Strengthening the capacity of civil society to formulate alternative public policies in the field of social services by developing a mechanism for collecting and monitoring the needs of vulnerable persons (Q3095980)

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Project Q3095980 in Romania
Language Label Description Also known as
Strengthening the capacity of civil society to formulate alternative public policies in the field of social services by developing a mechanism for collecting and monitoring the needs of vulnerable persons
Project Q3095980 in Romania


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    812,766.5 Romanian Leu
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    44°26'10.10"N, 26°6'9.79"E
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    45°59'29.87"N, 21°20'45.60"E
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    45°8'0.42"N, 23°50'38.51"E
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    OBIECTIVUL GENERAL: Obiectivul general al proiectului este de imbunatatire si optimizare a procesului de elaborare participativa a politicilor publice si de stabilire de directii strategice de actiune in administratia publica locala din domeniul serviciilor sociale, prin cresterea capacitatii organizatiilor non-guvernamentale de a formula si a promova politici publice alternative la politicile publice initiate de Guvern, avand ca scop dezvoltarea si introducerea unor sisteme si standarde in administratia publica, orientate catre cetateni si mediul de afaceri, in concordanta cu SCAP. SCOPUL PROIECTULUI: Scopul proiectului este de a sustine si de a creşte capacitatea ONG-urilor (Solicitant si Partener) in vederea formularii si promovarii politicilor publice alternative la politicile publice initiate de Guvern din domeniul social, ca urmare a crearii si validarii unui set de instrumente standard d culegere de date (chestionare) pe categorii de beneficiari (copii, adulti si persoane varstnice) care vor sta la baza crearii unui sistem informatic, a activitatilor de dezvoltare a cunostintelor, competentelor si abilitatilor celor 40 de persoane din grupul tinta, reprezentanti ai propriilor ONG-uri (Solicitant si partener in cadrul acestui proiect), a elaborarii unui set de instrumente in vederea dezvoltarii si consolidarii parteneriatelor public private pentru cresterea calitatii in furnizarea serviciilor sociale, precum si a unui set de instrumente cu aplicabilitate de monitorizare si evaluare a politicilor publice si de consolidare a dialogului social si civic. Prin scopul acestui proiect, se urmareste dezvoltarea si implementarea unui program informatic de culegere de date centrat pe identificarea si monitorizarea nevoilor reale ale persoanelor vulnerabile din mediu rural in vederea formularii de propuneri de politici publice si planificare strategica in domeniul serviciilor sociale Proiectul asigura obtinerea de beneficii durabile pentru grupul tinta, prin cresterea capacitatii acestora de a intelege nevoile reale si existente din domeniul social, cu precadere pe categoriile de beneficiari din grupuri vulnerabile (copii, adulti, persoane varstnice, persoane de etnie roma, etc.) pentru imbunatatirea si optimizarea procesului de elaborare participativa a politicilor publice si de stabilire de directii strategice de actiune in administratia publica locala din domeniul serviciilor sociale, prin dobandirea unor cunostinte, competente, aptitudini si abilitati in elaborarea politicilor publice si in management strategic, prin intarirea dialogului social si civic intre reprezentantii ong-urilor si personalul din autoritatile/institutiile publice locale, dar si prin crearea unui mecanism de elaborare, interpretare, promovare, monitorizare si evaluare a politicilor publice in acest domeniu. Proiectul contribuie la indeplinirea Obiectivului Specific 1.1: Dezvoltarea și introducerea de sisteme și standarde comune în administrația publică (Romanian)
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    GENERAL OBJECTIVE: The general objective of the project is to improve and optimise the process of participatory development of public policies and to establish strategic directions of action in the local public administration in the field of social services, by increasing the capacity of non-governmental organisations to formulate and promote public policies alternatives to public policies initiated by the Government, aiming to develop and introduce systems and standards in public administration, oriented towards citizens and the business environment, in accordance with SCAP. PURPOSE OF THE PROJECT: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of NGOs (Applicant and Partner) in order to formulate and promote alternative public policies to public policies initiated by the Government in the social field, as a result of creating and validating a set of standard data collection tools (questionnaires) by categories of beneficiaries (children, adults and elderly people) that will underpin the creation of an IT system, activities to develop the knowledge, skills and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group, representatives of their own NGOs (applicant and partner in this project), developing a set of tools to develop public knowledge and skills for the development of public partnerships, as well as the development of public dialogue and the strengthening of the public policies in order to strengthen the social dialogue and the development of the social dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as the development of public dialogue and the development of public dialogue, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public partnerships, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policies for the development of the public policies and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policies, as well as the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public dialogue, for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public dialogue, for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public partnerships, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and Through the purpose of this project, the aim is to develop and implement a data collection software focused on identifying and monitoring the real needs of vulnerable people in rural areas in order to formulate public policy proposals and strategic planning in the field of social services. The project ensures sustainable benefits for the target group, by increasing their ability to understand real and existing needs in the social field, especially by categories of beneficiaries from vulnerable groups (children, adults, elderly people, Roma people, etc.) (English)
    16 September 2021
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    OBJECTIF GÉNÉRAL: L’objectif général du projet est d’améliorer et d’optimiser le processus de développement participatif des politiques publiques et d’établir des orientations stratégiques d’action dans l’administration publique locale dans le domaine des services sociaux, en renforçant la capacité des organisations non gouvernementales à formuler et à promouvoir des politiques publiques alternatives aux politiques publiques initiées par le gouvernement, ayant pour objet l’élaboration et l’introduction de systèmes et de normes dans l’administration publique, orientées vers les locaux et l’environnement des entreprises, conformément à la PACS. OBJET DU PROJET: L’objectif du projet est de soutenir et d’accroître la capacité des ONG (demandeurs et partenaires) de formuler et de promouvoir des politiques publiques alternatives aux politiques publiques initiées par le gouvernement dans le domaine social, grâce à la création et à la validation d’un ensemble d’outils de collecte de données standard (Questionnaires) par catégories de bénéficiaires (enfants, adultes et personnes âgées) qui constitueront la base de la création d’un système d’information, d’activités visant à développer les connaissances, les compétences et les capacités des 40 personnes du groupe cible, des représentants de leurs propres ONG (demandeur et partenaire dans ce projet), développer un ensemble d’outils pour développer et renforcer les partenaires publics privés afin d’améliorer la qualité de la prestation des services sociaux, ainsi qu’un ensemble d’outils applicables pour suivre et évaluer les politiques publiques et renforcer le dialogue social et civique. L’objectif de ce projet est d’élaborer et de mettre en œuvre un programme de collecte d’informations axé sur l’identification et le suivi des besoins réels des personnes vulnérables dans les zones rurales afin de formuler des propositions de politiques publiques et de planification stratégique dans le domaine des services sociaux. etc.) afin d’améliorer et d’optimiser le processus de développement participatif des politiques publiques et d’établir des orientations stratégiques d’action dans l’administration publique locale dans le domaine des services sociaux, par l’acquisition de connaissances, de compétences et de capacités dans le développement des politiques publiques et dans la gestion stratégique, par le renforcement du dialogue social et civique entre les représentants des ONG et le personnel des autorités/institutions publiques locales, mais aussi par la création d’un mécanisme de développement, d’interprétation, de promotion, de suivi et d’évaluation des politiques publiques dans ce domaine. Le projet contribue à la réalisation de l’objectif Spécifique 1.1: Élaboration et introduction de systèmes et de normes communs dans l’administration publique (French)
