Development and optimisation of the composite coating and its method of application on components of the aeronautical engine to protect the engine against friction as a result of the loss of the lubricant supply (Q78212)

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Project Q78212 in Poland
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Development and optimisation of the composite coating and its method of application on components of the aeronautical engine to protect the engine against friction as a result of the loss of the lubricant supply
Project Q78212 in Poland


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    906,907.96 zloty
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    201,605.64 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    1,400,245.26 zloty
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    311,274.52 Euro
    13 January 2020
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    64.77 percent
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    1 December 2017
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    31 October 2018
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    50°16'48.7"N, 21°27'47.2"E
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    50°18'50.69"N, 21°23'51.00"E
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    Numer_referencyjny_programu_pomocowego: SA.41471(2015/X) Przeznaczenie_pomocy_publicznej: art. 25 rozporządzenia KE nr 651/2014 z dnia 17 czerwca 2014 r. uznające niektóre rodzaje pomocy za zgodne z rynkiem wewnętrznym w stosowaniu art. 107 i 108 Traktatu (Dz. Urz. UE L 187/1 z 26.06.2014). Przedmiotem projektu jest przeprowadzenie prac B+R w zakresie opracowania składu chemicznego i technologii nanoszenia,w tym tarciowego, na powierzchnie trące skojarzenia krzywka-popychacz zmniejszających tarcie powłok zawierających węgiel szklisty, określenie wpływu warunków użytkowania na właściwości trybologiczne podzespołów z naniesioną powłoką kompozytową oraz optymalizacja warunków nakładania powłoki kompozytowej na elementy silnika (wałki rozrządu, popychacze) pracujące pod dużym obciążeniem w celu zwiększenia ich odporności na zużycie.Realizacja niniejszego projektu zapewni możliwość wykonania wszystkich niezbędnych prac badawczych oraz przygotowanie do wdrożenia uzyskanych wyników.Zespół badawczy będzie składał się z doświadczonych specjalistów ze wszystkich dziedzin niezbędnych do wykonania projektu.Prace badawcze będą koncentrowały się na doborze składu chemicznego, analizie zależności pomiędzy warunkami pracy silnika a właściwościami tribologicznymi poszczególnych podzespołów oraz optymalizacji technologii nanoszenia powłoki,w celu zabezpieczenia podzespołów przed zatarciem w warunkach niedoboru oleju smarnego,do którego może dojść podczas eksploatacji.Celem prac B+R będzie optymalizacja składu chemicznego powłoki pod kątem jej właściwości tribologicznych.W ramach zgłaszanego projektu zostaną wykonane badania laboratoryjne na testerze tribologicznym z węzłem tarcia,w którym powierzchnia ślizgowa zostanie pokryta powłoką kompozytową zawierającą zmienne zawartości substancji pełniących rolę smaru stałego.W wyniku tych badań zostanie określony skład chemiczny powłoki umożliwiający pracę silnika po zaniku środka smarnego przez wymagany czas. (Polish)
    0 references
    Reference number of the aid programme: SA.41471(2015/X) Purpose of public aid: Article 25 of EC Regulation No 651/2014 of 17 June 2014 declaring certain types of aid compatible with the internal market in the application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty (OJ L. I'm sorry. EU L 187/1 of 26.06.2014). The object of the design is to carry out the composition of the composition of the composition of the corrosives of the composition of the composition of the composition of the composition of the composition of the composition of the composition of the composition of the composition of the composition of the composition of the composition of the composition of the composition of the composition of the composition of the composition of the composition of the composition of the product. (English)
    14 October 2020
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    Number_reference_aid_programme: SA.41471(2015/X) Objet de l’aide publique: Article 25 du règlement (CE) no 651/2014 du 17 juin 2014 déclarant certaines catégories d’aides compatibles avec le marché intérieur dans l’application des articles 107 et 108 du traité C’est tout. UE L 187/1 du 26.6.2014). The subject of the project is to carry out R & D works in the field of chemical composition and application technology, including friction, on the surfaces of poisonous cam-pull combinations reducing the friction of coatings containing vitreous carbon, determining the impact of the conditions of use on the triboological properties of components with applied composite coatings and optimisation of the conditions of application of composite coatings on engine components (shaft shafts, pushers) working under heavy load in order to increase their resistance to wear.The implementation of this project will ensure that the required laboratory works can be performed on the test results and preparation for the implementation of the results obtained.The research team will be composed of experienced specialists from all the fields necessary to perform the contents of the engine, will be able to perform the composition of the engine’s requirements to perform the required test results and prepare for the implementation of the results obtained, the test component will be composed of the test components, and the part of the test will be performed on the basis of the test.The test component of the engine will be able to perform the test results, the test equipment will be equipped with the test, the test component will be equipped with the test, the test component will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the test component will be able to perform the test results, the test component will be equipped with the control of the test, the test component will be equipped with the work of the test, the test component of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the test component will be able to perform the work of the test, the test component of the oil will be composed of experienced specialists from all the fields necessary to perform the test, and the process of the process will be able to perform the test of the test under the conditions of the test and preparation of the results of the test, the test will be made of the test.The research team will be able to perform the work of the test, the test component of the oil will be equipped with the test, the test component of which the engine will be equipped with the test, the test component of which the engine will be equipped with the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test.The test component of the engine will be able to perform the raw materials, the components of which the oil will be equipped with the test, the test component of which will be the part of the test, the test component of which will be able to perform the work on the part of the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the components of the engine will be able to perform the raw materials, the components of the oil will be prepared, the test component of the oil will be composed of the work of the test, the part of the test will be the work of the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the part of the test, the part of the engine will be able to perform the test, the components of the oil will be prepared by the test, the test component will be composed of the test, the test component of the oil will be composed of the test, the part of which the test will be made of the test, the part of which the tester will be able to perform the test, the components of which will be prepared by the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, and the components of the engine will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the components of the oil, which will consist of the use of the chemical properties of the test, and on the basis of the test will be performed on the basis of the test, and preparation of the components of the oil, which will consist of experienced specialists from all fields necessary to perform the test, and on the surfaces of the poisonous cam — pusher combinations to reduce the friction of the coatings of the vitreous carbon, determining the influence of the conditions of use on the triboological properties of the component parts of the composite composite coatings, and optimisation of the conditions of application of the composite coatings on the parts of the engine, which will be prepared to implement the results of the test.The test component of the engine will be composed of the components of the (French)
    30 November 2021
    0 references
    Number_reference_aid_Programm: SA.41471(2015/X) Zweck der öffentlichen Beihilfe: Artikel 25 der Verordnung (EG) Nr. 651/2014 vom 17. Juni 2014 zur Feststellung der Vereinbarkeit bestimmter Gruppen von Beihilfen mit dem Binnenmarkt in Anwendung der Artikel 107 und 108 AEUV Das war’s. EU L 187/1 vom 26.6.2014). The subject of the project is to carry out R & D works in the field of chemical composition and application technology, including friction, on the surfaces of poisonous cam-pull combinations reducing the friction of coatings containing vitreous carbon, determining the impact of the conditions of use on the triboological properties of components with applied composite coatings and optimisation of the conditions of application of composite coatings on engine components (shaft shafts, pushers) working under heavy load in order to increase their resistance to wear.The implementation of this project will ensure that the required laboratory works can be performed on the test results and preparation for the implementation of the results obtained.The research team will be composed of experienced specialists from all the fields necessary to perform the contents of the engine, will be able to perform the composition of the engine’s requirements to perform the required test results and prepare for the implementation of the results obtained, the test component will be composed of the test components, and the part of the test will be performed on the basis of the test.The test component of the engine will be able to perform the test results, the test equipment will be equipped with the test, the test component will be equipped with the test, the test component will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the test component will be able to perform the test results, the test component will be equipped with the control of the test, the test component will be equipped with the work of the test, the test component of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the test component will be able to perform the work of the test, the test component of the oil will be composed of experienced specialists from all the fields necessary to perform the test, and the process of the process will be able to perform the test of the test under the conditions of the test and preparation of the results of the test, the test will be made of the test.The research team will be able to perform the work of the test, the test component of the oil will be equipped with the test, the test component of which the engine will be equipped with the test, the test component of which the engine will be equipped with the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test.The test component of the engine will be able to perform the raw materials, the components of which the oil will be equipped with the test, the test component of which will be the part of the test, the test component of which will be able to perform the work on the part of the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the components of the engine will be able to perform the raw materials, the components of the oil will be prepared, the test component of the oil will be composed of the work of the test, the part of the test will be the work of the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the part of the test, the part of the engine will be able to perform the test, the components of the oil will be prepared by the test, the test component will be composed of the test, the test component of the oil will be composed of the test, the part of which the test will be made of the test, the part of which the tester will be able to perform the test, the components of which will be prepared by the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, and the components of the engine will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the components of the oil, which will consist of the use of the chemical properties of the test, and on the basis of the test will be performed on the basis of the test, and preparation of the components of the oil, which will consist of experienced specialists from all fields necessary to perform the test, and on the surfaces of the poisonous cam — pusher combinations to reduce the friction of the coatings of the vitreous carbon, determining the influence of the conditions of use on the triboological properties of the component parts of the composite composite coatings, and optimisation of the conditions of application of the composite coatings on the parts of the engine, which will be prepared to implement the results of the test.The test component of the engine will be composed of the components of the (German)
