Revitalisation of degraded areas and creation of basic business infrastructure in the resort area of Liepaja 2nd round (Q3057487)

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Project Q3057487 in Latvia
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Revitalisation of degraded areas and creation of basic business infrastructure in the resort area of Liepaja 2nd round
Project Q3057487 in Latvia


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    914,368.02 Euro
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    1,075,727.09 Euro
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    29 July 2020
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    28 November 2021
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    Liepājas pilsētas pašvaldības iestāde "Liepājas pilsētas pašvaldības administrācija"
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    56°30'8.17"N, 20°59'46.72"E
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    56°30'41.47"N, 20°59'33.18"E
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    56°30'51.55"N, 20°59'26.30"E
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    56°29'38.40"N, 21°0'16.70"E
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    56°30'41.47"N, 20°59'33.18"E
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    Projekta iesniedzējs atbilstoši Ministru kabineta noteikumu 2015.gada 10.novembra Nr.645 noteikumu (turpmāk tekstā – MK noteikumi) 24.1.punktam ir Liepājas pilsētas pašvaldības administrācija. Saskaņā ar likuma “Par pašvaldībām” 15.panta pirmās daļas 1. un 2. punktu pašvaldības autonomās funkcijas ir “…organizēt iedzīvotājiem komunālos pakalpojumus ūdensapgādi” un “… gādāt par savas administratīvās teritorijas labiekārtošanu un sanitāro tīrību (ielu, ceļu un laukumu būvniecība, rekonstruēšana un uzturēšana; ielu, laukumu un citu publiskai lietošanai paredzēto teritoriju apgaismošana; parku, skvēru un zaļo zonu ierīkošana un uzturēšana…”.Projekta „Degradēto teritoriju revitalizācija un uzņēmējdarbības pamatinfrastruktūras izveide kūrorta zonā, Liepājā 2. kārta” (realizējot būvprojekta “Roņu ielas pārbūve Liepājā” 1. kārtu) (turpmāk tekstā – Projekts) mērķis ir - degradētās teritorijas revitalizācija un publiskās pamatinfrastruktūras pārbūve/izbūve ostas sauszemes un kūrorta zonas teritorijās, pieejamības un uzņēmējdarbības veicināšanai, atbilstoši pašvaldības attīstības programmai, nodrošinot videi draudzīgu un vides ilgtspēju veicinošu teritoriālo izaugsmi un jaunu darba vietu radīšanu.Liepājas pilsētas pašvaldībai (turpmāk tekstā – Pašvaldība) ir apstiprināta Pašvaldības attīstības programma, kurā Projekts ir pamatots un atspoguļots investīciju plānā (apskatāms vietnē: Attīstības programma ir saskaņota Reģionālajā attīstības koordinācijas padomē.Projekta ietvaros tiks pārbūvēta Roņu iela, Liepājā. Roņu iela (detalizētāk IIA 1.3.2. sadaļā):Pašlaik esošā ielas infrastruktūra, apkārtējā teritorija un tanī esošie objekti ir sliktā tehniskā stāvoklī, esošā infrastruktūra ir nolietojusies un neatbilst mūsdienu prasībām, kas liedz perspektīvā uzņēmējiem attīstīties un pilnvērtīgi izmantot ekonomisko potenciālu. Roņu ielai ziemeļu pusē atrodas speciālās ekonomiskās zonas teritorijas un dienvidu pusē tā robežojas ar pilsētas kūrorta zonā ietilpstošu teritoriju, kuru attīstībai arī nozīmīgs faktors ir publiskās infrastruktūras sakārtošana. Ir nepieciešama pašvaldības aktīvāka līdzdalība, nodrošinot mūsdienu prasībām atbilstošu publisko infrastruktūru, izstrādājot atbalsta pasākumus publisko ceļu sakārtošanai un pludmales labiekārtošanai, saskaņā ar pludmales tematisko plānojumu.Veicot Roņu ielas infrastruktūras pārbūvi, tiks veikta:-brauktuves (0,687 km) pārbūve, 2 krustojumu, ietves pārbūve/ izbūve un veloceliņa izbūve visam ielas posmam, stāvvietu un stāvlaukuma pārbūve gājēju pāreju izbūve;-vides pieejamības nodrošināšana un labiekārtojums;-lietus ūdens kanalizācijas izbūve;-ielas apgaismojuma ( ārtelpas) pārbūve/izbūve (atstāti esošie 4 gaismekļi, pārcelti esošie 14 gaismekļi un uzstādīti jauni 44 LED tipa gaismekļi);-ELT lietotāja zemsprieguma tīklu pārbūve (publiskā apgaismojuma nodrošināšanai) un augstsprieguma tīklu pārbūve un aizsardzība (būvdarbu rezultātā nav iespējams izvairīties no komunikāciju pārbūves);-ELT jauna elektroapgādes (ārējās) pieslēguma izbūve un EST elektronisko sakaru tīklu (ārējās) komunikāciju pārbūve. -ūdens apgādes pārbūve ar jaudas palielinājumu, nodrošinot LBN 222-15, ugunsdzēsības hidranta ierīkošana u.c.Liepājas pilsētas pašvaldība ir veikusi sarunas ar saimnieciskās darbības veicējiem par Roņu ielas teritorijas attīstību, un saņēmusi trīs uzņēmumu interesi šo teritoriju attīstīt – LSEZ AS "KURSA", SIA “Liepaja Marina” un SIA “Woodplus”. Pieminētie uzņēmumi, ir apliecinājuši, ka to turpmākai attīstībai ir nepieciešama infrastruktūra, kuru plānots attīstīt Projekta ietvaros, veicot investīcijas Roņu ielas pārbūvē, kā rezultātā komersanti apliecina, ka gadījumā, ja projekts tiek īstenots, līdz 2023.gada 31.decembrim apņemas radīt 17 jaunas darba vietas (LSEZ AS "KURSA"- 7, SIA “Liepaja Marina” – 7 un SIA “Woodplus” - 3) un veikt investīcijas savos nemateriālajos ieguldījumos un pamatlīdzekļos EUR 850 000,00 apmērā (LSEZ AS "KURSA"- 450 000 EUR, SIA “Liepaja Marina” – 300 000 EUR un SIA “Woodplus” – 100 000 EUR). LSEZ AS "KURSA" ir noslēgts ilgtermiņa zemes nomas līgums ar “Liepājas speciālās ekonomiskās zonas pārvaldi” minētajā ielas teritorijā (Liepāja, Roņu ielā 8), savukārt SIA “Liepaja Marina” un SIA “Woodplus” iznomā platības no LSEZ AS "KURSA". Projekta ietvaros paredzētas investīcijas dzeramā ūdens piegādes infrastruktūrā, veicot jaudas palielināšanu, ir nepieciešama LSEZ AS "KURSA" komercdarbības veikšanai. Komersants ir apliecinājis, ka tā saimnieciskās darbības veikšanai ir nepieciešams dzeramā ūdens piegāde.Līdz 2023.gada 31.decembrim vismaz 1,35 ha platībā būs atjaunota degradētās teritorijas platība, kas pielāgota jaunu saimniecisko darbību veicēju izvietošanai, lai sekmētu nodarbinātību un ekonomisko aktivitāti Pašvaldībā.2019.gadā ir sagatavots būvprojekts - SIA “FirmaL4” “Roņu ielas pārbūve Liepājā”. Minētiem būvprojektiem ir iegūta būvvaldes atzīme par p (Latvian)
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    The submitter of the project according to Clause 24.1 of the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No 645 of November 10, 2015 (hereinafter – Cabinet Regulations) is Liepaja City Municipality Administration. According to Section 15, Paragraph one, Clauses 1 and 2 of the Law "On Local Governments", the autonomous functions of the local government are "... to organise public utilities, including water supply" and "... to ensure the improvement and sanitation of their administrative territory (construction, reconstruction and maintenance of streets and sites); Lighting of streets, squares and other public areas; Construction and maintenance of parks, squares and green areas...".Project "Revision of degraded areas and creation of basic business infrastructure in the resort area in Liepaja 2" (implementing phase 1 of the construction project "Reconstruction of Roņu iela in Liepaja") (henceforward – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and municipal development plan (hereafter – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and city development plan (henceforward – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and municipal accessibility plan (henceforward – the project) The objective of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port territory (hereafter – the Project) in the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the project "Reconstruction of the construction project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project "Revision of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) is the revitalisation of the degraded area in Liepaja" (implementing phase 1 of the construction project "Reconstruction of the Roņu Street in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded area in Liepaja (implementation of the construction project "Reconstruction of Roņu iela in Liepaja" stage 1 of the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereinafter referred to as "the Project") (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in Liepaja (hereafter – the project) in the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (further referred to as "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" ( The development programme has been agreed in the Regional Development Coordination Council.The project will rebuild Roņu iela, Liepaja. Roneu Street (more detailed in section 1.3.2 of IIA): Current street infrastructure, surrounding area and its existing objects are in poor technical condition, the existing infrastructure has deteriorated and does not meet modern requirements, which prevents entrepreneurs from developing and making full use of economic potential. On the north side, the seals street is located in the territory of the special economic zone and on the south side it is bordering the territory of the city resort area, the improvement of public infrastructure is also an important factor for its development. (English)
    15 July 2021
