PRO-WORK (Q3096767)

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Project Q3096767 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Project Q3096767 in Romania


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    4,301,651.0 Romanian Leu
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    860,330.2000000001 Euro
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    5,060,765.5 Romanian Leu
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    1,012,153.1000000001 Euro
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    85.0000064219533600 percent
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    20 August 2018
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    19 February 2020
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    46°49'43.21"N, 24°12'55.33"E
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    45°59'29.87"N, 21°20'45.60"E
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    45°59'29.87"N, 21°20'45.60"E
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului este: Promovarea unei ocupări sustenabile și de calitate a forței de muncă și sprijinirea mobilității forței de muncă în Regiunile Vest și Nord-Vest prin servicii de consiliere profesională pentru minim 520 de persoane dezavantajate pe piața muncii, îmbunătățirea nivelului de competențe profesionale pentru 430 de persoane și creșterea ocupării pentru minim 270 de persoane în decurs de 18 luni. Obiectivul general al proiectului este în concordanță cu obiectivele POCU 2014-2020, adresându-se în mod nemijlocit Axei prioritare 3 – Locuri de muncă pentru toți, adresându-se categoriilor defavorizate pe piața muncii, obiectivului tematic 8 – Promovarea unei ocupări sustenabile și de calitate a forței de muncă prin sprijinirea mobilității forței de muncă, oferind servicii individualizate, care vizează integrarea eficientă a grupului țintă pe piața muncii și priorității de investiții 8.i - Accesul la locuri de muncă pentru persoanele aflate în căutarea unui loc de muncă și pentru persoanele inactive, inclusiv pentru șomerii de lungă durată și pentru persoanele cu șanse mici de angajare, inclusiv prin inițiative locale de angajare și sprijin pentru mobilitatea forței de muncă prin dezvoltarea de servicii complexe de incluziune profesională adresate grupurilor dezavantajate pe piața muncii prin dezvoltarea de servicii de incluziune profesională care facilitează accesul a 520 de persoane (din care 260 de șomeri și inactive, 104 persoane de etnie romă și 156 de persoane din mediul rural). Proiectul se adresează categoriilor dezavantajate pe piața muncii din 2 regiuni de dezvoltare – Regiunea Vest și Regiunea Nord-Vest, scopul fiind acela de a oferi servicii individualizate de sprijin pentru integrarea profesională și implicit socială a acestora. Proiectul abordează integrat și individualizat procesul de sprijin în vederea inserției/reinserției profesionale a grupurilor țintă vizate, asigurând toate etapele necesare îndeplinirii cu succes a obiectivului/obiectivelor propuse: (1) informarea grupului țintă cu privire la piața muncii și serviciile oferite în cadrul proiectului (minim 520 de persoane); (2) consilierea profesională și evaluarea abilităților în vederea oferirii de servicii individualizate (minim 520 de persoane); (3) dezvoltarea/certificarea abilităților în vederea integrării pe piața muncii (minim 520 de persoane, din care 490 vor participa la cursuri de inițiere/calificare/specializare/perfecționare, minim 400 fiind certificate – 81,63% și 30 vor beneficia de certificarea competențelor non-formale); (4) mediere directă pe piața muncii în vederea angajării sau a demarării de activități independente (minim 270 de persoane vor fi angajate sau vor demara activități independente). Efectele pozitive pe termen lung ale proiectului vizează creșterea numărului de cetățeni care își dezvoltă competențele pentru a fi competitivi pe piața muncii (minim 430 de persoane certificate) și diminuarea directă a numărului de indi (Romanian)
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    The overall objective of the project is to: Promoting sustainable and quality employment and supporting labour mobility in the West and North-West Regions through career counselling services for a minimum of 520 disadvantaged people on the labour market, improving the level of professional skills for 430 people and increasing employment for a minimum of 270 people within 18 months. The general objective of the project is in line with the objectives of POCU 2014-2020, directly addressing Priority Axis 3 – Jobs for all, addressing disadvantaged groups in the labour market, thematic objective 8 – Promoting sustainable and quality employment by supporting labour mobility, providing individualised services, aiming at the effective integration of the target group into the labour market and investment priority 8.i – Access to employment for jobseekers and inactive people, including long-term unemployed people and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market of the Roma through the development of the labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market, through the development of the labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and for people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, which is addressed directly to Priority Axis 3 – Jobs for all, targeted at the effective integration of the target group into the labour market and to the investment priority 8.i – Promoting sustainable and quality employment employment by supporting jobseekers and the inactive people, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the Roma labour market and for the inactive people, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the Roma labour market through the development of the multi-active labour market and for people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of professional inclusion services of the Roma through the development of the multi-active labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the non-active population, the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, including the long-term unemployed The project is aimed at disadvantaged groups on the labour market in 2 development regions – West Region and North-West Region, the aim being to provide individualised support services for their professional and social integration. (English)
    16 September 2021
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    L’objectif général du projet est: Promouvoir un emploi durable et de qualité et soutenir la mobilité de la main-d’œuvre dans les régions de l’Ouest et du Nord-Ouest grâce à des services de conseil professionnel pour au moins 520 personnes défavorisées sur le marché du travail, en améliorant le niveau des concours professionnels pour 430 personnes et en augmentant l’emploi d’au moins 270 personnes dans un délai de 18 mois. L’objectif global du projet est conforme aux objectifs de la POCU 2014-2020, qui concerne directement l’axe prioritaire 3 — L’emploi pour tous, les groupes défavorisés sur le marché du travail, l’objectif thématique 8 — Promouvoir l’emploi durable et de qualité en soutenant la mobilité de la main-d’œuvre en fournissant des services individualisés visant à intégrer efficacement le groupe cible sur le marché du travail et la priorité d’investissement 8.i — l’accès à l’emploi pour les demandeurs d’emploi et les personnes inactives, y compris les chômeurs de longue durée et les personnes à faible taux d’emploi, y compris par des initiatives locales en faveur de l’emploi et le soutien à la mobilité de la main-d’œuvre en développant des services d’inclusion professionnelle complexes destinés aux groupes défavorisés sur le marché du travail grâce au développement de services d’inclusion professionnelle facilitant l’accès de 520 personnes (dont 260 chômeurs et personnes actives, 104 Roms et 104 