Provision of basic infrastructure for entrepreneurship by revitalising degraded territory in Liepaja 4th round (Q3057479)

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Project Q3057479 in Latvia
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Provision of basic infrastructure for entrepreneurship by revitalising degraded territory in Liepaja 4th round
Project Q3057479 in Latvia


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    6,088,149.98 Euro
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    Liepājas pilsētas pašvaldības iestāde "Liepājas pilsētas pašvaldības administrācija"
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    56°30'35.96"N, 21°0'55.30"E
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    Projekta “Pamatinfrastruktūras nodrošināšana uzņēmējdarbības veicināšanai, revitalizējot degradēto teritoriju Liepājā 4. kārta” (turpmāk tekstā - Projekts) mērķis ir degradētās teritorijas revitalizācija, sakārtojot teritorijas pamatinfrastruktūru atbilstoši pašvaldības attīstības programmai, nodrošinot videi draudzīgu un vides ilgtspēju veicinošu teritoriālo izaugsmi un jaunu darba vietu radīšanu Liepājas pilsētā.Projekts paredz īstenot būvprojekta “Degradēto teritoriju revitalizācija uzņēmējdarbības vajadzībām posmā no Jaunā tilta līdz Graudu ielai, Liepājā” (turpmāk tekstā – Būvprojekts) 1., 2 un 3. būvniecības kārtu - esošo ielu un tai piegulošo teritoriju pārveidi veidojot jaunu publisko ārtelpu struktūru pilsētā, veidojot K. Zāles laukumu, Tirdzniecības kanāla krastmalu un tām piegulošās teritorijas kā aktivitāšu un satikšanās vietas pilsētas iedzīvotājiem un viesiem. Plānojums veido vizuāli vienotu teritorijas tēlu, uzsverot krastmalas un ūdens klātbūtni, tās caurredzamību. Tiek paredzēts ne tikai teritorijas labiekārtojuma risinājums, bet arī jauna identitāte, funkcija un ilgtspējīgi pamatots attīstības priekšlikums, kas arī ir piemērots saimnieciskās darbības veikšanai. Projekta ietvaros plānotās aktivitātes:-K. Zāles laukuma pārbūve,, autostāvvietu pārbūve (pārbūvējamais ielas posma garums 0,36 km), lietus ūdens kanalizācijas ārējo tīklu pārbūve un ielas apgaismojuma pārbūve un ielu seguma atjaunošana Stūrmaņu ielā, Dzirnavu ielas, Fr. Brīvzemnieka ielas posmos; ūdensvada pārbūve; veloceliņa izbūve kā ielas palīginfrastruktūra ielas sarkanajās līnijās (atbilstoši MK noteikumu 48.3.1.punktam);-teritorijas labiekārtošana (0,64 ha) un satiksmes organizācijas optimizēšana K. Zāles laukumā un rekomendējošas velojoslas izveidošana Jūras ielas posmā no Lielās ielas līdz Stūrmaņu ielai (atbilstoši MK noteikumu 48.4.2.punktam).Saskaņā ar likuma “Par pašvaldībām” 15.panta pirmās daļas 1. un 2. punktu pašvaldības autonomās funkcijas ir “…organizēt iedzīvotājiem komunālos pakalpojumus (ūdensapgāde un kanalizācija; siltumapgāde; sadzīves atkritumu apsaimniekošana; notekūdeņu savākšana, novadīšana un attīrīšana)” un “… gādāt par savas administratīvās teritorijas labiekārtošanu un sanitāro tīrību (ielu, ceļu un laukumu būvniecība, rekonstruēšana un uzturēšana; ielu, laukumu un citu publiskai lietošanai paredzēto teritoriju apgaismošana; parku, skvēru un zaļo zonu ierīkošana un uzturēšana…)”., kas atbilst Projektā plānotajām darbībām, ievērojot MK noteikumos par SAM īstenošanu noteiktos valsts atbalsta nosacījumus.Projekta iesniedzējs atbilstoši 2015.gada 10.novembra Ministru kabineta noteikumu Nr.645 “Darbības programmas “"Izaugsme un nodarbinātība" 5.6.2. specifiskā atbalsta mērķa "Teritoriju revitalizācija, reģenerējot degradētās teritorijas atbilstoši pašvaldību integrētajām attīstības programmām" īstenošanas noteikumi” (turpmāk tekstā – MK noteikumi) 24.1.punktam ir Liepājas pilsētas pašvaldības administrācija (turpmāk tekstā – Pašvaldība).Pašvaldībai ir apstiprināta Pašvaldības attīstības programma, kurā Projekts ir pamatots un atspoguļots investīciju plānā. Attīstības programma ir saskaņota Reģionālajā attīstības koordinācijas padomē.Būvprojekts ir izstrādāts 2020.gadā, pirms tam veicot teritorijas topogrāfisko uzmērīšanu un kanāla krasta nostiprinājuma tehnisko apsekojumu,, ģeotehnisko izpēti. Projekta īstenošanas laikā, veicot būvdarbus, saskaņā ar minēto tehnisko dokumentāciju, tiks nodrošināta būvdarbu būvuzraudzība un autoruzraudzība, kā arī īstenoti publicitātes pasākumi.Projektā iekļautās kopējās izmaksas ir saistītas ar Projekta īstenošanu, Projekta mērķa grupas vajadzību nodrošināšanai un definētās problēmas risināšanai. Tās nodrošinās Projektā izvirzītā mērķa un rādītāju sasniegšanu. Projekta kopējās investīciju izmaksas veido EUR 7 319 679,24 ( PVN 21% EUR 1 270 357,55), kur attiecināmās izmaksas ir EUR 7 162 529,39 un neattiecināmās veido EUR 157 149,85. ERAF finansējums plānots EUR 6 088 149,98 apmērā jeb 85% no Projekta attiecināmajām izmaksām. Projektā paredzētais Eiropas Savienības fonda finansējums nepārsniedz Reģionālajā attīstības koordinācijas padomes lēmumā Projektam noteikto finansējuma apmēru un ERAF finansējuma intensitāte nepārsniedz MK noteikumos noteikto Eiropas Savienības fonda maksimālo atbalsta intensitāti.Projektu plānots uzsākt īstenot 2020.gada augustā, noslēdzot līgumu ar CFLA par projekta īstenošanu un to pabeigt 29 mēnešu laikā (skat. 1.pielikums), kas atbilst 2015.gada 10.novembra Ministru kabineta noteikumu Nr.645 “Darbības programmas “"Izaugsme un nodarbinātība" 5.6.2. specifiskā atbalsta mērķa "Teritoriju revitalizācija, reģenerējot degradētās teritorijas atbilstoši pašvaldību integrētajām attīstības programmām" īstenošanas noteikumi” (turpmāk tekstā – MK noteikumi) 25.punktam.Projektā īstenošanā plānotie sasniedzamie uzraudzības rādītāji:-revitalizēta degradētā teritorija 1,27 ha platībā;-radīta 149 jauna darbavieta;-piesaist (Latvian)
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    The aim of the project "provision of basic infrastructure for entrepreneurship by revitalising degraded territory in Liepaja, 4th stage" (hereafter – Project) is revitalisation of degraded territory by organising the basic infrastructure of the territory in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring territorial growth that is environmentally friendly and environmentally sustainable and creating new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project intends to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project envisages to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for inhabitants of the city, creating the building layer of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for inhabitants of the city.The project envisages to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project is to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents of the city, building the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipality’s development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new workplaces in the city of Liepaja.The project proposes to implement revitalisation The planning creates a visually unified image of the territory, emphasising the presence of the embankment and water, its transparency. In addition to the spatial improvement solution, a new identity, function and sustainable development proposal is envisaged, which is also suitable for economic activity. The activities planned within the framework of the project are: – Rebuilding of parking spaces, including reconstruction of parking spaces (longitude 0,36 km of street section to be constructed), reconstruction of rainwater drainage external networks and reconstruction of street lighting and reconstruction of street lighting on rugway street, Dzirnavu iela, Fr. Brivzemnieka street sections; Rebuilding of a water main; Construction of cycling path as ancillary street infrastructure on street red lines (according to Clause 48.3.1 of Cabinet Regulations); improvement of the territory (0.64 ha) and optimisation of traffic organisation in K. Zāles Square and creation of a recommended cycling bar in the section of Jūras iela from Liels Street to rudder street (according to Clause 48.4.2 of the Cabinet Regulations).In accordance with Paragraph one, Paragraph one and (2) of the Law “On Local Governments” the municipal autonomous functions are... (English)
    15 July 2021