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    Conformément à l’article 24, paragraphe 1, du règlement du cabinet no 645 du 10 novembre 2015 (ci-après le «règlement du cabinet»), la commune de Liepaja est la requérante. En vertu de l’article 15, paragraphes 1 et 2, de la loi sur les collectivités locales, les fonctions autonomes d’une administration locale sont "[...] d’organiser les services publics, y compris l’approvisionnement en eau" et "... d’assurer l’amélioration et la propreté de son territoire administratif (construction, reconstruction et entretien des rues, des routes et des sites; l’éclairage des rues, places et autres espaces destinés à l’usage public; le projet «Revitalisation des zones dégradées et mise en place d’infrastructures commerciales de base dans la zone de villégiature, deuxième étape de Liepaja» (en mettant en œuvre la première étape du projet de construction «Reconstruction de la rue Ru’u à Liepaja» (ci-après le «projet») vise à revitaliser la zone dégradée et à reconstruire/construire les infrastructures publiques de base dans les zones du territoire portuaire et de la zone de villégiature, conformément au programme de développement municipal, en assurant une croissance territoriale respectueuse de l’environnement et écologiquement durable et la création de nouveaux emplois. Le programme de développement a été approuvé par le Conseil régional de coordination du développement et, dans le cadre de ce projet, sera reconstruit Ro’u iela, Liepaja. Ro’u iela (plus détaillé à la section 1.3.2 de l’AII):Les infrastructures routières existantes, les environs et les installations existantes sont en mauvais état technique, les infrastructures existantes se sont détériorées et ne répondent pas aux exigences actuelles, ce qui empêche les entrepreneurs de développer et d’exploiter pleinement leur potentiel économique. Sur le côté nord de la rue Ruhnu est situé sur le territoire de la zone économique spéciale et du côté sud il borde le territoire de la zone de villégiature de la ville, dont le développement est également un facteur important dans l’aménagement des infrastructures publiques. Il faut une participation plus active de l’administration locale, en veillant à ce que les infrastructures publiques soient conformes aux exigences modernes, en développant des mesures de soutien à l’aménagement des routes publiques et à l’amélioration des plages, conformément au plan thématique de la plage.Avec la reconstruction de l’infrastructure de la rue Ro’u, la reconstruction de la rampe (0,687 km), 2 passages à niveau, la reconstruction/construction du trottoir et la construction de la piste cyclable pour l’ensemble du tronçon de rue, la reconstruction des parkings et du parking sera réalisée; la disponibilité et l’amélioration de l’environnement seront assurées;-la construction d’égouts d’eaux pluviales;-la reconstruction/construction de l’éclairage public (y compris les espaces extérieurs) (les 4 luminaires existants ont été laissés, les 14 luminaires existants déplacés et 44 nouveaux luminaires de type LED installés);--les réseaux basse tension de l’utilisateur d’ELT (pour la fourniture d’éclairage public) et les réseaux de haute tension (ne peuvent être évités à la suite des travaux de construction);-ELT nouvelle connexion (externe) et la reconstruction des réseaux de communication (externes) du réseau de communications électroniques EST. — reconstruction de l’approvisionnement en eau avec augmentation de la capacité, assurant LBN 222-15, y compris l’installation d’une bouche d’incendie, etc. La municipalité de Liepaja City a négocié avec les opérateurs économiques sur le développement du territoire de la rue Ro’u et a reçu l’intérêt de trois entreprises dans le développement de ce territoire — LSEZ AS «Kursa», SIA «Liepaja Marina» et SIA «Woodplus». Les sociétés mentionnées ont confirmé que leur développement ultérieur nécessite une infrastructure qui devrait être développée dans le cadre du projet en investissant dans la reconstruction de la rue Ro’u, à la suite de quoi les commerçants confirment que, si le projet est mis en œuvre, d’ici le 31 décembre 2023, 17 nouveaux emplois sont nécessaires (LSEZ AS «Kursa»- 7, SIA «Liepaja Marina» — 7 et SIA «Woodplus» — 3) et d’investir dans leurs investissements incorporels et immobilisations 80 000 EUR, 00 EUR (LSEZ AS «Kursa»- 450 000 EUR, SIA «Liepaja Marina» — 300 000 EUR et SIA «Woodplus» — 100 000 EUR). LSEZ AS «Kursa» a conclu un contrat de bail foncier à long terme avec l’Autorité de la zone économique spéciale de Liepaja dans la zone de rue susmentionnée (Liepāja, rue Ronu 8), tandis que SIA «Liepaja Marina» et SIA «Woodplus» des zones louées de LSEZ AS «Kursa». Dans le cadre du projet, des investissements dans les infrastructures d’approvisionnement en eau potable sont prévus, en raison de l’augmentation des capacités, sont nécessaires pour les activités commerciales de LSEZ AS «Kursa». (French)
    25 November 2021
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    Nach § 24.1 der Kabinettsverordnung Nr. 645 vom 10. November 2015 (im Folgenden: Kabinettsverordnung) ist die Gemeinde Liepaja die Klägerin. Nach Art. 15 Abs. 1 Nr. 1 und 2 des Gesetzes über lokale Gebietskörperschaften besteht die autonome Aufgabe einer lokalen Verwaltung darin, "... öffentliche Versorgungseinrichtungen einschließlich der Wasserversorgung zu organisieren" und "... die Verbesserung und Sauberkeit seines Verwaltungsgebiets sicherzustellen (Bau, Wiederaufbau und Instandhaltung von Straßen, Straßen und Standorten; Beleuchtung von Straßen, Plätzen und anderen Bereichen, die für die öffentliche Nutzung bestimmt sind; das Projekt „Revitalisierung degradierter Gebiete und Aufbau einer grundlegenden Business-Infrastruktur im Resortbereich, Liepaja 2. Stufe“ (durch die Umsetzung der ersten Phase des Bauvorhabens „Rekonstruktion der Ruņu-Straße in Liepaja“ (nachfolgend – das Projekt) zielt darauf ab, das degradierte Gebiet neu zu beleben und die grundlegende öffentliche Infrastruktur in den Bereichen der Hafenland- und Resortzone gemäß dem kommunalen Entwicklungsprogramm zu rekonstruieren bzw. zu konstruieren, um ein umweltschonendes und umweltverträgliches territoriales Wachstum und die Schaffung neuer Arbeitsplätze zu gewährleisten. Im Rahmen des Projekts wird Roņu iela, Liepaja, wieder aufgebaut. Roņu iela (siehe Abschnitt 1.3.2 der IIV): Die bestehende Straßeninfrastruktur, die Umgebung und ihre bestehenden Anlagen befinden sich in einem schlechten technischen Zustand, die bestehende Infrastruktur hat sich verschlechtert und entspricht nicht den heutigen Anforderungen, die Unternehmer daran hindern, ihr wirtschaftliches Potenzial zu entwickeln und voll auszuschöpfen. Auf der Nordseite der Ruhnu Straße befindet sich im Gebiet der Sonderwirtschaftszone und auf der Südseite grenzt es an das Gebiet der Stadt Resort Zone, deren Entwicklung auch ein wichtiger Faktor bei der Gestaltung der öffentlichen Infrastruktur ist. Es besteht die Notwendigkeit einer aktiveren Beteiligung der Kommunalverwaltung, Gewährleistung der öffentlichen Infrastruktur in Übereinstimmung mit den modernen Anforderungen, Entwicklung von Unterstützungsmaßnahmen für die Einrichtung öffentlicher Straßen und Strandverbesserung, in Übereinstimmung mit dem thematischen Plan des Strandes.Mit dem Wiederaufbau der Roņu-Straße Infrastruktur, dem Wiederaufbau der Rampe (0,687 km), 2 Kreuzungen, den Wiederaufbau/Bau der Pflaster und den Bau des Fahrradweges für den gesamten Straßenabschnitt, der Umbau von Parkplätzen und der Parkplatz werden durchgeführt; Sicherstellung der Verfügbarkeit und Verbesserung der Umwelt; Bau von Regenwasser-Abwässern;-Rekonstruktion/Bau von Straßenbeleuchtung (einschließlich Außenflächen) (die bestehenden 4 Leuchten blieben übrig, die bestehenden 14 Leuchten bewegten und neue 44 LED-Leuchten installiert);-ELT-Nutzer Niederspannungsnetze (für die Bereitstellung öffentlicher Beleuchtung) und Hochspannungsnetze (Wiederaufbau der Kommunikation durch Bauarbeiten nicht vermieden werden kann);-ELT neue Stromversorgung (externer) Anschluss und Wiederaufbau von (externen) Kommunikationsnetzen des elektronischen Kommunikationsnetzes EST. — Wiederaufbau der Wasserversorgung mit Kapazitätssteigerung, Gewährleistung von LBN 222-15, einschließlich der Installation von Feuerhydrant, etc. Liepaja Stadtgemeinde hat mit den Wirtschaftsteilnehmern über die Entwicklung des Territoriums der Roņu Straße verhandelt und hat drei Unternehmen Interesse an der Entwicklung dieses Gebiets erhalten – LSEZ AS „Kursa“, SIA „Liepaja Marina“ und SIA „Woodplus“. Die genannten Unternehmen haben bestätigt, dass ihre weitere Entwicklung eine Infrastruktur erfordert, die im Rahmen des Projekts durch Investitionen in den Wiederaufbau der Roņu-Straße ausgebaut werden soll, wodurch die Händler bestätigen, dass bei der Durchführung des Projekts bis zum 31. Dezember 2023 17 neue Arbeitsplätze erforderlich sind (LSEZ AS „Kursa“- 7, SIA „Liepaja Marina“ – 7 und SIA „Woodplus“ – 3) und in ihre immateriellen Investitionen und Anlagevermögen von 850 000 EUR, 00 EUR (LSEZ AS „Kursa“-450 000 EUR, SIA „Liepaja Marina“ – 300 000 EUR und SIA „Woodplus“ – 100 000 EUR) zu investieren. LSEZ AS „Kursa“ hat mit der Liepaja Special Economic Zone Authority im oben genannten Straßengebiet (Liepāja, Ronu Street 8) einen langfristigen Landpachtvertrag geschlossen, während SIA „Liepaja Marina“ und SIA „Woodplus“ Gebiete von LSEZ AS „Kursa“ verpachten. Im Rahmen des Projekts sind Investitionen in die Trinkwasserversorgungsinfrastruktur infolge der Kapazitätssteigerung für die kommerziellen Tätigkeiten der LSEZ AS „Kursa“ geplant. Der Kaufmann hat bestätigt, dass die Versorgung mit Trinkwasser für die Durchführung seiner wirtschaftlichen Tätigkeiten notwendig ist. Bis zum 31. (German)
    28 November 2021
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    Overeenkomstig § 24.1 van Kabinetverordening nr. 645 van 10 november 2015 (hierna: „kabinetverordening”) is de gemeente Liepaja verzoekster. Volgens artikel 15, lid 1, punten 1 en 2, van de wet op de lokale overheden zijn de autonome taken van een lokale overheid "het organiseren van openbare nutsvoorzieningen, met inbegrip van de watervoorziening" en "om de verbetering en de netheid van het bestuurlijke grondgebied te waarborgen (bouw, wederopbouw en onderhoud van straten, wegen en locaties; verlichting van straten, pleinen en andere gebieden die bestemd zijn voor openbaar gebruik; het project „Revitalisering van aangetaste gebieden en de totstandbrenging van een basisbedrijfsinfrastructuur in het resortgebied, Liepaja 2e fase” (door de uitvoering van de eerste fase van het bouwproject „Heropbouw van de Ru-U-straat in Liepaja” (hierna „het project” genoemd) heeft tot doel het aangetaste gebied nieuw leven in te blazen en de openbare basisinfrastructuur in gebieden van het havengebied en het resortgebied te herbouwen/aan te leggen, overeenkomstig het gemeentelijke ontwikkelingsprogramma, om milieuvriendelijke en ecologisch duurzame territoriale groei en het scheppen van nieuwe banen te waarborgen. Het ontwikkelingsprogramma is overeengekomen in de Coördinatieraad voor Regionale Ontwikkeling. In het kader van het project zal Ro.u iela, Liepaja, worden herbouwd. Roрu iela (meer gedetailleerd in punt 1.3.2 van het IIA):De bestaande straatinfrastructuur, de omgeving en de bestaande voorzieningen verkeren in een slechte technische staat, de bestaande infrastructuur is verslechterd en voldoet niet aan de huidige eisen, waardoor ondernemers hun economisch potentieel niet kunnen ontwikkelen en ten volle kunnen benutten. Aan de noordelijke kant van de Ruhnu straat bevindt zich op het grondgebied van de speciale economische zone en aan de zuidkant grenst het grondgebied van de stad resort zone, waarvan de ontwikkeling ook een belangrijke factor is bij de inrichting van de openbare infrastructuur. Er is behoefte aan een actievere participatie van