Reconstruction of Grīzupes Street in the section from Liepaja city border to Cukura Street ring in Liepaja. (Q3057585)
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Project Q3057585 in Latvia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Reconstruction of Grīzupes Street in the section from Liepaja city border to Cukura Street ring in Liepaja. |
Project Q3057585 in Latvia |
4,025,497.68 Euro
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4,735,879.62 Euro
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85.0 percent
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10 July 2017
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9 January 2020
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Liepājas pilsētas pašvaldības iestāde "Liepājas pilsētas pašvaldības administrācija"
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Projekta “Grīzupes ielas pārbūve posmā no Liepājas robežas līdz Cukura ielas aplim, Liepājā” mērķis ir pārbūvēt Grīzupes ielu, nodrošinot nozīmīgas Liepājas pilsētas transporta infrastruktūras sasaisti ar TEN-T tīkliem pilsētas ietvaros un integrāciju TEN-T tīklā ārpus pilsētas, un novēršot Grīzupes ielas transporta maršruta infrastruktūras pārrāvuma risku un uzlabojot satiksmes drošību vietējās nozīmes sabiedriskā transporta plūsmai (veidojot sabiedriskā transporta pieturu “kabatas”).Projekta galvenās darbības ietver:1)Izmaksu ieguvumu analīzes sagatavošanu (1 kompl.);2)Autoruzraudzību (1 kompl.);3)Būvuzraudzību (1 kompl.);4)Būvdarbus (3,5 km.):-Grīzupes ielas pārbūve posmā no 14. novembra bulvāra (ieskaitot krustojumu) līdz pilsētas robežai, Liepājā; -Grīzupes ielas pārbūve posmā no Cukura ielas līdz 14. novembra bulvārim, Liepājā;5)Informatīvo un publicitātes pasākumus (1 kompl.).Projekta īstenošanas rezultātā līdz 2019. oktobrim pārbūvēto alternatīvo kravas transporta ielu kopējais garums sasaistei ar TEN-T tīklu veidos 3,5 km.100% projekta ietvaros pārbūvējamās ielas posms atrodas pilsētas administratīvajā teritorijā.Projekta investīciju izmaksas veidojas EUR 5 168 131,00, kur attiecināmās izmaksas veido EUR 4 741 744,32 un neattiecināmās veido EUR 426 386,68.Projektu plānots finansēt:- no Pašvaldības budžeta finansējuma - attiecināmo izmaksu segšanai EUR 533 446,24 un neattiecināmās izmaksu segšanai EUR 426 386,68 apmērā;- no Valsts budžeta dotācijas pašvaldībām - EUR 177 815,41 apmēra un - no ES Kohēzijas fonda finansējuma - attiecināmo izmaksu segšanai EUR 4 030 482,67Projekta īstenošana plānota no 2017.gada vidus un līdz 2019.gada oktobrim. (Latvian)
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The aim of the project “Reconstruction of Grīzupes Street in the section from Liepāja border to Cukura street ring, Liepaja” is to rebuild Grīzupes Street, ensuring the connection of significant transport infrastructure of Liepaja city with TEN-T networks within the city and integration into the TEN-T network outside the city, and eliminating the risk of breaking the Grīzupes street route infrastructure and improving traffic safety for the flow of local public transport (forming the public transport stop “cabbatas”).The project’s main activities include the risk of breaking the Grīzupe street route infrastructure and improving traffic safety for the flow of local public transport (forming the public transport stop “cabbats”).The main activities of the project (incl. —Reconstruction of Grīzupes Street in the period from Cukura Street to November 14 in Liepāja;5)Informative and publicity measures (1 Compl.).The total length of alternative freight transport streets rebuilt until 2019 October will consist of 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project within the framework of the project The total length of alternative freight transport streets to link to the TEN-T network will consist of 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project is located in the city’s administrative territory.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 533 km.The eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 to the budget amount to be paid for the budget amount of EUR 533,68 to the project.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 – EUR 68 – to cover the costs of the project The project is located in the administrative territory of the city.The total length of the construction of the project to be rebuilt until 2019 October for linking to the TEN-T network will be 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project to be rebuilt within the city’s administrative territory.The total length of the construction of the project will consist of EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741-October and from the budget to cover the budget amount of EUR 386 68-815-parable to cover the budget amount of EUR 533 446.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are from EUR 533 446 to the project from EUR 68 177 from the budget amount to be paid from the budget amount of 24 426 386.24 from the budget amount to the amount of EUR 446 24 and EUR 386.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 to the budget amount to be financed from EUR 386 68 to the project.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs of the project are from EUR 386 68 177-815.41.24 from the budget of EUR 24 426 386, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 24 426 386-815.41.386.24.386.386.24.386.24.426.Executional expenditure of the project EUR 386.386-815.386.68 The costs of the project are EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 68 177-815-41.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741-744, and EUR 386.386.386 The eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68, the non— (English)
15 July 2021
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L’objectif du projet «Reconstruction de la rue Grazupes dans le tronçon de la frontière de Liepaja au cercle de la rue Cukura, Liepaja» est de reconstruire la rue Grīzupes, d’assurer la connexion d’importantes infrastructures de transport de la ville de Liepaja avec les réseaux RTE-T à l’intérieur de la ville et de l’intégration dans le réseau RTE-T en dehors de la ville, et d’éliminer le risque de perturbation de l’infrastructure de transport de la rue Grīzupes et d’améliorer la sécurité du trafic pour les flux de transport public local (par la création d’un arrêt des transports publics). 2) supervision automatique (1 ensemble); 3)Suivi de la construction (1 ensemble);4)Travaux de construction (3,5 km.):-Reconstruction de la rue Grezupes dans le tronçon du boulevard du 14 novembre (y compris intersection) à la frontière de la ville, Liepaja; Reconstruction de la rue Grazupes dans le tronçon de la rue Cukura au boulevard du 14 novembre, Liepaja;5)Information et publicité (1 ensemble).La longueur totale des rues alternatives de transport de marchandises reconstruites jusqu’en octobre 2019 sera de 3,5 km.100 % de la section de la rue à reconstruire dans le cadre du projet est située sur le territoire administratif de la ville. Les coûts d’investissement du projet s’élèvent à 518 131,00 EUR, lorsque les coûts éligibles s’élèvent à 4 741 744,32 EUR et que les coûts inéligibles s’élèvent à 426 386,68 EUR.Le projet devrait être financé:- sur le financement du budget des collectivités locales — pour couvrir les coûts éligibles de 533 466,24 EUR et pour couvrir les coûts inéligibles d’un montant de 426 886,68 EUR;- sur les subventions du budget de l’État aux municipalités — d’un montant de 177 815,41 EUR; et — sur le financement du Fonds de cohésion de l’UE — pour couvrir les coûts éligibles de 4 030 482,67 EUR.La mise en œuvre du projet est prévue à partir de mi-2017 et jusqu’en octobre 2019. (French)
25 November 2021
