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Project Q3101800 in Slovakia
Language Label Description Also known as
Project Q3101800 in Slovakia


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    97,459.65 Euro
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    114,658.41 Euro
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    85.0 percent
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    1 November 2020
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    1 November 2021
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    Mgr. Michaela Šarišská - MAGIC ENGLISH
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    48°58'58.94"N, 21°15'8.89"E
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    Hlavný cieľ projektu: - Celkovým cieľom projektu je prostredníctvom rozšírenia kapacity materskej školy a zvýšenie technického zabezpečenia , prispieť k zlepšeniu kvality života a zabezpečiť udržateľné poskytovanie verejných služieb a dopadom na vyvážený a udržateľný rozvoj  predprimárneho vzdelávania, zamestnanosti, v mestskej časti, ktorá je vyhľadávaným miestom pre život mladých rodín. Špecifické  ciele:- Sprístupnenie služieb infraštruktúry materských škôl- tento cieľ naplníme pokračovaním v poskytovaní služieb za cenových podmienok, ktoré sú prístupné- Zabezpečenie kvalitného predprimárneho vzdelávania -  Rekonštrukciou , rozšírením a úpravou priestorov a obnovením materiálno-technického vybavenia    - Zvýšiť zaškolenosť detí materských škôl – Obnoviť a zvýšiť kvalitu technicko-materiálneho vybavenie Materskej školy, a tým udržať služby inkluzívneho vzdelávania a  poskytnúť deťom ešte lepšie možnosti na ich zaškoleni- Obnoveným a doplneným materiálno technickým vybavením podporiť nástup do školy a zlepšiť predprimárne vzdelávanie u detí- Pokračovať v dávno zavedenom inkluzívnom vzdelávaní na stupni materskej školy Aktivity projektu:Hlavná Aktivita 1 - Rekonštrukcia priestorov MŠ na Krosnianskej ulici  Hlavná Aktivita 2 – Materiálno technické pomôckyPodporná aktivita 1 – Informovanosť a komunikácia – publicita a iné podporné aktivty Cieľová skupina: Deti materských škôl a zamestnanci Miesto realizácie projektu je budova Materskej školy na ulici Krosnianska na sídlisku Dargovských hrdinov. Merateľné ukazovatele:Zvýšiť kapacitu škôlky z 20 na 30 detíPočet podporených materských škôl Počet podporených MŠ materiálno-technickým vybavením (Slovak)
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    Main objective of the project: — The overall objective of the project is by extending the capacity of the kindergarten and increasing technical security, contributing to improving the quality of life and ensuring the sustainable provision of public services and the impact on the balanced and sustainable development of pre-primary education, employment, in the city district, which is a sought-after place for the life of young families. Specific objectives:- Accessing the services of the kindergarten infrastructure – we will fulfil this objective by continuing to provide services under price conditions that are accessible- Ensuring high-quality pre-primary education – by reconstructing, expanding and modifying premises and renewing material and technical equipment – Increase the training of kindergarten children – Restore and increase the quality of technical and material equipment of the kindergarten school, thus maintaining inclusive education services and providing children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuing the inclusive education services and providing children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school start-up and improve pre-primary education in children- Continue in-services at the educational level – Learn more – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school start-up and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuation of inclusive education and to provide children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continue in kindergarten education in a long time – Learning in a well-established level of education – Renewed and completed material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuing in the field of education in a long way – Learning-Instructiveness – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support the entrance to the school and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuation of inclusive education and to provide children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support schooling and to improve pre-primary education in children- Maintenance in kindergartenance – Learning tools – Constructed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school entry and to improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing in the field of education in a long time – Learning tools – Renovated and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing the inclusive education services in the field of education-Constructiveness and technical equipment – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and to improve pre-primary education in children-Continuity of the kindergarten’s education – Learning out more about the educational level – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing in the field of education – Learning in a long way – Constructive-Constructive-intelligibility Children of kindergartens and employees The place of implementation of the project is the building of the Maternity School on Krosnianska street in the housing estate of Dargovské Heroes. Measurable ukazovatele:Zvýšiť capacity of the kindergarten from 20 to 30 childrenNumber of supported kindergartens Number of schools supported by material and technical equipment (English)
    28 September 2021
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    L'objectif principal du projet : - L'objectif global du projet est d'augmenter la qualité de vie et d'assurer la fourniture durable de services publics et l'impact sur le développement équilibré et durable de l'enseignement préprimaire, l'emploi, dans les après une partie de la ville pour la vie des jeunes familles. Objectifs spécifiques : - Accès aux services d'infrastructure de la maternelle - nous atteindrons cet objectif en continuant à fournir des services à des prix abordables - Assurer un enseignement préprimaire de qualité - Reconstruction, agrandissement et modification des locaux et renouvellement du matériel et des équipements techniques - Accroître la formation de la maternelle enfants - Renouveler et augmenter la qualité des équipements techniques et matériels de la maternelle, maintenant ainsi les services d'éducation inclusive et offrant aux enfants des opportunités encore meilleures pour leur formation Activités de la maternelle Activités du projet : Activité principale 1 - Reconstruction des locaux de la maternelle sur Rue Krosnianská Activité principale 2 - Aides matérielles et techniques Activité de soutien 1 - Information et communication - publicité et autres activités de soutien Groupe cible : Enfants de la maternelle l et personnel Le lieu de mise en œuvre du projet est le bâtiment de la maternelle de la rue Krosnianska dans le lotissement Dargovských hrdinov. Indicateurs mesurables : Augmenter la capacité du jardin d'enfants de 20 à 30 enfants Nombre de jardins d'enfants soutenus Nombre de jardins d'enfants soutenus avec du matériel et des équipements techniques (French)
    27 November 2021
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    Hauptziel des Projekts: — Das übergeordnete Ziel des Projekts besteht darin, die Kapazitäten des Kindergartens zu erweitern und die technische Sicherheit zu erhöhen, zur Verbesserung der Lebensqualität beizutragen und die nachhaltige Erbringung öffentlicher Dienstleistungen und die Auswirkungen auf die ausgewogene und nachhaltige Entwicklung der vorschulischen Bildung und Beschäftigung im Stadtviertel zu gewährleisten, der ein begehrter Ort für das Leben junger Familien ist. Spezielle Ziele:- Zugang zu den Dienstleistungen der Kindergarten-Infrastruktur – wir werden dieses Ziel erreichen, indem sie die Bereitstellung von Dienstleistungen in der Schule unter Preisbedingungen verbessern-Verbesserung der hochwertigen Vorschulerziehung – durch Rekonstruieren, Ausbau und Änderung von Räumlichkeiten und Erneuerung von Material und technische Ausrüstung – Erneuerte und ergänzte materielle Ausrüstung zur Unterstützung der Schule und zur Verbesserung der Vorschulerziehung – Erhalten der inklusiven Bildungsangebote und Bereitstellung von noch besseren Möglichkeiten für ihre Ausbildung – Erneute und ergänzte technische Ausrüstung zur Unterstützung der Schule und Verbesserung der Vorschulerziehung. Kinder der Kindergärten und Mitarbeiter Der Ort der Umsetzung des Projekts ist der Bau der Mutterschaftsschule auf der Krosnianska Straße in der Wohnsiedlung Dargovské Heroes. Messbar ukazovatele:zvýšiť Kapazität des Kindergartens von 20 bis 30 KinderAnzahl der unterstützten Kindergärten Anzahl der Schulen unterstützt durch materielle und technische Ausrüstung (German)
    29 November 2021