    26 November 2021
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    ALLGEMEINES ZIEL: Allgemeines Ziel des Projekts ist es, den Prozess der partizipativen Entwicklung der öffentlichen Politik zu verbessern und zu optimieren und strategische Handlungsrichtungen in der lokalen öffentlichen Verwaltung im Bereich der sozialen Dienstleistungen festzulegen, indem die Kapazitäten von Nichtregierungsorganisationen zur Formulierung und Förderung von Alternativen zu den von der Regierung initiierten öffentlichen Politiken verbessert und gefördert werden, die darauf abzielen, Systeme und Standards in der öffentlichen Verwaltung zu entwickeln und einzuführen, die auf Bürger und Unternehmen ausgerichtet sind, im Einklang mit SCAP. ZWECK DES PROJEKTS: Ziel des Projekts ist es, die Kapazitäten von NRO (Antragsteller und Partner) zu unterstützen und zu erhöhen, um alternative öffentliche Politiken zu formulieren und zu fördern, die von der Regierung im sozialen Bereich initiiert wurden, indem eine Reihe von Standarddatenerfassungsinstrumenten (Fragebögen) nach Kategorien von Begünstigten (Kinder, Erwachsene und ältere Menschen) geschaffen und validiert wird, die die Schaffung eines IT-Systems unterstützen, Aktivitäten zur Entwicklung der Kenntnisse, Fähigkeiten und Fähigkeiten der 40 Personen in der Zielgruppe, Vertreter ihrer eigenen NRO (Antragsteller und Partner in diesem Projekt), Entwicklung eines Bündels von Instrumenten zur Entwicklung von Kenntnissen und Fähigkeiten der Öffentlichkeit für die Entwicklung öffentlicher Partnerschaften, die Entwicklung des öffentlichen Dialogs und die Stärkung der öffentlichen Politik, um den sozialen Dialog und die Entwicklung des sozialen Dialogs und die Entwicklung öffentlicher Instrumente für die Entwicklung der öffentlichen Politik, die Entwicklung des öffentlichen Dialogs und die Entwicklung des öffentlichen Dialogs sowie die Entwicklung öffentlicher Instrumente für die Entwicklung öffentlicher Politiken sowie die Entwicklung des öffentlichen Dialogs und die Entwicklung öffentlicher Instrumente für die Entwicklung öffentlicher Partnerschaften zu stärken; sowie für die Entwicklung des öffentlichen Dialogs und die Entwicklung öffentlicher Instrumente für die Entwicklung der öffentlichen Politik, für die Entwicklung des öffentlichen Dialogs und die Entwicklung öffentlicher Instrumente für die Entwicklung der öffentlichen Politik, für die Entwicklung des öffentlichen Dialogs und für die Entwicklung der öffentlichen Politiken für die Entwicklung der öffentlichen Politik, für die Entwicklung des öffentlichen Dialogs und für die Entwicklung der öffentlichen Politik sowie für die Entwicklung des öffentlichen Dialogs und die Entwicklung öffentlicher Instrumente für die Entwicklung der öffentlichen Politik, sowie für die Entwicklung des öffentlichen Dialogs und die Entwicklung öffentlicher Instrumente für die Entwicklung der öffentlichen Politik, für die Entwicklung der öffentlichen Politik, für die Entwicklung des öffentlichen Dialogs und für die Entwicklung des öffentlichen Dialogs, für die Entwicklung des öffentlichen Dialogs, für die Entwicklung des öffentlichen Dialogs und für die Entwicklung des öffentlichen Dialogs, für die Entwicklung des öffentlichen Dialogs, für die Entwicklung des öffentlichen Dialogs und für die Entwicklung der öffentlichen Politik sowie für die Entwicklung des öffentlichen Dialogs und für die Entwicklung des öffentlichen Dialogs, für die Entwicklung des öffentlichen Dialogs und für die Entwicklung der öffentlichen Politik sowie für die Entwicklung des öffentlichen Dialogs sowie für die Entwicklung öffentlicher Instrumente für die Entwicklung der öffentlichen Politik, für die Entwicklung des öffentlichen Dialogs, für die Entwicklung des öffentlichen Dialogs, für die Entwicklung des öffentlichen Dialogs, für die Entwicklung öffentlicher Instrumente für die Entwicklung der öffentlichen Politik, für die Entwicklung des öffentlichen Dialogs und für die Entwicklung öffentlicher Partnerschaften sowie für die Entwicklung öffentlicher Instrumente für die Entwicklung der öffentlichen Politik sowie für die Entwicklung öffentlicher Instrumente für die Entwicklung des öffentlichen Dialogs sowie für die Entwicklung des öffentlichen Dialogs und der Entwicklung öffentlicher Instrumente für die Entwicklung der öffentlichen Politik sowie für die Entwicklung des öffentlichen Dialogs und Ziel dieses Projekts ist es, eine Software zur Datenerhebung zu entwickeln und umzusetzen, die darauf ausgerichtet ist, die tatsächlichen Bedürfnisse schutzbedürftiger Menschen in ländlichen Gebieten zu ermitteln und zu überwachen, um Vorschläge für öffentliche Politik und strategische Planung im Bereich der sozialen Dienstleistungen zu formulieren. Das Projekt gewährleistet einen nachhaltigen Nutzen für die Zielgruppe, indem sie ihre Fähigkeit erhöht, die tatsächlichen und bestehenden Bedürfnisse im sozialen Bereich zu verstehen, insbesondere durch Kategorien von Begünstigten aus benachteiligten Gruppen (Kinder, Erwachsene, ältere Menschen, Roma usw.) (German)
    1 December 2021
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    ALGEMENE DOELSTELLING: De algemene doelstelling van het project is het verbeteren en optimaliseren van het proces van participatieve ontwikkeling van overheidsbeleid en het vaststellen van strategische actierichtingen in het lokale openbaar bestuur op het gebied van sociale diensten, door de capaciteit van niet-gouvernementele organisaties te vergroten voor het formuleren en bevorderen van overheidsbeleid alternatieven voor overheidsbeleid dat door de regering is geïnitieerd, gericht op de ontwikkeling en invoering van systemen en normen in het openbaar bestuur, gericht op burgers en het ondernemingsklimaat, in overeenstemming met het SCAP. DOEL VAN HET PROJECT: Het doel van het project is het ondersteunen en vergroten van de capaciteit van ngo’s (aanvrager en partner) met het oog op het formuleren en bevorderen van alternatief overheidsbeleid voor overheidsbeleid dat door de regering op sociaal gebied is geïnitieerd, als gevolg van het creëren en valideren van een reeks standaardinstrumenten voor het verzamelen van gegevens (vragenlijsten) per categorieën begunstigden (kinderen, volwassenen en ouderen) die de oprichting van een IT-systeem zullen ondersteunen, activiteiten ter ontwikkeling van de kennis, vaardigheden en capaciteiten van de 40 personen in de doelgroep, vertegenwoordigers van hun eigen ngo’s (aanvrager en partner in dit project); de ontwikkeling van een reeks instrumenten voor de ontwikkeling van kennis en vaardigheden van het publiek voor de ontwikkeling van publiekspartnerschappen, de ontwikkeling van een openbare dialoog en de versterking van het overheidsbeleid, teneinde de sociale dialoog en de ontwikkeling van de sociale dialoog en de ontwikkeling van overheidsinstrumenten voor de ontwikkeling van overheidsbeleid te versterken, alsmede de ontwikkeling van een openbare dialoog en de ontwikkeling van een openbare dialoog, alsmede de ontwikkeling van overheidsinstrumenten voor de ontwikkeling van overheidsbeleid, alsmede voor de ontwikkeling van een openbare dialoog en de ontwikkeling van overheidsinstrumenten voor de ontwikkeling van publiek partnerschappen; alsmede voor de ontwikkeling van een openbare dialoog en de ontwikkeling van overheidsinstrumenten voor de ontwikkeling van overheidsbeleid, alsmede voor de ontwikkeling van een openbare dialoog en de ontwikkeling van overheidsinstrumenten voor de ontwikkeling van overheidsbeleid, alsmede voor de ontwikkeling van de publieke dialoog en de ontwikkeling van het overheidsbeleid voor de ontwikkeling van het overheidsbeleid en de ontwikkeling van de publieke dialoog en de ontwikkeling van het overheidsbeleid, alsmede de ontwikkeling van een publieke dialoog en de ontwikkeling van openbare instrumenten voor de ontwikkeling van overheidsbeleid, alsmede voor de ontwikkeling van een openbare dialoog en de ontwikkeling van overheidsinstrumenten voor de ontwikkeling van overheidsbeleid, alsmede voor de ontwikkeling van overheidsbeleid, alsmede voor de ontwikkeling van een openbare dialoog en voor de ontwikkeling van het overheidsbeleid, alsmede voor de ontwikkeling van een openbare dialoog en voor de ontwikkeling van een openbare dialoog, alsmede voor de ontwikkeling van een publieke dialoog, voor de ontwikkeling van een openbare dialoog en voor de ontwikkeling van het overheidsbeleid, alsmede voor de ontwikkeling van de publieke dialoog en voor de ontwikkeling van de publieke dialoog, voor de ontwikkeling van de publieke dialoog en voor de ontwikkeling van overheidsbeleid, alsmede voor de ontwikkeling van de publieke dialoog, alsmede voor de ontwikkeling van overheidsinstrumenten voor de ontwikkeling van overheidsbeleid, alsmede voor de ontwikkeling van een openbare dialoog, alsmede voor de ontwikkeling van een openbare dialoog, alsmede voor de ontwikkeling van overheidsinstrumenten voor de ontwikkeling van overheidsbeleid, alsmede voor de ontwikkeling van een openbare dialoog en voor de ontwikkeling van publiek partnerschappen, alsmede voor de ontwikkeling van overheidsinstrumenten voor de ontwikkeling van overheidsbeleid, alsmede voor de ontwikkeling van overheidsinstrumenten voor de ontwikkeling van overheidsbeleid, alsmede voor de ontwikkeling van openbare dialoog en de ontwikkeling van overheidsinstrumenten voor de ontwikkeling van overheidsbeleid, alsmede voor de ontwikkeling van een openbare dialoog en de ontwikkeling van overheidsbeleidsvormen. Het doel van dit project is het ontwikkelen en implementeren van een software voor gegevensverzameling die gericht is op het identificeren en monitoren van de werkelijke behoeften van kwetsbare mensen in plattelandsgebieden, met het oog op het formuleren van beleidsvoorstellen en strategische planning op het gebied van sociale diensten. Het project zorgt voor duurzame voordelen voor de doelgroep, door hun vermogen om reële en bestaande behoeften op sociaal gebied te begrijpen, te vergroten, met name per categorie begunstigden uit kwetsbare groepen (kinderen, volwassenen, ouderen, Roma, enz.) o... (Dutch)