Roms et 104 roms). Le projet s’adresse aux catégories défavorisées sur le marché du travail dans deux régions de développement — la région de l’Ouest et la région du Nord-Ouest, en vue de fournir des services de soutien individualisés pour leur insertion professionnelle et sociale. Le projet aborde de manière intégrée et individualisée le processus de soutien à l’insertion/réintégration professionnelle des groupes cibles ciblés, en assurant toutes les étapes nécessaires à la réalisation réussie du ou des objectifs proposés: (1) informer le groupe cible du marché du travail et des services offerts dans le cadre du projet (520 personnes au minimum); 2° le conseil professionnel et l’évaluation des compétences afin de fournir des services individualisés (minimum 520 personnes); (3) le développement/certification des compétences pour l’intégration sur le marché du travail (minimum 520 personnes, dont 490 participeront à des cours d’initiation/qualification/spécialisation/amélioration, 400 au minimum étant certifiés — 81,63 % et 30 bénéficieront de la certification des compétences non formelles); (4) La médiation directe sur le marché du travail en vue d’embaucher ou de commencer un travail indépendant (minimum 270 personnes seront employées ou commenceront à exercer une activité indépendante). Les effets positifs à long terme du projet visent à augmenter le nombre de citoyens qui développent leurs concours pour être compétitifs sur le marché du travail (minimum 430 personnes certifiées) et à réduire directement le nombre d’individus. (French)
    26 November 2021
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    Das allgemeine Ziel des Projekts ist: Förderung nachhaltiger und hochwertiger Beschäftigung und Unterstützung der Arbeitskräftemobilität in den Regionen West und Nordwest durch Berufsberatungsangebote für mindestens 520 benachteiligte Menschen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt, Verbesserung der beruflichen Qualifikationen von 430 Personen und Erhöhung der Beschäftigung für mindestens 270 Personen innerhalb von 18 Monaten. Das allgemeine Ziel des Projekts steht im Einklang mit den Zielen des POCU 2014-2020 und befasst sich direkt mit der Prioritätsachse 3 – Arbeitsplätze für alle, den benachteiligten Kategorien auf dem Arbeitsmarkt, dem thematischen Ziel 8 – Förderung einer nachhaltigen und qualitativ hochwertigen Beschäftigung von Arbeitskräften durch Förderung der Arbeitskräftemobilität, Bereitstellung individueller Dienstleistungen zur effektiven Integration der Zielgruppe in den Arbeitsmarkt und Investitionspriorität 8.i - Zugang zur Beschäftigung für Arbeitsuchende und Nichterwerbstätige, auch für Langzeitarbeitslose und Menschen mit geringen Beschäftigungschancen, einschließlich durch lokale Beschäftigungsinitiativen und Unterstützung der Arbeitskräftemobilität durch die Entwicklung komplexer Dienste zur beruflichen Eingliederung für benachteiligte Gruppen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt durch die Entwicklung von inklusiven Dienstleistungen, die den Zugang von 520 Personen erleichtern e (davon 260 Arbeitslose und Nichterwerbstätige, 104 Personen mit Roma-Ethnie und 156 Personen aus ländlichen Gebieten). Das Projekt adressiert die benachteiligten Kategorien auf dem Arbeitsmarkt in 2 Entwicklungsregionen – der Westregion und der Nordwestregion mit dem Ziel, individuelle Unterstützungsangebote für deren berufliche und implizit soziale Integration bereitzustellen. Das Projekt adressiert integriert und individualisiert den Unterstützungsprozess zur beruflichen Eingliederung / Wiedereingliederung der Zielgruppen und stellt alle notwendigen Schritte sicher, um die vorgeschlagenen Ziele erfolgreich zu erreichen: (1) Information der Zielgruppe über den Arbeitsmarkt und im Rahmen des Projekts erbrachte Dienstleistungen (mindestens 520 Personen); (2) professionelle Beratung und Kompetenzbewertung zur Erbringung individueller Dienstleistungen (mindestens 520 Personen); (3) Entwicklung / Zertifizierung von Fähigkeiten zur Integration in den Arbeitsmarkt (mindestens 520 Personen, davon 490 an Einführungs- / Qualifizierungs- / Spezialisierungs- / Fortbildungskursen, mindestens 400 werden zertifiziert - 81,63 % und 30 profitieren von einer Zertifizierung ohne formale Fähigkeiten); (4) Direktvermittlung auf dem Arbeitsmarkt zur Einstellung oder Aufnahme einer selbständigen Tätigkeit (mindestens 270 Personen werden beschäftigt oder beginnen eine selbständige Tätigkeit). Die langfristigen positiven Effekte des Projekts bestehen darin, die Zahl der Bürger zu erhöhen, die ihre Fähigkeiten entwickeln, um auf dem Arbeitsmarkt wettbewerbsfähig zu sein (mindestens 430 zertifizierte Personen) und die Zahl der indi (German)
    1 December 2021
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    De algemene doelstelling van het project is: bevordering van duurzame en hoogwaardige werkgelegenheid en ondersteuning van arbeidsmobiliteit in de regio's West en Noordwest door middel van beroepsadviesdiensten voor ten minste 520 kansarme mensen op de arbeidsmarkt, verbetering van het niveau van professionele vaardigheden van 430 mensen en binnen 18 maanden de werkgelegenheid voor ten minste 270 mensen vergroten. De algemene doelstelling van het project is in overeenstemming met de doelstellingen van de POCU 2014-2020, waarbij rechtstreeks aandacht wordt besteed aan prioritaire as 3 - Banen voor iedereen, aanpak van de kansarme categorieën op de arbeidsmarkt, thematische doelstelling 8 - Bevordering van duurzame en hoogwaardige arbeidsparticipatie kracht door het ondersteunen van arbeidsmobiliteit, het bieden van geïndividualiseerde diensten, gericht op een effectieve integratie van de doelgroep op de arbeidsmarkt en investeringsprioriteit 8.i - Toegang tot werk voor werkzoekenden en inactieven, ook voor langdurig werklozen en mensen met een lage werkgelegenheid kansen, onder meer via lokale werkgelegenheidsinitiatieven en ondersteuning van arbeidsmobiliteit door de ontwikkeling van complexe diensten voor beroepsintegratie voor kansarme groepen op de arbeidsmarkt door de ontwikkeling van inclusieve diensten die de toegang voor 520 mensen vergemakkelijken e (waarvan 260 werklozen en inactieven, 104 mensen van Roma-etniciteit en 156 mensen van het platteland). Het project richt zich op de kansarme categorieën op de arbeidsmarkt in 2 ontwikkelingsregio's - de regio West en de Regio Noordwest, met als doel geïndividualiseerde ondersteuningsdiensten te bieden voor hun professionele en impliciete sociale integratie. Het project adresseert op een geïntegreerde en geïndividualiseerde manier het begeleidingsproces voor de professionele invoeging / re-integratie van de doelgroepen, waarbij alle noodzakelijke stappen worden verzekerd om de vooropgestelde doelstelling(en) succesvol te bereiken: (1) de doelgroep informeren over de arbeidsmarkt en diensten aangeboden binnen het project (minimaal 520 personen); (2) professionele begeleiding en beoordeling van vaardigheden om geïndividualiseerde diensten te verlenen (minimaal 520 personen); (3) ontwikkeling / certificering van vaardigheden voor integratie op de arbeidsmarkt (minimaal 520 mensen, waarvan 490 zullen deelnemen aan inleidende / kwalificatie / specialisatie / geavanceerde trainingen, waarvan ten minste 400 gecertificeerd zijn - 81,63% en 30 zullen profiteren van certificering niet -formele vaardigheden); (4) directe bemiddeling op de arbeidsmarkt voor het aannemen of starten van zelfstandige werkzaamheden (minimaal 270 personen gaan in loondienst of starten als zelfstandige). De positieve effecten van het project op de lange termijn zijn het vergroten van het aantal burgers dat hun vaardigheden ontwikkelt om concurrerend te zijn op de arbeidsmarkt (minimaal 430 gecertificeerde mensen) en het direct verminderen van het aantal (Dutch)
    5 December 2021
