Reduction of low emissions by installation of gas boilers in residential buildings in the Municipality of Krynica-Zdrój (Q4421405)
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Project Q4421405 in Poland
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Reduction of low emissions by installation of gas boilers in residential buildings in the Municipality of Krynica-Zdrój |
Project Q4421405 in Poland |
579,879.9 zloty
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139,171.17 Euro
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589,631.75 zloty
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141,511.61 Euro
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98.35 percent
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1 February 2022
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30 September 2023
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Przedmiotem projektu jest wymiana 50 kotłów na paliwa stałe na nowe kotły na paliwa gazowe. Zamontowane nowe źródła ciepła będą się charakteryzować obowiązującym od końca 2020 r. minimalnym poziomem efektywności energetycznej i normami emisji zanieczyszczeń, które zostały określone w środkach wykonawczych do dyrektywy 2009125WE z dnia 21 października 2009 r. Oprócz zadań związanych z wymianą źródeł ciepła zaplanowano również realizację zadań mających na celu podniesienie świadomości ekologicznej w szczególności w zakresie oszczędności zasobów naturalnych, obniżenia niskiej emisji oraz poprawy efektywności energetycznej.Realizacja projektu przyczyni się do redukcji CO2 o 61,76, PM10 o 99,96 oraz PM2,5 o 99,90.Przed realizacją projektu:CO2: 819,53 ton równoważnika CO2rokPM10: 2,994 MgrokPM2,5: 1,261 MgrokPo realizacji projektu:CO2: 313,35 ton równoważnika CO2rokPM10: 0,001 MgrokPM2,5: 0,001 MgrokProjekt będzie realizowany na terenie gminy zakwalifikowanej do obszaru, na którym konieczne jest podjęcie działań naprawczych polegających na likwidacji starych niskosprawnych urządzeń grzewczych w obowiązującym Programie ochrony powietrza dla województwa małopolskiego.Konieczność realizacji projektu wynika z zapisów Planu Gospodarki Niskoemisyjnej dla Gminy KrynicaZdrój na lata 20152018 z perspektywą do roku 2020, zaktualizowanego w październiku 2017 r. i przyjętego do realizacji uchwałą nr XLIII.311.2017 Rady Miejskiej w KrynicyZdroju z dnia 27 grudnia 2017 r.Wnioskodawca nie planuje przygotowania programu osłonowego dla osób, które ponoszą zwiększone koszty grzewcze lokalu związane z trwałą zmianą systemu ogrzewania na terenie objętym projektem.Projekt będzie realizowany na terenie miejscowości uzdrowiskowej KrynicaZdrój zgodnie z wykazem na stronie internetowej Ministerstwa Zdrowia. (Polish)
0 references
The subject of the project is the replacement of 50 solid fuel boilers with new boilers for gaseous fuels. The installed new heat sources will be characterised by the minimum energy efficiency and emission standards applicable from the end of 2020, which are set out in the implementing measures to Directive 2009125EC of 21 October 2009. In addition to the tasks related to the exchange of heat sources, the implementation of the tasks aimed at raising environmental awareness in particular in terms of saving natural resources, reducing low emissions and improving energy efficiency is also planned.The implementation of the project will contribute to the reduction of CO2 by 61.76, PM10 by 99.96 and PM2,5 by 99.90. 819,53 tonnes of CO2yearPM10 equivalent: 2,994 MgrokPM2.5: 1.261 MgrokAfter the project:CO2: 313,35 tonnes of CO2rokPM10 equivalent: 0.001 MgrokPM2.5: 0.001 MgrokProjekt will be implemented in the territory of the municipality qualified to the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the elimination of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój for the years 20152018 with a view to 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the heating site of the Ministry of Health.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are subject to the permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the premises.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the municipality of KrynicaZdrój in KrynicaZdrój as of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are required to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the implementation of the project results from the provisions of the Low Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent project on the area of the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the project.The project will be implemented in the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by Resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be able to implement a permanent project on the area covered by the heating site.The project will be implemented (English)
21 October 2022
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Predmet projekta je zamjena 50 kotlova na kruta goriva novim kotlovima za plinovita goriva. Instalirane nove izvore topline obilježit će minimalni standardi energetske učinkovitosti i emisija primjenjivi od kraja 2020., koji su utvrđeni u provedbenim mjerama Direktive 2009125EC od 21. listopada 2009. Osim zadataka koji se odnose na razmjenu izvora topline, planira se i provedba zadataka usmjerenih na podizanje svijesti o okolišu, posebno u smislu uštede prirodnih resursa, smanjenja niskih emisija i poboljšanja energetske učinkovitosti.Provedba projekta doprinijet će smanjenju CO2 za 61,76, PM10 99,96 i PM2,5 do 99.90. 819,53 tone ekvivalenta CO2yearPM10: 2.994 MgrokPM2.5: 1.261 MgrokNakon projekta:CO2: 313,35 tona ekvivalenta CO2rokPM10: 0,001 MgrokPM2.5: 0.001 MgrokProjekt will be implemented in the territory of the municipality qualified to the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the elimination of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój for the years 20152018 with a view to 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the heating site of the Ministry of Health.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are subject to the permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the premises.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the municipality of KrynicaZdrój in KrynicaZdrój as of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are required to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the implementation of the project results from the provisions of the Low Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent project on the area of the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the project.The project will be implemented in the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by Resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be able to implement a permanent project on the area covered by the heating site.The project will be implemented (Croatian)
29 November 2022
0 references
A projekt tárgya 50 szilárd tüzelésű kazán új gáz-halmazállapotú tüzelésű kazánokkal való helyettesítése. A telepített új hőforrásokat a 2020 végétől alkalmazandó energiahatékonysági és kibocsátási minimumkövetelmények jellemzik, amelyeket a 2009. október 21-i 2009125EK irányelv végrehajtási intézkedései határoznak meg. A hőforrások cseréjével kapcsolatos feladatok mellett a környezetvédelmi tudatosság növelését célzó feladatok végrehajtása is a tervek szerint történik, különösen a természeti erőforrások megtakarítása, az alacsony kibocsátás csökkentése és az energiahatékonyság javítása tekintetében. A projekt végrehajtása hozzájárul a szén-dioxid 61,76-os, a PM10 99,96-os és a PM2,5 99,90-es csökkentéséhez. 819,53 tonna CO2évPM10 egyenérték: 2,994 MgrokPM2.5: 1.261 MgrokA projekt után: CO2: 313,35 tonna CO2rokPM10 egyenérték: 0.001 MgrokPM2.5: 0.001 MgrokProjekt will be implemented in the territory of the municipality qualified to the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the elimination of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój for the years 20152018 with a view to 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the heating site of the Ministry of Health.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are subject to the permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the premises.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the municipality of KrynicaZdrój in KrynicaZdrój as of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are required to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the implementation of the project results from the provisions of the Low Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent project on the area of the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the project.The project will be implemented in the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by Resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be able to implement a permanent project on the area covered by the heating site.The project will be implemented (Hungarian)
29 November 2022
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Αντικείμενο του έργου είναι η αντικατάσταση 50 λεβήτων στερεού καυσίμου με νέους λέβητες αερίων καυσίμων. Οι εγκατεστημένες νέες πηγές θερμότητας θα χαρακτηρίζονται από τα ελάχιστα πρότυπα ενεργειακής απόδοσης και εκπομπών που ισχύουν από το τέλος του 2020, τα οποία καθορίζονται στα μέτρα εφαρμογής της οδηγίας 2009125ΕΚ της 21ης Οκτωβρίου 2009. Εκτός από τα καθήκοντα που σχετίζονται με την ανταλλαγή πηγών θερμότητας, προγραμματίζεται επίσης η υλοποίηση των καθηκόντων που αποσκοπούν στην αύξηση της περιβαλλοντικής ευαισθητοποίησης, ιδίως όσον αφορά την εξοικονόμηση φυσικών πόρων, τη μείωση των χαμηλών εκπομπών και τη βελτίωση της ενεργειακής απόδοσης.Η υλοποίηση του έργου θα συμβάλει στη μείωση του CO2 κατά 61,76, ΑΣ10 κατά 99,96 και ΑΣ2,5 κατά 99,90. 819,53 τόνοι ισοδύναμου CO2yearPM10: 2,994 MgrokPM2.5: 1.261 MgrοκΜετά το έργο:CO2: 313,35 τόνοι ισοδύναμου CO2rokPM10: 0.001 MgrokPM2.5: 0.001 MgrokProjekt will be implemented in the territory of the municipality qualified to the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the elimination of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój for the years 20152018 with a view to 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the heating site of the Ministry of Health.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are subject to the permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the premises.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the municipality of KrynicaZdrój in KrynicaZdrój as of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are required to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the implementation of the project results from the provisions of the Low Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent project on the area of the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the project.The project will be implemented in the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by Resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be able to implement a permanent project on the area covered by the heating site.The project will be implemented (Greek)
29 November 2022
0 references