    7 December 2021
    0 references
    Number_reference_aid_programma: SA.41471(2015/X) Doel van de overheidssteun: Artikel 25 van Verordening (EG) nr. 651/2014 van 17 juni 2014 waarbij bepaalde categorieën steun op grond van de artikelen 107 en 108 van het Verdrag met de interne markt verenigbaar worden verklaard Dat is het. EU L 187/1 van 26.6.2014). The subject of the project is to carry out R & D works in the field of chemical composition and application technology, including friction, on the surfaces of poisonous cam-pull combinations reducing the friction of coatings containing vitreous carbon, determining the impact of the conditions of use on the triboological properties of components with applied composite coatings and optimisation of the conditions of application of composite coatings on engine components (shaft shafts, pushers) working under heavy load in order to increase their resistance to wear.The implementation of this project will ensure that the required laboratory works can be performed on the test results and preparation for the implementation of the results obtained.The research team will be composed of experienced specialists from all the fields necessary to perform the contents of the engine, will be able to perform the composition of the engine’s requirements to perform the required test results and prepare for the implementation of the results obtained, the test component will be composed of the test components, and the part of the test will be performed on the basis of the test.The test component of the engine will be able to perform the test results, the test equipment will be equipped with the test, the test component will be equipped with the test, the test component will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the test component will be able to perform the test results, the test component will be equipped with the control of the test, the test component will be equipped with the work of the test, the test component of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the test component will be able to perform the work of the test, the test component of the oil will be composed of experienced specialists from all the fields necessary to perform the test, and the process of the process will be able to perform the test of the test under the conditions of the test and preparation of the results of the test, the test will be made of the test.The research team will be able to perform the work of the test, the test component of the oil will be equipped with the test, the test component of which the engine will be equipped with the test, the test component of which the engine will be equipped with the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test.The test component of the engine will be able to perform the raw materials, the components of which the oil will be equipped with the test, the test component of which will be the part of the test, the test component of which will be able to perform the work on the part of the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the components of the engine will be able to perform the raw materials, the components of the oil will be prepared, the test component of the oil will be composed of the work of the test, the part of the test will be the work of the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the part of the test, the part of the engine will be able to perform the test, the components of the oil will be prepared by the test, the test component will be composed of the test, the test component of the oil will be composed of the test, the part of which the test will be made of the test, the part of which the tester will be able to perform the test, the components of which will be prepared by the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, and the components of the engine will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the components of the oil, which will consist of the use of the chemical properties of the test, and on the basis of the test will be performed on the basis of the test, and preparation of the components of the oil, which will consist of experienced specialists from all fields necessary to perform the test, and on the surfaces of the poisonous cam — pusher combinations to reduce the friction of the coatings of the vitreous carbon, determining the influence of the conditions of use on the triboological properties of the component parts of the composite composite coatings, and optimisation of the conditions of application of the composite coatings on the parts of the engine, which will be prepared to implement the results of the test.The test component of the engine will be composed of the components of the (Dutch)
    16 December 2021
    0 references
    Number_reference_aid_programma: SA.41471(2015/X) Finalità degli aiuti pubblici: Articolo 25 del regolamento (CE) n. 651/2014, del 17 giugno 2014, che dichiara talune categorie di aiuti compatibili con il mercato interno nell'applicazione degli articoli 107 e 108 del trattato È tutto qui. UE L 187/1 del 26.6.2014). The subject of the project is to carry out R & D works in the field of chemical composition and application technology, including friction, on the surfaces of poisonous cam-pull combinations reducing the friction of coatings containing vitreous carbon, determining the impact of the conditions of use on the triboological properties of components with applied composite coatings and optimisation of the conditions of application of composite coatings on engine components (shaft shafts, pushers) working under heavy load in order to increase their resistance to wear.The implementation of this project will ensure that the required laboratory works can be performed on the test results and preparation for the implementation of the results obtained.The research team will be composed of experienced specialists from all the fields necessary to perform the contents of the engine, will be able to perform the composition of the engine’s requirements to perform the required test results and prepare for the implementation of the results obtained, the test component will be composed of the test components, and the part of the test will be performed on the basis of the test.The test component of the engine will be able to perform the test results, the test equipment will be equipped with the test, the test component will be equipped with the test, the test component will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the test component will be able to perform the test results, the test component will be equipped with the control of the test, the test component will be equipped with the work of the test, the test component of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the test component will be able to perform the work of the test, the test component of the oil will be composed of experienced specialists from all the fields necessary to perform the test, and the process of the process will be able to perform the test of the test under the conditions of the test and preparation of the results of the test, the test will be made of the test.The research team will be able to perform the work of the test, the test component of the oil will be equipped with the test, the test component of which the engine will be equipped with the test, the test component of which the engine will be equipped with the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test.The test component of the engine will be able to perform the raw materials, the components of which the oil will be equipped with the test, the test component of which will be the part of the test, the test component of which will be able to perform the work on the part of the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the components of the engine will be able to perform the raw materials, the components of the oil will be prepared, the test component of the oil will be composed of the work of the test, the part of the test will be the work of the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the part of the test, the part of the engine will be able to perform the test, the components of the oil will be prepared by the test, the test component will be composed of the test, the test component of the oil will be composed of the test, the part of which the test will be made of the test, the part of which the tester will be able to perform the test, the components of which will be prepared by the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, and the components of the engine will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the components of the oil, which will consist of the use of the chemical properties of the test, and on the basis of the test will be performed on the basis of the test, and preparation of the components of the oil, which will consist of experienced specialists from all fields necessary to perform the test, and on the surfaces of the poisonous cam — pusher combinations to reduce the friction of the coatings of the vitreous carbon, determining the influence of the conditions of use on the triboological properties of the component parts of the composite composite coatings, and optimisation of the conditions of application of the composite coatings on the parts of the engine, which will be prepared to implement the results of the test.The test component of the engine will be composed of the components of the (Italian)
    15 January 2022
    0 references
    Number_reference_aid_programa: SA.41471(2015/X) Objetivo de la ayuda pública: Artículo 25 del Reglamento (CE) n.º 651/2014, de 17 de junio de 2014, por el que se declaran determinadas categorías de ayudas compatibles con el mercado interior en la aplicación de los artículos 107 y 108 del Tratado Eso es todo. EU L 187/1 de 26.6.2014). The subject of the project is to carry out R & D works in the field of chemical composition and application technology, including friction, on the surfaces of poisonous cam-pull combinations reducing the friction of coatings containing vitreous carbon, determining the impact of the conditions of use on the triboological properties of components with applied composite coatings and optimisation of the conditions of application of composite coatings on engine components (shaft shafts, pushers) working under heavy load in order to increase their resistance to wear.The implementation of this project will ensure that the required laboratory works can be performed on the test results and preparation for the implementation of the results obtained.The research team will be composed of experienced specialists from all the fields necessary to perform the contents of the engine, will be able to perform the composition of the engine’s requirements to perform the required test results and prepare for the implementation of the results obtained, the test component will be composed of the test components, and the part of the test will be performed on the basis of the test.The test component of the engine will be able to perform the test results, the test equipment will be equipped with the test, the test component will be equipped with the test, the test component will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the test component will be able to perform the test results, the test component will be equipped with the control of the test, the test component will be equipped with the work of the test, the test component of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the test component will be able to perform the work of the test, the test component of the oil will be composed of experienced specialists from all the fields necessary to perform the test, and the process of the process will be able to perform the test of the test under the conditions of the test and preparation of the results of the test, the test will be made of the test.The research team will be able to perform the work of the test, the test component of the oil will be equipped with the test, the test component of which the engine will be equipped with the test, the test component of which the engine will be equipped with the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test.The test component of the engine will be able to perform the raw materials, the components of which the oil will be equipped with the test, the test component of which will be the part of the test, the test component of which will be able to perform the work on the part of the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the components of the engine will be able to perform the raw materials, the components of the oil will be prepared, the test component of the oil will be composed of the work of the test, the part of the test will be the work of the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the part of the test, the part of the engine will be able to perform the test, the components of the oil will be prepared by the test, the test component will be composed of the test, the test component of the oil will be composed of the test, the part of which the test will be made of the test, the part of which the tester will be able to perform the test, the components of which will be prepared by the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, and the components of the engine will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the components of the oil, which will consist of the use of the chemical properties of the test, and on the basis of the test will be performed on the basis of the test, and preparation of the components of the oil, which will consist of experienced specialists from all fields necessary to perform the test, and on the surfaces of the poisonous cam — pusher combinations to reduce the friction of the coatings of the vitreous carbon, determining the influence of the conditions of use on the triboological properties of the component parts of the composite composite coatings, and optimisation of the conditions of application of the composite coatings on the parts of the engine, which will be prepared to implement the results of the test.The test component of the engine will be composed of the components of the (Spanish)
