Adaptation of infrastructure to the implementation of the deinstitutionalisation plan (Q3058000)
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Project Q3058000 in Latvia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Adaptation of infrastructure to the implementation of the deinstitutionalisation plan |
Project Q3058000 in Latvia |
1,193,995.4 Euro
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1,733,353.84 Euro
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68.88 percent
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1 September 2019
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31 August 2021
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Projekta “Infrastruktūras pielāgošana deinstitucionalizācijas plāna īstenošanai” mērķis irsekmēt sabiedrībā balstītu sociālo pakalpojumu infrastruktūras izveidi un attīstību Daugavpils pilsētas pašvaldībā saskaņā ar Latgales Plānošanas Reģiona deinstitucionalizācijas plānu.Projekta galvenās aktivitātes:1. Dienas aprūpes centra personām ar garīga rakstura traucējumiem pakalpojumu klāsta paplašināšana: specializēto darbnīcu izveide un centra teritorijas labiekārtošana vides pieejamības nodrošināšanai (Arhitektu iela 21, Daugavpilī, Ķīmiķu mikrorajons).2. Daudzfunkcionālo sociālo pakalpojumu centra izveide, kurā tiks sniegti: Dienas aprūpes centra bērniem ar funkcionāliem traucējumiem, „Atelpas brīža” un sociālās rehabilitācijas pakalpojumi (Turaidas iela 36, Daugavpils, Jauno Stropu mikrorajons).3. Bērnu nama – patversmes telpu pārbūve ģimeniskai videi pietuvināta pakalpojuma “3 x 8” nodrošināšanai ārpusģimenes aprūpē esošiem bērniem (Komandanta iela 3, Daugavpils, Cietokšņa mikrorajons). 4. Sabiedrībā balstītu sociālo pakalpojumu personām ar garīga rakstura traucējumiem „Grupu māja (dzīvoklis)” (18. Novembra iela 354V, Daugavpils) infrastruktūras pielāgošana. Projekta plānotie rezultāti: Īstenojot projektu pēc attiecīgās sabiedrībā balstītu sociālo pakalpojumu infrastruktūras izveides:39 personas ar GRT, turpmāk varēs saņemt jaunus vai saskaņā ar projekta ietvaros izstrādātajiem individuālajiem atbalsta plāniem papildinošus sabiedrībā balstītus sociālos pakalpojumus, 20 bērni saņems ģimeniskai videi pietuvinātu pakalpojumu, 46 bērni ar funkcionālajiem traucējumiem un arī bērnu likumiskie pārstāvji vai audžuģimenes varēs saņemt sabiedrībā balstītus sociālos pakalpojumus SAM pasākuma „Deinstitucionalizācija” ietvaros, saskaņā ar 2020.gada 25.maijā apstiprinātajiem Latgales Plānošanas Reģiona deinstitucionalizācijas plāna grozījumiem.Realizējot projektu tiks veikti būvdarbi, nodrošināta projekta būvuzraudzība, autoruzraudzība, materiāltehniskā nodrošinājuma iegāde, publicitāte un projekta vadība.Projekta darbības uzsāktas pirms vienošanās par projekta īstenošanu parakstīšanas t.i. no 2018. gada jūnija mēneša, kad tika noslēgti līgumi par projektēšanas darbiem.Plānotais projekta īstenošanas ilgums ir 24 mēneši no vienošanās par projekta īstenošanu noslēgšanas brīža (2019.gada septembra līdz 2021. gada augustam). Projekta kopējās izmaksas: EUR 1 733 353.84no tām:Attiecināmās: EUR 1 733 353.84ERAF līdzekļi 68.88%: EUR 1 193 995.40 Valsts budžeta dotācija 3,51%: EUR 60 836.92Valsts budžets 3.96%: EUR 68 590.97Pašvaldības finansējums 23.65%: EUR 409 930.55 (Latvian)
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The aim of the project “Adjusting infrastructure for the implementation of the deinstitutionalisation plan” is to promote the establishment and development of community-based social services infrastructure in Daugavpils City Municipality in accordance with the Latgale Plan for Deinstitutionalisation Plan. Extension of the range of services of the day care centre for persons with mental disabilities: Creation of specialised workshops and improvement of the territory of the centre to ensure environmental accessibility (Arhitektu street 21, Daugavpils, chemist residential area).2. Setting up a multifunctional social service centre to provide: Daycare centre for children with functional disorders, “space moment” and social rehabilitation services (Turaidas iela 36, Daugavpils, Jauno Stropi residential district).3. Rebuilding of the children’s house – shelter for the family environment to provide a service “3 x 8” for children under care outside the family (komandanta street 3, Daugavpils, Zietokšņa residential district). 4. Social-based social services for persons with mental disabilities “Group House (Apartment)” (18 Novembra iela 354V, Daugavpils) infrastructure adjustment. Planned results of the project: By implementing the project after the establishment of the relevant community-based social services infrastructure: 39 persons with GRT will be able to receive new social services or social services based on individual support plans developed within the project, 20 children will receive close to family environment, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children legal representatives or legal representatives of the project or foster families will be able to receive social based social services within SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the event, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children’s legal representatives of the project or legal representatives of the project or foster families will be able to receive social based social services within the framework of the SAM event “deinstitutionalisation” in September, in accordance with the project’s legal supervision and the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive community-based social services within the framework of the SAM measure “deinstitutionalisation”, according to the 2020 project’s legal supervision and the project’s legal representatives.The project’s duration of the project was concluded from the June 2019 project when the project was signed on the project’s approval.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of the September 2021 “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, according to the amendments of the project.On 25th May of the project, the project’s implementation of the project will be concluded on the project’s approval.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of the project.Deinstitutionalisation of the project, according to the September 2020 the project’s legal representatives.The project’s implementation of the project was signed from June 2019, when the project was approved in June.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the event, 46 children with functional disabilities and also the legal representatives of children or children or families of the project will be able to receive social based social services within the framework of the SAM event close to the family environment, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children lawful representatives of the project or according to the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive social based services within the framework of SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, 46 children with functional disabilities and also the legal representatives of children, or the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive community-based social services within the framework of the closing of the SAM within the framework of the conclusion, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children with legal disabilities and also children’s legal representatives.The project’s implementation will be concluded from the project’s approval on June 2019, when the project will be implemented on the basis of the social services within the framework of the SAM event “deinstitutionalisation” within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, 46 children with functional disabilities, as well as the legal representatives of the children or the families of the project.The project Total cost of the project: EUR 1 733 353.84 of which: EUR 1 733 353.84ERDF funds 68.88 %: EUR 1 193 995.40 State budget grant 3,51 %: EUR 60 836.92State budget 3.96 %: EUR 68 590.97Government funding 23.65 %: EUR 409 930.55 (English)
15 July 2021
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L’objectif du projet «Adaptation des infrastructures pour la mise en œuvre du plan de désinstitutionnalisation» est de promouvoir le développement et le développement d’infrastructures de services sociaux dans la municipalité de Daugavpils, conformément au plan de désinstitutionnalisation de la région d’aménagement de Latgale. Extension de la gamme de services de la garderie pour les personnes souffrant de déficiences mentales: création d’ateliers spécialisés et amélioration du territoire du centre pour assurer l’accessibilité de l’environnement (Arhitektu iela 21, Daugavpils, microdistrict chimique).2. La mise en place d’un centre de services sociaux multifonctionnel, qui fournira: Garderie pour enfants souffrant de troubles fonctionnels, «équipements du moment» et services de réadaptation sociale (rue Turaidas 36, Daugavpils, New Hive District).3. Orphelinat — reconstruction de locaux d’hébergement pour la fourniture d’un service «3 x 8» à proximité de l’environnement familial pour les enfants placés en dehors de la famille (Comandanta Street 3, Daugavpils, district de Cietokš’a). 4. Service social social pour les personnes atteintes de troubles mentaux «grupu House (appartement)» (18. Adaptation de l’infrastructure de 354V novembre, Daugavpils). Résultats prévus du projet: Lors de la mise en œuvre du projet après la mise en place de l’infrastructure de service social communautaire pertinente: 39 personnes avec GRT, seront à l’avenir en mesure de recevoir de nouveaux services sociaux basés sur les plans de soutien individuels élaborés dans le cadre du projet, 20 enfants recevront un service proche de l’environnement familial, 46 enfants souffrant de troubles fonctionnels et aussi des représentants légaux des enfants ou des familles d’accueil pourront recevoir des services sociaux basés sur la société dans le cadre de la SAM «Déinstitutionalisation», conformément aux modifications du plan de désinstitutionnalisation de La région de planification Latgale approuvé le 25 mai 2020.Le projet sera réalisé, la supervision de la construction, la supervision de l’auteur i, l’acquisition d’équipements techniques matériels, la signature des contrats de mise en œuvre du projet ont été réalisés à partir du mois de septembre. Les contrats de mise en œuvre du projet ont été réalisés à partir de juin 2018. Le projet sera réalisé, la supervision de la construction, la supervision de l’auteur, l’acquisition d’équipements techniques matériels, la signature des contrats de mise en œuvre et la mise en œuvre en septembre. Les contrats de mise en œuvre du projet ont été réalisés à partir de juin 2018. Coût total du projet: 1 733 353,84 EUR à partir de tām:Attiecināmās: 1 733 353,84 EUR enveloppe du FEDER 68,88 %: 1 193 995,40 EUR subvention du budget de l’État 3,51 %: 60 836,92 EUR Budget de l’État 3,96 %: 68 590,97 EUR Financement municipal 23,65 %: 409 930,55 EUR (French)
25 November 2021
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Ziel des Projekts „Anpassung der Infrastruktur für die Umsetzung des Deinstitutionalisierungsplans“ ist die Förderung der Entwicklung und Entwicklung der Infrastruktur für soziale Dienstleistungen in der Stadtgemeinde Daugavpils gemäß dem Deinstitutionalisierungsplan der Planungsregion Latgale. Erweiterung des Leistungsspektrums des Tagesbetreuungszentrums für Personen mit psychischen Beeinträchtigungen: Einrichtung von spezialisierten Workshops und Verbesserung des Territoriums des Zentrums zur Gewährleistung der Zugänglichkeit der Umwelt (Arhitektu iela 21, Daugavpils, chemischer Mikrobezirk).2. Einrichtung eines multifunktionalen Zentrums für soziale Dienstleistungen, das Folgendes vorsieht: Kindertagesstätte für Kinder mit Funktionsstörungen, „Leistungen des Augenblicks“ und soziale Rehabilitation (Turaidas Straße 36, Daugavpils, New Hive District).3. Waisenhaus – Umbau von Wohnräumen für die Erbringung einer Dienstleistung „3 x 8“ in der Nähe der familiären Umgebung für Kinder unter familiärer Betreuung (Comandanta Straße 3, Daugavpils, Cietokšņa Bezirk). 4. Gesellschaftlicher Sozialdienst für Personen mit psychischen Störungen „grupu House (Appartement)“ (18. Anpassung der Infrastruktur vom November 354V, Daugavpils). Geplante Ergebnisse des Projekts: Bei der Umsetzung des Projekts nach der Errichtung der entsprechenden gemeindenahen Sozialdienstinfrastruktur:39 Personen mit BRT können künftig auf der Grundlage der im Rahmen des Projekts entwickelten individuellen Unterstützungspläne neue Sozialleistungen erhalten, 20 Kinder erhalten eine familiennahe Dienstleistung, 46 Kinder mit Funktionsstörungen und auch gesetzliche Vertreter von Kindern oder Pflegefamilien werden im Rahmen von SAM „Deinstitutionalisierung“ entsprechend den Änderungen des Deinstitutionalisierungsplans der Region Latgale am 25. Mai 2020 soziale Dienstleistungen erhalten können. Gesamtkosten des Projekts: 1733353,84 EURvon tām:Attiecināmās: 1 733 353,84 EUR aus dem EFRE 68,88 %: 1 199 395,40 EUR Zuschüsse aus dem Staatshaushalt 3,51 %: 608366,92 EURStaatlicher Haushalt 3,96 %: 685590,97 EURGemeinde Finanzierung 23,65 %: 4 090 930,55 EUR (German)
