System to support deinstitutionalisation processes (1st Stage) (Q3056665)

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Project Q3056665 in Latvia
Language Label Description Also known as
System to support deinstitutionalisation processes (1st Stage)
Project Q3056665 in Latvia


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    1,238,602.67 Euro
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    1,457,179.61 Euro
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    85.0 percent
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    22 December 2016
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    21 November 2020
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    Latvijas Republikas Labklājības ministrija
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    56°54'41.11"N, 24°8'39.98"E
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    Projekta mērķis ir izstrādāt vienotu deinstitucionalizācijas procesa atbalsta sistēmu, pielāgojot Labklājības ministrijas informācijas sistēmu Valsts sociālās politikas monitoringa informācijas sistēmas (SPOLIS), Labklājības informācijas sistēmas (LabIS) un Adopcijas reģistra iespējas, papildinot ar sociālo pakalpojumu operatīvo datu apstrādes funkcionalitāti un piegādājot nozares pakalpojumu atvērtos datus plašai publiskai lietošanai nepersonificētā līmenī.Projekts paredz šādas darbības:1.Deinstitucionalizācijas atbalsta sistēmas un nozares iesaistīto informācijas sistēmu attīstības konsultatīvais atbalsts,, informācijas sistēmu SPOLIS un LabIS attīstības koncepcijas izstrāde, biznesa procesu aprakstu un informācijas sistēmu tehnisko specifikāciju izstrāde, projekta komunikācijas plāna izstrāde, informācijas sistēmu auditu veikšana un konsultācijas (M1-M4);2.Deinstitucionalizācijas procesa atbalsta funkcionalitātes izstrāde un ieviešana informācijas sistēmās SPOLIS un SOPA, ieskaitot klēpjdatoru iegādi un interviju aplikācijas izstrādi, (M1);3.Informācijas sistēmas SPOLIS funkcionalitātes papildinājumu izstrāde, lai pilnveidotu sistēmas drošību, izstrādājot interfeisa funkcionalitāti ārējo lietotāju autentifikācijai un datu drošībai, kā arī papildinot valsts finansēto sociālo pakalpojumu datu apstrādes funkcionalitāti (M2); 4.Informācijas sistēmas LabIS funkcionalitātes papildinājumu izstrāde, lai nodrošinātu operatīvu sadarbību ar publiskās pārvaldes institūcijām, pašvaldībām, komersantiem un iedzīvotājiem, atbildot informācijas pieprasījumiem par nozari, kā arī lai nodrošinātu nepieciešamo atbalstu Labklājības ministrijas pārvaldes procesos (M3);5.Ārpusģimenes aprūpē esošu nepilngadīgo personu deinstitucionalizācijas procesa atbalsts, nodrošinot datu apmaiņu starp informācijas sistēmām SPOLIS, SOPA un NPAIS (M1);6.Adopcijas procesa atbalsts informācijas sistēmā Adopcijas reģistrs (M1);7.Projekta komunikācijas plāna īstenošana (M1), atbilstoši Vispārējās regulas nosacījumiem, Ministru kabineta 2015.gada 17.februāra noteikumos Nr.87 „Kārtība, kādā Eiropas Savienības struktūrfondu un Kohēzijas fonda ieviešanā 2014.-2020.gada plānošanas periodā nodrošināma komunikācijas un vizuālās identitātes prasību ievērošana” noteiktajam,, izvietot vizuālo informāciju informatīvo plākšņu veidā vietās, kur notiek projekta īstenošana; publicēt preses relīzes par katra posma rezultātu sasniegšanu; organizēt videokonferenci pašvaldību sociālo dienestu darbiniekiem; izmantot sabiedrības informēšanai sociālo tīklu iespējas, veidojot projekta informatīvo materiālu publicēšanu.Projekta īstenošana kopumā veicinās šādu projekta rezultāta rādītāju sasniegšanu:1. Komersantu, tai skaitā NVO un pašvaldību struktūrvienību īpatsvars, kas izmantos DI atbalsta informācijas sistēmu sadarbībai ar valsts un pašvaldību institūcijām - sasniedzamā vērtība 3 gadus pēc projekta beigām - 95%;Iznākuma rādītāji:1Pilnveidoti darbības procesi,, līdz 2018.gada 31.decembrim noslēgti līgumi ar piegādātāju par informācijas sistēmu izstrādi vai piegādi darbības procesu pilnveidošanai par 30% no pasākuma ietvaros pilnveidojamo procesu skaitaProcesu skaits - Starpvērtība (2 gadi pēc projekta sākuma) - 4Procesu skaits - Sasniedzamā vērtība projekta beigās - 112Izstrādātas un publicētas nozares informācijas atkalizmantošanas datu kopas,, pašvaldību vajadzībām to funkciju izpildeiDatu kopu skaits- Starpvērtība (2 gadi pēc projekta sākuma) - 6Datu kopu skaits - Sasniedzamā vērtība projekta beigās - 93Pilnveidota informācijas sistēma SPOLIS ar drošu ārējo lietotāju piekļuves risinājumu, deinstitucionalizācijas mērķa grupu intervēšanas moduli NAURIS un valsts finansēto sociālo pakalpojumu datu apstrādes funkcionalitātiSistēmu skaits- Starpvērtība (2 gadi pēc projekta sākuma) - 0Sistēmu skaits - Sasniedzamā vērtība projekta beigās - 14Paplašināta informācijas sistēmas Adopcijas reģistrs funkcionalitāteSistēmu skaits- Starpvērtība (2 gadi pēc projekta sākuma) - 0Sistēmu skaits - Sasniedzamā vērtība projekta beigās - 15Papildināta deinstitucionalizācijas procesiem nepieciešamo ārējo resursu informācijas sistēmu funkcionalitāte (Pašvaldību sociālās palīdzības administrēšanas lietojumprogrammai SOPA, Sociālās apdrošināšanas informācijas sistēmai SAIS un Nepilngadīgo personu atbalsta sistēmai NPAIS)Sistēmu skaits- Starpvērtība (2 gadi pēc projekta sākuma) - 1Sistēmu skaits - Sasniedzamā vērtība projekta beigās - 36Funkcionāli pilnveidota informācijas sistēma LabIS, papildinot ar jaunu datu avotu rādītājiem no ārējiem datu avotiemSistēmu skaits- Starpvērtība (2 gadi pēc projekta sākuma) - 1Sistēmu skaits - Sasniedzamā vērtība projekta beigās - 1Projekta finansējuma kopējais apjoms: EUR 1 457 179.61Projekta īstenošanas laiks (mēnešos): 47 mēneši (Latvian)
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    The aim of the project is to develop a unified deinstitutionalisation process support system by adapting the information system of the Ministry of Welfare National Social Policy Monitoring Information Systems (SPOLIS), Welfare Information System (LabIS) and Adoption Register capabilities, complementing the operational data processing functionality of social services and delivering open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information system development, development of e-services.Development of the IT system for wide public use at an unpersonalised level.The project provides for the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, s.o.c. development of open data for public use, development of user information system for non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry information system development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level of data, including user process information system security.The project provides for the following actions:1.Consultative support for the development of the information systems of the sector, development of open data of industry services, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The project provides for the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information system development, s.o.c. development of open data for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of IT services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, t.o.c. development of open data for public use on an unpersonalised level of data, including user process information system for non-personalised level.The project provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level of data, including user process information system for non-personalised level.The project envisages the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems Information system development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems Information, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions: 1.Deinstitutionalisation of technical support system and industry involved information systems, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides for the following activities:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, elaboration of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level of data.The design also provides for the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support for the development of operational data 4.Development of additional functionality of the Information System LabIS in order to ensure operational cooperation with public administration institutions, municipalities, merchants and citizens in response to requests for information on the sector, as well as to provide necessary support in the management processes of the Ministry of Welfare (M3); support for deinstitutionalisation of minors under external family care by providing data exchange between information systems SPOLIS, SOPA and NPAIS (M1); 6.Adoption of the information in the Information System In the Regulations of Adopting, Regulations of the European Union (M1) The implementation of the communication plan in accordance with the Regulations of the European Union (M1);7. (English)
    15 July 2021
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    Le projet vise à mettre au point un système unifié d’appui à la désinstitutionnalisation en adaptant le système d’information du Ministère de la protection sociale au Système national d’information sur la politique sociale (SPOLIS), au système d’information sur la protection sociale (Labis) et au registre des adoptions, en complétant la fonctionnalité opérationnelle de traitement des données des services sociaux et en fournissant les données ouvertes des services sectoriels à un large éventail d’utilisations publiques à un niveau non personnel. développement et mise en œuvre des fonctionnalités du processus de désinstitutionnalisation dans les systèmes d’information SPOLIS et SOPA, y compris l’achat d’ordinateurs portables et la mise au point d’une application d’entretien (M1); 3. Développement et mise en œuvre des fonctionnalités du système d’information SPOLIS et SOPA, y compris l’achat d’ordinateurs portables et la mise au point d’une application d’entretien (M1); 3. Développer les fonctionnalités du système d’information SPOLIS afin d’améliorer la sécurité du système en développant la fonctionnalité d’interface pour l’authentification externe des utilisateurs et la sécurité des données, ainsi que la fonctionnalité de traitement des données des services sociaux financés par l’État (M2); 4. Développement de la fonctionnalité du système d ‘information Labis afin d’ assurer la coopération opérationnelle avec les institutions de l ‘administration publique, les administrations locales, les commerçants et les résidents en réponse aux demandes d’ information sur le secteur, ainsi que d ‘assurer l’ appui nécessaire aux processus administratifs du Ministère de la protection sociale (M3).5.Appui au processus de désinstitutionnalisation des mineurs placés en dehors de la famille, assurant l ‘échange de données entre les systèmes d’ information SPOLIS, SOPA et NPAIS (M1); 6.Appui au processus d’adoption dans le système d’information Registre d’adoption (M1);7.Mise en œuvre du plan de communication des projets (M1), conformément aux dispositions du règlement général, du règlement no 87 du Conseil des ministres du 17 février 2015 «Procédures visant à garantir le respect des exigences en matière de communication et d’identité visuelle dans la mise en œuvre des Fonds structurels de l’Union européenne et du Fonds de cohésion pour la période de programmation 2014-2020», y compris la mise en place d’informations visuelles sous forme de fiches d’information sur les lieux où la mise en œuvre du projet a lieu; publier des communiqués de presse sur la réalisation des résultats de chaque phase; organiser une vidéoconférence à l’intention des employés des services sociaux des collectivités locales; utiliser les possibilités de réseautage social pour informer le public en publiant les documents d’information du projet.La mise en œuvre du projet dans son ensemble contribuera à la réalisation des indicateurs de résultat suivants: 1. (French)
