Management System of Information and Communication Technology Architecture of Public Administration (PIKTAPS) (Q3056635)

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Project Q3056635 in Latvia
Language Label Description Also known as
Management System of Information and Communication Technology Architecture of Public Administration (PIKTAPS)
Project Q3056635 in Latvia


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    3,732,539.32 Euro
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    4,391,222.7 Euro
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    85.0 percent
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    25 November 2016
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    24 November 2019
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    56°56'46.10"N, 24°6'24.30"E
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    Projekts nodrošinās Eiropas reģionālās attīstības fonda (ERAF) 2014.-2020. gada plānošanas periodā līdzfinansēto informācijas un komunikācijas tehnoloģiju (IKT) projektu savstarpējo saskaņotību, būtiskāko centralizēto platformu projektēšanu un īstenošanu, kā arī veicinās sabiedrības spējas un ieinteresētību efektīvi izmantot radītos risinājumus, kas ir izstrādāti un ieviesti ERAF IKT projektu ietvaros.Projekta virsmērķis: veicināt darbības programmas „Izaugsme un nodarbinātība” 2.2.1. specifiskā atbalsta mērķa “Nodrošināt publisko datu atkalizmantošanas pieaugumu un efektīvu publiskās pārvaldes un privātā sektora mijiedarbību” (turpmāk - SAM) sasniegšanu.Projekta darbības: 1.Projekta vadība, organizējot projekta darbību īstenošanu apstiprinātā budžeta un laika ietvaros un veicinot projekta mērķu un rezultātu sasniegšanu;2.IKT arhitektūras pārvaldība, t. sk. ERAF IKT projektu dokumentācijas pārbaude izlases kārtā attiecībā pret Publiskās pārvaldes informācijas sistēmu konceptuālās arhitektūras principu ievērošanu, dalība projektu uzraudzības padomēs, būtisko arhitektūras elementu izstrādes darba grupās, metodisko materiālu izstrāde un konsultācijas projektu īstenotājiem, kā arī realizēts integrēts publisko pakalpojumu sniegšanas un gala lietotāju vajadzību monitorings (turpmāk - Vajadzību monitorings);3.Centralizēto IKT risinājumu projektēšana un izstrāde, 3.1.Drošas elektroniskas piegādes platformas (DEPP) attīstība, 1. kārta, ieviešot oficiālās elektroniskās adreses centralizēto risinājumu (e-adrese), vienlaikus uzlabojot klienta darba vietas funkcionalitāti un lietojamību, saistītajās koplietošanas komponentēs un e-pakalpojumos, kā arī pielāgojot partneru IKT risinājumus sadarbspējai ar DEPP, integrējoties ar Vienotu pašvaldību informācijas sistēmu (NINO) un Pašvaldību vienoto klientu apkalpošanas centru informācijas sistēmu, veicot pašvaldību IS pielāgošanu un izstrādājot programsaskarnes;3.2.Datu publicēšanas platformas (DPP) izveide un ieviešana, 1. kārta, kā arī atvērto datu publicēšanas koordinēšana SAM mērķu sasniegšanai, t. sk. publiskās pārvaldes publicējamo datu kopu kataloga un datu publicēšanas standartu attīstība un šo standartu ieviešanas pārvaldība vismaz ERAF 2014. - 2020. gada plānošanas perioda IKT attīstības projektu tvēruma apjomā;3.3.Centralizēto koplietošanas platformu projektējuma izstrāde un ieviešanas autoruzraudzība - Pakalpojumu sniegšanas un pārvaldības platformai, DEPP 2. kārtai, Datu izplatīšanas platformai, Valsts informācijas resursu, sistēmu un sadarbspējas informācijas sistēmas (VIRSIS) 1. un 2. kārtai, DPP 2. kārtai;3.4.VIRSIS izveide un ieviešana, 1. kārta, reģistrā uzkrājot publiskās pārvaldes informācijas sistēmu un to sadarbspējas datus vismaz par ERAF 2014. - 2020. gada plānošanas perioda projektos attīstītajiem IKT risinājumiem un informāciju no esošā valsts informācijas sistēmu reģistra vismaz tajā esošo datu apjomā, kā arī radot rīku IKT pārvaldības procesu atbalstam publiskās pārvaldes līmenī;3.5. Aptauju pārvaldības sistēmas ARKA pilnveide, nodrošinot valsts pārvaldes iestādēm pieejamu sistēmu aptauju veidošanai, pārvaldīšanai un izplatīšanai. 4.Sabiedrības IKT iespēju izmantošanas veicināšana, t. sk. sabiedrības izpratnes veicināšana par drošu e-identifikāciju, e-iespēju kampaņas, digitālo prasmju forumi, apmācības par e-pakalpojumu izmantošanu un drošu e-vidi, intereses veicināšana par e-pārvaldības rīkiem, mācību programmas un materiālu izstrāde par e-pārvaldības rīkiem, sabiedrības informēšana par valsts e-iespējām (dalība izstādēs, semināros, konferencēs u. c.);5.Projekta publicitāte, īstenojot obligātos publicitātes pasākumus, informatīvā plakāta izvietošana, informācijas publicēšana un projekta partneru tīmekļa vietnēs.Projekta īstenošana kopumā veicinās šādu projekta rezultāta rādītāju sasniegšanu:6.Publiskās pārvaldes institūcijas, kas izmanto būtiskos arhitektūras elementus (2015.g. – 32 iestādes, līdz 2020.g. – 100, līdz 2021.g. – 110);7.Ieguldījums publiskā sektora vidējā informācijas atkalizmantošanas indeksā (2015.g. – 0 punkti, līdz 2020.g. – 100, līdz 2021.g. – 100);8.Iedzīvotāju īpatsvars, kas informācijas ieguvei par valsts un pašvaldību pakalpojumu saņemšanu elektroniskā veidā izmantotu portālu (2015.g. – 28,6%, līdz 2020.g. – 34%, līdz 2021.g. – 40%);9.Vienotā valsts un pašvaldību portālā reģistrējušos personu (profilu) skaits (2015.g. - 569 000 profili, līdz 2020.g. – 650 000, līdz 2021.g. – 700 000).Projekta iznākuma rādītāji (atbilstoši SAM):10.Pilnveidoti darbības procesi (līdz 2018.g. beigām – 6 procesi, līdz 2019.g. beigām – 12);11.Centralizētas atvērtas informācijas sistēmu platformas (līdz 2018.g. beigām – 2 procesi, līdz 2019.g. beigām – 2);Projekta kopējais plānotais finansējuma apjoms ir 4 391 222.70 euro, no kā 3 732 539.32 euro ir ERAF finansējums (85%), 629 182.94 euro ir valsts budžeta līdzfinansējums (14,33%) (Latvian)
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    The project will ensure the mutual coherence of information and communication technologies (ICT) projects co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) during the 2014-2020 programming period, design and implementation of the most important centralised platforms, as well as promote the capacity and interest of society to effectively use the created solutions developed and implemented within the framework of ERDF ICT projects. Contribute to the achievement of specific objective 2.2.1 of the Operational Programme “Growth and Employment” “Ensuring an increase in the re-use of public data and an efficient interaction between public administration and the private sector” (hereinafter referred to as SAM).Project actions: 1.Project management by organising the implementation of project activities within the approved budget and time and promoting achievement of project objectives and results;2. Random examination of ERDF ICT project documentation in relation to compliance with principles of conceptual architecture of public administration information systems, participation in project monitoring boards, working groups on development of essential architectural elements, development of methodological materials and consultations to project implementers, as well as integrated monitoring of public service provision and needs of end-users (hereinafter referred to as “needs monitoring”).3. 3.1.Development of a secure electronic delivery platform (DEPP) by implementing a centralised solution for official e-mail address (e-address), while improving the functionality and usability of the client’s workplace, in related shared components and e-services, as well as adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the functionality and usability of the single municipal information system (Nino) and e-service services, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating with the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integration of partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, integrating with the Unified Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integration of the integrated municipal information system (Nino) and e-service services, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including the 2014 joint municipal information system (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integration of the Joint Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the implementation of public standards with the Public Service Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, by adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the Joint Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the implementation of the public service standards with DEPP, including integration with the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s single customer service centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the functionality and usability of Development and Author of Implementation of the Design and Implementation of Centralised Sharing Platforms – For the Service Provision and Management Platform, DEPP Phase 2, Data Distribution Platform, National Information Resources, Systems and Interoperability Information Systems (Virsis) for Phase 1 and 2, DPP Phase 2;3.4.Development and implementation of VIRSIS, Phase 1, with the register accumulating public administration information system and their interoperability data for at least ERDF 2014. — for ICT solutions developed in the 2020 planning period projects and information from the existing national information system register, at least in the amount of existing data, as well as creating a tool to support ICT management processes at the level of public administration;3.5. (English)
    15 July 2021
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    Le projet garantira la cohérence entre les projets relatifs aux technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) cofinancés par le Fonds européen de développement régional (FEDER) au cours de la période de programmation 2014-2020, la conception et la mise en œuvre de plateformes centralisées clés, ainsi que la promotion de la capacité et de l’intérêt de la société à utiliser efficacement les solutions développées et mises en œuvre dans le cadre des projets TIC du FEDER. promouvoir la réalisation de l’objectif spécifique de soutien 2.2.1 «Assurer une plus grande réutilisation des données publiques et une interaction efficace entre l’administration publique et le secteur privé» du programme opérationnel «Croissance et emploi». 1.Gestion du projet, organisation de la mise en œuvre des activités du projet dans les limites du budget et du temps approuvés et contribution à la réalisation des objectifs et des résultats du projet; 2.Gestion architecturale des TIC, y compris: Examen de la documentation des projets TIC du FEDER sur une base d’échantillonnage en ce qui concerne le respect des principes de l’architecture conceptuelle des systèmes d’information de l’administration publique, la participation aux comités de suivi des projets, les groupes de travail pour le développement d’éléments architecturaux essentiels, l’élaboration de matériaux méthodologiques et les consultations pour les promoteurs de projets, ainsi que le suivi intégré de la prestation de services publics et des besoins des utilisateurs finaux (ci-après dénommés «Suivi des besoins»; 3) Conception et développement de solutions TIC centralisées, y compris: 3.1.Développement d’une plateforme de diffusion électronique sécurisée (DEPP), première étape, introduction d’une solution centralisée (adresse électronique) de l’adresse électronique officielle, tout en améliorant la fonctionnalité et l’utilisabilité du lieu de travail du client, les composants partagés et les services en ligne connexes, ainsi que l’adaptation des solutions TIC des partenaires pour l’interopérabilité avec le DEPP, y compris en s’intégrant au système d’information unifié des collectivités locales (NINO) et au système d’information des centres de service à la clientèle uniques des administrations locales, 3.2. Création et mise en œuvre d’une plateforme de publication de données (DPP), ainsi que la coordination de la publication des données ouvertes aux fins de la réalisation des objectifs de la MCS, y compris l’élaboration d’un catalogue d’ensembles de données à publier par l’administration publique et les normes de publication des données, ainsi que la gestion de la mise en œuvre de ces normes au moins dans le FEDER 2014. 3.3.Développement et supervision faisant autorité de la mise en œuvre des plates-formes partagées centralisées — Plateforme de fourniture et de gestion des services, phase 2 du DEPP, plate-forme de diffusion des données, phase 1 et phase 2 du système d’information de l’État sur les ressources, les systèmes et l’interopérabilité (VIRSIS), phase 2 du DPP;3.4.Établissement et mise en œuvre du VIRSIS, phase 1, stocker dans le registre les systèmes d’information de l’administration publique et leurs données d’interopérabilité pour au moins le FEDER 2014. — Les solutions TIC développées dans le cadre des projets de la période de programmation 2020 et les informations provenant du registre national des systèmes d’information existant, au moins dans la mesure des données qu’il contient, ainsi que la création d’un outil pour soutenir les processus de gouvernance des TIC au niveau de l’administration publique;3.5. Amélioration du système de gestion des enquêtes ARKA en mettant à la disposition des administrations publiques un système permettant de créer, de gérer et de distribuer des enquêtes. 4.Promouvoir l ' utilisation des possibilités offertes par le secteur public dans le domaine des TIC, notamment en sensibilisant le public à l ' identification électronique sécurisée, aux campagnes d ' opportunité en ligne, aux forums de compétences numériques, à la formation à l ' utilisation des services électroniques et à la sécurité de l ' environnement, à la promotion de l ' intérêt pour les outils d ' administration en ligne, à l ' élaboration de programmes d ' enseignement et de matériel sur les outils d ' administration en ligne, et à l ' information du public sur les possibilités nationales en ligne (participation à des expositions, séminaires, conférences, etc. (French)
