Development of hospital and outpatient infrastructure of Livani and Jekabpils hospitals for access to quality health care services (Q3058100)

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Project Q3058100 in Latvia
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Development of hospital and outpatient infrastructure of Livani and Jekabpils hospitals for access to quality health care services
Project Q3058100 in Latvia


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    353,515.13 Euro
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    415,900.16 Euro
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    85.0 percent
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    1 December 2018
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    30 September 2020
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    Līvānu novada domes pašvaldības sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību "Līvānu slimnīca"
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    56°29'56.94"N, 25°50'25.08"E
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    56°29'39.26"N, 25°52'7.50"E
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    56°21'2.09"N, 26°10'27.41"E
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    Projekta mērķis ir uzlabot kvalitatīvu veselības aprūpes pakalpojumu pieejamību, kvalitāti un izmaksu efektivitāti īpaši sociālās, teritoriālās atstumtības un nabadzības riskam pakļautajiem iedzīvotājiem, attīstot veselības aprūpes infrastruktūru Līvānu un Jēkabpils slimnīcā, veicot nepieciešamo medicīnas tehnoloģiju, aprīkojuma un inventāra iegādi un sekmējot atbilstošas vides veidošanu slimnīcas pacientiem un personālam, tādējādi nodrošinot kvalitatīvus veselības aprūpes pakalpojumus.Projekta ietvaros plānots veikt ieguldījumus infrastruktūrā, kas pilnībā vai daļēji saistīta ar neatliekamās medicīniskās palīdzības un veselības aprūpes pakalpojumu sniegšanu prioritārajās veselības aprūpes jomās-sirds-asinsvadu, onkoloģijas, bērnu (sākot no perinatālā un neonatālā perioda) un garīgās veselības aprūpes jomās.Projekta ietvaros paredzēts attīstīt kvalitatīvus un izmaksu efektīvus veselības aprūpes pakalpojumus, nodrošinot SIA „Līvānu slimnīca” un SIA "Jēkabpils reģionālā slimnīca" infrastruktūras attīstību, veicot nepieciešamo medicīnas tehnoloģiju, aprīkojuma un inventāra iegādi. Lai sasniegtu plānoto mērķi, projekta ietvaros Līvānu slimnīcā tiks veikta rentgena darba stacijas iegāde un rentgena kabineta remonts, veiktas dzemdību un ginekoloģijas speciālista, okulista un endoskopijas kabinetiem nepieciešamo medicīnas tehnoloģiju iegādes, kā arī medicīnas tehnoloģiju un aprīkojuma iegāde aprūpes nodaļai kvalitatīvu veselības aprūpes pakalpojumu nodrošināšanai visām iedzīvotāju grupām. Savukārt Jēkabpils slimnīcai tiks veiktas nepieciešamo medicīnas tehnoloģiju iegādes uzņemšanas, terapijas, bērnu un dzemdību nodaļām, kā arī perinatālās aprūpes centram, attīstot un paaugstinot sniegto veselības aprūpes pakalpojumu kvalitāti.Plānotais projekta realizācijas laiks: 01.12.2018. - 30.09.2020. Iepirkumus tiek plānots veikt 2019. un 2020. gadā. Projekta kopējās izmaksas:432 815,10 EUR, tai skaitā ERAF finansējums – 353 515,13 EUR un valsts budžeta līdzfinansējums – 37 431,01 EUR . Privātais attiecināmais finansējums sastāda 24 954,02 EUR, privātais neattiecināmais finansējums (starpības segšanai SIA Līvānu slimnīca par USG iekārtas iegādi un SIA "Jēkabpils reģionālā slimnīca" LOR pacientu krēsla iegādi) - 16 914,94 EUR.Plānotie rezultāti Līvānu slimnīcā:-Veikta vienkāršotā atjaunošana 1 rentgena kabinetam ar palīgtelpām, kopā 63.5 m2 platībā;-Iegādāta un uzstādīta 1 stacionārā rentgena iekārta ar radiologa darba staciju;-Iegādātas un uzstādītas medicīnas tehnoloģijas un aprīkojums endoskopijas, ginekoloģijas un dzemdību speciālista, okulista un ultrasonogrāfijas kabinetos, kā arī aprūpes nodaļai; Plānotie rezultāti Jēkabpils slimnīcā:-Iegādātas un uzstādītas medicīnas tehnoloģijas un aprīkojums 1. un 2. terapijas nodaļai, bērnu, dzemdību, uzņemšanas nodaļām un perinatālās aprūpes centram, kā arī asins kabinetam un operāciju blokam, LOR speciālista kabinetam stacionāra Neiroloģijas nodaļā.Projekta realizācijas gaitā tiks nodrošināti normatīvajiem aktiem atbilstoši ES fondu informācijas un publicitātes pasākumi (informācijas stendi, plāksnes, aktuāla informācija reizi ceturksnī par projekta norisi slimnīcu mājas lapās,, kā arī citos masu medijos. (Latvian)
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    The aim of the project is to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services especially for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, developing health care infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, acquiring the necessary medical technologies, equipment and inventory and promoting the creation of the appropriate environment for hospital patients and staff, thus providing quality health care services within the project, providing efficient infrastructure in the fields of infrastructure, which is fully or partly related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas-heart-as-axis-home health services, providing the best quality of medical services in the area of the project.The project is designed to provide the necessary health services in the field of health care.The project aims to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services in particular for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, by developing the health care infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, which is fully or partially related to the provision of necessary medical assistance and health care services in the priority health care areas – heart-as-as-basic health care services.Within the project it is planned to invest in the infrastructure, which is fully or partly related to provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas – heart-as-as-as-basic health care services.The project provides the project’s non-hospital and non-hospital technologies in the field of health.The project aims to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services especially for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, by developing health care infrastructure infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, purchasing the necessary medical technologies, equipment and equipment, and promoting the creation of an appropriate environment for patients and staff of the hospital, thus providing quality health care services in the project.Within the project it is planned to invest in infrastructure that is fully or partially related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas – heart-as-as-as-hussel and staff, thus providing quality health care services within the project, providing the necessary infrastructure in the fields of infrastructure, which is fully or partially related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in the priority areas of health care – heart-as-axony and hospital staff.The project provides the necessary health care services within the project by providing the necessary infrastructure in the field of medical services and in part, the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in the priority areas In order to achieve the planned goal, within the framework of the project the purchase of an X-ray work station and X-ray office will be carried out in Livani Hospital, purchase of childbirth and gynaecology specialist, oculist and endoscopy offices, as well as purchase of medical technologies and equipment for the care department to ensure quality health care services for all groups of the population. In turn, Jēkabpils Hospital will carry out acquisition of necessary medical technologies for reception, therapy, child and maternity departments, as well as perinatal care centre, developing and increasing the quality of health care services provided. 01.12.2018. 30.09.2020 Procurement is planned for 2019 and 2020. Total cost of the project: EUR 432 815,10, including ERDF funding – EUR 353515,13 and state budget co-financing – EUR 37431,01. (English)
    15 July 2021
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    L’objectif du projet est d’améliorer l’accessibilité, la qualité et le rapport coût-efficacité de services de santé de qualité, en particulier pour les personnes exposées au risque d’exclusion sociale, territoriale et de pauvreté, en développant les infrastructures de santé dans les hôpitaux de Livani et de Jekabpils, en achetant les technologies médicales, les équipements et les équipements nécessaires et en favorisant la création d’un environnement approprié pour les patients et le personnel hospitaliers, assurant ainsi des services de santé de qualité. Oncologie, enfants (à partir de la période périnatale et néonatale) et de santé mentale. assurer le développement de l’infrastructure du SIA «Hôpital Līvānu» et SIA «Jēkabpils Regional Hospital» en achetant les technologies, équipements et équipements médicaux nécessaires. Afin d’atteindre l’objectif prévu, le projet comprendra l’achat d’un poste de travail à rayons X et la réparation d’armoires à rayons X, l’achat des technologies médicales nécessaires aux spécialistes en obstétrique et gynécologie, aux oculistes et à l’endoscopie, ainsi que l’achat de technologies et d’équipements médicaux pour le département des soins afin d’assurer des services de santé de qualité à tous les groupes de population. L’hôpital Jēkabpils, quant à lui, effectuera les acquisitions de technologies médicales nécessaires pour les services d’accueil, de thérapie, d’enfance et de maternité, ainsi que pour le centre de soins périnatals, en développant et en améliorant la qualité des services de santé fournis. 01.12.2018. — 30.9.2020. Les marchés publics sont prévus pour 2019 et 2020. Total du projet izmaksas:432 815,10 EUR, y compris le financement du FEDER — 353 515,13 EUR et le cofinancement du budget de l’État — 37 431,01 EUR. Le financement privé éligible s’élève à 24 954,02 EUR, financement privé inéligible (pour couvrir la différence entre l’hôpital SIA Livani pour l’achat d’équipements USG et l’achat de la chaise de patient LOR de l’hôpital régional Jēkabpils) — 16 914,94 EUR.Résultats prévus à Livani Hospital:-Rénovation simplifiée d’une armoire à rayons X avec salles auxiliaires, superficie totale de 63,5 m²; 1 équipement de radiographie stationnaire avec un poste de radiologue a été acheté et installé;- Les technologies et équipements médicaux ont été achetés et installés dans les bureaux de soins endoscopiques, de gynécologie et d’obstétriciens, comme département de puits, oson et ultraculiste; Résultats prévus à l’hôpital Jēkabpils:-Technologies et équipements médicaux pour le 1er et 2e service de thérapie, centre de soins pour enfants, maternité, accueil et soins périnatals, ainsi que pour l’armoire de sang et le bloc d’opération, le cabinet du spécialiste LOR au département de neurologie de l’hôpital sera fourni. Pendant la mise en œuvre du projet, des actions d’information et de publicité seront fournies conformément aux fonds de l’UE (stands d’information, plaques, informations trimestrielles sur le projet sur les sites web de l’hôpital,, ainsi que d’autres médias. (French)
