of the building law, the implementation of the project will be a part of the project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be part of the project’s development plan, the long-term goal is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołękasia.The following activities are planned under this investment project: 1. The extension of the School and Preschool Complex building building and the construction of the teaching wing with the school wing (Phase II during im (Croatian)
    26 July 2022
    0 references
    Proiectul lui B.C. Extinderea Complexului Școlar-Preșcolar din Długołęka – etapele II și III (2014-2018) se desfășoară în municipiul Długołęka și se referă la unitatea sa organizatorică. Proiectul lui B.C. Extinderea echipei școlare și preșcolare din Długołęka – fazele II și III (2014-2018) este implementată în municipalitatea Długołęka și se referă la unitatea sa organizatorică. The project is part of a broader investment plan, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołęka.In the framework of this investment, it is planned to carry out the following activities:1. the extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team with a teaching wing (Phase II in the course of implementation)2. Reconstruction of the building building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a liaison with the building building3. equipping classrooms of the initial teaching (classes I-III) and refurbishment of the following works will be carried out on the basis of the construction works, the operator has the supervision of the building equipment.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the main project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be the main part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the construction works will be carried out in the case of the construction works, the project will be implemented in accordance with the requirements of the building law, the implementation of the project will be part of the project’s part of the project, which will be part of the scope of the project’s financing, the long-term objective of the project is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołęka.The project is planned to carry out the following activities as part of this investment project: 1. The extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a link with the building building3. equipping classroom classrooms (classes I-III) and the refurbishment of the works will be carried out by means of the construction works, the management of the equipment of the project.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the building will be carried out by the project, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in the Długołęka Municipality will be part of the project’s part of the project, the following activities are planned within the scope of this investment project: 1. The extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a link to the building building3. The school halls will be equipped with the initial education (class I-III) and the workstation will be financed by the company’s own resources, the development of the project’s equipment is carried out.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the building will be carried out in the construction phase, the implementation of the building will be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be implemented, the project will be implemented as part of the project’s development plan, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in Długołęka Municipality.The project is planned to carry out the following activities: 1. The extension of the building complex building building and the preschool wing with the teaching wing (Statap II in the course of implementation)2. Reconstruction of the building building of the School and Pre-school Team building and construction of a liaison with the building building3. The school hall will be equipped with the initial decisions (classes I-III) and the construction of the building’s own resources will be implemented in the construction phase, the development of the equipment of the project.In accordance with the requirements of the building law, the implementation of the project will be a part of the project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be part of the project’s development plan, the long-term goal is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołękasia.The following activities are planned under this investment project: 1. The extension of the School and Preschool Complex building building and the construction of the teaching wing with the school wing (Phase II during implementation) (Romanian)
    26 July 2022
    0 references
    Projekt B.C. Rozšírenie školsko-školského komplexu v Długołęke – etapy II a III (2014 – 2018) sa uskutočňuje v obci Długołęka a týka sa jej organizačnej jednotky. Projekt B.C. Rozšírenie školského a predškolského tímu v Długołęke – fázy II a III (2014 – 2018) sa realizuje v obci Długołęka a týka sa jej organizačnej jednotky. The project is part of a broader investment plan, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołęka.In the framework of this investment, it is planned to carry out the following activities:1. the extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team with a teaching wing (Phase II in the course of implementation)2. Reconstruction of the building building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a liaison with the building building3. equipping classrooms of the initial teaching (classes I-III) and refurbishment of the following works will be carried out on the basis of the construction works, the operator has the supervision of the building equipment.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the main project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be the main part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the construction works will be carried out in the case of the construction works, the project will be implemented in accordance with the requirements of the building law, the implementation of the project will be part of the project’s part of the project, which will be part of the scope of the project’s financing, the long-term objective of the project is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołęka.The project is planned to carry out the following activities as part of this investment project: 1. The extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a link with the building building3. equipping classroom classrooms (classes I-III) and the refurbishment of the works will be carried out by means of the construction works, the management of the equipment of the project.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the building will be carried out by the project, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in the Długołęka Municipality will be part of the project’s part of the project, the following activities are planned within the scope of this investment project: 1. The extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a link to the building building3. The school halls will be equipped with the initial education (class I-III) and the workstation will be financed by the company’s own resources, the development of the project’s equipment is carried out.