EUB – Energy and environmental support for municipalities and public institutions (Q6877848)

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Project GENERATED-ID-2014AT16RFOP001-2023-12-5-2382 in Austria
Language Label Description Also known as
EUB – Energy and environmental support for municipalities and public institutions
Project GENERATED-ID-2014AT16RFOP001-2023-12-5-2382 in Austria


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    270,000.0 Euro
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    1 January 2020
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    31 October 2023
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    Forschung Burgenland GmbH
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    Zur Erreichung der Klimaschutzziele des Burgenlandes sollen Kommunen und öffentliche Institutionen motiviert werden, Beiträge gemäß den Vorgaben (Burgenländische Energiestrategie 2020+, Klima- und Energiestrategie Burgenland 2030) zu leisten. (German)
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    Afin d’atteindre les objectifs climatiques du Burgenland, les communes et les institutions publiques doivent être encouragées à apporter des contributions conformément aux directives (Stratégie énergétique du Burgenland 2020+, Stratégie énergétique pour le climat et l’énergie du Burgenland 2030). (French)
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    Om de klimaatbeschermingsdoelstellingen van Burgenland te verwezenlijken, moeten gemeenten en openbare instellingen worden aangemoedigd om overeenkomstig de vereisten een bijdrage te leveren (energiestrategie van Burgenland 2020+, klimaat- en energiestrategie Burgenland 2030). (Dutch)
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    Προκειμένου να επιτευχθούν οι στόχοι προστασίας του κλίματος του Burgenland, οι δήμοι και οι δημόσιοι οργανισμοί θα πρέπει να ενθαρρυνθούν να συνεισφέρουν σύμφωνα με τις απαιτήσεις (Στρατηγική για την ενέργεια της Burgenland 2020+, στρατηγική για το κλίμα και την ενέργεια Burgenland 2030). (Greek)
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    Da bi dosegli cilje varstva podnebja na Gradiščanskem, bi bilo treba občine in javne ustanove spodbujati, da prispevajo v skladu z zahtevami (energetska strategija za Burgenland 2020+, podnebna in energetska strategija Gradiščanska do leta 2030). (Slovenian)
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    A fin de alcanzar los objetivos de protección climática de Burgenland, debe alentarse a los municipios y a las instituciones públicas a que aporten contribuciones de conformidad con los requisitos (Estrategia energética 2020+ de Bulgaria, Estrategia de clima y energía Burgenland 2030). (Spanish)
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    Pentru a atinge obiectivele de protecție a climei ale Burgenlandului, municipalitățile și instituțiile publice ar trebui încurajate să aducă contribuții în conformitate cu cerințele (Strategia energetică 2020+ de la Burgenland, Strategia privind clima și energia Burgenland 2030). (Romanian)
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    Sabiex jintlaħqu l-għanijiet tal-protezzjoni tal-klima ta’ Burgenland, il-muniċipalitajiet u l-istituzzjonijiet pubbliċi għandhom jiġu mħeġġa jagħmlu kontribuzzjonijiet f’konformità mar-rekwiżiti (l-Istrateġija dwar l-Enerġija ta’ Burgenland 2020+, l-Istrateġija għall-Klima u l-Enerġija Burgenland 2030). (Maltese)
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    Al fine di conseguire gli obiettivi di protezione del clima del Burgenland, i comuni e le istituzioni pubbliche dovrebbero essere incoraggiati a fornire contributi conformemente ai requisiti (Strategia energetica di Burgenland 2020+, Strategia per il clima e l'energia Burgenland 2030). (Italian)
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    Kad būtų pasiekti Burgenlando klimato apsaugos tikslai, savivaldybės ir viešosios institucijos turėtų būti skatinamos prisidėti pagal reikalavimus (Burgenlando energetikos strategija 2020+, Burgenlando 2030 m. klimato ir energetikos strategija). (Lithuanian)