Projektets emne er udskiftning af 50 kedler til fast brændsel med nye kedler til gasformigt brændsel. De installerede nye varmekilder vil være kendetegnet ved de minimumsstandarder for energieffektivitet og emissioner, der gælder fra udgangen af 2020, og som er fastsat i gennemførelsesforanstaltningerne til direktiv 2009125EF af 21. oktober 2009. Ud over de opgaver, der er forbundet med udveksling af varmekilder, er gennemførelsen af de opgaver, der har til formål at øge miljøbevidstheden, navnlig med hensyn til at spare naturressourcer, reducere lave emissioner og forbedre energieffektiviteten, også planlagt. Gennemførelsen af projektet vil bidrage til at reducere CO2 med 61,76, PM10 med 99,96 og PM2,5 med 99,90. 819,53 ton CO2yearPM10-ækvivalent: 2.994 MgrokPM2.5: 1.261 MgrokEfter projektet:CO2: 313,35 ton CO2rokPM10-ækvivalent: 0,001 MgrokPM2.5: 0.001 MgrokProjekt will be implemented in the territory of the municipality qualified to the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the elimination of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój for the years 20152018 with a view to 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the heating site of the Ministry of Health.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are subject to the permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the premises.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the municipality of KrynicaZdrój in KrynicaZdrój as of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are required to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the implementation of the project results from the provisions of the Low Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent project on the area of the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the project.The project will be implemented in the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by Resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be able to implement a permanent project on the area covered by the heating site.The project will be implemented (Danish)
29 November 2022
0 references
Predmet projekta je zamenjava 50 kotlov na trdno gorivo z novimi kotli za plinasta goriva. Za vgrajene nove vire toplote bodo značilni minimalni standardi energetske učinkovitosti in emisij, ki veljajo od konca leta 2020, ki so določeni v izvedbenih ukrepih Direktive 2009125ES z dne 21. oktobra 2009. Poleg nalog, povezanih z izmenjavo virov toplote, se načrtuje tudi izvajanje nalog, namenjenih ozaveščanju okolja, zlasti v smislu varčevanja z naravnimi viri, zmanjšanja nizkih emisij in izboljšanja energetske učinkovitosti.Izvajanje projekta bo prispevalo k zmanjšanju CO2 za 61,76, PM10 za 99,96 in PM2,5 za 99,90. 819,53 ton ekvivalenta CO2yearPM10: 2,994 MgrokPM2.5: 1.261 MgrokPo projektu:CO2: 313,35 ton ekvivalenta CO2rokPM10: 0,001 MgrokPM2.5: 0.001 MgrokProjekt will be implemented in the territory of the municipality qualified to the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the elimination of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój for the years 20152018 with a view to 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the heating site of the Ministry of Health.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are subject to the permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the premises.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the municipality of KrynicaZdrój in KrynicaZdrój as of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are required to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the implementation of the project results from the provisions of the Low Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent project on the area of the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the project.The project will be implemented in the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by Resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be able to implement a permanent project on the area covered by the heating site.The project will be implemented (Slovenian)
29 November 2022
0 references
El tema del proyecto es la sustitución de 50 calderas de combustible sólido por nuevas calderas para combustibles gaseosos. Las nuevas fuentes de calor instaladas se caracterizarán por las normas mínimas de eficiencia energética y emisiones aplicables a finales de 2020, que se establecen en las medidas de aplicación de la Directiva 2009125CE, de 21 de octubre de 2009. Además de las tareas relacionadas con el intercambio de fuentes de calor, también está prevista la ejecución de las tareas destinadas a aumentar la sensibilización medioambiental, en particular en términos de ahorro de recursos naturales, reducción de bajas emisiones y mejora de la eficiencia energética.La ejecución del proyecto contribuirá a la reducción de CO2 en 61,76, PM10 por 99,96 y PM2,5 por 99.90. 819,53 toneladas equivalentes de CO2yearPM10: 2,994 MgrokPM2.5: 1.261 MgrokDespués del proyecto:CO2: 313,35 toneladas equivalentes de CO2rokPM10: 0.001 MgrokPM2.5: 0.001 MgrokProjekt will be implemented in the territory of the municipality qualified to the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the elimination of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój for the years 20152018 with a view to 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the heating site of the Ministry of Health.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are subject to the permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the premises.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the municipality of KrynicaZdrój in KrynicaZdrój as of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are required to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the implementation of the project results from the provisions of the Low Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent project on the area of the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the project.The project will be implemented in the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by Resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be able to implement a permanent project on the area covered by the heating site.The project will be implemented (Spanish)
29 November 2022
0 references
O projeto tem por objeto a substituição de 50 caldeiras a combustível sólido por novas caldeiras a combustíveis gasosos. As novas fontes de calor instaladas serão caracterizadas pelas normas mínimas de eficiência energética e de emissões aplicáveis a partir do final de 2020, estabelecidas nas medidas de execução da Diretiva 2009125CE, de 21 de outubro de 2009. Para além das tarefas relacionadas com o intercâmbio de fontes de calor, está também prevista a execução das tarefas destinadas a aumentar a sensibilização ambiental, em especial em termos de poupança de recursos naturais, redução das baixas emissões e melhoria da eficiência energética. A execução do projeto contribuirá para a redução das emissões de CO2 em 61,76, das PM10 em 99,96 e das PM2,5 em 99,90. 819,53 toneladas de equivalente CO2anoPM10: 2 994 MgrokPM2.5: 1.261 MgrokApós o projecto:CO2: 313,35 toneladas de equivalente CO2rokPM10: 0,001 MgrokPM2.5: 0.001 MgrokProjekt will be implemented in the territory of the municipality qualified to the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the elimination of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój for the years 20152018 with a view to 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the heating site of the Ministry of Health.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are subject to the permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the premises.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the municipality of KrynicaZdrój in KrynicaZdrój as of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are required to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the implementation of the project results from the provisions of the Low Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent project on the area of the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the project.The project will be implemented in the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by Resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be able to implement a permanent project on the area covered by the heating site.The project will be implemented (Portuguese)
29 November 2022
0 references
Projekti teemaks on 50 tahkekütusekatla asendamine uute gaaskütusekateldega. Paigaldatud uusi soojusallikaid iseloomustavad alates 2020. aasta lõpust kohaldatavad minimaalsed energiatõhususe ja heitenormid, mis on sätestatud 21. oktoobri 2009. aasta direktiivi 2009125EÜ rakendusmeetmetes. Lisaks soojusallikate vahetamisega seotud ülesannetele on kavandatud ka keskkonnateadlikkuse suurendamisele suunatud ülesannete täitmine, eelkõige seoses loodusvarade säästmise, vähese heite vähendamise ja energiatõhususe parandamisega. Projekti rakendamine aitab vähendada CO2 61,76, PM10-osakeste 99,96 ja PM2,5 99,90 võrra. 819,53 tonni CO2aastaPM10 ekvivalenti: 2,994 MgrokPM2.5: 1.261 MgrokPärast projekti:CO2: 313,35 tonni CO2rokPM10 ekvivalenti: 0,001 MgrokPM2.5: 0.001 MgrokProjekt will be implemented in the territory of the municipality qualified to the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the elimination of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój for the years 20152018 with a view to 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the heating site of the Ministry of Health.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are subject to the permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the premises.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the municipality of KrynicaZdrój in KrynicaZdrój as of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are required to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the implementation of the project results from the provisions of the Low Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent project on the area of the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the project.The project will be implemented in the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by Resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be able to implement a permanent project on the area covered by the heating site.The project will be implemented (Estonian)
29 November 2022
0 references
Het onderwerp van het project is de vervanging van 50 vaste brandstofketels door nieuwe ketels voor gasvormige brandstoffen. De geïnstalleerde nieuwe warmtebronnen zullen worden gekenmerkt door de minimumnormen voor energie-efficiëntie en -emissie die vanaf eind 2020 van toepassing zijn, die zijn vastgelegd in de uitvoeringsmaatregelen van Richtlijn 2009125EG van 21 oktober 2009. Naast de taken in verband met de uitwisseling van warmtebronnen, is ook de uitvoering van de taken die gericht zijn op het vergroten van het milieubewustzijn, met name op het gebied van het besparen van natuurlijke hulpbronnen, het verminderen van lage emissies en het verbeteren van de energie-efficiëntie gepland.De uitvoering van het project zal bijdragen tot de vermindering van CO2 met 61,76, PM10 met 99,96 en PM2,5 tegen 99.90. 819,53 ton CO2yearPM10 equivalent: 2,994 MgrokPM2.5: 1.261 MgrokNa het project: CO2: 313,35 ton CO2rokPM10 equivalent: 0.001 MgrokPM2.5: 0.001 MgrokProjekt will be implemented in the territory of the municipality qualified to the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the elimination of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój for the years 20152018 with a view to 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the heating site of the Ministry of Health.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are subject to the permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the premises.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the municipality of KrynicaZdrój in KrynicaZdrój as of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are required to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the implementation of the project results from the provisions of the Low Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent project on the area of the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the project.The project will be implemented in the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by Resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be able to implement a permanent project on the area covered by the heating site.The project will be implemented (Dutch)
29 November 2022
0 references
