Carpathian queues — a journey in the footsteps of Carpathian narrow-gauge railways (Q4298770)

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Project Q4298770 in Poland
Language Label Description Also known as
Carpathian queues — a journey in the footsteps of Carpathian narrow-gauge railways
Project Q4298770 in Poland


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    1,112,330.01 Euro
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    1,382,018.9 Euro
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    80.49 percent
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    1 May 2019
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    28 February 2021
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    49°12'40.43"N, 22°19'42.64"E
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    Projekt 3 partnerów: Fundacji Bieszczadzkiej Kolejki Leśnej, Gminy Zemplinke Hamry i Gminy Osadne polega na stworzeniu wspólnej oferty, produktu turystycznego w postaci trasy wycieczkowej prowadzącej od stacji kolejki wąskotorowej Majdan, przez Balnicę (podróż kolejką wąskotorową), do Osadnego wzdłuż trasy kolejki wąskotorowej Osadne-Udava (pieszo lub rowerem ) i dalej do Zemplinskich Hamrów (autokar) gdzie czeka atrakcja w postaci kolejki na kołach oferującej podróż po historycznej trasie kolejki wąskortorowej Snina -Vihorlat. W zakres projektu wchodzą następujące elementy: - budowa stalowej wiaty celem rozbudowy skansenu i ochrony historycznych eksponatów kolejki wąskotorowej w Majdanie wraz z konserwacją i zabezpieczeniem tych eksponatów, - zakup i udostępnienie turystom mobilnej aplikacji jako nowoczesnej formy udostępniania zabytku jakim jest Bieszczadzka Kolejka Leśna, - zakup i instalacja monitorów interaktywnych z informacjami dla turystów w Majdanie, - organizacja rajdów szkoleniowych w Polsce i na Słowacji dla przedstawicieli branży turystycznej z terenu objętego projektem, - odnowienie drogi po byłej trasie kolejki wąskotorowej Snina – Vihorlat, - budowa stacji i zakup drogowego pociągu kołowego w Zemplinskich Hamrach, - budowa Centrum informacji turystycznej w Osadnem, - zakup i udostępnienie turystom mobilnej aplikacji „Kolejka wąskotorowa Snina – Vihorlat”, - zakup i udostępnienie turystom mobilnej aplikacji „Kolejka wąskotorowa Osadne - Udava”. Trwałym rezultatem projektu poza infrastrukturą będą wspólny polsko-słowacki produkt turystyczny w postacie propozycji trasy wycieczkowej łączącej oferty trzech partnerów projektu. (Polish)
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    Project of 3 partners: The Bieszczady Forest Railway Foundation, Zemplinke Hamry and the Osadne Commune consists of creating a common offer, a tourist product in the form of a tour route leading from the Maidan narrow-gauge railway station, through Balnica (travel by narrow-gauge railway), to the Osadne-Udava narrow-gauge railway (by foot or by bike) and further to Zemplinski Hamrs (coach) where there is an attraction in the form of a queue on wheels offering a journey along the historical route of the Snina-Vihorlat narrow gauge railway. The scope of the project includes the following elements: — construction of a steel shed in order to expand the open-air museum and protect the historical exhibits of the narrow-gauge railway in Majdan, together with the maintenance and protection of these exhibits, — purchase and installation of interactive monitors with information for tourists in Maidan, — organisation of training rallies in Poland and Slovakia for representatives of the tourist industry from the area covered by the project, — renovation of the road along the former route of the tourist railway Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the Zemplin — tourist center — mobile construction of the tourist center, the access to the tourist resort Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the Zemplinskiy shopping centre, the tourist center, the access to the tourist resort Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the village of Zemplin, the tourist center of the tourist area, the access to the tourist railway Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the village of Zemplin, the tourist center of the tourist area, the access to the tourist resort Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the Zemplin-Halkalin touristic area, A permanent result of the project beyond the infrastructure will be a joint Polish-Slovak tourist product in the form of a proposal for a tour combining the offers of the three project partners. (English)
    21 June 2022
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    Projekt 3 partnerů: Nadace Bieszczady Forest Railway Foundation, Zemplinke Hamry a Osadne Komuna se skládá z vytvoření společné nabídky, turistického produktu ve formě turistické trasy vedoucí z úzkorozchodného nádraží Maidan přes Balnica (cestování úzkokolejnou železnicí), k úzkokolejné železnici Osadne-Udava (chodištěm pěšky nebo na kole) a dále k Zemplinski Hamrs (coach), kde je atrakce ve formě fronty na kolech nabízející cestu po historické trase Snina-Vihorlat úzkorozchodné železnice. Rozsah projektu zahrnuje tyto prvky: — construction of a steel shed in order to expand the open-air museum and protect the historical exhibits of the narrow-gauge railway in Majdan, together with the maintenance and protection of these exhibits, — purchase and installation of interactive monitors with information for tourists in Maidan, — organisation of training rallies in Poland and Slovakia for representatives of the tourist industry from the area covered by the project, — renovation of the road along the former route of the tourist railway Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the Zemplin shopping centre — mobile building in the tourist center, the access to the tourist area of Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the Zemplinskiy shopping centre, the tourist center, the access to the tourist resort Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the village of Zemplin, the tourist center of the tourist area, the access to the tourist railway Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the town of Zemplin, the tourist center, the tourist center, the access to the tourist resort Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the town of Zemplin, the tourist center of the touristic area, the access to the touristic railway Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of the railway station and the purchase of the road train in Zemplin, the tourist center and the tourist center, “Snina — Vihorlat”, — the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the area of the project, — the renovation of the road along the former route of the touristic railway Snina — Vihorlat, Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of the road train in Zemplinskiy, the tourist center, the tourist center, which is the purpose of the extension of the open-air museum and the protection of the historical objects of the narrow-gauge railway in Majdan, — the purchase and installation of interactive monitors with information for tourists in Majdan, — organisation of training rallies in Poland and Slovakia for representatives of the tourist industry from the area covered by the project, — renovation of the road along the former route of the Snina tourist railway, Vihorlat, — construction of a station and purchase of road trains in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and purchase of road trains in Zemplin — tourist center — mobile site, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of railway station and purchase of road train in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of railway station and purchase of road train in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, in order to expand the open Trvalým výsledkem projektu mimo infrastrukturu bude společný polsko-slovenský turistický produkt v podobě návrhu zájezdu, který kombinuje nabídky tří partnerů projektu. (Czech)
    4 November 2022
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    Проект от 3 партньора: Фондацията на горските железници Bieszczady, Zemplinke Hamry и Osadne Commune се състоят в създаването на обща оферта, туристически продукт под формата на туристически маршрут, водещ от гарата Майдан, през Балника (пътуване с теснолинейна железопътна линия), до тясната железопътна линия Osadne-Udava (на пешеходно разстояние или с велосипед) и след това до Zemplinski Hamrs (треньор), където има атракция под формата на опашка на колела, предлагаща пътуване по историческия маршрут на тясната железопътна линия Снина-Вихорлат. Обхватът на проекта включва следните елементи: — construction of a steel shed in order to expand the open-air museum and protect the historical exhibits of the narrow-gauge railway in Majdan, together with the maintenance and protection of these exhibits, — purchase and installation of interactive monitors with information for tourists in Maidan, — organisation of training rallies in Poland and Slovakia for representatives of the tourist industry from the area covered by the project, — renovation of the road along the former route of the tourist railway Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the Zemplin shopping centre — mobile building in the tourist center, the access to the tourist area of Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the Zemplinskiy shopping centre, the tourist center, the access to the tourist resort Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the village of Zemplin, the tourist center of the tourist area, the access to the tourist railway Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the town of Zemplin, the tourist center, the tourist center, the access to the tourist resort Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the town of Zemplin, the tourist center of the touristic area, the access to the touristic railway Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of the railway station and the purchase of the road train in Zemplin, the tourist center and the tourist center, “Snina — Vihorlat”, — the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the area of the project, — the renovation of the road along the former route of the touristic railway Snina — Vihorlat, Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of the road train in Zemplinskiy, the tourist center, the tourist center, which is the purpose of the extension of the open-air museum and the protection of the historical objects of the narrow-gauge railway in Majdan, — the purchase and installation of interactive monitors with information for tourists in Majdan, — organisation of training rallies in Poland and Slovakia for representatives of the tourist industry from the area covered by the project, — renovation of the road along the former route of the Snina tourist railway, Vihorlat, — construction of a station and purchase of road trains in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and purchase of road trains in Zemplin — tourist center — mobile site, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of railway station and purchase of road train in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of railway station and purchase of road train in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, in order to expand the open Постоянен резултат от проекта извън инфраструктурата ще бъде съвместен полско-словашки туристически продукт под формата на предложение за обиколка, съчетаваща предложенията на тримата партньори по проекта. (Bulgarian)
