“Maintenance of technical base and infrastructure of Daugavpils State Gymnasium” (Q3057684)
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Project Q3057684 in Latvia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | “Maintenance of technical base and infrastructure of Daugavpils State Gymnasium” |
Project Q3057684 in Latvia |
1,471,656.0 Euro
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2,328,431.25 Euro
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63.2 percent
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7 June 2018
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30 November 2020
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Projekta mērķis: Daugavpils Valsts ģimnāzijas izglītības infrastruktūras attīstība, kas sekmēs plānoto kompetenču pieejā balstītā vispārējās izglītības satura pakāpenisku ieviešanu.Projekta aktivitātes:1.Ergonomiskas mācību vides izveide, atjaunojot ēkā inženiertīklus (ventilācija, apkures sistēma, apgaismojums) un veicot telpu remontu2.Informācijas un komunikāciju tehnoloģiju risinājumu ieviešana un aprīkojuma iegāde3.Ergonomisku mācību mēbeļu iegāde4.Izglītības iestādes sporta infrastruktūras modernizācija5.Reģionālā metodiskā centra telpu aprīkojums (attīstība)6.Izglītības iestādes pielāgošana personām ar īpašām vajadzībām.Projekta plānotie rezultāti:1.Ergonomiskas mācību vides izveide, atjaunojot ēkā inženiertīklus (ventilācijas, apkures sistēmas, apgaismojuma) un veicot telpu remontu;2.Informācijas un komunikāciju tehnoloģiju risinājumu ieviešana un aprīkojuma iegāde - 1 kompl.;3.Ergonomisku mācību mēbeļu iegāde – 1 kompl.;4.Izglītības iestādes sporta infrastruktūras modernizācija;5.Reģionālā metodiskā centra izveide;6.Izglītības iestādes pielāgošana personām ar īpašām vajadzībām (izbūvēts lifts un diagonālais pacēlājs), tādejādi nodrošinot vides pieejamību.Projekta ietvaros jau ir uzsākti būvdarbi.Projekta ilgums: 30 mēneši no 2018.gada jūnija līdz 2020.gada 30.novembrim.Projekta kopējās izmaksas: EUR 3 898 046.40, no tām attiecināmās: 2 328 431.25 EUR. ERAF finansējums 63.20% -1 471 656.00 EUR; Daugavpils pilsētas domes līdzfinansējums - 599 742.67 EUR, Valsts budžeta dotācija - 257 032.58 EUR. Neattiecināmās izmaksas: 1 569 615.15 EUR. (Latvian)
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The aim of the project shall be: Development of education infrastructure at Daugavpils State Gymnasium that will promote the gradual introduction of general education content based on the approach of the planned competence.Project activities:1.Ergonomic learning environment through renovation of engineering networks in the building (ventilation, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes3.Ergonomic learning furniture purchase.2.Ergonomic training facilities modernisation of the sports infrastructure5.The regional method of the centre’s premises (development)6.Electoral body implementation and acquisition of equipment for the convenience of the building (Ergonomical learning furniture), 4.Development of education institution sports infrastructure modernisation.5.Regional method of the centre’s premises (development)6.Profescation of communication solutions in the building; Ergonomic system for adjustment of utilities for persons.2.Electoral for the modernisation of the education infrastructure.2.Electronal design of the premises (development)6.Profession of solutions for special purposes;Curveiling of environal learning.3.Ergonomic learning furniture within the framework of the education institution modernisation of the infrastructure of the education.5.Regional method of the centre (development of the room (development)6.Profescation of solutions for special purposes; Ergonomic system for adjustment of premises in the building.Curveiling of the educational infrastructure.2.Education of the educational system for persons, the modernisation of the infrastructure of education and training.2.Information and communication technology solution implementation and purchase of equipment for special purposes.3.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Development of the educational infrastructure of an educational institution through renovation of premises in the building (renovation, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.3.Ergonomical learning furniture for persons.Development of the educational infrastructure of an educational institution through renovation of premises (development, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Education institution’s sports infrastructure modernisation5.Regionological method of the centre’s premises (development)6.Provincation and communication technology solutions and acquisition of equipment for the building.Profesclining of economical learning furniture4.Development of an educational infrastructure in the building.Creating of engineering networks in the building (ventilation, heating system, lighting)2.Information and communication technology solutions implementation and purchase of equipment for special purposes3.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Development of educational infrastructure in the building (Educational design, heating system, lighting)2.Information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes;Buyouting of an economical training.Buyout of an energistical for persons4.Education of the sports facilities modernisation of the educational infrastructure.5.Regional design of the premises in the centre (development)2.Establishment of solutions for special communications and equipment.Provincing of a gymboat.Purchase of an ergonomic learning environment through the restoration of engineering networks in the building (ventilation, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.Professional for the purchase of eco— 30 months from June 2018 to November 30, 2020.Project total costs: EUR 3 898 046.40, of which: EUR 2328431.25 ERDF funding 63.20 % – EUR 1471656.00; Daugavpils City Council co-financing – EUR 599742.67, State budget grant – EUR 257032.58. ineligible costs: EUR 1569615.15 (English)
15 July 2021
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Objectif du projet: Développement de l’infrastructure éducative du gymnase d’État de Daugavpils, qui contribuera à l’introduction progressive du contenu éducatif général basé sur l’approche des compétences prévues.Projet aktivitātes:1.Ergonomiskas développement de l’environnement éducatif par la rénovation des réseaux d’ingénierie (ventilation, chauffage, éclairage) dans la construction et la réparation des locaux2. Mise en œuvre de solutions technologiques de l’information et de la communication et achat d’équipements3. Achat de mobilier de formation ergonomique4. Modernisation des infrastructures sportives de l’établissement d’enseignement5.Équipement des locaux du centre méthodologique régional (développement)6.Adaptation de l’établissement d’enseignement aux personnes ayant des besoins particuliers.Projet rezultāti:1.Ergonomiskas développement de l’environnement de formation, rénovation des réseaux d’ingénierie (ventilation, chauffage, éclairage) dans la construction et la réparation des locaux;2.Mise en œuvre de solutions technologiques de l’information et de la communication et achat d’équipements — 1 set;3.Achat de mobilier de formation ergonomique — 1 comp.;4.Modification des infrastructures sportives des établissements d’enseignement;5.Développement du centre méthodologique régional;6.Adaptation de l’établissement d’enseignement aux personnes ayant des besoins particuliers (ascenseur construit et ascenseur diagonal), assurant ainsi l’accessibilité de l’environnement.Le projet a déjà commencé les travaux de construction.La durée du projet: 30 mois de juin 2018 au 30 novembre 2020.Le coût total du projet: 3 898 046,40 EUR, dont éligibles: 2 328 431,25 EUR. Financement du FEDER 63,20 % — 1 417 656,00 EUR; Cofinancement du conseil municipal de Daugavpils — 599 742,67 EUR, subvention du budget de l’État — 257 032,58 EUR. 1 569 615,15 EUR. (French)
25 November 2021
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Ziel des Projekts: Entwicklung der Bildungsinfrastruktur des staatlichen Gymnasiums Daugavpils, das zur schrittweisen Einführung allgemeiner Bildungsinhalte auf der Grundlage des geplanten Kompetenzansatzes beitragen wird.Projekt aktivitātes:1.Ergonomiskas Entwicklung des Bildungsumfeldes durch Renovierung von Ingenieurnetzen (Belüftung, Heizung, Beleuchtung) im Gebäude und Reparatur der Räumlichkeiten2. Umsetzung von Lösungen für Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien und Kauf von Geräten3. Erwerb ergonomischer Ausbildungsmöbel4. Modernisierung der Sportinfrastruktur der Bildungseinrichtung5.Ausstattung der regionalen methodischen Zentren (Entwicklung)6.Anpassung der Bildungseinrichtung an Personen mit besonderen Bedürfnissen.Projektplanung rezultāti:1.Ergonomiskas Entwicklung des Ausbildungsumfeldes, Renovierung von technischen Netzen (Belüftung, Heizung, Beleuchtung) im Gebäude und in der Reparatur von Räumlichkeiten;2.Implementierung von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologielösungen und Kauf von Geräten – 1 Satz;3.Ergonomische Ausbildungsmöbelkauf – 1 Komp.;4.Bildungseinrichtung Sportinfrastruktur Modernisierung;5.Entwicklung des regionalen methodischen Zentrums;6.Anpassung der Bildungseinrichtung an Personen mit besonderen Bedürfnissen (Bauaufzug und Diagonallift), so dass die Zugänglichkeit der Umwelt gewährleistet.Das Projekt hat bereits mit Bauarbeiten begonnen.Die Dauer des Projekts: 30 Monate von Juni 2018 bis 30. November 2020.Die Gesamtkosten des Projekts: 3 898 046,40 EUR, davon förderfähig: 2 328 431,25 EUR. EFRE-Mittel 63,20 % – 1 417 666,00 EUR; Kofinanzierung des Stadtrates von Daugavpils – 599 742,67 EUR, Zuschuss aus dem Staatshaushalt – 257 032,58 EUR. 1 569 615,15 EUR. (German)
28 November 2021