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the building will be carried out in the construction phase, the implementation of the building will be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be implemented, the project will be implemented as part of the project’s development plan, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in Długołęka Municipality.The project is planned to carry out the following activities: 1. The extension of the building complex building building and the preschool wing with the teaching wing (Statap II in the course of implementation)2. Reconstruction of the building building of the School and Pre-school Team building and construction of a liaison with the building building3. The school hall will be equipped with the initial decisions (classes I-III) and the construction of the building’s own resources will be implemented in the construction phase, the development of the equipment of the project.In accordance with the requirements of the building law, the implementation of the project will be a part of the project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be part of the project’s development plan, the long-term goal is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołękasia.The following activities are planned under this investment project: 1. The extension of the School and Preschool Complex building building and the construction of the teaching wing with the school wing (Phase II during implementation)2. Reconstruction of the building building of the School (Slovak)
    26 July 2022
    0 references
    Il-proġett ta’ B.C. L-estensjoni tal-Kumpless tal-Iskola Preprimarja f’Długołęka — l-istadji II u III (2014–2018) titwettaq fil-muniċipalità ta’ Długołęka u tikkonċerna l-unità organizzattiva tagħha. Il-proġett ta’ B.C. L-estensjoni tat-Tim Skolastiku u Preskolastiku f’Długołęka — il-fażijiet II u III (2014–2018) hija implimentata fil-muniċipalità ta’ Długołęka u tikkonċerna l-unità organizzattiva tagħha. Is-snin mistennija ta’ implimentazzjoni huma 2014–2018. The project is part of a broader investment plan, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołęka.In the framework of this investment, it is planned to carry out the following activities:1. the extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team with a teaching wing (Phase II in the course of implementation)2. Reconstruction of the building building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a liaison with the building building3. equipping classrooms of the initial teaching (classes I-III) and refurbishment of the following works will be carried out on the basis of the construction works, the operator has the supervision of the building equipment.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the main project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be the main part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the construction works will be carried out in the case of the construction works, the project will be implemented in accordance with the requirements of the building law, the implementation of the project will be part of the project’s part of the project, which will be part of the scope of the project’s financing, the long-term objective of the project is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołęka.The project is planned to carry out the following activities as part of this investment project: 1. The extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a link with the building building3. equipping classroom classrooms (classes I-III) and the refurbishment of the works will be carried out by means of the construction works, the management of the equipment of the project.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the building will be carried out by the project, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in the Długołęka Municipality will be part of the project’s part of the project, the following activities are planned within the scope of this investment project: 1. The extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a link to the building building3. The school halls will be equipped with the initial education (class I-III) and the workstation will be financed by the company’s own resources, the development of the project’s equipment is carried out.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the building will be carried out in the construction phase, the implementation of the building will be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be implemented, the project will be implemented as part of the project’s development plan, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in Długołęka Municipality.The project is planned to carry out the following activities: 1. The extension of the building complex building building and the preschool wing with the teaching wing (Statap II in the course of implementation)2. Reconstruction of the building building of the School and Pre-school Team building and construction of a liaison with the building building3. The school hall will be equipped with the initial decisions (classes I-III) and the construction of the building’s own resources will be implemented in the construction phase, the development of the equipment of the project.In accordance with the requirements of the building law, the implementation of the project will be a part of the project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be part of the project’s development plan, the long-term goal is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołękasia.The following activities are planned under this investment project: 1. The extension of the School and Preschool Complex building building and the const (Maltese)
    26 July 2022
    0 references
    Projeto Mon. A expansão do complexo escolar e pré-escolar em Długołęka – fases II e III (2014-2018) é realizada na comuna de Długołęka e diz respeito à sua unidade organizacional. Projeto Mon. A expansão do complexo escolar e pré-escolar em Długołęka – fases II e III (2014-2018) é realizada no município de Długołęka e diz respeito à sua unidade organizacional. Os anos de execução previstos são 2014-2018. No decurso deste investimento, prevê-se a realização das seguintes atividades:1. o alargamento do edifício da equipa escola-pré-escola com uma ala de ensino (Fase II durante a implementação)2. a reconstrução do edifício do projeto Escola-pré-escola será realizada a fim de realizar a conclusão da comissão e a construção de uma ligação com a supervisão do estabelecimento pré-escolar3. (Portuguese)
    26 July 2022
    0 references
