Development of labour supply and demand forecasting and monitoring system (Q3056621)

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Project Q3056621 in Latvia
Language Label Description Also known as
Development of labour supply and demand forecasting and monitoring system
Project Q3056621 in Latvia


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    1,020,000.0 Euro
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    1,200,000.0 Euro
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    85.0 percent
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    13 August 2018
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    12 August 2021
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    Nodarbinātības valsts aģentūra
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    56°54'41.11"N, 24°8'39.98"E
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    “Darbaspēka piedāvājuma un pieprasījuma prognozēšanas un monitoringa sistēmas izveide” (turpmāk tekstā – DPPPMSI) projekta mērķis ir nodrošināt iedzīvotājiem, saimnieciskās darbības veicējiem ērtus, mūsdienu prasībām atbilstošus un funkcionāli pilnvērtīgus publiskos pakalpojumus, uzlabot Nodarbinātības valsts aģentūras (turpmāk tekstā – NVA) darbības efektivitāti, izmantojot informācijas un komunikācijas tehnoloģiju sniegtās iespējas, un radīt priekšnosacījumus NVA rīcībā esošās informācijas izmantošanai gan citu publiskā sektora iestāžu darbībā, gan uzņēmējiem un iedzīvotājiem.Iepriekš minēto mērķu sasniegšanai DPPPMSI projekta ietvaros tiks pilnveidoti šādi NVA pamatdarbības procesi:1.Darba tirgus īstermiņa prognožu sagatavošana un īstermiņa, vidēja termiņa un ilgtermiņa prognožu atspoguļošana;2.Norēķini ar darba devējiem, apmācību pakalpojumu sniedzējiem;3.Statistikas datu sagatavošana par bezdarbu, apmācību un nodarbinātības pasākumiem un atvērto datu pārvaldība;4.Vakanču un darba meklētāju prasmju salāgošana;5.Norēķini ar darba meklētājiem, bezdarbniekiem.Pilnveidoto procesu rezultātā tiks •Automatizēta statistikas datu sagatavošana un atvērti NVA dati. DPPPMSI projekta ietvaros tiks optimizēts NVA process nodarbinātības statistikas datu sagatavošanai, apstrādei un no jauna izstrādāts atvērto datu pārvaldības process;•Uzlaboti esoši NVA e-pakalpojumi uzņēmējiem, iedzīvotājiem (tai skaitā darba meklētājiem). Iedzīvotājiem būtiskākais pakalpojums būs darba tirgus prognozes, kas tiks ievērojami papildināts (ne tikai īstermiņa, bet arī vidēja termiņa un ilgtermiņa), darba meklētājiem būs iespējas e-pakalpojumā salāgot vakances precīzāk ar savu CV (izmantojot informāciju par konkrētā indivīda prasmēm).•Darba devējiem, apmācību pakalpojumu sniedzējiem būs iespēja iesniegt atskaites par NVA sniegtajiem pakalpojumiem elektroniski NVA portālā, kā arī saņemt samaksu par sniegtajiem pakalpojumiem no NVA, izmantojot portālu.DPPPMSI projekta mērķa sasniegšanai un visu augstākminēto darbību realizācijā netiks izstrādāta neviena jauna sistēma vai veikta ievērojama kādas esošās sistēmas pārbūve. DPPPMSI projekta ietvaros tiks pilnveidota jau esošā NVA informācijas sistēma BURVIS un nodrošināta sasaiste ar resursu vadības sistēmu Horizon. Pilnveidojumu rezultātā tā tiks attīstīta, attīstot arī jau iepriekš izstrādātās funkcionalitātes un padarot tās vēl ērtākas lietotājam un efektīvāk izmantojamas.Projektā plānotas šādas galvenās darbības:1.Nodarbinātības valsts aģentūras projekta vadība;2.Esošo darbības procesu analīze;3.Projekta kvalitātes uzraudzība; 4.Tehnoloģiju, Nodarbinātības valsts aģentūras informācijas sistēmas “Bezdarbnieku un reģistrēto vakanču informācijas sistēma” (BURVIS), finanšu vadības sistēmas Horizon un labklājības nozares datu noliktavas LabIS novērtēšana (audits);5.Procesu un organizācijas modeļa pilnveide un prasību definēšana (izņemot darba tirgus prognozēšanu, jo tiks izmantots iepriekšējā projekta rezultāts);6.Sistēmu piegādātāja iepirkuma “Norēķini, datu analīze, datu atvēršana” tehniskās specifikācijas izstrāde;7.Norēķinu, datu analīzes un atvēršanas izmaiņu realizācija Nodarbinātības valsts aģentūras informācijas sistēmā “Bezdarbnieku un reģistrēto vakanču informācijas sistēma” (BURVIS);8.Sistēmu piegādātāja iepirkuma “Darba tirgus prognožu un vakanču salāgošana” tehniskās specifikācijas izstrāde;9.Darba tirgus prognožu un vakanču salāgošanas pilnveidojumu realizācija Nodarbinātības valsts aģentūras informācijas sistēmā “Bezdarbnieku un reģistrēto vakanču informācijas sistēma” (BURVIS).DPPPMSI projekta finansējuma kopējais apjoms: € 1,200,000.Īstenošanas laiks mēnešos: 36.Nepieciešamās sistēmas uzturēšanas izmaksas ik gadu: €102,044. (Latvian)
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    “Establishment of a labour supply and demand forecasting and monitoring system” (hereinafter referred to as DPPPMSI) project aims to provide citizens, economic operators with convenient, modern and functional public services, to improve the operational efficiency of the State Employment Agency (hereinafter referred to as the NVA) by using the opportunities provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.To achieve the above objectives, the preparation of labour and communication technologies by the public service provider; and to create the conditions for the use of the information held by the NVA.For both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the expedient performance of the National Employment Agency (hereinafter referred to as ‘NVA’), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information at the disposal of the NVA in terms of both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the labour and labour services with the public service provider (hereinafter referred to as NVA), through the use of information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in terms of both the operation of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the pre-mentioned objectives for the DPPPMSI, the management of labour and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information available to the NVA for both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of labour and labour services with the public sector (hereinafter referred to as NVA), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information held by the SEA for both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.To achieve the objectives of the DPPPMSI, the management of the labour and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the former (hereinafter referred to as ‘NVA’), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the above mentioned objectives, by the DPPPMSI, by using the possibilities offered by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information at the disposal of the IVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the labour force with the labour market and the public, through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create Within the framework of the DPPPMSI project, the SEA process will be optimised for the preparation, processing of employment statistics and the newly developed open data management process;•Improved existing NVA e-services for entrepreneurs and residents (including jobseekers). The most important service for citizens will be labour market forecasts, which will be significantly supplemented (not only in the short term, but also in the medium and long term), jobseekers will have the opportunity to match vacancies in the e-service more precisely with their CVs (using information about the individual’s skills).•Employers, training service providers will have the opportunity to submit reports on the services provided by the SEA electronically on the NVA portal, as well as to receive payment for the services provided by the NVA via the portal. Within the framework of the DPPPMSI project, the already existing information system BURVIS will be improved and the link with the resource management system Horizon will be ensured. (English)
    15 July 2021
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    Le projet «Établissement d’un système de prévision et de suivi de l’offre et de la demande de main-d’œuvre» (ci-après «DPPPMSI») est de fournir aux citoyens et aux opérateurs économiques des services publics pratiques, modernes et fonctionnels à part entière, d’améliorer l’efficacité de l’Agence d’État pour l’emploi (SEA) en exploitant les possibilités offertes par les technologies de l’information et de la communication, et de créer des conditions préalables à l’utilisation des informations dont dispose la NVA dans les activités d’autres institutions du secteur public, ainsi que pour les entrepreneurs et les citoyens. présentation de prévisions à moyen et à long terme;2.Settlement avec les employeurs, prestataires de services de formation;3.Élaboration de statistiques sur les mesures en matière de chômage, de formation et d’emploi et gestion des données ouvertes;4.Ajustement des compétences des demandeurs d’emploi et des demandeurs d’emploi;5.L’établissement avec les demandeurs d’emploi et les chômeurs. Dans le cadre du projet DPPPMSI, le processus NVA sera optimisé pour la préparation, le traitement des statistiques de l’emploi et la refonte du processus de gestion des données ouvertes;•Amélioration des services en ligne SEA existants pour les entrepreneurs, les citoyens (y compris les demandeurs d’emploi). Le service le plus important pour la population sera les prévisions du marché du travail, qui seront considérablement complétées (non seulement à court terme, mais aussi à moyen et à long terme), les demandeurs d’emploi auront la possibilité d’aligner leurs offres d’emploi sur leur CV dans le service en ligne (en utilisant des informations sur les compétences de la personne).•Les employeurs, les prestataires de formation auront la possibilité de présenter des rapports sur les services fournis par le SES par voie électronique sur le portail SES, ainsi que de recevoir le paiement des services fournis par l’EES via le portail. Dans le cadre du projet DPPPMSI, le système d’information BURVIS existant sur la VAN sera amélioré et le lien avec le système de gestion des ressources Horizon sera assuré. Grâce à ces améliorations, il sera également développé en développant des fonctionnalités précédemment développées et en les rendant encore plus pratiques pour l’utilisateur et une utilisation plus efficace.Le projet prévoit la gestion de projet principale suivante darbības:1.Nodarbinātības de l’Agence d’État; 2.Analyse des processus opérationnels existants;3.Suivi de la qualité du projet; 4.Technologie, système d’information de l’agence nationale pour l’emploi «Système d’information sur les chômeurs et les vacances enregistrées» (BURVIS), Système de gestion financière Horizon and Welfare Industry Data Warehouse Evaluation (audit); 5. Amélioration des processus et du modèle d’organisation et définition des exigences (à l’exception de la prévision du marché du travail, à la suite d’un projet précédent); 6.Élaboration de spécifications techniques pour l’acquisition de fournisseurs de systèmes «Système d’information sur les offres d’emploi et les postes vacants enregistrés» (BURVIS); 7. 8.Développement de la spécification technique de l’approvisionnement du fournisseur du système «Adapter les prévisions du marché du travail et les offres d’emploi»;9.Mise en œuvre de l’amélioration des prévisions du marché du travail et de l’appariement des offres d’emploi dans le système d’information de l’Agence nationale pour l’emploi «Système d’information pour les chômeurs et les vacances d’emploi enregistrés» (BURVIS). 1 200 000 EUR.Délai de mise en œuvre en mois: 36.Coûts d’entretien du système requis sur une base annuelle: 102 044 EUR. (French)
