Partnership project of Associations of Construction Materials Production and Associated Industries (Q3056613)

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Project Q3056613 in Latvia
Language Label Description Also known as
Partnership project of Associations of Construction Materials Production and Associated Industries
Project Q3056613 in Latvia


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    884,523.45 Euro
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    1,382,795.5 Euro
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    63.97 percent
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    1 June 2016
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    31 December 2019
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    Latvijas Logu un durvju ražotāju asociācija
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    56°54'41.11"N, 24°8'39.98"E
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    Latvijas Logu un durvju ražotāju asociācija (LLDRA) projektu realizēs sadarbībā ar Latvijas Būvmateriālu ražotāju asociāciju, nodrošinot projekta pieejamību visā Latvijā. Projekta mērķis ir komersantiem nodrošināt atbalstu nodarbināto prasmju pilnveidošanai, sekmējot tehnoloģisko inovāciju ieviešanu un darbaspēka produktivitātes paaugstināšanu. Nemetālisko minerālu ražošanas nozarē uzņēmumi ievieš jaunas iekārtas un tehnoloģijas, kā rezultātā ir iespējas nesamazināt darbavietu skaitu, bet uzņēmumos palielināt saražotās produkcijas apjomu uz vienu darbinieku, padarot viņa darbu produktīvāku.Projekta iesniedzējs sagatavojis un iesniedz projektu nozarē „1.6. nemetālisko minerālu ražošana”.Vairāk kā 50% projekta iesniedzēja biedru pārstāv nozari „nemetālisko minerālu ražošana” un biedru kopējais apgrozījums pārsniedz 690 milj.EUR.Atbilstoši MK noteikumos noteiktajām atbalstāmajām darbībām mērķa sasniegšanai plānotie risinājumi ir atbalsta sniegšana nodarbināto prasmju pilnveidošanai, organizējot atbalstāmo nozaru komersantiem atbilstošus un mērķa sasniegšanai nepieciešamus apmācību kursus nodarbinātām personām, kā arī no Biedrības puses nodrošinot atbilstošu projekta administrēšanas procesu.Projekta īstenošanas rezultāts ir MK noteikumos noteikto atbalstāmo apmācību jomu ietvaros veiktās nodarbināto personu apmācības, kas sekmē atbalstāmo nozaru komersantu tehnoloģisko inovāciju ieviešanu un inovatīvu komersantu skaita palielināšanos, darbaspēka produktivitātes paaugstināšanu, atbalstu P&A darbībām - jaunu nišu, metožu, produktu un tehnoloģiju identificēšanu, kā arī jaunu vai uzlabotu produktu un tehnoloģiju izstrādi un ieviešanu ražošanā.Projektā plānots iesaistīt 83 komersantus un apmācības nodrošināt 1517 nodarbinātām personām.Projekta kopējās attiecināmās izmaksas sastāda 1 689 830 EUR, ERAF atbalsta apjoms 893 241 EUR.Projektu plānots uzsākt līdz ar projekta pieteikuma iesniegšanu CFLA un īstenot līdz 2019.gada 31.decembrim. (Latvian)
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    The Latvian Association of Window and Door Manufacturers (LLDRA) will implement the project in cooperation with the Latvian Association of Building Material Manufacturers, ensuring the project’s accessibility throughout Latvia. The aim of the project is to provide support to merchants for the improvement of employees’ skills, promoting the introduction of technological innovations and increasing labour productivity. In the non-metallic mineral manufacturing industry, companies are introducing new equipment and technologies, which have the potential not to reduce the number of jobs, but in enterprises to increase the output per employee, making their work more productive.The project applicant has prepared and submitted a project in the field “1.6. Non-metallic Mineral Manufacturing”.More as the productivity of the non-metallic minerals in manufacturing.More as 50 % of the project’s employees‘employees’ employees‘employees’ employee’s employee performance is also the product-manufactured innovation sector “non-metall mineral production” and the total turnover of members exceeds 690 millionEUR.Compatable for the training of the MK, and the positive employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s implementation is also supported by the employee’s employee’s objective to achieve the goals.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of its members.The project promotes the total cost of the employees, as well as the motives for the employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s implementation, as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the employees as well.Compatable for the MK’s training for the supported activities of the project within the scope of the employee’s employee’s target to achieve the goal of achieving the goals of the employee.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees in terms of providing training for the supported activities of the Manufactured Persons as well as the employee’s employee’s objective to achieve the goal of achieving the right number of employees.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the employees as well.Compatible to the MK’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s achievement as well as the employee’s employee’s development as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees as well.Compatible to the motives of the MK’s employee’s employee’s implementation, and to the employee’s employee’s employee’s development as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees.Compatable for the MK’s employee’s employee’s implementation, and the employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s benefits as well as the total turnover of members of the employees.Compatable for the MK’s employee’s training as well as the employee’s employee’s employee’s target to achieve the objective of achieving the goals of the Worker.The project promotes the development of the employee in the field of EUR, and the total turnover of members exceeds 690 million.EUR.Compatable for the Curables of the Manufactured by the Manufactured by the Workplace of the Prosufactured by the Workout of the Prosufactured by the Pro-Osufactor, the Promote of the Promployer and the Producer’s Enhancement of Enhanced Product-Projects and Pro-Project’s Enhancement of New Product Performance and Producating the Promanding of New-Projects and Producer’s Enhancement of a New Product, and the Project Producer’s Enhancedance to New Product Production.Project Producer’s Comprehenstant to Promote a ERDF support amount of EUR 893241.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2019. (English)