    25 November 2021
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    Ziel des Projekts ist es, die Zugänglichkeit, Qualität und Kostenwirksamkeit hochwertiger Gesundheitsdienste zu verbessern, insbesondere für Personen, die von sozialer, territorialer Ausgrenzung und Armut bedroht sind, durch den Ausbau der Gesundheitsinfrastruktur in den Krankenhäusern Livani und Jekabpils, durch den Kauf der erforderlichen medizinischen Technologien, Ausrüstungen und Ausrüstungen und durch Förderung der Schaffung eines geeigneten Umfelds für Krankenhauspatienten und Personal, um so hochwertige Gesundheitsdienstleistungen zu gewährleisten. Onkologie, Kinder (ab der perinatalen und neonatalen Periode) und psychische Gesundheitsversorgung. Gewährleistung der Entwicklung der Infrastruktur des SIA „Līvānu Hospital“ und der SIA „Jēkabpils Regional Hospital“ durch den Kauf der notwendigen medizinischen Technologien, Ausrüstung und Ausrüstung. Um das angestrebte Ziel zu erreichen, umfasst das Projekt den Kauf von Röntgenarbeitsplätzen und die Reparatur von Röntgenschränken, den Kauf medizinischer Technologien, die für den Facharzt, Oculist und Endoskopie für Geburts- und Gynäkologie erforderlich sind, sowie den Kauf von medizinischen Technologien und Ausrüstungen für die Pflegeabteilung, um qualitativ hochwertige Gesundheitsdienstleistungen für alle Bevölkerungsgruppen zu gewährleisten. Das Jēkabpils-Krankenhaus wiederum wird die notwendigen medizinischen Technologiekäufe für Aufnahme-, Therapie-, Kinder- und Mutterschaftsabteilungen sowie für das perinatale Pflegezentrum durchführen, um die Qualität der angebotenen Gesundheitsdienstleistungen zu entwickeln und zu erhöhen. 01.12.2018. — 30.9.2020. Die Auftragsvergabe ist für 2019 und 2020 geplant. Gesamtprojekt izmaksas:432 815,10 EUR, einschließlich EFRE-Mitteln – 353 515,13 EUR und Kofinanzierung des Staatshaushalts – 37 431,01 EUR Private förderfähige Mittel belaufen sich auf 24 954,02 EUR, private, nicht förderfähige Mittel (zur Deckung der Differenz zwischen dem SIA Livani Hospital für den Kauf von USG-Ausrüstung und dem Kauf des LOR-Patientenstuhls des Regionalkrankenhauses „Jēkabpils“) – 16 914,94 EUR.Geplante Ergebnisse im Krankenhaus Livani:-vereinfachte Renovierung von 1 Röntgenschrank mit Nebenräumen, Gesamtfläche von 63,5 m²; 1 stationäre Röntgengeräte mit Radiologenarbeitsstation wurden gekauft und installiert;- Medizinische Technologien und Ausrüstung wurden in den Büros der endoskopischen, gynäkologischen und obkubinischen Abteilung gekauft und installiert; Geplante Ergebnisse im Krankenhaus Jēkabpils:-Medizinische Technologien und Geräte für die 1. und 2. Therapieabteilung, Kinder-, Mutterschafts-, Empfangs- und Perinatalversorgungszentrum sowie für den Blutschrank und den Operationsblock, das Kabinett des LOR-Spezialisten in der Abteilung für Neurologie des Krankenhauses wird zur Verfügung gestellt. Bei der Durchführung des Projekts werden Informations- und Publizitätsmaßnahmen gemäß EU-Mitteln bereitgestellt (Informationsstände, Plaques, vierteljährliche Informationen über das Projekt auf den Websites des Krankenhauses, sowie andere Massenmedien). (German)
    28 November 2021
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    Doel van het project is de toegankelijkheid, kwaliteit en kosteneffectiviteit van hoogwaardige gezondheidsdiensten te verbeteren, met name voor mensen die het risico lopen op sociale, territoriale uitsluiting en armoede, door de ontwikkeling van gezondheidsinfrastructuur in Livani- en Jekabpils-ziekenhuizen, door de aankoop van de nodige medische technologieën, apparatuur en apparatuur en door het bevorderen van de totstandbrenging van een passende omgeving voor ziekenhuispatiënten en -personeel, waardoor zorg van hoge kwaliteit wordt gewaarborgd. Oncologie, kinderen (vanaf de perinatale en neonatale periode) en geestelijke gezondheidszorg. Het project omvat de ontwikkeling van hoogwaardige en kosteneffectieve gezondheidszorgdiensten, zorgen voor de ontwikkeling van de infrastructuur van SIA „Līvānu Hospital” en SIA „Jēkabpils Regionaal Ziekenhuis” door de aankoop van de nodige medische technologieën, apparatuur en apparatuur. Om het beoogde doel te bereiken, omvat het project de aankoop van röntgen-werkstation en reparatie van röntgenkasten, de aankoop van medische technologieën die nodig zijn voor verloskundige en gynaecologie specialist, oculist en endoscopie, evenals de aankoop van medische technologieën en apparatuur voor de zorgafdeling om te zorgen voor hoogwaardige gezondheidszorg voor alle bevolkingsgroepen. Het Jēkabpils Ziekenhuis zal op zijn beurt de nodige medische technologie aankopen voor opvang, therapie, kinder- en moederschapsafdelingen, alsook voor het perinatale zorgcentrum, en zal de kwaliteit van de verleende gezondheidszorg ontwikkelen en verbeteren. 01.12.2018. — 30.9.2020. Aanbestedingen zijn gepland voor 2019 en 2020. Totaal project izmaksas:432 815,10 EUR, inclusief EFRO-financiering — 353 515,13 EUR en medefinanciering uit de overheidsbegroting — 37 411,01 EUR Particuliere subsidiabele financiering bedraagt 24 954,02 EUR, particuliere niet-subsidiabele financiering (om het verschil te dekken tussen SIA Livani Hospital voor de aankoop van USG-apparatuur en aankoop van LOR-patiëntstoel van SIA „Jēkabpils Regionaal Ziekenhuis”) — 16 914,94 EUR.Geplande resultaten in Livani Ziekenhuis:-Vereenvoudigde renovatie van 1 röntgenkast met hulpkamers, in totaal 63,5 m²; 1 stationaire röntgenapparatuur met een werkstation van een radioloog is aangekocht en geïnstalleerd;- Medische technologieën en apparatuur zijn gekocht en geïnstalleerd in de kantoren van endoscopisch, gynaecologie en verloskundige, oculist en ultrasoon;— Geplande resultaten in het Jēkabpils Ziekenhuis:-Medische technologieën en apparatuur voor de 1e en 2e therapieafdeling, kinder-, moederschaps-, opvang- en perinatale zorgcentrum, evenals voor het bloedkastje en operatieblok, zal het kabinet van de LOR-specialist in het departement Neurologie van het ziekenhuis worden verstrekt. Tijdens de uitvoering van het project zullen voorlichtings- en publiciteitsmaatregelen worden verstrekt in overeenstemming met EU-fondsen (informatiestands, plaques, driemaandelijkse informatie over het project op ziekenhuiswebsites,, evenals andere massamedia. (Dutch)
    28 November 2021
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    L'obiettivo del progetto è quello di migliorare l'accessibilità, la qualità e l'efficacia in termini di costi di servizi sanitari di alta qualità, in particolare per coloro a rischio di esclusione sociale, territoriale e povertà, sviluppando infrastrutture sanitarie negli ospedali di Livani e Jekabpils, acquistando le tecnologie mediche, le attrezzature e le attrezzature necessarie e promuovendo la creazione di un ambiente adeguato per i pazienti e il personale ospedaliero, garantendo così servizi sanitari di qualità. oncologia, bambini (a partire dal periodo perinatale e neonatale) e aree di salute mentale. Il progetto prevede lo sviluppo di servizi sanitari di alta qualità ed efficaci sotto il profilo dei costi, garantire lo sviluppo delle infrastrutture dell'ospedale SIA "Līvānu" e del SIA "Jēkabpils Regional Hospital" acquistando le tecnologie, le attrezzature e le attrezzature mediche necessarie. Al fine di raggiungere l'obiettivo previsto, il progetto comprenderà l'acquisto di stazioni di lavoro a raggi X e la riparazione di armadi a raggi X, l'acquisto di tecnologie mediche necessarie per lo specialista ostetrico e ginecologico, l'oculista e l'endoscopia, nonché l'acquisto di tecnologie mediche e attrezzature per il reparto assistenza per garantire servizi sanitari di qualità per tutti i gruppi della popolazione. L'ospedale Jēkabpils, a sua volta, effettuerà le necessarie acquisizioni tecnologiche mediche per i dipartimenti di accoglienza, terapia, bambino e maternità, nonché per il centro di cura perinatale, sviluppando e migliorando la qualità dei servizi sanitari forniti. 01.12.2018. — 30.9.2020. Gli appalti sono previsti per il 2019 e il 2020. Totale progetto izmaksas:432 EUR 815,10, compresi i finanziamenti FESR — 353 515,13 EUR e il cofinanziamento del bilancio statale — 37 431,01 EUR. I finanziamenti privati ammissibili ammontano a 24 954,02 EUR, finanziamenti privati non ammissibili (per coprire la differenza tra l'ospedale SIA Livani per l'acquisto di attrezzature USG e l'acquisto della cattedra LOR del SIA "Jēkabpils Regional Hospital") — 16 914,94 EUR.Risultati previsti nell'ospedale Livani:- Ristrutturazione semplificata di 1 armadio a raggi X con stanze ausiliarie, superficie totale di 63,5 m²; 1 apparecchiatura a raggi X stazionaria con postazione di lavoro di radiologo è stata acquistata e installata;- tecnologie e attrezzature mediche sono state acquistate e installate negli uffici di endoscopico, ginecologia e ostetrica, di cura del reparto come l'ecografia, l'ultralista e l'installazione negli uffici di endoscopica, ginecologia e ostetrica, ostetrica, oculistica e curativa; Risultati previsti presso l'ospedale Jēkabpils: — Tecnologie mediche e attrezzature per il 1º e 2º dipartimento di terapia, centro di cura per bambini, maternità, accoglienza e perinatale, così come per il gabinetto sanguigno e il blocco operativo, sarà fornito il gabinetto dello specialista del LOR nel dipartimento di neurologia dell'ospedale. Durante l'attuazione del progetto, le misure di informazione e pubblicità saranno fornite in conformità con i fondi dell'UE (stand informativi, targhe, informazioni trimestrali sul progetto sui siti web dell'ospedale,, nonché altri mezzi di comunicazione). (Italian)
    11 January 2022
