Road section Madonas higheja – Saukas swamps A11 in the county of Madonas Barkavas (Q3057545)
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Project Q3057545 in Latvia
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Road section Madonas higheja – Saukas swamps A11 in the county of Madonas Barkavas |
Project Q3057545 in Latvia |
313,002.12 Euro
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368,237.8 Euro
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85.0 percent
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27 September 2017
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26 July 2019
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Madonas novada pašvaldība
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Projekta mērķis ir Madonas novada Barkavas pagasta degradētās teritorijas revitalizācija, reģenerējot degradēto teritoriju atbilstoši Madonas novada attīstības programmai 2013.-2020.gadam, nodrošinot videi draudzīgu un vides ilgtspēju veicinošu teritoriālo izaugsmi, radot jaunas darba vietas, piesaistot nefinanšu investīcijas, pārbūvējot ceļu, kas nodrošina piekļuvi degradētajai teritorijai.Projektā paredzētas divas darbības, kas nekvalificējas kā valsts atbalsts - veikt ceļa posma Madonas šoseja – Saukas purvs A11, kas ir piekļuves ceļš degradētajai teritorijai, pārbūvi, veicot sagatavošanas darbus, komunikāciju pārbūvi, zemes darbus, konstruktīvo kārtu izbūvi, caurteku un konstrukciju uzstādīšanu, labiekārtošanu, ceļa zīmju un apzīmējumu uzstādīšanu projektā paredzētajās vietās un veikt būvuzraudzību šo ielu pārbūves darbiem, projekts ilgs 22 mēnešus. Projekta rezultātā tiks veikta augstāk minētā ceļa pārbūve 1,572 km garumā un veikta šo darbu būvuzraudzība un nodrošināta kvalitatīva piekļuve ražošanas uzņēmumiem Madonas novada Barkavas pagastā.Kopējais plānotais projekta budžets ir 370 778,81 EUR, plānotais ERAF atbalsta apjoms ir 315 16,99 EUR (85%). (Latvian)
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The aim of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory of Madona district Barkava parish by regenerating degraded territory according to Madona municipality development programme 2013-2020, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-friendly territorial growth, creating new jobs, attracting non-financial investments, rebuilding the road, which provides access to degraded area to the degraded area.The project provides two actions that do not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to 22, to restructure the road to the degraded territory, to perform the building blocks in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to reconstruct the road construction in the project, to perform the road signs, to rebuild the road section, to restructure the road to the building, and to rebuild the signs in the project.The project includes two actions that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to re-establish the road construction in the project, to perform the signs and to perform the road construction.The project is designed to rebuild the road section Madonas road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to perform the construction of the signs in the project, which does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to re-design the signs in the project, which does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to rebuild the road marsh, to re-struct the road to the degraded area, to perform the construction of signs and signs in the project that does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to re-establish the construction of the signs in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section road road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to reconstruct the construction of the signs in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to restructure the road to construction, and to re-construct the road structure in the locations to perform the signs, which are not qualified as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, reconstruction of road marsh to the territory of the degraded territory in accordance As a result of the project, the above-mentioned road will be reconstructed in the length of 1.572 km and construction supervision of these works was carried out and high-quality access to production companies in Barkava parish will be ensured.The total planned budget for the project is EUR 370778,81, the planned amount of ERDF support is EUR 31516.99 (85 %). (English)
15 July 2021
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L’objectif du projet est de revitaliser le territoire dégradé de la paroisse de Barkava, région de Madona, en régénérant le territoire dégradé conformément au programme de développement de la région de Madona 2013-2020, en assurant une croissance territoriale respectueuse de l’environnement et durable sur le plan environnemental, en créant de nouveaux emplois, en attirant des investissements non financiers, en reconstruisant une route donnant accès à la zone dégradée. quel est le chemin de l’accès au territoire dégradé, la reconstruction, la réalisation de travaux préparatoires, la reconstruction des communications, les travaux de terrains, la construction de ronds structuraux, ponceaux et constructions, l’amélioration, l’installation de panneaux routiers dans les lieux prévus dans le projet et d’effectuer la supervision de la construction des travaux de reconstruction de ces rues, le projet durera 22 mois. À la suite du projet, la reconstruction de la route mentionnée ci-dessus de 1,572 km sera réalisée et la supervision de la construction de ces travaux sera assurée et un accès de qualité aux entreprises manufacturières de la paroisse de Barkava dans la région de Madona sera assuré. Le budget total prévu pour le projet s’élève à 370 778,81 EUR et le montant prévu de l’aide du FEDER à 31 516,99 EUR (85 %). (French)
25 November 2021
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Ziel des Projekts ist die Wiederbelebung des degradierten Territoriums der Gemeinde Madona in Barkava, indem das degradierte Gebiet im Einklang mit dem Entwicklungsprogramm für die Region Madona 2013-2020 erneuert wird, ein umweltfreundliches und umweltverträgliches territoriales Wachstum gewährleistet, neue Arbeitsplätze geschaffen, nichtfinanzielle Investitionen angezogen und eine Straße errichtet wird, die Zugang zu dem degradierten Gebiet bietet. Das Projekt sieht zwei Tätigkeiten vor, die nicht als staatliche Beihilfen gelten – zur Durchführung der Straßenabschnitte Madona Highway – Sauka Sumpf A11, was ist der Weg des Zugangs zum degradierten Territorium, Wiederaufbau, Durchführung von Vorbereitungsarbeiten, Wiederaufbau der Kommunikation, Bauarbeiten, Bau von Strukturrunden, Krätzen und Bauten, Verbesserung, Installation von Straßenschildern und Schildern an den im Projekt vorgesehenen Orten und zur Durchführung der Bauüberwachung der Umbauarbeiten dieser Straßen, wird das Projekt 22 Monate dauern. Als Ergebnis des Projekts wird der Wiederaufbau der oben genannten Straße von 1,572 km durchgeführt und die Bauaufsicht dieser Arbeiten durchgeführt und ein qualitativ hochwertiger Zugang zu den Fertigungsbetrieben in der Pfarrei Barkava in der Region Madona gewährleistet. Das Gesamtbudget des Projekts beläuft sich auf 370 778,81 EUR und der geplante EFRE-Zuschuss beläuft sich auf 31 516,99 EUR (85 %). (German)