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    L’objectif du projet «Produire des infrastructures de base pour promouvoir l’esprit d’entreprise par la revitalisation du territoire dégradé à Liepaja» (ci-après dénommé «le projet») est de revitaliser le territoire dégradé en adaptant l’infrastructure de base du territoire conformément au programme de développement municipal, en assurant une croissance territoriale respectueuse de l’environnement et écologiquement durable et en créant de nouveaux emplois dans la ville de Liepaja. Le plan crée une image visuellement unifiée du territoire, mettant l’accent sur la présence du remblai et de l’eau, sa transparence. Non seulement une solution d’amélioration spatiale est envisagée, mais aussi une nouvelle identité, une nouvelle fonction et une proposition de développement durable, qui convient également à la réalisation d’activités économiques. Activités prévues dans le cadre du projet:-K. Reconstruction de la place Zāles, y compris la reconstruction des places de stationnement (longueur de la rue rénovée 0,36 km), la reconstruction des réseaux extérieurs d’assainissement des eaux pluviales et la reconstruction de l’éclairage des rues et la rénovation du trottoir sur la rue Stūrma’u, rue Dzirnavu, Fr. Sections de la rue Brīvzemnieks; reconstruction de l’approvisionnement en eau; la construction de la piste cyclable en tant qu’infrastructure routière auxiliaire sur les lignes rouges de la rue (conformément à l’article 48.3.1 du règlement du Cabinet);- l’amélioration du territoire (0,64 ha) et l’optimisation de l’organisation de la circulation sur la place K. zāles et la création d’une bande cyclable recommandant sur le tronçon de Jūras iela, de la rue Liels à la rue Stūrmaūu (conformément à l’article 48.4.2 du règlement du Cabinet). chauffage; la gestion des déchets municipaux; collecte, rejet et traitement des eaux résiduaires)«et»... pour assurer l’amélioration et l’assainissement de votre zone administrative (construction, reconstruction et entretien des rues, des routes et des sites; l’éclairage des rues, places et autres espaces destinés à l’usage public; construction et entretien de parcs, de places et de zones vertes...)«qui correspond aux activités prévues dans le projet, dans le respect des conditions d’aide d’État prévues par le règlement du Conseil des ministres no 645 du 10 novembre 2015 relatif à la mise en œuvre de la SAM.Le demandeur du projet est l’administration municipale de Liepaja (ci-après»la collectivité locale«) conformément à l’article 24.1 du règlement no 645 du Conseil des ministres du 10 novembre 2015»Revitalisation de l’objectif spécifique de soutien «Revitalisation des territoires par la régénération des zones dégradées conformément aux programmes de développement intégré des collectivités locales» (ci-après dénommés «le gouvernement local»). La municipalité a approuvé un programme de développement local dans lequel le projet est justifié et reflété dans le plan d’investissement. Le programme de développement a été approuvé par le Conseil régional de coordination du développement.Le projet de construction a été développé en 2020, avant la mise en œuvre de l’étude topographique du territoire et de la levé technique de la rive du canal, y compris la recherche géotechnique. Au cours de la mise en œuvre du projet, conformément à la documentation technique susmentionnée, la supervision et la supervision par l’auteur des travaux de construction seront assurées, ainsi que des mesures de publicité. Les coûts totaux inclus dans le projet sont liés à la mise en œuvre du projet, aux besoins du groupe cible du projet et à la résolution du problème identifié. Ils veilleront à ce que l’objectif et les indicateurs énoncés dans le projet soient atteints. Le coût total d’investissement du projet s’élève à 7 319 679,24 EUR (y compris: TVA de 21 703 575,55 EUR, lorsque les coûts admissibles s’élèvent à 7 162 229,39 EUR et que le montant inéligible est de 15 749,85 EUR. Le financement du FEDER est estimé à 6 088 149,98 EUR, soit 85 % des coûts éligibles du projet. Le financement du Fonds de l’Union européenne prévu dans le projet n’excède pas le montant du financement prévu pour le projet dans la décision du conseil de coordination du développement régional et l’intensité du financement du FEDER n’excède pas l’intensité d’aide maximale du Fonds de l’Union européenne prévue par le règlement du Conseil des ministres. Le projet devrait être mis en œuvre en août 2020 par la conclusion d’un accord avec l’ACFC pour la mise en œuvre du projet et son achèvement dans un délai de 29 mois (voir. Annexe 1), qui est conforme à l’article 25 du règlement no 645 du Conseil des ministres du 10 novembre 2015 "Dispositions relatives à la mise en œuvre de l’objectif spécifique "Croissance et emploi" du programme opérationnel 5.6.2 "Revitalisation des territoires par la régénération des zones dégradées conformément aux programmes intégrés de développement des collectivités locales" (ci-après dénommé "règlement du Cabinet"). (French)
    25 November 2021
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    Ziel des Projekts „Förderung der grundlegenden Infrastruktur zur Förderung des Unternehmertums durch Wiederbelebung des degradierten Territoriums in Liepaja“ (nachfolgend – das Projekt) ist die Wiederbelebung des degradierten Gebiets durch Anpassung der Grundinfrastruktur des Gebiets gemäß dem kommunalen Entwicklungsprogramm, Gewährleistung eines umweltfreundlichen und umweltverträglichen territorialen Wachstums und Schaffung neuer Arbeitsplätze in der Stadt Liepaja. Das Projekt sieht die Durchführung des Bauvorhabens „Revitalisierung degradierter Gebiete für Geschäftsbedürfnisse in der Zeit von der Neuen Brücke zur Graudu Straße, der 1., 2. und 3. Bauphase in Liepāja“ vor. Der Plan schafft ein visuell vereinheitlichtes Bild des Territoriums und betont die Anwesenheit des Ufers und des Wassers, seine Transparenz. Es ist nicht nur eine Raumverbesserungslösung vorgesehen, sondern auch eine neue Identität, Funktion und ein Vorschlag für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung, der auch für die Durchführung von Wirtschaftstätigkeiten geeignet ist. Aktivitäten im Rahmen des Projekts geplant:-K. Wiederaufbau des Zales-Platzes, einschließlich des Umbaus von Parkplätzen (renovierte Straßenlänge 0,36 km), Wiederaufbau von externen Netzen der Regenwasser-Kanalisation und Rekonstruktion der Straßenbeleuchtung und Renovierung der Straßenpflaster auf der Stūrmaņu Straße, Dzirnavu Straße, Fr. Abschnitte der Brīvzemnieks Straße; Wiederaufbau der Wasserversorgung; Bau des Fahrradweges als Nebenstraßeninfrastruktur auf den Straßenrotlinien (gemäß § 48.3.1 der Kabinettsverordnung);- Verbesserung der Gebietsentwicklung (0,64 ha) und Optimierung der Verkehrsorganisation auf dem K. zāles-Platz und Schaffung eines empfohlenen Radstreifens auf dem Abschnitt von Jūras iela von der Liels-Straße bis zur Stūrmaņu Straße (gemäß § 48.4.2 der Kabinettsverordnung). Gemäß Artikel 15 Absätze 1 und 2 des Gesetzes über lokale Gebietskörperschaften sollen die autonomen Aufgaben der Kommunalverwaltungen "... Versorgungseinrichtungen für Einwohner (Wasserversorgung und Kanalisation) organisieren; Heizung; Bewirtschaftung von Siedlungsabfällen; Sammlung, Einleitung und Behandlung von Abwasser)„und“... um die Verbesserung und Abwasserentsorgung Ihres Verwaltungsgebiets zu gewährleisten (Bau, Wiederaufbau und Instandhaltung von Straßen, Straßen und Standorten; Beleuchtung von Straßen, Plätzen und anderen Bereichen, die für die öffentliche Nutzung bestimmt sind; Bau und Instandhaltung von Parks, Plätzen und Grünzonen...„, was den im Projekt geplanten Tätigkeiten entspricht, unter Einhaltung der Beihilfevoraussetzungen gemäß der Kabinettsverordnung Nr. 645 vom 10. November 2015 über die Durchführung der SAM. Die Projektantragstellerin ist die Liepaja Stadtverwaltung (im Folgenden: Gemeindeverwaltung) gemäß § 24.1 der Kabinettsverordnung Nr. 645 vom 10. November 2015“Revitalisierung des spezifischen Förderziels „Revitalisierung von Gebieten durch Regeneration degradierter Gebiete gemäß den integrierten Entwicklungsprogrammen der lokalen Gebietskörperschaften“ (im Folgenden „lokale Regierung“). Das Entwicklungsprogramm wurde vom Koordinierungsrat für regionale Entwicklung vereinbart.Das Bauprojekt wurde 2020 vor der Durchführung der topografischen Erhebung des Gebiets und der technischen Erhebung am Ufer des Kanals, einschließlich geotechnischer Forschung, entwickelt. Während der Durchführung des Projekts werden gemäß der oben genannten technischen Dokumentation die Überwachung und die Überwachung der Bauarbeiten sowie die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit gewährleistet. Die Gesamtkosten des Projekts beziehen sich auf die Projektdurchführung, die Bedürfnisse der Projektzielgruppe und die Lösung des festgestellten Problems. Sie stellen sicher, dass das im Projekt festgelegte Ziel und die Indikatoren erreicht werden. Die Investitionskosten des Projekts belaufen sich auf insgesamt 7 319 679,24 EUR (einschließlich: Mehrwertsteuer 21 % 1 270 357 575 EUR, wenn die förderfähigen Kosten 7 162 529,39 EUR und der nicht förderfähige Betrag 157 149,85 EUR betragen. Die EFRE-Mittel werden auf 608 849,98 EUR oder 85 % der förderfähigen Kosten des Projekts veranschlagt. Die Finanzierung des im Rahmen des Projekts vorgesehenen Fonds der Europäischen Union übersteigt nicht den im Beschluss des Koordinierungsrates für regionale Entwicklung für das Projekt vorgesehenen Finanzierungsbetrag und die Intensität der EFRE-Finanzierung übersteigt nicht die in der Kabinettsverordnung festgelegte Beihilfehöchstintensität des Europäischen Unionsfonds. Das Projekt soll im August 2020 durchgeführt werden, indem sie mit der CFCA eine Vereinbarung über die Durchführung des Projekts schließt und innerhalb von 29 Monaten abgeschlossen wird (siehe. Anhang 1), der mit § 25 der Kabinettsverordnung Nr. 645 vom 10. (German)
    28 November 2021