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    El objetivo del proyecto es mejorar la accesibilidad, la calidad y la rentabilidad de los servicios de salud de alta calidad, especialmente para las personas en riesgo de exclusión social, territorial y pobreza, mediante el desarrollo de infraestructuras sanitarias en los hospitales de Livani y Jekabpils, la adquisición de las tecnologías, equipos y equipos médicos necesarios y la promoción de la creación de un entorno adecuado para los pacientes y el personal hospitalarios, garantizando así servicios de salud de calidad. garantizar el desarrollo de la infraestructura de SIA «Līvānu Hospital» y SIA «Jēkabpils Regional Hospital» mediante la adquisición de las tecnologías, equipos y equipos médicos necesarios. Para alcanzar el objetivo previsto, el proyecto incluirá la compra de estaciones de trabajo de rayos X y la reparación de armarios de rayos X, la adquisición de tecnologías médicas necesarias para especialistas en obstetricia y ginecología, oculistas y endoscopia, así como la compra de tecnologías y equipos médicos para el departamento de atención a fin de garantizar servicios de salud de calidad para todos los grupos de población. El Hospital Jēkabpils, a su vez, llevará a cabo las adquisiciones de tecnología médica necesarias para los departamentos de recepción, terapia, niños y maternidades, así como para el centro de atención perinatal, desarrollando y mejorando la calidad de los servicios de atención de la salud prestados. 01.12.2018. — 30.9.2020. Las contrataciones están previstas para 2019 y 2020. Importe total del proyecto: 815,10 EUR, incluida la financiación del FEDER — 353 515,13 EUR y cofinanciación con cargo al presupuesto estatal — 37 431,01 EUR. La financiación privada subvencionable asciende a 24 954,02 EUR, financiación privada no subvencionable (para cubrir la diferencia entre el Hospital SIA Livani para la compra de equipo USG y la compra de la silla de paciente LOR de SIA «Jēkabpils Regional Hospital») — 16 914,94 EUR. Resultados planificados en el Hospital Livani:-Renovación simplificada de 1 gabinete de rayos X con salas auxiliares, superficie total de 63,5 m²; 1 equipo de rayos X estacionario con una estación de trabajo de radiólogo ha sido adquirido e instalado;- Tecnologías y equipos médicos se han adquirido e instalado en las oficinas de endoscopia, ginecología y obstetricia, pozo y oculista; Resultados previstos en el Hospital Jēkabpils:-Tecnologías y equipos médicos para el primer y segundo departamento de terapia, centro de atención infantil, maternidad, recepción y atención perinatal, así como para el gabinete sanguíneo y el bloque de operaciones, se proporcionará el gabinete del especialista LOR en el Departamento de Neurología del hospital. Durante la ejecución del proyecto, se proporcionarán medidas de información y publicidad de acuerdo con los fondos de la UE (portales de información, placas, información trimestral sobre el proyecto en los sitios web del hospital,, así como otros medios de comunicación de masas. (Spanish)
    12 January 2022
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    The aim of the project is to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services especially for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, developing health care infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, acquiring the necessary medical technologies, equipment and inventory and promoting the creation of the appropriate environment for hospital patients and staff, thus providing quality health care services within the project, providing efficient infrastructure in the fields of infrastructure, which is fully or partly related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas-heart-as-axis-home health services, providing the best quality of medical services in the area of the project.The project is designed to provide the necessary health services in the field of health care.The project aims to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services in particular for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, by developing the health care infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, which is fully or partially related to the provision of necessary medical assistance and health care services in the priority health care areas – heart-as-as-basic health care services.Within the project it is planned to invest in the infrastructure, which is fully or partly related to provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas – heart-as-as-as-basic health care services.The project provides the project’s non-hospital and non-hospital technologies in the field of health.The project aims to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services especially for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, by developing health care infrastructure infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, purchasing the necessary medical technologies, equipment and equipment, and promoting the creation of an appropriate environment for patients and staff of the hospital, thus providing quality health care services in the project.Within the project it is planned to invest in infrastructure that is fully or partially related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas – heart-as-as-as-hussel and staff, thus providing quality health care services within the project, providing the necessary infrastructure in the fields of infrastructure, which is fully or partially related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in the priority areas of health care – heart-as-axony and hospital staff.The project provides the necessary health care services within the project by providing the necessary infrastructure in the field of medical services and in part, the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in the priority areas In order to achieve the planned goal, within the framework of the project the purchase of an X-ray work station and X-ray office will be carried out in Livani Hospital, purchase of childbirth and gynaecology specialist, oculist and endoscopy offices, as well as purchase of medical technologies and equipment for the care department to ensure quality health care services for all groups of the population. Jēkabpilsi Haigla hakkab omakorda hankima vajalikke meditsiinitehnoloogiaid vastuvõtu-, teraapia-, laste- ja sünnitusosakonnas, samuti perinataalses ravikeskuses, arendades ja parandades osutatavate tervishoiuteenuste kvaliteeti. 01.12.2018. 30.09.2020 Hanked on kavandatud 2019. ja 2020. aastaks. Projekti kogumaksumus: 432 815,10 eurot, sealhulgas ERFi vahendid – 353515,13 eurot ja riigieelarve kaasrahastamine – 37431,01 eurot. (Estonian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services especially for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, developing health care infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, acquiring the necessary medical technologies, equipment and inventory and promoting the creation of the appropriate environment for hospital patients and staff, thus providing quality health care services within the project, providing efficient infrastructure in the fields of infrastructure, which is fully or partly related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas-heart-as-axis-home health services, providing the best quality of medical services in the area of the project.The project is designed to provide the necessary health services in the field of health care.The project aims to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services in particular for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, by developing the health care infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, which is fully or partially related to the provision of necessary medical assistance and health care services in the priority health care areas – heart-as-as-basic health care services.Within the project it is planned to invest in the infrastructure, which is fully or partly related to provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas – heart-as-as-as-basic health care services.The project provides the project’s non-hospital and non-hospital technologies in the field of health.The project aims to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services especially for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, by developing health care infrastructure infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, purchasing the necessary medical technologies, equipment and equipment, and promoting the creation of an appropriate environment for patients and staff of the hospital, thus providing quality health care services in the project.Within the project it is planned to invest in infrastructure that is fully or partially related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas – heart-as-as-as-hussel and staff, thus providing quality health care services within the project, providing the necessary infrastructure in the fields of infrastructure, which is fully or partially related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in the priority areas of health care – heart-as-axony and hospital staff.The project provides the necessary health care services within the project by providing the necessary infrastructure in the field of medical services and in part, the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in the priority areas In order to achieve the planned goal, within the framework of the project the purchase of an X-ray work station and X-ray office will be carried out in Livani Hospital, purchase of childbirth and gynaecology specialist, oculist and endoscopy offices, as well as purchase of medical technologies and equipment for the care department to ensure quality health care services for all groups of the population. Savo ruožtu Jėkabpilio ligoninė įsigys reikiamas medicinos technologijas priėmimo, terapijos, vaikų ir motinystės skyriams, taip pat perinatalinės priežiūros centrui, vystys ir gerins teikiamų sveikatos priežiūros paslaugų kokybę. 01.12.2018. 