Support for integrated territorial investments in Jūrmala City Municipality (Q3058373)
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Project Q3058373 in Latvia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Support for integrated territorial investments in Jūrmala City Municipality |
Project Q3058373 in Latvia |
13,608.84 Euro
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16,010.4 Euro
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85.0 percent
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4 February 2016
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31 December 2018
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Jūrmalas pilsētas dome
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Projekta mērķis ir atbalstīt Jūrmalas pilsētas domes kapacitātes palielināšanu, nodrošinot Deleģēšanas līgumā par integrētu teritoriālo investīciju projektu iesniegumu atlases nodrošināšanu noteikto uzdevumu izpildi, veicinot Kohēzijas politikas fondu plānošanas, ieviešanas, uzraudzības un kontroles pilnveidi, palielinot Kohēzijas politikas fondu izvērtēšanas kapacitāti.Projektā plānotās galvenās darbības ir vērstas uz Eiropas Savienības fondu projektu iesniegumu, kuru ietvaros paredzēts atbalsts integrētu teritoriālo investīciju īstenošanai Jūrmalā, kā nacionālās nozīmes attīstības centrā, atlases (tai skaitā vērtēšanas) nodrošināšanu, un ietver sevī Eiropas Savienības fondu projektu iesniegumu vērtēšanas komisijas darba nodrošināšanai nepieciešamā administratīvā personāla (vienas amata vienības – vērtēšanas komisijas sekretāra) izveidi un uzturēšanu, un projektu iesniegumu izvērtēšanai, kā arī objektīva lēmuma pieņemšanai nepieciešamo ekspertu sniegto pakalpojumu saņemšanu, veicot atbilstošus iepirkumus un slēdzot pakalpojumu līgumus.Projekta ietvaros plānotie sasniedzamie rezultāti ir Eiropas Savienības fondu projektu iesniegumu vērtēšanā iesaistīto personu skaits, kas paaugstinājuši savu kompetenci pēc atbalsta saņemšanas – 2 personas; izvērtēto Eiropas Savienības fondu projektu iesniegumu skaits – 9 projektu iesniegumu (kopumā paredzēts iesniegt 17 projektu iesniegumus, tajā skaitā 13 iesniegumus 2018.gadā, bet izvērtēt 2018.gadā paredzēts 9 projektu iesniegumus), kuru ietvaros paredzēts īstenot integrētas teritoriālās investīcijas Jūrmalas pilsētas pašvaldībā.Projekta īstenošanai kopējās plānotās izmaksas, tai skaitā attiecināmās izmaksas ir 16 300,00 EUR, kas 85% jeb 13 855 EUR apmērā tiek finansētas no Eiropas Reģionālā attīstības fonda līdzekļiem un 15% jeb 2 445 EUR apmērā no valsts budžeta dotācijas.Projekta īstenošanas ilgums ir no 2016.gada 4.februāra līdz 2018.gada 31.decembrim, 35 mēneši. (Latvian)
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The aim of the project is to support capacity building of Jūrmala City Council by ensuring the execution of tasks defined in the Delegation Agreement on ensuring selection of integrated territorial investment project applications, promoting improvement of planning, implementation, monitoring and control of Cohesion Policy funds, increasing the capacity of the Cohesion Policy Fund evaluation.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application application, within which it is intended to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of proposals of national importance, selection (including evaluation) and include the number of the European Union Fund proposals – the number of the European Union Fund proposals – the results of the evaluation of the project, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, the selection (including evaluation) and include the European Union Fund proposals, the number of the European Union project proposals – the results of the evaluation of the project – the evaluation of the necessary services of the European Union, the evaluation of the application of the national importance, the selection (including evaluation) of the European Union funds.The main activities of the project are aimed at the implementation of the European Union Fund project application, within which the support for implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, selection (including evaluation) is aimed at the selection of the European Union Fund proposals.The number of the European Union Fund proposals is aimed at the evaluation of the European Union funds, within the framework of which it is envisaged to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of the National Interest Applications, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application application, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the national importance of the development center, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy Fund evaluation, the number of the European Union Fund proposals is aimed at the selection of the European Union funds – the results of the evaluation of the project, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union fund project application application, within the framework of which it is planned to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as well as the provision of applications of national importance, selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application, within the framework of which it is planned Number of applications for European Union funds projects evaluated – 9 project applications (in total, 17 project applications are expected to be submitted, including 13 applications in 2018, but 9 project applications are planned in 2018) within the framework of which integrated territorial investments are planned to be implemented in Jūrmala City Municipality.The total planned costs for implementation of the project, including eligible costs are EUR 16300,00, which is 85 % or EUR 13855 are financed from the resources of the European Regional Development Fund and 15 % or EUR 2445 from the state budget grant, 31 December 4. (English)
15 July 2021
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L’objectif du projet est de soutenir le renforcement des capacités du conseil municipal de Jūrmala en veillant à l’accomplissement des tâches définies dans la convention de délégation visant à assurer la sélection des demandes de projets d’investissement territorial intégrés, à promouvoir l’amélioration de la planification, de la mise en œuvre, du suivi et du contrôle des fonds de la politique de cohésion, à accroître la capacité d’évaluation des fonds de la politique de cohésion. Les principales activités prévues dans le projet visent à garantir la sélection (y compris l’évaluation) des demandes de projets des fonds de l’Union européenne, dans le cadre duquel un soutien est apporté à la mise en œuvre d’investissements territoriaux intégrés à Jurmala, en tant que centre de développement d’importance nationale, et comprend la mise en place et le maintien du personnel administratif (une unité de poste — le secrétaire du comité d’évaluation) nécessaire pour assurer le travail du comité d’évaluation des demandes de projets des fonds de l’Union européenne, ainsi que la réception des services fournis par les experts nécessaires à l’évaluation des demandes de projets, ainsi que la fourniture de services par les experts nécessaires à la prise d’une décision objective, à la passation de marchés appropriés et à la conclusion de contrats de services. le nombre de demandes de projets évaluées par les fonds de l’Union européenne — 9 demandes de projets (au total 17 demandes de projets, dont 13 en 2018, mais 9 demandes de projets devraient être évaluées en 2018) dans le cadre desquels des investissements territoriaux intégrés devraient être mis en œuvre dans la municipalité de Jurmala. Le total des coûts prévus pour la mise en œuvre du projet, y compris les coûts éligibles, s’élève à 1 630 000 EUR, soit 85 % ou 13 855 EUR financés par le Fonds européen de développement régional et 15 % ou 2 445 EUR au titre de la subvention du budget de l’État.La durée de la période de mise en œuvre du projet s’étend du 4 février 2016 au 31 décembre 2018, soit 35 mois. (French)
25 November 2021