    19 January 2022
    0 references
    Number_reference_aid_programm: SA.41471(2015/X) Riigiabi eesmärk: Euroopa Liidu toimimise lepingu artiklite 107 ja 108 kohaldamise kohta 17. juuni 2014. aasta määruse (EL) nr 651/2014 (millega teatavat liiki abi tunnistatakse siseturuga kokkusobivaks) artikkel 25 See on kõik. EL L 187/1, 26.6.2014). The subject of the project is to carry out R & D works in the field of chemical composition and application technology, including friction, on the surfaces of poisonous cam-pull combinations reducing the friction of coatings containing vitreous carbon, determining the impact of the conditions of use on the triboological properties of components with applied composite coatings and optimisation of the conditions of application of composite coatings on engine components (shaft shafts, pushers) working under heavy load in order to increase their resistance to wear.The implementation of this project will ensure that the required laboratory works can be performed on the test results and preparation for the implementation of the results obtained.The research team will be composed of experienced specialists from all the fields necessary to perform the contents of the engine, will be able to perform the composition of the engine’s requirements to perform the required test results and prepare for the implementation of the results obtained, the test component will be composed of the test components, and the part of the test will be performed on the basis of the test.The test component of the engine will be able to perform the test results, the test equipment will be equipped with the test, the test component will be equipped with the test, the test component will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the test component will be able to perform the test results, the test component will be equipped with the control of the test, the test component will be equipped with the work of the test, the test component of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the test component will be able to perform the work of the test, the test component of the oil will be composed of experienced specialists from all the fields necessary to perform the test, and the process of the process will be able to perform the test of the test under the conditions of the test and preparation of the results of the test, the test will be made of the test.The research team will be able to perform the work of the test, the test component of the oil will be equipped with the test, the test component of which the engine will be equipped with the test, the test component of which the engine will be equipped with the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test.The test component of the engine will be able to perform the raw materials, the components of which the oil will be equipped with the test, the test component of which will be the part of the test, the test component of which will be able to perform the work on the part of the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the components of the engine will be able to perform the raw materials, the components of the oil will be prepared, the test component of the oil will be composed of the work of the test, the part of the test will be the work of the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the part of the test, the part of the engine will be able to perform the test, the components of the oil will be prepared by the test, the test component will be composed of the test, the test component of the oil will be composed of the test, the part of which the test will be made of the test, the part of which the tester will be able to perform the test, the components of which will be prepared by the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, and the components of the engine will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the components of the oil, which will consist of the use of the chemical properties of the test, and on the basis of the test will be performed on the basis of the test, and preparation of the components of the oil, which will consist of experienced specialists from all fields necessary to perform the test, and on the surfaces of the poisonous cam — pusher combinations to reduce the friction of the coatings of the vitreous carbon, determining the influence of the conditions of use on the triboological properties of the component parts of the composite composite coatings, and optimisation of the conditions of application of the composite coatings on the parts of the engine, which will be prepared to implement the results of the test.The test component of the engine will be composed of the components of the (Estonian)
    13 August 2022
    0 references
    Number_reference_aid_programme: SA.41471(2015/X) Viešosios pagalbos paskirtis: 2014 m. birželio 17 d. Reglamento (EB) Nr. 651/2014, kuriuo tam tikrų kategorijų pagalba skelbiama suderinama su vidaus rinka taikant Sutarties 107 ir 108 straipsnius, 25 straipsnis Štai ir viskas. EU L 187/1, 2014 6 26). The subject of the project is to carry out R & D works in the field of chemical composition and application technology, including friction, on the surfaces of poisonous cam-pull combinations reducing the friction of coatings containing vitreous carbon, determining the impact of the conditions of use on the triboological properties of components with applied composite coatings and optimisation of the conditions of application of composite coatings on engine components (shaft shafts, pushers) working under heavy load in order to increase their resistance to wear.The implementation of this project will ensure that the required laboratory works can be performed on the test results and preparation for the implementation of the results obtained.The research team will be composed of experienced specialists from all the fields necessary to perform the contents of the engine, will be able to perform the composition of the engine’s requirements to perform the required test results and prepare for the implementation of the results obtained, the test component will be composed of the test components, and the part of the test will be performed on the basis of the test.The test component of the engine will be able to perform the test results, the test equipment will be equipped with the test, the test component will be equipped with the test, the test component will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the test component will be able to perform the test results, the test component will be equipped with the control of the test, the test component will be equipped with the work of the test, the test component of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the test component will be able to perform the work of the test, the test component of the oil will be composed of experienced specialists from all the fields necessary to perform the test, and the process of the process will be able to perform the test of the test under the conditions of the test and preparation of the results of the test, the test will be made of the test.The research team will be able to perform the work of the test, the test component of the oil will be equipped with the test, the test component of which the engine will be equipped with the test, the test component of which the engine will be equipped with the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test.The test component of the engine will be able to perform the raw materials, the components of which the oil will be equipped with the test, the test component of which will be the part of the test, the test component of which will be able to perform the work on the part of the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the components of the engine will be able to perform the raw materials, the components of the oil will be prepared, the test component of the oil will be composed of the work of the test, the part of the test will be the work of the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the part of the test, the part of the engine will be able to perform the test, the components of the oil will be prepared by the test, the test component will be composed of the test, the test component of the oil will be composed of the test, the part of which the test will be made of the test, the part of which the tester will be able to perform the test, the components of which will be prepared by the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, and the components of the engine will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the components of the oil, which will consist of the use of the chemical properties of the test, and on the basis of the test will be performed on the basis of the test, and preparation of the components of the oil, which will consist of experienced specialists from all fields necessary to perform the test, and on the surfaces of the poisonous cam — pusher combinations to reduce the friction of the coatings of the vitreous carbon, determining the influence of the conditions of use on the triboological properties of the component parts of the composite composite coatings, and optimisation of the conditions of application of the composite coatings on the parts of the engine, which will be prepared to implement the results of the test.The test component of the engine will be composed of the components of the (Lithuanian)
    13 August 2022
    0 references
    Number_reference_aid_programme: SA.41471(2015/X) Svrha državne potpore: Članak 25. Uredbe (EZ) br. 651/2014 od 17. lipnja 2014. o ocjenjivanju određenih kategorija potpora spojivima s unutarnjim tržištem u primjeni članaka 107. i 108. Ugovora To je sve. EU L 187/1 od 26.6.2014.). The subject of the project is to carry out R & D works in the field of chemical composition and application technology, including friction, on the surfaces of poisonous cam-pull combinations reducing the friction of coatings containing vitreous carbon, determining the impact of the conditions of use on the triboological properties of components with applied composite coatings and optimisation of the conditions of application of composite coatings on engine components (shaft shafts, pushers) working under heavy load in order to increase their resistance to wear.The implementation of this project will ensure that the required laboratory works can be performed on the test results and preparation for the implementation of the results obtained.The research team will be composed of experienced specialists from all the fields necessary to perform the contents of the engine, will be able to perform the composition of the engine’s requirements to perform the required test results and prepare for the implementation of the results obtained, the test component will be composed of the test components, and the part of the test will be performed on the basis of the test.The test component of the engine will be able to perform the test results, the test equipment will be equipped with the test, the test component will be equipped with the test, the test component will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the test component will be able to perform the test results, the test component will be equipped with the control of the test, the test component will be equipped with the work of the test, the test component of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the test component will be able to perform the work of the test, the test component of the oil will be composed of experienced specialists from all the fields necessary to perform the test, and the process of the process will be able to perform the test of the test under the conditions of the test and preparation of the results of the test, the test will be made of the test.The research team will be able to perform the work of the test, the test component of the oil will be equipped with the test, the test component of which the engine will be equipped with the test, the test component of which the engine will be equipped with the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test.The test component of the engine will be able to perform the raw materials, the components of which the oil will be equipped with the test, the test component of which will be the part of the test, the test component of which will be able to perform the work on the part of the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the components of the engine will be able to perform the raw materials, the components of the oil will be prepared, the test component of the oil will be composed of the work of the test, the part of the test will be the work of the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the part of the test, the part of the engine will be able to perform the test, the components of the oil will be prepared by the test, the test component will be composed of the test, the test component of the oil will be composed of the test, the part of which the test will be made of the test, the part of which the tester will be able to perform the test, the components of which will be prepared by the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, and the components of the engine will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the components of the oil, which will consist of the use of the chemical properties of the test, and on the basis of the test will be performed on the basis of the test, and preparation of the components of the oil, which will consist of experienced specialists from all fields necessary to perform the test, and on the surfaces of the poisonous cam — pusher combinations to reduce the friction of the coatings of the vitreous carbon, determining the influence of the conditions of use on the triboological properties of the component parts of the composite composite coatings, and optimisation of the conditions of application of the composite coatings on the parts of the engine, which will be prepared to implement the results of the test.The test component of the engine will be composed of the components of the (Croatian)