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    Chun spriocanna Burgenland maidir le cosaint aeráide a bhaint amach, ba cheart bardais agus institiúidí poiblí a spreagadh chun rannchuidiú a dhéanamh i gcomhréir leis na ceanglais (Straitéis Fuinnimh na Burglainne 2020+, an Straitéis Aeráide agus Fuinnimh Burgenland 2030). (Irish)
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    V záujme dosiahnutia cieľov Burgenlandu v oblasti ochrany klímy by sa mali obce a verejné inštitúcie nabádať, aby prispievali v súlade s požiadavkami (Burgenland Energy Strategy 2020+, Climate and Energy Strategy Burgenland 2030). (Slovak)
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    Burgenlandi kliimakaitse eesmärkide saavutamiseks tuleks omavalitsusi ja avaliku sektori asutusi julgustada andma oma panuse kooskõlas nõuetega (Burgenlandi energiastrateegia 2020+, kliima- ja energiastrateegia Burgenland 2030). (Estonian)
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    For at nå Burgenlands klimabeskyttelsesmål bør kommuner og offentlige institutioner tilskyndes til at yde bidrag i overensstemmelse med kravene (Burgenlands energistrategi 2020+, klima- og energistrategien Burgenland 2030). (Danish)
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    Burgenland éghajlatvédelmi céljainak elérése érdekében ösztönözni kell az önkormányzatokat és a közintézményeket, hogy a követelményeknek (Burgenland 2020+ energiastratégia, Burgenland 2030 éghajlat- és energiastratégia) megfelelően járuljanak hozzá. (Hungarian)
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    Kako bi se ostvarili ciljevi zaštite klime gradišćanskog područja, općine i javne institucije trebalo bi poticati na davanje doprinosa u skladu sa zahtjevima (energetska strategija Burgenland 2020+, Klimatska i energetska strategija Gradišća 2030.). (Croatian)
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    Lai sasniegtu Burgenlandes klimata aizsardzības mērķus, pašvaldības un publiskās iestādes būtu jāmudina sniegt ieguldījumu saskaņā ar prasībām (Burgenlandes enerģētikas stratēģija 2020+, Klimata un enerģētikas stratēģija 2030. gadam). (Latvian)
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    För att uppnå Burgenlands klimatskyddsmål bör kommuner och offentliga institutioner uppmuntras att lämna bidrag i enlighet med kraven (Burgenlands energistrategi 2020+, klimat- och energistrategin Burgenland 2030). (Swedish)
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    A fim de alcançar os objetivos de proteção do clima do Burgenland, os municípios e as instituições públicas devem ser incentivados a contribuir em conformidade com os requisitos (Estratégia Energética do Burgenland para 2020+, Estratégia Climática e Energética do Burgenland para 2030). (Portuguese)
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    In order to achieve the climate protection goals of Burgenland, municipalities and public institutions should be encouraged to make contributions in accordance with the requirements (Burgenland Energy Strategy 2020+, Climate and Energy Strategy Burgenland 2030). (English)
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    Burgenlandin ilmastonsuojelutavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi kuntia ja julkisia laitoksia olisi kannustettava osallistumaan vaatimusten mukaisesti (Burgenlandin energiastrategia 2020+, ilmasto- ja energiastrategia Burgenland 2030). (Finnish)
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    V zájmu dosažení cílů Burgenlandu v oblasti ochrany klimatu by měly být obce a veřejné instituce vybízeny k tomu, aby přispívaly v souladu s požadavky (Burgenlandská energetická strategie 2020+, strategie v oblasti klimatu a energetiky Burgenland 2030). (Czech)
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    За да се постигнат целите на Бургенланд за опазване на климата, общините и публичните институции следва да бъдат насърчавани да дават своя принос в съответствие с изискванията (Енергийна стратегия на Бургенланд за 2020 г.+, стратегия за климата и енергетиката Бургенланд до 2030 г.). (Bulgarian)
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    7 December 2023
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