Improving the territory of Limbazi city A for business development (Q3056786)

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Project Q3056786 in Latvia
Language Label Description Also known as
Improving the territory of Limbazi city A for business development
Project Q3056786 in Latvia


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    438,991.93 Euro
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    1,158,901.6 Euro
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    37.88 percent
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    2 September 2019
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    1 September 2020
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    Limbažu novada pašvaldība
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    57°31'16.14"N, 24°44'19.82"E
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    57°30'22.64"N, 24°43'37.63"E
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    57°30'39.02"N, 24°43'31.51"E
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    57°30'21.64"N, 24°43'26.04"E
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    Īstenojot projektu un veicot ieguldījumus komersantiem nepieciešamās ielu infrastruktūras pārbūvē un sadzīves kanalizācijas tīklu izbūvē, paredzēts palielināt privāto investīciju apjomu Limbažu novada Limbažu pilsētā.Projekta galvenās darbības ir: inženierizpētes darbu veikšana, būvprojektu izstrāde, Noliktavu un Tīrumu ielu pārbūve, tajā skaitā jaunu sadzīves kanalizācijas tīklu izbūve Noliktavu ielā, būvdarbu autoruzraudzība un būvuzraudzība.Projekta rezultātā tiks pārbūvēta Tīrumu iela (ap 260 m) un Noliktavu iela (ap 1200 m), jauns sadzīves kanalizācijas vads (ap 251 m), atbilstoši spēkā esošajiem būvnormatīviem un izstrādātajiem būvprojektiem.Projekta īstenošanas rezultātā tiks sasniegti šādi iznākuma rādītāji:komersantu skaits, kuri guvuši labumu no projekta ietvaros veiktajām investīcijām infrastruktūrā- 4 komersanti, no projekta ietvaros veiktajām investīcijām infrastruktūrā labumu guvušo komersantu nefinanšu investīcijas pašu nemateriālajos ieguldījumos un pamatlīdzekļos 445800,00 EUR apmērā un jaunizveidoto darba vietu skaits komersantos, kuri guvuši labumu no investīcijām infrastruktūrā (nodarbinātības pieaugums atbalstītajos uzņēmumos) - 11 darba vietas.Projekts tiks īstenots 12 mēnešu laikā pēc vienošanās par projekta īstenošanu noslēgšanas. Tā kopējās izmaksas ir 1201363.98 EUR, no kurām attiecināmās izmaksas ir 1176749.93 EUR, tajā skaitā 445764,62 EUR ERAF līdzfinansējums. (Latvian)
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    By implementing the project and investing in the reconstruction of the street infrastructure required for merchants and construction of household sewerage networks, it is planned to increase the amount of private investments in Limbazi district. Performance of engineering research works, development of construction projects, reconstruction of warehouses and field streets, including construction of new household sewerage networks in No warehouseava street, author supervision of construction works and supervision of construction works.The result of the project will be rebuilt net street (about 260 m) and No Warehouse street (about 1200 m), including new municipal sewer management (about 251 m), in accordance with existing construction normatives and developed building projects.The number of project outputs for the project’s investments in the infrastructure will benefit from non-financial project investments within the company.The following indicators will be achieved after the construction norms and the developed construction projects.The number of the project’s employees will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the project.The following indicators will be obtained from the project’s own labour force after 251 m, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s output of the project – the amount of the project’s investments in the infrastructure will benefit from the non-financial investment in the company (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s outputs in the project will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the non-financial project.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the project, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s works (around 1200 m) will benefit from the project’s investments at the level of non-economic investments within the company.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the project, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s works (around 1200 m) of the project will benefit from the project’s investments within the company, including the new household sewer management line (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed building projects, which will benefit from the project’s works of the project (around 1200 m), which in the amount of the project will benefit from the project’s investments in the amount of non-financial works at the level of the company.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the building norms and developed for the construction projects.The number of the project’s works (about 1200 m) will benefit from the project’s investments within the company, incl. new household sewerage management (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects, which in the project implementation of the project benefited from the project’s investments in the amount of non-economic investments in the amount of non-economic investments in 4 after EUR 251 m, according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects, which will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the project, which in the amount of the project will benefit from Its total cost is EUR 1201363.98, of which the eligible costs are EUR 1176749.93, including EUR 445764.62 ERDF co-financing. (English)
    15 July 2021
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    Dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre du projet et de la réalisation d’investissements dans la reconstruction des infrastructures routières et la construction des réseaux d’assainissement ménagers nécessaires aux commerçants, il est prévu d’augmenter le montant des investissements privés dans la région de Limbazi, ville de Limbaži, dont les principales activités sont les suivantes: réalisation des travaux de recherche d’ingénierie, développement de projets de construction, reconstruction d’entrepôts et de rues Tīrumu, y compris la construction de nouveaux réseaux d’égouts ménagers sur la rue No Warehouse, supervision des travaux de construction et supervision de la construction.Le résultat du projet sera reconstruit Tīrumu iela (environ 260 m) et Nowarehouse Street (environ 1 200 m), y compris un nouveau tuyau d’égout ménager (environ 251 m), conformément aux codes de construction existants et aux conceptions de construction développées.Le résultat de la mise en œuvre du projet sera atteint le résultat suivant rādītāji:komersantu qui a bénéficié d’investissements dans des infrastructures réalisées dans le cadre du projet — 4 commerçants, augmentation des investissements non financiers dans leurs propres actifs incorporels et des entreprises nouvellement investis dans le capital social. Son coût total s’élève à 1 201 363,98 EUR, dont les coûts éligibles s’élèvent à 1 176 749,93 EUR, dont 445 764,62 EUR cofinancés par le FEDER. (French)
    25 November 2021
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    Bei der Durchführung des Projekts und der Investitionen in den Wiederaufbau der Straßeninfrastruktur und den Bau von Kanalisationsnetzen für die Händler ist geplant, den Umfang der privaten Investitionen in Limbazi-Region Limbaži zu erhöhen. Die Hauptaktivitäten des Projekts sind: das Ergebnis des Projekts wird Tīrumu iela (ca. 260 m) und Nowarehouse Street (ca. 1 200 m), einschließlich einer neuen Haushaltskanalleitung (ca. 251 m), entsprechend den bestehenden Bauordnungen und entwickelten Konstruktionsentwürfen.Das Ergebnis der Projektdurchführung wird das folgende Ergebnis erreicht werden rādītāji:komersantu, die von Investitionen in die im Rahmen des Projekts durchgeführte Infrastruktur profitiert haben – 4 Händler, nichtfinanzielle Investitionen in ihre eigene Zahl von Arbeitsplätzen und die Schaffung von Arbeitsplätzen in Höhe von 40,00 EUR. Die Gesamtkosten belaufen sich auf 1 201 363,98 EUR, von denen sich die förderfähigen Kosten auf 1 176 749,93 EUR belaufen, einschließlich 445 764,62 EUR EFRE-Kofinanzierung. (German)
    28 November 2021