    5 December 2021
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    OBIETTIVO GENERALE: L'obiettivo generale del progetto è quello di migliorare e ottimizzare il processo di sviluppo partecipativo delle politiche pubbliche e di stabilire orientamenti strategici di azione nella pubblica amministrazione locale nel campo dei servizi sociali, aumentando la capacità delle organizzazioni non governative di formulare e promuovere politiche pubbliche alternative alle politiche pubbliche avviate dal governo, con l'obiettivo di sviluppare e introdurre sistemi e standard nella pubblica amministrazione, orientati ai cittadini e al contesto imprenditoriale, in conformità con il PACS. FINALITÀ DEL PROGETTO: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of NGOs (Applicant and Partner) in order to formulate and promote alternative public policies to public policies initiated by the Government in the social field, as a result of creating and validating a set of standard data collection tools (questionnaires) by categories of beneficiaries (children, adults and elderly people) that will underpin the creation of an IT system, activities to develop the knowledge, skills and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group, representatives of their own NGOs (applicant and partner in this project), developing a set of tools to develop public knowledge and skills for the development of public partnerships, as well as the development of public dialogue and the strengthening of the public policies in order to strengthen the social dialogue and the development of the social dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as the development of public dialogue and the development of public dialogue, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public partnerships, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policies for the development of the public policies and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policies, as well as the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public dialogue, for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public dialogue, for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public partnerships, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and Attraverso lo scopo di questo progetto, l'obiettivo è quello di sviluppare e implementare un software di raccolta dati incentrato sull'individuazione e il monitoraggio delle reali esigenze delle persone vulnerabili nelle aree rurali al fine di formulare proposte di politica pubblica e pianificazione strategica nel campo dei servizi sociali. Il progetto garantisce benefici sostenibili per il gruppo destinatario, aumentando la loro capacità di comprendere le esigenze reali ed esistenti in ambito sociale, in particolare da categorie di beneficiari di gruppi vulnerabili (bambini, adulti, anziani, Rom, ecc.) al fine di migliorare e ottimizzare lo sviluppo partecipativo delle politiche pubbliche e di definire orientamenti strategici di azione nella pubblica amministrazione locale nel settore dei servizi sociali, acquisendo conoscenze, competenze, capacità e capacità nello sviluppo delle politiche pubbliche e nella gestione strategica, rafforzando il dialogo sociale e civico tra i rappresentanti degli ongs e il personale delle autorità pubbliche/istituzioni locali, ma anche creando un meccani... (Italian)
    12 January 2022
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    OBJETIVO GENERAL: El objetivo general del proyecto es mejorar y optimizar el proceso de desarrollo participativo de las políticas públicas y establecer orientaciones estratégicas de actuación en la administración pública local en el ámbito de los servicios sociales, aumentando la capacidad de las organizaciones no gubernamentales para formular y promover políticas públicas alternativas a las políticas públicas iniciadas por el Gobierno, con el objetivo de desarrollar e introducir sistemas y normas en la administración pública, orientados a los ciudadanos y al entorno empresarial, de acuerdo con la SCAP. FINALIDAD DEL PROYECTO: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of NGOs (Applicant and Partner) in order to formulate and promote alternative public policies to public policies initiated by the Government in the social field, as a result of creating and validating a set of standard data collection tools (questionnaires) by categories of beneficiaries (children, adults and elderly people) that will underpin the creation of an IT system, activities to develop the knowledge, skills and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group, representatives of their own NGOs (applicant and partner in this project), developing a set of tools to develop public knowledge and skills for the development of public partnerships, as well as the development of public dialogue and the strengthening of the public policies in order to strengthen the social dialogue and the development of the social dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as the development of public dialogue and the development of public dialogue, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public partnerships, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policies for the development of the public policies and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policies, as well as the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public dialogue, for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public dialogue, for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public partnerships, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and A través de este proyecto, el objetivo es desarrollar y aplicar un programa informático de recopilación de datos centrado en identificar y supervisar las necesidades reales de las personas vulnerables en las zonas rurales con el fin de formular propuestas de política pública y planificación estratégica en el ámbito de los servicios sociales. El proyecto garantiza beneficios sostenibles para el grupo destinatario, aumentando su capacidad para comprender las necesidades reales y existentes en el ámbito social, especialmente por categorías de beneficiarios de grupos vulnerables (niños, adultos, ancianos, romaníes, etc.). etc.) con el fin de mejorar y optimizar el desarrollo participativo de las políticas públicas y establecer orientaciones estratégicas de actuación en la administración pública local en el ámbito de los servicios sociales, mediante la adquisición de conocimientos, competencias, aptitudes y capacidades en el desarrollo de políticas públicas y gestión estratégica, mediante el fortalecimiento del diálogo social y cívico entre los representantes de las autoridades/institucione... (Spanish)
    13 January 2022