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    De hoofddoelstelling van het project: - De algemene doelstelling van het project is het verhogen van de levenskwaliteit en het verzekeren van de duurzame voorziening van openbare diensten en de impact op de evenwichtige en duurzame ontwikkeling van het kleuteronderwijs, de werkgelegenheid, in de gezochte na een deel van de stad voor het leven van jonge gezinnen. Specifieke doelstellingen: - Toegang tot infrastructuurdiensten voor kleuterscholen - we zullen dit doel bereiken door diensten te blijven leveren tegen betaalbare prijzen - Zorgen voor kwalitatief kleuteronderwijs - Wederopbouw, uitbreiding en wijziging van gebouwen en vernieuwing van materiaal en technische uitrusting - Verhoging van de opleiding van de kleuterschool kinderen - Vernieuwen en verhogen van de kwaliteit van de technische en materiële uitrusting van de kleuterschool, waardoor inclusief onderwijs wordt behouden en kinderen nog betere kansen krijgen voor hun opleiding. Krosnianská straat Hoofdactiviteit 2 - Materiële en technische hulpmiddelen Ondersteunende activiteit 1 - Informatie en communicatie - publiciteit en andere ondersteunende activiteiten Doelgroep: Kleuters l en personeel De plaats van uitvoering van het project is het kleuterschoolgebouw aan de Krosnianska-straat in de woonwijk Dargovských hrdinov. Meetbare indicatoren: Verhoging van de capaciteit van de kleuterschool van 20 naar 30 kinderenAantal ondersteunde kleuterscholen Aantal ondersteunde kleuterscholen met materiële en technische uitrusting (Dutch)
    4 December 2021
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    Obiettivo principale del progetto: — L'obiettivo generale del progetto è ampliare la capacità dell'asilo e aumentare la sicurezza tecnica, contribuire a migliorare la qualità della vita e garantire la fornitura sostenibile dei servizi pubblici e l'impatto sullo sviluppo equilibrato e sostenibile dell'istruzione pre-primaria, dell'occupazione, nel distretto cittadino, che è un luogo ricercato per la vita delle giovani famiglie. Specific objectives:- Accessing the services of the kindergarten infrastructure — we will fulfil this objective by continuing to provide services under price conditions that are accessible- Ensuring high-quality pre-primary education — by reconstructing, expanding and modifying premises and renewing material and technical equipment — Increase the training of kindergarten children — Restore and increase the quality of technical and material equipment of the kindergarten school, thus maintaining inclusive education services and providing children with even better opportunities for their training — Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuing the inclusive education services and providing children with even better opportunities for their training — Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school start-up and improve pre-primary education in children- Continue in-services at the educational level — Learn more — Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school start-up and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuation of inclusive education and to provide children with even better opportunities for their training — Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continue in kindergarten education in a long time — Learning in a well-established level of education — Renewed and completed material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuing in the field of education in a long way — Learning-Instructiveness — Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support the entrance to the school and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuation of inclusive education and to provide children with even better opportunities for their training — Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support schooling and to improve pre-primary education in children- Maintenance in kindergartenance — Learning tools — Constructed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school entry and to improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing in the field of education in a long time — Learning tools — Renovated and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing the inclusive education services in the field of education-Constructiveness and technical equipment — Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and to improve pre-primary education in children-Continuity of the kindergarten’s education — Learning out more about the educational level — Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing in the field of education — Learning in a long way — Constructive-Constructive-intelligibility Bambini di asili nido e dipendenti Il luogo di realizzazione del progetto è la costruzione della Scuola di Premaman sulla strada Krosnianska nella tenuta residenziale di Dargovské Heroes. Capacità misurabile ukazovatele:zvýšiť dell'asilo da 20 a 30 bambiniNumero di asili supportati Numero di scuole supportate da materiale e attrezzature tecniche (Italian)
    12 January 2022
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    Objetivo principal del proyecto: — El objetivo general del proyecto es ampliar la capacidad del jardín de infancia y aumentar la seguridad técnica, contribuyendo a mejorar la calidad de vida y a garantizar la prestación sostenible de servicios públicos y el impacto en el desarrollo equilibrado y sostenible de la educación preescolar y el empleo en el distrito de la ciudad, que es un lugar buscado para la vida de las familias jóvenes. Specific objectives:- Accessing the services of the kindergarten infrastructure — we will fulfil this objective by continuing to provide services under price conditions that are accessible- Ensuring high-quality pre-primary education — by reconstructing, expanding and modifying premises and renewing material and technical equipment — Increase the training of kindergarten children — Restore and increase the quality of technical and material equipment of the kindergarten school, thus maintaining inclusive education services and providing children with even better opportunities for their training — Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuing the inclusive education services and providing children with even better opportunities for their training — Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school start-up and improve pre-primary education in children- Continue in-services at the educational level — Learn more — Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school start-up and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuation of inclusive education and to provide children with even better opportunities for their training — Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continue in kindergarten education in a long time — Learning in a well-established level of education — Renewed and completed material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuing in the field of education in a long way — Learning-Instructiveness — Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support the entrance to the school and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuation of inclusive education and to provide children with even better opportunities for their training — Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support schooling and to improve pre-primary education in children- Maintenance in kindergartenance — Learning tools — Constructed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school entry and to improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing in the field of education in a long time — Learning tools — Renovated and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing the inclusive education services in the field of education-Constructiveness and technical equipment — Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and to improve pre-primary education in children-Continuity of the kindergarten’s education — Learning out more about the educational level — Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing in the field of education — Learning in a long way — Constructive-Constructive-intelligibility Niños de jardines de infancia y empleados El lugar de ejecución del proyecto es la construcción de la Escuela de Maternidad en la calle Krosnianska, en la urbanización de Dargovské Heroes. Capacidad mensurable: capacidad del jardín de infancia de 20 a 30 niñosNúmero de jardines de infancia con apoyo Número de escuelas apoyadas por material y equipo técnico (Spanish)
    13 January 2022
