Structural and machine expansion of the existing company (Q6871558)

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Project GENERATED-ID-2014AT16RFOP001-2023-11-21-2011 in Austria
Language Label Description Also known as
Structural and machine expansion of the existing company
Project GENERATED-ID-2014AT16RFOP001-2023-11-21-2011 in Austria


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    6,800,000.0 Euro
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    23 October 2020
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    31 December 2022
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    Aigner Werkzeuge Gesellschaft m.b.H.
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    Zubau und Umbau des bestehenden Betriebes inkl. Investitionen in Maschinen wie CNC-Maschinen, Kantenanleimmaschine, Kreissäge etc. sowie einer ERP-Software und eines CAD-Systems. (German)
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    Изграждане и преобразуване на съществуващата компания, включително инвестиции в машини като CNC машини, периферна лента машина, циркуляр и др., както и ERP софтуер и CAD система. (Bulgarian)
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    Výstavba a přestavba stávající společnosti včetně investic do strojů, jako jsou CNC stroje, olepovací stroj, kotoučová pila atd., stejně jako ERP software a CAD systém. (Czech)
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    Konstruktion og konvertering af den eksisterende virksomhed, herunder investeringer i maskiner som CNC-maskiner, kantbåndsmaskine, rundsav osv. samt ERP-software og et CAD-system. (Danish)
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    Κατασκευή και μετατροπή της υφιστάμενης εταιρείας, συμπεριλαμβανομένων επενδύσεων σε μηχανήματα όπως οι μηχανές CNC, η μηχανή ζωνών ακρών, το κυκλικό πριόνι κ.λπ., καθώς και το λογισμικό ERP και ένα σύστημα CAD. (Greek)
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    Construction and conversion of the existing company including investments in machines such as CNC machines, edge banding machine, circular saw, etc. as well as ERP software and a CAD system. (English)
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    Construcción y conversión de la empresa existente, incluyendo inversiones en máquinas como máquinas CNC, máquina de bordes de banda, sierra circular, etc., así como software ERP y un sistema CAD. (Spanish)
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    Olemasoleva ettevõtte ehitamine ja ümberehitamine, sealhulgas investeeringud sellistesse masinatesse nagu CNC masinad, servalindimismasin, ketassaag jne, samuti ERP tarkvara ja CAD-süsteem. (Estonian)
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    Nykyisen yrityksen rakentaminen ja muuntaminen, mukaan lukien investoinnit koneisiin, kuten CNC-koneisiin, reunanauhakoneeseen, pyörösahaan jne., ERP-ohjelmistoihin ja CAD-järjestelmään. (Finnish)
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    Construction et transformation de l’entreprise existante, y compris les investissements dans des machines telles que les machines CNC, la machine à coller les chants, la scie circulaire, etc., ainsi qu’un logiciel ERP et un système de CAO. (French)
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    Tógáil agus comhshó na cuideachta atá ann cheana féin lena n-áirítear infheistíochtaí i meaisíní amhail meaisíní CNC, meaisín bandála imeall, sáibh ciorclach, etc. chomh maith le bogearraí ERP agus córas CAD. (Irish)
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    Izgradnja i pretvorba postojećeg poduzeća, uključujući ulaganja u strojeve kao što su CNC strojevi, stroj za rubne trake, kružna pila itd., kao i ERP softver i CAD sustav. (Croatian)
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    A meglévő vállalat építése és átalakítása, beleértve az olyan gépekbe történő beruházásokat, mint a CNC gépek, az élszalagos gépek, a körfűrészek stb., valamint az ERP szoftver és a CAD rendszer. (Hungarian)
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    Costruzione e conversione dell'azienda esistente, compresi gli investimenti in macchine come macchine CNC, bordatrici, seghe circolari, ecc., nonché software ERP e un sistema CAD. (Italian)
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    Esamos įmonės statyba ir pertvarkymas, įskaitant investicijas į tokias mašinas kaip CNC staklės, briaunų juostos mašina, diskinis pjūklas ir kt., ERP programinę įrangą ir CAD sistemą. (Lithuanian)
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    Esošā uzņēmuma būvniecība un pārveidošana, ieskaitot ieguldījumus tādās mašīnās kā CNC mašīnas, malu apšuvuma mašīna, apļveida zāģis u. c., kā arī ERP programmatūra un CAD sistēma. (Latvian)
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    Il-kostruzzjoni u l-konverżjoni tal-kumpanija eżistenti inklużi investimenti f’magni bħal magni CNC, magni ta’ faxex tat-tarf, serrieq ċirkolari, eċċ. kif ukoll softwer ERP u sistema CAD. (Maltese)
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    Bouw en conversie van het bestaande bedrijf inclusief investeringen in machines zoals CNC-machines, randbandmachine, cirkelzaag, etc., ERP-software en een CAD-systeem. (Dutch)
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    Construção e conversão da empresa existente, incluindo investimentos em máquinas como máquinas CNC, máquinas de banda de bordas, serras circulares, etc., bem como software ERP e um sistema CAD. (Portuguese)
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    Construcția și conversia companiei existente, inclusiv investiții în mașini cum ar fi mașini CNC, mașină de bandă de margine, ferăstrău circular etc., precum și software ERP și un sistem CAD. (Romanian)
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    Výstavba a prestavba existujúcej spoločnosti vrátane investícií do strojov, ako sú CNC stroje, hranové pásky, kotúčová píla atď., ako aj softvér ERP a CAD systém. (Slovak)
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    Gradnja in preoblikovanje obstoječega podjetja, vključno z naložbami v stroje, kot so CNC stroji, robni tračni stroji, krožna žaga itd., ter ERP programska oprema in sistem CAD. (Slovenian)
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    Konstruktion och konvertering av det befintliga företaget inklusive investeringar i maskiner som CNC-maskiner, kantbandningsmaskin, cirkelsåg etc. samt ERP-programvara och ett CAD-system. (Swedish)
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    22 November 2023
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    7 December 2023
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