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    ÜLDEESMÄRK: Projekti üldeesmärk on parandada ja optimeerida avaliku poliitika kaasava arendamise protsessi ning kehtestada kohalikus avalikus halduses sotsiaalteenuste valdkonnas strateegilised tegevussuunad, suurendades valitsusväliste organisatsioonide suutlikkust sõnastada ja edendada valitsuse algatatud avaliku poliitika alternatiive, eesmärgiga töötada välja ja võtta kasutusele avaliku halduse süsteemid ja standardid, mis on suunatud kodanikele ja ettevõtluskeskkonnale, kooskõlas ühtse põllumajanduspoliitika tegevuskavaga. PROJEKTI EESMÄRK: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of NGOs (Applicant and Partner) in order to formulate and promote alternative public policies to public policies initiated by the Government in the social field, as a result of creating and validating a set of standard data collection tools (questionnaires) by categories of beneficiaries (children, adults and elderly people) that will underpin the creation of an IT system, activities to develop the knowledge, skills and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group, representatives of their own NGOs (applicant and partner in this project), developing a set of tools to develop public knowledge and skills for the development of public partnerships, as well as the development of public dialogue and the strengthening of the public policies in order to strengthen the social dialogue and the development of the social dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as the development of public dialogue and the development of public dialogue, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public partnerships, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policies for the development of the public policies and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policies, as well as the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public dialogue, for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public dialogue, for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public partnerships, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and Through the purpose of this project, the aim is to develop and implement a data collection software focused on identifying and monitoring the real needs of vulnerable people in rural areas in order to formulate public policy proposals and strategic planning in the field of social services. Projekt tagab sihtrühmale jätkusuutliku kasu, suurendades nende võimet mõista sotsiaalvaldkonna tegelikke ja olemasolevaid vajadusi, eelkõige haavatavate rühmade (lapsed, täiskasvanud, eakad, romad jne) toetusesaajate kategooriad. (Estonian)
    3 August 2022
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    BENDRASIS TIKSLAS: Bendras projekto tikslas – gerinti ir optimizuoti viešosios politikos dalyvaujamojo vystymo procesą ir nustatyti strategines veiklos kryptis vietos viešojo administravimo srityje socialinių paslaugų srityje, didinant nevyriausybinių organizacijų gebėjimus formuoti ir skatinti vyriausybės inicijuotos viešosios politikos alternatyvas, siekiant sukurti ir įdiegti viešojo administravimo sistemas ir standartus, orientuotus į piliečius ir verslo aplinką, pagal SCAP. PROJEKTO TIKSLAS: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of NGOs (Applicant and Partner) in order to formulate and promote alternative public policies to public policies initiated by the Government in the social field, as a result of creating and validating a set of standard data collection tools (questionnaires) by categories of beneficiaries (children, adults and elderly people) that will underpin the creation of an IT system, activities to develop the knowledge, skills and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group, representatives of their own NGOs (applicant and partner in this project), developing a set of tools to develop public knowledge and skills for the development of public partnerships, as well as the development of public dialogue and the strengthening of the public policies in order to strengthen the social dialogue and the development of the social dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as the development of public dialogue and the development of public dialogue, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public partnerships, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policies for the development of the public policies and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policies, as well as the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public dialogue, for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public dialogue, for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public partnerships, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and Through the purpose of this project, the aim is to develop and implement a data collection software focused on identifying and monitoring the real needs of vulnerable people in rural areas in order to formulate public policy proposals and strategic planning in the field of social services. Projektas užtikrina tvarią naudą tikslinei grupei, nes didina jų gebėjimą suprasti realius ir esamus poreikius socialinėje srityje, ypač pagal paramos gavėjų iš pažeidžiamų grupių kategorijas (vaikus, suaugusiuosius, pagyvenusius žmones, romus ir kt.). (Lithuanian)
    3 August 2022
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    OPĆI CILJ: Opći cilj projekta je unaprijediti i optimizirati proces participativnog razvoja javnih politika i uspostaviti strateške smjernice djelovanja u lokalnoj javnoj upravi na području socijalnih usluga, povećanjem kapaciteta nevladinih organizacija za oblikovanje i promicanje javnih politika alternativa javnim politikama koje je pokrenula Vlada, s ciljem razvoja i uvođenja sustava i standarda u javnoj upravi, orijentiranih prema građanima i poslovnom okruženju, u skladu sa SCAP-om. SVRHA PROJEKTA: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of NGOs (Applicant and Partner) in order to formulate and promote alternative public policies to public policies initiated by the Government in the social field, as a result of creating and validating a set of standard data collection tools (questionnaires) by categories of beneficiaries (children, adults and elderly people) that will underpin the creation of an IT system, activities to develop the knowledge, skills and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group, representatives of their own NGOs (applicant and partner in this project), developing a set of tools to develop public knowledge and skills for the development of public partnerships, as well as the development of public dialogue and the strengthening of the public policies in order to strengthen the social dialogue and the development of the social dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as the development of public dialogue and the development of public dialogue, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public partnerships, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policies for the development of the public policies and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policies, as well as the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public dialogue, for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public dialogue, for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public partnerships, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and Through the purpose of this project, the aim is to develop and implement a data collection software focused on identifying and monitoring the real needs of vulnerable people in rural areas in order to formulate public policy proposals and strategic planning in the field of social services. Projektom se osiguravaju održive koristi za ciljnu skupinu povećanjem njihove sposobnosti da razumiju stvarne i postojeće potrebe u socijalnom području, posebno prema kategorijama korisnika iz ranjivih skupina (djeca, odrasli, starije osobe, Romi itd.). (Croatian)
    3 August 2022
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    ΓΕΝΙΚΌΣ ΣΤΌΧΟΣ: Γενικός στόχος του έργου είναι να βελτιώσει και να βελτιστοποιήσει τη διαδικασία συμμετοχικής ανάπτυξης των δημόσιων πολιτικών και να καθορίσει στρατηγικές κατευθύνσεις δράσης στην τοπική δημόσια διοίκηση στον τομέα των κοινωνικών υπηρεσιών, αυξάνοντας την ικανότητα των μη κυβερνητικών οργανώσεων να διατυπώνουν και να προωθούν δημόσιες πολιτικές εναλλακτικές στις δημόσιες πολιτικές που δρομολογούνται από την κυβέρνηση, με στόχο την ανάπτυξη και εισαγωγή συστημάτων και προτύπων στη δημόσια διοίκηση, προσανατολισμένων προς τους πολίτες και το επιχειρηματικό περιβάλλον, σύμφωνα με το SCAP. ΣΚΟΠΌΣ ΤΟΥ ΣΧΕΔΊΟΥ: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of NGOs (Applicant and Partner) in order to formulate and promote alternative public policies to public policies initiated by the Government in the social field, as a result of creating and validating a set of standard data collection tools (questionnaires) by categories of beneficiaries (children, adults and elderly people) that will underpin the creation of an IT system, activities to develop the knowledge, skills and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group, representatives of their own NGOs (applicant and partner in this project), developing a set of tools to develop public knowledge and skills for the development of public partnerships, as well as the development of public dialogue and the strengthening of the public policies in order to strengthen the social dialogue and the development of the social dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as the development of public dialogue and the development of public dialogue, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public partnerships, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policies for the development of the public policies and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policies, as well as the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public dialogue, for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public dialogue, for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public partnerships, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and Through the purpose of this project, the aim is to develop and implement a data collection software focused on identifying and monitoring the real needs of vulnerable people in rural areas in order to formulate public policy proposals and strategic planning in the field of social services. Το έργο εξασφαλίζει βιώσιμα οφέλη για την ομάδα-στόχο, αυξάνοντας την ικανότητά της να κατανοεί τις πραγματικές και υφιστάμενες ανάγκες στον κοινωνικό τομέα, ιδίως από κατηγορίες δικαιούχων από ευάλωτες ομάδες (παιδιά, ενήλικες, ηλικιωμένοι, Ρομά, κ.λπ.) (Greek)
