Mitigating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Enox Sp.z o.o. (Q4421701)

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Project Q4421701 in Poland
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Mitigating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Enox Sp.z o.o.
Project Q4421701 in Poland


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    428,641.0 zloty
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    95,286.89 Euro
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    499,000.0 zloty
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    110,927.7 Euro
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    85.9 percent
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    14 December 2022
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    29 December 2023
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    53°46'36.19"N, 20°28'40.01"E
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    Niniejszy projekt będzie polegał na zakupie odpowiednich maszyn oraz urządzeń w celu wspierania kryzysowych działań naprawczych pandemii COVID-19 poprzez przygotowanie do ekologicznej i cyfrowej odbudowy gospodarki zwiększającej jej odporność.Planowana inwestycja spowoduje zwiększenie bezpieczeństwa w firmie w związku z panującą pandemią.Inwestycja zostanie zrealizowana na działce nr 25 obręb 60, ul. Polna 19, w Olsztynie.Projekt realizowany będzie w ramach Osi Priorytetowej 13.Odporna i zdrowa gospodarka przyszłości, działanie 13.1Wytrzymałe MŚP.W ramach działań projektowych przewidziano zakup środków trwałych, wyposażenia oraz wartości niematerialnych i prawnych przeznaczonych do zabezpieczenia ciągłości działalności firmy i wprowadzenia nowej usługi oraz produtu PEHD oraz wprowadzenie metody oczyszczania za pomocą biofiltra.W ramach projektu Wnioskodawca zamierza zakupić mobilny system monitoringu cyfrowego,ekstruderów do spawania tworzyw,modułu strony internetowej,mobilny wóz serwisowy,minikoparkę.W ramach realizacji projektu środki trwałe, wyposażanie, wartości niematerialne i prawne przeznaczone będą na zabezpieczenie ciągłości działalności gospodarczej w okresie pandemii oraz wprowadzenia zmian wpływających na budowę odporności firmy na przyszłe kryzysy w tym na wprowadzenie nowej usługi do firmy.Wnioskdoawca wprowadzi nowy produkt do firmy grupa filtrów kabinowych.Poprzez realizacje projektu Wnioskodawca będzie mógł osiągnąć rezultat projektu jakim jest zwiększony poziom odporności regionalnego przedsiębiorstwa na ekonomiczne skutki pandemii COVID-19.Niniejszy projekt wpisuje się w Oś 13 i realizuje jeden z dwóch celów szczegółowych: Wytrzymałe MŚP.Wymieniony powyżej zakres rzeczowy projektu pozwoli na wprowadzenie do oferty nowego produktu grupa filtrów kabinowych wraz ze stworzeniem sprzedaży online. Projekt będzie realizowany jednoetapowo i będzie polegał na zakupie środków trwałych, wyposażenia wraz z wartościami niematerialnymi i prawnym (Polish)
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    This project will consist of the purchase of appropriate machinery and equipment to support crisis repair of the COVID-19 pandemic by preparing for a green and digital recovery of the economy to increase its resilience.The planned investment will increase the security of the company due to the prevailing pandemic.The investment will be carried out on plot No. 25 of 60, ul. Poznan 19, in Olsztyn.The project will be implemented under Priority Axis 13.Resilient and healthy future economy, action 13.1Strong SMEs.The project activities provide for the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the company’s business and the introduction of a new service and production of, among others, PEHD welding and the introduction of a method of purification using a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service truck will be implemented in a specific level of the company, through the implementation of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm will affect the construction of the company’s economic crisis, the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis will be implemented on the basis of the regional company’s resilience to the specific objectives of the project. The above mentioned material scope of the project will allow the introduction of a group of cabin filters to the offer of a new product together with the creation of online sales. The project will be implemented in one step and will consist of the purchase of fixed assets, equipment along with intangible assets and legal assets. (English)
    21 October 2022
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    Ez a projekt a Covid19-világjárvány válságelhárításának támogatására szolgáló megfelelő gépek és berendezések beszerzéséből áll, felkészülve a gazdaság zöld és digitális helyreállítására annak rezilienciájának növelése érdekében.A tervezett beruházás növelni fogja a vállalat biztonságát az uralkodó világjárvány miatt.A beruházást a 60. sz. telken hajtják végre. Poznan 19, Olsztyn.A projektet a 13. prioritási tengely keretében hajtják végre.Reziliens és egészséges jövőgazdaság, 13.1Erős kkv-k.A projekttevékenységek tárgyi eszközök, berendezések és immateriális javak beszerzését biztosítják, amelyek célja a vállalat üzletmenetének folytonosságának megőrzése, valamint új szolgáltatás bevezetése és gyártása többek között a PEHD hegesztés és a bioszűrő segítségével történő tisztítási módszer bevezetése.A projektben, a pályázó egy mobil digitális monitoringrendszert, a műanyagok hegesztésére szolgáló extrudereket, a weboldal egy modulját, egy mobil szervizkocsit kíván megvásárolni a vállalat egy meghatározott szintjén, a projekt megvalósításával, a projekt megvalósításával, a cég megvalósítása hatással lesz a vállalat gazdasági válságának építésére, a vállalat gazdasági válságának gazdasági hatása a regionális vállalatnak a projekt konkrét célkitűzéseivel szembeni ellenálló képessége alapján valósul meg. A projekt fent említett tárgyi hatálya lehetővé teszi a kabinszűrők egy csoportjának bevezetését egy új termék kínálatába az online értékesítéssel együtt. A projekt egy lépésben valósul meg, és tárgyi eszközök, berendezések, valamint immateriális javak és jogi eszközök beszerzéséből áll. (Hungarian)
    29 November 2022
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    Taj će se projekt sastojati od kupnje odgovarajućih strojeva i opreme za potporu sanaciji krize uzrokovane pandemijom bolesti COVID-19 pripremom za zeleni i digitalni oporavak gospodarstva kako bi se povećala njegova otpornost. Planirana ulaganja povećat će sigurnost poduzeća zbog prevladavajuće pandemije. Ulaganja će se provoditi na parceli br. 25 od 60, ul. Poznan 19, u Olsztyn.Projekt će se provoditi u okviru prioritetne osi 13. Otporno i zdravo buduće gospodarstvo, mjera 13.1Strong MSP-ovi.Projektne aktivnosti osiguravaju kupnju dugotrajne imovine, opreme i nematerijalne imovine namijenjene očuvanju kontinuiteta poslovanja tvrtke i uvođenju nove usluge i proizvodnje, među ostalim, PEHD zavarivanja i uvođenja metode pročišćavanja pomoću biofiltra. podnositelj zahtjeva namjerava kupiti mobilni digitalni nadzorni sustav, ekstrudere za zavarivanje plastike, modul web stranice, mobilni servisni kamion će se implementirati na određenoj razini tvrtke, kroz provedbu projekta, kroz provedbu projekta, implementaciju tvrtke će utjecati na izgradnju gospodarske krize tvrtke, gospodarski utjecaj gospodarske krize tvrtke će se provesti na temelju otpornosti regionalne tvrtke na specifične ciljeve projekta. Navedenim materijalnim opsegom projekta omogućit će se uvođenje skupine filtara za kabinu u ponudu novog proizvoda zajedno sa stvaranjem internetske prodaje. Projekt će se provoditi u jednom koraku i sastojat će se od kupnje dugotrajne imovine, opreme te nematerijalne imovine i pravne imovine. (Croatian)
    29 November 2022
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    Το έργο αυτό θα συνίσταται στην αγορά κατάλληλων μηχανημάτων και εξοπλισμού για τη στήριξη της αποκατάστασης από την κρίση της πανδημίας COVID-19 με την προετοιμασία για μια πράσινη και ψηφιακή ανάκαμψη της οικονομίας με σκοπό την αύξηση της ανθεκτικότητάς της.Οι σχεδιαζόμενες επενδύσεις θα αυξήσουν την ασφάλεια της εταιρείας λόγω της επικρατούσας πανδημίας.Η επένδυση θα πραγματοποιηθεί στο οικόπεδο αριθ. 25 του 60, ul. Poznan 19, στο Olsztyn.Το έργο θα υλοποιηθεί στο πλαίσιο του άξονα προτεραιότητας 13.Ανθεκτική και υγιής μελλοντική οικονομία, δράση 13.1Ισχυρές ΜΜΕ. ο αιτών προτίθεται να αγοράσει ένα κινητό ψηφιακό σύστημα παρακολούθησης, εξωθητές για τη συγκόλληση πλαστικών, μια μονάδα της ιστοσελίδας, ένα κινητό φορτηγό υπηρεσιών θα εφαρμοστεί σε συγκεκριμένο επίπεδο της εταιρείας, μέσω της υλοποίησης του έργου, μέσω της υλοποίησης του έργου, η υλοποίηση του έργου θα επηρεάσει την κατασκευή της οικονομικής κρίσης της εταιρείας, ο οικονομικός αντίκτυπος της οικονομικής κρίσης της εταιρείας θα υλοποιηθεί με βάση την ανθεκτικότητα της περιφερειακής εταιρείας στους συγκεκριμένους στόχους του έργου. Το προαναφερθέν καθ’ ύλην πεδίο εφαρμογής του έργου θα επιτρέψει την εισαγωγή μιας ομάδας φίλτρων καμπίνας στην προσφορά ενός νέου προϊόντος μαζί με τη δημιουργία διαδικτυακών πωλήσεων. Το έργο θα υλοποιηθεί σε ένα στάδιο και θα αποτελείται από την αγορά πάγιων στοιχείων ενεργητικού, εξοπλισμού μαζί με άυλα περιουσιακά στοιχεία και νομικά περιουσιακά στοιχεία. (Greek)
    29 November 2022
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    Dette projekt vil bestå i indkøb af passende maskiner og udstyr til støtte for kriseafhjælpning af covid-19-pandemien ved at forberede en grøn og digital genopretning af økonomien for at øge dens modstandsdygtighed.De planlagte investeringer vil øge virksomhedens sikkerhed som følge af den fremherskende pandemi.Investeringen vil blive gennemført på plot nr. 25 af 60 ul. Poznan 19, i Olsztyn.Projektet vil blive gennemført under prioritetsakse 13.Resilient og sund fremtidig økonomi, aktion 13.1Stærke SMV'er.Projektaktiviteterne omfatter indkøb af anlægsaktiver, udstyr og immaterielle aktiver, der har til formål at sikre kontinuiteten i virksomhedens virksomhed og indførelse af en ny service og produktion af bl.a. PEHD-svejsning og indførelse af en rensningsmetode ved hjælp af et biofilter.I projektet, ansøgeren har til hensigt at købe et mobilt digitalt overvågningssystem, ekstrudere til svejsning af plast, et modul på hjemmesiden, en mobil servicetruck vil blive implementeret på et bestemt niveau af virksomheden, gennem gennemførelsen af projektet, vil implementeringen af virksomheden påvirke opførelsen af ​​virksomhedens økonomiske krise, de økonomiske konsekvenser af virksomhedens økonomiske krise vil blive gennemført på grundlag af den regionale virksomheds modstandsdygtighed over for projektets specifikke mål. Ovennævnte materielle omfang af projektet vil gøre det muligt at indføre en gruppe af kabinefiltre til tilbud om et nyt produkt sammen med oprettelse af online salg. Projektet vil blive gennemført i ét trin og vil bestå i køb af anlægsaktiver, udstyr sammen med immaterielle aktiver og juridiske aktiver. (Danish)
    29 November 2022
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    Ta projekt bo vključeval nakup ustreznih strojev in opreme za podporo odpravljanju krize zaradi pandemije COVID-19 s pripravo na zeleno in digitalno okrevanje gospodarstva, da se poveča njegova odpornost. Načrtovane naložbe bodo povečale varnost podjetja zaradi prevladujoče pandemije. Naložbe bodo izvedene na parceli št. 25 od 60 ul. Poznan 19, v Olsztynu.Projekt se bo izvajal v okviru prednostne osi 13. Odporno in zdravo gospodarstvo prihodnosti, ukrep 13.1Močna MSP.Projekti projekta zagotavljajo nakup osnovnih sredstev, opreme in neopredmetenih sredstev, namenjenih varovanju kontinuitete poslovanja podjetja ter uvedbi nove storitve in proizvodnje, med drugim PEHD varjenja in uvedbe metode čiščenja z biofiltrom.V projektu, prijavitelj namerava kupiti mobilni digitalni nadzorni sistem, ekstrudorje za varjenje plastike, modul spletne strani, mobilni servisni tovornjak bo vpeljan na določeni ravni podjetja, z izvajanjem projekta, z izvajanjem projekta, bo izvajanje podjetja vplivalo na gradnjo gospodarske krize podjetja, gospodarski vpliv gospodarske krize podjetja se bo izvajal na podlagi odpornosti regionalnega podjetja na specifične cilje projekta. Zgoraj omenjeni materialni obseg projekta bo omogočil uvedbo skupine kabinskih filtrov v ponudbo novega izdelka skupaj z ustvarjanjem spletne prodaje. Projekt se bo izvajal v enem koraku in bo zajemal nakup osnovnih sredstev, opreme skupaj z neopredmetenimi sredstvi in pravnimi sredstvi. (Slovenian)
    29 November 2022
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    Projekt hõlmab sobivate masinate ja seadmete ostmist, et toetada COVID-19 pandeemia kriisi taastamist, tehes ettevalmistusi majanduse taastamiseks rohelisel ja digitaalsel viisil, et suurendada selle vastupanuvõimet. Kavandatud investeering suurendab ettevõtte turvalisust valitseva pandeemia tõttu.Investeerimine toimub maatükil nr 25/60, ul. Poznan 19, Olsztyn.Projekt viiakse ellu prioriteetse suuna 13. Vastupidav ja elujõuline tulevikumajandus, meede 13.1Tugev VKEd.Projekti tegevus hõlmab põhivara, seadmete ja immateriaalse vara ostmist, mille eesmärk on tagada ettevõtte äritegevuse järjepidevus ning uue teenuse ja muu hulgas PEHD keevitamise ja biofiltri abil puhastamise meetodi kasutuselevõtmine. taotleja kavatseb osta mobiilse digitaalse seiresüsteemi, ekstrudeerijad plastide keevitamiseks, veebisaidi moodul, mobiilne teenindusauto, mida rakendatakse ettevõtte konkreetsel tasandil, projekti rakendamise kaudu, ettevõtte rakendamine mõjutab ettevõtte majanduskriisi ehitamist, ettevõtte majanduskriisi majanduslikku mõju rakendatakse lähtuvalt piirkondliku ettevõtte vastupanuvõimest projekti konkreetsetele eesmärkidele. Eespool nimetatud projekti sisuline ulatus võimaldab uue toote pakkumisele lisada salongifiltrite rühma koos internetimüügi loomisega. Projekt viiakse ellu ühes etapis ja see hõlmab põhivara, seadmete ning immateriaalse vara ja juriidilise vara ostmist. (Estonian)
    29 November 2022
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    Este projeto consistirá na aquisição de máquinas e equipamentos adequados para apoiar a recuperação da crise da pandemia de COVID-19, preparando uma recuperação ecológica e digital da economia para aumentar a sua resiliência. O investimento previsto aumentará a segurança da empresa devido à pandemia prevalecente. O investimento será realizado na parcela n.o 25 de 60, ul. Poznan 19, em Olsztyn.O projeto será executado no âmbito do eixo prioritário 13.Economia futura resiliente e saudável, ação 13.1PME fortes.As atividades do projeto preveem a aquisição de ativos fixos, equipamentos e ativos incorpóreos destinados a salvaguardar a continuidade das atividades da empresa e a introdução de um novo serviço e produção, entre outros, de soldadura PEHD e a introdução de um método de purificação utilizando um biofiltro.No projeto, o requerente tenciona adquirir um sistema móvel de monitorização digital, extrusoras para soldadura de plásticos, um módulo do sítio Web, um camião móvel de serviço será implementado a um nível específico da empresa, através da execução do projeto, através da execução do projeto, a execução da empresa afetará a construção da crise económica da empresa, o impacto económico da crise económica da empresa será implementado com base na resiliência da empresa regional aos objetivos específicos do projeto. O âmbito material do projeto acima referido permitirá a introdução de um grupo de filtros de cabina na oferta de um novo produto, juntamente com a criação de vendas em linha. O projeto será executado numa única fase e consistirá na aquisição de ativos fixos, equipamento, bem como ativos incorpóreos e ativos jurídicos. (Portuguese)
    29 November 2022
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    Hankkeeseen kuuluu asianmukaisten koneiden ja laitteiden hankinta covid-19-pandemian kriisin korjaamisen tukemiseksi valmistautumalla talouden vihreään ja digitaaliseen elpymiseen sen selviytymiskyvyn parantamiseksi. Suunnitellut investoinnit lisäävät yrityksen turvallisuutta vallitsevan pandemian vuoksi. Investointi toteutetaan tontilla nro 25/60, ul. Poznan 19, Olsztyn. Hanke toteutetaan toimintalinjan 13.Resilient and healthy future economy, toime 13.1Vahvat pk-yritykset.Hanketoimissa ostetaan käyttöomaisuutta, laitteita ja aineettomia hyödykkeitä, joiden tarkoituksena on turvata yrityksen liiketoiminnan jatkuvuus, ja otetaan käyttöön muun muassa PEHD-hitsauksen uusi palvelu ja tuotanto sekä biosuodattimella käytettävän puhdistusmenetelmän käyttöönotto. hakija aikoo ostaa liikkuvan digitaalisen seurantajärjestelmän, muovin hitsaukseen tarkoitetut ekstruuderit, verkkosivuston moduulin, yrityksen tietyllä tasolla toteutettavan liikkuvan huoltoauton, hankkeen toteutuksen, hankkeen toteuttamisen, yrityksen toteutuksen vaikutukset yrityksen talouskriisin rakentamiseen, yrityksen talouskriisin taloudelliset vaikutukset toteutetaan sen perusteella, miten alueellinen yritys kestää hankkeen erityistavoitteita. Edellä mainitun hankkeen aineellisen soveltamisalan ansiosta uuden tuotteen tarjontaan voidaan tuoda hyttisuodattimien ryhmä sekä verkkomyynnin luominen. Hanke toteutetaan yhdessä vaiheessa, ja se koostuu käyttöomaisuuden, laitteiden sekä aineettoman omaisuuden ja laillisen omaisuuden hankinnasta. (Finnish)
    29 November 2022
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    Този проект ще се състои в закупуване на подходящи машини и оборудване в подкрепа на преодоляването на кризата във връзка с пандемията от COVID-19 чрез подготовка за екологично и цифрово възстановяване на икономиката с цел повишаване на нейната устойчивост. Планираната инвестиция ще повиши сигурността на дружеството поради преобладаващата пандемия.Инвестицията ще бъде осъществена на парцел № 25 от 60 г., ул. Poznan 19, в Olsztyn.Проектът ще бъде изпълнен по приоритетна ос 13.Устойчива и здрава бъдеща икономика, действие 13.1Силни МСП.Проектните дейности предвиждат закупуването на дълготрайни активи, оборудване и нематериални активи, предназначени да гарантират непрекъснатостта на дейността на компанията и въвеждането на нова услуга и производство, наред с другото, заваряване с PEHD и въвеждане на метод за пречистване с помощта на биофилтър.В проекта, заявителят възнамерява да закупи мобилна цифрова система за мониторинг, екструдери за заваряване на пластмаси, модул на уебсайта, автомобил за мобилни услуги ще бъде внедрен на определено ниво на компанията, чрез изпълнението на проекта, чрез изпълнението на проекта, изпълнението на проекта, изпълнението на фирмата ще повлияе на изграждането на икономическата криза на дружеството, икономическото въздействие на икономическата криза на дружеството ще бъде осъществено въз основа на устойчивостта на регионалното дружество към специфичните цели на проекта. Горепосоченият материален обхват на проекта ще позволи въвеждането на група филтри за кабина в предлагането на нов продукт, заедно със създаването на онлайн продажби. Проектът ще бъде реализиран на една стъпка и ще се състои в закупуване на дълготрайни активи, оборудване, заедно с нематериални и юридически активи. (Bulgarian)
    29 November 2022
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    Este proyecto consistirá en la compra de maquinaria y equipos adecuados para apoyar la reparación de crisis de la pandemia de COVID-19 preparándose para una recuperación ecológica y digital de la economía para aumentar su resiliencia. La inversión prevista aumentará la seguridad de la empresa debido a la pandemia reinante.La inversión se llevará a cabo en la parcela n.º 25 de 60, ul. Poznan 19, en Olsztyn.El proyecto se ejecutará bajo el eje prioritario 13.Eje prioritario 13.Economía de futuro resiliente y saludable, acción 13.1Pymes fuertes.Las actividades del proyecto prevén la compra de activos fijos, equipos y activos intangibles destinados a salvaguardar la continuidad del negocio de la empresa y la introducción de un nuevo servicio y producción, entre otros, de soldadura PEHD y la introducción de un método de purificación mediante un biofiltro.En el proyecto, el solicitante tiene la intención de comprar un sistema de monitoreo digital móvil, extrusoras para soldadura de plásticos, un módulo del sitio web, un camión de servicio móvil se implementará en un nivel específico de la empresa, a través de la implementación del proyecto, a través de la implementación del proyecto, la implementación de la empresa afectará a la construcción de la crisis económica de la empresa, el impacto económico de la crisis económica de la empresa se implementará sobre la base de la resiliencia de la empresa regional a los objetivos específicos del proyecto. El alcance material mencionado del proyecto permitirá la introducción de un grupo de filtros de cabina a la oferta de un nuevo producto junto con la creación de ventas en línea. El proyecto se ejecutará en una sola etapa y consistirá en la compra de activos fijos, equipos junto con activos intangibles y activos legales. (Spanish)
    29 November 2022
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    Tento projekt bude spočívat v nákupu vhodných strojů a vybavení na podporu krizové nápravy pandemie COVID-19 tím, že se připraví na zelené a digitální oživení hospodářství s cílem zvýšit jeho odolnost.Plánované investice zvýší bezpečnost společnosti v důsledku převládající pandemie.Investice bude provedena na pozemku č. 25 z 60, ul. Poznan 19, v Olsztyn.Projekt bude realizován v rámci prioritní osy 13.Odolné a zdravé budoucí hospodářství, akce 13.1Strong SME.Projektové činnosti zajišťují nákup dlouhodobého majetku, zařízení a nehmotných aktiv určených k zajištění kontinuity podnikání společnosti a zavedení nové služby a výroby mimo jiné PEHD svařování a zavedení metody čištění pomocí biofiltru.V projektu, žalobkyně má v úmyslu zakoupit mobilní digitální monitorovací systém, extrudéry pro svařování plastů, modul internetových stránek, mobilní servisní vozík bude implementován na konkrétní úrovni společnosti, a to prostřednictvím realizace projektu, prostřednictvím realizace projektu, realizace firmy ovlivní výstavbu hospodářské krize společnosti, hospodářský dopad hospodářské krize společnosti bude realizován na základě odolnosti regionální společnosti vůči specifickým cílům projektu. Výše uvedená věcná působnost projektu umožní zavedení skupiny kabinových filtrů do nabídky nového produktu spolu s vytvořením on-line prodeje. Projekt bude realizován v jednom kroku a bude spočívat v nákupu dlouhodobého majetku, vybavení spolu s nehmotným majetkem a právním majetkem. (Czech)
    29 November 2022
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    Is éard a bheidh sa tionscadal seo ceannach innealra agus trealaimh iomchuí chun tacú le paindéim COVID-19 a leigheas de dheasca géarchéime trí ullmhú do théarnamh glas agus digiteach an gheilleagair chun a athléimneacht a mhéadú.Cuirfidh an infheistíocht atá beartaithe le slándáil na cuideachta mar gheall ar an bpaindéim atá i réim. Déanfar an infheistíocht ar phlota Uimh. 25 de 60, ul. Poznan 19, i Olsztyn.The tionscadal a chur i bhfeidhm faoi Ais Tosaíochta 13.Resilient agus geilleagar sláintiúil sa todhchaí, gníomh 13.1Strong SME.The gníomhaíochtaí tionscadail foráil do cheannach sócmhainní seasta, trealamh agus sócmhainní doláimhsithe atá beartaithe chun leanúnachas ghnó na cuideachta a chosaint agus seirbhís nua a thabhairt isteach agus a tháirgeadh, i measc daoine eile, táthú PEHD agus tabhairt isteach modh íonú ag baint úsáide as biofilter.In an tionscadal, tá sé ar intinn ag an iarratasóir córas faireacháin digiteach soghluaiste a cheannach, easbhrúiteoirí chun plaistigh a tháthú, modúl den suíomh gréasáin, cuirfear trucail seirbhíse soghluaiste i bhfeidhm ar leibhéal sonrach de chuid na cuideachta, tríd an tionscadal a chur i bhfeidhm, tríd an tionscadal a chur i bhfeidhm, beidh tionchar ag cur i bhfeidhm an ghnólachta ar thógáil ghéarchéim eacnamaíoch na cuideachta, cuirfear tionchar eacnamaíoch ghéarchéim eacnamaíoch na cuideachta i bhfeidhm ar bhonn athléimneacht na cuideachta réigiúnaí i leith chuspóirí sonracha an tionscadail. Leis an raon feidhme ábhartha thuasluaite atá ag an tionscadal, beifear in ann grúpa scagairí cábáin a thabhairt isteach chun táirge nua a thairiscint mar aon le díolacháin ar líne a chruthú. Cuirfear an tionscadal chun feidhme in aon chéim amháin agus is éard a bheidh ann sócmhainní seasta, trealamh mar aon le sócmhainní doláimhsithe agus sócmhainní dlíthiúla a cheannach. (Irish)