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Ziel des Projekts „Rekonstruktion der Grazupes-Straße im Abschnitt von der Grenze von Liepaja zum Kreis der Cukura-Straße, Liepaja“ ist der Wiederaufbau der Straße Grīzupes, die Gewährleistung der Anbindung der bedeutenden Verkehrsinfrastruktur der Stadt Liepaja mit den TEN-V-Netzen innerhalb der Stadt und die Integration in das TEN-V-Netz außerhalb der Stadt und die Beseitigung der Gefahr einer Störung der Verkehrsinfrastruktur der Straße Grīzupes und die Verbesserung der Verkehrssicherheit für die lokalen öffentlichen Verkehrsströme (durch die Schaffung eines öffentlichen Verkehrsstopps „Pockets“). Die wichtigsten Aktivitäten des Projekts umfassen:1) Vorbereitung der Kostenvorteilanalyse (1 Satz); 2)Autoraufsicht (1 Satz);3)Bauaufsicht (1 Satz);4)Bauarbeiten (3,5 km.):-Rekonstruktion der Grezupes Straße im Abschnitt vom 14. November Boulevard (einschließlich Kreuzung) bis zur Stadtgrenze, Liepaja; Umbau der Grazupes Straße im Abschnitt von der Cukura-Straße bis zum 14. November Boulevard, Liepaja;5)Informations- und Werbemaßnahmen (1 Satz).Die Gesamtlänge der bis Oktober 2019 umgebauten alternativen Güterverkehrsstraßen beträgt 3,5 km.100 % des innerhalb des Projekts neu zu errichtenden Abschnitts der Straße befinden sich im Verwaltungsgebiet der Stadt. Die Investitionskosten des Projekts belaufen sich auf 516 131,00 EUR, wenn sich die förderfähigen Kosten auf 47 417 443,42 EUR belaufen und die nicht förderfähigen Kosten sich auf 4 263 866,68 EUR belaufen.Das Projekt soll finanziert werden: – aus dem Haushalt der lokalen Gebietskörperschaften – zur Deckung förderfähiger Kosten in Höhe von 534 646,24 EUR und zur Deckung nicht förderfähiger Kosten in Höhe von 422 686,68 EUR;- aus dem Staatshaushalt für Gemeinden – in Höhe von 1 778 815,41 EUR und – aus Mitteln des EU-Kohäsionsfonds – zur Deckung förderfähiger Kosten in Höhe von 40 304 826,67 EUR.Die Durchführung des Projekts ist für Mitte 2017 und bis Oktober 2019 geplant. (German)
28 November 2021
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Het project „Reconstruction of the Grazupes Street in the section from the border of Liepaja to the circle of Cukura Street, Liepaja” heeft tot doel de straat Grīzupes te herbouwen, de verbinding van de belangrijke vervoersinfrastructuur van Liepaja met de TEN-T-netwerken binnen de stad en de integratie in het TEN-T-netwerk buiten de stad te waarborgen, en het risico op verstoring van de vervoersinfrastructuur van Grīzupes Street te elimineren en de verkeersveiligheid voor de lokale openbare vervoersstromen te verbeteren (door het opzetten van een halte voor het openbaar vervoer „pockets”). De belangrijkste activiteiten van het project zijn:1)Voorbereiding van de kostenbatenanalyse (1 set); 2)autoraal toezicht (1 set);3)Bouwbegeleiding (1 set); 4)Bouwwerken (3,5 km.):-Reconstructie van de Grezupesstraat in de sectie van 14 november boulevard (met inbegrip van kruising) tot de stadsgrens, Liepaja; Reconstructie van Grazupes Street in het gedeelte van Cukura Street tot 14 november boulevard, Liepaja;5)Informatie- en publiciteitsmaatregelen (1 set).De totale lengte van alternatieve vrachtvervoerstraten herbouwd tot oktober 2019 bedraagt 3,5 km.100 % van het deel van de straat dat binnen het project moet worden herbouwd, bevindt zich op het administratieve grondgebied van de stad. De investeringskosten van het project bedragen 5 168 131,00 EUR, waarbij de subsidiabele kosten 474 144,32 EUR bedragen en de niet-subsidiabele kosten 426 386,68 EUR bedragen.Het project is geplande financiering:- uit de financiering van de begroting van het lokaal bestuur — ter dekking van subsidiabele kosten van 533 466,24 EUR en ter dekking van niet-subsidiabele kosten ten bedrage van 426 386,68 EUR;- van de subsidies uit de overheidsbegroting aan gemeenten — ten bedrage van 177 815,41 EUR; en — uit de EU-middelen uit het Cohesiefonds — ter dekking van de subsidiabele kosten ten belope van 4 030 482,67 EUR is gepland voor de periode medio 2017 en tot oktober 2019. (Dutch)
28 November 2021
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L'obiettivo del progetto "Ricostruzione della via delle uve nella sezione dal confine di Liepaja alla cerchia di Cukura Street, Liepaja" è quello di ricostruire la via Grīzupes, garantendo il collegamento di importanti infrastrutture di trasporto della città di Liepaja con le reti TEN-T all'interno della città e l'integrazione nella rete TEN-T al di fuori della città, ed eliminando il rischio di perturbazione delle infrastrutture di trasporto della rotta di trasporto stradale di Grīzupes e migliorare la sicurezza del traffico per i flussi di trasporto pubblico locale (creazione di un trasporto pubblico stop "pockets"). Le attività principali del progetto includono:1)Preparazione dell'analisi dei costi (1 set); 2)controllo automatico (1 set); 3) Vigilanza della costruzione (1 set); 4)Lavori di costruzione (3,5 km.):-Ricostruzione della strada Grezupes nella sezione dal viale 14 novembre (compreso l'incrocio) al confine della città, Liepaja; Ricostruzione di via Grazupes nella sezione da Cukura Street al 14 novembre boulevard, Liepaja;5)Misure di informazione e pubblicità (1 set).La lunghezza totale delle strade di trasporto merci alternative ricostruite fino a ottobre 2019 sarà di 3,5 km.100 % della sezione della strada da ricostruire all'interno del progetto si trova nel territorio amministrativo della città. I costi di investimento del progetto ammontano a 516 811,00 EUR, se i costi ammissibili ammontano a 47 417 444,32 EUR e i costi non ammissibili ammontano a 426 386,68 EUR.Il progetto dovrebbe essere finanziato:- dal finanziamento del bilancio degli enti locali — per coprire costi ammissibili di 533 466,24 EUR e coprire costi non ammissibili per un importo di 426 386,68 EUR;- dalle sovvenzioni del bilancio dello Stato ai comuni — per un importo di 177 815,41 EUR; e — dal finanziamento del Fondo di coesione dell'UE — per coprire costi ammissibili di 4 030 482,67 EUR l'attuazione del progetto è prevista a partire dalla metà del 2017 e fino all'ottobre 2019. (Italian)
11 January 2022
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El objetivo del proyecto «Reconstrucción de la calle Grazupes en el tramo de la frontera de Liepaja al círculo de la calle Cukura, Liepaja» es reconstruir la calle Grīzupes, garantizar la conexión de una importante infraestructura de transporte de la ciudad de Liepaja con las redes RTE-T dentro de la ciudad y la integración en la red RTE-T fuera de la ciudad, y eliminar el riesgo de interrupción de la infraestructura de transporte de la ruta de transporte de la calle Grīzupes y mejorar la seguridad del tráfico de los flujos de transporte público local (mediante la creación de una parada de transporte público «bolsillos»). 2) Supervisión autorizada (1 conjunto); 3) Supervisión de la construcción (1 conjunto); 4) Obras de construcción (3,5 km.):-Reconstrucción de la calle Grezupes en el tramo del 14 de noviembre bulevar (incluida la intersección) a la frontera de la ciudad, Liepaja; Reconstrucción de la calle Grazupes en el tramo desde la calle Cukura hasta el 14 de noviembre bulevar, Liepaja;5) Medidas de información y publicidad (1 conjunto).La longitud total de las calles alternativas de transporte de mercancías reconstruidas hasta octubre de 2019 será de 3,5 km.100 % del tramo de la calle que se va a reconstruir dentro del proyecto se encuentra en el territorio administrativo de la ciudad. Los costes de inversión del proyecto ascienden a 5 168 131,00 EUR, cuando los costes subvencionables ascienden a 4 741 744,32 EUR y los costes no subvencionables ascienden a 426 386,68 EUR. Se prevé que el proyecto se financie:- con cargo a la financiación del presupuesto de las administraciones locales — para cubrir los costes subvencionables de 533 466,24 EUR y para cubrir los costes no subvencionables por un importe de 426 386,68 EUR;- de las subvenciones del presupuesto estatal a los municipios — por un importe de 177 815,41 EUR; y — con cargo a la financiación del Fondo de Cohesión de la UE — para cubrir los costes subvencionables de 4 030 482,67 EUR para la ejecución del proyecto desde mediados de 2017 hasta octubre de 2019. (Spanish)
12 January 2022
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The aim of the project “Reconstruction of Grīzupes Street in the section from Liepāja border to Cukura street ring, Liepaja” is to rebuild Grīzupes Street, ensuring the connection of significant transport infrastructure of Liepaja city with TEN-T networks within the city and integration into the TEN-T network outside the city, and eliminating the risk of breaking the Grīzupes street route infrastructure and improving traffic safety for the flow of local public transport (forming the public transport stop “cabbatas”).The project’s main activities include the risk of breaking the Grīzupe street route infrastructure and improving traffic safety for the flow of local public transport (forming the public transport stop “cabbats”).The main activities of the project (incl. —Reconstruction of Grīzupes Street in the period from Cukura Street to November 14 in Liepāja;5)Informative and publicity measures (1 Compl.).The total length of alternative freight transport streets rebuilt until 2019 October will consist of 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project within the framework of the project The total length of alternative freight transport streets to link to the TEN-T network will consist of 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project is located in the city’s administrative territory.