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    Bij de uitvoering van het project en het doen van investeringen in de wederopbouw van straatinfrastructuur en de bouw van huishoudelijke rioleringsnetwerken die nodig zijn voor handelaren, is het de bedoeling om het bedrag van de particuliere investeringen in Limbazi-regio Limbaži stad te verhogen. De belangrijkste activiteiten van het project zijn: uitvoering van technische onderzoekswerkzaamheden, ontwikkeling van bouwontwerpen, wederopbouw van magazijnen en straten van Tīrumu, met inbegrip van de bouw van nieuwe huishoudelijke rioleringsnetwerken op No Warehouse Street, auteurstoezicht op bouwwerken en bouwtoezicht.Het resultaat van het project zal worden herbouwd Tīrumu iela (ongeveer 260 m) en Nowarehouse Street (ongeveer 1 200 m), met inbegrip van een nieuwe huishoudelijke rioolpijp (ongeveer 251 m), in overeenstemming met de bestaande bouwvoorschriften en ontwikkelde bouwontwerpen.Het resultaat van de projectuitvoering zal het volgende resultaat worden bereikt rādītāji:komersantu, die hebben geprofiteerd van investeringen in infrastructuur die in het kader van het project zijn uitgevoerd — 4 handelaren, niet-financiële investeringen in hun eigen immateriële investeringen en vaste activa ten belope van 4 EUR. De totale kosten bedragen 1 201 363,98 EUR, waarvan de subsidiabele kosten 1 176 749,93 EUR bedragen, inclusief 445 764,62 EUR medefinanciering uit het EFRO. (Dutch)
    28 November 2021
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    Nell'attuazione del progetto e nella realizzazione di investimenti nella ricostruzione delle infrastrutture stradali e nella costruzione di reti fognarie domestiche necessarie per i commercianti, si prevede di aumentare l'importo degli investimenti privati nella regione Limbazi della città di Limbaži. Le principali attività del progetto sono: esecuzione di lavori di ricerca ingegneristica, sviluppo di progetti edilizi, ricostruzione di magazzini e strade di Tīrumu, compresa la costruzione di nuove reti fognarie domestiche su No Warehouse Street, supervisione autore dei lavori di costruzione e supervisione delle costruzioni.Il risultato del progetto sarà ricostruito Tīrumu iela (circa 260 m) e Nowarehouse Street (circa 1 200 m), compreso un nuovo tubo fognario domestico (circa 251 m), in conformità con i codici edilizi esistenti e progetti di costruzione sviluppati.Il risultato dell'attuazione del progetto sarà raggiunto il seguente risultato rādītāji:komersantu che hanno beneficiato di investimenti in infrastrutture realizzate nell'ambito del progetto — 4 commercianti, investimenti non finanziari in numero di EUR 80 in investimenti fissi e investimenti fissi in investimenti immateriali. Il suo costo totale è di 1 201 363,98 EUR, di cui i costi ammissibili ammontano a 1 176 749,93 EUR, di cui 445 764,62 EUR cofinanziati dal FESR. (Italian)
    11 January 2022
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    En la ejecución del proyecto y la realización de inversiones en la reconstrucción de la infraestructura de las calles y la construcción de redes de alcantarillado domésticas necesarias para los comerciantes, se prevé aumentar la cantidad de inversión privada en la ciudad de Limbaži, región de Limbazi. el resultado del proyecto será reconstruido Tīrumu iela (unos 260 m) y Nowarehouse Street (unos 1 200 m), incluyendo un nuevo tubo de alcantarillado doméstico (alrededor de 251 m), de acuerdo con los códigos de construcción existentes y diseños de construcción desarrollados.El resultado de la ejecución del proyecto se logrará el siguiente resultado: rādītāji:komersantu que se han beneficiado de las inversiones en infraestructuras realizadas en el marco del proyecto — 4 comerciantes, inversiones no financieras en sus propios puestos de trabajo y puestos de trabajo inmateriales, que han creado nuevos puestos de trabajo en activos inmateriales y 480 EUR en activos inmateriales y en activos inmateriales. Su coste total es de 1 201 363,98 EUR, de los cuales los costes subvencionables ascienden a 1 176 749,93 EUR, incluidos 445 764,62 EUR de cofinanciación del FEDER. (Spanish)
    12 January 2022
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    Projekti ellu viies ja investeerides kaupmeestele vajaliku tänavataristu rekonstrueerimisse ja kodumajapidamiste kanalisatsioonivõrkude ehitamisse, on kavas suurendada erainvesteeringute mahtu Limbazi piirkonnas. Performance of engineering research works, development of construction projects, reconstruction of warehouses and field streets, including construction of new household sewerage networks in No warehouseava street, author supervision of construction works and supervision of construction works.The result of the project will be rebuilt net street (about 260 m) and No Warehouse street (about 1200 m), including new municipal sewer management (about 251 m), in accordance with existing construction normatives and developed building projects.The number of project outputs for the project’s investments in the infrastructure will benefit from non-financial project investments within the company.The following indicators will be achieved after the construction norms and the developed construction projects.The number of the project’s employees will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the project.The following indicators will be obtained from the project’s own labour force after 251 m, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s output of the project – the amount of the project’s investments in the infrastructure will benefit from the non-financial investment in the company (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s outputs in the project will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the non-financial project.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the project, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s works (around 1200 m) will benefit from the project’s investments at the level of non-economic investments within the company.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the project, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s works (around 1200 m) of the project will benefit from the project’s investments within the company, including the new household sewer management line (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed building projects, which will benefit from the project’s works of the project (around 1200 m), which in the amount of the project will benefit from the project’s investments in the amount of non-financial works at the level of the company.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the building norms and developed for the construction projects.The number of the project’s works (about 1200 m) will benefit from the project’s investments within the company, incl. new household sewerage management (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects, which in the project implementation of the project benefited from the project’s investments in the amount of non-economic investments in the amount of non-economic investments in 4 after EUR 251 m, according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects, which will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the project, which in the amount of the project will benefit from Its total cost is EUR 1201363.98, of which the eligible costs are EUR 1176749.93, including EUR 445764.62 ERDF co-financing. (Estonian)
    3 August 2022
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    Įgyvendinant projektą ir investuojant į gatvės infrastruktūros, reikalingos prekybininkams ir buitinių kanalizacijos tinklų statybai, rekonstrukciją, planuojama padidinti privačių investicijų sumą Limbazi rajone. Performance of engineering research works, development of construction projects, reconstruction of warehouses and field streets, including construction of new household sewerage networks in No warehouseava street, author supervision of construction works and supervision of construction works.The result of the project will be rebuilt net street (about 260 m) and No Warehouse street (about 1200 m), including new municipal sewer management (about 251 m), in accordance with existing construction normatives and developed building projects.The number of project outputs for the project’s investments in the infrastructure will benefit from non-financial project investments within the company.The following indicators will be achieved after the construction norms and the developed construction projects.The number of the project’s employees will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the project.The following indicators will be obtained from the project’s own labour force after 251 m, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s output of the project – the amount of the project’s investments in the infrastructure will benefit from the non-financial investment in the company (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s outputs in the project will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the non-financial project.