    3 August 2022
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    VŠEOBECNÝ CIEĽ: Všeobecným cieľom projektu je zlepšiť a optimalizovať proces participatívneho rozvoja verejných politík a stanoviť strategické smerovanie činnosti v miestnej verejnej správe v oblasti sociálnych služieb zvýšením kapacity mimovládnych organizácií formulovať a podporovať alternatívy verejných politík k verejným politikám iniciovaným vládou s cieľom rozvíjať a zavádzať systémy a normy vo verejnej správe zamerané na občanov a podnikateľské prostredie v súlade so SCAP. ÚČEL PROJEKTU: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of NGOs (Applicant and Partner) in order to formulate and promote alternative public policies to public policies initiated by the Government in the social field, as a result of creating and validating a set of standard data collection tools (questionnaires) by categories of beneficiaries (children, adults and elderly people) that will underpin the creation of an IT system, activities to develop the knowledge, skills and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group, representatives of their own NGOs (applicant and partner in this project), developing a set of tools to develop public knowledge and skills for the development of public partnerships, as well as the development of public dialogue and the strengthening of the public policies in order to strengthen the social dialogue and the development of the social dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as the development of public dialogue and the development of public dialogue, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public partnerships, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policies for the development of the public policies and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policies, as well as the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public dialogue, for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public dialogue, for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public partnerships, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and Through the purpose of this project, the aim is to develop and implement a data collection software focused on identifying and monitoring the real needs of vulnerable people in rural areas in order to formulate public policy proposals and strategic planning in the field of social services. Projekt zabezpečuje udržateľné prínosy pre cieľovú skupinu tým, že zvyšuje ich schopnosť porozumieť skutočným a existujúcim potrebám v sociálnej oblasti, najmä podľa kategórií príjemcov zo zraniteľných skupín (deti, dospelí, starší ľudia, Rómovia atď.). (Slovak)
    3 August 2022
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    YLEISTAVOITE: Hankkeen yleisenä tavoitteena on parantaa ja optimoida julkisten politiikkojen osallistavaa kehittämistä ja vahvistaa strategiset suuntaviivat paikalliselle julkishallinnolle sosiaalipalvelujen alalla lisäämällä kansalaisjärjestöjen valmiuksia laatia ja edistää julkisen politiikan vaihtoehtoja hallituksen käynnistämille julkisille politiikoille. Tavoitteena on kehittää ja ottaa käyttöön julkishallinnon järjestelmiä ja standardeja, jotka on suunnattu kansalaisiin ja liiketoimintaympäristöön SCAP:n mukaisesti. HANKKEEN TARKOITUS: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of NGOs (Applicant and Partner) in order to formulate and promote alternative public policies to public policies initiated by the Government in the social field, as a result of creating and validating a set of standard data collection tools (questionnaires) by categories of beneficiaries (children, adults and elderly people) that will underpin the creation of an IT system, activities to develop the knowledge, skills and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group, representatives of their own NGOs (applicant and partner in this project), developing a set of tools to develop public knowledge and skills for the development of public partnerships, as well as the development of public dialogue and the strengthening of the public policies in order to strengthen the social dialogue and the development of the social dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as the development of public dialogue and the development of public dialogue, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public partnerships, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policies for the development of the public policies and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policies, as well as the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public dialogue, for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public dialogue, for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public partnerships, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and Through the purpose of this project, the aim is to develop and implement a data collection software focused on identifying and monitoring the real needs of vulnerable people in rural areas in order to formulate public policy proposals and strategic planning in the field of social services. Hankkeella varmistetaan, että kohderyhmä saa kestäviä hyötyjä lisäämällä heidän kykyään ymmärtää todellisia ja nykyisiä sosiaalialan tarpeita, erityisesti heikossa asemassa oleviin ryhmiin kuuluvien edunsaajien (lapset, aikuiset, vanhukset, romanit jne.) osalta. (Finnish)
    3 August 2022
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    CEL OGÓLNY: Ogólnym celem projektu jest poprawa i optymalizacja procesu partycypacyjnego rozwoju polityki publicznej oraz ustanowienie strategicznych kierunków działania w lokalnej administracji publicznej w dziedzinie usług społecznych poprzez zwiększenie zdolności organizacji pozarządowych do formułowania i promowania polityki publicznej alternatyw dla polityki publicznej zainicjowanej przez rząd, mającej na celu opracowanie i wprowadzenie systemów i norm w administracji publicznej, ukierunkowanych na obywateli i otoczenie biznesu, zgodnie z zasadami SCAP. CEL PROJEKTU: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of NGOs (Applicant and Partner) in order to formulate and promote alternative public policies to public policies initiated by the Government in the social field, as a result of creating and validating a set of standard data collection tools (questionnaires) by categories of beneficiaries (children, adults and elderly people) that will underpin the creation of an IT system, activities to develop the knowledge, skills and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group, representatives of their own NGOs (applicant and partner in this project), developing a set of tools to develop public knowledge and skills for the development of public partnerships, as well as the development of public dialogue and the strengthening of the public policies in order to strengthen the social dialogue and the development of the social dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as the development of public dialogue and the development of public dialogue, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public partnerships, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policies for the development of the public policies and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policies, as well as the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public dialogue, for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public dialogue, for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public partnerships, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and Through the purpose of this project, the aim is to develop and implement a data collection software focused on identifying and monitoring the real needs of vulnerable people in rural areas in order to formulate public policy proposals and strategic planning in the field of social services. Projekt zapewnia trwałe korzyści dla grupy docelowej poprzez zwiększenie ich zdolności do zrozumienia rzeczywistych i istniejących potrzeb w dziedzinie społecznej, zwłaszcza przez kategorie beneficjentów z grup szczególnie wrażliwych (dzieci, dorośli, osoby starsze, Romowie itp.). (Polish)
    3 August 2022