28 November 2021
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Het project heeft tot doel het aangetaste gebied van Madona-regio Barkava nieuw leven in te blazen door het aangetaste gebied te regenereren overeenkomstig het ontwikkelingsprogramma voor de Madona-regio 2013-2020, te zorgen voor milieuvriendelijke en ecologisch duurzame territoriale groei, nieuwe banen te creëren, niet-financiële investeringen aan te trekken, een weg te herbouwen die toegang biedt tot het aangetaste gebied. Het project voorziet in twee activiteiten die niet als staatssteun kunnen worden aangemerkt — voor het uitvoeren van weggedeelte Madona-snelweg — Sauka moeras A11, wat is het pad van de toegang tot het aangetaste grondgebied, de verbouwing, de uitvoering van voorbereidende werkzaamheden, de wederopbouw van communicatie, grondwerken, bouw van constructieronden, beklimmingen en constructies, verbetering, installatie van verkeersborden en borden op de plaatsen die in het project zijn voorzien en om de bouw van toezicht op de wederopbouw van deze straten uit te voeren, zal het project 22 maanden duren. Als gevolg van het project zal de bovengenoemde weg van 1,572 km worden gereconstrueerd en zal toezicht worden gehouden op de bouw van deze werkzaamheden en zal worden gezorgd voor hoogwaardige toegang tot de productiebedrijven in de parochie Barkava in de regio Madona. Het totale geplande budget van het project bedraagt 370 778,81 EUR en het geplande bedrag van de EFRO-steun bedraagt 31 516,99 EUR (85 %). (Dutch)
28 November 2021
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L'obiettivo del progetto è quello di rivitalizzare il territorio degradato della parrocchia di Barkava nella regione di Madona, rigenerando il territorio degradato conformemente al programma di sviluppo della regione di Madona 2013-2020, garantendo una crescita territoriale rispettosa dell'ambiente e sostenibile dal punto di vista ambientale, creando nuovi posti di lavoro, attirando investimenti non finanziari, ricostruindo una strada che consenta l'accesso all'area degradata. Il progetto prevede due attività che non possono essere considerate aiuti di Stato — realizzare il tratto stradale autostradale Madona — Sauka palude A11, qual è il percorso di accesso al territorio degradato, ricostruzione, realizzazione di lavori preparatori, ricostruzione di comunicazioni, lavori di terra, costruzione di ronde strutturali, culverti e costruzioni, miglioramento, installazione di segnaletica stradale e segnaletica nei luoghi previsti dal progetto e per effettuare la supervisione costruttiva dei lavori di ricostruzione di queste strade, il progetto durerà 22 mesi. Come risultato del progetto, sarà effettuata la ricostruzione della strada sopra menzionata di 1,572 km e la supervisione della costruzione di tali lavori sarà garantita e sarà garantito un accesso di alta qualità alle imprese manifatturiere nella parrocchia di Barkava, nella regione di Madona. Il bilancio totale previsto per il progetto è di 370 778,81 EUR e l'importo previsto del sostegno FESR è di 31 516,99 EUR (85 %). (Italian)
11 January 2022
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El objetivo del proyecto es revitalizar el territorio degradado de la parroquia de Barkava, región de Madona, regenerando el territorio degradado de acuerdo con el programa de desarrollo de la región de Madona 2013-2020, garantizando un crecimiento territorial respetuoso con el medio ambiente y sostenible desde el punto de vista medioambiental, creando nuevos puestos de trabajo, atrayendo inversiones no financieras, reconstruyendo una carretera de acceso a la zona degradada. ¿cuál es el camino de acceso al territorio degradado, reconstrucción, realización de trabajos preparatorios, reconstrucción de comunicaciones, obras de terreno, construcción de rondas estructurales, alcantarillas y construcciones, mejora, instalación de señalización vial en los lugares previstos en el proyecto y para llevar a cabo la supervisión de la construcción de las obras de reconstrucción de estas calles, el proyecto durará 22 meses. Como resultado del proyecto, se llevará a cabo la reconstrucción de la mencionada carretera de 1,572 km y se llevará a cabo la supervisión de la construcción de estas obras y se garantizará un acceso de alta calidad a las empresas manufactureras de la parroquia Barkava de la región de Madona. El presupuesto total previsto del proyecto es de 370 778,81 EUR, y el importe previsto de la ayuda del FEDER es de 31 516,99 EUR (85 %). (Spanish)
12 January 2022
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The aim of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory of Madona district Barkava parish by regenerating degraded territory according to Madona municipality development programme 2013-2020, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-friendly territorial growth, creating new jobs, attracting non-financial investments, rebuilding the road, which provides access to degraded area to the degraded area.The project provides two actions that do not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to 22, to restructure the road to the degraded territory, to perform the building blocks in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to reconstruct the road construction in the project, to perform the road signs, to rebuild the road section, to restructure the road to the building, and to rebuild the signs in the project.The project includes two actions that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to re-establish the road construction in the project, to perform the signs and to perform the road construction.The project is designed to rebuild the road section Madonas road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to perform the construction of the signs in the project, which does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to re-design the signs in the project, which does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to rebuild the road marsh, to re-struct the road to the degraded area, to perform the construction of signs and signs in the project that does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to re-establish the construction of the signs in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section road road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to reconstruct the construction of the signs in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to restructure the road to construction, and to re-construct the road structure in the locations to perform the signs, which are not qualified as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, reconstruction of road marsh to the territory of the degraded territory in accordance As a result of the project, the above-mentioned road will be reconstructed in the length of 1.572 km and construction supervision of these works was carried out and high-quality access to production companies in Barkava parish will be ensured.The total planned budget for the project is EUR 370778,81, the planned amount of ERDF support is EUR 31516.99 (85 %). (Estonian)