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    Projekti peamine eesmärk: – Projekti üldine eesmärk on suurendada lasteaia suutlikkust ja suurendada tehnilist turvalisust, aidata parandada elukvaliteeti ja tagada avalike teenuste jätkusuutlik osutamine ning mõju koolieelse hariduse ja tööhõive tasakaalustatud ja jätkusuutlikule arengule linnapiirkonnas, mis on noorte perede jaoks soovitud koht. Specific objectives:- Accessing the services of the kindergarten infrastructure – we will fulfil this objective by continuing to provide services under price conditions that are accessible- Ensuring high-quality pre-primary education – by reconstructing, expanding and modifying premises and renewing material and technical equipment – Increase the training of kindergarten children – Restore and increase the quality of technical and material equipment of the kindergarten school, thus maintaining inclusive education services and providing children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuing the inclusive education services and providing children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school start-up and improve pre-primary education in children- Continue in-services at the educational level – Learn more – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school start-up and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuation of inclusive education and to provide children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continue in kindergarten education in a long time – Learning in a well-established level of education – Renewed and completed material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuing in the field of education in a long way – Learning-Instructiveness – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support the entrance to the school and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuation of inclusive education and to provide children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support schooling and to improve pre-primary education in children- Maintenance in kindergartenance – Learning tools – Constructed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school entry and to improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing in the field of education in a long time – Learning tools – Renovated and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing the inclusive education services in the field of education-Constructiveness and technical equipment – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and to improve pre-primary education in children-Continuity of the kindergarten’s education – Learning out more about the educational level – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing in the field of education – Learning in a long way – Constructive-Constructive-intelligibility Children of kindergartens and employees The place of implementation of the project is the building of the Maternity School on Krosnianska street in the housing estate of Dargovské Heroes. Mõõdetav ukazovatele:zvýšiť lasteaia võimsus 20–30 lastToetatud lasteaedade arv Materjalide ja tehniliste seadmetega toetatud koolide arv (Estonian)
    4 August 2022
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    Pagrindinis projekto tikslas: – Bendras projekto tikslas – išplėsti vaikų darželio pajėgumus ir padidinti techninį saugumą, prisidėti prie gyvenimo kokybės gerinimo ir tvaraus viešųjų paslaugų teikimo užtikrinimo bei poveikio subalansuotam ir tvariam ikimokyklinio ugdymo, užimtumo miesto rajone, kuris yra ieškoma vieta jaunų šeimų gyvenimui, plėtrai. Specific objectives:- Accessing the services of the kindergarten infrastructure – we will fulfil this objective by continuing to provide services under price conditions that are accessible- Ensuring high-quality pre-primary education – by reconstructing, expanding and modifying premises and renewing material and technical equipment – Increase the training of kindergarten children – Restore and increase the quality of technical and material equipment of the kindergarten school, thus maintaining inclusive education services and providing children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuing the inclusive education services and providing children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school start-up and improve pre-primary education in children- Continue in-services at the educational level – Learn more – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school start-up and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuation of inclusive education and to provide children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continue in kindergarten education in a long time – Learning in a well-established level of education – Renewed and completed material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuing in the field of education in a long way – Learning-Instructiveness – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support the entrance to the school and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuation of inclusive education and to provide children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support schooling and to improve pre-primary education in children- Maintenance in kindergartenance – Learning tools – Constructed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school entry and to improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing in the field of education in a long time – Learning tools – Renovated and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing the inclusive education services in the field of education-Constructiveness and technical equipment – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and to improve pre-primary education in children-Continuity of the kindergarten’s education – Learning out more about the educational level – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing in the field of education – Learning in a long way – Constructive-Constructive-intelligibility Children of kindergartens and employees The place of implementation of the project is the building of the Maternity School on Krosnianska street in the housing estate of Dargovské Heroes. Išmatuojami ukazovatele:zvýšiť vaikų darželio pajėgumai nuo 20 iki 30 vaikųPalaikomų vaikų darželių skaičius Mokyklų, remiamų medžiaga ir technine įranga, skaičius (Lithuanian)
    4 August 2022
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    Glavni cilj projekta: Opći cilj projekta je proširenje kapaciteta vrtića i povećanje tehničke sigurnosti, doprinos poboljšanju kvalitete života i osiguravanju održivog pružanja javnih usluga te utjecaj na uravnotežen i održiv razvoj predškolskog obrazovanja, zapošljavanja, u gradskoj četvrti, koja je traženo mjesto za život mladih obitelji. Specific objectives:- Accessing the services of the kindergarten infrastructure – we will fulfil this objective by continuing to provide services under price conditions that are accessible- Ensuring high-quality pre-primary education – by reconstructing, expanding and modifying premises and renewing material and technical equipment – Increase the training of kindergarten children – Restore and increase the quality of technical and material equipment of the kindergarten school, thus maintaining inclusive education services and providing children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuing the inclusive education services and providing children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school start-up and improve pre-primary education in children- Continue in-services at the educational level – Learn more – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school start-up and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuation of inclusive education and to provide children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continue in kindergarten education in a long time – Learning in a well-established level of education – Renewed and completed material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuing in the field of education in a long way – Learning-Instructiveness – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support the entrance to the school and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuation of inclusive education and to provide children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support schooling and to improve pre-primary education in children- Maintenance in kindergartenance – Learning tools – Constructed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school entry and to improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing in the field of education in a long time – Learning tools – Renovated and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing the inclusive education services in the field of education-Constructiveness and technical equipment – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and to improve pre-primary education in children-Continuity of the kindergarten’s education – Learning out more about the educational level – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing in the field of education – Learning in a long way – Constructive-Constructive-intelligibility Children of kindergartens and employees The place of implementation of the project is the building of the Maternity School on Krosnianska street in the housing estate of Dargovské Heroes. Mjerljivi ukazovatele:zvýšiť kapacitet vrtića od 20 do 30 djeceBroj dječjih vrtića Broj škola podržanih materijalnom i tehničkom opremom (Croatian)
    4 August 2022
