Single portal for drafting and harmonising legislation (Q3056631)

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Project Q3056631 in Latvia
Language Label Description Also known as
Single portal for drafting and harmonising legislation
Project Q3056631 in Latvia


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    1,428,000.0 Euro
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    1,680,000.0 Euro
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    85.0 percent
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    8 January 2018
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    7 July 2021
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    56°54'41.11"N, 24°8'39.98"E
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    Projekta realizētājs: Valsts kanceleja (turpmāk – VK)Projekta partneri: VSIA "Latvijas Vēstnesis", Iekšlietu ministrijas Informācijas centrs (turpmāk – IeMIC), Tieslietu ministrija.Vienotā tiesību aktu projektu (turpmāk - TAP) izstrādes un saskaņošanas portāla (turpmāk - TAP portāls) izveides mērķis ir Ministru kabineta lēmumu pieņemšanas procesa modernizēšana, nodrošinot sabiedrībai pieejamāku līdzdalību un valsts pārvaldei efektīvāku un ātrāku TAP izstrādes un saskaņošanas procesu, kā arī sēžu vadības procesu pilnveidošana (darba kārtību projektu izstrāde un apstiprināšana, protokolu izstrāde un parakstīšana, rezolūciju gatavošana, Ministru kabineta sēdē pieņemto dokumentu pārvaldība), tai skaitā Ministru kabineta un Ministru kabineta komitejas sēžu, Valsts sekretāru sanāksmju organizēšanas un norises informācijas sistēmas (turpmāk - e-portfelis) funkcionalitātes pilnveidošana. TAP portālā būs pieejama vispārpieejama un ierobežotas pieejamības informācija.Galvenās darbības mērķa sasniegšanai:Projekta vadības nodrošināšana.Projekta apraksta sagatavošana iekļaušanai informācijas un komunikācijas tehnoloģiju mērķarhitektūrā.Izmaksu un ieguvumu analīzes izstrāde.Programmatūras izstrādes iepirkuma dokumentācijas izstrāde un iepirkuma procedūras realizācija.Vienotā tiesību aktu projektu izstrādes un saskaņošanas portāla izstrāde.Vienotā tiesību aktu projektu izstrādes un saskaņošanas portāla ieviešana.Vienotā tiesību aktu projektu izstrādes un saskaņošanas portāla lietošanai nepieciešamo normatīvo regulējumu izmaiņas.E-pakalpojuma “Tiesību aktu projektu sabiedriskā apspriešana” izstrāde un ieviešana.Darbības procesu uzlabošana, lietojamības pilnveide.Datu kvalitātes pilnveide un datu atkalizmantošanas nodrošināšana, sagatavojot atkalizmantojamo datu kopas.Informatīvie un publicitātes pasākumi par projekta īstenošanu.Vienotā tiesību aktu projektu izstrādes un saskaņošanas portāla izvietošana datu centrā.TAP portāla izveide pēc būtības būs jauna pieeja TAP izstrādē un apritē, konceptuāli atsakoties no dokumenta kā publiskās pārvaldes procesu un informācijas organizācijas rīka. TAP portāls nebūs lietvedības sistēma, bet datu aprites informācijas sistēma.Informācija tiks radīta, uzkrāta, apstrādāta un izplatīta digitāli (digital by default), dati tiks strukturēti uzkrāti TAP portālā un vēlāk centralizēti no TAP portāla nodoti glabāšanai Valsts arhīvā. Visa informācija par TAP dzīves ciklu, sākot no darba uzdevuma par TAP izstrādāšanu, starpinstitucionālā saskaņošana, kontrole, sabiedrības iesaistīšana publiskajā apspriešanā, līdz lēmuma pieņemšanai MK un datu nodošana tālāka lēmuma pieņemšanai Saeimā vai publicēšanai "Latvijas Vēstnesī", būs pieejama vienuviet – TAP portālā, nevis sadrumstalota dažādās sistēmās vai vietnēs.Projekta ietvaros tiks izstrādāts TAP portāls, ietverot šādus moduļus: TAP reģistrs, TAP izstrādes rīks, TAP izsludināšana un saskaņošana, TAP iesniegšana un izskatīšana MK, uzdevumu izpildes kontrole. TAP portālā būs TAP darba vide un publiskā sadaļa, ietverot e-pakalpojumu "Tiesību aktu projektu sabiedriskā apspriešana".TAP darba vide ietvers vienkāršotas TAP izstrādes, saskaņošanas, apstiprināšanas un kontroles funkcionalitātes. Tiks piedāvātas TAP izstrādes sagataves, palīdzības rīki, sinhronizējot informācijas ievadīšanu dažādās informācijas vidēs (TAP, anotācija, izziņa, atzinums). Tāpat TAP portālā būs iespēja uzkrāt un analizēt strukturētus datus no tiesību aktu sākotnējās ietekmes ziņojumiem (anotācijām).Modernizējot e-Portfeli, tiks pilnveidots MK sēžu organizēšanas un MK lēmumu pieņemšanas process, t. sk. MK locekļiem un citiem sēžu dalībniekiem tiks nodrošināta iespēja ērti un vienuviet iepazīties ar sēdē izskatāmo jautājumu sagatavošanas vēsturi, fiksēt individuālo balsojumu, ja tāds noticis, kā arī pievienot atsevišķos viedokļus par izskatāmo jautājumu. Tiks nodrošināta Ministru kabineta sēdē pieņemto dokumentu pārvaldība un dalība (t. sk. attālināta) Ministru kabineta sēdēs.Publiskajā sadaļā ikviens lietotājs varēs atrast publiski vispārpieejamu un ar TAP saistītu informāciju (projekts, pielikumi, atzinumi, izziņa u. c.), izņemot ierobežotas pieejamības informāciju. Papildus lietotājam tiks paredzēta iespēja izsekot TAP virzības statusam, sākot no izstrādes un sabiedriskās apspriešanas līdz publikācijai "Latvijas Vēstnesī" (saskaņots, apstiprināts, parakstīts utt.). TAP portālā no konkrētā tiesību akta projekta tiks veidotas saites uz citiem TAP portāla skatpunktiem, piemēram, uz attiecīgās sēdes darba kārtību. Tiks nodrošināta arī iespēja ikvienam pieteikties uz jaunumiem TAP reģistrā.Iznākuma rādītāji:• Ieviests valsts pārvaldes institūciju koplietošanas risinājums - TAP portāls• Ieviests publiskais e-pakalpojums "Tiesību aktu projektu sabiedriskā apspriešana". Lai nodrošinātu sabiedrības viedokļa noskaidrošanu pirms TAP izstrādes, TAP portāla publiskajā sadaļā, izmantojot e-pakalpojumu "Tiesību aktu projektu sabiedriskā apspriešana", vienuviet t (Latvian)
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    The project implementer shall: State Chancellery (hereinafter – SAO) Project partners: The aim is to modernise the decision-making process of the Cabinet of Ministers by providing public access to the decision-making process of the Cabinet of Ministers and to ensure more effective and faster process of development and coordination of the TAPs, as well as to improve the sitting management processes (development and approval of the draft agenda, drafting and signing of minutes, preparation of resolutions, functionalities of the Cabinet of Ministers meeting, planning of the Cabinet of Ministers and management of the Cabinet of Ministers sittings). The main activities for achieving the project management.Preparation of the project description for inclusion in information and communication technologies in the target architecture.Development of cost-benefit analysis.Development of programming procurement documentation and implementation of procurement procedure.Unified design of the design and implementation of the procurement procedure.Uniform approach to the development of draft laws and the development of the Public Legislation and Harmonisation Portal.In the implementation of the common legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative projects and implementation of the procurement procedure on the portal of preparation of legal acts.Unified approach to the development of the legal acts and the development of the legal harmonisation portal.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative proposals and implementation of the procurement procedure on the website of the project, the joint legal form and the development of the Public Legislative Development and Harmonisation Portal.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative projects and implementation of the procurement procedure on the co-existence of the design of the project and the development of the legal framework for the co-existence of the legislative acts.Preparation of the project description for inclusion in the information and communication technologies in the target architecture.Development of cost-benefit analysis.Development of the procurement documentation for software development and implementation of the procurement procedure.Uniformity of the procurement procedure of the procurement procedure.Uniformation of the design of the project design and the development of the legislative and harmonisation portal The development of a common legal act development and harmonisation portal The development of a single legal act development and harmonisation portal.Uniform placement of the procurement procedure and implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified legal approach to the design and harmonisation of the project will be the development of the Public Legislative Projects and Harmonisation Portfying.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniformation of the procurement procedure and the implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified legal approach to the development of the design and harmonisation of the project will be the development of the Public Legislation and Harmonisation Portfolio.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniformation of the procurement procedure and implementation of the procurement procedure.Underforming of the e-motion of the project design and coordination of the project will be the development of the Public Legislative Projects and Harmonisation Portfolio.In the introduction of a unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Undering of documents for the development of regulatory acts and implementing the procurement procedure.In the single design of the project and the implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified approach to the development of draft laws and the development of the harmonisation portal.In the implementation of a common legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniforming the documentation for the development of software development and implementation of the procurement procedure.Common presentation of the project description for inclusion of the Information and Harmonisation Portfolio in the Information and Communication Technology portal.Developing the Costand Benefits of Procurement Documenting and Implementing the Procurement Procedure The TAP portal will not be a record-keeping system, but a data circulation information system.Information will be created, stored, processed and disseminated digitally (digital by default), the data will be stored in the TAP portal and will be centrally transferred from the TAP portal for storage in the State Archives. (English)
    15 July 2021
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    Responsable de la mise en œuvre du projet: Chancellerie d’État (ci-après — SAO)Partenaires du projet: L’objectif de la création du portail de développement et d’harmonisation des projets de loi unique (ci-après le «portail TAP») est de moderniser le processus décisionnel du Cabinet des ministres, d’assurer une plus grande participation du public et un processus plus efficace et plus rapide pour l’élaboration et la coordination des PAT, ainsi que d’améliorer le processus de gestion des sessions (élaboration et approbation des projets de procédures de travail, rédaction et signature des procès-verbaux, préparation des résolutions, gestion des documents adoptés lors de la réunion du Cabinet des ministres), y compris l’amélioration de la fonctionnalité des réunions du Cabinet des ministres et du Comité du Cabinet, de l’organisation et de la conduite des réunions des secrétaires d’État (ci-après — e-portfolio). Des informations générales et restreintes seront disponibles sur le portail TAP.Fournir l’objectif principal de l’activité sasniegšanai:Projekta gestion.fournir la description du projet à inclure dans l’architecture cible des technologies de l’information et de la communication.Développement d’une analyse coûts-bénéfices.Développement de la documentation sur les marchés publics pour le développement de logiciels et la mise en œuvre de la procédure de passation de marchés.Développement du portail de développement et d’harmonisation du projet de loi unique. Mise en œuvre du service «Consultation publique des lois» en ligne. Amélioration des processus opérationnels, amélioration de l’utilisabilité. Le portail TAP ne sera pas un système d’enregistrement, mais un système d’information sur la circulation des données. Les informations seront créées, stockées, traitées et distribuées numériquement (numériques par défaut), les données seront structurées sur le portail TAP et ensuite transférées de manière centralisée à partir du portail TAP pour être stockées dans les archives de l’État. Toutes les informations sur le cycle de vie du PAT, à partir du mandat relatif à l’élaboration du PAT, à la coordination interinstitutionnelle, au contrôle, à la participation du public à la consultation publique, jusqu’à l’adoption d’une décision par le cabinet des ministres et le transfert de données en vue d’une prise de décision ultérieure par la Saeima ou d’une publication au Journal officiel de Lettonie, seront disponibles en un seul endroit — sur le portail TAP, plutôt que fragmentées en différents systèmes ou sites. Registre TAP, outil de développement du TAP, annonce et harmonisation des PAT, soumission et examen du TAP au Cabinet, suivi des tâches. Le portail TAP comprendra l’environnement de travail du TAP et une section publique, y compris le service électronique «Consultation publique sur les projets d’actes juridiques». L’environnement de travail du TAP comprendra des fonctionnalités simplifiées pour le développement, l’harmonisation, l’approbation et le contrôle des PAT. Appuyez sur des modèles de développement, des outils d’aide, la synchronisation de l’entrée d’informations dans différents environnements d’information (TAP, annotation, certificat, opinion). Le portail sera également l’occasion de recueillir et d’analyser des données structurées provenant des rapports d’impact initiaux (annotations) des actes juridiques. La modernisation de l’e-Portfeel améliorera le processus d’organisation des réunions du Cabinet et le processus décisionnel du Cabinet des ministres, y compris. Les membres du cabinet et les autres participants à la réunion auront l’occasion de se familiariser facilement et en un seul endroit avec l’historique de la préparation des questions qui seront discutées lors de la réunion, d’enregistrer le vote individuel, le cas échéant, et de joindre des opinions individuelles sur le sujet à l’étude. La gestion des documents adoptés lors de la réunion du Cabinet des ministres et la participation aux réunions du Cabinet des ministres (y compris à distance) seront assurées. Dans la section publique, chaque utilisateur pourra trouver des informations accessibles au public et relatives au TAP (projet, annexes, avis, déclarations, etc. ), à l’exception de l’information à accès restreint. En outre, l’utilisateur sera en mesure de suivre l’état d’avancement du TAP, du développement et de la consultation publique à la publication dans Latvijas Vēstnesis (accord, approuvé, signé, etc.). Sur le portail TAP, des liens seront créés à partir d’un projet d’acte législatif spécifique vers d’autres points de vue du portail, tels que l’ordre du jour de la réunion concernée. Il sera également possible pour tout le monde de demander des mises à jour dans le registre TAP.Indicateurs de résultats:• Introduit une solution partagée pour les institutions de l’administration publique — portail TAP• Introduit le service public en ligne «Consultation publique sur les projets d’actes juridiques». (French)
