Development of infrastructure necessary to promote entrepreneurship in Koknese municipality Koknese village (Q3056855)

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Project Q3056855 in Latvia
Language Label Description Also known as
Development of infrastructure necessary to promote entrepreneurship in Koknese municipality Koknese village
Project Q3056855 in Latvia


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    371,311.07 Euro
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    436,836.59 Euro
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    85.0 percent
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    4 August 2017
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    3 March 2018
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    Kokneses novada dome
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    56°38'59.53"N, 25°26'27.89"E
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    Projekta „Uzņēmējdarbības veicināšanai nepieciešamās infrastruktūras attīstība Kokneses novada Kokneses ciemā” mērķis ir attīstīt vietējo uzņēmēju vajadzībām nepieciešamo uzņēmējdarbības vides un satiksmes infrastruktūru Kokneses novada Kokneses ciema industriālajā teritorijā, uzlabojot uzņēmumu darbinieku, klientu un novada iedzīvotāju piekļuves iespējas komercdarbības teritorijai, sekmējot kvalitatīvas un sakārtotas infrastruktūras izveidi atbilstoši mūsdienu prasībām.Kopējās izmaksas: 464 781,70 EUR, tajā skaitā ERAF finansējums 395 064,45 EUR.Projekta īstenošanas ilgums: 2015.gada 1. decembris – 2017.gada 31.decembris (paredzamais darbu uzsākšanas termiņš pēc CFLA lēmuma saņemšanas – 2017.gada 1.marts)Galvenās projekta aktivitātes:1)tehniskā projekta un tāmju izstrāde; 2)sertificēta būvinženiera ekspertīzes atzinums par sabiedriskā pakalpojuma sniegšanai nepieciešamās infrastruktūras bojāšanas risku;3)pašvaldības teritorijas plānojumā noteiktās industriālās teritorijas nekustamā īpašuma „Darbnīcu laukums” caurbraucošā ceļa pārbūve, izveidojot valčbetona segumu, izbūvējot ielas apgaismojuma sistēmu un lietusūdens kanalizāciju kopā 0,313 km garumā;4)Ūdensvada un sadzīves kanalizācijas tīklu pārbūve nekustamā īpašuma „Darbnīcu laukums” ceļa infrastruktūras ietvaros;5)Kokneses ciema industriālās teritorijas pievadceļa - Melioratoru ielas asfaltbetona seguma atjaunošana 0,370 km garumā un gājēju ietves izbūve;6)Kokneses ciema industriālās teritorijas pievadceļa - Austrumu ielas asfalta seguma izveide, lietusūdens kanalizācijas un apgaismojuma ierīkošana 0,270 km garumā;7)Būvuzraudzība un autoruzraudzība;8)Publicitāte;9)Projekta vadības personāla atlīdzības izmaksas.Projekta rezultātā:1)veicināta vietējo uzņēmēju konkurētspēja, būtiski uzlabojot uzņēmējdarbības attīstībai nozīmīgu Kokneses novada rūpnieciskā zonas ceļa un divu pievadceļu satiksmes infrastruktūru 0,953 km garumā, tajā skaitā ievērojami atjaunota un būtiska sakārtota pazemes un virszemes inženierkomunikāciju infrastruktūra un izveidota ielu apgaismojuma sistēma;2)vismaz 11 novada uzņēmēji gūst labumu no projektā ieguldītajām investīcijām uzņēmējdarbības attīstībai nepieciešamajā infrastruktūrā;3)uzlabotas teritorijas pieejamības un satiksmes drošības iespējas 5648 novada iedzīvotājiem, kuri ikdienā regulāri izmanto pašvaldības un uzņēmēju sniegtos pakalpojumus;4)piesaistītas uzņēmēju investīcijas EUR 2 117 100,00 apmērā;5)izveidotas 14 jaunas darba vietas. (Latvian)
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    The aim of the project “Development of Infrastructure for Entrepreneurial Enterprise in Koknese County Koknese Village” is to develop the business environment and traffic infrastructure necessary for local entrepreneurs in the industrial territory of Koknese County Koknese village, improving access opportunities for business employees, customers and local residents to the commercial area, promoting the development of quality and orderly infrastructure according to modern requirements. EUR 464781,70, including ERDF contribution EUR 395064,45. Duration of project implementation: December 1, 2015 – December 31, 2017 (expected starting term after receipt of decision of the CFLA – 1 March 2017)The main project activities:1)Development of technical projects and estimates; 2)Certified Construction Engineer’s Expert Opinion on the risk of damage to the infrastructure necessary for the provision of the public service; 3)Construction of the industrial property “Workplace ground” defined in the local territory, by creating a waltz concrete cover, constructing the street lighting system and the rainwater drainage for a total of 0.313 km;).Under the scope of the public utility, the construction of the landside and municipal sewerage networks in the real estate “Workplace” within the framework of the industrial infrastructure;)Under the operator’s public utility and the construction of the municipal landsite for the total length of the road;Under the municipality’s landmark lands and the construction of the local sewerage networks within the real estate “Workplace” within the framework of the industrial infrastructure; 5)Underly management of the municipality; and the construction of the municipal landmark territory for the city’s industrial infrastructure;).Unsupermanufactur and the construction of public utility networks within the real estate “Workground” within the framework of the industrial infrastructure;)Under the observativity of the public infrastructure;)Under the municipality’s landmark infrastructure;Under 2 km, and)Under the construction of the local sewerage network in the real estate “Workplace area” for industrial development;)Under the observatory of the road;)Under the municipality’s landmark infrastructure; 3)Under the municipality’s landmark landmarks, [...]Under the city’s territory “Workplaceground” from 35648 km, which are necessary for the construction of concrete cover, construct the street lighting system and the rainwater drainage system for the total length of 0.313 km; 4)Under the municipality’s landfront and municipal utilities are using the landmark and municipal landmarks for the real estate “Workplace ground” for industrial development,)Under the operator’s administration in a total amount of 0.313 km;Under-operasion landmark and municipal landmarks in the project use of the landmarks within the real estate “Workplaceground” for the improvement of the road infrastructure;Under the operator’s landmarks and the construction of the landmarks in the total length of the road;Under the landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;)Uncreat of the road infrastructure of the landmark;)Unclinator of landmarks and landmarks for public utility;)Under the public utility, 14 km, and)Undermanufacturable landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;)Under of the landmarked in the roadside;)Under of the landsugarity of 14 km;).Uncluit for the construction of landmarked landmarks, for the construction of landmarked concrete, constructing a street lighting system and building a rainwater drainage system for a total of 0.313 km;Under the municipality’s landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;).Unsuperform of the landmark and municipal landmarks for the road infrastructure;Under the oblique of the public utility;)Under the operator’s landmarks and landmarks in the roadside;)Under the locations of the landmarks, and)Under the landmarkthinner, and)Installation of the road from the landmarks, and)Unsuperform of the landmarks, and)Installation of the road of a landmarked landside;Under the 00 km;Under the construction of a landmarked road;)Construction of public utility, and)Undertaking of the landmark landsite;Unclining of the landmarks of the road;Outside of the landmark, and)Unsuperforming the road of the landmark, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a road for building and constructing a wallpaper, constructing a street lighting system and constructing a street of industrial landmarks for a total length of 0.2 km;).Oclinning of the landmark and municipal landmarks;)Undertaking of the landmarks, and)Uncattribution of public service;Uncludance for public transport;)Under the public utility of the road;Under the municipality’s landmarks for real estate “Workplaceground” from the road to create a wallpaper, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a street (English)
    15 July 2021
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    L’objectif du projet «Développement des infrastructures nécessaires à la promotion de l’esprit d’entreprise dans la municipalité de Koknese village de Koknese» est de développer l’environnement d’affaires et l’infrastructure de circulation nécessaires pour les besoins des entrepreneurs locaux dans la zone industrielle de Koknese municipalité Koknese village, améliorer l’accès à la zone d’affaires pour les employés, les clients et les résidents de Koknese, facilitant la création d’infrastructures de haute qualité et ordonnées conformément aux exigences modernes. 464 781,70 EUR, y compris le financement du FEDER 395 064,45 EUR.Durée du projet: 1er décembre 2015-31 décembre 2017 (date limite prévue pour le début des travaux après réception de la décision de l’ACCP — 1er mars 2017) Principales activités du projet: 1)Développement du projet technique et des estimations; 2) un avis d’expert d’un ingénieur en construction certifié sur le risque de dommages à l’infrastructure nécessaire à la fourniture d’un service public; 3) la reconstruction du passage de la propriété industrielle «Place de l’atelier» spécifiée dans le plan d’aménagement du territoire de l’administration locale, la mise en place d’un trottoir en béton valch, la construction d’un système d’éclairage public et d’assainissement des eaux pluviales pour une longueur totale de 0,313 km; 4) la reconstruction des réseaux d’approvisionnement en eau et d’assainissement ménager dans le cadre de l’infrastructure routière de l’immeuble «Place de l’atelier»; (5)Rénovation de la surface en béton bitumineux du territoire industriel du village de Koknese — rénovation de la surface en béton bitumineux de la rue Melioratori 0,370 km et construction de trottoir piétonnier;6)Koknese village route d’accès industriel — chaussée asphaltée de la rue Est, installation d’assainissement des eaux pluviales et d’éclairage pour 0,270 km;7) supervision de la construction et supervision de l’auteur;8)Publicité;9) Coûts de rémunération pour le personnel de gestion de projet. amélioration significative de l’infrastructure routière et de circulation de la zone industrielle du comté de Koknese d’une longueur de 0,953 km, y compris les infrastructures d’ingénierie souterraine et de surface et le système d’éclairage public qui ont été considérablement rénovés et largement aménagés; 2) Au moins 11 entrepreneurs de comté bénéficient d’investissements dans les infrastructures nécessaires au développement des entreprises; 3) l’amélioration de l’accessibilité du territoire et des possibilités de sécurité routière pour 5648 habitants de la municipalité qui utilisent régulièrement les services fournis par les collectivités locales et les entrepreneurs au quotidien; 4) les investissements réalisés par des entrepreneurs pour un montant de 217 170,00 EUR; 5) 14 nouveaux emplois ont été créés. (French)
    25 November 2021
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    Ziel des Projekts „Entwicklung der Infrastruktur für die Förderung des Unternehmertums in Koknese Gemeinde Koknese Dorf“ ist es, das Geschäftsumfeld und die Verkehrsinfrastruktur zu entwickeln, die für die Bedürfnisse der lokalen Unternehmer im Industriegebiet der Koknese Gemeinde Koknese notwendig sind, den Zugang zum Geschäftsgebiet für Mitarbeiter, Kunden und Einwohner von Koknese zu verbessern und die Schaffung einer hochwertigen und geordneten Infrastruktur entsprechend den modernen Anforderungen zu erleichtern. 464 781,70 EUR, einschließlich EFRE-Finanzierungen 395 064,45 EUR.Projektlaufzeit: 1. Dezember 2015-31. Dezember 2017 (erwartete Frist für die Aufnahme der Arbeit nach Erhalt des Beschlusses der CFCA – 1. März 2017)Hauptprojektaktivitäten:1)Entwicklung von technischen Projekten und Schätzungen; 2) ein Gutachten eines zertifizierten Bauingenieurs über das Risiko von Schäden an der Infrastruktur, die für die Erbringung eines öffentlichen Dienstes erforderlich ist; 3) die Rekonstruktion des Durchgangs des Industriegrundstücks „Workshop Square“ im Raumplan der Kommunalverwaltung, Errichtung eines Valchbetonpflasters, Bau eines Straßenbeleuchtungssystems und Regenwasserkanalisation für eine Gesamtlänge von 0,313 km;4) Wiederaufbau der Wasserversorgung und der Kanalisation von Haushalten im Rahmen der Straßeninfrastruktur des Grundstücks „Workshop Square“; (5)Renovierung der Asphaltbetonoberfläche des Industriegebiets des Dorfes Koknese – Renovierung der Asphaltbetonoberfläche der Melioratori Straße 0,370 km und Bau von Fußgängerbelag;6)Koknese Dorf Industrie Zufahrt Straße – Asphaltpflaster der östlichen Straße, Installation von Regenwasser Kanalisation und Beleuchtung für 0,270 km;7)Bauaufsicht und Autorüberwachung;8)Öffentlichkeit;9) Kosten der Vergütung für Projektmanagement Personal. signifikante Verbesserung der Straßen- und Verkehrsinfrastruktur der Industriezone Koknese mit einer Länge von 0,953 km, einschließlich erheblich renovierter und substanziell eingerichteter Kommunikationsinfrastrukturen und Straßenbeleuchtungssysteme im Unter- und Oberflächentechnikbereich;2) Mindestens 11 Landunternehmer profitieren von Investitionen in die für die Geschäftsentwicklung erforderliche Infrastruktur;3) Verbesserung der Zugänglichkeit des Gebiets und der Verkehrssicherheit für 5648 Einwohner der Gemeinde, die die Dienstleistungen von Kommunalverwaltungen und Unternehmern regelmäßig täglich nutzen;4)Involvierte Investitionen von Unternehmern in Höhe von 2 117 100,00 EUR;5) wurden 14 neue Arbeitsplätze geschaffen. (German)