    13 August 2022
    0 references
    Number_reference_aid_πρόγραμμα: SA.41471(2015/X) Σκοπός της κρατικής ενίσχυσης: Άρθρο 25 του κανονισμού (ΕΚ) αριθ. 651/2014, της 17ης Ιουνίου 2014, για την κήρυξη ορισμένων κατηγοριών ενισχύσεων ως συμβατών με την εσωτερική αγορά κατ’ εφαρμογή των άρθρων 107 και 108 της Συνθήκης Αυτό είναι όλο. ΕΕ L 187/1 της 26.6.2014). The subject of the project is to carry out R & D works in the field of chemical composition and application technology, including friction, on the surfaces of poisonous cam-pull combinations reducing the friction of coatings containing vitreous carbon, determining the impact of the conditions of use on the triboological properties of components with applied composite coatings and optimisation of the conditions of application of composite coatings on engine components (shaft shafts, pushers) working under heavy load in order to increase their resistance to wear.The implementation of this project will ensure that the required laboratory works can be performed on the test results and preparation for the implementation of the results obtained.The research team will be composed of experienced specialists from all the fields necessary to perform the contents of the engine, will be able to perform the composition of the engine’s requirements to perform the required test results and prepare for the implementation of the results obtained, the test component will be composed of the test components, and the part of the test will be performed on the basis of the test.The test component of the engine will be able to perform the test results, the test equipment will be equipped with the test, the test component will be equipped with the test, the test component will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the test component will be able to perform the test results, the test component will be equipped with the control of the test, the test component will be equipped with the work of the test, the test component of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the test component will be able to perform the work of the test, the test component of the oil will be composed of experienced specialists from all the fields necessary to perform the test, and the process of the process will be able to perform the test of the test under the conditions of the test and preparation of the results of the test, the test will be made of the test.The research team will be able to perform the work of the test, the test component of the oil will be equipped with the test, the test component of which the engine will be equipped with the test, the test component of which the engine will be equipped with the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test.The test component of the engine will be able to perform the raw materials, the components of which the oil will be equipped with the test, the test component of which will be the part of the test, the test component of which will be able to perform the work on the part of the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the components of the engine will be able to perform the raw materials, the components of the oil will be prepared, the test component of the oil will be composed of the work of the test, the part of the test will be the work of the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the part of the test, the part of the engine will be able to perform the test, the components of the oil will be prepared by the test, the test component will be composed of the test, the test component of the oil will be composed of the test, the part of which the test will be made of the test, the part of which the tester will be able to perform the test, the components of which will be prepared by the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, and the components of the engine will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the components of the oil, which will consist of the use of the chemical properties of the test, and on the basis of the test will be performed on the basis of the test, and preparation of the components of the oil, which will consist of experienced specialists from all fields necessary to perform the test, and on the surfaces of the poisonous cam — pusher combinations to reduce the friction of the coatings of the vitreous carbon, determining the influence of the conditions of use on the triboological properties of the component parts of the composite composite coatings, and optimisation of the conditions of application of the composite coatings on the parts of the engine, which will be prepared to implement the results of the test.The test component of the engine will be composed of the components of the (Greek)
    13 August 2022
    0 references
    Number_reference_aid_program: SA.41471(2015/X) Účel verejnej pomoci: Článok 25 nariadenia (ES) č. 651/2014 zo 17. júna 2014 o vyhlásení určitých kategórií pomoci za zlučiteľné s vnútorným trhom pri uplatňovaní článkov 107 a 108 zmluvy To je všetko. EÚ L 187/1 z 26.6.2014). The subject of the project is to carry out R & D works in the field of chemical composition and application technology, including friction, on the surfaces of poisonous cam-pull combinations reducing the friction of coatings containing vitreous carbon, determining the impact of the conditions of use on the triboological properties of components with applied composite coatings and optimisation of the conditions of application of composite coatings on engine components (shaft shafts, pushers) working under heavy load in order to increase their resistance to wear.The implementation of this project will ensure that the required laboratory works can be performed on the test results and preparation for the implementation of the results obtained.The research team will be composed of experienced specialists from all the fields necessary to perform the contents of the engine, will be able to perform the composition of the engine’s requirements to perform the required test results and prepare for the implementation of the results obtained, the test component will be composed of the test components, and the part of the test will be performed on the basis of the test.The test component of the engine will be able to perform the test results, the test equipment will be equipped with the test, the test component will be equipped with the test, the test component will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the test component will be able to perform the test results, the test component will be equipped with the control of the test, the test component will be equipped with the work of the test, the test component of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the test component will be able to perform the work of the test, the test component of the oil will be composed of experienced specialists from all the fields necessary to perform the test, and the process of the process will be able to perform the test of the test under the conditions of the test and preparation of the results of the test, the test will be made of the test.The research team will be able to perform the work of the test, the test component of the oil will be equipped with the test, the test component of which the engine will be equipped with the test, the test component of which the engine will be equipped with the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test.The test component of the engine will be able to perform the raw materials, the components of which the oil will be equipped with the test, the test component of which will be the part of the test, the test component of which will be able to perform the work on the part of the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the components of the engine will be able to perform the raw materials, the components of the oil will be prepared, the test component of the oil will be composed of the work of the test, the part of the test will be the work of the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the part of the test, the part of the engine will be able to perform the test, the components of the oil will be prepared by the test, the test component will be composed of the test, the test component of the oil will be composed of the test, the part of which the test will be made of the test, the part of which the tester will be able to perform the test, the components of which will be prepared by the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, and the components of the engine will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the components of the oil, which will consist of the use of the chemical properties of the test, and on the basis of the test will be performed on the basis of the test, and preparation of the components of the oil, which will consist of experienced specialists from all fields necessary to perform the test, and on the surfaces of the poisonous cam — pusher combinations to reduce the friction of the coatings of the vitreous carbon, determining the influence of the conditions of use on the triboological properties of the component parts of the composite composite coatings, and optimisation of the conditions of application of the composite coatings on the parts of the engine, which will be prepared to implement the results of the test.The test component of the engine will be composed of the components of the (Slovak)
    13 August 2022
    0 references
    Number_reference_aid_ohjelma: SA.41471(2015/X) Julkisen tuen tarkoitus: Tiettyjen tukimuotojen toteamisesta sisämarkkinoille soveltuviksi perussopimuksen 107 ja 108 artiklan mukaisesti 17 päivänä kesäkuuta 2014 annetun asetuksen (EY) N:o 651/2014 25 artikla Se on siinä. EU L 187/1, 26.6.2014. The subject of the project is to carry out R & D works in the field of chemical composition and application technology, including friction, on the surfaces of poisonous cam-pull combinations reducing the friction of coatings containing vitreous carbon, determining the impact of the conditions of use on the triboological properties of components with applied composite coatings and optimisation of the conditions of application of composite coatings on engine components (shaft shafts, pushers) working under heavy load in order to increase their resistance to wear.The implementation of this project will ensure that the required laboratory works can be performed on the test results and preparation for the implementation of the results obtained.The research team will be composed of experienced specialists from all the fields necessary to perform the contents of the engine, will be able to perform the composition of the engine’s requirements to perform the required test results and prepare for the implementation of the results obtained, the test component will be composed of the test components, and the part of the test will be performed on the basis of the test.The test component of the engine will be able to perform the test results, the test equipment will be equipped with the test, the test component will be equipped with the test, the test component will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the test component will be able to perform the test results, the test component will be equipped with the control of the test, the test component will be equipped with the work of the test, the test component of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the test component will be able to perform the work of the test, the test component of the oil will be composed of experienced specialists from all the fields necessary to perform the test, and the process of the process will be able to perform the test of the test under the conditions of the test and preparation of the results of the test, the test will be made of the test.The research team will be able to perform the work of the test, the test component of the oil will be equipped with the test, the test component of which the engine will be equipped with the test, the test component of which the engine will be equipped with the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test.The test component of the engine will be able to perform the raw materials, the components of which the oil will be equipped with the test, the test component of which will be the part of the test, the test component of which will be able to perform the work on the part of the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the components of the engine will be able to perform the raw materials, the components of the oil will be prepared, the test component of the oil will be composed of the work of the test, the part of the test will be the work of the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the part of the test, the part of the engine will be able to perform the test, the components of the oil will be prepared by the test, the test component will be composed of the test, the test component of the oil will be composed of the test, the part of which the test will be made of the test, the part of which the tester will be able to perform the test, the components of which will be prepared by the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, and the components of the engine will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the components of the oil, which will consist of the use of the chemical properties of the test, and on the basis of the test will be performed on the basis of the test, and preparation of the components of the oil, which will consist of experienced specialists from all fields necessary to perform the test, and on the surfaces of the poisonous cam — pusher combinations to reduce the friction of the coatings of the vitreous carbon, determining the influence of the conditions of use on the triboological properties of the component parts of the composite composite coatings, and optimisation of the conditions of application of the composite coatings on the parts of the engine, which will be prepared to implement the results of the test.The test component of the engine will be composed of the components of the (Finnish)