28 November 2021
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Het project „Aanpassing van infrastructuur voor de uitvoering van het deïnstitutionaliseringsplan” heeft tot doel de ontwikkeling en ontwikkeling van infrastructuur voor sociale diensten in de gemeente Daugavpils te bevorderen overeenkomstig het plan voor deïnstitutionalisering van de regio Latgale. Uitbreiding van het dienstenaanbod van het kinderdagverblijf voor personen met een verstandelijke beperking: oprichting van gespecialiseerde werkplaatsen en verbetering van het grondgebied van het centrum om de toegankelijkheid van het milieu te waarborgen (Arhitektu iela 21, Daugavpils, chemisch microdistrict).2. De oprichting van een multifunctioneel centrum voor sociale diensten, dat zal zorgen voor: Kinderdagverblijf voor kinderen met functionele stoornissen, „Amenities of the moment” en sociale revalidatie (Turaidas straat 36, Daugavpils, New Hive District).3. Weeshuis — wederopbouw van opvangplaatsen voor het verlenen van een dienst „3 x 8” dicht bij de gezinsomgeving voor kinderen die buiten het gezin worden verzorgd (Comandanta straat 3, Daugavpils, district Cietokšрa). 4. Maatschappelijke sociale dienst voor personen met psychische stoornissen „grupu House (appartement)” (18. Aanpassing van de infrastructuur van november 354V, Daugavpils). Geplande resultaten van het project: Bij de uitvoering van het project na de oprichting van de relevante gemeenschapsgebaseerde sociale-dienstinfrastructuur:39 personen met GRT zullen in de toekomst nieuwe sociale diensten kunnen ontvangen op basis van de individuele ondersteuningsplannen die in het kader van het project zijn ontwikkeld, 20 kinderen zullen een dienst ontvangen die dicht bij de gezinsomgeving ligt, 46 kinderen met functionele stoornissen en ook wettelijke vertegenwoordigers van kinderen of pleeggezinnen zullen sociale diensten kunnen ontvangen op basis van de samenleving in het kader van SAM „Deinstitutionalisering”, in overeenstemming met de wijzigingen van het Deinstitutionaliseringsplan van Latgale Planning Region, goedgekeurd op 25 mei 2020.Het project zal worden uitgevoerd, toezicht op de bouw, toezicht op de auteur, aankoop van materieel technisch materieel, publiciteit en projectbeheer zullen worden uitgevoerd op het moment dat de uitvoering van het project is afgerond. De uitvoering van de contracten in juni is gepland. Totale kosten van het project: 17333353,84 EURvan tām:Attiecināmās: 17 333 353,84 EUR EFRO-envelop 68,88 %: 133 995,40 EUR overheidssubsidie 3,51 %: 60 836,92 EUR Staatsbegroting 3,96 %: 68590,97 EURGemeenschapsfinanciering 23,65 %: 409 930,55 EUR (Dutch)
28 November 2021
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L'obiettivo del progetto "Adattamento delle infrastrutture per l'attuazione del piano di deistituzionalizzazione" è quello di promuovere lo sviluppo e lo sviluppo di infrastrutture di servizi sociali nel comune di Daugavpils in conformità con il piano di deistituzionalizzazione della regione di pianificazione del Latgale. Estensione della gamma dei servizi del centro di assistenza diurna per le persone con disabilità psichiche: creazione di laboratori specializzati e miglioramento del territorio del centro per garantire l'accessibilità dell'ambiente (Arhitektu iela 21, Daugavpils, microdistretto chimico).2. La creazione di un centro di servizi sociali multifunzionale, che fornirà: Asili nido per bambini con disturbi funzionali, "Servizi del momento" e servizi di riabilitazione sociale (Turaidas Street 36, Daugavpils, New Hive District).3. Orfanotrofio — ricostruzione di locali di ricovero per la fornitura di un servizio "3 x 8" vicino all'ambiente familiare per i bambini sotto la custodia extra-familiare (Comandanta strada 3, Daugavpils, distretto di Cietokšņa). 4. Servizio sociale basato sulla società per le persone con disturbi mentali "grupu House (appartamento)" (18. Adeguamento dell'infrastruttura del novembre 354V, Daugavpils). Risultati previsti del progetto: Nell'attuare il progetto dopo la creazione della relativa infrastruttura di servizi sociali di comunità: 39 persone con GRT, in futuro saranno in grado di ricevere nuovi servizi sociali sulla base dei piani di sostegno individuali sviluppati nell'ambito del progetto, 20 bambini riceveranno un servizio vicino all'ambiente familiare, 46 bambini con disturbi funzionali e anche rappresentanti legali di bambini o famiglie affidatarie potranno ricevere servizi sociali basati sulla società nel quadro del SAM "Deistituzionalizzazione", in conformità con le modifiche al Piano di Deistituzionalizzazione del Latgale Regione Pianificazione approvato il 25 maggio 2020.Il progetto sarà eseguito, supervisione della costruzione, supervisione dell'autore, acquisizione di materiale tecnico, materiale, pubblicità e gestione del progetto sono stati avviati l'accordo di attuazione del progetto a partire dal 24 giugno. Costo totale del progetto: 1 733 353,84 EUR da tām:Attiecināmās: 1 733 353,84 EUR della dotazione del FESR 68,88 %: 193 995,40 EUR sovvenzione di bilancio dello Stato 3,51 %: EUR 60.836,92Bilancio statale 3,96 %: EUR 68.590,97Fondo comunale 23,65 %: EUR 409.930,55 (Italian)
11 January 2022
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El objetivo del proyecto «Adaptación de infraestructuras para la implementación del plan de desinstitucionalización» es promover el desarrollo y desarrollo de infraestructuras de servicios sociales en el municipio de Daugavpils de acuerdo con el Plan de Desinstitucionalización de la Región de Planificación Latgale. Ampliación de la gama de servicios de la guardería para personas con discapacidad mental: establecimiento de talleres especializados y mejora del territorio del centro para garantizar la accesibilidad del medio ambiente (Arhitektu iela 21, Daugavpils, microdistrito químico).2. La creación de un centro multifuncional de servicios sociales, que se encargará de: Guardería para niños con trastornos funcionales, «Amenidades del momento» y servicios de rehabilitación social (calle Turaidas 36, Daugavpils, distrito de New Hive).3. Orfanato: reconstrucción de los locales de acogida para la prestación de un servicio «3 x 8» cerca del entorno familiar para los niños bajo atención extrafamiliar (calle Comandanta 3, Daugavpils, distrito de Cietokšδa). 4. Servicio social social para personas con trastornos mentales «grupu House (apartamento)» (18. Adaptación de la infraestructura de noviembre de 354V, Daugavpils). Resultados previstos del proyecto: Al ejecutar el proyecto tras el establecimiento de la infraestructura de servicios sociales de base comunitaria:39 personas con TRB, en el futuro podrán recibir nuevos servicios sociales basados en los planes de apoyo individuales desarrollados en el marco del proyecto, 20 niños recibirán un servicio cercano al entorno familiar, 46 niños con trastornos funcionales y también representantes legales de niños o familias de acogida podrán recibir servicios sociales basados en la sociedad en el marco de la SAM «Desinstitucionalización», de acuerdo con las modificaciones al Plan de Desinstitucionalización de la Región de Planificación del Latgale aprobado el 25 de mayo de 2020.El proyecto se llevará a cabo el 25 de mayo de 2020. El proyecto se llevará a cabo, supervisión de la construcción, supervisión de autores, adquisición de material técnico, publicidad y gestión del proyecto, se iniciaron los contratos de junio de 2018. El proyecto se realizará a partir de junio de 2018. El proyecto se llevará a cabo, supervisión de la construcción, adquisición de equipos técnicos, publicidad y gestión del proyecto, se iniciará el proyecto. En el futuro podrán recibir nuevos servicios sociales basados en los planes de apoyo individual desarrollados en el marco del proyecto, en el marco del SAM «Desinstitucionalización», de acuerdo con las modificaciones al Plan de Desinstitucionalización de la Región de Planificación del Latgale aprobado el 25 de mayo de 2020.El proyecto se llevará a cabo el 25 de mayo de 2020.El proyecto se llevará a cabo, la supervisión de la construcción, la supervisión del autor, la implementación de material de equipamiento técnico, publicidad y gestión del proyecto, en el futuro, podrán recibir nuevos servicios sociales basados en los planes de apoyo individuales desarrollados en el marco del proyecto, en el marco del SAM «Desinstitucionalización», de acuerdo con las modificaciones al Plan de Desinstitucionalización de la Región de Planificación de Latgale aprobado el 25 de mayo de 2020. El proyecto se llevará a cabo el 25 de mayo de 2020. El proyecto se llevará a cabo, supervisión de construcción, supervisión de autoría, adquisición de material técnico, publicidad y gestión del proyecto se iniciaron los contratos del proyecto. El proyecto se realizará a partir de junio de 2019 se iniciaron los contratos del proyecto. Se realizará el proyecto, supervisión de la construcción, adquisición de material de implementación de equipos técnicos, Publicidad y Gestión del Proyecto, se iniciaron los contratos del proyecto. El proyecto se realizará a partir de junio de 2018. Se realizará el proyecto, supervisión de la construcción, adquisición de equipos técnicos, publicidad y gestión del proyecto a partir de la fecha prevista para la firma del proyecto. En el futuro podrán recibir nuevos servicios sociales basados en los planes de apoyo individual desarrollados en el marco del proyecto, 20 niños recibirán un servicio cercano al entorno familiar, 46 niños con trastornos funcionales y también representantes legales de niños o familias de acogida podrán recibir servicios sociales basados en la sociedad en el marco de SAM «Desinstitucionalización», de acuerdo con las modificaciones al Plan de Desinstitucionalización de la Región de Planificación del Latgale aprobado el 25 de Coste total del proyecto: 1733353,84 EURdesde tām:Attiecināmās: 733 353,84 EUR dotación del FEDER 68,88 %: 193 995,40 EUR subvención del presupuesto estatal 3,51 %: 60 836,92 EUR Presupuesto estatal 3,96 %: 685990,97 EURFinanciación municipal 23,65 %: 409 930,55 EUR (Spanish)
12 January 2022
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Projekti „Infrastruktuuri kohandamine deinstitutsionaliseerimise kava rakendamiseks“ eesmärk on edendada kogukonnapõhise sotsiaalteenuste taristu loomist ja arendamist Daugavpilsi linnas kooskõlas Latgale’i deinstitutsionaliseerimise kavaga. Psüühikapuudega inimeste päevakeskuse teenuste valiku laiendamine: Spetsiaalsete töötubade loomine ja keskuse territooriumi täiustamine, et tagada keskkonna juurdepääsetavus (Arhitektu tänav 21, Daugavpils, keemikute elurajoon).2. Multifunktsionaalse sotsiaalteenuste keskuse loomine, et pakkuda: Funktsionaalsete häiretega laste päevahoiukeskus, „kosmosehetk“ ja sotsiaalse rehabilitatsiooni teenused (Turaidas iela 36, Daugavpils, Jauno Stropi elurajoon).3. Lastemaja ümberehitamine – perekeskkonna varjupaik, et pakkuda väljaspool perekonda hooldatavatele lastele teenust „3 x 8“ (komandanta tänav 3, Daugavpils, Zietokšņa elurajoon). 4. Sotsiaalsed sotsiaalteenused vaimse puudega inimestele „Group House (Apartment)“ (18 Novembra iela 354V, Daugavpils) infrastruktuuri kohandamine. Projekti kavandatud tulemused: Rakendades projekti pärast asjakohase kogukonnapõhise sotsiaalteenuste infrastruktuuri loomist: 39 persons with GRT will be able to receive new social services or social services based on individual support plans developed within the project, 20 children will receive close to family environment, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children legal representatives or legal representatives of the project or foster families will be able to receive social based social services within SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the event, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children’s legal representatives of the project or legal representatives of the project or foster families will be able to receive social based social services within the framework of the SAM event “deinstitutionalisation” in September, in accordance with the project’s legal supervision and the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive community-based social services within the framework of the SAM measure “deinstitutionalisation”, according to the 2020 project’s legal supervision and the project’s legal representatives.The project’s duration of the project was concluded from the June 2019 project when the project was signed on the project’s approval.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of the September 2021 “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, according to the amendments of the project.On 25th May of the project, the project’s implementation of the project will be concluded on the project’s approval.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of the project.Deinstitutionalisation of the project, according to the September 2020 the project’s legal representatives.The project’s implementation of the project was signed from June 2019, when the project was approved in June.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the event, 46 children with functional disabilities and also the legal representatives of children or children or families of the project will be able to receive social based social services within the framework of the SAM event close to the family environment, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children lawful representatives of the project or according to the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive social based services within the framework of SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, 46 children with functional disabilities and also the legal representatives of children, or the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive community-based social services within the framework of the closing of the SAM within the framework of the conclusion, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children with legal disabilities and also children’s legal representatives.The project’s implementation will be concluded from the project’s approval on June 2019, when the project will be implemented on the basis of the social services within the framework of the SAM event “deinstitutionalisation” within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, 46 children with functional disabilities, as well as the legal representatives of the children or the families of the project.The project Total cost of the project: 1 733 353,84 eurot, millest: 1 733 353,84 eurot ERFi vahendeid 68,88 %: 1 193 995,40 eurot riigieelarvest toetust 3,51 %: 60 836,92 eurot riigieelarve 3,96 %: 68 590,97 eurot valitsus rahastab 23,65 %: 409 930,55 EUROT (Estonian)