de lokale overheid, het waarborgen van de openbare infrastructuur in overeenstemming met de moderne eisen, de ontwikkeling van steunmaatregelen voor de aanleg van openbare wegen en de verbetering van het strand, in overeenstemming met het thematische plan van het strand.Met de wederopbouw van de infrastructuur van de Ro-u Street, de wederopbouw van de helling (0,687 km), 2 kruisingen, de wederopbouw/aanleg van de bestrating en de aanleg van het fietspad voor het gehele straatgedeelte, de wederopbouw van parkeerplaatsen en de parkeerplaats zal worden uitgevoerd; zorgen voor de beschikbaarheid en verbetering van het milieu;-bouw van de riolering van regenwater;-bouw/bouw van straatverlichting (inclusief buitenruimten) (de bestaande 4 armaturen zijn overgelaten, de bestaande 14 armaturen verplaatst en nieuwe 44 LED-armaturen zijn geïnstalleerd);-ELT-gebruikers laagspanningsnetwerken (voor openbare verlichting) en hoogspanningsnetwerken (heropbouw van communicatie kan niet worden vermeden als gevolg van bouwwerken);-ELT nieuwe stroomvoorziening (externe) aansluiting en heropbouw van (externe) communicatienetwerken van het EST-elektronische-communicatienetwerk. — wederopbouw van de watervoorziening met capaciteitstoename, waardoor LBN 222-15, met inbegrip van de installatie van brandkraan, enz. Liepaja City heeft onderhandeld met marktdeelnemers over de ontwikkeling van het grondgebied van RoȘu Street en heeft drie bedrijven belang in de ontwikkeling van dit gebied — LSEZ AS „Kursa”, SIA „Liepaja Marina” en SIA „Woodplus”. De genoemde ondernemingen hebben bevestigd dat voor hun verdere ontwikkeling infrastructuur vereist is die binnen het project moet worden ontwikkeld door te investeren in de wederopbouw van RoȘu Street, waardoor de handelaren bevestigen dat, indien het project ten uitvoer wordt gelegd, uiterlijk op 31 december 2023 17 nieuwe banen nodig zijn (LSEZ AS „Kursa”- 7, SIA „Liepaja Marina” — 7 en SIA „Woodplus” — 3) en om te investeren in hun immateriële investeringen en vaste activa 850 000 EUR, 00 EUR (LSEZ AS „Kursa”- 450 000 EUR, SIA „Liepaja Marina” — 300 000 EUR en SIA „Woodplus” — 100 000 EUR). LSEZ AS „Kursa” heeft met de Liepaja Special Economic Zone Authority in het bovengenoemde straatgebied (Liepāja, Ronu Street 8) een pachtovereenkomst voor lange termijn gesloten, terwijl SIA „Liepaja Marina” en SIA „Woodplus” huurzones van LSEZ AS „Kursa” zijn. In het kader van het project zijn investeringen in infrastructuur voor drinkwatervoorziening gepland als gevolg van capaciteitsuitbreiding, die noodzakelijk zijn voor de commerciële activiteiten van LSEZ AS „Kursa”. De handelaar heeft bevestigd dat de levering van drinkwater noodzakelijk is voor de uitvoering van zijn economische activiteiten. (Dutch)
    28 November 2021
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    Ai sensi dell'articolo 24, paragrafo 1, del regolamento n. 645 del Consiglio, del 10 novembre 2015 (in prosieguo: il "regolamento del gabinetto"), il comune di Liepaja è il ricorrente. Ai sensi dell'articolo 15, paragrafo 1, punti 1 e 2, della legge sugli enti locali, le funzioni autonome di un'amministrazione locale consistono nell'"organizzare i servizi pubblici, compresa l'approvvigionamento idrico" e "... nel garantire il miglioramento e la pulizia del suo territorio amministrativo (costruzione, ricostruzione e manutenzione di strade, strade e siti; illuminazione di strade, piazze e altre aree destinate all'uso pubblico; il progetto "Rivitalizzazione delle aree degradate e realizzazione di infrastrutture commerciali di base nella zona turistica, Liepaja 2a fase" (attraverso la prima fase del progetto di costruzione "Ricostruzione della via Ruņu a Liepaja" (di seguito "il progetto") mira a rivitalizzare l'area degradata e ricostruire/costruire le infrastrutture pubbliche di base nelle zone del territorio portuale e della zona di villeggiatura, conformemente al programma di sviluppo comunale, garantendo una crescita territoriale rispettosa dell'ambiente e sostenibile dal punto di vista ambientale e la creazione di nuovi posti di lavoro. Il programma di sviluppo è stato concordato in sede di Consiglio di coordinamento regionale per lo sviluppo e nel quadro del progetto sarà ricostruito Roņu iela, Liepaja. Roņu iela (più dettagliata nella sezione 1.3.2 dell'AII): L'infrastruttura stradale esistente, l'area circostante e i suoi impianti esistenti sono in cattive condizioni tecniche, l'infrastruttura esistente si è deteriorata e non soddisfa le esigenze attuali, il che impedisce agli imprenditori di sviluppare e sfruttare appieno il loro potenziale economico. Sul lato settentrionale della strada Ruhnu si trova nel territorio della zona economica speciale e sul lato sud confina con il territorio della zona turistica cittadina, il cui sviluppo è anche un fattore importante nella sistemazione delle infrastrutture pubbliche. È necessaria una partecipazione più attiva del governo locale, garantendo infrastrutture pubbliche conformi alle esigenze moderne, sviluppando misure di sostegno per la sistemazione delle strade pubbliche e il miglioramento delle spiagge, in conformità con il piano tematico della spiaggia.Con la ricostruzione dell'infrastruttura stradale Roņu, la ricostruzione della rampa (0,687 km), 2 attraversamenti, la ricostruzione/costruzione del marciapiede e la costruzione della pista ciclabile per l'intero tratto stradale, la ricostruzione dei parcheggi e del parcheggio sarà effettuata, garantendo la disponibilità e il miglioramento dell'ambiente;-costruzione di fognature di acqua piovana;-ricostruzione/costruzione dell'illuminazione stradale (compresi gli spazi esterni) (i 4 apparecchi esistenti sono stati lasciati, gli attuali 14 apparecchi sono stati spostati e nuovi 44 apparecchi di tipo LED installati);--- le reti a bassa tensione degli utenti dell'ELT (per la fornitura di illuminazione pubblica) e le reti ad alta tensione (la ricostruzione delle comunicazioni non può essere evitata a seguito di lavori di costruzione); nuova connessione (esterno) di alimentazione elettrica e ricostruzione delle reti di comunicazione (esterno) della rete di comunicazione elettronica EST. — ricostruzione dell'approvvigionamento idrico con aumento della capacità, garantendo LBN 222-15, compresa l'installazione di idrante antincendio, ecc. Comune della città di Liepaja ha negoziato con gli operatori economici sullo sviluppo del territorio di via Roņu e ha ricevuto l'interesse di tre società nello sviluppo di questo territorio — LSEZ AS "Kursa", SIA "Liepaja Marina" e SIA "Woodplus". Le società citate hanno confermato che il loro ulteriore sviluppo richiede infrastrutture che si prevede di sviluppare nell'ambito del progetto investendo nella ricostruzione di via Roņu, per cui i commercianti confermano che, in caso di realizzazione del progetto, entro il 31 dicembre 2023 sono necessari 17 nuovi posti di lavoro (LSEZ AS "Kursa"- 7, SIA "Liepaja Marina" — 7 e SIA "Woodplus" — 3) e di investire nei loro investimenti immateriali e immobilizzazioni EUR 850 000, EUR 00 (LSEZ AS "Kursa"- 450 000 EUR, SIA "Liepaja Marina" — 300 000 EUR e SIA "Woodplus" — 100 000 EUR). LSEZ AS "Kursa" ha concluso un contratto di locazione di terreni a lungo termine con l'autorità speciale della zona economica di Liepaja nella suddetta zona stradale (Liepāja, Ronu Street 8), mentre SIA "Liepaja Marina" e SIA "Woodplus" zone di locazione di LSEZ AS "Kursa". Nell'ambito del progetto sono previsti investimenti nelle infrastrutture per l'approvvigionamento di acqua potabile, a seguito dell'aumento della capacità, necessari per le attività commerciali di LSEZ AS "Kursa". Il commerciante ha confermato che l'approvvigionamento di acqua potabile è necessario per lo svolgimento de... (Italian)
    11 January 2022
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    De conformidad con el artículo 24, apartado 1, del Reglamento n.º 645 del Consejo de Ministros, de 10 de noviembre de 2015 (en lo sucesivo, «Reglamento del Consejo de Ministros»), el municipio de Liepaja es la demandante. Con arreglo al artículo 15, apartado 1, apartados 1 y 2, de la Ley de administraciones locales, las funciones autónomas de un gobierno local son "[...] organizar servicios públicos, incluido el abastecimiento de agua" y "[...] garantizar la mejora y limpieza de su territorio administrativo (construcción, reconstrucción y mantenimiento de calles, carreteras y emplazamientos); alumbrado de calles, plazas y otras zonas destinadas a uso público; el proyecto «Revitalización de las zonas degradadas y establecimiento de infraestructuras empresariales básicas en la zona turística, Liepaja 2.a etapa» (mediante la ejecución de la primera fase del proyecto de construcción «Reconstrucción de la calle Ruíu en Liepaja» (en adelante, el proyecto) tiene como objetivo revitalizar la zona degradada y reconstruir/construir la infraestructura pública básica en zonas de la zona portuaria y turística, de acuerdo con el programa de desarrollo municipal, garantizando un crecimiento territorial respetuoso con el medio ambiente y la creación de nuevos puestos de trabajo. El programa de desarrollo ha sido acordado en el Consejo de Coordinación del Desarrollo Regional, que en el marco del proyecto será reconstruido Rou iela, Liepaja. Roou iela (más detallado en el apartado 1.3.2 del IIA):La infraestructura viaria existente, sus alrededores y sus instalaciones existentes se encuentran en malas condiciones técnicas, la infraestructura existente se ha deteriorado y no cumple los requisitos actuales, lo que impide a los empresarios desarrollar y explotar plenamente su potencial económico. En el lado norte de la calle Ruhnu se encuentra en el territorio de la zona económica especial y en el lado sur limita con el territorio de la zona turística de la ciudad, cuyo desarrollo es también un factor importante en la disposición de la infraestructura pública. Es necesario una participación más activa del gobierno local, garantizando la infraestructura pública de acuerdo con las exigencias modernas, desarrollando medidas de apoyo para la disposición de las vías públicas y la mejora de las playas, de acuerdo con el plan temático de la playa.Con la reconstrucción de la infraestructura de la calle Rou, la reconstrucción de la rampa (0,687 km), 2 cruces, la reconstrucción/construcción del pavimento y la construcción del carril bici para todo el tramo de la calle, se llevará a cabo la reconstrucción de los estacionamientos y del estacionamiento; se garantizará la disponibilidad y mejora del medio ambiente;-construcción del alcantarillado de aguas