    25 November 2021
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    Ziel des Projekts „Einrichtung eines Arbeitsangebots- und Nachfrageprognose- und -überwachungssystems“ (nachstehend „DPPPMSI“) ist es, den Bürgern, den Wirtschaftsteilnehmern bequeme, moderne und funktional vollwertige öffentliche Dienstleistungen zu bieten, die Effizienz der Staatlichen Arbeitsagentur (SEA) durch Nutzung der durch Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien gebotenen Möglichkeiten zu verbessern und die Voraussetzungen für die Nutzung der der NVA zur Verfügung stehenden Informationen sowohl in den Tätigkeiten anderer Einrichtungen des öffentlichen Sektors zu schaffen; sowie für Unternehmer und Bürger. Darstellung mittel- und langfristiger Prognosen;2.Beschäftigung mit Arbeitgebern, Ausbildungsdienstleistern;3.Vorbereitung von Statistiken über Arbeitslosigkeit, Ausbildung und Beschäftigungsmaßnahmen und Verwaltung offener Daten;4.Anpassung der Fähigkeiten von offenen Stellen und Arbeitsuchenden;5.Einstellung mit Arbeitsuchenden, Arbeitslose.Durch die abgeschlossenen Prozesse wird •Automatisierte Erstellung statistischer Daten und Öffnung von SES-Daten. Im Rahmen des DPPPMSI-Projekts wird der NVA-Prozess für die Erstellung, Verarbeitung von Beschäftigungsstatistiken und die Neugestaltung des Prozesses der Verwaltung offener Daten optimiert.•Verbesserte bestehende E-Services für SEA für Unternehmer, Bürger (einschließlich Arbeitssuchende). Wichtigste Dienstleistung für die Bevölkerung sind Arbeitsmarktprognosen, die erheblich ergänzt werden (nicht nur kurzfristig, sondern auch mittel- und langfristig), Arbeitssuchenden haben die Möglichkeit, ihre offenen Stellen an ihren Lebenslauf im elektronischen Dienst auszurichten (unter Verwendung von Informationen über die Fähigkeiten des Einzelnen).•Arbeitgeber werden die Möglichkeit haben, Berichte über die vom SES erbrachten Dienstleistungen elektronisch auf dem SES-Portal einzureichen und über das Portal Zahlungen für die von der SEA erbrachten Dienstleistungen zu erhalten. Im Rahmen des DPPPMSI-Projekts wird das bestehende NVA-Informationssystem BURVIS verbessert und die Verknüpfung mit dem Ressourcenmanagementsystem Horizon gewährleistet. Als Ergebnis der Verbesserungen wird es auch durch die Entwicklung zuvor entwickelter Funktionalitäten und noch komfortabler für den Nutzer und eine effizientere Nutzung entwickelt.Das Projekt plant die folgenden wichtigsten darbības:1.Nodarbinātības Projektmanagement der staatlichen Agentur;2.Analyse bestehender operativer Prozesse;3.Projektqualitätsüberwachung; 4.Technologie, Informationssystem der Staatlichen Arbeitsagentur „Informationssystem für Arbeitslose und registrierte Stelleninformationssystem“ (BURVIS), Finanzmanagementsystem Horizont und Sozialwirtschaft Data Warehouse Labis Assessment (Audit);5. Verbesserung der Prozesse und Organisationsmodell und Festlegung der Anforderungen (mit Ausnahme der Arbeitsmarktprognosen als Ergebnis des vorherigen Projekts);6.Entwicklung technischer Spezifikationen für die Beschaffung von Systemlieferanten „Abgleiche, Datenanalyse, Dateneröffnung“;7.Umsetzung von Änderungen in der Abrechnung, Datenanalyse und Öffnung von Änderungen im Informationssystem der Staatlichen Arbeitsagentur „Arbeitslose und registrierte Stelleninformationssystem“ (BURVIS); 8.Entwicklung der technischen Spezifikation der Beschaffung des Systemlieferanten „Anpassung von Arbeitsmarktprognosen und offenen Stellen“;9.Umsetzung der Verbesserung der Arbeitsmarktprognosen und der Abstimmung der offenen Stellen im Informationssystem der Staatlichen Arbeitsagentur „Informationssystem für arbeitslose und registrierte Stellen“ (BURVIS). 1 200 000 EUR.Umsetzungszeit in Monaten: 36.Erforderliche Systemwartungskosten auf jährlicher Basis: 102 044 EUR. (German)
    28 November 2021
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    Het project „Oprichting van een voorspellings- en monitoringsysteem voor vraag en aanbod op de arbeidsmarkt” (hierna „DPPPMSI” genoemd) heeft tot doel burgers en economische actoren te voorzien van handige, moderne en functioneel volwaardige openbare diensten, de efficiëntie van het overheidsbureau voor arbeidsvoorziening te verbeteren door gebruik te maken van de mogelijkheden die de informatie- en communicatietechnologie biedt, en voorwaarden te scheppen voor het gebruik van de informatie waarover de NVA beschikt, zowel bij de activiteiten van andere overheidsinstellingen, evenals voor ondernemers en burgers. presentatie van middellange- en langetermijnprognoses;2.Settlement met werkgevers, aanbieders van opleidingsdiensten;3.Voorbereiding van statistieken over werkloosheid, opleiding en werkgelegenheidsmaatregelen en beheer van open gegevens;4.Aanpassing van de vaardigheden van vacatures en werkzoekenden;5.Settlement met werkzoekenden, werklozen.Als gevolg van de voltooide processen zullen •Geautomatiseerde productie van statistische gegevens en het openen van SES-gegevens. In het kader van het DPPPMSI-project wordt het NVA-proces geoptimaliseerd voor de voorbereiding, verwerking van werkgelegenheidsstatistieken en het herontwerp van open databeheerproces;•Verbeterde bestaande SEA-e-diensten voor ondernemers, burgers (inclusief werkzoekenden). De belangrijkste dienst voor de bevolking zal arbeidsmarktprognoses zijn, die aanzienlijk zullen worden aangevuld (niet alleen op korte termijn, maar ook op middellange en lange termijn), werkzoekenden zullen de mogelijkheid hebben om hun vacatures in overeenstemming te brengen met hun cv in de e-dienst (met behulp van informatie over de vaardigheden van het individu).•Werkgevers, opleidingsaanbieders zullen de mogelijkheid hebben om via het SES-portaal elektronisch verslagen over de door het SES verleende diensten in te dienen en via het portaal een vergoeding te ontvangen voor de diensten die door de SEA worden verleend. In het kader van het DPPPMSI-project zal het bestaande NVA-informatiesysteem BURVIS worden verbeterd en zal de koppeling met het resourcemanagementsysteem Horizon worden gewaarborgd. Als gevolg van de verbeteringen zal het ook worden ontwikkeld door eerder ontwikkelde functionaliteiten te ontwikkelen en deze nog gemakkelijker te maken voor de gebruiker en efficiënter te gebruiken.Het project plant de volgende belangrijkste darbības:1.Nodarbinātības projectbeheer van het staatsagentschap;2.Analyse van bestaande operationele processen;3.Projectkwaliteitscontrole; 4.Technologie, informatiesysteem van het nationale arbeidsbureau „Information System for Unemployed and Registered Vacancy Information System” (BURVIS), Financial Management System Horizon and Welfare Industry Data Warehouse Labis assessment (audit);5. Verbetering van processen en organisatiemodel en definitie van vereisten (behalve voor arbeidsmarktprognoses, aangezien het resultaat van het vorige project zal worden gebruikt);6.Ontwikkeling van technische specificaties voor de inkoop van systeemleveranciers „Settlements, data analysis, data opening”;7.Toepassing van wijzigingen in de afwikkeling, gegevensanalyse en opening van wijzigingen in het informatiesysteem van het overheidsagentschap voor arbeidsvoorziening „Onwerkende en geregistreerde vacatures”-informatiesysteem (BURVIS); 8.Ontwikkeling van de technische specificatie van de aanbesteding van de systeemleverancier „Aanpassing van de arbeidsmarktprognoses en vacatures”;9.Tenuitvoerlegging van de verbetering van de arbeidsmarktprognoses en de afstemming van vacatures in het informatiesysteem van het overheidsbureau voor arbeidsvoorziening „Informatiesysteem voor werklozen en geregistreerde vacatures” (BURVIS). EUR 1.200.000.Tenuitvoerleggingstijd in maanden: 36.Vereiste systeemonderhoudskosten op jaarbasis: 102,444 EUR. (Dutch)
    28 November 2021
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    L'obiettivo del progetto "Istituzione di un sistema di previsione e monitoraggio dell'offerta e della domanda di manodopera" (di seguito "DPPPMSI") è quello di fornire ai cittadini e agli operatori economici servizi pubblici convenienti, moderni e funzionalmente completi, di migliorare l'efficienza dell'Agenzia statale per l'occupazione (VAS) sfruttando le opportunità offerte dalle tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione e di creare i presupposti per l'utilizzo delle informazioni a disposizione del VAN sia nelle attività di altre istituzioni del settore pubblico, nonché per gli imprenditori e i cittadini. presentazione di previsioni a medio e lungo termine;2. insediamento con i datori di lavoro, fornitori di servizi di formazione;3.Preparazione delle statistiche sulla disoccupazione, misure di formazione e occupazione e gestione dei dati aperti;4. Adeguamento delle competenze dei posti vacanti e delle persone in cerca di lavoro5. Nell'ambito del progetto DPPPMSI, il processo NVA sarà ottimizzato per la preparazione, l'elaborazione delle statistiche sull'occupazione e la riprogettazione del processo di gestione dei dati aperti;•Migliorare i servizi elettronici di VAS esistenti per imprenditori, cittadini (comprese le persone in cerca di lavoro). Il servizio più importante per la popolazione sarà costituito dalle previsioni del mercato del lavoro, che saranno notevolmente integrate (non solo a breve termine, ma anche a medio e lungo termine), le persone in cerca di lavoro avranno l'opportunità di allineare i loro posti vacanti al loro CV nel servizio elettronico (utilizzando informazioni sulle competenze individuali).