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Ziel des Projekts ist es, den Kapazitätsaufbau des Stadtrates von Jūrmala zu unterstützen, indem sichergestellt wird, dass die in der Übertragungsvereinbarung festgelegten Aufgaben erfüllt werden, die Auswahl der Anträge für integrierte territoriale Investitionsprojekte zu gewährleisten, die Verbesserung der Planung, Durchführung, Überwachung und Kontrolle der kohäsionspolitischen Fonds zu verbessern, die Bewertungskapazität der Fonds der Kohäsionspolitik zu erhöhen. Die wichtigsten im Rahmen des Projekts geplanten Tätigkeiten zielen darauf ab, die Auswahl (einschließlich Bewertung) der Projektanträge der Europäischen Union zu gewährleisten. innerhalb dessen die Durchführung integrierter territorialer Investitionen in Jurmala als Zentrum der Entwicklung von nationaler Bedeutung unterstützt wird und die Einrichtung und Pflege des Verwaltungspersonals (eine Stelle – Sekretär des Bewertungsausschusses) umfasst, die erforderlich sind, um die Arbeit des Bewertungsausschusses für Projektanträge der Europäischen Union zu gewährleisten, sowie den Empfang von Dienstleistungen, die von Sachverständigen für die Bewertung von Projektanträgen erforderlich sind, sowie die Erbringung von Dienstleistungen durch die Sachverständigen, die für eine objektive Entscheidung, geeignete Beschaffungen und den Abschluss von Dienstleistungsaufträgen erforderlich sind. Die erwarteten Ergebnisse des Projekts sind die Zahl der Personen, die an der Bewertung von Projektanträgen aus den EU-Mitteln beteiligt sind, die ihre Kompetenz nach Erhalt der Unterstützung – 2 Personen – erhöht haben; die Zahl der aus den Mitteln der Europäischen Union bewerteten Projektanträge – 9 Projektanträge (insgesamt 17 Projektanträge, darunter 13 Anträge im Jahr 2018, aber 9 Projektanträge sind 2018 geplant), innerhalb deren integrierte territoriale Investitionen in der Gemeinde Jurmala durchgeführt werden sollen. Die Gesamtkosten für die Durchführung des Projekts, einschließlich förderfähiger Kosten, belaufen sich auf 16 300,00 EUR, was 85 % bzw. 13 855 EUR, die aus dem Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung finanziert werden, und 15 % bzw. 2 445 EUR aus dem Staatshaushaltszuschuss.Die Laufzeit des Projektdurchführungszeitraums beträgt vom 4. Februar 2016 bis zum 31. Dezember 2018, 35 Monate. (German)
28 November 2021
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Het project heeft tot doel de capaciteitsopbouw van de gemeenteraad van Jūrmala te ondersteunen door te zorgen voor de uitvoering van de taken die zijn vastgesteld in de delegatieovereenkomst inzake het waarborgen van de selectie van aanvragen voor geïntegreerde territoriale investeringsprojecten, het bevorderen van de verbetering van de planning, uitvoering, monitoring en controle van de fondsen van het cohesiebeleid, en het vergroten van de evaluatiecapaciteit van de fondsen van het cohesiebeleid. De belangrijkste in het project geplande activiteiten zijn gericht op de selectie (inclusief evaluatie) van de projectaanvragen van de Europese Unie, waarin steun wordt verleend voor de uitvoering van geïntegreerde territoriale investeringen in Jurmala, als centrum voor de ontwikkeling van nationaal belang, en omvat de oprichting en het onderhoud van het administratieve personeel (één posteenheid — de secretaris van het evaluatiecomité) dat nodig is om de werkzaamheden van het comité voor de evaluatie van de projectaanvragen te waarborgen, alsmede de ontvangst van de diensten die worden geleverd door deskundigen die nodig zijn voor de beoordeling van projectaanvragen, alsmede het verlenen van diensten door de deskundigen die nodig zijn voor het nemen van een objectief besluit, het maken van passende aanbestedingen en het sluiten van dienstencontracten. De verwachte resultaten van het project zijn het aantal personen dat betrokken is bij de evaluatie van projectaanvragen uit de fondsen van de Europese Unie, die hun bekwaamheid hebben vergroot na het ontvangen van steun — 2 personen; het aantal projectaanvragen dat door de fondsen van de Europese Unie wordt geëvalueerd — 9 projectaanvragen (in totaal 17 projectaanvragen, waaronder 13 aanvragen in 2018, maar 9 projectaanvragen zullen naar verwachting in 2018 worden geëvalueerd) waarin geïntegreerde territoriale investeringen gepland zijn in de gemeente Jurmala. De totale geplande kosten voor de uitvoering van het project, inclusief subsidiabele kosten, bedragen 16 300,00 EUR, ofwel 85 % of 13 855 EUR, gefinancierd uit het Europees Fonds voor Regionale Ontwikkeling en 15 % of 2 445 EUR uit de overheidsbegroting. De duur van de projectuitvoeringsperiode is van 4 februari 2016 tot en met 31 december 2018, 35 maanden. (Dutch)
28 November 2021
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L'obiettivo del progetto è sostenere lo sviluppo delle capacità del consiglio comunale di Jūrmala garantendo l'adempimento dei compiti stabiliti nell'accordo di delega per garantire la selezione delle domande di progetti di investimento territoriali integrati, promuovere il miglioramento della pianificazione, dell'attuazione, del monitoraggio e del controllo dei fondi della politica di coesione, aumentare la capacità di valutazione dei fondi della politica di coesione. Le principali attività previste nel progetto sono volte a garantire la selezione (compresa la valutazione) delle domande di progetti dei fondi dell'Unione europea, Nell'ambito del quale viene fornito sostegno per l'attuazione di investimenti territoriali integrati a Jurmala, quale centro di sviluppo di rilevanza nazionale, e comprende l'istituzione e la manutenzione del personale amministrativo (un'unità di posto — il segretario del comitato di valutazione) necessario per garantire il lavoro del comitato di valutazione delle domande dei progetti dell'Unione europea, nonché la ricezione dei servizi forniti dagli esperti necessari per la valutazione delle domande di progetto, nonché la fornitura di servizi da parte degli esperti necessari per prendere una decisione obiettiva, effettuare appalti adeguati e stipulare contratti di servizio. I risultati attesi del progetto sono il numero di persone coinvolte nella valutazione delle domande di progetti provenienti dai fondi dell'Unione europea, che hanno aumentato la loro competenza dopo aver ricevuto il sostegno — 2 persone; il numero di domande di progetto valutate dai fondi dell'Unione europea — 9 domande di progetto (in totale 17 domande di progetto, di cui 13 nel 2018, ma 9 sono previste per la valutazione nel 2018) nell'ambito delle quali sono previsti investimenti territoriali integrati nel comune di Jurmala. I costi totali previsti per l'attuazione del progetto, compresi i costi ammissibili, ammontano a 16 300,00 EUR, pari all'85 % o a 13 855 EUR finanziati dal Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale e al 15 % o a 2 445 EUR dalla sovvenzione di bilancio dello Stato. La durata del periodo di attuazione del progetto è dal 4 febbraio 2016 al 31 dicembre 2018, 35 mesi. (Italian)
11 January 2022
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El objetivo del proyecto es apoyar el desarrollo de capacidades del Ayuntamiento de Jūrmala garantizando el cumplimiento de las tareas establecidas en el Acuerdo de Delegación para garantizar la selección de las solicitudes para proyectos de inversión territorial integrada, promover la mejora de la planificación, la ejecución, el seguimiento y el control de los fondos de la política de cohesión, y aumentar la capacidad de evaluación de los fondos de la política de cohesión. dentro de la cual se presta apoyo para la realización de inversiones territoriales integradas en Jurmala, como centro de desarrollo de importancia nacional, e incluye la creación y el mantenimiento del personal administrativo (un puesto, el secretario del comité de evaluación) necesario para garantizar el trabajo del comité de evaluación de las solicitudes de proyectos de la Unión Europea, así como la recepción de los servicios prestados por expertos necesarios para la evaluación de las solicitudes de proyectos, así como la prestación de los servicios necesarios por los expertos para tomar una decisión objetiva, realizar adquisiciones adecuadas y celebrar contratos de servicios. Los resultados esperados del proyecto son el número de personas que participan en la evaluación de las solicitudes de proyectos de los fondos de la Unión Europea, que han aumentado su competencia tras recibir apoyo: 2 personas; el número de solicitudes de proyectos evaluadas por los fondos de la Unión Europea — 9 solicitudes de proyectos (en total diecisiete solicitudes de proyectos, incluidas 13 solicitudes en 2018, pero 9 solicitudes de proyectos están previstas para 2018) dentro de las cuales se prevé la realización de inversiones territoriales integradas en el municipio de Jurmala. Los costes totales previstos para la ejecución del proyecto, incluidos los costes subvencionables, ascienden a 16 300,00 EUR, es decir, el 85 % o 13 855 EUR financiados con cargo al Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional y el 15 % o 2 445 EUR con cargo a la subvención del presupuesto estatal. La duración del período de ejecución del proyecto es del 4 de febrero de 2016 al 31 de diciembre de 2018, 35 meses. (Spanish)
12 January 2022