pluviales;-reconstrucción/construcción de alumbrado público (incluidos los espacios exteriores) (se dejaron las 4 luminarias existentes, se trasladaron las 14 luminarias existentes y se instalaron 44 luminarias de tipo led);--Las redes de bajo voltaje del usuario de TEL (para el suministro de iluminación pública) y las redes de alta tensión (no se puede evitar la reconstrucción de las comunicaciones como resultado de las obras de construcción);-ELT nuevo suministro de energía (externo) conexión y reconstrucción de redes de comunicaciones (externas) de la red de comunicaciones electrónicas EST. — reconstrucción del suministro de agua con aumento de capacidad, asegurando LBN 222-15, incluida la instalación de hidrante contra incendios, etc. El Ayuntamiento de Liepaja ha negociado con los operadores económicos sobre el desarrollo del territorio de la calle Rou y ha recibido el interés de tres empresas en desarrollar este territorio — LSEZ AS «Kursa», SIA «Liepaja Marina» y SIA «Woodplus». Las empresas mencionadas han confirmado que su posterior desarrollo requiere infraestructuras que se prevé desarrollar en el marco del Proyecto, invirtiendo en la reconstrucción de la calle Rou, por lo que los comerciantes confirman que, si el proyecto se ejecuta, para el 31 de diciembre de 2023, se requieren 17 nuevos puestos de trabajo (LSEZ AS «Kursa»- 7, SIA «Liepaja Marina» — 7 y SIA «Woodplus» — 3) e invertir en sus inversiones intangibles y activos fijos 850 000 EUR, 00 EUR (LSEZ AS «Kursa»-450 000 EUR, SIA «Liepaja Marina» — 300 000 EUR y SIA «Woodplus» — 100 000 EUR). LSEZ AS «Kursa» ha celebrado un contrato de arrendamiento de tierras a largo plazo con la Autoridad de Zonas Económicas Especiales de Liepaja en la mencionada zona de la calle (Liepāja, Ronu Street 8), mientras que las zonas de arrendamiento SIA «Liepaja Marina» y SIA «Woodplus» de LSEZ AS «Kursa». En el marco del proyecto, se prevén inversiones en infraestructuras de abastecimiento de agua potable, como resultado del aumento de la capacidad, para las actividades comerciales de LSEZ AS «Kursa». El comerciante ha confirmado que el suministro de agua potable es nece... (Spanish)
    12 January 2022
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    Projekti esitaja vastavalt ministrite kabineti 10. novembri 2015. aasta määruse nr 645 (edaspidi „valitsuse määrus“) punktile 24.1 on Liepaja linnavalitsus. Kohalike omavalitsuste seaduse § 15 lõike 1 esimese lõigu punktide 1 ja 2 kohaselt on kohaliku omavalitsuse autonoomsed ülesanded "kommunaalteenuste, sealhulgas veevarustuse korraldamine" ja "... oma haldusterritooriumi parandamine ja korrashoid (tänavate ja paikade ehitamine, rekonstrueerimine ja korrashoid); Tänavate, väljakute ja muude avalike alade valgustus; Construction and maintenance of parks, squares and green areas...".Project "Revision of degraded areas and creation of basic business infrastructure in the resort area in Liepaja 2" (implementing phase 1 of the construction project "Reconstruction of Roņu iela in Liepaja") (henceforward – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and municipal development plan (hereafter – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and city development plan (henceforward – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and municipal accessibility plan (henceforward – the project) The objective of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port territory (hereafter – the Project) in the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the project "Reconstruction of the construction project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project "Revision of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) is the revitalisation of the degraded area in Liepaja" (implementing phase 1 of the construction project "Reconstruction of the Roņu Street in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded area in Liepaja (implementation of the construction project "Reconstruction of Roņu iela in Liepaja" stage 1 of the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereinafter referred to as "the Project") (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in Liepaja (hereafter – the project) in the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (further referred to as "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" ( The development programme has been agreed in the Regional Development Coordination Council.The project will rebuild Roņu iela, Liepaja. Roneu tänav (üksikasjalikum institutsioonidevahelise kokkuleppe punktis 1.3.2): Praegune tänavainfrastruktuur, ümbritsev ala ja selle olemasolevad objektid on halvas tehnilises seisukorras, olemasolev infrastruktuur on halvenenud ega vasta nüüdisaegsetele nõuetele, mis takistab ettevõtjatel arendada ja täielikult ära kasutada majanduslikku potentsiaali. Põhja pool, hüljeste tänav asub territooriumil erimajandustsooni ja lõuna pool piirneb territooriumi linna kuurort ala, avaliku infrastruktuuri parandamine on ka oluline tegur selle arengut. (Estonian)
    3 August 2022
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    Projekto teikėjas pagal 2015 m. lapkričio 10 d. Ministrų kabineto nutarimo Nr. 645 (toliau – Kabineto nuostatai) 24.1 punktą yra Liepojos miesto savivaldybės administracija. Pagal Įstatymo dėl savivaldybių 15 straipsnio 1 ir 2 dalis autonominės vietos valdžios funkcijos yra "<...> organizuoti komunalines paslaugas, įskaitant vandens tiekimą" ir "<...> užtikrinti jų administracinės teritorijos gerinimą ir sanitariją (gatvių ir teritorijų statyba, rekonstrukcija ir priežiūra); Gatvių, kvadratų ir kitų viešųjų erdvių apšvietimas; Construction and maintenance of parks, squares and green areas...".Project "Revision of degraded areas and creation of basic business infrastructure in the resort area in Liepaja 2" (implementing phase 1 of the construction project "Reconstruction of Roņu iela in Liepaja") (henceforward – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and municipal development plan (hereafter – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and city development plan (henceforward – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and municipal accessibility plan (henceforward – the project) The objective of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port territory (hereafter – the Project) in the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the project "Reconstruction of the construction project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project "Revision of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) is the revitalisation of the degraded area in Liepaja" (implementing phase 1 of the construction project "Reconstruction of the Roņu Street in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded area in Liepaja (implementation of the construction project "Reconstruction of Roņu iela in Liepaja" stage 1 of the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereinafter referred to as "the Project") (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in Liepaja (hereafter – the project) in the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (further referred to as "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" ( The development programme has been agreed in the Regional Development Coordination Council.The project will rebuild Roņu iela, Liepaja. Roneu gatvė (daugiau informacijos pateikta IIA 1.3.2 skirsnyje): Dabartinė gatvių infrastruktūra, aplinkinė teritorija ir jos esami objektai yra prastos techninės būklės, dabartinė infrastruktūra pablogėjo ir neatitinka šiuolaikinių reikalavimų, o tai trukdo verslininkams vystytis ir visapusiškai išnaudoti ekonominį potencialą. Šiaurinėje pusėje ruonių gatvė yra specialios ekonominės zonos teritorijoje, o pietinėje pusėje ji ribojasi su miesto kurorto teritorija, viešosios infrastruktūros gerinimas taip pat yra svarbus jos plėtros veiksnys. (Lithuanian)
    3 August 2022
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    Podnositelj projekta u skladu s klauzulom 24.1 Pravilnika Kabineta ministara br. 645 od 10. studenoga 2015. (dalje u tekstu – Pravilnik Kabineta) je Gradska uprava općine Liepaja. U skladu s člankom 15. stavkom 1., člancima 1. i 2. Zakona o lokalnim vlastima, autonomne funkcije lokalne uprave su "... organiziranje javnih komunalnih usluga, uključujući opskrbu vodom" i "... kako bi se osiguralo poboljšanje i sanacija njihova administrativnog područja (izgradnja, obnova i održavanje ulica i lokacija); Rasvjeta ulica, trgova i drugih javnih površina; Construction and maintenance of parks, squares and green areas...".Project "Revision of degraded areas and creation of basic business infrastructure in the resort area in Liepaja 2" (implementing phase 1 of the construction project "Reconstruction of Roņu iela in Liepaja") (henceforward – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and municipal development plan (hereafter – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and city development plan (henceforward – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and municipal accessibility plan (henceforward – the project) The objective of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port territory (hereafter – the Project) in the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the project "Reconstruction of the construction project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project "Revision of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) is the revitalisation of the degraded area in Liepaja" (implementing phase 1 of the construction project "Reconstruction of the Roņu Street in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded area in Liepaja (implementation of the construction project "Reconstruction of Roņu iela in Liepaja" stage 1 of the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereinafter referred to as "the Project") (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in Liepaja (hereafter – the project) in the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (further referred to as "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" ( The development programme has been agreed in the Regional Development Coordination Council.The project will rebuild Roņu iela, Liepaja. Ulica Roneu (detaljnije u odjeljku 1.3.2. Međuinstitucionalnog sporazuma): Postojeća ulična infrastruktura, okolica i postojeći objekti u lošem su tehničkom stanju, postojeća infrastruktura se pogoršala i ne zadovoljava moderne zahtjeve, što sprječava poduzetnike u razvoju i potpunom iskorištavanju gospodarskog potencijala. Na sjevernoj strani, ulica tuljana nalazi se na području posebne gospodarske zone, a na južnoj strani graniči s područjem gradskog odmarališta, poboljšanje javne infrastrukture također je važan čimbenik za njezin razvoj. (Croatian)