    25 November 2021
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    Ziel des Projekts ist die Entwicklung eines einheitlichen Systems zur Unterstützung der Deinstitutionalisierung durch Anpassung des Informationssystems des Ministeriums für Soziales an das staatliche Informationssystem zur Überwachung der Sozialpolitik (SPOLIS), das Wohlfahrtsinformationssystem (Labis) und das Adoptionsregister, ergänzt um die Funktion der operativen Datenverarbeitung sozialer Dienste und die Bereitstellung offener Daten des Sektors für ein breites Spektrum an öffentlicher Nutzung auf nicht personenbezogener Ebene. einschließlich der Entwicklung des Konzepts der Informationssysteme SPOLIS und Labis, Entwicklung von Geschäftsprozessbeschreibungen und technischen Spezifikationen von Informationssystemen, Entwicklung des Projektkommunikationsplans, Durchführung von Audits und Konsultationen von Informationssystemen (M1-M4); 2. Entwicklung und Umsetzung der Funktionen des Deinstitutionalisierungsprozesses in den Informationssystemen SPOLIS und SOPA, einschließlich des Kaufs von Laptops und der Entwicklung einer Interview-Anwendung (M1);3. 4. Entwicklung von Ergänzungen zur Funktionalität des Informationssystems Labis, um die operative Zusammenarbeit mit den Einrichtungen der öffentlichen Verwaltung, den Kommunalverwaltungen, Händlern und Anwohnern als Reaktion auf Auskunftsersuchen über den Sektor zu gewährleisten und die notwendige Unterstützung bei den Verwaltungsverfahren des Ministeriums für Sozialwesen (M3) zu gewährleisten.5.Unterstützung des Deinstitutionalisierungsprozesses von Minderjährigen in der familienfremden Pflege, Gewährleistung des Datenaustauschs zwischen Informationssystemen SPOLIS, SOPA und NPAIS (M1); 6.Adoption Prozessunterstützung im Informationssystem Annahmeregister (M1);7.Umsetzung des Projektkommunikationsplans (M1), gemäß den Bestimmungen der Allgemeinen Verordnung, Kabinettsverordnung Nr. 87 vom 17. Februar 2015 „Verfahren zur Gewährleistung der Einhaltung der Anforderungen an Kommunikation und visuelle Identität bei der Durchführung der Strukturfonds der Europäischen Union und des Kohäsionsfonds für den Programmplanungszeitraum 2014-2020“, einschließlich der Bereitstellung visueller Informationen in Form von Informationsblättern an Orten, an denen die Durchführung des Projekts stattfindet; Veröffentlichung von Pressemitteilungen über das Erreichen der Ergebnisse jeder Phase; Organisation einer Videokonferenz für Mitarbeiter der Sozialdienste der lokalen Gebietskörperschaften; Nutzung von Social Networking-Möglichkeiten, um die Öffentlichkeit durch die Veröffentlichung der informativen Materialien des Projekts zu informieren.Die Umsetzung des Projekts insgesamt wird zum Erreichen der folgenden Projektergebnisindikatoren beitragen:1. Der Anteil der Wirtschaftsakteure, einschließlich NRO und kommunaler Gebietskörperschaften, die das Informationssystem zur Unterstützung des DI für die Zusammenarbeit mit staatlichen und lokalen Behörden nutzen werden – erreichbarer Wert 3 Jahre nach Ende des Projekts – 95 %; Ergebnis rādītāji:1Pilnveidoti operative Prozesse, einschließlich bis zum 31. Dezember 2018 Verträge mit dem Lieferanten für die Entwicklung oder Bereitstellung von Informationssystemen zur Verbesserung der operativen Prozesse für 30 % der im Rahmen der Ereignisanzahl der Prozesse zu verbessernden Prozesse – Zwischenwert (2 Jahre nach Projektbeginn) – 4Anzahl der Prozesse – Erzielbarer Wert am Ende des Projekts – 112Reuse-Datensätze, die im Sektor entwickelt und veröffentlicht werden, davon, für die Bedürfnisse der lokalen Gebietskörperschaften für die Erfüllung ihrer FunktionenAnzahl der Datensätze – Zwischenwert (2 Jahre nach Projektbeginn) – 6Anzahl der Datensätze – Erzielbarer Wert am Ende des Projekts – 93Vollständiges Informationssystem SPOLIS mit sicherer externer Nutzerzugriffslösung, Deinstitutionalisierung Zielgruppeninterviews Modul Nauris und Funktionalität der staatlich finanzierten Datenverarbeitungssysteme für soziale Dienste – Zwischenwert (2 Jahre nach Projektbeginn) – 0Anzahl der Systeme – Erzielbarer Wert am Ende von das Projekt – 14Adoptionsregister der Funktionalität des InformationssystemsSystemsnummer – Zwischenwert (2 Jahre nach Projektbeginn) – 0Anzahl der Systeme – Erzielbarer Wert am Ende des Projekts – 15Zusätzliche Funktionalität externer Ressourceninformationssysteme, die für Deinstitutionalisierungsprozesse erforderlich sind (für kommunale Sozialhilfeverwaltungsanwendung SOPA, Sozialversicherungssystem SAIS und kleineres Unterstützungssystem NPAIS)Anzahl der Systeme – Zwischenwert (2 Jahre nach Projektbeginn) – 1Anzahl der Systeme – Erzielbarer Wert am Ende des Projekts – 36 Funktionell verbessertes Informationssystem Labis, Hinzufügung neuer Datenquellen Indikatoren aus externen DatenquellenAnzahl der Systeme – Zwischenwert (2 Jahre nach Projektbeginn) – 1Anzahl der Systeme – Erzielbarer Wert am Ende des Projekts – 1Gesamtbetrag der Projektförderung: 14 571 979,61 EUR Projektdurchführungszeit (Monate): 47 Monate (German)
    28 November 2021
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    Doel van het project is een uniform ondersteuningssysteem voor deïnstitutionalisering te ontwikkelen door het informatiesysteem van het ministerie van Welzijn aan te passen aan het informatiesysteem voor het sociale beleid van de staat (SPOLIS), het Welfare Information System (Labis) en het adoptieregister, aan te vullen met de operationele gegevensverwerkingsfunctionaliteit van sociale diensten en het verstrekken van de open gegevens van de sector diensten voor een breed scala van publiek gebruik op niet-persoonlijk niveau. Het project voorziet in de volgende darbības:1.Deinstitucionalizācijas ondersteuning voor de ontwikkeling van ondersteunende systemen en informatiesystemen op dit gebied, met inbegrip van de ontwikkeling van het concept van SPOLIS- en Labis-informatiesystemen, de ontwikkeling van beschrijvingen van bedrijfsprocessen en technische specificaties van informatiesystemen, de ontwikkeling van een projectcommunicatieplan, de uitvoering van audits en raadplegingen van informatiesystemen (M1-M4); 2.Ontwikkeling en implementatie van de functies van het deinstitutionaliseringsproces in de informatiesystemen SPOLIS en SOPA, met inbegrip van de aankoop van laptops en de ontwikkeling van een gespreksapplicatie (M1);3. Ontwikkeling van aanvullingen op de functionaliteit van het informatiesysteem SPOLIS om de beveiliging van het systeem te verbeteren door interfacefunctionaliteit te ontwikkelen voor externe gebruikersauthenticatie en gegevensbeveiliging, alsmede ter aanvulling van de gegevensverwerkingsfunctionaliteit van door de staat gefinancierde sociale diensten (M2); 4. ontwikkeling van aanvullingen op de functionaliteit van het informatiesysteem Labis om te zorgen voor operationele samenwerking met overheidsinstellingen, lokale overheden, handelaren en ingezetenen in antwoord op verzoeken om informatie over de sector, en om de nodige ondersteuning te bieden in de administratieve processen van het ministerie van Welzijn (M3).5.Ondersteuning van het deïnstitutionaliseringsproces van minderjarigen in niet-familiezorg, waarbij de uitwisseling van gegevens tussen informatiesystemen SPOLIS, SOPA en NPAIS (M1) wordt gewaarborgd; 6.ondersteuning van het goedkeuringsproces in het informatiesysteem Vaststellingsregister (M1);7.Uitvoering van het projectcommunicatieplan (M1), overeenkomstig de bepalingen van de algemene verordening, kabinetsverordening nr. 87 van 17 februari 2015 „Procedures voor het waarborgen van de naleving van de vereisten inzake communicatie en visuele identiteit bij de uitvoering van de structuurfondsen van de Europese Unie en het Cohesiefonds voor de programmeringsperiode 2014-2020”, met inbegrip van het plaatsen van visuele informatie in de vorm van informatiebladen op plaatsen waar de uitvoering van het project plaatsvindt; perscommuniqués publiceren over het behalen van de resultaten van elke fase; het organiseren van een videoconferentie voor werknemers van sociale diensten van lokale overheden; gebruik maken van sociale netwerkmogelijkheden om het publiek te informeren door de informatieve materialen van het project te publiceren.De uitvoering van het project als geheel zal bijdragen tot de verwezenlijking van de volgende projectresultatenindicatoren:1. (Dutch)
    28 November 2021