    B.C.:n projekti Długołękassa sijaitsevan koulu-esikoulukompleksin laajentaminen – vaiheet II ja III (2014–2018) toteutetaan Długołękan kunnassa, ja se koskee sen organisaatioyksikköä. B.C.:n projekti Długołękan koulu- ja esikoulutiimin laajentaminen – vaiheet II ja III (2014–2018) toteutetaan Długołękan kunnassa ja koskee sen organisaatioyksikköä.Odotetut täytäntöönpanovuodet ovat 2014–2018. The project is part of a broader investment plan, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołęka.In the framework of this investment, it is planned to carry out the following activities:1. the extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team with a teaching wing (Phase II in the course of implementation)2. Reconstruction of the building building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a liaison with the building building3. equipping classrooms of the initial teaching (classes I-III) and refurbishment of the following works will be carried out on the basis of the construction works, the operator has the supervision of the building equipment.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the main project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be the main part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the construction works will be carried out in the case of the construction works, the project will be implemented in accordance with the requirements of the building law, the implementation of the project will be part of the project’s part of the project, which will be part of the scope of the project’s financing, the long-term objective of the project is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołęka.The project is planned to carry out the following activities as part of this investment project: 1. The extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a link with the building building3. equipping classroom classrooms (classes I-III) and the refurbishment of the works will be carried out by means of the construction works, the management of the equipment of the project.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the building will be carried out by the project, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in the Długołęka Municipality will be part of the project’s part of the project, the following activities are planned within the scope of this investment project: 1. The extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a link to the building building3. The school halls will be equipped with the initial education (class I-III) and the workstation will be financed by the company’s own resources, the development of the project’s equipment is carried out.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the building will be carried out in the construction phase, the implementation of the building will be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be implemented, the project will be implemented as part of the project’s development plan, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in Długołęka Municipality.The project is planned to carry out the following activities: 1. The extension of the building complex building building and the preschool wing with the teaching wing (Statap II in the course of implementation)2. Reconstruction of the building building of the School and Pre-school Team building and construction of a liaison with the building building3. The school hall will be equipped with the initial decisions (classes I-III) and the construction of the building’s own resources will be implemented in the construction phase, the development of the equipment of the project.In accordance with the requirements of the building law, the implementation of the project will be a part of the project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be part of the project’s development plan, the long-term goal is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołękasia.The following activities are planned under this investment project: 1. The extension of the School and Preschool Complex building building and the construction of the teaching wing with the school wing (Phase II during imp (Finnish)
    26 July 2022
    0 references
    Projekt B.C. Razširitev šolskega predšolskega kompleksa v Długołęki – faze II in III (2014–2018) se izvaja v občini Długołęka in zadeva njeno organizacijsko enoto. Projekt B.C. Razširitev šolske in predšolske ekipe v Długołęki – faza II in III (2014–2018) se izvaja v občini Długołęka in zadeva njeno organizacijsko enoto. Pričakovana leta izvajanja so 2014–2018. The project is part of a broader investment plan, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołęka.In the framework of this investment, it is planned to carry out the following activities:1. the extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team with a teaching wing (Phase II in the course of implementation)2. Reconstruction of the building building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a liaison with the building building3. equipping classrooms of the initial teaching (classes I-III) and refurbishment of the following works will be carried out on the basis of the construction works, the operator has the supervision of the building equipment.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the main project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be the main part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the construction works will be carried out in the case of the construction works, the project will be implemented in accordance with the requirements of the building law, the implementation of the project will be part of the project’s part of the project, which will be part of the scope of the project’s financing, the long-term objective of the project is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołęka.The project is planned to carry out the following activities as part of this investment project: 1. The extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a link with the building building3. equipping classroom classrooms (classes I-III) and the refurbishment of the works will be carried out by means of the construction works, the management of the equipment of the project.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the building will be carried out by the project, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in the Długołęka Municipality will be part of the project’s part of the project, the following activities are planned within the scope of this investment project: 1. The extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a link to the building building3. The school halls will be equipped with the initial education (class I-III) and the workstation will be financed by the company’s own resources, the development of the project’s equipment is carried out.