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The aim of the project is to support capacity building of Jūrmala City Council by ensuring the execution of tasks defined in the Delegation Agreement on ensuring selection of integrated territorial investment project applications, promoting improvement of planning, implementation, monitoring and control of Cohesion Policy funds, increasing the capacity of the Cohesion Policy Fund evaluation.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application application, within which it is intended to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of proposals of national importance, selection (including evaluation) and include the number of the European Union Fund proposals – the number of the European Union Fund proposals – the results of the evaluation of the project, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, the selection (including evaluation) and include the European Union Fund proposals, the number of the European Union project proposals – the results of the evaluation of the project – the evaluation of the necessary services of the European Union, the evaluation of the application of the national importance, the selection (including evaluation) of the European Union funds.The main activities of the project are aimed at the implementation of the European Union Fund project application, within which the support for implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, selection (including evaluation) is aimed at the selection of the European Union Fund proposals.The number of the European Union Fund proposals is aimed at the evaluation of the European Union funds, within the framework of which it is envisaged to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of the National Interest Applications, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application application, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the national importance of the development center, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy Fund evaluation, the number of the European Union Fund proposals is aimed at the selection of the European Union funds – the results of the evaluation of the project, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union fund project application application, within the framework of which it is planned to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as well as the provision of applications of national importance, selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application, within the framework of which it is planned Number of applications for European Union funds projects evaluated – 9 project applications (in total, 17 project applications are expected to be submitted, including 13 applications in 2018, but 9 project applications are planned in 2018) within the framework of which integrated territorial investments are planned to be implemented in Jūrmala City Municipality.The total planned costs for implementation of the project, including eligible costs are EUR 16300,00, which is 85 % or EUR 13855 are financed from the resources of the European Regional Development Fund and 15 % or EUR 2445 from the state budget grant, 31 December 4. (Estonian)
3 August 2022
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The aim of the project is to support capacity building of Jūrmala City Council by ensuring the execution of tasks defined in the Delegation Agreement on ensuring selection of integrated territorial investment project applications, promoting improvement of planning, implementation, monitoring and control of Cohesion Policy funds, increasing the capacity of the Cohesion Policy Fund evaluation.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application application, within which it is intended to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of proposals of national importance, selection (including evaluation) and include the number of the European Union Fund proposals – the number of the European Union Fund proposals – the results of the evaluation of the project, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, the selection (including evaluation) and include the European Union Fund proposals, the number of the European Union project proposals – the results of the evaluation of the project – the evaluation of the necessary services of the European Union, the evaluation of the application of the national importance, the selection (including evaluation) of the European Union funds.The main activities of the project are aimed at the implementation of the European Union Fund project application, within which the support for implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, selection (including evaluation) is aimed at the selection of the European Union Fund proposals.The number of the European Union Fund proposals is aimed at the evaluation of the European Union funds, within the framework of which it is envisaged to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of the National Interest Applications, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application application, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the national importance of the development center, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy Fund evaluation, the number of the European Union Fund proposals is aimed at the selection of the European Union funds – the results of the evaluation of the project, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union fund project application application, within the framework of which it is planned to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as well as the provision of applications of national importance, selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application, within the framework of which it is planned Number of applications for European Union funds projects evaluated – 9 project applications (in total, 17 project applications are expected to be submitted, including 13 applications in 2018, but 9 project applications are planned in 2018) within the framework of which integrated territorial investments are planned to be implemented in Jūrmala City Municipality.The total planned costs for implementation of the project, including eligible costs are EUR 16300,00, which is 85 % or EUR 13855 are financed from the resources of the European Regional Development Fund and 15 % or EUR 2445 from the state budget grant, 31 December 4. (Lithuanian)
3 August 2022
0 references
The aim of the project is to support capacity building of Jūrmala City Council by ensuring the execution of tasks defined in the Delegation Agreement on ensuring selection of integrated territorial investment project applications, promoting improvement of planning, implementation, monitoring and control of Cohesion Policy funds, increasing the capacity of the Cohesion Policy Fund evaluation.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application application, within which it is intended to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of proposals of national importance, selection (including evaluation) and include the number of the European Union Fund proposals – the number of the European Union Fund proposals – the results of the evaluation of the project, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, the selection (including evaluation) and include the European Union Fund proposals, the number of the European Union project proposals – the results of the evaluation of the project – the evaluation of the necessary services of the European Union, the evaluation of the application of the national importance, the selection (including evaluation) of the European Union funds.The main activities of the project are aimed at the implementation of the European Union Fund project application, within which the support for implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, selection (including evaluation) is aimed at the selection of the European Union Fund proposals.The number of the European Union Fund proposals is aimed at the evaluation of the European Union funds, within the framework of which it is envisaged to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of the National Interest Applications, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application application, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the national importance of the development center, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy Fund evaluation, the number of the European Union Fund proposals is aimed at the selection of the European Union funds – the results of the evaluation of the project, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union fund project application application, within the framework of which it is planned to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as well as the provision of applications of national importance, selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application, within the framework of which it is planned Number of applications for European Union funds projects evaluated – 9 project applications (in total, 17 project applications are expected to be submitted, including 13 applications in 2018, but 9 project applications are planned in 2018) within the framework of which integrated territorial investments are planned to be implemented in Jūrmala City Municipality.The total planned costs for implementation of the project, including eligible costs are EUR 16300,00, which is 85 % or EUR 13855 are financed from the resources of the European Regional Development Fund and 15 % or EUR 2445 from the state budget grant, 31 December 4. (Croatian)
3 August 2022
