Data processing system for external trade statistics (Q3056649)

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Project Q3056649 in Latvia
Language Label Description Also known as
Data processing system for external trade statistics
Project Q3056649 in Latvia


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    361,250.0 Euro
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    425,000.0 Euro
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    85.0 percent
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    13 November 2019
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    12 November 2022
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    Centrālā statistikas pārvalde
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    56°54'41.11"N, 24°8'39.98"E
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    Projekta mērķis ir izveidot preču ārējās tirdzniecības statistikas (ĀTS) datu apstrādes sistēmu VIESIS (Vienotā Importa Eksporta Statistiskās Informācijas Sistēma), kas:1)būs balstīta uz savstarpēji saistītu moduļu sistēmu, optimizējot esošos darbības procesus;2)izveidos jaunus, efektīvus, un modernus sistēmas funkcionalitātes risinājumus, lai apstrādātu un analizētu no citām dalībvalstīm saņemtos mikrodatus par preču eksportu;3)paaugstinās kopējo Centrālās statistikas pārvaldes (turpmāk - Pārvaldes) darbības efektivitāti, uzlabojot datu vākšanas, apstrādes, analīzes un izplatīšanas iespējas;4)ļaus izmantot papildu datu avotus (no citām dalībvalstīm saņemto informāciju par preču eksportu uz Latviju), samazinot Intrastat (Preču ārējās tirdzniecības statistika starp dalībvalstīm) respondentu noslodzi un vienlaikus saglabājot ārējās tirdzniecības statistikas datu kvalitāti.Darbības projekta mērķu sasniegšanai: Lai risinātu esošās problēmas un sasniegtu noteiktos Projekta mērķus, tiks veidota jauna Ārējās tirdzniecības statistikas datu apstrādes sistēma “VIESIS”, kura sastāvēs no savstarpēji saistītiem moduļiem. Šī sistēma nodrošinās efektīvāku, ātrdarbīgāku preču ārējās tirdzniecības statistikas nodrošināšanai nepieciešamo datu apstrādi, datu vākšanas, analīzes un izplatīšanas iespējas, ieskaitot mikrodatu par Eiropas Savienības (ES) iekšējās preču tirdzniecības eksportu sagatavošanu un nosūtīšanu. Optimizējot statistikas datu sagatavošanas procesus, sistēmā, kur tas iespējams un ir lietderīgi, tiks ietverta procesu un procedūru automatizācija, lai ietaupītu laiku uz regulāri veicamām darbībām. Projekta gaitā tiks pilnveidoti vai izveidoti no jauna šādi procesi: ĀTS datu vākšana, ĀTS datu apstrāde, analīze un sagatavošana izplatīšanai un publicēšanai, ĀTS mikrodatu apmaiņas nodrošināšana ar citām dalībvalstīm, izveidojot vienotu uz savstarpēji saistītiem moduļiem balstītu Ārējās tirdzniecības statistikas datu apstrādes sistēmu.Projekta plānotie rezultāti:1) Jaunā preču ārējās tirdzniecības statistikas datu apstrādes sistēma nodrošina preču ārējās tirdzniecības statistikas datu apstrādi, analīzi, publiskošanu saskaņā ar normatīvo aktu prasībām(mērvienība - %; Sākotnējā vērtība - 0%; Sasniedzamā vērtība 2 gadus pēc projekta beigām - 100%; Sasniedzamā vērtība 3 gadus pēc projekta beigām - 100%);2) No citām dalībvalstīm saņemto mikrodatu par preču eksportu vērtības izteiksmē izmantošanas īpatsvars importa datu kompilēšanai * (mērvienība - %; Sākotnējā vērtība - 0%; Sasniedzamā vērtība 2 gadus pēc projekta beigām - 10%; Sasniedzamā vērtība 3 gadus pēc projekta beigām - 20%);3) Uz Eurostat nosūtāmo publicējamo datu kopu sagatavošana un validēšana atbilstoši ISO 17369:2013 standartam (SDMX)- (mērvienība - %; Sākotnējā vērtība - 0%; Sasniedzamā vērtība 2 gadus pēc projekta beigām - 100%; Sasniedzamā vērtība 3 gadus pēc projekta beigām - 100%);4) Oficiālo paziņojumu, kuri attieksies uz Paziņošanas likumu, nosūtīšana respondentiem, kas pieslēgušies Publiskās pārvaldes dokumentu pārvaldības sistēmu integrācijas vides (DIV) sistēmai - (mērvienība - %; Sākotnējā vērtība - 0%; Sasniedzamā vērtība 2 gadus pēc projekta beigām - 100%; Sasniedzamā vērtība 3 gadus pēc projekta beigām - 100%);5) Intrastat respondentu patērētais laiks pārskatu aizpildīšanai (importa plūsmai) - (mērvienība - stundas; Sākotnējā vērtība - 261 000; Sasniedzamā vērtība 2 gadus pēc projekta beigām - 203 000; Sasniedzamā vērtība 3 gadus pēc projekta beigām - 159 500);6)Pārvaldes resursu patērētais laiks Intrastat pārskatu vākšanai un apstrādei (importa plūsmai)** (mērvienība - stundas; Sākotnējā vērtība - 12 600; Sasniedzamā vērtība 2 gadus pēc projekta beigām - 9 800; Sasniedzamā vērtība 3 gadus pēc projekta beigām - 7700);* Divus gadus pēc projekta beigām ir paredzēts no Latvijas respondentiem savāktos datus daļēji aizstāt ar datiem, kas tiks saņemti no citām dalībvalstīm par eksportu uz Latviju (plānots aizstāt 10% importa apjoma preču vērtības izteiksmē). Trīs gadus pēc projekta beigām šo īpatsvaru ir plānots palielināt līdz 20%.**Ietaupītie Pārvaldes resursi tiks izmantoti jaunu funkciju veikšanai, lai noteiktos termiņos nodrošinātu citas dalībvalstis ar pārbaudītiem un kvalitatīviem mikrodatiem, kā arī, lai pārliecinātos par no citām dalībvalstīm saņemto datu kvalitāti, izmantojot tos importa statistikas sagatavošanai.Projekta kopējais plānotais finansējuma apjoms ir 425000 euro, no kā 361250 euro ir Eiropas Reģionālās attīstības fonda (ERAF) finansējums (85 %) un 63750 euro ir valsts budžeta līdzfinansējums (15 %).Projekta plānotais īstenošanas laiks ir 36 mēneši. (Latvian)
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    The aim of the project is to create a guest (Common Import Export Statistical Information System) data processing system, which:1) will be based on an interlinked modular system, optimising the existing operational processes;2)increasing new, effective and modern system functionality solutions to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on exports of goods;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter – Management) analysis of external statistical (hereinafter referred to as Management) functionality of the system in order to process and analyse micro-data received from other Member States on goods exports;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on goods exports;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on exports of goods;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics, by improving the project’s external output and analysis for additional data collection for goods exports;3) increasing the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter ‘Management’) analysis of external trade statistics, improving the project’s external data collection and analysis for additional data collection from other Member States;3) increasing the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis from external trade statistics, improving the project’s external data collection and analysis of additional data outputs from other Member States (preferred data collection for goods exports);3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis of the external export of the system by improving the external import statistical system (the Common Import Export Statistical Information System) to process and analyse the microdata received from other Member States on the export of goods;3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis from external and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata from other Member States received from other Member States on goods exports;3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis of external statistics (hereinafter referred to as the Management) in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on goods exports In order to address the existing problems and to achieve the stated objectives of the Project, a new external trade statistics data processing system will be developed, consisting of interlinked modules. This system will ensure more efficient processing of the data needed to ensure more high-speed external trade statistics in goods, data collection, analysis and dissemination facilities, including the production and transmission of micro-data on intra-EU trade in goods. Optimising the statistical data production processes, the system, where possible and appropriate, will include the automation of processes and procedures to save time for activities to be carried out regularly. (English)
    15 July 2021
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    L’objectif du projet est de mettre en place un système de traitement des données Viesis (Système unifié d’information statistique sur les exportations d’importations) pour les statistiques du commerce extérieur des marchandises (FTF), qui reposera sur un système de modules interconnectés, optimisant les processus opérationnels existants; 2)élaborer de nouvelles solutions de fonctionnalité du système efficaces et modernes pour traiter et analyser les microdonnées reçues d’autres États membres sur les exportations de biens; 3) accroître l’efficacité globale du Bureau central de statistique (ci-après dénommé «l’Office») en améliorant les possibilités de collecte, de traitement, d’analyse et de diffusion des données; 4) permettre l’utilisation de sources de données supplémentaires (informations reçues d’autres États membres sur l’exportation de marchandises vers la Lettonie), réduire la charge pesant sur les répondants dans Intrastat (Statistiques du commerce extérieur des marchandises entre les États membres) tout en maintenant la qualité des statistiques du commerce extérieur. Afin de résoudre les problèmes existants et d’atteindre les objectifs définis du projet, un nouveau système de traitement des données pour les statistiques du commerce extérieur «Viesis» composé de modules interconnectés sera mis au point. Ce système garantira un traitement plus efficace et plus rapide des données requises pour les statistiques du commerce extérieur des biens, la collecte, l’analyse et la diffusion de données, y compris la préparation et la transmission de microdonnées sur les exportations du commerce intra-UE de biens. En optimisant les processus de production de données statistiques, le système comprendra, lorsque cela est possible et approprié, l’automatisation des processus et des procédures pour gagner du temps sur les opérations régulières. Au cours du projet, les processus suivants seront