    29 November 2022
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    Dan il-proġett se jikkonsisti fix-xiri ta’ makkinarju u tagħmir xieraq biex jappoġġa t-tiswija tal-kriżi tal-pandemija tal-COVID-19 billi jħejji għal irkupru ekoloġiku u diġitali tal-ekonomija biex tiżdied ir-reżiljenza tagħha. L-investiment ippjanat se jżid is-sigurtà tal-kumpanija minħabba l-pandemija prevalenti. L-investiment se jitwettaq fuq ir-roqgħa Nru 25 ta’ 60, ul. Poznan 19, f’Olsztyn.Il-proġett se jiġi implimentat taħt l-Assi Prijoritarju 13.Ekonomija futura reżiljenti u b’saħħitha, azzjoni 13.1 SMEs b’saħħithom.L-attivitajiet tal-proġett jipprovdu għax-xiri ta’ assi fissi, tagħmir u assi intanġibbli maħsuba biex jissalvagwardjaw il-kontinwità tan-negozju tal-kumpanija u l-introduzzjoni ta’ servizz ġdid u l-produzzjoni ta’, fost l-oħrajn, l-iwweldjar PEHD u l-introduzzjoni ta’ metodu ta’ purifikazzjoni bl-użu ta’ bijofiltru.Fil-proġett, l-applikant beħsiebu jixtri sistema ta’ monitoraġġ diġitali mobbli, estrużuri għall-iwweldjar tal-plastik, modulu tas-sit web, trakk tas-servizz mobbli se jiġi implimentat f’livell speċifiku tal-kumpanija, permezz tal-implimentazzjoni tal-proġett, permezz tal-implimentazzjoni tal-proġett, l-implimentazzjoni tad-ditta se taffettwa l-kostruzzjoni tal-kriżi ekonomika tal-kumpanija, l-impatt ekonomiku tal-kriżi ekonomika tal-kumpanija se jiġi implimentat abbażi tar-reżiljenza tal-kumpanija reġjonali għall-objettivi speċifiċi tal-proġett. L-ambitu materjali tal-proġett imsemmi hawn fuq se jippermetti l-introduzzjoni ta’ grupp ta’ filtri tal-kabina għall-offerta ta’ prodott ġdid flimkien mal-ħolqien ta’ bejgħ online. Il-proġett se jiġi implimentat f’pass wieħed u se jikkonsisti fix-xiri ta’ assi fissi, tagħmir flimkien ma’ assi intanġibbli u assi legali. (Maltese)
    29 November 2022
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    Šis projekts ietvers atbilstošas tehnikas un aprīkojuma iegādi, lai atbalstītu Covid-19 pandēmijas krīzes seku novēršanu, gatavojoties zaļai un digitālai ekonomikas atveseļošanai, lai palielinātu tās noturību. Ieplānotie ieguldījumi palielinās uzņēmuma drošību dominējošās pandēmijas dēļ.Ieguldījums tiks veikts zemesgabalā Nr. 25 no 60, ul. Poznan 19, Olsztyn.Projekts tiks īstenots saskaņā ar prioritāro virzienu 13.Noturīga un veselīga nākotnes ekonomika, darbība 13.1Spēcīgi MVU.Projekta aktivitātes paredz pamatlīdzekļu, aprīkojuma un nemateriālo aktīvu iegādi, kas paredzēti, lai nodrošinātu uzņēmuma darbības nepārtrauktību, un jauna pakalpojuma ieviešanu un cita starpā PEHD metināšanas un attīrīšanas metodes ieviešanu, izmantojot biofiltru. pieteikuma iesniedzējs plāno iegādāties mobilo digitālo monitoringa sistēmu, ekstrūderus plastmasas metināšanai, mājas lapas moduli, mobilā servisa kravas automašīnu tiks ieviesta konkrētā uzņēmuma līmenī, īstenojot projektu, īstenojot projektu, uzņēmuma ieviešana ietekmēs uzņēmuma ekonomiskās krīzes būvniecību, uzņēmuma ekonomiskās krīzes ekonomiskā ietekme tiks īstenota, pamatojoties uz reģionālā uzņēmuma noturību pret projekta konkrētajiem mērķiem. Iepriekš minētais projekta materiālais tvērums ļaus ieviest salona filtru grupu jauna produkta piedāvājumā, kā arī izveidot tiešsaistes pārdošanu. Projekts tiks īstenots vienā posmā un sastāvēs no pamatlīdzekļu, iekārtu, kā arī nemateriālo aktīvu un juridisko aktīvu iegādes. (Latvian)
    29 November 2022
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    Detta projekt kommer att bestå av inköp av lämpliga maskiner och utrustning för att stödja krisreparation av covid-19-pandemin genom att förbereda en grön och digital återhämtning av ekonomin för att öka dess motståndskraft.Den planerade investeringen kommer att öka företagets säkerhet på grund av den rådande pandemin. Investeringen kommer att genomföras på tomt nr 25 av 60 ul. Poznan 19, i Olsztyn.Projektet kommer att genomföras inom insatsområde 13.Resilient och sund framtida ekonomi, åtgärd 13.1Strong SMEs.Projektverksamheten omfattar inköp av anläggningstillgångar, utrustning och immateriella tillgångar avsedda att säkerställa kontinuiteten i företagets verksamhet och införandet av en ny tjänst och produktion av bland annat PEHD-svetsning och införande av en metod för rening med hjälp av ett biofilter.I projektet, sökanden avser att köpa ett mobilt digitalt övervakningssystem, extruderer för svetsning av plast, en modul på webbplatsen, en mobil servicetruck kommer att genomföras på en viss nivå av företaget, genom genomförandet av projektet, kommer genomförandet av företaget att påverka byggandet av företagets ekonomiska kris, de ekonomiska effekterna av företagets ekonomiska kris kommer att genomföras på grundval av det regionala företagets motståndskraft mot projektets specifika mål. Projektets ovan nämnda materiella omfattning kommer att göra det möjligt att införa en grupp av kabinfilter till erbjudandet av en ny produkt tillsammans med skapandet av onlineförsäljning. Projektet kommer att genomföras i ett steg och kommer att bestå av inköp av anläggningstillgångar, utrustning samt immateriella tillgångar och juridiska tillgångar. (Swedish)
    29 November 2022
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    Dit project zal bestaan uit de aankoop van geschikte machines en uitrusting ter ondersteuning van het crisisherstel van de COVID-19-pandemie door voorbereiding op een groen en digitaal herstel van de economie om de veerkracht ervan te vergroten.De geplande investering zal de veiligheid van de onderneming als gevolg van de heersende pandemie vergroten.De investering zal worden uitgevoerd op perceel nr. 25 van 60, ul. Poznan 19, in Olsztyn.Het project zal worden uitgevoerd in het kader van prioritaire as 13.Een veerkrachtige en gezonde toekomstige economie, actie 13.1Strong KMO’s.De projectactiviteiten voorzien in de aankoop van vaste activa, apparatuur en immateriële activa die bedoeld zijn om de continuïteit van het bedrijf te waarborgen en de invoering van een nieuwe dienst en productie van onder andere PEHD-lassen en de invoering van een zuiveringsmethode met behulp van een biofilter.In het project, de aanvrager is van plan een mobiel digitaal monitoringsysteem, extruders voor het lassen van kunststoffen, een module van de website, een mobiele servicetruck te kopen op een specifiek niveau van het bedrijf, door de uitvoering van het project, door de uitvoering van het project, zal de uitvoering van het bedrijf van invloed zijn op de bouw van de economische crisis van het bedrijf, de economische impact van de economische crisis van de onderneming zal worden uitgevoerd op basis van de veerkracht van de regionale onderneming tegen de specifieke doelstellingen van het project. De bovenvermelde materiële reikwijdte van het project zal de introductie van een groep cabinefilters in het aanbod van een nieuw product samen met het creëren van online verkoop mogelijk maken. Het project zal in één stap worden uitgevoerd en zal bestaan uit de aankoop van vaste activa, uitrusting en immateriële activa en juridische activa. (Dutch)
    29 November 2022
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    Acest proiect va consta în achiziționarea de mașini și echipamente adecvate pentru a sprijini repararea de criză a pandemiei de COVID-19 prin pregătirea unei redresări verzi și digitale a economiei pentru a-și spori reziliența.Investiția planificată va spori securitatea întreprinderii din cauza pandemiei predominante.Investiția va fi realizată pe parcela nr. 25 din 60, ul. Poznan 19, în Olsztyn.Proiectul va fi pus în aplicare în cadrul axei prioritare 13.Economie viitoare rezilientă și sănătoasă, acțiune 13.1 IMM-uri puternice.Activitățile proiectului prevăd achiziționarea de active fixe, echipamente și active necorporale menite să protejeze continuitatea activității companiei și introducerea unui nou serviciu și producția, printre altele, de sudare PEHD și introducerea unei metode de purificare cu ajutorul unui biofiltru. solicitantul intenționează să achiziționeze un sistem mobil de monitorizare digitală, extruderi pentru sudarea materialelor plastice, un modul al site-ului, un camion de servicii mobile va fi implementat la un nivel specific al companiei, prin implementarea proiectului, prin implementarea proiectului, implementarea firmei va afecta construirea crizei economice a companiei, impactul economic al crizei economice a companiei va fi implementat pe baza rezilienței companiei regionale la obiectivele specifice ale proiectului. Domeniul de aplicare material menționat mai sus al proiectului va permite introducerea unui grup de filtre de cabină pentru oferta unui nou produs, împreună cu crearea de vânzări online. Proiectul va fi implementat într-o singură etapă și va consta în achiziționarea de active fixe, echipamente, împreună cu active necorporale și active legale. (Romanian)
    29 November 2022
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    Dieses Projekt besteht in der Anschaffung geeigneter Maschinen und Ausrüstungen zur Unterstützung der Krisenbewältigung der COVID-19-Pandemie durch Vorbereitung einer grünen und digitalen Erholung der Wirtschaft, um ihre Widerstandsfähigkeit zu erhöhen.Die geplanten Investitionen werden die Sicherheit des Unternehmens aufgrund der vorherrschenden Pandemie erhöhen.Die Investition wird auf dem Grundstück Nr. 25 von 60, ul. Poznan 19, in Olsztyn.Das Projekt wird im Rahmen der Prioritätsachse 13.Resiliente und gesunde Zukunftswirtschaft durchgeführt, Aktion 13.1starke KMU.Die Projektaktivitäten sehen den Kauf von Anlagegütern, Ausrüstungen und immateriellen Vermögenswerten vor, um die Kontinuität des Unternehmensgeschäfts und die Einführung einer neuen Dienstleistung und Produktion unter anderem PEHD-Schweißen und die Einführung einer Methode der Reinigung mit einem Biofilter zu gewährleisten.In dem Projekt, der Antragsteller beabsichtigt, ein mobiles digitales Überwachungssystem, Extruder für das Schweißen von Kunststoffen, ein Modul der Website, ein mobiles Service-Truck auf einer bestimmten Ebene des Unternehmens zu erwerben, durch die Durchführung des Projekts, die Umsetzung des Unternehmens wird den Aufbau der Wirtschaftskrise des Unternehmens beeinflussen, die wirtschaftlichen Auswirkungen der Wirtschaftskrise des Unternehmens werden auf der Grundlage der Widerstandsfähigkeit des regionalen Unternehmens gegenüber den spezifischen Zielen des Projekts umgesetzt. Der oben genannte materielle Umfang des Projekts ermöglicht die Einführung einer Gruppe von Kabinenfiltern in das Angebot eines neuen Produkts zusammen mit der Erstellung von Online-Verkäufen. Das Projekt wird in einem Schritt durchgeführt und besteht aus dem Erwerb von Anlagegütern, Ausrüstungen sowie immateriellen Vermögenswerten und juristischen Vermögenswerten. (German)
    29 November 2022
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    Pagal šį projektą bus perkamos tinkamos mašinos ir įranga COVID-19 pandemijos sukeltai krizei įveikti, rengiantis žaliajam ir skaitmeniniam ekonomikos atsigavimui, kad padidėtų jos atsparumas. Planuojamos investicijos padidins įmonės saugumą dėl vyraujančios pandemijos.Investicijos bus vykdomos į sklypą Nr. 25 iš 60, ul. Poznanė 19, Olsztyn.Projektas bus įgyvendinamas pagal 13 prioritetinę kryptį.Atspari ir sveika ateities ekonomika, 13.1Tvirtos MVĮ.Projekto veikla numato ilgalaikio turto, įrangos ir nematerialiojo turto pirkimą, skirtą įmonės veiklos tęstinumui užtikrinti ir naujos paslaugos ir gamybos, be kita ko, PEHD suvirinimo ir valymo metodo įvedimui naudojant biofiltrą. pareiškėjas ketina įsigyti mobilią skaitmeninę stebėjimo sistemą, ekstruderius plastikų suvirinimui, interneto svetainės modulį, mobilią servisą sunkvežimį, įgyvendinant projektą, įgyvendinant projektą, įgyvendinant projektą, įmonės įdiegimas turės įtakos įmonės ekonominės krizės statybai, įmonės ekonominės krizės ekonominis poveikis bus įgyvendinamas remiantis regioninės įmonės atsparumu konkretiems projekto tikslams. Pirmiau minėta projekto materialinė taikymo sritis leis į naujo produkto pasiūlymą įtraukti salono filtrų grupę kartu su pardavimo internetu kūrimu. Projektas bus įgyvendinamas vienu etapu, jį sudarys ilgalaikio turto, įrangos, nematerialiojo turto ir juridinio turto pirkimas. (Lithuanian)
    29 November 2022
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    Tento projekt bude pozostávať z nákupu vhodných strojov a vybavenia na podporu nápravy krízy spôsobenej pandémiou COVID-19 prostredníctvom prípravy na zelenú a digitálnu obnovu hospodárstva s cieľom zvýšiť jeho odolnosť. Plánované investície zvýšia bezpečnosť spoločnosti v dôsledku prevládajúcej pandémie. Investície sa uskutočnia na pozemku č. 25 zo 60, ul. Poznan 19, v Olsztyn.Projekt sa bude realizovať v rámci prioritnej osi 13.Odolné a zdravé budúce hospodárstvo, akcia 13.1 Silné MSP.Projekčné činnosti zabezpečujú nákup fixných aktív, zariadení a nehmotných aktív určených na zabezpečenie kontinuity podnikania spoločnosti a zavedenie novej služby a výroby okrem iného PEHD zvárania a zavedenia metódy čistenia pomocou biofiltra.V projekte, žiadateľ má v úmysle zakúpiť mobilný digitálny monitorovací systém, extrudéry na zváranie plastov, modul webovej stránky, mobilný servisný vozík bude implementovaný na špecifickej úrovni spoločnosti, prostredníctvom realizácie projektu, realizáciou projektu, realizáciou projektu bude mať realizácia firmy vplyv na výstavbu hospodárskej krízy spoločnosti, hospodársky vplyv hospodárskej krízy spoločnosti bude realizovaný na základe odolnosti regionálnej spoločnosti voči špecifickým cieľom projektu. Uvedený materiálny rozsah projektu umožní zavedenie skupiny kabínových filtrov do ponuky nového produktu spolu s vytvorením online predaja. Projekt bude realizovaný v jednom kroku a bude pozostávať z nákupu dlhodobého majetku, vybavenia spolu s nehmotným majetkom a právnym majetkom. (Slovak)
    29 November 2022
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    Questo progetto consisterà nell'acquisto di macchinari e attrezzature adeguati per sostenere la riparazione della crisi della pandemia di COVID-19 preparando una ripresa verde e digitale dell'economia per aumentarne la resilienza.L'investimento previsto aumenterà la sicurezza dell'impresa a causa della pandemia prevalente.L'investimento sarà effettuato sulla trama n. 25 di 60, ul. Poznan 19, in Olsztyn.Il progetto sarà attuato nell'ambito dell'asse prioritario 13.Economia futura resiliente e sana, azione 13.1PMI forti.Le attività del progetto prevedono l'acquisto di immobilizzazioni, attrezzature e beni immateriali destinati a salvaguardare la continuità dell'attività dell'azienda e l'introduzione di un nuovo servizio e produzione di, tra gli altri, la saldatura PEHD e l'introduzione di un metodo di purificazione mediante un biofiltro.Nel progetto, il richiedente intende acquistare un sistema di monitoraggio digitale mobile, estrusori per la saldatura di materie plastiche, un modulo del sito web, un camion di servizio mobile sarà implementato in un livello specifico dell'azienda, attraverso l'attuazione del progetto, attraverso l'attuazione del progetto, l'implementazione dell'impresa influenzerà la costruzione della crisi economica dell'azienda, l'impatto economico della crisi economica dell'azienda sarà implementato sulla base della resilienza dell'azienda regionale agli obiettivi specifici del progetto. L'ambito materiale di cui sopra del progetto consentirà l'introduzione di un gruppo di filtri cabina per l'offerta di un nuovo prodotto insieme alla creazione di vendite online. Il progetto sarà attuato in una sola fase e consisterà nell'acquisto di immobilizzazioni, attrezzature, beni immateriali e beni legali. (Italian)
    29 November 2022
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    Tento projekt bude spočívat v nákupu vhodných strojů a vybavení na podporu krizové nápravy pandemie COVID-19 tím, že se připraví na zelené a digitální oživení hospodářství s cílem zvýšit jeho odolnost.Plánované investice zvýší bezpečnost společnosti v důsledku převládající pandemie.Investice bude provedena na pozemku č. 25 z 60, ul. Poznan 19, in Olsztyn.The project will be implemented under Priority Axis 13.Resilient and healthy future economy, action 13.1Strong SMEs.The project activities provide for the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the company’s business and the introduction of a new service and production of, among others, PEHD welding and the introduction of a method of purification using a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service truck will be implemented in a specific level of the company, through the implementation of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm will affect the construction of the company’s economic viability, the future crisis of the company will be able to achieve the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company will not be able to implement the economic crisis, the economic impact of the company will be implemented on the basis of the project’s operational requirements.The project will be implemented within the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, as well as the implementation of the company’s security measures, the future economy of the future, action 13Strength of SMEs.The project includes the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the business and the introduction of a new service, including PEHD welding, and the introduction of a method of cleaning with a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for the welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service will be implemented from the project to the specific objectives of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm’s permanent measures, and the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be secured by the new company’s economic crisis, which the company will be able to improve the performance of the project’s specific service level.By the implementation of the project, the project will be able to implement the firm’s permanent measures, as well as to the future crisis, the economic crisis will be achieved by the new company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the project’s specific service.The project will lead to the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the viability of the company’s future pandemics, the future crisis, the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will be a more effective result of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project will be implemented by the project.They will be able to implement the project in order to implement the project’s permanent measures, as well as the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be made to the new company’s economic crisis, which will be augmented by the company’s specific objectives, the project will be implemented in the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic crisis will be implemented on the new company’s economic crisis.The project will be implemented in the framework of the project.The project will be implemented by means of the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company, action 13.1Sustainable SMEs.The Výše uvedená věcná působnost projektu umožní zavedení skupiny kabinových filtrů do nabídky nového produktu spolu s vytvořením on-line prodeje. Projekt bude realizován v jednom kroku a bude spočívat v nákupu dlouhodobého majetku, vybavení spolu s nehmotným majetkem a právním majetkem. (Czech)
    29 November 2022
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    Dette projekt vil bestå i indkøb af passende maskiner og udstyr til støtte for kriseafhjælpning af covid-19-pandemien ved at forberede en grøn og digital genopretning af økonomien for at øge dens modstandsdygtighed.De planlagte investeringer vil øge virksomhedens sikkerhed som følge af den fremherskende pandemi.Investeringen vil blive gennemført på plot nr. 25 af 60 ul. Poznan 19, in Olsztyn.The project will be implemented under Priority Axis 13.Resilient and healthy future economy, action 13.1Strong SMEs.The project activities provide for the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the company’s business and the introduction of a new service and production of, among others, PEHD welding and the introduction of a method of purification using a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service truck will be implemented in a specific level of the company, through the implementation of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm will affect the construction of the company’s economic viability, the future crisis of the company will be able to achieve the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company will not be able to implement the economic crisis, the economic impact of the company will be implemented on the basis of the project’s operational requirements.The project will be implemented within the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, as well as the implementation of the company’s security measures, the future economy of the future, action 13Strength of SMEs.The project includes the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the business and the introduction of a new service, including PEHD welding, and the introduction of a method of cleaning with a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for the welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service will be implemented from the project to the specific objectives of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm’s permanent measures, and the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be secured by the new company’s economic crisis, which the company will be able to improve the performance of the project’s specific service level.By the implementation of the project, the project will be able to implement the firm’s permanent measures, as well as to the future crisis, the economic crisis will be achieved by the new company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the project’s specific service.The project will lead to the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the viability of the company’s future pandemics, the future crisis, the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will be a more effective result of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project will be implemented by the project.They will be able to implement the project in order to implement the project’s permanent measures, as well as the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be made to the new company’s economic crisis, which will be augmented by the company’s specific objectives, the project will be implemented in the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic crisis will be implemented on the new company’s economic crisis.The project will be implemented in the framework of the project.The project will be implemented by means of the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company, action 13.1Sustainable SMEs.The Ovennævnte materielle omfang af projektet vil gøre det muligt at indføre en gruppe af kabinefiltre til tilbud om et nyt produkt sammen med oprettelse af online salg. Projektet vil blive gennemført i ét trin og vil bestå i køb af anlægsaktiver, udstyr sammen med immaterielle aktiver og juridiske aktiver. (Danish)
    29 November 2022