    25 November 2021
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    Das Projekt wird die Kohärenz zwischen den Projekten der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien (IKT) gewährleisten, die im Programmplanungszeitraum 2014-2020 aus dem Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung (EFRE) kofinanziert werden, Konzeption und Umsetzung zentraler zentraler Plattformen sowie die Fähigkeit und das Interesse der Gesellschaft, die im Rahmen von IKT-Projekten des EFRE entwickelten und umgesetzten Lösungen wirksam zu nutzen. Förderung der Verwirklichung des spezifischen Unterstützungsziels 2.2.1 des operationellen Programms „Wachstum und Beschäftigung“ des operationellen Programms „Wachstum und Beschäftigung“ des operationellen Programms „Wachstum und Beschäftigung“. 1.Projektmanagement, Organisation der Durchführung der Projektaktivitäten innerhalb des genehmigten Budgets und der genehmigten Zeit und Beitrag zur Erreichung der Projektziele und -ergebnisse;2.ICT-Architekturmanagement, einschließlich: Prüfung der IKT-Projektdokumentation des EFRE auf Stichprobenbasis in Bezug auf die Einhaltung der Grundsätze der konzeptionellen Architektur von Informationssystemen der öffentlichen Verwaltung, Beteiligung an den Projektüberwachungsgremien, Arbeitsgruppen für die Entwicklung wesentlicher architektonischer Elemente, Entwicklung methodischer Materialien und Konsultationen für Projektträger sowie integrierte Überwachung der Bereitstellung öffentlicher Dienstleistungen und des Bedarfs an Endnutzern (im Folgenden: Bedarfsüberwachung);3. Konzeption und Entwicklung zentralisierter IKT-Lösungen, einschließlich: 3.1.Entwicklung einer sicheren elektronischen Bereitstellungsplattform (DEPP), 1. Stufe, Einführung einer zentralisierten Lösung (e-Adresse) der offiziellen elektronischen Adresse bei gleichzeitiger Verbesserung der Funktionalität und Benutzerfreundlichkeit des Kunden am Arbeitsplatz, der damit verbundenen gemeinsamen Komponenten und elektronischen Dienste sowie Anpassung der IKT-Lösungen der Partner für die Interoperabilität mit DEPP, unter anderem durch die Integration mit dem einheitlichen Informationssystem für lokale Behörden (NINO) und dem Informationssystem der zentralen Kundendienstzentren der lokalen Gebietskörperschaften, 3.2. sowie Koordinierung der Veröffentlichung offener Daten zur Erreichung der Ziele des SAM, einschließlich der Entwicklung eines Katalogs von Datensätzen, der von der öffentlichen Verwaltung zu veröffentlichen ist, und Standards für die Veröffentlichung von Daten und die Verwaltung der Umsetzung dieser Standards zumindest im EFRE 2014. 3.3.Entwicklung und maßgebliche Überwachung der Umsetzung der zentralisierten gemeinsamen Plattformen – Dienstebereitstellungs- und Verwaltungsplattform, Phase 2 des DEPP, Datenverbreitungsplattform, Phase 1 und Phase 2 des staatlichen Informationssystems für Informationsressourcen, Systeme und Interoperabilität (VIRSIS), Phase 2 der DPP;3.4.Errichtung und Umsetzung von VIRSIS, Stufe 1, Speicherung der Informationssysteme der öffentlichen Verwaltung und deren Interoperabilitätsdaten zumindest für den EFRE 2014. — IKT-Lösungen, die im Rahmen der Projekte des Programmplanungszeitraums 2020 entwickelt wurden, und Informationen aus dem bestehenden nationalen Register der Informationssysteme zumindest in dem Umfang der darin enthaltenen Daten sowie die Schaffung eines Instruments zur Unterstützung von IKT-Governance-Prozessen auf Ebene der öffentlichen Verwaltung;3.5. Verbesserung des Erhebungsmanagementsystems ARKA durch Bereitstellung eines Systems, das öffentlichen Verwaltungen zur Erstellung, Verwaltung und Verteilung von Erhebungen zur Verfügung steht. 4. Förderung der Nutzung öffentlicher IKT-Möglichkeiten, einschließlich der Sensibilisierung der Öffentlichkeit für eine sichere elektronische Identifizierung, e-opportunity-Kampagnen, Foren digitaler Kompetenzen, Schulungen über die Nutzung elektronischer Dienste und sichere e-Umwelt, Förderung des Interesses an Instrumenten der elektronischen Behördendienste, Entwicklung von Lehrplänen und Materialien zu elektronischen Behördeninstrumenten, Information der Öffentlichkeit über nationale elektronische Möglichkeiten (Teilnahme an Ausstellungen, Seminaren, Konferenzen usw. ); 5.Öffentlichkeit des Projekts durch Einführung verbindlicher Publizitätsmaßnahmen, einschließlich der Platzierung von Informationsplakaten, der Veröffentlichung von Informationen und der Websites der Projektpartner.Die Umsetzung des Projekts wird im Allgemeinen den folgenden Projektergebnisindikator sasniegšanu:6.Publiskās fördern, der wesentliche architektonische Elemente (2015-32 Institutionen, bis 2020-100, bis 2021 110) nutzt.7.Investitionen in den durchschnittlichen Wiederverwendungsindex für Informationen des öffentlichen Sektors (2015-0 Punkte, bis 2020-100; bis 2021: 100);8.Bevölkerung der Bürger über das Portal sasniegšanu:6.Publiskās, um Informationen über den elektronischen Empfang öffentlicher und kommunaler Dienstleistungen zu erhalten. (German)
    28 November 2021
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    Het project zal zorgen voor samenhang tussen projecten op het gebied van informatie- en communicatietechnologie (ICT) die tijdens de programmeringsperiode 2014-2020 door het Europees Fonds voor Regionale Ontwikkeling (EFRO) worden medegefinancierd, het ontwerp en de uitvoering van belangrijke gecentraliseerde platforms, alsook de capaciteit en het belang van de samenleving om de in het kader van EFRO-ICT-projecten ontwikkelde en uitgevoerde oplossingen doeltreffend te gebruiken. bevordering van de verwezenlijking van de specifieke steundoelstelling 2.2.1 „Zorgen voor een toename van het hergebruik van overheidsgegevens en effectieve interactie tussen overheidsdiensten en de particuliere sector” van het operationele programma „Groei en werkgelegenheid”. 1.Projectbeheer, organisatie van de uitvoering van projectactiviteiten binnen het goedgekeurde budget en de goedgekeurde tijd en bijdragen tot de verwezenlijking van projectdoelstellingen en -resultaten;2.ICT-architectuurbeheer, met inbegrip van: Onderzoek van de documentatie van het EFRO ICT-project op steekproefbasis met betrekking tot de naleving van de beginselen van de conceptuele architectuur van informatiesystemen van overheidsdiensten, deelname aan projecttoezichtborden, werkgroepen voor de ontwikkeling van essentiële architectonische elementen, ontwikkeling van methodologische materialen en raadplegingen voor projectontwikkelaars, alsmede geïntegreerde monitoring van de openbare dienstverlening en behoeften van eindgebruikers (hierna „het toezicht op de behoeften”)3. Ontwerp en ontwikkeling van gecentraliseerde ICT-oplossingen, waaronder: 3.1.Ontwikkeling van een beveiligd elektronisch leveringsplatform (DEPP), eerste fase, invoering van een gecentraliseerde oplossing (e-adres) van het officiële elektronische adres, waarbij de functionaliteit en bruikbaarheid van de werkplek van de klant wordt verbeterd, gerelateerde gedeelde componenten en e-diensten, en de ICT-oplossingen van de partners voor interoperabiliteit met DEPP worden aangepast, onder meer door integratie met het Unified Local Government Information System (NINO) en het informatiesysteem van afzonderlijke klantenservicecentra van lokale overheden, 3.2. Oprichting en implementatie van een platform voor gegevenspublicatie (DPP), alsmede coördinatie van de publicatie van open gegevens voor de verwezenlijking van de doelstellingen van het SAM, met inbegrip van de ontwikkeling van een catalogus van gegevensreeksen die door de overheid moet worden gepubliceerd en normen voor de publicatie van gegevens en het beheer van de uitvoering van deze normen, ten minste in het EFRO 2014. 3.3.Ontwikkeling van en gezaghebbend toezicht op de tenuitvoerlegging van het gecentraliseerde gedeelde platform — Dienstverlenings- en beheerplatform, fase 2 van het DEPP, het platform voor gegevensverspreiding, fase 1 en fase 2 van het informatiesysteem voor overheidsinformatie, systemen en interoperabiliteitsinformatiesysteem (VIRSIS), fase 2 van het DPP;3.4.Instelling en implementatie van VIRSIS, fase 1, waarbij in het register de informatiesystemen van overheidsdiensten en hun interoperabiliteitsgegevens worden opgeslagen voor ten minste het EFRO 2014. — ICT-oplossingen die zijn ontwikkeld in het kader van de projecten van de programmeringsperiode 2020 en informatie uit het bestaande nationale register van informatiesystemen, ten minste voor zover de daarin opgenomen gegevens, alsmede het creëren van een instrument ter ondersteuning van ICT-governanceprocessen op het niveau van de overheidsdiensten;3.5. Verbetering van het systeem voor enquêtebeheer ARKA door te voorzien in een systeem voor het opzetten, beheren en verspreiden van enquêtes waarover overheidsdiensten beschikken. 4.Bevordering van het gebruik van publieke ICT-mogelijkheden, met inbegrip van bewustmaking van het publiek over veilige e-identificatie, e-kansencampagnes, fora voor digitale vaardigheden, opleiding over het gebruik van e-diensten en veilige e-omgevingen, bevordering van de belangstelling voor e-overheidsinstrumenten, ontwikkeling van leerplannen en materiaal over e-overheidsinstrumenten, voorlichting van het publiek over nationale e-kansen (deelname aan tentoonstellingen, seminars, conferenties, enz. ); 5.Publiciteit van het project door de uitvoering van verplichte publiciteitsmaatregelen, waaronder plaatsing van informatieposter, publicatie van informatie en websites van projectpartners.De uitvoering van het project in het algemeen bevordert de volgende projectresultaatindicator sasniegšanu:6.Publiskās beheersorganen die essentiële architectonische elementen gebruiken (2015-32-instellingen, tegen 2020-100, tot 2021 110);7.Investeringen in de gemiddelde hergebruiksindex van overheidsinformatie (2015-0 punten, tot 2020-100; tot 2021: 100);8.Bevolking van burgers via portaal ※ om informatie over het ontvangen van openbare en gemeentelijke diensten elektronisch te verkrijgen. (Dutch)
    28 November 2021