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the building will be carried out in the construction phase, the implementation of the building will be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be implemented, the project will be implemented as part of the project’s development plan, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in Długołęka Municipality.The project is planned to carry out the following activities: 1. The extension of the building complex building building and the preschool wing with the teaching wing (Statap II in the course of implementation)2. Reconstruction of the building building of the School and Pre-school Team building and construction of a liaison with the building building3. The school hall will be equipped with the initial decisions (classes I-III) and the construction of the building’s own resources will be implemented in the construction phase, the development of the equipment of the project.In accordance with the requirements of the building law, the implementation of the project will be a part of the project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be part of the project’s development plan, the long-term goal is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołękasia.The following activities are planned under this investment project: 1. The extension of the School and Preschool Complex building building and the construction of the teaching wing with the school wing (Phase II during implementation)2. Reconstruction o (Slovenian)
    26 July 2022
    0 references
    Projekt B.C. Rozšíření školního areálu v Długołęce – etapy II a III (2014–2018) probíhá v obci Długołęka a týká se její organizační složky. Projekt B.C. Rozšíření školního a předškolního týmu v Długołęce – fáze II a III (2014–2018) je realizováno v obci Długołęka a týká se její organizační složky. The project is part of a broader investment plan, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołęka.In the framework of this investment, it is planned to carry out the following activities:1. the extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team with a teaching wing (Phase II in the course of implementation)2. Reconstruction of the building building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a liaison with the building building3. equipping classrooms of the initial teaching (classes I-III) and refurbishment of the following works will be carried out on the basis of the construction works, the operator has the supervision of the building equipment.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the main project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be the main part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the construction works will be carried out in the case of the construction works, the project will be implemented in accordance with the requirements of the building law, the implementation of the project will be part of the project’s part of the project, which will be part of the scope of the project’s financing, the long-term objective of the project is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołęka.The project is planned to carry out the following activities as part of this investment project: 1. The extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a link with the building building3. equipping classroom classrooms (classes I-III) and the refurbishment of the works will be carried out by means of the construction works, the management of the equipment of the project.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the building will be carried out by the project, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in the Długołęka Municipality will be part of the project’s part of the project, the following activities are planned within the scope of this investment project: 1. The extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a link to the building building3. The school halls will be equipped with the initial education (class I-III) and the workstation will be financed by the company’s own resources, the development of the project’s equipment is carried out.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the building will be carried out in the construction phase, the implementation of the building will be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be implemented, the project will be implemented as part of the project’s development plan, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in Długołęka Municipality.The project is planned to carry out the following activities: 1. The extension of the building complex building building and the preschool wing with the teaching wing (Statap II in the course of implementation)2. Reconstruction of the building building of the School and Pre-school Team building and construction of a liaison with the building building3. The school hall will be equipped with the initial decisions (classes I-III) and the construction of the building’s own resources will be implemented in the construction phase, the development of the equipment of the project.In accordance with the requirements of the building law, the implementation of the project will be a part of the project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be part of the project’s development plan, the long-term goal is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołękasia.The following activities are planned under this investment project: 1. The extension of the School and Preschool Complex building building and the construction of the teaching wing with the school wing (Phase II during implementation)2. Reconstruction of the building building of the School and Preschool Team building (Czech)
    26 July 2022
    0 references
    B.C. projektas Długołęka II ir III etapai (2014–2018 m.) plečiamas Długołęka savivaldybėje ir yra susijęs su jos organizaciniu padaliniu. B.C. projektas Mokyklos ir ikimokyklinio ugdymo komandos išplėtimas Długołękoje – II ir III etapai (2014–2018 m.) įgyvendinamas Długołękos savivaldybėje ir susijęs su jos organizaciniu padaliniu. Numatomi įgyvendinimo metai yra 2014–2018 m. The project is part of a broader investment plan, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołęka.In the framework of this investment, it is planned to carry out the following activities:1. the extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team with a teaching wing (Phase II in the course of implementation)2. Reconstruction of the building building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a liaison with the building building3. equipping classrooms of the initial teaching (classes I-III) and refurbishment of the following works will be carried out on the basis of the construction works, the operator has the supervision of the building equipment.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the main project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be the main part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the construction works will be carried out in the case of the construction works, the project will be implemented in accordance with the requirements of the building law, the implementation of the project will be part of the project’s part of the project, which will be part of the scope of the project’s financing, the long-term objective of the project is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołęka.The project is planned to carry out the following activities as part of this investment project: 1. The extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a link with the building building3. equipping classroom classrooms (classes I-III) and the refurbishment of the works will be carried out by means of the construction works, the management of the equipment of the project.