Предмет на проекта е замяната на 50 котли на твърдо гориво с нови котли за газообразни горива. Инсталираните нови топлоизточници ще се характеризират с минималните стандарти за енергийна ефективност и емисии, приложими от края на 2020 г., които са определени в мерките за прилагане на Директива 2009125ЕО от 21 октомври 2009 г. Освен задачите, свързани с обмена на топлоизточници, е планирано и изпълнението на задачите, насочени към повишаване на осведомеността за околната среда, по-специално по отношение на спестяването на природни ресурси, намаляването на ниските емисии и подобряването на енергийната ефективност.Изпълнението на проекта ще допринесе за намаляване на CO2 с 61,76, PM10 с 99,96 и PM2,5 с 99,90. 819,53 тона еквивалент на CO2PM10: 2,994 MgrokPM2.5: 1.261 MgrokAfter проекта: CO2: 313,35 тона еквивалент на CO2rokPM10: 0.001 MgrokPM2.5: 0.001 MgrokProjekt will be implemented in the territory of the municipality qualified to the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the elimination of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój for the years 20152018 with a view to 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the heating site of the Ministry of Health.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are subject to the permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the premises.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the municipality of KrynicaZdrój in KrynicaZdrój as of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are required to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the implementation of the project results from the provisions of the Low Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent project on the area of the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the project.The project will be implemented in the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by Resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be able to implement a permanent project on the area covered by the heating site.The project will be implemented (Bulgarian)
29 November 2022
0 references
Předmětem projektu je výměna 50 kotlů na tuhá paliva novými kotly na plynná paliva. Pro instalované nové zdroje tepla se budou vyznačovat minimální normy pro energetickou účinnost a emise platné od konce roku 2020, které jsou stanoveny v prováděcích opatřeních ke směrnici 2009125ES ze dne 21. října 2009. Kromě úkolů souvisejících s výměnou zdrojů tepla je rovněž plánováno provádění úkolů zaměřených na zvyšování povědomí o životním prostředí, zejména pokud jde o úsporu přírodních zdrojů, snížení nízkých emisí a zlepšení energetické účinnosti.Provádění projektu přispěje ke snížení emisí CO2 o 61,76, PM10 o 99,96 a PM2,5 do 99,90. 819,53 tun ekvivalentu CO2rokPM10: 2,994 MgrokPM2.5: 1.261 MgrokPo projektu: CO2: 313,35 tun ekvivalentu CO2rokPM10: 0,001 MgrokPM2.5: 0.001 MgrokProjekt will be implemented in the territory of the municipality qualified to the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the elimination of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój for the years 20152018 with a view to 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the heating site of the Ministry of Health.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are subject to the permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the premises.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the municipality of KrynicaZdrój in KrynicaZdrój as of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are required to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the implementation of the project results from the provisions of the Low Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent project on the area of the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the project.The project will be implemented in the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by Resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be able to implement a permanent project on the area covered by the heating site.The project will be implemented (Czech)
29 November 2022
0 references
Hankkeen aiheena on 50 kiinteän polttoaineen kattilan korvaaminen uusilla kaasumaisten polttoaineiden kattiloilla. Asennetuille uusille lämmönlähteille on ominaista vuoden 2020 lopusta alkaen sovellettavat energiatehokkuutta ja päästöjä koskevat vähimmäisnormit, jotka vahvistetaan 21 päivänä lokakuuta 2009 annetun direktiivin 2009125EY täytäntöönpanotoimenpiteissä. Lisäksi suunnitellaan lämmönlähteiden vaihtoon liittyvien tehtävien lisäksi sellaisten tehtävien toteuttamista, joilla pyritään lisäämään ympäristötietoisuutta erityisesti luonnonvarojen säästämisen, vähäisten päästöjen vähentämisen ja energiatehokkuuden parantamisen osalta. Hankkeen toteuttaminen edistää hiilidioksidipäästöjen vähentämistä 61,76:lla, PM10-hiukkasilla 99,96:lla ja PM2,5:llä vuoteen 99.90 mennessä. 819,53 tonnia CO2-vuoden PM10-ekvivalenttitonnia: 2,994 MgrokPM2.5: 1.261 Mgrok Hankkeen jälkeen:CO2: 313,35 tonnia CO2rokPM10-ekvivalenttitonnia: 0.001 MgrokPM2.5: 0.001 MgrokProjekt will be implemented in the territory of the municipality qualified to the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the elimination of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój for the years 20152018 with a view to 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the heating site of the Ministry of Health.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are subject to the permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the premises.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the municipality of KrynicaZdrój in KrynicaZdrój as of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are required to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the implementation of the project results from the provisions of the Low Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent project on the area of the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the project.The project will be implemented in the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by Resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be able to implement a permanent project on the area covered by the heating site.The project will be implemented (Finnish)
29 November 2022
0 references
Gegenstand des Projekts ist der Austausch von 50 Festbrennstoffkesseln durch neue Kessel für gasförmige Brennstoffe. Die installierten neuen Wärmequellen werden durch die ab Ende 2020 geltenden Mindestnormen für Energieeffizienz und Emissionen gekennzeichnet sein, die in den Durchführungsmaßnahmen zur Richtlinie 2009125EG vom 21. Oktober 2009 festgelegt sind. Neben den Aufgaben im Zusammenhang mit dem Austausch von Wärmequellen ist auch die Umsetzung der Aufgaben vorgesehen, die darauf abzielen, das Umweltbewusstsein insbesondere in Bezug auf die Einsparung natürlicher Ressourcen, die Verringerung der Emissionen und die Verbesserung der Energieeffizienz zu schärfen.Die Durchführung des Projekts wird zur Verringerung von CO2 um 61.76, PM10 bis 99.96 und PM2,5 bis 99.90 beitragen. 819,53 Tonnen CO2yearPM10-Äquivalent: 2,994 MgrokPM2.5: 1.261 MgrokNach dem Projekt:CO2: 313,35 Tonnen CO2rokPM10-Äquivalent: 0.001 MgrokPM2.5: 0.001 MgrokProjekt will be implemented in the territory of the municipality qualified to the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the elimination of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój for the years 20152018 with a view to 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the heating site of the Ministry of Health.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are subject to the permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the premises.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the municipality of KrynicaZdrój in KrynicaZdrój as of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are required to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the implementation of the project results from the provisions of the Low Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent project on the area of the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the project.The project will be implemented in the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by Resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be able to implement a permanent project on the area covered by the heating site.The project will be implemented (German)
29 November 2022
0 references
Is-suġġett tal-proġett huwa s-sostituzzjoni ta’ 50 bojler tal-fjuwil solidu b’bojlers ġodda għall-fjuwils gassużi. Is-sorsi tas-sħana ġodda installati se jkunu kkaratterizzati mill-istandards minimi tal-effiċjenza enerġetika u l-emissjonijiet applikabbli minn tmiem l-2020, li huma stabbiliti fil-miżuri ta’ implimentazzjoni għad-Direttiva 2009125KE tal-21 ta’ Ottubru 2009. Minbarra l-kompiti relatati mal-iskambju tas-sorsi tas-sħana, l-implimentazzjoni tal-kompiti mmirati lejn is-sensibilizzazzjoni ambjentali b’mod partikolari f’termini tal-iffrankar tar-riżorsi naturali, it-tnaqqis tal-emissjonijiet baxxi u t-titjib tal-effiċjenza fl-użu tal-enerġija hija ppjanata wkoll. L-implimentazzjoni tal-proġett se tikkontribwixxi għat-tnaqqis tas-CO2 b’61.76, PM10 b’99.96 u PM2,5 b’99.90. L-ekwivalenti ta’ 819,53 tunnellata ta’ CO2yearPM10: 2,994 MgrokPM2.5: 1.261 MgrokAfter il-proġett: CO2: 313,35 tunnellata ta’ ekwivalenti ta’ CO2rokPM10: 0.001 MgrokPM2.5: 0.001 MgrokProjekt will be implemented in the territory of the municipality qualified to the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the elimination of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój for the years 20152018 with a view to 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the heating site of the Ministry of Health.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are subject to the permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the premises.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the municipality of KrynicaZdrój in KrynicaZdrój as of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are required to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the implementation of the project results from the provisions of the Low Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent project on the area of the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the project.The project will be implemented in the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by Resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be able to implement a permanent project on the area covered by the heating site.The project will be implemented (Maltese)
29 November 2022
0 references
Syftet med projektet är att ersätta 50 värmepannor för fastbränsle med nya pannor för gasformiga bränslen. De installerade nya värmekällorna kommer att kännetecknas av de minimistandarder för energieffektivitet och utsläpp som gäller från slutet av 2020 och som fastställs i genomförandeåtgärderna till direktiv 2009125EG av den 21 oktober 2009. Utöver de uppgifter som rör utbyte av värmekällor planeras också genomförandet av de uppgifter som syftar till att öka miljömedvetenheten, särskilt när det gäller att spara naturresurser, minska låga utsläpp och förbättra energieffektiviteten.Ibruktagandet av projektet kommer att bidra till att minska koldioxidutsläppen med 61,76, PM10 till 99,96 och PM2,5 till 99,90. 819,53 ton CO2yearPM10-ekvivalenter: 2,994 MgrokPM2.5: 1.261 MgrokEfter projektet:CO2: 313,35 ton CO2rokPM10-ekvivalenter: 0,001 MgrokPM2.5: 0.001 MgrokProjekt will be implemented in the territory of the municipality qualified to the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the elimination of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój for the years 20152018 with a view to 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the heating site of the Ministry of Health.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are subject to the permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the premises.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the municipality of KrynicaZdrój in KrynicaZdrój as of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are required to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the implementation of the project results from the provisions of the Low Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent project on the area of the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the project.The project will be implemented in the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by Resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be able to implement a permanent project on the area covered by the heating site.The project will be implemented (Swedish)