3 August 2022
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Projekto „Infrastruktūros derinimas deinstitucionalizavimo plano įgyvendinimui“ tikslas – skatinti bendruomeninės socialinių paslaugų infrastruktūros kūrimą ir plėtrą Daugpilio miesto savivaldybėje pagal Latgalos deinstitucionalizavimo planą. Dienos priežiūros centro paslaugų psichinę negalią turintiems asmenims išplėtimas: Specializuotų dirbtuvių kūrimas ir centro teritorijos tobulinimas siekiant užtikrinti aplinkos prieinamumą (Arhitektu g. 21, Daugpilis, chemiko gyvenamasis rajonas).2. Daugiafunkcinio socialinių paslaugų centro įsteigimas, siekiant teikti: Funkcinių sutrikimų turinčių vaikų dienos priežiūros centras, „erdvės momentas“ ir socialinės reabilitacijos paslaugos (Turaidas iela 36, Daugavpilis, Jauno Stropi gyvenamasis rajonas).3. Vaikų namų rekonstrukcija – prieglauda šeimos aplinkai teikti paslaugą „3 x 8“ globojamiems vaikams už šeimos ribų (komandantos g. 3, Daugpilis, Zietokšņa gyvenamasis rajonas). 4. Socialinės socialinės paslaugos psichikos negalią turintiems asmenims „Group House (Apartamentai)“ (18 Novembra iela 354V, Daugpilis) infrastruktūros pritaikymas. Planuojami projekto rezultatai: Įgyvendinant projektą po atitinkamos bendruomeninės socialinių paslaugų infrastruktūros sukūrimo: 39 persons with GRT will be able to receive new social services or social services based on individual support plans developed within the project, 20 children will receive close to family environment, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children legal representatives or legal representatives of the project or foster families will be able to receive social based social services within SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the event, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children’s legal representatives of the project or legal representatives of the project or foster families will be able to receive social based social services within the framework of the SAM event “deinstitutionalisation” in September, in accordance with the project’s legal supervision and the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive community-based social services within the framework of the SAM measure “deinstitutionalisation”, according to the 2020 project’s legal supervision and the project’s legal representatives.The project’s duration of the project was concluded from the June 2019 project when the project was signed on the project’s approval.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of the September 2021 “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, according to the amendments of the project.On 25th May of the project, the project’s implementation of the project will be concluded on the project’s approval.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of the project.Deinstitutionalisation of the project, according to the September 2020 the project’s legal representatives.The project’s implementation of the project was signed from June 2019, when the project was approved in June.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the event, 46 children with functional disabilities and also the legal representatives of children or children or families of the project will be able to receive social based social services within the framework of the SAM event close to the family environment, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children lawful representatives of the project or according to the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive social based services within the framework of SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, 46 children with functional disabilities and also the legal representatives of children, or the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive community-based social services within the framework of the closing of the SAM within the framework of the conclusion, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children with legal disabilities and also children’s legal representatives.The project’s implementation will be concluded from the project’s approval on June 2019, when the project will be implemented on the basis of the social services within the framework of the SAM event “deinstitutionalisation” within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, 46 children with functional disabilities, as well as the legal representatives of the children or the families of the project.The project Total cost of the project: 1 373 353,84 EUR, iš kurių: 1 373 353,84 EUR ERPF lėšos 68,88 %: 193 995,40 EUR valstybės biudžeto dotacija 3,51 %: 608 836,92 EUR Valstybės biudžetas 3,96 %: 685990,97 EURVyriausybės finansavimas 23,65 %: 409 930,55 EUR (Lithuanian)
3 August 2022
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Cilj projekta „Prilagodba infrastrukture za provedbu plana deinstitucionalizacije” je promicanje uspostave i razvoja infrastrukture socijalnih usluga u zajednici u općini Daugavpils u skladu s Latgaleovim planom za deinstitucionalizaciju. Proširenje raspona usluga vrtića za osobe s mentalnim poteškoćama: Stvaranje specijaliziranih radionica i poboljšanje područja centra kako bi se osigurala ekološka pristupačnost (ulica Arhitektu 21, Daugavpils, rezidencijalno područje kemičara).2. Osnivanje multifunkcionalnog centra za socijalnu skrb koji će osigurati: Vrtić za djecu s funkcionalnim poremećajima, „svemirski trenutak” i usluge socijalne rehabilitacije (Turaidas iela 36, Daugavpils, rezidencijalni okrug Jauno Stropi).3. Obnova dječje kuće – sklonište za obiteljsku okolinu za pružanje usluge „3 x 8” za djecu pod skrbništvom izvan obitelji (komandanta ulica 3, Daugavpils, Zietokša rezidencijalna četvrt). 4. Socijalne usluge za osobe s mentalnim invaliditetom „Grupna kuća (Apartman)” (18 Novembra iela 354V, Daugavpils) prilagodba infrastrukture. Planirani rezultati projekta: Provedbom projekta nakon uspostave relevantne infrastrukture socijalnih usluga u zajednici: 39 persons with GRT will be able to receive new social services or social services based on individual support plans developed within the project, 20 children will receive close to family environment, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children legal representatives or legal representatives of the project or foster families will be able to receive social based social services within SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the event, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children’s legal representatives of the project or legal representatives of the project or foster families will be able to receive social based social services within the framework of the SAM event “deinstitutionalisation” in September, in accordance with the project’s legal supervision and the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive community-based social services within the framework of the SAM measure “deinstitutionalisation”, according to the 2020 project’s legal supervision and the project’s legal representatives.The project’s duration of the project was concluded from the June 2019 project when the project was signed on the project’s approval.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of the September 2021 “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, according to the amendments of the project.On 25th May of the project, the project’s implementation of the project will be concluded on the project’s approval.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of the project.Deinstitutionalisation of the project, according to the September 2020 the project’s legal representatives.The project’s implementation of the project was signed from June 2019, when the project was approved in June.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the event, 46 children with functional disabilities and also the legal representatives of children or children or families of the project will be able to receive social based social services within the framework of the SAM event close to the family environment, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children lawful representatives of the project or according to the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive social based services within the framework of SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, 46 children with functional disabilities and also the legal representatives of children, or the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive community-based social services within the framework of the closing of the SAM within the framework of the conclusion, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children with legal disabilities and also children’s legal representatives.The project’s implementation will be concluded from the project’s approval on June 2019, when the project will be implemented on the basis of the social services within the framework of the SAM event “deinstitutionalisation” within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, 46 children with functional disabilities, as well as the legal representatives of the children or the families of the project.The project Total cost of the project: 1 733 353,84 EUR, od čega: 1 733 353,84 EUR iz EFRR-a financira 68,88 %: 193 995,40 EUR bespovratnih sredstava iz državnog proračuna 3,51 %: 60 836,92 EUR Državni proračun 3,96 %: 685 590,97 EUR vladino financiranje 23,65 %: 4 009 930,55 EUR (Croatian)
3 August 2022