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the project, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s works (around 1200 m) will benefit from the project’s investments at the level of non-economic investments within the company.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the project, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s works (around 1200 m) of the project will benefit from the project’s investments within the company, including the new household sewer management line (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed building projects, which will benefit from the project’s works of the project (around 1200 m), which in the amount of the project will benefit from the project’s investments in the amount of non-financial works at the level of the company.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the building norms and developed for the construction projects.The number of the project’s works (about 1200 m) will benefit from the project’s investments within the company, incl. new household sewerage management (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects, which in the project implementation of the project benefited from the project’s investments in the amount of non-economic investments in the amount of non-economic investments in 4 after EUR 251 m, according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects, which will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the project, which in the amount of the project will benefit from Its total cost is EUR 1201363.98, of which the eligible costs are EUR 1176749.93, including EUR 445764.62 ERDF co-financing. (Lithuanian)
    3 August 2022
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    Provedbom projekta i ulaganjem u rekonstrukciju ulične infrastrukture potrebne za trgovce i izgradnju kanalizacijskih mreža kućanstava planira se povećati iznos privatnih ulaganja u okrugu Limbazi. Performance of engineering research works, development of construction projects, reconstruction of warehouses and field streets, including construction of new household sewerage networks in No warehouseava street, author supervision of construction works and supervision of construction works.The result of the project will be rebuilt net street (about 260 m) and No Warehouse street (about 1200 m), including new municipal sewer management (about 251 m), in accordance with existing construction normatives and developed building projects.The number of project outputs for the project’s investments in the infrastructure will benefit from non-financial project investments within the company.The following indicators will be achieved after the construction norms and the developed construction projects.The number of the project’s employees will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the project.The following indicators will be obtained from the project’s own labour force after 251 m, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s output of the project – the amount of the project’s investments in the infrastructure will benefit from the non-financial investment in the company (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s outputs in the project will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the non-financial project.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the project, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s works (around 1200 m) will benefit from the project’s investments at the level of non-economic investments within the company.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the project, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s works (around 1200 m) of the project will benefit from the project’s investments within the company, including the new household sewer management line (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed building projects, which will benefit from the project’s works of the project (around 1200 m), which in the amount of the project will benefit from the project’s investments in the amount of non-financial works at the level of the company.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the building norms and developed for the construction projects.The number of the project’s works (about 1200 m) will benefit from the project’s investments within the company, incl. new household sewerage management (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects, which in the project implementation of the project benefited from the project’s investments in the amount of non-economic investments in the amount of non-economic investments in 4 after EUR 251 m, according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects, which will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the project, which in the amount of the project will benefit from Its total cost is EUR 1201363.98, of which the eligible costs are EUR 1176749.93, including EUR 445764.62 ERDF co-financing. (Croatian)
    3 August 2022
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    Με την υλοποίηση του έργου και την επένδυση στην ανακατασκευή της οδικής υποδομής που απαιτείται για τους εμπόρους και την κατασκευή οικιακών αποχετευτικών δικτύων, προβλέπεται να αυξηθεί το ποσό των ιδιωτικών επενδύσεων στην περιοχή Λιμπάζη. Performance of engineering research works, development of construction projects, reconstruction of warehouses and field streets, including construction of new household sewerage networks in No warehouseava street, author supervision of construction works and supervision of construction works.The result of the project will be rebuilt net street (about 260 m) and No Warehouse street (about 1200 m), including new municipal sewer management (about 251 m), in accordance with existing construction normatives and developed building projects.The number of project outputs for the project’s investments in the infrastructure will benefit from non-financial project investments within the company.The following indicators will be achieved after the construction norms and the developed construction projects.The number of the project’s employees will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the project.The following indicators will be obtained from the project’s own labour force after 251 m, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s output of the project – the amount of the project’s investments in the infrastructure will benefit from the non-financial investment in the company (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s outputs in the project will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the non-financial project.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the project, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s works (around 1200 m) will benefit from the project’s investments at the level of non-economic investments within the company.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the project, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s works (around 1200 m) of the project will benefit from the project’s investments within the company, including the new household sewer management line (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed building projects, which will benefit from the project’s works of the project (around 1200 m), which in the amount of the project will benefit from the project’s investments in the amount of non-financial works at the level of the company.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the building norms and developed for the construction projects.The number of the project’s works (about 1200 m) will benefit from the project’s investments within the company, incl. new household sewerage management (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects, which in the project implementation of the project benefited from the project’s investments in the amount of non-economic investments in the amount of non-economic investments in 4 after EUR 251 m, according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects, which will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the project, which in the amount of the project will benefit from Its total cost is EUR 1201363.98, of which the eligible costs are EUR 1176749.93, including EUR 445764.62 ERDF co-financing. (Greek)
    3 August 2022