    13 August 2022
    0 references
    Number_reference_aid_program: SA.41471(2015/X) Az állami támogatás célja: A Szerződés 107. és 108. cikkének alkalmazásában bizonyos támogatási kategóriáknak a belső piaccal összeegyeztethetőnek nyilvánításáról szóló, 2014. június 17-i 651/2014/EK rendelet 25. cikke Ez az. – Ez az. EU L 187/1, 2014.6.26.). The subject of the project is to carry out R & D works in the field of chemical composition and application technology, including friction, on the surfaces of poisonous cam-pull combinations reducing the friction of coatings containing vitreous carbon, determining the impact of the conditions of use on the triboological properties of components with applied composite coatings and optimisation of the conditions of application of composite coatings on engine components (shaft shafts, pushers) working under heavy load in order to increase their resistance to wear.The implementation of this project will ensure that the required laboratory works can be performed on the test results and preparation for the implementation of the results obtained.The research team will be composed of experienced specialists from all the fields necessary to perform the contents of the engine, will be able to perform the composition of the engine’s requirements to perform the required test results and prepare for the implementation of the results obtained, the test component will be composed of the test components, and the part of the test will be performed on the basis of the test.The test component of the engine will be able to perform the test results, the test equipment will be equipped with the test, the test component will be equipped with the test, the test component will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the test component will be able to perform the test results, the test component will be equipped with the control of the test, the test component will be equipped with the work of the test, the test component of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the test component will be able to perform the work of the test, the test component of the oil will be composed of experienced specialists from all the fields necessary to perform the test, and the process of the process will be able to perform the test of the test under the conditions of the test and preparation of the results of the test, the test will be made of the test.The research team will be able to perform the work of the test, the test component of the oil will be equipped with the test, the test component of which the engine will be equipped with the test, the test component of which the engine will be equipped with the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test.The test component of the engine will be able to perform the raw materials, the components of which the oil will be equipped with the test, the test component of which will be the part of the test, the test component of which will be able to perform the work on the part of the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the components of the engine will be able to perform the raw materials, the components of the oil will be prepared, the test component of the oil will be composed of the work of the test, the part of the test will be the work of the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the part of the test, the part of the engine will be able to perform the test, the components of the oil will be prepared by the test, the test component will be composed of the test, the test component of the oil will be composed of the test, the part of which the test will be made of the test, the part of which the tester will be able to perform the test, the components of which will be prepared by the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, and the components of the engine will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the components of the oil, which will consist of the use of the chemical properties of the test, and on the basis of the test will be performed on the basis of the test, and preparation of the components of the oil, which will consist of experienced specialists from all fields necessary to perform the test, and on the surfaces of the poisonous cam — pusher combinations to reduce the friction of the coatings of the vitreous carbon, determining the influence of the conditions of use on the triboological properties of the component parts of the composite composite coatings, and optimisation of the conditions of application of the composite coatings on the parts of the engine, which will be prepared to implement the results of the test.The test component of the engine will be composed of the components of the (Hungarian)
    13 August 2022
    0 references
    Number_reference_aid_programme: SA.41471(2015/X) Účel veřejné podpory: Článek 25 nařízení (ES) č. 651/2014 ze dne 17. června 2014, kterým se v souladu s články 107 a 108 Smlouvy prohlašují určité kategorie podpory za slučitelné s vnitřním trhem To je všechno. EU L 187/1 ze dne 26.6.2014). The subject of the project is to carry out R & D works in the field of chemical composition and application technology, including friction, on the surfaces of poisonous cam-pull combinations reducing the friction of coatings containing vitreous carbon, determining the impact of the conditions of use on the triboological properties of components with applied composite coatings and optimisation of the conditions of application of composite coatings on engine components (shaft shafts, pushers) working under heavy load in order to increase their resistance to wear.The implementation of this project will ensure that the required laboratory works can be performed on the test results and preparation for the implementation of the results obtained.The research team will be composed of experienced specialists from all the fields necessary to perform the contents of the engine, will be able to perform the composition of the engine’s requirements to perform the required test results and prepare for the implementation of the results obtained, the test component will be composed of the test components, and the part of the test will be performed on the basis of the test.The test component of the engine will be able to perform the test results, the test equipment will be equipped with the test, the test component will be equipped with the test, the test component will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the test component will be able to perform the test results, the test component will be equipped with the control of the test, the test component will be equipped with the work of the test, the test component of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the test component will be able to perform the work of the test, the test component of the oil will be composed of experienced specialists from all the fields necessary to perform the test, and the process of the process will be able to perform the test of the test under the conditions of the test and preparation of the results of the test, the test will be made of the test.The research team will be able to perform the work of the test, the test component of the oil will be equipped with the test, the test component of which the engine will be equipped with the test, the test component of which the engine will be equipped with the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test.The test component of the engine will be able to perform the raw materials, the components of which the oil will be equipped with the test, the test component of which will be the part of the test, the test component of which will be able to perform the work on the part of the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the components of the engine will be able to perform the raw materials, the components of the oil will be prepared, the test component of the oil will be composed of the work of the test, the part of the test will be the work of the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the part of the test, the part of the engine will be able to perform the test, the components of the oil will be prepared by the test, the test component will be composed of the test, the test component of the oil will be composed of the test, the part of which the test will be made of the test, the part of which the tester will be able to perform the test, the components of which will be prepared by the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, and the components of the engine will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the components of the oil, which will consist of the use of the chemical properties of the test, and on the basis of the test will be performed on the basis of the test, and preparation of the components of the oil, which will consist of experienced specialists from all fields necessary to perform the test, and on the surfaces of the poisonous cam — pusher combinations to reduce the friction of the coatings of the vitreous carbon, determining the influence of the conditions of use on the triboological properties of the component parts of the composite composite coatings, and optimisation of the conditions of application of the composite coatings on the parts of the engine, which will be prepared to implement the results of the test.The test component of the engine will be composed of the components of the (Czech)
    13 August 2022
    0 references
    Number_reference_aid_programma: SA.41471(2015/X) Publiskā atbalsta mērķis: 25. pants 2014. gada 17. jūnija Regulā (EK) Nr. 651/2014, ar ko noteiktas atbalsta kategorijas atzīst par saderīgām ar iekšējo tirgu, piemērojot Līguma 107. un 108. pantu Tas ir viss. EU L 187/1, 26.6.2014. The subject of the project is to carry out R & D works in the field of chemical composition and application technology, including friction, on the surfaces of poisonous cam-pull combinations reducing the friction of coatings containing vitreous carbon, determining the impact of the conditions of use on the triboological properties of components with applied composite coatings and optimisation of the conditions of application of composite coatings on engine components (shaft shafts, pushers) working under heavy load in order to increase their resistance to wear.The implementation of this project will ensure that the required laboratory works can be performed on the test results and preparation for the implementation of the results obtained.The research team will be composed of experienced specialists from all the fields necessary to perform the contents of the engine, will be able to perform the composition of the engine’s requirements to perform the required test results and prepare for the implementation of the results obtained, the test component will be composed of the test components, and the part of the test will be performed on the basis of the test.The test component of the engine will be able to perform the test results, the test equipment will be equipped with the test, the test component will be equipped with the test, the test component will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the test component will be able to perform the test results, the test component will be equipped with the control of the test, the test component will be equipped with the work of the test, the test component of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the test component will be able to perform the work of the