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Στόχος του έργου «Προσαρμογή υποδομών για την εφαρμογή του σχεδίου αποϊδρυματοποίησης» είναι η προώθηση της δημιουργίας και ανάπτυξης υποδομών κοινωνικών υπηρεσιών σε επίπεδο κοινότητας στον δήμο Daugavpils, σύμφωνα με το σχέδιο Latgale για το σχέδιο αποϊδρυματοποίησης. Επέκταση του φάσματος υπηρεσιών του κέντρου ημερήσιας φροντίδας για άτομα με νοητικές αναπηρίες: Δημιουργία εξειδικευμένων εργαστηρίων και βελτίωση της επικράτειας του κέντρου για τη διασφάλιση της περιβαλλοντικής προσβασιμότητας (οδός Arhitektu 21, Daugavpils, χημική κατοικημένη περιοχή).2. Δημιουργία πολυλειτουργικού κέντρου κοινωνικών υπηρεσιών για την παροχή: Κέντρο ημερήσιας φροντίδας για παιδιά με λειτουργικές διαταραχές, «στιγμή χώρου» και υπηρεσίες κοινωνικής αποκατάστασης (Turaidas iela 36, Daugavpils, κατοικημένη περιοχή Jauno Stropi).3. Ανακατασκευή του σπιτιού των παιδιών — καταφύγιο για το οικογενειακό περιβάλλον για την παροχή μιας υπηρεσίας «3 x 8» για παιδιά υπό φροντίδα εκτός της οικογένειας (komandanta δρόμο 3, Daugavpils, Zietokšņa κατοικημένη περιοχή). 4. Κοινωνικές υπηρεσίες για άτομα με νοητικές αναπηρίες «Ομάδα (Διαμέρισμα)» (18 Novembra iela 354V, Daugavpils) προσαρμογή των υποδομών. Προγραμματισμένα αποτελέσματα του σχεδίου: Με την υλοποίηση του έργου μετά τη δημιουργία της σχετικής υποδομής κοινωνικών υπηρεσιών σε επίπεδο κοινότητας: 39 persons with GRT will be able to receive new social services or social services based on individual support plans developed within the project, 20 children will receive close to family environment, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children legal representatives or legal representatives of the project or foster families will be able to receive social based social services within SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the event, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children’s legal representatives of the project or legal representatives of the project or foster families will be able to receive social based social services within the framework of the SAM event “deinstitutionalisation” in September, in accordance with the project’s legal supervision and the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive community-based social services within the framework of the SAM measure “deinstitutionalisation”, according to the 2020 project’s legal supervision and the project’s legal representatives.The project’s duration of the project was concluded from the June 2019 project when the project was signed on the project’s approval.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of the September 2021 “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, according to the amendments of the project.On 25th May of the project, the project’s implementation of the project will be concluded on the project’s approval.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of the project.Deinstitutionalisation of the project, according to the September 2020 the project’s legal representatives.The project’s implementation of the project was signed from June 2019, when the project was approved in June.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the event, 46 children with functional disabilities and also the legal representatives of children or children or families of the project will be able to receive social based social services within the framework of the SAM event close to the family environment, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children lawful representatives of the project or according to the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive social based services within the framework of SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, 46 children with functional disabilities and also the legal representatives of children, or the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive community-based social services within the framework of the closing of the SAM within the framework of the conclusion, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children with legal disabilities and also children’s legal representatives.The project’s implementation will be concluded from the project’s approval on June 2019, when the project will be implemented on the basis of the social services within the framework of the SAM event “deinstitutionalisation” within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, 46 children with functional disabilities, as well as the legal representatives of the children or the families of the project.The project Total cost of the project: 1 733 353,84 EUR εκ των οποίων: 1 733 353,84 EUR κεφάλαια του ΕΤΠΑ 68,88 %: 1 193 995,40 EUR επιχορήγηση του κρατικού προϋπολογισμού 3,51 %: 60 836,92 EUR Κρατικός προϋπολογισμός 3,96 %: EUR... (Greek)
3 August 2022
0 references
Cieľom projektu „Prispôsobenie infraštruktúry na realizáciu plánu deinštitucionalizácie“ je podporiť zriadenie a rozvoj infraštruktúry komunitných sociálnych služieb v obci Daugavpils v súlade s Latgaleovým plánom deinštitucionalizácie. Rozšírenie rozsahu služieb centra dennej starostlivosti o osoby s mentálnym postihnutím: Vytvorenie špecializovaných dielní a zlepšenie územia centra na zabezpečenie environmentálnej prístupnosti (Arhitektu 21, Daugavpils, chemikská rezidenčná oblasť).2. Zriadenie multifunkčného centra sociálnych služieb s cieľom zabezpečiť: Centrum dennej starostlivosti o deti s funkčnými poruchami, „priestorový moment“ a služby sociálnej rehabilitácie (Turaidas iela 36, Daugavpils, rezidenčná štvrť Jauno Stropi).3. Prestavba detského domu – prístrešok pre rodinné prostredie na poskytovanie služby „3 x 8“ pre deti v starostlivosti mimo rodiny (komandanta ulica 3, Daugavpils, Zietokšņa rezidenčná štvrť). 4. Sociálne sociálne služby pre osoby s mentálnym postihnutím „Skupinový dom (byt)“ (18. Novembra iela 354V, Daugavpils) prispôsobenie infraštruktúry. Plánované výsledky projektu: Realizáciou projektu po zriadení príslušnej infraštruktúry sociálnych služieb v rámci komunít: 39 persons with GRT will be able to receive new social services or social services based on individual support plans developed within the project, 20 children will receive close to family environment, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children legal representatives or legal representatives of the project or foster families will be able to receive social based social services within SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the event, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children’s legal representatives of the project or legal representatives of the project or foster families will be able to receive social based social services within the framework of the SAM event “deinstitutionalisation” in September, in accordance with the project’s legal supervision and the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive community-based social services within the framework of the SAM measure “deinstitutionalisation”, according to the 2020 project’s legal supervision and the project’s legal representatives.The project’s duration of the project was concluded from the June 2019 project when the project was signed on the project’s approval.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of the September 2021 “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, according to the amendments of the project.On 25th May of the project, the project’s implementation of the project will be concluded on the project’s approval.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of the project.Deinstitutionalisation of the project, according to the September 2020 the project’s legal representatives.The project’s implementation of the project was signed from June 2019, when the project was approved in June.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the event, 46 children with functional disabilities and also the legal representatives of children or children or families of the project will be able to receive social based social services within the framework of the SAM event close to the family environment, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children lawful representatives of the project or according to the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive social based services within the framework of SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, 46 children with functional disabilities and also the legal representatives of children, or the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive community-based social services within the framework of the closing of the SAM within the framework of the conclusion, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children with legal disabilities and also children’s legal representatives.The project’s implementation will be concluded from the project’s approval on June 2019, when the project will be implemented on the basis of the social services within the framework of the SAM event “deinstitutionalisation” within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, 46 children with functional disabilities, as well as the legal representatives of the children or the families of the project.The project Total cost of the project: 1 733 353,84 EUR z toho: 1 733 353,84 EUR z fonduEFRR 68,88 %: 193 995,40 EUR grant zo štátneho rozpočtu 3,51 %: 60 836,92 EUR štátny rozpočet 3,96 %: 68 590,97 EUR Financovanie vládou 23,65 %: 409 930,55 EUR (Slovak)
3 August 2022
0 references
Hankkeen ”Infrastruktuurien mukauttaminen laitoshoidosta luopumista koskevan suunnitelman toteuttamiseksi” tavoitteena on edistää yhteisöperustaisen sosiaalipalvelujen infrastruktuurin perustamista ja kehittämistä Daugavpilsin kaupungin kunnassa laitoshoidosta luopumista koskevan Latgalen suunnitelman mukaisesti. Psyykkisesti toimintarajoitteisten päiväkotipalvelujen laajentaminen: Erityistyöpajojen perustaminen ja keskuksen alueen parantaminen ympäristön saavutettavuuden varmistamiseksi (Arhitektu katu 21, Daugavpils, kemisti asuinalue).2. Perustetaan monitoiminen sosiaalipalvelukeskus, jonka tehtävänä on Toimintahäiriöistä kärsivien lasten päiväkoti, ”avaruushetki” ja sosiaalisen kuntoutuksen palvelut (Turaidas iela 36, Daugavpils, Jauno Stropi asuinalue).3. Lastentalon uudelleenrakentaminen – perheympäristön turvakoti tarjota palvelua ”3 x 8” perheen ulkopuolella hoidettaville lapsille (komandanta katu 3, Daugavpils, Zietokšņa asuinalue). 4. Psyykkisten vammaisten sosiaalipalvelut ”Ryhmätalo (huoneisto)” (18 Novembra iela 354V, Daugavpils) infrastruktuurin mukauttaminen. Hankkeen suunnitellut tulokset: Toteuttamalla hanke asianmukaisen yhteisöperustaisen sosiaalipalvelujen infrastruktuurin perustamisen jälkeen: 39 persons with GRT will be able to receive new social services or social services based on individual support plans developed within the project, 20 children will receive close to family environment, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children legal representatives or legal representatives of the project or foster families will be able to receive social based social services within SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the event, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children’s legal representatives of the project or legal representatives of the project or foster families will be able to receive social based social services within the framework of the SAM event “deinstitutionalisation” in September, in accordance with the project’s legal supervision and the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive community-based social services within the framework of the SAM measure “deinstitutionalisation”, according to the 2020 project’s legal supervision and the project’s legal representatives.The project’s duration of the project was concluded from the June 2019 project when the project was signed on the project’s approval.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of the September 2021 “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, according to the amendments of the project.On 25th May of the project, the project’s implementation of the project will be concluded on the project’s approval.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of the project.Deinstitutionalisation of the project, according to the September 2020 the project’s legal representatives.The project’s implementation of the project was signed from June 2019, when the project was approved in June.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the event, 46 children with functional disabilities and also the legal representatives of children or children or families of the project will be able to receive social based social services within the framework of the SAM event close to the family environment, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children lawful representatives of the project or according to the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive social based services within the framework of SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, 46 children with functional disabilities and also the legal representatives of children, or the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive community-based social services within the framework of the closing of the SAM within the framework of the conclusion, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children with legal disabilities and also children’s legal representatives.The project’s implementation will be concluded from the project’s approval on June 2019, when the project will be implemented on the basis of the social services within the framework of the SAM event “deinstitutionalisation” within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, 46 children with functional disabilities, as well as the legal representatives of the children or the families of the project.The project Total cost of the project: 1 733 353,84 euroa, josta: 1 733 353,84 euroaEAKR-rahastot 68,88 prosenttia: 1 193 995,40 euroa valtion talousarvioon myönnettyä tukea 3,51 prosenttia: 60 836,92 euroa Valtion talousarvio 3,96 prosenttia: 68 590,97 euroa Julkinen rahoitus 23,65 prosenttia: 409 930,55 EUROA (Finnish)
3 August 2022