    28 November 2021
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    Het doel van het project „Ontwikkeling van de infrastructuur die nodig is voor de bevordering van ondernemerschap in Koknese gemeente Koknese dorp” is het ontwikkelen van het ondernemingsklimaat en de verkeersinfrastructuur die nodig zijn voor de behoeften van lokale ondernemers in het industriegebied van Koknese gemeente Koknese, het verbeteren van de toegang tot het bedrijfsterrein voor werknemers, klanten en bewoners van Koknese, en het faciliteren van de aanleg van hoogwaardige en ordelijke infrastructuur in overeenstemming met de moderne eisen. 464 781,70 EUR, inclusief EFRO-financiering 395 064,45 EUR.Projectduur: 1 december 2015-31 december 2017 (verwachte uiterste datum voor de aanvang van de werkzaamheden na ontvangst van het CFCA-besluit — 1 maart 2017)Belangrijkste projectactiviteiten:1)Ontwikkeling van technisch project en ramingen; 2) een deskundig advies van een gecertificeerd bouwkundig ingenieur met betrekking tot het risico van schade aan de infrastructuur die nodig is voor het verlenen van een openbare dienst; 3) de wederopbouw van de doorgang van de industriële eigendom „Workshop Square” zoals gespecificeerd in het ruimtelijke plan van de lokale overheid, waarbij een betonnen vloerbedekking wordt ingesteld, een straatverlichtingssysteem en een regenwaterafvoersysteem voor een totale lengte van 0,313 km wordt gebouwd;4) Heraanleg van watervoorzienings- en huishoudelijke rioleringsnetwerken in het kader van de wegeninfrastructuur van het onroerend goed „Workshop Square”; (5)Renovatie van het asfalt betonoppervlak van het industriële gebied van het dorp Koknese — renovatie van asfalt betonoppervlak van Melioratori Street 0,370 km en bouw van voetgangers bestrating;6)Koknese dorp industriële toegangsweg — asfalt bestrating van oostelijke straat, installatie van regenwater riolering en verlichting voor 0,270 km;7)Constructie toezicht en toezicht op de auteur;8)Publiciteit; 9 Kosten van de vergoeding voor projectmanagementpersoneel. aanzienlijke verbetering van de wegen- en verkeersinfrastructuur van het industriegebied van de provincie Koknese met een lengte van 0,953 km, met inbegrip van aanzienlijk gerenoveerde en ingrijpend geregelde ondergrondse en oppervlaktetechnische communicatie-infrastructuur en straatverlichtingssysteem; 2) Ten minste 11 provinciale ondernemers profiteren van investeringen in de infrastructuur die nodig is voor bedrijfsontwikkeling;3) Verbeterde toegankelijkheid van het grondgebied en verkeersveiligheidsmogelijkheden voor 5648 inwoners van de gemeente die regelmatig dagelijks gebruikmaken van de diensten van lokale overheden en ondernemers;4)Betrokken investeringen door ondernemers voor een bedrag van 2111100,00;5) zijn 14 nieuwe banen gecreëerd. (Dutch)
    28 November 2021
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    L'obiettivo del progetto "Sviluppo di infrastrutture necessarie per la promozione dell'imprenditorialità nel comune di Koknese villaggio Koknese" è quello di sviluppare l'ambiente imprenditoriale e le infrastrutture di traffico necessarie per le esigenze degli imprenditori locali nella zona industriale del comune di Koknese villaggio Koknese, migliorando l'accesso all'area commerciale per dipendenti, clienti e residenti di Koknese, facilitando la creazione di infrastrutture di alta qualità e ordinate in conformità con i requisiti moderni. 464 781,70 EUR, compreso il finanziamento FESR 395 064,45 EUR.Durata del progetto: 1º dicembre 2015-31 dicembre 2017 (termine previsto per l'inizio dei lavori dopo il ricevimento della decisione CFCA — 1º marzo 2017)Attività principali del progetto:1)Sviluppo di progetti tecnici e preventivi; 2) una perizia di un ingegnere edile certificato in merito al rischio di danni alle infrastrutture necessarie per la fornitura di un servizio pubblico; 3) la ricostruzione del passaggio della proprietà industriale "Piazza dell'officina" specificata nel piano territoriale dell'amministrazione locale, la realizzazione di un marciapiede in cemento valch, la costruzione di un sistema di illuminazione stradale e fognature di acqua piovana per una lunghezza complessiva di 0,313 km;4) Ricostruzione dell'approvvigionamento idrico e delle reti fognarie domestiche nell'ambito dell'infrastruttura stradale del bene immobile "Piazza dell'officina"; (5)Ristrutturazione della superficie di cemento asfalto del territorio industriale del villaggio di Koknese — ristrutturazione di superficie di cemento asfalto di Melioratori Street 0,370 km e costruzione di pavimentazione pedonale;6)Koknese villaggio strada di accesso industriale — asfalto pavimentazione di strada orientale, installazione di acque piovane fognature e illuminazione per 0,270 km;7) Vigilanza della costruzione e supervisione dell'autore;8) Publicity;9) Costi della remunerazione per il personale di gestione del progetto. miglioramento significativo delle infrastrutture stradali e di traffico della zona industriale della contea di Koknese con una lunghezza di 0,953 km, tra cui infrastrutture di comunicazione di ingegneria sotterranea e di superficie notevolmente ristrutturate e impianti di illuminazione stradale;2) Almeno 11 imprenditori di contea beneficiano di investimenti nelle infrastrutture necessarie per lo sviluppo delle imprese;3) Miglioramento dell'accessibilità del territorio e opportunità di sicurezza stradale per 5648 abitanti del comune che utilizzano regolarmente i servizi forniti dalle amministrazioni locali e dagli imprenditori su base giornaliera;4) Sono stati creati investimenti da parte di imprenditori per un importo di EUR 2117.100,00;5) sono stati creati 14 nuovi posti di lavoro. (Italian)
    11 January 2022
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    El objetivo del proyecto «Desarrollo de las infraestructuras necesarias para la promoción del espíritu empresarial en la localidad de Koknese municipal de Koknese» es desarrollar el entorno empresarial y la infraestructura de tráfico necesarios para las necesidades de los empresarios locales en la zona industrial del municipio de Koknese, la aldea de Koknese, mejorar el acceso a la zona de negocios para los empleados, clientes y residentes de Koknese, facilitando la creación de una infraestructura de alta calidad y ordenada de acuerdo con las necesidades modernas. 464 781,70 EUR, incluida la financiación del FEDER 395 064,45 EUR. Duración del proyecto: 1 de diciembre de 2015-31 de diciembre de 2017 (plazo previsto para el inicio de los trabajos después de la recepción de la decisión de la ACCP — 1 de marzo de 2017)Actividades principales del proyecto: 1) Desarrollo del proyecto técnico y estimaciones; 2) una opinión experta de un ingeniero de construcción certificado sobre el riesgo de daños a la infraestructura necesaria para la prestación de un servicio público; 3) la reconstrucción del pasillo de la propiedad industrial «Plaza del taller» especificado en el plan territorial del gobierno local, el establecimiento de un pavimento de hormigón valch, la construcción de un sistema de alumbrado público y alcantarillado de agua de lluvia por una longitud total de 0,313 km; 4) Reconstrucción de las redes de abastecimiento de agua y alcantarillado doméstico en el marco de la infraestructura vial de la «Plaza del taller»; (5) Renovación de la superficie de hormigón asfáltico del territorio industrial de la aldea de Koknese — renovación de la superficie de hormigón asfáltico de la calle Melioratori 0,370 km y construcción de pavimento peatonal;6) camino de acceso industrial del pueblo koknese — pavimento de asfalto de la calle oriental, instalación de alcantarillado de aguas pluviales e iluminación para 0,270 km;7) Supervisión de la construcción y supervisión de los autores;8)Publicidad; 9) Costes de remuneración del personal de gestión de proyectos. mejora significativa de la infraestructura vial y de tráfico de la zona industrial del condado de Koknese con una longitud de 0,953 km, incluida una infraestructura de comunicaciones de ingeniería subterránea y de superficie significativamente renovada y un sistema de alumbrado público; 2) Al menos 11 empresarios de condado se benefician de las inversiones en la infraestructura necesaria para el desarrollo empresarial; 3) Mejora de la accesibilidad del territorio y de las oportunidades de seguridad del tráfico para 5648 habitantes del municipio que utilizan regularmente los servicios prestados por las administraciones locales y los empresarios a diario;4)Inversiones de participación de empresarios por un importe de 2 111 100,00 EUR;5) Se han creado 14 nuevos puestos de trabajo. (Spanish)
    12 January 2022
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    Koknese maakonna Koknese maakonna ettevõtete infrastruktuuri arendamise projekti eesmärk on arendada Koknese maakonna Koknese küla tööstusterritooriumi kohalikele ettevõtjatele vajalikku ettevõtluskeskkonda ja liiklustaristut, parandada äritöötajate, klientide ja kohalike elanike juurdepääsuvõimalusi äripiirkonnale, edendada kvaliteedi ja nõuetekohase infrastruktuuri arendamist vastavalt kaasaegsetele nõuetele. 464781,70 eurot, sealhulgas ERFi toetus 395064,45 eurot. Projekti rakendamise kestus: Detsember 1, 2015–31. detsember 2017 (eeldatav algusaeg pärast CFLA otsuse saamist – 1. märts 2017)Peamised projektitegevused:1)Tehniliste projektide ja hinnangute väljatöötamine; 2)sertifitseeritud ehitusinseneri ekspertarvamus avaliku teenuse osutamiseks vajaliku infrastruktuuri kahjustamise ohu kohta; 3)kohalikul territooriumil määratletud tööstusomandi „Workplace ground“ ehitamine, luues valtsibetoonkatte, ehitades tänavavalgustussüsteemi ja vihmavee äravoolu kokku 0,313 km ulatuses;).Ühishuviteenuse ulatuses ehitatakse tööstustaristu raames kinnistu „Töökoht“ maaäärne ja munitsipaalkanalisatsioon;)käitaja avalike teenuste ja munitsipaalmaa ehitamisel kogu teepikkuse ulatuses; omavalitsusüksuse maamärgid ja kohalike kanalisatsioonivõrkude ehitamine kinnisvara „Workplace“ raames tööstustaristu raames; 5)valla alajuhtimine; ja ehitus munitsipaalmaamärk territooriumil linna tööstustaristu;).Unsupermanufactur ja ehitus kommunaalvõrgud kinnisvara „Workground“ raames tööstusliku infrastruktuuri;)Pädevalt avaliku infrastruktuuri;)Under vald maamärk infrastruktuuri;Under 2 km, ja)Under ehitamisel kohaliku kanalisatsioonivõrgu kinnisvara „Workplace area“ tööstuslikuks arendamiseks;)Käesoleval teel vaatluskeskuses;)omavalitsusüksuse maamärk infrastruktuuri;) 3)omavalitsusüksuse maamärkide all [...]Linna territooriumil „Tööplats“ alates 35 648 km, mis on vajalikud betoonikatte ehitamiseks, tänavavalgustussüsteemi ja vihmavee äravoolusüsteemi ehitamiseks kogupikkusega 0,313 km; 4)Under the municipality’s landfront and municipal utilities are using the landmark and municipal landmarks for the real estate “Workplace ground” for industrial development,)Under the operator’s administration in a total amount of 0.313 km;Under-operasion landmark and municipal landmarks in the project use of the landmarks within the real estate “Workplaceground” for the improvement of the road infrastructure;Under the operator’s landmarks and the construction of the landmarks in the total length of the road;Under the landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;)Uncreat of the road infrastructure of the landmark;)Unclinator of landmarks and landmarks for public utility;)Under the public utility, 14 km, and)Undermanufacturable landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;)Under of the landmarked in the roadside;)Under of the landsugarity of 14 km;).Uncluit for the construction of landmarked landmarks, for the construction of landmarked concrete, constructing a street lighting system and building a rainwater drainage system for a total of 0.313 km;Under the municipality’s landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;).Unsuperform of the landmark and municipal landmarks for the road infrastructure;Under the oblique of the public utility;)Under the operator’s landmarks and landmarks in the roadside;)Under the locations of the landmarks, and)Under the landmarkthinner, and)Installation of the road from the landmarks, and)Unsuperform of the landmarks, and)Installation of the road of a landmarked landside;Under the 00 km;Under the construction of a landmarked road;)Construction of public utility, and)Undertaking of the landmark landsite;Unclining of the landmarks of the road;Outside of the landmark, and)Unsuperforming the road of the landmark, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a road for building and constructing a wallpaper, constructing a street lighting system and constructing a street of industrial landmarks for a total length of 0.2 km;).Oclinning of the landmark and municipal landmarks;)Undertaking of the landmarks, and)Uncattribution of public service;Uncludance for public transport;)Under the public utility of the road;Under the municipality’s landmarks for real estate “Workplaceground” from the road to create a wallpaper, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a street (Estonian)