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    L'obiettivo generale del progetto è: Promuovere un'occupazione sostenibile e di qualità e sostenere la mobilità del lavoro nelle Regioni Ovest e Nord-Ovest attraverso servizi di consulenza professionale per almeno 520 persone svantaggiate nel mercato del lavoro, migliorare il livello delle competenze professionali per 430 persone e aumentare l'occupazione di almeno 270 persone entro 18 mesi. L'obiettivo generale del progetto è in linea con gli obiettivi del POCU 2014-2020, affrontando direttamente l'Asse prioritario 3 - Lavori per tutti, affrontando le categorie svantaggiate sul mercato del lavoro, obiettivo tematico 8 - Promuovere un'occupazione sostenibile e di qualità del lavoro forza attraverso il sostegno alla mobilità del lavoro, fornendo servizi individualizzati, mirando all'effettiva integrazione del gruppo target nel mercato del lavoro e priorità di investimento 8.i - Accesso all'occupazione per disoccupati e inattivi, compresi i disoccupati di lungo periodo e le persone con bassa occupazione opportunità, anche attraverso iniziative locali per l'occupazione e sostegno alla mobilità del lavoro attraverso lo sviluppo di servizi complessi di inclusione occupazionale per i gruppi svantaggiati nel mercato del lavoro attraverso lo sviluppo di servizi inclusivi che facilitano l'accesso per 520 persone e (di cui 260 disoccupati e inattivi, 104 persone di etnia Rom e 156 persone provenienti da aree rurali). Il progetto si rivolge alle categorie svantaggiate del mercato del lavoro in 2 regioni di sviluppo - la Regione Ovest e la Regione Nord-Ovest, con l'obiettivo di fornire servizi di supporto individualizzati per la loro integrazione professionale e implicitamente sociale. Il progetto affronta in modo integrato e individualizzato il processo di supporto per l'inserimento/reinserimento professionale dei gruppi target, assicurando tutte le fasi necessarie per raggiungere con successo l'obiettivo/i proposto/i: (1) informare il gruppo target sul mercato del lavoro e servizi offerti nell'ambito del progetto (minimo 520 persone); (2) consulenza professionale e valutazione delle competenze al fine di fornire servizi individualizzati (minimo 520 persone); (3) sviluppo/certificazione delle competenze per l'inserimento nel mercato del lavoro (minimo 520 persone, di cui 490 parteciperanno a corsi di introduzione/qualifica/specializzazione/alta formazione, almeno 400 in corso di certificazione - 81,63% e 30 beneficeranno di certificazione non -competenze formali); (4) mediazione diretta sul mercato del lavoro per l'assunzione o l'avvio di attività di lavoro autonomo (saranno assunti o inizieranno un'attività autonoma un minimo di 270 persone). Gli effetti positivi a lungo termine del progetto sono di aumentare il numero di cittadini che sviluppano le proprie competenze per essere competitivi nel mercato del lavoro (minimo 430 persone certificate) e di ridurre direttamente il numero di (Italian)
    12 January 2022
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    El objetivo general del proyecto es: Promover el empleo sostenible y de calidad y apoyar la movilidad laboral en las Regiones Oeste y Noroeste a través de servicios de orientación vocacional para al menos 520 personas desfavorecidas en el mercado laboral, mejorando el nivel de competencias profesionales de 430 personas y aumentar el empleo para al menos 270 personas en 18 meses. El objetivo general del proyecto está en línea con los objetivos del POCU 2014-2020, abordando directamente el Eje Prioritario 3 - Empleos para todos, abordando las categorías desfavorecidas en el mercado laboral, objetivo temático 8 - Promover el empleo sostenible y de calidad de la mano de obra fuerza mediante el apoyo a la movilidad laboral, la prestación de servicios individualizados, con el objetivo de la integración efectiva del grupo objetivo en el mercado laboral y la prioridad de inversión 8.i - Acceso al empleo para personas en busca de empleo e inactivos, incluidos los desempleados de larga duración y las personas con bajo nivel de empleo oportunidades, incluso a través de iniciativas locales de empleo y apoyo a la movilidad laboral a través del desarrollo de servicios complejos de inclusión ocupacional para grupos desfavorecidos en el mercado laboral a través del desarrollo de servicios inclusivos que facilitan el acceso a 520 personas e (de los cuales 260 desempleados e inactivos, 104 personas de etnia gitana y 156 personas de zonas rurales). El proyecto aborda las categorías desfavorecidas en el mercado laboral en 2 regiones de desarrollo: la Región Oeste y la Región Noroeste, con el objetivo de proporcionar servicios de apoyo individualizados para su integración profesional e implícitamente social. El proyecto aborda de forma integrada e individualizada el proceso de apoyo a la inserción/reintegración profesional de los grupos destinatarios, asegurando todos los pasos necesarios para lograr con éxito el(los) objetivo(s) propuesto(s): (1) informar al grupo destinatario sobre el mercado laboral y servicios ofrecidos dentro del proyecto (mínimo 520 personas); (2) asesoramiento profesional y evaluación de habilidades para brindar servicios individualizados (mínimo 520 personas); (3) desarrollo/certificación de competencias para la inserción en el mercado laboral (mínimo 520 personas, de las cuales 490 participarán en cursos de iniciación/cualificación/especialización/formación avanzada, estando al menos 400 certificados - 81,63% y 30 se beneficiarán de certificación no -habilidades formales); (4) intermediación directa en el mercado de trabajo para contratar o iniciar actividades por cuenta propia (mínimo 270 personas serán empleadas o iniciarán actividades por cuenta propia). Los efectos positivos a largo plazo del proyecto son aumentar el número de ciudadanos que desarrollan sus habilidades para ser competitivos en el mercado laboral (mínimo 430 personas certificadas) y reducir directamente el número de (Spanish)
    13 January 2022
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    Projekti üldeesmärk on: Jätkusuutliku ja kvaliteetse tööhõive edendamine ning tööjõu liikuvuse toetamine lääne- ja loodepiirkonnas vähemalt 520 ebasoodsas olukorras olevale inimesele mõeldud karjäärinõustamisteenuste kaudu, parandades 430 inimese kutseoskusi ja suurendades 18 kuu jooksul vähemalt 270 inimese tööhõivet. The general objective of the project is in line with the objectives of POCU 2014-2020, directly addressing Priority Axis 3 – Jobs for all, addressing disadvantaged groups in the labour market, thematic objective 8 – Promoting sustainable and quality employment by supporting labour mobility, providing individualised services, aiming at the effective integration of the target group into the labour market and investment priority 8.i – Access to employment for jobseekers and inactive people, including long-term unemployed people and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market of the Roma through the development of the labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market, through the development of the labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and for people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, which is addressed directly to Priority Axis 3 – Jobs for all, targeted at the effective integration of the target group into the labour market and to the investment priority 8.i – Promoting sustainable and quality employment employment by supporting jobseekers and the inactive people, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the Roma labour market and for the inactive people, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the Roma labour market through the development of the multi-active labour market and for people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of professional inclusion services of the Roma through the development of the multi-active labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the non-active population, the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, including the long-term unemployed The project is aimed at disadvantaged groups on the labour market in 2 development regions – West Region and North-West Region, the aim being to provide individualised support services for their professional and social integration. (Estonian)