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the building will be carried out by the project, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in the Długołęka Municipality will be part of the project’s part of the project, the following activities are planned within the scope of this investment project: 1. The extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a link to the building building3. The school halls will be equipped with the initial education (class I-III) and the workstation will be financed by the company’s own resources, the development of the project’s equipment is carried out.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the building will be carried out in the construction phase, the implementation of the building will be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be implemented, the project will be implemented as part of the project’s development plan, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in Długołęka Municipality.The project is planned to carry out the following activities: 1. The extension of the building complex building building and the preschool wing with the teaching wing (Statap II in the course of implementation)2. Reconstruction of the building building of the School and Pre-school Team building and construction of a liaison with the building building3. The school hall will be equipped with the initial decisions (classes I-III) and the construction of the building’s own resources will be implemented in the construction phase, the development of the equipment of the project.In accordance with the requirements of the building law, the implementation of the project will be a part of the project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be part of the project’s development plan, the long-term goal is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołękasia.The following activities are planned under this investment project: 1. The extension of the School and Preschool Complex building building and the construction of the teaching wing with the school wing (Phase II during implementation)2. R (Lithuanian)
    26 July 2022
    0 references
    Projekts B.C. Skolas-pirmsskolas kompleksa paplašināšana Długołęka II un III posmā (2014.–2018. gads) notiek Długołęka pašvaldībā un attiecas uz tās organizatorisko vienību. Projekts B.C. Długołęka — II un III posms (2014.–2018. gads) Skolas un pirmsskolas grupas paplašināšana tiek īstenota Długołęka pašvaldībā un attiecas uz tās organizatorisko vienību.Gaidāmie īstenošanas gadi ir 2014.–2018. gads. The project is part of a broader investment plan, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołęka.In the framework of this investment, it is planned to carry out the following activities:1. the extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team with a teaching wing (Phase II in the course of implementation)2. Reconstruction of the building building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a liaison with the building building3. equipping classrooms of the initial teaching (classes I-III) and refurbishment of the following works will be carried out on the basis of the construction works, the operator has the supervision of the building equipment.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the main project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be the main part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the construction works will be carried out in the case of the construction works, the project will be implemented in accordance with the requirements of the building law, the implementation of the project will be part of the project’s part of the project, which will be part of the scope of the project’s financing, the long-term objective of the project is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołęka.The project is planned to carry out the following activities as part of this investment project: 1. The extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a link with the building building3. equipping classroom classrooms (classes I-III) and the refurbishment of the works will be carried out by means of the construction works, the management of the equipment of the project.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the building will be carried out by the project, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in the Długołęka Municipality will be part of the project’s part of the project, the following activities are planned within the scope of this investment project: 1. The extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a link to the building building3. The school halls will be equipped with the initial education (class I-III) and the workstation will be financed by the company’s own resources, the development of the project’s equipment is carried out.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the building will be carried out in the construction phase, the implementation of the building will be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be implemented, the project will be implemented as part of the project’s development plan, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in Długołęka Municipality.The project is planned to carry out the following activities: 1. The extension of the building complex building building and the preschool wing with the teaching wing (Statap II in the course of implementation)2. Reconstruction of the building building of the School and Pre-school Team building and construction of a liaison with the building building3. The school hall will be equipped with the initial decisions (classes I-III) and the construction of the building’s own resources will be implemented in the construction phase, the development of the equipment of the project.In accordance with the requirements of the building law, the implementation of the project will be a part of the project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be part of the project’s development plan, the long-term goal is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołękasia.The following activities are planned under this investment project: 1. The extension of the School and Preschool Complex building building and the construction of the teaching wing with the school wing (Phase II du (Latvian)
    26 July 2022
    0 references