améliorés ou rétablis: La collecte, le traitement, l’analyse et la préparation des données FTF en vue de leur diffusion et de leur publication, assurant l’échange de microdonnées SIF avec d’autres États membres par la mise en place d’un système commun de traitement des données pour les statistiques du commerce extérieur basé sur des modules interconnectés.Résultats prévus du projet: 1) Le nouveau système de traitement des données pour les statistiques du commerce extérieur des biens assure le traitement, l’analyse et la publication des données provenant des statistiques du commerce extérieur des biens conformément aux exigences des textes réglementaires (unité de mesure — %; Valeur initiale — 0 %; Valeur réalisable 2 ans après la fin du projet — 100 %; Valeur réalisable 3 ans après la fin du projet — 100 %; 2) En termes de valeur, les microdonnées reçues d’autres États membres sur les exportations de biens en termes d’utilisation de la valeur pour l’établissement des données d’importation * (unité de mesure — %; Valeur initiale — 0 %; Valeur réalisable 2 ans après la fin du projet — 10 %; Valeur réalisable 3 ans après la fin du projet — 20 %);3) Préparation et validation des ensembles de données à transmettre à Eurostat conformément à la norme ISO 17369:2013 (SDMX)- (unité — %; Valeur initiale — 0 %; Valeur réalisable 2 ans après la fin du projet — 100 %; Valeur réalisable 3 ans après la fin du projet — 100 %);4) Transmission d’avis officiels relatifs à la loi sur la notification aux répondants qui se sont connectés au système d’intégration des systèmes de gestion des documents de l’administration publique (DIV) — (unité — %; Valeur initiale — 0 %; Valeur réalisable 2 ans après la fin du projet — 100 %; Valeur réalisable 3 ans après la fin du projet — 100 %); 5) Temps passé par les répondants dans Intrastat pour compléter les comptes (flux d’importation) — (unité — heures; Valeur initiale: 261 000; Valeur cible 2 ans après la fin du projet — 203 000; Valeur réalisable 3 ans après la fin du projet — 159 500);6)Le temps consacré par les ressources de gestion à la collecte et au traitement des rapports Intrastat (pour les flux d’importation)** (unité de mesure — heures; Valeur initiale: 12 600; Valeur réalisable 2 ans après la fin du projet — 9 800; Valeur cible 3 ans après la fin du projet — 7 700);* Deux ans après la fin du projet, il est prévu de remplacer partiellement les données recueillies auprès des répondants lettons par des données reçues d’autres États membres sur les exportations vers la Lettonie (il est prévu de remplacer 10 % du volume des importations en valeur des biens). Trois ans après la fin du projet, il est prévu de porter cette part à 20 %. **Les ressources économisées par l’administration seront utilisées pour exercer de nouvelles fonctions pour fournir aux autres États membres des microdonnées vérifiées et de haute qualité dans certains délais, ainsi que pour vérifier la qualité des données reçues d’autres États membres en les utilisant pour la production de statistiques sur les importations. (French)
    25 November 2021
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    Ziel des Projekts ist die Einrichtung eines Datenverarbeitungssystems Viesis (Unified Import Export Statistical Information System) für die Statistik des Außenhandels mit Waren (FTF), das auf einem System miteinander verknüpfter Module beruhen wird, um bestehende operative Prozesse zu optimieren; 2) neue, effiziente und moderne Systemfunktionen entwickeln, um Mikrodaten anderer Mitgliedstaaten über Warenausfuhren zu verarbeiten und zu analysieren;3)Die Gesamteffizienz des Zentralamts für Statistik (im Folgenden das Amt) zu erhöhen, indem die Möglichkeiten für die Datenerhebung, -verarbeitung, -analyse und -verbreitung verbessert werden;4) wird die Nutzung zusätzlicher Datenquellen (Informationen aus anderen Mitgliedstaaten über die Ausfuhr von Waren nach Lettland) ermöglichen. Verringerung der Belastung der Befragten in Intrastat (Commodity Foreign Trade Statistics between Member States) bei gleichzeitiger Aufrechterhaltung der Qualität der Außenhandelsstatistiken. Um die bestehenden Probleme zu lösen und die definierten Ziele des Projekts zu erreichen, wird ein neues Datenverarbeitungssystem für die Außenhandelsstatistik „Viesis“ entwickelt, das aus miteinander verknüpften Modulen besteht. Dieses System wird eine effizientere und schnelle Verarbeitung der für die Außenhandelsstatistik mit Waren erforderlichen Daten, die Datenerhebung, -analyse und -verbreitung, einschließlich der Erstellung und Übermittlung von Mikrodaten über die Ausfuhr von Waren innerhalb der EU, gewährleisten. Durch die Optimierung statistischer Datenproduktionsprozesse umfasst das System, wo möglich und angemessen, die Automatisierung von Prozessen und Verfahren, um Zeit für den regelmäßigen Betrieb zu sparen. Während des Projekts werden folgende Prozesse verbessert oder wiederhergestellt: Datenerfassung, Verarbeitung, Analyse und Vorbereitung von FTF-Daten zur Verbreitung und Veröffentlichung, Gewährleistung des Austauschs von FIS-Mikrodaten mit anderen Mitgliedstaaten durch die Einrichtung eines gemeinsamen Datenverarbeitungssystems für Außenhandelsstatistiken auf der Grundlage miteinander verknüpfter Module.Projektplanungsergebnisse:1) Das neue Datenverarbeitungssystem für die Außenhandelsstatistik von Waren gewährleistet die Verarbeitung, Analyse und Veröffentlichung von Daten aus der Außenhandelsstatistik von Waren gemäß den Anforderungen der regulatorischen Vorschriften (Messeinheit – %; Ausgangswert – 0 %; Erreichbarer Wert 2 Jahre nach Ende des Projekts – 100 %; Erreichbarer Wert 3 Jahre nach Ende des Projekts – 100 %);2) In Bezug auf den Wert, den andere Mitgliedstaaten über die Warenausfuhren in Bezug auf den Wert für die Erstellung von Einfuhrdaten erhalten haben * (Messeinheit – %; Ausgangswert – 0 %; Erreichbarer Wert 2 Jahre nach Ende des Projekts – 10 %; Erreichbarer Wert 3 Jahre nach Ende des Projekts – 20 %);3) Vorbereitung und Validierung von Datensätzen, die Eurostat gemäß ISO 17369:2013-Norm (SDMX)- (Einheit – %) zu übermitteln sind; Ausgangswert – 0 %; Erreichbarer Wert 2 Jahre nach Ende des Projekts – 100 %; Erreichbarer Wert 3 Jahre nach Ende des Projekts – 100 %);4) Übermittlung offizieller Bekanntmachungen zum Notifizierungsgesetz an Auskunftspflichtige, die mit dem System der Integration von Dokumentenverwaltungssystemen der öffentlichen Verwaltung (DIV) verbunden sind – (Einheit – %; Ausgangswert – 0 %; Erreichbarer Wert 2 Jahre nach Ende des Projekts – 100 %; Erreichbarer Wert 3 Jahre nach Ende des Projekts – 100 %);5) Zeit, die von den Befragten in Intrastat für den Abschluss der Konten (Einfuhrfluss) – (Einheit – Stunden); Ausgangswert: 261,000; Zielwert 2 Jahre nach Ende des Projekts – 203 000; Erreichbarer Wert 3 Jahre nach Ende des Projekts – 159 500);6)Die Zeit, die die Verwaltungsressourcen für die Erhebung und Verarbeitung von Intrastat-Berichten (für den Importfluss)** (Messeinheit – Stunden) aufgewendet haben; Ausgangswert: 12 600; Erreichbarer Wert 2 Jahre nach Ende des Projekts – 9 800; Zielwert 3 Jahre nach Ende des Projekts – 7 700);* Zwei Jahre nach Ende des Projekts sollen die von den lettischen Befragten erhobenen Daten teilweise durch Daten anderer Mitgliedstaaten über Ausfuhren nach Lettland ersetzt werden (es ist geplant, 10 % des Einfuhrvolumens in Bezug auf den Warenwert zu ersetzen). Drei Jahre nach Ende des Projekts soll dieser Anteil auf 20 % angehoben werden.**Die von der Verwaltung eingesparten Mittel werden genutzt, um neue Funktionen zu erfüllen, um anderen Mitgliedstaaten innerhalb bestimmter Fristen verifizierte und hochwertige Mikrodaten zu liefern und die Qualität der von anderen Mitgliedstaaten erhaltenen Daten durch die Verwendung dieser Daten für die Erstellung von Einfuhrstatistiken zu überprüfen. Die geplante Finanzierung des Projekts beläuft sich auf insgesamt 425 000 EUR, wovon 361 250 EUR aus dem Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung (EFRE) (85 %) und 63 750 EUR aus dem nationalen Haushalt kofinanziert werden (15 %). (German)
    28 November 2021
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    Doel van het project is het opzetten van een gegevensverwerkingssysteem Viesis (Unified Import Export Statistical Information System) for Foreign Trade in Goods Statistics (FTF), dat gebaseerd zal zijn op een systeem van onderling gekoppelde modules, waarbij de bestaande operationele processen worden geoptimaliseerd;2) nieuwe, efficiënte en moderne systeemfunctionaliteitsoplossingen te ontwikkelen om microgegevens die van andere lidstaten over de uitvoer van goederen zijn ontvangen, te verwerken en te analyseren;3)De algehele efficiëntie van het centraal bureau voor de statistiek (hierna „het Bureau” genoemd) te vergroten door de mogelijkheden voor gegevensverzameling, -verwerking, -analyse en -verspreiding te verbeteren;4) zal het gebruik van aanvullende gegevensbronnen mogelijk maken (informatie die van andere lidstaten over de uitvoer van goederen naar Letland is ontvangen); vermindering van de lasten voor de respondenten in Intrastat (Commodity Foreign Trade Statistics tussen de lidstaten) met behoud van de kwaliteit van de statistieken van de buitenlandse handel. Om de bestaande problemen op te lossen en de vastgestelde doelstellingen van het project te verwezenlijken, zal een nieuw gegevensverwerkingssysteem voor de statistieken van de buitenlandse handel „Viesis” worden ontwikkeld, bestaande uit onderling gekoppelde modules. Dit systeem zal zorgen voor een efficiëntere, snelle verwerking van gegevens die nodig zijn voor statistieken van de buitenlandse handel in goederen, het verzamelen, analyseren en verspreiden van gegevens, met inbegrip van de voorbereiding en verzending van microgegevens over de uitvoer van de handel in goederen binnen de EU. Door de productieprocessen van statistische gegevens te optimaliseren, zal het systeem, waar mogelijk en passend, de automatisering van processen en procedures omvatten om tijd te besparen op regelmatige operaties. Tijdens het project worden de volgende processen verbeterd of hersteld: Het verzamelen, verwerken, analyseren en voorbereiden van FTF-gegevens voor verspreiding en publicatie, waarbij de uitwisseling van FIS-microgegevens met andere lidstaten wordt gewaarborgd