    25 November 2021
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    Projektumsetzung: Staatskanzleramt (im Folgenden – SAO)Projektpartner: Ziel der Einrichtung des Entwicklungs- und Harmonisierungsportals (im Folgenden „TAP“) ist es, den Entscheidungsprozess des Ministerkabinetts zu modernisieren, eine stärkere Beteiligung der Öffentlichkeit und einen effizienteren und schnelleren Prozess für die Entwicklung und Koordinierung der TAP zu gewährleisten, sowie die Verbesserung des Prozesses für die Verwaltung der Sitzungen (Entwicklung und Billigung von Entwürfen der Arbeitsverfahren, Erstellung und Unterzeichnung von Protokollen, Vorbereitung von Entschließungen, Verwaltung der auf der Tagung des Ministerkabinetts angenommenen Dokumente), einschließlich der Verbesserung der Funktionsweise der Sitzungen des Ministerkabinetts und des Kabinettskomitees, die Organisation und Durchführung von Sitzungen der Staatssekretäre (im Folgenden „E-Portfolio“). Allgemeine und eingeschränkte Informationen werden auf dem TAP-Portal zur Verfügung gestellt.Die Bereitstellung des Hauptziels sasniegšanai:Projekta Management.Bestimmung der Projektbeschreibung für die Einbeziehung in die Zielarchitektur von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien.Entwicklung einer Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse.Entwicklung der Beschaffungsdokumentation für Softwareentwicklung und Umsetzung des Vergabeverfahrens.Entwicklung des einheitlichen Entwurfs der Gesetzesentwicklung und Harmonisierungsportal.Umsetzung des einheitlichen Entwurfs für die Entwicklung und Harmonisierung von Gesetzen. Änderungen des Regelungsrahmens, die für die Nutzung des Single Law Project Development and Harmonisation Portals erforderlich sind. Entwicklung und Umsetzung des e-Service „Public Consultation of Laws“. Verbesserung der operativen Prozesse, Verbesserung der Usability. Das TAP-Portal ist kein Aufzeichnungssystem, sondern ein Datendurchlaufinformationssystem. Die Informationen werden digital erstellt, gespeichert, verarbeitet und verbreitet (standardmäßig digital), die Daten werden auf dem TAP-Portal aufgebaut und später zentral aus dem TAP-Portal zur Speicherung im Staatsarchiv übertragen. Alle Informationen über den Lebenszyklus des TAP, beginnend mit dem Mandat für die Entwicklung des TAP, der interinstitutionellen Koordinierung, Kontrolle, Beteiligung der Öffentlichkeit an der öffentlichen Konsultation, bis zur Annahme eines Beschlusses des Ministerkabinetts und der Übermittlung von Daten für die weitere Entscheidungsfindung durch die Saeima oder die Veröffentlichung im Amtsblatt Lettlands werden an einem Ort verfügbar sein – auf dem TAP-Portal und nicht in verschiedene Systeme oder Standorte zersplittert. Tippen Sie auf Register, TAP-Entwicklungsinstrument, Ankündigung und Harmonisierung von TAPs, Einreichung und Überprüfung von TAP an das Kabinett, Weiterverfolgung der Aufgaben. Das TAP-Portal umfasst das Arbeitsumfeld des TAP und eine öffentliche Sektion, einschließlich des elektronischen Dienstes „Öffentliche Konsultation zu Entwürfen von Rechtsakten“. Das TAP-Arbeitsumfeld wird vereinfachte Funktionen für die Entwicklung, Harmonisierung, Genehmigung und Kontrolle von TAP umfassen. Es werden Entwicklungsvorlagen, Hilfetools, synchronisierende Informationseingaben in verschiedenen Informationsumgebungen (TAP, Annotation, Zertifikat, Meinung) angeboten. Das TAP-Portal bietet auch die Möglichkeit, strukturierte Daten aus den ersten Wirkungsberichten (Anmerkungen) von Rechtsakten zu sammeln und zu analysieren. Die Modernisierung von e-Portfeel wird den Prozess der Organisation von Sitzungen des Kabinetts und des Entscheidungsprozesses des Ministerkabinetts verbessern. Die Mitglieder des Kabinetts und andere Sitzungsteilnehmer erhalten die Möglichkeit, sich einfach und an einem Ort mit der Geschichte der Vorbereitung der in der Sitzung zu erörternden Themen vertraut zu machen, gegebenenfalls die individuelle Abstimmung zu erfassen und individuelle Stellungnahmen zu dem zu behandelnden Thema beizufügen. Die Verwaltung der auf der Tagung des Ministerkabinetts angenommenen Dokumente und die Teilnahme an den Sitzungen des Ministerkabinetts (einschließlich Ferngesprächen) werden sichergestellt. In der öffentlichen Sektion kann jeder Nutzer öffentlich zugängliche und TAP-bezogene Informationen (Projekt, Anhänge, Stellungnahmen, Erklärungen usw.) finden, mit Ausnahme von Zugangsbeschränkungen. Darüber hinaus wird der Nutzer in der Lage sein, den Stand der Fortschritte des TAP zu verfolgen, von der Entwicklung über die öffentliche Konsultation bis zur Veröffentlichung in Latvijas Vēstnesis (abgestimmt, genehmigt, unterzeichnet usw.). Auf dem TAP-Portal werden Links aus einem spezifischen Entwurf eines Gesetzgebungsakts zu anderen Standpunkten des TAP-Portals wie der Tagesordnung der betreffenden Sitzung erstellt. (German)
    28 November 2021
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    Projectuitvoerder: Staatskanselarij (hierna „SAO” genoemd)Projectpartners: Het doel van de oprichting van de portaalsite voor ontwikkeling en harmonisatie van één-rechtprojecten (hierna „het TAP-portaal” genoemd) is de modernisering van het besluitvormingsproces van het kabinet van ministers, het waarborgen van meer inspraak van het publiek en een efficiënter en sneller proces voor de ontwikkeling en coördinatie van TAP’s, alsmede de verbetering van het proces voor het beheer van zittingen (ontwikkeling en goedkeuring van ontwerp-werkprocedures, opstelling en ondertekening van notulen, voorbereiding van resoluties, beheer van documenten die zijn aangenomen tijdens de vergadering van het kabinet van ministers), met inbegrip van de verbetering van de functionaliteit van de vergaderingen van het kabinet van ministers en van het kabinetscomité, de organisatie en het verloop van vergaderingen van staatssecretarissen (hierna „e-portfolio”). Algemene en beperkte informatie zal beschikbaar zijn op het TAP-portaal.Vermelding van de hoofdactiviteitsdoelstelling sasniegšanai:Projekta beheer.Voorziening van de projectbeschrijving voor opname in de doelarchitectuur van informatie- en communicatietechnologieën.Ontwikkeling van een kosten-batenanalyse.Ontwikkeling van de aanbestedingsdocumentatie voor softwareontwikkeling en -implementatie van de aanbestedingsprocedure.Ontwikkeling van het enige wetsontwerp-ontwikkelings- en harmonisatieportaal.Uitvoering van het enige wetsontwerp-ontwikkelings- en harmonisatieportaal. Wijzigingen in het regelgevingskader dat nodig is voor het gebruik van de Single Law Project Development and Harmonization Portal. Ontwikkeling en implementatie van de e-dienst „Public Consultation of Laws” dienst. Verbetering van operationele processen, verbetering van de bruikbaarheid. Het TAP-portaal zal geen registratiesysteem zijn, maar een informatiesysteem voor gegevenscirculatie. De informatie zal digitaal worden aangemaakt, opgeslagen, verwerkt en gedistribueerd (standaard digitaal), de gegevens worden gestructureerd op het TAP-portaal en vervolgens centraal overgedragen vanuit het TAP-portaal voor opslag in het staatsarchief. Alle informatie over de levenscyclus van het TAP, te beginnen met het mandaat voor de ontwikkeling van TAP, interinstitutionele coördinatie, controle, betrokkenheid van het publiek bij de openbare raadpleging, tot de vaststelling van een besluit door het kabinet van ministers en de overdracht van gegevens voor verdere besluitvorming door de Saeima of publicatie in het Publicatieblad van Letland, zal op één plaats beschikbaar zijn — op het TAP-portaal — in plaats van gefragmenteerd in verschillende systemen of locaties. Tik op register, TAP-ontwikkelingsinstrument, aankondiging en harmonisatie van TAP’s, indiening en herziening van TAP aan het kabinet, follow-up van taken. Het TAP-portaal omvat de werkomgeving van het TAP en een openbaar gedeelte, met inbegrip van de e-dienst „Openbare raadpleging over ontwerpen van wetgevingshandelingen”. De TAP-werkomgeving omvat vereenvoudigde functies voor de ontwikkeling, harmonisatie, goedkeuring en controle van TAP’s. Tik op ontwikkelingssjablonen, helptools, synchronisatie van informatie-invoer in verschillende informatieomgevingen (TAP, annotatie, certificaat, mening) zal worden aangeboden. Het TAP-portaal biedt ook de mogelijkheid om gestructureerde gegevens te verzamelen en te analyseren uit de initiële impactrapporten (annotaties) van rechtshandelingen. De modernisering van e-Portfeel zal het proces van het organiseren van vergaderingen van het kabinet en het besluitvormingsproces van het kabinet van ministers verbeteren. Leden van het kabinet en andere deelnemers aan vergaderingen zullen de gelegenheid krijgen om gemakkelijk en op één plaats kennis te maken met de geschiedenis van de voorbereiding van de tijdens de vergadering te bespreken kwesties, de eventuele individuele stemming vast te leggen en individuele meningen over het onderwerp in kwestie bij te voegen. Het beheer van de tijdens de vergadering van het kabinet van ministers goedgekeurde documenten en deelname aan vergaderingen van het kabinet van ministers (inclusief op afstand) zal worden gewaarborgd. In de openbare afdeling zal elke gebruiker in staat zijn publiek toegankelijke en TAP-gerelateerde informatie te vinden (project, bijlagen, adviezen, verklaringen, enz. ), met uitzondering van informatie met beperkte toegang. Bovendien zal de gebruiker de stand van zaken van het TAP kunnen volgen, van ontwikkeling en openbare raadpleging tot publicatie in Latvijas Vēstnesis (overeengekomen, goedgekeurd, ondertekend, enz.). Op het TAP-portaal zullen van een specifiek ontwerp van wetgevingshandeling links worden gemaakt naar andere standpunten van het TAP-portaal, zoals de agenda van de desbetreffende vergadering. (Dutch)
    28 November 2021
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    Responsabile dell'attuazione del progetto: Cancelleria di Stato (di seguito SAO)Società del progetto: L'obiettivo dell'istituzione del portale di sviluppo e armonizzazione dei progetti di diritto unico (di seguito "portale TAP") è quello di modernizzare il processo decisionale del Gabinetto dei ministri, garantendo una maggiore partecipazione del pubblico e un processo più efficiente e più rapido per lo sviluppo e il coordinamento dei TAP, nonché di migliorare il processo di gestione delle sessioni (sviluppo e approvazione dei progetti di procedure di lavoro, redazione e firma dei verbali, preparazione delle risoluzioni, gestione dei documenti adottati nella riunione del Gabinetto dei Ministri), compreso il miglioramento della funzionalità delle riunioni del Gabinetto dei Ministri e del Comitato di Gabinetto, l'organizzazione e lo svolgimento delle riunioni dei Segretari di Stato (di seguito — e-portfolio). Informazioni generali e limitate saranno disponibili sul portale TAP.Fornire l'obiettivo principale dell'attività sasniegšanai:Projekta gestione.Fornitura della descrizione del progetto per l'inclusione nell'architettura di riferimento delle tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione.Sviluppo di un'analisi costi-benefici.Sviluppo della documentazione di appalto per lo sviluppo di software e l'attuazione della procedura di appalto.Sviluppo del portale unico di progetto di legge e armonizzazione.Attuazione del portale unico di sviluppo e armonizzazione di progetto di legge. Modifiche del quadro normativo necessario per l'uso del portale di sviluppo di progetti di diritto unico e di armonizzazione. Sviluppo e attuazione del servizio "Consultazione pubblica di leggi". Miglioramento dei processi operativi, miglioramento del portale di armonizzazione. Il portale TAP non sarà un sistema di registrazione, ma un sistema di informazione sulla circolazione dei dati. Le informazioni saranno create, memorizzate, elaborate e distribuite digitalmente (digitali per impostazione predefinita), i dati saranno strutturati sul portale TAP e successivamente trasferiti centralmente dal portale TAP per la conservazione nell'archivio statale. Tutte le informazioni sul ciclo di vita del TAP, a partire dal mandato relativo allo sviluppo del TAP, al coordinamento interistituzionale, al controllo, alla partecipazione del pubblico alla consultazione pubblica, fino all'adozione di una decisione da parte del Gabinetto dei ministri e al trasferimento dei dati per l'ulteriore processo decisionale da parte del Saeima o la pubblicazione nella Gazzetta ufficiale della Lettonia, saranno disponibili in un unico luogo — sul portale TAP, piuttosto che frammentate in sistemi o siti diversi. Toccare registro, strumento di sviluppo TAP, annuncio e armonizzazione dei TAP, presentazione e revisione del TAP al Gabinetto, follow-up dei compiti. Il portale TAP comprenderà l'ambiente di lavoro TAP e una sezione pubblica, compreso il servizio elettronico "Consultazione pubblica sui progetti di atti giuridici". L'ambiente di lavoro TAP comprenderà funzionalità semplificate per lo sviluppo, l'armonizzazione, l'approvazione e il controllo dei TAP. Verranno offerti modelli di sviluppo, strumenti di aiuto, sincronizzazione degli input di informazioni in diversi ambienti informativi (TAP, annotazione, certificato, opinione). Il portale TAP offrirà inoltre l'opportunità di raccogliere e analizzare dati strutturati provenienti dalle relazioni d'impatto iniziali (annotazioni) degli atti giuridici. La modernizzazione di e-Portfeel migliorerà il processo di organizzazione delle riunioni del Gabinetto e il processo decisionale del Gabinetto dei ministri, compreso. I membri del Gabinetto e gli altri partecipanti alla riunione avranno la possibilità di conoscere facilmente e in un unico luogo la storia della preparazione delle questioni da discutere nel corso della riunione, registrare l'eventuale votazione individuale e allegare pareri individuali sull'argomento in esame. Sarà assicurata la gestione dei documenti adottati nella riunione del Gabinetto dei Ministri e la partecipazione alle riunioni del Gabinetto dei Ministri (anche a distanza). Nella sezione pubblica, ciascun utente potrà reperire informazioni pubblicamente accessibili e relative al TAP (progetto, allegati, pareri, dichiarazioni, ecc.), ad eccezione delle informazioni ad accesso limitato. Inoltre, l'utente sarà in grado di monitorare lo stato di avanzamento del TAP, dallo sviluppo e dalla consultazione pubblica alla pubblicazione in Latvijas Vēstnesis (accordo, approvato, firmato, ecc.). Sul portale TAP saranno creati collegamenti da un progetto specifico di atto legislativo ad altri punti di vista del portale TAP, come l'ordine del giorno della riunione pertinente. Ci sarà anche l'opportunità per tutti di richiedere aggiornamenti nel registro TAP.Indicatori di output:• Introdotto una soluzione condivisa per le istituzioni della pubblica amministrazione — portale TAP• Introdotto servizio ele... (Italian)