    3 August 2022
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    Ο υποβάλλων το έργο σύμφωνα με τη ρήτρα 24.1 των κανονισμών αριθ. 645 του υπουργικού συμβουλίου αριθ. 645 της 10ης Νοεμβρίου 2015 (εφεξής «κανονισμοί του υπουργικού συμβουλίου») είναι η δημοτική διοίκηση της Liepaja. Σύμφωνα με το άρθρο 15, παράγραφος 1, οι ρήτρες 1 και 2 του νόμου "για τις τοπικές αρχές", οι αυτόνομες λειτουργίες της τοπικής αυτοδιοίκησης είναι "... η οργάνωση των υπηρεσιών κοινής ωφέλειας, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της ύδρευσης" και "... η διασφάλιση της βελτίωσης και της αποχέτευσης της διοικητικής τους επικράτειας (κατασκευή, ανοικοδόμηση και συντήρηση οδών και χώρων)· Φωτισμός οδών, πλατειών και άλλων δημόσιων χώρων· Construction and maintenance of parks, squares and green areas...".Project "Revision of degraded areas and creation of basic business infrastructure in the resort area in Liepaja 2" (implementing phase 1 of the construction project "Reconstruction of Roņu iela in Liepaja") (henceforward – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and municipal development plan (hereafter – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and city development plan (henceforward – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and municipal accessibility plan (henceforward – the project) The objective of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port territory (hereafter – the Project) in the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the project "Reconstruction of the construction project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project "Revision of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) is the revitalisation of the degraded area in Liepaja" (implementing phase 1 of the construction project "Reconstruction of the Roņu Street in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded area in Liepaja (implementation of the construction project "Reconstruction of Roņu iela in Liepaja" stage 1 of the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereinafter referred to as "the Project") (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in Liepaja (hereafter – the project) in the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (further referred to as "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" ( The development programme has been agreed in the Regional Development Coordination Council.The project will rebuild Roņu iela, Liepaja. Οδός Roneu (λεπτομερέστερα στο τμήμα 1.3.2 της διοργανικής συμφωνίας): Οι τρέχουσες οδικές υποδομές, η γύρω περιοχή και τα υπάρχοντα αντικείμενα βρίσκονται σε κακή τεχνική κατάσταση, οι υφιστάμενες υποδομές έχουν επιδεινωθεί και δεν πληρούν τις σύγχρονες απαιτήσεις, γεγονός που εμποδίζει τους επιχειρηματίες να αναπτύξουν και να αξιοποιήσουν πλήρως το οικονομικό δυναμικό. Στη βόρεια πλευρά, η οδός φώκιας βρίσκεται στο έδαφος της ειδικής οικονομικής ζώνης και στη νότια πλευρά συνορεύει με το έδαφος της περιοχής του θέρετρου της πόλης, η βελτίωση των δημόσιων υποδομών αποτελεί επίσης σημαντικό παράγοντα για την ανάπτυξή της. (Greek)
    3 August 2022
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    Predkladateľom projektu podľa článku 24.1 nariadenia kabinetu ministrov č. 645 z 10. novembra 2015 (ďalej len „nariadenie vlády“) je mestská správa Liepaja. Podľa § 15 ods. 1 doložiek 1 a 2 zákona o miestnych samosprávach sú autonómnymi funkciami miestnej samosprávy "... organizovať verejné služby vrátane zásobovania vodou" a "... zabezpečiť zlepšenie a sanitáciu ich správneho územia (výstavba, rekonštrukcia a údržba ulíc a lokalít); Osvetlenie ulíc, štvorcov a iných verejných priestorov; Construction and maintenance of parks, squares and green areas...".Project "Revision of degraded areas and creation of basic business infrastructure in the resort area in Liepaja 2" (implementing phase 1 of the construction project "Reconstruction of Roņu iela in Liepaja") (henceforward – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and municipal development plan (hereafter – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and city development plan (henceforward – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and municipal accessibility plan (henceforward – the project) The objective of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port territory (hereafter – the Project) in the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the project "Reconstruction of the construction project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project "Revision of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) is the revitalisation of the degraded area in Liepaja" (implementing phase 1 of the construction project "Reconstruction of the Roņu Street in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded area in Liepaja (implementation of the construction project "Reconstruction of Roņu iela in Liepaja" stage 1 of the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereinafter referred to as "the Project") (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in Liepaja (hereafter – the project) in the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (further referred to as "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" ( The development programme has been agreed in the Regional Development Coordination Council.The project will rebuild Roņu iela, Liepaja. Ulica Roneu (podrobnejšie v oddiele 1.3.2 IIA): Súčasná pouličná infraštruktúra, okolie a jej existujúce objekty sú v zlom technickom stave, existujúca infraštruktúra sa zhoršila a nespĺňa moderné požiadavky, čo bráni podnikateľom rozvíjať a plne využívať hospodársky potenciál. Na severnej strane sa ulica tuleňov nachádza na území špeciálnej hospodárskej zóny a na južnej strane hraničí s územím mestského rezortu, zlepšenie verejnej infraštruktúry je tiež dôležitým faktorom jej rozvoja. (Slovak)
    3 August 2022
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    Hankkeen toteuttaja 10. marraskuuta 2015 annetun ministerikabinetin asetuksen N:o 645 (jäljempänä ’kabinetin asetukset’) 24.1 kohdan mukaisesti on Liepajan kaupunginhallitus. Paikallishallinnosta annetun lain 15 §:n 1 momentin 1 ja 2 kohdan mukaan paikallishallinnon itsenäisenä tehtävänä on ”järjestää yleishyödyllisiä palveluja, mukaan lukien vesihuolto” ja ”varmistaa hallintoalueensa parantaminen ja puhtaanapito (katujen ja paikkojen rakentaminen, jälleenrakentaminen ja kunnossapito); Katujen, aukioiden ja muiden yleisten alueiden valaistus; Construction and maintenance of parks, squares and green areas...".Project "Revision of degraded areas and creation of basic business infrastructure in the resort area in Liepaja 2" (implementing phase 1 of the construction project "Reconstruction of Roņu iela in Liepaja") (henceforward – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and municipal development plan (hereafter – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and city development plan (henceforward – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and municipal accessibility plan (henceforward – the project) The objective of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port territory (hereafter – the Project) in the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the project "Reconstruction of the construction project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project "Revision of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) is the revitalisation of the degraded area in Liepaja" (implementing phase 1 of the construction project "Reconstruction of the Roņu Street in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded area in Liepaja (implementation of the construction project "Reconstruction of Roņu iela in Liepaja" stage 1 of the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereinafter referred to as "the Project") (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in Liepaja (hereafter – the project) in the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (further referred to as "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" ( The development programme has been agreed in the Regional Development Coordination Council.The project will rebuild Roņu iela, Liepaja. Roneu Street (lisätietoja IIA:n 1.3.2 kohdassa): Nykyinen katuinfrastruktuuri, ympäröivä alue ja sen nykyiset kohteet ovat heikossa teknisessä kunnossa, olemassa oleva infrastruktuuri on huonontunut eikä se täytä nykyaikaisia vaatimuksia, mikä estää yrittäjiä kehittämästä ja hyödyntämästä täysimääräisesti taloudellisia mahdollisuuksia. Pohjoispuolella hylkeiden katu sijaitsee erityisen talousvyöhykkeen alueella ja eteläpuolella se rajoittuu kaupungin lomakohteen alueeseen, julkisen infrastruktuurin parantaminen on myös tärkeä tekijä sen kehittämisessä. (Finnish)
    3 August 2022
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    Autorem projektu zgodnie z klauzulą 24.1 rozporządzenia Rady Ministrów nr 645 z dnia 10 listopada 2015 r. (zwanego dalej „rozporządzeniem Rady Ministrów”) jest Urząd Gminy Miasta Liepaja. Zgodnie z art. 15 ust. 1, klauzule 1 i 2 ustawy o samorządach autonomicznymi zadaniami samorządu terytorialnego są "organizowanie usług użyteczności publicznej, w tym zaopatrzenia w wodę" oraz "... zapewnienie poprawy i sanitaryzacji ich terytorium administracyjnego (budowa, przebudowa i utrzymanie ulic i miejsc); Oświetlenie ulic, placów i innych miejsc publicznych; Construction and maintenance of parks, squares and green areas...".Project "Revision of degraded areas and creation of basic business infrastructure in the resort area in Liepaja 2" (implementing phase 1 of the construction project "Reconstruction of Roņu iela in Liepaja") (henceforward – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and municipal development plan (hereafter – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and city development plan (henceforward – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and municipal accessibility plan (henceforward – the project) The objective of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port territory (hereafter – the Project) in the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the project "Reconstruction of the construction project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project "Revision of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) is the revitalisation of the degraded area in Liepaja" (implementing phase 1 of the construction project "Reconstruction of the Roņu Street in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded area in Liepaja (implementation of the construction project "Reconstruction of Roņu iela in Liepaja" stage 1 of the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereinafter referred to as "the Project") (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in Liepaja (hereafter – the project) in the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (further referred to as "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" ( The development programme has been agreed in the Regional Development Coordination Council.The project will rebuild Roņu iela, Liepaja. Ulica Roneu (szczegóły w sekcji 1.3.2 porozumienia międzyinstytucjonalnego): Obecna infrastruktura uliczna, okolica i istniejące obiekty znajdują się w złym stanie technicznym, istniejąca infrastruktura uległa pogorszeniu i nie spełnia nowoczesnych wymagań, co uniemożliwia przedsiębiorcom rozwój i pełne wykorzystanie potencjału gospodarczego. Po stronie północnej ulica fok znajduje się na terytorium specjalnej strefy ekonomicznej, a po południowej stronie graniczy z terytorium miasta kurortu, poprawa infrastruktury publicznej jest również ważnym czynnikiem jej rozwoju. (Polish)