door de invoering van een gemeenschappelijk gegevensverwerkingssysteem voor statistieken van de buitenlandse handel op basis van onderling verbonden modules.Project geplande resultaten:1) Het nieuwe systeem voor gegevensverwerking voor statistieken van de buitenlandse handel van goederen zorgt voor de verwerking, analyse en publicatie van gegevens uit statistieken van de buitenlandse handel van goederen overeenkomstig de vereisten van regelgeving (meeteenheid — %; Beginwaarde — 0 %; Haalbare waarde 2 jaar na afloop van het project — 100 %; Haalbare waarde 3 jaar na afloop van het project — 100 %);2) Wat waarde betreft, microgegevens die van andere lidstaten zijn ontvangen over de uitvoer van goederen in termen van waardegebruik voor het verzamelen van invoergegevens * (meeteenheid — %; Beginwaarde — 0 %; Haalbare waarde 2 jaar na afloop van het project — 10 %; Haalbare waarde 3 jaar na afloop van het project — 20 %);3) Voorbereiding en validering van gegevensreeksen die bij Eurostat moeten worden ingediend overeenkomstig ISO 17369:2013-norm (SDMX)- (eenheid — %; Beginwaarde — 0 %; Haalbare waarde 2 jaar na afloop van het project — 100 %; Haalbare waarde 3 jaar na het einde van het project — 100 %);4) Doorgifte van officiële aankondigingen met betrekking tot de kennisgevingswet aan respondenten die aangesloten zijn op het systeem van integratie van systemen voor het beheer van documenten van het openbaar bestuur (DIV) — (eenheid — %; Beginwaarde — 0 %; Haalbare waarde 2 jaar na afloop van het project — 100 %; Haalbare waarde 3 jaar na het einde van het project — 100 %);5) Tijd besteed door respondenten in Intrastat om de rekeningen te voltooien (invoerstroom) — (eenheid — uren; Beginwaarde: 261.000; Streefwaarde 2 jaar na afloop van het project — 203 000; Haalbare waarde 3 jaar na het einde van het project — 159 500);6)De tijd die het management besteedt aan het verzamelen en verwerken van Intrastat-rapporten (voor invoerstroom)** (meeteenheid — uren; Beginwaarde: 12 600; Haalbare waarde 2 jaar na afloop van het project — 9 800; Streefwaarde 3 jaar na het einde van het project — 7 700);* Twee jaar na het einde van het project is het de bedoeling dat de van Letse respondenten verzamelde gegevens gedeeltelijk worden vervangen door gegevens van andere lidstaten over de uitvoer naar Letland (het is de bedoeling dat 10 % van het invoervolume in termen van waarde van de goederen wordt vervangen). Drie jaar na het einde van het project is het de bedoeling dit aandeel te verhogen tot 20 %. (Dutch)
    28 November 2021
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    L'obiettivo del progetto è quello di istituire un sistema di elaborazione dati Viesis (sistema unificato di informazione statistica sulle esportazioni di merci) per il commercio estero di statistiche sulle merci (FTF), che si baserà su un sistema di moduli interconnessi, ottimizzando i processi operativi esistenti; 2) sviluppare nuove, efficienti e moderne soluzioni di funzionalità del sistema per elaborare e analizzare i microdati ricevuti da altri Stati membri sulle esportazioni di merci; 3) aumentare l'efficienza complessiva dell'Ufficio statistico centrale (di seguito "l'Ufficio") migliorando le possibilità di raccolta, elaborazione, analisi e diffusione dei dati;4) consentirà l'uso di fonti di dati supplementari (informazioni ricevute da altri Stati membri sull'esportazione di merci in Lettonia), ridurre l'onere a carico dei rispondenti in Intrastat (Statistiche del commercio estero dei prodotti di base tra Stati membri) mantenendo nel contempo la qualità delle statistiche del commercio estero. Al fine di risolvere i problemi esistenti e conseguire gli obiettivi definiti del progetto, sarà sviluppato un nuovo sistema di elaborazione dei dati per le statistiche del commercio estero "Viesis" costituito da moduli interconnessi. Tale sistema garantirà un trattamento più efficiente e ad alta velocità dei dati necessari per le statistiche del commercio estero delle merci, la raccolta, l'analisi e la diffusione dei dati, compresa la preparazione e la trasmissione di microdati sulle esportazioni di merci all'interno dell'UE. Ottimizzando i processi di produzione di dati statistici, il sistema comprenderà, ove possibile e opportuno, l'automazione dei processi e delle procedure per risparmiare tempo sulle operazioni regolari. Durante il progetto saranno migliorati o ripristinati i seguenti processi: Raccolta, elaborazione, analisi e preparazione di dati FTF per la diffusione e la pubblicazione, garantendo lo scambio di microdati SIF con altri Stati membri mediante l'istituzione di un sistema comune di trattamento dei dati per le statistiche del commercio estero basato su moduli interconnessi.Risultati previsti del progetto:1) Il nuovo sistema di trattamento dei dati per le statistiche del commercio estero delle merci garantisce il trattamento, l'analisi, la pubblicazione dei dati provenienti dalle statistiche del commercio estero delle merci conformemente ai requisiti delle disposizioni regolamentari (unità di misurazione — %; Valore iniziale — 0 %; Valore realizzabile 2 anni dopo la conclusione del progetto — 100 %; Valore realizzabile 3 anni dopo la conclusione del progetto — 100 %); 2) In termini di valore, microdati ricevuti da altri Stati membri sulle esportazioni di beni in termini di uso del valore per la compilazione dei dati sulle importazioni * (unità di misura — %; Valore iniziale — 0 %; Valore realizzabile 2 anni dopo la conclusione del progetto — 10 %; Valore realizzabile 3 anni dopo la conclusione del progetto — 20 %); 3) Preparazione e convalida di serie di dati da trasmettere a Eurostat conformemente alla norma ISO 17369:2013 (SDMX)- (unità — %; Valore iniziale — 0 %; Valore realizzabile 2 anni dopo la conclusione del progetto — 100 %; Valore realizzabile 3 anni dopo la conclusione del progetto — 100 %); 4) Trasmissione di avvisi ufficiali relativi alla legge di notifica agli intervistati che si sono collegati al sistema di integrazione dei sistemi di gestione dei documenti della pubblica amministrazione (DIV) — (unità — %; Valore iniziale — 0 %; Valore realizzabile 2 anni dopo la conclusione del progetto — 100 %; Valore realizzabile 3 anni dopo la conclusione del progetto — 100 %);5) Tempo trascorso dagli intervistati in Intrastat per completare i conti (flusso di importazioni) — (unità — ore; Valore iniziale: 261.000; Valore obiettivo 2 anni dopo la conclusione del progetto — 203 000; Valore realizzabile 3 anni dopo la conclusione del progetto — 159 500);6) Il tempo impiegato dalle risorse di gestione per la raccolta e l'elaborazione delle relazioni Intrastat (per il flusso di importazione)** (unità di misurazione — ore; Valore iniziale: 12 600; Valore realizzabile 2 anni dopo la conclusione del progetto — 9 800; Valore obiettivo 3 anni dopo la fine del progetto — 7 700);* Due anni dopo la fine del progetto, si prevede di sostituire parzialmente i dati raccolti dagli intervistati lettoni con i dati ricevuti da altri Stati membri sulle esportazioni verso la Lettonia (si prevede di sostituire il 10 % del volume delle importazioni in termini di valore delle merci). Tre anni dopo la conclusione del progetto, si prevede di aumentare tale quota al 20 %.**Le risorse risparmiate dall'amministrazione saranno utilizzate per svolgere nuove funzioni per fornire agli altri Stati membri microdati verificati e di alta qualità entro determinati termini, nonché per verificare la qualità dei dati ricevuti da altri Stati membri utilizzandoli per la produzione di statistiche sulle importazioni. Il finanziamento... (Italian)
    11 January 2022
    0 references
    El objetivo del proyecto es establecer un sistema de tratamiento de datos Viesis (Sistema Unificado de Información Estadística sobre Exportaciones de Importaciones) para las estadísticas del comercio exterior de mercancías (FTF), que se basará en un sistema de módulos interrelacionados, optimizando los procesos operativos existentes;2)desarrollar soluciones nuevas, eficientes y modernas de funcionalidad del sistema para procesar y analizar los microdatos recibidos de otros Estados miembros sobre las exportaciones de mercancías; 3) Aumentar la eficiencia global de la Oficina Central de Estadística (en lo sucesivo, «la Oficina») mejorando las posibilidades de recogida, tratamiento, análisis y difusión de datos;4) permitirá el uso de fuentes de datos adicionales (información recibida de otros Estados miembros sobre la exportación de mercancías a Letonia), reducir la carga que pesa sobre los encuestados en Intrastat (Estadísticas de Comercio Exterior de Mercancías entre Estados miembros), manteniendo al mismo tiempo la calidad de las estadísticas de comercio exterior. Con el fin de resolver los problemas existentes y alcanzar los objetivos definidos del Proyecto, se desarrollará un nuevo sistema de procesamiento de datos para estadísticas de comercio exterior «Viesis» consistente en módulos interrelacionados. Este sistema garantizará un tratamiento más eficiente y rápido de los datos necesarios para las estadísticas del comercio exterior de mercancías, la recogida, el análisis y la difusión de datos, incluida la preparación y transmisión de microdatos sobre las exportaciones de comercio de mercancías dentro de la UE. Al optimizar los procesos de producción de datos estadísticos, el sistema incluirá, cuando sea posible y apropiado, la automatización de los procesos y procedimientos para ahorrar tiempo en las operaciones regulares. Durante el proyecto, se mejorarán o restablecerán los siguientes procesos: Recogida, tratamiento, análisis y preparación de datos del FTF para su difusión y publicación, garantizando el intercambio de microdatos del FIS con otros Estados miembros mediante el establecimiento de un sistema común de tratamiento de datos para las estadísticas del comercio exterior basado en módulos interrelacionados. Resultados previstos del proyecto:1) El nuevo sistema de tratamiento de datos para las estadísticas del comercio exterior de mercancías garantiza el tratamiento, el análisis y la publicación de datos procedentes de estadísticas de comercio exterior de mercancías de conformidad con los requisitos de las disposiciones reglamentarias (unidad de medición — %; Valor inicial — 0 %; Valor alcanzable 2 años después de la finalización del proyecto — 100 %; Valor alcanzable tres años después del final del proyecto — 100 %);2) En términos de valor, microdatos recibidos de otros Estados miembros sobre las exportaciones de bienes en términos de valor de uso para la compilación de datos de importación * (unidad de medición — %; Valor inicial — 0 %; Valor alcanzable 2 años después de la finalización del proyecto — 10 %; Valor alcanzable 3 años después del final del proyecto — 20 %); 3) Preparación y validación de conjuntos de datos que deben transmitirse a Eurostat de conformidad con la norma ISO 17369:2013 (SDMX)- (unidad — %; Valor inicial — 0 %; Valor alcanzable 2 años después de la finalización del proyecto — 100 %; Valor alcanzable 3 años después de la finalización del proyecto — 100 %); 4) Transmisión de avisos oficiales relativos a la Ley de Notificación a los encuestados que se hayan conectado al sistema de integración de los sistemas de gestión de documentos de la administración pública (DIV) — (unidad — %; Valor inicial — 0 %; Valor alcanzable 2 años después de la finalización del proyecto — 100 %; Valor alcanzable 3 años después del final del proyecto — 100 %);5) Tiempo empleado por los encuestados en Intrastat para completar las cuentas (flujo de importación) — (unidad — horas; Valor inicial: 261.000; Valor objetivo 2 años después de la finalización del proyecto — 203 000; Valor alcanzable 3 años después del final del proyecto — 159 500);6)El tiempo dedicado por los recursos de gestión a recoger y procesar informes Intrastat (para el flujo de importación)** (unidad de medición — horas; Valor inicial: 12 600; Valor alcanzable 2 años después de la finalización del proyecto: 9 800; Valor objetivo 3 años después de la finalización del proyecto — 7 700);* Dos años después del final del proyecto, está previsto sustituir parcialmente los datos recogidos de los encuestados letones por los datos recibidos de otros Estados miembros sobre las exportaciones a Letonia (se prevé sustituir el 10 % del volumen de importación en términos de valor de las mercancías). Tres años después del final del proyecto, está previsto aumentar esta parte hasta el 20 %**Los recursos ahorrados por la Administración se utilizarán para llevar a cabo nuevas funciones para proporcionar a otros Estados miembros microdatos verifica... (Spanish)
    12 January 2022
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    The aim of the project is to create a guest (Common Import Export Statistical Information System) data processing system, which:1) will be based on an interlinked modular system, optimising the existing operational processes;2)increasing new, effective and modern system functionality solutions to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on exports of goods;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter – Management) analysis of external statistical (hereinafter referred to as Management) functionality of the system in order to process and analyse micro-data received from other Member States on goods exports;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on goods exports;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on exports of goods;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics, by improving the project’s external output and analysis for additional data collection for goods exports;3) increasing the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter ‘Management’) analysis of external trade statistics, improving the project’s external data collection and analysis for additional data collection from other Member States;3) increasing the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis from external trade statistics, improving the project’s external data collection and analysis of additional data outputs from other Member States (preferred data collection for goods exports);3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis of the external export of the system by improving the external import statistical system (the Common Import Export Statistical Information System) to process and analyse the microdata received from other Member States on the export of goods;3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis from external and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata from other Member States received from other Member States on goods exports;3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis of external statistics (hereinafter referred to as the Management) in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on goods exports In order to address the existing problems and to achieve the stated objectives of the Project, a new external trade statistics data processing system will be developed, consisting of interlinked modules. See süsteem tagab selliste andmete tõhusama töötlemise, mis on vajalikud kaupade väliskaubandusstatistika kiiremaks muutmiseks, andmete kogumiseks, analüüsimiseks ja levitamiseks, sealhulgas ELi-sisese kaubavahetuse mikroandmete tootmiseks ja edastamiseks. Statistiliste andmete koostamise protsesside optimeerimine hõlmab võimaluse ja vajaduse korral protsesside ja menetluste automatiseerimist, et säästa aega regulaarseks tegevuseks. (Estonian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to create a guest (Common Import Export Statistical Information System) data processing system, which:1) will be based on an interlinked modular system, optimising the existing operational processes;2)increasing new, effective and modern system functionality solutions to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on exports of goods;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter – Management) analysis of external statistical (hereinafter referred to as Management) functionality of the system in order to process and analyse micro-data received from other Member States on goods exports;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on goods exports;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on exports of goods;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics, by improving the project’s external output and analysis for additional data collection for goods exports;3) increasing the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter ‘Management’) analysis of external trade statistics, improving the project’s external data collection and analysis for additional data collection from other Member States;3) increasing the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis from external trade statistics, improving the project’s external data collection and analysis of additional data outputs from other Member States (preferred data collection for goods exports);3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis of the external export of the system by improving the external import statistical system (the Common Import Export Statistical Information System) to process and analyse the microdata received from other Member States on the export of goods;3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis from external and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata from other Member States received from other Member States on goods exports;3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis of external statistics (hereinafter referred to as the Management) in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on goods exports In order to address the existing problems and to achieve the stated objectives of the Project, a new external trade statistics data processing system will be developed, consisting of interlinked modules. Ši sistema užtikrins veiksmingesnį duomenų, reikalingų siekiant užtikrinti spartesnę išorės prekybos prekėmis statistiką, duomenų rinkimo, analizės ir sklaidos priemones, įskaitant ES vidaus prekybos prekėmis mikroduomenų rengimą ir perdavimą, tvarkymą. Optimizuojant statistinių duomenų rengimo procesus, sistema, kai įmanoma ir tinkama, apims procesų ir procedūrų automatizavimą, kad būtų sutaupoma laiko veiklai reguliariai vykdyti. (Lithuanian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to create a guest (Common Import Export Statistical Information System) data processing system, which:1) will be based on an interlinked modular system, optimising the existing operational processes;2)increasing new, effective and modern system functionality solutions to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on exports of goods;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter – Management) analysis of external statistical (hereinafter referred to as Management) functionality of the system in order to process and analyse micro-data received from other Member States on goods exports;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on goods exports;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on exports of goods;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics, by improving the project’s external output and analysis for additional data collection for goods exports;3) increasing the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter ‘Management’) analysis of external trade statistics, improving the project’s external data collection and analysis for additional data collection from other Member States;3) increasing the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis from external trade statistics, improving the project’s external data collection and analysis of additional data outputs from other Member States (preferred data collection for goods exports);3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis of the external export of the system by improving the external import statistical system (the Common Import Export Statistical Information System) to process and analyse the microdata received from other Member States on the export of goods;3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis from external and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata from other Member States received from other Member States on goods exports;3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis of external statistics (hereinafter referred to as the Management) in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on goods exports In order to address the existing problems and to achieve the stated objectives of the Project, a new external trade statistics data processing system will be developed, consisting