Tal-Mahlut Ltd - A New Manufacturing Enterprise (Q3064305)
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Project Q3064305 in Malta
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Tal-Mahlut Ltd - A New Manufacturing Enterprise |
Project Q3064305 in Malta |
203,177.98 Euro
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253,972.48 Euro
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80.0 percent
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1 January 2019
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1 January 2020
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Tal-Mahlut Ltd
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This Gozitan startup will mainly focus on the manufacturing of different types of bread, bakery products and pastries, using traditional as well as innovative techniques and recipes to cater for changing consumer trends and demographics. (English)
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Cette start-up Gozitan se concentrera principalement sur la fabrication de différents types de pain, de produits de boulangerie et de pâtisseries, en utilisant des techniques et des recettes traditionnelles et innovantes pour tenir compte de l’évolution des tendances et de la démographie des consommateurs. (French)
3 December 2021
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Das Startup von Gozitan wird sich vor allem auf die Herstellung von verschiedenen Brotsorten, Backwaren und Gebäck konzentrieren, wobei sowohl traditionelle als auch innovative Techniken und Rezepte verwendet werden, um sich verändernden Verbrauchertrends und demografischen Entwicklungen Rechnung zu tragen. (German)
3 December 2021
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Deze Gozitan startup zal zich vooral richten op de productie van verschillende soorten brood, bakkerijproducten en gebak, waarbij zowel traditionele als innovatieve technieken en recepten worden gebruikt om rekening te houden met veranderende consumententrends en demografische ontwikkelingen. (Dutch)
3 December 2021
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Esta startup de Gozitan se centrará principalmente en la fabricación de diferentes tipos de pan, productos de panadería y pastelería, utilizando técnicas y recetas tradicionales e innovadoras para atender las tendencias cambiantes de los consumidores y la demografía. (Spanish)
3 December 2021
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Questa startup Gozitan si concentrerà principalmente sulla produzione di diversi tipi di pane, prodotti da forno e pasticcini, utilizzando tecniche e ricette tradizionali e innovative per soddisfare le mutevoli tendenze dei consumatori e demografiche. (Italian)
3 December 2021
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Din l-istartjar Għawdxi se tiffoka l-aktar fuq il-manifattura ta’ tipi differenti ta’ ħobż, prodotti tal-forn u pasti, bl-użu ta’ tekniki u riċetti tradizzjonali kif ukoll innovattivi biex jilqgħu għat-tibdil fix-xejriet u d-demografija tal-konsumaturi. (Maltese)
24 January 2022
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ERDF.03.S5.Call 3.0026
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