3 August 2022
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The aim of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory of Madona district Barkava parish by regenerating degraded territory according to Madona municipality development programme 2013-2020, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-friendly territorial growth, creating new jobs, attracting non-financial investments, rebuilding the road, which provides access to degraded area to the degraded area.The project provides two actions that do not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to 22, to restructure the road to the degraded territory, to perform the building blocks in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to reconstruct the road construction in the project, to perform the road signs, to rebuild the road section, to restructure the road to the building, and to rebuild the signs in the project.The project includes two actions that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to re-establish the road construction in the project, to perform the signs and to perform the road construction.The project is designed to rebuild the road section Madonas road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to perform the construction of the signs in the project, which does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to re-design the signs in the project, which does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to rebuild the road marsh, to re-struct the road to the degraded area, to perform the construction of signs and signs in the project that does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to re-establish the construction of the signs in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section road road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to reconstruct the construction of the signs in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to restructure the road to construction, and to re-construct the road structure in the locations to perform the signs, which are not qualified as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, reconstruction of road marsh to the territory of the degraded territory in accordance As a result of the project, the above-mentioned road will be reconstructed in the length of 1.572 km and construction supervision of these works was carried out and high-quality access to production companies in Barkava parish will be ensured.The total planned budget for the project is EUR 370778,81, the planned amount of ERDF support is EUR 31516.99 (85 %). (Lithuanian)
3 August 2022
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The aim of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory of Madona district Barkava parish by regenerating degraded territory according to Madona municipality development programme 2013-2020, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-friendly territorial growth, creating new jobs, attracting non-financial investments, rebuilding the road, which provides access to degraded area to the degraded area.The project provides two actions that do not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to 22, to restructure the road to the degraded territory, to perform the building blocks in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to reconstruct the road construction in the project, to perform the road signs, to rebuild the road section, to restructure the road to the building, and to rebuild the signs in the project.The project includes two actions that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to re-establish the road construction in the project, to perform the signs and to perform the road construction.The project is designed to rebuild the road section Madonas road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to perform the construction of the signs in the project, which does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to re-design the signs in the project, which does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to rebuild the road marsh, to re-struct the road to the degraded area, to perform the construction of signs and signs in the project that does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to re-establish the construction of the signs in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section road road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to reconstruct the construction of the signs in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to restructure the road to construction, and to re-construct the road structure in the locations to perform the signs, which are not qualified as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, reconstruction of road marsh to the territory of the degraded territory in accordance As a result of the project, the above-mentioned road will be reconstructed in the length of 1.572 km and construction supervision of these works was carried out and high-quality access to production companies in Barkava parish will be ensured.The total planned budget for the project is EUR 370778,81, the planned amount of ERDF support is EUR 31516.99 (85 %). (Croatian)
3 August 2022
0 references
The aim of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory of Madona district Barkava parish by regenerating degraded territory according to Madona municipality development programme 2013-2020, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-friendly territorial growth, creating new jobs, attracting non-financial investments, rebuilding the road, which provides access to degraded area to the degraded area.The project provides two actions that do not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to 22, to restructure the road to the degraded territory, to perform the building blocks in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to reconstruct the road construction in the project, to perform the road signs, to rebuild the road section, to restructure the road to the building, and to rebuild the signs in the project.The project includes two actions that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to re-establish the road construction in the project, to perform the signs and to perform the road construction.The project is designed to rebuild