    4 November 2022
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    Projekt af 3 partnere: Bieszczady Forest Railway Foundation, Zemplinke Hamry og Osadne Kommune består i at skabe et fælles tilbud, et turistprodukt i form af en tur rute, der fører fra Maidan smalsporet jernbane, gennem Balnica (rejse med smalsporet jernbane), til Osadne-Udava smalsporet jernbane (til fods eller på cykel) og videre til Zemplinski Hamrs (coach), hvor der er en attraktion i form af en kø på hjul, der tilbyder en rejse langs den historiske rute af Snina-Vihorlat smalsporet jernbane. Projektets omfang omfatter følgende elementer: — construction of a steel shed in order to expand the open-air museum and protect the historical exhibits of the narrow-gauge railway in Majdan, together with the maintenance and protection of these exhibits, — purchase and installation of interactive monitors with information for tourists in Maidan, — organisation of training rallies in Poland and Slovakia for representatives of the tourist industry from the area covered by the project, — renovation of the road along the former route of the tourist railway Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the Zemplin shopping centre — mobile building in the tourist center, the access to the tourist area of Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the Zemplinskiy shopping centre, the tourist center, the access to the tourist resort Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the village of Zemplin, the tourist center of the tourist area, the access to the tourist railway Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the town of Zemplin, the tourist center, the tourist center, the access to the tourist resort Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the town of Zemplin, the tourist center of the touristic area, the access to the touristic railway Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of the railway station and the purchase of the road train in Zemplin, the tourist center and the tourist center, “Snina — Vihorlat”, — the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the area of the project, — the renovation of the road along the former route of the touristic railway Snina — Vihorlat, Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of the road train in Zemplinskiy, the tourist center, the tourist center, which is the purpose of the extension of the open-air museum and the protection of the historical objects of the narrow-gauge railway in Majdan, — the purchase and installation of interactive monitors with information for tourists in Majdan, — organisation of training rallies in Poland and Slovakia for representatives of the tourist industry from the area covered by the project, — renovation of the road along the former route of the Snina tourist railway, Vihorlat, — construction of a station and purchase of road trains in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and purchase of road trains in Zemplin — tourist center — mobile site, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of railway station and purchase of road train in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of railway station and purchase of road train in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, in order to expand the open Et permanent resultat af projektet ud over infrastrukturen vil være et fælles polsk-slovakisk turistprodukt i form af et forslag til en tur, der kombinerer tilbuddene fra de tre projektpartnere. (Danish)
    4 November 2022
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    Projekt von 3 Partnern: Die Stiftung Waldbahn Bieszczady, Zemplinke Hamry und die Gemeinde Osadne bestehen darin, ein gemeinsames Angebot zu schaffen, ein touristisches Produkt in Form einer Tourstrecke, die vom Maidan-Schmalspurbahnhof durch Balnica (Schmalspurbahn) führt, zur Schmalspurbahn Osadne-Udava (zu Fuß oder mit dem Fahrrad) und weiter nach Zemplinski Hamrs (Coach), wo es eine Attraktion in Form einer Schlange auf Rädern gibt, die eine Fahrt entlang der historischen Strecke der Schmalspurbahn Snina-Vihorlat bietet. Der Umfang des Projekts umfasst folgende Elemente: — construction of a steel shed in order to expand the open-air museum and protect the historical exhibits of the narrow-gauge railway in Majdan, together with the maintenance and protection of these exhibits, — purchase and installation of interactive monitors with information for tourists in Maidan, — organisation of training rallies in Poland and Slovakia for representatives of the tourist industry from the area covered by the project, — renovation of the road along the former route of the tourist railway Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the Zemplin shopping centre — mobile building in the tourist center, the access to the tourist area of Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the Zemplinskiy shopping centre, the tourist center, the access to the tourist resort Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the village of Zemplin, the tourist center of the tourist area, the access to the tourist railway Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the town of Zemplin, the tourist center, the tourist center, the access to the tourist resort Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the town of Zemplin, the tourist center of the touristic area, the access to the touristic railway Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of the railway station and the purchase of the road train in Zemplin, the tourist center and the tourist center, “Snina — Vihorlat”, — the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the area of the project, — the renovation of the road along the former route of the touristic railway Snina — Vihorlat, Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of the road train in Zemplinskiy, the tourist center, the tourist center, which is the purpose of the extension of the open-air museum and the protection of the historical objects of the narrow-gauge railway in Majdan, — the purchase and installation of interactive monitors with information for tourists in Majdan, — organisation of training rallies in Poland and Slovakia for representatives of the tourist industry from the area covered by the project, — renovation of the road along the former route of the Snina tourist railway, Vihorlat, — construction of a station and purchase of road trains in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and purchase of road trains in Zemplin — tourist center — mobile site, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of railway station and purchase of road train in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of railway station and purchase of road train in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, in order to expand the open Ein dauerhaftes Ergebnis des Projekts jenseits der Infrastruktur wird ein gemeinsames polnisch-slowakisches touristisches Produkt in Form eines Vorschlags für eine Tour sein, die die Angebote der drei Projektpartner kombiniert. (German)
    4 November 2022
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    Έργο 3 εταίρων: Το Ίδρυμα Δασικών Σιδηροδρόμων Bieszczady, το Zemplinke Hamry και η Κοινότητα Osadne συνίστανται στη δημιουργία μιας κοινής προσφοράς, ενός τουριστικού προϊόντος με τη μορφή διαδρομής περιοδείας που οδηγεί από το σιδηροδρομικό σταθμό στενού εύρους του Μαϊντάν, μέσω του Balnica (ταξίδι με σιδηρόδρομο στενού εύρους), προς τον στενό σιδηρόδρομο Osadne-Udava (με τα πόδια ή με ποδήλατο) και πέρα από το Zemplinski Hamrs (coach) όπου υπάρχει έλξη με τη μορφή ουράς σε τροχούς που προσφέρουν ένα ταξίδι κατά μήκος της ιστορικής διαδρομής του στενού εύρους σιδηροδρόμων Snina-Vihorlat. Το πεδίο εφαρμογής του έργου περιλαμβάνει τα ακόλουθα στοιχεία: — construction of a steel shed in order to expand the open-air museum and protect the historical exhibits of the narrow-gauge railway in Majdan, together with the maintenance and protection of these exhibits, — purchase and installation of interactive monitors with information for tourists in Maidan, — organisation of training rallies in Poland and Slovakia for representatives of the tourist industry from the area covered by the project, — renovation of the road along the former route of the tourist railway Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the Zemplin shopping centre — mobile building in the tourist center, the access to the tourist area of Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the Zemplinskiy shopping centre, the tourist center, the access to the tourist resort Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the village of Zemplin, the tourist center of the tourist area, the access to the tourist railway Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the town of Zemplin, the tourist center, the tourist center, the access to the tourist resort Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the town of Zemplin, the tourist center of the touristic area, the access to the touristic