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    L'obiettivo del progetto è quello di sviluppare un sistema unificato di sostegno alla deistituzionalizzazione adattando il sistema informativo del Ministero del Welfare al sistema informativo statale di monitoraggio delle politiche sociali (SPOLIS), al sistema informativo del Welfare (Labis) e al registro di adozione, integrando con la funzionalità operativa di trattamento dei dati dei servizi sociali e fornendo i dati aperti dei servizi di settore per un'ampia gamma di usi pubblici a livello non personale. Il progetto prevede il seguente supporto darbības:1.Deinstitucionalizācijas per lo sviluppo di sistemi di supporto e sistemi informativi coinvolti nel settore, compreso lo sviluppo del concetto di sistemi informativi SPOLIS e Labis, lo sviluppo delle descrizioni dei processi aziendali e delle specifiche tecniche dei sistemi di informazione, l'elaborazione del piano di comunicazione del progetto, l'esecuzione di audit e consultazioni dei sistemi di informazione (M1-M4); 2. Lo sviluppo e l'attuazione delle funzionalità del processo di deistituzionalizzazione nei sistemi di informazione SPOLIS e SOPA, compreso l'acquisto di computer portatili e lo sviluppo di un'applicazione per interviste (M1);3. Sviluppare la funzionalità del sistema informativo SPOLIS al fine di migliorare la sicurezza del sistema mediante lo sviluppo di funzionalità di interfaccia per l'autenticazione esterna degli utenti e la sicurezza dei dati, nonché integrare la funzionalità di trattamento dei dati dei servizi sociali finanziati dallo Stato (M); 4. Sviluppo di integrazioni alla funzionalità del sistema informativo Labis al fine di garantire la cooperazione operativa con le istituzioni della pubblica amministrazione, le amministrazioni locali, gli esercenti e i residenti in risposta alle richieste di informazioni sul settore, nonché per garantire il necessario sostegno nei processi amministrativi del Ministero del Welfare (M3).5.Sostegno al processo di deistituzionalizzazione dei minori nell'assistenza extrafamiliare, garantendo lo scambio di dati tra i sistemi informativi SPOLIS, SOPA e NPAIS (M1); 6.Sostegno al processo di adozione nel registro di adozione del sistema d'informazione (M1);7.Attuazione del piano di comunicazione del progetto (M1), conformemente alle disposizioni del regolamento generale, regolamento del gabinetto n. 87 del 17 febbraio 2015 "Procedure per garantire il rispetto dei requisiti di comunicazione e identità visiva nell'attuazione dei Fondi strutturali dell'Unione europea e del Fondo di coesione per il periodo di programmazione 2014-2020", anche per inserire le informazioni visive sotto forma di schede informative nei luoghi in cui ha luogo l'attuazione del progetto; pubblicare comunicati stampa sul raggiungimento dei risultati di ciascuna fase; organizzare una videoconferenza per i dipendenti dei servizi sociali delle amministrazioni locali; utilizzare le opportunità di social networking per informare il pubblico pubblicando i materiali informativi del progetto. L'attuazione del progetto nel suo complesso contribuirà al raggiungimento dei seguenti indicatori di risultato del progetto:1. La percentuale di operatori economici, comprese le ONG e le unità delle amministrazioni locali, che utilizzeranno il sistema informativo a sostegno dello DI per la cooperazione con le istituzioni statali e locali — valore realizzabile 3 anni dopo la conclusione del progetto — 95 %; Risultati rādītāji:1Pilnveidoti processi operativi, tra cui, entro il 31 dicembre 2018, contratti con il fornitore per lo sviluppo o la fornitura di sistemi informativi per il miglioramento dei processi operativi per il 30 % del numero di processi da migliorare nell'ambito del numero Event Number di processi — valore intermedio (2 anni dopo l'inizio del progetto) — 4Numero di processi — Valore realizzabile alla fine del progetto — 112Riutilizzare set di dati sviluppati e pubblicati nel settore, di cui, per le esigenze delle amministrazioni locali per lo svolgimento delle loro funzioniNumero di serie di dati — valore intermedio (2 anni dopo l'inizio del progetto) — 6Numero di serie di dati — Valore realizzabile alla fine del progetto — 93Sistema informativo completo SPOLIS con soluzione di accesso esterno sicuro agli utenti, gruppo di destinatari di deistituzionalizzazione che intervista il modulo Nauris e funzionalità del sistema di elaborazione dati dei servizi sociali finanziati dallo Stato — valore intermedio (2 anni dopo l'inizio del progetto) — 0Numero di sistemi — Valore raggiungibile alla fine del progetto — 14Registro di adozione della funzionalità del sistema informativoNumero di sistemi — Valore intermedio (2 anni dopo l'inizio del progetto) — 0Numero di sistemi — Valore realizzabile alla fine del progetto — 15 Funzionalità supplementare dei sistemi di informazione sulle risorse esterne necessari per i processi di deistituzionalizzazione (Per l'applicazione dell'assistenza sociale comunale SOPA, sistema informativo di assicurazione so... (Italian)
    11 January 2022
    0 references
    El objetivo del proyecto es desarrollar un sistema unificado de apoyo a la desinstitucionalización, adaptando el sistema de información del Ministerio de Bienestar Social al Sistema Estatal de Seguimiento de la Política Social (SPOLIS), el Sistema de Información de Bienestar (Labis) y el Registro de Adopciones, complementando con la funcionalidad operativa de tratamiento de datos de los servicios sociales y suministrando los datos abiertos de los servicios sectoriales para una amplia gama de usos públicos a nivel no personal. 2.Desarrollar e implementar las funcionalidades del proceso de desinstitucionalización en los sistemas de información SPOLIS y SOPA, incluida la compra de ordenadores portátiles y el desarrollo de una aplicación de entrevistas (M1)3. Desarrollar adiciones a la funcionalidad del sistema de información SPOLIS con el fin de mejorar la seguridad del sistema mediante el desarrollo de funcionalidades de interfaz para la autenticación y la seguridad de los datos externos, así como complementar la funcionalidad del tratamiento de datos de los servicios sociales financiados por el Estado (M2); 4. Desarrollo de adiciones a la funcionalidad del sistema de información Labis a fin de asegurar la cooperación operativa con las instituciones de la administración pública, los gobiernos locales, los comerciantes y los residentes en respuesta a las solicitudes de información sobre el sector, así como para asegurar el apoyo necesario en los procesos administrativos del Ministerio de Bienestar Social (M3).5.Apoyo al proceso de desinstitucionalización de los menores en la atención extrafamiliar, asegurando el intercambio de datos entre los sistemas de información SPOLIS, SOPA y NPAIS (M1); 6.Apoyo al proceso de adopción en el sistema de información Registro de adopción (M1);7.Aplicación del plan de comunicación del proyecto (M1), de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el Reglamento General, Reglamento del Consejo de Ministros n.º 87, de 17 de febrero de 2015, «Procedimientos para garantizar el cumplimiento de los requisitos de comunicación e identidad visual en la ejecución de los Fondos Estructurales de la Unión Europea y del Fondo de Cohesión para el período de programación 2014-2020», incluida la introducción de información visual en forma de fichas de información en los lugares donde se lleve a cabo la ejecución del proyecto; publicar comunicados de prensa sobre el logro de los resultados de cada fase; organizar una videoconferencia para los empleados de los servicios sociales de las administraciones locales; utilizar las oportunidades de redes sociales para informar al público mediante la publicación de los materiales informativos del proyecto.La implementación del proyecto en su conjunto contribuirá a la consecución de los siguientes indicadores de resultados del proyecto:1. La proporción de operadores económicos, incluidas las ONG y las unidades de gobierno local, que utilizarán el sistema de información de apoyo a la DI para la cooperación con las instituciones estatales y locales — valor alcanzable tres años después del final del proyecto — 95 %; Resultados: Procesos operativos, incluidos, a más tardar el 31 de diciembre de 2018, contratos con el proveedor para el desarrollo o la entrega de sistemas de información para la mejora de los procesos operativos para el 30 % del número de procesos que deben mejorarse en el marco del Eventonúmero de procesos — valor intermedio (2 años después del inicio del proyecto) — 4 Número de procesos — Valor alcanzable al final del proyecto — 112Reutilizar conjuntos de datos desarrollados y publicados en el sector, de los cuales, para las necesidades de los gobiernos locales para el desempeño de sus funcionesNúmero de conjuntos de datos — valor intermedio (2 años después del inicio del proyecto) — 6Número de conjuntos de datos — Valor alcanzable al final del proyecto — 93Sistema de información completo SPOLIS con solución segura de acceso externo de los usuarios, grupo objetivo de desinstitucionalización que entrevista al módulo Nauris y funcionalidad del número del sistema de tratamiento de datos de los servicios sociales financiados por el Estado — valor intermedio (2 años después del inicio del proyecto) — 0Número de sistemas — Valor alcanzable en el sistema de tratamiento de datos fin del proyecto — 14Registro de adopciones de funcionalidad del sistema de informaciónNúmero de sistemas — valor intermedio (2 años después del inicio del proyecto) — 0Número de sistemas — Valor alcanzable al final del proyecto — 15Función adicional de los sistemas de información de recursos externos necesarios para los procesos de desinstitucionalización (para aplicación de administración de asistencia social municipal SOPA, sistema de información sobre la seguridad social SAIS y sistema de apoyo menor NPAIS)Número de sistemas — Valor intermedio (2 años después del inicio del proyecto) — 1 Número de sistemas — Valor alcanzable al final del proyecto — 36 Sistema de información funcional... (Spanish)
    12 January 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to develop a unified deinstitutionalisation process support system by adapting the information system of the Ministry of Welfare National Social Policy Monitoring Information Systems (SPOLIS), Welfare Information System (LabIS) and Adoption Register capabilities, complementing the operational data processing functionality of social services and delivering open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information system development, development of e-services.Development of the IT system for wide public use at an unpersonalised level.The project provides for the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, s.o.c. development of open data for public use, development of user information system for non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry information system development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level of data, including user process information system security.The project provides for the following actions:1.Consultative support for the development of the information systems of the sector, development of open data of industry services, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The project provides for the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information system development, s.o.c. development of open data for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of IT services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, t.o.c. development of open data for public use on an unpersonalised level of data, including user process information system for non-personalised level.The project provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level of data, including user process information system for non-personalised level.The project envisages the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems Information system development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems Information, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions: 1.Tehnilise toe süsteemi ja tööstusega seotud infosüsteemide deinstitutsionaliseerimine, tööstusteenuste