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    Het project „Bevordering van de basisinfrastructuur ter bevordering van het ondernemerschap door het herstel van aangetast gebied in Liepaja” (hierna — het project) heeft tot doel het aangetaste gebied nieuw leven in te blazen door de basisinfrastructuur van het grondgebied aan te passen overeenkomstig het gemeentelijke ontwikkelingsprogramma, waarbij milieuvriendelijke en ecologisch duurzame territoriale groei en het scheppen van nieuwe banen in de stad Liepaja worden gewaarborgd. Het project beoogt de uitvoering van het bouwproject „Revitalisering van aangetaste gebieden voor zakelijke behoeften in de periode van de Nieuwe Brug tot Graudu Street, de 1e, 2e en 3e bouwfase in Liepāja” (hierna „het bouwproject” genoemd) — de aanleg van de stedelijke gebieden en de aanleg van nieuwe openbare gebieden in de aangrenzende steden en de aangrenzende steden. Het plan creëert een visueel verenigd beeld van het grondgebied, met de nadruk op de aanwezigheid van de dijk en het water, de transparantie ervan. Niet alleen wordt een oplossing voor ruimtelijke verbetering overwogen, maar ook een nieuwe identiteit, functie en een voorstel voor duurzame ontwikkeling, dat ook geschikt is voor de uitoefening van economische activiteiten. Geplande activiteiten in het kader van het project:-K. Wederopbouw van het zāles-plein, met inbegrip van de wederopbouw van parkeerplaatsen (vernieuwde straatlengte 0,36 km), wederopbouw van externe netwerken van riolering van regenwater en wederopbouw van straatverlichting en renovatie van straatverharding op StūrmaȘu-straat, Dzirnavu-straat, Fr. Delen van de Brīvzemnieksstraat; wederopbouw van de watervoorziening; de aanleg van het fietspad als aanvullende straatinfrastructuur op de rode straatlijnen (overeenkomstig § 48.3.1 van de Kabinetverordening);-gebiedsverbetering (0,64 ha) en optimalisering van de verkeersorganisatie op het plein K. zāles en de aanleg van een aanbevolen fietsstrook op het traject van Jūras iela van Liels Street tot Stūrmau-straat (overeenkomstig § 48.4.2 van het kabinetsreglement).Volgens artikel 15, leden 1, 1 en 2, van de wet op de lokale overheden moeten de autonome functies van de lokale overheid "... voorzieningen voor bewoners organiseren (watervoorziening en riolering; verwarming; beheer van stedelijk afval; opvang, lozing en behandeling van afvalwater)„en”... om de verbetering en sanitaire voorzieningen van uw administratieve gebied te waarborgen (bouw, wederopbouw en onderhoud van straten, wegen en locaties; verlichting van straten, pleinen en andere gebieden die bestemd zijn voor openbaar gebruik; de aanleg en het onderhoud van parken, pleinen en groene zones [...])„, wat overeenkomt met de in het project geplande activiteiten, met inachtneming van de staatssteunvoorwaarden die zijn vastgesteld in kabinetsverordening nr. 645 van 10 november 2015 betreffende de uitvoering van de SAM.De aanvrager van het project is de gemeente Liepaja (hierna: de lokale overheid) overeenkomstig § 24.1 van kabinetsverordening nr. 645 van 10 november 2015”Revitalisering van specifieke steundoelstelling „Revitalisering van gebieden door revitalisering van aangetaste gebieden overeenkomstig de geïntegreerde ontwikkelingsprogramma’s van lokale overheden” (hierna „de lokale overheid” genoemd). De gemeente heeft een plan voor de ontwikkeling van de lokale overheid goedgekeurd waarin het project gerechtvaardigd is en in het kader van de investeringen in het project wordt weerspiegeld. Het ontwikkelingsprogramma is goedgekeurd door de Coördinatieraad voor regionale ontwikkeling. Het bouwproject is ontwikkeld in 2020, voorafgaand aan de uitvoering van een topografisch onderzoek naar het grondgebied en het technisch onderzoek aan de oever van het kanaal, met inbegrip van geotechnisch onderzoek. Tijdens de uitvoering van het project zullen, in overeenstemming met de bovengenoemde technische documentatie, toezicht en auteurstoezicht op de bouwwerkzaamheden worden gewaarborgd, evenals publiciteitsmaatregelen. De totale kosten die in het project zijn opgenomen, houden verband met de uitvoering van het project, de behoeften van de doelgroep van het project en het oplossen van het geconstateerde probleem. Zij zullen ervoor zorgen dat de doelstellingen en indicatoren van het project worden gehaald. De totale investeringskosten van het project bedragen 739 679,24 EUR (inclusief: Btw 21 % EUR 127357,55), wanneer de subsidiabele kosten 7 162 529,39 EUR bedragen en het niet-subsidiabele bedrag 15 749,85 EUR bedraagt. De EFRO-financiering wordt geraamd op 608 849,98 EUR of 85 % van de subsidiabele kosten van het project. (Dutch)
    28 November 2021
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    L'obiettivo del progetto "Fornire infrastrutture di base per promuovere l'imprenditorialità rivitalizzando il territorio degradato in Liepaja" (di seguito — il progetto) è quello di rivitalizzare il territorio degradato adeguando l'infrastruttura di base del territorio in conformità con il programma di sviluppo comunale, garantendo una crescita territoriale rispettosa dell'ambiente e sostenibile dal punto di vista ambientale e la creazione di nuovi posti di lavoro nella città di Liepaja. Il progetto prevede l'attuazione del progetto di costruzione "Rivitalizzazione di aree degradate per esigenze imprenditoriali nel periodo dal Nuovo Ponte a Graudu Street, la prima, seconda e terza fase di costruzione a Liepāja". Il piano crea un'immagine visivamente unificata del territorio, sottolineando la presenza dell'argine e dell'acqua, la sua trasparenza. Non solo è prevista una soluzione di miglioramento spaziale, ma anche una nuova identità, funzione e una proposta di sviluppo sostenibile, che è anche adatta per lo svolgimento di attività economiche. Attività previste nell'ambito del progetto:-K. Ricostruzione di piazza Zāles, compresa la ricostruzione di posti auto (lunghezza strada ristrutturata 0,36 km), ricostruzione di reti esterne di fognatura delle acque piovane e ricostruzione dell'illuminazione stradale e ristrutturazione del marciapiede su Stūrmaņu Street, via Dzirnavu, p. Sezioni di via Brīvzemnieks; ricostruzione dell'approvvigionamento idrico; costruzione della pista ciclabile come infrastruttura stradale ausiliaria sulle linee rosse della strada (conformemente all'articolo 48.3.1 del regolamento del gabinetto); — miglioramento del territorio (0,64 ha) e ottimizzazione dell'organizzazione del traffico in piazza K. zāles e creazione di una striscia ciclistica raccomandante sulla sezione di Jūras iela da Liels Street a Stūrmaņu Street (conformemente all'articolo 48.4.2 del regolamento del Gabinetto).A norma dell'articolo 15, paragrafo 1, paragrafi 1 e 2, della legge sugli enti locali, le funzioni autonome dell'amministrazione locale sono "... organizzare servizi di pubblica utilità per i residenti (approvvigionamento idrico e fognatura; riscaldamento; gestione dei rifiuti urbani; raccolta, scarico e trattamento delle acque reflue)"e"... per garantire il miglioramento e l'igiene dell'area amministrativa (costruzione, ricostruzione e manutenzione di strade, strade e siti; illuminazione di strade, piazze e altre aree destinate all'uso pubblico; costruzione e manutenzione di parchi, piazze e zone verdi...", che corrisponde alle attività previste nel progetto, nel rispetto delle condizioni in materia di aiuti di Stato di cui al regolamento n. 645 del Consiglio, del 10 novembre 2015, relativo all'attuazione del SAM.Il progetto richiedente è l'amministrazione comunale di Liepaja (in prosieguo: l'"amministrazione locale") ai sensi dell'articolo 24.1 del regolamento del Consiglio n. 645 del 10 novembre 2015"Rivitalizzazione dell'obiettivo di sostegno specifico "Rivitalizzazione dei territori mediante rigenerazione delle aree degradate conformemente ai programmi integrati di sviluppo delle amministrazioni locali" (di seguito "l'amministrazione locale"). Il programma di sviluppo è stato approvato dal Consiglio di coordinamento dello sviluppo regionale.Il progetto immobiliare è stato sviluppato nel 2020, prima dell'attuazione dell'indagine topografica sul territorio e dell'indagine tecnica sulla riva del canale, compresa la ricerca geotecnica. Durante l'attuazione del progetto, in conformità con la documentazione tecnica di cui sopra, saranno assicurate la supervisione e la supervisione dell'autore dei lavori di costruzione, nonché saranno attuate misure di pubblicità. I costi totali inclusi nel progetto sono legati all'attuazione del progetto, alle esigenze del gruppo destinatario del progetto e alla risoluzione del problema individuato. Essi garantiranno il conseguimento degli obiettivi e degli indicatori stabiliti nel progetto. I costi di investimento totali del progetto ammontano a 73 196 679,24 EUR (compresi: IVA 21 % EUR 127357,55), se i costi ammissibili ammontano a 7 162 529,39 EUR e l'importo non ammissibile è pari a 15 749,85 EUR. Il finanziamento del FESR è stimato a 608 849,98 EUR, pari all'85 % dei costi ammissibili del progetto. Il finanziamento del Fondo dell'Unione europea previsto nel progetto non supera l'importo del finanziamento previsto per il progetto nella decisione del Consiglio di coordinamento dello sviluppo regionale e l'intensità del finanziamento del FESR non supera l'intensità massima di aiuto del Fondo dell'Unione europea prevista dal regolamento del Gabinetto. Il progetto è previsto per l'agosto 2020 mediante la conclusione di un accordo con l'FCA per l'attuazione del progetto e per completarlo entro 29 mesi (cfr. Allegato 1), che rispetta l'articolo 25 del regolamento del Consiglio n. 645 del 10 novembre 2015 "Disposizioni per l'attuazione del programma operativo "Crescita e occu... (Italian)
    11 January 2022