    15 July 2021
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    L’Association lettone des fabricants de fenêtres et de portes (LLDRA) mettra en œuvre le projet en coopération avec l’Association lettone des fabricants de matériaux de construction, en veillant à ce que le projet soit disponible dans toute la Lettonie. L’objectif du projet est d’aider les commerçants à améliorer les compétences des employés, à promouvoir l’introduction d’innovations technologiques et à accroître la productivité de la main-d’œuvre. Dans le domaine de la production de minéraux non métalliques, les entreprises mettent en place de nouveaux équipements et technologies, ce qui permet de ne pas réduire le nombre d’emplois, mais d’augmenter le volume de production par salarié, ce qui rend son travail plus productif. Le demandeur a préparé et présenté un projet dans le secteur «1.6 Production minérale non métallique». Plus de 50 % des membres du projet représentent l’industrie «production minérale non métallique» et le chiffre d’affaires total des membres dépasse 690 millions d’euros.Conformément aux activités soutenues spécifiées dans le règlement du Cabinet, les solutions envisagées sont de soutenir l’amélioration des compétences des salariés, en organisant des cours de formation à l’intention des salariés adaptés aux commerçants des secteurs soutenus et nécessaires à la réalisation de l’objectif, ainsi que d’assurer un processus approprié d’administration des projets du côté de l’Association. Le résultat de la mise en œuvre du projet est la formation des salariés dans le cadre des domaines de formation soutenus spécifiés dans le règlement du Cabinet, ce qui contribue à l’introduction d’innovations technologiques des commerçants des secteurs soutenus et à l’augmentation du nombre de commerçants innovants, augmentation de la productivité du travail, soutien aux activités P&A — une nouvelle niche, identification des méthodes, des produits et des technologies, ainsi que développement et mise en œuvre de produits et technologies nouveaux ou améliorés dans la production. Il est prévu d’associer 83 opérateurs économiques et d’offrir une formation à 1517 personnes occupées. Le coût total éligible du projet s’élève à 1 689 830 EUR, dont: Le montant de l’aide du FEDER s’élève à 893 241 EUR. Le projet devrait commencer par la soumission de la demande de projet à l’ACCP et la mettre en œuvre d’ici le 31 décembre 2019. (French)
    25 November 2021
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    Der lettische Verband der Fenster- und Türhersteller (LLDRA) wird das Projekt in Zusammenarbeit mit dem lettischen Verband der Baustoffhersteller umsetzen, um sicherzustellen, dass das Projekt in ganz Lettland verfügbar ist. Ziel des Projekts ist es, Händler bei der Verbesserung der Kompetenzen der Mitarbeiter zu unterstützen, die Einführung technologischer Innovationen zu fördern und die Produktivität der Arbeitskräfte zu steigern. Im Bereich der nichtmetallischen Mineralproduktion führen die Unternehmen neue Anlagen und Technologien ein, wodurch es nicht möglich ist, die Zahl der Arbeitsplätze zu reduzieren, sondern das Produktionsvolumen pro Mitarbeiter zu erhöhen und seine Arbeit produktiver zu machen. Der Projektantragsteller hat ein Projekt im Bereich „1.6 Nichtmetallische Mineralproduktion“ vorbereitet und eingereicht. Mehr als 50 % der Projektantragsteller vertreten die Industrie „nichtmetallische Mineralproduktion“ und der Gesamtumsatz der Mitglieder übersteigt 690 Mio. EUR. Gemäß den in der Kabinettsverordnung genannten geförderten Tätigkeiten das Ergebnis der Projektdurchführung ist die Ausbildung von Beschäftigten im Rahmen der in der Kabinettsverordnung genannten geförderten Ausbildungsbereiche, die zur Einführung technologischer Innovationen von Händlern der geförderten Sektoren und zur Erhöhung der Zahl innovativer Händler beitragen. Steigerung der Arbeitsproduktivität, Unterstützung von P&A-Tätigkeiten – eine neue Nische, Ermittlung von Methoden, Produkten und Technologien sowie Entwicklung und Umsetzung neuer oder verbesserter Produkte und Technologien in der Produktion. Es ist geplant, 83 Wirtschaftsteilnehmer einzubeziehen und 1517 Beschäftigte zu qualifizieren. Die förderfähigen Gesamtkosten des Projekts betragen 1 689 830 EUR. Die EFRE-Unterstützung beläuft sich auf 893 241 EUR.Das Projekt soll mit der Einreichung des Projektantrags bei der CFCA beginnen und bis zum 31. Dezember 2019 durchführen. (German)
    28 November 2021
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    De Letse vereniging van raam- en deurfabrikanten (LLDRA) zal het project uitvoeren in samenwerking met de Letse vereniging van bouwmaterialenproducenten, zodat het project in heel Letland beschikbaar is. Het doel van het project is handelaren te ondersteunen bij de verbetering van de vaardigheden van werknemers, de invoering van technologische innovaties te bevorderen en de productiviteit van de werknemers te verhogen. Op het gebied van de productie van niet-metaalhoudende mineralen introduceren de bedrijven nieuwe apparatuur en technologieën, waardoor er mogelijkheden zijn om het aantal banen niet te verminderen, maar om het productievolume per werknemer te verhogen, waardoor zijn werk productiever wordt. De aanvrager van het project heeft een project voorbereid en ingediend in de sector „1.6 niet-metaalhoudende minerale productie”. Meer dan 50 % van de aanvragende leden vertegenwoordigen de industrie „niet-metaalhoudende minerale productie” en de totale omzet van de leden bedraagt meer dan 690 miljoen EUR.In overeenstemming met de ondersteunde activiteiten die in de kabinetsverordening worden gespecificeerd, de geplande oplossingen moeten ondersteuning bieden voor de verbetering van de vaardigheden van werknemers, door opleidingscursussen te organiseren voor werknemers die geschikt zijn voor handelaren in de ondersteunde sectoren en die nodig zijn om het doel te bereiken, en door te zorgen voor een passend projectbeheerproces van de zijde van de vereniging. Het resultaat van de projectuitvoering is de opleiding van werknemers binnen het toepassingsgebied van de ondersteunde opleidingsgebieden die zijn gespecificeerd in de kabinetsverordening, wat bijdraagt tot de invoering van technologische innovaties van handelaren uit de ondersteunde sectoren en de toename van het aantal innovatieve handelaren, verhoging van de arbeidsproductiviteit, ondersteuning van P&A-activiteiten — een nieuwe niche, identificatie van methoden, producten en technologieën, alsmede ontwikkeling en implementatie van nieuwe of verbeterde producten en technologieën in de productie. Het is de bedoeling 83 marktdeelnemers te betrekken en 1517 werknemers opleiding te bieden. De totale subsidiabele kosten van het project bedragen 1 689 830 EUR, waarvan: Het bedrag van de EFRO-steun bedraagt 893 241 EUR. Het project zal naar verwachting beginnen met de indiening van de projectaanvraag bij het CFCA en uiterlijk op 31 december 2019 uitvoeren. (Dutch)