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Doel van het project: Ontwikkeling van de onderwijsinfrastructuur van Daugavpils State Gymnasium, die zal bijdragen aan de geleidelijke invoering van algemene educatieve inhoud op basis van de geplande competentie aanpak.Project aktivitātes:1.Ergonomiskas ontwikkeling van de onderwijsomgeving door het renoveren van technische netwerken (ventilatie, verwarmingssysteem, verlichting) in het gebouw en reparatie van de gebouwen2. Uitvoering van informatie- en communicatietechnologie oplossingen en aankoop van apparatuur3. Aankoop van ergonomisch opleidingsmeubilair4. Modernisering van de sport-infrastructuur van de onderwijsinstelling5.Equipment van de regionale methodologische centrum gebouwen (ontwikkeling)6.Aanpassing van de onderwijsinstelling aan personen met speciale behoeften.Project gepland rezultāti:1.Ergonomiskas ontwikkeling van de opleidingsomgeving, renovatie van technische netwerken (ventilatie, verwarming, verlichting) in de bouw en reparatie van gebouwen;2.Tenuitvoerlegging van informatie- en communicatietechnologie oplossingen en aankoop van apparatuur — 1 set;3.Ergonomische opleiding meubilair aankoop — 1 comp.;4.Onderwijsinstelling modernisering van de sportinfrastructuur;5.Ontwikkeling van het regionale methodologische centrum;6.Aanpassing van de onderwijsinstelling aan personen met speciale behoeften (gebouwde lift en diagonale lift), waardoor de toegankelijkheid van de omgeving.Het project is al begonnen met de bouw.De duur van het project: 30 maanden van juni 2018 tot en met 30 november 2020.De totale kosten van het project: 3 898 046,40 EUR, waarvan subsidiabel: 2 328 431,25 EUR. EFRO-financiering 63,20 % — 1417656,00; EUR; Medefinanciering van Daugavpils — 599 742,67 EUR, overheidssubsidie — 257 032,58 EUR. 1 569 615,15 EUR. (Dutch)
28 November 2021
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Obiettivo del progetto: Sviluppo dell'infrastruttura educativa del Daugavpils State Gymnasium, che contribuirà alla graduale introduzione di contenuti educativi generali sulla base dell'approccio di competenza pianificato.Progetto aktivitātes:1.Ergonomiskas sviluppo dell'ambiente educativo mediante la ristrutturazione di reti di ingegneria (ventilazione, riscaldamento, illuminazione) nell'edificio e riparazione dei locali2. Realizzazione di soluzioni di tecnologia dell'informazione e della comunicazione e acquisto di attrezzature3. Acquisto di mobili per la formazione ergonomica4. Ammodernamento delle infrastrutture sportive dell'istituto educativo5.Attrezzatura dei locali del centro metodologico regionale (sviluppo)6.Adattamento dell'istituto educativo a persone con esigenze particolari.Progetto previsto rezultāti:1.Ergonomiskas sviluppo dell'ambiente formativo, ristrutturazione di reti di ingegneria (ventilazione, impianti di riscaldamento, illuminazione) nella costruzione e riparazione dei locali;2.Attuazione di soluzioni di tecnologia dell'informazione e della comunicazione e acquisto di attrezzature — 1 set;3.Ergonomia formazione acquisto mobili — 1 comp.;4.Educazione ammodernamento delle infrastrutture sportive;5.Sviluppo del centro metodologico regionale;6.Adattamento dell'istituto educativo alle persone con esigenze particolari (ascensore costruito e ascensore diagonale), garantendo così l'accessibilità dell'ambiente.Il progetto ha già iniziato i lavori di costruzione.La durata del progetto: 30 mesi da giugno 2018 al 30 novembre 2020.Il costo totale del progetto: 3 898 046,40 EUR, di cui ammissibili: 2 328 431,25 EUR. Finanziamento FESR 63,20 % — EUR 1417656,00; Cofinanziamento del Consiglio comunale di Daugavpils — 599 742,67 EUR, sovvenzione di bilancio dello Stato — 257 032,58 EUR. 1 569 615,15 EUR. (Italian)
11 January 2022
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Objetivo del proyecto: Desarrollo de la infraestructura educativa del Gimnasio Estatal Daugavpils, que contribuirá a la introducción gradual de contenidos educativos generales basados en el enfoque de competencias previstas.Proyecto aktivitātes:1.Ergonomiskas desarrollo del entorno educativo mediante la renovación de las redes de ingeniería (ventilación, sistema de calefacción, iluminación) en la construcción y reparación de los locales2. Aplicación de soluciones de tecnología de la información y la comunicación y compra de equipos3. Compra de mobiliario de formación ergonómica4. Modernización de la infraestructura deportiva de la institución educativa5.Equipamiento de las instalaciones del centro metodológico regional (desarrollo)6.Adaptación de la institución educativa a personas con necesidades especiales.Proyecto: desarrollo del entorno de formación, renovación de redes de ingeniería (ventilación, sistemas de calefacción, iluminación) en la construcción y reparación de locales;2.Aplicación de soluciones de tecnología de la información y la comunicación y compra de equipos — 1 conjunto;3.Compra de mobiliario de formación económica — 1 comp.;4.Institucion de educación modernización de la infraestructura deportiva;5.Desarrollo del centro metodológico regional;6.Adaptación de la institución educativa a personas con necesidades especiales (ascensor construido y ascensor diagonal), asegurando así la accesibilidad del medio ambiente.El proyecto ya ha comenzado las obras de construcción.La duración del proyecto: 30 meses desde junio de 2018 hasta el 30 de noviembre de 2020.El coste total del proyecto: 3 898 046,40 EUR, de los cuales: 2 328 431,25 EUR. Financiación del FEDER 63,20 % — 1 417 656,00 EUR; Cofinanciación del Ayuntamiento de Daugavpils — 599 742,67 EUR, subvención del presupuesto estatal — 257 032,58 EUR. 1569615,15,15 EUR. (Spanish)
12 January 2022
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Projekti eesmärk on: Hariduse infrastruktuuri arendamine Daugavpils State Gümnaasiumis, mis edendab üldhariduse sisu järkjärgulist kasutuselevõttu kavandatud pädevuse lähenemisviisi alusel.Projekt activities:1.Ergonomic õpikeskkond hoone insenerivõrkude renoveerimise kaudu (ventilatsioon, küttesüsteem, valgustus)2.Info- ja kommunikatsioonitehnoloogia lahenduste kasutuselevõtt ja eriotstarbeliste seadmete ostmine3.Ergonoomilise õppemööbli ostmine.2.Ergonoomilised koolitusrajatised sporditaristu moderniseerimine5.Keskkonna ruumide piirkondlik meetod (arendamine)6.Elektoraalne organi rakendamine ja seadmete soetamine hoone mugavuse tagamiseks (Ergonoomiline õppemööbel), 4. Haridusasutuste spordiinfrastruktuuride arendamine6.Spordiinfrastruktuuride arendamine6. Ergonoomiline süsteem inimestele mõeldud kommunaalteenuste kohandamiseks.2.Elektoraalne haridustaristu moderniseerimine.2.Elektrooniline ruumide projekteerimine (arendamine)6.Eriotstarbeliste lahenduste väljatöötamine;Keskkonnaõppe arendamine.3.Ergonoomilise õppe mööbel haridusasutuse infrastruktuuri moderniseerimise raames.5.Keskkonna piirkondlik meetod (ruumi arendamine (arendamine)6.lahenduste väljaarendamine eriotstarbel; Ergonomic system for adjustment of premises in the building.Curveiling of the educational infrastructure.2.Education of the educational system for persons, the modernisation of the infrastructure of education and training.2.Information and communication technology solution implementation and purchase of equipment for special purposes.3.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Development of the educational infrastructure of an educational institution through renovation of premises in the building (renovation, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.3.Ergonomical learning furniture for persons.Development of the educational infrastructure of an educational institution through renovation of premises (development, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Education institution’s sports infrastructure modernisation5.Regionological method of the centre’s premises (development)6.Provincation and communication technology solutions and acquisition of equipment for the building.Profesclining of economical learning furniture4.Development of an educational infrastructure in the building.Creating of engineering networks in the building (ventilation, heating system, lighting)2.Information and communication technology solutions implementation and purchase of equipment for special purposes3.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Development of educational infrastructure in the building (Educational design, heating system, lighting)2.Information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes;Buyouting of an economical training.Buyout of an energistical for persons4.Education of the sports facilities modernisation of the educational infrastructure.5.Regional design of the premises in the centre (development)2.Establishment of solutions for special communications and equipment.Provincing of a gymboat.Purchase of an ergonomic learning environment through the restoration of engineering networks in the building (ventilation, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.Professional for the purchase of eco— 30 months from June 2018 to November 30, 2020.Project total costs: 3 898 046,40 eurot, millest: 2328431,25 eurot ERFist 63,20 % – 1471656,00 eurot; Daugavpilsi linnavolikogu kaasrahastamine – 599742,67 eurot, riigieelarve toetus – 257032,58 eurot. Abikõlbmatud kulud: 1569615,15 EUROT (Estonian)
3 August 2022