    Проектът на B.C. Разширяването на Училищно-предучилищния комплекс в Długołęka — етапи II и III (2014—2018 г.) се извършва в община Długołęka и засяга нейната организационна единица. Проектът на B.C. Разширяването на училищния и предучилищен екип в Długołęka — фази II и III (2014—2018 г.) се осъществява в община Długołęka и се отнася до нейното организационно звено.Очакваните години на изпълнение са 2014—2018 г. The project is part of a broader investment plan, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołęka.In the framework of this investment, it is planned to carry out the following activities:1. the extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team with a teaching wing (Phase II in the course of implementation)2. Reconstruction of the building building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a liaison with the building building3. equipping classrooms of the initial teaching (classes I-III) and refurbishment of the following works will be carried out on the basis of the construction works, the operator has the supervision of the building equipment.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the main project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be the main part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the construction works will be carried out in the case of the construction works, the project will be implemented in accordance with the requirements of the building law, the implementation of the project will be part of the project’s part of the project, which will be part of the scope of the project’s financing, the long-term objective of the project is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołęka.The project is planned to carry out the following activities as part of this investment project: 1. The extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a link with the building building3. equipping classroom classrooms (classes I-III) and the refurbishment of the works will be carried out by means of the construction works, the management of the equipment of the project.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the building will be carried out by the project, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in the Długołęka Municipality will be part of the project’s part of the project, the following activities are planned within the scope of this investment project: 1. The extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a link to the building building3. The school halls will be equipped with the initial education (class I-III) and the workstation will be financed by the company’s own resources, the development of the project’s equipment is carried out.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the building will be carried out in the construction phase, the implementation of the building will be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be implemented, the project will be implemented as part of the project’s development plan, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in Długołęka Municipality.The project is planned to carry out the following activities: 1. The extension of the building complex building building and the preschool wing with the teaching wing (Statap II in the course of implementation)2. Reconstruction of the building building of the School and Pre-school Team building and construction of a liaison with the building building3. The school hall will be equipped with the initial decisions (classes I-III) and the construction of the building’s own resources will be implemented in the construction phase, the development of the equipment of the project.In accordance with the requirements of the building law, the implementation of the project will be a part of the project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be part of the project’s development plan, the long-term goal is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołękasia.The following activities are planned under this investment project: 1. The extension of the School and Preschool Complex building building and the construction of the teaching wing with the school wing (Bulgarian)
    26 July 2022
    0 references
    A B.C. projektje. A Długołękai Iskola-előkészítő komplexum II. és III. szakasza (2014–2018) bővítése Długołęka településen történik, és szervezeti egységét érinti. A B.C. projektje. A Długołękai Iskolai és Óvodai Csapat kibővítése – II. és III. szakasz (2014–2018) Długołęka településen valósul meg, és szervezeti egységét érinti. The project is part of a broader investment plan, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołęka.In the framework of this investment, it is planned to carry out the following activities:1. the extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team with a teaching wing (Phase II in the course of implementation)2. Reconstruction of the building building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a liaison with the building building3. equipping classrooms of the initial teaching (classes I-III) and refurbishment of the following works will be carried out on the basis of the construction works, the operator has the supervision of the building equipment.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the main project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be the main part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the construction works will be carried out in the case of the construction works, the project will be implemented in accordance with the requirements of the building law, the implementation of the project will be part of the project’s part of the project, which will be part of the scope of the project’s financing, the long-term objective of the project is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołęka.The project is planned to carry out the following activities as part of this investment project: 1. The extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a link with the building building3. equipping classroom classrooms (classes I-III) and the refurbishment of the works will be carried out by means of the construction works, the management of the equipment of the project.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the building will be carried out by the project, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in the Długołęka Municipality will be part of the project’s part of the project, the following activities are planned within the scope of this investment project: 1. The extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a link to the building building3. The school halls will be equipped with the initial education (class I-III) and the workstation will be financed by the company’s own resources, the development of the project’s equipment is carried out.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the building will be carried out in the construction phase, the implementation of the building will be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be implemented, the project will be implemented as part of the project’s development plan, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in Długołęka Municipality.The project is planned to carry out the following activities: 1. The extension of the building complex building building and the preschool wing with the teaching wing (Statap II in the course of implementation)2. Reconstruction of the building building of the School and Pre-school Team building and construction of a liaison with the building building3. The school hall will be equipped with the initial decisions (classes I-III) and the construction of the building’s own resources will be implemented in the construction phase, the development of the equipment of the project.In accordance with the requirements of the building law, the implementation of the project will be a part of the project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be part of the project’s development plan, the long-term goal is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołękasia.The following activities are planned under this investment project: 1. The extension of the School and Preschool Complex building building and the construction of the teaching wing with the school wing (Phase II during implementation)2. Reconstruction of the building building of the Sc (Hungarian)