avatud andmete arendamine laiaks avalikuks kasutamiseks isikustamata tasemel. Disainis nähakse ette ka järgmine activities:1.Deinstitutionalisation tugisüsteem ja tööstus on kaasatud infosüsteemide arendamisse, tööstusteenuste avatud andmete väljatöötamine laiaks avalikuks kasutamiseks mitteisikustatud andmete tasemel.Projektiga nähakse ette ka järgmine actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation toetus operatiivandmete väljatöötamiseks 4. Infosüsteemi Labis täiendava funktsionaalsuse arendamine, et tagada operatiivkoostöö avaliku halduse asutuste, omavalitsuste, kaupmeeste ja kodanikega vastuseks sektorit käsitleva teabe taotlustele, ning pakkuda vajalikku tuge hoolekandeministeeriumi juhtimisprotsessides (M3); toetus alaealiste deinstitutsionaliseerimiseks välise perehoolduse all, pakkudes andmevahetust infosüsteemide SPOLIS, SOPA ja NPAIS (M1) vahel; 6.Informatsioonisüsteemis sisalduva teabe vastuvõtmine Euroopa Liidu määruste vastuvõtmise eeskirjades (M1) Teabekava rakendamine kooskõlas Euroopa Liidu määrustega (M1);7. (Estonian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to develop a unified deinstitutionalisation process support system by adapting the information system of the Ministry of Welfare National Social Policy Monitoring Information Systems (SPOLIS), Welfare Information System (LabIS) and Adoption Register capabilities, complementing the operational data processing functionality of social services and delivering open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information system development, development of e-services.Development of the IT system for wide public use at an unpersonalised level.The project provides for the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, s.o.c. development of open data for public use, development of user information system for non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry information system development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level of data, including user process information system security.The project provides for the following actions:1.Consultative support for the development of the information systems of the sector, development of open data of industry services, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The project provides for the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information system development, s.o.c. development of open data for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of IT services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, t.o.c. development of open data for public use on an unpersonalised level of data, including user process information system for non-personalised level.The project provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level of data, including user process information system for non-personalised level.The project envisages the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems Information system development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems Information, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions: 1.Techninės paramos sistemos ir pramonės šakų informacinių sistemų deinstitucionalizavimas, pramonės paslaugų atvirųjų duomenų kūrimas plačiajai visuomenei neasmenizuotame lygyje. Dizainas taip pat numato šią activities:1.Deinstitutionalisation paramos sistemą ir pramonės sektorių, susijusių su informacinių sistemų kūrimu, pramonės paslaugų atvirųjų duomenų rengimu plačiajai visuomenei neasmenizuotu duomenų lygiu. Taip pat numatyta actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation parama operatyvinių duomenų kūrimui 4.Informacinės sistemos Labis papildomų funkcijų kūrimas, siekiant užtikrinti operatyvų bendradarbiavimą su viešojo administravimo institucijomis, savivaldybėmis, prekybininkais ir piliečiais, reaguojant į prašymus suteikti informaciją apie sektorių, taip pat teikti reikiamą paramą Welfare ministerijos valdymo procesuose (M3); parama nepilnamečių, kuriems taikoma išorinė šeimos priežiūra, deinstitucionalizavimui užtikrinant keitimąsi duomenimis tarp informacinių sistemų SPOLIS, SOPA ir NPAIS (M1); Informacijos priėmimas informacinėje sistemoje Priėmimo reglamentuose, Europos Sąjungos reglamentuose (M1) Informacijos plano įgyvendinimas pagal Europos Sąjungos reglamentus (M1);7. (Lithuanian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to develop a unified deinstitutionalisation process support system by adapting the information system of the Ministry of Welfare National Social Policy Monitoring Information Systems (SPOLIS), Welfare Information System (LabIS) and Adoption Register capabilities, complementing the operational data processing functionality of social services and delivering open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information system development, development of e-services.Development of the IT system for wide public use at an unpersonalised level.The project provides for the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, s.o.c. development of open data for public use, development of user information system for non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry information system development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level of data, including user process information system security.The project provides for the following actions:1.Consultative support for the development of the information systems of the sector, development of open data of industry services, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The project provides for the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information system development, s.o.c. development of open data for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of IT services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, t.o.c. development of open data for public use on an unpersonalised level of data, including user process information system for non-personalised level.The project provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level of data, including user process information system for non-personalised level.The project envisages the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems Information system development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems Information, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions: 1.Deinstitucionalizacija sustava tehničke podrške i industrije uključivala je informacijske sustave, razvoj otvorenih podataka industrijskih usluga za široku javnu uporabu na nepersonaliziranoj razini. Dizajnom se također predviđa sljedeći activities:1.Deinstitutionalisation sustav podrške i razvoj informacijskih sustava u industriji, razrada otvorenih podataka industrijskih usluga za široku javnu uporabu na nepersonaliziranoj razini podataka. Dizajnom se također osigurava sljedeća actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation potpora za razvoj operativnih podataka 4. Razvoj dodatne funkcionalnosti laboratorija informacijskog sustava kako bi se osigurala operativna suradnja s institucijama javne uprave, općinama, trgovcima i građanima kao odgovor na zahtjeve za informacijama o sektoru te kako bi se pružila potrebna potpora u postupcima upravljanja Ministarstva socijalne skrbi (M3); potpora deinstitucionalizaciji maloljetnika pod vanjskom obiteljskom skrbi pružanjem razmjene podataka između informacijskih sustava SPOLIS, SOPA i NPAIS (M1); 6.Donošenje informacija u informacijskom sustavu u uredbama o donošenju, uredbama Europske unije (M1) Provedba komunikacijskog plana u skladu s uredbama Europske unije (M1);7. (Croatian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to develop a unified deinstitutionalisation process support system by adapting the information system of the Ministry of Welfare National Social Policy Monitoring Information Systems (SPOLIS), Welfare Information System (LabIS) and Adoption Register capabilities, complementing the operational data processing functionality of social services and delivering open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information system development, development of e-services.Development of the IT system for wide public use at an unpersonalised level.The project provides for the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, s.o.c. development of open data for public use, development of user information system for non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry information system development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level of data, including user process information system security.The project provides for the following actions:1.Consultative support for the development of the information systems of the sector, development of open data of industry services, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The project provides for the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information system development, s.o.c. development of open data for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of IT services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, t.o.c. development of open data for public use on an unpersonalised level of data, including user process information system for non-personalised level.The project provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level of data, including user process information system for non-personalised level.The project envisages the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems Information system development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems Information, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions: 1.Η αποϊδρυματοποίηση του συστήματος τεχνικής υποστήριξης και της βιομηχανίας περιλάμβανε συστήματα πληροφοριών, ανάπτυξη ανοικτών δεδομένων των βιομηχανικών υπηρεσιών για ευρεία δημόσια χρήση σε μη εξατομικευμένο επίπεδο. Ο σχεδιασμός προβλέπει επίσης το ακόλουθο activities:1.Deinstitutionalisation υποστηρικτικό σύστημα και η βιομηχανία αφορούσε την ανάπτυξη συστημάτων πληροφοριών, την επεξεργασία ανοικτών δεδομένων των βιομηχανικών υπηρεσιών για ευρεία δημόσια χρήση σε μη εξατομικευμένο επίπεδο δεδομένων.Ο σχεδιασμός προβλέπει επίσης την ακόλουθη υποστήριξη actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation για την ανάπτυξη επιχειρησιακών δεδομένων 4.Ανάπτυξη πρόσθετης λειτουργικότητας του Πληροφοριακού Συστήματος Labis προκειμένου να διασφαλιστεί η επιχειρησιακή συνεργασία με τα όργανα δημόσιας διοίκησης, τους δήμους, τους εμπόρους και τους πολίτες ως απάντηση σε αιτήματα για πληροφορίες σχετικά με τον τομέα, καθώς και για την παροχή της αναγκαίας υποστήριξης στις διαδικασίες διαχείρισης του Υπουργείου Πρόνοιας (Υ3)· στήριξη της αποϊδρυματοποίησης ανηλίκων στο πλαίσιο εξωτερικής οικογενειακής φροντίδας μέσω της παροχής ανταλλαγής δεδομένων μεταξύ των συστημάτων πληροφοριών SPOLIS, SOPA και NPAIS (M1)· 6.