railway Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of the railway station and the purchase of the road train in Zemplin, the tourist center and the tourist center, “Snina — Vihorlat”, — the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the area of the project, — the renovation of the road along the former route of the touristic railway Snina — Vihorlat, Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of the road train in Zemplinskiy, the tourist center, the tourist center, which is the purpose of the extension of the open-air museum and the protection of the historical objects of the narrow-gauge railway in Majdan, — the purchase and installation of interactive monitors with information for tourists in Majdan, — organisation of training rallies in Poland and Slovakia for representatives of the tourist industry from the area covered by the project, — renovation of the road along the former route of the Snina tourist railway, Vihorlat, — construction of a station and purchase of road trains in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and purchase of road trains in Zemplin — tourist center — mobile site, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of railway station and purchase of road train in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of railway station and purchase of road train in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, in order to expand the open Ένα μόνιμο αποτέλεσμα του έργου πέρα από την υποδομή θα είναι ένα κοινό πολωνο-σλοβακικό τουριστικό προϊόν με τη μορφή πρότασης για ξενάγηση που θα συνδυάζει τις προσφορές των τριών εταίρων του έργου. (Greek)
    4 November 2022
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    Project van 3 partners: De Bieszczady Forest Railway Foundation, Zemplinke Hamry en de Osadne Commune bestaat uit het creëren van een gemeenschappelijk aanbod, een toeristisch product in de vorm van een toerroute die leidt van het Maidan smalspoorstation, door Balnica (reis door smalle spoorlijn), naar de smalspoorweg Osadne-Udava (te voet of met de fiets) en verder naar Zemplinski Hamrs (coach), waar er een attractie is in de vorm van een rij op wielen die een reis langs de historische route van de Snina-Vihorlat smalspoorbaan biedt. Het toepassingsgebied van het project omvat de volgende elementen: — construction of a steel shed in order to expand the open-air museum and protect the historical exhibits of the narrow-gauge railway in Majdan, together with the maintenance and protection of these exhibits, — purchase and installation of interactive monitors with information for tourists in Maidan, — organisation of training rallies in Poland and Slovakia for representatives of the tourist industry from the area covered by the project, — renovation of the road along the former route of the tourist railway Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the Zemplin shopping centre — mobile building in the tourist center, the access to the tourist area of Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the Zemplinskiy shopping centre, the tourist center, the access to the tourist resort Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the village of Zemplin, the tourist center of the tourist area, the access to the tourist railway Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the town of Zemplin, the tourist center, the tourist center, the access to the tourist resort Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the town of Zemplin, the tourist center of the touristic area, the access to the touristic railway Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of the railway station and the purchase of the road train in Zemplin, the tourist center and the tourist center, “Snina — Vihorlat”, — the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the area of the project, — the renovation of the road along the former route of the touristic railway Snina — Vihorlat, Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of the road train in Zemplinskiy, the tourist center, the tourist center, which is the purpose of the extension of the open-air museum and the protection of the historical objects of the narrow-gauge railway in Majdan, — the purchase and installation of interactive monitors with information for tourists in Majdan, — organisation of training rallies in Poland and Slovakia for representatives of the tourist industry from the area covered by the project, — renovation of the road along the former route of the Snina tourist railway, Vihorlat, — construction of a station and purchase of road trains in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and purchase of road trains in Zemplin — tourist center — mobile site, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of railway station and purchase of road train in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of railway station and purchase of road train in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, in order to expand the open Een permanent resultaat van het project buiten de infrastructuur zal een gezamenlijk Pools-Slowaaks toeristenproduct zijn in de vorm van een voorstel voor een tour waarbij de aanbiedingen van de drie projectpartners worden gecombineerd. (Dutch)
    4 November 2022
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    Kolmen kumppanin hanke: Bieszczady Forest Railway Foundation, Zemplinke Hamry ja Osadne Commune koostuvat yhteisestä tarjouksesta, matkailutuotteesta, joka kulkee Maidanin kapearata-rautatieasemalta Balnican kautta (kapearata), Osadne-Udavan kapearatarautatielle (jalan tai pyörän kautta) ja edelleen Zemplinski Hamrsille (valmentaja), jossa on vetovoimainen pyöräjono, joka tarjoaa matkan Snina-Vihorlatin kapean raideleveyden historiallista reittiä pitkin. Hankkeen laajuus sisältää seuraavat osatekijät: — construction of a steel shed in order to expand the open-air museum and protect the historical exhibits of the narrow-gauge railway in Majdan, together with the maintenance and protection of these exhibits, — purchase and installation of interactive monitors with information for tourists in Maidan, — organisation of training rallies in Poland and Slovakia for representatives of the tourist industry from the area covered by the project, — renovation of the road along the former route of the tourist railway Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the Zemplin shopping centre — mobile building in the tourist center, the access to the tourist area of Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the Zemplinskiy shopping centre, the tourist center, the access to the tourist resort Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the village of Zemplin, the tourist center of the tourist area, the access to the tourist railway Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the town of Zemplin, the tourist center, the tourist center, the access to the tourist resort Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the town of Zemplin, the tourist center of the touristic area, the access to the touristic railway Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of the railway station and the purchase of the road train in Zemplin, the tourist center and the tourist center, “Snina — Vihorlat”, — the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the area of the project, — the renovation of the road along the former route of the touristic railway Snina — Vihorlat, Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of the road train in Zemplinskiy, the tourist center, the tourist center, which is the purpose of the extension of the open-air museum and the protection of the historical objects of the narrow-gauge railway in Majdan, — the purchase and installation of interactive monitors with information for tourists in Majdan, — organisation of training rallies in Poland and Slovakia for representatives of the tourist industry from the area covered by the project, — renovation of the road along the former route of the Snina tourist railway, Vihorlat, — construction of a station and purchase of road trains in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and purchase of road trains in Zemplin — tourist center — mobile site, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of railway station and purchase of road train in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of railway station and purchase of road train in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, in order to expand the open Hankkeen pysyvä tulos infrastruktuurin ulkopuolella on Puolan ja Slovakian yhteinen matkailutuote, joka on ehdotus kolmen hankekumppanin tarjonnasta. (Finnish)
    4 November 2022
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    Projekt treh partnerjev: Fundacija Bieszczady Forest Railway Foundation, Zemplinke Hamry in občina Osadne je sestavljena iz ustvarjanja skupne ponudbe, turističnega proizvoda v obliki ture, ki vodi od železniške postaje Maidan z ozko ogrodjem, skozi Balnico (potovanje po ozkotirni železnici), do ozkotirne železnice Osadne-Udava (čez peš ali s kolesom) in naprej do Zemplinskega Hamrsa (coach), kjer je atrakcija v obliki čakalne vrste na kolesih, ki ponuja potovanje po zgodovinski poti železnice z ozko tirno širino Snina-Vihorlat. Obseg projekta vključuje naslednje elemente: — construction of a steel shed in order to expand the open-air museum and protect the historical exhibits of the narrow-gauge railway in Majdan, together with the maintenance and protection of these exhibits, — purchase and installation of interactive monitors with information for tourists in Maidan, — organisation of training rallies in Poland and Slovakia for representatives of the tourist industry from the area covered by the project, — renovation of the road along the former route of the tourist railway Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the Zemplin shopping centre — mobile building in the tourist center, the access to the tourist area of Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the Zemplinskiy shopping centre, the tourist center, the access to the tourist resort Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the village of Zemplin, the tourist center of the tourist area, the access to the tourist railway Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the