29 November 2022
0 references
Projekto objektas – 50 kietojo kuro katilų pakeitimas naujais dujinio kuro katilais. Įrengtiems naujiems šilumos šaltiniams taip pat bus taikomi minimalūs energijos vartojimo efektyvumo ir išmetamųjų teršalų kiekio standartai, taikomi nuo 2020 m. pabaigos, kurie nustatyti 2009 m. spalio 21 d. Direktyvos 2009125EB įgyvendinimo priemonėse. Be užduočių, susijusių su šilumos šaltinių mainais, taip pat planuojama įgyvendinti užduotis, kuriomis siekiama didinti aplinkosauginį sąmoningumą, visų pirma gamtos išteklių taupymo, mažo išmetamųjų teršalų kiekio mažinimo ir energijos vartojimo efektyvumo didinimo srityse. Projekto įgyvendinimas padės sumažinti CO2 kiekį 61,76, KD10–99,96 ir KD2,5–99.90. 819,53 tonų CO2yearPM10 ekvivalento: 2,994 MgrokPM2.5: 1.261 Po projekto: CO2: 313,35 tonos CO2rokPM10 ekvivalento: 0.001 MgrokPM2.5: 0.001 MgrokProjekt will be implemented in the territory of the municipality qualified to the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the elimination of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój for the years 20152018 with a view to 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the heating site of the Ministry of Health.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are subject to the permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the premises.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the municipality of KrynicaZdrój in KrynicaZdrój as of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are required to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the implementation of the project results from the provisions of the Low Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent project on the area of the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the project.The project will be implemented in the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by Resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be able to implement a permanent project on the area covered by the heating site.The project will be implemented (Lithuanian)
29 November 2022
0 references
Obiectul proiectului este înlocuirea a 50 de cazane cu combustibil solid cu cazane noi pentru combustibili gazoși. Noile surse de căldură instalate vor fi caracterizate de standardele minime de eficiență energetică și de emisii aplicabile de la sfârșitul anului 2020, care sunt stabilite în măsurile de punere în aplicare a Directivei 2009125CE din 21 octombrie 2009. Pe lângă sarcinile legate de schimbul de surse de căldură, este planificată și punerea în aplicare a sarcinilor care vizează sensibilizarea cu privire la mediu, în special în ceea ce privește economisirea resurselor naturale, reducerea emisiilor scăzute și îmbunătățirea eficienței energetice. Implementarea proiectului va contribui la reducerea emisiilor de CO2 cu 61,76, PM10 cu 99,96 și PM2,5 cu 99,90. 819,53 tone de CO2anPM10 echivalent: 2,994 MgrokPM2.5: 1.261 MgrokDupă proiect: CO2: 313,35 tone echivalent CO2rokPM10: 0,001 MgrokPM2.5: 0.001 MgrokProjekt will be implemented in the territory of the municipality qualified to the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the elimination of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój for the years 20152018 with a view to 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the heating site of the Ministry of Health.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are subject to the permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the premises.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the municipality of KrynicaZdrój in KrynicaZdrój as of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are required to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the implementation of the project results from the provisions of the Low Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent project on the area of the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the project.The project will be implemented in the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by Resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be able to implement a permanent project on the area covered by the heating site.The project will be implemented (Romanian)
29 November 2022
0 references
Oggetto del progetto è la sostituzione di 50 caldaie a combustibile solido con nuove caldaie per combustibili gassosi. Le nuove fonti di calore installate saranno caratterizzate dalle norme minime di efficienza energetica e di emissione applicabili a partire dalla fine del 2020, che sono stabilite nelle misure di attuazione della direttiva 2009125CE del 21 ottobre 2009. Oltre ai compiti relativi allo scambio di fonti di calore, è prevista anche l'attuazione dei compiti volti a sensibilizzare l'ambiente in particolare in termini di risparmio di risorse naturali, riduzione delle basse emissioni e miglioramento dell'efficienza energetica.L'attuazione del progetto contribuirà a ridurre le emissioni di CO2 di 61,76, PM10 entro 99,96 e PM2,5 entro 99,90. 819,53 tonnellate di CO2annoPM10 equivalente: 2,994 MgrokPM2.5: 1.261 MgrokDopo il progetto:CO2: 313,35 tonnellate di CO2rokPM10 equivalente: 0.001 MgrokPM2.5: 0.001 MgrokProjekt will be implemented in the territory of the municipality qualified to the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the elimination of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój for the years 20152018 with a view to 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the heating site of the Ministry of Health.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are subject to the permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the premises.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the municipality of KrynicaZdrój in KrynicaZdrój as of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are required to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the implementation of the project results from the provisions of the Low Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent project on the area of the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the project.The project will be implemented in the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by Resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be able to implement a permanent project on the area covered by the heating site.The project will be implemented (Italian)
29 November 2022
0 references
Predmetom projektu je nahradenie 50 kotlov na tuhé palivo novými kotlami na plynné palivá. Inštalované nové zdroje tepla sa budú vyznačovať minimálnou energetickou účinnosťou a emisnými normami platnými od konca roka 2020, ktoré sú stanovené vo vykonávacích opatreniach k smernici 2009125ES z 21. októbra 2009. Okrem úloh súvisiacich s výmenou zdrojov tepla sa plánuje aj vykonávanie úloh zameraných na zvyšovanie informovanosti o životnom prostredí, najmä pokiaľ ide o úsporu prírodných zdrojov, znižovanie nízkych emisií a zlepšovanie energetickej účinnosti. Vykonávanie projektu prispeje k zníženiu emisií CO2 o 61,76, PM10 o 99,96 a PM2,5 o 99,90. 819,53 ton ekvivalentu CO2rokPM10: 2,994 MgrokPM2.5: 1.261 MgrokPo projekte: CO2: 313,35 ton ekvivalentu CO2rokPM10: 0,001 MgrokPM2.5: 0.001 MgrokProjekt will be implemented in the territory of the municipality qualified to the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the elimination of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój for the years 20152018 with a view to 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the heating site of the Ministry of Health.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are subject to the permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the premises.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the municipality of KrynicaZdrój in KrynicaZdrój as of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are required to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the implementation of the project results from the provisions of the Low Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent project on the area of the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the project.The project will be implemented in the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by Resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be able to implement a permanent project on the area covered by the heating site.The project will be implemented (Slovak)
29 November 2022
0 references
Obiectul proiectului este înlocuirea a 50 de cazane cu combustibil solid cu cazane noi pentru combustibili gazoși. Noile surse de căldură instalate vor fi caracterizate de standardele minime de eficiență energetică și de emisii aplicabile de la sfârșitul anului 2020, care sunt stabilite în măsurile de punere în aplicare a Directivei 2009125CE din 21 octombrie 2009. Pe lângă sarcinile legate de schimbul de surse de căldură, este planificată și punerea în aplicare a sarcinilor care vizează sensibilizarea cu privire la mediu, în special în ceea ce privește economisirea resurselor naturale, reducerea emisiilor scăzute și îmbunătățirea eficienței energetice. Implementarea proiectului va contribui la reducerea emisiilor de CO2 cu 61,76, PM10 cu 99,96 și PM2,5 cu 99,90. 819,53 tone de CO2anPM10 echivalent: 2,994 MgrokPM2.5: 1.261 MgrokDupă proiect: CO2: 313,35 tone echivalent CO2rokPM10: 0,001 MgrokPM2.5: 0.001 MgrokProjekt will be implemented in the territory of the municipality qualified to the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the elimination of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój for the years 20152018 with a view to 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution no XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the heating site of the Ministry of Health.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are subject to the permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the premises.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the municipality of KrynicaZdrój in KrynicaZdrój as of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are required to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the implementation of the project results from the provisions of the Low Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent project on the area of the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the project.The project will be implemented in the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality for the years 20152018 with the prospect of 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by Resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be able to implement a permanent project on the territory of the area that will be subject to (Romanian)
29 November 2022
0 references