    26 July 2022
    0 references
    Tá tús á chur amárach le hobair athchóirithe atá beartaithe ar 22 scoil a thóg Western Building Systems Cuirtear síneadh leis an gCoimpléasc Scoile-Réamhscoile in Długołęka — céimeanna II agus III (2014-2018) i mbardasacht Długołęka agus baineann sé lena aonad eagrúcháin. Tá tús á chur amárach le hobair athchóirithe atá beartaithe ar 22 scoil a thóg Western Building Systems Cuirtear síneadh leis an bhFoireann Scoile agus Réamhscoile in Długołęka — céimeanna II agus III (2014-2018) i bhfeidhm i mbardasacht Długołęka agus baineann sé lena aonad eagrúcháin.Is iad 2014-2018 na blianta cur chun feidhme a bhfuiltear ag súil leo. The project is part of a broader investment plan, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołęka.In the framework of this investment, it is planned to carry out the following activities:1. the extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team with a teaching wing (Phase II in the course of implementation)2. Reconstruction of the building building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a liaison with the building building3. equipping classrooms of the initial teaching (classes I-III) and refurbishment of the following works will be carried out on the basis of the construction works, the operator has the supervision of the building equipment.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the main project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be the main part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the construction works will be carried out in the case of the construction works, the project will be implemented in accordance with the requirements of the building law, the implementation of the project will be part of the project’s part of the project, which will be part of the scope of the project’s financing, the long-term objective of the project is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołęka.The project is planned to carry out the following activities as part of this investment project: 1. The extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a link with the building building3. equipping classroom classrooms (classes I-III) and the refurbishment of the works will be carried out by means of the construction works, the management of the equipment of the project.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the building will be carried out by the project, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in the Długołęka Municipality will be part of the project’s part of the project, the following activities are planned within the scope of this investment project: 1. The extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a link to the building building3. The school halls will be equipped with the initial education (class I-III) and the workstation will be financed by the company’s own resources, the development of the project’s equipment is carried out.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the building will be carried out in the construction phase, the implementation of the building will be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be implemented, the project will be implemented as part of the project’s development plan, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in Długołęka Municipality.The project is planned to carry out the following activities: 1. The extension of the building complex building building and the preschool wing with the teaching wing (Statap II in the course of implementation)2. Reconstruction of the building building of the School and Pre-school Team building and construction of a liaison with the building building3. The school hall will be equipped with the initial decisions (classes I-III) and the construction of the building’s own resources will be implemented in the construction phase, the development of the equipment of the project.In accordance with the requirements of the building law, the implementation of the project will be a part of the project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be part of the project’s development plan, the long-term goal is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of (Irish)
    26 July 2022
    0 references
    Projektet från B.C. Utbyggnaden av skolförskolans komplex i Długołęka – steg II och III (2014–2018) genomförs i kommunen Długołęka och rör dess organisatoriska enhet. Projektet från B.C. Utbyggnaden av skol- och förskoleteamet i Długołęka – faserna II och III (2014–2018) genomförs i kommunen Długołęka och gäller dess organisatoriska enhet. The project is part of a broader investment plan, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołęka.In the framework of this investment, it is planned to carry out the following activities:1. the extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team with a teaching wing (Phase II in the course of implementation)2. Reconstruction of the building building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a liaison with the building building3. equipping classrooms of the initial teaching (classes I-III) and refurbishment of the following works will be carried out on the basis of the construction works, the operator has the supervision of the building equipment.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the main project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be the main part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the construction works will be carried out in the case of the construction works, the project will be implemented in accordance with the requirements of the building law, the implementation of the project will be part of the project’s part of the project, which will be part of the scope of the project’s financing, the long-term objective of the project is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołęka.The project is planned to carry out the following activities as part of this investment project: 1. The extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a link with the building building3. equipping classroom classrooms (classes I-III) and the refurbishment of the works will be carried out by means of the construction works, the management of the equipment of the project.