town of Zemplin, the tourist center, the tourist center, the access to the tourist resort Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the town of Zemplin, the tourist center of the touristic area, the access to the touristic railway Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of the railway station and the purchase of the road train in Zemplin, the tourist center and the tourist center, “Snina — Vihorlat”, — the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the area of the project, — the renovation of the road along the former route of the touristic railway Snina — Vihorlat, Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of the road train in Zemplinskiy, the tourist center, the tourist center, which is the purpose of the extension of the open-air museum and the protection of the historical objects of the narrow-gauge railway in Majdan, — the purchase and installation of interactive monitors with information for tourists in Majdan, — organisation of training rallies in Poland and Slovakia for representatives of the tourist industry from the area covered by the project, — renovation of the road along the former route of the Snina tourist railway, Vihorlat, — construction of a station and purchase of road trains in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and purchase of road trains in Zemplin — tourist center — mobile site, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of railway station and purchase of road train in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of railway station and purchase of road train in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, in order to expand the open Stalni rezultat projekta izven infrastrukture bo skupni poljsko-slovaški turistični produkt v obliki predloga za turnejo, ki združuje ponudbe treh projektnih partnerjev. (Slovenian)
    4 November 2022
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    3 partnerių projektas: „Bieszczady Forest Railway Foundation“, „Zemplinke Hamry“ ir „Osadne Commune“ sudaro bendro pasiūlymo – turizmo produkto – kelionių maršruto, vedančio iš Maidano siaurojo geležinkelio stoties, per Balnicą (kelionė siauruoju geležinkeliu), iki Osadne-Udava siaurojo geležinkelio (pėsčiomis arba dviračiais) ir toliau Zemplinski Hamrs (treneris), kur yra traukinys ant ratų, siūlančių kelionę istoriniu maršrutu Snina-Vihorlat siauro vėžės geležinkelio. Projekto taikymo sritis apima šiuos elementus: — construction of a steel shed in order to expand the open-air museum and protect the historical exhibits of the narrow-gauge railway in Majdan, together with the maintenance and protection of these exhibits, — purchase and installation of interactive monitors with information for tourists in Maidan, — organisation of training rallies in Poland and Slovakia for representatives of the tourist industry from the area covered by the project, — renovation of the road along the former route of the tourist railway Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the Zemplin shopping centre — mobile building in the tourist center, the access to the tourist area of Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the Zemplinskiy shopping centre, the tourist center, the access to the tourist resort Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the village of Zemplin, the tourist center of the tourist area, the access to the tourist railway Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the town of Zemplin, the tourist center, the tourist center, the access to the tourist resort Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the town of Zemplin, the tourist center of the touristic area, the access to the touristic railway Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of the railway station and the purchase of the road train in Zemplin, the tourist center and the tourist center, “Snina — Vihorlat”, — the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the area of the project, — the renovation of the road along the former route of the touristic railway Snina — Vihorlat, Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of the road train in Zemplinskiy, the tourist center, the tourist center, which is the purpose of the extension of the open-air museum and the protection of the historical objects of the narrow-gauge railway in Majdan, — the purchase and installation of interactive monitors with information for tourists in Majdan, — organisation of training rallies in Poland and Slovakia for representatives of the tourist industry from the area covered by the project, — renovation of the road along the former route of the Snina tourist railway, Vihorlat, — construction of a station and purchase of road trains in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and purchase of road trains in Zemplin — tourist center — mobile site, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of railway station and purchase of road train in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of railway station and purchase of road train in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, in order to expand the open Nuolatinis projekto rezultatas už infrastruktūros ribų bus bendras Lenkijos ir Slovakijos turizmo produktas, t. y. pasiūlymas dėl kelionių, apimančių trijų projekto partnerių pasiūlymus. (Lithuanian)
    4 November 2022
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    Projekt bestående av tre partner: Bieszczady Forest Railway Foundation, Zemplinke Hamry och Osadne kommun består i att skapa ett gemensamt erbjudande, en turistprodukt i form av en turled som leder från järnvägsstationen Maidan smalspårig, genom Balnica (resa med smalspårig järnväg), till Osadne-Udava smalspårig järnväg (till fots eller med cykel) och vidare till Zemplinski Hamrs (coach) där det finns en attraktion i form av en kö på hjul som erbjuder en resa längs den historiska rutten Snina-Vihorlat smalspårig järnväg. Projektets omfattning omfattar följande delar: — construction of a steel shed in order to expand the open-air museum and protect the historical exhibits of the narrow-gauge railway in Majdan, together with the maintenance and protection of these exhibits, — purchase and installation of interactive monitors with information for tourists in Maidan, — organisation of training rallies in Poland and Slovakia for representatives of the tourist industry from the area covered by the project, — renovation of the road along the former route of the tourist railway Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the Zemplin shopping centre — mobile building in the tourist center, the access to the tourist area of Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the Zemplinskiy shopping centre, the tourist center, the access to the tourist resort Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the village of Zemplin, the tourist center of the tourist area, the access to the tourist railway Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the town of Zemplin, the tourist center, the tourist center, the access to the tourist resort Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the town of Zemplin, the tourist center of the touristic area, the access to the touristic railway Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of the railway station and the purchase of the road train in Zemplin, the tourist center and the tourist center, “Snina — Vihorlat”, — the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the area of the project, — the renovation of the road along the former route of the touristic railway Snina — Vihorlat, Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of the road train in Zemplinskiy, the tourist center, the tourist center, which is the purpose of the extension of the open-air museum and the protection of the historical objects of the narrow-gauge railway in Majdan, — the purchase and installation of interactive monitors with information for tourists in Majdan, — organisation of training rallies in Poland and Slovakia for representatives of the tourist industry from the area covered by the project, — renovation of the road along the former route of the Snina tourist railway, Vihorlat, — construction of a station and purchase of road trains in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and purchase of road trains in Zemplin — tourist center — mobile site, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of railway station and purchase of road train in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of railway station and purchase of road train in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, in order to expand the open Ett permanent resultat av projektet utöver infrastrukturen kommer att bli en gemensam polsk-slovakisk turistprodukt i form av ett förslag till en turné som kombinerar de tre projektpartnernas erbjudanden. (Swedish)
    4 November 2022