    3 August 2022
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    Bendras projekto tikslas yra: Skatinti tvarų ir kokybišką užimtumą ir remti darbo jėgos judumą Vakarų ir Šiaurės Vakarų regionuose, teikiant profesinio konsultavimo paslaugas mažiausiai 520 nepalankioje padėtyje esančių asmenų darbo rinkoje, gerinant 430 žmonių profesinių įgūdžių lygį ir per 18 mėnesių didinant mažiausiai 270 žmonių užimtumą. The general objective of the project is in line with the objectives of POCU 2014-2020, directly addressing Priority Axis 3 – Jobs for all, addressing disadvantaged groups in the labour market, thematic objective 8 – Promoting sustainable and quality employment by supporting labour mobility, providing individualised services, aiming at the effective integration of the target group into the labour market and investment priority 8.i – Access to employment for jobseekers and inactive people, including long-term unemployed people and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market of the Roma through the development of the labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market, through the development of the labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and for people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, which is addressed directly to Priority Axis 3 – Jobs for all, targeted at the effective integration of the target group into the labour market and to the investment priority 8.i – Promoting sustainable and quality employment employment by supporting jobseekers and the inactive people, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the Roma labour market and for the inactive people, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the Roma labour market through the development of the multi-active labour market and for people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of professional inclusion services of the Roma through the development of the multi-active labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the non-active population, the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, including the long-term unemployed The project is aimed at disadvantaged groups on the labour market in 2 development regions – West Region and North-West Region, the aim being to provide individualised support services for their professional and social integration. (Lithuanian)
    3 August 2022
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    Opći je cilj projekta: Promicanje održivog i kvalitetnog zapošljavanja i podupiranje mobilnosti radne snage u zapadnim i sjeverozapadnim regijama putem usluga savjetovanja o karijeri za najmanje 520 osoba u nepovoljnom položaju na tržištu rada, poboljšanje razine profesionalnih vještina za 430 osoba i povećanje zaposlenosti za najmanje 270 osoba u roku od 18 mjeseci. The general objective of the project is in line with the objectives of POCU 2014-2020, directly addressing Priority Axis 3 – Jobs for all, addressing disadvantaged groups in the labour market, thematic objective 8 – Promoting sustainable and quality employment by supporting labour mobility, providing individualised services, aiming at the effective integration of the target group into the labour market and investment priority 8.i – Access to employment for jobseekers and inactive people, including long-term unemployed people and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market of the Roma through the development of the labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market, through the development of the labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and for people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, which is addressed directly to Priority Axis 3 – Jobs for all, targeted at the effective integration of the target group into the labour market and to the investment priority 8.i – Promoting sustainable and quality employment employment by supporting jobseekers and the inactive people, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the Roma labour market and for the inactive people, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the Roma labour market through the development of the multi-active labour market and for people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of professional inclusion services of the Roma through the development of the multi-active labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the non-active population, the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, including the long-term unemployed The project is aimed at disadvantaged groups on the labour market in 2 development regions – West Region and North-West Region, the aim being to provide individualised support services for their professional and social integration. (Croatian)
    3 August 2022
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    Ο γενικός στόχος του έργου είναι: Προώθηση της βιώσιμης και ποιοτικής απασχόλησης και στήριξη της κινητικότητας του εργατικού δυναμικού στις δυτικές και βορειοδυτικές περιφέρειες μέσω υπηρεσιών παροχής συμβουλών σταδιοδρομίας για τουλάχιστον 520 μειονεκτούντα άτομα στην αγορά εργασίας, βελτίωση του επιπέδου επαγγελματικών δεξιοτήτων για 430 άτομα και αύξηση της απασχόλησης για τουλάχιστον 270 άτομα εντός 18 μηνών. The general objective of the project is in line with the objectives of POCU 2014-2020, directly addressing Priority Axis 3 – Jobs for all, addressing disadvantaged groups in the labour market, thematic objective 8 – Promoting sustainable and quality employment by supporting labour mobility, providing individualised services, aiming at the effective integration of the target group into the labour market and investment priority 8.i – Access to employment for jobseekers and inactive people, including long-term unemployed people and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market of the Roma through the development of the labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market, through the development of the labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and for people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, which is addressed directly to Priority Axis 3 – Jobs for all, targeted at the effective integration of the target group into the labour market and to the investment priority 8.i – Promoting sustainable and quality employment employment by supporting jobseekers and the inactive people, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the Roma labour market and for the inactive people, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the Roma labour market through the development of the multi-active labour market and for people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of professional inclusion services of the Roma through the development of the multi-active labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the non-active population, the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, including the long-term unemployed The project is aimed at disadvantaged groups on the labour market in 2 development regions – West Region and North-West Region, the aim being to provide individualised support services for their professional and social integration. (Greek)
    3 August 2022