    3 August 2022
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    A 2015. november 10-i 645. sz. minisztertanácsi rendelet (a továbbiakban: kormányrendelet) 24.1. pontja szerint a projekt benyújtója Liepaja Város Önkormányzata. A helyi önkormányzatokról szóló törvény 15. §-ának első bekezdése, 1. és 2. szakasza szerint a helyi önkormányzat önálló feladatai "a közüzemek szervezése, beleértve a vízellátást is", valamint "... közigazgatási területük javításának és szennyvízelvezetésének biztosítása (utcák és területek építése, újjáépítése és karbantartása); Utcák, terek és egyéb közterületek megvilágítása; Construction and maintenance of parks, squares and green areas...".Project "Revision of degraded areas and creation of basic business infrastructure in the resort area in Liepaja 2" (implementing phase 1 of the construction project "Reconstruction of Roņu iela in Liepaja") (henceforward – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and municipal development plan (hereafter – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and city development plan (henceforward – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and municipal accessibility plan (henceforward – the project) The objective of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port territory (hereafter – the Project) in the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the project "Reconstruction of the construction project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project "Revision of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) is the revitalisation of the degraded area in Liepaja" (implementing phase 1 of the construction project "Reconstruction of the Roņu Street in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded area in Liepaja (implementation of the construction project "Reconstruction of Roņu iela in Liepaja" stage 1 of the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereinafter referred to as "the Project") (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in Liepaja (hereafter – the project) in the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (further referred to as "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" ( The development programme has been agreed in the Regional Development Coordination Council.The project will rebuild Roņu iela, Liepaja. Roneu Street (részletesebb az IIA 1.3.2. szakaszában): A jelenlegi utcai infrastruktúra, a környező terület és a meglévő tárgyak rossz műszaki állapotban vannak, a meglévő infrastruktúra romlott, és nem felel meg a modern követelményeknek, ami megakadályozza a vállalkozókat a gazdasági potenciál kibontakoztatásában és teljes körű kiaknázásában. Az északi oldalon a fókák utca a különleges gazdasági övezet területén található, a déli oldalon pedig a városi üdülőterület területével határos, az állami infrastruktúra fejlesztése szintén fontos tényező a fejlődés szempontjából. (Hungarian)
    3 August 2022
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    Předkladatelem projektu podle čl. 24 odst. 1 nařízení vlády č. 645 ze dne 10. listopadu 2015 (dále jen „nařízení vlády“) je Městský úřad města Liepaja. Podle § 15 § 1, ustanovení 1 a 2 zákona "o místních samosprávách" jsou autonomními funkcemi místní samosprávy "... organizovat veřejné služby, včetně zásobování vodou" a "... zajistit zlepšení a hygienu jejich správního území (výstavba, rekonstrukce a údržba ulic a lokalit); Osvětlení ulic, náměstí a jiných veřejných prostor; Construction and maintenance of parks, squares and green areas...".Project "Revision of degraded areas and creation of basic business infrastructure in the resort area in Liepaja 2" (implementing phase 1 of the construction project "Reconstruction of Roņu iela in Liepaja") (henceforward – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and municipal development plan (hereafter – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and city development plan (henceforward – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and municipal accessibility plan (henceforward – the project) The objective of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port territory (hereafter – the Project) in the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the project "Reconstruction of the construction project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project "Revision of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) is the revitalisation of the degraded area in Liepaja" (implementing phase 1 of the construction project "Reconstruction of the Roņu Street in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded area in Liepaja (implementation of the construction project "Reconstruction of Roņu iela in Liepaja" stage 1 of the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereinafter referred to as "the Project") (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in Liepaja (hereafter – the project) in the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (further referred to as "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" ( The development programme has been agreed in the Regional Development Coordination Council.The project will rebuild Roņu iela, Liepaja. Ulice Roneu (podrobněji v oddíle 1.3.2 interinstitucionální dohody): Současná pouliční infrastruktura, okolí a její stávající objekty jsou ve špatném technickém stavu, stávající infrastruktura se zhoršila a nesplňuje moderní požadavky, což brání podnikatelům v rozvoji a plném využití ekonomického potenciálu. Na severní straně se tuleňová ulice nachází na území zvláštní ekonomické zóny a na jižní straně hraničí s územím městského letoviska, zlepšení veřejné infrastruktury je také důležitým faktorem pro její rozvoj. (Czech)
    3 August 2022
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    Is é Riarachán Bardas Cathrach Liepaja a chuir isteach an tionscadal de réir Chlásal 24.1 de Rialacháin Comh-Aireachta na nAirí Uimh. 645 de Shamhain 10, 2015 (dá ngairtear Rialacháin na Comh-Aireachta anseo feasta). De réir Alt 15, Mír a hAon, Clásail 1 agus 2 den Dlí "Rialtais Áitiúil", is iad feidhmeanna uathrialacha an rialtais áitiúil "fóntachtaí poiblí a eagrú, lena n-áirítear soláthar uisce" agus "... chun feabhsú agus sláintíocht a gcríoch riaracháin a áirithiú (tógáil, atógáil agus cothabháil sráideanna agus suíomhanna); Sráideanna, cearnóga agus limistéir phoiblí eile a shoilsiú; Construction and maintenance of parks, squares and green areas...".Project "Revision of degraded areas and creation of basic business infrastructure in the resort area in Liepaja 2" (implementing phase 1 of the construction project "Reconstruction of Roņu iela in Liepaja") (henceforward – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and municipal development plan (hereafter – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and city development plan (henceforward – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and municipal accessibility plan (henceforward – the project) The objective of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port territory (hereafter – the Project) in the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the project "Reconstruction of the construction project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project "Revision of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) is the revitalisation of the degraded area in Liepaja" (implementing phase 1 of the construction project "Reconstruction of the Roņu Street in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded area in Liepaja (implementation of the construction project "Reconstruction of Roņu iela in Liepaja" stage 1 of the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereinafter referred to as "the Project") (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in Liepaja (hereafter – the project) in the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (further referred to as "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" ( The development programme has been agreed in the Regional Development Coordination Council.The project will rebuild Roņu iela, Liepaja. Sráid Roneu (níos mionsonraithe i roinn 1.3.2 de IIA): Tá drochbhail theicniúil ar an mbonneagar sráide atá ann faoi láthair, ar an gceantar máguaird agus ar na réada atá ann cheana, tá meath tagtha ar an mbonneagar reatha agus ní chomhlíonann sé riachtanais nua-aimseartha, rud a chuireann cosc ar fhiontraithe acmhainneacht eacnamaíoch a fhorbairt agus a úsáid go hiomlán. Ar an taobh ó thuaidh, tá an tsráid rónta suite i gcríoch an limistéir eacnamaíoch speisialta agus ar an taobh ó dheas tá sí ag teorainn le críoch limistéar saoire na cathrach, is fachtóir tábhachtach é feabhas a chur ar bhonneagar poiblí dá fhorbairt. (Irish)
    3 August 2022