    3 August 2022
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    Projekto „Įmonių infrastruktūros kūrimas Koknese apskrityje Koknese kaime“ tikslas – plėtoti verslo aplinką ir eismo infrastruktūrą, reikalingą vietos verslininkams Koknese apskrities Koknese kaimo pramoninėje teritorijoje, gerinant verslo darbuotojų, klientų ir vietos gyventojų galimybes komercinėje srityje, skatinant kokybės ir tvarkingos infrastruktūros plėtrą pagal šiuolaikinius reikalavimus. 464 781,70 EUR, įskaitant ERPF įnašą 395 064,45 EUR. Projekto įgyvendinimo trukmė: 2015 m. gruodžio 1 d. – 2017 m. gruodžio 31 d. (numatoma pradžia gavus CFLA sprendimą – 2017 m. kovo 1 d.)Pagrindinė projekto veikla:1)Techninių projektų ir sąmatų rengimas; 2) Sertifikuoto statybos inžinieriaus eksperto nuomonė dėl žalos infrastruktūrai, reikalingai viešajai paslaugai teikti, rizikos; 3) statant pramoninę nuosavybę „darbo vieta“, apibrėžta vietinėje teritorijoje, sukuriant valcų betono dangą, statant gatvių apšvietimo sistemą ir lietaus vandens drenažą iš viso 0,313 km;). Pagal komunalinių paslaugų apimtį, nuožeminių ir savivaldybių kanalizacijos tinklų statybą nekilnojamojo turto „darbo vietoje“ pagal pramoninės infrastruktūros sistemą;) pagal operatoriaus komunalines paslaugas ir savivaldybės žemės sklypo statybą visam kelio ilgiui; atsižvelgiant į savivaldybės orientyrus ir vietinių kanalizacijos tinklų statybą nekilnojamojo turto „Darbo vietoje“ pagal pramoninės infrastruktūros sistemą; 5)pagrindinis savivaldybės valdymas; ir miesto pramoninei infrastruktūrai svarbios savivaldybės teritorijos statyba; Nesupermanufactur ir komunalinių paslaugų tinklų statyba nekilnojamojo turto „Darbas“ pagal pramoninės infrastruktūros sistemą;)pagal viešosios infrastruktūros observatoriją;) pagal savivaldybės orientyrinę infrastruktūrą; 2 km ir)dėl vietinio kanalizacijos tinklo statybos nekilnojamojo turto „Darbavietės teritorijoje“ pramonės plėtrai;)Kelio observatorijoje;)pagal savivaldybės orientyrinę infrastruktūrą; 3) pagal savivaldybės orientyrus [...] pagal miesto teritoriją „darbo vieta“ nuo 35 648 km, kurie yra būtini betoninės dangos statybai, statyti gatvių apšvietimo sistemą ir lietaus vandens drenažo sistemą, kurios bendras ilgis yra 0,313 km; 4)Under the municipality’s landfront and municipal utilities are using the landmark and municipal landmarks for the real estate “Workplace ground” for industrial development,)Under the operator’s administration in a total amount of 0.313 km;Under-operasion landmark and municipal landmarks in the project use of the landmarks within the real estate “Workplaceground” for the improvement of the road infrastructure;Under the operator’s landmarks and the construction of the landmarks in the total length of the road;Under the landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;)Uncreat of the road infrastructure of the landmark;)Unclinator of landmarks and landmarks for public utility;)Under the public utility, 14 km, and)Undermanufacturable landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;)Under of the landmarked in the roadside;)Under of the landsugarity of 14 km;).Uncluit for the construction of landmarked landmarks, for the construction of landmarked concrete, constructing a street lighting system and building a rainwater drainage system for a total of 0.313 km;Under the municipality’s landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;).Unsuperform of the landmark and municipal landmarks for the road infrastructure;Under the oblique of the public utility;)Under the operator’s landmarks and landmarks in the roadside;)Under the locations of the landmarks, and)Under the landmarkthinner, and)Installation of the road from the landmarks, and)Unsuperform of the landmarks, and)Installation of the road of a landmarked landside;Under the 00 km;Under the construction of a landmarked road;)Construction of public utility, and)Undertaking of the landmark landsite;Unclining of the landmarks of the road;Outside of the landmark, and)Unsuperforming the road of the landmark, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a road for building and constructing a wallpaper, constructing a street lighting system and constructing a street of industrial landmarks for a total length of 0.2 km;).Oclinning of the landmark and municipal landmarks;)Undertaking of the landmarks, and)Uncattribution of public service;Uncludance for public transport;)Under the public utility of the road;Under the municipality’s landmarks for real estate “Workplaceground” from the road to create a wallpaper, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a street (Lithuanian)
    3 August 2022
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    Cilj projekta „Razvoj infrastrukture za poduzetničko poduzetništvo u Koknese selu Koknese” je razvoj poslovnog okruženja i prometne infrastrukture potrebne lokalnim poduzetnicima na industrijskom području Koknese županije, poboljšanje mogućnosti pristupa poslovnim djelatnicima, kupcima i lokalnim stanovnicima na komercijalnom području, promicanje razvoja kvalitetne i uredne infrastrukture prema suvremenim zahtjevima. 464 781,70 EUR, uključujući doprinos EFRR-a 395 064,45 EUR. Trajanje provedbe projekta: 1. prosinca 2015. – 31. prosinca 2017. (očekivano početno razdoblje nakon primitka odluke CFLA-e – 1. ožujka 2017.)Glavne projektne aktivnosti:1)Razvoj tehničkih projekata i procjena; 2) Stručno mišljenje ovlaštenog inženjera građevinarstva o riziku od oštećenja infrastrukture potrebne za pružanje javne usluge; 3) Izgradnja industrijskog vlasništva „Radno tlo” definirano na lokalnom području, stvaranjem valcerskog betonskog pokrova, izgradnjom sustava ulične rasvjete i odvodnje kišnice za ukupno 0,313 km;).U okviru javne komunalne djelatnosti, izgradnja kopnene i komunalne kanalizacijske mreže u nekretnini „Radno mjesto” u okviru industrijske infrastrukture;) Pod javnom komunalnom djelatnošću operatera i izgradnjom općinskog zemljišta za ukupnu duljinu ceste; Pod zemljištem općine i izgradnjom lokalnih kanalizacijskih mreža unutar nekretnine „Radno mjesto” u okviru industrijske infrastrukture; 5) Temeljno upravljanje općinom; i izgradnja općinskog povijesnog područja za gradsku industrijsku infrastrukturu;).Unsupermanufactur i izgradnja javnih komunalnih mreža unutar nekretnine „Radno tlo” u okviru industrijske infrastrukture;)pod opservativnošću javne infrastrukture;)pod povijesnom infrastrukturom općine; i)pod izgradnjom lokalne kanalizacijske mreže u nekretnini „Radno područje” za industrijski razvoj;)pod opservatorijem ceste;) Pod opservatorijem na cesti;)pod povijesnom infrastrukturom općine; 3) Pod općinskim znamenitostima, [...] Na području grada „Radno tlo” od 35 648 km, koji su potrebni za izgradnju betonskog pokrova, izgraditi sustav ulične rasvjete i sustav odvodnje kišnice za ukupnu duljinu od 0,313 km; 4)Under the municipality’s landfront and municipal utilities are using the landmark and municipal landmarks for the real estate “Workplace ground” for industrial development,)Under the operator’s administration in a total amount of 0.313 km;Under-operasion landmark and municipal landmarks in the project use of the landmarks within the real estate “Workplaceground” for the improvement of the road infrastructure;Under the operator’s landmarks and the construction of the landmarks in the total length of the road;Under the landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;)Uncreat of the road infrastructure of the landmark;)Unclinator of landmarks and landmarks for public utility;)Under the public utility, 14 km, and)Undermanufacturable landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;)Under of the landmarked in the roadside;)Under of the landsugarity of 14 km;).Uncluit for the construction of landmarked landmarks, for the construction of landmarked concrete, constructing a street lighting system and building a rainwater drainage system for a total of 0.313 km;Under the municipality’s landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;).Unsuperform of the landmark and municipal landmarks for the road infrastructure;Under the oblique of the public utility;)Under the operator’s landmarks and landmarks in the roadside;)Under the locations of the landmarks, and)Under the landmarkthinner, and)Installation of the road from the landmarks, and)Unsuperform of the landmarks, and)Installation of the road of a landmarked landside;Under the 00 km;Under the construction of a landmarked road;)Construction of public utility, and)Undertaking of the landmark landsite;Unclining of the landmarks of the road;Outside of the landmark, and)Unsuperforming the road of the landmark, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a road for building and constructing a wallpaper, constructing a street lighting system and constructing a street of industrial landmarks for a total length of 0.2 km;).Oclinning of the landmark and municipal landmarks;)Undertaking of the landmarks, and)Uncattribution of public service;Uncludance for public transport;)Under the public utility of the road;Under the municipality’s landmarks for real estate “Workplaceground” from the road to create a wallpaper, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a street (Croatian)
    3 August 2022
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    Στόχος του έργου «Ανάπτυξη Υποδομών για Επιχειρηματικές Επιχειρήσεις στο χωριό Koknese County Koknese» είναι η ανάπτυξη του επιχειρηματικού περιβάλλοντος και της υποδομής κυκλοφορίας που απαιτούνται για τους τοπικούς επιχειρηματίες στο βιομηχανικό έδαφος του χωριού Koknese County Koknese, βελτιώνοντας τις ευκαιρίες πρόσβασης των εργαζομένων των επιχειρήσεων, των πελατών και των κατοίκων της περιοχής στην εμπορική περιοχή, προωθώντας την ανάπτυξη ποιοτικών και εύρυθμων υποδομών σύμφωνα με τις σύγχρονες απαιτήσεις. 464 781,70 EUR, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της συνεισφοράς ΕΤΠΑ 395 064,45 EUR. Διάρκεια υλοποίησης του έργου: 1 Δεκεμβρίου 2015 — 31 Δεκεμβρίου 2017 (αναμενόμενη περίοδος έναρξης μετά την παραλαβή της απόφασης του CFLA — 1η Μαρτίου 2017)Οι κύριες δραστηριότητες του έργου: 1)Ανάπτυξη τεχνικών έργων και εκτιμήσεων· 2)Γνώμη Εμπειρογνωμόνων του Οικοδομικού Μηχανικού για τον κίνδυνο βλάβης της υποδομής που είναι απαραίτητη για την παροχή της δημόσιας υπηρεσίας. 3)Κατασκευή της βιομηχανικής ιδιοκτησίας «Εργατικός Χώρος» που ορίζεται στην τοπική επικράτεια, με τη δημιουργία καλύμματος από σκυρόδεμα βαλς, με την κατασκευή του οδοφωτιστικού συστήματος και της αποστράγγισης ομβρίων υδάτων για συνολικό μήκος 0,313 χλμ.. 5)υπό τη διαχείριση του δήμου· και την κατασκευή του δημοτικού ορόσημου για τις βιομηχανικές υποδομές της πόλης·).Στο πλαίσιο της παρατηρητικότητας της δημόσιας υποδομής,)Στο πλαίσιο της υποδομής του δήμου-κοινής ωφέλειας, εντός του εδάφους της ακίνητης περιουσίας «Εργαστήριο» στο πλαίσιο της βιομηχανικής υποδομής,)Στο πλαίσιο της παρατηρητικότητας της δημόσιας υποδομής,)Στο πλαίσιο της υποδομής ορόσημου του δήμου,)Κάτω από την κατασκευή του τοπικού αποχετευτικού δικτύου στην ακίνητη περιουσία «χώρος εργασίας» για βιομηχανική ανάπτυξη,)Κάτω από το παρατηρητήριο της οδού·)Στο πλαίσιο της υποδομής ορόσημου του δήμου· 3)Κάτω από τα ορόσημα του δήμου, [...]