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 533 km.The eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 to the budget amount to be paid for the budget amount of EUR 533,68 to the project.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 – EUR 68 – to cover the costs of the project The project is located in the administrative territory of the city.The total length of the construction of the project to be rebuilt until 2019 October for linking to the TEN-T network will be 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project to be rebuilt within the city’s administrative territory.The total length of the construction of the project will consist of EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741-October and from the budget to cover the budget amount of EUR 386 68-815-parable to cover the budget amount of EUR 533 446.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are from EUR 533 446 to the project from EUR 68 177 from the budget amount to be paid from the budget amount of 24 426 386.24 from the budget amount to the amount of EUR 446 24 and EUR 386.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 to the budget amount to be financed from EUR 386 68 to the project.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs of the project are from EUR 386 68 177-815.41.24 from the budget of EUR 24 426 386, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 24 426 386-815.41.386.24.386.386.24.386.24.426.Executional expenditure of the project EUR 386.386-815.386.68 The costs of the project are EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 68 177-815-41.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741-744, and EUR 386.386.386 The eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68, the non— (Estonian)
3 August 2022
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The aim of the project “Reconstruction of Grīzupes Street in the section from Liepāja border to Cukura street ring, Liepaja” is to rebuild Grīzupes Street, ensuring the connection of significant transport infrastructure of Liepaja city with TEN-T networks within the city and integration into the TEN-T network outside the city, and eliminating the risk of breaking the Grīzupes street route infrastructure and improving traffic safety for the flow of local public transport (forming the public transport stop “cabbatas”).The project’s main activities include the risk of breaking the Grīzupe street route infrastructure and improving traffic safety for the flow of local public transport (forming the public transport stop “cabbats”).The main activities of the project (incl. —Reconstruction of Grīzupes Street in the period from Cukura Street to November 14 in Liepāja;5)Informative and publicity measures (1 Compl.).The total length of alternative freight transport streets rebuilt until 2019 October will consist of 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project within the framework of the project The total length of alternative freight transport streets to link to the TEN-T network will consist of 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project is located in the city’s administrative territory.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 533 km.The eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 to the budget amount to be paid for the budget amount of EUR 533,68 to the project.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 – EUR 68 – to cover the costs of the project The project is located in the administrative territory of the city.The total length of the construction of the project to be rebuilt until 2019 October for linking to the TEN-T network will be 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project to be rebuilt within the city’s administrative territory.The total length of the construction of the project will consist of EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741-October and from the budget to cover the budget amount of EUR 386 68-815-parable to cover the budget amount of EUR 533 446.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are from EUR 533 446 to the project from EUR 68 177 from the budget amount to be paid from the budget amount of 24 426 386.24 from the budget amount to the amount of EUR 446 24 and EUR 386.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 to the budget amount to be financed from EUR 386 68 to the project.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs of the project are from EUR 386 68 177-815.41.24 from the budget of EUR 24 426 386, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 24 426 386-815.41.386.24.386.386.24.386.24.426.Executional expenditure of the project EUR 386.386-815.386.68 The costs of the project are EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 68 177-815-41.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741-744, and EUR 386.386.386 The eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68, the non— (Lithuanian)
3 August 2022
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The aim of the project “Reconstruction of Grīzupes Street in the section from Liepāja border to Cukura street ring, Liepaja” is to rebuild Grīzupes Street, ensuring the connection of significant transport infrastructure of Liepaja city with TEN-T networks within the city and integration into the TEN-T network outside the city, and eliminating the risk of breaking the Grīzupes street route infrastructure and improving traffic safety for the flow of local public transport (forming the public transport stop “cabbatas”).The project’s main activities include the risk of breaking the Grīzupe street route infrastructure and improving traffic safety for the flow of local public transport (forming the public transport stop “cabbats”).The main activities of the project (incl. —Reconstruction of Grīzupes Street in the period from Cukura Street to November 14 in Liepāja;5)Informative and publicity measures (1 Compl.).The total length of alternative freight transport streets rebuilt until 2019 October will consist of 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project within the framework of the project The total length of alternative freight transport streets to link to the TEN-T network will consist of 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project is located in the city’s administrative territory.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 533 km.The eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 to the budget amount to be paid for the budget amount of EUR 533,68 to the project.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 – EUR 68 – to cover the costs of the project The project is located in the administrative territory of the city.The total length of the construction of the project to be rebuilt until 2019 October for linking to the TEN-T network will be 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project to be rebuilt within the city’s administrative territory.The total length of the construction of the project will consist of EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741-October and from the budget to cover the budget amount of EUR 386 68-815-parable to cover the budget amount of EUR 533 446.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are from EUR 533 446 to the project from EUR 68 177 from the budget amount to be paid from the budget amount of 24 426 386.24 from the budget amount to the amount of EUR 446 24 and EUR 386.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 to the budget amount to be financed from EUR 386 68 to the project.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs of the project are from EUR 386 68 177-815.41.24 from the budget of EUR 24 426 386, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 24 426 386-815.41.386.24.386.386.24.386.24.426.Executional expenditure of the project EUR 386.386-815.386.68 The costs of the project are EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 68 177-815-41.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741-744, and EUR 386.386.386 The eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68, the non— (Croatian)
3 August 2022
0 references