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Celem projektu „Dostosowanie infrastruktury do realizacji planu deinstytucjonalizacji” jest promowanie tworzenia i rozwoju lokalnej infrastruktury usług socjalnych w gminie Daugavpils zgodnie z planem deinstytucjonalizacji z Latgale. Rozszerzenie zakresu usług ośrodka opieki dziennej dla osób z niepełnosprawnością umysłową: Stworzenie specjalistycznych warsztatów i poprawa terytorium centrum w celu zapewnienia dostępności dla środowiska (Arhitektu ul. 21, Daugavpils, chemiczna dzielnica mieszkalna).2. Utworzenie wielofunkcyjnego centrum usług społecznych w celu zapewnienia: Przedszkole dla dzieci z zaburzeniami czynnościowymi, „przestrzeń” i usługi rehabilitacji społecznej (Turaidas iela 36, Daugavpils, Jauno Stropi dzielnica mieszkalna).3. Przebudowa domu dziecięcego – schronisko dla środowiska rodzinnego w celu zapewnienia usługi „3 x 8” dla dzieci pod opieką poza rodziną (komandanta ul. 3, Daugavpils, dzielnica mieszkalna Zietokšņa). 4. Społeczne usługi socjalne dla osób z niepełnosprawnościami psychicznymi „Grupa Dom (Apartament)” (18 Novembra iela 354V, Daugavpils) dostosowanie infrastruktury. Planowane wyniki projektu: Poprzez realizację projektu po utworzeniu odpowiedniej lokalnej infrastruktury usług socjalnych: 39 persons with GRT will be able to receive new social services or social services based on individual support plans developed within the project, 20 children will receive close to family environment, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children legal representatives or legal representatives of the project or foster families will be able to receive social based social services within SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the event, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children’s legal representatives of the project or legal representatives of the project or foster families will be able to receive social based social services within the framework of the SAM event “deinstitutionalisation” in September, in accordance with the project’s legal supervision and the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive community-based social services within the framework of the SAM measure “deinstitutionalisation”, according to the 2020 project’s legal supervision and the project’s legal representatives.The project’s duration of the project was concluded from the June 2019 project when the project was signed on the project’s approval.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of the September 2021 “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, according to the amendments of the project.On 25th May of the project, the project’s implementation of the project will be concluded on the project’s approval.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of the project.Deinstitutionalisation of the project, according to the September 2020 the project’s legal representatives.The project’s implementation of the project was signed from June 2019, when the project was approved in June.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the event, 46 children with functional disabilities and also the legal representatives of children or children or families of the project will be able to receive social based social services within the framework of the SAM event close to the family environment, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children lawful representatives of the project or according to the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive social based services within the framework of SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, 46 children with functional disabilities and also the legal representatives of children, or the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive community-based social services within the framework of the closing of the SAM within the framework of the conclusion, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children with legal disabilities and also children’s legal representatives.The project’s implementation will be concluded from the project’s approval on June 2019, when the project will be implemented on the basis of the social services within the framework of the SAM event “deinstitutionalisation” within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, 46 children with functional disabilities, as well as the legal representatives of the children or the families of the project.The project Total cost of the project: 1 733 353,84 EUR, w tym: 1 733 353,84 EUR ze środków EFRR 68,88 %: 193 995,40 EUR dotacji z budżetu państwa 3,51 %: 60 836,92 EUR Budżet państwa 3,96 %: 68 590,97 EUR Finansowanie publiczne 23,65 %: 499 930,55 EUR (Polish)
3 August 2022
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„Az infrastruktúra kiigazítása az intézménymentesítési terv végrehajtása érdekében” projekt célja a közösségi alapú szociális szolgáltatási infrastruktúra létrehozásának és fejlesztésének előmozdítása Daugavpils város önkormányzatában az intézménymentesítési tervvel összhangban. A bölcsőde szolgáltatások körének kiterjesztése a mentális fogyatékossággal élő személyek számára: Speciális műhelyek létrehozása és a központ területének fejlesztése a környezethez való hozzáférés biztosítása érdekében (Arhitektu utca 21, Daugavpils, vegyész lakóövezet).2. Multifunkcionális szociális szolgáltató központ létrehozása a következők biztosítása érdekében: Napközi központ funkcionális zavarokkal küzdő gyermekek számára, „űrpillanat” és társadalmi rehabilitációs szolgáltatások (Turaidas iela 36, Daugavpils, Jauno Stropi lakónegyed).3. A gyermekház újjáépítése – menedék a családi környezet számára, hogy „3 x 8” szolgáltatást nyújtson a családon kívüli gondozás alatt álló gyermekek számára (komandanta utca 3, Daugavpils, Zietokšņa lakónegyed). 4. Szociális alapú szociális szolgáltatások mentális fogyatékossággal élő személyek számára „Group House (Apartman)” (18 Novembra iela 354V, Daugavpils) infrastruktúra kiigazítása. A projekt tervezett eredményei: A projekt megvalósítása a vonatkozó közösségi alapú szociális szolgáltatási infrastruktúra létrehozását követően: 39 persons with GRT will be able to receive new social services or social services based on individual support plans developed within the project, 20 children will receive close to family environment, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children legal representatives or legal representatives of the project or foster families will be able to receive social based social services within SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the event, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children’s legal representatives of the project or legal representatives of the project or foster families will be able to receive social based social services within the framework of the SAM event “deinstitutionalisation” in September, in accordance with the project’s legal supervision and the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive community-based social services within the framework of the SAM measure “deinstitutionalisation”, according to the 2020 project’s legal supervision and the project’s legal representatives.The project’s duration of the project was concluded from the June 2019 project when the project was signed on the project’s approval.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of the September 2021 “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, according to the amendments of the project.On 25th May of the project, the project’s implementation of the project will be concluded on the project’s approval.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of the project.Deinstitutionalisation of the project, according to the September 2020 the project’s legal representatives.The project’s implementation of the project was signed from June 2019, when the project was approved in June.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the event, 46 children with functional disabilities and also the legal representatives of children or children or families of the project will be able to receive social based social services within the framework of the SAM event close to the family environment, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children lawful representatives of the project or according to the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive social based services within the framework of SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, 46 children with functional disabilities and also the legal representatives of children, or the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive community-based social services within the framework of the closing of the SAM within the framework of the conclusion, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children with legal disabilities and also children’s legal representatives.The project’s implementation will be concluded from the project’s approval on June 2019, when the project will be implemented on the basis of the social services within the framework of the SAM event “deinstitutionalisation” within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, 46 children with functional disabilities, as well as the legal representatives of the children or the families of the project.The project Total cost of the project: 1 733 353,84 EUR, ebből: 1 733 353,84 EUR ERFA-források 68,88%: 1 193 995,40 EUR állami költségvetési támogatás 3,51%: 60 836,92 EUR állami költségvetés 3,96%: 68590,9... (Hungarian)
3 August 2022
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Cílem projektu „Úprava infrastruktury pro provádění plánu deinstitucionalizace“ je podpořit zřízení a rozvoj komunitní infrastruktury sociálních služeb v obci Daugavpils v souladu s plánem deinstitucionalizace Latgale. Rozšíření rozsahu služeb denní péče pro osoby s mentálním postižením: Vytvoření specializovaných dílen a zlepšení území centra pro zajištění ekologické dostupnosti (Arhitektu ulice 21, Daugavpils, chemikálie).2. Zřízení multifunkčního střediska sociálních služeb, které bude poskytovat: Školka pro děti s funkčními poruchami, „prostorový moment“ a sociální rehabilitace (Turaidas iela 36, Daugavpils, rezidenční čtvrť Jauno Stropi).3. Přestavba dětského domu – přístřeší pro rodinné prostředí poskytovat službu „3 x 8“ pro děti v péči mimo rodinu (komandanta ulice 3, Daugavpils, rezidenční čtvrť Zietokšрa). 4. Sociální sociální služby pro osoby s mentálním postižením „Skupinový dům (Apartmán)“ (18 Novembra iela 354V, Daugavpils) úprava infrastruktury. Plánované výsledky projektu: Realizací projektu po zřízení příslušné komunitní infrastruktury sociálních služeb: 39 persons with GRT will be able to receive new social services or social services based on individual support plans developed within the project, 20 children will receive close to family environment, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children legal representatives or legal representatives of the project or foster families will be able to receive social based social services within SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the event, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children’s legal representatives of the project or legal representatives of the project or foster families will be able to receive social based social services within the framework of the SAM event “deinstitutionalisation” in September, in accordance with the project’s legal supervision and the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive community-based social services within the framework of the SAM measure “deinstitutionalisation”, according to the 2020 project’s legal supervision and the project’s legal representatives.The project’s duration of the project was concluded from the June 2019 project when the project was signed on the project’s approval.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of the September 2021 “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, according to the amendments of the project.On 25th May of the project, the project’s implementation of the project will be concluded on the project’s approval.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of the project.Deinstitutionalisation of the project, according to the September 2020 the project’s legal representatives.The project’s implementation of the project was signed from June 2019, when the project was approved in June.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the event, 46 children with functional disabilities and also the legal representatives of children or children or families of the project will be able to receive social based social services within the framework of the SAM event close to the family environment, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children lawful representatives of the project or according to the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive social based services within the framework of SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, 46 children with functional disabilities and also the legal representatives of children, or the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive community-based social services within the framework of the closing of the SAM within the framework of the conclusion, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children with legal disabilities and also children’s legal representatives.The project’s implementation will be concluded from the project’s approval on June 2019, when the project will be implemented on the basis of the social services within the framework of the SAM event “deinstitutionalisation” within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, 46 children with functional disabilities, as well as the legal representatives of the children or the families of the project.The project Total cost of the project: 1 733 353,84 EUR z toho: 1 733 353,84 EUR z EFRR 68,88 %: 191 995,40 EUR grant ze státního rozpočtu 3,51 %: 60836,92 EURStátní rozpočet 3,96 %: 685 990,97 EUR Financování veřejné správy 23,65 %: 409 930,55 EUR (Czech)