0 references
The aim of the project is to support capacity building of Jūrmala City Council by ensuring the execution of tasks defined in the Delegation Agreement on ensuring selection of integrated territorial investment project applications, promoting improvement of planning, implementation, monitoring and control of Cohesion Policy funds, increasing the capacity of the Cohesion Policy Fund evaluation.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application application, within which it is intended to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of proposals of national importance, selection (including evaluation) and include the number of the European Union Fund proposals – the number of the European Union Fund proposals – the results of the evaluation of the project, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, the selection (including evaluation) and include the European Union Fund proposals, the number of the European Union project proposals – the results of the evaluation of the project – the evaluation of the necessary services of the European Union, the evaluation of the application of the national importance, the selection (including evaluation) of the European Union funds.The main activities of the project are aimed at the implementation of the European Union Fund project application, within which the support for implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, selection (including evaluation) is aimed at the selection of the European Union Fund proposals.The number of the European Union Fund proposals is aimed at the evaluation of the European Union funds, within the framework of which it is envisaged to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of the National Interest Applications, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application application, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the national importance of the development center, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy Fund evaluation, the number of the European Union Fund proposals is aimed at the selection of the European Union funds – the results of the evaluation of the project, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union fund project application application, within the framework of which it is planned to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as well as the provision of applications of national importance, selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application, within the framework of which it is planned Number of applications for European Union funds projects evaluated – 9 project applications (in total, 17 project applications are expected to be submitted, including 13 applications in 2018, but 9 project applications are planned in 2018) within the framework of which integrated territorial investments are planned to be implemented in Jūrmala City Municipality.The total planned costs for implementation of the project, including eligible costs are EUR 16300,00, which is 85 % or EUR 13855 are financed from the resources of the European Regional Development Fund and 15 % or EUR 2445 from the state budget grant, 31 December 4. (Greek)
3 August 2022
0 references
The aim of the project is to support capacity building of Jūrmala City Council by ensuring the execution of tasks defined in the Delegation Agreement on ensuring selection of integrated territorial investment project applications, promoting improvement of planning, implementation, monitoring and control of Cohesion Policy funds, increasing the capacity of the Cohesion Policy Fund evaluation.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application application, within which it is intended to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of proposals of national importance, selection (including evaluation) and include the number of the European Union Fund proposals – the number of the European Union Fund proposals – the results of the evaluation of the project, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, the selection (including evaluation) and include the European Union Fund proposals, the number of the European Union project proposals – the results of the evaluation of the project – the evaluation of the necessary services of the European Union, the evaluation of the application of the national importance, the selection (including evaluation) of the European Union funds.The main activities of the project are aimed at the implementation of the European Union Fund project application, within which the support for implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, selection (including evaluation) is aimed at the selection of the European Union Fund proposals.The number of the European Union Fund proposals is aimed at the evaluation of the European Union funds, within the framework of which it is envisaged to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of the National Interest Applications, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application application, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the national importance of the development center, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy Fund evaluation, the number of the European Union Fund proposals is aimed at the selection of the European Union funds – the results of the evaluation of the project, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union fund project application application, within the framework of which it is planned to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as well as the provision of applications of national importance, selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application, within the framework of which it is planned Number of applications for European Union funds projects evaluated – 9 project applications (in total, 17 project applications are expected to be submitted, including 13 applications in 2018, but 9 project applications are planned in 2018) within the framework of which integrated territorial investments are planned to be implemented in Jūrmala City Municipality.The total planned costs for implementation of the project, including eligible costs are EUR 16300,00, which is 85 % or EUR 13855 are financed from the resources of the European Regional Development Fund and 15 % or EUR 2445 from the state budget grant, 31 December 4. (Slovak)
3 August 2022
0 references
The aim of the project is to support capacity building of Jūrmala City Council by ensuring the execution of tasks defined in the Delegation Agreement on ensuring selection of integrated territorial investment project applications, promoting improvement of planning, implementation, monitoring and control of Cohesion Policy funds, increasing the capacity of the Cohesion Policy Fund evaluation.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application application, within which it is intended to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of proposals of national importance, selection (including evaluation) and include the number of the European Union Fund proposals – the number of the European Union Fund proposals – the results of the evaluation of the project, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, the selection (including evaluation) and include the European Union Fund proposals, the number of the European Union project proposals – the results of the evaluation of the project – the evaluation of the necessary services of the European Union, the evaluation of the application of the national importance, the selection (including evaluation) of the European Union funds.The main activities of the project are aimed at the implementation of the European Union Fund project application, within which the support for implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, selection (including evaluation) is aimed at the selection of the European Union Fund proposals.The number of the European Union Fund proposals is aimed at the evaluation of the European Union funds, within the framework of which it is envisaged to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of the National Interest Applications, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application application, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the national importance of the development center, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy Fund evaluation, the number of the European Union Fund proposals is aimed at the selection of the European Union funds – the results of the evaluation of the project, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union fund project application application, within the framework of which it is planned to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as well as the provision of applications of national importance, selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application, within the framework of which it is planned Number of applications for European Union funds projects evaluated – 9 project applications (in total, 17 project applications are expected to be submitted, including 13 applications in 2018, but 9 project applications are planned in 2018) within the framework of which integrated territorial investments are planned to be implemented in Jūrmala City Municipality.The total planned costs for implementation of the project, including eligible costs are EUR 16300,00, which is 85 % or EUR 13855 are financed from the resources of the European Regional Development Fund and 15 % or EUR 2445 from the state budget grant, 31 December 4. (Finnish)