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    Il progetto garantirà la coerenza tra i progetti in materia di tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione (TIC) cofinanziati dal Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale (FESR) durante il periodo di programmazione 2014-2020, la progettazione e l'attuazione di piattaforme centralizzate chiave, nonché promuoverà la capacità e l'interesse della società di utilizzare efficacemente le soluzioni sviluppate e attuate nel quadro dei progetti del FESR in materia di TIC. promuovere il conseguimento dell'obiettivo di sostegno specifico 2.2.1 "Garantire l'aumento del riutilizzo dei dati pubblici e un'efficace interazione tra la pubblica amministrazione e il settore privato" del programma operativo "Crescita e occupazione". 1.Project management, organizzando l'attuazione delle attività del progetto entro il budget e i tempi approvati e contribuendo al raggiungimento degli obiettivi e dei risultati del progetto;2.Gestione architettonica TIC, tra cui: Esame della documentazione relativa ai progetti TIC del FESR su base campionaria in relazione al rispetto dei principi dell'architettura concettuale dei sistemi informativi della pubblica amministrazione, alla partecipazione ai comitati di monitoraggio dei progetti, ai gruppi di lavoro per lo sviluppo di elementi architettonici essenziali, allo sviluppo di materiali metodologici e alle consultazioni per i promotori dei progetti, nonché al monitoraggio integrato della fornitura di servizi pubblici e delle esigenze degli utenti finali (di seguito — monitoraggio delle esigenze);3. Progettazione e sviluppo di soluzioni TIC centralizzate, tra cui: 3.1.Sviluppo di una piattaforma di distribuzione elettronica sicura (DEPP), 1a fase, che introduce una soluzione centralizzata (indirizzo elettronico) dell'indirizzo elettronico ufficiale, migliorando nel contempo la funzionalità e l'usabilità del luogo di lavoro del cliente, i relativi componenti condivisi e i servizi elettronici, nonché l'adeguamento delle soluzioni TIC dei partner per l'interoperabilità con il DEPP, anche integrandosi con il sistema informativo unificato degli enti locali (NINO) e il sistema informativo dei centri di assistenza clienti unici delle amministrazioni locali, 3.2. Creazione e attuazione di una piattaforma di pubblicazione dei dati (DPP), nonché il coordinamento della pubblicazione di dati aperti per il conseguimento degli obiettivi del SAM, compreso lo sviluppo di un catalogo di serie di dati da pubblicare da parte della pubblica amministrazione e norme di pubblicazione dei dati e la gestione dell'attuazione di tali norme almeno nel FESR 2014. 3.3.Sviluppo e supervisione autorevole dell'attuazione delle piattaforme condivise centralizzate — piattaforma di fornitura e gestione dei servizi, fase 2 del DEPP, piattaforma di diffusione dei dati, fase 1 e fase 2 del sistema informativo statale, sistemi e sistemi di informazione sull'interoperabilità (VIRSIS), fase 2 del DPP;3.4.istituzione e attuazione del VIRSIS, fase 1, che conserva nel registro i sistemi informativi della pubblica amministrazione e i relativi dati di interoperabilità per almeno il FESR 2014. — Soluzioni TIC sviluppate nei progetti del periodo di programmazione 2020 e informazioni provenienti dal registro nazionale esistente dei sistemi di informazione almeno nella misura dei dati ivi contenuti, nonché la creazione di uno strumento a sostegno dei processi di governance delle TIC a livello della pubblica amministrazione;3.5. Miglioramento del sistema di gestione delle indagini ARKA fornendo un sistema a disposizione delle pubbliche amministrazioni per la creazione, la gestione e la distribuzione di indagini. 4.Promuovere l'uso delle opportunità pubbliche in materia di TIC, compresa la sensibilizzazione del pubblico in merito alla sicurezza dell'identificazione elettronica, alle campagne di e-opportunity, ai forum sulle competenze digitali, alla formazione sull'uso dei servizi elettronici e all'ambiente elettronico sicuro, alla promozione dell'interesse per gli strumenti di e-government, allo sviluppo di programmi e materiali sugli strumenti di e-government, all'informazione del pubblico in merito alle opportunità elettroniche nazionali (partecipazione a mostre, seminari, conferenze, ecc.); 5.Pubblicazione del progetto mediante l'attuazione di misure pubblicitarie obbligatorie, tra cui il posizionamento di manifesti informativi, la pubblicazione di informazioni e i siti web dei partner del progetto.L'attuazione del progetto in generale promuoverà il seguente indicatore di risultato del progetto sasniegšanu:6.Publiskās che utilizza gli elementi architettonici essenziali (2015-32 istituzioni, entro il 2020-100, al 2021 110);7.Investimenti nell'indice medio di riutilizzo dell'informazione del settore pubblico (2015-0 punti, fino al 2020-100; fino al 2021: 100);8.Popolazione dei cittadini utilizzando il portale per ottenere informazioni sulla ricezione elettronica dei servizi pubblici e comunali.... (Italian)
    11 January 2022
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    El proyecto garantizará la coherencia entre los proyectos de tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC) cofinanciados por el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) durante el período de programación 2014-2020, diseñará y ejecutará plataformas centralizadas clave, así como promoverá la capacidad y el interés de la sociedad para utilizar eficazmente las soluciones desarrolladas y aplicadas en el marco de los proyectos del FEDER en materia de TIC. promover la consecución del objetivo de apoyo específico 2.2.1 «Garantizar el aumento de la reutilización de los datos públicos y la interacción efectiva entre la administración pública y el sector privado» del programa operativo «Crecimiento y empleo». 1.Gestión de proyectos, organizando la ejecución de las actividades del proyecto dentro del presupuesto y el tiempo aprobados y contribuyendo al logro de los objetivos y resultados del proyecto. Examen de la documentación de proyectos de TIC del FEDER sobre la base de una muestra en relación con el cumplimiento de los principios de la arquitectura conceptual de los sistemas de información de la administración pública, la participación en juntas de seguimiento de proyectos, grupos de trabajo para el desarrollo de elementos arquitectónicos esenciales, el desarrollo de materiales metodológicos y consultas para los promotores de proyectos, así como el seguimiento integrado de la prestación de servicios públicos y las necesidades de los usuarios finales (en lo sucesivo, «Seguimiento de las Necesidades»)3. 3.1.Desarrollo de una plataforma de entrega electrónica segura (DEPP), primera etapa, introduciendo una solución centralizada (dirección electrónica) de la dirección electrónica oficial, mejorando al mismo tiempo la funcionalidad y la usabilidad del lugar de trabajo del cliente, componentes compartidos y servicios electrónicos relacionados, así como adaptando las soluciones TIC de los socios para la interoperabilidad con DEPP, en particular mediante la integración con el Sistema Unificado de Información de las Administraciones Locales (NINO) y el sistema de información de los centros únicos de atención al cliente de las administraciones locales, 3.2. Creación e implementación de una plataforma de publicación de datos (DPP), así como la coordinación de la publicación de datos abiertos para la consecución de los objetivos de la SAM, incluida la elaboración de un catálogo de conjuntos de datos que publicará la administración pública y las normas de publicación de datos y la gestión de la aplicación de estas normas al menos en el FEDER de 2014. 3.3.Desarrollo y supervisión autorizada de la aplicación de las plataformas compartidas centralizadas: plataforma de suministro y gestión de servicios, fase 2 del DEPP, plataforma de difusión de datos, fase 1 y fase 2 del Sistema de Información, Sistemas e Interoperabilidad del Estado (VIRSIS), fase 2 de la DPP;3.4.Establecimiento e implementación de VIRSIS, fase 1, almacenamiento en el registro de los sistemas de información de la administración pública y sus datos de interoperabilidad para al menos el FEDER 2014. — Soluciones de TIC desarrolladas en los proyectos del período de programación 2020 e información del registro nacional de sistemas de información existente, al menos en la medida de los datos que contiene, así como la creación de una herramienta de apoyo a los procesos de gobernanza de las TIC a nivel de la administración pública; Mejora del sistema de gestión de encuestas ARKA proporcionando un sistema a disposición de las administraciones públicas para crear, gestionar y distribuir encuestas. 4.Promover el uso de las oportunidades públicas en materia de TIC, incluida la sensibilización del público sobre la seguridad de la identificación electrónica, las campañas de oportunidades electrónicas, los foros de competencias digitales, la formación sobre el uso de servicios electrónicos y entornos electrónicos seguros, la promoción del interés por los instrumentos de gobierno electrónico, la elaboración de planes de estudio y materiales sobre instrumentos de gobierno electrónico, la información al público sobre las oportunidades electrónicas nacionales (participación en exposiciones, seminarios, conferencias, etc.); 5.Publicidad del proyecto mediante la aplicación de medidas de publicidad obligatorias, incluida la colocación de carteles informativos, la publicación de información y los sitios web de los socios del proyecto.La ejecución del proyecto en general promoverá el siguiente indicador de resultados del proyecto sasniegšanu:6.Publiskās organismos de gestión que utilizan elementos arquitectónicos esenciales (2015-32 instituciones, de aquí a 2020-100, hasta 2021 110);7.Inversión en el índice medio de reutilización de la información del sector público (2015-0 puntos, hasta 2020-100; hasta 2021: 100);8.Población de los ciudadanos mediante el portal para obtener información sobre la recepción electrónica de los ... (Spanish)
    12 January 2022
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    Projektiga tagatakse Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fondist (ERF) programmitöö perioodil 2014–2020 kaasrahastatavate info- ja kommunikatsioonitehnoloogia (IKT) projektide vastastikune sidusus, kõige olulisemate tsentraliseeritud platvormide kavandamine ja rakendamine ning edendatakse ühiskonna suutlikkust ja huvi kasutada tõhusalt ERFi IKT projektide raames välja töötatud ja rakendatud loodud lahendusi. Aidata kaasa rakenduskava „Majanduskasv ja tööhõive“ erieesmärgi 2.2.1 „Avaliku sektori andmete taaskasutamise suurendamise ning avaliku halduse ja erasektori vahelise tõhusa koostoime tagamise“ (edaspidi „SAM“) erieesmärgi 2.2.1 saavutamisele.Projektmeetmed: 1.Projektijuhtimine, korraldades projektitegevuste elluviimist heakskiidetud eelarve ja aja piires ning edendades projekti eesmärkide ja tulemuste saavutamist;2. ERFi IKT-projektide dokumentide pisteline kontroll seoses avaliku halduse infosüsteemide kontseptuaalse ülesehituse põhimõtete järgimisega, osalemine projekti järelevalvenõukogudes, oluliste arhitektuurielementide väljatöötamise töörühmad, metoodikamaterjalide väljatöötamine ja projekti rakendajatega konsulteerimine, samuti avalike teenuste osutamise ja lõppkasutajate vajaduste integreeritud järelevalve (edaspidi „vajaduste järelevalve“).3. 3.1.Development of a secure electronic delivery platform (DEPP) by implementing a centralised solution for official e-mail address (e-address), while improving the functionality and usability of the client’s workplace, in related shared components and e-services, as well as adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the functionality and usability of the single municipal information system (Nino) and e-service services, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating with the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integration of partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, integrating with the Unified Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integration of the integrated municipal information system (Nino) and e-service services, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including the 2014 joint municipal information system (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integration of the Joint Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the implementation of public standards with the Public Service Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, by adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the Joint Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the implementation of the public service standards with DEPP, including integration with the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s single customer service centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the functionality and usability of Development and Author of Implementation of the Design and Implementation of Centralised Sharing Platforms – For the Service Provision and Management Platform, DEPP Phase 2, Data Distribution Platform, National Information Resources, Systems and Interoperability Information Systems (Virsis) for Phase 1 and 2, DPP Phase 2;3.4.Development and implementation of VIRSIS, Phase 1, with the register accumulating public administration information system and their interoperability data for at least ERDF 2014. – 2020. aasta planeerimisperioodil välja töötatud IKT-lahenduste projektid ja olemasolevast riiklikust infosüsteemi registrist pärinev teave vähemalt olemasolevate andmete ulatuses, samuti vahendi loomine IKT haldusprotsesside toetamiseks avaliku halduse tasandil;3.5. (Estonian)