•Datori di lavoro, gli erogatori di formazione avranno la possibilità di presentare relazioni sui servizi forniti dal cielo unico europeo per via elettronica sul portale SES, nonché di ricevere pagamenti per i servizi forniti dalla VAS tramite il portale. Nell'ambito del progetto DPPPMSI, sarà migliorato il sistema informativo NVA esistente BURVIS e sarà garantito il collegamento con il sistema di gestione delle risorse Orizzonte. A seguito dei miglioramenti, sarà sviluppato anche sviluppando funzionalità precedentemente sviluppate e rendendole ancora più convenienti per l'utente e un uso più efficiente.Il progetto prevede il seguente principale darbības:1.Nodarbinātības gestione del progetto dell'Agenzia di Stato;2.Analisi dei processi operativi esistenti;3.Controllo della qualità del progetto; 4.Tecnologia, sistema informativo dell'Agenzia statale per l'occupazione "Sistema d'informazione per i disoccupati e i posti vacanti registrati" (BURVIS), Sistema di gestione finanziaria Horizon e Welfare Industry Data Warehouse Labis assessment (audit);5. Miglioramento dei processi e del modello organizzativo e definizione dei requisiti (ad eccezione delle previsioni del mercato del lavoro, come risultato del progetto precedente);6.Sviluppo delle specifiche tecniche per l'approvvigionamento del fornitore del sistema "Insediamenti, analisi dei dati, apertura dei dati";7.Attuazione di modifiche nella liquidazione, nell'analisi dei dati e nell'apertura di modifiche nel sistema informativo dell'agenzia statale per l'occupazione "Sistema d'informazione dei disoccupati e dei posti vacanti registrati" (BURS); 8.Sviluppo delle specifiche tecniche per l'approvvigionamento del fornitore del sistema "Adeguamento delle previsioni del mercato del lavoro e dei posti vacanti";9.Attuazione del miglioramento delle previsioni del mercato del lavoro e della corrispondenza dei posti vacanti nel sistema informativo dell'Agenzia statale per l'occupazione "Sistema d'informazione per i disoccupati e i posti vacanti registrati" (BURVIS). 1 200 000 EUR.Tempo di attuazione in mesi: 36.Costi di manutenzione del sistema richiesti su base annua: 102 044 EUR. (Italian)
    11 January 2022
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    El objetivo del proyecto «Establecimiento de un sistema de previsión y seguimiento de la oferta y la demanda de mano de obra» (en lo sucesivo, «DPPPMSI») es proporcionar a los ciudadanos y a los operadores económicos servicios públicos convenientes, modernos y funcionales, mejorar la eficiencia de la Agencia Estatal de Empleo (SEA) aprovechando las oportunidades que ofrecen las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación y crear condiciones previas para el uso de la información de que dispone el NVA tanto en las actividades de otras instituciones del sector público, así como para empresarios y ciudadanos. presentación de previsiones a medio y largo plazo;2.asentamiento con empleadores, proveedores de servicios de formación;3.Preparación de estadísticas sobre desempleo, medidas de formación y empleo y gestión de datos abiertos;4.Ajuste de las competencias de las ofertas y solicitantes de empleo;5.Asentamiento con solicitantes de empleo, desempleados.Como resultado de los procesos completados será • Producción automatizada de datos estadísticos y apertura de datos del SES. En el marco del proyecto DPPPMSI, se optimizará el proceso de VAN para la preparación, el procesamiento de estadísticas de empleo y el rediseño del proceso de gestión de datos abiertos;•Mejorar los servicios electrónicos SEA existentes para empresarios, ciudadanos (incluidos los solicitantes de empleo). El servicio más importante para la población serán las previsiones del mercado laboral, que se complementarán significativamente (no solo a corto plazo, sino también a medio y largo plazo), los solicitantes de empleo tendrán la oportunidad de alinear sus ofertas con su CV en el servicio electrónico (utilizando información sobre las competencias de la persona).•Los empresarios, los proveedores de formación tendrán la oportunidad de presentar informes sobre los servicios prestados por el SES electrónicamente en el portal del SES, así como de recibir el pago por los servicios prestados por la SEA a través del portal. En el marco del proyecto DPPPMSI, se mejorará el sistema de información de VAN existente BURVIS y se garantizará el vínculo con el sistema de gestión de recursos Horizonte. Como resultado de las mejoras, se desarrollará también mediante el desarrollo de funcionalidades previamente desarrolladas y haciéndolos aún más convenientes para el usuario y un uso más eficiente.El proyecto planea los siguientes proyectos: gestión de proyectos de la Agencia Estatal;2.Análisis de los procesos operativos existentes;3.Seguimiento de la calidad del proyecto; 4.Tecnología, sistema de información de la Agencia Estatal de Empleo «Sistema de Información para Desempleados y Desempleados y Sistema de Información de Vacancia Registrada» (BURVIS), Sistema de Gestión Financiera Horizon e Industria de Bienestar Data Warehouse Labis (auditoría);5. Mejora del modelo de procesos y organización y definición de requisitos (excepto para la previsión del mercado de trabajo, como resultado de un proyecto anterior)6.Desarrollo de especificaciones técnicas para la contratación del proveedor del sistema «Soluciones, análisis de datos, apertura de datos»;7.Aplicación de cambios en la liquidación, análisis de datos y apertura de cambios en el sistema de información de la Agencia Estatal de Empleo «Sistema de Información para Desempleados y Desempleados» (BURVIS); 8.Elaboración de la especificación técnica de la contratación del proveedor del sistema «Adaptación de las previsiones y vacantes del mercado de trabajo»;9.Aplicación de la mejora de las previsiones del mercado de trabajo y adecuación de las vacantes en el sistema de información de la Agencia Estatal de Empleo «Sistema de Información para Desempleados y Vacancias Registradas» (BURVIS). EUR 1.200.000.Tiempo de aplicación en meses: 36.Gastos necesarios de mantenimiento del sistema con periodicidad anual: 102,044 EUR. (Spanish)
    12 January 2022
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    «Δημιουργία συστήματος πρόβλεψης και παρακολούθησης της προσφοράς και της ζήτησης εργατικού δυναμικού» (εφεξής «DPPPMSI») έχει ως στόχο να παρέχει στους πολίτες και τους οικονομικούς φορείς κατάλληλες, σύγχρονες και λειτουργικές δημόσιες υπηρεσίες, να βελτιώσει τη λειτουργική αποτελεσματικότητα του Κρατικού Οργανισμού Απασχόλησης (εφεξής «ΠΑΑ») χρησιμοποιώντας τις ευκαιρίες που παρέχουν οι τεχνολογίες της πληροφορίας και της επικοινωνίας, και να δημιουργήσει τις προϋποθέσεις για τη χρήση των πληροφοριών που κατέχει η NVA τόσο στις δραστηριότητες άλλων οργανισμών του δημόσιου τομέα όσο και για τους επιχειρηματίες και τους πολίτες. Για την επίτευξη των ανωτέρω στόχων, την προετοιμασία των τεχνολογιών εργασίας και επικοινωνιών από τον φορέα παροχής δημόσιας υπηρεσίας· and to create the conditions for the use of the information held by the NVA.For both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the expedient performance of the National Employment Agency (hereinafter referred to as ‘NVA’), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information at the disposal of the NVA in terms of both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the labour and labour services with the public service provider (hereinafter referred to as NVA), through the use of information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in terms of both the operation of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the pre-mentioned objectives for the DPPPMSI, the management of labour and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information available to the NVA for both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of labour and labour services with the public sector (hereinafter referred to as NVA), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information held by the SEA for both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.To achieve the objectives of the DPPPMSI, the management of the labour and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the former (hereinafter referred to as ‘NVA’), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the above mentioned objectives, by the DPPPMSI, by using the possibilities offered by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information at the disposal of the IVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the labour force with the labour market and the public, through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create Within the framework of the DPPPMSI project, the SEA process will be optimised for the preparation, processing of employment statistics and the newly developed open data management process;•Improved existing NVA e-services for entrepreneurs and residents (including jobseekers). Η σημαντικότερη υπηρεσία για τους πολίτες θα είναι οι προβλέψεις για την αγορά εργασίας, οι οποίες θα συμπληρωθούν σημαντικά (όχι μόνο βραχυπρόθεσμα, αλλά και μεσοπρόθεσμα και μακροπρόθεσμα), τα άτομα που αναζητούν εργασία θα έχουν τη δυνατότητα να αντιστοιχίσουν ακριβέστερα τις κενές θέσεις στην ηλεκτρονική υπηρεσία με τα βιογραφικά τους (χρησιμοποιώντας πληροφορίες σχετικά με τις δεξιότητες του ατόμου).•Οι εργοδότες, οι πάροχοι υπηρεσιών κατάρτισης θα έχουν τη δυνατότητα να υποβάλλουν ηλεκτρονικά εκθέσεις σχετικά με τις υπηρεσίες που παρέχει η SEA στην πύλη NVA, καθώς και να λαμβάνουν αμοιβή για τις υπηρεσίες που παρέχει η NVA μέσω της πύλης. Στο πλαίσιο του έργου DPPPMSI, το ήδη υπάρχον σύστημα πληροφοριών BURVIS θα βελτιωθεί και θα διασφαλιστεί η σύνδεση με το σύστημα διαχείρισης πόρων Horizon. (Greek)
    17 August 2022