test, the test component of the oil will be composed of experienced specialists from all the fields necessary to perform the test, and the process of the process will be able to perform the test of the test under the conditions of the test and preparation of the results of the test, the test will be made of the test.The research team will be able to perform the work of the test, the test component of the oil will be equipped with the test, the test component of which the engine will be equipped with the test, the test component of which the engine will be equipped with the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test.The test component of the engine will be able to perform the raw materials, the components of which the oil will be equipped with the test, the test component of which will be the part of the test, the test component of which will be able to perform the work on the part of the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the components of the engine will be able to perform the raw materials, the components of the oil will be prepared, the test component of the oil will be composed of the work of the test, the part of the test will be the work of the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the part of the test, the part of the engine will be able to perform the test, the components of the oil will be prepared by the test, the test component will be composed of the test, the test component of the oil will be composed of the test, the part of which the test will be made of the test, the part of which the tester will be able to perform the test, the components of which will be prepared by the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, and the components of the engine will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the components of the oil, which will consist of the use of the chemical properties of the test, and on the basis of the test will be performed on the basis of the test, and preparation of the components of the oil, which will consist of experienced specialists from all fields necessary to perform the test, and on the surfaces of the poisonous cam — pusher combinations to reduce the friction of the coatings of the vitreous carbon, determining the influence of the conditions of use on the triboological properties of the component parts of the composite composite coatings, and optimisation of the conditions of application of the composite coatings on the parts of the engine, which will be prepared to implement the results of the test.The test component of the engine will be composed of the components of the (Latvian)
    13 August 2022
    0 references
    Uimhir_reference_aid_clár: SA.41471(2015/X) Cuspóir na cabhrach poiblí: Airteagal 25 de Rialachán (CE) Uimh. 651/2014 an 17 Meitheamh 2014 ina ndearbhaítear go bhfuil catagóirí áirithe cabhrach comhoiriúnach leis an margadh inmheánach i gcur i bhfeidhm Airteagail 107 agus 108 den Chonradh Sin é. AE L 187/1 an 26.6.2014). The subject of the project is to carry out R & D works in the field of chemical composition and application technology, including friction, on the surfaces of poisonous cam-pull combinations reducing the friction of coatings containing vitreous carbon, determining the impact of the conditions of use on the triboological properties of components with applied composite coatings and optimisation of the conditions of application of composite coatings on engine components (shaft shafts, pushers) working under heavy load in order to increase their resistance to wear.The implementation of this project will ensure that the required laboratory works can be performed on the test results and preparation for the implementation of the results obtained.The research team will be composed of experienced specialists from all the fields necessary to perform the contents of the engine, will be able to perform the composition of the engine’s requirements to perform the required test results and prepare for the implementation of the results obtained, the test component will be composed of the test components, and the part of the test will be performed on the basis of the test.The test component of the engine will be able to perform the test results, the test equipment will be equipped with the test, the test component will be equipped with the test, the test component will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the test component will be able to perform the test results, the test component will be equipped with the control of the test, the test component will be equipped with the work of the test, the test component of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the test component will be able to perform the work of the test, the test component of the oil will be composed of experienced specialists from all the fields necessary to perform the test, and the process of the process will be able to perform the test of the test under the conditions of the test and preparation of the results of the test, the test will be made of the test.The research team will be able to perform the work of the test, the test component of the oil will be equipped with the test, the test component of which the engine will be equipped with the test, the test component of which the engine will be equipped with the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test.The test component of the engine will be able to perform the raw materials, the components of which the oil will be equipped with the test, the test component of which will be the part of the test, the test component of which will be able to perform the work on the part of the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the components of the engine will be able to perform the raw materials, the components of the oil will be prepared, the test component of the oil will be composed of the work of the test, the part of the test will be the work of the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the part of the test, the part of the engine will be able to perform the test, the components of the oil will be prepared by the test, the test component will be composed of the test, the test component of the oil will be composed of the test, the part of which the test will be made of the test, the part of which the tester will be able to perform the test, the components of which will be prepared by the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, and the components of the engine will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the components of the oil, which will consist of the use of the chemical properties of the test, and on the basis of the test will be performed on the basis of the test, and preparation of the components of the oil, which will consist of experienced specialists from all fields necessary to perform the test, and on the surfaces of the poisonous cam — pusher combinations to reduce the friction of the coatings of the vitreous carbon, determining the influence of the conditions of use on the triboological properties of the component parts of the composite composite coatings, and optimisation of the conditions of application of the composite coatings on the parts of the engine, which will be prepared to implement the results of the test.The test component of the engine will be composed of the components of the (Irish)
    13 August 2022
    0 references
    Number_reference_aid_program: SA.41471(2015/X) Namen državne pomoči: Člen 25 Uredbe (ES) št. 651/2014 z dne 17. junija 2014 o razglasitvi nekaterih vrst pomoči za združljive z notranjim trgom pri uporabi členov 107 in 108 Pogodbe To je vse. EU L 187/1 z dne 26.6.2014). The subject of the project is to carry out R & D works in the field of chemical composition and application technology, including friction, on the surfaces of poisonous cam-pull combinations reducing the friction of coatings containing vitreous carbon, determining the impact of the conditions of use on the triboological properties of components with applied composite coatings and optimisation of the conditions of application of composite coatings on engine components (shaft shafts, pushers) working under heavy load in order to increase their resistance to wear.The implementation of this project will ensure that the required laboratory works can be performed on the test results and preparation for the implementation of the results obtained.The research team will be composed of experienced specialists from all the fields necessary to perform the contents of the engine, will be able to perform the composition of the engine’s requirements to perform the required test results and prepare for the implementation of the results obtained, the test component will be composed of the test components, and the part of the test will be performed on the basis of the test.The test component of the engine will be able to perform the test results, the test equipment will be equipped with the test, the test component will be equipped with the test, the test component will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the test component will be able to perform the test results, the test component will be equipped with the control of the test, the test component will be equipped with the work of the test, the test component of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the test component will be able to perform the work of the test, the test component of the oil will be composed of experienced specialists from all the fields necessary to perform the test, and the process of the process will be able to perform the test of the test under the conditions of the test and preparation of the results of the test, the test will be made of the test.The research team will be able to perform the work of the test, the test component of the oil will be equipped with the test, the test component of which the engine will be equipped with the test, the test component of which the engine will be equipped with the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test.The test component of the engine will be able to perform the raw materials, the components of which the oil will be equipped with the test, the test component of which will be the part of the test, the test component of which will be able to perform the work on the part of the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the components of the engine will be able to perform the raw materials, the components of the oil will be prepared, the test component of the oil will be composed of the work of the test, the part of the test will be the work of the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the part of the test, the part of the engine will be able to perform the test, the components of the oil will be prepared by the test, the test component will be composed of the test, the test component of the oil will be composed of the test, the part of which the test will be made of the test, the part of which the tester will be able to perform the test, the components of which will be prepared by the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, and the components of the engine will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the components of the oil, which will consist of the use of the chemical properties of the test, and on the basis of the test will be performed on the basis of the test, and preparation of the components of the oil, which will consist of experienced specialists from all fields necessary to perform the test, and on the surfaces of the poisonous cam — pusher combinations to reduce the friction of the coatings of the vitreous carbon, determining the influence of the conditions of use on the triboological properties of the component parts of the composite composite coatings, and optimisation of the conditions of application of the composite coatings on the parts of the engine, which will be prepared to implement the results of the test.The test component of the engine will be composed of the components of the (Slovenian)
    13 August 2022
    0 references