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    Κύριος στόχος του έργου: — Ο γενικός στόχος του σχεδίου είναι η επέκταση της ικανότητας του νηπιαγωγείου και η αύξηση της τεχνικής ασφάλειας, η συμβολή στη βελτίωση της ποιότητας ζωής και η διασφάλιση της βιώσιμης παροχής δημόσιων υπηρεσιών και ο αντίκτυπος στην ισόρροπη και βιώσιμη ανάπτυξη της προσχολικής εκπαίδευσης, της απασχόλησης, στην περιοχή της πόλης, η οποία αποτελεί περιζήτητο τόπο για τη ζωή των νέων οικογενειών. Specific objectives:- Accessing the services of the kindergarten infrastructure – we will fulfil this objective by continuing to provide services under price conditions that are accessible- Ensuring high-quality pre-primary education – by reconstructing, expanding and modifying premises and renewing material and technical equipment – Increase the training of kindergarten children – Restore and increase the quality of technical and material equipment of the kindergarten school, thus maintaining inclusive education services and providing children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuing the inclusive education services and providing children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school start-up and improve pre-primary education in children- Continue in-services at the educational level – Learn more – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school start-up and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuation of inclusive education and to provide children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continue in kindergarten education in a long time – Learning in a well-established level of education – Renewed and completed material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuing in the field of education in a long way – Learning-Instructiveness – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support the entrance to the school and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuation of inclusive education and to provide children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support schooling and to improve pre-primary education in children- Maintenance in kindergartenance – Learning tools – Constructed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school entry and to improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing in the field of education in a long time – Learning tools – Renovated and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing the inclusive education services in the field of education-Constructiveness and technical equipment – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and to improve pre-primary education in children-Continuity of the kindergarten’s education – Learning out more about the educational level – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing in the field of education – Learning in a long way – Constructive-Constructive-intelligibility Children of kindergartens and employees The place of implementation of the project is the building of the Maternity School on Krosnianska street in the housing estate of Dargovské Heroes. Μετρήσιμη ukazovatele:zvýšiť χωρητικότητα του νηπιαγωγείου από 20 έως 30 παιδιάΑριθμός υποστηριζόμενων νηπιαγωγείων Αριθμός σχολείων που υποστηρίζονται από υλικό και τεχνικό εξοπλισμό (Greek)
    4 August 2022
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    Hankkeen päätavoite: — Hankkeen yleisenä tavoitteena on lisätä päiväkodin kapasiteettia ja parantaa teknistä turvallisuutta, parantaa elämänlaatua ja varmistaa julkisten palvelujen kestävä tarjonta sekä vaikutus esiopetuksen ja työllisyyden tasapainoiseen ja kestävään kehitykseen kaupunginosassa, joka on haluttu paikka nuorten perheiden elämälle. Specific objectives:- Accessing the services of the kindergarten infrastructure – we will fulfil this objective by continuing to provide services under price conditions that are accessible- Ensuring high-quality pre-primary education – by reconstructing, expanding and modifying premises and renewing material and technical equipment – Increase the training of kindergarten children – Restore and increase the quality of technical and material equipment of the kindergarten school, thus maintaining inclusive education services and providing children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuing the inclusive education services and providing children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school start-up and improve pre-primary education in children- Continue in-services at the educational level – Learn more – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school start-up and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuation of inclusive education and to provide children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continue in kindergarten education in a long time – Learning in a well-established level of education – Renewed and completed material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuing in the field of education in a long way – Learning-Instructiveness – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support the entrance to the school and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuation of inclusive education and to provide children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support schooling and to improve pre-primary education in children- Maintenance in kindergartenance – Learning tools – Constructed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school entry and to improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing in the field of education in a long time – Learning tools – Renovated and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing the inclusive education services in the field of education-Constructiveness and technical equipment – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and to improve pre-primary education in children-Continuity of the kindergarten’s education – Learning out more about the educational level – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing in the field of education – Learning in a long way – Constructive-Constructive-intelligibility Children of kindergartens and employees The place of implementation of the project is the building of the Maternity School on Krosnianska street in the housing estate of Dargovské Heroes. Mitattavissa oleva ukazovatele:zvýšiť lastentarhan kapasiteetti 20–30 lastaTuettavien päiväkotien lukumäärä Koulujen määrä, jota tuetaan materiaalilla ja teknisillä laitteilla (Finnish)
    4 August 2022
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    Główny cel projektu: — Ogólnym celem projektu jest rozszerzenie potencjału przedszkola i zwiększenie bezpieczeństwa technicznego, przyczynienie się do poprawy jakości życia i zapewnienie trwałego świadczenia usług publicznych oraz wpływ na zrównoważony i zrównoważony rozwój edukacji przedszkolnej, zatrudnienia, w dzielnicy miejskiej, która jest poszukiwanym miejscem na życie młodych rodzin. Specific objectives:- Accessing the services of the kindergarten infrastructure – we will fulfil this objective by continuing to provide services under price conditions that are accessible- Ensuring high-quality pre-primary education – by reconstructing, expanding and modifying premises and renewing material and technical equipment – Increase the training of kindergarten children – Restore and increase the quality of technical and material equipment of the kindergarten school, thus maintaining inclusive education services and providing children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuing the inclusive education services and providing children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school start-up and improve pre-primary education in children- Continue in-services at the educational level – Learn more – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school start-up and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuation of inclusive education and to provide children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continue in kindergarten education in a long time – Learning in a well-established level of education – Renewed and completed material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuing in the field of education in a long way – Learning-Instructiveness – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support the entrance to the school and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuation of inclusive education and to provide children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support schooling and to improve pre-primary education in children- Maintenance in kindergartenance – Learning tools – Constructed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school entry and to improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing in the field of education in a long time – Learning tools – Renovated and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing the inclusive education services in the field of education-Constructiveness and technical equipment – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and to improve pre-primary education in children-Continuity of the kindergarten’s education – Learning out more about the educational level – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing in the field of education – Learning in a long way – Constructive-Constructive-intelligibility Children of kindergartens and employees The place of implementation of the project is the building of the Maternity School on Krosnianska street in the housing estate of Dargovské Heroes. Mierzalna ukazovatele:zvýšiť pojemność przedszkola od 20 do 30 dzieciLiczba wspieranych przedszkoli Liczba szkół wspartych materiałami i wyposażeniem technicznym (Polish)