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    Celkovým cieľom projektu je: Podpora udržateľného a kvalitného zamestnania a podpora mobility pracovnej sily v západnom a severozápadnom regióne prostredníctvom služieb profesijného poradenstva pre minimálne 520 znevýhodnených ľudí na trhu práce, zlepšenie úrovne odborných zručností pre 430 ľudí a zvýšenie zamestnanosti minimálne o 270 ľudí do 18 mesiacov. The general objective of the project is in line with the objectives of POCU 2014-2020, directly addressing Priority Axis 3 – Jobs for all, addressing disadvantaged groups in the labour market, thematic objective 8 – Promoting sustainable and quality employment by supporting labour mobility, providing individualised services, aiming at the effective integration of the target group into the labour market and investment priority 8.i – Access to employment for jobseekers and inactive people, including long-term unemployed people and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market of the Roma through the development of the labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market, through the development of the labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and for people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, which is addressed directly to Priority Axis 3 – Jobs for all, targeted at the effective integration of the target group into the labour market and to the investment priority 8.i – Promoting sustainable and quality employment employment by supporting jobseekers and the inactive people, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the Roma labour market and for the inactive people, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the Roma labour market through the development of the multi-active labour market and for people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of professional inclusion services of the Roma through the development of the multi-active labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the non-active population, the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, including the long-term unemployed The project is aimed at disadvantaged groups on the labour market in 2 development regions – West Region and North-West Region, the aim being to provide individualised support services for their professional and social integration. (Slovak)
    3 August 2022
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    Hankkeen yleisenä tavoitteena on Kestävien ja laadukkaiden työpaikkojen edistäminen ja työvoiman liikkuvuuden tukeminen Länsi- ja Luoteis-alueilla uraneuvontapalvelujen avulla vähintään 520 heikossa asemassa olevalle työmarkkinalle, 430 henkilön ammattitaidon parantaminen ja vähintään 270 henkilön työllisyyden lisääminen 18 kuukauden kuluessa. The general objective of the project is in line with the objectives of POCU 2014-2020, directly addressing Priority Axis 3 – Jobs for all, addressing disadvantaged groups in the labour market, thematic objective 8 – Promoting sustainable and quality employment by supporting labour mobility, providing individualised services, aiming at the effective integration of the target group into the labour market and investment priority 8.i – Access to employment for jobseekers and inactive people, including long-term unemployed people and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market of the Roma through the development of the labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market, through the development of the labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and for people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, which is addressed directly to Priority Axis 3 – Jobs for all, targeted at the effective integration of the target group into the labour market and to the investment priority 8.i – Promoting sustainable and quality employment employment by supporting jobseekers and the inactive people, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the Roma labour market and for the inactive people, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the Roma labour market through the development of the multi-active labour market and for people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of professional inclusion services of the Roma through the development of the multi-active labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the non-active population, the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, including the long-term unemployed The project is aimed at disadvantaged groups on the labour market in 2 development regions – West Region and North-West Region, the aim being to provide individualised support services for their professional and social integration. (Finnish)
    3 August 2022
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    Ogólnym celem projektu jest: Promowanie trwałego i wysokiej jakości zatrudnienia oraz wspieranie mobilności pracowników w regionach zachodnich i północno-zachodnich poprzez usługi doradztwa zawodowego dla co najmniej 520 osób znajdujących się w niekorzystnej sytuacji na rynku pracy, podniesienie poziomu umiejętności zawodowych 430 osób oraz zwiększenie zatrudnienia o co najmniej 270 osób w ciągu 18 miesięcy. The general objective of the project is in line with the objectives of POCU 2014-2020, directly addressing Priority Axis 3 – Jobs for all, addressing disadvantaged groups in the labour market, thematic objective 8 – Promoting sustainable and quality employment by supporting labour mobility, providing individualised services, aiming at the effective integration of the target group into the labour market and investment priority 8.i – Access to employment for jobseekers and inactive people, including long-term unemployed people and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market of the Roma through the development of the labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market, through the development of the labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and for people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, which is addressed directly to Priority Axis 3 – Jobs for all, targeted at the effective integration of the target group into the labour market and to the investment priority 8.i – Promoting sustainable and quality employment employment by supporting jobseekers and the inactive people, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the Roma labour market and for the inactive people, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the Roma labour market through the development of the multi-active labour market and for people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of professional inclusion services of the Roma through the development of the multi-active labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the non-active population, the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, including the long-term unemployed The project is aimed at disadvantaged groups on the labour market in 2 development regions – West Region and North-West Region, the aim being to provide individualised support services for their professional and social integration. (Polish)
    3 August 2022