2020 m. rugsėjo 30 d. viešieji pirkimai planuojami 2019 ir 2020 m. Bendros projekto išlaidos: 432 815,10 EUR, įskaitant ERPF finansavimą – 353 515,13 EUR ir valstybės biudžeto bendrą finansavimą – 37 431,01 EUR. (Lithuanian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services especially for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, developing health care infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, acquiring the necessary medical technologies, equipment and inventory and promoting the creation of the appropriate environment for hospital patients and staff, thus providing quality health care services within the project, providing efficient infrastructure in the fields of infrastructure, which is fully or partly related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas-heart-as-axis-home health services, providing the best quality of medical services in the area of the project.The project is designed to provide the necessary health services in the field of health care.The project aims to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services in particular for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, by developing the health care infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, which is fully or partially related to the provision of necessary medical assistance and health care services in the priority health care areas – heart-as-as-basic health care services.Within the project it is planned to invest in the infrastructure, which is fully or partly related to provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas – heart-as-as-as-basic health care services.The project provides the project’s non-hospital and non-hospital technologies in the field of health.The project aims to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services especially for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, by developing health care infrastructure infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, purchasing the necessary medical technologies, equipment and equipment, and promoting the creation of an appropriate environment for patients and staff of the hospital, thus providing quality health care services in the project.Within the project it is planned to invest in infrastructure that is fully or partially related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas – heart-as-as-as-hussel and staff, thus providing quality health care services within the project, providing the necessary infrastructure in the fields of infrastructure, which is fully or partially related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in the priority areas of health care – heart-as-axony and hospital staff.The project provides the necessary health care services within the project by providing the necessary infrastructure in the field of medical services and in part, the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in the priority areas In order to achieve the planned goal, within the framework of the project the purchase of an X-ray work station and X-ray office will be carried out in Livani Hospital, purchase of childbirth and gynaecology specialist, oculist and endoscopy offices, as well as purchase of medical technologies and equipment for the care department to ensure quality health care services for all groups of the population. S druge strane, bolnica Jēkabpils provodit će nabavu potrebnih medicinskih tehnologija za odjele prijema, terapije, dječjeg i majčinstva, kao i centar za perinatalnu skrb, razvijajući i povećavajući kvalitetu pruženih zdravstvenih usluga. 01.12.2018. 30.09.2020 Nabava je planirana za 2019. i 2020. Ukupni trošak projekta: 432 815,10 EUR, uključujući sredstva EFRR-a – 353 515,13 EUR i sufinanciranje iz državnog proračuna – 37 431,01 EUR. (Croatian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services especially for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, developing health care infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, acquiring the necessary medical technologies, equipment and inventory and promoting the creation of the appropriate environment for hospital patients and staff, thus providing quality health care services within the project, providing efficient infrastructure in the fields of infrastructure, which is fully or partly related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas-heart-as-axis-home health services, providing the best quality of medical services in the area of the project.The project is designed to provide the necessary health services in the field of health care.The project aims to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services in particular for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, by developing the health care infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, which is fully or partially related to the provision of necessary medical assistance and health care services in the priority health care areas – heart-as-as-basic health care services.Within the project it is planned to invest in the infrastructure, which is fully or partly related to provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas – heart-as-as-as-basic health care services.The project provides the project’s non-hospital and non-hospital technologies in the field of health.The project aims to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services especially for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, by developing health care infrastructure infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, purchasing the necessary medical technologies, equipment and equipment, and promoting the creation of an appropriate environment for patients and staff of the hospital, thus providing quality health care services in the project.Within the project it is planned to invest in infrastructure that is fully or partially related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas – heart-as-as-as-hussel and staff, thus providing quality health care services within the project, providing the necessary infrastructure in the fields of infrastructure, which is fully or partially related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in the priority areas of health care – heart-as-axony and hospital staff.The project provides the necessary health care services within the project by providing the necessary infrastructure in the field of medical services and in part, the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in the priority areas In order to achieve the planned goal, within the framework of the project the purchase of an X-ray work station and X-ray office will be carried out in Livani Hospital, purchase of childbirth and gynaecology specialist, oculist and endoscopy offices, as well as purchase of medical technologies and equipment for the care department to ensure quality health care services for all groups of the population. Με τη σειρά του, το νοσοκομείο Jēkabpils θα προβεί στην απόκτηση των απαραίτητων ιατρικών τεχνολογιών για την υποδοχή, τη θεραπεία, τα τμήματα παιδικής και μητρότητας, καθώς και στο κέντρο περιγεννητικής περίθαλψης, αναπτύσσοντας και αυξάνοντας την ποιότητα των παρεχόμενων υπηρεσιών υγειονομικής περίθαλψης. 01.12.2018. 30.09.2020 Προμήθειες προγραμματισμένες για το 2019 και το 2020. Συνολικό κόστος του σχεδίου: 432 815,10 EUR, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της χρηματοδότησης από το ΕΤΠΑ — 353 515,13 EUR και της συγχρηματοδότησης από τον κρατικό προϋπολογισμό — 37 431,01 EUR. (Greek)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services especially for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, developing health care infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, acquiring the necessary medical technologies, equipment and inventory and promoting the creation of the appropriate environment for hospital patients and staff, thus providing quality health care services within the project, providing efficient infrastructure in the fields of infrastructure, which is fully or partly related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas-heart-as-axis-home health services, providing the best quality of medical services in the area of the project.The project is designed to provide the necessary health services in the field of health care.The project aims to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services in particular for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, by developing the health care infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, which is fully or partially related to the provision of necessary medical assistance and health care services in the priority health care areas – heart-as-as-basic health care services.Within the project it is planned to invest in the infrastructure, which is fully or partly related to provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas – heart-as-as-as-basic health care services.The project provides the project’s non-hospital and non-hospital technologies in the field of health.The project aims to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services especially for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, by developing health care infrastructure infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, purchasing the necessary medical technologies, equipment and equipment, and promoting the creation of an appropriate environment for patients and staff of the hospital, thus providing quality health care services in the project.Within the project it is planned to invest in infrastructure that is fully or partially related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas – heart-as-as-as-hussel and staff, thus providing quality health care services within the project, providing the necessary infrastructure in the fields of infrastructure, which is fully or partially related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in the priority areas of health care – heart-as-axony and hospital staff.The project provides the necessary health care services within the project by providing the necessary infrastructure in the field of medical services and in part, the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in the priority areas In order to achieve the planned goal, within the framework of the project the purchase of an X-ray work station and X-ray office will be carried out in Livani Hospital, purchase of childbirth and gynaecology specialist, oculist and endoscopy offices, as well as purchase of medical technologies and equipment for the care department to ensure quality health care services for all groups of the population. Na druhej strane nemocnica Jēkabpils vykoná nákup potrebných lekárskych technológií pre recepciu, terapiu, detské a materské oddelenia, ako aj perinatálne centrum starostlivosti, pričom bude rozvíjať a zvyšovať kvalitu poskytovaných služieb zdravotnej starostlivosti. 01.12.2018. 