    3 August 2022
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    Projektas užtikrins informacinių ir ryšių technologijų (IRT) projektų, kurie 2014–2020 m. programavimo laikotarpiu bendrai finansuojami iš Europos regioninės plėtros fondo (ERPF), suderinamumą, svarbiausių centralizuotų platformų kūrimą ir įgyvendinimą, taip pat skatins visuomenės gebėjimus ir suinteresuotumą veiksmingai naudoti sukurtus sprendimus, sukurtus ir įgyvendintus vykdant ERPF IRT projektus. Padėti siekti veiksmų programos „Augimas ir užimtumas“ 2.2.1 konkretaus tikslo „Plėtesnio viešųjų duomenų pakartotinio naudojimo ir veiksmingos viešojo administravimo ir privačiojo sektoriaus sąveikos užtikrinimas“ (toliau – SAM).Projekto veiksmai: 1.Projekto valdymas organizuojant projekto veiklos įgyvendinimą per patvirtintą biudžetą ir laiką bei skatinant projekto tikslų ir rezultatų pasiekimą;2. Atsitiktinis ERPF IRT projektų dokumentų tikrinimas, susijęs su viešojo administravimo informacinių sistemų koncepcinės architektūros principų laikymusi, dalyvavimas projektų stebėsenos valdybose, esminių architektūrinių elementų kūrimo darbo grupėse, metodinės medžiagos kūrimas ir konsultacijos su projektų vykdytojais, taip pat integruota viešųjų paslaugų teikimo ir galutinių vartotojų poreikių stebėsena (toliau – poreikių stebėsena).3. 3.1.Development of a secure electronic delivery platform (DEPP) by implementing a centralised solution for official e-mail address (e-address), while improving the functionality and usability of the client’s workplace, in related shared components and e-services, as well as adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the functionality and usability of the single municipal information system (Nino) and e-service services, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating with the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integration of partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, integrating with the Unified Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integration of the integrated municipal information system (Nino) and e-service services, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including the 2014 joint municipal information system (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integration of the Joint Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the implementation of public standards with the Public Service Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, by adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the Joint Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the implementation of the public service standards with DEPP, including integration with the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s single customer service centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the functionality and usability of Development and Author of Implementation of the Design and Implementation of Centralised Sharing Platforms – For the Service Provision and Management Platform, DEPP Phase 2, Data Distribution Platform, National Information Resources, Systems and Interoperability Information Systems (Virsis) for Phase 1 and 2, DPP Phase 2;3.4.Development and implementation of VIRSIS, Phase 1, with the register accumulating public administration information system and their interoperability data for at least ERDF 2014. – IRT sprendimams, sukurtiems 2020 m. planavimo laikotarpiu, projektams ir esamo nacionalinių informacinių sistemų registro informacijai, bent jau turimų duomenų kiekiui, taip pat priemonės IRT valdymo procesams viešojo administravimo lygmeniu remti 3.5. (Lithuanian)
    3 August 2022
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    Projektom će se osigurati međusobna usklađenost projekata informacijskih i komunikacijskih tehnologija (IKT) sufinanciranih iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj (EFRR) tijekom programskog razdoblja 2014. – 2020., osmišljavanje i provedba najvažnijih centraliziranih platformi, kao i promicanje kapaciteta i interesa društva za učinkovito korištenje stvorenih rješenja razvijenih i provedenih u okviru projekata ICT-a EFRR-a. Doprinos postizanju posebnog cilja 2.2.1. operativnog programa „Rast i zapošljavanje” „Osiguravanje povećanja ponovne uporabe javnih podataka i učinkovite interakcije između javne uprave i privatnog sektora” (dalje u tekstu „SAM”).Projekcijska djelovanja: 1.Upravljanje projektom organiziranjem provedbe projektnih aktivnosti unutar odobrenog proračuna i vremena te promicanjem postizanja ciljeva i rezultata projekta;2. Nasumično ispitivanje projektne dokumentacije EFRR-a u području IKT-a u vezi s načelima konceptualne arhitekture informacijskih sustava javne uprave, sudjelovanjem u odborima za praćenje projekata, radnim skupinama za razvoj bitnih arhitektonskih elemenata, razvojem metodoloških materijala i konzultacijama s implementatorima projekata, kao i integriranim praćenjem pružanja javnih usluga i potreba krajnjih korisnika (dalje u tekstu „nadzor potreba”).3. 3.1.Development of a secure electronic delivery platform (DEPP) by implementing a centralised solution for official e-mail address (e-address), while improving the functionality and usability of the client’s workplace, in related shared components and e-services, as well as adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the functionality and usability of the single municipal information system (Nino) and e-service services, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating with the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integration of partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, integrating with the Unified Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integration of the integrated municipal information system (Nino) and e-service services, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including the 2014 joint municipal information system (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integration of the Joint Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the implementation of public standards with the Public Service Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, by adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the Joint Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the implementation of the public service standards with DEPP, including integration with the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s single customer service centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the functionality and usability of Development and Author of Implementation of the Design and Implementation of Centralised Sharing Platforms – For the Service Provision and Management Platform, DEPP Phase 2, Data Distribution Platform, National Information Resources, Systems and Interoperability Information Systems (Virsis) for Phase 1 and 2, DPP Phase 2;3.4.Development and implementation of VIRSIS, Phase 1, with the register accumulating public administration information system and their interoperability data for at least ERDF 2014. — za IKT rješenja razvijena u razdoblju planiranja 2020. projekti i informacije iz postojećeg registra nacionalnih informacijskih sustava, barem u količini postojećih podataka, kao i stvaranje alata za potporu procesima upravljanja IKT-om na razini javne uprave;3.5. (Croatian)
    3 August 2022
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    Το έργο θα διασφαλίσει την αμοιβαία συνοχή των έργων τεχνολογιών της πληροφορίας και των επικοινωνιών (ΤΠΕ) που συγχρηματοδοτούνται από το Ευρωπαϊκό Ταμείο Περιφερειακής Ανάπτυξης (ΕΤΠΑ) κατά την περίοδο προγραμματισμού 2014-2020, τον σχεδιασμό και την υλοποίηση των σημαντικότερων κεντρικών πλατφορμών, καθώς και την προώθηση της ικανότητας και του ενδιαφέροντος της κοινωνίας να χρησιμοποιεί αποτελεσματικά τις λύσεις που δημιουργήθηκαν και εφαρμόζονται στο πλαίσιο των έργων ΤΠΕ του ΕΤΠΑ. Συμβολή στην επίτευξη του ειδικού στόχου 2.2.1 του επιχειρησιακού προγράμματος «Ανάπτυξη και απασχόληση» «Διασφάλιση αύξησης της περαιτέρω χρήσης δημόσιων δεδομένων και αποτελεσματικής αλληλεπίδρασης μεταξύ της δημόσιας διοίκησης και του ιδιωτικού τομέα» (εφεξής «ΜΔΔ»). 1.Διαχείριση του έργου με την οργάνωση της υλοποίησης των δραστηριοτήτων του έργου εντός του εγκεκριμένου προϋπολογισμού και χρόνου και την προώθηση της επίτευξης των στόχων και των αποτελεσμάτων του έργου·2. Τυχαία εξέταση της τεκμηρίωσης των έργων ΤΠΕ του ΕΤΠΑ σε σχέση με τη συμμόρφωση με τις αρχές της εννοιολογικής αρχιτεκτονικής των συστημάτων πληροφοριών της δημόσιας διοίκησης, συμμετοχή σε επιτροπές παρακολούθησης έργων, ομάδες εργασίας για την ανάπτυξη βασικών αρχιτεκτονικών στοιχείων, ανάπτυξη μεθοδολογικών υλικών και διαβουλεύσεις με τους φορείς υλοποίησης έργων, καθώς και ολοκληρωμένη παρακολούθηση της παροχής δημόσιας υπηρεσίας και των αναγκών των τελικών χρηστών (εφεξής «παρακολούθηση των αναγκών»).3. 3.1.Development of a secure electronic delivery platform (DEPP) by implementing a centralised solution for official e-mail address (e-address), while improving the functionality and usability of the client’s workplace, in related shared components and e-services, as well as adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the functionality and usability of the single municipal information system (Nino) and e-service services, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating with the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integration of partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, integrating with the Unified Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integration of the integrated municipal information system (Nino) and e-service services, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including the 2014 joint municipal information system (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integration of the Joint Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the implementation of public standards with the Public Service Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, by adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the Joint Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the implementation of the public service standards with DEPP, including integration with the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s single customer service centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the functionality and usability of Development and Author of Implementation of the Design and Implementation of Centralised Sharing Platforms – For the Service Provision and Management Platform, DEPP Phase 2, Data Distribution Platform, National Information Resources, Systems and Interoperability Information Systems (Virsis) for Phase 1 and 2, DPP Phase 2;3.4.Development and implementation of VIRSIS, Phase 1, with the register accumulating public administration information system and their interoperability data for at least ERDF 2014. — για τις λύσεις ΤΠΕ που αναπτύχθηκαν κατά την περίοδο προγραμματισμού 2020 και τις πληροφορίες από το υφιστάμενο εθνικό μητρώο συστημάτων πληροφοριών, τουλάχιστον όσον αφορά τον όγκο των υφιστάμενων δεδομένων, καθώς και για τη δ... (Greek)
    3 August 2022