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the building will be carried out by the project, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in the Długołęka Municipality will be part of the project’s part of the project, the following activities are planned within the scope of this investment project: 1. The extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a link to the building building3. The school halls will be equipped with the initial education (class I-III) and the workstation will be financed by the company’s own resources, the development of the project’s equipment is carried out.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the building will be carried out in the construction phase, the implementation of the building will be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be implemented, the project will be implemented as part of the project’s development plan, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in Długołęka Municipality.The project is planned to carry out the following activities: 1. The extension of the building complex building building and the preschool wing with the teaching wing (Statap II in the course of implementation)2. Reconstruction of the building building of the School and Pre-school Team building and construction of a liaison with the building building3. The school hall will be equipped with the initial decisions (classes I-III) and the construction of the building’s own resources will be implemented in the construction phase, the development of the equipment of the project.In accordance with the requirements of the building law, the implementation of the project will be a part of the project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be part of the project’s development plan, the long-term goal is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołękasia.The following activities are planned under this investment project: 1. The extension of the School and Preschool Complex building building and the construction of the teaching wing with the school wing (Phase II during implementation)2. Reconstruction of the building buildin (Swedish)
    26 July 2022
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    B.C. projekt Długołęka koolieelse kompleksi laiendamine – II ja III etapp (2014–2018) toimub Długołęka omavalitsuses ja hõlmab selle organisatsioonilist üksust. B.C. projekt Długołęka kooli- ja koolieelse meeskonna laiendamist – II ja III etapp (2014–2018) rakendatakse Długołęka omavalitsuses ja see hõlmab selle organisatsioonilist üksust.Eeldatavad rakendusaastad on 2014–2018. The project is part of a broader investment plan, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołęka.In the framework of this investment, it is planned to carry out the following activities:1. the extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team with a teaching wing (Phase II in the course of implementation)2. Reconstruction of the building building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a liaison with the building building3. equipping classrooms of the initial teaching (classes I-III) and refurbishment of the following works will be carried out on the basis of the construction works, the operator has the supervision of the building equipment.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the main project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be the main part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the construction works will be carried out in the case of the construction works, the project will be implemented in accordance with the requirements of the building law, the implementation of the project will be part of the project’s part of the project, which will be part of the scope of the project’s financing, the long-term objective of the project is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołęka.The project is planned to carry out the following activities as part of this investment project: 1. The extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a link with the building building3. equipping classroom classrooms (classes I-III) and the refurbishment of the works will be carried out by means of the construction works, the management of the equipment of the project.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the building will be carried out by the project, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in the Długołęka Municipality will be part of the project’s part of the project, the following activities are planned within the scope of this investment project: 1. The extension of the building of the School and Preschool Team and the construction of a link to the building building3. The school halls will be equipped with the initial education (class I-III) and the workstation will be financed by the company’s own resources, the development of the project’s equipment is carried out.In accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be a part of the implementation of the project, the implementation of the building will be carried out in the construction phase, the implementation of the building will be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the construction law, the implementation of the project will be part of the implementation of the project, the main part of the project will be implemented, the project will be implemented as part of the project’s development plan, the long-term aim of which is to improve the quality of education in Długołęka Municipality.The project is planned to carry out the following activities: 1. The extension of the building complex building building and the preschool wing with the teaching wing (Statap II in the course of implementation)2. Reconstruction of the building building of the School and Pre-school Team building and construction of a liaison with the building building3. The school hall will be equipped with the initial decisions (classes I-III) and the construction of the building’s own resources will be implemented in the construction phase, the development of the equipment of the project.In accordance with the requirements of the building law, the implementation of the project will be a part of the project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be part of the implementation of the project, which will be part of the project’s development plan, the long-term goal is to improve the quality of education in the municipality of Długołękasia.The following activities are planned under this investment project: 1. The extension of the School and Preschool Complex building building and the construction of the teaching wing with the school wing (Phase II during implementation)2. (Estonian)
    26 July 2022
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    WOJ.: DOLNOŚLĄSKIE, POW.: wrocławski
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    13 December 2023
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