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    Realizáciou projektu a investovaním do rekonštrukcie pouličnej infraštruktúry potrebnej pre obchodníkov a výstavby domácich kanalizačných sietí sa plánuje zvýšiť objem súkromných investícií v okrese Limbazi. Performance of engineering research works, development of construction projects, reconstruction of warehouses and field streets, including construction of new household sewerage networks in No warehouseava street, author supervision of construction works and supervision of construction works.The result of the project will be rebuilt net street (about 260 m) and No Warehouse street (about 1200 m), including new municipal sewer management (about 251 m), in accordance with existing construction normatives and developed building projects.The number of project outputs for the project’s investments in the infrastructure will benefit from non-financial project investments within the company.The following indicators will be achieved after the construction norms and the developed construction projects.The number of the project’s employees will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the project.The following indicators will be obtained from the project’s own labour force after 251 m, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s output of the project – the amount of the project’s investments in the infrastructure will benefit from the non-financial investment in the company (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s outputs in the project will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the non-financial project.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the project, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s works (around 1200 m) will benefit from the project’s investments at the level of non-economic investments within the company.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the project, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s works (around 1200 m) of the project will benefit from the project’s investments within the company, including the new household sewer management line (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed building projects, which will benefit from the project’s works of the project (around 1200 m), which in the amount of the project will benefit from the project’s investments in the amount of non-financial works at the level of the company.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the building norms and developed for the construction projects.The number of the project’s works (about 1200 m) will benefit from the project’s investments within the company, incl. new household sewerage management (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects, which in the project implementation of the project benefited from the project’s investments in the amount of non-economic investments in the amount of non-economic investments in 4 after EUR 251 m, according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects, which will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the project, which in the amount of the project will benefit from Its total cost is EUR 1201363.98, of which the eligible costs are EUR 1176749.93, including EUR 445764.62 ERDF co-financing. (Slovak)
    3 August 2022
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    Toteuttamalla hanketta ja investoimalla kauppiaiden tarvitseman katuinfrastruktuurin jälleenrakentamiseen ja kotitalouksien viemäröintiverkkojen rakentamiseen on tarkoitus lisätä yksityisten investointien määrää Limbazin alueella. Performance of engineering research works, development of construction projects, reconstruction of warehouses and field streets, including construction of new household sewerage networks in No warehouseava street, author supervision of construction works and supervision of construction works.The result of the project will be rebuilt net street (about 260 m) and No Warehouse street (about 1200 m), including new municipal sewer management (about 251 m), in accordance with existing construction normatives and developed building projects.The number of project outputs for the project’s investments in the infrastructure will benefit from non-financial project investments within the company.The following indicators will be achieved after the construction norms and the developed construction projects.The number of the project’s employees will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the project.The following indicators will be obtained from the project’s own labour force after 251 m, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s output of the project – the amount of the project’s investments in the infrastructure will benefit from the non-financial investment in the company (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s outputs in the project will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the non-financial project.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the project, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s works (around 1200 m) will benefit from the project’s investments at the level of non-economic investments within the company.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the project, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s works (around 1200 m) of the project will benefit from the project’s investments within the company, including the new household sewer management line (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed building projects, which will benefit from the project’s works of the project (around 1200 m), which in the amount of the project will benefit from the project’s investments in the amount of non-financial works at the level of the company.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the building norms and developed for the construction projects.The number of the project’s works (about 1200 m) will benefit from the project’s investments within the company, incl. new household sewerage management (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects, which in the project implementation of the project benefited from the project’s investments in the amount of non-economic investments in the amount of non-economic investments in 4 after EUR 251 m, according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects, which will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the project, which in the amount of the project will benefit from Its total cost is EUR 1201363.98, of which the eligible costs are EUR 1176749.93, including EUR 445764.62 ERDF co-financing. (Finnish)
    3 August 2022
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    Realizując projekt i inwestując w przebudowę infrastruktury ulicznej wymaganej dla handlowców oraz budowę sieci kanalizacyjnych dla gospodarstw domowych, planuje się zwiększenie liczby inwestycji prywatnych w dzielnicy Limbazi. Performance of engineering research works, development of construction projects, reconstruction of warehouses and field streets, including construction of new household sewerage networks in No warehouseava street, author supervision of construction works and supervision of construction works.The result of the project will be rebuilt net street (about 260 m) and No Warehouse street (about 1200 m), including new municipal sewer management (about 251 m), in accordance with existing construction normatives and developed building projects.The number of project outputs for the project’s investments in the infrastructure will benefit from non-financial project investments within the company.The following indicators will be achieved after the construction norms and the developed construction projects.The number of the project’s employees will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the project.The following indicators will be obtained from the project’s own labour force after 251 m, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s output of the project – the amount of the project’s investments in the infrastructure will benefit from the non-financial investment in the company (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s outputs in the project will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the non-financial project.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the project, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s works (around 1200 m) will benefit from the project’s investments at the level of non-economic investments within the company.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the project, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s works (around 1200 m) of the project will benefit from the project’s investments within the company, including the new household sewer management line (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed building projects, which will benefit from the project’s works of the project (around 1200 m), which in the amount of the project will benefit from the project’s investments in the amount of non-financial works at the level of the company.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the building norms and developed for the construction projects.The number of the project’s works (about 1200 m) will benefit from the project’s investments within the company, incl. new household sewerage management (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects, which in the project implementation of the project benefited from the project’s investments in the amount of non-economic investments in the amount of non-economic investments in 4 after EUR 251 m, according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects, which will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the project, which in the amount of the project will benefit from Its total cost is EUR 1201363.98, of which the eligible costs are EUR 1176749.93, including EUR 445764.62 ERDF co-financing. (Polish)