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    Hankkeeseen kuuluu asianmukaisten koneiden ja laitteiden hankinta covid-19-pandemian kriisin korjaamisen tukemiseksi valmistautumalla talouden vihreään ja digitaaliseen elpymiseen sen selviytymiskyvyn parantamiseksi. Suunnitellut investoinnit lisäävät yrityksen turvallisuutta vallitsevan pandemian vuoksi. Investointi toteutetaan tontilla nro 25/60, ul. Poznan 19, in Olsztyn.The project will be implemented under Priority Axis 13.Resilient and healthy future economy, action 13.1Strong SMEs.The project activities provide for the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the company’s business and the introduction of a new service and production of, among others, PEHD welding and the introduction of a method of purification using a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service truck will be implemented in a specific level of the company, through the implementation of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm will affect the construction of the company’s economic viability, the future crisis of the company will be able to achieve the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company will not be able to implement the economic crisis, the economic impact of the company will be implemented on the basis of the project’s operational requirements.The project will be implemented within the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, as well as the implementation of the company’s security measures, the future economy of the future, action 13Strength of SMEs.The project includes the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the business and the introduction of a new service, including PEHD welding, and the introduction of a method of cleaning with a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for the welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service will be implemented from the project to the specific objectives of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm’s permanent measures, and the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be secured by the new company’s economic crisis, which the company will be able to improve the performance of the project’s specific service level.By the implementation of the project, the project will be able to implement the firm’s permanent measures, as well as to the future crisis, the economic crisis will be achieved by the new company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the project’s specific service.The project will lead to the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the viability of the company’s future pandemics, the future crisis, the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will be a more effective result of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project will be implemented by the project.They will be able to implement the project in order to implement the project’s permanent measures, as well as the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be made to the new company’s economic crisis, which will be augmented by the company’s specific objectives, the project will be implemented in the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic crisis will be implemented on the new company’s economic crisis.The project will be implemented in the framework of the project.The project will be implemented by means of the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company, action 13.1Sustainable SMEs.The Edellä mainitun hankkeen aineellisen soveltamisalan ansiosta uuden tuotteen tarjontaan voidaan tuoda hyttisuodattimien ryhmä sekä verkkomyynnin luominen. Hanke toteutetaan yhdessä vaiheessa, ja se koostuu käyttöomaisuuden, laitteiden sekä aineettoman omaisuuden ja laillisen omaisuuden hankinnasta. (Finnish)
    29 November 2022
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    Το έργο αυτό θα συνίσταται στην αγορά κατάλληλων μηχανημάτων και εξοπλισμού για τη στήριξη της αποκατάστασης από την κρίση της πανδημίας COVID-19 με την προετοιμασία για μια πράσινη και ψηφιακή ανάκαμψη της οικονομίας με σκοπό την αύξηση της ανθεκτικότητάς της.Οι σχεδιαζόμενες επενδύσεις θα αυξήσουν την ασφάλεια της εταιρείας λόγω της επικρατούσας πανδημίας.Η επένδυση θα πραγματοποιηθεί στο οικόπεδο αριθ. 25 του 60, ul. Poznan 19, in Olsztyn.The project will be implemented under Priority Axis 13.Resilient and healthy future economy, action 13.1Strong SMEs.The project activities provide for the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the company’s business and the introduction of a new service and production of, among others, PEHD welding and the introduction of a method of purification using a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service truck will be implemented in a specific level of the company, through the implementation of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm will affect the construction of the company’s economic viability, the future crisis of the company will be able to achieve the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company will not be able to implement the economic crisis, the economic impact of the company will be implemented on the basis of the project’s operational requirements.The project will be implemented within the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, as well as the implementation of the company’s security measures, the future economy of the future, action 13Strength of SMEs.The project includes the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the business and the introduction of a new service, including PEHD welding, and the introduction of a method of cleaning with a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for the welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service will be implemented from the project to the specific objectives of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm’s permanent measures, and the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be secured by the new company’s economic crisis, which the company will be able to improve the performance of the project’s specific service level.By the implementation of the project, the project will be able to implement the firm’s permanent measures, as well as to the future crisis, the economic crisis will be achieved by the new company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the project’s specific service.The project will lead to the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the viability of the company’s future pandemics, the future crisis, the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will be a more effective result of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project will be implemented by the project.They will be able to implement the project in order to implement the project’s permanent measures, as well as the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be made to the new company’s economic crisis, which will be augmented by the company’s specific objectives, the project will be implemented in the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic crisis will be implemented on the new company’s economic crisis.The project will be implemented in the framework of the project.The project will be implemented by means of the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company, action 13.1Sustainable SMEs.The Το προαναφερθέν καθ’ ύλην πεδίο εφαρμογής του έργου θα επιτρέψει την εισαγωγή μιας ομάδας φίλτρων καμπίνας στην προσφορά ενός νέου προϊόντος μαζί με τη δημιουργία διαδικτυακών πωλήσεων. Το έργο θα υλοποιηθεί σε ένα στάδιο και θα αποτελείται από την αγορά πάγιων στοιχείων ενεργητικού, εξοπλισμού μαζί με άυλα περιουσιακά στοιχεία και νομικά περιουσιακά στοιχεία. (Greek)
    29 November 2022
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    Este proyecto consistirá en la compra de maquinaria y equipos adecuados para apoyar la reparación de crisis de la pandemia de COVID-19 preparándose para una recuperación ecológica y digital de la economía para aumentar su resiliencia. La inversión prevista aumentará la seguridad de la empresa debido a la pandemia reinante.La inversión se llevará a cabo en la parcela n.º 25 de 60, ul. Poznan 19, in Olsztyn.The project will be implemented under Priority Axis 13.Resilient and healthy future economy, action 13.1Strong SMEs.The project activities provide for the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the company’s business and the introduction of a new service and production of, among others, PEHD welding and the introduction of a method of purification using a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service truck will be implemented in a specific level of the company, through the implementation of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm will affect the construction of the company’s economic viability, the future crisis of the company will be able to achieve the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company will not be able to implement the economic crisis, the economic impact of the company will be implemented on the basis of the project’s operational requirements.The project will be implemented within the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, as well as the implementation of the company’s security measures, the future economy of the future, action 13Strength of SMEs.The project includes the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the business and the introduction of a new service, including PEHD welding, and the introduction of a method of cleaning with a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for the welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service will be implemented from the project to the specific objectives of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm’s permanent measures, and the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be secured by the new company’s economic crisis, which the company will be able to improve the performance of the project’s specific service level.By the implementation of the project, the project will be able to implement the firm’s permanent measures, as well as to the future crisis, the economic crisis will be achieved by the new company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the project’s specific service.The project will lead to the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the viability of the company’s future pandemics, the future crisis, the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will be a more effective result of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project will be implemented by the project.They will be able to implement the project in order to implement the project’s permanent measures, as well as the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be made to the new company’s economic crisis, which will be augmented by the company’s specific objectives, the project will be implemented in the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic crisis will be implemented on the new company’s economic crisis.The project will be implemented in the framework of the project.The project will be implemented by means of the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company, action 13.1Sustainable SMEs.The El alcance material mencionado del proyecto permitirá la introducción de un grupo de filtros de cabina a la oferta de un nuevo producto junto con la creación de ventas en línea. El proyecto se ejecutará en una sola etapa y consistirá en la compra de activos fijos, equipos junto con activos intangibles y activos legales. (Spanish)
    29 November 2022
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    Questo progetto consisterà nell'acquisto di macchinari e attrezzature adeguati per sostenere la riparazione della crisi della pandemia di COVID-19 preparando una ripresa verde e digitale dell'economia per aumentarne la resilienza.L'investimento previsto aumenterà la sicurezza dell'impresa a causa della pandemia prevalente.L'investimento sarà effettuato sulla trama n. 25 di 60, ul. Poznan 19, in Olsztyn.The project will be implemented under Priority Axis 13.Resilient and healthy future economy, action 13.1Strong SMEs.The project activities provide for the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the company’s business and the introduction of a new service and production of, among others, PEHD welding and the introduction of a method of purification using a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service truck will be implemented in a specific level of the company, through the implementation of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm will affect the construction of the company’s economic viability, the future crisis of the company will be able to achieve the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company will not be able to implement the economic crisis, the economic impact of the company will be implemented on the basis of the project’s operational requirements.The project will be implemented within the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, as well as the implementation of the company’s security measures, the future economy of the future, action 13Strength of SMEs.The project includes the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the business and the introduction of a new service, including PEHD welding, and the introduction of a method of cleaning with a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for the welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service will be implemented from the project to the specific objectives of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm’s permanent measures, and the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be secured by the new company’s economic crisis, which the company will be able to improve the performance of the project’s specific service level.By the implementation of the project, the project will be able to implement the firm’s permanent measures, as well as to the future crisis, the economic crisis will be achieved by the new company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the project’s specific service.The project will lead to the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the viability of the company’s future pandemics, the future crisis, the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will be a more effective result of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project will be implemented by the project.They will be able to implement the project in order to implement the project’s permanent measures, as well as the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be made to the new company’s economic crisis, which will be augmented by the company’s specific objectives, the project will be implemented in the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic crisis will be implemented on the new company’s economic crisis.The project will be implemented in the framework of the project.The project will be implemented by means of the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company, action 13.1Sustainable SMEs.The L'ambito materiale di cui sopra del progetto consentirà l'introduzione di un gruppo di filtri cabina per l'offerta di un nuovo prodotto insieme alla creazione di vendite online. Il progetto sarà attuato in una sola fase e consisterà nell'acquisto di immobilizzazioni, attrezzature, beni immateriali e beni legali. (Italian)
    29 November 2022
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    Ta projekt bo vključeval nakup ustreznih strojev in opreme za podporo odpravljanju krize zaradi pandemije COVID-19 s pripravo na zeleno in digitalno okrevanje gospodarstva, da se poveča njegova odpornost. Načrtovane naložbe bodo povečale varnost podjetja zaradi prevladujoče pandemije. Naložbe bodo izvedene na parceli št. 25 od 60 ul. Poznan 19, in Olsztyn.The project will be implemented under Priority Axis 13.Resilient and healthy future economy, action 13.1Strong SMEs.The project activities provide for the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the company’s business and the introduction of a new service and production of, among others, PEHD welding and the introduction of a method of purification using a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service truck will be implemented in a specific level of the company, through the implementation of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm will affect the construction of the company’s economic viability, the future crisis of the company will be able to achieve the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company will not be able to implement the economic crisis, the economic impact of the company will be implemented on the basis of the project’s operational requirements.The project will be implemented within the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, as well as the implementation of the company’s security measures, the future economy of the future, action 13Strength of SMEs.The project includes the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the business and the introduction of a new service, including PEHD welding, and the introduction of a method of cleaning with a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for the welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service will be implemented from the project to the specific objectives of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm’s permanent measures, and the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be secured by the new company’s economic crisis, which the company will be able to improve the performance of the project’s specific service level.By the implementation of the project, the project will be able to implement the firm’s permanent measures, as well as to the future crisis, the economic crisis will be achieved by the new company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the project’s specific service.The project will lead to the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the viability of the company’s future pandemics, the future crisis, the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will be a more effective result of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project will be implemented by the project.They will be able to implement the project in order to implement the project’s permanent measures, as well as the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be made to the new company’s economic crisis, which will be augmented by the company’s specific objectives, the project will be implemented in the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic crisis will be implemented on the new company’s economic crisis.The project will be implemented in the framework of the project.The project will be implemented by means of the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company, action 13.1Sustainable SMEs.The Zgoraj omenjeni materialni obseg projekta bo omogočil uvedbo skupine kabinskih filtrov v ponudbo novega izdelka skupaj z ustvarjanjem spletne prodaje. Projekt se bo izvajal v enem koraku in bo zajemal nakup osnovnih sredstev, opreme skupaj z neopredmetenimi sredstvi in pravnimi sredstvi. (Slovenian)
    29 November 2022
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    Ez a projekt a Covid19-világjárvány válságelhárításának támogatására szolgáló megfelelő gépek és berendezések beszerzéséből áll, felkészülve a gazdaság zöld és digitális helyreállítására annak rezilienciájának növelése érdekében.A tervezett beruházás növelni fogja a vállalat biztonságát az uralkodó világjárvány miatt.A beruházást a 60. sz. telken hajtják végre. Poznan 19, in Olsztyn.The project will be implemented under Priority Axis 13.Resilient and healthy future economy, action 13.1Strong SMEs.The project activities provide for the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the company’s business and the introduction of a new service and production of, among others, PEHD welding and the introduction of a method of purification using a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service truck will be implemented in a specific level of the company, through the implementation of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm will affect the construction of the company’s economic viability, the future crisis of the company will be able to achieve the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company will not be able to implement the economic crisis, the economic impact of the company will be implemented on the basis of the project’s operational requirements.The project will be implemented within the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, as well as the implementation of the company’s security measures, the future economy of the future, action 13Strength of SMEs.The project includes the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the business and the introduction of a new service, including PEHD welding, and the introduction of a method of cleaning with a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for the welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service will be implemented from the project to the specific objectives of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm’s permanent measures, and the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be secured by the new company’s economic crisis, which the company will be able to improve the performance of the project’s specific service level.By the implementation of the project, the project will be able to implement the firm’s permanent measures, as well as to the future crisis, the economic crisis will be achieved by the new company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the project’s specific service.The project will lead to the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the viability of the company’s future pandemics, the future crisis, the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will be a more effective result of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project will be implemented by the project.They will be able to implement the project in order to implement the project’s permanent measures, as well as the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be made to the new company’s economic crisis, which will be augmented by the company’s specific objectives, the project will be implemented in the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic crisis will be implemented on the new company’s economic crisis.The project will be implemented in the framework of the project.The project will be implemented by means of the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company, action 13.1Sustainable SMEs.The A projekt fent említett tárgyi hatálya lehetővé teszi a kabinszűrők egy csoportjának bevezetését egy új termék kínálatába az online értékesítéssel együtt. A projekt egy lépésben valósul meg, és tárgyi eszközök, berendezések, valamint immateriális javak és jogi eszközök beszerzéséből áll. (Hungarian)
    29 November 2022
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    Tento projekt bude pozostávať z nákupu vhodných strojov a vybavenia na podporu nápravy krízy spôsobenej pandémiou COVID-19 prostredníctvom prípravy na zelenú a digitálnu obnovu hospodárstva s cieľom zvýšiť jeho odolnosť. Plánované investície zvýšia bezpečnosť spoločnosti v dôsledku prevládajúcej pandémie. Investície sa uskutočnia na pozemku č. 25 zo 60, ul. Poznan 19, in Olsztyn.The project will be implemented under Priority Axis 13.Resilient and healthy future economy, action 13.1Strong SMEs.The project activities provide for the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the company’s business and the introduction of a new service and production of, among others, PEHD welding and the introduction of a method of purification using a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service truck will be implemented in a specific level of the company, through the implementation of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm will affect the construction of the company’s economic viability, the future crisis of the company will be able to achieve the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company will not be able to implement the economic crisis, the economic impact of the company will be implemented on the basis of the project’s operational requirements.The project will be implemented within the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, as well as the implementation of the company’s security measures, the future economy of the future, action 13Strength of SMEs.The project includes the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the business and the introduction of a new service, including PEHD welding, and the introduction of a method of cleaning with a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for the welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service will be implemented from the project to the specific objectives of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm’s permanent measures, and the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be secured by the new company’s economic crisis, which the company will be able to improve the performance of the project’s specific service level.By the implementation of the project, the project will be able to implement the firm’s permanent measures, as well as to the future crisis, the economic crisis will be achieved by the new company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the project’s specific service.The project will lead to the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the viability of the company’s future pandemics, the future crisis, the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will be a more effective result of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project will be implemented by the project.They will be able to implement the project in order to implement the project’s permanent measures, as well as the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be made to the new company’s economic crisis, which will be augmented by the company’s specific objectives, the project will be implemented in the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic crisis will be implemented on the new company’s economic crisis.The project will be implemented in the framework of the project.The project will be implemented by means of the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company, action 13.1Sustainable SMEs.The Uvedený materiálny rozsah projektu umožní zavedenie skupiny kabínových filtrov do ponuky nového produktu spolu s vytvorením online predaja. Projekt bude realizovaný v jednom kroku a bude pozostávať z nákupu dlhodobého majetku, vybavenia spolu s nehmotným majetkom a právnym majetkom. (Slovak)