    4 August 2022
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    A projekt fő célkitűzése: – A projekt általános célja az óvoda kapacitásának bővítése és a műszaki biztonság növelése, az életminőség javításához való hozzájárulás, a közszolgáltatások fenntartható nyújtásának biztosítása, valamint az óvodai nevelés, a foglalkoztatás kiegyensúlyozott és fenntartható fejlődésére gyakorolt hatás a városi kerületben, amely a fiatal családok életének keresett helye. Specific objectives:- Accessing the services of the kindergarten infrastructure – we will fulfil this objective by continuing to provide services under price conditions that are accessible- Ensuring high-quality pre-primary education – by reconstructing, expanding and modifying premises and renewing material and technical equipment – Increase the training of kindergarten children – Restore and increase the quality of technical and material equipment of the kindergarten school, thus maintaining inclusive education services and providing children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuing the inclusive education services and providing children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school start-up and improve pre-primary education in children- Continue in-services at the educational level – Learn more – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school start-up and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuation of inclusive education and to provide children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continue in kindergarten education in a long time – Learning in a well-established level of education – Renewed and completed material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuing in the field of education in a long way – Learning-Instructiveness – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support the entrance to the school and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuation of inclusive education and to provide children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support schooling and to improve pre-primary education in children- Maintenance in kindergartenance – Learning tools – Constructed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school entry and to improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing in the field of education in a long time – Learning tools – Renovated and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing the inclusive education services in the field of education-Constructiveness and technical equipment – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and to improve pre-primary education in children-Continuity of the kindergarten’s education – Learning out more about the educational level – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing in the field of education – Learning in a long way – Constructive-Constructive-intelligibility Children of kindergartens and employees The place of implementation of the project is the building of the Maternity School on Krosnianska street in the housing estate of Dargovské Heroes. Mérhető ukazovatele:zvýšiť az óvoda kapacitása 20–30 gyermek közöttA támogatott óvodák száma Anyagi és műszaki eszközökkel támogatott iskolák száma (Hungarian)
    4 August 2022
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    Hlavní cíl projektu: — Celkovým cílem projektu je rozšíření kapacity mateřské školy a zvýšení technické bezpečnosti, přispívání ke zlepšení kvality života a zajištění udržitelného poskytování veřejných služeb a dopadu na vyvážený a udržitelný rozvoj předškolního vzdělávání a zaměstnanosti v městské části, která je vyhledávaným místem pro život mladých rodin. Specific objectives:- Accessing the services of the kindergarten infrastructure – we will fulfil this objective by continuing to provide services under price conditions that are accessible- Ensuring high-quality pre-primary education – by reconstructing, expanding and modifying premises and renewing material and technical equipment – Increase the training of kindergarten children – Restore and increase the quality of technical and material equipment of the kindergarten school, thus maintaining inclusive education services and providing children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuing the inclusive education services and providing children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school start-up and improve pre-primary education in children- Continue in-services at the educational level – Learn more – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school start-up and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuation of inclusive education and to provide children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continue in kindergarten education in a long time – Learning in a well-established level of education – Renewed and completed material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuing in the field of education in a long way – Learning-Instructiveness – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support the entrance to the school and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuation of inclusive education and to provide children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support schooling and to improve pre-primary education in children- Maintenance in kindergartenance – Learning tools – Constructed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school entry and to improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing in the field of education in a long time – Learning tools – Renovated and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing the inclusive education services in the field of education-Constructiveness and technical equipment – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and to improve pre-primary education in children-Continuity of the kindergarten’s education – Learning out more about the educational level – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing in the field of education – Learning in a long way – Constructive-Constructive-intelligibility Children of kindergartens and employees The place of implementation of the project is the building of the Maternity School on Krosnianska street in the housing estate of Dargovské Heroes. Měřitelná kapacita ukazovatele:zvýšiť mateřské školy od 20 do 30 dětíPočet podporovaných mateřských škol Počet škol podporovaných materiálem a technickým vybavením (Czech)
    4 August 2022
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    Projekta galvenais mērķis: — Projekta vispārējais mērķis ir palielināt bērnudārza kapacitāti un palielināt tehnisko drošību, uzlabot dzīves kvalitāti un nodrošināt sabiedrisko pakalpojumu ilgtspējīgu sniegšanu, kā arī ietekmi uz līdzsvarotu un ilgtspējīgu pirmsskolas izglītības un nodarbinātības attīstību pilsētas rajonā, kas ir jaunu ģimeņu dzīves vieta. Specific objectives:- Accessing the services of the kindergarten infrastructure – we will fulfil this objective by continuing to provide services under price conditions that are accessible- Ensuring high-quality pre-primary education – by reconstructing, expanding and modifying premises and renewing material and technical equipment – Increase the training of kindergarten children – Restore and increase the quality of technical and material equipment of the kindergarten school, thus maintaining inclusive education services and providing children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuing the inclusive education services and providing children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school start-up and improve pre-primary education in children- Continue in-services at the educational level – Learn more – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school start-up and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuation of inclusive education and to provide children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continue in kindergarten education in a long time – Learning in a well-established level of education – Renewed and completed material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuing in the field of education in a long way – Learning-Instructiveness – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support the entrance to the school and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuation of inclusive education and to provide children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support schooling and to improve pre-primary education in children- Maintenance in kindergartenance – Learning tools – Constructed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school entry and to improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing in the field of education in a long time – Learning tools – Renovated and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing the inclusive education services in the field of education-Constructiveness and technical equipment – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and to improve pre-primary education in children-Continuity of the kindergarten’s education – Learning out more about the educational level – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing in the field of education – Learning in a long way – Constructive-Constructive-intelligibility Children of kindergartens and employees The place of implementation of the project is the building of the Maternity School on Krosnianska street in the housing estate of Dargovské Heroes. Izmērāma ukazovatele:zvýšiť bērnudārza kapacitāte no 20 līdz 30 bērniemAtbalstīto bērnudārzu skaits ar materiālu un tehnisko aprīkojumu atbalstīto skolu skaits (Latvian)