    11 January 2022
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    Ejecutor del proyecto: Cancillería Estatal (en lo sucesivo — SAO)Partícipes en el proyecto: El objetivo del establecimiento del portal de desarrollo y armonización de proyectos de derecho único (en lo sucesivo, «el portal TAP») es modernizar el proceso de toma de decisiones del Consejo de Ministros, garantizando una mayor participación pública y un proceso más eficaz y más rápido para el desarrollo y la coordinación de los PAT, así como mejorar el proceso de gestión de las sesiones (desarrollo y aprobación de proyectos de procedimiento de trabajo, redacción y firma de actas, preparación de resoluciones, gestión de los documentos aprobados en la reunión del Consejo de Ministros), incluida la mejora de la funcionalidad de las reuniones del Consejo de Ministros y del Comité del Gabinete, la organización y celebración de reuniones de secretarios estatales (en adelante, e-portfolio). La información general y restringida estará disponible en el portal TAP.Proporcionando el principal objetivo de actividad sasniegšanai:Projekta gestión.Provisión de la descripción del proyecto para su inclusión en la arquitectura objetivo de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación.Desarrollo de un análisis coste-beneficio.Desarrollo de la documentación de contratación para el desarrollo de programas informáticos y la implementación del procedimiento de contratación pública.Desarrollo del proyecto único de desarrollo y armonización de la ley.Aplicación del portal único de desarrollo y armonización del proyecto de ley. El portal TAP no será un sistema de registro, sino un sistema de información de circulación de datos. La información se creará, almacenará, procesará y distribuirá digitalmente (digital por defecto), los datos se estructurarán en el portal TAP y posteriormente se transferirán centralmente desde el portal TAP para su almacenamiento en el archivo estatal. Toda la información sobre el ciclo de vida del PAT, a partir del mandato sobre el desarrollo del PAT, la coordinación interinstitucional, el control, la participación del público en la consulta pública, hasta la adopción de una decisión por parte del Consejo de Ministros y la transferencia de datos para la toma de decisiones ulterior por parte del Saeima o la publicación en el Diario Oficial de Letonia, estará disponible en un solo lugar, en el portal del PAT, en lugar de fragmentarse en diferentes sistemas o sitios. Registro TAP, herramienta de desarrollo de TAP, anuncio y armonización de los PAT, presentación y revisión del PAT al Gabinete, seguimiento de las tareas. El portal del PAT incluirá el entorno de trabajo del PAT y una sección pública, incluido el servicio electrónico «Consulta pública sobre proyectos de actos jurídicos». El entorno de trabajo del PAT incluirá funcionalidades simplificadas para el desarrollo, la armonización, la aprobación y el control de los PAT. Se ofrecerán plantillas de desarrollo, herramientas de ayuda, sincronización de información en diferentes entornos de información (TAP, anotación, certificado, opinión). El portal TAP también brindará la oportunidad de recopilar y analizar datos estructurados de los informes de impacto iniciales (anotaciones) de los actos jurídicos. La modernización de e-Portfeel mejorará el proceso de organización de las reuniones del Gabinete y el proceso de adopción de decisiones del Gabinete de Ministros, incluso. Los miembros del Gabinete y otros participantes en la reunión tendrán la oportunidad de familiarizarse fácilmente y en un lugar con la historia de la preparación de las cuestiones que se debatirán en la reunión, registrar la votación individual, en su caso, y adjuntar opiniones individuales sobre el tema que se esté examinando. Se garantizará la gestión de los documentos aprobados en la reunión del Consejo de Ministros y la participación en las reuniones del Consejo de Ministros (incluso a distancia). En la sección pública, cada usuario podrá encontrar información accesible al público y relacionada con el TAP (proyecto, anexos, opiniones, declaraciones, etc.), excepto la información de acceso restringido. Además, el usuario podrá realizar un seguimiento del estado de progreso del PAT, desde el desarrollo y la consulta pública hasta la publicación en Latvijas Vēstnesis (acordado, aprobado, firmado, etc.). En el portal del PAT, se crearán enlaces a partir de un proyecto de acto legislativo específico con otros puntos de vista del portal del PAT, como el orden del día de la reunión pertinente. También habrá una oportunidad para que todos soliciten actualizaciones en el registro TAP.Indicadores de resultados:• Introducido una solución compartida para las instituciones de la administración pública — portal TAP• Introducido servicio público electrónico «Consulta pública sobre proyectos de actos jurídicos». Con el fin de garantizar que la opinión pública se determina antes de la elaboración del PAT, en la sección pública del portal del PAT, utilizando el servicio electrónico «Consulta pública s... (Spanish)
    12 January 2022
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    Projekti elluviija: Riigikantselei projektipartnerid: Eesmärk on ajakohastada ministrite kabineti otsustusprotsessi, tagades üldsuse juurdepääsu ministrite kabineti otsustusprotsessile, tagada tõhusam ja kiirem üleminekukavade väljatöötamise ja koordineerimise protsess ning parandada istungi juhtimisprotsesse (kavandi koostamine ja heakskiitmine, protokollide koostamine ja allkirjastamine, resolutsioonide ettevalmistamine, ministrite kabineti kohtumise funktsioonid, ministrite kabineti planeerimine ja ministrite kabineti istungite juhtimine). The main activities for achieving the project management.Preparation of the project description for inclusion in information and communication technologies in the target architecture.Development of cost-benefit analysis.Development of programming procurement documentation and implementation of procurement procedure.Unified design of the design and implementation of the procurement procedure.Uniform approach to the development of draft laws and the development of the Public Legislation and Harmonisation Portal.In the implementation of the common legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative projects and implementation of the procurement procedure on the portal of preparation of legal acts.Unified approach to the development of the legal acts and the development of the legal harmonisation portal.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative proposals and implementation of the procurement procedure on the website of the project, the joint legal form and the development of the Public Legislative Development and Harmonisation Portal.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative projects and implementation of the procurement procedure on the co-existence of the design of the project and the development of the legal framework for the co-existence of the legislative acts.Preparation of the project description for inclusion in the information and communication technologies in the target architecture.Development of cost-benefit analysis.Development of the procurement documentation for software development and implementation of the procurement procedure.Uniformity of the procurement procedure of the procurement procedure.Uniformation of the design of the project design and the development of the legislative and harmonisation portal The development of a common legal act development and harmonisation portal The development of a single legal act development and harmonisation portal.Uniform placement of the procurement procedure and implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified legal approach to the design and harmonisation of the project will be the development of the Public Legislative Projects and Harmonisation Portfying.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniformation of the procurement procedure and the implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified legal approach to the development of the design and harmonisation of the project will be the development of the Public Legislation and Harmonisation Portfolio.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniformation of the procurement procedure and implementation of the procurement procedure.Underforming of the e-motion of the project design and coordination of the project will be the development of the Public Legislative Projects and Harmonisation Portfolio.In the introduction of a unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Undering of documents for the development of regulatory acts and implementing the procurement procedure.In the single design of the project and the implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified approach to the development of draft laws and the development of the harmonisation portal.In the implementation of a common legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniforming the documentation for the development of software development and implementation of the procurement procedure.Common presentation of the project description for inclusion of the Information and Harmonisation Portfolio in the Information and Communication Technology portal.Developing the Costand Benefits of Procurement Documenting and Implementing the Procurement Procedure The TAP portal will not be a record-keeping system, but a data circulation information system.Information will be created, stored, processed and disseminated digitally (digital by default), the data will be stored in the TAP portal and will be centrally transferred from the TAP portal for storage in the State Archives. (Estonian)
    3 August 2022
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    Projekto vykdytojas: Valstybės kanceliarijos (toliau – SAO) projekto partneriai: Siekiama modernizuoti Ministrų kabineto sprendimų priėmimo procesą, suteikiant visuomenei galimybę dalyvauti Ministrų kabineto sprendimų priėmimo procese, užtikrinti veiksmingesnį ir greitesnį TAP kūrimo ir koordinavimo procesą, taip pat pagerinti posėdžių valdymo procesus (darbotvarkės projekto rengimą ir tvirtinimą, protokolų rengimą ir pasirašymą, rezoliucijų rengimą, Ministrų kabineto funkcijas, Ministrų kabineto planavimą ir Ministrų kabineto posėdžių valdymą). The main activities for achieving the project management.Preparation of the project description for inclusion in information and communication technologies in the target architecture.Development of cost-benefit analysis.Development of programming procurement documentation and implementation of procurement procedure.Unified design of the design and implementation of the procurement procedure.Uniform approach to the development of draft laws and the development of the Public Legislation and Harmonisation Portal.In the implementation of the common legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative projects and implementation of the procurement procedure on the portal of preparation of legal acts.Unified approach to the development of the legal acts and the development of the legal harmonisation portal.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative proposals and implementation of the procurement procedure on the website of the project, the joint legal form and the development of the Public Legislative Development and Harmonisation Portal.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative projects and implementation of the procurement procedure on the co-existence of the design of the project and the development of the legal framework for the co-existence of the legislative acts.Preparation of the project description for inclusion in the information and communication technologies in the target architecture.Development of cost-benefit analysis.Development of the procurement documentation for software development and implementation of the procurement procedure.Uniformity of the procurement procedure of the procurement procedure.Uniformation of the design of the project design and the development of the legislative and harmonisation portal The development of a common legal act development and harmonisation portal The development of a single legal act development and harmonisation portal.Uniform placement of the procurement procedure and implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified legal approach to the design and harmonisation of the project will be the development of the Public Legislative Projects and Harmonisation Portfying.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniformation of the procurement procedure and the implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified legal approach to the development of the design and harmonisation of the project will be the development of the Public Legislation and Harmonisation Portfolio.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniformation of the procurement procedure and implementation of the procurement procedure.Underforming of the e-motion of the project design and coordination of the project will be the development of the Public Legislative Projects and Harmonisation Portfolio.In the introduction of a unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Undering of documents for the development of regulatory acts and implementing the procurement procedure.In the single design of the project and the implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified approach to the development of draft laws and the development of the harmonisation portal.In the implementation of a common legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniforming the documentation for the development of software development and implementation of the procurement procedure.Common presentation of the project description for inclusion of the Information and Harmonisation Portfolio in the Information and Communication Technology portal.Developing the Costand Benefits of Procurement Documenting and Implementing the Procurement Procedure The TAP portal will not be a record-keeping system, but a data circulation information system.Information will be created, stored, processed and disseminated digitally (digital by default), the data will be stored in the TAP portal and will be centrally transferred from the TAP portal for storage in the State Archives. (Lithuanian)