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    Proiect de 3 parteneri: Fundația feroviară forestieră Bieszczady, Zemplinke Hamry și comuna Osadne constă în crearea unei oferte comune, un produs turistic sub forma unui traseu turistic care duce de la gara cu ecartament îngust Maidan, prin Balnica (călătorie pe calea ferată cu ecartament îngust), până la calea ferată îngustă Osadne-Udava (pe jos sau cu bicicleta) și mai departe spre Zemplinski Hamrs (coach), unde există o atracție sub forma unei cozi pe roți care oferă o călătorie de-a lungul traseului istoric al căii ferate cu ecartament îngust Snina-Vihorlat. Domeniul de aplicare al proiectului include următoarele elemente: — construction of a steel shed in order to expand the open-air museum and protect the historical exhibits of the narrow-gauge railway in Majdan, together with the maintenance and protection of these exhibits, — purchase and installation of interactive monitors with information for tourists in Maidan, — organisation of training rallies in Poland and Slovakia for representatives of the tourist industry from the area covered by the project, — renovation of the road along the former route of the tourist railway Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the Zemplin shopping centre — mobile building in the tourist center, the access to the tourist area of Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the Zemplinskiy shopping centre, the tourist center, the access to the tourist resort Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the village of Zemplin, the tourist center of the tourist area, the access to the tourist railway Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the town of Zemplin, the tourist center, the tourist center, the access to the tourist resort Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the town of Zemplin, the tourist center of the touristic area, the access to the touristic railway Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of the railway station and the purchase of the road train in Zemplin, the tourist center and the tourist center, “Snina — Vihorlat”, — the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the area of the project, — the renovation of the road along the former route of the touristic railway Snina — Vihorlat, Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of the road train in Zemplinskiy, the tourist center, the tourist center, which is the purpose of the extension of the open-air museum and the protection of the historical objects of the narrow-gauge railway in Majdan, — the purchase and installation of interactive monitors with information for tourists in Majdan, — organisation of training rallies in Poland and Slovakia for representatives of the tourist industry from the area covered by the project, — renovation of the road along the former route of the Snina tourist railway, Vihorlat, — construction of a station and purchase of road trains in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and purchase of road trains in Zemplin — tourist center — mobile site, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of railway station and purchase of road train in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of railway station and purchase of road train in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, in order to expand the open Un rezultat permanent al proiectului dincolo de infrastructură va fi un produs turistic comun polono-slovac sub forma unei propuneri pentru un tur care să combine ofertele celor trei parteneri de proiect. (Romanian)
    4 November 2022
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    Progetto di 3 partner: La Fondazione Ferroviaria Forestale Bieszczady, Zemplinke Hamry e il Comune di Osadne consiste nel creare un'offerta comune, un prodotto turistico sotto forma di un percorso turistico che conduce dalla stazione ferroviaria a scartamento stretto di Maidan, passando per Balnica (via ferroviaria a scartamento stretto), fino alla ferrovia a scartamento stretto Osadne-Udava (a piedi o in bicicletta) e fino a Zemplinski Hamrs (coach) dove c'è un'attrazione sotto forma di una coda su ruote che offre un viaggio lungo il percorso storico della ferrovia a scartamento stretto Snina-Vihorlat. L'ambito del progetto comprende i seguenti elementi: — construction of a steel shed in order to expand the open-air museum and protect the historical exhibits of the narrow-gauge railway in Majdan, together with the maintenance and protection of these exhibits, — purchase and installation of interactive monitors with information for tourists in Maidan, — organisation of training rallies in Poland and Slovakia for representatives of the tourist industry from the area covered by the project, — renovation of the road along the former route of the tourist railway Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the Zemplin shopping centre — mobile building in the tourist center, the access to the tourist area of Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the Zemplinskiy shopping centre, the tourist center, the access to the tourist resort Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the village of Zemplin, the tourist center of the tourist area, the access to the tourist railway Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the town of Zemplin, the tourist center, the tourist center, the access to the tourist resort Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the town of Zemplin, the tourist center of the touristic area, the access to the touristic railway Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of the railway station and the purchase of the road train in Zemplin, the tourist center and the tourist center, “Snina — Vihorlat”, — the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the area of the project, — the renovation of the road along the former route of the touristic railway Snina — Vihorlat, Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of the road train in Zemplinskiy, the tourist center, the tourist center, which is the purpose of the extension of the open-air museum and the protection of the historical objects of the narrow-gauge railway in Majdan, — the purchase and installation of interactive monitors with information for tourists in Majdan, — organisation of training rallies in Poland and Slovakia for representatives of the tourist industry from the area covered by the project, — renovation of the road along the former route of the Snina tourist railway, Vihorlat, — construction of a station and purchase of road trains in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and purchase of road trains in Zemplin — tourist center — mobile site, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of railway station and purchase of road train in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of railway station and purchase of road train in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, in order to expand the open Un risultato permanente del progetto oltre l'infrastruttura sarà un prodotto turistico congiunto polacco-slovacco sotto forma di una proposta per un tour che combina le offerte dei tre partner del progetto. (Italian)
    4 November 2022
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    Projekt 3 partnerov: Nadácia lesnej železnice Bieszczady, Zemplinke Hamry a komúna Osadne pozostáva z vytvorenia spoločnej ponuky, turistického produktu vo forme turistickej trasy vedúcej z úzkorozchodnej železničnej stanice Maidan, cez Balnicu (cesta úzkorozchodnou železničnou železnicou), do úzkorozchodovej železnice Osadne-Udava (peši alebo bicyklom) a ďalej do Zemplinski Hamrs (coach), kde je atrakcia vo forme fronty na kolesách, ktorá ponúka cestu po historickej trase úzkorozchodovej železničnej trate Snina-Vihorlat. Rozsah projektu zahŕňa tieto prvky: — construction of a steel shed in order to expand the open-air museum and protect the historical exhibits of the narrow-gauge railway in Majdan, together with the maintenance and protection of these exhibits, — purchase and installation of interactive monitors with information for tourists in Maidan, — organisation of training rallies in Poland and Slovakia for representatives of the tourist industry from the area covered by the project, — renovation of the road along the former route of the tourist railway Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the Zemplin shopping centre — mobile building in the tourist center, the access to the tourist area of Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the Zemplinskiy shopping centre, the tourist center, the access to the tourist resort Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the village of Zemplin, the tourist center of the tourist area, the access to the tourist railway Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the town of Zemplin, the tourist center, the tourist center, the access to the tourist resort Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the town of Zemplin, the tourist center of the touristic area, the access to the touristic railway Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of the railway station and the purchase of the road train in Zemplin, the tourist center and the tourist center, “Snina — Vihorlat”, — the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the area of the project, — the renovation of the road along the former route of the touristic railway Snina — Vihorlat, Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of the road train in Zemplinskiy, the tourist center, the tourist center, which is the purpose of the extension of the open-air museum and the protection of the historical objects of the narrow-gauge railway in Majdan, — the purchase and installation of interactive monitors with information for tourists in Majdan, — organisation of training rallies in Poland and Slovakia for representatives of the tourist industry from the area covered by the project, — renovation of the road along the former route of the Snina tourist railway, Vihorlat, — construction of a station and purchase of road trains in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and purchase of road trains in Zemplin — tourist center — mobile site, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of railway station and purchase of road train in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of railway station and purchase of road train in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, in order to expand the open Trvalým výsledkom projektu mimo infraštruktúry bude spoločný poľsko-slovenský turistický produkt vo forme návrhu na prehliadku kombinujúci ponuky troch projektových partnerov. (Slovak)
    4 November 2022