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    Projektet "etablering af et system til forudsigelse og overvågning af arbejdskraftudbud og -efterspørgsel" (i det følgende benævnt "DPPPMSI") har til formål at give borgere, erhvervsdrivende praktiske, moderne og funktionelle offentlige tjenester, at forbedre den operationelle effektivitet i det statslige arbejdsformidlingskontor (i det følgende benævnt "NVA") ved at udnytte de muligheder, som informations- og kommunikationsteknologi giver, og at skabe forudsætningerne for, at NVA kan anvende de oplysninger, som NVA ligger inde med, både i forbindelse med andre offentlige institutioners aktiviteter og for iværksættere og borgere.For at nå ovennævnte mål skal den offentlige serviceudbyder udarbejde arbejds- og kommunikationsteknologi and to create the conditions for the use of the information held by the NVA.For both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the expedient performance of the National Employment Agency (hereinafter referred to as ‘NVA’), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information at the disposal of the NVA in terms of both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the labour and labour services with the public service provider (hereinafter referred to as NVA), through the use of information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in terms of both the operation of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the pre-mentioned objectives for the DPPPMSI, the management of labour and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information available to the NVA for both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of labour and labour services with the public sector (hereinafter referred to as NVA), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information held by the SEA for both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.To achieve the objectives of the DPPPMSI, the management of the labour and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the former (hereinafter referred to as ‘NVA’), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the above mentioned objectives, by the DPPPMSI, by using the possibilities offered by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information at the disposal of the IVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the labour force with the labour market and the public, through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create Within the framework of the DPPPMSI project, the SEA process will be optimised for the preparation, processing of employment statistics and the newly developed open data management process;•Improved existing NVA e-services for entrepreneurs and residents (including jobseekers). Den vigtigste service for borgerne vil være arbejdsmarkedsprognoser, som vil blive suppleret betydeligt (ikke kun på kort sigt, men også på mellemlang og lang sigt), jobsøgende vil få mulighed for at matche ledige stillinger i e-tjenesten mere præcist med deres CV'er (ved hjælp af oplysninger om den enkeltes færdigheder).•Arbejdsgivere, uddannelsesudbydere vil få mulighed for at indsende rapporter om de tjenester, der leveres af SEA, elektronisk på NVA-portalen samt modtage betaling for de tjenester, der leveres af NVA via portalen. Inden for rammerne af DPPPMSI-projektet vil det allerede eksisterende informationssystem BURVIS blive forbedret, og forbindelsen til ressourceforvaltningssystemet Horisont vil blive sikret. (Danish)
    17 August 2022
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    Työvoiman tarjonnan ja kysynnän ennustamis- ja seurantajärjestelmän, jäljempänä ’DPPPMSI-järjestelmä’, perustamisen tavoitteena on tarjota kansalaisille, talouden toimijoille käteviä, nykyaikaisia ja toimivia julkisia palveluja, parantaa valtion työvoimaviraston, jäljempänä ’NVA’, toiminnan tehokkuutta tieto- ja viestintätekniikan tarjoamia mahdollisuuksia käyttämällä sekä luoda edellytykset NVA:n hallussa olevien tietojen käytölle sekä muiden julkisen sektorin laitosten toiminnassa että yrittäjien ja kansalaisten toiminnassa.Edellä mainittujen tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi julkisen palvelun tarjoajan on valmisteltava työvoima- ja viestintäteknologiaa; and to create the conditions for the use of the information held by the NVA.For both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the expedient performance of the National Employment Agency (hereinafter referred to as ‘NVA’), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information at the disposal of the NVA in terms of both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the labour and labour services with the public service provider (hereinafter referred to as NVA), through the use of information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in terms of both the operation of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the pre-mentioned objectives for the DPPPMSI, the management of labour and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information available to the NVA for both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of labour and labour services with the public sector (hereinafter referred to as NVA), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information held by the SEA for both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.To achieve the objectives of the DPPPMSI, the management of the labour and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the former (hereinafter referred to as ‘NVA’), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the above mentioned objectives, by the DPPPMSI, by using the possibilities offered by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information at the disposal of the IVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the labour force with the labour market and the public, through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create Within the framework of the DPPPMSI project, the SEA process will be optimised for the preparation, processing of employment statistics and the newly developed open data management process;•Improved existing NVA e-services for entrepreneurs and residents (including jobseekers). Tärkein palvelu kansalaisille ovat työmarkkinaennusteet, joita täydennetään merkittävästi (ei vain lyhyellä aikavälillä, mutta myös keskipitkällä ja pitkällä aikavälillä), työnhakijoilla on mahdollisuus sovittaa sähköisen palvelun avoimet työpaikat tarkemmin ansioluetteloihinsa (käyttäen tietoja yksilön taidoista). • Työnantajat, koulutuspalvelujen tarjoajat voivat toimittaa raportit SEA:n tarjoamista palveluista sähköisesti NVA-portaalissa sekä saada maksun NVA:n tarjoamista palveluista portaalin kautta. DPPPMSI-hankkeen puitteissa parannetaan jo olemassa olevaa BURVIS-tietojärjestelmää ja varmistetaan yhteys Horisontti-ohjelman resurssienhallintajärjestelmään. (Finnish)
    17 August 2022
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    Il-proġett “L-istabbiliment ta’ sistema ta’ tbassir u monitoraġġ tal-provvista u d-domanda tax-xogħol” (minn hawn’il quddiem “DPPPMSI”) għandu l-għan li jipprovdi liċ-ċittadini, lill-operaturi ekonomiċi b’servizzi pubbliċi konvenjenti, moderni u funzjonali, li jtejjeb l-effiċjenza operattiva tal-Aġenzija tal-Impjiegi tal-Istat (minn hawn’il quddiem imsejħa l-NVA) billi juża l-opportunitajiet ipprovduti mit-teknoloġiji tal-informazzjoni u tal-komunikazzjoni, u li joħloq il-prekundizzjonijiet għall-użu tal-informazzjoni miżmuma mill-NVA kemm fl-attivitajiet ta’ istituzzjonijiet oħra tas-settur pubbliku kif ukoll għall-intraprendituri u ċ-ċittadini. Sabiex jintlaħqu l-objettivi msemmija hawn fuq, it-tħejjija tat-teknoloġiji tax-xogħol u tal-komunikazzjoni mill-fornitur tas-servizz pubbliku; and to create the conditions for the use of the information held by the NVA.For both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the expedient performance of the National Employment Agency (hereinafter referred to as ‘NVA’), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information at the disposal of the NVA in terms of both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the labour and labour services with the public service provider (hereinafter referred to as NVA), through the use of information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in terms of both the operation of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the pre-mentioned objectives for the DPPPMSI, the management of labour and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information available to the NVA for both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of labour and labour services with the public sector (hereinafter referred to as NVA), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information held by the SEA for both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.To achieve the objectives of the DPPPMSI, the management of the labour and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the former (hereinafter referred to as ‘NVA’), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the above mentioned objectives, by the DPPPMSI, by using the possibilities offered by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information at the disposal of the IVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the labour force with the labour market and the public, through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create Within the framework of the DPPPMSI project, the SEA process will be optimised for the preparation, processing of employment statistics and the newly developed open data management process;•Improved existing NVA e-services for entrepreneurs and residents (including jobseekers). L-aktar servizz importanti għaċ-ċittadini se jkun it-tbassir tas-suq tax-xogħol, li se jkun supplimentat b’mod sinifikanti (mhux biss fit-terminu l-qasir, iżda wkoll fit-terminu medju u fit-tul), dawk li qed ifittxu x-xogħol se jkollhom l-opportunità li jqabblu l-postijiet tax-xogħol battala fis-servizz elettroniku b’mod aktar preċiż mas-CVs tagħhom (bl-użu ta’ informazzjoni dwar il-ħiliet tal-individwu).• Min iħaddem, il-fornituri tas-servizzi ta’ taħriġ se jkollhom l-opportunità li jissottomettu rapporti dwar is-servizzi pprovduti mis-SEA elettronikament fuq il-portal NVA, kif ukoll li jirċievu ħlas għas-servizzi pprovduti mill-NVA permezz tal-portal. Fil-qafas tal-proġett DPPPMSI, is-sistema ta’ informazzjoni diġà eżistenti BURVIS ser tittejjeb u ser tiġi żgurata r-rabta mas-sistema ta’ ġestjoni tar-riżorsi Orizzont. (Maltese)
    17 August 2022
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    Cieľom projektu „vytvorenie systému prognóz a monitorovania ponuky pracovnej sily a dopytu“ (ďalej len „DPPPMSI“) je poskytnúť občanom, hospodárskym subjektom pohodlné, moderné a funkčné verejné služby, zlepšiť prevádzkovú efektívnosť Štátnej agentúry pre zamestnanosť (ďalej len „NVA“) využitím príležitostí, ktoré poskytujú informačné a komunikačné technológie, a vytvoriť podmienky na využívanie informácií, ktoré má NVA, v rámci činností iných inštitúcií verejného sektora, ako aj pre podnikateľov a občanov.Na dosiahnutie uvedených cieľov je príprava pracovných a komunikačných technológií poskytovateľom verejných služieb; and to create the conditions for the use of the information held by the NVA.For both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the expedient performance of the National Employment Agency (hereinafter referred to as ‘NVA’), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information at the disposal of the NVA in terms of both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the labour and labour services with the public service provider (hereinafter referred to as NVA), through the use of information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in terms of both the operation of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the pre-mentioned objectives for the DPPPMSI, the management of labour and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information available to the NVA for both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of labour and labour services with the public sector (hereinafter referred to as NVA), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information held by the SEA for both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.To achieve the objectives of the DPPPMSI, the management of the labour and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the former (hereinafter referred to as ‘NVA’), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the above mentioned objectives, by the DPPPMSI, by using the possibilities offered by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information at the disposal of the IVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the labour force with the labour market and the public, through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create Within the framework of the DPPPMSI project, the SEA process will be optimised for the preparation, processing of employment statistics and the newly developed open data management process;•Improved existing NVA e-services for entrepreneurs and residents (including jobseekers). Najdôležitejšou službou pre občanov budú prognózy trhu práce, ktoré budú výrazne doplnené (nielen v krátkodobom horizonte, ale aj v strednodobom a dlhodobom horizonte), uchádzači o zamestnanie budú mať možnosť lepšie zosúladiť voľné pracovné miesta v elektronickej službe so svojimi životopismi (prostredníctvom informácií o zručnostiach jednotlivca).•Zamestnávatelia budú mať možnosť predkladať správy o službách, ktoré poskytuje SEA elektronicky na portáli NVA, ako aj prijímať platby za služby poskytované NVA prostredníctvom portálu. V rámci projektu DPPPMSI sa zlepší už existujúci informačný systém BURVIS a zabezpečí sa prepojenie so systémom riadenia zdrojov Horizon. (Slovak)