3 August 2022
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Is é aidhm an tionscadail “Bonneagar a choigeartú chun an plean dí-institiúidithe a chur chun feidhme” ná bunú agus forbairt bonneagair seirbhísí sóisialta pobalbhunaithe a chur chun cinn i Bardas Chathair Daugavpils i gcomhréir le Plean Latgale le haghaidh Díinstitiúidithe. Leathnú ar raon seirbhísí an ionaid cúraim lae do dhaoine faoi mhíchumas meabhrach: Ceardlanna speisialaithe a chruthú agus críoch an ionaid a fheabhsú chun inrochtaineacht comhshaoil a chinntiú (Sráid Arhitektu 21, Daugavpils, limistéar cónaithe ceimicí).2. Ionad seirbhísí sóisialta ilfheidhmeach a bhunú chun na nithe seo a leanas a sholáthar: Ionad cúraim lae do leanaí a bhfuil neamhoird fheidhmiúla orthu, “am spáis” agus seirbhísí athshlánaithe shóisialta (Turaidas iela 36, Daugavpils, ceantar cónaithe Jauno Stropi).3. Teach na leanaí a atógáil — foscadh do thimpeallacht an teaghlaigh chun seirbhís “3 x 8” a chur ar fáil do leanaí faoi chúram lasmuigh den teaghlach (sráidkomandanta 3, Daugavpils, ceantar cónaithe Zietokš); 4. Seirbhísí sóisialta sóisialta do dhaoine faoi mhíchumas meabhrach “Group House (Áras)” (18 Novembra iela 354V, Daugavpils) coigeartú bonneagair. Na torthaí atá beartaithe don tionscadal: Tríd an tionscadal a chur chun feidhme tar éis bhunú an bhonneagair ábhartha seirbhísí sóisialta pobalbhunaithe: 39 persons with GRT will be able to receive new social services or social services based on individual support plans developed within the project, 20 children will receive close to family environment, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children legal representatives or legal representatives of the project or foster families will be able to receive social based social services within SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the event, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children’s legal representatives of the project or legal representatives of the project or foster families will be able to receive social based social services within the framework of the SAM event “deinstitutionalisation” in September, in accordance with the project’s legal supervision and the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive community-based social services within the framework of the SAM measure “deinstitutionalisation”, according to the 2020 project’s legal supervision and the project’s legal representatives.The project’s duration of the project was concluded from the June 2019 project when the project was signed on the project’s approval.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of the September 2021 “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, according to the amendments of the project.On 25th May of the project, the project’s implementation of the project will be concluded on the project’s approval.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of the project.Deinstitutionalisation of the project, according to the September 2020 the project’s legal representatives.The project’s implementation of the project was signed from June 2019, when the project was approved in June.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the event, 46 children with functional disabilities and also the legal representatives of children or children or families of the project will be able to receive social based social services within the framework of the SAM event close to the family environment, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children lawful representatives of the project or according to the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive social based services within the framework of SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, 46 children with functional disabilities and also the legal representatives of children, or the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive community-based social services within the framework of the closing of the SAM within the framework of the conclusion, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children with legal disabilities and also children’s legal representatives.The project’s implementation will be concluded from the project’s approval on June 2019, when the project will be implemented on the basis of the social services within the framework of the SAM event “deinstitutionalisation” within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, 46 children with functional disabilities, as well as the legal representatives of the children or the families of the project.The project Total cost of the project: EUR 1 733 353.84 de: EUR 1 733 353.84Cisteann CFRE 68.88 %: EUR 1 193 995.40 Deontas buiséid Stáit 3.51 %: EUR 60 836.92Buiséad Stáit 3.96 %: EUR 68 590.97 Maoiniú Rialtais 23.65 %: EUR 409 930.55 (Irish)
3 August 2022
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Cilj projekta „Prilagoditev infrastrukture za izvajanje načrta za deinstitucionalizacijo“ je spodbujanje vzpostavitve in razvoja infrastrukture socialnih storitev v občini Daugavpils v skladu z Latgalovim načrtom za deinstitucionalizacijo. Razširitev obsega storitev centra za dnevno varstvo za osebe z motnjami v duševnem razvoju: Vzpostavitev specializiranih delavnic in izboljšanje ozemlja centra za zagotavljanje dostopnosti do okolja (Arhitektu ulica 21, Daugavpils, kemična stanovanjska cona).2. Ustanovitev večfunkcionalnega centra za socialne storitve, ki bo zagotavljal: Dnevni center za otroke s funkcionalnimi motnjami, „prostorski moment“ in storitve socialne rehabilitacije (Turaidas iela 36, Daugavpils, stanovanjsko okrožje Jauno Stropi).3. Obnova otroške hiše – zatočišče za družinsko okolje za zagotavljanje storitve „3 x 8“ za otroke v varstvu zunaj družine (komandanta ulica 3, Daugavpils, stanovanjsko okrožje Zietokšņa). 4. Socialne socialne storitve za osebe z motnjami v duševnem razvoju „Group House (Apartma)“ (18 Novembra iela 354V, Daugavpils) prilagoditev infrastrukture. Načrtovani rezultati projekta: Z izvajanjem projekta po vzpostavitvi ustrezne infrastrukture socialnih storitev v skupnosti: 39 persons with GRT will be able to receive new social services or social services based on individual support plans developed within the project, 20 children will receive close to family environment, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children legal representatives or legal representatives of the project or foster families will be able to receive social based social services within SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the event, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children’s legal representatives of the project or legal representatives of the project or foster families will be able to receive social based social services within the framework of the SAM event “deinstitutionalisation” in September, in accordance with the project’s legal supervision and the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive community-based social services within the framework of the SAM measure “deinstitutionalisation”, according to the 2020 project’s legal supervision and the project’s legal representatives.The project’s duration of the project was concluded from the June 2019 project when the project was signed on the project’s approval.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of the September 2021 “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, according to the amendments of the project.On 25th May of the project, the project’s implementation of the project will be concluded on the project’s approval.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of the project.Deinstitutionalisation of the project, according to the September 2020 the project’s legal representatives.The project’s implementation of the project was signed from June 2019, when the project was approved in June.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the event, 46 children with functional disabilities and also the legal representatives of children or children or families of the project will be able to receive social based social services within the framework of the SAM event close to the family environment, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children lawful representatives of the project or according to the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive social based services within the framework of SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, 46 children with functional disabilities and also the legal representatives of children, or the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive community-based social services within the framework of the closing of the SAM within the framework of the conclusion, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children with legal disabilities and also children’s legal representatives.The project’s implementation will be concluded from the project’s approval on June 2019, when the project will be implemented on the basis of the social services within the framework of the SAM event “deinstitutionalisation” within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, 46 children with functional disabilities, as well as the legal representatives of the children or the families of the project.The project Total cost of the project: 1 733 353,84 EUR, od tega: 1 733 353,84 EUR sredstev ESRR 68,88 %: 193 995,40 EUR državna proračunska pomoč 3,51 %: 60 836,92 EUR Državni proračun 3,96 %: 685 990,97 EUR Vladno financiranje 23,65 %: 4 099 030,55 EUR (Slovenian)
3 August 2022
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Целта на проекта „Приспособяване на инфраструктурата за изпълнение на плана за деинституционализация“ е да насърчи изграждането и развитието на инфраструктура за социални услуги в общността в община Даугавпилс в съответствие с Плана от Латгале за деинституционализация. Разширяване на обхвата на услугите на дневния център за хора с умствени увреждания: Създаване на специализирани работилници и подобряване на територията на центъра за осигуряване на екологична достъпност (Архитекту, ул. „Архитекту“, ул. Даугавпилс, химик жилищен район).2. Създаване на многофункционален център за социални услуги, който да предоставя: Дневен център за деца с функционални разстройства, „космически момент“ и услуги за социална рехабилитация (Turaidas iela 36, Daugavpils, жилищен район Jauno Stropi).3. Възстановяване на детската къща — подслон за семейната среда за предоставяне на услуга „3 х 8“ за деца под грижи извън семейството (команданта улица 3, Daugavpils, Жилищен квартал Zietokšņa). 4. Социално-базирани социални услуги за хора с умствени увреждания „Group House (Апартамент)“ (18 Novembra iela 354V, Daugavpils) инфраструктурно приспособяване. Планирани резултати от проекта: Чрез изпълнение на проекта след създаването на съответната инфраструктура за социални услуги в общността: 39 persons with GRT will be able to receive new social services or social services based on individual support plans developed within the project, 20 children will receive close to family environment, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children legal representatives or legal representatives of the project or foster families will be able to receive social based social services within SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the event, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children’s legal representatives of the project or legal representatives of the project or foster families will be able to receive social based social services within the framework of the SAM event “deinstitutionalisation” in September, in accordance with the project’s legal supervision and the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive community-based social services within the framework of the SAM measure “deinstitutionalisation”, according to the 2020 project’s legal supervision and the project’s legal representatives.The project’s duration of the project was concluded from the June 2019 project when the project was signed on the project’s approval.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of the September 2021 “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, according to the amendments of the project.On 25th May of the project, the project’s implementation of the project will be concluded on the project’s approval.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of the project.Deinstitutionalisation of the project, according to the September 2020 the project’s legal representatives.The project’s implementation of the project was signed from June 2019, when the project was approved in June.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the event, 46 children with functional disabilities and also the legal representatives of children or children or families of the project will be able to receive social based social services within the framework of the SAM event close to the family environment, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children lawful representatives of the project or according to the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive social based services within the framework of SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, 46 children with functional disabilities and also the legal representatives of children, or the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive community-based social services within the framework of the closing of the SAM within the framework of the conclusion, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children with legal disabilities and also children’s legal representatives.The project’s implementation will be concluded from the project’s approval on June 2019, when the project will be implemented on the basis of the social services within the framework of the SAM event “deinstitutionalisation” within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, 46 children with functional disabilities, as well as the legal representatives of the children or the families of the project.The project Total cost of the project: 1 733 353,84 EUR, от които: 1 733 353,84 EUR по ЕФРР се финансират 68,88 %: 193 995,40 EUR безвъзмездни средства от държавния бюджет 3,51 %: 60836,92 EURдържавен бюджет 3,96 %: 68 590,97 EUR правителствено финансиране 23,65 %: 409 930,55 EUR (Bulgarian)