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    ÁLTALÁNOS CÉLKITŰZÉS: A projekt általános célja, hogy javítsa és optimalizálja a közpolitikák részvételen alapuló fejlesztési folyamatát, és stratégiai cselekvési irányokat határozzon meg a helyi közigazgatásban a szociális szolgáltatások területén azáltal, hogy növeli a nem kormányzati szervezetek kapacitását a kormány által kezdeményezett közpolitikák alternatíváinak kialakítására és előmozdítására, amelynek célja a közigazgatásban a polgárokra és az üzleti környezetre irányuló rendszerek és normák kidolgozása és bevezetése az SCAP-nak megfelelően. A PROJEKT CÉLJA: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of NGOs (Applicant and Partner) in order to formulate and promote alternative public policies to public policies initiated by the Government in the social field, as a result of creating and validating a set of standard data collection tools (questionnaires) by categories of beneficiaries (children, adults and elderly people) that will underpin the creation of an IT system, activities to develop the knowledge, skills and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group, representatives of their own NGOs (applicant and partner in this project), developing a set of tools to develop public knowledge and skills for the development of public partnerships, as well as the development of public dialogue and the strengthening of the public policies in order to strengthen the social dialogue and the development of the social dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as the development of public dialogue and the development of public dialogue, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public partnerships, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policies for the development of the public policies and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policies, as well as the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public dialogue, for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public dialogue, for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public partnerships, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and Through the purpose of this project, the aim is to develop and implement a data collection software focused on identifying and monitoring the real needs of vulnerable people in rural areas in order to formulate public policy proposals and strategic planning in the field of social services. A projekt fenntartható előnyöket biztosít a célcsoport számára azáltal, hogy növeli a valós és meglévő szociális szükségletek megértését, különösen a kiszolgáltatott csoportok kedvezményezettjeinek kategóriái szerint (gyermekek, felnőttek, idősek, romák stb.). (Hungarian)
    3 August 2022
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    OBECNÝ CÍL: Obecným cílem projektu je zlepšit a optimalizovat proces participativního rozvoje veřejných politik a stanovit strategické směry činnosti v místní veřejné správě v oblasti sociálních služeb zvýšením schopnosti nevládních organizací formulovat a podporovat alternativy veřejných politik k veřejným politikám iniciovaným vládou s cílem rozvíjet a zavést systémy a normy ve veřejné správě zaměřené na občany a podnikatelské prostředí v souladu se SCAP. ÚČEL PROJEKTU: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of NGOs (Applicant and Partner) in order to formulate and promote alternative public policies to public policies initiated by the Government in the social field, as a result of creating and validating a set of standard data collection tools (questionnaires) by categories of beneficiaries (children, adults and elderly people) that will underpin the creation of an IT system, activities to develop the knowledge, skills and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group, representatives of their own NGOs (applicant and partner in this project), developing a set of tools to develop public knowledge and skills for the development of public partnerships, as well as the development of public dialogue and the strengthening of the public policies in order to strengthen the social dialogue and the development of the social dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as the development of public dialogue and the development of public dialogue, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public partnerships, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policies for the development of the public policies and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policies, as well as the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public dialogue, for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public dialogue, for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public partnerships, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and Through the purpose of this project, the aim is to develop and implement a data collection software focused on identifying and monitoring the real needs of vulnerable people in rural areas in order to formulate public policy proposals and strategic planning in the field of social services. Projekt zajišťuje udržitelné přínosy pro cílovou skupinu tím, že zvyšuje její schopnost porozumět skutečným a stávajícím potřebám v sociální oblasti, zejména podle kategorií příjemců ze zranitelných skupin (děti, dospělí, starší lidé, Romové atd.). (Czech)
    3 August 2022
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    VISPĀRĪGAIS MĒRĶIS: Projekta vispārīgais mērķis ir uzlabot un optimizēt publiskās politikas līdzdalīgas attīstības procesu un noteikt stratēģiskus rīcības virzienus vietējā valsts pārvaldē sociālo pakalpojumu jomā, palielinot nevalstisko organizāciju spēju formulēt un veicināt valsts politikas alternatīvas valdības ierosinātajai sabiedriskajai politikai, lai izstrādātu un ieviestu valsts pārvaldes sistēmas un standartus, kas vērsti uz iedzīvotājiem un uzņēmējdarbības vidi saskaņā ar SCAP. PROJEKTA MĒRĶIS: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of NGOs (Applicant and Partner) in order to formulate and promote alternative public policies to public policies initiated by the Government in the social field, as a result of creating and validating a set of standard data collection tools (questionnaires) by categories of beneficiaries (children, adults and elderly people) that will underpin the creation of an IT system, activities to develop the knowledge, skills and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group, representatives of their own NGOs (applicant and partner in this project), developing a set of tools to develop public knowledge and skills for the development of public partnerships, as well as the development of public dialogue and the strengthening of the public policies in order to strengthen the social dialogue and the development of the social dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as the development of public dialogue and the development of public dialogue, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public partnerships, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policies for the development of the public policies and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policies, as well as the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public dialogue, for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public dialogue, for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public partnerships, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and Through the purpose of this project, the aim is to develop and implement a data collection software focused on identifying and monitoring the real needs of vulnerable people in rural areas in order to formulate public policy proposals and strategic planning in the field of social services. Projekts nodrošina ilgtspējīgus ieguvumus mērķa grupai, palielinot tās spēju izprast reālās un esošās vajadzības sociālajā jomā, jo īpaši attiecībā uz saņēmēju kategorijām no neaizsargātām grupām (bērniem, pieaugušajiem, vecāka gadagājuma cilvēkiem, romiem utt.). (Latvian)
    3 August 2022
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    CUSPÓIR GINEARÁLTA: Is é cuspóir ginearálta an tionscadail próiseas forbartha rannpháirtíochta beartas poiblí a fheabhsú agus a bharrfheabhsú agus treonna straitéiseacha gníomhaíochta a bhunú sa riarachán poiblí áitiúil i réimse na seirbhísí sóisialta, trí chumas eagraíochtaí neamhrialtasacha a mhéadú chun roghanna malartacha ar bheartais phoiblí a fhoirmliú agus a chur chun cinn ar bheartais phoiblí arna dtionscnamh ag an Rialtas, arb é is aidhm dóibh córais agus caighdeáin a fhorbairt agus a thabhairt isteach sa riarachán poiblí, atá dírithe ar shaoránaigh agus ar an timpeallacht ghnó, i gcomhréir le SCAP. CUSPÓIR AN TIONSCADAIL: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of NGOs (Applicant and Partner) in order to formulate and promote alternative public policies to public policies initiated by the Government in the social field, as a result of creating and validating a set of standard data collection tools (questionnaires) by categories of beneficiaries (children, adults and elderly people) that will underpin the creation of an IT system, activities to develop the knowledge, skills and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group, representatives of their own NGOs (applicant and partner in this project), developing a set of tools to develop public knowledge and skills for the development of public partnerships, as well as the development of public dialogue and the strengthening of the public policies in order to strengthen the social dialogue and the development of the social dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as the development of public dialogue and the development of public dialogue, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public partnerships, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policies for the development of the public policies and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policies, as well as the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public dialogue, for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public dialogue, for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public partnerships, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and Through the purpose of this project, the aim is to develop and implement a data collection software focused on identifying and monitoring the real needs of vulnerable people in rural areas in order to formulate public policy proposals and strategic planning in the field of social services. Áirithítear leis an tionscadal tairbhí inbhuanaithe don spriocghrúpa, trí chur lena gcumas fíor-riachtanais agus riachtanais atá ann cheana sa réimse sóisialta a thuiscint, go háirithe de réir catagóirí tairbhithe ó ghrúpaí leochaileacha (leanaí, daoine fásta, daoine scothaosta, Romaigh, etc.) (Irish)