    4 August 2022
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    Príomhchuspóir an tionscadail: — Is é cuspóir foriomlán an tionscadail cumas an kindergarten a leathnú agus slándáil theicniúil a mhéadú, rannchuidiú le feabhas a chur ar cháilíocht na beatha agus soláthar inbhuanaithe seirbhísí poiblí a chinntiú agus an tionchar ar fhorbairt chothromúil agus inbhuanaithe an oideachais réamh-bhunscoile, na fostaíochta, i gceantar na cathrach, ar áit í atá á lorg ar feadh shaol na dteaghlach óg. Specific objectives:- Accessing the services of the kindergarten infrastructure – we will fulfil this objective by continuing to provide services under price conditions that are accessible- Ensuring high-quality pre-primary education – by reconstructing, expanding and modifying premises and renewing material and technical equipment – Increase the training of kindergarten children – Restore and increase the quality of technical and material equipment of the kindergarten school, thus maintaining inclusive education services and providing children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuing the inclusive education services and providing children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school start-up and improve pre-primary education in children- Continue in-services at the educational level – Learn more – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school start-up and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuation of inclusive education and to provide children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continue in kindergarten education in a long time – Learning in a well-established level of education – Renewed and completed material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuing in the field of education in a long way – Learning-Instructiveness – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support the entrance to the school and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuation of inclusive education and to provide children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support schooling and to improve pre-primary education in children- Maintenance in kindergartenance – Learning tools – Constructed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school entry and to improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing in the field of education in a long time – Learning tools – Renovated and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing the inclusive education services in the field of education-Constructiveness and technical equipment – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and to improve pre-primary education in children-Continuity of the kindergarten’s education – Learning out more about the educational level – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing in the field of education – Learning in a long way – Constructive-Constructive-intelligibility Children of kindergartens and employees The place of implementation of the project is the building of the Maternity School on Krosnianska street in the housing estate of Dargovské Heroes. Cumas intomhaiste: cumas an kindergarten ó 20 go 30 páisteLíon na naíolanna tacaithe Líon na scoileanna a dtacaíonn ábhar agus trealamh teicniúil leo (Irish)
    4 August 2022
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    Glavni cilj projekta: — Splošni cilj projekta je razširitev zmogljivosti vrtca in povečanje tehnične varnosti, prispevanje k izboljšanju kakovosti življenja in zagotavljanju trajnostnega zagotavljanja javnih storitev ter vpliv na uravnotežen in trajnosten razvoj predšolskega izobraževanja in zaposlovanja v mestnem okrožju, ki je iskan kraj za življenje mladih družin. Specific objectives:- Accessing the services of the kindergarten infrastructure – we will fulfil this objective by continuing to provide services under price conditions that are accessible- Ensuring high-quality pre-primary education – by reconstructing, expanding and modifying premises and renewing material and technical equipment – Increase the training of kindergarten children – Restore and increase the quality of technical and material equipment of the kindergarten school, thus maintaining inclusive education services and providing children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuing the inclusive education services and providing children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school start-up and improve pre-primary education in children- Continue in-services at the educational level – Learn more – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school start-up and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuation of inclusive education and to provide children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continue in kindergarten education in a long time – Learning in a well-established level of education – Renewed and completed material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuing in the field of education in a long way – Learning-Instructiveness – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support the entrance to the school and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuation of inclusive education and to provide children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support schooling and to improve pre-primary education in children- Maintenance in kindergartenance – Learning tools – Constructed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school entry and to improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing in the field of education in a long time – Learning tools – Renovated and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing the inclusive education services in the field of education-Constructiveness and technical equipment – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and to improve pre-primary education in children-Continuity of the kindergarten’s education – Learning out more about the educational level – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing in the field of education – Learning in a long way – Constructive-Constructive-intelligibility Children of kindergartens and employees The place of implementation of the project is the building of the Maternity School on Krosnianska street in the housing estate of Dargovské Heroes. Merljiva ukazovatele:zvýšiť kapaciteta vrtca od 20 do 30 otrokŠtevilo podprtih vrtcev Število šol, podprtih z materialno in tehnično opremo (Slovenian)
    4 August 2022
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    Основна цел на проекта: — Общата цел на проекта е разширяване на капацитета на детската градина и повишаване на техническата сигурност, допринасяне за подобряване на качеството на живот и осигуряване на устойчиво предоставяне на обществени услуги и въздействие върху балансираното и устойчиво развитие на предучилищното образование, заетостта, в градската област, което е търсено място за живота на младите семейства. Specific objectives:- Accessing the services of the kindergarten infrastructure – we will fulfil this objective by continuing to provide services under price conditions that are accessible- Ensuring high-quality pre-primary education – by reconstructing, expanding and modifying premises and renewing material and technical equipment – Increase the training of kindergarten children – Restore and increase the quality of technical and material equipment of the kindergarten school, thus maintaining inclusive education services and providing children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuing the inclusive education services and providing children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school start-up and improve pre-primary education in children- Continue in-services at the educational level – Learn more – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school start-up and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuation of inclusive education and to provide children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continue in kindergarten education in a long time – Learning