Έγκριση των πληροφοριών στο Πληροφοριακό Σύστημα στους Κανονισμούς Υιοθέτησης Κανονισμών της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης (Μ1) Η εφαρμογή του επικοινωνιακού σχεδίου σύμφωνα με τους Κανονισμούς της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης (Μ1)·7. (Greek)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to develop a unified deinstitutionalisation process support system by adapting the information system of the Ministry of Welfare National Social Policy Monitoring Information Systems (SPOLIS), Welfare Information System (LabIS) and Adoption Register capabilities, complementing the operational data processing functionality of social services and delivering open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information system development, development of e-services.Development of the IT system for wide public use at an unpersonalised level.The project provides for the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, s.o.c. development of open data for public use, development of user information system for non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry information system development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level of data, including user process information system security.The project provides for the following actions:1.Consultative support for the development of the information systems of the sector, development of open data of industry services, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The project provides for the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information system development, s.o.c. development of open data for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of IT services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, t.o.c. development of open data for public use on an unpersonalised level of data, including user process information system for non-personalised level.The project provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level of data, including user process information system for non-personalised level.The project envisages the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems Information system development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems Information, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions: 1.Deinštitucionalizácia systému technickej podpory a priemyslu zahŕňal informačné systémy, vývoj otvorených dát priemyselných služieb pre širokú verejnosť na nepersonalizovanej úrovni. Dizajn tiež poskytuje nasledujúce activities:1.Deinstitutionalisation podporný systém a priemysel zahŕňa vývoj informačných systémov, vypracovanie otvorených dát priemyselných služieb pre širokú verejnosť na nepersonalizovanej úrovni dát. Dizajn tiež poskytuje nasledujúce actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation podporu pre vývoj prevádzkových údajov 4.Rozvoj ďalších funkcií informačného systému Labis s cieľom zabezpečiť operačnú spoluprácu s inštitúciami verejnej správy, samosprávami, obchodníkmi a občanmi v reakcii na žiadosti o informácie o sektore, ako aj poskytnúť potrebnú podporu v riadiacich procesoch ministerstva sociálnych vecí (M3); podpora deinštitucionalizácie maloletých osôb v externej rodinnej starostlivosti poskytovaním výmeny údajov medzi informačnými systémami SPOLIS, SOPA a NPAIS (M1); 6.Prijatie informácií v informačnom systéme v nariadeniach o prijímaní, nariadeniach Európskej únie (M1) Implementácia komunikačného plánu v súlade s nariadeniami Európskej únie (M1);7. (Slovak)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to develop a unified deinstitutionalisation process support system by adapting the information system of the Ministry of Welfare National Social Policy Monitoring Information Systems (SPOLIS), Welfare Information System (LabIS) and Adoption Register capabilities, complementing the operational data processing functionality of social services and delivering open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information system development, development of e-services.Development of the IT system for wide public use at an unpersonalised level.The project provides for the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, s.o.c. development of open data for public use, development of user information system for non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry information system development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level of data, including user process information system security.The project provides for the following actions:1.Consultative support for the development of the information systems of the sector, development of open data of industry services, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The project provides for the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information system development, s.o.c. development of open data for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of IT services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, t.o.c. development of open data for public use on an unpersonalised level of data, including user process information system for non-personalised level.The project provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level of data, including user process information system for non-personalised level.The project envisages the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems Information system development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems Information, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions: 1.Teknisen tukijärjestelmän ja toimialaan liittyvien tietojärjestelmien laitoshoidosta luopuminen, toimialapalvelujen avoimen datan kehittäminen laajaan julkiseen käyttöön ei-henkilökohtaisella tasolla. Suunnittelu sisältää myös seuraavan activities:1.Deinstitutionalisation tukijärjestelmän ja toimialaan liittyvän tietojärjestelmien kehittämisen, teollisuuspalvelujen avoimen datan kehittämisen, joka on tarkoitettu laajaan julkiseen käyttöön ei-henkilökohtaisella datalla. Suunnittelussa annetaan myös seuraava tuki actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation operatiivisen datan kehittämiselle 4. Tietojärjestelmälaboratorion lisätoimintojen kehittäminen, jotta voidaan varmistaa operatiivinen yhteistyö julkishallinnon laitosten, kuntien, kauppiaiden ja kansalaisten kanssa vastauksena alan tietopyyntöihin, sekä antaa tarvittavaa tukea Welfare-ministeriön johtamisprosesseissa (3). tuki alaikäisten laitoshoidosta luopumiseen perheen ulkopuolisessa hoidossa tarjoamalla tiedonvaihtoa SPOLIS-, SOPA- ja NPAIS-tietojärjestelmien (M1) välillä; 6.Tietojärjestelmän tietojen hyväksyminen Euroopan unionin asetuksissa (M1) Viestintäsuunnitelman täytäntöönpano Euroopan unionin asetusten mukaisesti (M1)7. (Finnish)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to develop a unified deinstitutionalisation process support system by adapting the information system of the Ministry of Welfare National Social Policy Monitoring Information Systems (SPOLIS), Welfare Information System (LabIS) and Adoption Register capabilities, complementing the operational data processing functionality of social services and delivering open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information system development, development of e-services.Development of the IT system for wide public use at an unpersonalised level.The project provides for the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, s.o.c. development of open data for public use, development of user information system for non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry information system development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level of data, including user process information system security.The project provides for the following actions:1.Consultative support for the development of the information systems of the sector, development of open data of industry services, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The project provides for the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information system development, s.o.c. development of open data for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of IT services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, t.o.c. development of open data for public use on an unpersonalised level of data, including user process information system for non-personalised level.The project provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level of data, including user process information system for non-personalised level.The project envisages the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems Information system development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems Information, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions: 1.Deinstytucjonalizacja systemu wsparcia technicznego i systemów informacyjnych związanych z przemysłem, rozwój otwartych danych usług branżowych do szerokiego użytku publicznego na poziomie niespersonalizowanym.W projekcie przewidziano również następujący system wsparcia activities:1.Deinstitutionalisation i rozwój systemów informatycznych związanych z branżą, opracowanie otwartych danych usług branżowych do szerokiego użytku publicznego na poziomie niespersonalizowanym. Projekt przewiduje również następujące wsparcie actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation dla rozwoju danych operacyjnych 4.Opracowanie dodatkowej funkcjonalności systemu informacyjnego Labis w celu zapewnienia współpracy operacyjnej z instytucjami administracji publicznej, gminami, handlowcami i obywatelami w odpowiedzi na wnioski o udzielenie informacji na temat sektora, a także w celu zapewnienia niezbędnego wsparcia w procesach zarządzania Ministerstwa Welfare (M3); wspieranie deinstytucjonalizacji małoletnich objętych zewnętrzną opieką rodzinną poprzez zapewnienie wymiany danych między systemami informacyjnymi SPOLIS, SOPA i NPAIS (M1); 6.Przyjęcie informacji w Systemie Informacyjnym W Regulaminie Przyjęć, Regulamin Unii Europejskiej (M1) Wdrażanie planu komunikacji zgodnie z Regulaminem Unii Europejskiej (M1);7. (Polish)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to develop a unified deinstitutionalisation process support system by adapting the information system of the Ministry of Welfare National Social Policy Monitoring Information Systems (SPOLIS), Welfare Information System (LabIS) and Adoption Register capabilities, complementing the operational data processing functionality of social services and delivering open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information system development, development of e-services.Development of the IT system for wide public use at an unpersonalised level.The project provides for the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, s.o.c. development of open data for public use, development