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    Projektom sa zabezpečí vzájomná súdržnosť projektov informačných a komunikačných technológií (IKT) spolufinancovaných z Európskeho fondu regionálneho rozvoja (EFRR) počas programového obdobia 2014 – 2020, návrh a realizácia najdôležitejších centralizovaných platforiem, ako aj podpora kapacity a záujmu spoločnosti na účinné využívanie vytvorených riešení vyvinutých a realizovaných v rámci projektov v oblasti IKT v rámci EFRR. Prispievať k dosiahnutiu špecifického cieľa 2.2.1 operačného programu „Rast a zamestnanosť“ „Zabezpečenie zvýšenia opakovaného použitia verejných údajov a účinnej interakcie medzi verejnou správou a súkromným sektorom“ (ďalej len „MŠP“).Projektové akcie: 1.riadenie projektu organizovaním realizácie projektových aktivít v rámci schváleného rozpočtu a času a podporou dosahovania cieľov a výsledkov projektu; 2. Náhodné preskúmanie projektovej dokumentácie EFRR v oblasti IKT vo vzťahu k dodržiavaniu zásad koncepčnej architektúry informačných systémov verejnej správy, účasti v radách na monitorovanie projektov, pracovných skupín pre vývoj základných architektonických prvkov, vypracovanie metodických materiálov a konzultácií s realizátormi projektov, ako aj integrovaného monitorovania poskytovania verejných služieb a potrieb koncových používateľov (ďalej len „monitorovanie potrieb“).3. 3.1.Development of a secure electronic delivery platform (DEPP) by implementing a centralised solution for official e-mail address (e-address), while improving the functionality and usability of the client’s workplace, in related shared components and e-services, as well as adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the functionality and usability of the single municipal information system (Nino) and e-service services, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating with the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integration of partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, integrating with the Unified Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integration of the integrated municipal information system (Nino) and e-service services, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including the 2014 joint municipal information system (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integration of the Joint Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the implementation of public standards with the Public Service Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, by adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the Joint Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the implementation of the public service standards with DEPP, including integration with the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s single customer service centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the functionality and usability of Development and Author of Implementation of the Design and Implementation of Centralised Sharing Platforms – For the Service Provision and Management Platform, DEPP Phase 2, Data Distribution Platform, National Information Resources, Systems and Interoperability Information Systems (Virsis) for Phase 1 and 2, DPP Phase 2;3.4.Development and implementation of VIRSIS, Phase 1, with the register accumulating public administration information system and their interoperability data for at least ERDF 2014. — pre riešenia IKT vyvinuté v plánovacom období 2020 projekty a informácie z existujúceho vnútroštátneho registra informačných systémov, aspoň pokiaľ ide o množstvo existujúcich údajov, ako aj vytvorenie nástroja na podporu procesov riadenia IKT na úrovni verejnej správy;3.5. (Slovak)
    3 August 2022
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    Hankkeella varmistetaan Euroopan aluekehitysrahaston (EAKR) ohjelmakaudella 2014–2020 osarahoittamien tieto- ja viestintätekniikkahankkeiden keskinäinen johdonmukaisuus, tärkeimpien keskitettyjen foorumien suunnittelu ja täytäntöönpano sekä yhteiskunnan kyky ja intressi hyödyntää tehokkaasti EAKR:n tieto- ja viestintätekniikkahankkeissa kehitettyjä ja täytäntöönpantuja ratkaisuja. Edistää kasvua ja työllisyyttä koskevan toimenpideohjelman ”Kasvu ja työllisyys” erityistavoitteen 2.2.1 ”Julkisen datan uudelleenkäytön lisääminen sekä julkishallinnon ja yksityisen sektorin välisen tehokkaan vuorovaikutuksen varmistaminen” (jäljempänä ’SAM’) erityistavoitetta 2.2.1.Projektitoimet: 1.Projektin hallinnointi järjestämällä hanketoimien toteuttaminen hyväksytyn talousarvion ja ajan puitteissa sekä edistämällä hankkeen tavoitteiden ja tulosten saavuttamista;2. EAKR:n tieto- ja viestintätekniikkahankkeiden dokumentoinnin satunnaistarkastus suhteessa julkishallinnon tietojärjestelmien käsitteellisen arkkitehtuurin periaatteiden noudattamiseen, hankkeiden seurantalautakuntiin osallistumiseen, keskeisten arkkitehtonisten elementtien kehittämistä käsitteleviin työryhmiin, metodologisten materiaalien kehittämiseen ja hankkeiden toteuttajille järjestettäviin kuulemisiin sekä julkisten palvelujen tarjonnan ja loppukäyttäjien tarpeiden yhdennettyyn seurantaan, jäljempänä ’tarveseuranta’.3. 3.1.Development of a secure electronic delivery platform (DEPP) by implementing a centralised solution for official e-mail address (e-address), while improving the functionality and usability of the client’s workplace, in related shared components and e-services, as well as adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the functionality and usability of the single municipal information system (Nino) and e-service services, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating with the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integration of partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, integrating with the Unified Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integration of the integrated municipal information system (Nino) and e-service services, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including the 2014 joint municipal information system (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integration of the Joint Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the implementation of public standards with the Public Service Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, by adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the Joint Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the implementation of the public service standards with DEPP, including integration with the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s single customer service centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the functionality and usability of Development and Author of Implementation of the Design and Implementation of Centralised Sharing Platforms – For the Service Provision and Management Platform, DEPP Phase 2, Data Distribution Platform, National Information Resources, Systems and Interoperability Information Systems (Virsis) for Phase 1 and 2, DPP Phase 2;3.4.Development and implementation of VIRSIS, Phase 1, with the register accumulating public administration information system and their interoperability data for at least ERDF 2014. — suunnittelukaudella 2020 kehitettyjen tieto- ja viestintäteknisten ratkaisujen osalta hankkeet ja olemassa olevasta kansallisesta tietojärjestelmärekisteristä saadut tiedot, ainakin olemassa olevan datan määrä, sekä välineen luominen tieto- ja viestintätekniikan hallintoprosessien tukemiseksi julkishallinnon tasolla3.5. (Finnish)
    3 August 2022
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    Projekt zapewni wzajemną spójność projektów w zakresie technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnych (ICT) współfinansowanych z Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego (EFRR) w okresie programowania 2014-2020, zaprojektuje i wdroży najważniejsze scentralizowane platformy, a także będzie promować zdolność i interes społeczeństwa w skutecznym wykorzystaniu stworzonych rozwiązań opracowanych i wdrożonych w ramach projektów ICT EFRR. Przyczynianie się do osiągnięcia celu szczegółowego 2.2.1 programu operacyjnego „Wzrost gospodarczy i zatrudnienie” „Zapewnienie zwiększenia ponownego wykorzystywania danych publicznych i skutecznej interakcji między administracją publiczną a sektorem prywatnym” (zwanego dalej „SAM”).Działania projektowe: 1.Zarządzanie projektami poprzez organizowanie realizacji działań projektowych w ramach zatwierdzonego budżetu i czasu oraz promowanie osiągania celów i rezultatów projektu;2. Wyrywkowa analiza dokumentacji projektu ICT EFRR pod kątem zgodności z zasadami architektury koncepcyjnej systemów informacyjnych administracji publicznej, udział w radach monitorujących projekty, grupach roboczych ds. rozwoju podstawowych elementów architektonicznych, opracowaniu materiałów metodologicznych i konsultacjach z podmiotami realizującymi projekty, a także zintegrowany monitoring świadczenia usług publicznych i potrzeb użytkowników końcowych (zwany dalej „monitorowaniem potrzeb”).3. 3.1.Development of a secure electronic delivery platform (DEPP) by implementing a centralised solution for official e-mail address (e-address), while improving the functionality and usability of the client’s workplace, in related shared components and e-services, as well as adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the functionality and usability of the single municipal information system (Nino) and e-service services, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating with the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integration of partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, integrating with the Unified Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integration of the integrated municipal information system (Nino) and e-service services, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including the 2014 joint municipal information system (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integration of the Joint Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the implementation of public standards with the Public Service Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, by adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the Joint Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the implementation of the public service standards with DEPP, including integration with the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s single customer service centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the functionality and usability of Development and Author of Implementation of the Design and Implementation of Centralised Sharing Platforms – For the Service Provision and Management Platform, DEPP Phase 2, Data Distribution Platform, National Information Resources, Systems and Interoperability Information Systems (Virsis) for Phase 1 and 2, DPP Phase 2;3.4.Development and implementation of VIRSIS, Phase 1, with the register accumulating public administration information system and their interoperability data for at least ERDF 2014. — w odniesieniu do rozwiązań ICT opracowanych w okresie planowania 2020 r. projekty i informacje z istniejącego krajowego rejestru systemów informacyjnych, przynajmniej w odniesieniu do ilości istniejących danych, a także stworzenie narzędzia wspierającego procesy zarządzania ICT na szczeblu admini... (Polish)
    3 August 2022