    28 November 2021
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    L'Associazione lettone dei produttori di finestre e porte (LLDRA) attuerà il progetto in collaborazione con l'Associazione lettone dei produttori di materiali da costruzione, garantendo la disponibilità del progetto in tutta la Lettonia. L'obiettivo del progetto è quello di fornire ai commercianti supporto per il miglioramento delle competenze dei dipendenti, promuovendo l'introduzione di innovazioni tecnologiche e aumentando la produttività della forza lavoro. Nel settore della produzione di minerali non metallici, le imprese introducono nuove attrezzature e tecnologie, grazie alle quali vi sono opportunità non di ridurre il numero di posti di lavoro, ma di aumentare il volume di produzione per dipendente, rendendo il suo lavoro più produttivo. Il richiedente ha preparato e presentato un progetto nel settore "1.6 Produzione di minerali non metallici". Più del 50 % dei membri del progetto che hanno presentato il progetto rappresentano l'industria "produzione di minerali non metallici" e il fatturato totale dei soci supera 690 milioni di EUR. In conformità con le attività sostenute specificate nel regolamento del gabinetto, le soluzioni previste sono quelle di fornire sostegno al miglioramento delle competenze dei dipendenti, organizzando corsi di formazione per i dipendenti adeguati ai commercianti dei settori sostenuti e necessari per raggiungere l'obiettivo, oltre a garantire un adeguato processo di gestione del progetto da parte dell'Associazione. Il risultato dell'attuazione del progetto è la formazione dei dipendenti nell'ambito delle aree di formazione sostenute specificate nel regolamento del Gabinetto, che contribuisce all'introduzione di innovazioni tecnologiche dei commercianti dei settori sostenuti e all'aumento del numero di commercianti innovativi, aumento della produttività del lavoro, sostegno alle attività di P&A — una nuova nicchia, identificazione di metodi, prodotti e tecnologie, nonché sviluppo e attuazione di prodotti e tecnologie nuovi o migliorati nella produzione. Si prevede di coinvolgere 83 operatori economici e fornire formazione a 1517 persone occupate. Il costo totale ammissibile del progetto è di 1 689 830 EUR, di cui: L'importo del sostegno FESR ammonta a 893 241 EUR. Il progetto dovrebbe iniziare con la presentazione della domanda di progetto all'FCCA e attuarla entro il 31 dicembre 2019. (Italian)
    11 January 2022
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    La Asociación letona de fabricantes de ventanas y puertas (LLDRA) ejecutará el proyecto en cooperación con la Asociación letona de productores de materiales de construcción, garantizando la disponibilidad del proyecto en toda Letonia. El objetivo del proyecto es proporcionar apoyo a los comerciantes para mejorar las competencias de los empleados, promover la introducción de innovaciones tecnológicas y aumentar la productividad de la mano de obra. En el ámbito de la producción de minerales no metálicos, las empresas introducen nuevos equipos y tecnologías, lo que permite no reducir el número de puestos de trabajo, sino aumentar el volumen de producción por empleado, haciendo que su trabajo sea más productivo. El solicitante del proyecto ha preparado y presentado un proyecto en el sector «1.6 Producción de minerales no metálicos». Más del 50 % de los miembros del proyecto representan a la industria «producción de minerales no metálicos» y el volumen de negocios total de los miembros supera los 690 millones de euros. De conformidad con las actividades apoyadas especificadas en el Reglamento del Consejo de Ministros, las soluciones previstas consisten en apoyar la mejora de las competencias de los empleados mediante la organización de cursos de formación adecuados para los comerciantes de los sectores subvencionados y necesarios para alcanzar el objetivo, así como garantizar un proceso adecuado de gestión del proyecto por parte de la Asociación. aumento de la productividad laboral, apoyo a las actividades P&A: un nuevo nicho, identificación de métodos, productos y tecnologías, así como desarrollo y aplicación de productos y tecnologías nuevos o mejorados en la producción. Se prevé la participación de 83 operadores económicos y la formación de 1517 personas empleadas. El coste total subvencionable del proyecto es de 1 689 830 EUR, de los cuales: El importe de la ayuda del FEDER asciende a 893 241 EUR. Se prevé que el proyecto comience con la presentación de la solicitud de proyecto a la ACCP y la ejecute a más tardar el 31 de diciembre de 2019. (Spanish)
    12 January 2022
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    Läti Akende- ja Uksetootjate Liit (LLDRA) viib projekti ellu koostöös Läti ehitusmaterjalide tootjate ühendusega, tagades projekti juurdepääsetavuse kogu Lätis. Projekti eesmärk on toetada kaubandusettevõtjaid töötajate oskuste parandamisel, tehnoloogiliste uuenduste juurutamisel ja tööviljakuse suurendamisel. Mittemetalsete mineraalide tootmise tööstuses võtavad ettevõtted kasutusele uusi seadmeid ja tehnoloogiaid, millel on potentsiaal mitte vähendada töökohtade arvu, vaid ettevõtetes suurendada toodangut töötaja kohta, muutes nende töö tootlikumaks.Projekti taotleja on koostanud ja esitanud projekti valdkonnas "1.6. Non-metallic Mineral Manufacturing”.More as the productivity of the non-metallic minerals in manufacturing.More as 50 % of the project’s employees‘employees’ employees‘employees’ employee’s employee performance is also the product-manufactured innovation sector “non-metall mineral production” and the total turnover of members exceeds 690 millionEUR.Compatable for the training of the MK, and the positive employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s implementation is also supported by the employee’s employee’s objective to achieve the goals.