of user information system for non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry information system development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level of data, including user process information system security.The project provides for the following actions:1.Consultative support for the development of the information systems of the sector, development of open data of industry services, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The project provides for the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information system development, s.o.c. development of open data for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of IT services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, t.o.c. development of open data for public use on an unpersonalised level of data, including user process information system for non-personalised level.The project provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level of data, including user process information system for non-personalised level.The project envisages the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems Information system development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems Information, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions: 1.A technikai támogató rendszer és az ipar érintett információs rendszerei, az ipari szolgáltatások nyílt adatainak fejlesztése a széles körű nyilvános használatra, nem személyre szabott szinten. A tervezés a következő activities:1.Deinstitutionalisation támogatási rendszer és az iparban részt vevő információs rendszerek fejlesztését, az ipari szolgáltatások nyílt adatainak kidolgozását a nem személyre szabott adatszinten történő széles körű nyilvános felhasználásra, valamint a következő actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation támogatást biztosítja az operatív adatok fejlesztéséhez 4.Az Információs Rendszer Labis további funkcionalitásának fejlesztése annak érdekében, hogy operatív együttműködést biztosítson a közigazgatási intézményekkel, önkormányzatokkal, kereskedőkkel és polgárokkal az ágazattal kapcsolatos információkérésekre válaszul, valamint hogy a szükséges támogatást nyújtsa a Jóléti Minisztérium (M3) irányítási folyamataiban; a külső családi gondozásban részesülő kiskorúak intézménymentesítésének támogatása a SPOLIS, a SOPA és az NPAIS (M1) információs rendszerek közötti adatcsere biztosítása révén; 6.Az információs rendszerben szereplő információk elfogadása az Európai Unió elfogadási rendeleteiben (M1) A kommunikációs terv végrehajtása az Európai Unió rendeleteivel (M1) összhangban;7. (Hungarian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to develop a unified deinstitutionalisation process support system by adapting the information system of the Ministry of Welfare National Social Policy Monitoring Information Systems (SPOLIS), Welfare Information System (LabIS) and Adoption Register capabilities, complementing the operational data processing functionality of social services and delivering open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information system development, development of e-services.Development of the IT system for wide public use at an unpersonalised level.The project provides for the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, s.o.c. development of open data for public use, development of user information system for non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry information system development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level of data, including user process information system security.The project provides for the following actions:1.Consultative support for the development of the information systems of the sector, development of open data of industry services, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The project provides for the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information system development, s.o.c. development of open data for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of IT services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, t.o.c. development of open data for public use on an unpersonalised level of data, including user process information system for non-personalised level.The project provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level of data, including user process information system for non-personalised level.The project envisages the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems Information system development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems Information, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions: 1.Deinstitucionalizace systému technické podpory a průmyslu zapojených informačních systémů, rozvoj otevřených dat průmyslových služeb pro široké veřejné využití na nepersonalizované úrovni. Design rovněž zajišťuje následující podpůrný systém activities:1.Deinstitutionalisation a průmysl zapojený do vývoje informačních systémů, zpracování otevřených dat průmyslových služeb pro široké veřejné využití na nepersonalizované úrovni dat. Design také poskytuje následující actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation podporu pro vývoj provozních dat 4. Vývoj další funkčnosti informačního systému Labis s cílem zajistit operativní spolupráci s orgány veřejné správy, obcemi, obchodníky a občany v reakci na žádosti o informace o tomto odvětví, jakož i poskytovat nezbytnou podporu v řídících procesech ministerstva Welfare (M3); podpora deinstitucionalizace nezletilých osob v rámci externí rodinné péče prostřednictvím výměny údajů mezi informačními systémy SPOLIS, SOPA a NPAIS (M1); 6.Přijetí informací v informačním systému v nařízeních o přijímání, nařízení Evropské unie (M1) Provádění komunikačního plánu v souladu s nařízeními Evropské unie (M1);7. (Czech)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to develop a unified deinstitutionalisation process support system by adapting the information system of the Ministry of Welfare National Social Policy Monitoring Information Systems (SPOLIS), Welfare Information System (LabIS) and Adoption Register capabilities, complementing the operational data processing functionality of social services and delivering open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information system development, development of e-services.Development of the IT system for wide public use at an unpersonalised level.The project provides for the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, s.o.c. development of open data for public use, development of user information system for non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry information system development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level of data, including user process information system security.The project provides for the following actions:1.Consultative support for the development of the information systems of the sector, development of open data of industry services, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The project provides for the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information system development, s.o.c. development of open data for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of IT services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, t.o.c. development of open data for public use on an unpersonalised level of data, including user process information system for non-personalised level.The project provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level of data, including user process information system for non-personalised level.The project envisages the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems Information system development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems Information, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions: 1.Déanann an dearadh foráil freisin maidir leis an gcóras tacaíochta teicniúla agus an tionscal a bhaineann le córais faisnéise a fhorbairt, sonraí oscailte seirbhísí tionscail a fhorbairt lena n-úsáid go forleathan ag an bpobal ar leibhéal neamhphearsantaithe.Foráiltear leis an dearadh freisin maidir leis an méid seo a leanas: tacaíocht a thabhairt d’fhorbairt sonraí oibríochtúla 4.Feidhmiúlacht bhreise Saotharlann an Chórais Faisnéise a fhorbairt chun comhar oibríochtúil a áirithiú le hinstitiúidí riaracháin phoiblí, bardais, ceannaithe agus saoránaigh mar fhreagairt ar iarrataí ar fhaisnéis faoin earnáil, chomh maith le tacaíocht riachtanach a chur ar fáil i bpróisis bhainistíochta na hAireachta Leasa (M3); tacaíocht do dhí-institiúidiú mionaoiseach atá faoi chúram teaghlaigh seachtrach trí mhalartú sonraí a sholáthar idir córais faisnéise SPOLIS, SOPA agus NPAIS (M1); 6.An fhaisnéis sa Chóras Faisnéise a ghlacadh sna Rialacháin maidir le Glacadh, Rialacháin an Aontais Eorpaigh (M1) Cur chun feidhme an phlean cumarsáide i gcomhréir le Rialacháin an Aontais Eorpaigh (M1);7. (Irish)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to develop a unified deinstitutionalisation process support system by adapting the information system of the Ministry of Welfare National Social Policy Monitoring Information Systems (SPOLIS), Welfare Information System (LabIS) and Adoption Register capabilities, complementing the operational data processing functionality of social services and delivering open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information system development, development of e-services.Development of the IT system for wide public use at an unpersonalised level.The project provides for the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, s.o.c. development of open data for public use, development of user information system for non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry information system development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level of data, including user process information system security.The project provides for the following actions:1.Consultative support for the development of the information systems of the sector, development of open data of industry services, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The project provides for the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information system development, s.o.c. development of open data for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of IT services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, t.o.c. development of open data for public use on an unpersonalised level of data, including user process information system for non-personalised level.The project provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level of data, including user process information system for non-personalised level.The project envisages the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems Information system