Is é ábhar an tionscadail ná coirí nua le haghaidh breoslaí gásacha a chur in ionad 50 coire breosla sholadaigh. Beidh na híoschaighdeáin éifeachtúlachta fuinnimh agus astaíochtaí is infheidhme ó dheireadh 2020 mar shaintréith de na foinsí teasa nua suiteáilte, atá leagtha amach sna bearta cur chun feidhme a ghabhann le Treoir 2009125CE an 21 Deireadh Fómhair 2009. Chomh maith leis na cúraimí a bhaineann le malartú foinsí teasa, tá cur chun feidhme na gcúraimí atá dírithe ar fheasacht ar an gcomhshaol a ardú go háirithe maidir le hacmhainní nádúrtha a shábháil, astaíochtaí ísle a laghdú agus éifeachtúlacht fuinnimh a fheabhsú pleanáilte freisin.Cuirfidh cur chun feidhme an tionscadail le CO2 a laghdú faoi 61.76, PM10 faoi 99.96 agus PM2,5 faoi 99.90. 819,53 thona de choibhéis CO2yearPM10: 2,994 MgrokPM2.5: 1.261 MgrokAter an tionscadal:CO2: 313,35 tona de choibhéis CO2rokPM10: 0.001 MgrokPM2.5: 0.001 MgrokProjekt will be implemented in the territory of the municipality qualified to the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the elimination of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój for the years 20152018 with a view to 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution no XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the heating site of the Ministry of Health.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are subject to the permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the premises.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the municipality of KrynicaZdrój in KrynicaZdrój as of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are required to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the implementation of the project results from the provisions of the Low Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent project on the area of the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the project.The project will be implemented in the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality for the years 20152018 with the prospect of 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by Resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be able to implement a permanent project on the territory of the area that will be subject to (Irish)
29 November 2022
0 references
O objeto do projeto é a substituição de 50 caldeiras a combustível sólido por novas caldeiras para combustíveis gasosos. As novas fontes de calor instaladas serão caracterizadas pelas normas mínimas de eficiência energética e de emissão aplicáveis a partir do final de 2020, estabelecidas nas medidas de execução da Diretiva 2009125CE, de 21 de outubro de 2009. Além das tarefas relacionadas com a troca de fontes de calor, está igualmente prevista a execução das tarefas destinadas a aumentar a sensibilização ambiental, em especial em termos de poupança de recursos naturais, de redução das emissões baixas e de melhoria da eficiência energética.A execução do projeto contribuirá para a redução do CO2 em 61,76, PM10 até 99,96 e PM2,5 até 99,90. 819,53 toneladas de equivalente CO2anoPM10: 2,994 MgrokPM2.5: 1.261 MgrokApós o project:CO2: 313,35 toneladas de equivalente CO2rokPM10: 0,001 MgrokPM2.5: 0.001 MgrokProjekt will be implemented in the territory of the municipality qualified to the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the elimination of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój for the years 20152018 with a view to 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution no XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the heating site of the Ministry of Health.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are subject to the permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the premises.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the municipality of KrynicaZdrój in KrynicaZdrój as of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are required to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the implementation of the project results from the provisions of the Low Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent project on the area of the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the project.The project will be implemented in the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality for the years 20152018 with the prospect of 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by Resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be able to implement a permanent project on the territory of the area that will be subject to (Portuguese)
29 November 2022
0 references
Projekti teemaks on 50 tahkekütusekatla asendamine uute gaaskütusekateldega. Paigaldatud uusi soojusallikaid iseloomustavad alates 2020. aasta lõpust kohaldatavad minimaalsed energiatõhususe ja heitenormid, mis on sätestatud 21. oktoobri 2009. aasta direktiivi 2009125EÜ rakendusmeetmetes. Lisaks soojusallikate vahetamisega seotud ülesannetele on kavandatud ka keskkonnateadlikkuse suurendamisele suunatud ülesannete täitmine, eelkõige seoses loodusvarade säästmise, vähese heite vähendamise ja energiatõhususe parandamisega. Projekti rakendamine aitab vähendada CO2 61,76, PM10-osakeste 99,96 ja PM2,5 99,90 võrra. 819,53 tonni CO2aastaPM10 ekvivalenti: 2,994 MgrokPM2.5: 1.261 MgrokPärast projekti:CO2: 313,35 tonni CO2rokPM10 ekvivalenti: 0,001 MgrokPM2.5: 0.001 MgrokProjekt will be implemented in the territory of the municipality qualified to the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the elimination of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój for the years 20152018 with a view to 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution no XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the heating site of the Ministry of Health.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are subject to the permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the premises.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the municipality of KrynicaZdrój in KrynicaZdrój as of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are required to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the implementation of the project results from the provisions of the Low Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent project on the area of the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the project.The project will be implemented in the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality for the years 20152018 with the prospect of 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by Resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be able to implement a permanent project on the territory of the area that will be subject to (Estonian)
29 November 2022
0 references
Le projet a pour objet le remplacement de 50 chaudières à combustibles solides par de nouvelles chaudières pour combustibles gazeux. Les nouvelles sources de chaleur installées seront caractérisées par les normes minimales d’efficacité énergétique et d’émissions applicables à partir de la fin de 2020, qui sont définies dans les mesures d’application de la directive 2009125CE du 21 octobre 2009. Outre les tâches liées à l’échange de sources de chaleur, la mise en œuvre des tâches visant à sensibiliser l’environnement, notamment en termes d’économies de ressources naturelles, de réduction des émissions faibles et d’amélioration de l’efficacité énergétique est également prévue.La mise en œuvre du projet contribuera à réduire le CO2 de 61,76, PM10 d’ici 99,96 et PM2,5 d’ici 99,90. 819,53 tonnes d’équivalent CO2yearPM10: 2 994 MgrokPM2.5: 1.261 MgrokAprès le projet:CO2: 313,35 tonnes d’équivalent CO2rokPM10: 0,001 MgrokPM2.5: 0.001 MgrokProjekt will be implemented in the territory of the municipality qualified to the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the elimination of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój for the years 20152018 with a view to 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution no XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the heating site of the Ministry of Health.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are subject to the permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the premises.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the municipality of KrynicaZdrój in KrynicaZdrój as of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are required to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the implementation of the project results from the provisions of the Low Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent project on the area of the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the project.The project will be implemented in the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality for the years 20152018 with the prospect of 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by Resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be able to implement a permanent project on the territory of the area that will be subject to (French)
29 November 2022
0 references
Předmětem projektu je výměna 50 kotlů na tuhá paliva novými kotly na plynná paliva. Pro instalované nové zdroje tepla se budou vyznačovat minimální normy pro energetickou účinnost a emise platné od konce roku 2020, které jsou stanoveny v prováděcích opatřeních ke směrnici 2009125ES ze dne 21. října 2009. Kromě úkolů souvisejících s výměnou zdrojů tepla je rovněž plánováno provádění úkolů zaměřených na zvyšování povědomí o životním prostředí, zejména pokud jde o úsporu přírodních zdrojů, snížení nízkých emisí a zlepšení energetické účinnosti.Provádění projektu přispěje ke snížení emisí CO2 o 61,76, PM10 o 99,96 a PM2,5 do 99,90. 819,53 tun ekvivalentu CO2rokPM10: 2,994 MgrokPM2.5: 1.261 MgrokPo projektu: CO2: 313,35 tun ekvivalentu CO2rokPM10: 0,001 MgrokPM2.5: 0.001 MgrokProjekt will be implemented in the territory of the municipality qualified to the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the elimination of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój for the years 20152018 with a view to 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution no XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the heating site of the Ministry of Health.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are subject to the permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the premises.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the municipality of KrynicaZdrój in KrynicaZdrój as of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are required to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the implementation of the project results from the provisions of the Low Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent project on the area of the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the project.The project will be implemented in the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality for the years 20152018 with the prospect of 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by Resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be able to implement a permanent project on the territory of the area that will be subject to (Czech)
29 November 2022
0 references