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    A projekt biztosítja az Európai Regionális Fejlesztési Alap (ERFA) által a 2014–2020-as programozási időszakban társfinanszírozott információs és kommunikációs technológiai (IKT) projektek kölcsönös koherenciáját, a legfontosabb központosított platformok kialakítását és végrehajtását, valamint előmozdítja a társadalom kapacitását és érdeklődését az ERFA IKT-projektjei keretében kidolgozott és végrehajtott megoldások hatékony felhasználása érdekében. Hozzájárulás a „Növekedés és foglalkoztatás” operatív program 2.2.1. egyedi célkitűzésének megvalósításához: „A közszféra adatainak további felhasználásának növelése, valamint a közigazgatás és a magánszektor közötti hatékony együttműködés biztosítása” (a továbbiakban: SAM).Projekttevékenységek: 1.A projektmenedzsment a jóváhagyott költségvetésen és időn belül a projekttevékenységek végrehajtásának megszervezésével, valamint a projekt célkitűzéseinek és eredményeinek megvalósításának elősegítésével;2. Az ERFA IKT-projektdokumentációjának szúrópróbaszerű vizsgálata a közigazgatási információs rendszerek koncepcionális architektúrája elveinek való megfelelés, a projektfelügyeleti bizottságokban való részvétel, az alapvető építészeti elemek fejlesztésével foglalkozó munkacsoportok, a módszertani anyagok kidolgozása és a projektvégrehajtókkal való konzultáció, valamint a közszolgáltatások és a végfelhasználók igényeinek integrált nyomon követése (a továbbiakban: a szükségletek nyomon követése).3. 3.1.Development of a secure electronic delivery platform (DEPP) by implementing a centralised solution for official e-mail address (e-address), while improving the functionality and usability of the client’s workplace, in related shared components and e-services, as well as adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the functionality and usability of the single municipal information system (Nino) and e-service services, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating with the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integration of partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, integrating with the Unified Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integration of the integrated municipal information system (Nino) and e-service services, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including the 2014 joint municipal information system (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integration of the Joint Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the implementation of public standards with the Public Service Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, by adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the Joint Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the implementation of the public service standards with DEPP, including integration with the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s single customer service centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the functionality and usability of Development and Author of Implementation of the Design and Implementation of Centralised Sharing Platforms – For the Service Provision and Management Platform, DEPP Phase 2, Data Distribution Platform, National Information Resources, Systems and Interoperability Information Systems (Virsis) for Phase 1 and 2, DPP Phase 2;3.4.Development and implementation of VIRSIS, Phase 1, with the register accumulating public administration information system and their interoperability data for at least ERDF 2014. – a 2020-as tervezési időszakban kidolgozott IKT-megoldások esetében projektek és a meglévő nemzeti információs rendszerek nyilvántartásából származó információk, legalább a meglévő adatok mennyisége, valamint az IKT-kezelési folyamatok közigazgatási sz... (Hungarian)
    3 August 2022
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    Projekt zajistí vzájemnou soudržnost projektů informačních a komunikačních technologií (IKT) spolufinancovaných z Evropského fondu pro regionální rozvoj (EFRR) v programovém období 2014–2020, navrhne a realizuje nejdůležitější centralizované platformy a podpoří schopnost a zájem společnosti účinně využívat vytvořená řešení vyvinutá a prováděná v rámci projektů v oblasti IKT EFRR. Přispívat k dosažení specifického cíle 2.2.1 Operačního programu „Růst a zaměstnanost“ „Zajištění zvýšení opakovaného použití veřejných údajů a účinné interakce mezi veřejnou správou a soukromým sektorem“ (dále jen „SAM“). 1.Řízení projektu organizováním provádění projektových činností v rámci schváleného rozpočtu a času a podporou dosažení cílů a výsledků projektu;2. Namátkové přezkoumání projektové dokumentace EFRR ICT z hlediska souladu se zásadami koncepční architektury informačních systémů veřejné správy, účasti v monitorovacích komisích projektů, pracovních skupin pro rozvoj základních architektonických prvků, vývoje metodických materiálů a konzultací realizátorů projektů, jakož i integrovaného monitorování poskytování veřejných služeb a potřeb koncových uživatelů (dále jen „monitorování potřeb“).3. 3.1.Development of a secure electronic delivery platform (DEPP) by implementing a centralised solution for official e-mail address (e-address), while improving the functionality and usability of the client’s workplace, in related shared components and e-services, as well as adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the functionality and usability of the single municipal information system (Nino) and e-service services, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating with the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integration of partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, integrating with the Unified Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integration of the integrated municipal information system (Nino) and e-service services, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including the 2014 joint municipal information system (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integration of the Joint Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the implementation of public standards with the Public Service Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, by adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the Joint Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the implementation of the public service standards with DEPP, including integration with the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s single customer service centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the functionality and usability of Development and Author of Implementation of the Design and Implementation of Centralised Sharing Platforms – For the Service Provision and Management Platform, DEPP Phase 2, Data Distribution Platform, National Information Resources, Systems and Interoperability Information Systems (Virsis) for Phase 1 and 2, DPP Phase 2;3.4.Development and implementation of VIRSIS, Phase 1, with the register accumulating public administration information system and their interoperability data for at least ERDF 2014. — pro řešení IKT vyvinutá v plánovacím období 2020 projekty a informace ze stávajícího vnitrostátního registru informačních systémů, alespoň ve výši stávajících údajů, jakož i vytvoření nástroje na podporu procesů řízení IKT na úrovni veřejné správy;3.5. (Czech)
    3 August 2022
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    Áiritheofar leis an tionscadal comhleanúnachas frithpháirteach na dtionscadal teicneolaíochtaí faisnéise agus cumarsáide (TFC) arna gcómhaoiniú ag Ciste Forbraíochta Réigiúnaí na hEorpa (CFRE) le linn chlárthréimhse 2014-2020, dearadh agus cur chun feidhme na n-ardán láraithe is tábhachtaí, chomh maith le cumas agus leas na sochaí a chur chun cinn chun úsáid éifeachtach a bhaint as na réitigh a cruthaíodh arna bhforbairt agus arna gcur chun feidhme faoi chuimsiú thionscadail TFC CFRE. Rannchuidiú le cuspóir sonrach 2.2.1 den Chlár Oibríochtúil “Fás agus Fostaíocht” “Méadú ar athúsáid sonraí poiblí agus idirghníomhaíocht éifeachtúil idir an riarachán poiblí agus an earnáil phríobháideach” (dá ngairtear MCS anseo feasta) a bhaint amach. 1.Bainistíocht tionscadail trí chur chun feidhme gníomhaíochtaí tionscadail a eagrú laistigh den bhuiséad agus den am formheasta agus baint amach cuspóirí agus torthaí tionscadail a chur chun cinn;2. Scrúdú randamach ar dhoiciméadacht thionscadail TFC CFRE i ndáil le comhlíonadh na bprionsabal maidir le hailtireacht choincheapúil na gcóras faisnéise riaracháin phoiblí, rannpháirtíocht i mboird faireacháin tionscadal, grúpaí oibre maidir le gnéithe bunúsacha ailtireachta a fhorbairt, ábhair mhodheolaíochta agus comhairliúcháin a fhorbairt do lucht cur chun feidhme tionscadal, chomh maith le faireachán comhtháite ar sholáthar na seirbhíse poiblí agus ar riachtanais na n-úsáideoirí deiridh (dá ngairtear “faireachán ar riachtanais” anseo feasta).3. 3.1.Development of a secure electronic delivery platform (DEPP) by implementing a centralised solution for official e-mail address (e-address), while improving the functionality and usability of the client’s workplace, in related shared components and e-services, as well as adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the functionality and usability of the single municipal information system (Nino) and e-service services, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating with the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integration of partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, integrating with the Unified Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integration of the integrated municipal information system (Nino) and e-service services, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including the 2014 joint municipal information system (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integration of the Joint Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the implementation of public standards with the Public Service Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, by adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the Joint Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the implementation of the public service standards with DEPP, including integration with the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s single customer service centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the functionality and usability of Development and Author of Implementation of the Design and Implementation of Centralised Sharing Platforms – For the Service Provision and Management Platform, DEPP Phase 2, Data Distribution Platform, National Information Resources, Systems and Interoperability Information Systems (Virsis) for Phase 1 and 2, DPP Phase 2;3.4.Development and implementation of VIRSIS, Phase 1, with the register accumulating public administration information system and their interoperability data for at least ERDF 2014. — le haghaidh réitigh TFC a forbraíodh le linn thréimhse pleanála 2020 tionscadail agus faisnéis ó chlár na gcóras náisiúnta faisnéise atá ann cheana, ar a laghad an méid sonraí atá ann cheana, chomh maith le huirli... (Irish)
    3 August 2022
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    Projekt bo zagotovil medsebojno skladnost projektov informacijskih in komunikacijskih tehnologij (IKT), ki jih sofinancira Evropski sklad za regionalni razvoj (ESRR) v programskem obdobju 2014–2020, oblikovanje in izvajanje najpomembnejših centraliziranih platform ter spodbujal sposobnost in interes družbe za učinkovito uporabo ustvarjenih rešitev, razvitih in izvedenih v okviru projektov IKT ESRR. Prispevati k doseganju posebnega cilja 2.2.1 operativnega programa „Rast in zaposlovanje“ „Zagotavljanje večje ponovne uporabe javnih podatkov in učinkovite interakcije med javno upravo in zasebnim sektorjem“ (v nadaljnjem besedilu „SAM“).Projektni ukrepi: Upravljanje projekta z organizacijo izvajanja projektnih aktivnosti v okviru odobrenega proračuna in časa ter spodbujanjem doseganja ciljev in rezultatov projekta;2. Naključni pregled projektne dokumentacije ESRR IKT v zvezi s skladnostjo z načeli konceptualne arhitekture informacijskih sistemov javne uprave, sodelovanjem v odborih za spremljanje projektov, delovnimi skupinami za razvoj bistvenih arhitekturnih elementov, razvojem metodološkega gradiva in posvetovanj z izvajalci projektov ter integriranim spremljanjem zagotavljanja javnih storitev in potreb končnih uporabnikov (v nadaljnjem besedilu „spremljanje potreb“).3. 3.1.Development of a secure electronic delivery platform (DEPP) by implementing a centralised solution for official e-mail address (e-address), while improving the functionality and usability of the client’s workplace, in related shared components and e-services, as well as adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the functionality and usability of the single municipal information system (Nino) and e-service services, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating with the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integration of partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, integrating with the Unified Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integration of the integrated municipal information system (Nino) and e-service services, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including the 2014 joint municipal information system (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integration of the Joint Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the implementation of public standards with the Public Service Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, by adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the Joint Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the implementation of the public service standards with DEPP, including integration with the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s single customer service centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the functionality and usability of Development and Author of Implementation of the Design and Implementation of Centralised Sharing Platforms – For the Service Provision and Management Platform, DEPP Phase 2, Data Distribution Platform, National Information Resources, Systems and Interoperability Information Systems (Virsis) for Phase 1 and 2, DPP Phase 2;3.4.Development and implementation of VIRSIS, Phase 1, with the register accumulating public administration information system and their interoperability data for at least ERDF 2014. — za rešitve IKT, razvite v obdobju načrtovanja 2020, in informacije iz obstoječega nacionalnega registra informacijskih sistemov, vsaj v količini obstoječih podatkov, ter oblikovanje orodja za podporo procesom upravljanja IKT na ravni javne uprave;3.5 (Slovenian)
