TCSP crossing Saint Louis – Studies and works relating to the development of the Pôle d’exchange (Rue St Philippe and rue Pierre Payet) (Q6835953)

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Project RE0026428 in France
Language Label Description Also known as
TCSP crossing Saint Louis – Studies and works relating to the development of the Pôle d’exchange (Rue St Philippe and rue Pierre Payet)
Project RE0026428 in France


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    1,087,171.1 Euro
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    1,553,101.6 Euro
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    70.0 percent
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    1 June 2017
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    30 April 2020
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    21°14'1.57"S, 55°25'17.87"E
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    L’opération, qui s’inscrit dans la continuité du projet Néo, comprend la réalisation des bâtiments du pôle d’échanges et de régulation de Saint Louis à l’emplacement de l’ancienne gare routière sur la rue Saint Philippe. (French)
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    Операцията, която е продължение на проекта Neo, включва изграждането на сградите на борсата „Сейнт Луис„и „Регулаторен център“ на мястото на бившата автогара на улица Saint Philippe. (Bulgarian)
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    Operace, která je pokračováním projektu Neo, zahrnuje výstavbu budov Saint Louis Exchange a Regulatory Hub v místě bývalého autobusového nádraží na ulici Saint Philippe. (Czech)
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    Operationen, som er en fortsættelse af Neo-projektet, omfatter opførelse af bygningerne i Saint Louis Exchange og Regulatory Hub på stedet for den tidligere busstation på Saint Philippe Street. (Danish)
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    Die Operation, die Teil des Projekts Neo ist, umfasst die Realisierung der Gebäude des Austausch- und Regulierungszentrums von Saint Louis am Standort des alten Busbahnhofs in der Rue Saint Philippe. (German)
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    Η λειτουργία, η οποία αποτελεί συνέχεια του έργου Neo, περιλαμβάνει την κατασκευή των κτιρίων του Χρηματιστηρίου Saint Louis και του Ρυθμιστικού Κόμβου στη θέση του πρώην σταθμού λεωφορείων στην οδό Saint Philippe. (Greek)
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    The operation, which is a continuation of the Neo project, includes the construction of the buildings of the Saint Louis Exchange and Regulatory Hub at the site of the former bus station on Saint Philippe Street. (English)
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    La operación, que es una continuación del proyecto Neo, incluye la construcción de los edificios de Saint Louis Exchange and Regulatory Hub en el sitio de la antigua estación de autobuses en la calle Saint Philippe. (Spanish)
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    Operatsioon, mis on jätkuks Neo projektile, hõlmab Saint Louis Exchange’i ja reguleerimiskeskuse hoonete ehitamist endise bussijaama asukohas Saint Philippe tänaval. (Estonian)
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    Operaatio, joka on jatkoa Neo-hankkeelle, sisältää Saint Louis Exchangen ja Regulatory Hubin rakennusten rakentamisen entisen linja-autoaseman paikalle Saint Philippe Streetillä. (Finnish)
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    Áirítear leis an oibríocht, atá ag leanúint le tionscadal Neo, tógáil fhoirgnimh an Saint Louis Exchange agus Mol Rialála ag suíomh an iarstáisiúin bus ar Shráid San Philippe. (Irish)
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    Operacija, koja je nastavak projekta Neo, uključuje izgradnju zgrada Saint Louis Exchange i Regulatornog čvorišta na mjestu bivšeg autobusnog kolodvora u ulici Saint Philippe. (Croatian)
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    A művelet, amely a Neo projekt folytatása, magában foglalja a Saint Louis Exchange és Szabályozó Központ épületeinek megépítését a korábbi Saint Philippe utcai buszpályaudvar helyén. (Hungarian)
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    L'operazione, che è una continuazione del progetto Neo, prevede la costruzione degli edifici del Saint Louis Exchange and Regulatory Hub presso il sito dell'ex stazione degli autobus in via Saint Philippe. (Italian)
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    Operacija, kuri yra Neo projekto tęsinys, apima Saint Louis Exchange ir reguliavimo centro pastatų statybą buvusios autobusų stoties Saint Philippe gatvėje vietoje. (Lithuanian)
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    Darbība, kas ir Neo projekta turpinājums, ietver Saint Louis Exchange and Regulatory Hub ēku būvniecību bijušās autoostas vietā Saint Philippe ielā. (Latvian)
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    l-operazzjoni, li hija kontinwazzjoni tal-proġett Neo, tinkludi l-kostruzzjoni tal-bini taċ-Ċentru ta’ Skambju u Regolatorju San Louis fis-sit tal-istazzjon tal-karozzi tal-linja ta’ qabel fi Triq Saint Philippe. (Maltese)
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    De operatie, die een voortzetting is van het Neo-project, omvat de bouw van de gebouwen van de Saint Louis Exchange en Regulatory Hub op de site van het voormalige busstation aan Saint Philippe Street. (Dutch)
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    A operação, que é uma continuação do projeto Neo, inclui a construção dos edifícios do Centro de Troca e Regulação de Saint Louis no local da antiga estação de autocarros em Saint Philippe Street. (Portuguese)
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    Operațiunea, care este o continuare a proiectului Neo, include construirea clădirilor din Saint Louis Exchange and Regulatory Hub la locul fostei stații de autobuz de pe strada Saint Philippe. (Romanian)
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    Operácia, ktorá je pokračovaním projektu Neo, zahŕňa výstavbu budov burzy Saint Louis a Regulačného centra na mieste bývalej autobusovej stanice na ulici Saint Philippe. (Slovak)
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    Operacija, ki je nadaljevanje projekta Neo, vključuje gradnjo stavb Saint Louis Exchange and Regulatory Hub na mestu nekdanje avtobusne postaje na ulici Saint Philippe. (Slovenian)
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    Operationen, som är en fortsättning på Neo-projektet, omfattar byggandet av byggnaderna i Saint Louis Exchange och Regulatory Hub på platsen för den tidigare busstationen på Saint Philippe Street. (Swedish)
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    8 June 2023
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    7 December 2023
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