of interlinked modules. Tim će se sustavom osigurati učinkovitija obrada podataka potrebnih za osiguravanje veće brzine statistike vanjske trgovine robom, prikupljanja podataka, analize i diseminacije, uključujući proizvodnju i prijenos mikropodataka o trgovini robom unutar EU-a. Optimizirajući procese izrade statističkih podataka, sustav će, ako je to moguće i primjereno, uključivati automatizaciju procesa i postupaka kako bi se uštedjelo vrijeme za redovite aktivnosti. (Croatian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to create a guest (Common Import Export Statistical Information System) data processing system, which:1) will be based on an interlinked modular system, optimising the existing operational processes;2)increasing new, effective and modern system functionality solutions to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on exports of goods;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter – Management) analysis of external statistical (hereinafter referred to as Management) functionality of the system in order to process and analyse micro-data received from other Member States on goods exports;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on goods exports;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on exports of goods;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics, by improving the project’s external output and analysis for additional data collection for goods exports;3) increasing the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter ‘Management’) analysis of external trade statistics, improving the project’s external data collection and analysis for additional data collection from other Member States;3) increasing the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis from external trade statistics, improving the project’s external data collection and analysis of additional data outputs from other Member States (preferred data collection for goods exports);3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis of the external export of the system by improving the external import statistical system (the Common Import Export Statistical Information System) to process and analyse the microdata received from other Member States on the export of goods;3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis from external and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata from other Member States received from other Member States on goods exports;3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis of external statistics (hereinafter referred to as the Management) in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on goods exports In order to address the existing problems and to achieve the stated objectives of the Project, a new external trade statistics data processing system will be developed, consisting of interlinked modules. Το σύστημα αυτό θα διασφαλίσει την αποτελεσματικότερη επεξεργασία των δεδομένων που απαιτούνται για την εξασφάλιση υψηλότερων στατιστικών για το εξωτερικό εμπόριο αγαθών, τη συλλογή δεδομένων, τις εγκαταστάσεις ανάλυσης και διάδοσης, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της παραγωγής και διαβίβασης μικροδεδομένων σχετικά με το ενδοενωσιακό εμπόριο αγαθών. Βελτιστοποιώντας τις διαδικασίες παραγωγής στατιστικών δεδομένων, το σύστημα, όπου είναι δυνατόν και σκόπιμο, θα περιλαμβάνει την αυτοματοποίηση των διαδικασιών και διαδικασιών για την εξοικονόμηση χρόνου για τις δραστηριότητες που πρέπει να διεξάγονται τακτικά. (Greek)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to create a guest (Common Import Export Statistical Information System) data processing system, which:1) will be based on an interlinked modular system, optimising the existing operational processes;2)increasing new, effective and modern system functionality solutions to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on exports of goods;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter – Management) analysis of external statistical (hereinafter referred to as Management) functionality of the system in order to process and analyse micro-data received from other Member States on goods exports;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on goods exports;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on exports of goods;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics, by improving the project’s external output and analysis for additional data collection for goods exports;3) increasing the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter ‘Management’) analysis of external trade statistics, improving the project’s external data collection and analysis for additional data collection from other Member States;3) increasing the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis from external trade statistics, improving the project’s external data collection and analysis of additional data outputs from other Member States (preferred data collection for goods exports);3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis of the external export of the system by improving the external import statistical system (the Common Import Export Statistical Information System) to process and analyse the microdata received from other Member States on the export of goods;3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis from external and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata from other Member States received from other Member States on goods exports;3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis of external statistics (hereinafter referred to as the Management) in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on goods exports In order to address the existing problems and to achieve the stated objectives of the Project, a new external trade statistics data processing system will be developed, consisting of interlinked modules. Tento systém zabezpečí efektívnejšie spracovanie údajov potrebných na zabezpečenie vyššej rýchlosti štatistiky zahraničného obchodu s tovarom, zariadení na zber, analýzu a šírenie údajov vrátane tvorby a prenosu mikroúdajov o obchode s tovarom v rámci EÚ. Optimalizácia procesov tvorby štatistických údajov, systém, ak je to možné a vhodné, bude zahŕňať automatizáciu procesov a postupov s cieľom ušetriť čas na pravidelné vykonávanie činností. (Slovak)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to create a guest (Common Import Export Statistical Information System) data processing system, which:1) will be based on an interlinked modular system, optimising the existing operational processes;2)increasing new, effective and modern system functionality solutions to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on exports of goods;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter – Management) analysis of external statistical (hereinafter referred to as Management) functionality of the system in order to process and analyse micro-data received from other Member States on goods exports;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on goods exports;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on exports of goods;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics, by improving the project’s external output and analysis for additional data collection for goods exports;3) increasing the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter ‘Management’) analysis of external trade statistics, improving the project’s external data collection and analysis for additional data collection from other Member States;3) increasing the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis from external trade statistics, improving the project’s external data collection and analysis of additional data outputs from other Member States (preferred data collection for goods exports);3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis of the external export of the system by improving the external import statistical system (the Common Import Export Statistical Information System) to process and analyse the microdata received from other Member States on the export of goods;3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis from external and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata from other Member States received from other Member States on goods exports;3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis of external statistics (hereinafter referred to as the Management) in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on goods exports In order to address the existing problems and to achieve the stated objectives of the Project, a new external trade statistics data processing system will be developed, consisting of interlinked modules. Tällä järjestelmällä varmistetaan sellaisten tietojen tehokkaampi käsittely, joita tarvitaan nopeampien tavarakauppatilastojen, tietojen keruun, analysoinnin ja levittämisen varmistamiseksi, mukaan lukien EU:n sisäistä tavarakauppaa koskevien mikrotietojen tuottaminen ja toimittaminen. Tilastotietojen tuotantoprosessien optimointiin, jos se on mahdollista ja tarkoituksenmukaista, sisältyy prosessien ja menettelyjen automatisointi, jotta voidaan säästää aikaa säännölliseen toimintaan. (Finnish)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to create a guest (Common Import Export Statistical Information System) data processing system, which:1) will be based on an interlinked modular system, optimising the existing operational processes;2)increasing new, effective and modern system functionality solutions to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on exports of goods;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter – Management) analysis of external statistical (hereinafter referred to as Management) functionality of the system in order to process and analyse micro-data received from other Member States on goods exports;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on goods exports;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on exports of goods;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics, by improving the project’s external output and analysis for additional data collection for goods exports;3) increasing the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter ‘Management’) analysis of external trade statistics, improving the project’s external data collection