School social work (Q3088540)
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Project Q3088540 in Austria
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | School social work |
Project Q3088540 in Austria |
120,000.0 Euro
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7 September 2015
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30 June 2017
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Österreichische Kinderfreunde Landesorganisation Kärnten
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At the school location Klagenfurt, the NMS Kneippgasse, the NMS Praxisschule Verbundmodel and the HAK 1 International School Social Work are to be implemented, with the primary goal of avoiding school refusal and school-absentism (English)
3 September 2021
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Am Schulstandort Klagenfurt soll an der NMS Kneippgasse, der NMS Praxisschule Verbundmodel sowie an der HAK 1 International Schulsozialarbeit implementationiert werden, mit dem vorrangigen Ziel der Vermeidung von Schulverweigerung und Schulabsentismus (French)
27 November 2021
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Op de schoollocatie Klagenfurt, de NMS Kneippgasse, het NMS Praxisschule Verbundmodel en het HAK 1 International School Social Work worden geïmplementeerd, met als primaire doel schoolweigering en school-absentisme te voorkomen (Dutch)
29 November 2021
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Am Schulstandort Klagenfurt soll an der NMS Kneippgasse, der NMS Praxisschule Verbundmodel sowie an der HAK 1 International Schulsozialarbeit implementiert werden, mit dem vorrangigen Ziel der Vermeidung von Schulverweigerung und Schulabsentismus (German)
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Presso la sede della scuola Klagenfurt, l'NMS Kneippgasse, l'NMS Praxisschule Verbundmodel e il HAK 1 International School Social Work, con l'obiettivo primario di evitare il rifiuto scolastico e l'assenza scolastica (Italian)
11 January 2022
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En la ubicación de la escuela Klagenfurt, el NMS Kneippgasse, el NMS Praxisschule Verbundmodel y el HAK 1 International School Social Work, con el objetivo principal de evitar el rechazo escolar y el absentismo escolar (Spanish)
12 January 2022
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På skolestedet Klagenfurt, NMS Kneippgasse, NMS Praxisschule Verbundmodel og HAK 1 International School Social Work skal implementeres med det primære mål at undgå skoleafslag og skolefravær (Danish)
11 July 2022
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Στη θέση του σχολείου Klagenfurt, το NMS Kneippgasse, το NMS Praxisschule Verbundmodel και το HAK 1 International School Social Work πρόκειται να εφαρμοστούν, με πρωταρχικό στόχο την αποφυγή της άρνησης του σχολείου και του σχολικού απεσταλμένου (Greek)
11 July 2022
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Na školskoj lokaciji Klagenfurt, NMS Kneippgasse, NMS Praxisschule Verbundmodel i HAK 1 International School Social Work će se provoditi, s osnovnim ciljem izbjegavanja odbijanja škole i školskog apsentizma (Croatian)
11 July 2022
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La sediul școlii Klagenfurt, NMS Kneippgasse, NMS Praxisschule Verbundmodel și HAK 1 International School Social Work urmează să fie implementate, cu scopul principal de a evita refuzul școlar și absentismul școlar (Romanian)
11 July 2022
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Na mieste školy Klagenfurt, NMS Kneippgasse, NMS Praxisschule Verbundmodel a HAK 1 International School Social Work sa majú realizovať s hlavným cieľom vyhnúť sa odmietnutiu školy a školskému absentizmu. (Slovak)
11 July 2022
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Fil-post iskola Klagenfurt, il Kneippgasse NMS, il-Praaxisschule NMS Verbundmodel u l HAK 1 Iskola Internazzjonali Xogħol Soċjali għandhom jiġu implimentati, bl-għan primarju li jiġi evitat rifjut iskola u l-iskola-assentiżmu (Maltese)
11 July 2022
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No local da escola Klagenfurt, o NMS Kneippgasse, o NMS Praxisschule Verbundmodel e o Serviço Social Escolar Internacional HAK 1 devem ser implementados, com o objetivo principal de evitar a recusa escolar e o abstencionismo escolar. (Portuguese)
11 July 2022
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Koulupaikalla Klagenfurt, NMS Kneippgasse, NMS Praxisschule Verbundmodel ja HAK 1 International School Social Work on pantava täytäntöön ensisijaisena tavoitteena välttää koulun kieltäytyminen ja koulujen kieltäytyminen (Finnish)
11 July 2022
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W szkole Klagenfurt, NMS Kneippgasse, NMS Praxisschule Verbundmodel i HAK 1 Międzynarodowa Szkoła Praca Socjalna mają być realizowane, a głównym celem jest uniknięcie odmowy szkoły i nieuczestniczenia w szkole (Polish)
11 July 2022
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Na lokaciji šole Celovec, NMS Kneippgasse, NMS Praxisschule Verbundmodel in HAK 1 International School Social Work je treba izvajati, s primarnim ciljem, da se prepreči zavrnitev šole in odsotnost šole (Slovenian)
11 July 2022
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Na místě školy Klagenfurt mají být realizovány NMS Kneippgasse, NMS Praxisschule Verbundmodel a HAK 1 International School Social Work, s hlavním cílem vyhnout se odmítnutí školy a absentismu ve škole (Czech)
11 July 2022
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Mokyklos vietoje Klagenfurtas, NMS Kneippgasse, NMS Praxisschule Verbundmodel ir HAK 1 Tarptautinis mokyklos socialinis darbas turi būti įgyvendintas, su pagrindiniu tikslu išvengti mokyklos atsisakymo ir mokyklos-absentizmo (Lithuanian)
11 July 2022
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Skolas vietā Klāgenfurte, NMS Kneippgasse, NMS Praxisschule Verbundmodel un HAK 1 Starptautiskā skolas sociālais darbs ir jāīsteno ar galveno mērķi izvairīties no skolas atteikumiem un skolas absentisma. (Latvian)
11 July 2022
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На мястото на училището Клагенфурт, NMS Kneippgasse, NMS Praxisschule Verbundmodel и HAK 1 International School Social Work трябва да се прилагат, като основната цел е да се избегне отказът от училище и липсата на училище. (Bulgarian)
11 July 2022
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Az iskola helyszínén Klagenfurt, az NMS Kneippgasse, az NMS Praxisschule Verbundmodel és a HAK 1 Nemzetközi Iskola Szociális Munkája kerül végrehajtásra, amelynek elsődleges célja az iskola elutasításának és az iskolai hiányzásnak az elkerülése (Hungarian)
11 July 2022
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Ag suíomh na scoile Klagenfurt, an NMS Kneippgasse, an NMS Praxisschule Verbundmodel agus an HAK 1 Obair Shóisialta Scoile Idirnáisiúnta le cur i bhfeidhm, leis an príomhchuspóir a sheachaint diúltú scoile agus míchumas scoile (Irish)
11 July 2022
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På skolplatsen Klagenfurt, NMS Kneippgasse, NMS Praxisschule Verbundmodel och HAK 1 International School Social Work ska genomföras, med det primära målet att undvika skolavvisande och skolabsentism (Swedish)
11 July 2022
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Kooli asukohas Klagenfurt, NMS Kneippgasse, NMS Praxisschule Verbundmodel ja HAK 1 International School Social Work viiakse ellu, mille peamine eesmärk on vältida koolist keeldumist ja kooliskäimist. (Estonian)
11 July 2022
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