    3 August 2022
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    A projekt megvalósításával és a kereskedők számára szükséges utcai infrastruktúra újjáépítésével és a háztartási csatornahálózat építésével a tervek szerint növelni fogják a magánberuházások összegét a Limbazi kerületben. Performance of engineering research works, development of construction projects, reconstruction of warehouses and field streets, including construction of new household sewerage networks in No warehouseava street, author supervision of construction works and supervision of construction works.The result of the project will be rebuilt net street (about 260 m) and No Warehouse street (about 1200 m), including new municipal sewer management (about 251 m), in accordance with existing construction normatives and developed building projects.The number of project outputs for the project’s investments in the infrastructure will benefit from non-financial project investments within the company.The following indicators will be achieved after the construction norms and the developed construction projects.The number of the project’s employees will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the project.The following indicators will be obtained from the project’s own labour force after 251 m, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s output of the project – the amount of the project’s investments in the infrastructure will benefit from the non-financial investment in the company (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s outputs in the project will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the non-financial project.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the project, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s works (around 1200 m) will benefit from the project’s investments at the level of non-economic investments within the company.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the project, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s works (around 1200 m) of the project will benefit from the project’s investments within the company, including the new household sewer management line (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed building projects, which will benefit from the project’s works of the project (around 1200 m), which in the amount of the project will benefit from the project’s investments in the amount of non-financial works at the level of the company.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the building norms and developed for the construction projects.The number of the project’s works (about 1200 m) will benefit from the project’s investments within the company, incl. new household sewerage management (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects, which in the project implementation of the project benefited from the project’s investments in the amount of non-economic investments in the amount of non-economic investments in 4 after EUR 251 m, according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects, which will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the project, which in the amount of the project will benefit from Its total cost is EUR 1201363.98, of which the eligible costs are EUR 1176749.93, including EUR 445764.62 ERDF co-financing. (Hungarian)
    3 August 2022
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    Realizací projektu a investicí do rekonstrukce pouliční infrastruktury potřebné pro obchodníky a výstavby kanalizačních sítí pro domácnost se plánuje zvýšit objem soukromých investic v okrese Limbazi. Performance of engineering research works, development of construction projects, reconstruction of warehouses and field streets, including construction of new household sewerage networks in No warehouseava street, author supervision of construction works and supervision of construction works.The result of the project will be rebuilt net street (about 260 m) and No Warehouse street (about 1200 m), including new municipal sewer management (about 251 m), in accordance with existing construction normatives and developed building projects.The number of project outputs for the project’s investments in the infrastructure will benefit from non-financial project investments within the company.The following indicators will be achieved after the construction norms and the developed construction projects.The number of the project’s employees will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the project.The following indicators will be obtained from the project’s own labour force after 251 m, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s output of the project – the amount of the project’s investments in the infrastructure will benefit from the non-financial investment in the company (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s outputs in the project will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the non-financial project.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the project, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s works (around 1200 m) will benefit from the project’s investments at the level of non-economic investments within the company.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the project, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s works (around 1200 m) of the project will benefit from the project’s investments within the company, including the new household sewer management line (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed building projects, which will benefit from the project’s works of the project (around 1200 m), which in the amount of the project will benefit from the project’s investments in the amount of non-financial works at the level of the company.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the building norms and developed for the construction projects.The number of the project’s works (about 1200 m) will benefit from the project’s investments within the company, incl. new household sewerage management (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects, which in the project implementation of the project benefited from the project’s investments in the amount of non-economic investments in the amount of non-economic investments in 4 after EUR 251 m, according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects, which will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the project, which in the amount of the project will benefit from Its total cost is EUR 1201363.98, of which the eligible costs are EUR 1176749.93, including EUR 445764.62 ERDF co-financing. (Czech)
    3 August 2022