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    3 partner projektje: A Bieszczady Erdei Vasút Alapítvány, a Zemplinke Hamry és az Osadne Commune közös ajánlatot, turisztikai terméket hoz létre a Maidan keskeny nyomtávú vasútállomástól Balnicán keresztül (szűkvasúttal), az Osadne-Udava keskeny nyomtávú vasútvonalig (gyalogos vagy kerékpáros) és Zemplinski Hamrsig (coach), ahol a Snina-Vihorlat keskeny nyomtávú vasútvonalon való utazást kínáló kerekek sorai formájában vonzódnak. A projekt hatóköre a következő elemeket foglalja magában: — construction of a steel shed in order to expand the open-air museum and protect the historical exhibits of the narrow-gauge railway in Majdan, together with the maintenance and protection of these exhibits, — purchase and installation of interactive monitors with information for tourists in Maidan, — organisation of training rallies in Poland and Slovakia for representatives of the tourist industry from the area covered by the project, — renovation of the road along the former route of the tourist railway Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the Zemplin shopping centre — mobile building in the tourist center, the access to the tourist area of Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the Zemplinskiy shopping centre, the tourist center, the access to the tourist resort Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the village of Zemplin, the tourist center of the tourist area, the access to the tourist railway Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the town of Zemplin, the tourist center, the tourist center, the access to the tourist resort Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the town of Zemplin, the tourist center of the touristic area, the access to the touristic railway Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of the railway station and the purchase of the road train in Zemplin, the tourist center and the tourist center, “Snina — Vihorlat”, — the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the area of the project, — the renovation of the road along the former route of the touristic railway Snina — Vihorlat, Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of the road train in Zemplinskiy, the tourist center, the tourist center, which is the purpose of the extension of the open-air museum and the protection of the historical objects of the narrow-gauge railway in Majdan, — the purchase and installation of interactive monitors with information for tourists in Majdan, — organisation of training rallies in Poland and Slovakia for representatives of the tourist industry from the area covered by the project, — renovation of the road along the former route of the Snina tourist railway, Vihorlat, — construction of a station and purchase of road trains in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and purchase of road trains in Zemplin — tourist center — mobile site, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of railway station and purchase of road train in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of railway station and purchase of road train in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, in order to expand the open A projektnek az infrastruktúrán túli állandó eredménye egy közös lengyel-szlovák turisztikai termék lesz, amely a három projektpartner ajánlatait ötvöző túrára tesz javaslatot. (Hungarian)
    4 November 2022
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    3 partneru projekts: Bieszczady Meža dzelzceļa fonds, Zemplinke Hamry un Osadne komūna veido kopīgu piedāvājumu, tūrisma produktu tūrisma maršruta veidā, kas ved no Maidanas šaursliežu dzelzceļa stacijas caur Balnicu (ceļojums pa šaursliežu dzelzceļu), uz Osadne-Udava šaursliežu dzelzceļu (ar kājām vai ar velosipēdu) un tālāk uz Zemplinski Hamrs (treneris), kur ir atrakcija rindas veidā uz riteņiem, piedāvājot braucienu pa Snina-Vihorlat šaursliežu dzelzceļa vēsturisko maršrutu. Projekta darbības joma ietver šādus elementus: — construction of a steel shed in order to expand the open-air museum and protect the historical exhibits of the narrow-gauge railway in Majdan, together with the maintenance and protection of these exhibits, — purchase and installation of interactive monitors with information for tourists in Maidan, — organisation of training rallies in Poland and Slovakia for representatives of the tourist industry from the area covered by the project, — renovation of the road along the former route of the tourist railway Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the Zemplin shopping centre — mobile building in the tourist center, the access to the tourist area of Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the Zemplinskiy shopping centre, the tourist center, the access to the tourist resort Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the village of Zemplin, the tourist center of the tourist area, the access to the tourist railway Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the town of Zemplin, the tourist center, the tourist center, the access to the tourist resort Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the town of Zemplin, the tourist center of the touristic area, the access to the touristic railway Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of the railway station and the purchase of the road train in Zemplin, the tourist center and the tourist center, “Snina — Vihorlat”, — the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the area of the project, — the renovation of the road along the former route of the touristic railway Snina — Vihorlat, Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of the road train in Zemplinskiy, the tourist center, the tourist center, which is the purpose of the extension of the open-air museum and the protection of the historical objects of the narrow-gauge railway in Majdan, — the purchase and installation of interactive monitors with information for tourists in Majdan, — organisation of training rallies in Poland and Slovakia for representatives of the tourist industry from the area covered by the project, — renovation of the road along the former route of the Snina tourist railway, Vihorlat, — construction of a station and purchase of road trains in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and purchase of road trains in Zemplin — tourist center — mobile site, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of railway station and purchase of road train in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of railway station and purchase of road train in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, in order to expand the open Projekta pastāvīgais rezultāts ārpus infrastruktūras būs kopīgs Polijas un Slovākijas tūrisma produkts, kas būs ceļojuma priekšlikums, kurā apvienoti trīs projekta partneru piedāvājumi. (Latvian)
    4 November 2022
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    Projekt 3 partnera: Zaklada za šumske željeznice Bieszczady, Zemplinke Hamry i Osadne Commune sastoji se od stvaranja zajedničke ponude, turističkog proizvoda u obliku ture koja vodi od željezničkog kolodvora Maidan, preko Balnice (putovanje uskom željeznicom), do željezničke pruge Osadne-Udava (pješačkom ili biciklom) i dalje do Zemplinskog Hamrsa (trener) gdje postoji atrakcija u obliku čekanja na kotačima koji nude putovanje povijesnom trasom uskog kolosijeka Snina-Vihorlat. Područje primjene projekta uključuje sljedeće elemente: — construction of a steel shed in order to expand the open-air museum and protect the historical exhibits of the narrow-gauge railway in Majdan, together with the maintenance and protection of these exhibits, — purchase and installation of interactive monitors with information for tourists in Maidan, — organisation of training rallies in Poland and Slovakia for representatives of the tourist industry from the area covered by the project, — renovation of the road along the former route of the tourist railway Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the Zemplin shopping centre — mobile building in the tourist center, the access to the tourist area of Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the Zemplinskiy shopping centre, the tourist center, the access to the tourist resort Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the village of Zemplin, the tourist center of the tourist area, the access to the tourist railway Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the town of Zemplin, the tourist center, the tourist center, the access to the tourist resort Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the town of Zemplin, the tourist center of the touristic area, the access to the touristic railway Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of the railway station and the purchase of the road train in Zemplin, the tourist center and the tourist center, “Snina — Vihorlat”, — the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the area of the project, — the renovation of the road along the former route of the touristic railway Snina — Vihorlat, Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of the road train in Zemplinskiy, the tourist center, the tourist center, which is the purpose of the extension of the open-air museum and the protection of the historical objects of the narrow-gauge railway in Majdan, — the purchase and installation of interactive monitors with information for tourists in Majdan, — organisation of training rallies in Poland and Slovakia for representatives of the tourist industry from the area covered by the project, — renovation of the road along the former route of the Snina tourist railway, Vihorlat, — construction of a station and purchase of road trains in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and purchase of road trains in Zemplin — tourist center — mobile site, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of railway station and purchase of road train in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of railway station and purchase of road train in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, in order to expand the open Trajni rezultat projekta izvan infrastrukture bit će zajednički poljsko-slovački turistički proizvod u obliku prijedloga za turu kombinirajući ponude triju projektnih partnera. (Croatian)
    4 November 2022