3 August 2022
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L-għan tal-proġett “L-aġġustar tal-infrastruttura għall-implimentazzjoni tal-pjan ta’ deistituzzjonalizzazzjoni” huwa li jippromwovi l-istabbiliment u l-iżvilupp ta’ infrastruttura tas-servizzi soċjali bbażata fil-komunità fil-Muniċipalità tal-Belt ta’ Daugavpils skont il-Pjan ta’ Latgale għall-Pjan ta’ Deistituzzjonalizzazzjoni. Estensjoni tal-firxa ta’ servizzi taċ-ċentru ta’ kura ta’ matul il-jum għal persuni b’diżabilitajiet mentali: Il-ħolqien ta’ workshops speċjalizzati u t-titjib tat-territorju taċ-ċentru biex tiġi żgurata l-aċċessibbiltà ambjentali (Arhitektu triq 21, Daugavpils, żona residenzjali kimika).2. It-twaqqif ta’ ċentru tas-servizzi soċjali multifunzjonali biex jipprovdi: Ċentru ta’ kura matul il-jum għat-tfal b’disturbi funzjonali, “mument spazjali” u servizzi ta’ riabilitazzjoni soċjali (Turaidas iela 36, Daugavpils, distrett residenzjali ta’ Jauno Stropi).3. Bini mill-ġdid tad-dar tat-tfal — kenn għall-ambjent tal-familja biex jipprovdi servizz “3 x 8” għal tfal taħt kura barra mill-familja (komandanta triq 3, Daugavpils, distrett residenzjali Zietokšņa). 4. Servizzi soċjali bbażati fuq is-soċjetà għall-persuni b’diżabilità mentali “Kamra tal-Grupp (Apartment)” (18 Novembra iela 354V, Daugavpils) aġġustament tal-infrastruttura. Riżultati ppjanati tal-proġett: Bl-implimentazzjoni tal-proġett wara l-istabbiliment tal-infrastruttura tas-servizzi soċjali rilevanti bbażata fil-komunità: 39 persons with GRT will be able to receive new social services or social services based on individual support plans developed within the project, 20 children will receive close to family environment, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children legal representatives or legal representatives of the project or foster families will be able to receive social based social services within SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the event, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children’s legal representatives of the project or legal representatives of the project or foster families will be able to receive social based social services within the framework of the SAM event “deinstitutionalisation” in September, in accordance with the project’s legal supervision and the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive community-based social services within the framework of the SAM measure “deinstitutionalisation”, according to the 2020 project’s legal supervision and the project’s legal representatives.The project’s duration of the project was concluded from the June 2019 project when the project was signed on the project’s approval.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of the September 2021 “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, according to the amendments of the project.On 25th May of the project, the project’s implementation of the project will be concluded on the project’s approval.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of the project.Deinstitutionalisation of the project, according to the September 2020 the project’s legal representatives.The project’s implementation of the project was signed from June 2019, when the project was approved in June.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the event, 46 children with functional disabilities and also the legal representatives of children or children or families of the project will be able to receive social based social services within the framework of the SAM event close to the family environment, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children lawful representatives of the project or according to the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive social based services within the framework of SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, 46 children with functional disabilities and also the legal representatives of children, or the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive community-based social services within the framework of the closing of the SAM within the framework of the conclusion, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children with legal disabilities and also children’s legal representatives.The project’s implementation will be concluded from the project’s approval on June 2019, when the project will be implemented on the basis of the social services within the framework of the SAM event “deinstitutionalisation” within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, 46 children with functional disabilities, as well as the legal representatives of the children or the families of the project.The project Total cost of the project: EUR 1 733 353.84 li minnhom: EUR 1 733 353.84Fondi tal-FEŻR 68.88 %: EUR 1 193 995.40 Għotja tal-baġit tal-Ista... (Maltese)
3 August 2022
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O projeto «Ajustar as infraestruturas para a execução do plano de desinstitucionalização» tem por objetivo promover a criação e o desenvolvimento de infraestruturas de serviços sociais de base comunitária no município de Daugavpils, em conformidade com o Plano de Desinstitucionalização de Latgale. Alargamento da gama de serviços do centro de creches para pessoas com deficiência mental: Criação de oficinas especializadas e melhoria do território do centro para garantir a acessibilidade ambiental (rua Arhitektu 21, Daugavpils, área residencial química).2. Criação de um centro de serviços sociais multifuncional para prestar: Creche para crianças com distúrbios funcionais, «momento espacial» e serviços de reabilitação social (Turaidas iela 36, Daugavpils, distrito residencial Jauno Stropi).3. Reconstrução da casa das crianças — abrigo para o ambiente familiar para prestar um serviço «3 x 8» para crianças sob cuidados fora da família (komandanta rua 3, Daugavpils, Zietokšṭa distrito residencial). 4. Serviços sociais de base social para pessoas com deficiência mental «Group House (Andar)» (18 Novembra iela 354V, Daugavpils) ajustamento das infraestruturas. Resultados previstos do projeto: Executando o projeto após a criação da infraestrutura de serviços sociais de base comunitária relevante: 39 persons with GRT will be able to receive new social services or social services based on individual support plans developed within the project, 20 children will receive close to family environment, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children legal representatives or legal representatives of the project or foster families will be able to receive social based social services within SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the event, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children’s legal representatives of the project or legal representatives of the project or foster families will be able to receive social based social services within the framework of the SAM event “deinstitutionalisation” in September, in accordance with the project’s legal supervision and the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive community-based social services within the framework of the SAM measure “deinstitutionalisation”, according to the 2020 project’s legal supervision and the project’s legal representatives.The project’s duration of the project was concluded from the June 2019 project when the project was signed on the project’s approval.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of the September 2021 “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, according to the amendments of the project.On 25th May of the project, the project’s implementation of the project will be concluded on the project’s approval.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of the project.Deinstitutionalisation of the project, according to the September 2020 the project’s legal representatives.The project’s implementation of the project was signed from June 2019, when the project was approved in June.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the event, 46 children with functional disabilities and also the legal representatives of children or children or families of the project will be able to receive social based social services within the framework of the SAM event close to the family environment, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children lawful representatives of the project or according to the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive social based services within the framework of SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, 46 children with functional disabilities and also the legal representatives of children, or the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive community-based social services within the framework of the closing of the SAM within the framework of the conclusion, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children with legal disabilities and also children’s legal representatives.The project’s implementation will be concluded from the project’s approval on June 2019, when the project will be implemented on the basis of the social services within the framework of the SAM event “deinstitutionalisation” within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, 46 children with functional disabilities, as well as the legal representatives of the children or the families of the project.The project Total cost of the project: 1 733 353,84 EUR, dos quais: 1 733 353,84 EUR fundos do FEDER 68,88 %: 1 193 995,40 EUR subvenção do orçamento do Estado 3,51 %: 60 836,92 EUR Orçamento do Estado 3,96 %: 685 990,97 EUR Financiamento do Governo 23,65 %: 409 930,55... (Portuguese)
3 August 2022