    29 November 2022
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    Dit project zal bestaan uit de aankoop van geschikte machines en uitrusting ter ondersteuning van het crisisherstel van de COVID-19-pandemie door voorbereiding op een groen en digitaal herstel van de economie om de veerkracht ervan te vergroten.De geplande investering zal de veiligheid van de onderneming als gevolg van de heersende pandemie vergroten.De investering zal worden uitgevoerd op perceel nr. 25 van 60, ul. Poznan 19, in Olsztyn.The project will be implemented under Priority Axis 13.Resilient and healthy future economy, action 13.1Strong SMEs.The project activities provide for the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the company’s business and the introduction of a new service and production of, among others, PEHD welding and the introduction of a method of purification using a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service truck will be implemented in a specific level of the company, through the implementation of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm will affect the construction of the company’s economic viability, the future crisis of the company will be able to achieve the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company will not be able to implement the economic crisis, the economic impact of the company will be implemented on the basis of the project’s operational requirements.The project will be implemented within the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, as well as the implementation of the company’s security measures, the future economy of the future, action 13Strength of SMEs.The project includes the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the business and the introduction of a new service, including PEHD welding, and the introduction of a method of cleaning with a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for the welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service will be implemented from the project to the specific objectives of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm’s permanent measures, and the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be secured by the new company’s economic crisis, which the company will be able to improve the performance of the project’s specific service level.By the implementation of the project, the project will be able to implement the firm’s permanent measures, as well as to the future crisis, the economic crisis will be achieved by the new company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the project’s specific service.The project will lead to the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the viability of the company’s future pandemics, the future crisis, the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will be a more effective result of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project will be implemented by the project.They will be able to implement the project in order to implement the project’s permanent measures, as well as the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be made to the new company’s economic crisis, which will be augmented by the company’s specific objectives, the project will be implemented in the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic crisis will be implemented on the new company’s economic crisis.The project will be implemented in the framework of the project.The project will be implemented by means of the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company, action 13.1Sustainable SMEs.The De bovenvermelde materiële reikwijdte van het project zal de introductie van een groep cabinefilters in het aanbod van een nieuw product samen met het creëren van online verkoop mogelijk maken. Het project zal in één stap worden uitgevoerd en zal bestaan uit de aankoop van vaste activa, uitrusting en immateriële activa en juridische activa. (Dutch)
    29 November 2022
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    Este projeto consistirá na aquisição de máquinas e equipamentos adequados para apoiar a reparação da crise da pandemia de COVID-19, preparando-se para uma recuperação ecológica e digital da economia, a fim de aumentar a sua resiliência. O investimento planeado aumentará a segurança da empresa devido à pandemia prevalecente. O investimento será realizado na parcela n.º 25 de 60, ul. Poznan 19, in Olsztyn.The project will be implemented under Priority Axis 13.Resilient and healthy future economy, action 13.1Strong SMEs.The project activities provide for the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the company’s business and the introduction of a new service and production of, among others, PEHD welding and the introduction of a method of purification using a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service truck will be implemented in a specific level of the company, through the implementation of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm will affect the construction of the company’s economic viability, the future crisis of the company will be able to achieve the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company will not be able to implement the economic crisis, the economic impact of the company will be implemented on the basis of the project’s operational requirements.The project will be implemented within the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, as well as the implementation of the company’s security measures, the future economy of the future, action 13Strength of SMEs.The project includes the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the business and the introduction of a new service, including PEHD welding, and the introduction of a method of cleaning with a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for the welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service will be implemented from the project to the specific objectives of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm’s permanent measures, and the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be secured by the new company’s economic crisis, which the company will be able to improve the performance of the project’s specific service level.By the implementation of the project, the project will be able to implement the firm’s permanent measures, as well as to the future crisis, the economic crisis will be achieved by the new company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the project’s specific service.The project will lead to the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the viability of the company’s future pandemics, the future crisis, the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will be a more effective result of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project will be implemented by the project.They will be able to implement the project in order to implement the project’s permanent measures, as well as the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be made to the new company’s economic crisis, which will be augmented by the company’s specific objectives, the project will be implemented in the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic crisis will be implemented on the new company’s economic crisis.The project will be implemented in the framework of the project.The project will be implemented by means of the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company, action 13.1Sustainable SMEs.The O âmbito material do projeto acima mencionado permitirá a introdução de um grupo de filtros de cabina para a oferta de um novo produto, juntamente com a criação de vendas em linha. O projeto será executado de uma só vez e consistirá na compra de ativos fixos, equipamentos, ativos incorpóreos e ativos jurídicos. (Portuguese)
    29 November 2022
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    Този проект ще се състои в закупуване на подходящи машини и оборудване в подкрепа на преодоляването на кризата във връзка с пандемията от COVID-19 чрез подготовка за екологично и цифрово възстановяване на икономиката с цел повишаване на нейната устойчивост. Планираната инвестиция ще повиши сигурността на дружеството поради преобладаващата пандемия.Инвестицията ще бъде осъществена на парцел № 25 от 60 г., ул. Poznan 19, in Olsztyn.The project will be implemented under Priority Axis 13.Resilient and healthy future economy, action 13.1Strong SMEs.The project activities provide for the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the company’s business and the introduction of a new service and production of, among others, PEHD welding and the introduction of a method of purification using a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service truck will be implemented in a specific level of the company, through the implementation of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm will affect the construction of the company’s economic viability, the future crisis of the company will be able to achieve the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company will not be able to implement the economic crisis, the economic impact of the company will be implemented on the basis of the project’s operational requirements.The project will be implemented within the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, as well as the implementation of the company’s security measures, the future economy of the future, action 13Strength of SMEs.The project includes the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the business and the introduction of a new service, including PEHD welding, and the introduction of a method of cleaning with a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for the welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service will be implemented from the project to the specific objectives of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm’s permanent measures, and the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be secured by the new company’s economic crisis, which the company will be able to improve the performance of the project’s specific service level.By the implementation of the project, the project will be able to implement the firm’s permanent measures, as well as to the future crisis, the economic crisis will be achieved by the new company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the project’s specific service.The project will lead to the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the viability of the company’s future pandemics, the future crisis, the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will be a more effective result of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project will be implemented by the project.They will be able to implement the project in order to implement the project’s permanent measures, as well as the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be made to the new company’s economic crisis, which will be augmented by the company’s specific objectives, the project will be implemented in the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic crisis will be implemented on the new company’s economic crisis.The project will be implemented in the framework of the project.The project will be implemented by means of the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company, action 13.1Sustainable SMEs.The Горепосоченият материален обхват на проекта ще позволи въвеждането на група филтри за кабина в предлагането на нов продукт, заедно със създаването на онлайн продажби. Проектът ще бъде реализиран на една стъпка и ще се състои в закупуване на дълготрайни активи, оборудване, заедно с нематериални и юридически активи. (Bulgarian)
    29 November 2022
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    Projekt hõlmab sobivate masinate ja seadmete ostmist, et toetada COVID-19 pandeemia kriisi taastamist, tehes ettevalmistusi majanduse taastamiseks rohelisel ja digitaalsel viisil, et suurendada selle vastupanuvõimet. Kavandatud investeering suurendab ettevõtte turvalisust valitseva pandeemia tõttu.Investeerimine toimub maatükil nr 25/60, ul. Poznan 19, in Olsztyn.The project will be implemented under Priority Axis 13.Resilient and healthy future economy, action 13.1Strong SMEs.The project activities provide for the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the company’s business and the introduction of a new service and production of, among others, PEHD welding and the introduction of a method of purification using a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service truck will be implemented in a specific level of the company, through the implementation of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm will affect the construction of the company’s economic viability, the future crisis of the company will be able to achieve the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company will not be able to implement the economic crisis, the economic impact of the company will be implemented on the basis of the project’s operational requirements.The project will be implemented within the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, as well as the implementation of the company’s security measures, the future economy of the future, action 13Strength of SMEs.The project includes the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the business and the introduction of a new service, including PEHD welding, and the introduction of a method of cleaning with a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for the welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service will be implemented from the project to the specific objectives of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm’s permanent measures, and the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be secured by the new company’s economic crisis, which the company will be able to improve the performance of the project’s specific service level.By the implementation of the project, the project will be able to implement the firm’s permanent measures, as well as to the future crisis, the economic crisis will be achieved by the new company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the project’s specific service.The project will lead to the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the viability of the company’s future pandemics, the future crisis, the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will be a more effective result of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project will be implemented by the project.They will be able to implement the project in order to implement the project’s permanent measures, as well as the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be made to the new company’s economic crisis, which will be augmented by the company’s specific objectives, the project will be implemented in the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic crisis will be implemented on the new company’s economic crisis.The project will be implemented in the framework of the project.The project will be implemented by means of the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company, action 13.1Sustainable SMEs.The Eespool nimetatud projekti sisuline ulatus võimaldab uue toote pakkumisele lisada salongifiltrite rühma koos internetimüügi loomisega. Projekt viiakse ellu ühes etapis ja see hõlmab põhivara, seadmete ning immateriaalse vara ja juriidilise vara ostmist. (Estonian)
    29 November 2022
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    Detta projekt kommer att bestå av inköp av lämpliga maskiner och utrustning för att stödja krisreparation av covid-19-pandemin genom att förbereda en grön och digital återhämtning av ekonomin för att öka dess motståndskraft.Den planerade investeringen kommer att öka företagets säkerhet på grund av den rådande pandemin. Investeringen kommer att genomföras på tomt nr 25 av 60 ul. Poznan 19, in Olsztyn.The project will be implemented under Priority Axis 13.Resilient and healthy future economy, action 13.1Strong SMEs.The project activities provide for the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the company’s business and the introduction of a new service and production of, among others, PEHD welding and the introduction of a method of purification using a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service truck will be implemented in a specific level of the company, through the implementation of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm will affect the construction of the company’s economic viability, the future crisis of the company will be able to achieve the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company will not be able to implement the economic crisis, the economic impact of the company will be implemented on the basis of the project’s operational requirements.The project will be implemented within the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, as well as the implementation of the company’s security measures, the future economy of the future, action 13Strength of SMEs.The project includes the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the business and the introduction of a new service, including PEHD welding, and the introduction of a method of cleaning with a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for the welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service will be implemented from the project to the specific objectives of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm’s permanent measures, and the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be secured by the new company’s economic crisis, which the company will be able to improve the performance of the project’s specific service level.By the implementation of the project, the project will be able to implement the firm’s permanent measures, as well as to the future crisis, the economic crisis will be achieved by the new company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the project’s specific service.The project will lead to the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the viability of the company’s future pandemics, the future crisis, the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will be a more effective result of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project will be implemented by the project.They will be able to implement the project in order to implement the project’s permanent measures, as well as the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be made to the new company’s economic crisis, which will be augmented by the company’s specific objectives, the project will be implemented in the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic crisis will be implemented on the new company’s economic crisis.The project will be implemented in the framework of the project.The project will be implemented by means of the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company, action 13.1Sustainable SMEs.The Projektets ovan nämnda materiella omfattning kommer att göra det möjligt att införa en grupp av kabinfilter till erbjudandet av en ny produkt tillsammans med skapandet av onlineförsäljning. Projektet kommer att genomföras i ett steg och kommer att bestå av inköp av anläggningstillgångar, utrustning samt immateriella tillgångar och juridiska tillgångar. (Swedish)
    29 November 2022
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    Pagal šį projektą bus perkamos tinkamos mašinos ir įranga COVID-19 pandemijos sukeltai krizei įveikti, rengiantis žaliajam ir skaitmeniniam ekonomikos atsigavimui, kad padidėtų jos atsparumas. Planuojamos investicijos padidins įmonės saugumą dėl vyraujančios pandemijos.Investicijos bus vykdomos į sklypą Nr. 25 iš 60, ul. Poznan 19, in Olsztyn.The project will be implemented under Priority Axis 13.Resilient and healthy future economy, action 13.1Strong SMEs.The project activities provide for the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the company’s business and the introduction of a new service and production of, among others, PEHD welding and the introduction of a method of purification using a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service truck will be implemented in a specific level of the company, through the implementation of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm will affect the construction of the company’s economic viability, the future crisis of the company will be able to achieve the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company will not be able to implement the economic crisis, the economic impact of the company will be implemented on the basis of the project’s operational requirements.The project will be implemented within the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, as well as the implementation of the company’s security measures, the future economy of the future, action 13Strength of SMEs.The project includes the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the business and the introduction of a new service, including PEHD welding, and the introduction of a method of cleaning with a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for the welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service will be implemented from the project to the specific objectives of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm’s permanent measures, and the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be secured by the new company’s economic crisis, which the company will be able to improve the performance of the project’s specific service level.By the implementation of the project, the project will be able to implement the firm’s permanent measures, as well as to the future crisis, the economic crisis will be achieved by the new company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the project’s specific service.The project will lead to the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the viability of the company’s future pandemics, the future crisis, the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will be a more effective result of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project will be implemented by the project.They will be able to implement the project in order to implement the project’s permanent measures, as well as the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be made to the new company’s economic crisis, which will be augmented by the company’s specific objectives, the project will be implemented in the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic crisis will be implemented on the new company’s economic crisis.The project will be implemented in the framework of the project.The project will be implemented by means of the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company, action 13.1Sustainable SMEs.The Pirmiau minėta projekto materialinė taikymo sritis leis į naujo produkto pasiūlymą įtraukti salono filtrų grupę kartu su pardavimo internetu kūrimu. Projektas bus įgyvendinamas vienu etapu, jį sudarys ilgalaikio turto, įrangos, nematerialiojo turto ir juridinio turto pirkimas. (Lithuanian)