and analysis for additional data collection from other Member States;3) increasing the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis from external trade statistics, improving the project’s external data collection and analysis of additional data outputs from other Member States (preferred data collection for goods exports);3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis of the external export of the system by improving the external import statistical system (the Common Import Export Statistical Information System) to process and analyse the microdata received from other Member States on the export of goods;3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis from external and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata from other Member States received from other Member States on goods exports;3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis of external statistics (hereinafter referred to as the Management) in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on goods exports In order to address the existing problems and to achieve the stated objectives of the Project, a new external trade statistics data processing system will be developed, consisting of interlinked modules. System ten zapewni skuteczniejsze przetwarzanie danych potrzebnych do zapewnienia większej szybkości statystyki handlu zagranicznego w odniesieniu do towarów, gromadzenia, analizy i rozpowszechniania danych, w tym tworzenia i przekazywania danych jednostkowych dotyczących wewnątrzunijnego handlu towarami. Optymalizacja procesów tworzenia danych statystycznych, w miarę możliwości i w stosownych przypadkach, będzie obejmować automatyzację procesów i procedur w celu zaoszczędzenia czasu na regularne prowadzenie działań. (Polish)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to create a guest (Common Import Export Statistical Information System) data processing system, which:1) will be based on an interlinked modular system, optimising the existing operational processes;2)increasing new, effective and modern system functionality solutions to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on exports of goods;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter – Management) analysis of external statistical (hereinafter referred to as Management) functionality of the system in order to process and analyse micro-data received from other Member States on goods exports;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on goods exports;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on exports of goods;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics, by improving the project’s external output and analysis for additional data collection for goods exports;3) increasing the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter ‘Management’) analysis of external trade statistics, improving the project’s external data collection and analysis for additional data collection from other Member States;3) increasing the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis from external trade statistics, improving the project’s external data collection and analysis of additional data outputs from other Member States (preferred data collection for goods exports);3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis of the external export of the system by improving the external import statistical system (the Common Import Export Statistical Information System) to process and analyse the microdata received from other Member States on the export of goods;3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis from external and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata from other Member States received from other Member States on goods exports;3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis of external statistics (hereinafter referred to as the Management) in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on goods exports In order to address the existing problems and to achieve the stated objectives of the Project, a new external trade statistics data processing system will be developed, consisting of interlinked modules. Ez a rendszer biztosítja a nagyobb sebességű árukereskedelmi statisztikák, adatgyűjtési, -elemzési és -terjesztési eszközök biztosításához szükséges adatok hatékonyabb feldolgozását, beleértve az EU-n belüli árukereskedelemre vonatkozó mikroadatok előállítását és továbbítását. A statisztikai adatelőállítási folyamatok optimalizálása – amennyiben lehetséges és helyénvaló – magában foglalja a folyamatok és eljárások automatizálását, hogy időt takarítson meg a rendszeres tevékenységek elvégzésére. (Hungarian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to create a guest (Common Import Export Statistical Information System) data processing system, which:1) will be based on an interlinked modular system, optimising the existing operational processes;2)increasing new, effective and modern system functionality solutions to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on exports of goods;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter – Management) analysis of external statistical (hereinafter referred to as Management) functionality of the system in order to process and analyse micro-data received from other Member States on goods exports;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on goods exports;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on exports of goods;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics, by improving the project’s external output and analysis for additional data collection for goods exports;3) increasing the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter ‘Management’) analysis of external trade statistics, improving the project’s external data collection and analysis for additional data collection from other Member States;3) increasing the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis from external trade statistics, improving the project’s external data collection and analysis of additional data outputs from other Member States (preferred data collection for goods exports);3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis of the external export of the system by improving the external import statistical system (the Common Import Export Statistical Information System) to process and analyse the microdata received from other Member States on the export of goods;3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis from external and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata from other Member States received from other Member States on goods exports;3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis of external statistics (hereinafter referred to as the Management) in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on goods exports In order to address the existing problems and to achieve the stated objectives of the Project, a new external trade statistics data processing system will be developed, consisting of interlinked modules. Tento systém zajistí účinnější zpracování údajů potřebných k zajištění vysokorychlostní statistiky zahraničního obchodu se zbožím, shromažďování, analýzy a šíření údajů, včetně vytváření a předávání mikrodat o obchodu se zbožím uvnitř EU. Optimalizací procesů tvorby statistických údajů bude systém tam, kde je to možné a vhodné, zahrnovat automatizaci procesů a postupů s cílem ušetřit čas na pravidelné provádění činností. (Czech)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to create a guest (Common Import Export Statistical Information System) data processing system, which:1) will be based on an interlinked modular system, optimising the existing operational processes;2)increasing new, effective and modern system functionality solutions to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on exports of goods;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter – Management) analysis of external statistical (hereinafter referred to as Management) functionality of the system in order to process and analyse micro-data received from other Member States on goods exports;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on goods exports;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on exports of goods;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics, by improving the project’s external output and analysis for additional data collection for goods exports;3) increasing the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter ‘Management’) analysis of external trade statistics, improving the project’s external data collection and analysis for additional data collection from other Member States;3) increasing the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis from external trade statistics, improving the project’s external data collection and analysis of additional data outputs from other Member States (preferred data collection for goods exports);3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis of the external export of the system by improving the external import statistical system (the Common Import Export Statistical Information System) to process and analyse the microdata received from other Member States on the export of goods;3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis from external and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata from other Member States received from other Member States on goods exports;3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis of external statistics (hereinafter referred to as the Management) in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on goods exports In order to address the existing problems and to achieve the stated objectives of the Project, a new external trade statistics data processing system will be developed, consisting of interlinked modules. Áiritheoidh an córas sin go ndéanfar próiseáil níos éifeachtúla ar na sonraí is gá chun níos mó staidrimh maidir le trádáil sheachtrach ardluais in earraí, bailiú sonraí, saoráidí anailíse agus scaipthe a áirithiú, lena n-áirítear táirgeadh agus tarchur micreashonraí maidir le trádáil earraí laistigh den Aontas. Trí na próisis táirgthe sonraí staidrimh a bharrfheabhsú, áireofar leis an gcóras, i gcás inar féidir agus inarb iomchuí, próisis agus nósanna imeachta a uathoibriú chun am a shábháil le