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    El objetivo del proyecto «Proporcionar infraestructuras básicas para promover el emprendimiento mediante la revitalización del territorio degradado en Liepaja» (en adelante — el proyecto) es revitalizar el territorio degradado ajustando la infraestructura básica del territorio de acuerdo con el programa de desarrollo municipal, garantizando un crecimiento territorial respetuoso con el medio ambiente y la creación de nuevos puestos de trabajo en la ciudad de Liepaja. El proyecto prevé la ejecución del proyecto de construcción «Revitalización de zonas degradadas para las necesidades empresariales en el período desde Nuevo Puente a Graudu Street, la primera, 2.a y 3.a etapas de la construcción en Liepāja» (en adelante denominadas «zonas adyacentes a la ciudad» y «Proyecto de nueva construcción» y la creación de las nuevas plazas de la ciudad, y la transformación de los territorios públicos, y la transformación de los territorios públicos de la ciudad, así como la transformación de los territorios de la ciudad y de los territorios existentes. El plan crea una imagen visualmente unificada del territorio, enfatizando la presencia del terraplén y el agua, su transparencia. No solo se prevé una solución de mejora espacial, sino también una nueva identidad, función y una propuesta de desarrollo sostenible, que también es adecuada para llevar a cabo actividades económicas. Actividades previstas en el marco del proyecto:-K. Reconstrucción de la plaza zāles, incluida la reconstrucción de plazas de aparcamiento (renovación de la longitud de la calle 0,36 km), reconstrucción de redes externas de alcantarillado de aguas pluviales y reconstrucción de alumbrado público y renovación del pavimento de la calle Stūrmaδu, calle Dzirnavu, Fr. Secciones de la calle Brīvzemnieks; reconstrucción del abastecimiento de agua; la construcción del carril bici como infraestructura accesoria en las líneas rojas de la calle (según el párrafo 48.3.1 del Reglamento del Gabinete); — la mejora del territorio (0,64 ha) y la optimización de la organización del tráfico en la plaza K. zāles y la creación de una pista ciclista recomendada en el tramo de Jūras iela desde la calle Liels hasta la calle Stūrmau (según el artículo 48.4.2 del Reglamento del Gabinete).De conformidad con el artículo 15, apartados 1 y 2, de la Ley de gobiernos locales, las funciones autónomas del gobierno local son "... organizar servicios públicos para los residentes (suministro de agua y alcantarillado; la calefacción; gestión de residuos municipales; recogida, vertido y tratamiento de aguas residuales)«y» [...] para garantizar la mejora y el saneamiento de su zona administrativa (construcción, reconstrucción y mantenimiento de calles, carreteras y emplazamientos); alumbrado de calles, plazas y otras zonas destinadas a uso público; construcción y mantenimiento de parques, plazas y zonas verdes [...])«, que corresponde a las actividades previstas en el proyecto, en cumplimiento de las condiciones de ayuda estatal establecidas en el Reglamento del Consejo de Ministros n.º 645, de 10 de noviembre de 2015, relativo a la aplicación de la SAM. El solicitante del proyecto es la Administración Municipal de Liepaja (en lo sucesivo,»la Administración Local«) de conformidad con el artículo 24.1 del Reglamento del Consejo de Ministros n.º 645, de 10 de noviembre de 2015,»Revitalización del objetivo específico de apoyo «Revitalización de territorios mediante regeneración de zonas degradadas de conformidad con los programas de desarrollo integrado de los gobiernos locales» (en lo sucesivo, «el Gobierno Local»). El programa de desarrollo ha sido acordado por el Consejo de Coordinación del Desarrollo Regional. El proyecto de construcción se desarrolló en 2020, antes de la realización del estudio topográfico del territorio y el estudio técnico de la orilla del canal, incluida la investigación geotécnica. Durante la ejecución del proyecto, de acuerdo con la documentación técnica antes mencionada, se garantizará la supervisión y supervisión de los trabajos de construcción, así como medidas de publicidad. Los costes totales incluidos en el proyecto están relacionados con la ejecución del proyecto, con las necesidades del grupo destinatario del Proyecto y con la solución del problema identificado. Garantizarán el cumplimiento del objetivo y de los indicadores establecidos en el proyecto. Los costes totales de inversión del proyecto ascienden a 7 319 679,24 EUR (incluidos: IVA 21 % 1 170 357,55 EUR, cuando los costes subvencionables ascienden a 7 162 529,39 EUR y el importe no subvencionable es de 157 149,85 EUR. La financiación del FEDER se estima en 6 088 149,98 EUR, es decir, el 85 % de los costes subvencionables del proyecto. La financiación del Fondo de la Unión Europea prevista en el proyecto no supera el importe de financiación fijado para el proyecto en la decisión del Consejo de Coordinación del Desarrollo Regional y la intensidad de la financiación del FEDER no supera la intensida... (Spanish)
    12 January 2022
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    The aim of the project "provision of basic infrastructure for entrepreneurship by revitalising degraded territory in Liepaja, 4th stage" (hereafter – Project) is revitalisation of degraded territory by organising the basic infrastructure of the territory in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring territorial growth that is environmentally friendly and environmentally sustainable and creating new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project intends to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project envisages to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for inhabitants of the city, creating the building layer of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for inhabitants of the city.The project envisages to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project is to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents of the city, building the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipality’s development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new workplaces in the city of Liepaja.The project proposes to implement revitalisation The planning creates a visually unified image of the territory, emphasising the presence of the embankment and water, its transparency. Lisaks ruumilise parandamise lahendusele kavandatakse uut ettepanekut identiteedi, funktsiooni ja säästva arengu kohta, mis sobib ka majandustegevuseks. Projekti raames kavandatud tegevused on järgmised: – Parkimiskohtade ümberehitamine, sealhulgas parkimiskohtade rekonstrueerimine (ehitatakse 0,36 km pikkust lõiku), vihmavee äravooluvõrkude rekonstrueerimine ja tänavavalgustuse rekonstrueerimine ning tänavavalgustuse rekonstrueerimine rgway tänaval, Dzirnavu iela, Fr. Brivzemnieka tänavalõigud; Veetorustiku ümberehitamine; Jalgrattatee ehitamine kõrvaltaristuna tänavatel punastel liinidel (vastavalt valitsuse määruse punktile 48.3.1); territooriumi (0,64 ha) parandamine ja liikluskorralduse optimeerimine K. zālese väljakul ning soovitatava jalgrattabaari loomine Jūras iela lõigul Lielsi tänavast roolitänavale (vastavalt valitsuse määruse punktile 48.4.2).Kohalike omavalitsuste seaduse §-s 1, §-s 1 ja lõikes 2 on sätestatud, et kohalike omavalitsuste autonoomsed funktsioonid on järgmised: (Estonian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project "provision of basic infrastructure for entrepreneurship by revitalising degraded territory in Liepaja, 4th stage" (hereafter – Project) is revitalisation of degraded territory by organising the basic infrastructure of the territory in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring territorial growth that is environmentally friendly and environmentally sustainable and creating new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project intends to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project envisages to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for inhabitants of the city, creating the building layer of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for inhabitants of the city.The project envisages to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project is to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents of the city, building the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipality’s development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new workplaces in the city of Liepaja.The project proposes to implement revitalisation The planning creates a visually unified image of the territory, emphasising the presence of the embankment and water, its transparency. Be erdvinės padėties gerinimo sprendimo, numatomas naujas tapatybės, funkcijos ir tvaraus vystymosi pasiūlymas, kuris taip pat tinka ekonominei veiklai. Pagal projektą planuojami šie veiksmai: – Automobilių stovėjimo vietų atstatymas, įskaitant automobilių stovėjimo vietų rekonstrukciją (0,36 km gatvės ruožo, kuris turi būti pastatytas), lietaus vandens drenažo išorinių tinklų rekonstrukcija, gatvių apšvietimo rekonstrukcija ir gatvių apšvietimo rekonstrukcija kilimo kelio gatvėje, Dzirnavu iela, Fr. Brivzemniekos gatvės ruožai; Vandens magistralės atstatymas; Dviračių tako, kaip papildomos gatvės infrastruktūros, tiesimas gatvės raudonose linijose (pagal Ministrų kabineto nuostatų 48.3.1 punktą); teritorijos pagerinimas (0,64 ha) ir eismo organizavimo optimizavimas K. zāles aikštėje ir rekomenduojamos dviračių juostos sukūrimas Jūras iela ruože nuo Liels gatvės iki vairo gatvės (pagal Kabineto nutarimo 48.4.2 punktą). Pagal Įstatymo „Dėl savivaldybių“ 1 straipsnio 1 ir 2 dalis savivaldybės autonominės funkcijos yra... (Lithuanian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project "provision of basic infrastructure for entrepreneurship by revitalising degraded territory in Liepaja, 4th stage" (hereafter – Project) is