Is-suġġett tal-proġett huwa s-sostituzzjoni ta’ 50 bojler tal-fjuwil solidu b’bojlers ġodda għall-fjuwils gassużi. Is-sorsi tas-sħana ġodda installati se jkunu kkaratterizzati mill-istandards minimi tal-effiċjenza enerġetika u l-emissjonijiet applikabbli minn tmiem l-2020, li huma stabbiliti fil-miżuri ta’ implimentazzjoni għad-Direttiva 2009125KE tal-21 ta’ Ottubru 2009. Minbarra l-kompiti relatati mal-iskambju tas-sorsi tas-sħana, l-implimentazzjoni tal-kompiti mmirati lejn is-sensibilizzazzjoni ambjentali b’mod partikolari f’termini tal-iffrankar tar-riżorsi naturali, it-tnaqqis tal-emissjonijiet baxxi u t-titjib tal-effiċjenza fl-użu tal-enerġija hija ppjanata wkoll. L-implimentazzjoni tal-proġett se tikkontribwixxi għat-tnaqqis tas-CO2 b’61.76, PM10 b’99.96 u PM2,5 b’99.90. L-ekwivalenti ta’ 819,53 tunnellata ta’ CO2yearPM10: 2,994 MgrokPM2.5: 1.261 MgrokAfter il-proġett: CO2: 313,35 tunnellata ta’ ekwivalenti ta’ CO2rokPM10: 0.001 MgrokPM2.5: 0.001 MgrokProjekt will be implemented in the territory of the municipality qualified to the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the elimination of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój for the years 20152018 with a view to 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution no XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the heating site of the Ministry of Health.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are subject to the permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the premises.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the municipality of KrynicaZdrój in KrynicaZdrój as of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are required to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the implementation of the project results from the provisions of the Low Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent project on the area of the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the project.The project will be implemented in the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality for the years 20152018 with the prospect of 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by Resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be able to implement a permanent project on the territory of the area that will be subject to (Maltese)
29 November 2022
0 references
Predmetom projektu je nahradenie 50 kotlov na tuhé palivo novými kotlami na plynné palivá. Inštalované nové zdroje tepla sa budú vyznačovať minimálnou energetickou účinnosťou a emisnými normami platnými od konca roka 2020, ktoré sú stanovené vo vykonávacích opatreniach k smernici 2009125ES z 21. októbra 2009. Okrem úloh súvisiacich s výmenou zdrojov tepla sa plánuje aj vykonávanie úloh zameraných na zvyšovanie informovanosti o životnom prostredí, najmä pokiaľ ide o úsporu prírodných zdrojov, znižovanie nízkych emisií a zlepšovanie energetickej účinnosti. Vykonávanie projektu prispeje k zníženiu emisií CO2 o 61,76, PM10 o 99,96 a PM2,5 o 99,90. 819,53 ton ekvivalentu CO2rokPM10: 2,994 MgrokPM2.5: 1.261 MgrokPo projekte: CO2: 313,35 ton ekvivalentu CO2rokPM10: 0,001 MgrokPM2.5: 0.001 MgrokProjekt will be implemented in the territory of the municipality qualified to the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the elimination of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój for the years 20152018 with a view to 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution no XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the heating site of the Ministry of Health.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are subject to the permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the premises.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the municipality of KrynicaZdrój in KrynicaZdrój as of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are required to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the implementation of the project results from the provisions of the Low Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent project on the area of the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the project.The project will be implemented in the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality for the years 20152018 with the prospect of 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by Resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be able to implement a permanent project on the territory of the area that will be subject to (Slovak)
29 November 2022
0 references
Predmet projekta je zamjena 50 kotlova na kruta goriva novim kotlovima za plinovita goriva. Instalirane nove izvore topline obilježit će minimalni standardi energetske učinkovitosti i emisija primjenjivi od kraja 2020., koji su utvrđeni u provedbenim mjerama Direktive 2009125EC od 21. listopada 2009. Osim zadataka koji se odnose na razmjenu izvora topline, planira se i provedba zadataka usmjerenih na podizanje svijesti o okolišu, posebno u smislu uštede prirodnih resursa, smanjenja niskih emisija i poboljšanja energetske učinkovitosti.Provedba projekta doprinijet će smanjenju CO2 za 61,76, PM10 99,96 i PM2,5 do 99.90. 819,53 tone ekvivalenta CO2yearPM10: 2.994 MgrokPM2.5: 1.261 MgrokNakon projekta:CO2: 313,35 tona ekvivalenta CO2rokPM10: 0,001 MgrokPM2.5: 0.001 MgrokProjekt will be implemented in the territory of the municipality qualified to the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the elimination of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój for the years 20152018 with a view to 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution no XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the heating site of the Ministry of Health.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are subject to the permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the premises.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the municipality of KrynicaZdrój in KrynicaZdrój as of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are required to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the implementation of the project results from the provisions of the Low Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent project on the area of the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the project.The project will be implemented in the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality for the years 20152018 with the prospect of 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by Resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be able to implement a permanent project on the territory of the area that will be subject to (Croatian)
29 November 2022
0 references
Oggetto del progetto è la sostituzione di 50 caldaie a combustibile solido con nuove caldaie per combustibili gassosi. Le nuove fonti di calore installate saranno caratterizzate dalle norme minime di efficienza energetica e di emissione applicabili a partire dalla fine del 2020, che sono stabilite nelle misure di attuazione della direttiva 2009125CE del 21 ottobre 2009. Oltre ai compiti relativi allo scambio di fonti di calore, è prevista anche l'attuazione dei compiti volti a sensibilizzare l'ambiente in particolare in termini di risparmio di risorse naturali, riduzione delle basse emissioni e miglioramento dell'efficienza energetica.L'attuazione del progetto contribuirà a ridurre le emissioni di CO2 di 61,76, PM10 entro 99,96 e PM2,5 entro 99,90. 819,53 tonnellate di CO2annoPM10 equivalente: 2,994 MgrokPM2.5: 1.261 MgrokDopo il progetto:CO2: 313,35 tonnellate di CO2rokPM10 equivalente: 0.001 MgrokPM2.5: 0.001 MgrokProjekt will be implemented in the territory of the municipality qualified to the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the elimination of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój for the years 20152018 with a view to 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution no XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the heating site of the Ministry of Health.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are subject to the permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the premises.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the municipality of KrynicaZdrój in KrynicaZdrój as of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are required to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the implementation of the project results from the provisions of the Low Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent project on the area of the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the project.The project will be implemented in the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality for the years 20152018 with the prospect of 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by Resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be able to implement a permanent project on the territory of the area that will be subject to (Italian)
29 November 2022
0 references
Hankkeen aiheena on 50 kiinteän polttoaineen kattilan korvaaminen uusilla kaasumaisten polttoaineiden kattiloilla. Asennetuille uusille lämmönlähteille on ominaista vuoden 2020 lopusta alkaen sovellettavat energiatehokkuutta ja päästöjä koskevat vähimmäisnormit, jotka vahvistetaan 21 päivänä lokakuuta 2009 annetun direktiivin 2009125EY täytäntöönpanotoimenpiteissä. Lisäksi suunnitellaan lämmönlähteiden vaihtoon liittyvien tehtävien lisäksi sellaisten tehtävien toteuttamista, joilla pyritään lisäämään ympäristötietoisuutta erityisesti luonnonvarojen säästämisen, vähäisten päästöjen vähentämisen ja energiatehokkuuden parantamisen osalta. Hankkeen toteuttaminen edistää hiilidioksidipäästöjen vähentämistä 61,76:lla, PM10-hiukkasilla 99,96:lla ja PM2,5:llä vuoteen 99.90 mennessä. 819,53 tonnia CO2-vuoden PM10-ekvivalenttitonnia: 2,994 MgrokPM2.5: 1.261 Mgrok Hankkeen jälkeen:CO2: 313,35 tonnia CO2rokPM10-ekvivalenttitonnia: 0.001 MgrokPM2.5: 0.001 MgrokProjekt will be implemented in the territory of the municipality qualified to the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the elimination of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój for the years 20152018 with a view to 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution no XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the heating site of the Ministry of Health.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are subject to the permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the premises.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the municipality of KrynicaZdrój in KrynicaZdrój as of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are required to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the implementation of the project results from the provisions of the Low Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent project on the area of the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the project.The project will be implemented in the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality for the years 20152018 with the prospect of 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by Resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be able to implement a permanent project on the territory of the area that will be subject to (Finnish)
29 November 2022
0 references
Projekto objektas – 50 kietojo kuro katilų pakeitimas naujais dujinio kuro katilais. Įrengtiems naujiems šilumos šaltiniams taip pat bus taikomi minimalūs energijos vartojimo efektyvumo ir išmetamųjų teršalų kiekio standartai, taikomi nuo 2020 m. pabaigos, kurie nustatyti 2009 m. spalio 21 d. Direktyvos 2009125EB įgyvendinimo priemonėse. Be užduočių, susijusių su šilumos šaltinių mainais, taip pat planuojama įgyvendinti užduotis, kuriomis siekiama didinti aplinkosauginį sąmoningumą, visų pirma gamtos išteklių taupymo, mažo išmetamųjų teršalų kiekio mažinimo ir energijos vartojimo efektyvumo didinimo srityse. Projekto įgyvendinimas padės sumažinti CO2 kiekį 61,76, KD10–99,96 ir KD2,5–99.90. 819,53 tonų CO2yearPM10 ekvivalento: 2,994 MgrokPM2.5: 1.261 Po projekto: CO2: 313,35 tonos CO2rokPM10 ekvivalento: 0.001 MgrokPM2.5: 0.001 MgrokProjekt will be implemented in the territory of the municipality qualified to the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the elimination of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój for the years 20152018 with a view to 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution no XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the heating site of the Ministry of Health.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are subject to the permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the premises.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the municipality of KrynicaZdrój in KrynicaZdrój as of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are required to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the implementation of the project results from the provisions of the Low Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent project on the area of the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the project.The project will be implemented in the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality for the years 20152018 with the prospect of 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by Resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be able to implement a permanent project on the territory of the area that will be subject to (Lithuanian)