3 August 2022
0 references
The aim of the project is to support capacity building of Jūrmala City Council by ensuring the execution of tasks defined in the Delegation Agreement on ensuring selection of integrated territorial investment project applications, promoting improvement of planning, implementation, monitoring and control of Cohesion Policy funds, increasing the capacity of the Cohesion Policy Fund evaluation.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application application, within which it is intended to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of proposals of national importance, selection (including evaluation) and include the number of the European Union Fund proposals – the number of the European Union Fund proposals – the results of the evaluation of the project, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, the selection (including evaluation) and include the European Union Fund proposals, the number of the European Union project proposals – the results of the evaluation of the project – the evaluation of the necessary services of the European Union, the evaluation of the application of the national importance, the selection (including evaluation) of the European Union funds.The main activities of the project are aimed at the implementation of the European Union Fund project application, within which the support for implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, selection (including evaluation) is aimed at the selection of the European Union Fund proposals.The number of the European Union Fund proposals is aimed at the evaluation of the European Union funds, within the framework of which it is envisaged to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of the National Interest Applications, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application application, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the national importance of the development center, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy Fund evaluation, the number of the European Union Fund proposals is aimed at the selection of the European Union funds – the results of the evaluation of the project, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union fund project application application, within the framework of which it is planned to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as well as the provision of applications of national importance, selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application, within the framework of which it is planned Number of applications for European Union funds projects evaluated – 9 project applications (in total, 17 project applications are expected to be submitted, including 13 applications in 2018, but 9 project applications are planned in 2018) within the framework of which integrated territorial investments are planned to be implemented in Jūrmala City Municipality.The total planned costs for implementation of the project, including eligible costs are EUR 16300,00, which is 85 % or EUR 13855 are financed from the resources of the European Regional Development Fund and 15 % or EUR 2445 from the state budget grant, 31 December 4. (Polish)
3 August 2022
0 references
The aim of the project is to support capacity building of Jūrmala City Council by ensuring the execution of tasks defined in the Delegation Agreement on ensuring selection of integrated territorial investment project applications, promoting improvement of planning, implementation, monitoring and control of Cohesion Policy funds, increasing the capacity of the Cohesion Policy Fund evaluation.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application application, within which it is intended to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of proposals of national importance, selection (including evaluation) and include the number of the European Union Fund proposals – the number of the European Union Fund proposals – the results of the evaluation of the project, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, the selection (including evaluation) and include the European Union Fund proposals, the number of the European Union project proposals – the results of the evaluation of the project – the evaluation of the necessary services of the European Union, the evaluation of the application of the national importance, the selection (including evaluation) of the European Union funds.The main activities of the project are aimed at the implementation of the European Union Fund project application, within which the support for implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, selection (including evaluation) is aimed at the selection of the European Union Fund proposals.The number of the European Union Fund proposals is aimed at the evaluation of the European Union funds, within the framework of which it is envisaged to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of the National Interest Applications, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application application, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the national importance of the development center, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy Fund evaluation, the number of the European Union Fund proposals is aimed at the selection of the European Union funds – the results of the evaluation of the project, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union fund project application application, within the framework of which it is planned to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as well as the provision of applications of national importance, selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application, within the framework of which it is planned Number of applications for European Union funds projects evaluated – 9 project applications (in total, 17 project applications are expected to be submitted, including 13 applications in 2018, but 9 project applications are planned in 2018) within the framework of which integrated territorial investments are planned to be implemented in Jūrmala City Municipality.The total planned costs for implementation of the project, including eligible costs are EUR 16300,00, which is 85 % or EUR 13855 are financed from the resources of the European Regional Development Fund and 15 % or EUR 2445 from the state budget grant, 31 December 4. (Hungarian)
3 August 2022
0 references
The aim of the project is to support capacity building of Jūrmala City Council by ensuring the execution of tasks defined in the Delegation Agreement on ensuring selection of integrated territorial investment project applications, promoting improvement of planning, implementation, monitoring and control of Cohesion Policy funds, increasing the capacity of the Cohesion Policy Fund evaluation.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application application, within which it is intended to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of proposals of national importance, selection (including evaluation) and include the number of the European Union Fund proposals – the number of the European Union Fund proposals – the results of the evaluation of the project, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, the selection (including evaluation) and include the European Union Fund proposals, the number of the European Union project proposals – the results of the evaluation of the project – the evaluation of the necessary services of the European Union, the evaluation of the application of the national importance, the selection (including evaluation) of the European Union funds.The main activities of the project are aimed at the implementation of the European Union Fund project application, within which the support for implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, selection (including evaluation) is aimed at the selection of the European Union Fund proposals.The number of the European Union Fund proposals is aimed at the evaluation of the European Union funds, within the framework of which it is envisaged to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of the National Interest Applications, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application application, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the national importance of the development center, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy Fund evaluation, the number of the European Union Fund proposals is aimed at the selection of the European Union funds – the results of the evaluation of the project, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union fund project application application, within the framework of which it is planned to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as well as the provision of applications of national importance, selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application, within the framework of which it is planned Number of applications for European Union funds projects evaluated – 9 project applications (in total, 17 project applications are expected to be submitted, including 13 applications in 2018, but 9 project applications are planned in 2018) within the framework of which integrated territorial investments are planned to be implemented in Jūrmala City Municipality.The total planned costs for implementation of the project, including eligible costs are EUR 16300,00, which is 85 % or EUR 13855 are financed from the resources of the European Regional Development Fund and 15 % or EUR 2445 from the state budget grant, 31 December 4. (Czech)