the road section Madonas road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to perform the construction of the signs in the project, which does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to re-design the signs in the project, which does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to rebuild the road marsh, to re-struct the road to the degraded area, to perform the construction of signs and signs in the project that does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to re-establish the construction of the signs in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section road road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to reconstruct the construction of the signs in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to restructure the road to construction, and to re-construct the road structure in the locations to perform the signs, which are not qualified as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, reconstruction of road marsh to the territory of the degraded territory in accordance As a result of the project, the above-mentioned road will be reconstructed in the length of 1.572 km and construction supervision of these works was carried out and high-quality access to production companies in Barkava parish will be ensured.The total planned budget for the project is EUR 370778,81, the planned amount of ERDF support is EUR 31516.99 (85 %). (Greek)
3 August 2022
0 references
The aim of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory of Madona district Barkava parish by regenerating degraded territory according to Madona municipality development programme 2013-2020, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-friendly territorial growth, creating new jobs, attracting non-financial investments, rebuilding the road, which provides access to degraded area to the degraded area.The project provides two actions that do not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to 22, to restructure the road to the degraded territory, to perform the building blocks in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to reconstruct the road construction in the project, to perform the road signs, to rebuild the road section, to restructure the road to the building, and to rebuild the signs in the project.The project includes two actions that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to re-establish the road construction in the project, to perform the signs and to perform the road construction.The project is designed to rebuild the road section Madonas road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to perform the construction of the signs in the project, which does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to re-design the signs in the project, which does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to rebuild the road marsh, to re-struct the road to the degraded area, to perform the construction of signs and signs in the project that does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to re-establish the construction of the signs in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section road road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to reconstruct the construction of the signs in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to restructure the road to construction, and to re-construct the road structure in the locations to perform the signs, which are not qualified as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, reconstruction of road marsh to the territory of the degraded territory in accordance As a result of the project, the above-mentioned road will be reconstructed in the length of 1.572 km and construction supervision of these works was carried out and high-quality access to production companies in Barkava parish will be ensured.The total planned budget for the project is EUR 370778,81, the planned amount of ERDF support is EUR 31516.99 (85 %). (Slovak)
3 August 2022
0 references
The aim of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory of Madona district Barkava parish by regenerating degraded territory according to Madona municipality development programme 2013-2020, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-friendly territorial growth, creating new jobs, attracting non-financial investments, rebuilding the road, which provides access to degraded area to the degraded area.The project provides two actions that do not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to 22, to restructure the road to the degraded territory, to perform the building blocks in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to reconstruct the road construction in the project, to perform the road signs, to rebuild the road section, to restructure the road to the building, and to rebuild the signs in the project.The project includes two actions that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to re-establish the road construction in the project, to perform the signs and to perform the road construction.The project is designed to rebuild the road section Madonas road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to perform the construction of the signs in the project, which does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to re-design the signs in the project, which does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to rebuild the road marsh, to re-struct the road to the degraded area, to perform the construction of signs and signs in the project that does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to re-establish the construction of the signs in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section road road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to reconstruct the construction of the signs in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to restructure the road to construction, and to re-construct the road structure in the locations to perform the signs, which are not qualified as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, reconstruction of road marsh to the territory of the degraded territory in accordance As a result of the project, the above-mentioned road will be reconstructed in the length of 1.572 km and construction supervision of these works was carried out and high-quality access to production companies in Barkava parish will be ensured.The total planned budget for the project is EUR 370778,81, the planned amount of ERDF support is EUR 31516.99 (85 %). (Finnish)
3 August 2022
0 references