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Projekto tikslas yra: Daugpilio valstybinės gimnazijos švietimo infrastruktūros plėtra, kuri skatins laipsnišką bendrojo lavinimo turinio įdiegimą pagal planuojamos kompetencijos metodą.Projektas activities:1.Ergonomic mokymosi aplinka renovuojant inžinerinius tinklus pastate (ventiliacija, šildymo sistema, apšvietimas)2.Informacinių ir ryšių technologijų sprendimų įdiegimas ir specialios paskirties įrangos įsigijimas3.Ergonominis mokomųjų baldų pirkimas.2.Ergonominis mokymas, sporto infrastruktūros modernizavimas5.Centro patalpų (plėtros) regioninis metodas (plėtra)6.Elektronominių įstaigų įdiegimas ir įrangos, skirtos pastato patogumui, įsigijimas (Ergonominiai mokymosi baldai), 4.Ergonominių mokomųjų baldų pirkimas.2.Ergonominis mokymas, sporto infrastruktūros modernizavimas5.Regioninis centro patalpų modernizavimas. Ergonominė komunalinių paslaugų žmonėms pritaikymo sistema.2.Ergonominiai mokymosi baldai švietimo infrastruktūros modernizavimo sistemoje.2.Patalpų elektroninis projektavimas (kūrimas)6.Specialiems tikslams skirtų sprendimų profesionalumas;Environalinio mokymosi projektavimas.3.Ergonominiai mokymosi baldai švietimo įstaigos švietimo infrastruktūros modernizavimo sistemoje.5.Regioninis centro metodas (patalpos (plėtros) kūrimas)6.Specialiems tikslams skirtų sprendimų profesionalumas; Ergonomic system for adjustment of premises in the building.Curveiling of the educational infrastructure.2.Education of the educational system for persons, the modernisation of the infrastructure of education and training.2.Information and communication technology solution implementation and purchase of equipment for special purposes.3.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Development of the educational infrastructure of an educational institution through renovation of premises in the building (renovation, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.3.Ergonomical learning furniture for persons.Development of the educational infrastructure of an educational institution through renovation of premises (development, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Education institution’s sports infrastructure modernisation5.Regionological method of the centre’s premises (development)6.Provincation and communication technology solutions and acquisition of equipment for the building.Profesclining of economical learning furniture4.Development of an educational infrastructure in the building.Creating of engineering networks in the building (ventilation, heating system, lighting)2.Information and communication technology solutions implementation and purchase of equipment for special purposes3.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Development of educational infrastructure in the building (Educational design, heating system, lighting)2.Information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes;Buyouting of an economical training.Buyout of an energistical for persons4.Education of the sports facilities modernisation of the educational infrastructure.5.Regional design of the premises in the centre (development)2.Establishment of solutions for special communications and equipment.Provincing of a gymboat.Purchase of an ergonomic learning environment through the restoration of engineering networks in the building (ventilation, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.Professional for the purchase of eco— 30 months from June 2018 to November 30, 2020.Project total costs: 3 898 046,40 EUR, iš kurių: 2 328 431,25 EUR ERPF finansavimas 63,20 proc. – 1 471 656,00 EUR; Daugpilio miesto tarybos bendras finansavimas – 599 742,67 EUR, valstybės biudžeto dotacija – 257 032,58 EUR. Netinkamos finansuoti išlaidos: 1 569 615,15 EUR (Lithuanian)
3 August 2022
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Cilj projekta je: Razvoj obrazovne infrastrukture u Državnoj gimnaziji Daugavpils koja će promicati postupno uvođenje sadržaja općeg obrazovanja na temelju pristupa planirane kompetencije.Projekt activities:1.Ergonomic okruženje za učenje kroz obnovu inženjerskih mreža u zgradi (ventilacija, sustav grijanja, rasvjeta)2.Uvođenje rješenja informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije i kupnja opreme za posebne namjene3. Kupnja namještaja za ergonomsko učenje.2.Ergonomski objekti za obuku modernizacija sportske infrastrukture5.Regionalna metoda prostorija centra (razvoj)6.Provedba izbornog tijela i nabava opreme za praktičnost zgrade (Ergonomski namještaj za učenje), 4.Razvoj obrazovnih ustanova modernizacija sportske infrastrukture.5.Regionalna metoda izgradnje prostora centra (razvoj) Ergonomski sustav za podešavanje komunalnih usluga za osobe.2.Izbor za modernizaciju obrazovne infrastrukture.2.Elektronski dizajn prostora (razvoj)6.Profesionalnost rješenja za posebne namjene;Istraživanje environalnog učenja.3.Ergonomski namještaj za učenje u okviru modernizacije obrazovne ustanove infrastrukture obrazovanja.5.Regionalna metoda centra (razvoj prostorije (razvoj)6.Razvoj rješenja za posebne namjene; Ergonomic system for adjustment of premises in the building.Curveiling of the educational infrastructure.2.Education of the educational system for persons, the modernisation of the infrastructure of education and training.2.Information and communication technology solution implementation and purchase of equipment for special purposes.3.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Development of the educational infrastructure of an educational institution through renovation of premises in the building (renovation, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.3.Ergonomical learning furniture for persons.Development of the educational infrastructure of an educational institution through renovation of premises (development, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Education institution’s sports infrastructure modernisation5.Regionological method of the centre’s premises (development)6.Provincation and communication technology solutions and acquisition of equipment for the building.Profesclining of economical learning furniture4.Development of an educational infrastructure in the building.Creating of engineering networks in the building (ventilation, heating system, lighting)2.Information and communication technology solutions implementation and purchase of equipment for special purposes3.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Development of educational infrastructure in the building (Educational design, heating system, lighting)2.Information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes;Buyouting of an economical training.Buyout of an energistical for persons4.Education of the sports facilities modernisation of the educational infrastructure.5.Regional design of the premises in the centre (development)2.Establishment of solutions for special communications and equipment.Provincing of a gymboat.Purchase of an ergonomic learning environment through the restoration of engineering networks in the building (ventilation, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.Professional for the purchase of eco— 30 months from June 2018 to November 30, 2020.Project total costs: 3 898 046,40 EUR, od čega: 2 328 431,25 EUR financijskih sredstava iz EFRR-a 63,20 % – 1 471 656,00 EUR; Sufinanciranje Gradskog vijeća Daugavpilsa – 599 742,67 EUR, državna proračunska sredstva – 257 032,58 EUR. neprihvatljivi troškovi: 1 569 615,15 EUR (Croatian)
3 August 2022
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Στόχος του έργου είναι: Ανάπτυξη εκπαιδευτικών υποδομών στο Κρατικό Γυμνάσιο Daugavpils που θα προωθήσει τη σταδιακή εισαγωγή γενικού εκπαιδευτικού περιεχομένου με βάση την προσέγγιση της προβλεπόμενης ικανότητας.Σχέδιο activities:1.Ergonomic μαθησιακό περιβάλλον μέσω της ανακαίνισης των δικτύων μηχανικής στο κτίριο (αεροπορισμός, σύστημα θέρμανσης, φωτισμός)2.Εισαγωγή λύσεων τεχνολογίας πληροφοριών και επικοινωνιών και αγορά εξοπλισμού για ειδικούς σκοπούς3.Εργονομική αγορά επίπλων μάθησης.2.Εργονομικός εκσυγχρονισμός των αθλητικών υποδομών5.Η περιφερειακή μέθοδος των εγκαταστάσεων του κέντρου (ανάπτυξη)6.Εφαρμογή εκπαιδευτικών φορέων και απόκτηση εξοπλισμού για την διευκόλυνση του κτιρίου (Εργονομικός εκπαιδευτικός εξοπλισμός), 4.Ανάπτυξη κέντρων εκπαίδευσης στον εκσυγχρονισμό των εγκαταστάσεων. Εργονομικό σύστημα για την προσαρμογή των επιχειρήσεων κοινής ωφέλειας για άτομα.2.Εκλογικό για τον εκσυγχρονισμό της εκπαιδευτικής υποδομής.2.Ηλεκτρονικός σχεδιασμός των εγκαταστάσεων (ανάπτυξη)6.Επαγγελματισμός λύσεων για ειδικούς σκοπούς-Καταπολέμηση της περιβαλλοντικής μάθησης.3.Εργονομικά έπιπλα μάθησης στο πλαίσιο του εκσυγχρονισμού των εκπαιδευτικών ιδρυμάτων της υποδομής της εκπαίδευσης.5.Περιφερειακή μέθοδος του κέντρου (ανάπτυξη)6.Κατάρτιση λύσεων για ειδικούς σκοπούς· Ergonomic system for adjustment of premises in the building.Curveiling of the educational infrastructure.2.Education of the educational system for persons, the modernisation of the infrastructure of education and training.2.Information and communication technology solution implementation and purchase of equipment for special purposes.3.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Development of the educational infrastructure of an educational institution through renovation of premises in the building (renovation, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.3.Ergonomical learning furniture for persons.Development of the educational infrastructure of an educational institution through renovation of premises (development, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Education institution’s sports infrastructure modernisation5.Regionological method of the centre’s premises (development)6.Provincation and communication technology solutions and acquisition of equipment for the building.Profesclining of economical learning furniture4.Development of an educational infrastructure in the building.Creating of engineering networks in the building (ventilation, heating system, lighting)2.Information and communication technology solutions implementation and purchase of equipment for special purposes3.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Development of educational infrastructure in the building (Educational design, heating system, lighting)2.Information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes;Buyouting of an economical training.Buyout of an energistical for persons4.Education of the sports facilities modernisation of the educational infrastructure.5.Regional design of the premises in the centre (development)2.Establishment of solutions for special communications and equipment.Provincing of a gymboat.Purchase of an ergonomic learning environment through the restoration of engineering networks in the building (ventilation, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.Professional for the purchase of eco— 30 months from June 2018 to November 30, 2020.Project total costs: 3 898 046,40 EUR, εκ των οποίων: 2 328 431,25 EUR χρηματοδότηση από το ΕΤΠΑ 63,20 % — 1 471 656 EUR· Συγχρηματοδότηση του δημοτικού συμβουλίου Daugavpils — 599 742,67 EUR, επιχορήγηση κρατικού προϋπολογισμού — 257 032,58 EUR. μη επιλέξιμες δαπάνες: 1 569 615,15 EUR (Greek)