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of its members.The project promotes the total cost of the employees, as well as the motives for the employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s implementation, as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the employees as well.Compatable for the MK’s training for the supported activities of the project within the scope of the employee’s employee’s target to achieve the goal of achieving the goals of the employee.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees in terms of providing training for the supported activities of the Manufactured Persons as well as the employee’s employee’s objective to achieve the goal of achieving the right number of employees.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the employees as well.Compatible to the MK’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s achievement as well as the employee’s employee’s development as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees as well.Compatible to the motives of the MK’s employee’s employee’s implementation, and to the employee’s employee’s employee’s development as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees.Compatable for the MK’s employee’s employee’s implementation, and the employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s benefits as well as the total turnover of members of the employees.Compatable for the MK’s employee’s training as well as the employee’s employee’s employee’s target to achieve the objective of achieving the goals of the Worker.The project promotes the development of the employee in the field of EUR, and the total turnover of members exceeds 690 million.EUR.Compatable for the Curables of the Manufactured by the Manufactured by the Workplace of the Prosufactured by the Workout of the Prosufactured by the Pro-Osufactor, the Promote of the Promployer and the Producer’s Enhancement of Enhanced Product-Projects and Pro-Project’s Enhancement of New Product Performance and Producating the Promanding of New-Projects and Producer’s Enhancement of a New Product, and the Project Producer’s Enhancedance to New Product Production.Project Producer’s Comprehenstant to Promote a ERDF support amount of EUR 893241.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2019. (Estonian)
    3 August 2022
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    Latvijos langų ir durų gamintojų asociacija (LLDRA) įgyvendins projektą bendradarbiaudama su Latvijos statybinių medžiagų gamintojų asociacija, užtikrindama projekto prieinamumą visoje Latvijoje. Projekto tikslas – teikti paramą prekybininkams darbuotojų įgūdžių tobulinimui, technologinių inovacijų diegimo skatinimui ir darbo našumo didinimui. Nemetalinių mineralų gamybos pramonėje įmonės diegia naują įrangą ir technologijas, kurios gali ne sumažinti darbo vietų skaičių, o įmonėse didinti vieno darbuotojo našumą, todėl jų darbas yra produktyvesnis. Projekto pareiškėjas parengė ir pateikė projektą "1.6. Non-metallic Mineral Manufacturing”.More as the productivity of the non-metallic minerals in manufacturing.More as 50 % of the project’s employees‘employees’ employees‘employees’ employee’s employee performance is also the product-manufactured innovation sector “non-metall mineral production” and the total turnover of members exceeds 690 millionEUR.Compatable for the training of the MK, and the positive employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s implementation is also supported by the employee’s employee’s objective to achieve the goals.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of its members.The project promotes the total cost of the employees, as well as the motives for the employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s implementation, as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the employees as well.Compatable for the MK’s training for the supported activities of the project within the scope of the employee’s employee’s target to achieve the goal of achieving the goals of the employee.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees in terms of providing training for the supported activities of the Manufactured Persons as well as the employee’s employee’s objective to achieve the goal of achieving the right number of employees.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the employees as well.Compatible to the MK’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s achievement as well as the employee’s employee’s development as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees as well.Compatible to the motives of the MK’s employee’s employee’s implementation, and to the employee’s employee’s employee’s development as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees.Compatable for the MK’s employee’s employee’s implementation, and the employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s benefits as well as the total turnover of members of the employees.Compatable for the MK’s employee’s training as well as the employee’s employee’s employee’s target to achieve the objective of achieving the goals of the Worker.The project promotes the development of the employee in the field of EUR, and the total turnover of members exceeds 690 million.EUR.Compatable for the Curables of the Manufactured by the Manufactured by the Workplace of the Prosufactured by the Workout of the Prosufactured by the Pro-Osufactor, the Promote of the Promployer and the Producer’s Enhancement of Enhanced Product-Projects and Pro-Project’s Enhancement of New Product Performance and Producating the Promanding of New-Projects and Producer’s Enhancement of a New Product, and the Project Producer’s Enhancedance to New Product Production.Project Producer’s Comprehenstant to Promote a ERDF support amount of EUR 893241.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2019. (Lithuanian)
    3 August 2022