The aim of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory of Madona district Barkava parish by regenerating degraded territory according to Madona municipality development programme 2013-2020, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-friendly territorial growth, creating new jobs, attracting non-financial investments, rebuilding the road, which provides access to degraded area to the degraded area.The project provides two actions that do not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to 22, to restructure the road to the degraded territory, to perform the building blocks in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to reconstruct the road construction in the project, to perform the road signs, to rebuild the road section, to restructure the road to the building, and to rebuild the signs in the project.The project includes two actions that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to re-establish the road construction in the project, to perform the signs and to perform the road construction.The project is designed to rebuild the road section Madonas road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to perform the construction of the signs in the project, which does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to re-design the signs in the project, which does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to rebuild the road marsh, to re-struct the road to the degraded area, to perform the construction of signs and signs in the project that does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to re-establish the construction of the signs in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section road road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to reconstruct the construction of the signs in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to restructure the road to construction, and to re-construct the road structure in the locations to perform the signs, which are not qualified as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, reconstruction of road marsh to the territory of the degraded territory in accordance As a result of the project, the above-mentioned road will be reconstructed in the length of 1.572 km and construction supervision of these works was carried out and high-quality access to production companies in Barkava parish will be ensured.The total planned budget for the project is EUR 370778,81, the planned amount of ERDF support is EUR 31516.99 (85 %). (Polish)
3 August 2022
0 references
The aim of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory of Madona district Barkava parish by regenerating degraded territory according to Madona municipality development programme 2013-2020, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-friendly territorial growth, creating new jobs, attracting non-financial investments, rebuilding the road, which provides access to degraded area to the degraded area.The project provides two actions that do not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to 22, to restructure the road to the degraded territory, to perform the building blocks in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to reconstruct the road construction in the project, to perform the road signs, to rebuild the road section, to restructure the road to the building, and to rebuild the signs in the project.The project includes two actions that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to re-establish the road construction in the project, to perform the signs and to perform the road construction.The project is designed to rebuild the road section Madonas road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to perform the construction of the signs in the project, which does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to re-design the signs in the project, which does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to rebuild the road marsh, to re-struct the road to the degraded area, to perform the construction of signs and signs in the project that does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to re-establish the construction of the signs in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section road road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to reconstruct the construction of the signs in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to restructure the road to construction, and to re-construct the road structure in the locations to perform the signs, which are not qualified as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, reconstruction of road marsh to the territory of the degraded territory in accordance As a result of the project, the above-mentioned road will be reconstructed in the length of 1.572 km and construction supervision of these works was carried out and high-quality access to production companies in Barkava parish will be ensured.The total planned budget for the project is EUR 370778,81, the planned amount of ERDF support is EUR 31516.99 (85 %). (Hungarian)
3 August 2022
0 references
The aim of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory of Madona district Barkava parish by regenerating degraded territory according to Madona municipality development programme 2013-2020, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-friendly territorial growth, creating new jobs, attracting non-financial investments, rebuilding the road, which provides access to degraded area to the degraded area.The project provides two actions that do not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to 22, to restructure the road to the degraded territory, to perform the building blocks in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to reconstruct the road construction in the project, to perform the road signs, to rebuild the road section, to restructure the road to the building, and to rebuild the signs in the project.The project includes two actions that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to re-establish the road construction in the project, to perform the signs and to perform the road construction.The project is designed to rebuild the road section Madonas road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to perform the construction of the signs in the project, which does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to re-design the signs in the project, which does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to rebuild the road marsh, to re-struct the road to the degraded area, to perform the construction of signs and signs in the project that does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to re-establish the construction of the signs in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section road road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to reconstruct the construction of the signs in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to restructure the road to construction, and to re-construct the road structure in the locations to perform the signs, which are not qualified as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, reconstruction of road marsh to the territory of the degraded territory in accordance As a result of the project, the above-mentioned road will be reconstructed in the length of 1.572 km and construction supervision of these works was carried out and high-quality access to production companies in Barkava parish will be ensured.The total planned budget for the project is EUR 370778,81, the planned amount of ERDF support is EUR 31516.99 (85 %). (Czech)