3 August 2022
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Cieľom projektu je: Rozvoj vzdelávacej infraštruktúry v Daugavpils State Gymnasium, ktoré bude podporovať postupné zavádzanie všeobecného vzdelávacieho obsahu na základe prístupu plánovanej kompetencie.Projekt activities:1.Ergonomic vzdelávacie prostredie prostredníctvom renovácie inžinierskych sietí v budove (vetranie, vykurovací systém, osvetlenie)2.Zavedenie riešení informačných a komunikačných technológií a nákup zariadení na špeciálne účely3.Ergonomický vzdelávací nábytok purchase.2.Ergonomic tréningové zariadenia modernizácia športovej infraštruktúry5.Regionálna metóda priestorov (vývoj) strediska (rozvoj)6.Vykonávanie volebného telesa a získavanie zariadení pre pohodlie budovy (Ergonomický vzdelávací nábytok), 4.Rozvoj vzdelávacích zariadení v modernizácii športovej infraštruktúry vzdelávacieho zariadenia (vývoj infraštruktúry vzdelávacieho zariadenia).5. Ergonomický systém pre prispôsobovanie inžinierskych sietí pre osoby.2.Voľba pre modernizáciu vzdelávacej infraštruktúry.2.Elektronálny dizajn priestorov (vývoj)6.Profesionálne riešenia na osobitné účely;Konštrukcia environálneho učenia.3.Ergonomický vzdelávací nábytok v rámci modernizácie vzdelávacej inštitúcie infraštruktúry vzdelávania.5.Regionálna metóda centra (vývoj miestnosti (vývoj)6.Profescácia riešení na osobitné účely; Ergonomic system for adjustment of premises in the building.Curveiling of the educational infrastructure.2.Education of the educational system for persons, the modernisation of the infrastructure of education and training.2.Information and communication technology solution implementation and purchase of equipment for special purposes.3.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Development of the educational infrastructure of an educational institution through renovation of premises in the building (renovation, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.3.Ergonomical learning furniture for persons.Development of the educational infrastructure of an educational institution through renovation of premises (development, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Education institution’s sports infrastructure modernisation5.Regionological method of the centre’s premises (development)6.Provincation and communication technology solutions and acquisition of equipment for the building.Profesclining of economical learning furniture4.Development of an educational infrastructure in the building.Creating of engineering networks in the building (ventilation, heating system, lighting)2.Information and communication technology solutions implementation and purchase of equipment for special purposes3.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Development of educational infrastructure in the building (Educational design, heating system, lighting)2.Information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes;Buyouting of an economical training.Buyout of an energistical for persons4.Education of the sports facilities modernisation of the educational infrastructure.5.Regional design of the premises in the centre (development)2.Establishment of solutions for special communications and equipment.Provincing of a gymboat.Purchase of an ergonomic learning environment through the restoration of engineering networks in the building (ventilation, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.Professional for the purchase of eco— 30 months from June 2018 to November 30, 2020.Project total costs: 3 898 046,40 EUR, z toho: 2 328 431,25 EUR z EFRR na financovanie 63,20 % – 1 471 656,00 EUR; Spolufinancovanie mestskej rady Daugavpils – 599 742,67 EUR, grant zo štátneho rozpočtu – 257 032,58 EUR. neoprávnené náklady: 1 569 615,15 EUR (Slovak)
3 August 2022
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Hankkeen tavoitteena on Koulutusinfrastruktuurin kehittäminen Daugavpilsin osavaltion Gymnasiumissa, joka edistää yleissivistävän koulutuksen sisällön asteittaista käyttöönottoa suunnitellun osaamisen lähestymistavan pohjalta.Projekti activities:1.Ergonomic oppimisympäristö kunnostamalla rakennusteknisiä verkkoja (ilmanvaihto, lämmitysjärjestelmä, valaistus)2.Tiedotus- ja viestintätekniikkaratkaisujen käyttöönotto ja laitteiden hankinta erityistarkoituksiin3.Ergonomiset oppimiskalusteiden hankinta.2.Ergonominen koulutuslaitosten nykyaikaistaminen urheiluinfrastruktuuria5.Keskuskeskuksen tilojen alueellinen menetelmä (kehitys)6.Vaalilaitoksen toteutus ja laitteiden hankinta rakennuksen mukavuutta varten (Ergonomiset oppimiskalusteet), 4.Ergonomisten oppimiskalusteiden kehittäminen, 4.Koulutuslaitoksen nykyaikaistaminen5.Keskunnan tilojen kehittäminen (kehitys)6 Ergonominen järjestelmä yleishyödyllisten palvelujen mukauttamista varten.2.Vaalit koulutusinfrastruktuurin nykyaikaistamiseksi.2.Tehtävien sähköinen suunnittelu (kehitys)6.Erityistarkoituksiin tarkoitettujen ratkaisujen edistäminen;Ympäristöoppimisen tutkiminen.3.Ergonomiset oppimiskalusteet koulutuksen infrastruktuurin nykyaikaistamisen yhteydessä.5.Keskityksen alueellinen menetelmä (huoneen kehittäminen (kehitys)6.Erityistarkoituksiin tarkoitettujen ratkaisujen kehittäminen; Ergonomic system for adjustment of premises in the building.Curveiling of the educational infrastructure.2.Education of the educational system for persons, the modernisation of the infrastructure of education and training.2.Information and communication technology solution implementation and purchase of equipment for special purposes.3.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Development of the educational infrastructure of an educational institution through renovation of premises in the building (renovation, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.3.Ergonomical learning furniture for persons.Development of the educational infrastructure of an educational institution through renovation of premises (development, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Education institution’s sports infrastructure modernisation5.Regionological method of the centre’s premises (development)6.Provincation and communication technology solutions and acquisition of equipment for the building.Profesclining of economical learning furniture4.Development of an educational infrastructure in the building.Creating of engineering networks in the building (ventilation, heating system, lighting)2.Information and communication technology solutions implementation and purchase of equipment for special purposes3.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Development of educational infrastructure in the building (Educational design, heating system, lighting)2.Information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes;Buyouting of an economical training.Buyout of an energistical for persons4.Education of the sports facilities modernisation of the educational infrastructure.5.Regional design of the premises in the centre (development)2.Establishment of solutions for special communications and equipment.Provincing of a gymboat.Purchase of an ergonomic learning environment through the restoration of engineering networks in the building (ventilation, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.Professional for the purchase of eco— 30 months from June 2018 to November 30, 2020.Project total costs: 3 898 046,40 euroa, josta: 2328431,25 euroa EAKR:n rahoitusta 63,20 prosenttia – 1471656,00 euroa; Daugavpilsin kaupunginvaltuuston yhteisrahoitus – 599742,67 euroa, valtion talousarvioavustus – 257032,58 euroa. tukeen oikeuttamattomat kustannukset: 1569615,15 EUROA (Finnish)
3 August 2022