3 August 2022
0 references
The aim of the project is to support capacity building of Jūrmala City Council by ensuring the execution of tasks defined in the Delegation Agreement on ensuring selection of integrated territorial investment project applications, promoting improvement of planning, implementation, monitoring and control of Cohesion Policy funds, increasing the capacity of the Cohesion Policy Fund evaluation.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application application, within which it is intended to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of proposals of national importance, selection (including evaluation) and include the number of the European Union Fund proposals – the number of the European Union Fund proposals – the results of the evaluation of the project, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, the selection (including evaluation) and include the European Union Fund proposals, the number of the European Union project proposals – the results of the evaluation of the project – the evaluation of the necessary services of the European Union, the evaluation of the application of the national importance, the selection (including evaluation) of the European Union funds.The main activities of the project are aimed at the implementation of the European Union Fund project application, within which the support for implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, selection (including evaluation) is aimed at the selection of the European Union Fund proposals.The number of the European Union Fund proposals is aimed at the evaluation of the European Union funds, within the framework of which it is envisaged to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of the National Interest Applications, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application application, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the national importance of the development center, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy Fund evaluation, the number of the European Union Fund proposals is aimed at the selection of the European Union funds – the results of the evaluation of the project, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union fund project application application, within the framework of which it is planned to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as well as the provision of applications of national importance, selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application, within the framework of which it is planned Number of applications for European Union funds projects evaluated – 9 project applications (in total, 17 project applications are expected to be submitted, including 13 applications in 2018, but 9 project applications are planned in 2018) within the framework of which integrated territorial investments are planned to be implemented in Jūrmala City Municipality.The total planned costs for implementation of the project, including eligible costs are EUR 16300,00, which is 85 % or EUR 13855 are financed from the resources of the European Regional Development Fund and 15 % or EUR 2445 from the state budget grant, 31 December 4. (Irish)
3 August 2022
0 references
The aim of the project is to support capacity building of Jūrmala City Council by ensuring the execution of tasks defined in the Delegation Agreement on ensuring selection of integrated territorial investment project applications, promoting improvement of planning, implementation, monitoring and control of Cohesion Policy funds, increasing the capacity of the Cohesion Policy Fund evaluation.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application application, within which it is intended to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of proposals of national importance, selection (including evaluation) and include the number of the European Union Fund proposals – the number of the European Union Fund proposals – the results of the evaluation of the project, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, the selection (including evaluation) and include the European Union Fund proposals, the number of the European Union project proposals – the results of the evaluation of the project – the evaluation of the necessary services of the European Union, the evaluation of the application of the national importance, the selection (including evaluation) of the European Union funds.The main activities of the project are aimed at the implementation of the European Union Fund project application, within which the support for implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, selection (including evaluation) is aimed at the selection of the European Union Fund proposals.The number of the European Union Fund proposals is aimed at the evaluation of the European Union funds, within the framework of which it is envisaged to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of the National Interest Applications, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application application, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the national importance of the development center, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy Fund evaluation, the number of the European Union Fund proposals is aimed at the selection of the European Union funds – the results of the evaluation of the project, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union fund project application application, within the framework of which it is planned to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as well as the provision of applications of national importance, selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application, within the framework of which it is planned Number of applications for European Union funds projects evaluated – 9 project applications (in total, 17 project applications are expected to be submitted, including 13 applications in 2018, but 9 project applications are planned in 2018) within the framework of which integrated territorial investments are planned to be implemented in Jūrmala City Municipality.The total planned costs for implementation of the project, including eligible costs are EUR 16300,00, which is 85 % or EUR 13855 are financed from the resources of the European Regional Development Fund and 15 % or EUR 2445 from the state budget grant, 31 December 4. (Slovenian)
3 August 2022
0 references
The aim of the project is to support capacity building of Jūrmala City Council by ensuring the execution of tasks defined in the Delegation Agreement on ensuring selection of integrated territorial investment project applications, promoting improvement of planning, implementation, monitoring and control of Cohesion Policy funds, increasing the capacity of the Cohesion Policy Fund evaluation.