30.9.2020 Obstarávanie je naplánované na roky 2019 a 2020. Celkové náklady na projekt: 432 815,10 EUR vrátane financovania z EFRR – 353 515,13 EUR a spolufinancovania zo štátneho rozpočtu – 37 431,01 EUR. (Slovak)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services especially for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, developing health care infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, acquiring the necessary medical technologies, equipment and inventory and promoting the creation of the appropriate environment for hospital patients and staff, thus providing quality health care services within the project, providing efficient infrastructure in the fields of infrastructure, which is fully or partly related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas-heart-as-axis-home health services, providing the best quality of medical services in the area of the project.The project is designed to provide the necessary health services in the field of health care.The project aims to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services in particular for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, by developing the health care infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, which is fully or partially related to the provision of necessary medical assistance and health care services in the priority health care areas – heart-as-as-basic health care services.Within the project it is planned to invest in the infrastructure, which is fully or partly related to provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas – heart-as-as-as-basic health care services.The project provides the project’s non-hospital and non-hospital technologies in the field of health.The project aims to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services especially for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, by developing health care infrastructure infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, purchasing the necessary medical technologies, equipment and equipment, and promoting the creation of an appropriate environment for patients and staff of the hospital, thus providing quality health care services in the project.Within the project it is planned to invest in infrastructure that is fully or partially related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas – heart-as-as-as-hussel and staff, thus providing quality health care services within the project, providing the necessary infrastructure in the fields of infrastructure, which is fully or partially related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in the priority areas of health care – heart-as-axony and hospital staff.The project provides the necessary health care services within the project by providing the necessary infrastructure in the field of medical services and in part, the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in the priority areas In order to achieve the planned goal, within the framework of the project the purchase of an X-ray work station and X-ray office will be carried out in Livani Hospital, purchase of childbirth and gynaecology specialist, oculist and endoscopy offices, as well as purchase of medical technologies and equipment for the care department to ensure quality health care services for all groups of the population. Jēkabpilsin sairaala puolestaan hankkii tarvittavaa lääketieteellistä teknologiaa vastaanotto-, hoito-, lapsi- ja äitiysosastoille sekä perinataalihoitokeskukselle sekä kehittää ja parantaa tarjottavien terveydenhuoltopalvelujen laatua. 01.12.2018. 30.9.2020 Hankinnat on tarkoitus toteuttaa vuosina 2019 ja 2020. Hankkeen kokonaiskustannukset: 432 815,10 euroa, mukaan lukien EAKR:n rahoitus – 353515,13 euroa ja valtion talousarvion yhteisrahoitus – 37431,01 euroa. (Finnish)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services especially for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, developing health care infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, acquiring the necessary medical technologies, equipment and inventory and promoting the creation of the appropriate environment for hospital patients and staff, thus providing quality health care services within the project, providing efficient infrastructure in the fields of infrastructure, which is fully or partly related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas-heart-as-axis-home health services, providing the best quality of medical services in the area of the project.The project is designed to provide the necessary health services in the field of health care.The project aims to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services in particular for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, by developing the health care infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, which is fully or partially related to the provision of necessary medical assistance and health care services in the priority health care areas – heart-as-as-basic health care services.Within the project it is planned to invest in the infrastructure, which is fully or partly related to provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas – heart-as-as-as-basic health care services.The project provides the project’s non-hospital and non-hospital technologies in the field of health.The project aims to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services especially for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, by developing health care infrastructure infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, purchasing the necessary medical technologies, equipment and equipment, and promoting the creation of an appropriate environment for patients and staff of the hospital, thus providing quality health care services in the project.Within the project it is planned to invest in infrastructure that is fully or partially related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas – heart-as-as-as-hussel and staff, thus providing quality health care services within the project, providing the necessary infrastructure in the fields of infrastructure, which is fully or partially related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in the priority areas of health care – heart-as-axony and hospital staff.The project provides the necessary health care services within the project by providing the necessary infrastructure in the field of medical services and in part, the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in the priority areas In order to achieve the planned goal, within the framework of the project the purchase of an X-ray work station and X-ray office will be carried out in Livani Hospital, purchase of childbirth and gynaecology specialist, oculist and endoscopy offices, as well as purchase of medical technologies and equipment for the care department to ensure quality health care services for all groups of the population. Z kolei Szpital Jēkabpils przeprowadzi zakup niezbędnych technologii medycznych w zakresie przyjmowania, terapii, opieki nad dziećmi i macierzyństwem, a także ośrodka opieki okołoporodowej, rozwijając i podnosząc jakość świadczonych usług zdrowotnych. 01.12.2018. 30.09.2020 Zamówienia planuje się na lata 2019 i 2020. Całkowity koszt projektu: 432 815,10 EUR, w tym środki z EFRR – 353 515,13 EUR oraz współfinansowanie z budżetu państwa – 37 431,01 EUR. (Polish)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services especially for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, developing health care infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, acquiring the necessary medical technologies, equipment and inventory and promoting the creation of the appropriate environment for hospital patients and staff, thus providing quality health care services within the project, providing efficient infrastructure in the fields of infrastructure, which is fully or partly related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas-heart-as-axis-home health services, providing the best quality of medical services in the area of the project.The project is designed to provide the necessary health services in the field of health care.The project aims to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services in particular for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, by developing the health care infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, which is fully or partially related to the provision of necessary medical assistance and health care services in the priority health care areas – heart-as-as-basic health care services.Within the project it is planned to invest in the infrastructure, which is fully or partly related to provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas – heart-as-as-as-basic health care services.The project provides the project’s non-hospital and non-hospital technologies in the field of health.The project aims to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services especially for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, by developing health care infrastructure infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, purchasing the necessary medical technologies, equipment and equipment, and promoting the creation of an appropriate environment for patients and staff of the hospital, thus providing quality health care services in the project.Within the project it is planned to invest in infrastructure that is fully or partially related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas – heart-as-as-as-hussel and staff, thus providing quality health care services within the project, providing the necessary infrastructure in the fields of infrastructure, which is fully or partially related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in the priority areas of health care – heart-as-axony and hospital staff.The project provides the necessary health care services within the project by providing the necessary infrastructure in the field of medical services and in part, the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in the priority areas In order to achieve the planned goal, within the framework of the project the purchase of an X-ray work station and X-ray office will be carried out in Livani Hospital, purchase of childbirth and gynaecology specialist, oculist and endoscopy offices, as well as purchase of medical technologies and equipment for the care department to ensure quality health care services for all groups of the population. A Jēkabpils Kórház pedig a befogadáshoz, a terápiához, a gyermek- és anyasági osztályokhoz, valamint a perinatális gondozási központhoz szükséges orvosi technológiák beszerzését végzi, fejlesztve és javítva a nyújtott egészségügyi szolgáltatások minőségét. 01.12.2018. 