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    Proyecto de 3 socios: La Fundación Ferroviaria Forestal de Bieszczady, Zemplinke Hamry y Osadne Commune consiste en crear una oferta común, un producto turístico en forma de ruta turística que conduce desde la estación de tren de vía estrecha Maidan, pasando por Balnica (viaje por ferrocarril de vía estrecha), hasta el tren de vía estrecha Osadne-Udava (a pie o en bicicleta) y más allá de Zemplinski Hamrs (coach) donde hay una atracción en forma de cola sobre ruedas que ofrece un viaje a lo largo de la ruta histórica del ferrocarril de ancho estrecho Snina-Vihorlat. El alcance del proyecto incluye los siguientes elementos: — construction of a steel shed in order to expand the open-air museum and protect the historical exhibits of the narrow-gauge railway in Majdan, together with the maintenance and protection of these exhibits, — purchase and installation of interactive monitors with information for tourists in Maidan, — organisation of training rallies in Poland and Slovakia for representatives of the tourist industry from the area covered by the project, — renovation of the road along the former route of the tourist railway Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the Zemplin shopping centre — mobile building in the tourist center, the access to the tourist area of Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the Zemplinskiy shopping centre, the tourist center, the access to the tourist resort Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the village of Zemplin, the tourist center of the tourist area, the access to the tourist railway Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the town of Zemplin, the tourist center, the tourist center, the access to the tourist resort Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the town of Zemplin, the tourist center of the touristic area, the access to the touristic railway Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of the railway station and the purchase of the road train in Zemplin, the tourist center and the tourist center, “Snina — Vihorlat”, — the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the area of the project, — the renovation of the road along the former route of the touristic railway Snina — Vihorlat, Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of the road train in Zemplinskiy, the tourist center, the tourist center, which is the purpose of the extension of the open-air museum and the protection of the historical objects of the narrow-gauge railway in Majdan, — the purchase and installation of interactive monitors with information for tourists in Majdan, — organisation of training rallies in Poland and Slovakia for representatives of the tourist industry from the area covered by the project, — renovation of the road along the former route of the Snina tourist railway, Vihorlat, — construction of a station and purchase of road trains in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and purchase of road trains in Zemplin — tourist center — mobile site, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of railway station and purchase of road train in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of railway station and purchase of road train in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, in order to expand the open Un resultado permanente del proyecto más allá de la infraestructura será un producto turístico polaco-eslovaco conjunto en forma de una propuesta para un recorrido que combine las ofertas de los tres socios del proyecto. (Spanish)
    4 November 2022
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    Projeto de 3 parceiros: A Bieszczady Forest Railway Foundation, Zemplinke Hamry e a Comuna Osadne consistem em criar uma oferta comum, um produto turístico na forma de uma rota turística que conduz da estação ferroviária de calibre estreito Maidan, passando por Balnica (via férrea de bitola estreita), até à ferrovia de Osadne-Udava (a pé ou de bicicleta) e ainda até Zemplinski Hamrs (coach), onde há uma atração sob a forma de uma bicha de rodas que oferece uma viagem ao longo da rota histórica da ferrovia de bitola estreita de Snina-Vihorlat. O âmbito do projeto inclui os seguintes elementos: — construction of a steel shed in order to expand the open-air museum and protect the historical exhibits of the narrow-gauge railway in Majdan, together with the maintenance and protection of these exhibits, — purchase and installation of interactive monitors with information for tourists in Maidan, — organisation of training rallies in Poland and Slovakia for representatives of the tourist industry from the area covered by the project, — renovation of the road along the former route of the tourist railway Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the Zemplin shopping centre — mobile building in the tourist center, the access to the tourist area of Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the Zemplinskiy shopping centre, the tourist center, the access to the tourist resort Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the village of Zemplin, the tourist center of the tourist area, the access to the tourist railway Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the town of Zemplin, the tourist center, the tourist center, the access to the tourist resort Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the town of Zemplin, the tourist center of the touristic area, the access to the touristic railway Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of the railway station and the purchase of the road train in Zemplin, the tourist center and the tourist center, “Snina — Vihorlat”, — the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the area of the project, — the renovation of the road along the former route of the touristic railway Snina — Vihorlat, Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of the road train in Zemplinskiy, the tourist center, the tourist center, which is the purpose of the extension of the open-air museum and the protection of the historical objects of the narrow-gauge railway in Majdan, — the purchase and installation of interactive monitors with information for tourists in Majdan, — organisation of training rallies in Poland and Slovakia for representatives of the tourist industry from the area covered by the project, — renovation of the road along the former route of the Snina tourist railway, Vihorlat, — construction of a station and purchase of road trains in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and purchase of road trains in Zemplin — tourist center — mobile site, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of railway station and purchase of road train in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of railway station and purchase of road train in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, in order to expand the open Um resultado permanente do projeto para além da infraestrutura será um produto turístico conjunto polaco-eslovaco sob a forma de uma proposta de viagem que combine as ofertas dos três parceiros do projeto. (Portuguese)
    4 November 2022
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    Proġett ta’ 3 sħab: Il-Fondazzjoni Ferrovjarja Forestali Bieszczady, Zemplinke Hamry u l-Komun ta’ Osadne tikkonsisti fil-ħolqien ta’ offerta komuni, prodott turistiku fil-forma ta’ rotta turistika li twassal mill-istazzjon ferrovjarju ta’ Maidan b’gauge dejqa, permezz ta’ Balnica (vjaġġ bil-ferrovija b’gauge dejqa), sal-linja ferrovjarja ta’ Osadne-Udava narrow-gauge (bil-mixi jew bir-rota) u lil hinn minn Zemplinski Hamrs (coach) fejn hemm attrazzjoni fil-forma ta’ kju fuq ir-roti li joffri vjaġġ tul ir-rotta storika tal-gejġ dejjaq Sni-Vihorlat. Il-kamp ta’ applikazzjoni tal-proġett jinkludi l-elementi li ġejjin: — construction of a steel shed in order to expand the open-air museum and protect the historical exhibits of the narrow-gauge railway in Majdan, together with the maintenance and protection of these exhibits, — purchase and installation of interactive monitors with information for tourists in Maidan, — organisation of training rallies in Poland and Slovakia for representatives of the tourist industry from the area covered by the project, — renovation of the road along the former route of the tourist railway Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the Zemplin shopping centre — mobile building in the tourist center, the access to the tourist area of Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the Zemplinskiy shopping centre, the tourist center, the access to the tourist resort Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the village of Zemplin, the tourist center of the tourist area, the access to the tourist railway Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the town of Zemplin, the tourist center, the tourist center, the access to the tourist resort Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the town of Zemplin, the tourist center of the touristic area, the access to the touristic railway Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of the railway station and the purchase of the road train in Zemplin, the tourist center and the tourist center, “Snina — Vihorlat”, — the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the area of the project, — the renovation of the road along the former route of the touristic railway Snina — Vihorlat, Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of the road train in Zemplinskiy, the tourist center, the tourist center, which is the purpose of the extension of the open-air museum and the protection of the historical objects of the narrow-gauge railway in Majdan, — the purchase and installation of interactive monitors with information for tourists in Majdan, — organisation of training rallies in Poland and Slovakia for representatives of the tourist industry from the area covered by the project, — renovation of the road along the former route of the Snina tourist railway, Vihorlat, — construction of a station and purchase of road trains in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and purchase of road trains in Zemplin — tourist center — mobile site, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of railway station and purchase of road train in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of railway station and purchase of road train in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, in order to expand the open Riżultat permanenti tal-proġett lil hinn mill-infrastruttura se jkun prodott turistiku konġunt Pollakk-Slovakk fil-forma ta’ proposta għal żjara li tgħaqqad l-offerti tat-tliet sħab tal-proġett. (Maltese)
    4 November 2022