The aim of the project “Reconstruction of Grīzupes Street in the section from Liepāja border to Cukura street ring, Liepaja” is to rebuild Grīzupes Street, ensuring the connection of significant transport infrastructure of Liepaja city with TEN-T networks within the city and integration into the TEN-T network outside the city, and eliminating the risk of breaking the Grīzupes street route infrastructure and improving traffic safety for the flow of local public transport (forming the public transport stop “cabbatas”).The project’s main activities include the risk of breaking the Grīzupe street route infrastructure and improving traffic safety for the flow of local public transport (forming the public transport stop “cabbats”).The main activities of the project (incl. —Reconstruction of Grīzupes Street in the period from Cukura Street to November 14 in Liepāja;5)Informative and publicity measures (1 Compl.).The total length of alternative freight transport streets rebuilt until 2019 October will consist of 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project within the framework of the project The total length of alternative freight transport streets to link to the TEN-T network will consist of 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project is located in the city’s administrative territory.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 533 km.The eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 to the budget amount to be paid for the budget amount of EUR 533,68 to the project.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 – EUR 68 – to cover the costs of the project The project is located in the administrative territory of the city.The total length of the construction of the project to be rebuilt until 2019 October for linking to the TEN-T network will be 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project to be rebuilt within the city’s administrative territory.The total length of the construction of the project will consist of EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741-October and from the budget to cover the budget amount of EUR 386 68-815-parable to cover the budget amount of EUR 533 446.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are from EUR 533 446 to the project from EUR 68 177 from the budget amount to be paid from the budget amount of 24 426 386.24 from the budget amount to the amount of EUR 446 24 and EUR 386.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 to the budget amount to be financed from EUR 386 68 to the project.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs of the project are from EUR 386 68 177-815.41.24 from the budget of EUR 24 426 386, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 24 426 386-815.41.386.24.386.386.24.386.24.426.Executional expenditure of the project EUR 386.386-815.386.68 The costs of the project are EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 68 177-815-41.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741-744, and EUR 386.386.386 The eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68, the non— (Greek)
3 August 2022
0 references
The aim of the project “Reconstruction of Grīzupes Street in the section from Liepāja border to Cukura street ring, Liepaja” is to rebuild Grīzupes Street, ensuring the connection of significant transport infrastructure of Liepaja city with TEN-T networks within the city and integration into the TEN-T network outside the city, and eliminating the risk of breaking the Grīzupes street route infrastructure and improving traffic safety for the flow of local public transport (forming the public transport stop “cabbatas”).The project’s main activities include the risk of breaking the Grīzupe street route infrastructure and improving traffic safety for the flow of local public transport (forming the public transport stop “cabbats”).The main activities of the project (incl. —Reconstruction of Grīzupes Street in the period from Cukura Street to November 14 in Liepāja;5)Informative and publicity measures (1 Compl.).The total length of alternative freight transport streets rebuilt until 2019 October will consist of 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project within the framework of the project The total length of alternative freight transport streets to link to the TEN-T network will consist of 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project is located in the city’s administrative territory.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 533 km.The eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 to the budget amount to be paid for the budget amount of EUR 533,68 to the project.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 – EUR 68 – to cover the costs of the project The project is located in the administrative territory of the city.The total length of the construction of the project to be rebuilt until 2019 October for linking to the TEN-T network will be 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project to be rebuilt within the city’s administrative territory.The total length of the construction of the project will consist of EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741-October and from the budget to cover the budget amount of EUR 386 68-815-parable to cover the budget amount of EUR 533 446.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are from EUR 533 446 to the project from EUR 68 177 from the budget amount to be paid from the budget amount of 24 426 386.24 from the budget amount to the amount of EUR 446 24 and EUR 386.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 to the budget amount to be financed from EUR 386 68 to the project.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs of the project are from EUR 386 68 177-815.41.24 from the budget of EUR 24 426 386, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 24 426 386-815.41.386.24.386.386.24.386.24.426.Executional expenditure of the project EUR 386.386-815.386.68 The costs of the project are EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 68 177-815-41.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741-744, and EUR 386.386.386 The eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68, the non— (Slovak)
3 August 2022
0 references
The aim of the project “Reconstruction of Grīzupes Street in the section from Liepāja border to Cukura street ring, Liepaja” is to rebuild Grīzupes Street, ensuring the connection of significant transport infrastructure of Liepaja city with TEN-T networks within the city and integration into the TEN-T network outside the city, and eliminating the risk of breaking the Grīzupes street route infrastructure and improving traffic safety for the flow of local public transport (forming the public transport stop “cabbatas”).The project’s main activities include the risk of breaking the Grīzupe street route infrastructure and improving traffic safety for the flow of local public transport (forming the public transport stop “cabbats”).The main activities of the project (incl. —Reconstruction of Grīzupes Street in the period from Cukura Street to November 14 in Liepāja;5)Informative and publicity measures (1 Compl.).The total length of alternative freight transport streets rebuilt until 2019 October will consist of 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project within the framework of the project The total length of alternative freight transport streets to link to the TEN-T network will consist of 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project is located in the city’s administrative territory.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 533 km.The eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 to the budget amount to be paid for the budget amount of EUR 533,68 to the project.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 – EUR 68 – to cover the costs of the project The project is located in the administrative territory of the city.The total length of the construction of the project to be rebuilt until 2019 October for linking to the TEN-T network will be 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project to be rebuilt within the city’s administrative territory.The total length of the construction of the project will consist of EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741-October and from the budget to cover the budget amount of EUR 386 68-815-parable to cover the budget amount of EUR 533 446.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are from EUR 533 446 to the project from EUR 68 177 from the budget amount to be paid from the budget amount of 24 426 386.24 from the budget amount to the amount of EUR 446 24 and EUR 386.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 to the budget amount to be financed from EUR 386 68 to the project.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs of the project are from EUR 386 68 177-815.41.24 from the budget of EUR 24 426 386, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 24 426 386-815.41.386.24.386.386.24.386.24.426.Executional expenditure of the project EUR 386.386-815.386.68 The costs of the project are EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 68 177-815-41.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741-744, and EUR 386.386.386 The eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68, the non— (Finnish)