in a well-established level of education – Renewed and completed material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuing in the field of education in a long way – Learning-Instructiveness – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support the entrance to the school and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuation of inclusive education and to provide children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support schooling and to improve pre-primary education in children- Maintenance in kindergartenance – Learning tools – Constructed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school entry and to improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing in the field of education in a long time – Learning tools – Renovated and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing the inclusive education services in the field of education-Constructiveness and technical equipment – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and to improve pre-primary education in children-Continuity of the kindergarten’s education – Learning out more about the educational level – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing in the field of education – Learning in a long way – Constructive-Constructive-intelligibility Children of kindergartens and employees The place of implementation of the project is the building of the Maternity School on Krosnianska street in the housing estate of Dargovské Heroes. Измерим капацитет ukazovatele:zvýšiť на детската градина от 20 до 30 децаБрой подкрепяни детски градини Брой училища, подкрепени от материално и техническо оборудване (Bulgarian)
    4 August 2022
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    L-għan ewlieni tal-proġett: — L-għan ġenerali tal-proġett huwa li jestendi l-kapaċità tal-kindergarten u jżid is-sigurtà teknika, jikkontribwixxi għat-titjib tal-kwalità tal-ħajja u jiżgura l-provvista sostenibbli tas-servizzi pubbliċi u l-impatt fuq l-iżvilupp bilanċjat u sostenibbli tal-edukazzjoni preprimarja, l-impjieg, fid-distrett tal-belt, li huwa post imfittex għall-ħajja tal-familji żgħażagħ. Specific objectives:- Accessing the services of the kindergarten infrastructure – we will fulfil this objective by continuing to provide services under price conditions that are accessible- Ensuring high-quality pre-primary education – by reconstructing, expanding and modifying premises and renewing material and technical equipment – Increase the training of kindergarten children – Restore and increase the quality of technical and material equipment of the kindergarten school, thus maintaining inclusive education services and providing children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuing the inclusive education services and providing children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school start-up and improve pre-primary education in children- Continue in-services at the educational level – Learn more – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school start-up and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuation of inclusive education and to provide children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continue in kindergarten education in a long time – Learning in a well-established level of education – Renewed and completed material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuing in the field of education in a long way – Learning-Instructiveness – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support the entrance to the school and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuation of inclusive education and to provide children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support schooling and to improve pre-primary education in children- Maintenance in kindergartenance – Learning tools – Constructed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school entry and to improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing in the field of education in a long time – Learning tools – Renovated and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing the inclusive education services in the field of education-Constructiveness and technical equipment – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and to improve pre-primary education in children-Continuity of the kindergarten’s education – Learning out more about the educational level – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing in the field of education – Learning in a long way – Constructive-Constructive-intelligibility Children of kindergartens and employees The place of implementation of the project is the building of the Maternity School on Krosnianska street in the housing estate of Dargovské Heroes. Kapaċità ukazovatele:zvýšiť miżurabbli tal-kindergarten minn 20–30 childNumber ta’ kindergartens appoġġati Numru ta’ skejjel appoġġati minn materjal u tagħmir tekniku (Maltese)
    4 August 2022
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    Objectivo principal do projecto: — O objetivo geral do projeto consiste em alargar a capacidade do jardim de infância e aumentar a segurança técnica, contribuindo para melhorar a qualidade de vida e assegurar a prestação sustentável de serviços públicos e o impacto no desenvolvimento equilibrado e sustentável do ensino pré-primário, do emprego, no distrito da cidade, que é um local procurado para a vida das famílias jovens. Specific objectives:- Accessing the services of the kindergarten infrastructure – we will fulfil this objective by continuing to provide services under price conditions that are accessible- Ensuring high-quality pre-primary education – by reconstructing, expanding and modifying premises and renewing material and technical equipment – Increase the training of kindergarten children – Restore and increase the quality of technical and material equipment of the kindergarten school, thus maintaining inclusive education services and providing children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuing the inclusive education services and providing children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school start-up and improve pre-primary education in children- Continue in-services at the educational level – Learn more – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school start-up and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuation of inclusive education and to provide children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continue in kindergarten education in a long time – Learning in a well-established level of education – Renewed and completed material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuing in the field of education in a long way – Learning-Instructiveness – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support the entrance to the school and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuation of inclusive education and to provide children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support schooling and to improve pre-primary education in children- Maintenance in kindergartenance – Learning tools – Constructed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school entry and to improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing in the field of education in a long time – Learning tools – Renovated and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing the inclusive education services in the field of education-Constructiveness and technical equipment – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and to improve pre-primary education in children-Continuity of the kindergarten’s education – Learning out more about the educational level – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing in the field of education – Learning in a long way – Constructive-Constructive-intelligibility Children of kindergartens and employees The place of implementation of the project is the building of the Maternity School on Krosnianska street in the housing estate of Dargovské Heroes. Capacidade ukazovatele mensurável:Zvýšiť do jardim de infância de 20 a 30 criançasNúmero de jardins de infância apoiadosNúmero de escolas apoiadas por equipamento material e técnico (Portuguese)
    4 August 2022