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application application, within which it is intended to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of proposals of national importance, selection (including evaluation) and include the number of the European Union Fund proposals – the number of the European Union Fund proposals – the results of the evaluation of the project, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, the selection (including evaluation) and include the European Union Fund proposals, the number of the European Union project proposals – the results of the evaluation of the project – the evaluation of the necessary services of the European Union, the evaluation of the application of the national importance, the selection (including evaluation) of the European Union funds.The main activities of the project are aimed at the implementation of the European Union Fund project application, within which the support for implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, selection (including evaluation) is aimed at the selection of the European Union Fund proposals.The number of the European Union Fund proposals is aimed at the evaluation of the European Union funds, within the framework of which it is envisaged to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of the National Interest Applications, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application application, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the national importance of the development center, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy Fund evaluation, the number of the European Union Fund proposals is aimed at the selection of the European Union funds – the results of the evaluation of the project, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union fund project application application, within the framework of which it is planned to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as well as the provision of applications of national importance, selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application, within the framework of which it is planned Number of applications for European Union funds projects evaluated – 9 project applications (in total, 17 project applications are expected to be submitted, including 13 applications in 2018, but 9 project applications are planned in 2018) within the framework of which integrated territorial investments are planned to be implemented in Jūrmala City Municipality.The total planned costs for implementation of the project, including eligible costs are EUR 16300,00, which is 85 % or EUR 13855 are financed from the resources of the European Regional Development Fund and 15 % or EUR 2445 from the state budget grant, 31 December 4. (Bulgarian)
3 August 2022
0 references
The aim of the project is to support capacity building of Jūrmala City Council by ensuring the execution of tasks defined in the Delegation Agreement on ensuring selection of integrated territorial investment project applications, promoting improvement of planning, implementation, monitoring and control of Cohesion Policy funds, increasing the capacity of the Cohesion Policy Fund evaluation.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application application, within which it is intended to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of proposals of national importance, selection (including evaluation) and include the number of the European Union Fund proposals – the number of the European Union Fund proposals – the results of the evaluation of the project, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, the selection (including evaluation) and include the European Union Fund proposals, the number of the European Union project proposals – the results of the evaluation of the project – the evaluation of the necessary services of the European Union, the evaluation of the application of the national importance, the selection (including evaluation) of the European Union funds.The main activities of the project are aimed at the implementation of the European Union Fund project application, within which the support for implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, selection (including evaluation) is aimed at the selection of the European Union Fund proposals.The number of the European Union Fund proposals is aimed at the evaluation of the European Union funds, within the framework of which it is envisaged to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of the National Interest Applications, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application application, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the national importance of the development center, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy Fund evaluation, the number of the European Union Fund proposals is aimed at the selection of the European Union funds – the results of the evaluation of the project, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union fund project application application, within the framework of which it is planned to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as well as the provision of applications of national importance, selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application, within the framework of which it is planned Number of applications for European Union funds projects evaluated – 9 project applications (in total, 17 project applications are expected to be submitted, including 13 applications in 2018, but 9 project applications are planned in 2018) within the framework of which integrated territorial investments are planned to be implemented in Jūrmala City Municipality.The total planned costs for implementation of the project, including eligible costs are EUR 16300,00, which is 85 % or EUR 13855 are financed from the resources of the European Regional Development Fund and 15 % or EUR 2445 from the state budget grant, 31 December 4. (Maltese)
3 August 2022
0 references
The aim of the project is to support capacity building of Jūrmala City Council by ensuring the execution of tasks defined in the Delegation Agreement on ensuring selection of integrated territorial investment project applications, promoting improvement of planning, implementation, monitoring and control of Cohesion Policy funds, increasing the capacity of the Cohesion Policy Fund evaluation.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application application, within which it is intended to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of proposals of national importance, selection (including evaluation) and include the number of the European Union Fund proposals – the number of the European Union Fund proposals – the results of the evaluation of the project, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, the selection (including evaluation) and include the European Union Fund proposals, the number of the European Union project proposals – the results of the evaluation of the project – the evaluation of the necessary services of the European Union, the evaluation of the application of the national importance, the selection (including evaluation) of the European Union funds.The main activities of the project are aimed at the implementation of the European Union Fund project application, within which the support for implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, selection (including evaluation) is aimed at the selection of the European Union Fund proposals.The number of the European Union Fund proposals is aimed at the evaluation of the European Union funds, within the framework of which it is envisaged to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of the National Interest Applications, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application application, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the national importance of the development center, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy Fund evaluation, the number of the European Union Fund proposals is aimed at the selection of the European Union funds – the results of the evaluation of the project, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union fund project application application, within the framework of which it is planned to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as well as the provision of applications of national importance, selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application, within the framework of which it is planned Number of applications for European Union funds projects evaluated – 9 project applications (in total, 17 project applications are expected to be submitted, including 13 applications in 2018, but 9 project applications are planned in 2018) within the framework of which integrated territorial investments are planned to be implemented in Jūrmala City Municipality.The total planned costs for implementation of the project, including eligible costs are EUR 16300,00, which is 85 % or EUR 13855 are financed from the resources of the European Regional Development Fund and 15 % or EUR 2445 from the state budget grant, 31 December 4. (Portuguese)
3 August 2022
0 references