3 August 2022
0 references
The aim of the project “Reconstruction of Grīzupes Street in the section from Liepāja border to Cukura street ring, Liepaja” is to rebuild Grīzupes Street, ensuring the connection of significant transport infrastructure of Liepaja city with TEN-T networks within the city and integration into the TEN-T network outside the city, and eliminating the risk of breaking the Grīzupes street route infrastructure and improving traffic safety for the flow of local public transport (forming the public transport stop “cabbatas”).The project’s main activities include the risk of breaking the Grīzupe street route infrastructure and improving traffic safety for the flow of local public transport (forming the public transport stop “cabbats”).The main activities of the project (incl. —Reconstruction of Grīzupes Street in the period from Cukura Street to November 14 in Liepāja;5)Informative and publicity measures (1 Compl.).The total length of alternative freight transport streets rebuilt until 2019 October will consist of 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project within the framework of the project The total length of alternative freight transport streets to link to the TEN-T network will consist of 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project is located in the city’s administrative territory.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 533 km.The eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 to the budget amount to be paid for the budget amount of EUR 533,68 to the project.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 – EUR 68 – to cover the costs of the project The project is located in the administrative territory of the city.The total length of the construction of the project to be rebuilt until 2019 October for linking to the TEN-T network will be 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project to be rebuilt within the city’s administrative territory.The total length of the construction of the project will consist of EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741-October and from the budget to cover the budget amount of EUR 386 68-815-parable to cover the budget amount of EUR 533 446.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are from EUR 533 446 to the project from EUR 68 177 from the budget amount to be paid from the budget amount of 24 426 386.24 from the budget amount to the amount of EUR 446 24 and EUR 386.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 to the budget amount to be financed from EUR 386 68 to the project.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs of the project are from EUR 386 68 177-815.41.24 from the budget of EUR 24 426 386, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 24 426 386-815.41.386.24.386.386.24.386.24.426.Executional expenditure of the project EUR 386.386-815.386.68 The costs of the project are EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 68 177-815-41.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741-744, and EUR 386.386.386 The eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68, the non— (Polish)
3 August 2022
0 references
The aim of the project “Reconstruction of Grīzupes Street in the section from Liepāja border to Cukura street ring, Liepaja” is to rebuild Grīzupes Street, ensuring the connection of significant transport infrastructure of Liepaja city with TEN-T networks within the city and integration into the TEN-T network outside the city, and eliminating the risk of breaking the Grīzupes street route infrastructure and improving traffic safety for the flow of local public transport (forming the public transport stop “cabbatas”).The project’s main activities include the risk of breaking the Grīzupe street route infrastructure and improving traffic safety for the flow of local public transport (forming the public transport stop “cabbats”).The main activities of the project (incl. —Reconstruction of Grīzupes Street in the period from Cukura Street to November 14 in Liepāja;5)Informative and publicity measures (1 Compl.).The total length of alternative freight transport streets rebuilt until 2019 October will consist of 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project within the framework of the project The total length of alternative freight transport streets to link to the TEN-T network will consist of 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project is located in the city’s administrative territory.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 533 km.The eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 to the budget amount to be paid for the budget amount of EUR 533,68 to the project.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 – EUR 68 – to cover the costs of the project The project is located in the administrative territory of the city.The total length of the construction of the project to be rebuilt until 2019 October for linking to the TEN-T network will be 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project to be rebuilt within the city’s administrative territory.The total length of the construction of the project will consist of EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741-October and from the budget to cover the budget amount of EUR 386 68-815-parable to cover the budget amount of EUR 533 446.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are from EUR 533 446 to the project from EUR 68 177 from the budget amount to be paid from the budget amount of 24 426 386.24 from the budget amount to the amount of EUR 446 24 and EUR 386.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 to the budget amount to be financed from EUR 386 68 to the project.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs of the project are from EUR 386 68 177-815.41.24 from the budget of EUR 24 426 386, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 24 426 386-815.41.386.24.386.386.24.386.24.426.Executional expenditure of the project EUR 386.386-815.386.68 The costs of the project are EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 68 177-815-41.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741-744, and EUR 386.386.386 The eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68, the non— (Hungarian)
3 August 2022
0 references
The aim of the project “Reconstruction of Grīzupes Street in the section from Liepāja border to Cukura street ring, Liepaja” is to rebuild Grīzupes Street, ensuring the connection of significant transport infrastructure of Liepaja city with TEN-T networks within the city and integration into the TEN-T network outside the city, and eliminating the risk of breaking the Grīzupes street route infrastructure and improving traffic safety for the flow of local public transport (forming the public transport stop “cabbatas”).The project’s main activities include the risk of breaking the Grīzupe street route infrastructure and improving traffic safety for the flow of local public transport (forming the public transport stop “cabbats”).The main activities of the project (incl. —Reconstruction of Grīzupes Street in the period from Cukura Street to November 14 in Liepāja;5)Informative and publicity measures (1 Compl.).The total length of alternative freight transport streets rebuilt until 2019 October will consist of 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project within the framework of the project The total length of alternative freight transport streets to link to the TEN-T network will consist of 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project is located in the city’s administrative territory.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 533 km.The eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 to the budget amount to be paid for the budget amount of EUR 533,68 to the project.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 – EUR 68 – to cover the costs of the project The project is located in the administrative territory of the city.The total length of the construction of the project to be rebuilt until 2019 October for linking to the TEN-T network will be 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project to be rebuilt within the city’s administrative territory.The total length of the construction of the project will consist of EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741-October and from the budget to cover the budget amount of EUR 386 68-815-parable to cover the budget amount of EUR 533 446.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are from EUR 533 446 to the project from EUR 68 177 from the budget amount to be paid from the budget amount of 24 426 386.24 from the budget amount to the amount of EUR 446 24 and EUR 386.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 to the budget amount to be financed from EUR 386 68 to the project.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs of the project are from EUR 386 68 177-815.41.24 from the budget of EUR 24 426 386, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 24 426 386-815.41.386.24.386.386.24.386.24.426.Executional expenditure of the project EUR 386.386-815.386.68 The costs of the project are EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 68 177-815-41.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741-744, and EUR 386.386.386 The eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68, the non— (Czech)
