Operating aid to address the permanent and structural difficulties of the companies in the region (Q3389427)

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Project Q3389427 in Portugal
Language Label Description Also known as
Operating aid to address the permanent and structural difficulties of the companies in the region
Project Q3389427 in Portugal


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    13,152.36 Euro
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    160,923.05 Euro
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    8.17 percent
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    1 January 2019
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    31 December 2019
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    38°36'19.87"N, 28°1'7.64"W
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    O Mérito total do Projeto é de 68,8 conforme o resumo e elementos seguintes:Despesas elegíveis de € 160.923,05. Subsídio de € 20 115,38.Critério A: ?IR= 0,073 que corresponde a 100 pontos e ?IF= 0,09 que também corresponde a 100 pontos.A = 0,55x100+0,45x100=100; B = 40; C = 76; Mérito total do projeto: MP=0,30x100+0,40x40+0,30x76= 68,8 pontos (Portuguese)
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    The total amount of the Project is 68.8 according to the summary and elements seguintes:Despesas eligible for “160.923.05”. Sub-season of '20 115,38.Critine A: IR= 0.073 corresponding to 100 points and?IF= 0.09 which also corresponds to 100 points.A = 0,55x100+ 0.45x100=100; B = 40; C = 76; Total project memory: MP=0.30x100+ 0.40x40+ 0.30x76= 68.8 points (English)
    29 November 2021
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    Le montant total du projet est de 68,8 d’après le résumé et les éléments seguintes:Despesas éligibles au titre «160.923.05». Sous-saison de '20 115,38.Critine A: IR = 0,073 correspondant à 100 points et?IF = 0,09 qui correspond également à 100 points.A = 0,55x100+ 0.45x100=100; B = 40; C = 76; Mémoire totale du projet: MP=0.30x100+ 0.40x40+ 0,30x76= 68,8 points (French)
    7 December 2021
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    Der Gesamtbetrag des Projekts beläuft sich auf 68,8 gemäß der Zusammenfassung und den Elementen seguintes:Despesas, die für „160.923.05“ in Frage kommen. Teilsaison von 20 115,38.Critine A: IR= 0,073 entsprechend 100 Punkten und?IF= 0,09, was ebenfalls 100 Punkte entspricht.A = 0,55x100+ 0.45x100=100; B = 40; C = 76; Projektspeicher insgesamt: MP=0.30x100+ 0.40x40+ 0.30x76= 68,8 Punkte (German)
    16 December 2021
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    Het totale bedrag van het project bedraagt 68,8 volgens de samenvatting en de elementen seguintes:Despesas die in aanmerking komen voor „160.923.05”. Onderseizoen van ’20 115,38.Krijt A: IR = 0,073 wat overeenkomt met 100 punten en?IF= 0,09 wat ook overeenkomt met 100 punten.A = 0,55x100+ 0,45x100 = 100; B = 40; C = 76; Totaal projectgeheugen: MP=0.30x100+ 0,40x40+ 0,30x76 = 68,8 punten (Dutch)
    20 December 2021
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    L'importo totale del progetto è di 68,8 secondo la sintesi e gli elementi seguintes:Despesas ammissibili per "160.923.05". Sottostagione del'20 115,38.Critina A: IR=0,073 corrispondenti a 100 punti e?IF= 0,09 che corrisponde anche a 100 punti.A = 0,55x100+ 0,45x100=100; B = 40; C = 76; Memoria totale del progetto: MP=0.30x100+ 0,40x40+ 0.30x76= 68,8 punti (Italian)
    18 January 2022
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    El importe total del proyecto es de 68,8 según el resumen y los elementos seguintes:Despesas elegibles para «160.923.05». Subtemporada del '20 115,38.Critina A: IR= 0.073 correspondientes a 100 puntos y?IF= 0,09 que también corresponde a 100 puntos.A = 0,55x100+ 0,45x100=100; B = 40; C = 76; Memoria total del proyecto: MP=0.30x100+ 0.40x40+ 0.30x76= 68,8 puntos (Spanish)