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    Latvijsko udruženje proizvođača prozora i vrata (LLDRA) provest će projekt u suradnji s Latvijskim udruženjem proizvođača građevinskih materijala, osiguravajući dostupnost projekta u cijeloj Latviji. Cilj projekta je pružiti potporu trgovcima za unapređenje vještina zaposlenika, promicanje uvođenja tehnoloških inovacija i povećanje produktivnosti rada. U nemetalnoj industriji minerala, tvrtke uvode novu opremu i tehnologije, koje imaju potencijal da ne smanje broj radnih mjesta, već u poduzećima da povećaju proizvodnju po zaposleniku, što njihov rad čini produktivnijim. Podnositelj zahtjeva za projekt pripremio je i podnio projekt u području "1.6. Non-metallic Mineral Manufacturing”.More as the productivity of the non-metallic minerals in manufacturing.More as 50 % of the project’s employees‘employees’ employees‘employees’ employee’s employee performance is also the product-manufactured innovation sector “non-metall mineral production” and the total turnover of members exceeds 690 millionEUR.Compatable for the training of the MK, and the positive employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s implementation is also supported by the employee’s employee’s objective to achieve the goals.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of its members.The project promotes the total cost of the employees, as well as the motives for the employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s implementation, as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the employees as well.Compatable for the MK’s training for the supported activities of the project within the scope of the employee’s employee’s target to achieve the goal of achieving the goals of the employee.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees in terms of providing training for the supported activities of the Manufactured Persons as well as the employee’s employee’s objective to achieve the goal of achieving the right number of employees.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the employees as well.Compatible to the MK’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s achievement as well as the employee’s employee’s development as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees as well.Compatible to the motives of the MK’s employee’s employee’s implementation, and to the employee’s employee’s employee’s development as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees.Compatable for the MK’s employee’s employee’s implementation, and the employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s benefits as well as the total turnover of members of the employees.Compatable for the MK’s employee’s training as well as the employee’s employee’s employee’s target to achieve the objective of achieving the goals of the Worker.The project promotes the development of the employee in the field of EUR, and the total turnover of members exceeds 690 million.EUR.Compatable for the Curables of the Manufactured by the Manufactured by the Workplace of the Prosufactured by the Workout of the Prosufactured by the Pro-Osufactor, the Promote of the Promployer and the Producer’s Enhancement of Enhanced Product-Projects and Pro-Project’s Enhancement of New Product Performance and Producating the Promanding of New-Projects and Producer’s Enhancement of a New Product, and the Project Producer’s Enhancedance to New Product Production.Project Producer’s Comprehenstant to Promote a ERDF support amount of EUR 893241.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2019. (Croatian)
    3 August 2022
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    Η Λετονική Ένωση Κατασκευαστών Παραθύρου και Πόρτας (LLDRA) θα υλοποιήσει το έργο σε συνεργασία με τη Λετονική Ένωση Κατασκευαστών Οικοδομικού Υλικού, διασφαλίζοντας την προσβασιμότητα του έργου σε ολόκληρη τη Λετονία. Στόχος του έργου είναι η παροχή στήριξης στους εμπόρους για τη βελτίωση των δεξιοτήτων των εργαζομένων, η προώθηση της εισαγωγής τεχνολογικών καινοτομιών και η αύξηση της παραγωγικότητας της εργασίας. Στη βιομηχανία μη μεταλλικών ορυκτών, οι εταιρείες εισάγουν νέο εξοπλισμό και τεχνολογίες, οι οποίες έχουν τη δυνατότητα να μην μειώσουν τον αριθμό των θέσεων εργασίας, αλλά σε επιχειρήσεις να αυξήσουν την παραγωγή ανά εργαζόμενο, καθιστώντας την εργασία τους πιο παραγωγική.Ο υποψήφιος για το έργο έχει προετοιμάσει και υποβάλει σχέδιο στον τομέα "1.6. Non-metallic Mineral Manufacturing”.More as the productivity of the non-metallic minerals in manufacturing.More as 50 % of the project’s employees‘employees’ employees‘employees’ employee’s employee performance is also the product-manufactured innovation sector “non-metall mineral production” and the total turnover of members exceeds 690 millionEUR.Compatable for the training of the MK, and the positive employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s implementation is also supported by the employee’s employee’s objective to achieve the goals.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of its members.The project promotes the total cost of the employees, as well as the motives for the employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s implementation, as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the employees as well.Compatable for the MK’s training for the supported activities of the project within the scope of the employee’s employee’s target to achieve the goal of achieving the goals of the employee.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees in terms of providing training for the supported activities of the Manufactured Persons as well as the employee’s employee’s objective to achieve the goal of achieving the right number of employees.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the employees as well.Compatible to the MK’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s achievement as well as the employee’s employee’s development as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees as well.Compatible to the motives of the MK’s employee’s employee’s implementation, and to the employee’s employee’s employee’s development as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees.Compatable for the MK’s employee’s employee’s implementation, and the employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s benefits as well as the total turnover of members of the employees.Compatable for the MK’s employee’s training as well as the employee’s employee’s employee’s target to achieve the objective of achieving the goals of the Worker.The project promotes the development of the employee in the field of EUR, and the total turnover of members exceeds 690 million.EUR.Compatable for the Curables of the Manufactured by the Manufactured by the Workplace of the Prosufactured by the Workout of the Prosufactured by the Pro-Osufactor, the Promote of the Promployer and the Producer’s Enhancement of Enhanced Product-Projects and Pro-Project’s Enhancement of New Product Performance and Producating the Promanding of New-Projects and Producer’s Enhancement of a New Product, and the Project Producer’s Enhancedance to New Product Production.Project Producer’s Comprehenstant to Promote a ERDF support amount of EUR 893241.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2019. (Greek)