    17 August 2022
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    Is é is aidhm don tionscadal “córas réamhaisnéise agus faireacháin ar an éileamh agus soláthar saothair a bhunú” (dá ngairtear DPPPMSI anseo feasta) seirbhísí poiblí atá áisiúil, nua-aimseartha agus feidhmiúil a chur ar fáil do shaoránaigh agus d’oibreoirí eacnamaíocha, éifeachtúlacht oibríochtúil na Gníomhaireachta Fostaíochta Stáit (dá ngairtear an NVA anseo feasta) a fheabhsú trí úsáid a bhaint as na deiseanna a chuirtear ar fáil le teicneolaíochtaí faisnéise agus cumarsáide, agus réamhchoinníollacha a chruthú maidir le húsáid na faisnéise atá i seilbh an NVA i ngníomhaíochtaí institiúidí eile na hearnála poiblí agus d’fhiontraithe agus do shaoránaigh araon.Chun na cuspóirí thuasluaite a bhaint amach, teicneolaíochtaí saothair agus cumarsáide a ullmhú ag an soláthraí seirbhíse poiblí; and to create the conditions for the use of the information held by the NVA.For both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the expedient performance of the National Employment Agency (hereinafter referred to as ‘NVA’), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information at the disposal of the NVA in terms of both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the labour and labour services with the public service provider (hereinafter referred to as NVA), through the use of information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in terms of both the operation of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the pre-mentioned objectives for the DPPPMSI, the management of labour and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information available to the NVA for both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of labour and labour services with the public sector (hereinafter referred to as NVA), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information held by the SEA for both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.To achieve the objectives of the DPPPMSI, the management of the labour and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the former (hereinafter referred to as ‘NVA’), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the above mentioned objectives, by the DPPPMSI, by using the possibilities offered by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information at the disposal of the IVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the labour force with the labour market and the public, through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create Within the framework of the DPPPMSI project, the SEA process will be optimised for the preparation, processing of employment statistics and the newly developed open data management process;•Improved existing NVA e-services for entrepreneurs and residents (including jobseekers). Is é an tseirbhís is tábhachtaí do shaoránaigh ná réamhaisnéisí ar mhargadh an tsaothair, a fhorlíonfar go suntasach (ní hamháin sa ghearrthéarma, ach sa mheántéarma agus san fhadtéarma freisin), beidh an deis ag cuardaitheoirí poist folúntais sa ríomhsheirbhís a mheaitseáil níos beaichte lena CVanna (agus faisnéis faoi scileanna an duine aonair á húsáid acu).•Beidh deis ag soláthraithe seirbhíse oiliúna tuarascálacha a chur isteach ar na seirbhísí arna soláthar ag an SEA go leictreonach ar an tairseach NVA, chomh maith le híocaíocht a fháil as na seirbhísí a sholáthraíonn an NVA tríd an tairseach. Laistigh de chreat thionscadal DPPPMSI, cuirfear feabhas ar an gcóras faisnéise atá ann cheana agus áiritheofar an nasc leis an gcóras bainistíochta acmhainní Horizon. (Irish)
    17 August 2022
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    Cílem projektu DPPPMSI je poskytovat občanům, hospodářským subjektům pohodlné, moderní a funkční veřejné služby, zlepšit provozní efektivitu Státní agentury práce (dále jen „NVA“) využitím příležitostí poskytovaných informačními a komunikačními technologiemi a vytvořit předpoklady pro využití informací, které má NVA k dispozici jak při činnosti jiných institucí veřejného sektoru, tak pro podnikatele a občany.K dosažení výše uvedených cílů je příprava pracovních a komunikačních technologií poskytovatelem veřejných služeb; and to create the conditions for the use of the information held by the NVA.For both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the expedient performance of the National Employment Agency (hereinafter referred to as ‘NVA’), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information at the disposal of the NVA in terms of both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the labour and labour services with the public service provider (hereinafter referred to as NVA), through the use of information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in terms of both the operation of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the pre-mentioned objectives for the DPPPMSI, the management of labour and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information available to the NVA for both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of labour and labour services with the public sector (hereinafter referred to as NVA), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information held by the SEA for both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.To achieve the objectives of the DPPPMSI, the management of the labour and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the former (hereinafter referred to as ‘NVA’), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the above mentioned objectives, by the DPPPMSI, by using the possibilities offered by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information at the disposal of the IVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the labour force with the labour market and the public, through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create Within the framework of the DPPPMSI project, the SEA process will be optimised for the preparation, processing of employment statistics and the newly developed open data management process;•Improved existing NVA e-services for entrepreneurs and residents (including jobseekers). Nejdůležitější službou pro občany budou prognózy trhu práce, které budou výrazně doplněny (nejen krátkodobě, ale i ve střednědobém a dlouhodobém horizontu), uchazeči o zaměstnání budou mít možnost přesněji sladit volná pracovní místa v elektronické službě se svými životopisy (pomocí informací o dovednostech jednotlivce).•Zaměstnavatelé, poskytovatelé školicích služeb budou mít možnost předkládat zprávy o službách poskytovaných SEA elektronicky na portálu NVA a obdržet platbu za služby poskytované NVA prostřednictvím portálu. V rámci projektu DPPPMSI bude zlepšen již existující informační systém BURVIS a bude zajištěno propojení se systémem řízení zdrojů Horizont. (Czech)
    17 August 2022
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    O projeto «Estabelecimento de um sistema de previsão e monitorização da oferta e da procura de mão de obra» (a seguir designado «DPPPMSI») visa proporcionar aos cidadãos e aos operadores económicos serviços públicos convenientes, modernos e funcionais, melhorar a eficiência operacional da Agência Estatal para o Emprego (a seguir designada «ANV»), utilizando as oportunidades proporcionadas pelas tecnologias da informação e da comunicação, e criar as condições prévias para a utilização das informações detidas pelo VAN tanto nas atividades de outras instituições do setor público como para os empresários e os cidadãos. and to create the conditions for the use of the information held by the NVA.For both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the expedient performance of the National Employment Agency (hereinafter referred to as ‘NVA’), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information at the disposal of the NVA in terms of both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the labour and labour services with the public service provider (hereinafter referred to as NVA), through the use of information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in terms of both the operation of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the pre-mentioned objectives for the DPPPMSI, the management of labour and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information available to the NVA for both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of labour and labour services with the public sector (hereinafter referred to as NVA), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information held by the SEA for both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.To achieve the objectives of the DPPPMSI, the management of the labour and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the former (hereinafter referred to as ‘NVA’), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the above mentioned objectives, by the DPPPMSI, by using the possibilities offered by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information at the disposal of the IVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the labour force with the labour market and the public, through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create Within the framework of the DPPPMSI project, the SEA process will be optimised for the preparation, processing of employment statistics and the newly developed open data management process;•Improved existing NVA e-services for entrepreneurs and residents (including jobseekers). Os serviços mais importantes para os cidadãos serão as previsões do mercado de trabalho, que serão significativamente complementadas (não só a curto prazo, mas também a médio e longo prazo), os candidatos a emprego terão a oportunidade de combinar as ofertas de emprego mais precisamente com os seus CV (utilizando informações sobre as competências do indivíduo).•Empregadores, os prestadores de serviços de formação terão a oportunidade de apresentar relatórios sobre os serviços prestados pela AAE por via eletrónica no portal NVA, bem como de receberem o pagamento dos serviços prestados pelo NVA através do portal. No âmbito do projeto DPPPMSI, o sistema de informação BURVIS já existente será melhorado e será assegurada a ligação com o sistema de gestão de recursos Horizonte. (Portuguese)