    Number_reference_aid_програма: SA.41471(2015/X) Цел на публичната помощ: Член 25 от Регламент (ЕО) № 651/2014 от 17 юни 2014 г. за обявяване на някои категории помощи за съвместими с вътрешния пазар в приложение на членове 107 и 108 от Договора Това е всичко. EU L 187/1 от 26.6.2014 г.). The subject of the project is to carry out R & D works in the field of chemical composition and application technology, including friction, on the surfaces of poisonous cam-pull combinations reducing the friction of coatings containing vitreous carbon, determining the impact of the conditions of use on the triboological properties of components with applied composite coatings and optimisation of the conditions of application of composite coatings on engine components (shaft shafts, pushers) working under heavy load in order to increase their resistance to wear.The implementation of this project will ensure that the required laboratory works can be performed on the test results and preparation for the implementation of the results obtained.The research team will be composed of experienced specialists from all the fields necessary to perform the contents of the engine, will be able to perform the composition of the engine’s requirements to perform the required test results and prepare for the implementation of the results obtained, the test component will be composed of the test components, and the part of the test will be performed on the basis of the test.The test component of the engine will be able to perform the test results, the test equipment will be equipped with the test, the test component will be equipped with the test, the test component will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the test component will be able to perform the test results, the test component will be equipped with the control of the test, the test component will be equipped with the work of the test, the test component of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the test component will be able to perform the work of the test, the test component of the oil will be composed of experienced specialists from all the fields necessary to perform the test, and the process of the process will be able to perform the test of the test under the conditions of the test and preparation of the results of the test, the test will be made of the test.The research team will be able to perform the work of the test, the test component of the oil will be equipped with the test, the test component of which the engine will be equipped with the test, the test component of which the engine will be equipped with the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test.The test component of the engine will be able to perform the raw materials, the components of which the oil will be equipped with the test, the test component of which will be the part of the test, the test component of which will be able to perform the work on the part of the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the components of the engine will be able to perform the raw materials, the components of the oil will be prepared, the test component of the oil will be composed of the work of the test, the part of the test will be the work of the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the part of the test, the part of the engine will be able to perform the test, the components of the oil will be prepared by the test, the test component will be composed of the test, the test component of the oil will be composed of the test, the part of which the test will be made of the test, the part of which the tester will be able to perform the test, the components of which will be prepared by the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, and the components of the engine will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the components of the oil, which will consist of the use of the chemical properties of the test, and on the basis of the test will be performed on the basis of the test, and preparation of the components of the oil, which will consist of experienced specialists from all fields necessary to perform the test, and on the surfaces of the poisonous cam — pusher combinations to reduce the friction of the coatings of the vitreous carbon, determining the influence of the conditions of use on the triboological properties of the component parts of the composite composite coatings, and optimisation of the conditions of application of the composite coatings on the parts of the engine, which will be prepared to implement the results of the test.The test component of the engine will be composed of the components of the (Bulgarian)
    13 August 2022
    0 references
    Number_reference_aid_programm: SA.41471(2015/X) Skop ta’ għajnuna pubblika: L-Artikolu 25 tar-Regolament (KE) Nru 651/2014 tas-17 ta’ Ġunju 2014 li jiddikjara ċerti kategoriji ta’ għajnuna bħala kompatibbli mas-suq intern skont l-Artikoli 107 u 108 tat-Trattat Li huwa. UE L 187/1 tas-26.6.2014). The subject of the project is to carry out R & D works in the field of chemical composition and application technology, including friction, on the surfaces of poisonous cam-pull combinations reducing the friction of coatings containing vitreous carbon, determining the impact of the conditions of use on the triboological properties of components with applied composite coatings and optimisation of the conditions of application of composite coatings on engine components (shaft shafts, pushers) working under heavy load in order to increase their resistance to wear.The implementation of this project will ensure that the required laboratory works can be performed on the test results and preparation for the implementation of the results obtained.The research team will be composed of experienced specialists from all the fields necessary to perform the contents of the engine, will be able to perform the composition of the engine’s requirements to perform the required test results and prepare for the implementation of the results obtained, the test component will be composed of the test components, and the part of the test will be performed on the basis of the test.The test component of the engine will be able to perform the test results, the test equipment will be equipped with the test, the test component will be equipped with the test, the test component will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the test component will be able to perform the test results, the test component will be equipped with the control of the test, the test component will be equipped with the work of the test, the test component of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the test component will be able to perform the work of the test, the test component of the oil will be composed of experienced specialists from all the fields necessary to perform the test, and the process of the process will be able to perform the test of the test under the conditions of the test and preparation of the results of the test, the test will be made of the test.The research team will be able to perform the work of the test, the test component of the oil will be equipped with the test, the test component of which the engine will be equipped with the test, the test component of which the engine will be equipped with the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test.The test component of the engine will be able to perform the raw materials, the components of which the oil will be equipped with the test, the test component of which will be the part of the test, the test component of which will be able to perform the work on the part of the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the components of the engine will be able to perform the raw materials, the components of the oil will be prepared, the test component of the oil will be composed of the work of the test, the part of the test will be the work of the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the part of the test, the part of the engine will be able to perform the test, the components of the oil will be prepared by the test, the test component will be composed of the test, the test component of the oil will be composed of the test, the part of which the test will be made of the test, the part of which the tester will be able to perform the test, the components of which will be prepared by the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, and the components of the engine will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the components of the oil, which will consist of the use of the chemical properties of the test, and on the basis of the test will be performed on the basis of the test, and preparation of the components of the oil, which will consist of experienced specialists from all fields necessary to perform the test, and on the surfaces of the poisonous cam — pusher combinations to reduce the friction of the coatings of the vitreous carbon, determining the influence of the conditions of use on the triboological properties of the component parts of the composite composite coatings, and optimisation of the conditions of application of the composite coatings on the parts of the engine, which will be prepared to implement the results of the test.The test component of the engine will be composed of the components of the (Maltese)
    13 August 2022
    0 references
    Number_reference_aid_programa: SA.41471(2015/X) Objetivo do auxílio público: Artigo 25.º do Regulamento (CE) n.º 651/2014, de 17 de junho de 2014, que declara certas categorias de auxílios compatíveis com o mercado interno, em aplicação dos artigos 107.º e 108.º do Tratado É isso mesmo. UE L 187/1 de 26.6.2014). The subject of the project is to carry out R & D works in the field of chemical composition and application technology, including friction, on the surfaces of poisonous cam-pull combinations reducing the friction of coatings containing vitreous carbon, determining the impact of the conditions of use on the triboological properties of components with applied composite coatings and optimisation of the conditions of application of composite coatings on engine components (shaft shafts, pushers) working under heavy load in order to increase their resistance to wear.The implementation of this project will ensure that the required laboratory works can be performed on the test results and preparation for the implementation of the results obtained.The research team will be composed of experienced specialists from all the fields necessary to perform the contents of the engine, will be able to perform the composition of the engine’s requirements to perform the required test results and prepare for the implementation of the results obtained, the test component will be composed of the test components, and the part of the test will be performed on the basis of the test.The test component of the engine will be able to perform the test results, the test equipment will be equipped with the test, the test component will be equipped with the test, the test component will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the test component will be able to perform the test results, the test component will be equipped with the control of the test, the test component will be equipped with the work of the test, the test component of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the test component will be able to perform the work of the test, the test component of the oil will be composed of experienced specialists from all the fields necessary to perform the test, and the process of the process will be able to perform the test of the test under the conditions of the test and preparation of the results of the test, the test will be made of the test.The research team will be able to perform the work of the test, the test component of the oil will be equipped with the test, the test component of which the engine will be equipped with the test, the test component of which the engine will be equipped with the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test.The test component of the engine will be able to perform the raw materials, the components of which the oil will be equipped with the test, the test component of which will be the part of the test, the test component of which will be able to perform the work on the part of the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the components of the engine will be able to perform the raw materials, the components of the oil will be prepared, the test component of the oil will be composed of the work of the test, the part of the test will be the work of the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the part of the test, the part of the engine will be able to perform the test, the components of the oil will be prepared by the test, the test component will be composed of the test, the test component of the oil will be composed of the test, the part of which the test will be made of the test, the part of which the tester will be able to perform the test, the components of which will be prepared by the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, and the components of the engine will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the components of the oil, which will consist of the use of the chemical properties of the test, and on the basis of the test will be performed on the basis of the test, and preparation of the components of the oil, which will consist of experienced specialists from all fields necessary to perform the test, and on the surfaces of the poisonous cam — pusher combinations to reduce the friction of the coatings of the vitreous carbon, determining the influence of the conditions of use on the triboological properties of the component parts of the composite composite coatings, and optimisation of the conditions of application of the composite coatings on the parts of the engine, which will be prepared to implement the results of the test.The test component of the engine will be composed of the components of the (Portuguese)
    13 August 2022
    0 references