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Celem projektu jest: Rozwój infrastruktury edukacyjnej w Gimnazjum Państwowym Daugavpils, która będzie promować stopniowe wprowadzanie treści edukacyjnych ogólnych w oparciu o podejście do planowanych kompetencji.Projekt activities:1.Ergonomic środowiska edukacyjnego poprzez remont sieci inżynieryjnych w budynku (wentylacja, ogrzewanie, oświetlenie)2.Wprowadzenie rozwiązań technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnych oraz zakup sprzętu do specjalnych celów3.Ergonomiczne zakup mebli edukacyjnych.2.Ergonomiczna infrastruktura szkoleniowa modernizacja infrastruktury sportowej5.Opracowanie regionalnych rozwiązań centrum komunikacyjnego (rozwój)6.Wykonanie korpusu i zakup sprzętu dla wygody budynku (Ergonomiczne meble edukacyjne), 4.Rozwój infrastruktury edukacyjnej6. Ergonomiczny system dostosowania mediów dla osób.2.Wyborcze do modernizacji infrastruktury edukacyjnej.2.Elektronalny projekt pomieszczeń (rozwój)6.Profesja rozwiązań dla celów specjalnych;Zabezpieczenie nauki środowiska.3.Ergonomiczne meble dydaktyczne w ramach modernizacji instytucji edukacyjnej infrastruktury edukacji.5.Regionalna metoda centrum (rozwój pomieszczenia (rozwój)6.Profesjonalizacja rozwiązań do celów specjalnych; Ergonomic system for adjustment of premises in the building.Curveiling of the educational infrastructure.2.Education of the educational system for persons, the modernisation of the infrastructure of education and training.2.Information and communication technology solution implementation and purchase of equipment for special purposes.3.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Development of the educational infrastructure of an educational institution through renovation of premises in the building (renovation, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.3.Ergonomical learning furniture for persons.Development of the educational infrastructure of an educational institution through renovation of premises (development, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Education institution’s sports infrastructure modernisation5.Regionological method of the centre’s premises (development)6.Provincation and communication technology solutions and acquisition of equipment for the building.Profesclining of economical learning furniture4.Development of an educational infrastructure in the building.Creating of engineering networks in the building (ventilation, heating system, lighting)2.Information and communication technology solutions implementation and purchase of equipment for special purposes3.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Development of educational infrastructure in the building (Educational design, heating system, lighting)2.Information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes;Buyouting of an economical training.Buyout of an energistical for persons4.Education of the sports facilities modernisation of the educational infrastructure.5.Regional design of the premises in the centre (development)2.Establishment of solutions for special communications and equipment.Provincing of a gymboat.Purchase of an ergonomic learning environment through the restoration of engineering networks in the building (ventilation, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.Professional for the purchase of eco— 30 months from June 2018 to November 30, 2020.Project total costs: 3 898 046,40 EUR, w tym: 2 328 431,25 EUR finansowanie z EFRR 63,20 % – 1 471 656 EUR; Współfinansowanie przez Radę Miasta Daugavpils – 599 742,67 EUR, dotacja budżetowa państwa – 257 032,58 EUR. Koszty niekwalifikowalne: 1 569 615,15 EUR (Polish)
3 August 2022
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A projekt célja: Oktatási infrastruktúra fejlesztése a Daugavpils Állami Gymnasiumban, amely elősegíti az általános oktatási tartalom fokozatos bevezetését a tervezett kompetencia megközelítése alapján.Projekt activities:1.Ergonomic tanulási környezet az épület mérnöki hálózatainak felújításával (ventilláció, fűtés, világítás)2.Információs és kommunikációs technológiai megoldások bevezetése és speciális célú berendezések vásárlása3.Ergonómiai tanulási bútorok vásárlása.2.Ergonómiai képzési létesítmények korszerűsítése a sport infrastruktúra5.A központ helyiségeinek regionális módszere (fejlesztés)6.Electoral body implementáció és beszerzése berendezések az épület (Ergonómiai tanulási bútorok), 4. Az oktatási intézmény kommunikációs infrastruktúra korszerűsítése 5. Ergonómiai rendszer a közművek beállítására a személyek számára.2.Az oktatási infrastruktúra modernizálása.2.A helyiségek elektromos tervezése (fejlesztés)6.Különleges megoldások végzése; Környezeti tanulás 3.Ergonómikus tanulási bútorok az oktatási intézmény infrastruktúrájának korszerűsítése keretében.5.A központ regionális módszere (a helyiség fejlesztése)6.Különleges megoldások; Ergonomic system for adjustment of premises in the building.Curveiling of the educational infrastructure.2.Education of the educational system for persons, the modernisation of the infrastructure of education and training.2.Information and communication technology solution implementation and purchase of equipment for special purposes.3.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Development of the educational infrastructure of an educational institution through renovation of premises in the building (renovation, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.3.Ergonomical learning furniture for persons.Development of the educational infrastructure of an educational institution through renovation of premises (development, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Education institution’s sports infrastructure modernisation5.Regionological method of the centre’s premises (development)6.Provincation and communication technology solutions and acquisition of equipment for the building.Profesclining of economical learning furniture4.Development of an educational infrastructure in the building.Creating of engineering networks in the building (ventilation, heating system, lighting)2.Information and communication technology solutions implementation and purchase of equipment for special purposes3.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Development of educational infrastructure in the building (Educational design, heating system, lighting)2.Information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes;Buyouting of an economical training.Buyout of an energistical for persons4.Education of the sports facilities modernisation of the educational infrastructure.5.Regional design of the premises in the centre (development)2.Establishment of solutions for special communications and equipment.Provincing of a gymboat.Purchase of an ergonomic learning environment through the restoration of engineering networks in the building (ventilation, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.Professional for the purchase of eco— 30 months from June 2018 to November 30, 2020.Project total costs: 3 898 046,40 EUR, amelyből: 2 328 431,25 EUR ERFA-finanszírozás 63,20% – 1 471 656,00 EUR; Daugavpils városi tanács társfinanszírozása – 599 742,67 EUR, állami költségvetési támogatás – 257 032,58 EUR, nem támogatható költségek: 1 569 615,15 EUR (Hungarian)
3 August 2022
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Cílem projektu je: Rozvoj vzdělávací infrastruktury v Daugavpils State Gymnasium, které bude podporovat postupné zavádění všeobecného vzdělávacího obsahu na základě přístupu plánované kompetence.Projekt activities:1.Ergonomic vzdělávací prostředí prostřednictvím renovace inženýrských sítí v budově (ventilace, topný systém, osvětlení)2.Zavedení řešení informačních a komunikačních technologií a nákup zařízení pro zvláštní účely3.Ergonomický výukový nábytek.2.Ergonomická školicí zařízení modernizace sportovní infrastruktury5.Regionální metoda areálu střediska (vývoj)6.Regionální implementace a pořízení zařízení pro pohodlí budovy (Ergonomický vzdělávací nábytek), 4.Vývoj vzdělávací instituce sportovní infrastruktury modernizace.5. Ergonomický systém pro úpravu utilit pro osoby.2.Elektronický pro modernizaci vzdělávací infrastruktury.2.Elektronický návrh prostor (vývoj)6.Profese řešení pro zvláštní účely;Ověřování environálního učení.3.Ergonomický učební nábytek v rámci vzdělávací instituce modernizace infrastruktury vzdělávání.5.Regionální metoda centra (vývoj místnosti (vývoj)6.Profese řešení pro zvláštní účely; Ergonomic system for adjustment of premises in the building.Curveiling of the educational infrastructure.2.Education of the educational system for persons, the modernisation of the infrastructure of education and training.2.Information and communication technology solution implementation and purchase of equipment for special purposes.3.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Development of the educational infrastructure of an educational institution through renovation of premises in the building (renovation, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.3.Ergonomical learning furniture for persons.Development of the educational infrastructure of an educational institution through renovation of premises (development, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Education institution’s sports infrastructure modernisation5.Regionological method of the centre’s premises (development)6.Provincation and communication technology solutions and acquisition of equipment for the building.Profesclining of economical learning furniture4.Development of an educational infrastructure in the building.Creating of engineering networks in the building (ventilation, heating system, lighting)2.Information and communication technology solutions implementation and purchase of equipment for special purposes3.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Development of educational infrastructure in the building (Educational design, heating system, lighting)2.Information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes;Buyouting of an economical training.Buyout of an energistical for persons4.Education of the sports facilities modernisation of the educational infrastructure.5.Regional design of the premises in the centre (development)2.Establishment of solutions for special communications and equipment.Provincing of a gymboat.Purchase of an ergonomic learning environment through the restoration of engineering networks in the building (ventilation, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.Professional for the purchase of eco— 30 months from June 2018 to November 30, 2020.Project total costs: 3 898 046,40 EUR, z toho: 2 328 431,25 EUR z EFRR 63,20 % – 1471656.00; Spolufinancování rady města Daugavpils – 599 742,67 EUR, grant ze státního rozpočtu – 257 032,58 EUR. nezpůsobilé náklady: 1 569 615,15 EUR (Czech)
3 August 2022
0 references