    3 August 2022
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    Lotyšské združenie výrobcov okien a dverí (LLDRA) bude realizovať projekt v spolupráci s lotyšským združením výrobcov stavebných materiálov, čím zabezpečí dostupnosť projektu v celom Lotyšsku. Cieľom projektu je poskytnúť podporu obchodníkom pri zlepšovaní zručností zamestnancov, podporovať zavádzanie technologických inovácií a zvyšovať produktivitu práce. V nekovovej výrobe nerastov spoločnosti zavádzajú nové zariadenia a technológie, ktoré majú potenciál neznížiť počet pracovných miest, ale v podnikoch zvýšiť produkciu na zamestnanca, čím sa ich práca stane produktívnejšou.Žiadateľ projektu pripravil a predložil projekt v oblasti "1.6. Non-metallic Mineral Manufacturing”.More as the productivity of the non-metallic minerals in manufacturing.More as 50 % of the project’s employees‘employees’ employees‘employees’ employee’s employee performance is also the product-manufactured innovation sector “non-metall mineral production” and the total turnover of members exceeds 690 millionEUR.Compatable for the training of the MK, and the positive employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s implementation is also supported by the employee’s employee’s objective to achieve the goals.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of its members.The project promotes the total cost of the employees, as well as the motives for the employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s implementation, as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the employees as well.Compatable for the MK’s training for the supported activities of the project within the scope of the employee’s employee’s target to achieve the goal of achieving the goals of the employee.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees in terms of providing training for the supported activities of the Manufactured Persons as well as the employee’s employee’s objective to achieve the goal of achieving the right number of employees.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the employees as well.Compatible to the MK’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s achievement as well as the employee’s employee’s development as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees as well.Compatible to the motives of the MK’s employee’s employee’s implementation, and to the employee’s employee’s employee’s development as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees.Compatable for the MK’s employee’s employee’s implementation, and the employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s benefits as well as the total turnover of members of the employees.Compatable for the MK’s employee’s training as well as the employee’s employee’s employee’s target to achieve the objective of achieving the goals of the Worker.The project promotes the development of the employee in the field of EUR, and the total turnover of members exceeds 690 million.EUR.Compatable for the Curables of the Manufactured by the Manufactured by the Workplace of the Prosufactured by the Workout of the Prosufactured by the Pro-Osufactor, the Promote of the Promployer and the Producer’s Enhancement of Enhanced Product-Projects and Pro-Project’s Enhancement of New Product Performance and Producating the Promanding of New-Projects and Producer’s Enhancement of a New Product, and the Project Producer’s Enhancedance to New Product Production.Project Producer’s Comprehenstant to Promote a ERDF support amount of EUR 893241.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2019. (Slovak)
    3 August 2022
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    Latvian ikkuna- ja ovivalmistajien liitto (LLDRA) toteuttaa hankkeen yhteistyössä Latvian rakennusmateriaalivalmistajien liiton kanssa ja varmistaa hankkeen saavutettavuuden koko Latviassa. Hankkeen tavoitteena on tukea kauppiaita työntekijöiden taitojen parantamisessa, teknisten innovaatioiden käyttöönoton edistämisessä ja työn tuottavuuden lisäämisessä. Ei-metallisessa mineraaliteollisuudessa yritykset ottavat käyttöön uusia laitteita ja teknologioita, joilla ei pystytä vähentämään työpaikkojen määrää vaan lisäämään tuotantoa työntekijää kohti, mikä tekee työstään tuottavampaa. Hankkeen hakija on valmistellut ja esittänyt alan hankkeen ”1.6. Non-metallic Mineral Manufacturing”.More as the productivity of the non-metallic minerals in manufacturing.More as 50 % of the project’s employees‘employees’ employees‘employees’ employee’s employee performance is also the product-manufactured innovation sector “non-metall mineral production” and the total turnover of members exceeds 690 millionEUR.Compatable for the training of the MK, and the positive employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s implementation is also supported by the employee’s employee’s objective to achieve the goals.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of its members.The project promotes the total cost of the employees, as well as the motives for the employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s implementation, as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the employees as well.Compatable for the MK’s training for the supported activities of the project within the scope of the employee’s employee’s target to achieve the goal of achieving the goals of the employee.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees in terms of providing training for the supported activities of the Manufactured Persons as well as the employee’s employee’s objective to achieve the goal of achieving the right number of employees.