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Formålet med projektet "Tilpasning af infrastruktur til gennemførelse af afinstitutionaliseringsplanen" er at fremme etablering og udvikling af samfundsbaseret infrastruktur for sociale tjenester i Daugavpils City kommune i overensstemmelse med Latgale-planen for afinstitutionalisering. Udvidelse af udbuddet af dagplejecentre for personer med mentale handicap: Oprettelse af specialiserede workshops og forbedring af centrets område for at sikre miljøtilgængelighed (Arhitektu street 21, Daugavpils, kemiker boligområde).2. Oprettelse af et multifunktionelt socialt servicecenter, der skal levere: Dagplejecenter for børn med funktionelle lidelser, "rumøjeblikket" og social rehabilitering (Turaidas iela 36, Daugavpils, Jauno Stropi beboelsesområde).3. Genopbygning af børnehuset — husly for familien for at yde en service "3 x 8" for børn under pleje uden for familien (komandanta gade 3, Daugavpils, Zietokšņa boligdistrikt). 4. Sociale sociale tjenester for personer med mentale handicap "Group House (Lejlighed)" (18 Novembra iela 354V, Daugavpils) infrastrukturtilpasning. Planlagte resultater af projektet: Ved at gennemføre projektet efter etableringen af den relevante samfundsbaserede infrastruktur for sociale tjenester: 39 persons with GRT will be able to receive new social services or social services based on individual support plans developed within the project, 20 children will receive close to family environment, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children legal representatives or legal representatives of the project or foster families will be able to receive social based social services within SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the event, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children’s legal representatives of the project or legal representatives of the project or foster families will be able to receive social based social services within the framework of the SAM event “deinstitutionalisation” in September, in accordance with the project’s legal supervision and the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive community-based social services within the framework of the SAM measure “deinstitutionalisation”, according to the 2020 project’s legal supervision and the project’s legal representatives.The project’s duration of the project was concluded from the June 2019 project when the project was signed on the project’s approval.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of the September 2021 “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, according to the amendments of the project.On 25th May of the project, the project’s implementation of the project will be concluded on the project’s approval.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of the project.Deinstitutionalisation of the project, according to the September 2020 the project’s legal representatives.The project’s implementation of the project was signed from June 2019, when the project was approved in June.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the event, 46 children with functional disabilities and also the legal representatives of children or children or families of the project will be able to receive social based social services within the framework of the SAM event close to the family environment, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children lawful representatives of the project or according to the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive social based services within the framework of SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, 46 children with functional disabilities and also the legal representatives of children, or the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive community-based social services within the framework of the closing of the SAM within the framework of the conclusion, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children with legal disabilities and also children’s legal representatives.The project’s implementation will be concluded from the project’s approval on June 2019, when the project will be implemented on the basis of the social services within the framework of the SAM event “deinstitutionalisation” within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, 46 children with functional disabilities, as well as the legal representatives of the children or the families of the project.The project Total cost of the project: 1 733 353,84 EUR heraf: 1 733 353,84 EUR i EFRU-midler 68,88 %: 191 995,40 EUR statsbudgettilskud 3,51 %: 60 836,92 EUR på statsbudgettet 3,96 %: 68590,97 EURstatsstøtte 23,65 %: 409 930,55 EUR (Danish)
3 August 2022
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Scopul proiectului „Adaptarea infrastructurii pentru implementarea planului de dezinstituționalizare” este de a promova crearea și dezvoltarea infrastructurii de servicii sociale comunitare în municipiul Daugavpils, în conformitate cu Planul Latgale pentru Planul de dezinstituționalizare. Extinderea gamei de servicii ale centrului de zi pentru persoanele cu dizabilități mintale: Crearea de ateliere specializate și îmbunătățirea teritoriului centrului pentru a asigura accesibilitatea mediului (str. Arhitektu 21, Daugavpils, zona rezidențială chimistă).2. Înființarea unui centru multifuncțional de servicii sociale care să asigure: Centru de zi pentru copii cu tulburări funcționale, „moment spațial” și servicii de reabilitare socială (Turaidas iela 36, Daugavpils, cartierul rezidențial Jauno Stropi).3. Reconstrucția casei pentru copii – adăpost pentru mediul familial pentru a oferi un serviciu „3 x 8” pentru copiii aflați în îngrijire în afara familiei (stradakomandanta 3, Daugavpils, cartierul rezidențial Zietokšņa). 4. Servicii sociale sociale pentru persoanele cu dizabilități mintale „Group House (Apartament)” (18 Novembra iela 354V, Daugavpils) adaptarea infrastructurii. Rezultatele planificate ale proiectului: Prin punerea în aplicare a proiectului după crearea infrastructurii relevante de servicii sociale comunitare: 39 persons with GRT will be able to receive new social services or social services based on individual support plans developed within the project, 20 children will receive close to family environment, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children legal representatives or legal representatives of the project or foster families will be able to receive social based social services within SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the event, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children’s legal representatives of the project or legal representatives of the project or foster families will be able to receive social based social services within the framework of the SAM event “deinstitutionalisation” in September, in accordance with the project’s legal supervision and the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive community-based social services within the framework of the SAM measure “deinstitutionalisation”, according to the 2020 project’s legal supervision and the project’s legal representatives.The project’s duration of the project was concluded from the June 2019 project when the project was signed on the project’s approval.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of the September 2021 “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, according to the amendments of the project.On 25th May of the project, the project’s implementation of the project will be concluded on the project’s approval.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of the project.Deinstitutionalisation of the project, according to the September 2020 the project’s legal representatives.The project’s implementation of the project was signed from June 2019, when the project was approved in June.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the event, 46 children with functional disabilities and also the legal representatives of children or children or families of the project will be able to receive social based social services within the framework of the SAM event close to the family environment, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children lawful representatives of the project or according to the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive social based services within the framework of SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, 46 children with functional disabilities and also the legal representatives of children, or the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive community-based social services within the framework of the closing of the SAM within the framework of the conclusion, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children with legal disabilities and also children’s legal representatives.The project’s implementation will be concluded from the project’s approval on June 2019, when the project will be implemented on the basis of the social services within the framework of the SAM event “deinstitutionalisation” within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, 46 children with functional disabilities, as well as the legal representatives of the children or the families of the project.The project Total cost of the project: 1 733 353,84 EUR din care: 1 373 353,84 EUR fonduri din FEDR 68,88 %: 193 995,40 EUR subvenție de la bugetul de stat 3,51 %: 60 836,92 EUR buget de stat 3,96 %: 68 590,97 EUR Finanțare guvernamen... (Romanian)
3 August 2022
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Syftet med projektet ”Anpassa infrastruktur för genomförandet av avinstitutionaliseringsplanen” är att främja inrättandet och utvecklingen av samhällsbaserad infrastruktur för sociala tjänster i Daugavpils kommun i enlighet med Latgale-planen för avinstitutionalisering. Utvidgning av utbudet av tjänster vid daghemmet för personer med psykiska funktionsnedsättningar: Inrättande av specialiserade verkstäder och förbättring av centrumets territorium för att säkerställa miljötillgänglighet (Arhitektu street 21, Daugavpils, kemist bostadsområde).2. Inrättande av ett multifunktionellt socialtjänstcentrum för att tillhandahålla Daghem för barn med funktionsstörningar, ”rymdögonblick” och social rehabilitering (Turaidas iela 36, Daugavpils, bostadsområdet Jauno Stropi).3. Ombyggnad av barnhuset – skydd för familjemiljön för att tillhandahålla en tjänst ”3 x 8” för barn under omhändertagande utanför familjen (komandanta gata 3, Daugavpils, Zietokšņa bostadsområde). 4. Socialbaserade sociala tjänster för personer med psykiska funktionshinder ”Grupphus (lägenhet)” (18 Novembra iela 354V, Daugavpils) infrastrukturanpassning. Planerade resultat av projektet: Genom att genomföra projektet efter inrättandet av den relevanta samhällsbaserade infrastrukturen för sociala tjänster: 39 persons with GRT will be able to receive new social services or social services based on individual support plans developed within the project, 20 children will receive close to family environment, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children legal representatives or legal representatives of the project or foster families will be able to receive social based social services within SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the event, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children’s legal representatives of the project or legal representatives of the project or foster families will be able to receive social based social services within the framework of the SAM event “deinstitutionalisation” in September, in accordance with the project’s legal supervision and the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive community-based social services within the framework of the SAM measure “deinstitutionalisation”, according to the 2020 project’s legal supervision and the project’s legal representatives.The project’s duration of the project was concluded from the June 2019 project when the project was signed on the project’s approval.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of the September 2021 “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, according to the amendments of the project.On 25th May of the project, the project’s implementation of the project will be concluded on the project’s approval.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of the project.Deinstitutionalisation of the project, according to the September 2020 the project’s legal representatives.The project’s implementation of the project was signed from June 2019, when the project was approved in June.The implementation of the project will be concluded within the framework of SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the event, 46 children with functional disabilities and also the legal representatives of children or children or families of the project will be able to receive social based social services within the framework of the SAM event close to the family environment, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children lawful representatives of the project or according to the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive social based services within the framework of SAM within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, 46 children with functional disabilities and also the legal representatives of children, or the project’s legal representatives or foster families will be able to receive community-based social services within the framework of the closing of the SAM within the framework of the conclusion, 46 children with functional disabilities and also children with legal disabilities and also children’s legal representatives.The project’s implementation will be concluded from the project’s approval on June 2019, when the project will be implemented on the basis of the social services within the framework of the SAM event “deinstitutionalisation” within the framework of the “deinstitutionalisation” of the project, 46 children with functional disabilities, as well as the legal representatives of the children or the families of the project.The project Total cost of the project: 17 333 353,84 EUR, varav: 17 333 353,84 EUR från Eruf 68,88 %: 193 995,40 EUR i statsbudgetbidrag 3,51 %: 60836,92 EURStatlig budget 3,96 %: 68 590,97 EUR Offentlig finansiering 23,65 %: 409 930,55 EUR (Swedish)
3 August 2022
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Arhitektu iela 21, Daugavpils, LV-5410
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Turaidas iela 36, Daugavpils, LV-5417
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Komandanta iela 3, Daugavpils, LV-5401
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18. novembra iela 354V, Daugavpils, LV-5413
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