    17 August 2022
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    „Tööpakkumise ja -nõudluse prognoosimise ja jälgimise süsteemi“ (edaspidi „DPPPMSI“) loomise eesmärk on pakkuda kodanikele ja ettevõtjatele mugavaid, kaasaegseid ja funktsionaalseid avalikke teenuseid, parandada riikliku tööhõiveameti (edaspidi „NVA“) tegevuse tõhusust info- ja kommunikatsioonitehnoloogia pakutavate võimaluste abil ning luua eeltingimused NVA valduses oleva teabe kasutamiseks nii teiste avaliku sektori asutuste kui ka ettevõtjate ja kodanike tegevuses.eespool nimetatud eesmärkide saavutamiseks valmistab avaliku teenuse osutaja ette töö- ja kommunikatsioonitehnoloogiaid; and to create the conditions for the use of the information held by the NVA.For both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the expedient performance of the National Employment Agency (hereinafter referred to as ‘NVA’), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information at the disposal of the NVA in terms of both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the labour and labour services with the public service provider (hereinafter referred to as NVA), through the use of information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in terms of both the operation of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the pre-mentioned objectives for the DPPPMSI, the management of labour and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information available to the NVA for both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of labour and labour services with the public sector (hereinafter referred to as NVA), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information held by the SEA for both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.To achieve the objectives of the DPPPMSI, the management of the labour and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the former (hereinafter referred to as ‘NVA’), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the above mentioned objectives, by the DPPPMSI, by using the possibilities offered by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information at the disposal of the IVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the labour force with the labour market and the public, through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create Within the framework of the DPPPMSI project, the SEA process will be optimised for the preparation, processing of employment statistics and the newly developed open data management process;•Improved existing NVA e-services for entrepreneurs and residents (including jobseekers). Kõige olulisem teenus kodanikele on tööturu prognoosid, mida täiendatakse märkimisväärselt (mitte ainult lühikeses perspektiivis, vaid ka keskpikas ja pikas perspektiivis), tööotsijatel on võimalus viia e-teenuse vabad töökohad täpsemalt vastavusse oma CVdega (kasutades teavet isiku oskuste kohta).•Tööandjatel ja koolitusteenuse osutajatel on võimalus esitada aruandeid sotsiaal-majandusliku analüüsi pakutavate teenuste kohta elektrooniliselt NVA portaalis ning saada tasu NVA pakutavate teenuste eest portaali kaudu. DPPPMSI projekti raames täiustatakse juba olemasolevat infosüsteemi BURVIS ja tagatakse seos ressursside haldamise süsteemiga „Horisont“. (Estonian)
    17 August 2022
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    A „munkaerő-kínálati és kereslet-előrejelzési és nyomon követési rendszer létrehozása” (a továbbiakban: DPPPMSI) projekt célja, hogy a polgárok, a gazdasági szereplők számára kényelmes, modern és funkcionális közszolgáltatásokat biztosítson, az információs és kommunikációs technológiák által nyújtott lehetőségek felhasználásával javítsa az Állami Foglalkoztatási Hivatal (a továbbiakban: NVA) működési hatékonyságát, és megteremtse az NVA által tárolt információk felhasználásának előfeltételeit más közszektorbeli intézmények, valamint a vállalkozók és a polgárok számára egyaránt.A fenti célok elérése érdekében a munkaügyi és kommunikációs technológiáknak a közszolgáltató általi előkészítése; and to create the conditions for the use of the information held by the NVA.For both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the expedient performance of the National Employment Agency (hereinafter referred to as ‘NVA’), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information at the disposal of the NVA in terms of both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the labour and labour services with the public service provider (hereinafter referred to as NVA), through the use of information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in terms of both the operation of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the pre-mentioned objectives for the DPPPMSI, the management of labour and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information available to the NVA for both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of labour and labour services with the public sector (hereinafter referred to as NVA), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information held by the SEA for both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.To achieve the objectives of the DPPPMSI, the management of the labour and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the former (hereinafter referred to as ‘NVA’), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the above mentioned objectives, by the DPPPMSI, by using the possibilities offered by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information at the disposal of the IVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the labour force with the labour market and the public, through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create Within the framework of the DPPPMSI project, the SEA process will be optimised for the preparation, processing of employment statistics and the newly developed open data management process;•Improved existing NVA e-services for entrepreneurs and residents (including jobseekers). A polgárok számára a legfontosabb szolgáltatás a munkaerő-piaci előrejelzések, amelyeket jelentősen kiegészítenek (nem csak rövid távon, hanem közép- és hosszú távon is), az álláskeresőknek lehetőségük lesz arra, hogy az e-szolgáltatásban megüresedett álláshelyeket pontosabban összevegyék önéletrajzukkal (az egyén készségeire vonatkozó információk felhasználásával).•A munkáltatóknak, a képzési szolgáltatóknak lehetőségük lesz arra, hogy elektronikus úton jelentéseket nyújtsanak be az SKV által nyújtott szolgáltatásokról az NVA portálon, valamint hogy az NVA által nyújtott szolgáltatásokért a portálon keresztül fizessenek. A DPPPMSI projekt keretében javulni fog a már meglévő BURVIS információs rendszer, és biztosított lesz a Horizont erőforrás-gazdálkodási rendszerrel való kapcsolat. (Hungarian)
    17 August 2022
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    „Създаване на система за прогнозиране и мониторинг на предлагането и търсенето на работна ръка„(наричана по-долу „ДПППЧСИ“) има за цел да предостави на гражданите и икономическите оператори удобни, модерни и функционални обществени услуги, да подобри оперативната ефективност на Държавната агенция по заетостта (наричана по-долу „ДАЗ“) чрез използване на възможностите, предоставяни от информационните и комуникационните технологии, и да създаде предпоставки за използване на информацията, с която разполага НВА, както в дейността на други институции от публичния сектор, така и за предприемачи и граждани. За постигане на горепосочените цели, изготвяне на трудови и комуникационни технологии от страна на доставчика на обществени услуги; and to create the conditions for the use of the information held by the NVA.For both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the expedient performance of the National Employment Agency (hereinafter referred to as ‘NVA’), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information at the disposal of the NVA in terms of both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the labour and labour services with the public service provider (hereinafter referred to as NVA), through the use of information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in terms of both the operation of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the pre-mentioned objectives for the DPPPMSI, the management of labour and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information available to the NVA for both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of labour and labour services with the public sector (hereinafter referred to as NVA), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information held by the SEA for both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.To achieve the objectives of the DPPPMSI, the management of the labour and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the former (hereinafter referred to as ‘NVA’), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the above mentioned objectives, by the DPPPMSI, by using the possibilities offered by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information at the disposal of the IVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the labour force with the labour market and the public, through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create Within the framework of the DPPPMSI project, the SEA process will be optimised for the preparation, processing of employment statistics and the newly developed open data management process;•Improved existing NVA e-services for entrepreneurs and residents (including jobseekers). Най-важната услуга за гражданите ще бъдат прогнозите за пазара на труда, които ще бъдат значително допълнени (не само в краткосрочен план, но и в средносрочен и дългосрочен план), търсещите работа ще имат възможност да съпоставят свободните работни места в електронната услуга по-точно със своите автобиографии (използвайки информация за индивидуалните умения).• Работодателите, доставчиците на услуги за обучение ще имат възможност да подават доклади за предоставяните от СЕО услуги по електронен път на портала NVA, както и да получават заплащане за услугите, предоставяни от НВА чрез портала. В рамките на проекта DPPPMSI вече съществуващата информационна система BURVIS ще бъде подобрена и ще бъде осигурена връзката със системата за управление на ресурсите „Хоризонт“. (Bulgarian)