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the employees as well.Compatible to the MK’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s achievement as well as the employee’s employee’s development as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees as well.Compatible to the motives of the MK’s employee’s employee’s implementation, and to the employee’s employee’s employee’s development as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees.Compatable for the MK’s employee’s employee’s implementation, and the employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s benefits as well as the total turnover of members of the employees.Compatable for the MK’s employee’s training as well as the employee’s employee’s employee’s target to achieve the objective of achieving the goals of the Worker.The project promotes the development of the employee in the field of EUR, and the total turnover of members exceeds 690 million.EUR.Compatable for the Curables of the Manufactured by the Manufactured by the Workplace of the Prosufactured by the Workout of the Prosufactured by the Pro-Osufactor, the Promote of the Promployer and the Producer’s Enhancement of Enhanced Product-Projects and Pro-Project’s Enhancement of New Product Performance and Producating the Promanding of New-Projects and Producer’s Enhancement of a New Product, and the Project Producer’s Enhancedance to New Product Production.Project Producer’s Comprehenstant to Promote a ERDF support amount of EUR 893241.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2019. (Finnish)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    Łotewskie Stowarzyszenie Producentów Okien i Drzwi (LLDRA) we współpracy z Łotewskim Stowarzyszeniem Producentów Materiałów Budowlanych (LLDRA) wdroży projekt, zapewniając dostępność projektu na całej Łotwie. Celem projektu jest zapewnienie wsparcia handlowcom w podnoszeniu umiejętności pracowników, promowaniu wprowadzania innowacji technologicznych i zwiększaniu wydajności pracy. W przemyśle produkcji minerałów niemetalicznych firmy wprowadzają nowe urządzenia i technologie, które mogą nie zmniejszać liczby miejsc pracy, ale w przedsiębiorstwach zwiększać wydajność na pracownika, czyniąc ich pracę bardziej wydajną. Wnioskodawca projektu przygotował i przedłożył projekt w zakresie "1.6. Non-metallic Mineral Manufacturing”.More as the productivity of the non-metallic minerals in manufacturing.More as 50 % of the project’s employees‘employees’ employees‘employees’ employee’s employee performance is also the product-manufactured innovation sector “non-metall mineral production” and the total turnover of members exceeds 690 millionEUR.Compatable for the training of the MK, and the positive employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s implementation is also supported by the employee’s employee’s objective to achieve the goals.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of its members.The project promotes the total cost of the employees, as well as the motives for the employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s implementation, as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the employees as well.Compatable for the MK’s training for the supported activities of the project within the scope of the employee’s employee’s target to achieve the goal of achieving the goals of the employee.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees in terms of providing training for the supported activities of the Manufactured Persons as well as the employee’s employee’s objective to achieve the goal of achieving the right number of employees.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the employees as well.Compatible to the MK’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s achievement as well as the employee’s employee’s development as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees as well.Compatible to the motives of the MK’s employee’s employee’s implementation, and to the employee’s employee’s employee’s development as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees.Compatable for the MK’s employee’s employee’s implementation, and the employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s benefits as well as the total turnover of members of the employees.Compatable for the MK’s employee’s training as well as the employee’s employee’s employee’s target to achieve the objective of achieving the goals of the Worker.The project promotes the development of the employee in the field of EUR, and the total turnover of members exceeds 690 million.EUR.Compatable for the Curables of the Manufactured by the Manufactured by the Workplace of the Prosufactured by the Workout of the Prosufactured by the Pro-Osufactor, the Promote of the Promployer and the Producer’s Enhancement of Enhanced Product-Projects and Pro-Project’s Enhancement of New Product Performance and Producating the Promanding of New-Projects and Producer’s Enhancement of a New Product, and the Project Producer’s Enhancedance to New Product Production.Project Producer’s Comprehenstant to Promote a ERDF support amount of EUR 893241.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2019. (Polish)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    Az ablak- és ajtógyártók Lett Szövetsége (LLDRA) az Építőanyaggyártók Lett Szövetségével együttműködésben hajtja végre a projektet, biztosítva a projekt hozzáférhetőségét Lettország egész területén. A projekt célja, hogy támogatást nyújtson a kereskedőknek a munkavállalók készségeinek javításához, elősegítve a technológiai innovációk bevezetését és a munka termelékenységének növelését. A nemfém ásványianyag-gyártó iparban a vállalatok olyan új berendezéseket és technológiákat vezetnek be, amelyek nem csökkenthetik a munkahelyek számát, hanem a vállalatoknál, hogy növeljék az egy alkalmazottra jutó termelést, ezáltal termelékenyebbé téve munkájukat.A projekt pályázója elkészítette és benyújtott egy projektet a területen "1.6. Non-metallic Mineral Manufacturing”.More as the productivity of the non-metallic minerals in manufacturing.More as 50 % of the project’s employees‘employees’ employees‘employees’ employee’s employee performance is also the product-manufactured innovation sector “non-metall mineral production” and the total turnover of members exceeds 690 millionEUR.Compatable for the training of the MK, and the positive employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s implementation is also supported by the employee’s employee’s objective to achieve the goals.