3 August 2022
0 references
The aim of the project “Reconstruction of Grīzupes Street in the section from Liepāja border to Cukura street ring, Liepaja” is to rebuild Grīzupes Street, ensuring the connection of significant transport infrastructure of Liepaja city with TEN-T networks within the city and integration into the TEN-T network outside the city, and eliminating the risk of breaking the Grīzupes street route infrastructure and improving traffic safety for the flow of local public transport (forming the public transport stop “cabbatas”).The project’s main activities include the risk of breaking the Grīzupe street route infrastructure and improving traffic safety for the flow of local public transport (forming the public transport stop “cabbats”).The main activities of the project (incl. —Reconstruction of Grīzupes Street in the period from Cukura Street to November 14 in Liepāja;5)Informative and publicity measures (1 Compl.).The total length of alternative freight transport streets rebuilt until 2019 October will consist of 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project within the framework of the project The total length of alternative freight transport streets to link to the TEN-T network will consist of 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project is located in the city’s administrative territory.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 533 km.The eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 to the budget amount to be paid for the budget amount of EUR 533,68 to the project.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 – EUR 68 – to cover the costs of the project The project is located in the administrative territory of the city.The total length of the construction of the project to be rebuilt until 2019 October for linking to the TEN-T network will be 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project to be rebuilt within the city’s administrative territory.The total length of the construction of the project will consist of EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741-October and from the budget to cover the budget amount of EUR 386 68-815-parable to cover the budget amount of EUR 533 446.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are from EUR 533 446 to the project from EUR 68 177 from the budget amount to be paid from the budget amount of 24 426 386.24 from the budget amount to the amount of EUR 446 24 and EUR 386.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 to the budget amount to be financed from EUR 386 68 to the project.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs of the project are from EUR 386 68 177-815.41.24 from the budget of EUR 24 426 386, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 24 426 386-815.41.386.24.386.386.24.386.24.426.Executional expenditure of the project EUR 386.386-815.386.68 The costs of the project are EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 68 177-815-41.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741-744, and EUR 386.386.386 The eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68, the non— (Irish)
3 August 2022
0 references
The aim of the project “Reconstruction of Grīzupes Street in the section from Liepāja border to Cukura street ring, Liepaja” is to rebuild Grīzupes Street, ensuring the connection of significant transport infrastructure of Liepaja city with TEN-T networks within the city and integration into the TEN-T network outside the city, and eliminating the risk of breaking the Grīzupes street route infrastructure and improving traffic safety for the flow of local public transport (forming the public transport stop “cabbatas”).The project’s main activities include the risk of breaking the Grīzupe street route infrastructure and improving traffic safety for the flow of local public transport (forming the public transport stop “cabbats”).The main activities of the project (incl. —Reconstruction of Grīzupes Street in the period from Cukura Street to November 14 in Liepāja;5)Informative and publicity measures (1 Compl.).The total length of alternative freight transport streets rebuilt until 2019 October will consist of 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project within the framework of the project The total length of alternative freight transport streets to link to the TEN-T network will consist of 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project is located in the city’s administrative territory.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 533 km.The eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 to the budget amount to be paid for the budget amount of EUR 533,68 to the project.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 – EUR 68 – to cover the costs of the project The project is located in the administrative territory of the city.The total length of the construction of the project to be rebuilt until 2019 October for linking to the TEN-T network will be 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project to be rebuilt within the city’s administrative territory.The total length of the construction of the project will consist of EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741-October and from the budget to cover the budget amount of EUR 386 68-815-parable to cover the budget amount of EUR 533 446.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are from EUR 533 446 to the project from EUR 68 177 from the budget amount to be paid from the budget amount of 24 426 386.24 from the budget amount to the amount of EUR 446 24 and EUR 386.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 to the budget amount to be financed from EUR 386 68 to the project.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs of the project are from EUR 386 68 177-815.41.24 from the budget of EUR 24 426 386, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 24 426 386-815.41.386.24.386.386.24.386.24.426.Executional expenditure of the project EUR 386.386-815.386.68 The costs of the project are EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 68 177-815-41.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741-744, and EUR 386.386.386 The eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68, the non— (Slovenian)
3 August 2022
0 references
The aim of the project “Reconstruction of Grīzupes Street in the section from Liepāja border to Cukura street ring, Liepaja” is to rebuild Grīzupes Street, ensuring the connection of significant transport infrastructure of Liepaja city with TEN-T networks within the city and integration into the TEN-T network outside the city, and eliminating the risk of breaking the Grīzupes street route infrastructure and improving traffic safety for the flow of local public transport (forming the public transport stop “cabbatas”).The project’s main activities include the risk of breaking the Grīzupe street route infrastructure and improving traffic safety for the flow of local public transport (forming the public transport stop “cabbats”).The main activities of the project (incl. —Reconstruction of Grīzupes Street in the period from Cukura Street to November 14 in Liepāja;5)Informative and publicity measures (1 Compl.).The total length of alternative freight transport streets rebuilt until 2019 October will consist of 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project within the framework of the project The total length of alternative freight transport streets to link to the TEN-T network will consist of 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project is located in the city’s administrative territory.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 533 km.The eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 to the budget amount to be paid for the budget amount of EUR 533,68 to the project.