29 November 2022
0 references
Αντικείμενο του έργου είναι η αντικατάσταση 50 λεβήτων στερεού καυσίμου με νέους λέβητες αερίων καυσίμων. Οι εγκατεστημένες νέες πηγές θερμότητας θα χαρακτηρίζονται από τα ελάχιστα πρότυπα ενεργειακής απόδοσης και εκπομπών που ισχύουν από το τέλος του 2020, τα οποία καθορίζονται στα μέτρα εφαρμογής της οδηγίας 2009125ΕΚ της 21ης Οκτωβρίου 2009. Εκτός από τα καθήκοντα που σχετίζονται με την ανταλλαγή πηγών θερμότητας, προγραμματίζεται επίσης η υλοποίηση των καθηκόντων που αποσκοπούν στην αύξηση της περιβαλλοντικής ευαισθητοποίησης, ιδίως όσον αφορά την εξοικονόμηση φυσικών πόρων, τη μείωση των χαμηλών εκπομπών και τη βελτίωση της ενεργειακής απόδοσης.Η υλοποίηση του έργου θα συμβάλει στη μείωση του CO2 κατά 61,76, ΑΣ10 κατά 99,96 και ΑΣ2,5 κατά 99,90. 819,53 τόνοι ισοδύναμου CO2yearPM10: 2,994 MgrokPM2.5: 1.261 MgrοκΜετά το έργο:CO2: 313,35 τόνοι ισοδύναμου CO2rokPM10: 0.001 MgrokPM2.5: 0.001 MgrokProjekt will be implemented in the territory of the municipality qualified to the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the elimination of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój for the years 20152018 with a view to 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution no XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the heating site of the Ministry of Health.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are subject to the permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the premises.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the municipality of KrynicaZdrój in KrynicaZdrój as of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are required to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the implementation of the project results from the provisions of the Low Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent project on the area of the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the project.The project will be implemented in the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality for the years 20152018 with the prospect of 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by Resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be able to implement a permanent project on the territory of the area that will be subject to (Greek)
29 November 2022
0 references
Syftet med projektet är att ersätta 50 värmepannor för fastbränsle med nya pannor för gasformiga bränslen. De installerade nya värmekällorna kommer att kännetecknas av de minimistandarder för energieffektivitet och utsläpp som gäller från slutet av 2020 och som fastställs i genomförandeåtgärderna till direktiv 2009125EG av den 21 oktober 2009. Utöver de uppgifter som rör utbyte av värmekällor planeras också genomförandet av de uppgifter som syftar till att öka miljömedvetenheten, särskilt när det gäller att spara naturresurser, minska låga utsläpp och förbättra energieffektiviteten.Ibruktagandet av projektet kommer att bidra till att minska koldioxidutsläppen med 61,76, PM10 till 99,96 och PM2,5 till 99,90. 819,53 ton CO2yearPM10-ekvivalenter: 2,994 MgrokPM2.5: 1.261 MgrokEfter projektet:CO2: 313,35 ton CO2rokPM10-ekvivalenter: 0,001 MgrokPM2.5: 0.001 MgrokProjekt will be implemented in the territory of the municipality qualified to the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the elimination of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój for the years 20152018 with a view to 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution no XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the heating site of the Ministry of Health.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are subject to the permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the premises.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the municipality of KrynicaZdrój in KrynicaZdrój as of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are required to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the implementation of the project results from the provisions of the Low Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent project on the area of the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the project.The project will be implemented in the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality for the years 20152018 with the prospect of 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by Resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be able to implement a permanent project on the territory of the area that will be subject to (Swedish)
29 November 2022
0 references
Het onderwerp van het project is de vervanging van 50 vaste brandstofketels door nieuwe ketels voor gasvormige brandstoffen. De geïnstalleerde nieuwe warmtebronnen zullen worden gekenmerkt door de minimumnormen voor energie-efficiëntie en -emissie die vanaf eind 2020 van toepassing zijn, die zijn vastgelegd in de uitvoeringsmaatregelen van Richtlijn 2009125EG van 21 oktober 2009. Naast de taken in verband met de uitwisseling van warmtebronnen, is ook de uitvoering van de taken die gericht zijn op het vergroten van het milieubewustzijn, met name op het gebied van het besparen van natuurlijke hulpbronnen, het verminderen van lage emissies en het verbeteren van de energie-efficiëntie gepland.De uitvoering van het project zal bijdragen tot de vermindering van CO2 met 61,76, PM10 met 99,96 en PM2,5 tegen 99.90. 819,53 ton CO2yearPM10 equivalent: 2,994 MgrokPM2.5: 1.261 MgrokNa het project: CO2: 313,35 ton CO2rokPM10 equivalent: 0.001 MgrokPM2.5: 0.001 MgrokProjekt will be implemented in the territory of the municipality qualified to the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the elimination of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój for the years 20152018 with a view to 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution no XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the heating site of the Ministry of Health.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are subject to the permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the premises.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the municipality of KrynicaZdrój in KrynicaZdrój as of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are required to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the implementation of the project results from the provisions of the Low Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent project on the area of the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the project.The project will be implemented in the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality for the years 20152018 with the prospect of 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by Resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be able to implement a permanent project on the territory of the area that will be subject to (Dutch)
29 November 2022
0 references
El tema del proyecto es la sustitución de 50 calderas de combustible sólido por nuevas calderas para combustibles gaseosos. Las nuevas fuentes de calor instaladas se caracterizarán por las normas mínimas de eficiencia energética y emisiones aplicables a finales de 2020, que se establecen en las medidas de aplicación de la Directiva 2009125CE, de 21 de octubre de 2009. Además de las tareas relacionadas con el intercambio de fuentes de calor, también está prevista la ejecución de las tareas destinadas a aumentar la sensibilización medioambiental, en particular en términos de ahorro de recursos naturales, reducción de bajas emisiones y mejora de la eficiencia energética.La ejecución del proyecto contribuirá a la reducción de CO2 en 61,76, PM10 por 99,96 y PM2,5 por 99.90. 819,53 toneladas equivalentes de CO2yearPM10: 2,994 MgrokPM2.5: 1.261 MgrokDespués del proyecto:CO2: 313,35 toneladas equivalentes de CO2rokPM10: 0.001 MgrokPM2.5: 0.001 MgrokProjekt will be implemented in the territory of the municipality qualified to the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the elimination of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój for the years 20152018 with a view to 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution no XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the heating site of the Ministry of Health.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are subject to the permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the premises.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the municipality of KrynicaZdrój in KrynicaZdrój as of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are required to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the implementation of the project results from the provisions of the Low Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent project on the area of the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the project.The project will be implemented in the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality for the years 20152018 with the prospect of 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by Resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be able to implement a permanent project on the territory of the area that will be subject to (Spanish)
29 November 2022
0 references
Projekta priekšmets ir 50 cietā kurināmā katlu aizstāšana ar jauniem gāzveida kurināmā katliem. Uzstādītajiem jaunajiem siltuma avotiem būs raksturīgi minimālie energoefektivitātes un emisiju standarti, kas piemērojami no 2020. gada beigām un ir noteikti 2009. gada 21. oktobra Direktīvas 2009125EK īstenošanas pasākumos. Papildus uzdevumiem, kas saistīti ar siltuma avotu apmaiņu, ir plānota arī tādu uzdevumu īstenošana, kuru mērķis ir palielināt informētību par vidi, jo īpaši dabas resursu taupīšana, zemu emisiju samazināšana un energoefektivitātes uzlabošana.Projekta īstenošana veicinās CO2 samazināšanu par 61,76, PM10 par 99,96 un PM2,5 par 99,90. 819,53 tonnas CO2gadaPM10 ekvivalenta: 2,994 MgrokPM2.5: 1.261 MgrokPēc projekta: CO2: 313,35 tonnas CO2rokPM10 ekvivalenta: 0.001 MgrokPM2.5: 0.001 MgrokProjekt will be implemented in the territory of the municipality qualified to the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the elimination of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój for the years 20152018 with a view to 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution no XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the heating site of the Ministry of Health.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are subject to the permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the premises.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the municipality of KrynicaZdrój in KrynicaZdrój as of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are required to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the implementation of the project results from the provisions of the Low Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent project on the area of the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the project.The project will be implemented in the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality for the years 20152018 with the prospect of 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by Resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be able to implement a permanent project on the territory of the area that will be subject to (Latvian)
29 November 2022
0 references