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    Predlagatelj projekta v skladu s klavzulo 24.1 pravilnika kabineta ministrov št. 645 z dne 10. novembra 2015 (v nadaljnjem besedilu: pravilnik vlade) je mestna uprava mesta Liepaja. V skladu s členom 15, odstavkom 1, določbama 1 in 2 zakona o lokalnih upravah sta avtonomni funkciji lokalne uprave "... organizirati javne službe, vključno z oskrbo z vodo" in "... zagotoviti izboljšanje in sanacijo njihovega upravnega ozemlja (gradnja, obnova in vzdrževanje ulic in lokacij); Razsvetljava ulic, trgov in drugih javnih površin; Construction and maintenance of parks, squares and green areas...".Project "Revision of degraded areas and creation of basic business infrastructure in the resort area in Liepaja 2" (implementing phase 1 of the construction project "Reconstruction of Roņu iela in Liepaja") (henceforward – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and municipal development plan (hereafter – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and city development plan (henceforward – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and municipal accessibility plan (henceforward – the project) The objective of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port territory (hereafter – the Project) in the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the project "Reconstruction of the construction project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project "Revision of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) is the revitalisation of the degraded area in Liepaja" (implementing phase 1 of the construction project "Reconstruction of the Roņu Street in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded area in Liepaja (implementation of the construction project "Reconstruction of Roņu iela in Liepaja" stage 1 of the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereinafter referred to as "the Project") (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in Liepaja (hereafter – the project) in the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (further referred to as "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" ( The development programme has been agreed in the Regional Development Coordination Council.The project will rebuild Roņu iela, Liepaja. Ulica Roneu (podrobnejše v oddelku 1.3.2 IIA): Sedanja ulična infrastruktura, okolica in njeni obstoječi objekti so v slabem tehničnem stanju, obstoječa infrastruktura se je poslabšala in ne izpolnjuje sodobnih zahtev, kar podjetnikom preprečuje razvoj in polno izkoriščanje gospodarskega potenciala. Na severni strani se ulica tjulnjev nahaja na ozemlju posebne ekonomske cone, na južni strani pa meji na območje mestnega naselja, izboljšanje javne infrastrukture pa je tudi pomemben dejavnik za njen razvoj. (Slovenian)
    3 August 2022
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    Подателят на проекта съгласно клауза 24.1 от Наредба № 645 на Министерския съвет от 10 ноември 2015 г. (наричан по-долу „Правилник на Министерския съвет“) е администрацията на община Лиепая. Съгласно член 15, параграф 1, клаузи 1 и 2 от Закона за местните власти автономните функции на местното самоуправление са „... да организира обществените услуги, включително водоснабдяването„и“... да осигури подобряването и канализацията на тяхната административна територия (строителство, реконструкция и поддръжка на улици и обекти); Осветление на улици, площади и други обществени площи; Construction and maintenance of parks, squares and green areas...".Project "Revision of degraded areas and creation of basic business infrastructure in the resort area in Liepaja 2" (implementing phase 1 of the construction project "Reconstruction of Roņu iela in Liepaja") (henceforward – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and municipal development plan (hereafter – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and city development plan (henceforward – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and municipal accessibility plan (henceforward – the project) The objective of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port territory (hereafter – the Project) in the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the project "Reconstruction of the construction project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project "Revision of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) is the revitalisation of the degraded area in Liepaja" (implementing phase 1 of the construction project "Reconstruction of the Roņu Street in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded area in Liepaja (implementation of the construction project "Reconstruction of Roņu iela in Liepaja" stage 1 of the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereinafter referred to as "the Project") (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in Liepaja (hereafter – the project) in the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (further referred to as "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" ( The development programme has been agreed in the Regional Development Coordination Council.The project will rebuild Roņu iela, Liepaja. Улица „Ронеу“ (по-подробно посочена в раздел 1.3.2 от МИС): Съществуващата улична инфраструктура, околностите и нейните съществуващи обекти са в лошо техническо състояние, съществуващата инфраструктура се е влошила и не отговаря на съвременните изисквания, което пречи на предприемачите да развиват и използват пълноценно икономическия потенциал. От северната страна, тюлените улица се намира на територията на специалната икономическа зона, а от южната страна е граничеща с територията на градския курортен район, подобряването на обществената инфраструктура също е важен фактор за нейното развитие. (Bulgarian)
    3 August 2022
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    Is-sottomittenti tal-proġett skont il-Klawżola 24.1 tar-Regolamenti tal-Kabinett tal-Ministri Nru 645 tal-10 ta’ Novembru 2015 (minn hawn’il quddiem — ir-Regolamenti tal-Kabinett) hija l-Amministrazzjoni tal-Muniċipalità tal-Belt ta’ Liepaja. Skont it-Taqsima 15, il-Paragrafu 1, il-Klawżoli 1 u 2 tal-Liġi "Dwar il-Gvernijiet Lokali", il-funzjonijiet awtonomi tal-gvern lokali huma "... li jorganizzaw utilitajiet pubbliċi, inkluża l-provvista tal-ilma" u "... biex jiżguraw it-titjib u s-sanità tat-territorju amministrattiv tagħhom (kostruzzjoni, rikostruzzjoni u manutenzjoni ta’ toroq u siti); Dawl ta’ toroq, pjazez u żoni pubbliċi oħra; Construction and maintenance of parks, squares and green areas...".Project "Revision of degraded areas and creation of basic business infrastructure in the resort area in Liepaja 2" (implementing phase 1 of the construction project "Reconstruction of Roņu iela in Liepaja") (henceforward – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and municipal development plan (hereafter – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and city development plan (henceforward – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and municipal accessibility plan (henceforward – the project) The objective of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port territory (hereafter – the Project) in the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the project "Reconstruction of the construction project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project "Revision of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) is the revitalisation of the degraded area in Liepaja" (implementing phase 1 of the construction project "Reconstruction of the Roņu Street in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded area in Liepaja (implementation of the construction project "Reconstruction of Roņu iela in Liepaja" stage 1 of the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereinafter referred to as "the Project") (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in Liepaja (hereafter – the project) in the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (further referred to as "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" ( The development programme has been agreed in the Regional Development Coordination Council.The project will rebuild Roņu iela, Liepaja. Triq Roneu (aktar dettaljata fit-taqsima 1.3.2 tal-IIA): L-infrastruttura attwali tat-toroq, iż-żona tal-madwar u l-oġġetti eżistenti tagħha jinsabu f’kundizzjoni teknika fqira, l-infrastruttura eżistenti ddeterjorat u ma tissodisfax ir-rekwiżiti moderni, li jipprevjeni lill-intraprendituri milli jiżviluppaw u jagħmlu użu sħiħ mill-potenzjal ekonomiku. Fuq in-naħa tat-Tramuntana, it-triq tal-foki tinsab fit-territorju taż-żona ekonomika speċjali u fuq in-naħa tan-Nofsinhar qed tmiss mat-territorju taż-żona tal-belt, it-titjib tal-infrastruttura pubblika huwa wkoll fattur importanti għall-iżvilupp tagħha. (Maltese)
    3 August 2022
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    O proponente do projeto, em conformidade com a cláusula 24.1 do Regulamento n.o 645 do Conselho de Ministros, de 10 de novembro de 2015 (a seguir designado «Regulamento do Conselho de Ministros»), é a administração municipal da cidade de Liepaja. Nos termos do artigo 15.o, n.o 1, e dos artigos 1.o e 2.o da Lei relativa às autarquias locais, as funções autónomas das autarquias locais são «... organizar os serviços públicos, incluindo o abastecimento de água» e «... assegurar a melhoria e o saneamento do seu território administrativo (construção, reconstrução e manutenção de ruas e locais); Iluminação de ruas, praças e outras áreas públicas; Construction and maintenance of parks, squares and green areas...".Project "Revision of degraded areas and creation of basic business infrastructure in the resort area in Liepaja 2" (implementing phase 1 of the construction project "Reconstruction of Roņu iela in Liepaja") (henceforward – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and municipal development plan (hereafter – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and city development plan (henceforward – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and municipal accessibility plan (henceforward – the project) The objective of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port territory (hereafter – the Project) in the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the project "Reconstruction of the construction project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project "Revision of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) is the revitalisation of the degraded area in Liepaja" (implementing phase 1 of the construction project "Reconstruction of the Roņu Street in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded area in Liepaja (implementation of the construction project "Reconstruction of Roņu iela in Liepaja" stage 1 of the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereinafter referred to as "the Project") (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in Liepaja (hereafter – the project) in the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (further referred to as "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" ( The development programme has been agreed in the Regional Development Coordination Council.The project will rebuild Roņu iela, Liepaja. Rua Roneu (mais pormenorizada na secção 1.3.2 do AII): As atuais infraestruturas rodoviárias, a área circundante e os seus objetos existentes estão em más condições técnicas, a infraestrutura existente deteriorou-se e não satisfaz os requisitos modernos, o que impede os empresários de desenvolverem e tirarem pleno partido do potencial económico. No lado norte, a rua dos selos está localizada no território da zona económica especial e no lado sul faz fronteira com o território da área de resort da cidade, a melhoria da infraestrutura pública também é um fator importante para o seu desenvolvimento. (Portuguese)