3 August 2022
0 references
The aim of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory of Madona district Barkava parish by regenerating degraded territory according to Madona municipality development programme 2013-2020, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-friendly territorial growth, creating new jobs, attracting non-financial investments, rebuilding the road, which provides access to degraded area to the degraded area.The project provides two actions that do not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to 22, to restructure the road to the degraded territory, to perform the building blocks in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to reconstruct the road construction in the project, to perform the road signs, to rebuild the road section, to restructure the road to the building, and to rebuild the signs in the project.The project includes two actions that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to re-establish the road construction in the project, to perform the signs and to perform the road construction.The project is designed to rebuild the road section Madonas road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to perform the construction of the signs in the project, which does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to re-design the signs in the project, which does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to rebuild the road marsh, to re-struct the road to the degraded area, to perform the construction of signs and signs in the project that does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to re-establish the construction of the signs in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section road road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to reconstruct the construction of the signs in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to restructure the road to construction, and to re-construct the road structure in the locations to perform the signs, which are not qualified as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, reconstruction of road marsh to the territory of the degraded territory in accordance As a result of the project, the above-mentioned road will be reconstructed in the length of 1.572 km and construction supervision of these works was carried out and high-quality access to production companies in Barkava parish will be ensured.The total planned budget for the project is EUR 370778,81, the planned amount of ERDF support is EUR 31516.99 (85 %). (Irish)
3 August 2022
0 references
The aim of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory of Madona district Barkava parish by regenerating degraded territory according to Madona municipality development programme 2013-2020, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-friendly territorial growth, creating new jobs, attracting non-financial investments, rebuilding the road, which provides access to degraded area to the degraded area.The project provides two actions that do not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to 22, to restructure the road to the degraded territory, to perform the building blocks in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to reconstruct the road construction in the project, to perform the road signs, to rebuild the road section, to restructure the road to the building, and to rebuild the signs in the project.The project includes two actions that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to re-establish the road construction in the project, to perform the signs and to perform the road construction.The project is designed to rebuild the road section Madonas road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to perform the construction of the signs in the project, which does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to re-design the signs in the project, which does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to rebuild the road marsh, to re-struct the road to the degraded area, to perform the construction of signs and signs in the project that does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to re-establish the construction of the signs in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section road road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to reconstruct the construction of the signs in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to restructure the road to construction, and to re-construct the road structure in the locations to perform the signs, which are not qualified as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, reconstruction of road marsh to the territory of the degraded territory in accordance As a result of the project, the above-mentioned road will be reconstructed in the length of 1.572 km and construction supervision of these works was carried out and high-quality access to production companies in Barkava parish will be ensured.The total planned budget for the project is EUR 370778,81, the planned amount of ERDF support is EUR 31516.99 (85 %). (Slovenian)
3 August 2022
0 references
The aim of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory of Madona district Barkava parish by regenerating degraded territory according to Madona municipality development programme 2013-2020, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-friendly territorial growth, creating new jobs, attracting non-financial investments, rebuilding the road, which provides access to degraded area to the degraded area.The project provides two actions that do not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to 22, to restructure the road to the degraded territory, to perform the building blocks in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to reconstruct the road construction in the project, to perform the road signs, to rebuild the road section, to restructure the road to the building, and to rebuild the signs in the project.The project includes two actions that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to re-establish the road construction in the project, to perform the signs and to perform the road construction.The project is designed to rebuild the road section Madonas road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to perform the construction of the signs in the project, which does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to re-design the signs in the project, which does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to rebuild the road marsh, to re-struct the road to the degraded area, to perform the construction of signs and signs in the project that does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to re-establish the construction of the signs in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section road road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to reconstruct the construction of the signs in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to restructure the road to construction, and to re-construct the road structure in the locations to perform the signs, which are not qualified as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, reconstruction of road marsh to the territory of the degraded territory in accordance As a result of the project, the above-mentioned road will be reconstructed in the length of 1.572 km and construction supervision of these works was carried out and high-quality access to production companies in Barkava parish will be ensured.The total planned budget for the project is EUR 370778,81, the planned amount of ERDF support is EUR 31516.99 (85 %). (Bulgarian)