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    A projekt általános célkitűzése a következő: A fenntartható és minőségi foglalkoztatás előmozdítása, valamint a munkavállalói mobilitás támogatása a Nyugat- és Északnyugat-régiókban a munkaerőpiacon legalább 520 hátrányos helyzetű személy számára nyújtott karriertanácsadási szolgáltatások révén, 430 fő szakmai képzettségének javítása, valamint 18 hónapon belül legalább 270 fő foglalkoztatásának növelése. The general objective of the project is in line with the objectives of POCU 2014-2020, directly addressing Priority Axis 3 – Jobs for all, addressing disadvantaged groups in the labour market, thematic objective 8 – Promoting sustainable and quality employment by supporting labour mobility, providing individualised services, aiming at the effective integration of the target group into the labour market and investment priority 8.i – Access to employment for jobseekers and inactive people, including long-term unemployed people and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market of the Roma through the development of the labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market, through the development of the labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and for people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, which is addressed directly to Priority Axis 3 – Jobs for all, targeted at the effective integration of the target group into the labour market and to the investment priority 8.i – Promoting sustainable and quality employment employment by supporting jobseekers and the inactive people, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the Roma labour market and for the inactive people, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the Roma labour market through the development of the multi-active labour market and for people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of professional inclusion services of the Roma through the development of the multi-active labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the non-active population, the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, including the long-term unemployed The project is aimed at disadvantaged groups on the labour market in 2 development regions – West Region and North-West Region, the aim being to provide individualised support services for their professional and social integration. (Hungarian)
    3 August 2022
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    Celkovým cílem projektu je: Podpora udržitelné a kvalitní zaměstnanosti a podpora mobility pracovních sil v západních a severozápadních regionech prostřednictvím služeb profesního poradenství pro nejméně 520 znevýhodněných osob na trhu práce, zlepšení úrovně odborných dovedností pro 430 osob a zvýšení zaměstnanosti nejméně 270 osob do 18 měsíců. The general objective of the project is in line with the objectives of POCU 2014-2020, directly addressing Priority Axis 3 – Jobs for all, addressing disadvantaged groups in the labour market, thematic objective 8 – Promoting sustainable and quality employment by supporting labour mobility, providing individualised services, aiming at the effective integration of the target group into the labour market and investment priority 8.i – Access to employment for jobseekers and inactive people, including long-term unemployed people and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market of the Roma through the development of the labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market, through the development of the labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and for people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, which is addressed directly to Priority Axis 3 – Jobs for all, targeted at the effective integration of the target group into the labour market and to the investment priority 8.i – Promoting sustainable and quality employment employment by supporting jobseekers and the inactive people, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the Roma labour market and for the inactive people, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the Roma labour market through the development of the multi-active labour market and for people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of professional inclusion services of the Roma through the development of the multi-active labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the non-active population, the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, including the long-term unemployed The project is aimed at disadvantaged groups on the labour market in 2 development regions – West Region and North-West Region, the aim being to provide individualised support services for their professional and social integration. (Czech)
    3 August 2022
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    Projekta vispārējais mērķis ir: Veicināt ilgtspējīgu un kvalitatīvu nodarbinātību un atbalstīt darbaspēka mobilitāti Rietumu un Ziemeļrietumu reģionos, izmantojot karjeras konsultāciju pakalpojumus vismaz 520 nelabvēlīgā situācijā esošiem cilvēkiem darba tirgū, uzlabojot profesionālo prasmju līmeni 430 cilvēkiem un 18 mēnešu laikā palielinot nodarbinātību vismaz par 270 cilvēkiem. The general objective of the project is in line with the objectives of POCU 2014-2020, directly addressing Priority Axis 3 – Jobs for all, addressing disadvantaged groups in the labour market, thematic objective 8 – Promoting sustainable and quality employment by supporting labour mobility, providing individualised services, aiming at the effective integration of the target group into the labour market and investment priority 8.i – Access to employment for jobseekers and inactive people, including long-term unemployed people and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market of the Roma through the development of the labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market, through the development of the labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and for people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, which is addressed directly to Priority Axis 3 – Jobs for all, targeted at the effective integration of the target group into the labour market and to the investment priority 8.i – Promoting sustainable and quality employment employment by supporting jobseekers and the inactive people, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the Roma labour market and for the inactive people, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the Roma labour market through the development of the multi-active labour market and for people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of professional inclusion services of the Roma through the development of the multi-active labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the non-active population, the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, including the long-term unemployed The project is aimed at disadvantaged groups on the labour market in 2 development regions – West Region and North-West Region, the aim being to provide individualised support services for their professional and social integration. (Latvian)
    3 August 2022
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    Is é cuspóir foriomlán an tionscadail: Fostaíocht inbhuanaithe agus ardcháilíochta a chur chun cinn agus tacú le soghluaisteacht lucht saothair i Réigiúin an Iarthair agus an Iarthuaiscirt trí sheirbhísí comhairleoireachta gairme do 520 duine faoi mhíbhuntáiste ar a laghad ar mhargadh an tsaothair, feabhas a chur ar leibhéal na scileanna gairmiúla do 430 duine agus fostaíocht a mhéadú do 270 duine ar a laghad laistigh de 18 mí. The general objective of the project is in line with the objectives of POCU 2014-2020, directly addressing Priority Axis 3 – Jobs for all, addressing disadvantaged groups in the labour market, thematic objective 8 – Promoting sustainable and quality employment by supporting labour mobility, providing individualised services, aiming at the effective integration of the target group into the labour market and investment priority 8.i – Access to employment for jobseekers and inactive people, including long-term unemployed people and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market of the Roma through the development of the labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market, through the development of the labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and for people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, which is addressed directly to Priority Axis 3 – Jobs for all, targeted at the effective integration of the target group into the labour market and to the investment priority 8.i – Promoting sustainable and quality employment employment by supporting jobseekers and the inactive people, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the Roma labour market and for the inactive people, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the Roma labour market through the development of the multi-active labour market and for people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of professional inclusion services of the Roma through the development of the multi-active labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the non-active population, the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, including the long-term unemployed The project is aimed at disadvantaged groups on the labour market in 2 development regions – West Region and North-West Region, the aim being to provide individualised support services for their professional and social integration. (Irish)