    22 January 2022
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    Projekti kogusumma on 68,8 vastavalt kokkuvõttele ja elementidele seguintes:Despesas, mis on abikõlblik summas 160.923.05. Alamhooaeg "20 115,38.kriteerium A: IR = 0,073, mis vastab 100 punktile, ja?IF = 0,09, mis vastab ka 100 punktile.A = 0,55x100+ 0,45x100=100; B = 40; C = 76; Projekti mälu kokku: MP = 0,30x100+ 0,40x40+ 0,30x76= 68,8 punkti (Estonian)
    10 August 2022
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    Bendra projekto suma yra 68,8, remiantis santrauka ir elementais seguintes:Despesas, kurie atitinka „160.923.05“ reikalavimus. „20 115,38.Critine A: Ir = 0,073, atitinkantis 100 taškų ir?IF = 0,09, kuris taip pat atitinka 100 taškų.A = 0,55x100+ 0,45x100=100; B = 40; C = 76; Iš viso projekto atmintis: MP=0.30x100+ 0.40x40+ 0.30x76= 68,8 balo (Lithuanian)
    10 August 2022
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    Ukupni iznos projekta iznosi 68,8 prema sažetku i elementima seguintes:Despesas koji ispunjavaju uvjete za „160.923,05”. Podsezona '20 115,38.Kritina A: IR = 0,073 što odgovara 100 bodova i?IF = 0,09, što također odgovara 100 bodova.A = 0,55x100 + 0,45x100 = 100; B = 40; C = 76; Ukupno projektna memorija: MP=0,30x100 + 0,40x40 + 0,30x76= 68,8 bodova (Croatian)
    10 August 2022
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    Το συνολικό ποσό του Έργου είναι 68,8 σύμφωνα με την περίληψη και τα στοιχεία seguintes:Despesas επιλέξιμα για το «160.923.05». Υποπερίοδος του’20 115,38.Κριτίνα Α: IR= 0,073 που αντιστοιχεί σε 100 βαθμούς και?IF= 0,09 που αντιστοιχεί επίσης σε 100 μονάδες.A = 0,55x100+ 0,45x100=100· B = 40· C = 76· Συνολική μνήμη έργου: MP=0.30x100+ 0.40x40+ 0,30x76= 68,8 βαθμοί (Greek)
    10 August 2022
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    Celková suma projektu je 68,8 podľa zhrnutia a prvkov seguintes:Despesas oprávnených na „160 923.05“. Čiastková sezóna "20 115,38.Critín A: IR = 0,073, čo zodpovedá 100 bodom a?IF = 0,09 čo tiež zodpovedá 100 bodom.A = 0,55x100+ 0,45x100=100; B = 40; C = 76; Celková projektová pamäť: MP=0,30x100+ 0,40x40+ 0,30x76= 68,8 bodov (Slovak)
    10 August 2022
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    Hankkeen kokonaismäärä on 68,8 tiivistelmän ja osion seguintes:Despesas mukaan, jotka ovat tukikelpoisia kohdassa 1600.923.05. Jakson ’20 115,38 alakausi.Kriittisyys A: IR = 0,073 vastaa 100 pistettä ja?IF= 0,09, mikä vastaa myös 100 pistettä.A = 0,55x100 + 0,45x100=100; B = 40; C = 76; Projektin muisti yhteensä: MP=0.30x100+ 0.40x40+ 0.30x76= 68,8 pistettä (Finnish)
    10 August 2022
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    Łączna kwota Projektu wynosi 68,8 według podsumowania i elementów seguintes:Despesas kwalifikujących się do „160.923.05”. Podsezon 20 115,38.Krytyna A: IR = 0,073 odpowiadające 100 punktom i?IF=0,09, co również odpowiada 100 punktom.A = 0,55x100 + 0,45x100=100; B = 40; C = 76; Całkowita pamięć projektu: MP=0,30x100 + 0,40x40 + 0,0x76 = 68,8 punktów (Polish)
    10 August 2022
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    Az összefoglaló és a seguintes:Despesas elemek szerint a projekt teljes összege 68,8, amely „160.923.05” jogcímre jogosult. „20 115,38” alszezon.A. kritérium: IR = 0,073, ami 100 pontnak felel meg és?IF = 0,09, ami szintén 100 pontnak felel meg.A = 0,55x100+ 0,45x100=100; B = 40; C = 76; A projekt teljes memóriája: MP=0,30x100+ 0,40x40+ 0,30x76= 68,8 pont (Hungarian)
    10 August 2022
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    Celková částka projektu je 68,8 podle shrnutí a prvků seguintes:Despesas způsobilých pro „160.923.05“. Podsezóna "20 115,38.Kritéria A: IR = 0,073, což odpovídá 100 bodům a?IF = 0,09, což rovněž odpovídá 100 bodům.A = 0,55x100 + 0,45x100=100; B = 40; C = 76; Celková paměť projektu: MP=0,30x100 + 0,40x40 + 0,30x76= 68,8 bodů (Czech)