3 August 2022
0 references
The aim of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory of Madona district Barkava parish by regenerating degraded territory according to Madona municipality development programme 2013-2020, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-friendly territorial growth, creating new jobs, attracting non-financial investments, rebuilding the road, which provides access to degraded area to the degraded area.The project provides two actions that do not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to 22, to restructure the road to the degraded territory, to perform the building blocks in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to reconstruct the road construction in the project, to perform the road signs, to rebuild the road section, to restructure the road to the building, and to rebuild the signs in the project.The project includes two actions that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to re-establish the road construction in the project, to perform the signs and to perform the road construction.The project is designed to rebuild the road section Madonas road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to perform the construction of the signs in the project, which does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to re-design the signs in the project, which does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to rebuild the road marsh, to re-struct the road to the degraded area, to perform the construction of signs and signs in the project that does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to re-establish the construction of the signs in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section road road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to reconstruct the construction of the signs in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to restructure the road to construction, and to re-construct the road structure in the locations to perform the signs, which are not qualified as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, reconstruction of road marsh to the territory of the degraded territory in accordance As a result of the project, the above-mentioned road will be reconstructed in the length of 1.572 km and construction supervision of these works was carried out and high-quality access to production companies in Barkava parish will be ensured.The total planned budget for the project is EUR 370778,81, the planned amount of ERDF support is EUR 31516.99 (85 %). (Maltese)
3 August 2022
0 references
The aim of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory of Madona district Barkava parish by regenerating degraded territory according to Madona municipality development programme 2013-2020, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-friendly territorial growth, creating new jobs, attracting non-financial investments, rebuilding the road, which provides access to degraded area to the degraded area.The project provides two actions that do not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to 22, to restructure the road to the degraded territory, to perform the building blocks in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to reconstruct the road construction in the project, to perform the road signs, to rebuild the road section, to restructure the road to the building, and to rebuild the signs in the project.The project includes two actions that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to re-establish the road construction in the project, to perform the signs and to perform the road construction.The project is designed to rebuild the road section Madonas road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to perform the construction of the signs in the project, which does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to re-design the signs in the project, which does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to rebuild the road marsh, to re-struct the road to the degraded area, to perform the construction of signs and signs in the project that does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to re-establish the construction of the signs in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section road road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to reconstruct the construction of the signs in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to restructure the road to construction, and to re-construct the road structure in the locations to perform the signs, which are not qualified as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, reconstruction of road marsh to the territory of the degraded territory in accordance As a result of the project, the above-mentioned road will be reconstructed in the length of 1.572 km and construction supervision of these works was carried out and high-quality access to production companies in Barkava parish will be ensured.The total planned budget for the project is EUR 370778,81, the planned amount of ERDF support is EUR 31516.99 (85 %). (Portuguese)
3 August 2022
0 references