    3 August 2022
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    Проектът ще осигури взаимна съгласуваност на проектите в областта на информационните и комуникационните технологии (ИКТ), съфинансирани от Европейския фонд за регионално развитие (ЕФРР) през програмния период 2014—2020 г., разработване и прилагане на най-важните централизирани платформи, както и насърчаване на капацитета и интереса на обществото да използва ефективно създадените решения, разработени и приложени в рамките на проектите в областта на ИКТ по ЕФРР. Допринасяне за постигането на конкретна цел 2.2.1 на Оперативна програма „Растеж и заетост„„Осигуряване на увеличаване на повторната употреба на публични данни и ефективно взаимодействие между публичната администрация и частния сектор“ (наричани по-долу „МДП“). 1.Управление на проекти чрез организиране на изпълнението на проектните дейности в рамките на одобрения бюджет и време и насърчаване на постигането на целите и резултатите на проекта;2. Проверка на случаен принцип на проектната документация по проекта по ЕФРР във връзка със спазването на принципите на концептуалната архитектура на информационните системи на публичната администрация, участие в съвети за наблюдение на проекти, работни групи по разработване на основни архитектурни елементи, разработване на методологични материали и консултации с изпълнителите на проекти, както и интегриран мониторинг на предоставянето на обществени услуги и нуждите на крайните потребители (наричан по-долу „мониторинг на нуждите“).3. 3.1.Development of a secure electronic delivery platform (DEPP) by implementing a centralised solution for official e-mail address (e-address), while improving the functionality and usability of the client’s workplace, in related shared components and e-services, as well as adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the functionality and usability of the single municipal information system (Nino) and e-service services, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating with the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integration of partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, integrating with the Unified Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integration of the integrated municipal information system (Nino) and e-service services, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including the 2014 joint municipal information system (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integration of the Joint Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the implementation of public standards with the Public Service Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, by adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the Joint Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the implementation of the public service standards with DEPP, including integration with the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s single customer service centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the functionality and usability of Development and Author of Implementation of the Design and Implementation of Centralised Sharing Platforms – For the Service Provision and Management Platform, DEPP Phase 2, Data Distribution Platform, National Information Resources, Systems and Interoperability Information Systems (Virsis) for Phase 1 and 2, DPP Phase 2;3.4.Development and implementation of VIRSIS, Phase 1, with the register accumulating public administration information system and their interoperability data for at least ERDF 2014. — за ИКТ решения, разработени през периода на планиране 2020 г., проекти и информация от съществуващия регистър на националните информационни системи, поне по отношение на обема на съществуващите данни, както и създаване на инструмент за подкрепа на процесите на уп... (Bulgarian)
    3 August 2022
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    Il-proġett se jiżgura l-koerenza reċiproka tal-proġetti tat-teknoloġiji tal-informazzjoni u tal-komunikazzjoni (ICT) kofinanzjati mill-Fond Ewropew għall-Iżvilupp Reġjonali (FEŻR) matul il-perjodu ta’ programmazzjoni 2014–2020, it-tfassil u l-implimentazzjoni tal-pjattaformi ċentralizzati l-aktar importanti, kif ukoll jippromwovi l-kapaċità u l-interess tas-soċjetà biex tuża b’mod effettiv is-soluzzjonijiet maħluqa żviluppati u implimentati fil-qafas tal-proġetti ICT tal-FEŻR. Jikkontribwixxi għall-kisba tal-objettiv speċifiku 2.2.1 tal-Programm Operazzjonali “Tkabbir u Impjiegi” “L-iżgurar ta’ żieda fl-użu mill-ġdid tad-data pubblika u interazzjoni effiċjenti bejn l-amministrazzjoni pubblika u s-settur privat” (minn hawn’il quddiem imsejjaħ SAM).Azzjonijiet tal-proġett: 1.Ġestjoni tal-proġett permezz tal-organizzazzjoni tal-implimentazzjoni tal-attivitajiet tal-proġett fi ħdan il-baġit u l-ħin approvati u l-promozzjoni tal-kisba tal-objettivi u r-riżultati tal-proġett;2. Eżami każwali tad-dokumentazzjoni tal-proġett ICT tal-FEŻR fir-rigward tal-konformità mal-prinċipji tal-arkitettura kunċettwali tas-sistemi ta’ informazzjoni tal-amministrazzjoni pubblika, il-parteċipazzjoni fil-bordijiet ta’ monitoraġġ tal-proġetti, il-gruppi ta’ ħidma dwar l-iżvilupp ta’ elementi arkitettoniċi essenzjali, l-iżvilupp ta’ materjali metodoloġiċi u konsultazzjonijiet għall-implimentaturi tal-proġetti, kif ukoll il-monitoraġġ integrat tal-forniment tas-servizz pubbliku u l-ħtiġijiet tal-utenti finali (minn hawn’il quddiem imsejjaħ “monitoraġġ tal-ħtiġijiet”).3. 3.1.Development of a secure electronic delivery platform (DEPP) by implementing a centralised solution for official e-mail address (e-address), while improving the functionality and usability of the client’s workplace, in related shared components and e-services, as well as adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the functionality and usability of the single municipal information system (Nino) and e-service services, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating with the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integration of partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, integrating with the Unified Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integration of the integrated municipal information system (Nino) and e-service services, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including the 2014 joint municipal information system (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integration of the Joint Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the implementation of public standards with the Public Service Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, by adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the Joint Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the implementation of the public service standards with DEPP, including integration with the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s single customer service centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the functionality and usability of Development and Author of Implementation of the Design and Implementation of Centralised Sharing Platforms – For the Service Provision and Management Platform, DEPP Phase 2, Data Distribution Platform, National Information Resources, Systems and Interoperability Information Systems (Virsis) for Phase 1 and 2, DPP Phase 2;3.4.Development and implementation of VIRSIS, Phase 1, with the register accumulating public administration information system and their interoperability data for at least ERDF 2014. — għal soluzzjonijiet tal-ICT żviluppati fil-perjodu ta’ ppjanar tal-2020 proġetti u informazzjoni mir-reġistru tas-sistema ta’ informazzjoni nazz... (Maltese)
    3 August 2022
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    O projeto assegurará a coerência mútua dos projetos de tecnologias da informação e comunicação (TIC) cofinanciados pelo Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) durante o período de programação de 2014-2020, a conceção e a execução das plataformas centralizadas mais importantes, bem como promoverá a capacidade e o interesse da sociedade para utilizar eficazmente as soluções criadas desenvolvidas e implementadas no âmbito dos projetos TIC do FEDER. Contribuir para a realização do objetivo específico 2.2.1 do programa operacional «Crescimento e emprego» «Assegurar um aumento da reutilização de dados públicos e uma interação eficiente entre a administração pública e o setor privado» (a seguir designado por «MAE»). 1.Gestão do projeto organizando a execução das atividades do projeto dentro do orçamento e do tempo aprovados e promovendo a realização dos objetivos e resultados do projeto;2. Análise aleatória da documentação do projeto TIC do FEDER em relação à conformidade com os princípios da arquitetura conceptual dos sistemas de informação da administração pública, participação em conselhos de acompanhamento dos projetos, grupos de trabalho sobre o desenvolvimento de elementos arquitetónicos essenciais, desenvolvimento de materiais metodológicos e consultas aos responsáveis pela execução dos projetos, bem como acompanhamento integrado da prestação de serviços públicos e das necessidades dos utilizadores finais (a seguir designado «acompanhamento das necessidades»).3. 3.1.Development of a secure electronic delivery platform (DEPP) by implementing a centralised solution for official e-mail address (e-address), while improving the functionality and usability of the client’s workplace, in related shared components and e-services, as well as adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the functionality and usability of the single municipal information system (Nino) and e-service services, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating with the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integration of partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, integrating with the Unified Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integration of the integrated municipal information system (Nino) and e-service services, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including the 2014 joint municipal information system (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integration of the Joint Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the implementation of public standards with the Public Service Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, by adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the Joint Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the implementation of the public service standards with DEPP, including integration with the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s single customer service centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the functionality and usability of Development and Author of Implementation of the Design and Implementation of Centralised Sharing Platforms – For the Service Provision and Management Platform, DEPP Phase 2, Data Distribution Platform, National Information Resources, Systems and Interoperability Information Systems (Virsis) for Phase 1 and 2, DPP Phase 2;3.4.Development and implementation of VIRSIS, Phase 1, with the register accumulating public administration information system and their interoperability data for at least ERDF 2014. — para soluções TIC desenvolvidas no período de planeamento de 2020 projetos e informações do registo do sistema de informação nacional existente, pelo menos na quantidade de dados existentes, bem como a criação de um... (Portuguese)