The aim of the project is to support capacity building of Jūrmala City Council by ensuring the execution of tasks defined in the Delegation Agreement on ensuring selection of integrated territorial investment project applications, promoting improvement of planning, implementation, monitoring and control of Cohesion Policy funds, increasing the capacity of the Cohesion Policy Fund evaluation.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application application, within which it is intended to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of proposals of national importance, selection (including evaluation) and include the number of the European Union Fund proposals – the number of the European Union Fund proposals – the results of the evaluation of the project, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, the selection (including evaluation) and include the European Union Fund proposals, the number of the European Union project proposals – the results of the evaluation of the project – the evaluation of the necessary services of the European Union, the evaluation of the application of the national importance, the selection (including evaluation) of the European Union funds.The main activities of the project are aimed at the implementation of the European Union Fund project application, within which the support for implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, selection (including evaluation) is aimed at the selection of the European Union Fund proposals.The number of the European Union Fund proposals is aimed at the evaluation of the European Union funds, within the framework of which it is envisaged to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of the National Interest Applications, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application application, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the national importance of the development center, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy Fund evaluation, the number of the European Union Fund proposals is aimed at the selection of the European Union funds – the results of the evaluation of the project, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union fund project application application, within the framework of which it is planned to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as well as the provision of applications of national importance, selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application, within the framework of which it is planned Number of applications for European Union funds projects evaluated – 9 project applications (in total, 17 project applications are expected to be submitted, including 13 applications in 2018, but 9 project applications are planned in 2018) within the framework of which integrated territorial investments are planned to be implemented in Jūrmala City Municipality.The total planned costs for implementation of the project, including eligible costs are EUR 16300,00, which is 85 % or EUR 13855 are financed from the resources of the European Regional Development Fund and 15 % or EUR 2445 from the state budget grant, 31 December 4. (Danish)
3 August 2022
0 references
The aim of the project is to support capacity building of Jūrmala City Council by ensuring the execution of tasks defined in the Delegation Agreement on ensuring selection of integrated territorial investment project applications, promoting improvement of planning, implementation, monitoring and control of Cohesion Policy funds, increasing the capacity of the Cohesion Policy Fund evaluation.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application application, within which it is intended to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of proposals of national importance, selection (including evaluation) and include the number of the European Union Fund proposals – the number of the European Union Fund proposals – the results of the evaluation of the project, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, the selection (including evaluation) and include the European Union Fund proposals, the number of the European Union project proposals – the results of the evaluation of the project – the evaluation of the necessary services of the European Union, the evaluation of the application of the national importance, the selection (including evaluation) of the European Union funds.The main activities of the project are aimed at the implementation of the European Union Fund project application, within which the support for implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, selection (including evaluation) is aimed at the selection of the European Union Fund proposals.The number of the European Union Fund proposals is aimed at the evaluation of the European Union funds, within the framework of which it is envisaged to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of the National Interest Applications, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application application, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the national importance of the development center, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy Fund evaluation, the number of the European Union Fund proposals is aimed at the selection of the European Union funds – the results of the evaluation of the project, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union fund project application application, within the framework of which it is planned to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as well as the provision of applications of national importance, selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application, within the framework of which it is planned Number of applications for European Union funds projects evaluated – 9 project applications (in total, 17 project applications are expected to be submitted, including 13 applications in 2018, but 9 project applications are planned in 2018) within the framework of which integrated territorial investments are planned to be implemented in Jūrmala City Municipality.The total planned costs for implementation of the project, including eligible costs are EUR 16300,00, which is 85 % or EUR 13855 are financed from the resources of the European Regional Development Fund and 15 % or EUR 2445 from the state budget grant, 31 December 4. (Romanian)
3 August 2022
0 references
The aim of the project is to support capacity building of Jūrmala City Council by ensuring the execution of tasks defined in the Delegation Agreement on ensuring selection of integrated territorial investment project applications, promoting improvement of planning, implementation, monitoring and control of Cohesion Policy funds, increasing the capacity of the Cohesion Policy Fund evaluation.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application application, within which it is intended to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of proposals of national importance, selection (including evaluation) and include the number of the European Union Fund proposals – the number of the European Union Fund proposals – the results of the evaluation of the project, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, the selection (including evaluation) and include the European Union Fund proposals, the number of the European Union project proposals – the results of the evaluation of the project – the evaluation of the necessary services of the European Union, the evaluation of the application of the national importance, the selection (including evaluation) of the European Union funds.The main activities of the project are aimed at the implementation of the European Union Fund project application, within which the support for implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, selection (including evaluation) is aimed at the selection of the European Union Fund proposals.The number of the European Union Fund proposals is aimed at the evaluation of the European Union funds, within the framework of which it is envisaged to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of the National Interest Applications, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application application, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the national importance of the development center, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy Fund evaluation, the number of the European Union Fund proposals is aimed at the selection of the European Union funds – the results of the evaluation of the project, within which it is planned to support the implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as the provision of applications of national importance, the selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union fund project application application, within the framework of which it is planned to support implementation of integrated territorial investments in Jurmala, as well as the provision of applications of national importance, selection (including evaluation) of the Cohesion Policy funds.The main actions planned in the project are aimed at the European Union Fund project application, within the framework of which it is planned Number of applications for European Union funds projects evaluated – 9 project applications (in total, 17 project applications are expected to be submitted, including 13 applications in 2018, but 9 project applications are planned in 2018) within the framework of which integrated territorial investments are planned to be implemented in Jūrmala City Municipality.The total planned costs for implementation of the project, including eligible costs are EUR 16300,00, which is 85 % or EUR 13855 are financed from the resources of the European Regional Development Fund and 15 % or EUR 2445 from the state budget grant, 31 December 4. (Swedish)
3 August 2022
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Jomas iela 1/5, Jūrmala, LV-2015
0 references
0 references