Is é seo a leanas aidhm an tionscadail: Bonneagar oideachais a fhorbairt ag Daugavpils Giomnáisiam Stáit a chuirfidh chun cinn tabhairt isteach ábhar ginearálta oideachais de réir a chéile bunaithe ar chur chuige an inniúlacht atá beartaithe.Project: timpeallacht foghlama: timpeallacht foghlama eirgeanamaíoch trí athchóiriú a dhéanamh ar líonraí innealtóireachta san fhoirgneamh (aeráil, córas téimh, soilsiú)2.Tabhairt isteach ar réitigh teicneolaíochta faisnéise agus cumarsáide agus trealamh a cheannach chun críocha speisialta3.Eirgeanamaíoch foghlaim troscán a cheannach.2.Eirgeanamaíocht áiseanna oiliúna nuachóiriú an bhonneagair spóirt5. Córas eirgeanamaíochta chun fóntais do dhaoine a choigeartú.2.Leictreán chun an bonneagar oideachais a nuachóiriú.2.Dearadh leictreonach an áitribh (forbairt)6.Réitigh chun críocha speisialta;Foghlaim environal.3.Troscán foghlama eirgeanamaíochta a chur i láthair faoi chuimsiú na hinstitiúide oideachais chun nuachóiriú a dhéanamh ar bhonneagar oideachais.5.Modh réigiúnach an lárionaid (forbairt)6.Rúndú réiteach chun críoch speisialta; Ergonomic system for adjustment of premises in the building.Curveiling of the educational infrastructure.2.Education of the educational system for persons, the modernisation of the infrastructure of education and training.2.Information and communication technology solution implementation and purchase of equipment for special purposes.3.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Development of the educational infrastructure of an educational institution through renovation of premises in the building (renovation, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.3.Ergonomical learning furniture for persons.Development of the educational infrastructure of an educational institution through renovation of premises (development, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Education institution’s sports infrastructure modernisation5.Regionological method of the centre’s premises (development)6.Provincation and communication technology solutions and acquisition of equipment for the building.Profesclining of economical learning furniture4.Development of an educational infrastructure in the building.Creating of engineering networks in the building (ventilation, heating system, lighting)2.Information and communication technology solutions implementation and purchase of equipment for special purposes3.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Development of educational infrastructure in the building (Educational design, heating system, lighting)2.Information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes;Buyouting of an economical training.Buyout of an energistical for persons4.Education of the sports facilities modernisation of the educational infrastructure.5.Regional design of the premises in the centre (development)2.Establishment of solutions for special communications and equipment.Provincing of a gymboat.Purchase of an ergonomic learning environment through the restoration of engineering networks in the building (ventilation, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.Professional for the purchase of eco— 30 months from June 2018 to November 30, 2020.Project total costs: EUR 3 898 046.40, as a dtiocfaidh: EUR 2328431.25 Cistiú CFRE 63.20 % — EUR 1471656.00; Daugavpils cómhaoiniú ón gComhairle Cathrach — EUR 599742.67, Deontas buiséid Stáit — EUR 257032.58. costais neamh-incháilithe: EUR 1569615.15 (Irish)
3 August 2022
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Cilj projekta je: Razvoj izobraževalne infrastrukture na Daugavpils State Gymnas, ki bo spodbujala postopno uvajanje splošnih izobraževalnih vsebin na podlagi pristopa načrtovane usposobljenosti.Projekt activities:1.Ergonomic učno okolje s prenovo inženirskih omrežij v stavbi (ventilacija, ogrevalni sistem, razsvetljava)2.Uvedba rešitev informacijske in komunikacijske tehnologije ter nakup opreme za posebne namene3.Ergonomski nakup pohištva.2.Ergonomski objekti za usposabljanje Posodobitev športne infrastrukture5.Regionalna metoda prostorov centra (razvoj)6.Izvajanje volilnega telesa in pridobitev opreme za udobje stavbe (Ergonomsko učno pohištvo), 4.Razvoj objektov izobraževalne ustanove za modernizacijo športne infrastrukture.5.Regionalna metoda razvoja komunikacijskega centra;“ Ergonomski sistem za prilagajanje javnih služb za osebe.2.Volivec za posodobitev izobraževalne infrastrukture.2.Electronska zasnova prostorov (razvoj)6.Profesija rešitev za posebne namene;Pridobivanje okoljskega učenja.3.Ergonomsko učno pohištvo v okviru posodobitve infrastrukture izobraževalne ustanove.5.Regionalna metoda centra (razvoj prostora (razvoj)6.Profesionalizacija rešitev za posebne namene; Ergonomic system for adjustment of premises in the building.Curveiling of the educational infrastructure.2.Education of the educational system for persons, the modernisation of the infrastructure of education and training.2.Information and communication technology solution implementation and purchase of equipment for special purposes.3.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Development of the educational infrastructure of an educational institution through renovation of premises in the building (renovation, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.3.Ergonomical learning furniture for persons.Development of the educational infrastructure of an educational institution through renovation of premises (development, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Education institution’s sports infrastructure modernisation5.Regionological method of the centre’s premises (development)6.Provincation and communication technology solutions and acquisition of equipment for the building.Profesclining of economical learning furniture4.Development of an educational infrastructure in the building.Creating of engineering networks in the building (ventilation, heating system, lighting)2.Information and communication technology solutions implementation and purchase of equipment for special purposes3.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Development of educational infrastructure in the building (Educational design, heating system, lighting)2.Information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes;Buyouting of an economical training.Buyout of an energistical for persons4.Education of the sports facilities modernisation of the educational infrastructure.5.Regional design of the premises in the centre (development)2.Establishment of solutions for special communications and equipment.Provincing of a gymboat.Purchase of an ergonomic learning environment through the restoration of engineering networks in the building (ventilation, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.Professional for the purchase of eco— 30 months from June 2018 to November 30, 2020.Project total costs: 3 898 046,40 EUR, od tega: 2 328 431,25 EUR sredstev ESRR 63,20 % – 1 471 656,00 EUR; Sofinanciranje mestnega sveta Daugavpilsa – 599 742,67 EUR, državna proračunska pomoč – 257 032,58 EUR. Neupravičeni stroški: 1 569 615,15 EUR (Slovenian)
3 August 2022
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Целта на проекта е: Развитие на образователна инфраструктура в Държавна гимназия „Даугавпилс“, която ще насърчи постепенното въвеждане на общообразователно съдържание въз основа на подхода на планираната компетентност.Проект activities:1.Ergonomic учебна среда чрез обновяване на инженерни мрежи в сградата (вентилация, отоплителна система, осветление)2.Въвеждане на решения в областта на информационните и комуникационните технологии и закупуване на оборудване за специални цели3.Ergonomic learning furniture purchase.2.Ергономични съоръжения за обучение модернизация на спортната инфраструктура5.Регионалният метод на помещенията на центъра (разработване)6.Изграждане на електорална организация и придобиване на оборудване за удобство на сградата (Ergonomical learning furniture) Ергономична система за регулиране на комунални услуги за лица.2.Избор за модернизация на образователната инфраструктура.2.Електронен дизайн на помещенията (разработване)6.Професия на решения за специални цели;Проучване на околно обучение.3.Ергономични учебни мебели в рамките на образователната институция модернизация на инфраструктурата на образованието.5.Регионален метод на центъра (разработване на помещението (развитие)6.Професия на решения за специални цели; Ergonomic system for adjustment of premises in the building.Curveiling of the educational infrastructure.2.Education of the educational system for persons, the modernisation of the infrastructure of education and training.2.Information and communication technology solution implementation and purchase of equipment for special purposes.3.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Development of the educational infrastructure of an educational institution through renovation of premises in the building (renovation, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.3.Ergonomical learning furniture for persons.Development of the educational infrastructure of an educational institution through renovation of premises (development, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Education institution’s sports infrastructure modernisation5.Regionological method of the centre’s premises (development)6.Provincation and communication technology solutions and acquisition of equipment for the building.Profesclining of economical learning furniture4.Development of an educational infrastructure in the building.Creating of engineering networks in the building (ventilation, heating system, lighting)2.Information and communication technology solutions implementation and purchase of equipment for special purposes3.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Development of educational infrastructure in the building (Educational design, heating system, lighting)2.Information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes;Buyouting of an economical training.Buyout of an energistical for persons4.Education of the sports facilities modernisation of the educational infrastructure.5.Regional design of the premises in the centre (development)2.Establishment of solutions for special communications and equipment.Provincing of a gymboat.Purchase of an ergonomic learning environment through the restoration of engineering networks in the building (ventilation, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.Professional for the purchase of eco— 30 months from June 2018 to November 30, 2020.Project total costs: 3 898 046,40 EUR, от които: 2 328 431,25 EUR финансиране от ЕФРР 63,20 % — 1 471 656,00 EUR; Съфинансиране от градския съвет на Daugavpils — 599 742,67 EUR, безвъзмездни средства от държавния бюджет — 257 032,58 EUR недопустими разходи: 1 569 615,15 EUR (Bulgarian)