    3 August 2022
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    Projektet vil sikre gensidig sammenhæng mellem informations- og kommunikationsteknologiprojekter (ikt-projekter), der medfinansieres af Den Europæiske Fond for Regionaludvikling (EFRU) i programmeringsperioden 2014-2020, udformning og gennemførelse af de vigtigste centraliserede platforme samt fremme af samfundets kapacitet og interesse i effektivt at udnytte de udviklede løsninger, der er udviklet og gennemført inden for rammerne af EFRU's ikt-projekter. Bidrage til opfyldelsen af det specifikke mål 2.2.1 i det operationelle program "Vækst og beskæftigelse" "Sikre en stigning i videreanvendelsen af offentlige data og et effektivt samspil mellem den offentlige forvaltning og den private sektor" (i det følgende benævnt "SAM"). 1.Projektstyring ved at organisere gennemførelsen af projektaktiviteter inden for det godkendte budget og tidspunkt og fremme opfyldelsen af projektmål og -resultater2. Tilfældig undersøgelse af EFRU's ikt-projektdokumentation med hensyn til overholdelse af principperne for konceptuel arkitektur i informationssystemer til den offentlige forvaltning, deltagelse i projektovervågningsudvalg, arbejdsgrupper om udvikling af væsentlige arkitektoniske elementer, udvikling af metodologiske materialer og høringer af projektiværksættere samt integreret overvågning af leveringen af offentlige tjenester og slutbrugernes behov (i det følgende benævnt "behovsovervågning").3. 3.1.Development of a secure electronic delivery platform (DEPP) by implementing a centralised solution for official e-mail address (e-address), while improving the functionality and usability of the client’s workplace, in related shared components and e-services, as well as adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the functionality and usability of the single municipal information system (Nino) and e-service services, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating with the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integration of partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, integrating with the Unified Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integration of the integrated municipal information system (Nino) and e-service services, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including the 2014 joint municipal information system (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integration of the Joint Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the implementation of public standards with the Public Service Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, by adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the Joint Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the implementation of the public service standards with DEPP, including integration with the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s single customer service centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the functionality and usability of Development and Author of Implementation of the Design and Implementation of Centralised Sharing Platforms – For the Service Provision and Management Platform, DEPP Phase 2, Data Distribution Platform, National Information Resources, Systems and Interoperability Information Systems (Virsis) for Phase 1 and 2, DPP Phase 2;3.4.Development and implementation of VIRSIS, Phase 1, with the register accumulating public administration information system and their interoperability data for at least ERDF 2014. — for IKT-løsninger, der blev udviklet i planlægningsperioden 2020, og oplysninger fra det eksisterende nationale register over informationssystemer, i det mindste i mængden af eksisterende data, samt skabe et værktøj til støtte for IKT-forvaltningsprocesser i den offentlige forvaltning3.5. (Danish)
    3 August 2022
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    Proiectul va asigura coerența reciprocă a proiectelor din domeniul tehnologiilor informației și comunicațiilor (TIC) cofinanțate de Fondul European de Dezvoltare Regională (FEDR) în perioada de programare 2014-2020, proiectarea și implementarea celor mai importante platforme centralizate, precum și promovarea capacității și interesului societății de a utiliza în mod eficient soluțiile create dezvoltate și implementate în cadrul proiectelor FEDR TIC. Să contribuie la realizarea obiectivului specific 2.2.1 din programul operațional „Creștere și ocuparea forței de muncă” „Asigurarea unei creșteri a reutilizării datelor publice și a unei interacțiuni eficiente între administrația publică și sectorul privat” (denumit în continuare „MCS”). Acțiuni de proiect: 1.Gestionarea proiectului prin organizarea implementarii activitatilor proiectului in limita bugetului aprobat si a timpului aprobat si prin promovarea realizarii obiectivelor si rezultatelor proiectului;2. Examinarea aleatorie a documentației proiectelor FEDR TIC în ceea ce privește respectarea principiilor arhitecturii conceptuale a sistemelor informatice ale administrației publice, participarea la comitetele de monitorizare a proiectelor, grupurile de lucru privind dezvoltarea elementelor arhitecturale esențiale, elaborarea de materiale metodologice și consultări pentru responsabilii cu punerea în aplicare a proiectelor, precum și monitorizarea integrată a furnizării de servicii publice și a nevoilor utilizatorilor finali (denumite în continuare „monitorizarea nevoilor”).3. 3.1.Development of a secure electronic delivery platform (DEPP) by implementing a centralised solution for official e-mail address (e-address), while improving the functionality and usability of the client’s workplace, in related shared components and e-services, as well as adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the functionality and usability of the single municipal information system (Nino) and e-service services, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating with the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integration of partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, integrating with the Unified Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integration of the integrated municipal information system (Nino) and e-service services, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including the 2014 joint municipal information system (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integration of the Joint Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the implementation of public standards with the Public Service Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, by adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the Joint Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the implementation of the public service standards with DEPP, including integration with the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s single customer service centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the functionality and usability of Development and Author of Implementation of the Design and Implementation of Centralised Sharing Platforms – For the Service Provision and Management Platform, DEPP Phase 2, Data Distribution Platform, National Information Resources, Systems and Interoperability Information Systems (Virsis) for Phase 1 and 2, DPP Phase 2;3.4.Development and implementation of VIRSIS, Phase 1, with the register accumulating public administration information system and their interoperability data for at least ERDF 2014. — pentru soluții TIC dezvoltate în perioada de planificare 2020 și informații din registrul sistemului național de informații existent, cel puțin în ceea ce priveș... (Romanian)
    3 August 2022
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    Projektet kommer att säkerställa ömsesidig samstämmighet mellan IKT-projekt som samfinansieras av Europeiska regionala utvecklingsfonden (Eruf) under programperioden 2014–2020, utformning och genomförande av de viktigaste centraliserade plattformarna, samt främja samhällets kapacitet och intresse att effektivt använda de lösningar som utvecklats och genomförts inom ramen för Erufs IKT-projekt. Bidra till att uppnå det särskilda målet 2.2.1 i det operativa programmet ”Tillväxt och sysselsättning” ”Säkerställa en ökning av vidareutnyttjandet av offentliga uppgifter och ett effektivt samspel mellan den offentliga förvaltningen och den privata sektorn” (nedan kallat SAM).Projektåtgärder: 1.Projektförvaltning genom att organisera genomförandet av projektverksamhet inom den godkända budgeten och tiden och främja uppnåendet av projektets mål och resultat2. Slumpmässig granskning av Erufs IKT-projektdokumentation med avseende på överensstämmelse med principerna om begreppsarkitektur för informationssystem för den offentliga förvaltningen, deltagande i projektövervakningsnämnder, arbetsgrupper för utveckling av väsentliga arkitektoniska element, utveckling av metodmaterial och samråd med projektansvariga samt integrerad övervakning av tillhandahållandet av offentliga tjänster och slutanvändarnas behov (nedan kallad behovsövervakning).3. 3.1.Development of a secure electronic delivery platform (DEPP) by implementing a centralised solution for official e-mail address (e-address), while improving the functionality and usability of the client’s workplace, in related shared components and e-services, as well as adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the functionality and usability of the single municipal information system (Nino) and e-service services, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating with the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integration of partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, integrating with the Unified Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integration of the integrated municipal information system (Nino) and e-service services, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including the 2014 joint municipal information system (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including integration of the Joint Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the implementation of public standards with the Public Service Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s Single Customer Service Centre information system, by adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the Joint Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government Single Customer Service Centre information system, adapting the municipal IS solutions to interoperability with DEPP, including the integration of the implementation of the public service standards with DEPP, including integration with the Single Municipal Information System (Nino) and the Local Government’s single customer service centre information system, adapting partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the partners’ ICT solutions for interoperability with DEPP, including integrating the functionality and usability of Development and Author of Implementation of the Design and Implementation of Centralised Sharing Platforms – For the Service Provision and Management Platform, DEPP Phase 2, Data Distribution Platform, National Information Resources, Systems and Interoperability Information Systems (Virsis) for Phase 1 and 2, DPP Phase 2;3.4.Development and implementation of VIRSIS, Phase 1, with the register accumulating public administration information system and their interoperability data for at least ERDF 2014. — för IKT-lösningar som utvecklats under planeringsperioden 2020 och information från det befintliga nationella registret över informationssystem, åtminstone vad gäller mängden befintliga uppgifter, samt att skapa ett verktyg för att stödja IKT-förvaltningsprocesser på offentlig förvaltningsnivå,3.5. (Swedish)
    3 August 2022
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    Peldu iela 25, Rīga, LV-1050
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