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    Projektets hovedformål: — Projektets overordnede mål er at udvide børnehavens kapacitet og øge den tekniske sikkerhed, bidrage til at forbedre livskvaliteten og sikre en bæredygtig levering af offentlige tjenester og indvirkningen på en afbalanceret og bæredygtig udvikling af førskoleundervisningen, beskæftigelsen i bydelen, som er et eftertragtet sted for unge familiers liv. Specific objectives:- Accessing the services of the kindergarten infrastructure – we will fulfil this objective by continuing to provide services under price conditions that are accessible- Ensuring high-quality pre-primary education – by reconstructing, expanding and modifying premises and renewing material and technical equipment – Increase the training of kindergarten children – Restore and increase the quality of technical and material equipment of the kindergarten school, thus maintaining inclusive education services and providing children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuing the inclusive education services and providing children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school start-up and improve pre-primary education in children- Continue in-services at the educational level – Learn more – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school start-up and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuation of inclusive education and to provide children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continue in kindergarten education in a long time – Learning in a well-established level of education – Renewed and completed material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuing in the field of education in a long way – Learning-Instructiveness – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support the entrance to the school and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuation of inclusive education and to provide children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support schooling and to improve pre-primary education in children- Maintenance in kindergartenance – Learning tools – Constructed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school entry and to improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing in the field of education in a long time – Learning tools – Renovated and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing the inclusive education services in the field of education-Constructiveness and technical equipment – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and to improve pre-primary education in children-Continuity of the kindergarten’s education – Learning out more about the educational level – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing in the field of education – Learning in a long way – Constructive-Constructive-intelligibility Children of kindergartens and employees The place of implementation of the project is the building of the Maternity School on Krosnianska street in the housing estate of Dargovské Heroes. Målbar ukazovatele:zvýšiť kapacitet i børnehaven fra 20 til 30 børnAntal støttede børnehaver Antal skoler understøttet af materiale og teknisk udstyr (Danish)
    4 August 2022
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    Obiectivul principal al proiectului: Obiectivul general al proiectului este extinderea capacității grădiniței și creșterea securității tehnice, contribuind la îmbunătățirea calității vieții și asigurarea furnizării durabile a serviciilor publice, precum și impactul asupra dezvoltării echilibrate și durabile a educației preșcolare, a ocupării forței de muncă, în districtul orășenesc, care este un loc căutat pentru viața familiilor tinere. Specific objectives:- Accessing the services of the kindergarten infrastructure – we will fulfil this objective by continuing to provide services under price conditions that are accessible- Ensuring high-quality pre-primary education – by reconstructing, expanding and modifying premises and renewing material and technical equipment – Increase the training of kindergarten children – Restore and increase the quality of technical and material equipment of the kindergarten school, thus maintaining inclusive education services and providing children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuing the inclusive education services and providing children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school start-up and improve pre-primary education in children- Continue in-services at the educational level – Learn more – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school start-up and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuation of inclusive education and to provide children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continue in kindergarten education in a long time – Learning in a well-established level of education – Renewed and completed material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuing in the field of education in a long way – Learning-Instructiveness – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support the entrance to the school and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuation of inclusive education and to provide children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support schooling and to improve pre-primary education in children- Maintenance in kindergartenance – Learning tools – Constructed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school entry and to improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing in the field of education in a long time – Learning tools – Renovated and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing the inclusive education services in the field of education-Constructiveness and technical equipment – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and to improve pre-primary education in children-Continuity of the kindergarten’s education – Learning out more about the educational level – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing in the field of education – Learning in a long way – Constructive-Constructive-intelligibility Children of kindergartens and employees The place of implementation of the project is the building of the Maternity School on Krosnianska street in the housing estate of Dargovské Heroes. Capacitatea măsurabilă ukazovatele:zvýšiť a grădiniței de la 20 la 30 copiiNumăr de grădinițe sprijinite Număr de școli susținute de materiale și echipamente tehnice (Romanian)
    4 August 2022
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    Projektets huvudsakliga mål: — Det övergripande målet med projektet är att utöka förskolans kapacitet och öka den tekniska säkerheten, bidra till att förbättra livskvaliteten och säkerställa ett hållbart tillhandahållande av offentliga tjänster och inverkan på en balanserad och hållbar utveckling av förskoleutbildning och sysselsättning i stadsdelen, som är en eftertraktad plats för unga familjers liv. Specific objectives:- Accessing the services of the kindergarten infrastructure – we will fulfil this objective by continuing to provide services under price conditions that are accessible- Ensuring high-quality pre-primary education – by reconstructing, expanding and modifying premises and renewing material and technical equipment – Increase the training of kindergarten children – Restore and increase the quality of technical and material equipment of the kindergarten school, thus maintaining inclusive education services and providing children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuing the inclusive education services and providing children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school start-up and improve pre-primary education in children- Continue in-services at the educational level – Learn more – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support school start-up and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuation of inclusive education and to provide children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continue in kindergarten education in a long time – Learning in a well-established level of education – Renewed and completed material technical equipment to support school entry and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuing in the field of education in a long way – Learning-Instructiveness – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support the entrance to the school and improve pre-primary education in children- Continuation of inclusive education and to provide children with even better opportunities for their training – Renewed and supplemented material technical equipment to support schooling and to improve pre-primary education in children- Maintenance in kindergartenance – Learning tools – Constructed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school entry and to improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing in the field of education in a long time – Learning tools – Renovated and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing the inclusive education services in the field of education-Constructiveness and technical equipment – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and to improve pre-primary education in children-Continuity of the kindergarten’s education – Learning out more about the educational level – Renewed and supplemented with material technical equipment to support school and improve pre-primary education in children-Continuing in the field of education – Learning in a long way – Constructive-Constructive-intelligibility Children of kindergartens and employees The place of implementation of the project is the building of the Maternity School on Krosnianska street in the housing estate of Dargovské Heroes. Mätbar ukazovatele:zvýšiť kapacitet hos dagis från 20 till 30 barnAntal stödda förskolor Antal skolor som stöds av material och teknisk utrustning (Swedish)
    4 August 2022
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