haghaidh gníomhaíochtaí atá le déanamh go rialta. (Irish)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to create a guest (Common Import Export Statistical Information System) data processing system, which:1) will be based on an interlinked modular system, optimising the existing operational processes;2)increasing new, effective and modern system functionality solutions to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on exports of goods;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter – Management) analysis of external statistical (hereinafter referred to as Management) functionality of the system in order to process and analyse micro-data received from other Member States on goods exports;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on goods exports;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on exports of goods;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics, by improving the project’s external output and analysis for additional data collection for goods exports;3) increasing the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter ‘Management’) analysis of external trade statistics, improving the project’s external data collection and analysis for additional data collection from other Member States;3) increasing the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis from external trade statistics, improving the project’s external data collection and analysis of additional data outputs from other Member States (preferred data collection for goods exports);3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis of the external export of the system by improving the external import statistical system (the Common Import Export Statistical Information System) to process and analyse the microdata received from other Member States on the export of goods;3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis from external and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata from other Member States received from other Member States on goods exports;3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis of external statistics (hereinafter referred to as the Management) in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on goods exports In order to address the existing problems and to achieve the stated objectives of the Project, a new external trade statistics data processing system will be developed, consisting of interlinked modules. Ta sistem bo zagotovil učinkovitejšo obdelavo podatkov, potrebnih za zagotovitev hitrejše zunanjetrgovinske statistike blaga, zbiranja podatkov, analiz in diseminacije, vključno s pripravo in prenosom mikropodatkov o blagovni menjavi znotraj EU. Optimizacija postopkov priprave statističnih podatkov bo sistem, kjer je to mogoče in primerno, vključeval avtomatizacijo procesov in postopkov, da se prihrani čas za redno izvajanje dejavnosti. (Slovenian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to create a guest (Common Import Export Statistical Information System) data processing system, which:1) will be based on an interlinked modular system, optimising the existing operational processes;2)increasing new, effective and modern system functionality solutions to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on exports of goods;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter – Management) analysis of external statistical (hereinafter referred to as Management) functionality of the system in order to process and analyse micro-data received from other Member States on goods exports;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on goods exports;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on exports of goods;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics, by improving the project’s external output and analysis for additional data collection for goods exports;3) increasing the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter ‘Management’) analysis of external trade statistics, improving the project’s external data collection and analysis for additional data collection from other Member States;3) increasing the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis from external trade statistics, improving the project’s external data collection and analysis of additional data outputs from other Member States (preferred data collection for goods exports);3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis of the external export of the system by improving the external import statistical system (the Common Import Export Statistical Information System) to process and analyse the microdata received from other Member States on the export of goods;3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis from external and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata from other Member States received from other Member States on goods exports;3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis of external statistics (hereinafter referred to as the Management) in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on goods exports In order to address the existing problems and to achieve the stated objectives of the Project, a new external trade statistics data processing system will be developed, consisting of interlinked modules. Тази система ще осигури по-ефективна обработка на данните, необходими за осигуряване на по-високоскоростна статистика за външната търговия със стоки, съоръжения за събиране, анализ и разпространение на данни, включително изготвяне и предаване на микроданни за търговията със стоки в рамките на ЕС. Оптимизирането на процесите за изготвяне на статистически данни, системата, когато това е възможно и целесъобразно, ще включва автоматизация на процесите и процедурите, за да се спести време за редовно извършване на дейностите. (Bulgarian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to create a guest (Common Import Export Statistical Information System) data processing system, which:1) will be based on an interlinked modular system, optimising the existing operational processes;2)increasing new, effective and modern system functionality solutions to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on exports of goods;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter – Management) analysis of external statistical (hereinafter referred to as Management) functionality of the system in order to process and analyse micro-data received from other Member States on goods exports;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on goods exports;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on exports of goods;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics, by improving the project’s external output and analysis for additional data collection for goods exports;3) increasing the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter ‘Management’) analysis of external trade statistics, improving the project’s external data collection and analysis for additional data collection from other Member States;3) increasing the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis from external trade statistics, improving the project’s external data collection and analysis of additional data outputs from other Member States (preferred data collection for goods exports);3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis of the external export of the system by improving the external import statistical system (the Common Import Export Statistical Information System) to process and analyse the microdata received from other Member States on the export of goods;3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis from external and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata from other Member States received from other Member States on goods exports;3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis of external statistics (hereinafter referred to as the Management) in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on goods exports In order to address the existing problems and to achieve the stated objectives of the Project, a new external trade statistics data processing system will be developed, consisting of interlinked modules. Din is-sistema se tiżgura pproċessar aktar effiċjenti tad-data meħtieġa biex tiġi żgurata statistika dwar il-kummerċ estern ta’ veloċità għolja fil-merkanzija, il-ġbir tad-data, l-analiżi u t-tixrid tal-faċilitajiet, inklużi l-produzzjoni u t-trażmissjoni ta’ mikrodata dwar il-kummerċ intra-UE tal-merkanzija. L-ottimizzazzjoni tal-proċessi tal-produzzjoni tad-dejta statistika, is-sistema, fejn possibbli u xieraq, se tinkludi l-awtomatizzazzjoni tal-proċessi u l-proċeduri biex jiġi ffrankat il-ħin biex l-attivitajiet jitwettqu regolarment. (Maltese)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to create a guest (Common Import Export Statistical Information System) data processing system, which:1) will be based on an interlinked modular system, optimising the existing operational processes;2)increasing new, effective and modern system functionality solutions to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on exports of goods;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter – Management) analysis of external statistical (hereinafter referred to as Management) functionality of the system in order to process and analyse micro-data received from other Member States on goods exports;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on goods exports;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on exports of goods;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics, by improving the project’s external output and analysis for additional data collection for goods exports;3) increasing the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter ‘Management’) analysis of external trade statistics, improving the project’s external data collection and analysis for additional data collection from other Member States;3) increasing the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis from external trade statistics, improving the project’s external data collection and analysis of additional data outputs from other Member States (preferred data collection for goods exports);3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis of the external export of the system by improving the external import statistical system (the Common Import Export Statistical Information System) to process and analyse the microdata received from other Member States on the export of goods;3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis from external and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata from other Member States received from other Member States on goods exports;3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis of external statistics (hereinafter referred to as the Management) in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on goods exports In order to address the existing problems and to achieve the stated objectives of the Project, a new external trade statistics data processing system will be developed, consisting of interlinked modules. Este sistema assegurará um tratamento mais eficiente dos dados necessários para assegurar uma maior velocidade das estatísticas do comércio externo de bens, bem como instalações de recolha, análise e divulgação de dados, incluindo a produção e a transmissão de microdados sobre o comércio intra-UE de mercadorias. Otimizando os processos de produção de dados estatísticos, o sistema, sempre que possível e adequado, incluirá a automatização de processos e procedimentos para poupar tempo para que as atividades sejam realizadas regularmente. (Portuguese)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to create a guest (Common Import Export Statistical Information System) data processing system, which:1) will be based on an interlinked modular system, optimising the existing operational processes;2)increasing new, effective and modern system functionality solutions to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on exports of goods;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter – Management) analysis of external statistical (hereinafter referred to as Management) functionality of the system in order to process and analyse micro-data received from other Member States on goods exports;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on goods exports;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on exports of goods;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics, by improving the project’s external output and analysis for additional data collection for goods exports;3) increasing the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter ‘Management’) analysis of external trade statistics, improving the project’s external data collection and analysis for additional data collection from other Member States;3) increasing the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis from external trade statistics, improving the project’s external data collection and analysis of additional data outputs from other Member States (preferred data collection for goods exports);3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis of the external export of the system by improving the external import statistical system (the Common Import Export Statistical Information System) to process and analyse the microdata received from other Member States on the export of goods;3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis from external and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata from other Member States received from other Member States on goods exports;3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis of external statistics (hereinafter referred to as the Management) in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on goods exports In order to address the existing problems and to achieve the stated objectives of the Project, a new external trade statistics data processing system will be developed, consisting of interlinked modules. Dette system vil sikre en mere effektiv behandling af de data, der er nødvendige for at sikre flere hurtige udenrigshandelsstatistikker for varer, dataindsamling, analyse og formidlingsfaciliteter, herunder produktion og overførsel af mikrodata om varehandelen inden for EU. Optimering af de statistiske dataproduktionsprocesser vil systemet, hvor det er muligt og hensigtsmæssigt, omfatte automatisering af processer og procedurer for at spare tid til, at aktiviteterne kan gennemføres regelmæssigt. (Danish)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to create a guest (Common Import Export Statistical Information System) data processing system, which:1) will be based on an interlinked modular system, optimising the existing operational processes;2)increasing new, effective and modern system functionality solutions to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on exports of goods;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter – Management) analysis of external statistical (hereinafter referred to as Management) functionality of the system in order to process and analyse micro-data received from other Member States on goods exports;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on goods exports;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on exports of goods;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics, by improving the project’s external output and analysis for additional data collection for goods exports;3) increasing the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter ‘Management’) analysis of external trade statistics, improving the project’s external data collection and analysis for additional data collection from other Member States;3) increasing the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis from external trade statistics, improving the project’s external data collection and analysis of additional data outputs from other Member States (preferred data collection for goods exports);3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis of the external export of the system by improving the external import statistical system (the Common Import Export Statistical Information System) to process and analyse the microdata received from other Member States on the export of goods;3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis from external and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata from other Member States received from other Member States on goods exports;3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis of external statistics (hereinafter referred to as the Management) in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on goods exports In order to address the existing problems and to achieve the stated objectives of the Project, a new external trade statistics data processing system will be developed, consisting of interlinked modules. Acest sistem va asigura o prelucrare mai eficientă a datelor necesare pentru a asigura mai multe statistici de comerț exterior de mare viteză cu mărfuri, instalații de colectare, analiză și diseminare a datelor, inclusiv producerea și transmiterea de microdate privind comerțul cu mărfuri în interiorul UE. Optimizarea proceselor de producere a datelor statistice, sistemul, acolo unde este posibil și adecvat, va include automatizarea proceselor și procedurilor pentru a economisi timp pentru desfășurarea cu regularitate a activităților. (Romanian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to create a guest (Common Import Export Statistical Information System) data processing system, which:1) will be based on an interlinked modular system, optimising the existing operational processes;2)increasing new, effective and modern system functionality solutions to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on exports of goods;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter – Management) analysis of external statistical (hereinafter referred to as Management) functionality of the system in order to process and analyse micro-data received from other Member States on goods exports;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on goods exports;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on exports of goods;3) enhances the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter-Management) analysis from external trade statistics, by improving the project’s external output and analysis for additional data collection for goods exports;3) increasing the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter ‘Management’) analysis of external trade statistics, improving the project’s external data collection and analysis for additional data collection from other Member States;3) increasing the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis from external trade statistics, improving the project’s external data collection and analysis of additional data outputs from other Member States (preferred data collection for goods exports);3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis of the external export of the system by improving the external import statistical system (the Common Import Export Statistical Information System) to process and analyse the microdata received from other Member States on the export of goods;3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis from external and modern system functionality in order to process and analyse microdata from other Member States received from other Member States on goods exports;3) increase the overall efficiency of the Central Statistical Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the Management) analysis of external statistics (hereinafter referred to as the Management) in order to process and analyse microdata received from other Member States on goods exports In order to address the existing problems and to achieve the stated objectives of the Project, a new external trade statistics data processing system will be developed, consisting of interlinked modules. Detta system kommer att säkerställa en effektivare behandling av de uppgifter som behövs för att säkerställa mer snabb statistik över utrikeshandeln med varor, datainsamling, analys och spridning, inbegripet framställning och överföring av mikrodata om varuhandeln inom EU. Genom att optimera produktionsprocesserna för statistiska uppgifter kommer systemet, där så är möjligt och lämpligt, att omfatta automatisering av processer och förfaranden för att spara tid för aktiviteter som ska genomföras regelbundet. (Swedish)
    3 August 2022
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    Visa Latvija
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