revitalisation of degraded territory by organising the basic infrastructure of the territory in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring territorial growth that is environmentally friendly and environmentally sustainable and creating new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project intends to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project envisages to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for inhabitants of the city, creating the building layer of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for inhabitants of the city.The project envisages to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project is to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents of the city, building the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipality’s development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new workplaces in the city of Liepaja.The project proposes to implement revitalisation The planning creates a visually unified image of the territory, emphasising the presence of the embankment and water, its transparency. Osim rješenja za poboljšanje prostora, predviđen je i novi prijedlog o identitetu, funkciji i održivom razvoju, koji je prikladan i za gospodarsku djelatnost. Planirane aktivnosti u okviru projekta su: — Obnova parkirnih mjesta, uključujući rekonstrukciju parkirnih mjesta (zemljopisna dužina 0,36 km dionice ulice), rekonstrukcija vanjskih mreža odvodnje kišnice, rekonstrukcija ulične rasvjete i rekonstrukcija ulične rasvjete na rugway ulici, Dzirnavu iela, Fr. Dionice ulica Brivzemnieka; Ponovna izgradnja glavnog voda; Izgradnja biciklističke staze kao pomoćne ulične infrastrukture na crvenim ulicama (u skladu s klauzulom 48.3.1. Pravilnika Kabineta); poboljšanje teritorija (0,64 ha) i optimizacija organizacije prometa na K. zāles Squareu i stvaranje preporučenog biciklističkog bara u dijelu Jūras iela od Lielsove ulice do ulice kormila (u skladu s klauzulom 48.4.2 Pravilnika Kabineta).U skladu sa stavkom 1., člankom 1. stavkom 1. i stavkom 2. Zakona „o lokalnim vlastima” općinske autonomne funkcije su... (Croatian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project "provision of basic infrastructure for entrepreneurship by revitalising degraded territory in Liepaja, 4th stage" (hereafter – Project) is revitalisation of degraded territory by organising the basic infrastructure of the territory in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring territorial growth that is environmentally friendly and environmentally sustainable and creating new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project intends to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project envisages to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for inhabitants of the city, creating the building layer of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for inhabitants of the city.The project envisages to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project is to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents of the city, building the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipality’s development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new workplaces in the city of Liepaja.The project proposes to implement revitalisation The planning creates a visually unified image of the territory, emphasising the presence of the embankment and water, its transparency. Εκτός από τη λύση της χωροταξικής βελτίωσης, προβλέπεται μια νέα πρόταση για την ταυτότητα, τη λειτουργία και τη βιώσιμη ανάπτυξη, η οποία είναι επίσης κατάλληλη για οικονομική δραστηριότητα. Οι δραστηριότητες που προγραμματίζονται στο πλαίσιο του σχεδίου είναι: — Ανακατασκευή χώρων σταθμεύσεως, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της ανακατασκευής χώρων σταθμεύσεως (γεωγραφικό μήκος 0,36 km του τμήματος της οδού προς κατασκευή), ανακατασκευής των εξωτερικών δικτύων αποστράγγισης ομβρίων υδάτων και ανακατασκευής του οδικού φωτισμού και ανακατασκευής του φωτισμού του δρόμου στην οδό rugway, Dzirnavu iela, Fr. Τμήματα της οδού Brivzemnieka· Ανακατασκευή κύριου δικτύου νερού· Κατασκευή ποδηλατοδρόμου ως βοηθητικής οδικής υποδομής σε κόκκινες οδούς (σύμφωνα με τη ρήτρα 48.3.1 των κανονισμών του υπουργικού συμβουλίου)· βελτίωση της επικράτειας (0,64 εκτάρια) και βελτιστοποίηση της οργάνωσης της κυκλοφορίας στην πλατεία K. zāles και δημιουργία συνιστώμενης ποδηλασίας στο τμήμα του Jūras iela από την οδό Liels στην οδό πηδαλίου (σύμφωνα με τη ρήτρα 48.4.2 των κανονισμών του Υπουργικού Συμβουλίου).Σύμφωνα με την παράγραφο 1, η παράγραφος 1 και η παράγραφος 2 του νόμου «για τις τοπικές κυβερνήσεις» οι δημοτικές αυτόνομες λειτουργίες είναι... (Greek)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project "provision of basic infrastructure for entrepreneurship by revitalising degraded territory in Liepaja, 4th stage" (hereafter – Project) is revitalisation of degraded territory by organising the basic infrastructure of the territory in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring territorial growth that is environmentally friendly and environmentally sustainable and creating new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project intends to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project envisages to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for inhabitants of the city, creating the building layer of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for inhabitants of the city.The project envisages to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project is to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents of the city, building the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipality’s development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new workplaces in the city of Liepaja.The project proposes to implement revitalisation The planning creates a visually unified image of the territory, emphasising the presence of the embankment and water, its transparency. Okrem riešenia územného zlepšenia sa predpokladá nový návrh identity, funkcie a trvalo udržateľného rozvoja, ktorý je vhodný aj pre hospodársku činnosť. Činnosti plánované v rámci projektu sú: — Rekonštrukcia parkovacích miest vrátane rekonštrukcie parkovacích miest (postaví sa dĺžka 0,36 km uličného úseku), rekonštrukcia externých sietí odvodňovania dažďovej vody a rekonštrukcia pouličného osvetlenia a rekonštrukcia pouličného osvetlenia na ulici, Dzirnavu iela, s.r.o. Úseky ulíc Brivzemnieka; Prestavba vodovodného potrubia; Výstavba cyklistickej trasy ako doplnkovej pouličnej infraštruktúry na červených uliciach (podľa doložky 48.3.1 nariadení vlády); zlepšenie územia (0,64 ha) a optimalizácia dopravnej organizácie na námestí K. zāles a vytvorenie odporúčaného cyklistického baru v úseku Jūras iela z Liels Street na kormidlovú ulicu (podľa článku 48.4.2 nariadení vlády).V súlade s odsekom 1 ods. 1 a 2 zákona „o miestnych samosprávach“ sú autonómne funkcie obce... (Slovak)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project "provision of basic infrastructure for entrepreneurship by revitalising degraded territory in Liepaja, 4th stage" (hereafter – Project) is revitalisation of degraded territory by organising the basic infrastructure of the territory in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring territorial growth that is environmentally friendly and environmentally sustainable and creating new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project intends to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project envisages to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for inhabitants of the city, creating the building layer of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for inhabitants of the city.The project envisages to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project is to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents of the city, building the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipality’s development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new workplaces in the city of Liepaja.The project proposes to implement revitalisation The planning creates a visually unified image of the territory, emphasising the presence of the embankment and water, its transparency. Alueellisen parannusratkaisun lisäksi ehdotetaan uutta identiteettiä, toimintaa ja kestävää kehitystä koskevaa ehdotusta, joka soveltuu myös taloudelliseen toimintaan. Hankkeen puitteissa suunnitellut toimet ovat seuraavat: — Pysäköintipaikkojen uudelleenrakentaminen, mukaan lukien pysäköintipaikkojen jälleenrakentaminen (rakennettava pituusaste 0,36 km), sadeveden viemäriverkostojen jälleenrakentaminen, katuvalaistuksen kunnostaminen ja katuvalaistuksen kunnostaminen rugway-kadulla, Dzirnavu iela, Fr. Brivzemnieka katuosuudet; Vesiputken uudelleenrakentaminen; Pyöräilypolun rakentaminen katujen punaisille linjoille täydentäväksi katuinfrastruktuuriksi (kabinetin sääntöjen 48.3.1 kohdan mukaisesti); alueen parantaminen (0,64 ha) ja liikenteen organisoinnin optimointi K. zāles Squarella ja suositellun pyöräilybaarin luominen Jūras ielan osuudelle Lielsin kadulta peräsinkadulle (kabinetin asetusten 48.4.2 kohdan mukaisesti).Paikallishallituksista annetun lain 1 §:n 1 ja 2 momentin mukaan kunnan autonomiset toiminnot ovat... (Finnish)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project "provision of basic infrastructure for