2020. szeptember 30. A közbeszerzést 2019-re és 2020-ra tervezik. A projekt összköltsége: 432 815,10 EUR, beleértve az ERFA-finanszírozást – 353 515,13 EUR és az állami költségvetés társfinanszírozását – 37 431,01 EUR. (Hungarian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services especially for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, developing health care infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, acquiring the necessary medical technologies, equipment and inventory and promoting the creation of the appropriate environment for hospital patients and staff, thus providing quality health care services within the project, providing efficient infrastructure in the fields of infrastructure, which is fully or partly related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas-heart-as-axis-home health services, providing the best quality of medical services in the area of the project.The project is designed to provide the necessary health services in the field of health care.The project aims to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services in particular for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, by developing the health care infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, which is fully or partially related to the provision of necessary medical assistance and health care services in the priority health care areas – heart-as-as-basic health care services.Within the project it is planned to invest in the infrastructure, which is fully or partly related to provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas – heart-as-as-as-basic health care services.The project provides the project’s non-hospital and non-hospital technologies in the field of health.The project aims to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services especially for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, by developing health care infrastructure infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, purchasing the necessary medical technologies, equipment and equipment, and promoting the creation of an appropriate environment for patients and staff of the hospital, thus providing quality health care services in the project.Within the project it is planned to invest in infrastructure that is fully or partially related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas – heart-as-as-as-hussel and staff, thus providing quality health care services within the project, providing the necessary infrastructure in the fields of infrastructure, which is fully or partially related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in the priority areas of health care – heart-as-axony and hospital staff.The project provides the necessary health care services within the project by providing the necessary infrastructure in the field of medical services and in part, the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in the priority areas In order to achieve the planned goal, within the framework of the project the purchase of an X-ray work station and X-ray office will be carried out in Livani Hospital, purchase of childbirth and gynaecology specialist, oculist and endoscopy offices, as well as purchase of medical technologies and equipment for the care department to ensure quality health care services for all groups of the population. Nemocnice Jēkabpils bude následně provádět získávání potřebných lékařských technologií pro přijímací, terapeutické, dětské a mateřské oddělení, stejně jako centrum perinatální péče, které rozvíjí a zvyšuje kvalitu poskytovaných zdravotnických služeb. 01.12.2018. 30.09.2020 Zadávání zakázek je plánováno na roky 2019 a 2020. Celkové náklady projektu: 432 815,10 EUR, včetně finančních prostředků z EFRR – 353 515,13 EUR a spolufinancování ze státního rozpočtu – 37 431,01 EUR. (Czech)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services especially for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, developing health care infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, acquiring the necessary medical technologies, equipment and inventory and promoting the creation of the appropriate environment for hospital patients and staff, thus providing quality health care services within the project, providing efficient infrastructure in the fields of infrastructure, which is fully or partly related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas-heart-as-axis-home health services, providing the best quality of medical services in the area of the project.The project is designed to provide the necessary health services in the field of health care.The project aims to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services in particular for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, by developing the health care infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, which is fully or partially related to the provision of necessary medical assistance and health care services in the priority health care areas – heart-as-as-basic health care services.Within the project it is planned to invest in the infrastructure, which is fully or partly related to provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas – heart-as-as-as-basic health care services.The project provides the project’s non-hospital and non-hospital technologies in the field of health.The project aims to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services especially for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, by developing health care infrastructure infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, purchasing the necessary medical technologies, equipment and equipment, and promoting the creation of an appropriate environment for patients and staff of the hospital, thus providing quality health care services in the project.Within the project it is planned to invest in infrastructure that is fully or partially related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas – heart-as-as-as-hussel and staff, thus providing quality health care services within the project, providing the necessary infrastructure in the fields of infrastructure, which is fully or partially related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in the priority areas of health care – heart-as-axony and hospital staff.The project provides the necessary health care services within the project by providing the necessary infrastructure in the field of medical services and in part, the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in the priority areas In order to achieve the planned goal, within the framework of the project the purchase of an X-ray work station and X-ray office will be carried out in Livani Hospital, purchase of childbirth and gynaecology specialist, oculist and endoscopy offices, as well as purchase of medical technologies and equipment for the care department to ensure quality health care services for all groups of the population. Ina dhiaidh sin, gheobhaidh Ospidéal Jēkabpils na teicneolaíochtaí leighis is gá le haghaidh ranna fáiltithe, teiripe, leanaí agus máithreachais, chomh maith le hionad cúraim imbhreithe, ag forbairt agus ag cur le cáilíocht na seirbhísí cúraim sláinte a chuirtear ar fáil. 01.12.2018. 30.09.2020 Tá sé beartaithe soláthar a dhéanamh do 2019 agus 2020. Costas iomlán an tionscadail: EUR 432 815,10, lena n-áirítear maoiniú CFRE — EUR 353515,13 agus cómhaoiniú bhuiséad an stáit — EUR 37431,01. (Irish)
    3 August 2022
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    The aim of the project is to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services especially for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, developing health care infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, acquiring the necessary medical technologies, equipment and inventory and promoting the creation of the appropriate environment for hospital patients and staff, thus providing quality health care services within the project, providing efficient infrastructure in the fields of infrastructure, which is fully or partly related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas-heart-as-axis-home health services, providing the best quality of medical services in the area of the project.The project is designed to provide the necessary health services in the field of health care.The project aims to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services in particular for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, by developing the health care infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, which is fully or partially related to the provision of necessary medical assistance and health care services in the priority health care areas – heart-as-as-basic health care services.Within the project it is planned to invest in the infrastructure, which is fully or partly related to provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas – heart-as-as-as-basic health care services.The project provides the project’s non-hospital and non-hospital technologies in the field of health.The project aims to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services especially for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, by developing health care infrastructure infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, purchasing the necessary medical technologies, equipment and equipment, and promoting the creation of an appropriate environment for patients and staff of the hospital, thus providing quality health care services in the project.Within the project it is planned to invest in infrastructure that is fully or partially related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas – heart-as-as-as-hussel and staff, thus providing quality health care services within the project, providing the necessary infrastructure in the fields of infrastructure, which is fully or partially related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in the priority areas of health care – heart-as-axony and hospital staff.The project provides the necessary health care services within the project by providing the necessary infrastructure in the field of medical services and in part, the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in the priority areas In order to achieve the planned goal, within the framework of the project the purchase of an X-ray work station and X-ray office will be carried out in Livani Hospital, purchase of childbirth and gynaecology specialist, oculist and endoscopy offices, as well as purchase of medical technologies and equipment for the care department to ensure quality health care services for all groups of the population. Bolnišnica Jēkabpils bo po drugi strani izvajala pridobivanje potrebnih medicinskih tehnologij za sprejem, terapijo, oddelke za otroke in materinstvo ter center za perinatalno oskrbo, pri čemer bo razvijala in povečevala kakovost zagotovljenih zdravstvenih storitev. 01.12.2018. 30.09.2020 Javna naročila so načrtovana za leti 2019 in 2020. Skupni stroški projekta: 432 815,10 EUR, vključno s sredstvi ESRR – 353 515,13 EUR in sofinanciranjem iz državnega proračuna – 37 431,01 EUR. (Slovenian)
    3 August 2022