development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems Information, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions: 1.Deinstitucionalizacija sistema tehnične podpore in industrije je vključevala informacijske sisteme, razvoj odprtih podatkov industrijskih storitev za široko javno uporabo na nepersonalizirani ravni. Zasnova predvideva tudi naslednji activities:1.Deinstitutionalisation podporni sistem in industrijo, ki sta vključevala razvoj informacijskih sistemov, izdelavo odprtih podatkov industrijskih storitev za široko javno uporabo na nepersonalizirani ravni podatkov.Zasnova zagotavlja tudi naslednjo actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation podporo za razvoj operativnih podatkov 4.Razvoj dodatne funkcionalnosti informacijskega sistema Labis, da se zagotovi operativno sodelovanje z institucijami javne uprave, občinami, trgovci in državljani v odziv na zahteve po informacijah o sektorju ter za zagotavljanje potrebne podpore v postopkih upravljanja Ministrstva za socialno varnost (M3); podpora deinstitucionalizaciji mladoletnikov v zunanji družinski oskrbi z zagotavljanjem izmenjave podatkov med informacijskimi sistemi SPOLIS, SOPA in NPAIS (M1); 6.Sprejetje informacij v informacijskem sistemu V uredbah o sprejetju uredb Evropske unije (M1) Izvajanje komunikacijskega načrta v skladu z uredbami Evropske unije (M1);7. (Slovenian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to develop a unified deinstitutionalisation process support system by adapting the information system of the Ministry of Welfare National Social Policy Monitoring Information Systems (SPOLIS), Welfare Information System (LabIS) and Adoption Register capabilities, complementing the operational data processing functionality of social services and delivering open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information system development, development of e-services.Development of the IT system for wide public use at an unpersonalised level.The project provides for the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, s.o.c. development of open data for public use, development of user information system for non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry information system development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level of data, including user process information system security.The project provides for the following actions:1.Consultative support for the development of the information systems of the sector, development of open data of industry services, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The project provides for the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information system development, s.o.c. development of open data for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of IT services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, t.o.c. development of open data for public use on an unpersonalised level of data, including user process information system for non-personalised level.The project provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level of data, including user process information system for non-personalised level.The project envisages the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems Information system development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems Information, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions: 1.Деинституционализация на системата за техническа поддръжка и участващите в индустрията информационни системи, разработване на отворени данни за промишлени услуги за широка обществена употреба на неперсонализирано ниво. Дизайнът предвижда и следната подкрепа на activities:1.Deinstitutionalisation система за поддръжка и разработване на информационни системи, разработване на отворени данни за промишлени услуги за широка обществена употреба на неперсонализирано ниво на данни. Дизайнът предвижда и следната actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation подкрепа за разработването на оперативни данни 4.Разработване на допълнителна функционалност на информационната система Labis, за да се осигури оперативно сътрудничество с институциите на публичната администрация, общините, търговците и гражданите в отговор на искания за информация за сектора, както и за осигуряване на необходимата подкрепа в процесите на управление на Министерството на благосъстоянието; подкрепа за деинституционализацията на непълнолетни лица под външни семейни грижи чрез осигуряване на обмен на данни между информационните системи SPOLIS, SOPA и NPAIS (M1); 6.Приемане на информацията в информационната система В Правилника за приемане, Правилник на Европейския съюз (М1) Изпълнение на комуникационния план в съответствие с регламентите на Европейския съюз (М1);7. (Bulgarian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to develop a unified deinstitutionalisation process support system by adapting the information system of the Ministry of Welfare National Social Policy Monitoring Information Systems (SPOLIS), Welfare Information System (LabIS) and Adoption Register capabilities, complementing the operational data processing functionality of social services and delivering open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information system development, development of e-services.Development of the IT system for wide public use at an unpersonalised level.The project provides for the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, s.o.c. development of open data for public use, development of user information system for non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry information system development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level of data, including user process information system security.The project provides for the following actions:1.Consultative support for the development of the information systems of the sector, development of open data of industry services, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The project provides for the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information system development, s.o.c. development of open data for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of IT services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, t.o.c. development of open data for public use on an unpersonalised level of data, including user process information system for non-personalised level.The project provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level of data, including user process information system for non-personalised level.The project envisages the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems Information system development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems Information, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions: 1.Deistituzzjonalizzazzjoni tas-sistema ta’ appoġġ tekniku u l-industrija involviet sistemi ta’ informazzjoni, l-iżvilupp ta’ data miftuħa tas-servizzi tal-industrija għal użu pubbliku wiesa’ f’livell mhux personalizzat. Id-disinn jipprevedi wkoll l-appoġġ li ġej actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation għall-iżvilupp ta’ data operattiva 4.Żvilupp ta’ funzjonalità addizzjonali tas-Sistema ta’ Informazzjoni Labis sabiex tiġi żgurata kooperazzjoni operattiva mal-istituzzjonijiet tal-amministrazzjoni pubblika, il-muniċipalitajiet, in-negozjanti u ċ-ċittadini b’rispons għal talbiet għal informazzjoni dwar is-settur, kif ukoll biex jiġi pprovdut l-appoġġ meħtieġ fil-proċessi ta’ ġestjoni tal-Ministeru tal-Benesseri; appoġġ għad-deistituzzjonalizzazzjoni ta’ minorenni taħt kura esterna tal-familja billi jiġi pprovdut skambju ta’ data bejn is-sistemi ta’ informazzjoni SPOLIS, SOPA u NPAIS (M1); 6.Adozzjoni tal-informazzjoni fis-Sistema ta’ Informazzjoni fir-Regolamenti tal-Adozzjoni, Regolamenti tal-Unjoni Ewropea (M1) L-implimentazzjoni tal-pjan ta’ komunikazzjoni skont ir-Regolamenti tal-Unjoni Ewropea (M1);7. (Maltese)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to develop a unified deinstitutionalisation process support system by adapting the information system of the Ministry of Welfare National Social Policy Monitoring Information Systems (SPOLIS), Welfare Information System (LabIS) and Adoption Register capabilities, complementing the operational data processing functionality of social services and delivering open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information system development, development of e-services.Development of the IT system for wide public use at an unpersonalised level.The project provides for the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, s.o.c. development of open data for public use, development of user information system for non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry information system development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level of data, including user process information system security.The project provides for the following actions:1.Consultative support for the development of the information systems of the sector, development of open data of industry services, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The project provides for the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information system development, s.o.c. development of open data for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of IT services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, t.o.c. development of open data for public use on an unpersonalised level of data, including user process information system for non-personalised level.The project provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level of data, including user process information system for non-personalised level.The project envisages the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems Information system development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems Information, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions: 1.Desinstitucionalização do sistema de suporte técnico e da indústria envolvidos sistemas de informação, desenvolvimento de dados abertos de serviços da indústria para ampla utilização pública em um nível não-personalizado.O design também prevê o seguinte activities:1.Deinstitutionalisation sistema de apoio e indústria envolvido desenvolvimento de sistemas de informação, elaboração de dados abertos de serviços da indústria para uso público amplo em um nível não-personalizado de dados.O projeto também prevê o seguinte apoio actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation para o desenvolvimento de dados operacionais 4.Desenvolvimento de funcionalidade adicional do Sistema de Informação Labis, a fim de garantir a cooperação operacional com instituições da administração pública, concelhos, comerciantes e cidadãos em resposta a pedidos de informação sobre o setor, bem como para fornecer apoio