    10 August 2022
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    Projekta kopējā summa ir 68,8 saskaņā ar kopsavilkumu un elementiem seguintes:Despesas, kas atbilst “160 993,05” kritērijiem. Apakšsezona "20 115,38.Kritīns A: Ir = 0,073, kas atbilst 100 punktiem un?IF= 0,09, kas atbilst arī 100 punktiem.A = 0,55x100+ 0,45x100=100; B = 40; C = 76; Projekta kopējā atmiņa: MP = 0,30x100+ 0,40x40+ 0,30x76= 68,8 punkti (Latvian)
    10 August 2022
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    Is é 68.8 méid iomlán an Tionscadail de réir na hachoimre agus na n-eilimintí seguintes:Despesas incháilithe le haghaidh “160.923.05”. Fo-séasúr de ‘20 115,38.Critín A: IR= 0.073 a chomhfhreagraíonn do 100 pointe agus?IF= 0.09 a chomhfhreagraíonn do 100 pointe freisin.A = 0,55x100+ 0.45x100=100; B = 40; C = 76; Cuimhne iomlán an tionscadail: MP=0.30x100+ 0.40x40+ 0.30x76= 68.8 pointí (Irish)
    10 August 2022
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    Skupni znesek projekta je 68,8 v skladu s povzetkom in elementi seguintes:Despesas, upravičenimi do „160.923.05“. Podsezona’20 115,38.Kritin A: IR = 0,073, kar ustreza 100 točkam in?IF = 0,09, kar prav tako ustreza 100 točkam.A = 0,55x100 +0,45x100=100; B = 40; C = 76; Skupni pomnilnik projekta: MP=0,30x100 +0,40x40 +0,30x76= 68,8 točke (Slovenian)
    10 August 2022
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    Общата сума на проекта е 68,8 според резюмето и елементите seguintes:Despesas, допустими за „160.923.05“. Подсезон на '20 115,38.Критен А: IR = 0,073 съответстващи на 100 точки и?IF = 0,09, което също съответства на 100 точки.A = 0,55x100+ 0,45x100=100; B = 40; C = 76; Обща памет на проекта: MP=0,30x100+ 0,40x40+ 0,30x76 = 68,8 точки (Bulgarian)
    10 August 2022
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    L-ammont totali tal-Proġett huwa 68.8 skont is-sommarju u l-elementi seguintes:Despesas eliġibbli għal “160.923.05”. Sottostaġun ta’ "20 115,38.Kritena A: Ir = 0.073 li jikkorrispondi għal 100 punt u?IF= 0.09 li jikkorrispondi wkoll għal 100 punt.A = 0,55x100+ 0.45x100=100; B = 40; C = 76; Memorja totali tal-proġett: MP=0.30x100+ 0.40x40+ 0.30x76= 68.8 punti (Maltese)
    10 August 2022
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    Det samlede beløb for projektet er 68,8 ifølge resuméet og elementerne seguintes:Despesas, der er støtteberettigede til "160.923,05". Undersæson af "20 115,38.Kritine A: IR= 0.073 svarende til 100 point og?IF = 0,09, hvilket også svarer til 100 point.A = 0,55x100+ 0,45x100=100; B = 40 C = 76 Samlet projekthukommelse: MP=0,30x100+ 0,40x40+ 0,30x76= 68,8 point (Danish)
    10 August 2022
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    Suma totală a proiectului este de 68,8 conform rezumatului și elementelor seguintes:Despesas eligibile pentru „160.923.05”. Subsezonul’20 115,38.Critina A: IR = 0.073 corespunzând la 100 de puncte și?IF=0,09 care corespunde, de asemenea, 100 puncte.A = 0,55x100+ 0,45x100=100; B = 40; C = 76; Memorie totală a proiectului: MP=0.30x100+ 0,40x40+ 0.30x76= 68.8 puncte (Romanian)
    10 August 2022
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    Det totala beloppet för projektet är 68,8 enligt sammanfattningen och uppgifter seguintes:Despesas berättigar till ”160.923.05”. Undersäsongen ’20 115,38.Kritin A: IR=0,073 motsvarande 100 poäng och?IF= 0,09 vilket också motsvarar 100 poäng.A = 0,55x100+ 0,45x100=100; B = 40, C = 76, Totalt projektminne: MP=0.30x100+ 0.40x40+ 0,30x76= 68,8 poäng (Swedish)
    10 August 2022
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    14 November 2023
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