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    The aim of the project is to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services especially for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, developing health care infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, acquiring the necessary medical technologies, equipment and inventory and promoting the creation of the appropriate environment for hospital patients and staff, thus providing quality health care services within the project, providing efficient infrastructure in the fields of infrastructure, which is fully or partly related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas-heart-as-axis-home health services, providing the best quality of medical services in the area of the project.The project is designed to provide the necessary health services in the field of health care.The project aims to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services in particular for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, by developing the health care infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, which is fully or partially related to the provision of necessary medical assistance and health care services in the priority health care areas – heart-as-as-basic health care services.Within the project it is planned to invest in the infrastructure, which is fully or partly related to provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas – heart-as-as-as-basic health care services.The project provides the project’s non-hospital and non-hospital technologies in the field of health.The project aims to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services especially for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, by developing health care infrastructure infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, purchasing the necessary medical technologies, equipment and equipment, and promoting the creation of an appropriate environment for patients and staff of the hospital, thus providing quality health care services in the project.Within the project it is planned to invest in infrastructure that is fully or partially related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas – heart-as-as-as-hussel and staff, thus providing quality health care services within the project, providing the necessary infrastructure in the fields of infrastructure, which is fully or partially related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in the priority areas of health care – heart-as-axony and hospital staff.The project provides the necessary health care services within the project by providing the necessary infrastructure in the field of medical services and in part, the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in the priority areas In order to achieve the planned goal, within the framework of the project the purchase of an X-ray work station and X-ray office will be carried out in Livani Hospital, purchase of childbirth and gynaecology specialist, oculist and endoscopy offices, as well as purchase of medical technologies and equipment for the care department to ensure quality health care services for all groups of the population. На свой ред болница „Jēkabpils“ ще придобие необходимите медицински технологии за прием, терапия, детски и родилни отделения, както и перинатален център за грижи, като развива и повишава качеството на предоставяните здравни услуги. 01.12.2018. 30.09.2020 г. Доставката е планирана за 2019 г. и 2020 г. Обща стойност на проекта: 432 815,10 EUR, включително финансиране от ЕФРР — 353 515,13 EUR и съфинансиране от държавния бюджет — 37 431,01 EUR. (Bulgarian)
    3 August 2022
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    The aim of the project is to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services especially for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, developing health care infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, acquiring the necessary medical technologies, equipment and inventory and promoting the creation of the appropriate environment for hospital patients and staff, thus providing quality health care services within the project, providing efficient infrastructure in the fields of infrastructure, which is fully or partly related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas-heart-as-axis-home health services, providing the best quality of medical services in the area of the project.The project is designed to provide the necessary health services in the field of health care.The project aims to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services in particular for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, by developing the health care infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, which is fully or partially related to the provision of necessary medical assistance and health care services in the priority health care areas – heart-as-as-basic health care services.Within the project it is planned to invest in the infrastructure, which is fully or partly related to provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas – heart-as-as-as-basic health care services.The project provides the project’s non-hospital and non-hospital technologies in the field of health.The project aims to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services especially for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, by developing health care infrastructure infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, purchasing the necessary medical technologies, equipment and equipment, and promoting the creation of an appropriate environment for patients and staff of the hospital, thus providing quality health care services in the project.Within the project it is planned to invest in infrastructure that is fully or partially related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas – heart-as-as-as-hussel and staff, thus providing quality health care services within the project, providing the necessary infrastructure in the fields of infrastructure, which is fully or partially related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in the priority areas of health care – heart-as-axony and hospital staff.The project provides the necessary health care services within the project by providing the necessary infrastructure in the field of medical services and in part, the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in the priority areas In order to achieve the planned goal, within the framework of the project the purchase of an X-ray work station and X-ray office will be carried out in Livani Hospital, purchase of childbirth and gynaecology specialist, oculist and endoscopy offices, as well as purchase of medical technologies and equipment for the care department to ensure quality health care services for all groups of the population. Min-naħa tiegħu, l-Isptar ta’ Jēkabpils se jwettaq l-akkwist tat-teknoloġiji mediċi meħtieġa għall-akkoljenza, it-terapija, id-dipartimenti tat-tfal u tal-maternità, kif ukoll iċ-ċentru tal-kura perinatali, filwaqt li jiżviluppa u jżid il-kwalità tas-servizzi tal-kura tas-saħħa pprovduti. 01.12.2018. 30.09.2020 L-akkwist huwa ppjanat għall-2019 u l-2020. Spiża totali tal-proġett: EUR 432 815,10, inkluż il-finanzjament tal-FEŻR — EUR 353515,13 u kofinanzjament tal-baġit tal-Istat — EUR 37431,01. (Maltese)
    3 August 2022
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    The aim of the project is to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services especially for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, developing health care infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, acquiring the necessary medical technologies, equipment and inventory and promoting the creation of the appropriate environment for hospital patients and staff, thus providing quality health care services within the project, providing efficient infrastructure in the fields of infrastructure, which is fully or partly related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas-heart-as-axis-home health services, providing the best quality of medical services in the area of the project.The project is designed to provide the necessary health services in the field of health care.The project aims to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services in particular for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, by developing the health care infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, which is fully or partially related to the provision of necessary medical assistance and health care services in the priority health care areas – heart-as-as-basic health care services.Within the project it is planned to invest in the infrastructure, which is fully or partly related to provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas – heart-as-as-as-basic health care services.The project provides the project’s non-hospital and non-hospital technologies in the field of health.The project aims to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services especially for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, by developing health care infrastructure infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, purchasing the necessary medical technologies, equipment and equipment, and promoting the creation of an appropriate environment for patients and staff of the hospital, thus providing quality health care services in the project.Within the project it is planned to invest in infrastructure that is fully or partially related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas – heart-as-as-as-hussel and staff, thus providing quality health care services within the project, providing the necessary infrastructure in the fields of infrastructure, which is fully or partially related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in the priority areas of health care – heart-as-axony and hospital staff.The project provides the necessary health care services within the project by providing the necessary infrastructure in the field of medical services and in part, the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in the priority areas In order to achieve the planned goal, within the framework of the project the purchase of an X-ray work station and X-ray office will be carried out in Livani Hospital, purchase of childbirth and gynaecology specialist, oculist and endoscopy offices, as well as purchase of medical technologies and equipment for the care department to ensure quality health care services for all groups of the population. Por sua vez, o Hospital Jēkabpils realizará a aquisição das tecnologias médicas necessárias para os departamentos de acolhimento, terapia, infância e maternidade, bem como para o centro de cuidados perinatais, desenvolvendo e aumentando a qualidade dos serviços de saúde prestados. 01.12.2018. 30.9.2020 A contratação pública está prevista para 2019 e 2020. Custo total do projecto: 432 815,10 EUR, incluindo financiamento do FEDER – 353515,13 EUR e cofinanciamento do orçamento de Estado – 37431,01 EUR. (Portuguese)
    3 August 2022