    29 November 2022
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    Acest proiect va consta în achiziționarea de mașini și echipamente adecvate pentru a sprijini repararea de criză a pandemiei de COVID-19 prin pregătirea unei redresări verzi și digitale a economiei pentru a-și spori reziliența.Investiția planificată va spori securitatea întreprinderii din cauza pandemiei predominante.Investiția va fi realizată pe parcela nr. 25 din 60, ul. Poznan 19, in Olsztyn.The project will be implemented under Priority Axis 13.Resilient and healthy future economy, action 13.1Strong SMEs.The project activities provide for the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the company’s business and the introduction of a new service and production of, among others, PEHD welding and the introduction of a method of purification using a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service truck will be implemented in a specific level of the company, through the implementation of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm will affect the construction of the company’s economic viability, the future crisis of the company will be able to achieve the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company will not be able to implement the economic crisis, the economic impact of the company will be implemented on the basis of the project’s operational requirements.The project will be implemented within the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, as well as the implementation of the company’s security measures, the future economy of the future, action 13Strength of SMEs.The project includes the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the business and the introduction of a new service, including PEHD welding, and the introduction of a method of cleaning with a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for the welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service will be implemented from the project to the specific objectives of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm’s permanent measures, and the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be secured by the new company’s economic crisis, which the company will be able to improve the performance of the project’s specific service level.By the implementation of the project, the project will be able to implement the firm’s permanent measures, as well as to the future crisis, the economic crisis will be achieved by the new company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the project’s specific service.The project will lead to the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the viability of the company’s future pandemics, the future crisis, the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will be a more effective result of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project will be implemented by the project.They will be able to implement the project in order to implement the project’s permanent measures, as well as the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be made to the new company’s economic crisis, which will be augmented by the company’s specific objectives, the project will be implemented in the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic crisis will be implemented on the new company’s economic crisis.The project will be implemented in the framework of the project.The project will be implemented by means of the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company, action 13.1Sustainable SMEs.The Domeniul de aplicare material menționat mai sus al proiectului va permite introducerea unui grup de filtre de cabină pentru oferta unui nou produs, împreună cu crearea de vânzări online. Proiectul va fi implementat într-o singură etapă și va consta în achiziționarea de active fixe, echipamente, împreună cu active necorporale și active legale. (Romanian)
    29 November 2022
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    Šis projekts ietvers atbilstošas tehnikas un aprīkojuma iegādi, lai atbalstītu Covid-19 pandēmijas krīzes seku novēršanu, gatavojoties zaļai un digitālai ekonomikas atveseļošanai, lai palielinātu tās noturību. Ieplānotie ieguldījumi palielinās uzņēmuma drošību dominējošās pandēmijas dēļ.Ieguldījums tiks veikts zemesgabalā Nr. 25 no 60, ul. Poznan 19, in Olsztyn.The project will be implemented under Priority Axis 13.Resilient and healthy future economy, action 13.1Strong SMEs.The project activities provide for the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the company’s business and the introduction of a new service and production of, among others, PEHD welding and the introduction of a method of purification using a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service truck will be implemented in a specific level of the company, through the implementation of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm will affect the construction of the company’s economic viability, the future crisis of the company will be able to achieve the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company will not be able to implement the economic crisis, the economic impact of the company will be implemented on the basis of the project’s operational requirements.The project will be implemented within the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, as well as the implementation of the company’s security measures, the future economy of the future, action 13Strength of SMEs.The project includes the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the business and the introduction of a new service, including PEHD welding, and the introduction of a method of cleaning with a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for the welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service will be implemented from the project to the specific objectives of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm’s permanent measures, and the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be secured by the new company’s economic crisis, which the company will be able to improve the performance of the project’s specific service level.By the implementation of the project, the project will be able to implement the firm’s permanent measures, as well as to the future crisis, the economic crisis will be achieved by the new company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the project’s specific service.The project will lead to the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the viability of the company’s future pandemics, the future crisis, the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will be a more effective result of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project will be implemented by the project.They will be able to implement the project in order to implement the project’s permanent measures, as well as the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be made to the new company’s economic crisis, which will be augmented by the company’s specific objectives, the project will be implemented in the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic crisis will be implemented on the new company’s economic crisis.The project will be implemented in the framework of the project.The project will be implemented by means of the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company, action 13.1Sustainable SMEs.The Iepriekš minētais projekta materiālais tvērums ļaus ieviest salona filtru grupu jauna produkta piedāvājumā, kā arī izveidot tiešsaistes pārdošanu. Projekts tiks īstenots vienā posmā un sastāvēs no pamatlīdzekļu, iekārtu, kā arī nemateriālo aktīvu un juridisko aktīvu iegādes. (Latvian)
    29 November 2022
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    Dan il-proġett se jikkonsisti fix-xiri ta’ makkinarju u tagħmir xieraq biex jappoġġa t-tiswija tal-kriżi tal-pandemija tal-COVID-19 billi jħejji għal irkupru ekoloġiku u diġitali tal-ekonomija biex tiżdied ir-reżiljenza tagħha. L-investiment ippjanat se jżid is-sigurtà tal-kumpanija minħabba l-pandemija prevalenti. L-investiment se jitwettaq fuq ir-roqgħa Nru 25 ta’ 60, ul. Poznan 19, in Olsztyn.The project will be implemented under Priority Axis 13.Resilient and healthy future economy, action 13.1Strong SMEs.The project activities provide for the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the company’s business and the introduction of a new service and production of, among others, PEHD welding and the introduction of a method of purification using a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service truck will be implemented in a specific level of the company, through the implementation of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm will affect the construction of the company’s economic viability, the future crisis of the company will be able to achieve the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company will not be able to implement the economic crisis, the economic impact of the company will be implemented on the basis of the project’s operational requirements.The project will be implemented within the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, as well as the implementation of the company’s security measures, the future economy of the future, action 13Strength of SMEs.The project includes the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the business and the introduction of a new service, including PEHD welding, and the introduction of a method of cleaning with a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for the welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service will be implemented from the project to the specific objectives of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm’s permanent measures, and the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be secured by the new company’s economic crisis, which the company will be able to improve the performance of the project’s specific service level.By the implementation of the project, the project will be able to implement the firm’s permanent measures, as well as to the future crisis, the economic crisis will be achieved by the new company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the project’s specific service.The project will lead to the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the viability of the company’s future pandemics, the future crisis, the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will be a more effective result of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project will be implemented by the project.They will be able to implement the project in order to implement the project’s permanent measures, as well as the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be made to the new company’s economic crisis, which will be augmented by the company’s specific objectives, the project will be implemented in the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic crisis will be implemented on the new company’s economic crisis.The project will be implemented in the framework of the project.The project will be implemented by means of the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company, action 13.1Sustainable SMEs.The L-ambitu materjali tal-proġett imsemmi hawn fuq se jippermetti l-introduzzjoni ta’ grupp ta’ filtri tal-kabina għall-offerta ta’ prodott ġdid flimkien mal-ħolqien ta’ bejgħ online. Il-proġett se jiġi implimentat f’pass wieħed u se jikkonsisti fix-xiri ta’ assi fissi, tagħmir flimkien ma’ assi intanġibbli u assi legali. (Maltese)
    29 November 2022
    0 references
    Šis projekts ietvers atbilstošas tehnikas un aprīkojuma iegādi, lai atbalstītu Covid-19 pandēmijas krīzes seku novēršanu, gatavojoties zaļai un digitālai ekonomikas atveseļošanai, lai palielinātu tās noturību. Ieplānotie ieguldījumi palielinās uzņēmuma drošību dominējošās pandēmijas dēļ.Ieguldījums tiks veikts zemesgabalā Nr. 25 no 60, ul. Poznan 19, in Olsztyn.The project will be implemented under Priority Axis 13.Resilient and healthy future economy, action 13.1Strong SMEs.The project activities provide for the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the company’s business and the introduction of a new service and production of, among others, PEHD welding and the introduction of a method of purification using a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service truck will be implemented in a specific level of the company, through the implementation of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm will affect the construction of the company’s economic viability, the future crisis of the company will be able to achieve the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company will not be able to implement the economic crisis, the economic impact of the company will be implemented on the basis of the project’s operational requirements.The project will be implemented within the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, as well as the implementation of the company’s security measures, the future economy of the future, action 13Strength of SMEs.The project includes the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the business and the introduction of a new service, including PEHD welding, and the introduction of a method of cleaning with a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for the welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service will be implemented from the project to the specific objectives of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm’s permanent measures, and the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be secured by the new company’s economic crisis, which the company will be able to improve the performance of the project’s specific service level.By the implementation of the project, the project will be able to implement the firm’s permanent measures, as well as to the future crisis, the economic crisis will be achieved by the new company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the project’s specific service.The project will lead to the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the viability of the company’s future pandemics, the future crisis, the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will be a more effective result of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project will be implemented by the project.They will be able to implement the project in order to implement the project’s permanent measures, as well as the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be made to the new company’s economic crisis, which will be augmented by the company’s specific objectives, the project will be implemented in the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic crisis will be implemented on the new company’s economic crisis.The project will be implemented in the framework of the project.The project will be implemented by means of the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company, action 13.1Sustainable SMEs.The Iepriekš minētais projekta materiālais tvērums ļaus ieviest salona filtru grupu jauna produkta piedāvājumā, kā arī izveidot tiešsaistes pārdošanu. Projekts tiks īstenots vienā posmā un sastāvēs no pamatlīdzekļu, iekārtu, kā arī nemateriālo aktīvu un juridisko aktīvu iegādes. (Latvian)
    29 November 2022
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    Този проект ще се състои в закупуване на подходящи машини и оборудване в подкрепа на преодоляването на кризата във връзка с пандемията от COVID-19 чрез подготовка за екологично и цифрово възстановяване на икономиката с цел повишаване на нейната устойчивост. Планираната инвестиция ще повиши сигурността на дружеството поради преобладаващата пандемия.Инвестицията ще бъде осъществена на парцел № 25 от 60 г., ул. Poznan 19, in Olsztyn.The project will be implemented under Priority Axis 13.Resilient and healthy future economy, action 13.1Strong SMEs.The project activities provide for the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the company’s business and the introduction of a new service and production of, among others, PEHD welding and the introduction of a method of purification using a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service truck will be implemented in a specific level of the company, through the implementation of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm will affect the construction of the company’s economic viability, the future crisis of the company will be able to achieve the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company will not be able to implement the economic crisis, the economic impact of the company will be implemented on the basis of the project’s operational requirements.The project will be implemented within the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, as well as the implementation of the company’s security measures, the future economy of the future, action 13Strength of SMEs.The project includes the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the business and the introduction of a new service, including PEHD welding, and the introduction of a method of cleaning with a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for the welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service will be implemented from the project to the specific objectives of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm’s permanent measures, and the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be secured by the new company’s economic crisis, which the company will be able to improve the performance of the project’s specific service level.By the implementation of the project, the project will be able to implement the firm’s permanent measures, as well as to the future crisis, the economic crisis will be achieved by the new company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the project’s specific service.The project will lead to the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the viability of the company’s future pandemics, the future crisis, the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will be a more effective result of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project will be implemented by the project.They will be able to implement the project in order to implement the project’s permanent measures, as well as the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be made to the new company’s economic crisis, which will be augmented by the company’s specific objectives, the project will be implemented in the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic crisis will be implemented on the new company’s economic crisis.The project will be implemented in the framework of the project.The project will be implemented by means of the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company, action 13.1Sustainable SMEs.The Горепосоченият материален обхват на проекта ще позволи въвеждането на група филтри за кабина в предлагането на нов продукт, заедно със създаването на онлайн продажби. Проектът ще бъде реализиран на една стъпка и ще се състои в закупуване на дълготрайни активи, оборудване, заедно с нематериални и юридически активи. (Bulgarian)
    29 November 2022
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    Este proyecto consistirá en la compra de maquinaria y equipos adecuados para apoyar la reparación de crisis de la pandemia de COVID-19 preparándose para una recuperación ecológica y digital de la economía para aumentar su resiliencia. La inversión prevista aumentará la seguridad de la empresa debido a la pandemia reinante.La inversión se llevará a cabo en la parcela n.º 25 de 60, ul. Poznan 19, in Olsztyn.The project will be implemented under Priority Axis 13.Resilient and healthy future economy, action 13.1Strong SMEs.The project activities provide for the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the company’s business and the introduction of a new service and production of, among others, PEHD welding and the introduction of a method of purification using a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service truck will be implemented in a specific level of the company, through the implementation of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm will affect the construction of the company’s economic viability, the future crisis of the company will be able to achieve the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company will not be able to implement the economic crisis, the economic impact of the company will be implemented on the basis of the project’s operational requirements.The project will be implemented within the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, as well as the implementation of the company’s security measures, the future economy of the future, action 13Strength of SMEs.The project includes the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the business and the introduction of a new service, including PEHD welding, and the introduction of a method of cleaning with a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for the welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service will be implemented from the project to the specific objectives of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm’s permanent measures, and the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be secured by the new company’s economic crisis, which the company will be able to improve the performance of the project’s specific service level.By the implementation of the project, the project will be able to implement the firm’s permanent measures, as well as to the future crisis, the economic crisis will be achieved by the new company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the project’s specific service.The project will lead to the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the viability of the company’s future pandemics, the future crisis, the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will be a more effective result of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project will be implemented by the project.They will be able to implement the project in order to implement the project’s permanent measures, as well as the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be made to the new company’s economic crisis, which will be augmented by the company’s specific objectives, the project will be implemented in the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic crisis will be implemented on the new company’s economic crisis.The project will be implemented in the framework of the project.The project will be implemented by means of the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company, action 13.1Sustainable SMEs.The El alcance material mencionado del proyecto permitirá la introducción de un grupo de filtros de cabina a la oferta de un nuevo producto junto con la creación de ventas en línea. El proyecto se ejecutará en una sola etapa y consistirá en la compra de activos fijos, equipos junto con activos intangibles y activos legales. (Spanish)
    29 November 2022