necessário nos processos de gestão do Ministério da Bem-Estar (M3); apoio à desinstitucionalização de menores sob cuidados familiares externos, através do intercâmbio de dados entre os sistemas de informação SPOLIS, SOPA e NPAIS (M1); 6.Adoção das informações no Sistema de Informação Nos Regulamentos de Adoção, Regulamentos da União Europeia (M1) A implementação do plano de comunicação de acordo com os Regulamentos da União Europeia (M1);7. (Portuguese)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to develop a unified deinstitutionalisation process support system by adapting the information system of the Ministry of Welfare National Social Policy Monitoring Information Systems (SPOLIS), Welfare Information System (LabIS) and Adoption Register capabilities, complementing the operational data processing functionality of social services and delivering open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information system development, development of e-services.Development of the IT system for wide public use at an unpersonalised level.The project provides for the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, s.o.c. development of open data for public use, development of user information system for non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry information system development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level of data, including user process information system security.The project provides for the following actions:1.Consultative support for the development of the information systems of the sector, development of open data of industry services, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The project provides for the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information system development, s.o.c. development of open data for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of IT services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, t.o.c. development of open data for public use on an unpersonalised level of data, including user process information system for non-personalised level.The project provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level of data, including user process information system for non-personalised level.The project envisages the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems Information system development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems Information, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions: 1.Deinstitutionalisering af tekniske støttesystemer og industrien involverede informationssystemer, udvikling af åbne data fra industritjenester til bred offentlig brug på et ikke-personligt niveau. Designet giver også mulighed for følgende activities:1.Deinstitutionalisation støttesystem og industrien involveret informationssystemer udvikling, udarbejdelse af åbne data fra industritjenester til bred offentlig brug på et ikke-personligt niveau af data. Designet giver også følgende actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation støtte til udvikling af operationelle data 4.Udvikling af yderligere funktionalitet af informationssystemet Labis med henblik på at sikre operationelt samarbejde med offentlige forvaltningsinstitutioner, kommuner, handlende og borgere som svar på anmodninger om oplysninger om sektoren, samt at yde den nødvendige støtte i forvaltningsprocesserne i Velfærdsministeriet (M3); støtte til afinstitutionalisering af mindreårige under ekstern familiepleje gennem udveksling af data mellem informationssystemerne SPOLIS, SOPA og NPAIS (M1) 6.Vedtagelse af oplysningerne i informationssystemet i regulativerne for vedtagelse, forordninger for Den Europæiske Union (M1) Gennemførelsen af ​​kommunikationsplanen i overensstemmelse med Den Europæiske Unions forordninger (M1);7. (Danish)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to develop a unified deinstitutionalisation process support system by adapting the information system of the Ministry of Welfare National Social Policy Monitoring Information Systems (SPOLIS), Welfare Information System (LabIS) and Adoption Register capabilities, complementing the operational data processing functionality of social services and delivering open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information system development, development of e-services.Development of the IT system for wide public use at an unpersonalised level.The project provides for the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, s.o.c. development of open data for public use, development of user information system for non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry information system development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level of data, including user process information system security.The project provides for the following actions:1.Consultative support for the development of the information systems of the sector, development of open data of industry services, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The project provides for the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information system development, s.o.c. development of open data for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of IT services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, t.o.c. development of open data for public use on an unpersonalised level of data, including user process information system for non-personalised level.The project provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level of data, including user process information system for non-personalised level.The project envisages the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems Information system development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems Information, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions: 1.Deinstituționalizarea sistemului de suport tehnic și a sistemelor informatice implicate în industrie, dezvoltarea datelor deschise ale serviciilor industriale pentru o largă utilizare publică la nivel nepersonalizat. Designul prevede, de asemenea, următorul sistem de sprijin activities:1.Deinstitutionalisation și dezvoltarea sistemelor informatice implicate în industrie, elaborarea datelor deschise ale serviciilor industriale pentru o largă utilizare publică la un nivel nepersonalizat al datelor. Designul prevede, de asemenea, următorul sprijin actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation pentru dezvoltarea datelor operaționale 4. Dezvoltarea funcționalității suplimentare a sistemului informațional Labis pentru a asigura cooperarea operațională cu instituțiile administrației publice, municipalitățile, comercianții și cetățenii ca răspuns la solicitările de informații privind sectorul, precum și pentru a oferi sprijinul necesar în procesele de management ale Ministerului Welfare (M3); sprijin pentru dezinstituționalizarea minorilor aflați în îngrijirea externă a familiei prin asigurarea schimbului de date între sistemele de informații SPOLIS, SOPA și NPAIS (M1); 6.Adoptarea informațiilor în sistemul informațional în regulamentele de adoptare, regulamente ale Uniunii Europene (M1) Punerea în aplicare a planului de comunicare în conformitate cu regulamentele Uniunii Europene (M1);7. (Romanian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to develop a unified deinstitutionalisation process support system by adapting the information system of the Ministry of Welfare National Social Policy Monitoring Information Systems (SPOLIS), Welfare Information System (LabIS) and Adoption Register capabilities, complementing the operational data processing functionality of social services and delivering open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information system development, development of e-services.Development of the IT system for wide public use at an unpersonalised level.The project provides for the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, s.o.c. development of open data for public use, development of user information system for non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry information system development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level of data, including user process information system security.The project provides for the following actions:1.Consultative support for the development of the information systems of the sector, development of open data of industry services, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The project provides for the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information system development, s.o.c. development of open data for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of IT services for wide public use in a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, t.o.c. development of open data for public use on an unpersonalised level of data, including user process information system for non-personalised level.The project provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level of data, including user process information system for non-personalised level.The project envisages the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems Information system development, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation support system and industry involved information systems Information, development of open data of industry services for wide public use on a non-personalised level.The design also provides the following actions: 1.Deinstitutionalisering av tekniska stödsystem och industrin involverade informationssystem, utveckling av öppna data för industritjänster för bred offentlig användning på en icke-personlig nivå.Utformningen omfattar också följande activities:1.Deinstitutionalisation stödsystem och industrin involverar utveckling av informationssystem, utarbetande av öppna data för industritjänster för bred offentlig användning på en icke-personifierad datanivå.Utformningen omfattar även följande actions:1.Deinstitutionalisation-stöd för utveckling av operativa data 4.Utveckling av ytterligare funktionalitet i informationssystemet Labis för att säkerställa operativt samarbete med offentliga förvaltningsinstitutioner, kommuner, handlare och medborgare som svar på förfrågningar om information om sektorn samt för att tillhandahålla nödvändigt stöd i välfärdsministeriets förvaltningsprocesser (M3). stöd till avinstitutionalisering av underåriga under extern familjeomsorg genom att tillhandahålla datautbyte mellan informationssystemen SPOLIS, SOPA och NPAIS (M1). 6.Antagande av informationen i informationssystemet i förordningarna om antagande, Europeiska unionens förordningar (M1) Genomförandet av kommunikationsplanen i enlighet med Europeiska unionens förordningar (M1);7. (Swedish)
    3 August 2022
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    Visa Latvija
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