Predmet projekta je zamenjava 50 kotlov na trdno gorivo z novimi kotli za plinasta goriva. Za vgrajene nove vire toplote bodo značilni minimalni standardi energetske učinkovitosti in emisij, ki veljajo od konca leta 2020, ki so določeni v izvedbenih ukrepih Direktive 2009125ES z dne 21. oktobra 2009. Poleg nalog, povezanih z izmenjavo virov toplote, se načrtuje tudi izvajanje nalog, namenjenih ozaveščanju okolja, zlasti v smislu varčevanja z naravnimi viri, zmanjšanja nizkih emisij in izboljšanja energetske učinkovitosti.Izvajanje projekta bo prispevalo k zmanjšanju CO2 za 61,76, PM10 za 99,96 in PM2,5 za 99,90. 819,53 ton ekvivalenta CO2yearPM10: 2,994 MgrokPM2.5: 1.261 MgrokPo projektu:CO2: 313,35 ton ekvivalenta CO2rokPM10: 0,001 MgrokPM2.5: 0.001 MgrokProjekt will be implemented in the territory of the municipality qualified to the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the elimination of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój for the years 20152018 with a view to 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution no XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the heating site of the Ministry of Health.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are subject to the permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the premises.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the municipality of KrynicaZdrój in KrynicaZdrój as of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are required to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the implementation of the project results from the provisions of the Low Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent project on the area of the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the project.The project will be implemented in the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality for the years 20152018 with the prospect of 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by Resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be able to implement a permanent project on the territory of the area that will be subject to (Slovenian)
29 November 2022
0 references
Предмет на проекта е замяната на 50 котли на твърдо гориво с нови котли за газообразни горива. Инсталираните нови топлоизточници ще се характеризират с минималните стандарти за енергийна ефективност и емисии, приложими от края на 2020 г., които са определени в мерките за прилагане на Директива 2009125ЕО от 21 октомври 2009 г. Освен задачите, свързани с обмена на топлоизточници, е планирано и изпълнението на задачите, насочени към повишаване на осведомеността за околната среда, по-специално по отношение на спестяването на природни ресурси, намаляването на ниските емисии и подобряването на енергийната ефективност.Изпълнението на проекта ще допринесе за намаляване на CO2 с 61,76, PM10 с 99,96 и PM2,5 с 99,90. 819,53 тона еквивалент на CO2PM10: 2,994 MgrokPM2.5: 1.261 MgrokAfter проекта: CO2: 313,35 тона еквивалент на CO2rokPM10: 0.001 MgrokPM2.5: 0.001 MgrokProjekt will be implemented in the territory of the municipality qualified to the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the elimination of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój for the years 20152018 with a view to 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution no XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the heating site of the Ministry of Health.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are subject to the permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the premises.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the municipality of KrynicaZdrój in KrynicaZdrój as of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are required to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the implementation of the project results from the provisions of the Low Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent project on the area of the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the project.The project will be implemented in the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality for the years 20152018 with the prospect of 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by Resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be able to implement a permanent project on the territory of the area that will be subject to (Bulgarian)
29 November 2022
0 references
A projekt tárgya 50 szilárd tüzelésű kazán új gáz-halmazállapotú tüzelésű kazánokkal való helyettesítése. A telepített új hőforrásokat a 2020 végétől alkalmazandó energiahatékonysági és kibocsátási minimumkövetelmények jellemzik, amelyeket a 2009. október 21-i 2009125EK irányelv végrehajtási intézkedései határoznak meg. A hőforrások cseréjével kapcsolatos feladatok mellett a környezetvédelmi tudatosság növelését célzó feladatok végrehajtása is a tervek szerint történik, különösen a természeti erőforrások megtakarítása, az alacsony kibocsátás csökkentése és az energiahatékonyság javítása tekintetében. A projekt végrehajtása hozzájárul a szén-dioxid 61,76-os, a PM10 99,96-os és a PM2,5 99,90-es csökkentéséhez. 819,53 tonna CO2évPM10 egyenérték: 2,994 MgrokPM2.5: 1.261 MgrokA projekt után: CO2: 313,35 tonna CO2rokPM10 egyenérték: 0.001 MgrokPM2.5: 0.001 MgrokProjekt will be implemented in the territory of the municipality qualified to the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the elimination of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój for the years 20152018 with a view to 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution no XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the heating site of the Ministry of Health.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are subject to the permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the premises.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the municipality of KrynicaZdrój in KrynicaZdrój as of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are required to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the implementation of the project results from the provisions of the Low Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent project on the area of the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the project.The project will be implemented in the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality for the years 20152018 with the prospect of 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by Resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be able to implement a permanent project on the territory of the area that will be subject to (Hungarian)
29 November 2022
0 references
Gegenstand des Projekts ist der Austausch von 50 Festbrennstoffkesseln durch neue Kessel für gasförmige Brennstoffe. Die installierten neuen Wärmequellen werden durch die ab Ende 2020 geltenden Mindestnormen für Energieeffizienz und Emissionen gekennzeichnet sein, die in den Durchführungsmaßnahmen zur Richtlinie 2009125EG vom 21. Oktober 2009 festgelegt sind. Neben den Aufgaben im Zusammenhang mit dem Austausch von Wärmequellen ist auch die Umsetzung der Aufgaben vorgesehen, die darauf abzielen, das Umweltbewusstsein insbesondere in Bezug auf die Einsparung natürlicher Ressourcen, die Verringerung der Emissionen und die Verbesserung der Energieeffizienz zu schärfen.Die Durchführung des Projekts wird zur Verringerung von CO2 um 61.76, PM10 bis 99.96 und PM2,5 bis 99.90 beitragen. 819,53 Tonnen CO2yearPM10-Äquivalent: 2,994 MgrokPM2.5: 1.261 MgrokNach dem Projekt:CO2: 313,35 Tonnen CO2rokPM10-Äquivalent: 0.001 MgrokPM2.5: 0.001 MgrokProjekt will be implemented in the territory of the municipality qualified to the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the elimination of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój for the years 20152018 with a view to 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution no XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the heating site of the Ministry of Health.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are subject to the permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the premises.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the municipality of KrynicaZdrój in KrynicaZdrój as of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are required to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the implementation of the project results from the provisions of the Low Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent project on the area of the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the project.The project will be implemented in the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality for the years 20152018 with the prospect of 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by Resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be able to implement a permanent project on the territory of the area that will be subject to (German)
29 November 2022
0 references
Projektets emne er udskiftning af 50 kedler til fast brændsel med nye kedler til gasformigt brændsel. De installerede nye varmekilder vil være kendetegnet ved de minimumsstandarder for energieffektivitet og emissioner, der gælder fra udgangen af 2020, og som er fastsat i gennemførelsesforanstaltningerne til direktiv 2009125EF af 21. oktober 2009. Ud over de opgaver, der er forbundet med udveksling af varmekilder, er gennemførelsen af de opgaver, der har til formål at øge miljøbevidstheden, navnlig med hensyn til at spare naturressourcer, reducere lave emissioner og forbedre energieffektiviteten, også planlagt. Gennemførelsen af projektet vil bidrage til at reducere CO2 med 61,76, PM10 med 99,96 og PM2,5 med 99,90. 819,53 ton CO2yearPM10-ækvivalent: 2.994 MgrokPM2.5: 1.261 MgrokEfter projektet:CO2: 313,35 ton CO2rokPM10-ækvivalent: 0,001 MgrokPM2.5: 0.001 MgrokProjekt will be implemented in the territory of the municipality qualified to the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the elimination of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój for the years 20152018 with a view to 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution no XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the heating site of the Ministry of Health.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are subject to the permanent change of the area on the territory of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the health of the premises.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent change of the area on the territory of the municipality of KrynicaZdrój in KrynicaZdrój as of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who are required to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the implementation of the project results from the provisions of the Low Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality 20152018 with a perspective until 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter program for people who will be subject to a permanent project on the area of the health of the area covered by the health of the area covered by the project.The project will be implemented in the area where it is necessary to take corrective actions consisting of the removal of old low-efficiency heating devices in the current Air Quality Programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship.The need for the project is due to the provisions of the Low-Emission Economy Plan for KrynicaZdrój Municipality for the years 20152018 with the prospect of 2020, updated in October 2017 and adopted for implementation by Resolution No XLIII.311.2017 of the Municipal Council in KrynicaZdroj of 27 December 2017.The applicant does not plan to prepare a shelter programme for people who will be able to implement a permanent project on the territory of the area that will be subject to (Danish)
29 November 2022
0 references
WOJ.: MAŁOPOLSKIE, POW.: nowosądecki
0 references
13 December 2023
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0 references