    17 August 2022
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    „Darbo jėgos pasiūlos ir paklausos prognozavimo ir stebėsenos sistemos“ (toliau – DPPPMSI) sukūrimo tikslas – suteikti piliečiams, ūkio subjektams patogias, modernias ir funkcionalias viešąsias paslaugas, gerinti Valstybinės užimtumo agentūros (toliau – NVA) veiklos efektyvumą naudojantis informacinių ir ryšių technologijų teikiamomis galimybėmis ir sudaryti prielaidas, kad NVA turima informacija būtų naudojama tiek kitų viešojo sektoriaus institucijų veikloje, tiek verslininkams ir piliečiams.Siekiant pirmiau nurodytų tikslų, viešųjų paslaugų teikėjo darbo ir ryšių technologijų rengimas; and to create the conditions for the use of the information held by the NVA.For both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the expedient performance of the National Employment Agency (hereinafter referred to as ‘NVA’), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information at the disposal of the NVA in terms of both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the labour and labour services with the public service provider (hereinafter referred to as NVA), through the use of information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in terms of both the operation of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the pre-mentioned objectives for the DPPPMSI, the management of labour and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information available to the NVA for both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of labour and labour services with the public sector (hereinafter referred to as NVA), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information held by the SEA for both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.To achieve the objectives of the DPPPMSI, the management of the labour and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the former (hereinafter referred to as ‘NVA’), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the above mentioned objectives, by the DPPPMSI, by using the possibilities offered by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information at the disposal of the IVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the labour force with the labour market and the public, through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create Within the framework of the DPPPMSI project, the SEA process will be optimised for the preparation, processing of employment statistics and the newly developed open data management process;•Improved existing NVA e-services for entrepreneurs and residents (including jobseekers). Svarbiausia paslauga piliečiams bus darbo rinkos prognozės, kurios bus gerokai papildytos (ne tik trumpuoju laikotarpiu, bet ir vidutinės trukmės bei ilguoju laikotarpiu), darbo ieškantys asmenys turės galimybę tiksliau suderinti laisvas darbo vietas e. tarnyboje su savo gyvenimo aprašymais (naudojant informaciją apie asmens įgūdžius).•Darbdaviai, mokymo paslaugų teikėjai turės galimybę NVA portale elektroniniu būdu pateikti ataskaitas apie SPAV teikiamas paslaugas, taip pat gauti apmokėjimą už NVA teikiamas paslaugas per portalą. Įgyvendinant DPPPMSI projektą, bus patobulinta jau esama informacinė sistema BURVIS ir užtikrinta sąsaja su išteklių valdymo sistema „Horizontas“. (Lithuanian)
    17 August 2022
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    Projekt „uspostava sustava predviđanja ponude i potražnje radne snage” (dalje u tekstu: DPPPMSI) ima za cilj pružiti građanima, gospodarskim subjektima prikladne, moderne i funkcionalne javne usluge, poboljšati operativnu učinkovitost Državne agencije za zapošljavanje (dalje u tekstu: NVA) korištenjem mogućnosti koje pružaju informacijske i komunikacijske tehnologije te stvoriti preduvjete za korištenje informacija koje posjeduje NVA u aktivnostima drugih institucija javnog sektora te za poduzetnike i građane.Kako bi se postigli gore navedeni ciljevi, priprema radnih i komunikacijskih tehnologija od strane pružatelja javnih usluga; and to create the conditions for the use of the information held by the NVA.For both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the expedient performance of the National Employment Agency (hereinafter referred to as ‘NVA’), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information at the disposal of the NVA in terms of both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the labour and labour services with the public service provider (hereinafter referred to as NVA), through the use of information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in terms of both the operation of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the pre-mentioned objectives for the DPPPMSI, the management of labour and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information available to the NVA for both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of labour and labour services with the public sector (hereinafter referred to as NVA), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information held by the SEA for both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.To achieve the objectives of the DPPPMSI, the management of the labour and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the former (hereinafter referred to as ‘NVA’), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the above mentioned objectives, by the DPPPMSI, by using the possibilities offered by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information at the disposal of the IVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the labour force with the labour market and the public, through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create Within the framework of the DPPPMSI project, the SEA process will be optimised for the preparation, processing of employment statistics and the newly developed open data management process;•Improved existing NVA e-services for entrepreneurs and residents (including jobseekers). Najvažnija usluga za građane bit će predviđanja na tržištu rada, koja će se znatno dopuniti (ne samo kratkoročno, već i srednjoročno i dugoročno), a tražitelji zaposlenja imat će priliku preciznije usporediti slobodna radna mjesta u e-usluzi sa svojim životopisima (pomoću informacija o vještinama pojedinca).• Poslodavci, pružatelji usluga osposobljavanja imat će priliku elektronički podnijeti izvješća o uslugama koje pruža SEA na portalu NVA, kao i primiti plaćanje za usluge koje pruža NVA putem portala. U okviru projekta DPPPMSI poboljšat će se postojeći informacijski sustav BURVIS i osigurati veza sa sustavom upravljanja resursima Obzor. (Croatian)
    17 August 2022
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    ”Inrättande av ett system för prognostisering och övervakning av utbud och efterfrågan på arbetskraft” (nedan kallat DPPPMSI) syftar till att ge medborgare och ekonomiska aktörer praktiska, moderna och funktionella offentliga tjänster, att förbättra den operativa effektiviteten hos den statliga arbetsförmedlingen genom att utnyttja de möjligheter som informations- och kommunikationstekniken erbjuder och att skapa förutsättningar för att NVA:s information ska kunna användas både i andra offentliga institutioners verksamhet och för företagare och medborgare.För att uppnå ovannämnda mål ska tillhandahållaren av offentliga tjänster utarbeta arbets- och kommunikationsteknik. and to create the conditions for the use of the information held by the NVA.For both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the expedient performance of the National Employment Agency (hereinafter referred to as ‘NVA’), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information at the disposal of the NVA in terms of both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the labour and labour services with the public service provider (hereinafter referred to as NVA), through the use of information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in terms of both the operation of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the pre-mentioned objectives for the DPPPMSI, the management of labour and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information available to the NVA for both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of labour and labour services with the public sector (hereinafter referred to as NVA), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information held by the SEA for both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.To achieve the objectives of the DPPPMSI, the management of the labour and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the former (hereinafter referred to as ‘NVA’), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the above mentioned objectives, by the DPPPMSI, by using the possibilities offered by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information at the disposal of the IVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the labour force with the labour market and the public, through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create Within the framework of the DPPPMSI project, the SEA process will be optimised for the preparation, processing of employment statistics and the newly developed open data management process;•Improved existing NVA e-services for entrepreneurs and residents (including jobseekers). Den viktigaste tjänsten för medborgarna kommer att vara arbetsmarknadsprognoser, som kommer att kompletteras avsevärt (inte bara på kort sikt, utan även på medellång och lång sikt) och arbetssökande kommer att få möjlighet att mer exakt matcha lediga platser i e-tjänsten med sina meritförteckningar (med hjälp av information om den enskildes kompetens).•Arbetsgivare och utbildningsanordnare kommer att ha möjlighet att lämna in rapporter om de tjänster som tillhandahålls av SEA elektroniskt på NVA-portalen och att få ersättning för de tjänster som NVA tillhandahåller via portalen. Inom ramen för DPPPMSI-projektet kommer det redan befintliga informationssystemet BURVIS att förbättras och kopplingen till resurshanteringssystemet Horisont kommer att säkerställas. (Swedish)
    17 August 2022