    3 August 2022
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    Indgiveren af projektet i henhold til § 24.1 i ministerkabinetsreglement nr. 645 af 10. november 2015 (i det følgende benævnt "kabinetreglementet") er Liepaja City Kommunes administration. I henhold til § 15, stk. 1, § 1, § 1 og 2, i loven om lokale myndigheder er de lokale myndigheders selvstændige funktioner "... at organisere offentlige forsyningsvirksomheder, herunder vandforsyning" og "... at sikre forbedring og sanitet af deres administrative område (opførelse, genopbygning og vedligeholdelse af gader og lokaliteter); Belysning af gader, pladser og andre offentlige områder Construction and maintenance of parks, squares and green areas...".Project "Revision of degraded areas and creation of basic business infrastructure in the resort area in Liepaja 2" (implementing phase 1 of the construction project "Reconstruction of Roņu iela in Liepaja") (henceforward – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and municipal development plan (hereafter – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and city development plan (henceforward – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and municipal accessibility plan (henceforward – the project) The objective of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port territory (hereafter – the Project) in the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the project "Reconstruction of the construction project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project "Revision of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) is the revitalisation of the degraded area in Liepaja" (implementing phase 1 of the construction project "Reconstruction of the Roņu Street in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded area in Liepaja (implementation of the construction project "Reconstruction of Roņu iela in Liepaja" stage 1 of the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereinafter referred to as "the Project") (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in Liepaja (hereafter – the project) in the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (further referred to as "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" ( The development programme has been agreed in the Regional Development Coordination Council.The project will rebuild Roņu iela, Liepaja. Roneu Street (mere detaljeret i afsnit 1.3.2 i IIA): Den nuværende gadeinfrastruktur, det omkringliggende område og de eksisterende objekter er i dårlig teknisk stand, den eksisterende infrastruktur er forringet og opfylder ikke moderne krav, hvilket forhindrer iværksættere i at udvikle og udnytte det økonomiske potentiale fuldt ud. På nordsiden er sælgaden beliggende i det område af den særlige økonomiske zone, og på sydsiden er det grænser op til området af byens resort område, forbedring af den offentlige infrastruktur er også en vigtig faktor for dens udvikling. (Danish)
    3 August 2022
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    Persoana care prezintă proiectul în conformitate cu clauza 24.1 din Regulamentul Cabinetului de Miniștri nr. 645 din 10 noiembrie 2015 (în continuare – Regulamentul Cabinetului) este administrația municipală Liepaja City. În conformitate cu articolul 15, primul paragraf, clauzele 1 și 2 din Legea "privind administrațiile locale", funcțiile autonome ale administrației locale sunt "... de a organiza utilități publice, inclusiv alimentarea cu apă" și "... pentru a asigura îmbunătățirea și salubritatea teritoriului lor administrativ (construirea, reconstrucția și întreținerea străzilor și a siturilor); Iluminatul străzilor, al piețelor și al altor zone publice; Construction and maintenance of parks, squares and green areas...".Project "Revision of degraded areas and creation of basic business infrastructure in the resort area in Liepaja 2" (implementing phase 1 of the construction project "Reconstruction of Roņu iela in Liepaja") (henceforward – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and municipal development plan (hereafter – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and city development plan (henceforward – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and municipal accessibility plan (henceforward – the project) The objective of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port territory (hereafter – the Project) in the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the project "Reconstruction of the construction project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project "Revision of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) is the revitalisation of the degraded area in Liepaja" (implementing phase 1 of the construction project "Reconstruction of the Roņu Street in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded area in Liepaja (implementation of the construction project "Reconstruction of Roņu iela in Liepaja" stage 1 of the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereinafter referred to as "the Project") (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in Liepaja (hereafter – the project) in the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (further referred to as "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" ( The development programme has been agreed in the Regional Development Coordination Council.The project will rebuild Roņu iela, Liepaja. Strada Roneu (mai multe detalii în secțiunea 1.3.2 din AII): Infrastructura stradală actuală, zona înconjurătoare și obiectele sale existente se află într-o stare tehnică precară, infrastructura existentă s-a deteriorat și nu îndeplinește cerințele moderne, ceea ce împiedică antreprenorii să dezvolte și să utilizeze pe deplin potențialul economic. Pe partea de nord, strada focilor este situată pe teritoriul zonei economice speciale, iar pe partea de sud se învecinează cu teritoriul stațiunii urbane, îmbunătățirea infrastructurii publice fiind, de asemenea, un factor important pentru dezvoltarea acesteia. (Romanian)
    3 August 2022
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    Den som lämnar in projektet enligt § 24.1 i regeringsdekret nr 645 av den 10 november 2015 (nedan kallade regeringsförordningarna) är Liepaja kommunförvaltning. Enligt 15 § första stycket, klausulerna 1 och 2 i lagen om lokala myndigheter är de lokala myndigheternas självständiga funktioner ”... att organisera allmännyttiga tjänster, inklusive vattenförsörjning” och ”... för att säkerställa förbättring och sanering av deras administrativa territorium (byggnation, återuppbyggnad och underhåll av gator och platser). Belysning av gator, torg och andra allmänna utrymmen. Construction and maintenance of parks, squares and green areas...".Project "Revision of degraded areas and creation of basic business infrastructure in the resort area in Liepaja 2" (implementing phase 1 of the construction project "Reconstruction of Roņu iela in Liepaja") (henceforward – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and municipal development plan (hereafter – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and city development plan (henceforward – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory and rebuilding/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port’s land and municipal accessibility plan (henceforward – the project) The objective of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the port territory (hereafter – the Project) in the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) The objective of the project is revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in the project "Reconstruction of the construction project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project "Revision of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) is the revitalisation of the degraded area in Liepaja" (implementing phase 1 of the construction project "Reconstruction of the Roņu Street in Liepaja" (hereafter – the Project) (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded area in Liepaja (implementation of the construction project "Reconstruction of Roņu iela in Liepaja" stage 1 of the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (hereinafter referred to as "the Project") (hereafter – the Project) The aim of the project is the revitalisation of the degraded territory and the reconstruction/construction of the basic public infrastructure in Liepaja (hereafter – the project) in the project "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" (further referred to as "Reconstruction of degraded areas in Liepaja" ( The development programme has been agreed in the Regional Development Coordination Council.The project will rebuild Roņu iela, Liepaja. Roneu Street (se avsnitt 1.3.2 i IIA): Dagens gatuinfrastruktur, omgivande område och dess befintliga objekt är i dåligt tekniskt skick, den befintliga infrastrukturen har försämrats och uppfyller inte moderna krav, vilket hindrar entreprenörer från att utveckla och fullt ut utnyttja den ekonomiska potentialen. På norra sidan ligger sälgatan i den särskilda ekonomiska zonen och på den södra sidan gränsar den till stadens semesterortsområde, förbättringen av den offentliga infrastrukturen är också en viktig faktor för dess utveckling. (Swedish)
    3 August 2022
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    Roņu iela, Liepāja
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    Uliha iela, Liepāja
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    Zvejnieku aleja, Liepāja
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    Zvejnieku aleja 11A, Liepāja, LV-3401
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    Jūrmalas parks, Liepāja, LV-3401
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