    3 August 2022
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    Splošni cilj projekta je: Spodbujanje trajnostnega in kakovostnega zaposlovanja ter podpiranje mobilnosti delovne sile v zahodni in severozahodni regiji s storitvami poklicnega svetovanja za najmanj 520 prikrajšanih ljudi na trgu dela, izboljšanje ravni strokovnega znanja za 430 ljudi in povečanje zaposlenosti za najmanj 270 ljudi v 18 mesecih. The general objective of the project is in line with the objectives of POCU 2014-2020, directly addressing Priority Axis 3 – Jobs for all, addressing disadvantaged groups in the labour market, thematic objective 8 – Promoting sustainable and quality employment by supporting labour mobility, providing individualised services, aiming at the effective integration of the target group into the labour market and investment priority 8.i – Access to employment for jobseekers and inactive people, including long-term unemployed people and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market of the Roma through the development of the labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market, through the development of the labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and for people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, which is addressed directly to Priority Axis 3 – Jobs for all, targeted at the effective integration of the target group into the labour market and to the investment priority 8.i – Promoting sustainable and quality employment employment by supporting jobseekers and the inactive people, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the Roma labour market and for the inactive people, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the Roma labour market through the development of the multi-active labour market and for people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of professional inclusion services of the Roma through the development of the multi-active labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the non-active population, the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, including the long-term unemployed The project is aimed at disadvantaged groups on the labour market in 2 development regions – West Region and North-West Region, the aim being to provide individualised support services for their professional and social integration. (Slovenian)
    3 August 2022
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    Общата цел на проекта е: Насърчаване на устойчива и качествена заетост и подкрепа на трудовата мобилност в Западните и Северозападните региони чрез услуги за кариерно консултиране за най-малко 520 лица в неравностойно положение на пазара на труда, подобряване на нивото на професионалните умения на 430 души и увеличаване на заетостта за минимум 270 души в рамките на 18 месеца. The general objective of the project is in line with the objectives of POCU 2014-2020, directly addressing Priority Axis 3 – Jobs for all, addressing disadvantaged groups in the labour market, thematic objective 8 – Promoting sustainable and quality employment by supporting labour mobility, providing individualised services, aiming at the effective integration of the target group into the labour market and investment priority 8.i – Access to employment for jobseekers and inactive people, including long-term unemployed people and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market of the Roma through the development of the labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market, through the development of the labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and for people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, which is addressed directly to Priority Axis 3 – Jobs for all, targeted at the effective integration of the target group into the labour market and to the investment priority 8.i – Promoting sustainable and quality employment employment by supporting jobseekers and the inactive people, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the Roma labour market and for the inactive people, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the Roma labour market through the development of the multi-active labour market and for people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of professional inclusion services of the Roma through the development of the multi-active labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the non-active population, the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, including the long-term unemployed The project is aimed at disadvantaged groups on the labour market in 2 development regions – West Region and North-West Region, the aim being to provide individualised support services for their professional and social integration. (Bulgarian)
    3 August 2022
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    L-għan ġenerali tal-proġett huwa li: Il-promozzjoni ta’ impjiegi sostenibbli u ta’ kwalità u l-appoġġ għall-mobbiltà tax-xogħol fir-Reġjuni tal-Punent u tal-Majjistral permezz ta’ servizzi ta’ konsulenza dwar il-karriera għal minimu ta’ 520 persuna żvantaġġati fis-suq tax-xogħol, it-titjib tal-livell ta’ ħiliet professjonali għal 430 persuna u ż-żieda fl-impjiegi għal minimu ta’ 270 persuna fi żmien 18-il xahar. The general objective of the project is in line with the objectives of POCU 2014-2020, directly addressing Priority Axis 3 – Jobs for all, addressing disadvantaged groups in the labour market, thematic objective 8 – Promoting sustainable and quality employment by supporting labour mobility, providing individualised services, aiming at the effective integration of the target group into the labour market and investment priority 8.i – Access to employment for jobseekers and inactive people, including long-term unemployed people and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market of the Roma through the development of the labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market, through the development of the labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and for people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, which is addressed directly to Priority Axis 3 – Jobs for all, targeted at the effective integration of the target group into the labour market and to the investment priority 8.i – Promoting sustainable and quality employment employment by supporting jobseekers and the inactive people, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the Roma labour market and for the inactive people, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the Roma labour market through the development of the multi-active labour market and for people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of professional inclusion services of the Roma through the development of the multi-active labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the non-active population, the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, including the long-term unemployed The project is aimed at disadvantaged groups on the labour market in 2 development regions – West Region and North-West Region, the aim being to provide individualised support services for their professional and social integration. (Maltese)