Κάτω από το έδαφος της πόλης «Εργαστήριο» από 35648 χλμ., τα οποία είναι απαραίτητα για την κατασκευή σκυροδέματος, κατασκευή του οδοφωτιστικού συστήματος και του συστήματος αποστράγγισης ομβρίων υδάτων για συνολικό μήκος 0,313 χλμ. 4)Under the municipality’s landfront and municipal utilities are using the landmark and municipal landmarks for the real estate “Workplace ground” for industrial development,)Under the operator’s administration in a total amount of 0.313 km;Under-operasion landmark and municipal landmarks in the project use of the landmarks within the real estate “Workplaceground” for the improvement of the road infrastructure;Under the operator’s landmarks and the construction of the landmarks in the total length of the road;Under the landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;)Uncreat of the road infrastructure of the landmark;)Unclinator of landmarks and landmarks for public utility;)Under the public utility, 14 km, and)Undermanufacturable landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;)Under of the landmarked in the roadside;)Under of the landsugarity of 14 km;).Uncluit for the construction of landmarked landmarks, for the construction of landmarked concrete, constructing a street lighting system and building a rainwater drainage system for a total of 0.313 km;Under the municipality’s landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;).Unsuperform of the landmark and municipal landmarks for the road infrastructure;Under the oblique of the public utility;)Under the operator’s landmarks and landmarks in the roadside;)Under the locations of the landmarks, and)Under the landmarkthinner, and)Installation of the road from the landmarks, and)Unsuperform of the landmarks, and)Installation of the road of a landmarked landside;Under the 00 km;Under the construction of a landmarked road;)Construction of public utility, and)Undertaking of the landmark landsite;Unclining of the landmarks of the road;Outside of the landmark, and)Unsuperforming the road of the landmark, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a road for building and constructing a wallpaper, constructing a street lighting system and constructing a street of industrial landmarks for a total length of 0.2 km;).Oclinning of the landmark and municipal landmarks;)Undertaking of the landmarks, and)Uncattribution of public service;Uncludance for public transport;)Under the public utility of the road;Under the municipality’s landmarks for real estate “Workplaceground” from the road to create a wallpaper, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a street (Greek)
    3 August 2022
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    Cieľom projektu „Rozvoj infraštruktúry pre podnikanie v Koknese County Koknese Village“ je rozvíjať podnikateľské prostredie a dopravnú infraštruktúru potrebnú pre miestnych podnikateľov na priemyselnom území obce Koknese County Koknese, zlepšiť možnosti prístupu pre obchodných zamestnancov, zákazníkov a miestnych obyvateľov do obchodnej oblasti, podporovať rozvoj kvalitnej a usporiadanej infraštruktúry podľa moderných požiadaviek. 464 781,70 EUR vrátane príspevku z EFRR 395 064,45 EUR. Trvanie realizácie projektu: 1. december 2015 – 31. december 2017 (očakávaný začiatok po prijatí rozhodnutia CFLA – 1. marca 2017)Hlavné činnosti projektu:1)Rozvoj technických projektov a odhadov; 2) znalecký posudok certifikovaného stavebného inžiniera k riziku poškodenia infraštruktúry potrebnej na poskytovanie služby vo verejnom záujme; 3) Výstavba priemyselného vlastníctva „Workplace ground“ definované v miestnom území, vytvorením valčík betónový kryt, výstavbu systému pouličného osvetlenia a dažďovej vody v celkovej dĺžke 0,313 km;).Pod rozsahom verejnoprospešných, výstavba pozemkov a mestských kanalizačných sietí v nehnuteľnosti „Workplace“ v rámci priemyselnej infraštruktúry;)Pod verejnoprospešnými službami prevádzkovateľa a výstavbou obecného pozemku na celkovú dĺžku cesty;Pod orientačnými pozemkami obce a výstavbou miestnych kanalizačných sietí v rámci nehnuteľnosti „Workplace“ v rámci priemyselnej infraštruktúry; 5)podstatná správa obce; a výstavba mestského medzníkového územia pre priemyselnú infraštruktúru mesta;).Nevysoká výroba a výstavba verejnoprospešných sietí v rámci nehnuteľnosti „Práce“ v rámci priemyselnej infraštruktúry;)pod pozorovaním verejnej infraštruktúry;)pod dominantnou infraštruktúrou obce;pod 2 km a)po výstavbe miestnej kanalizačnej siete v nehnuteľnosti „oblasť pracoviska“ pre priemyselný rozvoj;)pod observatóriom cesty;)pod dominantnou infraštruktúrou obce;) 3)Pod orientačnými pamiatkami obce [...]Pod územím mesta „Workplaceground“ z 35 648 km, ktoré sú potrebné na výstavbu betónového krytu, vybudovať systém pouličného osvetlenia a odvodňovací systém dažďovej vody s celkovou dĺžkou 0,313 km; 4)Under the municipality’s landfront and municipal utilities are using the landmark and municipal landmarks for the real estate “Workplace ground” for industrial development,)Under the operator’s administration in a total amount of 0.313 km;Under-operasion landmark and municipal landmarks in the project use of the landmarks within the real estate “Workplaceground” for the improvement of the road infrastructure;Under the operator’s landmarks and the construction of the landmarks in the total length of the road;Under the landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;)Uncreat of the road infrastructure of the landmark;)Unclinator of landmarks and landmarks for public utility;)Under the public utility, 14 km, and)Undermanufacturable landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;)Under of the landmarked in the roadside;)Under of the landsugarity of 14 km;).Uncluit for the construction of landmarked landmarks, for the construction of landmarked concrete, constructing a street lighting system and building a rainwater drainage system for a total of 0.313 km;Under the municipality’s landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;).Unsuperform of the landmark and municipal landmarks for the road infrastructure;Under the oblique of the public utility;)Under the operator’s landmarks and landmarks in the roadside;)Under the locations of the landmarks, and)Under the landmarkthinner, and)Installation of the road from the landmarks, and)Unsuperform of the landmarks, and)Installation of the road of a landmarked landside;Under the 00 km;Under the construction of a landmarked road;)Construction of public utility, and)Undertaking of the landmark landsite;Unclining of the landmarks of the road;Outside of the landmark, and)Unsuperforming the road of the landmark, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a road for building and constructing a wallpaper, constructing a street lighting system and constructing a street of industrial landmarks for a total length of 0.2 km;).Oclinning of the landmark and municipal landmarks;)Undertaking of the landmarks, and)Uncattribution of public service;Uncludance for public transport;)Under the public utility of the road;Under the municipality’s landmarks for real estate “Workplaceground” from the road to create a wallpaper, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a street (Slovak)
    3 August 2022
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    Koknesen läänin Koknesen kylän yrittäjätoiminnan infrastruktuurin kehittäminen -hankkeen tavoitteena on kehittää Koknesen läänin Koknesen kylän teollisuusalueella paikallisten yrittäjien liiketoimintaympäristöä ja liikenneinfrastruktuuria, parantaa yritystyöntekijöiden, asiakkaiden ja paikallisten asukkaiden pääsyä kaupalliselle alueelle sekä edistää laadun ja asianmukaisen infrastruktuurin kehittämistä nykyaikaisten vaatimusten mukaisesti. 464781,70 euroa, mukaan lukien EAKR:n rahoitusosuus 395064,45 euroa. Hankkeen toteutuksen kesto: Joulukuuta 2015–31. joulukuuta 2017 (odotetaan alkavan CFLA:n päätöksen vastaanottamisen jälkeen – 1. maaliskuuta 2017)Tärkeimmät hanketoimet:1)Teknisten hankkeiden ja arvioiden kehittäminen; 2)sertifioidun rakennusinsinöörin asiantuntijalausunto julkisen palvelun tarjoamiseen tarvittavan infrastruktuurin vahingoittumisen riskistä; 3)Paikallisalueella määritellyn teollisuuskiinteistön ”työmaan” rakentaminen luomalla valssibetonipeite, rakentamalla katuvalaistusjärjestelmä ja sadeveden tyhjennys yhteensä 0,313 km;).Yleishyödyllisten palvelujen puitteissa maa-alueiden ja kunnallisten viemäröintiverkostojen rakentaminen kiinteistöön ”Työpaikka” teollisen infrastruktuurin puitteissa;)operaattorin yleishyödyllisen palvelun ja kunnallisen maa-alueen rakentaminen tien kokonaispituudeksi; kunnan maamerkkien maa-alueita lukuun ottamatta ja paikallisten viemäröintiverkostojen rakentaminen kiinteistön ”työpaikka” yhteyteen teollisuusinfrastruktuurin puitteissa; 5)kunnan johtaminen; ja kunnallisen maamerkkialueen rakentaminen kaupungin teollisuusinfrastruktuuria varten;).Yleisvalmistus ja yleishyödyllisten verkkojen rakentaminen ”Työmaa”-kiinteistöön teollisen infrastruktuurin puitteissa;)julkisen infrastruktuurin observatiivisuus huomioon ottaen;)Kunnan maamerkki-infrastruktuuri; 2 km:n alapuolelle, ja)paikallisen viemäröintiverkon rakentaminen kiinteistöön ”Työpaikka” teollista kehittämistä varten;)tien seurantakeskus;)Kunnan maamerkki-infrastruktuuri;)Kunnan maamerkki-infrastruktuuri; 3)Kunnan maamerkkien mukaan [...] Kaupungin alueella 35 648 km:n päässä työmaasta, jotka ovat välttämättömiä betonipeitteen rakentamiseksi, rakennetaan katuvalaistusjärjestelmä ja sadeveden kuivatusjärjestelmä, joiden kokonaispituus on 0,313 km; 4)Under the municipality’s landfront and municipal utilities are using the landmark and municipal landmarks for the real estate “Workplace ground” for industrial development,)Under the operator’s administration in a total amount of 0.313 km;Under-operasion landmark and municipal landmarks in the project use of the landmarks within the real estate “Workplaceground” for the improvement of the road infrastructure;Under the operator’s landmarks and the construction of the landmarks in the total length of the road;Under the landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;)Uncreat of the road infrastructure of the landmark;)Unclinator of landmarks and landmarks for public utility;)Under the public utility, 14 km, and)Undermanufacturable landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;)Under of the landmarked in the roadside;)Under of the landsugarity of 14 km;).Uncluit for the construction of landmarked landmarks, for the construction of landmarked concrete, constructing a street lighting system and building a rainwater drainage system for a total of 0.313 km;Under the municipality’s landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;).Unsuperform of the landmark and municipal landmarks for the road infrastructure;Under the oblique of the public utility;)Under the operator’s landmarks and landmarks in the roadside;)Under the locations of the landmarks, and)Under the landmarkthinner, and)Installation of the road from the landmarks, and)Unsuperform of the landmarks, and)Installation of the road of a landmarked landside;Under the 00 km;Under the construction of a landmarked road;)Construction of public utility, and)Undertaking of the landmark landsite;Unclining of the landmarks of the road;Outside of the landmark, and)Unsuperforming the road of the landmark, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a road for building and constructing a wallpaper, constructing a street lighting system and constructing a street of industrial landmarks for a total length of 0.2 km;).Oclinning of the landmark and municipal landmarks;)Undertaking of the landmarks, and)Uncattribution of public service;Uncludance for public transport;)Under the public utility of the road;Under the municipality’s landmarks for real estate “Workplaceground” from the road to create a wallpaper, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a street (Finnish)
    3 August 2022