    3 August 2022
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    Nositelj projekta: Državna kancelarija (u daljnjem tekstu – SAO) Projektni partneri: Cilj je modernizirati proces donošenja odluka Kabineta ministara pružanjem javnog pristupa procesu donošenja odluka Kabineta ministara te osigurati učinkovitiji i brži proces razvoja i koordinacije TAP-ova, kao i poboljšati procese upravljanja sjednicama (razvoj i odobravanje prijedloga dnevnog reda, sastavljanje i potpisivanje zapisnika, priprema rezolucija, funkcionalnosti sastanka Kabineta ministara, planiranje Kabineta ministara i upravljanje sjednicama Kabineta ministara). The main activities for achieving the project management.Preparation of the project description for inclusion in information and communication technologies in the target architecture.Development of cost-benefit analysis.Development of programming procurement documentation and implementation of procurement procedure.Unified design of the design and implementation of the procurement procedure.Uniform approach to the development of draft laws and the development of the Public Legislation and Harmonisation Portal.In the implementation of the common legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative projects and implementation of the procurement procedure on the portal of preparation of legal acts.Unified approach to the development of the legal acts and the development of the legal harmonisation portal.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative proposals and implementation of the procurement procedure on the website of the project, the joint legal form and the development of the Public Legislative Development and Harmonisation Portal.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative projects and implementation of the procurement procedure on the co-existence of the design of the project and the development of the legal framework for the co-existence of the legislative acts.Preparation of the project description for inclusion in the information and communication technologies in the target architecture.Development of cost-benefit analysis.Development of the procurement documentation for software development and implementation of the procurement procedure.Uniformity of the procurement procedure of the procurement procedure.Uniformation of the design of the project design and the development of the legislative and harmonisation portal The development of a common legal act development and harmonisation portal The development of a single legal act development and harmonisation portal.Uniform placement of the procurement procedure and implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified legal approach to the design and harmonisation of the project will be the development of the Public Legislative Projects and Harmonisation Portfying.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniformation of the procurement procedure and the implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified legal approach to the development of the design and harmonisation of the project will be the development of the Public Legislation and Harmonisation Portfolio.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniformation of the procurement procedure and implementation of the procurement procedure.Underforming of the e-motion of the project design and coordination of the project will be the development of the Public Legislative Projects and Harmonisation Portfolio.In the introduction of a unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Undering of documents for the development of regulatory acts and implementing the procurement procedure.In the single design of the project and the implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified approach to the development of draft laws and the development of the harmonisation portal.In the implementation of a common legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniforming the documentation for the development of software development and implementation of the procurement procedure.Common presentation of the project description for inclusion of the Information and Harmonisation Portfolio in the Information and Communication Technology portal.Developing the Costand Benefits of Procurement Documenting and Implementing the Procurement Procedure The TAP portal will not be a record-keeping system, but a data circulation information system.Information will be created, stored, processed and disseminated digitally (digital by default), the data will be stored in the TAP portal and will be centrally transferred from the TAP portal for storage in the State Archives. (Croatian)
    3 August 2022
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    Ο φορέας υλοποίησης του έργου: Κρατική καγκελαρία (εφεξής — SAO) εταίροι του έργου: Στόχος είναι ο εκσυγχρονισμός της διαδικασίας λήψης αποφάσεων του Υπουργικού Συμβουλίου με την παροχή δημόσιας πρόσβασης στη διαδικασία λήψης αποφάσεων του Υπουργικού Συμβουλίου και η εξασφάλιση αποτελεσματικότερης και ταχύτερης διαδικασίας ανάπτυξης και συντονισμού των ΤΑΠ, καθώς και η βελτίωση των διαδικασιών διαχείρισης των συνεδριάσεων (ανάπτυξη και έγκριση του σχεδίου ημερήσιας διάταξης, σύνταξη και υπογραφή πρακτικών, προετοιμασία ψηφισμάτων, λειτουργίες της συνεδρίασης του Υπουργικού Συμβουλίου, προγραμματισμός του Υπουργικού Συμβουλίου και διαχείριση των συνεδριάσεων του Υπουργικού Συμβουλίου). The main activities for achieving the project management.Preparation of the project description for inclusion in information and communication technologies in the target architecture.Development of cost-benefit analysis.Development of programming procurement documentation and implementation of procurement procedure.Unified design of the design and implementation of the procurement procedure.Uniform approach to the development of draft laws and the development of the Public Legislation and Harmonisation Portal.In the implementation of the common legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative projects and implementation of the procurement procedure on the portal of preparation of legal acts.Unified approach to the development of the legal acts and the development of the legal harmonisation portal.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative proposals and implementation of the procurement procedure on the website of the project, the joint legal form and the development of the Public Legislative Development and Harmonisation Portal.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative projects and implementation of the procurement procedure on the co-existence of the design of the project and the development of the legal framework for the co-existence of the legislative acts.Preparation of the project description for inclusion in the information and communication technologies in the target architecture.Development of cost-benefit analysis.Development of the procurement documentation for software development and implementation of the procurement procedure.Uniformity of the procurement procedure of the procurement procedure.Uniformation of the design of the project design and the development of the legislative and harmonisation portal The development of a common legal act development and harmonisation portal The development of a single legal act development and harmonisation portal.Uniform placement of the procurement procedure and implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified legal approach to the design and harmonisation of the project will be the development of the Public Legislative Projects and Harmonisation Portfying.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniformation of the procurement procedure and the implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified legal approach to the development of the design and harmonisation of the project will be the development of the Public Legislation and Harmonisation Portfolio.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniformation of the procurement procedure and implementation of the procurement procedure.Underforming of the e-motion of the project design and coordination of the project will be the development of the Public Legislative Projects and Harmonisation Portfolio.In the introduction of a unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Undering of documents for the development of regulatory acts and implementing the procurement procedure.In the single design of the project and the implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified approach to the development of draft laws and the development of the harmonisation portal.In the implementation of a common legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniforming the documentation for the development of software development and implementation of the procurement procedure.Common presentation of the project description for inclusion of the Information and Harmonisation Portfolio in the Information and Communication Technology portal.Developing the Costand Benefits of Procurement Documenting and Implementing the Procurement Procedure The TAP portal will not be a record-keeping system, but a data circulation information system.Information will be created, stored, processed and disseminated digitally (digital by default), the data will be stored in the TAP portal and will be centrally transferred from the TAP portal for storage in the State Archives. (Greek)
    3 August 2022
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    Realizátor projektu: Projektoví partneri štátnej kancelárie (ďalej len „NKÚ“): Cieľom je modernizovať rozhodovací proces kabinetu ministrov poskytnutím prístupu verejnosti k rozhodovaciemu procesu kabinetu ministrov a zabezpečiť účinnejší a rýchlejší proces rozvoja a koordinácie TAP, ako aj zlepšiť procesy riadenia rokovaní (rozpracovanie a schválenie návrhu programu, vypracovanie a podpísanie zápisnice, príprava uznesení, funkcie zasadnutia kabinetu ministrov, plánovanie kabinetu ministrov a riadenie zasadnutí kabinetu ministrov). The main activities for achieving the project management.Preparation of the project description for inclusion in information and communication technologies in the target architecture.Development of cost-benefit analysis.Development of programming procurement documentation and implementation of procurement procedure.Unified design of the design and implementation of the procurement procedure.Uniform approach to the development of draft laws and the development of the Public Legislation and Harmonisation Portal.In the implementation of the common legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative projects and implementation of the procurement procedure on the portal of preparation of legal acts.Unified approach to the development of the legal acts and the development of the legal harmonisation portal.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative proposals and implementation of the procurement procedure on the website of the project, the joint legal form and the development of the Public Legislative Development and Harmonisation Portal.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative projects and implementation of the procurement procedure on the co-existence of the design of the project and the development of the legal framework for the co-existence of the legislative acts.Preparation of the project description for inclusion in the information and communication technologies in the target architecture.Development of cost-benefit analysis.Development of the procurement documentation for software development and implementation of the procurement procedure.Uniformity of the procurement procedure of the procurement procedure.Uniformation of the design of the project design and the development of the legislative and harmonisation portal The development of a common legal act development and harmonisation portal The development of a single legal act development and harmonisation portal.Uniform placement of the procurement procedure and implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified legal approach to the design and harmonisation of the project will be the development of the Public Legislative Projects and Harmonisation Portfying.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniformation of the procurement procedure and the implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified legal approach to the development of the design and harmonisation of the project will be the development of the Public Legislation and Harmonisation Portfolio.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniformation of the procurement procedure and implementation of the procurement procedure.Underforming of the e-motion of the project design and coordination of the project will be the development of the Public Legislative Projects and Harmonisation Portfolio.In the introduction of a unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Undering of documents for the development of regulatory acts and implementing the procurement procedure.In the single design of the project and the implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified approach to the development of draft laws and the development of the harmonisation portal.In the implementation of a common legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniforming the documentation for the development of software development and implementation of the procurement procedure.Common presentation of the project description for inclusion of the Information and Harmonisation Portfolio in the Information and Communication Technology portal.Developing the Costand Benefits of Procurement Documenting and Implementing the Procurement Procedure The TAP portal will not be a record-keeping system, but a data circulation information system.Information will be created, stored, processed and disseminated digitally (digital by default), the data will be stored in the TAP portal and will be centrally transferred from the TAP portal for storage in the State Archives. (Slovak)
