Vitality test and preservation of donor heart and kidneys (Q3989747)
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Project Q3989747 in Netherlands
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Vitality test and preservation of donor heart and kidneys |
Project Q3989747 in Netherlands |
175,784.0 Euro
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703,137.0 Euro
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25.0 percent
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1 September 2017
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1 December 2021
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TX Innovations B.V.
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6229 EV
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TX Innovations (mkb) is een Life Sciences & Health startup uit Maastricht, die middels de toepassing van slimme, innovatieve technieken (High Tech Systemen & Materialen) op basis van wetenschappelijke kennis een belangrijke bijdrage wil leveren aa... (Dutch)
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TX Innovations (SMEs) is a Life Sciences &Amp; Health startup from Maastricht, which wants to make an important contribution through the application of smart, innovative techniques (High Tech Systems &Amp; Materials) based on scientific knowledge. (English)
15 December 2021
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TX Innovations (PME) est une start-up des sciences de la vie & Santé de Maastricht, qui veut apporter une contribution importante par l’application de techniques intelligentes et innovantes (High Tech Systems & Matériaux) basées sur les connaissances scientifiques. (French)
15 December 2021
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TX Innovations (SMEs) ist ein Life Sciences & Health Startup aus Maastricht, das durch die Anwendung intelligenter, innovativer Techniken (High Tech Systems & Materials) auf Basis wissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse einen wichtigen Beitrag leisten will. (German)
15 December 2021
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TX Innovations (PMI) è una startup di Life Sciences & Health di Maastricht, che vuole dare un contributo importante attraverso l'applicazione di tecniche intelligenti e innovative (High Tech Systems & Materials) basate su conoscenze scientifiche. (Italian)
11 January 2022
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TX Innovations (SMEs) es una startup de Ciencias de la Vida & Salud de Maastricht, que quiere hacer una contribución importante a través de la aplicación de técnicas inteligentes e innovadoras (High Tech Systems & Materials) basadas en el conocimiento científico. (Spanish)
12 January 2022
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Η TX Innovations (ΜΜΕ) είναι Βιοεπιστήμες &Amp; Η εκκίνηση στον τομέα της υγείας από το Μάαστριχτ, η οποία επιθυμεί να συμβάλει σημαντικά μέσω της εφαρμογής έξυπνων, καινοτόμων τεχνικών (High Tech Systems &Amp; Υλικά) με βάση τις επιστημονικές γνώσεις. (Greek)
21 August 2022
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TX Innovations (SMV'er) er en Life Sciences &Amp; Opstart af sundhed fra Maastricht, som ønsker at yde et vigtigt bidrag gennem anvendelse af intelligente, innovative teknikker (High Tech Systems &Amp; Materialer) baseret på videnskabelig viden. (Danish)
21 August 2022
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TX Innovations (pk-yritykset) on biotieteet &vahvistin; Maastrichtin terveysalan startup-yritys, joka haluaa antaa merkittävän panoksen älykkäiden ja innovatiivisten tekniikoiden (High Tech Systems & Materiaalit) perustuvat tieteelliseen tietoon. (Finnish)
21 August 2022
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TX Innovazzjonijiet (SMEs) huwa Xjenzi tal-Ħajja &Amp; L-istartjar tas-saħħa minn Maastricht, li jrid jagħti kontribut importanti permezz tal-applikazzjoni ta’ tekniki intelliġenti u innovattivi (Sistemi ta’ Teknoloġija Għolja &Amp; Materjali) ibbażati fuq l-għarfien xjentifiku. (Maltese)
21 August 2022
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TX Inovācijas (MVU) ir dzīvības zinātnes & amp;Amp; Veselības jaunuzņēmums no Māstrihtas, kas vēlas sniegt nozīmīgu ieguldījumu, izmantojot viedas, inovatīvas metodes (High Tech Systems &Amp; Materiāli), pamatojoties uz zinātnes atziņām. (Latvian)