    3 August 2022
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    O objetivo geral do projeto é: Promover um emprego sustentável e de qualidade e apoiar a mobilidade laboral nas regiões ocidentais e noroeste através de serviços de aconselhamento profissional para um mínimo de 520 pessoas desfavorecidas no mercado de trabalho, melhorando o nível de competências profissionais para 430 pessoas e aumentando o emprego para um mínimo de 270 pessoas no prazo de 18 meses. The general objective of the project is in line with the objectives of POCU 2014-2020, directly addressing Priority Axis 3 – Jobs for all, addressing disadvantaged groups in the labour market, thematic objective 8 – Promoting sustainable and quality employment by supporting labour mobility, providing individualised services, aiming at the effective integration of the target group into the labour market and investment priority 8.i – Access to employment for jobseekers and inactive people, including long-term unemployed people and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market of the Roma through the development of the labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market, through the development of the labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and for people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, which is addressed directly to Priority Axis 3 – Jobs for all, targeted at the effective integration of the target group into the labour market and to the investment priority 8.i – Promoting sustainable and quality employment employment by supporting jobseekers and the inactive people, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the Roma labour market and for the inactive people, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the Roma labour market through the development of the multi-active labour market and for people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of professional inclusion services of the Roma through the development of the multi-active labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the non-active population, the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, including the long-term unemployed The project is aimed at disadvantaged groups on the labour market in 2 development regions – West Region and North-West Region, the aim being to provide individualised support services for their professional and social integration. (Portuguese)
    3 August 2022
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    Projektets overordnede mål er at: Fremme af bæredygtig beskæftigelse af høj kvalitet og støtte til arbejdskraftens mobilitet i de vestlige og nordvestlige regioner gennem karrierevejledningstjenester for mindst 520 dårligt stillede personer på arbejdsmarkedet, forbedring af de faglige kvalifikationer for 430 personer og øget beskæftigelse for mindst 270 personer inden for 18 måneder. The general objective of the project is in line with the objectives of POCU 2014-2020, directly addressing Priority Axis 3 – Jobs for all, addressing disadvantaged groups in the labour market, thematic objective 8 – Promoting sustainable and quality employment by supporting labour mobility, providing individualised services, aiming at the effective integration of the target group into the labour market and investment priority 8.i – Access to employment for jobseekers and inactive people, including long-term unemployed people and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market of the Roma through the development of the labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market, through the development of the labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and for people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, which is addressed directly to Priority Axis 3 – Jobs for all, targeted at the effective integration of the target group into the labour market and to the investment priority 8.i – Promoting sustainable and quality employment employment by supporting jobseekers and the inactive people, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the Roma labour market and for the inactive people, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the Roma labour market through the development of the multi-active labour market and for people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of professional inclusion services of the Roma through the development of the multi-active labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the non-active population, the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, including the long-term unemployed The project is aimed at disadvantaged groups on the labour market in 2 development regions – West Region and North-West Region, the aim being to provide individualised support services for their professional and social integration. (Danish)
    3 August 2022
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    Projektets övergripande mål är att Främja hållbar sysselsättning av god kvalitet och stödja arbetskraftens rörlighet i västra och nordvästra regionerna genom yrkesvägledning för minst 520 missgynnade personer på arbetsmarknaden, förbättra yrkeskompetensen för 430 personer och öka sysselsättningen för minst 270 personer inom 18 månader. The general objective of the project is in line with the objectives of POCU 2014-2020, directly addressing Priority Axis 3 – Jobs for all, addressing disadvantaged groups in the labour market, thematic objective 8 – Promoting sustainable and quality employment by supporting labour mobility, providing individualised services, aiming at the effective integration of the target group into the labour market and investment priority 8.i – Access to employment for jobseekers and inactive people, including long-term unemployed people and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market of the Roma through the development of the labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market, through the development of the labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and for people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, which is addressed directly to Priority Axis 3 – Jobs for all, targeted at the effective integration of the target group into the labour market and to the investment priority 8.i – Promoting sustainable and quality employment employment by supporting jobseekers and the inactive people, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the Roma labour market and for the inactive people, including the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of the Roma labour market through the development of the multi-active labour market and for people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour market through the development of professional inclusion services of the Roma through the development of the multi-active labour market, including for the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market through the development of the non-active population, the long-term unemployed and people with low employment opportunities, including through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour force through the development of the labour market through the development of the labour market, including the long-term unemployed The project is aimed at disadvantaged groups on the labour market in 2 development regions – West Region and North-West Region, the aim being to provide individualised support services for their professional and social integration. (Swedish)
    3 August 2022
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    Judeţul Bistriţa-Năsăud, Romania
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    Judeţul Timiş, Romania
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    Judeţul Arad, Romania
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