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    Celem projektu „Rozwój infrastruktury dla przedsiębiorczości w Koknese County Koknese Village” jest rozwój otoczenia biznesowego i infrastruktury drogowej niezbędnej lokalnym przedsiębiorcom na terenie przemysłowym Koknese County Koknese, poprawa możliwości dostępu pracowników biznesowych, klientów i mieszkańców do obszaru handlowego, promowanie rozwoju jakości i uporządkowanej infrastruktury zgodnie z nowoczesnymi wymaganiami. 464 781,70 EUR, w tym wkład EFRR 395 064,45 EUR. Czas realizacji projektu: Grudzień 1, 2015 – 31 grudnia 2017 r. (oczekiwana data rozpoczęcia po otrzymaniu decyzji CFLA – 1 marca 2017 r.)Główne działania projektowe:1)Opracowanie projektów technicznych i szacunków; 2) Opinia eksperta certyfikowanego inżyniera budowlanego w sprawie ryzyka uszkodzenia infrastruktury niezbędnej do świadczenia usługi publicznej; 3) Budowa nieruchomości przemysłowej „Miejsce pracy” zdefiniowanej na terenie lokalnym, poprzez stworzenie betonowej pokrywy walca, budowę systemu oświetlenia ulicznego i odprowadzania wody deszczowej na łącznie 0,313 km;).W zakresie użyteczności publicznej, budowa naziemnej i miejskiej sieci kanalizacyjnej w nieruchomości „Miejsce pracy” w ramach infrastruktury przemysłowej;) Zgodnie z użytecznością publiczną operatora i budową terenu gminnego na całkowitą długość drogi;Na terenach gminy i budowa lokalnych sieci kanalizacyjnych w obrębie nieruchomości „Praca” w ramach infrastruktury przemysłowej; 5)podległe zarządzanie gminą; oraz budowa terenu miejskiego dla infrastruktury przemysłowej miasta;).Unsupermanufactur i budowa sieci użyteczności publicznej w obrębie nieruchomości „Powierzchnia robocza” w ramach infrastruktury przemysłowej;)Pod obserwacją infrastruktury publicznej;)W ramach przełomowej infrastruktury gminy; Poniżej 2 km, oraz)Pod budową lokalnej sieci kanalizacyjnej na nieruchomości „Miejsce pracy” dla rozwoju przemysłowego;)Pod obserwatorium drogi;)W ramach infrastruktury miejskiej gminy; 3) Na terenie miasta „Miejsce pracy” z 35 648 km, które są niezbędne do budowy pokrywy betonowej, zbudować system oświetlenia ulicznego i system odprowadzania wody deszczowej o łącznej długości 0,313 km; 4)Under the municipality’s landfront and municipal utilities are using the landmark and municipal landmarks for the real estate “Workplace ground” for industrial development,)Under the operator’s administration in a total amount of 0.313 km;Under-operasion landmark and municipal landmarks in the project use of the landmarks within the real estate “Workplaceground” for the improvement of the road infrastructure;Under the operator’s landmarks and the construction of the landmarks in the total length of the road;Under the landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;)Uncreat of the road infrastructure of the landmark;)Unclinator of landmarks and landmarks for public utility;)Under the public utility, 14 km, and)Undermanufacturable landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;)Under of the landmarked in the roadside;)Under of the landsugarity of 14 km;).Uncluit for the construction of landmarked landmarks, for the construction of landmarked concrete, constructing a street lighting system and building a rainwater drainage system for a total of 0.313 km;Under the municipality’s landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;).Unsuperform of the landmark and municipal landmarks for the road infrastructure;Under the oblique of the public utility;)Under the operator’s landmarks and landmarks in the roadside;)Under the locations of the landmarks, and)Under the landmarkthinner, and)Installation of the road from the landmarks, and)Unsuperform of the landmarks, and)Installation of the road of a landmarked landside;Under the 00 km;Under the construction of a landmarked road;)Construction of public utility, and)Undertaking of the landmark landsite;Unclining of the landmarks of the road;Outside of the landmark, and)Unsuperforming the road of the landmark, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a road for building and constructing a wallpaper, constructing a street lighting system and constructing a street of industrial landmarks for a total length of 0.2 km;).Oclinning of the landmark and municipal landmarks;)Undertaking of the landmarks, and)Uncattribution of public service;Uncludance for public transport;)Under the public utility of the road;Under the municipality’s landmarks for real estate “Workplaceground” from the road to create a wallpaper, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a street (Polish)
    3 August 2022
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    A Koknese megyei Koknese megyei Koknese Megyei Vállalkozói Infrastruktúra fejlesztése című projekt célja a Koknese megyei Koknese falu ipari területén működő helyi vállalkozók számára szükséges üzleti környezet és közlekedési infrastruktúra fejlesztése, az üzleti alkalmazottak, az ügyfelek és a helyi lakosok hozzáférésének javítása a kereskedelmi területhez, a minőségi és rendezett infrastruktúra fejlesztésének támogatása a modern igényeknek megfelelően. 464 781,70 EUR, beleértve az ERFA-hozzájárulást 395 064,45 EUR. A projekt végrehajtásának időtartama: 2015. december 1. – 2017. december 31. (a CFLA határozatának kézhezvételét követően várható kezdőidő – 2017. március 1.)A fő projekttevékenységek:1) Technikai projektek és becslések kidolgozása; 2) minősített építőipari mérnök szakértői véleménye a közszolgáltatás nyújtásához szükséges infrastruktúra károsodásának kockázatáról; 3) A helyi területen meghatározott „munkaterület” ipari ingatlan építése, keringető betonburkolat létrehozása, közvilágítási rendszer és esővíz-elvezetés összesen 0,313 km-es megépítésével;). A közmű kiterjedése, a „Munkahely” ingatlanban a „Munkahely” területén az ipari infrastruktúra keretén belül a közhasznú és települési szennyvízelvezető hálózatok építése;)Az üzemeltető közhasznú és az út teljes hosszára kiterjedő települési telek építése; Az önkormányzat nevezetességei alatt, valamint a helyi csatornahálózatok építése a „Munka” ingatlanon belül az ipari infrastruktúra keretében; 5) az önkormányzat vezetése; valamint a város ipari infrastruktúrája szempontjából meghatározó önkormányzati terület megépítése;).Unsupermanufactur és közüzemi hálózatok építése az „Munkaterület” ingatlanon belül az ipari infrastruktúra keretében;)az állami infrastruktúra megfigyelése alatt;)az önkormányzat mérföldkőnek számító infrastruktúrája alatt; 2 km-en belül, és)a helyi csatornahálózat kiépítésével a „Munkaterület” ingatlanban az ipari fejlesztés érdekében;)az út megfigyelőközpontja alatt;)az önkormányzat nevezetes infrastruktúrája alatt; 3) Az önkormányzat mérföldkövei között [...] a város területén a „munkahely” 35 648 km-től, amely a betonburkolat megépítéséhez szükséges, megépíti a közvilágítási rendszert és az esővíz-elvezető rendszert 0,313 km teljes hosszában; 4)Under the municipality’s landfront and municipal utilities are using the landmark and municipal landmarks for the real estate “Workplace ground” for industrial development,)Under the operator’s administration in a total amount of 0.313 km;Under-operasion landmark and municipal landmarks in the project use of the landmarks within the real estate “Workplaceground” for the improvement of the road infrastructure;Under the operator’s landmarks and the construction of the landmarks in the total length of the road;Under the landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;)Uncreat of the road infrastructure of the landmark;)Unclinator of landmarks and landmarks for public utility;)Under the public utility, 14 km, and)Undermanufacturable landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;)Under of the landmarked in the roadside;)Under of the landsugarity of 14 km;).Uncluit for the construction of landmarked landmarks, for the construction of landmarked concrete, constructing a street lighting system and building a rainwater drainage system for a total of 0.313 km;Under the municipality’s landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;).Unsuperform of the landmark and municipal landmarks for the road infrastructure;Under the oblique of the public utility;)Under the operator’s landmarks and landmarks in the roadside;)Under the locations of the landmarks, and)Under the landmarkthinner, and)Installation of the road from the landmarks, and)Unsuperform of the landmarks, and)Installation of the road of a landmarked landside;Under the 00 km;Under the construction of a landmarked road;)Construction of public utility, and)Undertaking of the landmark landsite;Unclining of the landmarks of the road;Outside of the landmark, and)Unsuperforming the road of the landmark, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a road for building and constructing a wallpaper, constructing a street lighting system and constructing a street of industrial landmarks for a total length of 0.2 km;).Oclinning of the landmark and municipal landmarks;)Undertaking of the landmarks, and)Uncattribution of public service;Uncludance for public transport;)Under the public utility of the road;Under the municipality’s landmarks for real estate “Workplaceground” from the road to create a wallpaper, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a street (Hungarian)
    3 August 2022
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    Cílem projektu „Rozvoj infrastruktury pro podnikání v Koknese vesničce Koknese“ je rozvoj podnikatelského prostředí a dopravní infrastruktury nezbytné pro místní podnikatele na průmyslovém území obce Koknese County Koknese, zlepšení přístupových příležitostí pro obchodní zaměstnance, zákazníky a místní obyvatele do komerční oblasti, podporu rozvoje kvalitní a řádné infrastruktury podle moderních požadavků. 464 781,70 EUR, včetně příspěvku z EFRR 395 064,45 EUR. Doba trvání realizace projektu: 1. prosince 2015–31. prosince 2017 (očekávané počáteční období po obdržení rozhodnutí CFLA – 1. března 2017)Hlavní projektové činnosti:1)Rozvoj technických projektů a odhadů; 2) Certifikovaný posudek stavebního inženýra o riziku poškození infrastruktury nezbytné pro poskytování veřejné služby; 3)Výstavba průmyslového vlastnictví „Pracovní plocha“ definované na místním území vytvořením valčího betonového krytu, vybudováním systému pouličního osvětlení a odvodnění dešťové vody o celkové délce 0,313 km;).V rozsahu veřejné užitkovosti, výstavby pozemních a obecních kanalizačních sítí v nemovitostech „Práce“ v rámci průmyslové infrastruktury;)Podle veřejného užitku provozovatele a výstavby obecního pozemku po celkovou délku silnice;Pod přelomovými pozemky obce a výstavbou místních kanalizačních sítí v rámci nemovitosti „Praciště“ v rámci průmyslové infrastruktury; 5)nepodmíněné řízení obce; a výstavba městského orientačního území pro průmyslovou infrastrukturu města;)nevysoký výrobce a výstavba sítí veřejných služeb v rámci „Pracovního pozemku“ v rámci průmyslové infrastruktury;)v rámci pozorování veřejné infrastruktury;)v rámci orientační infrastruktury obce;d 2 km, a) při výstavbě místní kanalizační sítě v oblasti nemovitostí „Pracovní plocha“ pro průmyslový rozvoj;)pod observatoří silnice;)Pomocí orientační infrastruktury obce; 3)Pod orientačními památkami obce, [...]Podle území města „Pracovní místo“ od 35 648 km, které jsou nezbytné pro výstavbu betonového krytu, vybudovat systém pouličního osvětlení a odvodňovací systém dešťové vody o celkové délce 0,313 km; 4)Under the municipality’s landfront and municipal utilities are using the landmark and municipal landmarks for the real estate “Workplace ground” for industrial development,)Under the operator’s administration in a total amount of 0.313 km;Under-operasion landmark and municipal landmarks in the project use of the landmarks within the real estate “Workplaceground” for the improvement of the road infrastructure;Under the operator’s landmarks and the construction of the landmarks in the total length of the road;Under the landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;)Uncreat of the road infrastructure of the landmark;)Unclinator of landmarks and landmarks for public utility;)Under the public utility, 14 km, and)Undermanufacturable landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;)Under of the landmarked in the roadside;)Under of the landsugarity of 14 km;).Uncluit for the construction of landmarked landmarks, for the construction of landmarked concrete, constructing a street lighting system and building a rainwater drainage system for a total of 0.313 km;Under the municipality’s landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;).Unsuperform of the landmark and municipal landmarks for the road infrastructure;Under the oblique of the public utility;)Under the operator’s landmarks and landmarks in the roadside;)Under the locations of the landmarks, and)Under the landmarkthinner, and)Installation of the road from the landmarks, and)Unsuperform of the landmarks, and)Installation of the road of a landmarked landside;Under the 00 km;Under the construction of a landmarked road;)Construction of public utility, and)Undertaking of the landmark landsite;Unclining of the landmarks of the road;Outside of the landmark, and)Unsuperforming the road of the landmark, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a road for building and constructing a wallpaper, constructing a street lighting system and constructing a street of industrial landmarks for a total length of 0.2 km;).Oclinning of the landmark and municipal landmarks;)Undertaking of the landmarks, and)Uncattribution of public service;Uncludance for public transport;)Under the public utility of the road;Under the municipality’s landmarks for real estate “Workplaceground” from the road to create a wallpaper, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a street (Czech)