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    Projekt hõlmab sobivate masinate ja seadmete ostmist, et toetada COVID-19 pandeemia kriisi taastamist, tehes ettevalmistusi majanduse taastamiseks rohelisel ja digitaalsel viisil, et suurendada selle vastupanuvõimet. Kavandatud investeering suurendab ettevõtte turvalisust valitseva pandeemia tõttu.Investeerimine toimub maatükil nr 25/60, ul. Poznan 19, in Olsztyn.The project will be implemented under Priority Axis 13.Resilient and healthy future economy, action 13.1Strong SMEs.The project activities provide for the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the company’s business and the introduction of a new service and production of, among others, PEHD welding and the introduction of a method of purification using a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service truck will be implemented in a specific level of the company, through the implementation of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm will affect the construction of the company’s economic viability, the future crisis of the company will be able to achieve the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company will not be able to implement the economic crisis, the economic impact of the company will be implemented on the basis of the project’s operational requirements.The project will be implemented within the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, as well as the implementation of the company’s security measures, the future economy of the future, action 13Strength of SMEs.The project includes the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the business and the introduction of a new service, including PEHD welding, and the introduction of a method of cleaning with a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for the welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service will be implemented from the project to the specific objectives of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm’s permanent measures, and the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be secured by the new company’s economic crisis, which the company will be able to improve the performance of the project’s specific service level.By the implementation of the project, the project will be able to implement the firm’s permanent measures, as well as to the future crisis, the economic crisis will be achieved by the new company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the project’s specific service.The project will lead to the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the viability of the company’s future pandemics, the future crisis, the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will be a more effective result of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project will be implemented by the project.They will be able to implement the project in order to implement the project’s permanent measures, as well as the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be made to the new company’s economic crisis, which will be augmented by the company’s specific objectives, the project will be implemented in the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic crisis will be implemented on the new company’s economic crisis.The project will be implemented in the framework of the project.The project will be implemented by means of the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company, action 13.1Sustainable SMEs.The Eespool nimetatud projekti sisuline ulatus võimaldab uue toote pakkumisele lisada salongifiltrite rühma koos internetimüügi loomisega. Projekt viiakse ellu ühes etapis ja see hõlmab põhivara, seadmete ning immateriaalse vara ja juriidilise vara ostmist. (Estonian)
    29 November 2022
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    Dette projekt vil bestå i indkøb af passende maskiner og udstyr til støtte for kriseafhjælpning af covid-19-pandemien ved at forberede en grøn og digital genopretning af økonomien for at øge dens modstandsdygtighed.De planlagte investeringer vil øge virksomhedens sikkerhed som følge af den fremherskende pandemi.Investeringen vil blive gennemført på plot nr. 25 af 60 ul. Poznan 19, in Olsztyn.The project will be implemented under Priority Axis 13.Resilient and healthy future economy, action 13.1Strong SMEs.The project activities provide for the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the company’s business and the introduction of a new service and production of, among others, PEHD welding and the introduction of a method of purification using a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service truck will be implemented in a specific level of the company, through the implementation of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm will affect the construction of the company’s economic viability, the future crisis of the company will be able to achieve the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company will not be able to implement the economic crisis, the economic impact of the company will be implemented on the basis of the project’s operational requirements.The project will be implemented within the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, as well as the implementation of the company’s security measures, the future economy of the future, action 13Strength of SMEs.The project includes the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the business and the introduction of a new service, including PEHD welding, and the introduction of a method of cleaning with a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for the welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service will be implemented from the project to the specific objectives of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm’s permanent measures, and the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be secured by the new company’s economic crisis, which the company will be able to improve the performance of the project’s specific service level.By the implementation of the project, the project will be able to implement the firm’s permanent measures, as well as to the future crisis, the economic crisis will be achieved by the new company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the project’s specific service.The project will lead to the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the viability of the company’s future pandemics, the future crisis, the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will be a more effective result of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project will be implemented by the project.They will be able to implement the project in order to implement the project’s permanent measures, as well as the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be made to the new company’s economic crisis, which will be augmented by the company’s specific objectives, the project will be implemented in the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic crisis will be implemented on the new company’s economic crisis.The project will be implemented in the framework of the project.The project will be implemented by means of the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company, action 13.1Sustainable SMEs.The Ovennævnte materielle omfang af projektet vil gøre det muligt at indføre en gruppe af kabinefiltre til tilbud om et nyt produkt sammen med oprettelse af online salg. Projektet vil blive gennemført i ét trin og vil bestå i køb af anlægsaktiver, udstyr sammen med immaterielle aktiver og juridiske aktiver. (Danish)
    29 November 2022
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    Acest proiect va consta în achiziționarea de mașini și echipamente adecvate pentru a sprijini repararea de criză a pandemiei de COVID-19 prin pregătirea unei redresări verzi și digitale a economiei pentru a-și spori reziliența.Investiția planificată va spori securitatea întreprinderii din cauza pandemiei predominante.Investiția va fi realizată pe parcela nr. 25 din 60, ul. Poznan 19, in Olsztyn.The project will be implemented under Priority Axis 13.Resilient and healthy future economy, action 13.1Strong SMEs.The project activities provide for the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the company’s business and the introduction of a new service and production of, among others, PEHD welding and the introduction of a method of purification using a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service truck will be implemented in a specific level of the company, through the implementation of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm will affect the construction of the company’s economic viability, the future crisis of the company will be able to achieve the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company will not be able to implement the economic crisis, the economic impact of the company will be implemented on the basis of the project’s operational requirements.The project will be implemented within the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, as well as the implementation of the company’s security measures, the future economy of the future, action 13Strength of SMEs.The project includes the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the business and the introduction of a new service, including PEHD welding, and the introduction of a method of cleaning with a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for the welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service will be implemented from the project to the specific objectives of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm’s permanent measures, and the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be secured by the new company’s economic crisis, which the company will be able to improve the performance of the project’s specific service level.By the implementation of the project, the project will be able to implement the firm’s permanent measures, as well as to the future crisis, the economic crisis will be achieved by the new company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the project’s specific service.The project will lead to the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the viability of the company’s future pandemics, the future crisis, the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will be a more effective result of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project will be implemented by the project.They will be able to implement the project in order to implement the project’s permanent measures, as well as the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be made to the new company’s economic crisis, which will be augmented by the company’s specific objectives, the project will be implemented in the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic crisis will be implemented on the new company’s economic crisis.The project will be implemented in the framework of the project.The project will be implemented by means of the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company, action 13.1Sustainable SMEs.The Domeniul de aplicare material menționat mai sus al proiectului va permite introducerea unui grup de filtre de cabină pentru oferta unui nou produs, împreună cu crearea de vânzări online. Proiectul va fi implementat într-o singură etapă și va consta în achiziționarea de active fixe, echipamente, împreună cu active necorporale și active legale. (Romanian)
    29 November 2022
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    Is éard a bheidh sa tionscadal seo ceannach innealra agus trealaimh iomchuí chun tacú le paindéim COVID-19 a leigheas de dheasca géarchéime trí ullmhú do théarnamh glas agus digiteach an gheilleagair chun a athléimneacht a mhéadú.Cuirfidh an infheistíocht atá beartaithe le slándáil na cuideachta mar gheall ar an bpaindéim atá i réim. Déanfar an infheistíocht ar phlota Uimh. 25 de 60, ul. Poznan 19, in Olsztyn.The project will be implemented under Priority Axis 13.Resilient and healthy future economy, action 13.1Strong SMEs.The project activities provide for the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the company’s business and the introduction of a new service and production of, among others, PEHD welding and the introduction of a method of purification using a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service truck will be implemented in a specific level of the company, through the implementation of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm will affect the construction of the company’s economic viability, the future crisis of the company will be able to achieve the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company will not be able to implement the economic crisis, the economic impact of the company will be implemented on the basis of the project’s operational requirements.The project will be implemented within the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, as well as the implementation of the company’s security measures, the future economy of the future, action 13Strength of SMEs.The project includes the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the business and the introduction of a new service, including PEHD welding, and the introduction of a method of cleaning with a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for the welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service will be implemented from the project to the specific objectives of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm’s permanent measures, and the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be secured by the new company’s economic crisis, which the company will be able to improve the performance of the project’s specific service level.By the implementation of the project, the project will be able to implement the firm’s permanent measures, as well as to the future crisis, the economic crisis will be achieved by the new company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the project’s specific service.The project will lead to the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the viability of the company’s future pandemics, the future crisis, the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will be a more effective result of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project will be implemented by the project.They will be able to implement the project in order to implement the project’s permanent measures, as well as the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be made to the new company’s economic crisis, which will be augmented by the company’s specific objectives, the project will be implemented in the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic crisis will be implemented on the new company’s economic crisis.The project will be implemented in the framework of the project.The project will be implemented by means of the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company, action 13.1Sustainable SMEs.The Leis an raon feidhme ábhartha thuasluaite atá ag an tionscadal, beifear in ann grúpa scagairí cábáin a thabhairt isteach chun táirge nua a thairiscint mar aon le díolacháin ar líne a chruthú. Cuirfear an tionscadal chun feidhme in aon chéim amháin agus is éard a bheidh ann sócmhainní seasta, trealamh mar aon le sócmhainní doláimhsithe agus sócmhainní dlíthiúla a cheannach. (Irish)
    29 November 2022
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    Tento projekt bude spočívat v nákupu vhodných strojů a vybavení na podporu krizové nápravy pandemie COVID-19 tím, že se připraví na zelené a digitální oživení hospodářství s cílem zvýšit jeho odolnost.Plánované investice zvýší bezpečnost společnosti v důsledku převládající pandemie.Investice bude provedena na pozemku č. 25 z 60, ul. Poznan 19, in Olsztyn.The project will be implemented under Priority Axis 13.Resilient and healthy future economy, action 13.1Strong SMEs.The project activities provide for the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the company’s business and the introduction of a new service and production of, among others, PEHD welding and the introduction of a method of purification using a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service truck will be implemented in a specific level of the company, through the implementation of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm will affect the construction of the company’s economic viability, the future crisis of the company will be able to achieve the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company will not be able to implement the economic crisis, the economic impact of the company will be implemented on the basis of the project’s operational requirements.The project will be implemented within the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, as well as the implementation of the company’s security measures, the future economy of the future, action 13Strength of SMEs.The project includes the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the business and the introduction of a new service, including PEHD welding, and the introduction of a method of cleaning with a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for the welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service will be implemented from the project to the specific objectives of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm’s permanent measures, and the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be secured by the new company’s economic crisis, which the company will be able to improve the performance of the project’s specific service level.By the implementation of the project, the project will be able to implement the firm’s permanent measures, as well as to the future crisis, the economic crisis will be achieved by the new company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the project’s specific service.The project will lead to the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the viability of the company’s future pandemics, the future crisis, the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will be a more effective result of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project will be implemented by the project.They will be able to implement the project in order to implement the project’s permanent measures, as well as the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be made to the new company’s economic crisis, which will be augmented by the company’s specific objectives, the project will be implemented in the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic crisis will be implemented on the new company’s economic crisis.The project will be implemented in the framework of the project.The project will be implemented by means of the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company, action 13.1Sustainable SMEs.The Výše uvedená věcná působnost projektu umožní zavedení skupiny kabinových filtrů do nabídky nového produktu spolu s vytvořením on-line prodeje. Projekt bude realizován v jednom kroku a bude spočívat v nákupu dlouhodobého majetku, vybavení spolu s nehmotným majetkem a právním majetkem. (Czech)
    29 November 2022
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    Dan il-proġett se jikkonsisti fix-xiri ta’ makkinarju u tagħmir xieraq biex jappoġġa t-tiswija tal-kriżi tal-pandemija tal-COVID-19 billi jħejji għal irkupru ekoloġiku u diġitali tal-ekonomija biex tiżdied ir-reżiljenza tagħha. L-investiment ippjanat se jżid is-sigurtà tal-kumpanija minħabba l-pandemija prevalenti. L-investiment se jitwettaq fuq ir-roqgħa Nru 25 ta’ 60, ul. Poznan 19, in Olsztyn.The project will be implemented under Priority Axis 13.Resilient and healthy future economy, action 13.1Strong SMEs.The project activities provide for the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the company’s business and the introduction of a new service and production of, among others, PEHD welding and the introduction of a method of purification using a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service truck will be implemented in a specific level of the company, through the implementation of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm will affect the construction of the company’s economic viability, the future crisis of the company will be able to achieve the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company will not be able to implement the economic crisis, the economic impact of the company will be implemented on the basis of the project’s operational requirements.The project will be implemented within the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, as well as the implementation of the company’s security measures, the future economy of the future, action 13Strength of SMEs.The project includes the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the business and the introduction of a new service, including PEHD welding, and the introduction of a method of cleaning with a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for the welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service will be implemented from the project to the specific objectives of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm’s permanent measures, and the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be secured by the new company’s economic crisis, which the company will be able to improve the performance of the project’s specific service level.By the implementation of the project, the project will be able to implement the firm’s permanent measures, as well as to the future crisis, the economic crisis will be achieved by the new company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the project’s specific service.The project will lead to the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the viability of the company’s future pandemics, the future crisis, the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will be a more effective result of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project will be implemented by the project.They will be able to implement the project in order to implement the project’s permanent measures, as well as the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be made to the new company’s economic crisis, which will be augmented by the company’s specific objectives, the project will be implemented in the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic crisis will be implemented on the new company’s economic crisis.The project will be implemented in the framework of the project.The project will be implemented by means of the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company, action 13.1Sustainable SMEs.The L-ambitu materjali tal-proġett imsemmi hawn fuq se jippermetti l-introduzzjoni ta’ grupp ta’ filtri tal-kabina għall-offerta ta’ prodott ġdid flimkien mal-ħolqien ta’ bejgħ online. Il-proġett se jiġi implimentat f’pass wieħed u se jikkonsisti fix-xiri ta’ assi fissi, tagħmir flimkien ma’ assi intanġibbli u assi legali. (Maltese)
    29 November 2022