entrepreneurship by revitalising degraded territory in Liepaja, 4th stage" (hereafter – Project) is revitalisation of degraded territory by organising the basic infrastructure of the territory in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring territorial growth that is environmentally friendly and environmentally sustainable and creating new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project intends to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project envisages to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for inhabitants of the city, creating the building layer of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for inhabitants of the city.The project envisages to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project is to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents of the city, building the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipality’s development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new workplaces in the city of Liepaja.The project proposes to implement revitalisation The planning creates a visually unified image of the territory, emphasising the presence of the embankment and water, its transparency. Oprócz rozwiązania dotyczącego poprawy przestrzennej przewiduje się nową propozycję tożsamości, funkcji i zrównoważonego rozwoju, która jest również odpowiednia dla działalności gospodarczej. Działania planowane w ramach projektu to: — Przebudowę miejsc parkingowych, w tym przebudowę miejsc parkingowych (długość 0,36 km odcinka ulicy do wybudowania), przebudowę zewnętrznych sieci kanalizacji deszczowej oraz przebudowę oświetlenia ulicznego i przebudowę oświetlenia ulicznego na rugway Street, Dzirnavu iela, ks. ks. Odcinki ulicy Brivzemnieka; Przebudowa magistrali wodnej; Budowa drogi rowerowej jako pomocniczej infrastruktury ulicznej na czerwonych liniach ulicznych (zgodnie z klauzulą 48.3.1 regulaminu Rady Ministrów); poprawa terytorium (0,64 ha) i optymalizacja organizacji ruchu na placu K. zāles i utworzenie zalecanego baru rowerowego na odcinku Jūras iela od Liels Street do sterowej ulicy (zgodnie z klauzulą 48.4.2 regulaminu Rady Ministrów). Zgodnie z § 1 ust. 1 i 2 ustawy „O samorządach” funkcje autonomiczne gminy są... (Polish)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project "provision of basic infrastructure for entrepreneurship by revitalising degraded territory in Liepaja, 4th stage" (hereafter – Project) is revitalisation of degraded territory by organising the basic infrastructure of the territory in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring territorial growth that is environmentally friendly and environmentally sustainable and creating new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project intends to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project envisages to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for inhabitants of the city, creating the building layer of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for inhabitants of the city.The project envisages to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project is to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents of the city, building the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipality’s development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new workplaces in the city of Liepaja.The project proposes to implement revitalisation The planning creates a visually unified image of the territory, emphasising the presence of the embankment and water, its transparency. A területfejlesztési megoldás mellett új identitásra, funkcióra és fenntartható fejlődésre vonatkozó javaslat is szerepel, amely gazdasági tevékenységre is alkalmas. A projekt keretében tervezett tevékenységek a következők: – A parkolóhelyek újjáépítése, beleértve a parkolóhelyek felújítását (a megépítendő 0,36 km-es útszakasz hossza), az esővíz-elvezetés külső hálózatainak rekonstrukciója, a közvilágítás rekonstrukciója és a közvilágítás rekonstrukciója a rögúti utcában, Dzirnavu iela, Fr. Brivzemnieka utcai szakaszok; A vízvezeték újjáépítése; Kerékpárút építése kiegészítő utcai infrastruktúraként az utcai piros vonalakon (a kabinetszabályzat 48.3.1. pontja szerint); a terület javítása (0,64 ha) és a közlekedésszervezés optimalizálása a K. zāles téren, valamint a Jūras iela szakaszán a Liels Streettől a kormánylapátig (a kabinetrendelet 48.4.2. szakasza szerint) ajánlott kerékpáros bár létrehozása (a kabinetrendelet 48.4.2. szakasza szerint). A „helyi önkormányzatokról” szóló törvény első §-ának (1) bekezdése és (2) bekezdése értelmében az önkormányzati önálló funkciók... (Hungarian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project "provision of basic infrastructure for entrepreneurship by revitalising degraded territory in Liepaja, 4th stage" (hereafter – Project) is revitalisation of degraded territory by organising the basic infrastructure of the territory in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring territorial growth that is environmentally friendly and environmentally sustainable and creating new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project intends to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project envisages to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for inhabitants of the city, creating the building layer of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for inhabitants of the city.The project envisages to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project is to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents of the city, building the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipality’s development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new workplaces in the city of Liepaja.The project proposes to implement revitalisation The planning creates a visually unified image of the territory, emphasising the presence of the embankment and water, its transparency. Kromě řešení územního zlepšení se předpokládá nový návrh týkající se identity, funkce a udržitelného rozvoje, který je vhodný i pro hospodářskou činnost. Činnosti plánované v rámci projektu jsou: — Přestavba parkovacích míst včetně rekonstrukce parkovacích míst (délka 0,36 km úseku ulice, která má být vybudována), rekonstrukce vnějších sítí odvodnění dešťové vody a rekonstrukce pouličního osvětlení na rugway ulici, Dzirnavu iela, Fr. Brivzemnieka ulice úseky; Přestavba vodovodu; Výstavba cyklistické stezky jako pomocné pouliční infrastruktury na červených tratích (podle čl. 48 odst. 3 nařízení vlády); zlepšení území (0,64 ha) a optimalizace dopravní organizace na náměstí K. zāles a vytvoření doporučeného cyklistického baru v úseku Jūras iela z ulice Liels do směrové ulice (podle ustanovení 48.4.2 nařízení vlády).V souladu s § 1, § 1 a 2 zákona „o místních samosprávách“ jsou autonomní funkce obce... (Czech)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project "provision of basic infrastructure for entrepreneurship by revitalising degraded territory in Liepaja, 4th stage" (hereafter – Project) is revitalisation of degraded territory by organising the basic infrastructure of the territory in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring territorial growth that is environmentally friendly and environmentally sustainable and creating new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project intends to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project envisages to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for inhabitants of the city, creating the building layer of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for inhabitants of the city.The project envisages to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project is to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents of the city, building the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipality’s development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new workplaces in the city of Liepaja.The project proposes to implement revitalisation The planning creates a visually unified image of the territory, emphasising the presence of the embankment and water, its transparency. Chomh maith leis an réiteach feabhsaithe spásúil, tá sé beartaithe go mbeidh togra nua féiniúlachta, feidhme agus forbartha inbhuanaithe ann, rud atá oiriúnach freisin do ghníomhaíocht eacnamaíoch. Is iad seo a leanas na gníomhaíochtaí atá beartaithe faoi chuimsiú an tionscadail: — Spásanna páirceála a atógáil, lena n-áirítear spásanna páirceála a atógáil (fada 0.36 km den chuid sráide atá le tógáil), líonraí seachtracha draenála uisce báistí a atógáil agus soilsiú sráide a atógáil agus soilsiú sráide a atógáil ar shráid na rugaí, Dzirnavu iela, An Fr. Ailt sráide Brivzemnieka; Príomhphíopa uisce a atógáil; Conair rothaíochta a thógáil mar bhonneagar sráide coimhdeach ar línte dearga sráide (de réir Chlásal 48.3.1 de Rialacháin na Comh-Aireachta); feabhas a chur ar chríoch (0.64 ha) agus eagrú tráchta a bharrfheabhsú i gCearnóg K. zāles agus barra rothaíochta molta a chruthú sa chuid de Jūras iela ó Shráid Liels go sráid rudder (de réir Clásal 48.4.2 de na Rialacháin Comh-Aireachta). De réir Mír a haon, Mír a haon agus (2) den Dlí “On Local Governments” is iad na feidhmeanna uathrialacha bardasacha... (Irish)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project "provision of basic infrastructure for entrepreneurship by revitalising degraded territory in Liepaja, 