    3 August 2022
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    Hankkeen toteuttajan on Valtion kanslian (jäljempänä ’SAO’) hankekumppanit: Tavoitteena on nykyaikaistaa ministerikabinetin päätöksentekoprosessia tarjoamalla yleisölle mahdollisuus osallistua ministerikabinetin päätöksentekoprosessiin ja varmistaa alueellisten toimintasuunnitelmien tehokkaampi ja nopeampi kehitys- ja koordinointiprosessi sekä parantaa istuntojen hallinnointiprosesseja (esityslistan laatiminen ja hyväksyminen, pöytäkirjojen laatiminen ja allekirjoittaminen, päätöslauselmien valmistelu, ministerikabinetin kokouksen tehtävät, ministerikabinetin suunnittelu ja ministerikabinetin istuntojen hallinnointi). The main activities for achieving the project management.Preparation of the project description for inclusion in information and communication technologies in the target architecture.Development of cost-benefit analysis.Development of programming procurement documentation and implementation of procurement procedure.Unified design of the design and implementation of the procurement procedure.Uniform approach to the development of draft laws and the development of the Public Legislation and Harmonisation Portal.In the implementation of the common legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative projects and implementation of the procurement procedure on the portal of preparation of legal acts.Unified approach to the development of the legal acts and the development of the legal harmonisation portal.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative proposals and implementation of the procurement procedure on the website of the project, the joint legal form and the development of the Public Legislative Development and Harmonisation Portal.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative projects and implementation of the procurement procedure on the co-existence of the design of the project and the development of the legal framework for the co-existence of the legislative acts.Preparation of the project description for inclusion in the information and communication technologies in the target architecture.Development of cost-benefit analysis.Development of the procurement documentation for software development and implementation of the procurement procedure.Uniformity of the procurement procedure of the procurement procedure.Uniformation of the design of the project design and the development of the legislative and harmonisation portal The development of a common legal act development and harmonisation portal The development of a single legal act development and harmonisation portal.Uniform placement of the procurement procedure and implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified legal approach to the design and harmonisation of the project will be the development of the Public Legislative Projects and Harmonisation Portfying.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniformation of the procurement procedure and the implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified legal approach to the development of the design and harmonisation of the project will be the development of the Public Legislation and Harmonisation Portfolio.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniformation of the procurement procedure and implementation of the procurement procedure.Underforming of the e-motion of the project design and coordination of the project will be the development of the Public Legislative Projects and Harmonisation Portfolio.In the introduction of a unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Undering of documents for the development of regulatory acts and implementing the procurement procedure.In the single design of the project and the implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified approach to the development of draft laws and the development of the harmonisation portal.In the implementation of a common legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniforming the documentation for the development of software development and implementation of the procurement procedure.Common presentation of the project description for inclusion of the Information and Harmonisation Portfolio in the Information and Communication Technology portal.Developing the Costand Benefits of Procurement Documenting and Implementing the Procurement Procedure The TAP portal will not be a record-keeping system, but a data circulation information system.Information will be created, stored, processed and disseminated digitally (digital by default), the data will be stored in the TAP portal and will be centrally transferred from the TAP portal for storage in the State Archives. (Finnish)
    3 August 2022
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    Podmiot realizujący projekt: Kancelaria Stanu (zwana dalej SAO) Partnerzy projektu: Celem jest unowocześnienie procesu decyzyjnego Rady Ministrów poprzez zapewnienie publicznego dostępu do procesu decyzyjnego Rady Ministrów oraz zapewnienie skuteczniejszego i szybszego procesu opracowywania i koordynacji TAP, a także usprawnienie procesów zarządzania posiedzeniami (opracowywanie i zatwierdzanie projektu porządku obrad, sporządzanie i podpisywanie protokołów, przygotowywanie uchwał, funkcje posiedzenia Gabinetu Ministrów, planowanie gabinetu ministrów i zarządzanie posiedzeniami Rady Ministrów). The main activities for achieving the project management.Preparation of the project description for inclusion in information and communication technologies in the target architecture.Development of cost-benefit analysis.Development of programming procurement documentation and implementation of procurement procedure.Unified design of the design and implementation of the procurement procedure.Uniform approach to the development of draft laws and the development of the Public Legislation and Harmonisation Portal.In the implementation of the common legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative projects and implementation of the procurement procedure on the portal of preparation of legal acts.Unified approach to the development of the legal acts and the development of the legal harmonisation portal.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative proposals and implementation of the procurement procedure on the website of the project, the joint legal form and the development of the Public Legislative Development and Harmonisation Portal.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative projects and implementation of the procurement procedure on the co-existence of the design of the project and the development of the legal framework for the co-existence of the legislative acts.Preparation of the project description for inclusion in the information and communication technologies in the target architecture.Development of cost-benefit analysis.Development of the procurement documentation for software development and implementation of the procurement procedure.Uniformity of the procurement procedure of the procurement procedure.Uniformation of the design of the project design and the development of the legislative and harmonisation portal The development of a common legal act development and harmonisation portal The development of a single legal act development and harmonisation portal.Uniform placement of the procurement procedure and implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified legal approach to the design and harmonisation of the project will be the development of the Public Legislative Projects and Harmonisation Portfying.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniformation of the procurement procedure and the implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified legal approach to the development of the design and harmonisation of the project will be the development of the Public Legislation and Harmonisation Portfolio.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniformation of the procurement procedure and implementation of the procurement procedure.Underforming of the e-motion of the project design and coordination of the project will be the development of the Public Legislative Projects and Harmonisation Portfolio.In the introduction of a unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Undering of documents for the development of regulatory acts and implementing the procurement procedure.In the single design of the project and the implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified approach to the development of draft laws and the development of the harmonisation portal.In the implementation of a common legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniforming the documentation for the development of software development and implementation of the procurement procedure.Common presentation of the project description for inclusion of the Information and Harmonisation Portfolio in the Information and Communication Technology portal.Developing the Costand Benefits of Procurement Documenting and Implementing the Procurement Procedure The TAP portal will not be a record-keeping system, but a data circulation information system.Information will be created, stored, processed and disseminated digitally (digital by default), the data will be stored in the TAP portal and will be centrally transferred from the TAP portal for storage in the State Archives. (Polish)
    3 August 2022
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    A projekt végrehajtója: Az Állami Kancellária (a továbbiakban: ÁSZ) projektpartnerei: A cél a Miniszteri Kabinet döntéshozatali folyamatának korszerűsítése azáltal, hogy nyilvános hozzáférést biztosít a miniszteri kabinet döntéshozatali folyamatához, valamint a technikai cselekvési tervek kidolgozásának és koordinációjának hatékonyabbá és gyorsabbabbá tétele, valamint az ülésszervezési folyamatok javítása (a napirendtervezet kidolgozása és jóváhagyása, a jegyzőkönyvek elkészítése és aláírása, az állásfoglalások elkészítése, a miniszteri kabinet üléseinek funkciói, a miniszteri kabinet tervezése, valamint a miniszteri kabinet üléseinek irányítása). The main activities for achieving the project management.Preparation of the project description for inclusion in information and communication technologies in the target architecture.Development of cost-benefit analysis.Development of programming procurement documentation and implementation of procurement procedure.Unified design of the design and implementation of the procurement procedure.Uniform approach to the development of draft laws and the development of the Public Legislation and Harmonisation Portal.In the implementation of the common legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative projects and implementation of the procurement procedure on the portal of preparation of legal acts.Unified approach to the development of the legal acts and the development of the legal harmonisation portal.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative proposals and implementation of the procurement procedure on the website of the project, the joint legal form and the development of the Public Legislative Development and Harmonisation Portal.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative projects and implementation of the procurement procedure on the co-existence of the design of the project and the development of the legal framework for the co-existence of the legislative acts.Preparation of the project description for inclusion in the information and communication technologies in the target architecture.Development of cost-benefit analysis.Development of the procurement documentation for software development and implementation of the procurement procedure.Uniformity of the procurement procedure of the procurement procedure.Uniformation of the design of the project design and the development of the legislative and harmonisation portal The development of a common legal act development and harmonisation portal The development of a single legal act development and harmonisation portal.Uniform placement of the procurement procedure and implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified legal approach to the design and harmonisation of the project will be the development of the Public Legislative Projects and Harmonisation Portfying.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniformation of the procurement procedure and the implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified legal approach to the development of the design and harmonisation of the project will be the development of the Public Legislation and Harmonisation Portfolio.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniformation of the procurement procedure and implementation of the procurement procedure.Underforming of the e-motion of the project design and coordination of the project will be the development of the Public Legislative Projects and Harmonisation Portfolio.In the introduction of a unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Undering of documents for the development of regulatory acts and implementing the procurement procedure.In the single design of the project and the implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified approach to the development of draft laws and the development of the harmonisation portal.In the implementation of a common legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniforming the documentation for the development of software development and implementation of the procurement procedure.Common presentation of the project description for inclusion of the Information and Harmonisation Portfolio in the Information and Communication Technology portal.Developing the Costand Benefits of Procurement Documenting and Implementing the Procurement Procedure The TAP portal will not be a record-keeping system, but a data circulation information system.Information will be created, stored, processed and disseminated digitally (digital by default), the data will be stored in the TAP portal and will be centrally transferred from the TAP portal for storage in the State Archives. (Hungarian)