    3 August 2022
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    Is é aidhm an tionscadail “Forbairt Bonneagair do Fhiontraíocht Fiontraíochta i Koknese County Koknese Village” an timpeallacht ghnó agus an bonneagar tráchta atá riachtanach d’fhiontraithe áitiúla i gcríoch thionsclaíoch sráidbhaile Koknese County Koknese a fhorbairt, feabhas a chur ar dheiseanna rochtana d’fhostaithe gnó, do chustaiméirí agus do chónaitheoirí áitiúla chuig an limistéar tráchtála, forbairt bonneagair ardchaighdeáin agus ordúil a chur chun cinn de réir riachtanais nua-aimseartha. EUR 464781,70, lena n-áirítear ranníocaíocht CFRE EUR 395064,45. Fad chur chun feidhme an tionscadail: Nollaig 1, 2015-31 Nollaig 2017 (a bhfuiltear ag súil leis go gcuirfear tús leis an téarma tar éis chinneadh CFLA a fháil — 1 Márta 2017)Na príomhghníomhaíochtaí tionscadail: 1)Tionscadail theicniúla agus meastacháin a fhorbairt; 2) Tuairim ó Shaineolaí an Innealtóra Foirgníochta Deimhnithe maidir leis an mbaol go ndéanfaí damáiste don bhonneagar is gá chun an tseirbhís phoiblí a sholáthar; 3) Tógáil na maoine tionsclaíche “talamh ionad oibre” a shainmhínítear sa chríoch áitiúil, trí chlúdach coincréite waltz a chruthú, an córas soilsithe sráide agus an draenáil uisce báistí a thógáil le haghaidh iomlán 0.313 km;).Faoi scóip an fhóntais phoiblí, tógáil na líonraí séarachais cois talún agus cathrach san eastát réadach “Áit oibre” laistigh de chreat an bhonneagair thionsclaíoch;)Faoi fhóntas poiblí an oibreora agus tógáil an láithreáin talún bhardasaigh ar feadh fhad iomlán an bhóthair; 5)bainistíocht fholuiteach an bhardais; agus tógáil na críche sainchomhartha cathrach do bhonneagar tionsclaíoch na cathrach;).Unsupermanufactur agus tógáil líonraí fóntais phoiblí laistigh den eastát réadach “workGround” laistigh de chreat an bhonneagair thionsclaíoch;)Faoi observativity an bhonneagair phoiblí;)Faoi bhonneagar suntasach an bhardais; Faoi bhun 2 km, agus)Faoi thógáil an líonra séarachais áitiúil san eastát réadach “limistéar Ionad Oibre” le haghaidh forbartha tionsclaíche;)Faoi fhaireachlann an bhóthair;)Faoi bhonneagar sainchomhartha an bhardais; 3)Faoi shainchomharthaí sainchomharthaí an bhardas, [...]Faoi chríoch “áit oibre” na cathrach ó 35 648 km, atá riachtanach chun clúdach coincréite a thógáil, an córas soilsithe sráide agus an córas draenála uisce báistí a thógáil le haghaidh fad iomlán 0.313 km; 4)Under the municipality’s landfront and municipal utilities are using the landmark and municipal landmarks for the real estate “Workplace ground” for industrial development,)Under the operator’s administration in a total amount of 0.313 km;Under-operasion landmark and municipal landmarks in the project use of the landmarks within the real estate “Workplaceground” for the improvement of the road infrastructure;Under the operator’s landmarks and the construction of the landmarks in the total length of the road;Under the landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;)Uncreat of the road infrastructure of the landmark;)Unclinator of landmarks and landmarks for public utility;)Under the public utility, 14 km, and)Undermanufacturable landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;)Under of the landmarked in the roadside;)Under of the landsugarity of 14 km;).Uncluit for the construction of landmarked landmarks, for the construction of landmarked concrete, constructing a street lighting system and building a rainwater drainage system for a total of 0.313 km;Under the municipality’s landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;).Unsuperform of the landmark and municipal landmarks for the road infrastructure;Under the oblique of the public utility;)Under the operator’s landmarks and landmarks in the roadside;)Under the locations of the landmarks, and)Under the landmarkthinner, and)Installation of the road from the landmarks, and)Unsuperform of the landmarks, and)Installation of the road of a landmarked landside;Under the 00 km;Under the construction of a landmarked road;)Construction of public utility, and)Undertaking of the landmark landsite;Unclining of the landmarks of the road;Outside of the landmark, and)Unsuperforming the road of the landmark, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a road for building and constructing a wallpaper, constructing a street lighting system and constructing a street of industrial landmarks for a total length of 0.2 km;).Oclinning of the landmark and municipal landmarks;)Undertaking of the landmarks, and)Uncattribution of public service;Uncludance for public transport;)Under the public utility of the road;Under the municipality’s landmarks for real estate “Workplaceground” from the road to create a wallpaper, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a street (Irish)
    3 August 2022
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    Cilj projekta „Razvoj infrastrukture za podjetniško podjetje v Koknese County Koknese Village“ je razviti poslovno okolje in prometno infrastrukturo, potrebno za lokalne podjetnike na industrijskem območju Koknese County vasi Koknese, izboljšanje možnosti dostopa za poslovne delavce, stranke in lokalne prebivalce do trgovskega območja, spodbujanje razvoja kakovosti in urejene infrastrukture v skladu s sodobnimi zahtevami. 464 781,70 EUR, vključno s prispevkom ESRR 395 064,45 EUR. Trajanje izvajanja projekta: December 1, 2015–31. december 2017 (pričakovan začetek obdobja po prejemu odločbe CFLA – 1. marec 2017)Glavne projektne dejavnosti:1)Razvoj tehničnih projektov in ocen; 2) potrjeno strokovno mnenje gradbenega inženirja o tveganju poškodbe infrastrukture, potrebne za opravljanje javne službe; 3)gradnjo industrijske lastnine „delovno zemljišče“, opredeljeno na lokalnem ozemlju, z oblikovanjem betonskega pokrova valtza, gradnjo sistema ulične razsvetljave in izsuševanja deževnice za skupno 0,313 km; pod javno komunalno dejavnostjo upravljavca in gradnjo občinskega zemljišča za celotno dolžino ceste;pod krajevnimi znamenitostmi občine in gradnjo lokalnih kanalizacijskih omrežij v nepremičnini „Delovno mesto“ v okviru industrijske infrastrukture; 5)podjetje občine; in gradnjo občinskega krajevnega območja za industrijsko infrastrukturo mesta;)Unsupermanufactur in gradnjo javnih komunalnih omrežij v nepremičnini „Delovno območje“ v okviru industrijske infrastrukture;)pod nadzorom javne infrastrukture;)pod krajevno infrastrukturo občine; do 2 km in) pri gradnji lokalnega kanalizacijskega omrežja v nepremičnini „delovno območje“ za industrijski razvoj;)pod opazovalnico ceste;)pod krajevno infrastrukturo občine; 3)pod znamenitostmi občine [...]pod mestnim ozemljem „Workplaceground“ od 35 648 km, ki so potrebni za gradnjo betonskega pokrova, zgraditi sistem ulične razsvetljave in drenažni sistem deževnice v skupni dolžini 0,313 km; 4)Under the municipality’s landfront and municipal utilities are using the landmark and municipal landmarks for the real estate “Workplace ground” for industrial development,)Under the operator’s administration in a total amount of 0.313 km;Under-operasion landmark and municipal landmarks in the project use of the landmarks within the real estate “Workplaceground” for the improvement of the road infrastructure;Under the operator’s landmarks and the construction of the landmarks in the total length of the road;Under the landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;)Uncreat of the road infrastructure of the landmark;)Unclinator of landmarks and landmarks for public utility;)Under the public utility, 14 km, and)Undermanufacturable landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;)Under of the landmarked in the roadside;)Under of the landsugarity of 14 km;).Uncluit for the construction of landmarked landmarks, for the construction of landmarked concrete, constructing a street lighting system and building a rainwater drainage system for a total of 0.313 km;Under the municipality’s landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;).Unsuperform of the landmark and municipal landmarks for the road infrastructure;Under the oblique of the public utility;)Under the operator’s landmarks and landmarks in the roadside;)Under the locations of the landmarks, and)Under the landmarkthinner, and)Installation of the road from the landmarks, and)Unsuperform of the landmarks, and)Installation of the road of a landmarked landside;Under the 00 km;Under the construction of a landmarked road;)Construction of public utility, and)Undertaking of the landmark landsite;Unclining of the landmarks of the road;Outside of the landmark, and)Unsuperforming the road of the landmark, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a road for building and constructing a wallpaper, constructing a street lighting system and constructing a street of industrial landmarks for a total length of 0.2 km;).Oclinning of the landmark and municipal landmarks;)Undertaking of the landmarks, and)Uncattribution of public service;Uncludance for public transport;)Under the public utility of the road;Under the municipality’s landmarks for real estate “Workplaceground” from the road to create a wallpaper, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a street (Slovenian)
    3 August 2022
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    Целта на проекта „Развитие на инфраструктурата за предприемачество в село Кокнезе“ е да се развие бизнес средата и пътната инфраструктура, необходими за местните предприемачи в индустриалната територия на село Кокнезе, подобряване на възможностите за достъп на бизнес служители, клиенти и местни жители до търговската зона, насърчаване на развитието на качествена и подредена инфраструктура в съответствие със съвременните изисквания. 464 781,70 EUR, включително принос от ЕФРР 395 064,45 EUR. Продължителност на изпълнението на проекта: 1 декември 2015 г. — 31 декември 2017 г. (очаква се начален срок след получаване на решение на CFLA — 1 март 2017 г.)Основните дейности по проекта:1)Разработване на технически проекти и прогнози; 2) Сертифицирано експертно становище на строителен инженер относно риска от повреда на инфраструктурата, необходима за предоставянето на обществената услуга; 3)Изграждане на промишлен имот „Работно място„, дефиниран на местна територия, чрез създаване на валцов бетонно покритие, изграждане на система за улично осветление и отводняване на дъждовна вода за общо 0,313 км;).В рамките на обществената услуга, изграждането на поземлената и общинската канализационна мрежа в недвижимия имот „Работно място“ в рамките на промишлената инфраструктура;)В рамките на обществената услуга на оператора и изграждането на общинската земя за общата дължина на пътя;По забележителностите на общината и изграждането на местните канализационни мрежи в рамките на недвижимия имот „Работно място“ в рамките на промишлената инфраструктура; 5)управление на общината; изграждане на общинска забележителна територия за промишлената инфраструктура на града;).Под наблюдението на обществената инфраструктура;)под забележителната инфраструктура на общината; под 2 км, и)При изграждането на местната канализационна мрежа в недвижимия имот „Работна зона“ за промишлено развитие;)под обсерваторията на пътя;)под забележителната инфраструктура на общината;)В рамките на забележителната инфраструктура на общината; 3)По забележителностите на общината, [...]На територията на града „Работна площадка“ от 35648 км, които са необходими за изграждането на бетонно покритие, изграждат системата за улично осветление и дренажната система за дъждовна вода с обща дължина 0,313 км; 4)Under the municipality’s landfront and municipal utilities are using the landmark and municipal landmarks for the real estate “Workplace ground” for industrial development,)Under the operator’s administration in a total amount of 0.313 km;Under-operasion landmark and municipal landmarks in the project use of the landmarks within the real estate “Workplaceground” for the improvement of the road infrastructure;Under the operator’s landmarks and the construction of the landmarks in the total length of the road;Under the landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;)Uncreat of the road infrastructure of the landmark;)Unclinator of landmarks and landmarks for public utility;)Under the public utility, 14 km, and)Undermanufacturable landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;)Under of the landmarked in the roadside;)Under of the landsugarity of 14 km;).Uncluit for the construction of landmarked landmarks, for the construction of landmarked concrete, constructing a street lighting system and building a rainwater drainage system for a total of 0.313 km;Under the municipality’s landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;).Unsuperform of the landmark and municipal landmarks for the road infrastructure;Under the oblique of the public utility;)Under the operator’s landmarks and landmarks in the roadside;)Under the locations of the landmarks, and)Under the landmarkthinner, and)Installation of the road from the landmarks, and)Unsuperform of the landmarks, and)Installation of the road of a landmarked landside;Under the 00 km;Under the construction of a landmarked road;)Construction of public utility, and)Undertaking of the landmark landsite;Unclining of the landmarks of the road;Outside of the landmark, and)Unsuperforming the road of the landmark, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a road for building and constructing a wallpaper, constructing a street lighting system and constructing a street of industrial landmarks for a total length of 0.2 km;).Oclinning of the landmark and municipal landmarks;)Undertaking of the landmarks, and)Uncattribution of public service;Uncludance for public transport;)Under the public utility of the road;Under the municipality’s landmarks for real estate “Workplaceground” from the road to create a wallpaper, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a street (Bulgarian)