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    Tríd an tionscadal a chur i bhfeidhm agus infheistíocht a dhéanamh in atógáil an bhonneagair sráide a theastaíonn le haghaidh ceannaithe agus tógáil líonraí séarachais tí, tá sé beartaithe méid na n-infheistíochtaí príobháideacha i gceantar Limbazi a mhéadú. Performance of engineering research works, development of construction projects, reconstruction of warehouses and field streets, including construction of new household sewerage networks in No warehouseava street, author supervision of construction works and supervision of construction works.The result of the project will be rebuilt net street (about 260 m) and No Warehouse street (about 1200 m), including new municipal sewer management (about 251 m), in accordance with existing construction normatives and developed building projects.The number of project outputs for the project’s investments in the infrastructure will benefit from non-financial project investments within the company.The following indicators will be achieved after the construction norms and the developed construction projects.The number of the project’s employees will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the project.The following indicators will be obtained from the project’s own labour force after 251 m, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s output of the project – the amount of the project’s investments in the infrastructure will benefit from the non-financial investment in the company (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s outputs in the project will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the non-financial project.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the project, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s works (around 1200 m) will benefit from the project’s investments at the level of non-economic investments within the company.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the project, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s works (around 1200 m) of the project will benefit from the project’s investments within the company, including the new household sewer management line (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed building projects, which will benefit from the project’s works of the project (around 1200 m), which in the amount of the project will benefit from the project’s investments in the amount of non-financial works at the level of the company.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the building norms and developed for the construction projects.The number of the project’s works (about 1200 m) will benefit from the project’s investments within the company, incl. new household sewerage management (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects, which in the project implementation of the project benefited from the project’s investments in the amount of non-economic investments in the amount of non-economic investments in 4 after EUR 251 m, according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects, which will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the project, which in the amount of the project will benefit from Its total cost is EUR 1201363.98, of which the eligible costs are EUR 1176749.93, including EUR 445764.62 ERDF co-financing. (Irish)
    3 August 2022
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    Z izvajanjem projekta in vlaganjem v obnovo cestne infrastrukture, ki je potrebna za trgovce in gradnjo gospodinjskih kanalizacijskih omrežij, se načrtuje povečanje obsega zasebnih naložb v okrožju Limbazi. Performance of engineering research works, development of construction projects, reconstruction of warehouses and field streets, including construction of new household sewerage networks in No warehouseava street, author supervision of construction works and supervision of construction works.The result of the project will be rebuilt net street (about 260 m) and No Warehouse street (about 1200 m), including new municipal sewer management (about 251 m), in accordance with existing construction normatives and developed building projects.The number of project outputs for the project’s investments in the infrastructure will benefit from non-financial project investments within the company.The following indicators will be achieved after the construction norms and the developed construction projects.The number of the project’s employees will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the project.The following indicators will be obtained from the project’s own labour force after 251 m, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s output of the project – the amount of the project’s investments in the infrastructure will benefit from the non-financial investment in the company (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s outputs in the project will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the non-financial project.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the project, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s works (around 1200 m) will benefit from the project’s investments at the level of non-economic investments within the company.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the project, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s works (around 1200 m) of the project will benefit from the project’s investments within the company, including the new household sewer management line (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed building projects, which will benefit from the project’s works of the project (around 1200 m), which in the amount of the project will benefit from the project’s investments in the amount of non-financial works at the level of the company.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the building norms and developed for the construction projects.The number of the project’s works (about 1200 m) will benefit from the project’s investments within the company, incl. new household sewerage management (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects, which in the project implementation of the project benefited from the project’s investments in the amount of non-economic investments in the amount of non-economic investments in 4 after EUR 251 m, according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects, which will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the project, which in the amount of the project will benefit from Its total cost is EUR 1201363.98, of which the eligible costs are EUR 1176749.93, including EUR 445764.62 ERDF co-financing. (Slovenian)
    3 August 2022
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    Чрез изпълнение на проекта и инвестиране в реконструкция на улична инфраструктура, необходима за търговците и изграждане на битови канализационни мрежи, се планира увеличаване на размера на частните инвестиции в област Лимбази. Performance of engineering research works, development of construction projects, reconstruction of warehouses and field streets, including construction of new household sewerage networks in No warehouseava street, author supervision of construction works and supervision of construction works.The result of the project will be rebuilt net street (about 260 m) and No Warehouse street (about 1200 m), including new municipal sewer management (about 251 m), in accordance with existing construction normatives and developed building projects.The number of project outputs for the project’s investments in the infrastructure will benefit from non-financial project investments within the company.The following indicators will be achieved after the construction norms and the developed construction projects.The number of the project’s employees will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the project.The following indicators will be obtained from the project’s own labour force after 251 m, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s output of the project – the amount of the project’s investments in the infrastructure will benefit from the non-financial investment in the company (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s outputs in the project will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the non-financial project.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the project, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s works (around 1200 m) will benefit from the project’s investments at the level of non-economic investments within the company.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the project, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s works (around 1200 m) of the project will benefit from the project’s investments within the company, including the new household sewer management line (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed building projects, which will benefit from the project’s works of the project (around 1200 m), which in the amount of the project will benefit from the project’s investments in the amount of non-financial works at the level of the company.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the building norms and developed for the construction projects.The number of the project’s works (about 1200 m) will benefit from the project’s investments within the company, incl. new household sewerage management (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects, which in the project implementation of the project benefited from the project’s investments in the amount of non-economic investments in the amount of non-economic investments in 4 after EUR 251 m, according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects, which will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the project, which in the amount of the project will benefit from Its total cost is EUR 1201363.98, of which the eligible costs are EUR 1176749.93, including EUR 445764.62 ERDF co-financing. (Bulgarian)