3 August 2022
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L-għan tal-proġett għandu jkun: Żvilupp ta’ infrastruttura edukattiva f’Daugavpils Gymnas State Gymnasium li se jippromwovi l-introduzzjoni gradwali ta’ kontenut edukattiv ġenerali bbażat fuq l-approċċ tal-kompetenza ppjanata.Proġett activities:1.Ergonomic ambjent tat-tagħlim permezz tar-rinnovazzjoni tan-netwerks tal-inġinerija fil-bini (ventilazzjoni, sistema tat-tisħin, tidwil)2.Introduzzjoni ta’ soluzzjonijiet tat-teknoloġija tal-informazzjoni u l-komunikazzjoni u x-xiri ta’ tagħmir għal skopijiet speċjali3.Xiri ta’ għamara għat-tagħlim ergonomiku.2.Il-modernizzazzjoni tal-faċilitajiet ta’ taħriġ ergonomiċi tal-bini (l-iżvilupp tal-bini tal-edukazzjoni); Sistema ergonomika għall-aġġustament tal-utilitajiet għall-persuni.2.Electoral għall-immodernizzar tal-infrastruttura tal-edukazzjoni.2.Disinn elettroniku tal-bini (żvilupp)6.Professjoni ta’ soluzzjonijiet għal skopijiet speċjali;Kurveiling ta’ tagħlim ambjentali.3.L-għamara tat-tagħlim ergonomiku fil-qafas tal-immodernizzar tal-istituzzjoni edukattiva tal-infrastruttura tal-edukazzjoni.5.Metodu reġjonali taċ-ċentru (żvilupp tal-kamra (żvilupp)6.Professjoni ta’ soluzzjonijiet għal skopijiet speċjali; Ergonomic system for adjustment of premises in the building.Curveiling of the educational infrastructure.2.Education of the educational system for persons, the modernisation of the infrastructure of education and training.2.Information and communication technology solution implementation and purchase of equipment for special purposes.3.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Development of the educational infrastructure of an educational institution through renovation of premises in the building (renovation, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.3.Ergonomical learning furniture for persons.Development of the educational infrastructure of an educational institution through renovation of premises (development, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Education institution’s sports infrastructure modernisation5.Regionological method of the centre’s premises (development)6.Provincation and communication technology solutions and acquisition of equipment for the building.Profesclining of economical learning furniture4.Development of an educational infrastructure in the building.Creating of engineering networks in the building (ventilation, heating system, lighting)2.Information and communication technology solutions implementation and purchase of equipment for special purposes3.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Development of educational infrastructure in the building (Educational design, heating system, lighting)2.Information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes;Buyouting of an economical training.Buyout of an energistical for persons4.Education of the sports facilities modernisation of the educational infrastructure.5.Regional design of the premises in the centre (development)2.Establishment of solutions for special communications and equipment.Provincing of a gymboat.Purchase of an ergonomic learning environment through the restoration of engineering networks in the building (ventilation, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.Professional for the purchase of eco— 30 months from June 2018 to November 30, 2020.Project total costs: EUR 3 898 046.40, li minnhom: EUR 2328431.25 Finanzjament mill-FEŻR 63.20 % — EUR 1471656.00; Kofinanzjament tal-Kunsill tal-Belt ta’ Daugavpils — EUR 599742.67, għotja tal-baġit tal-Istat — EUR 257032.58. spejjeż ineliġibbli: EUR 1569615.15 (Maltese)
3 August 2022
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O projecto tem por objectivo: Desenvolvimento de infraestruturas educativas no Ginásio Estatal de Daugavpils que promoverão a introdução gradual de conteúdos educativos gerais com base na abordagem da competência prevista.Atividades do projeto:1.Ambiente de aprendizagem ergonómica através da renovação das redes de engenharia no edifício (ventilação, sistema de aquecimento, iluminação)2.Introdução de soluções de tecnologias da informação e comunicação e aquisição de equipamento para fins especiais3.Aquisição de mobiliário de aprendizagem ergonómica.2.Modernização das instalações de formação ergonómica das infraestruturas desportivas5.Método regional das instalações do centro (desenvolvimento)6.Implantação do organismo eleitoral e aquisição de equipamento para conveniência do edifício (mobiliário de aprendizagem ergonómica), 4.Desenvolvimento da instituição de ensino modernização das infraestruturas desportivas.5.Método regional das instalações do centro (desenvolvimento)6.Profescalização de soluções de comunicação no edifício; Sistema ergonómico de adaptação dos serviços públicos para as pessoas.2.Eleitoral para a modernização da infraestrutura educativa.2.Conceção eletrónica das instalações (desenvolvimento)6.Profissão de soluções para fins especiais;Vigilância da aprendizagem ambiental.3.Mobiliário de aprendizagem ergonómica no âmbito da instituição educativaModernização da infraestrutura educativa.5.Método regional do centro (desenvolvimento da sala (desenvolvimento)6.Professionalização de soluções para fins especiais; Ergonomic system for adjustment of premises in the building.Curveiling of the educational infrastructure.2.Education of the educational system for persons, the modernisation of the infrastructure of education and training.2.Information and communication technology solution implementation and purchase of equipment for special purposes.3.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Development of the educational infrastructure of an educational institution through renovation of premises in the building (renovation, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.3.Ergonomical learning furniture for persons.Development of the educational infrastructure of an educational institution through renovation of premises (development, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Education institution’s sports infrastructure modernisation5.Regionological method of the centre’s premises (development)6.Provincation and communication technology solutions and acquisition of equipment for the building.Profesclining of economical learning furniture4.Development of an educational infrastructure in the building.Creating of engineering networks in the building (ventilation, heating system, lighting)2.Information and communication technology solutions implementation and purchase of equipment for special purposes3.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Development of educational infrastructure in the building (Educational design, heating system, lighting)2.Information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes;Buyouting of an economical training.Buyout of an energistical for persons4.Education of the sports facilities modernisation of the educational infrastructure.5.Regional design of the premises in the centre (development)2.Establishment of solutions for special communications and equipment.Provincing of a gymboat.Purchase of an ergonomic learning environment through the restoration of engineering networks in the building (ventilation, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.Professional for the purchase of eco— 30 months from June 2018 to November 30, 2020.Project total costs: 3 898 046,40 EUR, dos quais: 2328431,25 EUR de financiamento do FEDER 63,20 % – 1471656,00 EUR; Cofinanciamento da Câmara Municipal de Daugavpils – 599742,67 EUR, subvenção do orçamento de Estado – 257032,58 EUR. Custos inelegíveis: 1569615,15 EUR (Portuguese)
3 August 2022
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Formålet med projektet er: Udvikling af uddannelsesinfrastruktur på Daugavpils State Gymnasium, der vil fremme den gradvise indførelse af det generelle uddannelsesindhold baseret på tilgangen til den planlagte kompetence.Projekt activities:1.Ergonomic læringsmiljø gennem renovering af ingeniørnetværk i bygningen (ventilation, varmesystem, belysning)2.Indførelse af informations- og kommunikationsteknologiløsninger og indkøb af udstyr til særlige formål3.Ergonomisk indlæringsmøbler.2.Ørgonomiske uddannelsesfaciliteter modernisering af sportsinfrastrukturen5.Den regionale metode for centrets lokaler (udvikling)6.Elektororgan gennemførelse og erhvervelse af udstyr til bekvemmelighed i bygningen (Ergonomiske indlæringsmøbler), 4.Udvikling af uddannelsesinstitutionens lokaler til modernisering af infrastruktur. Ergonomisk indretning af lokaler (udvikling)6.Profession af løsninger til særlige formål;Udvikling af miljøindlæring.3.Ergonomiske indlæringsmøbler inden for rammerne af uddannelsesinstitutionen modernisering af infrastrukturen for uddannelse.5.Regional metode af centret (udvikling af rummet (udvikling)6.Profession af løsninger til særlige formål; Ergonomic system for adjustment of premises in the building.Curveiling of the educational infrastructure.2.Education of the educational system for persons, the modernisation of the infrastructure of education and training.2.Information and communication technology solution implementation and purchase of equipment for special purposes.3.