The aim of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory of Madona district Barkava parish by regenerating degraded territory according to Madona municipality development programme 2013-2020, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-friendly territorial growth, creating new jobs, attracting non-financial investments, rebuilding the road, which provides access to degraded area to the degraded area.The project provides two actions that do not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to 22, to restructure the road to the degraded territory, to perform the building blocks in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to reconstruct the road construction in the project, to perform the road signs, to rebuild the road section, to restructure the road to the building, and to rebuild the signs in the project.The project includes two actions that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to re-establish the road construction in the project, to perform the signs and to perform the road construction.The project is designed to rebuild the road section Madonas road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to perform the construction of the signs in the project, which does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to re-design the signs in the project, which does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to rebuild the road marsh, to re-struct the road to the degraded area, to perform the construction of signs and signs in the project that does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to re-establish the construction of the signs in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section road road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to reconstruct the construction of the signs in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to restructure the road to construction, and to re-construct the road structure in the locations to perform the signs, which are not qualified as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, reconstruction of road marsh to the territory of the degraded territory in accordance As a result of the project, the above-mentioned road will be reconstructed in the length of 1.572 km and construction supervision of these works was carried out and high-quality access to production companies in Barkava parish will be ensured.The total planned budget for the project is EUR 370778,81, the planned amount of ERDF support is EUR 31516.99 (85 %). (Danish)
3 August 2022
0 references
The aim of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory of Madona district Barkava parish by regenerating degraded territory according to Madona municipality development programme 2013-2020, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-friendly territorial growth, creating new jobs, attracting non-financial investments, rebuilding the road, which provides access to degraded area to the degraded area.The project provides two actions that do not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to 22, to restructure the road to the degraded territory, to perform the building blocks in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to reconstruct the road construction in the project, to perform the road signs, to rebuild the road section, to restructure the road to the building, and to rebuild the signs in the project.The project includes two actions that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to re-establish the road construction in the project, to perform the signs and to perform the road construction.The project is designed to rebuild the road section Madonas road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to perform the construction of the signs in the project, which does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to re-design the signs in the project, which does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to rebuild the road marsh, to re-struct the road to the degraded area, to perform the construction of signs and signs in the project that does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to re-establish the construction of the signs in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section road road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to reconstruct the construction of the signs in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to restructure the road to construction, and to re-construct the road structure in the locations to perform the signs, which are not qualified as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, reconstruction of road marsh to the territory of the degraded territory in accordance As a result of the project, the above-mentioned road will be reconstructed in the length of 1.572 km and construction supervision of these works was carried out and high-quality access to production companies in Barkava parish will be ensured.The total planned budget for the project is EUR 370778,81, the planned amount of ERDF support is EUR 31516.99 (85 %). (Romanian)
3 August 2022
0 references
The aim of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory of Madona district Barkava parish by regenerating degraded territory according to Madona municipality development programme 2013-2020, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-friendly territorial growth, creating new jobs, attracting non-financial investments, rebuilding the road, which provides access to degraded area to the degraded area.The project provides two actions that do not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to 22, to restructure the road to the degraded territory, to perform the building blocks in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to reconstruct the road construction in the project, to perform the road signs, to rebuild the road section, to restructure the road to the building, and to rebuild the signs in the project.The project includes two actions that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to re-establish the road construction in the project, to perform the signs and to perform the road construction.The project is designed to rebuild the road section Madonas road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to perform the construction of the signs in the project, which does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to re-design the signs in the project, which does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to rebuild the road marsh, to re-struct the road to the degraded area, to perform the construction of signs and signs in the project that does not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, to restructure the road to the territory, and to re-establish the construction of the signs in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to carry out road section road road construction, to restructure the road to the building, and to reconstruct the construction of the signs in the project, that do not qualify as state support – to perform road section Madona road road construction, to restructure the road to construction, and to re-construct the road structure in the locations to perform the signs, which are not qualified as state support – to perform road section Madona road construction, reconstruction of road marsh to the territory of the degraded territory in accordance As a result of the project, the above-mentioned road will be reconstructed in the length of 1.572 km and construction supervision of these works was carried out and high-quality access to production companies in Barkava parish will be ensured.The total planned budget for the project is EUR 370778,81, the planned amount of ERDF support is EUR 31516.99 (85 %). (Swedish)
3 August 2022
0 references
Barkavas pag., Madonas nov.
0 references
0 references