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 – EUR 68 – to cover the costs of the project The project is located in the administrative territory of the city.The total length of the construction of the project to be rebuilt until 2019 October for linking to the TEN-T network will be 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project to be rebuilt within the city’s administrative territory.The total length of the construction of the project will consist of EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741-October and from the budget to cover the budget amount of EUR 386 68-815-parable to cover the budget amount of EUR 533 446.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are from EUR 533 446 to the project from EUR 68 177 from the budget amount to be paid from the budget amount of 24 426 386.24 from the budget amount to the amount of EUR 446 24 and EUR 386.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 to the budget amount to be financed from EUR 386 68 to the project.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs of the project are from EUR 386 68 177-815.41.24 from the budget of EUR 24 426 386, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 24 426 386-815.41.386.24.386.386.24.386.24.426.Executional expenditure of the project EUR 386.386-815.386.68 The costs of the project are EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 68 177-815-41.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741-744, and EUR 386.386.386 The eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68, the non— (Bulgarian)
3 August 2022
0 references
The aim of the project “Reconstruction of Grīzupes Street in the section from Liepāja border to Cukura street ring, Liepaja” is to rebuild Grīzupes Street, ensuring the connection of significant transport infrastructure of Liepaja city with TEN-T networks within the city and integration into the TEN-T network outside the city, and eliminating the risk of breaking the Grīzupes street route infrastructure and improving traffic safety for the flow of local public transport (forming the public transport stop “cabbatas”).The project’s main activities include the risk of breaking the Grīzupe street route infrastructure and improving traffic safety for the flow of local public transport (forming the public transport stop “cabbats”).The main activities of the project (incl. —Reconstruction of Grīzupes Street in the period from Cukura Street to November 14 in Liepāja;5)Informative and publicity measures (1 Compl.).The total length of alternative freight transport streets rebuilt until 2019 October will consist of 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project within the framework of the project The total length of alternative freight transport streets to link to the TEN-T network will consist of 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project is located in the city’s administrative territory.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 533 km.The eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 to the budget amount to be paid for the budget amount of EUR 533,68 to the project.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 – EUR 68 – to cover the costs of the project The project is located in the administrative territory of the city.The total length of the construction of the project to be rebuilt until 2019 October for linking to the TEN-T network will be 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project to be rebuilt within the city’s administrative territory.The total length of the construction of the project will consist of EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741-October and from the budget to cover the budget amount of EUR 386 68-815-parable to cover the budget amount of EUR 533 446.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are from EUR 533 446 to the project from EUR 68 177 from the budget amount to be paid from the budget amount of 24 426 386.24 from the budget amount to the amount of EUR 446 24 and EUR 386.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 to the budget amount to be financed from EUR 386 68 to the project.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs of the project are from EUR 386 68 177-815.41.24 from the budget of EUR 24 426 386, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 24 426 386-815.41.386.24.386.386.24.386.24.426.Executional expenditure of the project EUR 386.386-815.386.68 The costs of the project are EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 68 177-815-41.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741-744, and EUR 386.386.386 The eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68, the non— (Maltese)
3 August 2022
0 references
The aim of the project “Reconstruction of Grīzupes Street in the section from Liepāja border to Cukura street ring, Liepaja” is to rebuild Grīzupes Street, ensuring the connection of significant transport infrastructure of Liepaja city with TEN-T networks within the city and integration into the TEN-T network outside the city, and eliminating the risk of breaking the Grīzupes street route infrastructure and improving traffic safety for the flow of local public transport (forming the public transport stop “cabbatas”).The project’s main activities include the risk of breaking the Grīzupe street route infrastructure and improving traffic safety for the flow of local public transport (forming the public transport stop “cabbats”).The main activities of the project (incl. —Reconstruction of Grīzupes Street in the period from Cukura Street to November 14 in Liepāja;5)Informative and publicity measures (1 Compl.).The total length of alternative freight transport streets rebuilt until 2019 October will consist of 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project within the framework of the project The total length of alternative freight transport streets to link to the TEN-T network will consist of 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project is located in the city’s administrative territory.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 533 km.The eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 to the budget amount to be paid for the budget amount of EUR 533,68 to the project.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 – EUR 68 – to cover the costs of the project The project is located in the administrative territory of the city.The total length of the construction of the project to be rebuilt until 2019 October for linking to the TEN-T network will be 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project to be rebuilt within the city’s administrative territory.The total length of the construction of the project will consist of EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741-October and from the budget to cover the budget amount of EUR 386 68-815-parable to cover the budget amount of EUR 533 446.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are from EUR 533 446 to the project from EUR 68 177 from the budget amount to be paid from the budget amount of 24 426 386.24 from the budget amount to the amount of EUR 446 24 and EUR 386.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 to the budget amount to be financed from EUR 386 68 to the project.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs of the project are from EUR 386 68 177-815.41.24 from the budget of EUR 24 426 386, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 24 426 386-815.41.386.24.386.386.24.386.24.426.Executional expenditure of the project EUR 386.386-815.386.68 The costs of the project are EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 68 177-815-41.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741-744, and EUR 386.386.386 The eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68, the non— (Portuguese)
3 August 2022
0 references