    3 August 2022
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    Bl-implimentazzjoni tal-proġett u l-investiment fir-rikostruzzjoni tal-infrastruttura tat-toroq meħtieġa għan-negozjanti u l-kostruzzjoni ta’ netwerks tad-drenaġġ tad-djar, huwa ppjanat li jiżdied l-ammont ta’ investimenti privati fid-distrett ta’ Limbazi. Performance of engineering research works, development of construction projects, reconstruction of warehouses and field streets, including construction of new household sewerage networks in No warehouseava street, author supervision of construction works and supervision of construction works.The result of the project will be rebuilt net street (about 260 m) and No Warehouse street (about 1200 m), including new municipal sewer management (about 251 m), in accordance with existing construction normatives and developed building projects.The number of project outputs for the project’s investments in the infrastructure will benefit from non-financial project investments within the company.The following indicators will be achieved after the construction norms and the developed construction projects.The number of the project’s employees will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the project.The following indicators will be obtained from the project’s own labour force after 251 m, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s output of the project – the amount of the project’s investments in the infrastructure will benefit from the non-financial investment in the company (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s outputs in the project will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the non-financial project.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the project, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s works (around 1200 m) will benefit from the project’s investments at the level of non-economic investments within the company.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the project, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s works (around 1200 m) of the project will benefit from the project’s investments within the company, including the new household sewer management line (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed building projects, which will benefit from the project’s works of the project (around 1200 m), which in the amount of the project will benefit from the project’s investments in the amount of non-financial works at the level of the company.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the building norms and developed for the construction projects.The number of the project’s works (about 1200 m) will benefit from the project’s investments within the company, incl. new household sewerage management (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects, which in the project implementation of the project benefited from the project’s investments in the amount of non-economic investments in the amount of non-economic investments in 4 after EUR 251 m, according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects, which will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the project, which in the amount of the project will benefit from Its total cost is EUR 1201363.98, of which the eligible costs are EUR 1176749.93, including EUR 445764.62 ERDF co-financing. (Maltese)
    3 August 2022
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    Através da execução do projeto e do investimento na reconstrução das infraestruturas de rua necessárias para os comerciantes e na construção de redes de esgotos domésticos, está previsto aumentar o montante dos investimentos privados no distrito de Limbazi. Performance of engineering research works, development of construction projects, reconstruction of warehouses and field streets, including construction of new household sewerage networks in No warehouseava street, author supervision of construction works and supervision of construction works.The result of the project will be rebuilt net street (about 260 m) and No Warehouse street (about 1200 m), including new municipal sewer management (about 251 m), in accordance with existing construction normatives and developed building projects.The number of project outputs for the project’s investments in the infrastructure will benefit from non-financial project investments within the company.The following indicators will be achieved after the construction norms and the developed construction projects.The number of the project’s employees will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the project.The following indicators will be obtained from the project’s own labour force after 251 m, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s output of the project – the amount of the project’s investments in the infrastructure will benefit from the non-financial investment in the company (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s outputs in the project will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the non-financial project.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the project, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s works (around 1200 m) will benefit from the project’s investments at the level of non-economic investments within the company.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the project, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s works (around 1200 m) of the project will benefit from the project’s investments within the company, including the new household sewer management line (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed building projects, which will benefit from the project’s works of the project (around 1200 m), which in the amount of the project will benefit from the project’s investments in the amount of non-financial works at the level of the company.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the building norms and developed for the construction projects.The number of the project’s works (about 1200 m) will benefit from the project’s investments within the company, incl. new household sewerage management (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects, which in the project implementation of the project benefited from the project’s investments in the amount of non-economic investments in the amount of non-economic investments in 4 after EUR 251 m, according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects, which will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the project, which in the amount of the project will benefit from Its total cost is EUR 1201363.98, of which the eligible costs are EUR 1176749.93, including EUR 445764.62 ERDF co-financing. (Portuguese)
    3 August 2022
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    Ved at gennemføre projektet og investere i genopbygningen af den gadeinfrastruktur, der er nødvendig for købmænd, og opførelse af kloaknet i hjemmet, er det planen at øge mængden af private investeringer i Limbazi-distriktet. Performance of engineering research works, development of construction projects, reconstruction of warehouses and field streets, including construction of new household sewerage networks in No warehouseava street, author supervision of construction works and supervision of construction works.The result of the project will be rebuilt net street (about 260 m) and No Warehouse street (about 1200 m), including new municipal sewer management (about 251 m), in accordance with existing construction normatives and developed building projects.The number of project outputs for the project’s investments in the infrastructure will benefit from non-financial project investments within the company.The following indicators will be achieved after the construction norms and the developed construction projects.The number of the project’s employees will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the project.The following indicators will be obtained from the project’s own labour force after 251 m, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s output of the project – the amount of the project’s investments in the infrastructure will benefit from the non-financial investment in the company (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s outputs in the project will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the non-financial project.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the project, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s works (around 1200 m) will benefit from the project’s investments at the level of non-economic investments within the company.