    3 August 2022
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    L-għan tal-proġett “Development of Infrastructure for Entrepreneurial Enterprise in Koknese County Koknese Village” huwa li jiżviluppa l-ambjent tan-negozju u l-infrastruttura tat-traffiku meħtieġa għall-intraprendituri lokali fit-territorju industrijali tar-raħal ta’ Koknese County Koknese, itejjeb l-opportunitajiet ta’ aċċess għall-impjegati tan-negozju, il-klijenti u r-residenti lokali fiż-żona kummerċjali, jippromwovi l-iżvilupp ta’ infrastruttura ta’ kwalità u ordnata skont ir-rekwiżiti moderni. EUR 464781,70, inkluża l-kontribuzzjoni tal-FEŻR EUR 395064,45. Tul ta’ żmien tal-implimentazzjoni tal-proġett: Diċembru 1, 2015–31 ta’ Diċembru 2017 (terminu tal-bidu mistenni wara l-wasla tad-deċiżjoni tas-CFLA — 1 ta’ Marzu 2017)L-attivitajiet ewlenin tal-proġett:1)L-iżvilupp ta’ proġetti u stimi tekniċi; 2)L-Opinjoni Espert tal-Inġinier tal-Kostruzzjoni Ċċertifikat dwar ir-riskju ta’ ħsara lill-infrastruttura meħtieġa għall-forniment tas-servizz pubbliku; 3) Il-kostruzzjoni tal-proprjetà industrijali “Art tal-post tax-xogħol” definita fit-territorju lokali, bil-ħolqien ta’ kopertura tal-konkrit waltz, il-kostruzzjoni tas-sistema tad-dawl tat-toroq u l-iskular tal-ilma tax-xita għal total ta’ 0.313 km;).Fl-ambitu tal-utilità pubblika, il-kostruzzjoni tal-art muniċipali u n-netwerks tad-drenaġġ muniċipali fil-proprjetà immobbli “Post tax-Xogħol” fil-qafas tal-infrastruttura industrijali;)Taħt l-utilità pubblika tal-operatur u l-kostruzzjoni tas-sit muniċipali tal-art għat-tul totali tat-triq; 5)taħt il-ġestjoni tal-muniċipalità; u l-kostruzzjoni tat-territorju muniċipali storiku għall-infrastruttura industrijali tal-belt;).Unsupermanufactur u l-kostruzzjoni ta’ netwerks ta’ utilità pubblika fi ħdan il-proprjetà immobbli “Workground” fi ħdan il-qafas tal-infrastruttura industrijali;)Taħt l-osservattività tal-infrastruttura pubblika;)Taħt l-infrastruttura ewlenija tal-muniċipalità; taħt 2 km, u)Taħt il-bini tan-netwerk lokali tad-drenaġġ fil-proprjetà immobbli “żona tax-xogħol” għall-iżvilupp industrijali;)Taħt l-osservatorju tat-triq;)Taħt l-infrastruttura ewlenija tal-muniċipalità; 3)Taħt il-kwartieri ewlenin tal-muniċipalità, [...]Taħt it-territorju tal-belt “Post tax-Xogħol” minn 35 648 km, li huma meħtieġa għall-kostruzzjoni ta’ kopertura konkreta, tibni s-sistema tad-dawl tat-toroq u s-sistema tad-drenaġġ tal-ilma tax-xita għat-tul totali ta’ 0.313 km; 4)Under the municipality’s landfront and municipal utilities are using the landmark and municipal landmarks for the real estate “Workplace ground” for industrial development,)Under the operator’s administration in a total amount of 0.313 km;Under-operasion landmark and municipal landmarks in the project use of the landmarks within the real estate “Workplaceground” for the improvement of the road infrastructure;Under the operator’s landmarks and the construction of the landmarks in the total length of the road;Under the landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;)Uncreat of the road infrastructure of the landmark;)Unclinator of landmarks and landmarks for public utility;)Under the public utility, 14 km, and)Undermanufacturable landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;)Under of the landmarked in the roadside;)Under of the landsugarity of 14 km;).Uncluit for the construction of landmarked landmarks, for the construction of landmarked concrete, constructing a street lighting system and building a rainwater drainage system for a total of 0.313 km;Under the municipality’s landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;).Unsuperform of the landmark and municipal landmarks for the road infrastructure;Under the oblique of the public utility;)Under the operator’s landmarks and landmarks in the roadside;)Under the locations of the landmarks, and)Under the landmarkthinner, and)Installation of the road from the landmarks, and)Unsuperform of the landmarks, and)Installation of the road of a landmarked landside;Under the 00 km;Under the construction of a landmarked road;)Construction of public utility, and)Undertaking of the landmark landsite;Unclining of the landmarks of the road;Outside of the landmark, and)Unsuperforming the road of the landmark, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a road for building and constructing a wallpaper, constructing a street lighting system and constructing a street of industrial landmarks for a total length of 0.2 km;).Oclinning of the landmark and municipal landmarks;)Undertaking of the landmarks, and)Uncattribution of public service;Uncludance for public transport;)Under the public utility of the road;Under the municipality’s landmarks for real estate “Workplaceground” from the road to create a wallpaper, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a street (Maltese)
    3 August 2022
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    O objetivo do projeto «Desenvolvimento de Infraestrutura para Empresas Empreendedoras em Koknese County Koknese Village» é desenvolver o ambiente de negócios e infraestrutura de tráfego necessária para os empresários locais no território industrial da aldeia Koknese County Koknese, melhorando as oportunidades de acesso para funcionários empresariais, clientes e residentes locais para a área comercial, promovendo o desenvolvimento de qualidade e infraestrutura ordenada de acordo com os requisitos modernos. 464 781,70 EUR, incluindo a contribuição do FEDER 395 064,45 EUR. Duração da execução do projeto: 1 de dezembro de 2015 — 31 de dezembro de 2017 (previsto prazo inicial após receção da decisão da CFLA — 1 de março de 2017)As principais atividades do projeto:1)Desenvolvimento de projetos técnicos e estimativas; 2)Parecer de Especialista do Engenheiro de Construção Certificado sobre o risco de danos à infraestrutura necessária para a prestação do serviço público; 3)Construção da propriedade industrial «terreno de trabalho» definido no território local, através da criação de uma cobertura de betão valsa, construção do sistema de iluminação pública e drenagem de águas pluviais por um total de 0,313 km;).No âmbito da utilidade pública, a construção das redes de esgotos de terra e municipais no imóvel «Local de trabalho» no âmbito da infraestrutura industrial;)Sob a utilidade pública do operador e a construção do terreno municipal para o comprimento total da estrada; Sob as terras históricas do concelho e a construção das redes locais de esgotos dentro do imóvel «Local de trabalho» no âmbito da infraestrutura industrial; 5)Gestão insuficiente do município; e a construção do território histórico municipal para a infraestrutura industrial da cidade;).Unsuperfabrico e a construção de redes de serviços públicos dentro do imóvel «Workground» no âmbito da infraestrutura industrial;)Sob a observatividade da infraestrutura pública;)Sob a infraestrutura de referência do concelho;Menos de 2 km, e)Sob a construção da rede local de esgotos no imóvel «Área de Trabalho» para o desenvolvimento industrial;)Sob o observatório da estrada;)Sob a infraestrutura de referência do concelho; 3) Sob os marcos históricos do concelho, [...] Sob o território da cidade «Workplaceground» a partir de 35 648 km, que são necessários para a construção de cobertura de concreto, construir o sistema de iluminação pública e o sistema de drenagem de águas pluviais para o comprimento total de 0,313 km; 4)Under the municipality’s landfront and municipal utilities are using the landmark and municipal landmarks for the real estate “Workplace ground” for industrial development,)Under the operator’s administration in a total amount of 0.313 km;Under-operasion landmark and municipal landmarks in the project use of the landmarks within the real estate “Workplaceground” for the improvement of the road infrastructure;Under the operator’s landmarks and the construction of the landmarks in the total length of the road;Under the landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;)Uncreat of the road infrastructure of the landmark;)Unclinator of landmarks and landmarks for public utility;)Under the public utility, 14 km, and)Undermanufacturable landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;)Under of the landmarked in the roadside;)Under of the landsugarity of 14 km;).Uncluit for the construction of landmarked landmarks, for the construction of landmarked concrete, constructing a street lighting system and building a rainwater drainage system for a total of 0.313 km;Under the municipality’s landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;).Unsuperform of the landmark and municipal landmarks for the road infrastructure;Under the oblique of the public utility;)Under the operator’s landmarks and landmarks in the roadside;)Under the locations of the landmarks, and)Under the landmarkthinner, and)Installation of the road from the landmarks, and)Unsuperform of the landmarks, and)Installation of the road of a landmarked landside;Under the 00 km;Under the construction of a landmarked road;)Construction of public utility, and)Undertaking of the landmark landsite;Unclining of the landmarks of the road;Outside of the landmark, and)Unsuperforming the road of the landmark, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a road for building and constructing a wallpaper, constructing a street lighting system and constructing a street of industrial landmarks for a total length of 0.2 km;).Oclinning of the landmark and municipal landmarks;)Undertaking of the landmarks, and)Uncattribution of public service;Uncludance for public transport;)Under the public utility of the road;Under the municipality’s landmarks for real estate “Workplaceground” from the road to create a wallpaper, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a street (Portuguese)
    3 August 2022