The aim of the project “Reconstruction of Grīzupes Street in the section from Liepāja border to Cukura street ring, Liepaja” is to rebuild Grīzupes Street, ensuring the connection of significant transport infrastructure of Liepaja city with TEN-T networks within the city and integration into the TEN-T network outside the city, and eliminating the risk of breaking the Grīzupes street route infrastructure and improving traffic safety for the flow of local public transport (forming the public transport stop “cabbatas”).The project’s main activities include the risk of breaking the Grīzupe street route infrastructure and improving traffic safety for the flow of local public transport (forming the public transport stop “cabbats”).The main activities of the project (incl. —Reconstruction of Grīzupes Street in the period from Cukura Street to November 14 in Liepāja;5)Informative and publicity measures (1 Compl.).The total length of alternative freight transport streets rebuilt until 2019 October will consist of 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project within the framework of the project The total length of alternative freight transport streets to link to the TEN-T network will consist of 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project is located in the city’s administrative territory.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 533 km.The eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 to the budget amount to be paid for the budget amount of EUR 533,68 to the project.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 – EUR 68 – to cover the costs of the project The project is located in the administrative territory of the city.The total length of the construction of the project to be rebuilt until 2019 October for linking to the TEN-T network will be 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project to be rebuilt within the city’s administrative territory.The total length of the construction of the project will consist of EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741-October and from the budget to cover the budget amount of EUR 386 68-815-parable to cover the budget amount of EUR 533 446.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are from EUR 533 446 to the project from EUR 68 177 from the budget amount to be paid from the budget amount of 24 426 386.24 from the budget amount to the amount of EUR 446 24 and EUR 386.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 to the budget amount to be financed from EUR 386 68 to the project.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs of the project are from EUR 386 68 177-815.41.24 from the budget of EUR 24 426 386, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 24 426 386-815.41.386.24.386.386.24.386.24.426.Executional expenditure of the project EUR 386.386-815.386.68 The costs of the project are EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 68 177-815-41.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741-744, and EUR 386.386.386 The eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68, the non— (Danish)
3 August 2022
0 references
The aim of the project “Reconstruction of Grīzupes Street in the section from Liepāja border to Cukura street ring, Liepaja” is to rebuild Grīzupes Street, ensuring the connection of significant transport infrastructure of Liepaja city with TEN-T networks within the city and integration into the TEN-T network outside the city, and eliminating the risk of breaking the Grīzupes street route infrastructure and improving traffic safety for the flow of local public transport (forming the public transport stop “cabbatas”).The project’s main activities include the risk of breaking the Grīzupe street route infrastructure and improving traffic safety for the flow of local public transport (forming the public transport stop “cabbats”).The main activities of the project (incl. —Reconstruction of Grīzupes Street in the period from Cukura Street to November 14 in Liepāja;5)Informative and publicity measures (1 Compl.).The total length of alternative freight transport streets rebuilt until 2019 October will consist of 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project within the framework of the project The total length of alternative freight transport streets to link to the TEN-T network will consist of 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project is located in the city’s administrative territory.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 533 km.The eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 to the budget amount to be paid for the budget amount of EUR 533,68 to the project.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 – EUR 68 – to cover the costs of the project The project is located in the administrative territory of the city.The total length of the construction of the project to be rebuilt until 2019 October for linking to the TEN-T network will be 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project to be rebuilt within the city’s administrative territory.The total length of the construction of the project will consist of EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741-October and from the budget to cover the budget amount of EUR 386 68-815-parable to cover the budget amount of EUR 533 446.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are from EUR 533 446 to the project from EUR 68 177 from the budget amount to be paid from the budget amount of 24 426 386.24 from the budget amount to the amount of EUR 446 24 and EUR 386.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 to the budget amount to be financed from EUR 386 68 to the project.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs of the project are from EUR 386 68 177-815.41.24 from the budget of EUR 24 426 386, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 24 426 386-815.41.386.24.386.386.24.386.24.426.Executional expenditure of the project EUR 386.386-815.386.68 The costs of the project are EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 68 177-815-41.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741-744, and EUR 386.386.386 The eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68, the non— (Romanian)
3 August 2022
0 references
The aim of the project “Reconstruction of Grīzupes Street in the section from Liepāja border to Cukura street ring, Liepaja” is to rebuild Grīzupes Street, ensuring the connection of significant transport infrastructure of Liepaja city with TEN-T networks within the city and integration into the TEN-T network outside the city, and eliminating the risk of breaking the Grīzupes street route infrastructure and improving traffic safety for the flow of local public transport (forming the public transport stop “cabbatas”).The project’s main activities include the risk of breaking the Grīzupe street route infrastructure and improving traffic safety for the flow of local public transport (forming the public transport stop “cabbats”).The main activities of the project (incl. —Reconstruction of Grīzupes Street in the period from Cukura Street to November 14 in Liepāja;5)Informative and publicity measures (1 Compl.).The total length of alternative freight transport streets rebuilt until 2019 October will consist of 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project within the framework of the project The total length of alternative freight transport streets to link to the TEN-T network will consist of 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project is located in the city’s administrative territory.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 533 km.The eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 to the budget amount to be paid for the budget amount of EUR 533,68 to the project.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 – EUR 68 – to cover the costs of the project The project is located in the administrative territory of the city.The total length of the construction of the project to be rebuilt until 2019 October for linking to the TEN-T network will be 3.5 km.100 % of the street to be rebuilt within the project to be rebuilt within the city’s administrative territory.The total length of the construction of the project will consist of EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741-October and from the budget to cover the budget amount of EUR 386 68-815-parable to cover the budget amount of EUR 533 446.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are from EUR 533 446 to the project from EUR 68 177 from the budget amount to be paid from the budget amount of 24 426 386.24 from the budget amount to the amount of EUR 446 24 and EUR 386.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68 to the budget amount to be financed from EUR 386 68 to the project.The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs of the project are from EUR 386 68 177-815.41.24 from the budget of EUR 24 426 386, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 24 426 386-815.41.386.24.386.386.24.386.24.426.Executional expenditure of the project EUR 386.386-815.386.68 The costs of the project are EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741, and the eligible costs of the project from EUR 68 177-815-41.32 The project’s investment costs amount to EUR 5 168 131.00, where the eligible costs are EUR 4 741-744, and EUR 386.386.386 The eligible costs of the project from EUR 386 68, the non— (Swedish)
3 August 2022
0 references
0 references