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    Projet de 3 partenaires: La Fondation des chemins de fer forestiers de Bieszczady, Zemplinke Hamry et la commune d’Osadne consistent à créer une offre commune, un produit touristique sous la forme d’un itinéraire touristique menant de la gare ferroviaire étroite de Maidan, en passant par Balnica (voyage en voie ferrée étroite), jusqu’à la voie ferrée Osadne-Udava (à pied ou à vélo) et plus loin jusqu’à Zemplinski Hamrs (coach) où il y a une attraction sous la forme d’une file d’attente sur roues offrant un voyage le long de la route historique du chemin de fer étroit Snina-Vihorlat. La portée du projet comprend les éléments suivants: — construction of a steel shed in order to expand the open-air museum and protect the historical exhibits of the narrow-gauge railway in Majdan, together with the maintenance and protection of these exhibits, — purchase and installation of interactive monitors with information for tourists in Maidan, — organisation of training rallies in Poland and Slovakia for representatives of the tourist industry from the area covered by the project, — renovation of the road along the former route of the tourist railway Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the Zemplin shopping centre — mobile building in the tourist center, the access to the tourist area of Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the Zemplinskiy shopping centre, the tourist center, the access to the tourist resort Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the village of Zemplin, the tourist center of the tourist area, the access to the tourist railway Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the town of Zemplin, the tourist center, the tourist center, the access to the tourist resort Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the town of Zemplin, the tourist center of the touristic area, the access to the touristic railway Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of the railway station and the purchase of the road train in Zemplin, the tourist center and the tourist center, “Snina — Vihorlat”, — the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the area of the project, — the renovation of the road along the former route of the touristic railway Snina — Vihorlat, Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of the road train in Zemplinskiy, the tourist center, the tourist center, which is the purpose of the extension of the open-air museum and the protection of the historical objects of the narrow-gauge railway in Majdan, — the purchase and installation of interactive monitors with information for tourists in Majdan, — organisation of training rallies in Poland and Slovakia for representatives of the tourist industry from the area covered by the project, — renovation of the road along the former route of the Snina tourist railway, Vihorlat, — construction of a station and purchase of road trains in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and purchase of road trains in Zemplin — tourist center — mobile site, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of railway station and purchase of road train in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of railway station and purchase of road train in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, in order to expand the open Un résultat permanent du projet au-delà de l’infrastructure sera un produit touristique commun polonais-slovaque sous la forme d’une proposition de visite combinant les offres des trois partenaires du projet. (French)
    4 November 2022
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    Kolme partneri projekt: Bieszczady Forest Railway Foundation, Zemplinke Hamry ja Osadne vald koosneb ühispakkumisest, turismitootest reisimarsruudi kujul, mis kulgeb Maidani kitsarööpmelise raudteejaama kaudu läbi Balnica (reisimine kitsarööpmelise raudteega), Osadne-Udava kitsarööpmelise raudtee (jalgrattaga) ja edasi Zemplinski Hamrs’i (vagun) juurde, kus on atraktsioon ratastega järjekorra kujul, mis pakub teekonda Snina-Vihorlat kitsarööpmelise raudtee ajaloolisel marsruudil. Projekti ulatus hõlmab järgmisi elemente: — construction of a steel shed in order to expand the open-air museum and protect the historical exhibits of the narrow-gauge railway in Majdan, together with the maintenance and protection of these exhibits, — purchase and installation of interactive monitors with information for tourists in Maidan, — organisation of training rallies in Poland and Slovakia for representatives of the tourist industry from the area covered by the project, — renovation of the road along the former route of the tourist railway Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the Zemplin shopping centre — mobile building in the tourist center, the access to the tourist area of Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the Zemplinskiy shopping centre, the tourist center, the access to the tourist resort Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the village of Zemplin, the tourist center of the tourist area, the access to the tourist railway Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the town of Zemplin, the tourist center, the tourist center, the access to the tourist resort Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the town of Zemplin, the tourist center of the touristic area, the access to the touristic railway Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of the railway station and the purchase of the road train in Zemplin, the tourist center and the tourist center, “Snina — Vihorlat”, — the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the area of the project, — the renovation of the road along the former route of the touristic railway Snina — Vihorlat, Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of the road train in Zemplinskiy, the tourist center, the tourist center, which is the purpose of the extension of the open-air museum and the protection of the historical objects of the narrow-gauge railway in Majdan, — the purchase and installation of interactive monitors with information for tourists in Majdan, — organisation of training rallies in Poland and Slovakia for representatives of the tourist industry from the area covered by the project, — renovation of the road along the former route of the Snina tourist railway, Vihorlat, — construction of a station and purchase of road trains in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and purchase of road trains in Zemplin — tourist center — mobile site, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of railway station and purchase of road train in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of railway station and purchase of road train in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, in order to expand the open Taristust kaugemale ulatuva projekti püsiv tulemus on Poola-Slovakkia ühine turismitoode, mis on esitatud reisiettepanekuna, milles on ühendatud kolme projektipartneri pakkumised. (Estonian)
    4 November 2022
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    Tionscadal 3 chomhpháirtí: Is éard atá i Fondúireacht Iarnróid Foraoise Bieszczady, Zemplinke Hamry agus an Commune Osadne ná tairiscint choiteann a chruthú, táirge turasóireachta i bhfoirm bealach turais ó stáisiún iarnróid Maidan caol-leithead, trí Balnica (taisteal ar iarnród caol-torainn), go dtí iarnród caol-leithead Osadne-Udava (de shiúl na gcos nó ar rothar) agus níos faide go Zemplinski Hamrs (coach) áit a bhfuil mealltacht i bhfoirm scuaine ar rothaí ag tairiscint turas feadh bhealach stairiúil an iarnróid leithead caol Snina-Vihorlat. Áirítear na heilimintí seo a leanas i raon feidhme an tionscadail: — construction of a steel shed in order to expand the open-air museum and protect the historical exhibits of the narrow-gauge railway in Majdan, together with the maintenance and protection of these exhibits, — purchase and installation of interactive monitors with information for tourists in Maidan, — organisation of training rallies in Poland and Slovakia for representatives of the tourist industry from the area covered by the project, — renovation of the road along the former route of the tourist railway Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the Zemplin shopping centre — mobile building in the tourist center, the access to the tourist area of Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the Zemplinskiy shopping centre, the tourist center, the access to the tourist resort Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a station and the purchase of a road train in the village of Zemplin, the tourist center of the tourist area, the access to the tourist railway Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the town of Zemplin, the tourist center, the tourist center, the access to the tourist resort Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the town of Zemplin, the tourist center of the touristic area, the access to the touristic railway Snina — Vihorlat, the construction of the railway station and the purchase of the road train in Zemplin, the tourist center and the tourist center, “Snina — Vihorlat”, — the construction of a railway station and the purchase of a road train in the area of the project, — the renovation of the road along the former route of the touristic railway Snina — Vihorlat, Vihorlat, the construction of a railway station and the purchase of the road train in Zemplinskiy, the tourist center, the tourist center, which is the purpose of the extension of the open-air museum and the protection of the historical objects of the narrow-gauge railway in Majdan, — the purchase and installation of interactive monitors with information for tourists in Majdan, — organisation of training rallies in Poland and Slovakia for representatives of the tourist industry from the area covered by the project, — renovation of the road along the former route of the Snina tourist railway, Vihorlat, — construction of a station and purchase of road trains in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of a station and purchase of road trains in Zemplin — tourist center — mobile site, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of railway station and purchase of road train in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, Snina Snina — Vihorlat, — construction of railway station and purchase of road train in Zemplin — mobile building and tourist center, in order to expand the open Beidh toradh buan ar an tionscadal lasmuigh den bhonneagar mar chomhtháirge turasóireachta idir an Pholainn agus an tSlóvaic i bhfoirm togra le haghaidh turas ina mbeidh tairiscintí na dtrí chomhpháirtí tionscadail le chéile. (Irish)
    4 November 2022
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