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    Formålet med projektet "Udvikling af infrastruktur til iværksættervirksomhed i Koknese County Koknese Village" er at udvikle det erhvervsmiljø og den trafikinfrastruktur, der er nødvendig for lokale iværksættere i det industrielle område i Koknese County Koknese landsby, forbedre adgangsmulighederne for erhvervsmedarbejdere, kunder og lokale beboere til det kommercielle område, fremme udviklingen af kvalitet og velordnet infrastruktur i overensstemmelse med moderne krav. 464 781,70 EUR, inkl. EFRU-bidrag 395 064,45 EUR. Projektgennemførelsens varighed: December 1, 2015-31. december 2017 (forventet startperiode efter modtagelse af CFLA's afgørelse — 1. marts 2017)De vigtigste projektaktiviteter:1)Udvikling af tekniske projekter og skøn 2)Certified Construction Engineer's ekspertudtalelse om risikoen for skader på den infrastruktur, der er nødvendig for levering af den offentlige tjeneste; 3)Opførelse af den industrielle ejendomsret "Arbejdsplads" defineret i det lokale område, ved at skabe et vals betondæksel, konstruere gadebelysningssystemet og regnvandsdræn for i alt 0,313 km;).Under omfanget af den offentlige forsyningsvirksomhed, opførelsen af ​​jorden og kommunale kloaknet i fast ejendom "Arbejdsplads" inden for rammerne af den industrielle infrastruktur) Under operatørens offentlige forsyningsvirksomhed og opførelsen af den kommunale grundplads for den samlede længde af vejen; Under kommunens vartegn landområder og opførelse af de lokale kloaknet inden for fast ejendom "arbejdsplads" inden for rammerne af den industrielle infrastruktur; 5)underlig forvaltning af kommunen; og opførelse af den kommunale skelsættende område for byens industrielle infrastruktur;).Usuperfabrikation og opførelse af offentlige forsyningsnet inden for fast ejendom "Arbejdsplads" inden for rammerne af den industrielle infrastruktur;)Under observativitet af den offentlige infrastruktur;)Under kommunens skelsættende infrastrukturunder 2 km, og)under opførelsen af det lokale kloaknet i fast ejendom "arbejdsplads område" for industriel udvikling;)Under observatoriet af vejen;)Under kommunens skelsættende infrastruktur 3) Under kommunens vartegn [...] Under byens område "Arbejdsplads" fra 35 648 km, som er nødvendige for opførelsen af betondække, konstruere gadebelysningssystemet og regnvandsafløbssystemet for den samlede længde på 0,313 km; 4)Under the municipality’s landfront and municipal utilities are using the landmark and municipal landmarks for the real estate “Workplace ground” for industrial development,)Under the operator’s administration in a total amount of 0.313 km;Under-operasion landmark and municipal landmarks in the project use of the landmarks within the real estate “Workplaceground” for the improvement of the road infrastructure;Under the operator’s landmarks and the construction of the landmarks in the total length of the road;Under the landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;)Uncreat of the road infrastructure of the landmark;)Unclinator of landmarks and landmarks for public utility;)Under the public utility, 14 km, and)Undermanufacturable landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;)Under of the landmarked in the roadside;)Under of the landsugarity of 14 km;).Uncluit for the construction of landmarked landmarks, for the construction of landmarked concrete, constructing a street lighting system and building a rainwater drainage system for a total of 0.313 km;Under the municipality’s landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;).Unsuperform of the landmark and municipal landmarks for the road infrastructure;Under the oblique of the public utility;)Under the operator’s landmarks and landmarks in the roadside;)Under the locations of the landmarks, and)Under the landmarkthinner, and)Installation of the road from the landmarks, and)Unsuperform of the landmarks, and)Installation of the road of a landmarked landside;Under the 00 km;Under the construction of a landmarked road;)Construction of public utility, and)Undertaking of the landmark landsite;Unclining of the landmarks of the road;Outside of the landmark, and)Unsuperforming the road of the landmark, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a road for building and constructing a wallpaper, constructing a street lighting system and constructing a street of industrial landmarks for a total length of 0.2 km;).Oclinning of the landmark and municipal landmarks;)Undertaking of the landmarks, and)Uncattribution of public service;Uncludance for public transport;)Under the public utility of the road;Under the municipality’s landmarks for real estate “Workplaceground” from the road to create a wallpaper, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a street (Danish)
    3 August 2022
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    Scopul proiectului „Dezvoltarea infrastructurii pentru intreprindere antreprenoriala in comuna Koknese judetul Koknese” este de a dezvolta mediul de afaceri si infrastructura de trafic necesare antreprenorilor locali de pe teritoriul industrial al satului Koknese judetul Koknese, imbunatatind oportunitatile de acces pentru angajatii de afaceri, clientii si locuitorii din zona comerciala, promovand dezvoltarea infrastructurii de calitate si ordonata conform cerintelor moderne. 464 781,70 EUR, inclusiv contribuția FEDR 395 064,45 EUR. Durata implementării proiectului: 1 decembrie 2015-31 decembrie 2017 (termenul de începere preconizat după primirea deciziei CFLA – 1 martie 2017)Principalele activități ale proiectului:1)Dezvoltarea proiectelor tehnice și a estimărilor; 2) Opinia expertului certificat în construcții privind riscul de deteriorare a infrastructurii necesare pentru furnizarea serviciului public; 3)Construirea proprietății industriale „teren de muncă” definită pe teritoriul local, prin crearea unei acoperiri de beton vals, construirea sistemului de iluminat stradal și drenarea apei pluviale pentru un total de 0,313 km;).În sfera de aplicare a utilității publice, construirea rețelelor de canalizare la sol și municipale în imobilul „Loc de muncă” în cadrul infrastructurii industriale;)În cadrul utilității publice a operatorului și construirea terenului municipal pentru lungimea totală a drumului;În cadrul infrastructurii industriale; 5) conducerea subordonată a municipalității; și construirea teritoriului de reper municipal pentru infrastructura industrială a orașului;).Unsupermanufactur și construirea de rețele de utilități publice în cadrul domeniului imobiliar „Loc de lucru” în cadrul infrastructurii industriale;)sub observativitatea infrastructurii publice;)în cadrul infrastructurii de referință a municipalității; sub 2 km, și)în cadrul construcției rețelei locale de canalizare în domeniul imobiliar „Zona de lucru” pentru dezvoltare industrială;)în cadrul observatorului rutier;)în cadrul infrastructurii de referință a municipalității; 3)În cadrul reperelor de referință ale municipiului, [...]Pe teritoriul orașului „Loc de muncă” de la 35 648 km, care sunt necesare pentru construirea de acoperire de beton, construirea sistemului de iluminat stradal și a sistemului de drenare a apei pluviale pentru lungimea totală de 0,313 km; 4)Under the municipality’s landfront and municipal utilities are using the landmark and municipal landmarks for the real estate “Workplace ground” for industrial development,)Under the operator’s administration in a total amount of 0.313 km;Under-operasion landmark and municipal landmarks in the project use of the landmarks within the real estate “Workplaceground” for the improvement of the road infrastructure;Under the operator’s landmarks and the construction of the landmarks in the total length of the road;Under the landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;)Uncreat of the road infrastructure of the landmark;)Unclinator of landmarks and landmarks for public utility;)Under the public utility, 14 km, and)Undermanufacturable landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;)Under of the landmarked in the roadside;)Under of the landsugarity of 14 km;).Uncluit for the construction of landmarked landmarks, for the construction of landmarked concrete, constructing a street lighting system and building a rainwater drainage system for a total of 0.313 km;Under the municipality’s landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;).Unsuperform of the landmark and municipal landmarks for the road infrastructure;Under the oblique of the public utility;)Under the operator’s landmarks and landmarks in the roadside;)Under the locations of the landmarks, and)Under the landmarkthinner, and)Installation of the road from the landmarks, and)Unsuperform of the landmarks, and)Installation of the road of a landmarked landside;Under the 00 km;Under the construction of a landmarked road;)Construction of public utility, and)Undertaking of the landmark landsite;Unclining of the landmarks of the road;Outside of the landmark, and)Unsuperforming the road of the landmark, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a road for building and constructing a wallpaper, constructing a street lighting system and constructing a street of industrial landmarks for a total length of 0.2 km;).Oclinning of the landmark and municipal landmarks;)Undertaking of the landmarks, and)Uncattribution of public service;Uncludance for public transport;)Under the public utility of the road;Under the municipality’s landmarks for real estate “Workplaceground” from the road to create a wallpaper, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a street (Romanian)
    3 August 2022
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    Syftet med projektet ”Utveckling av infrastruktur för entreprenörskap i Koknese County Koknese Village” är att utveckla den affärsmiljö och trafikinfrastruktur som är nödvändig för lokala entreprenörer i byn Koknese Countys industriområde, förbättra möjligheterna för affärsanställda, kunder och lokalbefolkning att ta sig till handelsområdet, främja utveckling av kvalitet och ordnad infrastruktur enligt moderna krav. 464 781,70 EUR, inklusive Eruf-bidrag 395 064,45 EUR. Projektets genomförandeperiod: 1 december 2015–31 december 2017 (förväntad startperiod efter mottagandet av CFLA:s beslut – 1 mars 2017)De viktigaste projektaktiviteterna:1)Utveckling av tekniska projekt och uppskattningar; 2)Certified Construction Engineer’s Expertutlåtande om risken för skador på den infrastruktur som är nödvändig för tillhandahållandet av den allmännyttiga tjänsten. 3)Konstruktion av den industriella äganderätten ”Arbetsplatsmark” definierad i det lokala territoriet, genom att skapa en vals betonglock, bygga gatubelysningssystem och regnvatten dränering för totalt 0,313 km;). Inom ramen för den allmänna nyttigheten, byggandet av mark- och kommunala avloppsnät i fastigheten ”arbetsplats” inom ramen för den industriella infrastrukturen.)Under operatörens allmännyttiga bruk och byggandet av den kommunala tomten för den totala längden av vägen.Under kommunens landmärken och byggandet av lokala avloppsnät inom fastigheten ”arbetsplats” inom ramen för den industriella infrastrukturen. 5)Underordnad förvaltning av kommunen. byggandet av det kommunala landmärkesområdet för stadens industriinfrastruktur.)Osupertillverkning och uppförande av allmännyttiga nät inom fastigheterna ”Arbetsmiljö” inom ramen för den industriella infrastrukturen.)Under den offentliga infrastrukturens observativitet.)Under kommunens landmärkesinfrastruktur, under 2 km, och)Under byggandet av det lokala avloppsnätet i fastigheterna ”Arbetsplatsområde” för industriell utveckling.)Under observatoriet för vägen.)Under kommunens landmärkesinfrastruktur. 3)Under kommunens landmärken, [...]Under stadens territorium ”Workplaceground” från 35 648 km, som är nödvändiga för att bygga betong täcka, bygga gatubelysning och regnvatten dräneringssystem för den totala längden 0,313 km; 4)Under the municipality’s landfront and municipal utilities are using the landmark and municipal landmarks for the real estate “Workplace ground” for industrial development,)Under the operator’s administration in a total amount of 0.313 km;Under-operasion landmark and municipal landmarks in the project use of the landmarks within the real estate “Workplaceground” for the improvement of the road infrastructure;Under the operator’s landmarks and the construction of the landmarks in the total length of the road;Under the landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;)Uncreat of the road infrastructure of the landmark;)Unclinator of landmarks and landmarks for public utility;)Under the public utility, 14 km, and)Undermanufacturable landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;)Under of the landmarked in the roadside;)Under of the landsugarity of 14 km;).Uncluit for the construction of landmarked landmarks, for the construction of landmarked concrete, constructing a street lighting system and building a rainwater drainage system for a total of 0.313 km;Under the municipality’s landmark and municipal landmarks in the road infrastructure;).Unsuperform of the landmark and municipal landmarks for the road infrastructure;Under the oblique of the public utility;)Under the operator’s landmarks and landmarks in the roadside;)Under the locations of the landmarks, and)Under the landmarkthinner, and)Installation of the road from the landmarks, and)Unsuperform of the landmarks, and)Installation of the road of a landmarked landside;Under the 00 km;Under the construction of a landmarked road;)Construction of public utility, and)Undertaking of the landmark landsite;Unclining of the landmarks of the road;Outside of the landmark, and)Unsuperforming the road of the landmark, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a road for building and constructing a wallpaper, constructing a street lighting system and constructing a street of industrial landmarks for a total length of 0.2 km;).Oclinning of the landmark and municipal landmarks;)Undertaking of the landmarks, and)Uncattribution of public service;Uncludance for public transport;)Under the public utility of the road;Under the municipality’s landmarks for real estate “Workplaceground” from the road to create a wallpaper, constructing a wallpaper, constructing a street (Swedish)
    3 August 2022
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    Melioratoru iela, Koknese, Aizkraukles nov.
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    Austrumu iela 19 k-1, Koknese, Aizkraukles nov., LV-5113
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