4th stage" (hereafter – Project) is revitalisation of degraded territory by organising the basic infrastructure of the territory in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring territorial growth that is environmentally friendly and environmentally sustainable and creating new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project intends to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project envisages to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for inhabitants of the city, creating the building layer of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for inhabitants of the city.The project envisages to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project is to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents of the city, building the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipality’s development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new workplaces in the city of Liepaja.The project proposes to implement revitalisation The planning creates a visually unified image of the territory, emphasising the presence of the embankment and water, its transparency. Poleg rešitve za izboljšanje prostora je predviden nov predlog o identiteti, funkciji in trajnostnem razvoju, ki je primeren tudi za gospodarsko dejavnost. Aktivnosti, načrtovane v okviru projekta, so: — Obnova parkirnih mest, vključno z obnovo parkirnih mest (dolžina 0,36 km cestnega odseka, ki bo zgrajena), obnova zunanjih omrežij za odvodnjavanje deževnice in rekonstrukcija ulične razsvetljave na ulici Rugway, Dzirnavu iela, Fr. Ulični odseki Brivzemnieka; Obnova vodovodnega voda; Gradnja kolesarske poti kot pomožne cestne infrastrukture na cestnih rdečih črtah (v skladu s klavzulo 48.3.1 predpisov kabineta); izboljšanje ozemlja (0,64 ha) in optimizacija prometne organizacije v K. zāles Square in oblikovanje priporočene kolesarske palice v odseku Jūras iela od ulice Liels do glavne ulice (v skladu s klavzulo 48.4.2 pravilnika kabineta).V skladu s prvim odstavkom člena 1 in (2) zakona „O lokalnih upravah“ so občinske avtonomne funkcije... (Slovenian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project "provision of basic infrastructure for entrepreneurship by revitalising degraded territory in Liepaja, 4th stage" (hereafter – Project) is revitalisation of degraded territory by organising the basic infrastructure of the territory in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring territorial growth that is environmentally friendly and environmentally sustainable and creating new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project intends to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project envisages to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for inhabitants of the city, creating the building layer of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for inhabitants of the city.The project envisages to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project is to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents of the city, building the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipality’s development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new workplaces in the city of Liepaja.The project proposes to implement revitalisation The planning creates a visually unified image of the territory, emphasising the presence of the embankment and water, its transparency. В допълнение към решението за пространствено подобрение се предвижда ново предложение за идентичност, функция и устойчиво развитие, което е подходящо и за икономическа дейност. Планираните дейности в рамките на проекта са: — Възстановяване на паркоместа, включително реконструкция на паркоместа (дължина 0,36 км от участъка на улицата, която предстои да бъде изградена), реконструкция на отводнителни мрежи за дъждовна вода и реконструкция на улично осветление и реконструкция на уличното осветление на ул. „Дзиннаву“ Секции на ул. Бривжемнека; Възстановяване на водопровод; Изграждане на велосипедна пътека като спомагателна улична инфраструктура по уличните червени линии (съгласно клауза 48.3.1 от наредбите на Министерския съвет); подобряване на територията (0,64 ha) и оптимизиране на организацията на трафика на площад K. zāles и създаване на препоръчителен колоездачен бар в участъка на Jūras iela от улица Liels до руля улица (съгласно клауза 48.4.2 от Правилника на Министерския съвет).В съответствие с член 1, параграф 1 и параграф 2 от Закона за местните власти автономните функции на общините са... (Bulgarian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project "provision of basic infrastructure for entrepreneurship by revitalising degraded territory in Liepaja, 4th stage" (hereafter – Project) is revitalisation of degraded territory by organising the basic infrastructure of the territory in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring territorial growth that is environmentally friendly and environmentally sustainable and creating new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project intends to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project envisages to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for inhabitants of the city, creating the building layer of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for inhabitants of the city.The project envisages to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project is to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents of the city, building the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipality’s development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new workplaces in the city of Liepaja.The project proposes to implement revitalisation The planning creates a visually unified image of the territory, emphasising the presence of the embankment and water, its transparency. Minbarra s-soluzzjoni għat-titjib tal-ispazju, hija prevista proposta ġdida dwar l-identità, il-funzjoni u l-iżvilupp sostenibbli, li hija adattata wkoll għall-attività ekonomika. L-attivitajiet ippjanati fil-qafas tal-proġett huma: — Bini mill-ġdid ta’ spazji ta’ parkeġġ, inkluża r-rikostruzzjoni ta’ spazji ta’ parkeġġ (il-lonġitudni 0.36 km ta’ sezzjoni tat-triq li għandha tinbena), ir-rikostruzzjoni tan-netwerks esterni tad-drenaġġ tal-ilma tax-xita u r-rikostruzzjoni tad-dwal fit-toroq u r-rikostruzzjoni tad-dwal fit-toroq tar-rugway, Dzirnavu iela, Fr. Sezzjonijiet tat-triq ta’ Brivzemnieka; Bini mill-ġdid ta’ mejn tal-ilma; Il-bini ta’ mogħdijiet għaċ-ċikliżmu bħala infrastruttura anċillari tat-toroq fuq linji ħomor tat-toroq (skont il-Klawżola 48.3.1 tar-Regolamenti tal-Kabinett); it-titjib tat-territorju (0.64 ha) u l-ottimizzazzjoni tal-organizzazzjoni tat-traffiku fil-Pjazza K. zāles u l-ħolqien ta’ bar għaċ-ċikliżmu rakkomandat fis-sezzjoni ta’ Jūras iela minn Liels Street għal toroq tat-tmun (skont il-Klawżola 48.4.2 tar-Regolamenti tal-Kabinett). Skont il-Paragrafu 1 u (2) tal-Liġi “Dwar il-Gvernijiet Lokali” il-funzjonijiet awtonomi muniċipali huma... (Maltese)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project "provision of basic infrastructure for entrepreneurship by revitalising degraded territory in Liepaja, 4th stage" (hereafter – Project) is revitalisation of degraded territory by organising the basic infrastructure of the territory in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring territorial growth that is environmentally friendly and environmentally sustainable and creating new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project intends to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project envisages to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for inhabitants of the city, creating the building layer of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for inhabitants of the city.The project envisages to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project is to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents of the city, building the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipality’s development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new workplaces in the city of Liepaja.The project proposes to implement revitalisation The planning creates a visually unified image of the territory, emphasising the presence of the embankment and water, its transparency. Para além da solução de melhoria espacial, está prevista uma nova proposta de identidade, função e desenvolvimento sustentável, que também é adequada para a atividade económica. As actividades previstas no âmbito do projecto são as seguintes: – Reconstrução de lugares de estacionamento, incluindo a reconstrução de lugares de estacionamento (longitude 0,36 km de troço de rua a construir), reconstrução de redes externas de drenagem de águas pluviais e reconstrução da iluminação pública e reconstrução da iluminação pública na rua de rugway, Dzirnavu iela, Pe. troços da rua Brivzemnieka; Reconstrução de uma conduta de água; Construção de ciclovias como infraestruturas rodoviárias auxiliares nas linhas vermelhas das ruas (de acordo com a cláusula 48.3.1 dos Regulamentos do Conselho de Ministros); melhoria do território (0,64 ha) e otimização da organização do tráfego na Praça K. Zāles e criação de uma barra de ciclismo recomendada no troço de Jūras iela desde a rua Liels até à rua do leme (de acordo com o artigo 48.4.2 do Regulamento do Conselho de Ministros).Em conformidade com o artigo 1.o, n.os 1 e 2, da Lei «sobre as