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the project, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s works (around 1200 m) of the project will benefit from the project’s investments within the company, including the new household sewer management line (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed building projects, which will benefit from the project’s works of the project (around 1200 m), which in the amount of the project will benefit from the project’s investments in the amount of non-financial works at the level of the company.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the building norms and developed for the construction projects.The number of the project’s works (about 1200 m) will benefit from the project’s investments within the company, incl. new household sewerage management (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects, which in the project implementation of the project benefited from the project’s investments in the amount of non-economic investments in the amount of non-economic investments in 4 after EUR 251 m, according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects, which will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the project, which in the amount of the project will benefit from Its total cost is EUR 1201363.98, of which the eligible costs are EUR 1176749.93, including EUR 445764.62 ERDF co-financing. (Danish)
    3 August 2022
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    Prin implementarea proiectului și investirea în reconstrucția infrastructurii stradale necesare pentru comercianți și construirea rețelelor de canalizare menajeră, se preconizează creșterea volumului investițiilor private în districtul Limbazi. Performance of engineering research works, development of construction projects, reconstruction of warehouses and field streets, including construction of new household sewerage networks in No warehouseava street, author supervision of construction works and supervision of construction works.The result of the project will be rebuilt net street (about 260 m) and No Warehouse street (about 1200 m), including new municipal sewer management (about 251 m), in accordance with existing construction normatives and developed building projects.The number of project outputs for the project’s investments in the infrastructure will benefit from non-financial project investments within the company.The following indicators will be achieved after the construction norms and the developed construction projects.The number of the project’s employees will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the project.The following indicators will be obtained from the project’s own labour force after 251 m, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s output of the project – the amount of the project’s investments in the infrastructure will benefit from the non-financial investment in the company (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s outputs in the project will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the non-financial project.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the project, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s works (around 1200 m) will benefit from the project’s investments at the level of non-economic investments within the company.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the project, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s works (around 1200 m) of the project will benefit from the project’s investments within the company, including the new household sewer management line (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed building projects, which will benefit from the project’s works of the project (around 1200 m), which in the amount of the project will benefit from the project’s investments in the amount of non-financial works at the level of the company.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the building norms and developed for the construction projects.The number of the project’s works (about 1200 m) will benefit from the project’s investments within the company, incl. new household sewerage management (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects, which in the project implementation of the project benefited from the project’s investments in the amount of non-economic investments in the amount of non-economic investments in 4 after EUR 251 m, according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects, which will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the project, which in the amount of the project will benefit from Its total cost is EUR 1201363.98, of which the eligible costs are EUR 1176749.93, including EUR 445764.62 ERDF co-financing. (Romanian)
    3 August 2022
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    Genom att genomföra projektet och investera i återuppbyggnaden av den gatuinfrastruktur som krävs för köpmän och byggandet av hushållsavloppsnät planerar man att öka de privata investeringarna i distriktet Limbazi. Performance of engineering research works, development of construction projects, reconstruction of warehouses and field streets, including construction of new household sewerage networks in No warehouseava street, author supervision of construction works and supervision of construction works.The result of the project will be rebuilt net street (about 260 m) and No Warehouse street (about 1200 m), including new municipal sewer management (about 251 m), in accordance with existing construction normatives and developed building projects.The number of project outputs for the project’s investments in the infrastructure will benefit from non-financial project investments within the company.The following indicators will be achieved after the construction norms and the developed construction projects.The number of the project’s employees will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the project.The following indicators will be obtained from the project’s own labour force after 251 m, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s output of the project – the amount of the project’s investments in the infrastructure will benefit from the non-financial investment in the company (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s outputs in the project will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the non-financial project.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the project, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s works (around 1200 m) will benefit from the project’s investments at the level of non-economic investments within the company.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the project, according to the existing construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects.The number of the project’s works (around 1200 m) of the project will benefit from the project’s investments within the company, including the new household sewer management line (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed building projects, which will benefit from the project’s works of the project (around 1200 m), which in the amount of the project will benefit from the project’s investments in the amount of non-financial works at the level of the company.The following indicators will be obtained after the implementation of the building norms and developed for the construction projects.The number of the project’s works (about 1200 m) will benefit from the project’s investments within the company, incl. new household sewerage management (about 251 m), according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects, which in the project implementation of the project benefited from the project’s investments in the amount of non-economic investments in the amount of non-economic investments in 4 after EUR 251 m, according to the current construction normatives and the developed basic construction projects, which will benefit from the project’s investments within the framework of the project, which in the amount of the project will benefit from Its total cost is EUR 1201363.98, of which the eligible costs are EUR 1176749.93, including EUR 445764.62 ERDF co-financing. (Swedish)
    3 August 2022
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    Tīrumu iela, Limbaži, Limbažu nov.
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    Noliktavu iela, Limbaži, Limbažu nov.
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    Uzvaras iela, Limbaži, Limbažu nov.
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    Nākotnes iela, Limbaži, Limbažu nov.
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    Meža iela, Limbaži, Limbažu nov.
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