21 August 2022
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TX Innovations (MSP) je biologické vedy &Amp; Zdravotnícky startup z Maastrichtu, ktorý chce významne prispieť uplatňovaním inteligentných, inovatívnych techník (High Tech Systems &Amp; Materiály) založené na vedeckých poznatkoch. (Slovak)
21 August 2022
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Is TX Innovations (FBManna) a Life Sciences &Amp; Gnólacht nuathionscanta sláinte ó Maastricht, ar mian leis rannchuidiú tábhachtach a dhéanamh trí theicnící cliste, nuálacha a chur i bhfeidhm (Córais Ardteicníocht & Amp; Ábhair) bunaithe ar eolas eolaíoch. (Irish)
21 August 2022
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TX Innovations (MSP) je Life Sciences & zesilovač; Zdravotní startup z Maastrichtu, který chce významně přispět uplatňováním inteligentních a inovativních technik (High Tech Systems & zesilovač; Materiály) založené na vědeckých poznatcích. (Czech)
21 August 2022
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A TX Innovations (PME) é uma empresa de Ciências da Vida &Amp; Startup no domínio da saúde de Maastricht, que pretende dar um contributo importante através da aplicação de técnicas inteligentes e inovadoras (sistemas de alta tecnologia &Amp; Materiais) com base no conhecimento científico. (Portuguese)
21 August 2022
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TX Innovations (VKEd) on bioteadused &Amp; Tervisealane idufirma Maastrichtist, mis soovib anda olulise panuse arukate ja uuenduslike tehnikate rakendamise kaudu (High Tech Systems &Amp; Materjalid), mis põhinevad teaduslikel teadmistel. (Estonian)
21 August 2022
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TX Innovations (kkv-k) egy élettudományi &Amp; Egészségügyi startup Maastrichtból, amely fontos hozzájárulást kíván nyújtani intelligens, innovatív technikák alkalmazásával (High Tech Systems &Amp; Anyagok) tudományos ismeretek alapján. (Hungarian)
21 August 2022
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TX иновации (МСП) е науки за живота и амп;Amp; Стартиращо предприятие в областта на здравеопазването от Маастрихт, което иска да даде важен принос чрез прилагането на интелигентни, иновативни техники (High Tech Systems &Amp;Amp; Материали), основани на научни познания. (Bulgarian)
21 August 2022
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TX Inovacijos (MVĮ) yra gyvybės mokslų & Sveikatos paleidimas iš Mastrichto, kuris nori svariai prisidėti taikant pažangias, novatoriškas technologijas (High Tech Systems &Amp; Medžiagos), pagrįstos mokslinėmis žiniomis. (Lithuanian)
21 August 2022
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TX Innovations (MSP) je bioznanost &Amp; Zdravstveni startup iz Maastrichta, koji želi dati važan doprinos primjenom pametnih, inovativnih tehnika (High Tech Systems &Amp; Materijali) na temelju znanstvenih spoznaja. (Croatian)
21 August 2022
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TX Innovations (SMEs) är en Life Sciences &Amp; Hälsostart från Maastricht, som vill ge ett viktigt bidrag genom tillämpning av smart, innovativ teknik (High Tech Systems &Amp; Material) baserat på vetenskaplig kunskap. (Swedish)
21 August 2022
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TX Innovations (IMM-uri) este un Life Sciences &Amp; Startup în domeniul sănătății de la Maastricht, care dorește să aducă o contribuție importantă prin aplicarea unor tehnici inteligente și inovatoare (High Tech Systems &Amp; Materiale) bazate pe cunoștințe științifice. (Romanian)
21 August 2022
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TX Innovations (MSP) je znanosti o življenju & amp;Amp; Zdravje startup iz Maastrichta, ki želi pomembno prispevati z uporabo pametnih, inovativnih tehnik (High Tech Systems &Amp; Materiali) na podlagi znanstvenih dognanj. (Slovenian)
21 August 2022
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TX Innovations (MŚP) jest Life Sciences &Amp; Startup zdrowotny z Maastricht, który chce wnieść istotny wkład poprzez zastosowanie inteligentnych, innowacyjnych technik (High Tech Systems &Amp; Materiały) w oparciu o wiedzę naukową. (Polish)
21 August 2022
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