autarquias locais», as funções autónomas municipais são... (Portuguese)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project "provision of basic infrastructure for entrepreneurship by revitalising degraded territory in Liepaja, 4th stage" (hereafter – Project) is revitalisation of degraded territory by organising the basic infrastructure of the territory in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring territorial growth that is environmentally friendly and environmentally sustainable and creating new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project intends to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project envisages to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for inhabitants of the city, creating the building layer of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for inhabitants of the city.The project envisages to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project is to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents of the city, building the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipality’s development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new workplaces in the city of Liepaja.The project proposes to implement revitalisation The planning creates a visually unified image of the territory, emphasising the presence of the embankment and water, its transparency. Ud over den rumlige forbedringsløsning er der planer om et nyt forslag om identitet, funktion og bæredygtig udvikling, som også er egnet til økonomisk aktivitet. De planlagte aktiviteter inden for rammerne af projektet er: — Ombygning af parkeringspladser, herunder genopbygning af parkeringspladser (0,36 km vejstrækning, der skal opføres), genopbygning af dræning af regnvand eksterne netværk og genopbygning af gadebelysning og genopbygning af gadebelysning på rugwaygaden, Dzirnavu iela, Fr. Gadeafsnit i Brivzemnieka Genopbygning af en vandledning Anlæg af cykelsti som supplerende vejinfrastruktur på røde gadelinjer (i henhold til § 48.3.1 i kabinetsreglementet) forbedring af området (0,64 ha) og optimering af trafikorganisationen på K. zāles Square og oprettelse af en anbefalet cykelstang i afsnittet af Jūras iela fra Liels Street til rorgaden (i henhold til § 48.4.2 i kabinetsreglementet).I overensstemmelse med § 1, § 1, stk. 1 og 2, i loven "om lokale myndigheder" de kommunale autonome funktioner er... (Danish)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project "provision of basic infrastructure for entrepreneurship by revitalising degraded territory in Liepaja, 4th stage" (hereafter – Project) is revitalisation of degraded territory by organising the basic infrastructure of the territory in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring territorial growth that is environmentally friendly and environmentally sustainable and creating new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project intends to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project envisages to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for inhabitants of the city, creating the building layer of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for inhabitants of the city.The project envisages to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project is to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents of the city, building the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipality’s development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new workplaces in the city of Liepaja.The project proposes to implement revitalisation The planning creates a visually unified image of the territory, emphasising the presence of the embankment and water, its transparency. Pe lângă soluția de îmbunătățire a spațiului, se are în vedere o nouă propunere privind identitatea, funcția și dezvoltarea durabilă, care este, de asemenea, adecvată pentru activitatea economică. Activitățile planificate în cadrul proiectului sunt: Reconstrucția spațiilor de parcare, inclusiv reconstrucția spațiilor de parcare (lungimea 0,36 km de tronson stradal care urmează să fie construită), reconstrucția rețelelor externe de drenare a apei pluviale și reconstrucția iluminatului stradal și reconstrucția iluminatului stradal pe strada rugway, Dzirnavu iela, Fr. Tronsoanele stradale Brivzemnieka; Reconstrucția unei conducte de apă; Construirea pistei pentru ciclism ca infrastructură stradală auxiliară pe liniile roșii ale străzii (în conformitate cu clauza 48.3.1 din Regulamentul Cabinetului); îmbunătățirea teritoriului (0,64 ha) și optimizarea organizării traficului în Piața K. zāles și crearea unui bar de ciclism recomandat în secțiunea Jūras iela de la Liels Street la strada cârmei (în conformitate cu clauza 48.4.2 din Regulamentul Cabinetului).În conformitate cu articolul 1, alineatele (1) și (2) din Legea „privind administrațiile locale”, funcțiile autonome municipale sunt... (Romanian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project "provision of basic infrastructure for entrepreneurship by revitalising degraded territory in Liepaja, 4th stage" (hereafter – Project) is revitalisation of degraded territory by organising the basic infrastructure of the territory in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring territorial growth that is environmentally friendly and environmentally sustainable and creating new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project intends to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepāja.The project envisages to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for inhabitants of the city, creating the building layer of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for inhabitants of the city.The project envisages to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project is to implement revitalisation of the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents in Liepaja.The project envisages implementation of the construction project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipal development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new working places for residents of the city, building the building project "revision of degraded territories in accordance with the municipality’s development programme, ensuring environmentally friendly and environmental sustainability-promoting territorial growth and creation of new workplaces in the city of Liepaja.The project proposes to implement revitalisation The planning creates a visually unified image of the territory, emphasising the presence of the embankment and water, its transparency. Utöver den fysiska förbättringslösningen planeras ett förslag till ny identitet, funktion och hållbar utveckling, som också lämpar sig för ekonomisk verksamhet. De aktiviteter som planeras inom ramen för projektet är följande: — Ombyggnad av parkeringsplatser, inklusive ombyggnad av parkeringsplatser (longitud 0,36 km gatuavsnitt som ska uppföras), återuppbyggnad av externa regnvattennät och återuppbyggnad av gatubelysning och rekonstruktion av gatubelysning på rugway street, Dzirnavu iela, Fr. Brivzemnieka gatusektioner; Ombyggnad av en vattenledning. Anläggning av cykelväg som sidogata på röda gatulinjer (enligt klausul 48.3.1 i regeringsförordningarna). förbättring av territoriet (0,64 ha) och optimering av trafikorganisationen på K. zāles Square och skapande av en rekommenderad cykelbar i avsnittet av Jūras iela från Liels Street till rodergatan (enligt § 48.4.2 i regeringsförordningarna).I enlighet med 1 § 1 § 1 och 2 i lagen om lokala myndigheter är de kommunala autonoma funktionerna... (Swedish)
    3 August 2022
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    Kārļa Zāles laukums, Liepāja
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    Kārļa Zāles laukums, Liepāja
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    Kārļa Zāles laukums, Liepāja
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    Kārļa Zāles laukums 1, Liepāja, LV-3401
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    Kārļa Zāles laukums 3, Liepāja, LV-3401
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    Bāriņu iela, Liepāja
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    Ādu iela, Liepāja
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    Dzirnavu iela, Liepāja
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    Dzirnavu iela, Liepāja
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    Jūras iela, Liepāja
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    Skolas iela, Liepāja
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    Vecā ostmala, Liepāja
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    Vecā ostmala 25, Liepāja, LV-3401
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    Vecā ostmala 26, Liepāja, LV-3401
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    Vecā ostmala 27, Liepāja, LV-3401
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    Vecā ostmala 28, Liepāja, LV-3401
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    Vecā ostmala 30, Liepāja, LV-3401
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    Vecā ostmala 26A, Liepāja, LV-3401
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    Friča Brīvzemnieka iela, Liepāja
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    Jūras iela, Liepāja
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    Stūrmaņu iela, Liepāja
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