    3 August 2022
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    Realizátor projektu: Státní kancléřství (dále jen NKÚ) Partneři projektu: Cílem je modernizovat rozhodovací proces kabinetu ministrů zajištěním přístupu veřejnosti k rozhodovacímu procesu kabinetu ministrů a zajistit účinnější a rychlejší proces rozvoje a koordinace TAP, jakož i zlepšit procesy řízení zasedání (vypracování a schválení návrhu pořadu jednání, vypracování a podpis zápisů, příprava usnesení, funkce zasedání kabinetu ministrů, plánování kabinetu ministrů a řízení zasedání kabinetu ministrů). The main activities for achieving the project management.Preparation of the project description for inclusion in information and communication technologies in the target architecture.Development of cost-benefit analysis.Development of programming procurement documentation and implementation of procurement procedure.Unified design of the design and implementation of the procurement procedure.Uniform approach to the development of draft laws and the development of the Public Legislation and Harmonisation Portal.In the implementation of the common legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative projects and implementation of the procurement procedure on the portal of preparation of legal acts.Unified approach to the development of the legal acts and the development of the legal harmonisation portal.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative proposals and implementation of the procurement procedure on the website of the project, the joint legal form and the development of the Public Legislative Development and Harmonisation Portal.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative projects and implementation of the procurement procedure on the co-existence of the design of the project and the development of the legal framework for the co-existence of the legislative acts.Preparation of the project description for inclusion in the information and communication technologies in the target architecture.Development of cost-benefit analysis.Development of the procurement documentation for software development and implementation of the procurement procedure.Uniformity of the procurement procedure of the procurement procedure.Uniformation of the design of the project design and the development of the legislative and harmonisation portal The development of a common legal act development and harmonisation portal The development of a single legal act development and harmonisation portal.Uniform placement of the procurement procedure and implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified legal approach to the design and harmonisation of the project will be the development of the Public Legislative Projects and Harmonisation Portfying.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniformation of the procurement procedure and the implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified legal approach to the development of the design and harmonisation of the project will be the development of the Public Legislation and Harmonisation Portfolio.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniformation of the procurement procedure and implementation of the procurement procedure.Underforming of the e-motion of the project design and coordination of the project will be the development of the Public Legislative Projects and Harmonisation Portfolio.In the introduction of a unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Undering of documents for the development of regulatory acts and implementing the procurement procedure.In the single design of the project and the implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified approach to the development of draft laws and the development of the harmonisation portal.In the implementation of a common legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniforming the documentation for the development of software development and implementation of the procurement procedure.Common presentation of the project description for inclusion of the Information and Harmonisation Portfolio in the Information and Communication Technology portal.Developing the Costand Benefits of Procurement Documenting and Implementing the Procurement Procedure The TAP portal will not be a record-keeping system, but a data circulation information system.Information will be created, stored, processed and disseminated digitally (digital by default), the data will be stored in the TAP portal and will be centrally transferred from the TAP portal for storage in the State Archives. (Czech)
    3 August 2022
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    Déanfaidh an cur chun feidhme tionscadail an méid seo a leanas: Comhpháirtithe an tionscadail sa tSeansailéireacht Stáit (dá ngairtear SAO anseo feasta): Is é an aidhm atá ann próiseas cinnteoireachta Chomh-Aireacht na nAirí a nuachóiriú trí rochtain phoiblí ar phróiseas cinnteoireachta Oifig na nAirí a chur ar fáil agus próiseas níos éifeachtaí agus níos tapúla a chinntiú maidir le forbairt agus comhordú TAPanna, chomh maith le feabhas a chur ar na próisis bainistíochta suí (an dréachtchlár oibre a fhorbairt agus a fhormheas, miontuairiscí a dhréachtú agus a shíniú, rúin a ullmhú, feidhmiúlachtaí chruinniú Chomh-Aireachta na nAirí, pleanáil Chomh-Aireachta na nAirí agus bainistiú shuíonna Cabinet na nAirí). The main activities for achieving the project management.Preparation of the project description for inclusion in information and communication technologies in the target architecture.Development of cost-benefit analysis.Development of programming procurement documentation and implementation of procurement procedure.Unified design of the design and implementation of the procurement procedure.Uniform approach to the development of draft laws and the development of the Public Legislation and Harmonisation Portal.In the implementation of the common legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative projects and implementation of the procurement procedure on the portal of preparation of legal acts.Unified approach to the development of the legal acts and the development of the legal harmonisation portal.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative proposals and implementation of the procurement procedure on the website of the project, the joint legal form and the development of the Public Legislative Development and Harmonisation Portal.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative projects and implementation of the procurement procedure on the co-existence of the design of the project and the development of the legal framework for the co-existence of the legislative acts.Preparation of the project description for inclusion in the information and communication technologies in the target architecture.Development of cost-benefit analysis.Development of the procurement documentation for software development and implementation of the procurement procedure.Uniformity of the procurement procedure of the procurement procedure.Uniformation of the design of the project design and the development of the legislative and harmonisation portal The development of a common legal act development and harmonisation portal The development of a single legal act development and harmonisation portal.Uniform placement of the procurement procedure and implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified legal approach to the design and harmonisation of the project will be the development of the Public Legislative Projects and Harmonisation Portfying.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniformation of the procurement procedure and the implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified legal approach to the development of the design and harmonisation of the project will be the development of the Public Legislation and Harmonisation Portfolio.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniformation of the procurement procedure and implementation of the procurement procedure.Underforming of the e-motion of the project design and coordination of the project will be the development of the Public Legislative Projects and Harmonisation Portfolio.In the introduction of a unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Undering of documents for the development of regulatory acts and implementing the procurement procedure.In the single design of the project and the implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified approach to the development of draft laws and the development of the harmonisation portal.In the implementation of a common legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniforming the documentation for the development of software development and implementation of the procurement procedure.Common presentation of the project description for inclusion of the Information and Harmonisation Portfolio in the Information and Communication Technology portal.Developing the Costand Benefits of Procurement Documenting and Implementing the Procurement Procedure The TAP portal will not be a record-keeping system, but a data circulation information system.Information will be created, stored, processed and disseminated digitally (digital by default), the data will be stored in the TAP portal and will be centrally transferred from the TAP portal for storage in the State Archives. (Irish)
    3 August 2022
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    Izvajalec projekta: Državni kancler (v nadaljnjem besedilu: SAO) Projektni partnerji: Cilj je posodobiti postopek odločanja kabineta ministrov z omogočanjem dostopa javnosti do postopka odločanja kabineta ministrov in zagotoviti učinkovitejši in hitrejši proces razvoja in usklajevanja akcijskih načrtov ter izboljšati postopke upravljanja sej (razvoj in odobritev osnutka dnevnega reda, priprava in podpis zapisnikov, priprava resolucij, funkcionalnosti srečanja kabineta ministrov, načrtovanje kabineta ministrov in vodenje sej kabineta ministrov). The main activities for achieving the project management.Preparation of the project description for inclusion in information and communication technologies in the target architecture.Development of cost-benefit analysis.Development of programming procurement documentation and implementation of procurement procedure.Unified design of the design and implementation of the procurement procedure.Uniform approach to the development of draft laws and the development of the Public Legislation and Harmonisation Portal.In the implementation of the common legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative projects and implementation of the procurement procedure on the portal of preparation of legal acts.Unified approach to the development of the legal acts and the development of the legal harmonisation portal.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative proposals and implementation of the procurement procedure on the website of the project, the joint legal form and the development of the Public Legislative Development and Harmonisation Portal.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative projects and implementation of the procurement procedure on the co-existence of the design of the project and the development of the legal framework for the co-existence of the legislative acts.Preparation of the project description for inclusion in the information and communication technologies in the target architecture.Development of cost-benefit analysis.Development of the procurement documentation for software development and implementation of the procurement procedure.Uniformity of the procurement procedure of the procurement procedure.Uniformation of the design of the project design and the development of the legislative and harmonisation portal The development of a common legal act development and harmonisation portal The development of a single legal act development and harmonisation portal.Uniform placement of the procurement procedure and implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified legal approach to the design and harmonisation of the project will be the development of the Public Legislative Projects and Harmonisation Portfying.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniformation of the procurement procedure and the implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified legal approach to the development of the design and harmonisation of the project will be the development of the Public Legislation and Harmonisation Portfolio.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniformation of the procurement procedure and implementation of the procurement procedure.Underforming of the e-motion of the project design and coordination of the project will be the development of the Public Legislative Projects and Harmonisation Portfolio.In the introduction of a unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Undering of documents for the development of regulatory acts and implementing the procurement procedure.In the single design of the project and the implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified approach to the development of draft laws and the development of the harmonisation portal.In the implementation of a common legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniforming the documentation for the development of software development and implementation of the procurement procedure.Common presentation of the project description for inclusion of the Information and Harmonisation Portfolio in the Information and Communication Technology portal.Developing the Costand Benefits of Procurement Documenting and Implementing the Procurement Procedure The TAP portal will not be a record-keeping system, but a data circulation information system.Information will be created, stored, processed and disseminated digitally (digital by default), the data will be stored in the TAP portal and will be centrally transferred from the TAP portal for storage in the State Archives. (Slovenian)