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    Taj će se projekt sastojati od kupnje odgovarajućih strojeva i opreme za potporu sanaciji krize uzrokovane pandemijom bolesti COVID-19 pripremom za zeleni i digitalni oporavak gospodarstva kako bi se povećala njegova otpornost. Planirana ulaganja povećat će sigurnost poduzeća zbog prevladavajuće pandemije. Ulaganja će se provoditi na parceli br. 25 od 60, ul. Poznan 19, in Olsztyn.The project will be implemented under Priority Axis 13.Resilient and healthy future economy, action 13.1Strong SMEs.The project activities provide for the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the company’s business and the introduction of a new service and production of, among others, PEHD welding and the introduction of a method of purification using a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service truck will be implemented in a specific level of the company, through the implementation of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm will affect the construction of the company’s economic viability, the future crisis of the company will be able to achieve the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company will not be able to implement the economic crisis, the economic impact of the company will be implemented on the basis of the project’s operational requirements.The project will be implemented within the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, as well as the implementation of the company’s security measures, the future economy of the future, action 13Strength of SMEs.The project includes the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the business and the introduction of a new service, including PEHD welding, and the introduction of a method of cleaning with a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for the welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service will be implemented from the project to the specific objectives of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm’s permanent measures, and the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be secured by the new company’s economic crisis, which the company will be able to improve the performance of the project’s specific service level.By the implementation of the project, the project will be able to implement the firm’s permanent measures, as well as to the future crisis, the economic crisis will be achieved by the new company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the project’s specific service.The project will lead to the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the viability of the company’s future pandemics, the future crisis, the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will be a more effective result of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project will be implemented by the project.They will be able to implement the project in order to implement the project’s permanent measures, as well as the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be made to the new company’s economic crisis, which will be augmented by the company’s specific objectives, the project will be implemented in the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic crisis will be implemented on the new company’s economic crisis.The project will be implemented in the framework of the project.The project will be implemented by means of the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company, action 13.1Sustainable SMEs.The Navedenim materijalnim opsegom projekta omogućit će se uvođenje skupine filtara za kabinu u ponudu novog proizvoda zajedno sa stvaranjem internetske prodaje. Projekt će se provoditi u jednom koraku i sastojat će se od kupnje dugotrajne imovine, opreme te nematerijalne imovine i pravne imovine. (Croatian)
    29 November 2022
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    Ce projet consistera en l’achat de machines et d’équipements appropriés pour soutenir la réparation de crise de la pandémie de COVID-19 en préparant une reprise écologique et numérique de l’économie afin d’accroître sa résilience. Poznan 19, in Olsztyn.The project will be implemented under Priority Axis 13.Resilient and healthy future economy, action 13.1Strong SMEs.The project activities provide for the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the company’s business and the introduction of a new service and production of, among others, PEHD welding and the introduction of a method of purification using a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service truck will be implemented in a specific level of the company, through the implementation of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm will affect the construction of the company’s economic viability, the future crisis of the company will be able to achieve the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company will not be able to implement the economic crisis, the economic impact of the company will be implemented on the basis of the project’s operational requirements.The project will be implemented within the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, as well as the implementation of the company’s security measures, the future economy of the future, action 13Strength of SMEs.The project includes the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the business and the introduction of a new service, including PEHD welding, and the introduction of a method of cleaning with a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for the welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service will be implemented from the project to the specific objectives of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm’s permanent measures, and the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be secured by the new company’s economic crisis, which the company will be able to improve the performance of the project’s specific service level.By the implementation of the project, the project will be able to implement the firm’s permanent measures, as well as to the future crisis, the economic crisis will be achieved by the new company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the project’s specific service.The project will lead to the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the viability of the company’s future pandemics, the future crisis, the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will be a more effective result of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project will be implemented by the project.They will be able to implement the project in order to implement the project’s permanent measures, as well as the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be made to the new company’s economic crisis, which will be augmented by the company’s specific objectives, the project will be implemented in the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic crisis will be implemented on the new company’s economic crisis.The project will be implemented in the framework of the project.The project will be implemented by means of the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company, action 13.1Sustainable SMEs.The La portée matérielle susmentionnée du projet permettra l’introduction d’un groupe de filtres cabines à l’offre d’un nouveau produit ainsi que la création de ventes en ligne. Le projet sera mis en œuvre en une étape et consistera en l’achat d’immobilisations, d’équipements ainsi que d’immobilisations incorporelles et d’actifs juridiques. (French)
    29 November 2022
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    Hankkeeseen kuuluu asianmukaisten koneiden ja laitteiden hankinta covid-19-pandemian kriisin korjaamisen tukemiseksi valmistautumalla talouden vihreään ja digitaaliseen elpymiseen sen selviytymiskyvyn parantamiseksi. Suunnitellut investoinnit lisäävät yrityksen turvallisuutta vallitsevan pandemian vuoksi. Investointi toteutetaan tontilla nro 25/60, ul. Poznan 19, in Olsztyn.The project will be implemented under Priority Axis 13.Resilient and healthy future economy, action 13.1Strong SMEs.The project activities provide for the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the company’s business and the introduction of a new service and production of, among others, PEHD welding and the introduction of a method of purification using a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service truck will be implemented in a specific level of the company, through the implementation of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm will affect the construction of the company’s economic viability, the future crisis of the company will be able to achieve the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company will not be able to implement the economic crisis, the economic impact of the company will be implemented on the basis of the project’s operational requirements.The project will be implemented within the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, as well as the implementation of the company’s security measures, the future economy of the future, action 13Strength of SMEs.The project includes the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the business and the introduction of a new service, including PEHD welding, and the introduction of a method of cleaning with a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for the welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service will be implemented from the project to the specific objectives of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm’s permanent measures, and the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be secured by the new company’s economic crisis, which the company will be able to improve the performance of the project’s specific service level.By the implementation of the project, the project will be able to implement the firm’s permanent measures, as well as to the future crisis, the economic crisis will be achieved by the new company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the project’s specific service.The project will lead to the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the viability of the company’s future pandemics, the future crisis, the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will be a more effective result of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project will be implemented by the project.They will be able to implement the project in order to implement the project’s permanent measures, as well as the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be made to the new company’s economic crisis, which will be augmented by the company’s specific objectives, the project will be implemented in the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic crisis will be implemented on the new company’s economic crisis.The project will be implemented in the framework of the project.The project will be implemented by means of the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company, action 13.1Sustainable SMEs.The Edellä mainitun hankkeen aineellisen soveltamisalan ansiosta uuden tuotteen tarjontaan voidaan tuoda hyttisuodattimien ryhmä sekä verkkomyynnin luominen. Hanke toteutetaan yhdessä vaiheessa, ja se koostuu käyttöomaisuuden, laitteiden sekä aineettoman omaisuuden ja laillisen omaisuuden hankinnasta. (Finnish)
    29 November 2022
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    Dieses Projekt besteht in der Anschaffung geeigneter Maschinen und Ausrüstungen zur Unterstützung der Krisenbewältigung der COVID-19-Pandemie durch Vorbereitung einer grünen und digitalen Erholung der Wirtschaft, um ihre Widerstandsfähigkeit zu erhöhen.Die geplanten Investitionen werden die Sicherheit des Unternehmens aufgrund der vorherrschenden Pandemie erhöhen.Die Investition wird auf dem Grundstück Nr. 25 von 60, ul. Poznan 19, in Olsztyn.The project will be implemented under Priority Axis 13.Resilient and healthy future economy, action 13.1Strong SMEs.The project activities provide for the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the company’s business and the introduction of a new service and production of, among others, PEHD welding and the introduction of a method of purification using a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service truck will be implemented in a specific level of the company, through the implementation of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm will affect the construction of the company’s economic viability, the future crisis of the company will be able to achieve the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company will not be able to implement the economic crisis, the economic impact of the company will be implemented on the basis of the project’s operational requirements.The project will be implemented within the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, as well as the implementation of the company’s security measures, the future economy of the future, action 13Strength of SMEs.The project includes the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the business and the introduction of a new service, including PEHD welding, and the introduction of a method of cleaning with a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for the welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service will be implemented from the project to the specific objectives of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm’s permanent measures, and the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be secured by the new company’s economic crisis, which the company will be able to improve the performance of the project’s specific service level.By the implementation of the project, the project will be able to implement the firm’s permanent measures, as well as to the future crisis, the economic crisis will be achieved by the new company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the project’s specific service.The project will lead to the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the viability of the company’s future pandemics, the future crisis, the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will be a more effective result of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project will be implemented by the project.They will be able to implement the project in order to implement the project’s permanent measures, as well as the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be made to the new company’s economic crisis, which will be augmented by the company’s specific objectives, the project will be implemented in the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic crisis will be implemented on the new company’s economic crisis.The project will be implemented in the framework of the project.The project will be implemented by means of the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company, action 13.1Sustainable SMEs.The Der oben genannte materielle Umfang des Projekts ermöglicht die Einführung einer Gruppe von Kabinenfiltern in das Angebot eines neuen Produkts zusammen mit der Erstellung von Online-Verkäufen. Das Projekt wird in einem Schritt durchgeführt und besteht aus dem Erwerb von Anlagegütern, Ausrüstungen sowie immateriellen Vermögenswerten und juristischen Vermögenswerten. (German)
    29 November 2022
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    Este projeto consistirá na aquisição de máquinas e equipamentos adequados para apoiar a reparação da crise da pandemia de COVID-19, preparando-se para uma recuperação ecológica e digital da economia, a fim de aumentar a sua resiliência. O investimento planeado aumentará a segurança da empresa devido à pandemia prevalecente. O investimento será realizado na parcela n.º 25 de 60, ul. Poznan 19, in Olsztyn.The project will be implemented under Priority Axis 13.Resilient and healthy future economy, action 13.1Strong SMEs.The project activities provide for the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the company’s business and the introduction of a new service and production of, among others, PEHD welding and the introduction of a method of purification using a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service truck will be implemented in a specific level of the company, through the implementation of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm will affect the construction of the company’s economic viability, the future crisis of the company will be able to achieve the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company will not be able to implement the economic crisis, the economic impact of the company will be implemented on the basis of the project’s operational requirements.The project will be implemented within the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, as well as the implementation of the company’s security measures, the future economy of the future, action 13Strength of SMEs.The project includes the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the business and the introduction of a new service, including PEHD welding, and the introduction of a method of cleaning with a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for the welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service will be implemented from the project to the specific objectives of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm’s permanent measures, and the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be secured by the new company’s economic crisis, which the company will be able to improve the performance of the project’s specific service level.By the implementation of the project, the project will be able to implement the firm’s permanent measures, as well as to the future crisis, the economic crisis will be achieved by the new company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the project’s specific service.The project will lead to the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the viability of the company’s future pandemics, the future crisis, the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will be a more effective result of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project will be implemented by the project.They will be able to implement the project in order to implement the project’s permanent measures, as well as the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be made to the new company’s economic crisis, which will be augmented by the company’s specific objectives, the project will be implemented in the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic crisis will be implemented on the new company’s economic crisis.The project will be implemented in the framework of the project.The project will be implemented by means of the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company, action 13.1Sustainable SMEs.The O âmbito material do projeto acima mencionado permitirá a introdução de um grupo de filtros de cabina para a oferta de um novo produto, juntamente com a criação de vendas em linha. O projeto será executado de uma só vez e consistirá na compra de ativos fixos, equipamentos, ativos incorpóreos e ativos jurídicos. (Portuguese)
    29 November 2022
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    Ez a projekt a Covid19-világjárvány válságelhárításának támogatására szolgáló megfelelő gépek és berendezések beszerzéséből áll, felkészülve a gazdaság zöld és digitális helyreállítására annak rezilienciájának növelése érdekében.A tervezett beruházás növelni fogja a vállalat biztonságát az uralkodó világjárvány miatt.A beruházást a 60. sz. telken hajtják végre. Poznan 19, in Olsztyn.The project will be implemented under Priority Axis 13.Resilient and healthy future economy, action 13.1Strong SMEs.The project activities provide for the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the company’s business and the introduction of a new service and production of, among others, PEHD welding and the introduction of a method of purification using a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service truck will be implemented in a specific level of the company, through the implementation of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm will affect the construction of the company’s economic viability, the future crisis of the company will be able to achieve the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company will not be able to implement the economic crisis, the economic impact of the company will be implemented on the basis of the project’s operational requirements.The project will be implemented within the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, as well as the implementation of the company’s security measures, the future economy of the future, action 13Strength of SMEs.The project includes the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the business and the introduction of a new service, including PEHD welding, and the introduction of a method of cleaning with a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for the welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service will be implemented from the project to the specific objectives of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm’s permanent measures, and the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be secured by the new company’s economic crisis, which the company will be able to improve the performance of the project’s specific service level.By the implementation of the project, the project will be able to implement the firm’s permanent measures, as well as to the future crisis, the economic crisis will be achieved by the new company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the project’s specific service.The project will lead to the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the viability of the company’s future pandemics, the future crisis, the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will be a more effective result of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project will be implemented by the project.They will be able to implement the project in order to implement the project’s permanent measures, as well as the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be made to the new company’s economic crisis, which will be augmented by the company’s specific objectives, the project will be implemented in the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic crisis will be implemented on the new company’s economic crisis.The project will be implemented in the framework of the project.The project will be implemented by means of the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company, action 13.1Sustainable SMEs.The A projekt fent említett tárgyi hatálya lehetővé teszi a kabinszűrők egy csoportjának bevezetését egy új termék kínálatába az online értékesítéssel együtt. A projekt egy lépésben valósul meg, és tárgyi eszközök, berendezések, valamint immateriális javak és jogi eszközök beszerzéséből áll. (Hungarian)
    29 November 2022
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    Tento projekt bude pozostávať z nákupu vhodných strojov a vybavenia na podporu nápravy krízy spôsobenej pandémiou COVID-19 prostredníctvom prípravy na zelenú a digitálnu obnovu hospodárstva s cieľom zvýšiť jeho odolnosť. Plánované investície zvýšia bezpečnosť spoločnosti v dôsledku prevládajúcej pandémie. Investície sa uskutočnia na pozemku č. 25 zo 60, ul. Poznan 19, in Olsztyn.The project will be implemented under Priority Axis 13.Resilient and healthy future economy, action 13.1Strong SMEs.The project activities provide for the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the company’s business and the introduction of a new service and production of, among others, PEHD welding and the introduction of a method of purification using a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service truck will be implemented in a specific level of the company, through the implementation of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm will affect the construction of the company’s economic viability, the future crisis of the company will be able to achieve the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company will not be able to implement the economic crisis, the economic impact of the company will be implemented on the basis of the project’s operational requirements.The project will be implemented within the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, as well as the implementation of the company’s security measures, the future economy of the future, action 13Strength of SMEs.The project includes the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the business and the introduction of a new service, including PEHD welding, and the introduction of a method of cleaning with a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for the welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service will be implemented from the project to the specific objectives of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm’s permanent measures, and the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be secured by the new company’s economic crisis, which the company will be able to improve the performance of the project’s specific service level.By the implementation of the project, the project will be able to implement the firm’s permanent measures, as well as to the future crisis, the economic crisis will be achieved by the new company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the project’s specific service.The project will lead to the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the viability of the company’s future pandemics, the future crisis, the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will be a more effective result of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project will be implemented by the project.They will be able to implement the project in order to implement the project’s permanent measures, as well as the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be made to the new company’s economic crisis, which will be augmented by the company’s specific objectives, the project will be implemented in the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic crisis will be implemented on the new company’s economic crisis.The project will be implemented in the framework of the project.The project will be implemented by means of the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company, action 13.1Sustainable SMEs.The Uvedený materiálny rozsah projektu umožní zavedenie skupiny kabínových filtrov do ponuky nového produktu spolu s vytvorením online predaja. Projekt bude realizovaný v jednom kroku a bude pozostávať z nákupu dlhodobého majetku, vybavenia spolu s nehmotným majetkom a právnym majetkom. (Slovak)