    3 August 2022
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    SPLOŠNI CILJ: Splošni cilj projekta je izboljšati in optimizirati proces participativnega razvoja javnih politik ter določiti strateške usmeritve delovanja v lokalni javni upravi na področju socialnih storitev s povečanjem zmogljivosti nevladnih organizacij, da oblikujejo in spodbujajo alternativne javne politike javnim politikam, ki jih je sprožila vlada, katerih cilj je razviti in uvesti sisteme in standarde v javni upravi, usmerjene v državljane in poslovno okolje, v skladu s SCAP. NAMEN PROJEKTA: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of NGOs (Applicant and Partner) in order to formulate and promote alternative public policies to public policies initiated by the Government in the social field, as a result of creating and validating a set of standard data collection tools (questionnaires) by categories of beneficiaries (children, adults and elderly people) that will underpin the creation of an IT system, activities to develop the knowledge, skills and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group, representatives of their own NGOs (applicant and partner in this project), developing a set of tools to develop public knowledge and skills for the development of public partnerships, as well as the development of public dialogue and the strengthening of the public policies in order to strengthen the social dialogue and the development of the social dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as the development of public dialogue and the development of public dialogue, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public partnerships, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policies for the development of the public policies and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policies, as well as the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public dialogue, for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public dialogue, for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public partnerships, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and Through the purpose of this project, the aim is to develop and implement a data collection software focused on identifying and monitoring the real needs of vulnerable people in rural areas in order to formulate public policy proposals and strategic planning in the field of social services. Projekt zagotavlja trajnostne koristi za ciljno skupino s povečanjem njihove sposobnosti razumevanja dejanskih in obstoječih potreb na socialnem področju, zlasti po kategorijah upravičencev iz ranljivih skupin (otroci, odrasli, starejši, Romi itd.). (Slovenian)
    3 August 2022
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    ОБЩА ЦЕЛ: Общата цел на проекта е да се подобри и оптимизира процесът на основано на участието развитие на публичните политики и да се установят стратегически насоки за действие в местната публична администрация в областта на социалните услуги, като се увеличи капацитетът на неправителствените организации да формулират и популяризират публични политики, алтернативи на публичните политики, инициирани от правителството, насочени към разработването и въвеждането на системи и стандарти в публичната администрация, ориентирани към гражданите и бизнес средата, в съответствие със SCAP. ЦЕЛ НА ПРОЕКТА: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of NGOs (Applicant and Partner) in order to formulate and promote alternative public policies to public policies initiated by the Government in the social field, as a result of creating and validating a set of standard data collection tools (questionnaires) by categories of beneficiaries (children, adults and elderly people) that will underpin the creation of an IT system, activities to develop the knowledge, skills and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group, representatives of their own NGOs (applicant and partner in this project), developing a set of tools to develop public knowledge and skills for the development of public partnerships, as well as the development of public dialogue and the strengthening of the public policies in order to strengthen the social dialogue and the development of the social dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as the development of public dialogue and the development of public dialogue, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public partnerships, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policies for the development of the public policies and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policies, as well as the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public dialogue, for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public dialogue, for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public partnerships, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and Through the purpose of this project, the aim is to develop and implement a data collection software focused on identifying and monitoring the real needs of vulnerable people in rural areas in order to formulate public policy proposals and strategic planning in the field of social services. Проектът осигурява устойчиви ползи за целевата група, като увеличава способността им да разбират реалните и съществуващите потребности в социалната област, особено по категории бенефициенти от уязвими групи (деца, възрастни, възрастни хора, роми и др.). (Bulgarian)
    3 August 2022
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    GĦAN ĠENERALI: L-għan ġenerali tal-proġett huwa li jtejjeb u jottimizza l-proċess ta’ żvilupp parteċipattiv tal-politiki pubbliċi u li jistabbilixxi direzzjonijiet strateġiċi ta’ azzjoni fl-amministrazzjoni pubblika lokali fil-qasam tas-servizzi soċjali, billi jżid il-kapaċità tal-organizzazzjonijiet mhux governattivi biex jifformulaw u jippromwovu politiki pubbliċi alternattivi għall-politiki pubbliċi mibdija mill-Gvern, bil-għan li jiżviluppaw u jintroduċu sistemi u standards fl-amministrazzjoni pubblika, orjentati lejn iċ-ċittadini u l-ambjent tan-negozju, skont l-SCAP. L-GĦAN TAL-PROĠETT: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of NGOs (Applicant and Partner) in order to formulate and promote alternative public policies to public policies initiated by the Government in the social field, as a result of creating and validating a set of standard data collection tools (questionnaires) by categories of beneficiaries (children, adults and elderly people) that will underpin the creation of an IT system, activities to develop the knowledge, skills and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group, representatives of their own NGOs (applicant and partner in this project), developing a set of tools to develop public knowledge and skills for the development of public partnerships, as well as the development of public dialogue and the strengthening of the public policies in order to strengthen the social dialogue and the development of the social dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as the development of public dialogue and the development of public dialogue, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public partnerships, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policies for the development of the public policies and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policies, as well as the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public dialogue, for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public dialogue, for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public partnerships, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and Through the purpose of this project, the aim is to develop and implement a data collection software focused on identifying and monitoring the real needs of vulnerable people in rural areas in order to formulate public policy proposals and strategic planning in the field of social services. Il-proġett jiżgura benefiċċji sostenibbli għall-grupp fil-mira, billi jżid il-kapaċità tagħhom li jifhmu l-ħtiġijiet reali u eżistenti fil-qasam soċjali, speċjalment skont il-kategoriji ta’ benefiċjarji minn gruppi vulnerabbli (tfal, adulti, anzjani, persuni Rom, eċċ.) (Maltese)