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    Proiectul „Instituirea unui sistem de previzionare și monitorizare a cererii și ofertei de forță de muncă” (denumit în continuare „DPPPMSI”) are ca scop să ofere cetățenilor, operatorilor economici servicii publice convenabile, moderne și funcționale, să îmbunătățească eficiența operațională a Agenției de Stat pentru Ocuparea Forței de Muncă (denumită în continuare „VAN”) prin utilizarea oportunităților oferite de tehnologiile informației și comunicațiilor și să creeze condițiile prealabile pentru utilizarea informațiilor deținute de ANV atât în activitățile altor instituții din sectorul public, cât și pentru antreprenori și cetățeni.Pentru atingerea obiectivelor menționate mai sus, pregătirea tehnologiilor de muncă și comunicare de către furnizorul de servicii publice; and to create the conditions for the use of the information held by the NVA.For both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the expedient performance of the National Employment Agency (hereinafter referred to as ‘NVA’), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information at the disposal of the NVA in terms of both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the labour and labour services with the public service provider (hereinafter referred to as NVA), through the use of information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in terms of both the operation of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the pre-mentioned objectives for the DPPPMSI, the management of labour and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information available to the NVA for both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of labour and labour services with the public sector (hereinafter referred to as NVA), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information held by the SEA for both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.To achieve the objectives of the DPPPMSI, the management of the labour and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the former (hereinafter referred to as ‘NVA’), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the above mentioned objectives, by the DPPPMSI, by using the possibilities offered by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information at the disposal of the IVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the labour force with the labour market and the public, through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create Within the framework of the DPPPMSI project, the SEA process will be optimised for the preparation, processing of employment statistics and the newly developed open data management process;•Improved existing NVA e-services for entrepreneurs and residents (including jobseekers). Cel mai important serviciu pentru cetățeni va fi previziunile privind piața forței de muncă, care vor fi completate în mod semnificativ (nu numai pe termen scurt, ci și pe termen mediu și lung), persoanele aflate în căutarea unui loc de muncă vor avea posibilitatea de a corela mai precis posturile vacante din cadrul serviciului electronic cu CV-urile lor (folosind informații despre competențele persoanei).• Angajatorii, furnizorii de servicii de formare vor avea posibilitatea de a prezenta rapoarte privind serviciile furnizate de SEA pe cale electronică pe portalul NVA, precum și de a primi plăți pentru serviciile furnizate de VAN prin intermediul portalului. În cadrul proiectului DPPPMSI, sistemul de informații BURVIS deja existent va fi îmbunătățit și se va asigura legătura cu sistemul de gestionare a resurselor Orizont. (Romanian)
    17 August 2022
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    Cilj projekta „vzpostavitev sistema za napovedovanje in spremljanje ponudbe delovne sile in povpraševanja“ (v nadaljnjem besedilu: DPPPMSI) je državljanom in gospodarskim subjektom zagotoviti priročne, sodobne in funkcionalne javne storitve, izboljšati operativno učinkovitost Državnega zavoda za zaposlovanje (v nadaljnjem besedilu: NVA) z uporabo možnosti, ki jih ponujajo informacijske in komunikacijske tehnologije, ter ustvariti predpogoje za uporabo informacij, ki jih ima NVA tako v dejavnostih drugih institucij javnega sektorja kot tudi za podjetnike in državljane.Za doseganje zgoraj navedenih ciljev, pripravo delovne in komunikacijske tehnologije s strani ponudnika javnih storitev; and to create the conditions for the use of the information held by the NVA.For both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the expedient performance of the National Employment Agency (hereinafter referred to as ‘NVA’), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information at the disposal of the NVA in terms of both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the labour and labour services with the public service provider (hereinafter referred to as NVA), through the use of information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in terms of both the operation of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the pre-mentioned objectives for the DPPPMSI, the management of labour and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information available to the NVA for both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of labour and labour services with the public sector (hereinafter referred to as NVA), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information held by the SEA for both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.To achieve the objectives of the DPPPMSI, the management of the labour and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the former (hereinafter referred to as ‘NVA’), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the above mentioned objectives, by the DPPPMSI, by using the possibilities offered by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information at the disposal of the IVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the labour force with the labour market and the public, through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create Within the framework of the DPPPMSI project, the SEA process will be optimised for the preparation, processing of employment statistics and the newly developed open data management process;•Improved existing NVA e-services for entrepreneurs and residents (including jobseekers). Najpomembnejša storitev za državljane bodo napovedi trga dela, ki bodo znatno dopolnjene (ne le kratkoročno, ampak tudi srednjeročno in dolgoročno), iskalci zaposlitve pa bodo imeli možnost, da natančneje uskladijo prosta delovna mesta v e-storitvi s svojimi življenjepisi (z uporabo informacij o posameznikovih spretnostih).•Ponudniki storitev usposabljanja bodo imeli možnost, da na portalu NVA elektronsko predložijo poročila o storitvah, ki jih zagotavlja SEA, in da prek portala prejmejo plačilo za storitve, ki jih zagotavlja NVA. V okviru projekta DPPPMSI bo izboljšan že obstoječi informacijski sistem BURVIS in zagotovljena bo povezava s sistemom upravljanja virov Horizon. (Slovenian)
    17 August 2022
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    „Utworzenie systemu prognozowania i monitorowania podaży pracy i popytu” (zwanego dalej DPPPMSI) ma na celu zapewnienie obywatelom, podmiotom gospodarczym wygodnych, nowoczesnych i funkcjonalnych usług publicznych, poprawę efektywności operacyjnej Państwowej Agencji Zatrudnienia (zwanej dalej „NVA”) poprzez wykorzystanie możliwości oferowanych przez technologie informacyjno-komunikacyjne oraz stworzenie warunków wstępnych wykorzystania informacji będących w posiadaniu NVA zarówno w działalności innych instytucji sektora publicznego, jak i dla przedsiębiorców i obywateli.Aby osiągnąć powyższe cele, przygotowanie przez dostawcę usług publicznych technologii pracy i technologii komunikacyjnych; and to create the conditions for the use of the information held by the NVA.For both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the expedient performance of the National Employment Agency (hereinafter referred to as ‘NVA’), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information at the disposal of the NVA in terms of both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the labour and labour services with the public service provider (hereinafter referred to as NVA), through the use of information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in terms of both the operation of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the pre-mentioned objectives for the DPPPMSI, the management of labour and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information available to the NVA for both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of labour and labour services with the public sector (hereinafter referred to as NVA), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information held by the SEA for both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.To achieve the objectives of the DPPPMSI, the management of the labour and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the former (hereinafter referred to as ‘NVA’), through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create the preconditions for the use of the information held by the NVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the above mentioned objectives, by the DPPPMSI, by using the possibilities offered by information and communication technologies, and to create the conditions for the use of the information at the disposal of the IVA in both the activities of other public sector institutions and for entrepreneurs and citizens.Preparation of the labour force with the labour market and the public, through the use of information and communication technologies provided by information and communication technologies, and to create Within the framework of the DPPPMSI project, the SEA process will be optimised for the preparation, processing of employment statistics and the newly developed open data management process;•Improved existing NVA e-services for entrepreneurs and residents (including jobseekers). Najważniejszą usługą dla obywateli będą prognozy rynku pracy, które zostaną znacząco uzupełnione (nie tylko w perspektywie krótkoterminowej, ale również w perspektywie średnio- i długoterminowej), osoby poszukujące pracy będą miały możliwość dokładniejszego dopasowania wolnych miejsc pracy w e-usługi do swoich życiorysów (z wykorzystaniem informacji o umiejętnościach danej osoby).•Pracodawcy, dostawcy usług szkoleniowych będą mieli możliwość składania na portalu NVA raportów z usług świadczonych przez SEA drogą elektroniczną na portalu NVA, a także otrzymywania płatności za usługi świadczone przez NVA za pośrednictwem portalu. W ramach projektu DPPPMSI już istniejący system informacyjny BURVIS zostanie ulepszony i zapewnione zostanie połączenie z systemem zarządzania zasobami „Horyzont”. (Polish)
    17 August 2022
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    Visa Latvija
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