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Development of the educational infrastructure of an educational institution through renovation of premises in the building (renovation, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.3.Ergonomical learning furniture for persons.Development of the educational infrastructure of an educational institution through renovation of premises (development, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Education institution’s sports infrastructure modernisation5.Regionological method of the centre’s premises (development)6.Provincation and communication technology solutions and acquisition of equipment for the building.Profesclining of economical learning furniture4.Development of an educational infrastructure in the building.Creating of engineering networks in the building (ventilation, heating system, lighting)2.Information and communication technology solutions implementation and purchase of equipment for special purposes3.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Development of educational infrastructure in the building (Educational design, heating system, lighting)2.Information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes;Buyouting of an economical training.Buyout of an energistical for persons4.Education of the sports facilities modernisation of the educational infrastructure.5.Regional design of the premises in the centre (development)2.Establishment of solutions for special communications and equipment.Provincing of a gymboat.Purchase of an ergonomic learning environment through the restoration of engineering networks in the building (ventilation, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.Professional for the purchase of eco— 30 months from June 2018 to November 30, 2020.Project total costs: 38 980 446,40 EUR, heraf: 2 328 431,25 EUR EFRU-finansiering 63,20 % — 1471656.00; EUR Daugavpils byrådsmedfinansiering — 599 742,67 EUR, statsbudgettilskud — 257 032,58 EUR. ikke-støtteberettigede omkostninger: 1 569 615,15 EUR (Danish)
3 August 2022
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Scopul proiectului este: Dezvoltarea infrastructurii educaționale la Gimnaziul de Stat Daugavpils, care va promova introducerea treptată a conținutului educațional general bazat pe abordarea competenței planificate.Proiectul activities:1.Ergonomic mediul de învățare prin renovarea rețelelor de inginerie în clădire (ventilație, sistem de încălzire, iluminat)2.Introducerea soluțiilor de tehnologie a informației și comunicațiilor și achiziționarea de echipamente pentru scopuri speciale3. Achiziționarea mobilierului de învățare economică.2.Modernizarea facilităților de formare economică a infrastructurii sportive5.Metoda regională a spațiilor centrului (dezvoltare)6. Implementarea organismului electoral și achiziționarea de echipamente pentru confortul clădirii (mobilier de învățare Ergonomic), 4.Dezvoltarea infrastructurii instituțiilor de educație regională (instalarea centrelor regionale de dezvoltare sportivă) Sistem ergonomic de reglare a utilităților pentru persoane.2.Electoral pentru modernizarea infrastructurii educaționale.2.Proiectarea electronică a spațiilor (dezvoltare)6.Profesia de soluții pentru scopuri speciale;Curvarea învățării ecologice.3.mobilier de învățare economică în cadrul modernizării instituției de învățământ a infrastructurii educației.5.Metoda regională a centrului [dezvoltarea sălii (dezvoltarea)6.Profesionarea soluțiilor pentru scopuri speciale; Ergonomic system for adjustment of premises in the building.Curveiling of the educational infrastructure.2.Education of the educational system for persons, the modernisation of the infrastructure of education and training.2.Information and communication technology solution implementation and purchase of equipment for special purposes.3.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Development of the educational infrastructure of an educational institution through renovation of premises in the building (renovation, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.3.Ergonomical learning furniture for persons.Development of the educational infrastructure of an educational institution through renovation of premises (development, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Education institution’s sports infrastructure modernisation5.Regionological method of the centre’s premises (development)6.Provincation and communication technology solutions and acquisition of equipment for the building.Profesclining of economical learning furniture4.Development of an educational infrastructure in the building.Creating of engineering networks in the building (ventilation, heating system, lighting)2.Information and communication technology solutions implementation and purchase of equipment for special purposes3.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Development of educational infrastructure in the building (Educational design, heating system, lighting)2.Information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes;Buyouting of an economical training.Buyout of an energistical for persons4.Education of the sports facilities modernisation of the educational infrastructure.5.Regional design of the premises in the centre (development)2.Establishment of solutions for special communications and equipment.Provincing of a gymboat.Purchase of an ergonomic learning environment through the restoration of engineering networks in the building (ventilation, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.Professional for the purchase of eco— 30 months from June 2018 to November 30, 2020.Project total costs: 3 898 046,40 EUR, din care: 2 328 431,25 EUR finanțare FEDR 63,20 % – 1 471 656,00 EUR; Cofinanțarea Consiliului Local Daugavpils – 599 742,67 EUR, subvenție de la bugetul de stat – 257 032,58 EUR. costuri neeligibile: 1 569 615,15 EUR (Romanian)
3 August 2022
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Syftet med projektet ska vara att Utveckling av utbildningsinfrastruktur vid Daugavpils State Gymnasium som kommer att främja ett gradvist införande av allmänt utbildningsinnehåll baserat på den planerade kompetensen.Projekt activities:1.Ergonomic inlärningsmiljö genom renovering av tekniska nätverk i byggnaden (ventilation, värmesystem, belysning)2.Införande av informations- och kommunikationstekniska lösningar och inköp av utrustning för särskilda ändamål3.Ergonomisk inlärningsmöbler.2.Ergonomiska utbildningsanläggningar modernisering av idrottsinfrastrukturen5.Den regionala metoden för centrumets lokaler (utveckling)6.Genomförande av valkropp och förvärv av utrustning för att underlätta byggnaden (Ergonomiska inlärningsmöbler), 4.Utveckling av utbildningsinstitutionens infrastruktur för idrott. Ergonomiskt system för anpassning av allmännyttiga tjänster för personer.2.Val för modernisering av utbildningsinfrastrukturen.2.Elektronisk utformning av lokalerna (utveckling)6.Profession av lösningar för speciella ändamål;Utbildning av miljölärande.3.Ergonomiska inlärningsmöbler inom ramen för utbildningsinstitutionens modernisering av utbildningsinfrastrukturen.5.Regional metod för centrumet (utveckling av rummet (utveckling)6.Professation av lösningar för särskilda ändamål; Ergonomic system for adjustment of premises in the building.Curveiling of the educational infrastructure.2.Education of the educational system for persons, the modernisation of the infrastructure of education and training.2.Information and communication technology solution implementation and purchase of equipment for special purposes.3.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Development of the educational infrastructure of an educational institution through renovation of premises in the building (renovation, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.3.Ergonomical learning furniture for persons.Development of the educational infrastructure of an educational institution through renovation of premises (development, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Education institution’s sports infrastructure modernisation5.Regionological method of the centre’s premises (development)6.Provincation and communication technology solutions and acquisition of equipment for the building.Profesclining of economical learning furniture4.Development of an educational infrastructure in the building.Creating of engineering networks in the building (ventilation, heating system, lighting)2.Information and communication technology solutions implementation and purchase of equipment for special purposes3.Ergonomical learning furniture 4.Development of educational infrastructure in the building (Educational design, heating system, lighting)2.Information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes;Buyouting of an economical training.Buyout of an energistical for persons4.Education of the sports facilities modernisation of the educational infrastructure.5.Regional design of the premises in the centre (development)2.Establishment of solutions for special communications and equipment.Provincing of a gymboat.Purchase of an ergonomic learning environment through the restoration of engineering networks in the building (ventilation, heating system, lighting)2.Introduction of information and communication technology solutions and purchase of equipment for special purposes.Professional for the purchase of eco— 30 months from June 2018 to November 30, 2020.Project total costs: 3 898 046,40 EUR, varav: 2 328 431,25 EUR Eruf-finansiering 63,20 % – 1 471 656,00 EUR. Medfinansiering av Daugavpils kommunfullmäktige – 599 742,67 EUR, statligt budgetbidrag – 257 032,58 EUR. icke stödberättigande kostnader: 1 569 615,15 EUR (Swedish)
3 August 2022
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Cietokšņa iela 33, Daugavpils, LV-5401
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