    3 August 2022
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    Изпълнителят на проекта: Партньори по проекта „Държавно канцлерство„(наричано по-долу „SAO“): Целта е да се модернизира процесът на вземане на решения на Министерския съвет чрез предоставяне на публичен достъп до процеса на вземане на решения на Министерския съвет и да се осигури по-ефективен и по-бърз процес на развитие и координация на ТПД, както и да се подобрят процесите на управление на заседанията (разработване и одобряване на проекта на дневен ред, изготвяне и подписване на протоколи, изготвяне на резолюции, функции на заседанието на Министерския съвет, планиране на Министерския съвет и управление на заседанията на Министерския съвет). The main activities for achieving the project management.Preparation of the project description for inclusion in information and communication technologies in the target architecture.Development of cost-benefit analysis.Development of programming procurement documentation and implementation of procurement procedure.Unified design of the design and implementation of the procurement procedure.Uniform approach to the development of draft laws and the development of the Public Legislation and Harmonisation Portal.In the implementation of the common legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative projects and implementation of the procurement procedure on the portal of preparation of legal acts.Unified approach to the development of the legal acts and the development of the legal harmonisation portal.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative proposals and implementation of the procurement procedure on the website of the project, the joint legal form and the development of the Public Legislative Development and Harmonisation Portal.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative projects and implementation of the procurement procedure on the co-existence of the design of the project and the development of the legal framework for the co-existence of the legislative acts.Preparation of the project description for inclusion in the information and communication technologies in the target architecture.Development of cost-benefit analysis.Development of the procurement documentation for software development and implementation of the procurement procedure.Uniformity of the procurement procedure of the procurement procedure.Uniformation of the design of the project design and the development of the legislative and harmonisation portal The development of a common legal act development and harmonisation portal The development of a single legal act development and harmonisation portal.Uniform placement of the procurement procedure and implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified legal approach to the design and harmonisation of the project will be the development of the Public Legislative Projects and Harmonisation Portfying.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniformation of the procurement procedure and the implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified legal approach to the development of the design and harmonisation of the project will be the development of the Public Legislation and Harmonisation Portfolio.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniformation of the procurement procedure and implementation of the procurement procedure.Underforming of the e-motion of the project design and coordination of the project will be the development of the Public Legislative Projects and Harmonisation Portfolio.In the introduction of a unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Undering of documents for the development of regulatory acts and implementing the procurement procedure.In the single design of the project and the implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified approach to the development of draft laws and the development of the harmonisation portal.In the implementation of a common legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniforming the documentation for the development of software development and implementation of the procurement procedure.Common presentation of the project description for inclusion of the Information and Harmonisation Portfolio in the Information and Communication Technology portal.Developing the Costand Benefits of Procurement Documenting and Implementing the Procurement Procedure The TAP portal will not be a record-keeping system, but a data circulation information system.Information will be created, stored, processed and disseminated digitally (digital by default), the data will be stored in the TAP portal and will be centrally transferred from the TAP portal for storage in the State Archives. (Bulgarian)
    3 August 2022
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    L-implimentatur tal-proġett għandu: Kanċellerija tal-Istat (minn hawn’il quddiem — SAO) Sħab tal-proġett: L-għan huwa li jiġi mmodernizzat il-proċess tat-teħid tad-deċiżjonijiet tal-Kabinett tal-Ministri billi jiġi pprovdut aċċess pubbliku għall-proċess tat-teħid tad-deċiżjonijiet tal-Kabinett tal-Ministri u li jiġi żgurat proċess aktar effettiv u aktar mgħaġġel ta’ żvilupp u koordinazzjoni tat-TAPs, kif ukoll li jittejbu l-proċessi ta’ ġestjoni tas-seduta (l-iżvilupp u l-approvazzjoni tal-abbozz ta’ aġenda, l-abbozzar u l-iffirmar tal-minuti, it-tħejjija tar-riżoluzzjonijiet, il-funzjonalitajiet tal-laqgħa tal-Kabinett tal-Ministri, l-ippjanar tal-Kabinett tal-Ministri u l-ġestjoni tas-seduti tal-Kabinett tal-Ministri). The main activities for achieving the project management.Preparation of the project description for inclusion in information and communication technologies in the target architecture.Development of cost-benefit analysis.Development of programming procurement documentation and implementation of procurement procedure.Unified design of the design and implementation of the procurement procedure.Uniform approach to the development of draft laws and the development of the Public Legislation and Harmonisation Portal.In the implementation of the common legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative projects and implementation of the procurement procedure on the portal of preparation of legal acts.Unified approach to the development of the legal acts and the development of the legal harmonisation portal.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative proposals and implementation of the procurement procedure on the website of the project, the joint legal form and the development of the Public Legislative Development and Harmonisation Portal.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative projects and implementation of the procurement procedure on the co-existence of the design of the project and the development of the legal framework for the co-existence of the legislative acts.Preparation of the project description for inclusion in the information and communication technologies in the target architecture.Development of cost-benefit analysis.Development of the procurement documentation for software development and implementation of the procurement procedure.Uniformity of the procurement procedure of the procurement procedure.Uniformation of the design of the project design and the development of the legislative and harmonisation portal The development of a common legal act development and harmonisation portal The development of a single legal act development and harmonisation portal.Uniform placement of the procurement procedure and implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified legal approach to the design and harmonisation of the project will be the development of the Public Legislative Projects and Harmonisation Portfying.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniformation of the procurement procedure and the implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified legal approach to the development of the design and harmonisation of the project will be the development of the Public Legislation and Harmonisation Portfolio.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniformation of the procurement procedure and implementation of the procurement procedure.Underforming of the e-motion of the project design and coordination of the project will be the development of the Public Legislative Projects and Harmonisation Portfolio.In the introduction of a unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Undering of documents for the development of regulatory acts and implementing the procurement procedure.In the single design of the project and the implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified approach to the development of draft laws and the development of the harmonisation portal.In the implementation of a common legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniforming the documentation for the development of software development and implementation of the procurement procedure.Common presentation of the project description for inclusion of the Information and Harmonisation Portfolio in the Information and Communication Technology portal.Developing the Costand Benefits of Procurement Documenting and Implementing the Procurement Procedure The TAP portal will not be a record-keeping system, but a data circulation information system.Information will be created, stored, processed and disseminated digitally (digital by default), the data will be stored in the TAP portal and will be centrally transferred from the TAP portal for storage in the State Archives. (Maltese)
    3 August 2022
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    O executante do projeto deve: Chancelaria Estatal (doravante — SAO) Parceiros do projeto: O objetivo é modernizar o processo de tomada de decisão do Gabinete de Ministros, facultando o acesso público ao processo de tomada de decisão do Gabinete de Ministros e assegurar um processo mais eficaz e mais rápido de desenvolvimento e coordenação das TAP, bem como melhorar os processos de gestão das sessões (desenvolvimento e aprovação do projeto de ordem do dia, redação e assinatura das atas, preparação de resoluções, funcionalidades da reunião do Gabinete de Ministros, planeamento do Gabinete de Ministros e gestão do Gabinete de Ministros). The main activities for achieving the project management.Preparation of the project description for inclusion in information and communication technologies in the target architecture.Development of cost-benefit analysis.Development of programming procurement documentation and implementation of procurement procedure.Unified design of the design and implementation of the procurement procedure.Uniform approach to the development of draft laws and the development of the Public Legislation and Harmonisation Portal.In the implementation of the common legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative projects and implementation of the procurement procedure on the portal of preparation of legal acts.Unified approach to the development of the legal acts and the development of the legal harmonisation portal.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative proposals and implementation of the procurement procedure on the website of the project, the joint legal form and the development of the Public Legislative Development and Harmonisation Portal.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative projects and implementation of the procurement procedure on the co-existence of the design of the project and the development of the legal framework for the co-existence of the legislative acts.Preparation of the project description for inclusion in the information and communication technologies in the target architecture.Development of cost-benefit analysis.Development of the procurement documentation for software development and implementation of the procurement procedure.Uniformity of the procurement procedure of the procurement procedure.Uniformation of the design of the project design and the development of the legislative and harmonisation portal The development of a common legal act development and harmonisation portal The development of a single legal act development and harmonisation portal.Uniform placement of the procurement procedure and implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified legal approach to the design and harmonisation of the project will be the development of the Public Legislative Projects and Harmonisation Portfying.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniformation of the procurement procedure and the implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified legal approach to the development of the design and harmonisation of the project will be the development of the Public Legislation and Harmonisation Portfolio.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniformation of the procurement procedure and implementation of the procurement procedure.Underforming of the e-motion of the project design and coordination of the project will be the development of the Public Legislative Projects and Harmonisation Portfolio.In the introduction of a unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Undering of documents for the development of regulatory acts and implementing the procurement procedure.In the single design of the project and the implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified approach to the development of draft laws and the development of the harmonisation portal.In the implementation of a common legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniforming the documentation for the development of software development and implementation of the procurement procedure.Common presentation of the project description for inclusion of the Information and Harmonisation Portfolio in the Information and Communication Technology portal.Developing the Costand Benefits of Procurement Documenting and Implementing the Procurement Procedure The TAP portal will not be a record-keeping system, but a data circulation information system.Information will be created, stored, processed and disseminated digitally (digital by default), the data will be stored in the TAP portal and will be centrally transferred from the TAP portal for storage in the State Archives. (Portuguese)