    29 November 2022
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    Pagal šį projektą bus perkamos tinkamos mašinos ir įranga COVID-19 pandemijos sukeltai krizei įveikti, rengiantis žaliajam ir skaitmeniniam ekonomikos atsigavimui, kad padidėtų jos atsparumas. Planuojamos investicijos padidins įmonės saugumą dėl vyraujančios pandemijos.Investicijos bus vykdomos į sklypą Nr. 25 iš 60, ul. Poznan 19, in Olsztyn.The project will be implemented under Priority Axis 13.Resilient and healthy future economy, action 13.1Strong SMEs.The project activities provide for the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the company’s business and the introduction of a new service and production of, among others, PEHD welding and the introduction of a method of purification using a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service truck will be implemented in a specific level of the company, through the implementation of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm will affect the construction of the company’s economic viability, the future crisis of the company will be able to achieve the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company will not be able to implement the economic crisis, the economic impact of the company will be implemented on the basis of the project’s operational requirements.The project will be implemented within the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, as well as the implementation of the company’s security measures, the future economy of the future, action 13Strength of SMEs.The project includes the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the business and the introduction of a new service, including PEHD welding, and the introduction of a method of cleaning with a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for the welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service will be implemented from the project to the specific objectives of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm’s permanent measures, and the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be secured by the new company’s economic crisis, which the company will be able to improve the performance of the project’s specific service level.By the implementation of the project, the project will be able to implement the firm’s permanent measures, as well as to the future crisis, the economic crisis will be achieved by the new company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the project’s specific service.The project will lead to the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the viability of the company’s future pandemics, the future crisis, the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will be a more effective result of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project will be implemented by the project.They will be able to implement the project in order to implement the project’s permanent measures, as well as the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be made to the new company’s economic crisis, which will be augmented by the company’s specific objectives, the project will be implemented in the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic crisis will be implemented on the new company’s economic crisis.The project will be implemented in the framework of the project.The project will be implemented by means of the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company, action 13.1Sustainable SMEs.The Pirmiau minėta projekto materialinė taikymo sritis leis į naujo produkto pasiūlymą įtraukti salono filtrų grupę kartu su pardavimo internetu kūrimu. Projektas bus įgyvendinamas vienu etapu, jį sudarys ilgalaikio turto, įrangos, nematerialiojo turto ir juridinio turto pirkimas. (Lithuanian)
    29 November 2022
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    Το έργο αυτό θα συνίσταται στην αγορά κατάλληλων μηχανημάτων και εξοπλισμού για τη στήριξη της αποκατάστασης από την κρίση της πανδημίας COVID-19 με την προετοιμασία για μια πράσινη και ψηφιακή ανάκαμψη της οικονομίας με σκοπό την αύξηση της ανθεκτικότητάς της.Οι σχεδιαζόμενες επενδύσεις θα αυξήσουν την ασφάλεια της εταιρείας λόγω της επικρατούσας πανδημίας.Η επένδυση θα πραγματοποιηθεί στο οικόπεδο αριθ. 25 του 60, ul. Poznan 19, in Olsztyn.The project will be implemented under Priority Axis 13.Resilient and healthy future economy, action 13.1Strong SMEs.The project activities provide for the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the company’s business and the introduction of a new service and production of, among others, PEHD welding and the introduction of a method of purification using a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service truck will be implemented in a specific level of the company, through the implementation of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm will affect the construction of the company’s economic viability, the future crisis of the company will be able to achieve the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company will not be able to implement the economic crisis, the economic impact of the company will be implemented on the basis of the project’s operational requirements.The project will be implemented within the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, as well as the implementation of the company’s security measures, the future economy of the future, action 13Strength of SMEs.The project includes the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the business and the introduction of a new service, including PEHD welding, and the introduction of a method of cleaning with a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for the welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service will be implemented from the project to the specific objectives of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm’s permanent measures, and the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be secured by the new company’s economic crisis, which the company will be able to improve the performance of the project’s specific service level.By the implementation of the project, the project will be able to implement the firm’s permanent measures, as well as to the future crisis, the economic crisis will be achieved by the new company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the project’s specific service.The project will lead to the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the viability of the company’s future pandemics, the future crisis, the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will be a more effective result of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project will be implemented by the project.They will be able to implement the project in order to implement the project’s permanent measures, as well as the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be made to the new company’s economic crisis, which will be augmented by the company’s specific objectives, the project will be implemented in the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic crisis will be implemented on the new company’s economic crisis.The project will be implemented in the framework of the project.The project will be implemented by means of the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company, action 13.1Sustainable SMEs.The Το προαναφερθέν καθ’ ύλην πεδίο εφαρμογής του έργου θα επιτρέψει την εισαγωγή μιας ομάδας φίλτρων καμπίνας στην προσφορά ενός νέου προϊόντος μαζί με τη δημιουργία διαδικτυακών πωλήσεων. Το έργο θα υλοποιηθεί σε ένα στάδιο και θα αποτελείται από την αγορά πάγιων στοιχείων ενεργητικού, εξοπλισμού μαζί με άυλα περιουσιακά στοιχεία και νομικά περιουσιακά στοιχεία. (Greek)
    29 November 2022
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    Ta projekt bo vključeval nakup ustreznih strojev in opreme za podporo odpravljanju krize zaradi pandemije COVID-19 s pripravo na zeleno in digitalno okrevanje gospodarstva, da se poveča njegova odpornost. Načrtovane naložbe bodo povečale varnost podjetja zaradi prevladujoče pandemije. Naložbe bodo izvedene na parceli št. 25 od 60 ul. Poznan 19, in Olsztyn.The project will be implemented under Priority Axis 13.Resilient and healthy future economy, action 13.1Strong SMEs.The project activities provide for the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the company’s business and the introduction of a new service and production of, among others, PEHD welding and the introduction of a method of purification using a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service truck will be implemented in a specific level of the company, through the implementation of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm will affect the construction of the company’s economic viability, the future crisis of the company will be able to achieve the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company will not be able to implement the economic crisis, the economic impact of the company will be implemented on the basis of the project’s operational requirements.The project will be implemented within the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, as well as the implementation of the company’s security measures, the future economy of the future, action 13Strength of SMEs.The project includes the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the business and the introduction of a new service, including PEHD welding, and the introduction of a method of cleaning with a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for the welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service will be implemented from the project to the specific objectives of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm’s permanent measures, and the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be secured by the new company’s economic crisis, which the company will be able to improve the performance of the project’s specific service level.By the implementation of the project, the project will be able to implement the firm’s permanent measures, as well as to the future crisis, the economic crisis will be achieved by the new company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the project’s specific service.The project will lead to the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the viability of the company’s future pandemics, the future crisis, the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will be a more effective result of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project will be implemented by the project.They will be able to implement the project in order to implement the project’s permanent measures, as well as the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be made to the new company’s economic crisis, which will be augmented by the company’s specific objectives, the project will be implemented in the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic crisis will be implemented on the new company’s economic crisis.The project will be implemented in the framework of the project.The project will be implemented by means of the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company, action 13.1Sustainable SMEs.The Zgoraj omenjeni materialni obseg projekta bo omogočil uvedbo skupine kabinskih filtrov v ponudbo novega izdelka skupaj z ustvarjanjem spletne prodaje. Projekt se bo izvajal v enem koraku in bo zajemal nakup osnovnih sredstev, opreme skupaj z neopredmetenimi sredstvi in pravnimi sredstvi. (Slovenian)
    29 November 2022
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    Questo progetto consisterà nell'acquisto di macchinari e attrezzature adeguati per sostenere la riparazione della crisi della pandemia di COVID-19 preparando una ripresa verde e digitale dell'economia per aumentarne la resilienza.L'investimento previsto aumenterà la sicurezza dell'impresa a causa della pandemia prevalente.L'investimento sarà effettuato sulla trama n. 25 di 60, ul. Poznan 19, in Olsztyn.The project will be implemented under Priority Axis 13.Resilient and healthy future economy, action 13.1Strong SMEs.The project activities provide for the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the company’s business and the introduction of a new service and production of, among others, PEHD welding and the introduction of a method of purification using a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service truck will be implemented in a specific level of the company, through the implementation of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm will affect the construction of the company’s economic viability, the future crisis of the company will be able to achieve the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company will not be able to implement the economic crisis, the economic impact of the company will be implemented on the basis of the project’s operational requirements.The project will be implemented within the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, as well as the implementation of the company’s security measures, the future economy of the future, action 13Strength of SMEs.The project includes the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the business and the introduction of a new service, including PEHD welding, and the introduction of a method of cleaning with a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for the welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service will be implemented from the project to the specific objectives of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm’s permanent measures, and the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be secured by the new company’s economic crisis, which the company will be able to improve the performance of the project’s specific service level.By the implementation of the project, the project will be able to implement the firm’s permanent measures, as well as to the future crisis, the economic crisis will be achieved by the new company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the project’s specific service.The project will lead to the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the viability of the company’s future pandemics, the future crisis, the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will be a more effective result of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project will be implemented by the project.They will be able to implement the project in order to implement the project’s permanent measures, as well as the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be made to the new company’s economic crisis, which will be augmented by the company’s specific objectives, the project will be implemented in the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic crisis will be implemented on the new company’s economic crisis.The project will be implemented in the framework of the project.The project will be implemented by means of the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company, action 13.1Sustainable SMEs.The L'ambito materiale di cui sopra del progetto consentirà l'introduzione di un gruppo di filtri cabina per l'offerta di un nuovo prodotto insieme alla creazione di vendite online. Il progetto sarà attuato in una sola fase e consisterà nell'acquisto di immobilizzazioni, attrezzature, beni immateriali e beni legali. (Italian)
    29 November 2022
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    Detta projekt kommer att bestå av inköp av lämpliga maskiner och utrustning för att stödja krisreparation av covid-19-pandemin genom att förbereda en grön och digital återhämtning av ekonomin för att öka dess motståndskraft.Den planerade investeringen kommer att öka företagets säkerhet på grund av den rådande pandemin. Investeringen kommer att genomföras på tomt nr 25 av 60 ul. Poznan 19, in Olsztyn.The project will be implemented under Priority Axis 13.Resilient and healthy future economy, action 13.1Strong SMEs.The project activities provide for the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the company’s business and the introduction of a new service and production of, among others, PEHD welding and the introduction of a method of purification using a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service truck will be implemented in a specific level of the company, through the implementation of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm will affect the construction of the company’s economic viability, the future crisis of the company will be able to achieve the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company will not be able to implement the economic crisis, the economic impact of the company will be implemented on the basis of the project’s operational requirements.The project will be implemented within the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, as well as the implementation of the company’s security measures, the future economy of the future, action 13Strength of SMEs.The project includes the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the business and the introduction of a new service, including PEHD welding, and the introduction of a method of cleaning with a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for the welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service will be implemented from the project to the specific objectives of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm’s permanent measures, and the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be secured by the new company’s economic crisis, which the company will be able to improve the performance of the project’s specific service level.By the implementation of the project, the project will be able to implement the firm’s permanent measures, as well as to the future crisis, the economic crisis will be achieved by the new company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the project’s specific service.The project will lead to the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the viability of the company’s future pandemics, the future crisis, the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will be a more effective result of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project will be implemented by the project.They will be able to implement the project in order to implement the project’s permanent measures, as well as the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be made to the new company’s economic crisis, which will be augmented by the company’s specific objectives, the project will be implemented in the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic crisis will be implemented on the new company’s economic crisis.The project will be implemented in the framework of the project.The project will be implemented by means of the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company, action 13.1Sustainable SMEs.The Projektets ovan nämnda materiella omfattning kommer att göra det möjligt att införa en grupp av kabinfilter till erbjudandet av en ny produkt tillsammans med skapandet av onlineförsäljning. Projektet kommer att genomföras i ett steg och kommer att bestå av inköp av anläggningstillgångar, utrustning samt immateriella tillgångar och juridiska tillgångar. (Swedish)
    29 November 2022
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    Dit project zal bestaan uit de aankoop van geschikte machines en uitrusting ter ondersteuning van het crisisherstel van de COVID-19-pandemie door voorbereiding op een groen en digitaal herstel van de economie om de veerkracht ervan te vergroten.De geplande investering zal de veiligheid van de onderneming als gevolg van de heersende pandemie vergroten.De investering zal worden uitgevoerd op perceel nr. 25 van 60, ul. Poznan 19, in Olsztyn.The project will be implemented under Priority Axis 13.Resilient and healthy future economy, action 13.1Strong SMEs.The project activities provide for the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the company’s business and the introduction of a new service and production of, among others, PEHD welding and the introduction of a method of purification using a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service truck will be implemented in a specific level of the company, through the implementation of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm will affect the construction of the company’s economic viability, the future crisis of the company will be able to achieve the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company will not be able to implement the economic crisis, the economic impact of the company will be implemented on the basis of the project’s operational requirements.The project will be implemented within the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, as well as the implementation of the company’s security measures, the future economy of the future, action 13Strength of SMEs.The project includes the purchase of fixed assets, equipment and intangible assets intended to safeguard the continuity of the business and the introduction of a new service, including PEHD welding, and the introduction of a method of cleaning with a biofilter.In the project, the applicant intends to purchase a mobile digital monitoring system, extruders for the welding of plastics, a module of the website, a mobile service will be implemented from the project to the specific objectives of the project, through the implementation of the project, the implementation of the firm’s permanent measures, and the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be secured by the new company’s economic crisis, which the company will be able to improve the performance of the project’s specific service level.By the implementation of the project, the project will be able to implement the firm’s permanent measures, as well as to the future crisis, the economic crisis will be achieved by the new company’s economic crisis, which will increase the performance of the project’s specific service.The project will lead to the implementation of the specific objectives of the project, the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the viability of the company’s future pandemics, the future crisis, the economic impact of the company’s economic crisis, which will be a more effective result of the company’s specific service, the implementation of the specific objectives of the project will be implemented by the project.They will be able to implement the project in order to implement the project’s permanent measures, as well as the future pandemic, the economic crisis will be made to the new company’s economic crisis, which will be augmented by the company’s specific objectives, the project will be implemented in the framework of the project’s implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic crisis will be implemented on the new company’s economic crisis.The project will be implemented in the framework of the project.The project will be implemented by means of the implementation of the project’s permanent measures, and the economic viability of the company, action 13.1Sustainable SMEs.The De bovenvermelde materiële reikwijdte van het project zal de introductie van een groep cabinefilters in het aanbod van een nieuw product samen met het creëren van online verkoop mogelijk maken. Het project zal in één stap worden uitgevoerd en zal bestaan uit de aankoop van vaste activa, uitrusting en immateriële activa en juridische activa. (Dutch)
    29 November 2022
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    24 May 2023
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