Energy Efficiency, Furniture and Equipment of the Buildings of the CFD St. John’s Day. Cyril and Methodius" in the town of Glavinitsa and the village of Bogdanci, municipality of Glavinitsa, region. Silistra” (Q3884677)
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Project Q3884677 in Bulgaria
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Energy Efficiency, Furniture and Equipment of the Buildings of the CFD St. John’s Day. Cyril and Methodius" in the town of Glavinitsa and the village of Bogdanci, municipality of Glavinitsa, region. Silistra” |
Project Q3884677 in Bulgaria |
759,023.36 Bulgarian lev
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892,968.66 Bulgarian lev
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0.85 percent
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8 May 2019
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8 May 2022
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Проектното предложение предвижда енергийно-ефективни мерки на сградите на ЦДГ"Св. Св. Кирил и Методий" в гр. Главиница и с. Богданци, общ. Главиница, обл. Силистра. Проекта включва и доставка на оборудване и обзавеждане, както и нова отоплителна инсталация в сградата в с. Богданци. (Bulgarian)
0 references
The project proposal provides for energy-efficient measures of the buildings of Sv. St. John’s Day. Cyril and Methodius" in Glavinitsa and Bogdanci village, municipality of Glavinitsa, region. It’s Silistra. The project also includes the supply of equipment and furniture, as well as a new heating system in the building in the village of Bogdanci. (English)
2 December 2021
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La proposition de projet prévoit des mesures économes en énergie des bâtiments de Sv. Le jour de la Saint-Jean. Cyrille et Méthode" dans le village de Glavinitsa et Bogdanci, municipalité de Glavinitsa, région. C’est Silistra. Le projet comprend également la fourniture d’équipements et de mobilier, ainsi qu’un nouveau système de chauffage dans le bâtiment du village de Bogdanci. (French)
3 December 2021
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Der Projektvorschlag sieht energieeffiziente Maßnahmen für die Gebäude von Sv vor. St. John’s Day. Cyril und Methodius" in Glavinitsa und Bogdanci Dorf, Gemeinde Glavinitsa, Region. Hier ist Silistra. Das Projekt umfasst auch die Lieferung von Geräten und Möbeln sowie eine neue Heizung im Gebäude im Dorf Bogdanci. (German)
4 December 2021
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Het projectvoorstel voorziet in energie-efficiënte maatregelen voor de gebouwen van Sv. St. John’s Day. Cyril and Methodius" in het dorp Glavinitsa en Bogdanci, gemeente Glavinitsa, regio. Het is Silistra. Het project omvat ook de levering van apparatuur en meubilair, evenals een nieuw verwarmingssysteem in het gebouw in het dorp Bogdanci. (Dutch)
12 December 2021
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La proposta di progetto prevede misure efficienti sotto il profilo energetico degli edifici di Sv. Il giorno di San Giovanni. Cyril e Methodius" in Glavinitsa e Bogdanci villaggio, comune di Glavinitsa, regione. Sono Silistra. Il progetto prevede anche la fornitura di attrezzature e mobili, nonché un nuovo impianto di riscaldamento nell'edificio nel villaggio di Bogdanci. (Italian)
14 January 2022
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La propuesta de proyecto prevé medidas de eficiencia energética de los edificios de Sv. El día de San Juan. Cirilo y Metodio" en Glavinitsa y Bogdanci pueblo, municipio de Glavinitsa, región. Es Silistra. El proyecto también incluye el suministro de equipo y mobiliario, así como un nuevo sistema de calefacción en el edificio en el pueblo de Bogdanci. (Spanish)
15 January 2022
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