    3 August 2022
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    Projektiværksætteren skal: Statskansler (i det følgende benævnt SAO) Projektpartnere: Formålet er at modernisere ministerkabinettets beslutningsproces ved at give offentligheden adgang til ministerkabinettets beslutningsproces og at sikre en mere effektiv og hurtigere proces med udvikling og koordinering af TAP'erne samt at forbedre mødeledelsesprocesserne (udvikling og godkendelse af forslaget til dagsorden, udarbejdelse og undertegnelse af protokoller, udarbejdelse af resolutioner, ministerkabinets funktioner, planlægning af ministerkabinettet og forvaltning af ministerkabinetterne). The main activities for achieving the project management.Preparation of the project description for inclusion in information and communication technologies in the target architecture.Development of cost-benefit analysis.Development of programming procurement documentation and implementation of procurement procedure.Unified design of the design and implementation of the procurement procedure.Uniform approach to the development of draft laws and the development of the Public Legislation and Harmonisation Portal.In the implementation of the common legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative projects and implementation of the procurement procedure on the portal of preparation of legal acts.Unified approach to the development of the legal acts and the development of the legal harmonisation portal.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative proposals and implementation of the procurement procedure on the website of the project, the joint legal form and the development of the Public Legislative Development and Harmonisation Portal.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative projects and implementation of the procurement procedure on the co-existence of the design of the project and the development of the legal framework for the co-existence of the legislative acts.Preparation of the project description for inclusion in the information and communication technologies in the target architecture.Development of cost-benefit analysis.Development of the procurement documentation for software development and implementation of the procurement procedure.Uniformity of the procurement procedure of the procurement procedure.Uniformation of the design of the project design and the development of the legislative and harmonisation portal The development of a common legal act development and harmonisation portal The development of a single legal act development and harmonisation portal.Uniform placement of the procurement procedure and implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified legal approach to the design and harmonisation of the project will be the development of the Public Legislative Projects and Harmonisation Portfying.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniformation of the procurement procedure and the implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified legal approach to the development of the design and harmonisation of the project will be the development of the Public Legislation and Harmonisation Portfolio.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniformation of the procurement procedure and implementation of the procurement procedure.Underforming of the e-motion of the project design and coordination of the project will be the development of the Public Legislative Projects and Harmonisation Portfolio.In the introduction of a unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Undering of documents for the development of regulatory acts and implementing the procurement procedure.In the single design of the project and the implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified approach to the development of draft laws and the development of the harmonisation portal.In the implementation of a common legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniforming the documentation for the development of software development and implementation of the procurement procedure.Common presentation of the project description for inclusion of the Information and Harmonisation Portfolio in the Information and Communication Technology portal.Developing the Costand Benefits of Procurement Documenting and Implementing the Procurement Procedure The TAP portal will not be a record-keeping system, but a data circulation information system.Information will be created, stored, processed and disseminated digitally (digital by default), the data will be stored in the TAP portal and will be centrally transferred from the TAP portal for storage in the State Archives. (Danish)
    3 August 2022
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    Responsabilul cu punerea în aplicare a proiectului: Cancelaria de Stat (denumită în continuare – SAO) Partenerii proiectului: Scopul este de a moderniza procesul decizional al Cabinetului de Miniștri prin asigurarea accesului public la procesul decizional al Cabinetului de Miniștri și de a asigura un proces mai eficient și mai rapid de dezvoltare și coordonare a TAP, precum și de a îmbunătăți procesele de gestionare a ședințelor (dezvoltarea și aprobarea proiectului de ordine de zi, redactarea și semnarea proceselor-verbale, pregătirea rezoluțiilor, funcționalitățile reuniunii Cabinetului de Miniștri, planificarea Cabinetului de Miniștri și gestionarea ședințelor Cabinetului de Miniștri). The main activities for achieving the project management.Preparation of the project description for inclusion in information and communication technologies in the target architecture.Development of cost-benefit analysis.Development of programming procurement documentation and implementation of procurement procedure.Unified design of the design and implementation of the procurement procedure.Uniform approach to the development of draft laws and the development of the Public Legislation and Harmonisation Portal.In the implementation of the common legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative projects and implementation of the procurement procedure on the portal of preparation of legal acts.Unified approach to the development of the legal acts and the development of the legal harmonisation portal.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative proposals and implementation of the procurement procedure on the website of the project, the joint legal form and the development of the Public Legislative Development and Harmonisation Portal.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative projects and implementation of the procurement procedure on the co-existence of the design of the project and the development of the legal framework for the co-existence of the legislative acts.Preparation of the project description for inclusion in the information and communication technologies in the target architecture.Development of cost-benefit analysis.Development of the procurement documentation for software development and implementation of the procurement procedure.Uniformity of the procurement procedure of the procurement procedure.Uniformation of the design of the project design and the development of the legislative and harmonisation portal The development of a common legal act development and harmonisation portal The development of a single legal act development and harmonisation portal.Uniform placement of the procurement procedure and implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified legal approach to the design and harmonisation of the project will be the development of the Public Legislative Projects and Harmonisation Portfying.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniformation of the procurement procedure and the implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified legal approach to the development of the design and harmonisation of the project will be the development of the Public Legislation and Harmonisation Portfolio.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniformation of the procurement procedure and implementation of the procurement procedure.Underforming of the e-motion of the project design and coordination of the project will be the development of the Public Legislative Projects and Harmonisation Portfolio.In the introduction of a unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Undering of documents for the development of regulatory acts and implementing the procurement procedure.In the single design of the project and the implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified approach to the development of draft laws and the development of the harmonisation portal.In the implementation of a common legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniforming the documentation for the development of software development and implementation of the procurement procedure.Common presentation of the project description for inclusion of the Information and Harmonisation Portfolio in the Information and Communication Technology portal.Developing the Costand Benefits of Procurement Documenting and Implementing the Procurement Procedure The TAP portal will not be a record-keeping system, but a data circulation information system.Information will be created, stored, processed and disseminated digitally (digital by default), the data will be stored in the TAP portal and will be centrally transferred from the TAP portal for storage in the State Archives. (Romanian)
    3 August 2022
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    Den projektansvarige ska Statskanslerns kansli (nedan kallat SAO) projektpartner: Syftet är att modernisera ministerrådets beslutsprocess genom att ge allmänheten tillgång till ministerrådets beslutsprocess och att säkerställa en effektivare och snabbare process för utveckling och samordning av de transatlantiska handlingsplanerna, samt att förbättra förfarandena för förvaltning av sammanträdena (utveckling och godkännande av utkastet till dagordning, utarbetande och undertecknande av protokoll, utarbetande av resolutioner, funktioner vid ministermötet, planering av ministerrådens kansli och förvaltning av ministerrådens sammanträden). The main activities for achieving the project management.Preparation of the project description for inclusion in information and communication technologies in the target architecture.Development of cost-benefit analysis.Development of programming procurement documentation and implementation of procurement procedure.Unified design of the design and implementation of the procurement procedure.Uniform approach to the development of draft laws and the development of the Public Legislation and Harmonisation Portal.In the implementation of the common legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative projects and implementation of the procurement procedure on the portal of preparation of legal acts.Unified approach to the development of the legal acts and the development of the legal harmonisation portal.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative proposals and implementation of the procurement procedure on the website of the project, the joint legal form and the development of the Public Legislative Development and Harmonisation Portal.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Unified placement of legislative projects and implementation of the procurement procedure on the co-existence of the design of the project and the development of the legal framework for the co-existence of the legislative acts.Preparation of the project description for inclusion in the information and communication technologies in the target architecture.Development of cost-benefit analysis.Development of the procurement documentation for software development and implementation of the procurement procedure.Uniformity of the procurement procedure of the procurement procedure.Uniformation of the design of the project design and the development of the legislative and harmonisation portal The development of a common legal act development and harmonisation portal The development of a single legal act development and harmonisation portal.Uniform placement of the procurement procedure and implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified legal approach to the design and harmonisation of the project will be the development of the Public Legislative Projects and Harmonisation Portfying.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniformation of the procurement procedure and the implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified legal approach to the development of the design and harmonisation of the project will be the development of the Public Legislation and Harmonisation Portfolio.In the implementation of the unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniformation of the procurement procedure and implementation of the procurement procedure.Underforming of the e-motion of the project design and coordination of the project will be the development of the Public Legislative Projects and Harmonisation Portfolio.In the introduction of a unified legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Undering of documents for the development of regulatory acts and implementing the procurement procedure.In the single design of the project and the implementation of the procurement procedure.The unified approach to the development of draft laws and the development of the harmonisation portal.In the implementation of a common legislative project development and harmonisation portal.Uniforming the documentation for the development of software development and implementation of the procurement procedure.Common presentation of the project description for inclusion of the Information and Harmonisation Portfolio in the Information and Communication Technology portal.Developing the Costand Benefits of Procurement Documenting and Implementing the Procurement Procedure The TAP portal will not be a record-keeping system, but a data circulation information system.Information will be created, stored, processed and disseminated digitally (digital by default), the data will be stored in the TAP portal and will be centrally transferred from the TAP portal for storage in the State Archives. (Swedish)
    3 August 2022
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    Visa Latvija
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