    Nummer_reference_aid_program: SA.41471(2015/X) Formål med offentlig støtte: Artikel 25 i forordning (EF) nr. 651/2014 af 17. juni 2014 om visse former for støttes forenelighed med det indre marked i henhold til traktatens artikel 107 og 108 Det er det. EU L 187/1 af 26.6.2014). The subject of the project is to carry out R & D works in the field of chemical composition and application technology, including friction, on the surfaces of poisonous cam-pull combinations reducing the friction of coatings containing vitreous carbon, determining the impact of the conditions of use on the triboological properties of components with applied composite coatings and optimisation of the conditions of application of composite coatings on engine components (shaft shafts, pushers) working under heavy load in order to increase their resistance to wear.The implementation of this project will ensure that the required laboratory works can be performed on the test results and preparation for the implementation of the results obtained.The research team will be composed of experienced specialists from all the fields necessary to perform the contents of the engine, will be able to perform the composition of the engine’s requirements to perform the required test results and prepare for the implementation of the results obtained, the test component will be composed of the test components, and the part of the test will be performed on the basis of the test.The test component of the engine will be able to perform the test results, the test equipment will be equipped with the test, the test component will be equipped with the test, the test component will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the test component will be able to perform the test results, the test component will be equipped with the control of the test, the test component will be equipped with the work of the test, the test component of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the test component will be able to perform the work of the test, the test component of the oil will be composed of experienced specialists from all the fields necessary to perform the test, and the process of the process will be able to perform the test of the test under the conditions of the test and preparation of the results of the test, the test will be made of the test.The research team will be able to perform the work of the test, the test component of the oil will be equipped with the test, the test component of which the engine will be equipped with the test, the test component of which the engine will be equipped with the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test.The test component of the engine will be able to perform the raw materials, the components of which the oil will be equipped with the test, the test component of which will be the part of the test, the test component of which will be able to perform the work on the part of the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the components of the engine will be able to perform the raw materials, the components of the oil will be prepared, the test component of the oil will be composed of the work of the test, the part of the test will be the work of the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the part of the test, the part of the engine will be able to perform the test, the components of the oil will be prepared by the test, the test component will be composed of the test, the test component of the oil will be composed of the test, the part of which the test will be made of the test, the part of which the tester will be able to perform the test, the components of which will be prepared by the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, and the components of the engine will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the components of the oil, which will consist of the use of the chemical properties of the test, and on the basis of the test will be performed on the basis of the test, and preparation of the components of the oil, which will consist of experienced specialists from all fields necessary to perform the test, and on the surfaces of the poisonous cam — pusher combinations to reduce the friction of the coatings of the vitreous carbon, determining the influence of the conditions of use on the triboological properties of the component parts of the composite composite coatings, and optimisation of the conditions of application of the composite coatings on the parts of the engine, which will be prepared to implement the results of the test.The test component of the engine will be composed of the components of the (Danish)
    13 August 2022
    0 references
    Number_reference_aid_program: SA.41471(2015/X) Scopul ajutorului public: Articolul 25 din Regulamentul (CE) nr. 651/2014 din 17 iunie 2014 de declarare a anumitor categorii de ajutoare compatibile cu piața internă în aplicarea articolelor 107 și 108 din tratat Asta e tot. UE L 187/1 din 26.6.2014). The subject of the project is to carry out R & D works in the field of chemical composition and application technology, including friction, on the surfaces of poisonous cam-pull combinations reducing the friction of coatings containing vitreous carbon, determining the impact of the conditions of use on the triboological properties of components with applied composite coatings and optimisation of the conditions of application of composite coatings on engine components (shaft shafts, pushers) working under heavy load in order to increase their resistance to wear.The implementation of this project will ensure that the required laboratory works can be performed on the test results and preparation for the implementation of the results obtained.The research team will be composed of experienced specialists from all the fields necessary to perform the contents of the engine, will be able to perform the composition of the engine’s requirements to perform the required test results and prepare for the implementation of the results obtained, the test component will be composed of the test components, and the part of the test will be performed on the basis of the test.The test component of the engine will be able to perform the test results, the test equipment will be equipped with the test, the test component will be equipped with the test, the test component will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the test component will be able to perform the test results, the test component will be equipped with the control of the test, the test component will be equipped with the work of the test, the test component of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the test component will be able to perform the work of the test, the test component of the oil will be composed of experienced specialists from all the fields necessary to perform the test, and the process of the process will be able to perform the test of the test under the conditions of the test and preparation of the results of the test, the test will be made of the test.The research team will be able to perform the work of the test, the test component of the oil will be equipped with the test, the test component of which the engine will be equipped with the test, the test component of which the engine will be equipped with the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test.The test component of the engine will be able to perform the raw materials, the components of which the oil will be equipped with the test, the test component of which will be the part of the test, the test component of which will be able to perform the work on the part of the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the components of the engine will be able to perform the raw materials, the components of the oil will be prepared, the test component of the oil will be composed of the work of the test, the part of the test will be the work of the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the part of the test, the part of the engine will be able to perform the test, the components of the oil will be prepared by the test, the test component will be composed of the test, the test component of the oil will be composed of the test, the part of which the test will be made of the test, the part of which the tester will be able to perform the test, the components of which will be prepared by the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, and the components of the engine will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the components of the oil, which will consist of the use of the chemical properties of the test, and on the basis of the test will be performed on the basis of the test, and preparation of the components of the oil, which will consist of experienced specialists from all fields necessary to perform the test, and on the surfaces of the poisonous cam — pusher combinations to reduce the friction of the coatings of the vitreous carbon, determining the influence of the conditions of use on the triboological properties of the component parts of the composite composite coatings, and optimisation of the conditions of application of the composite coatings on the parts of the engine, which will be prepared to implement the results of the test.The test component of the engine will be composed of the components of the (Romanian)
    13 August 2022
    0 references
    Number_reference_aid_program: SA.41471(2015/X) Syfte med offentligt stöd: Artikel 25 i förordning (EG) nr 651/2014 av den 17 juni 2014 genom vilken vissa kategorier av stöd förklaras förenliga med den inre marknaden vid tillämpningen av artiklarna 107 och 108 i fördraget Det är allt. EU L 187/1 av den 26 juni 26.6.2014). The subject of the project is to carry out R & D works in the field of chemical composition and application technology, including friction, on the surfaces of poisonous cam-pull combinations reducing the friction of coatings containing vitreous carbon, determining the impact of the conditions of use on the triboological properties of components with applied composite coatings and optimisation of the conditions of application of composite coatings on engine components (shaft shafts, pushers) working under heavy load in order to increase their resistance to wear.The implementation of this project will ensure that the required laboratory works can be performed on the test results and preparation for the implementation of the results obtained.The research team will be composed of experienced specialists from all the fields necessary to perform the contents of the engine, will be able to perform the composition of the engine’s requirements to perform the required test results and prepare for the implementation of the results obtained, the test component will be composed of the test components, and the part of the test will be performed on the basis of the test.The test component of the engine will be able to perform the test results, the test equipment will be equipped with the test, the test component will be equipped with the test, the test component will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the test component will be able to perform the test results, the test component will be equipped with the control of the test, the test component will be equipped with the work of the test, the test component of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the test component will be able to perform the work of the test, the test component of the oil will be composed of experienced specialists from all the fields necessary to perform the test, and the process of the process will be able to perform the test of the test under the conditions of the test and preparation of the results of the test, the test will be made of the test.The research team will be able to perform the work of the test, the test component of the oil will be equipped with the test, the test component of which the engine will be equipped with the test, the test component of which the engine will be equipped with the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test.The test component of the engine will be able to perform the raw materials, the components of which the oil will be equipped with the test, the test component of which will be the part of the test, the test component of which will be able to perform the work on the part of the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the components of the engine will be able to perform the raw materials, the components of the oil will be prepared, the test component of the oil will be composed of the work of the test, the part of the test will be the work of the test, the part of which will be able to perform the work on the part of the test, the part of the engine will be able to perform the test, the components of the oil will be prepared by the test, the test component will be composed of the test, the test component of the oil will be composed of the test, the part of which the test will be made of the test, the part of which the tester will be able to perform the test, the components of which will be prepared by the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, the components of which will be composed of the test, and the components of the engine will be able to perform the work on the basis of the test, the components of the oil, which will consist of the use of the chemical properties of the test, and on the basis of the test will be performed on the basis of the test, and preparation of the components of the oil, which will consist of experienced specialists from all fields necessary to perform the test, and on the surfaces of the poisonous cam — pusher combinations to reduce the friction of the coatings of the vitreous carbon, determining the influence of the conditions of use on the triboological properties of the component parts of the composite composite coatings, and optimisation of the conditions of application of the composite coatings on the parts of the engine, which will be prepared to implement the results of the test.The test component of the engine will be composed of the components of the (Swedish)
    13 August 2022
    0 references
    WOJ.: PODKARPACKIE, POW.: mielecki
    0 references
    24 May 2023
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