IGAPE support for investment projects in terraces and packaging/packaging elements in the hospitality and catering sector. (Call 2021) PRIETO YAÑEZ, C.B. — IG283.2021.1.869 (Q4682156)

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Project Q4682156 in Spain
Language Label Description Also known as
IGAPE support for investment projects in terraces and packaging/packaging elements in the hospitality and catering sector. (Call 2021) PRIETO YAÑEZ, C.B. — IG283.2021.1.869
Project Q4682156 in Spain


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    10,674.66 Euro
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    10,674.66 Euro
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    100.0 percent
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    1 October 2020
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    30 October 2021
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    43°40'10.92"N, 7°24'34.42"W
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    Ayuda a PRIETO Y YAÑEZ, C.B. con establecimiento en el sector de hostelería -restauración para inversiones en terrazas y adquisición de elementos de envasado /empaquetado para consumo en domicilio. Núm. expediente IG283.2021.1.869 (Spanish)
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    Cabhair PRIETO YAţEZ, C.B. le bunaíocht in earnáil an fháilteachais — athchóiriú le haghaidh infheistíochtaí i ardáin agus ceannach eilimintí pacáistithe/pacáistíochta le haghaidh tomhaltas baile. Uimh. chomhad IG283.2021.1.869 (Irish)
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    Help PRIETO Y YAÑEZ, C.B. with establishment in the hospitality sector — restoration for investments in terraces and purchase of packaging/packaging elements for home consumption. File No. IG283.2021.1.869 (English)
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    Hjälp PRIETO Y YA®EZ, C.B. med etablering inom besöksnäringen – restaurering för investeringar i terrasser och inköp av förpacknings-/förpackningselement för hemkonsumtion. Fil nr IG283.2021.1.869 (Swedish)
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    Auta PRIETO Y YAñEZ, C.B. sijoittautumaan vieraanvaraisuussektorille – restaurointi terassi-investointeihin ja pakkausten/pakkauselementtien hankinta kotikäyttöön. Tiedoston nro IG283.2021.1.869 (Finnish)
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    Helfen Sie PRIETO YAÑEZ, C.B. bei der Einrichtung im Gastgewerbe – Restaurierung für Investitionen in Terrassen und den Kauf von Verpackungs-/Verpackungselementen für den Eigenverbrauch. Datei Nr. IG283.2021.1.869 (German)
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    Hjælp PRIETO Y YA-EZ, C.B. med etablering i restaurationsbranchen — restaurering til investeringer i terrasser og køb af emballage/emballageelementer til hjemmebrug. Sag nr. IG283.2021.1.869 (Danish)
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    Με εγκατάσταση στον τομέα της φιλοξενίας — αποκατάσταση επενδύσεων σε αναβαθμίδες και αγορά συσκευασιών/συσκευασιών για οικιακή κατανάλωση. Φάκελος αριθ. IG283.2021.1.869 (Greek)
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    Abi PRIETO YAÁEZ, C.B. koos asutamisega külalislahkuse sektoris – restaureerimine investeeringuteks terrassidesse ja kodutarbimiseks mõeldud pakendi-/pakendielementide ostmine. Fail nr IG283.2021.1.869 (Estonian)
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    Palīdzība PRIETO Y YAÑEZ, C.B. ar uzņēmējdarbību viesmīlības nozarē — atjaunošana ieguldījumiem terasēs un iepakojuma/iepakojuma elementu iegāde mājas patēriņam. Lietas Nr. IG283.2021.1.869 (Latvian)
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    Pomozte PRIETO Y YAрEZ, C.B. se sídlem v oblasti pohostinství – restaurování investic do teras a nákup obalových/balících prvků pro domácí spotřebu. Spis č. IG283.2021.1.869 (Czech)
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    Aide PRIETO Y YAÑEZ, C.B. avec établissement dans le secteur de l’hôtellerie — restauration pour les investissements dans les terrasses et l’achat d’éléments d’emballage/emballage pour la consommation domestique. Numéro de dossier IG283.2021.1.869 (French)
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    Aiuto PRIETO Y YAÑEZ, C.B. con stabilimento nel settore dell'ospitalità — restauro per investimenti in terrazze e acquisto di elementi di imballaggio/imballaggio per il consumo domestico. Fascicolo n. IG283.2021.1.869 (Italian)
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    Għajnuna PRIETO Y YAÑEZ, C.B. bl-istabbiliment fis-settur tal-ospitalità — restawr għal investimenti f’terrazzi u xiri ta’ elementi ta’ ppakkjar/imballaġġ għall-konsum fid-dar. Nru tal-fajl IG283.2021.1.869 (Maltese)
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    Ajuda PRIETO Y YAÑEZ, C.B. com estabelecimento no setor hoteleiro — restauração de investimentos em terraços e compra de elementos de embalagem/embalagem para consumo doméstico. N.º do processo IG283.2021.1.869 (Portuguese)
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    Pomoc PRIETO Y YAСEZ, C.B. so sídlom v sektore pohostinstva – reštaurovanie pre investície do terasy a nákup obalových/baliacich prvkov pre domácu spotrebu. Spis č. IG283.2021.1.869 (Slovak)
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    Pomoč PRIETO Y YAÑEZ, C.B. z ustanovitvijo v gostinskem sektorju – obnova za investicije v terase in nakup embalažnih/embalažnih elementov za domačo porabo. Št. datoteke IG283.2021.1.869 (Slovenian)
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    Ajutor PRIETO Y YAÑEZ, C.B. cu sediul în sectorul ospitalității – restaurare pentru investiții în terase și achiziționarea de elemente de ambalare/ambalaj pentru consumul casnic. Dosar nr. IG283.2021.1.869 (Romanian)
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    Помощ PRIETO Y YAñEZ, C.B. с установяване в сектора на хотелиерството и ресторантьорството — реставрация за инвестиции в тераси и закупуване на опаковъчни/опаковъчни елементи за домашна консумация. Досие № IG283.2021.1.869 (Bulgarian)
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    Súgó PRIETO Y YAÑEZ, C.B. a vendéglátóiparban – a teraszokba való beruházások helyreállítása és az otthoni fogyasztásra szánt csomagoló/csomagoló elemek vásárlása. IG283.2021.1.869 sz. ügyirat (Hungarian)
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    Help PRIETO Y YAÑEZ, C.B. met vestiging in de horeca — restauratie voor investeringen in terrassen en aankoop van verpakkings-/verpakkingselementen voor thuisgebruik. Bestand nr. IG283.2021.1.869 (Dutch)
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    Padėti PRIETO Y YAÑEZ, C.B. įsisteigti apgyvendinimo ir maitinimo paslaugų sektoriuje – atkurti investicijas į terasas ir įsigyti namų vartojimui skirtų pakuočių ir (arba) pakuočių elementus. Byla Nr. IG283.2021.1.869 (Lithuanian)
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    Pomoć PRIETO Y YAÑEZ, C.B. s poslovnim nastanom u sektoru ugostiteljstva – restauracija za ulaganja u terase i kupnja elemenata za pakiranje/pakiranje za kućnu potrošnju. Datoteka br. IG283.2021.1.869 (Croatian)
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    21 December 2023
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