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    The aim of the project is to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services especially for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, developing health care infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, acquiring the necessary medical technologies, equipment and inventory and promoting the creation of the appropriate environment for hospital patients and staff, thus providing quality health care services within the project, providing efficient infrastructure in the fields of infrastructure, which is fully or partly related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas-heart-as-axis-home health services, providing the best quality of medical services in the area of the project.The project is designed to provide the necessary health services in the field of health care.The project aims to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services in particular for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, by developing the health care infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, which is fully or partially related to the provision of necessary medical assistance and health care services in the priority health care areas – heart-as-as-basic health care services.Within the project it is planned to invest in the infrastructure, which is fully or partly related to provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas – heart-as-as-as-basic health care services.The project provides the project’s non-hospital and non-hospital technologies in the field of health.The project aims to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services especially for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, by developing health care infrastructure infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, purchasing the necessary medical technologies, equipment and equipment, and promoting the creation of an appropriate environment for patients and staff of the hospital, thus providing quality health care services in the project.Within the project it is planned to invest in infrastructure that is fully or partially related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas – heart-as-as-as-hussel and staff, thus providing quality health care services within the project, providing the necessary infrastructure in the fields of infrastructure, which is fully or partially related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in the priority areas of health care – heart-as-axony and hospital staff.The project provides the necessary health care services within the project by providing the necessary infrastructure in the field of medical services and in part, the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in the priority areas In order to achieve the planned goal, within the framework of the project the purchase of an X-ray work station and X-ray office will be carried out in Livani Hospital, purchase of childbirth and gynaecology specialist, oculist and endoscopy offices, as well as purchase of medical technologies and equipment for the care department to ensure quality health care services for all groups of the population. Til gengæld vil Jēkabpils Hospital foretage indkøb af nødvendige medicinske teknologier til modtagelse, terapi, børne- og moderskabsafdelinger samt perinatal plejecenter, udvikle og øge kvaliteten af de sundhedsydelser, der leveres. 01.12.2018. 30.9.2020 Indkøb er planlagt til 2019 og 2020. Samlede projektomkostninger: 432 815,10 EUR, inkl. EFRU-støtte — 353 515,13 EUR og medfinansiering fra statsbudgettet — 37 431,01 EUR. (Danish)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services especially for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, developing health care infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, acquiring the necessary medical technologies, equipment and inventory and promoting the creation of the appropriate environment for hospital patients and staff, thus providing quality health care services within the project, providing efficient infrastructure in the fields of infrastructure, which is fully or partly related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas-heart-as-axis-home health services, providing the best quality of medical services in the area of the project.The project is designed to provide the necessary health services in the field of health care.The project aims to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services in particular for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, by developing the health care infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, which is fully or partially related to the provision of necessary medical assistance and health care services in the priority health care areas – heart-as-as-basic health care services.Within the project it is planned to invest in the infrastructure, which is fully or partly related to provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas – heart-as-as-as-basic health care services.The project provides the project’s non-hospital and non-hospital technologies in the field of health.The project aims to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services especially for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, by developing health care infrastructure infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, purchasing the necessary medical technologies, equipment and equipment, and promoting the creation of an appropriate environment for patients and staff of the hospital, thus providing quality health care services in the project.Within the project it is planned to invest in infrastructure that is fully or partially related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas – heart-as-as-as-hussel and staff, thus providing quality health care services within the project, providing the necessary infrastructure in the fields of infrastructure, which is fully or partially related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in the priority areas of health care – heart-as-axony and hospital staff.The project provides the necessary health care services within the project by providing the necessary infrastructure in the field of medical services and in part, the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in the priority areas In order to achieve the planned goal, within the framework of the project the purchase of an X-ray work station and X-ray office will be carried out in Livani Hospital, purchase of childbirth and gynaecology specialist, oculist and endoscopy offices, as well as purchase of medical technologies and equipment for the care department to ensure quality health care services for all groups of the population. La rândul său, Spitalul Jēkabpils va efectua achiziția tehnologiilor medicale necesare pentru serviciile de primire, terapie, copii și maternitate, precum și centrul de îngrijire perinatală, dezvoltând și sporind calitatea serviciilor de asistență medicală furnizate. 01.12.2018. 30.09.2020 Achiziții publice sunt planificate pentru 2019 și 2020. Costul total al proiectului: 432 815,10 EUR, inclusiv finanțare FEDR – 353 515,13 EUR și cofinanțare de la bugetul de stat – 37 431,01 EUR. (Romanian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services especially for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, developing health care infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, acquiring the necessary medical technologies, equipment and inventory and promoting the creation of the appropriate environment for hospital patients and staff, thus providing quality health care services within the project, providing efficient infrastructure in the fields of infrastructure, which is fully or partly related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas-heart-as-axis-home health services, providing the best quality of medical services in the area of the project.The project is designed to provide the necessary health services in the field of health care.The project aims to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services in particular for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, by developing the health care infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, which is fully or partially related to the provision of necessary medical assistance and health care services in the priority health care areas – heart-as-as-basic health care services.Within the project it is planned to invest in the infrastructure, which is fully or partly related to provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas – heart-as-as-as-basic health care services.The project provides the project’s non-hospital and non-hospital technologies in the field of health.The project aims to improve the availability, quality and cost efficiency of high-quality health care services especially for the population at risk of social, territorial exclusion and poverty, by developing health care infrastructure infrastructure in Livani and Jēkabpils hospital, purchasing the necessary medical technologies, equipment and equipment, and promoting the creation of an appropriate environment for patients and staff of the hospital, thus providing quality health care services in the project.Within the project it is planned to invest in infrastructure that is fully or partially related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in priority health care areas – heart-as-as-as-hussel and staff, thus providing quality health care services within the project, providing the necessary infrastructure in the fields of infrastructure, which is fully or partially related to the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in the priority areas of health care – heart-as-axony and hospital staff.The project provides the necessary health care services within the project by providing the necessary infrastructure in the field of medical services and in part, the provision of emergency medical assistance and health care services in the priority areas In order to achieve the planned goal, within the framework of the project the purchase of an X-ray work station and X-ray office will be carried out in Livani Hospital, purchase of childbirth and gynaecology specialist, oculist and endoscopy offices, as well as purchase of medical technologies and equipment for the care department to ensure quality health care services for all groups of the population. Jēkabpils sjukhus kommer i sin tur att förvärva nödvändig medicinsk teknik för mottagning, terapi, barn- och mödravård samt perinatal vårdcentral, för att utveckla och höja kvaliteten på hälso- och sjukvårdstjänster. 01.12.2018. 30.09.2020 Upphandling är planerad till 2019 och 2020. Totalkostnad för projektet: 432 815,10 EUR, inklusive Eruf-finansiering – 353 515,13 EUR och medfinansiering av statsbudgeten – 37 431,01 EUR. (Swedish)
    3 August 2022
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    Zaļā iela 44, Līvāni, Līvānu nov., LV-5316
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    Andreja Pormaļa iela 125, Jēkabpils, Jēkabpils nov., LV-5201
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    Stadiona iela 1, Jēkabpils, Jēkabpils nov., LV-5201
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