    3 August 2022
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    OBJETIVO GERAL: O objetivo geral do projeto é melhorar e otimizar o processo de desenvolvimento participativo das políticas públicas e estabelecer orientações estratégicas de ação na administração pública local no campo dos serviços sociais, aumentando a capacidade das organizações não governamentais para formular e promover políticas públicas alternativas às políticas públicas iniciadas pelo Governo, visando desenvolver e introduzir sistemas e normas na administração pública, orientados para os cidadãos e o ambiente empresarial, de acordo com a SCAP. OBJETIVO DO PROJETO: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of NGOs (Applicant and Partner) in order to formulate and promote alternative public policies to public policies initiated by the Government in the social field, as a result of creating and validating a set of standard data collection tools (questionnaires) by categories of beneficiaries (children, adults and elderly people) that will underpin the creation of an IT system, activities to develop the knowledge, skills and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group, representatives of their own NGOs (applicant and partner in this project), developing a set of tools to develop public knowledge and skills for the development of public partnerships, as well as the development of public dialogue and the strengthening of the public policies in order to strengthen the social dialogue and the development of the social dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as the development of public dialogue and the development of public dialogue, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public partnerships, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policies for the development of the public policies and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policies, as well as the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public dialogue, for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public dialogue, for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public partnerships, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and Through the purpose of this project, the aim is to develop and implement a data collection software focused on identifying and monitoring the real needs of vulnerable people in rural areas in order to formulate public policy proposals and strategic planning in the field of social services. O projeto assegura benefícios sustentáveis para o grupo-alvo, aumentando a sua capacidade de compreender as necessidades reais e existentes no domínio social, especialmente por categorias de beneficiários de grupos vulneráveis (crianças, adultos, idosos, ciganos, etc.) (Portuguese)
    3 August 2022
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    OVERORDNET MÅL: Projektets overordnede mål er at forbedre og optimere processen med deltagelsesbaseret udvikling af offentlige politikker og at fastlægge strategiske retningslinjer for tiltag i den lokale offentlige forvaltning inden for sociale tjenesteydelser ved at øge ikke-statslige organisationers kapacitet til at formulere og fremme offentlige politikker, der er alternativer til offentlige politikker, som regeringen har iværksat, med henblik på at udvikle og indføre systemer og standarder i den offentlige forvaltning, der er rettet mod borgerne og erhvervsmiljøet i overensstemmelse med SCAP. PROJEKTETS FORMÅL: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of NGOs (Applicant and Partner) in order to formulate and promote alternative public policies to public policies initiated by the Government in the social field, as a result of creating and validating a set of standard data collection tools (questionnaires) by categories of beneficiaries (children, adults and elderly people) that will underpin the creation of an IT system, activities to develop the knowledge, skills and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group, representatives of their own NGOs (applicant and partner in this project), developing a set of tools to develop public knowledge and skills for the development of public partnerships, as well as the development of public dialogue and the strengthening of the public policies in order to strengthen the social dialogue and the development of the social dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as the development of public dialogue and the development of public dialogue, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public partnerships, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policies for the development of the public policies and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policies, as well as the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public dialogue, for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public dialogue, for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public partnerships, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and Through the purpose of this project, the aim is to develop and implement a data collection software focused on identifying and monitoring the real needs of vulnerable people in rural areas in order to formulate public policy proposals and strategic planning in the field of social services. Projektet sikrer bæredygtige fordele for målgruppen ved at øge deres evne til at forstå reelle og eksisterende behov på det sociale område, navnlig efter kategorier af modtagere fra sårbare grupper (børn, voksne, ældre, romaer osv.) (Danish)
    3 August 2022
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    ALLMÄNT MÅL: Det allmänna målet med projektet är att förbättra och optimera processen för deltagarbaserad utveckling av offentlig politik och att fastställa strategiska riktlinjer för den lokala offentliga förvaltningen på området sociala tjänster, genom att öka icke-statliga organisationers förmåga att utforma och främja offentliga politiska alternativ till den offentliga politik som regeringen tagit initiativ till, i syfte att utveckla och införa system och standarder inom den offentliga förvaltningen, inriktade på medborgare och företagsklimat, i enlighet med SCAP. PROJEKTETS SYFTE: The aim of the project is to support and increase the capacity of NGOs (Applicant and Partner) in order to formulate and promote alternative public policies to public policies initiated by the Government in the social field, as a result of creating and validating a set of standard data collection tools (questionnaires) by categories of beneficiaries (children, adults and elderly people) that will underpin the creation of an IT system, activities to develop the knowledge, skills and abilities of the 40 persons in the target group, representatives of their own NGOs (applicant and partner in this project), developing a set of tools to develop public knowledge and skills for the development of public partnerships, as well as the development of public dialogue and the strengthening of the public policies in order to strengthen the social dialogue and the development of the social dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as the development of public dialogue and the development of public dialogue, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public partnerships, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policies for the development of the public policies and the development of the public dialogue and the development of the public policies, as well as the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public dialogue, for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public dialogue, for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as for the development of public dialogue, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and for the development of public partnerships, as well as the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public instruments for the development of public policies, as well as for the development of public dialogue and Through the purpose of this project, the aim is to develop and implement a data collection software focused on identifying and monitoring the real needs of vulnerable people in rural areas in order to formulate public policy proposals and strategic planning in the field of social services. Projektet säkerställer hållbara fördelar för målgruppen genom att öka deras förmåga att förstå verkliga och befintliga behov på det sociala området, särskilt för kategorier av stödmottagare från utsatta grupper (barn, vuxna, äldre, romer osv.). (Swedish)
    3 August 2022
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    Judeţul Braşov, Romania
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    Judeţul Alba, Romania
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    Judeţul Ilfov, Romania
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