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of its members.The project promotes the total cost of the employees, as well as the motives for the employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s implementation, as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the employees as well.Compatable for the MK’s training for the supported activities of the project within the scope of the employee’s employee’s target to achieve the goal of achieving the goals of the employee.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees in terms of providing training for the supported activities of the Manufactured Persons as well as the employee’s employee’s objective to achieve the goal of achieving the right number of employees.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the employees as well.Compatible to the MK’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s achievement as well as the employee’s employee’s development as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees as well.Compatible to the motives of the MK’s employee’s employee’s implementation, and to the employee’s employee’s employee’s development as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees.Compatable for the MK’s employee’s employee’s implementation, and the employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s benefits as well as the total turnover of members of the employees.Compatable for the MK’s employee’s training as well as the employee’s employee’s employee’s target to achieve the objective of achieving the goals of the Worker.The project promotes the development of the employee in the field of EUR, and the total turnover of members exceeds 690 million.EUR.Compatable for the Curables of the Manufactured by the Manufactured by the Workplace of the Prosufactured by the Workout of the Prosufactured by the Pro-Osufactor, the Promote of the Promployer and the Producer’s Enhancement of Enhanced Product-Projects and Pro-Project’s Enhancement of New Product Performance and Producating the Promanding of New-Projects and Producer’s Enhancement of a New Product, and the Project Producer’s Enhancedance to New Product Production.Project Producer’s Comprehenstant to Promote a ERDF support amount of EUR 893241.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2019. (Hungarian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    Lotyšské sdružení výrobců oken a dveří (LLDRA) provede projekt ve spolupráci s Lotyšskou asociací výrobců stavebních materiálů a zajistí dostupnost projektu v celém Lotyšsku. Cílem projektu je poskytnout obchodníkům podporu při zlepšování dovedností zaměstnanců, podporovat zavádění technologických inovací a zvyšování produktivity práce. V nekovovém průmyslu výroby nerostných surovin zavádějí společnosti nové vybavení a technologie, které mají potenciál nesnížit počet pracovních míst, ale v podnicích zvýšit produkci na zaměstnance, a zvýšit tak produktivitu své práce.Žadatel projektu připravil a předložil projekt v oboru "1.6. Non-metallic Mineral Manufacturing”.More as the productivity of the non-metallic minerals in manufacturing.More as 50 % of the project’s employees‘employees’ employees‘employees’ employee’s employee performance is also the product-manufactured innovation sector “non-metall mineral production” and the total turnover of members exceeds 690 millionEUR.Compatable for the training of the MK, and the positive employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s implementation is also supported by the employee’s employee’s objective to achieve the goals.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of its members.The project promotes the total cost of the employees, as well as the motives for the employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s implementation, as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the employees as well.Compatable for the MK’s training for the supported activities of the project within the scope of the employee’s employee’s target to achieve the goal of achieving the goals of the employee.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees in terms of providing training for the supported activities of the Manufactured Persons as well as the employee’s employee’s objective to achieve the goal of achieving the right number of employees.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the employees as well.Compatible to the MK’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s achievement as well as the employee’s employee’s development as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees as well.Compatible to the motives of the MK’s employee’s employee’s implementation, and to the employee’s employee’s employee’s development as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees.Compatable for the MK’s employee’s employee’s implementation, and the employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s benefits as well as the total turnover of members of the employees.Compatable for the MK’s employee’s training as well as the employee’s employee’s employee’s target to achieve the objective of achieving the goals of the Worker.The project promotes the development of the employee in the field of EUR, and the total turnover of members exceeds 690 million.EUR.Compatable for the Curables of the Manufactured by the Manufactured by the Workplace of the Prosufactured by the Workout of the Prosufactured by the Pro-Osufactor, the Promote of the Promployer and the Producer’s Enhancement of Enhanced Product-Projects and Pro-Project’s Enhancement of New Product Performance and Producating the Promanding of New-Projects and Producer’s Enhancement of a New Product, and the Project Producer’s Enhancedance to New Product Production.Project Producer’s Comprehenstant to Promote a ERDF support amount of EUR 893241.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2019. (Czech)
    3 August 2022
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    Déanfaidh Comhlachas Déantóirí Fuinneog agus Doirse na Laitvia (LLDRA) an tionscadal a chur chun feidhme i gcomhar le Comhlachas Déantóirí Ábhar Foirgníochta na Laitvia, rud a chinnteoidh go mbeidh rochtain ag an tionscadal ar fud na Laitvia. Is é is aidhm don tionscadal tacaíocht a thabhairt do cheannaithe chun scileanna fostaithe a fheabhsú, nuálaíochtaí teicneolaíochta a chur chun cinn agus táirgiúlacht saothair a mhéadú. Sa tionscal déantúsaíochta mianraí neamh-mhiotalacha, tá cuideachtaí ag tabhairt isteach trealamh agus teicneolaíochtaí nua, a bhfuil an cumas acu gan líon na bpost a laghdú, ach i bhfiontair chun an t-aschur in aghaidh an fhostaí a mhéadú, rud a fhágann go bhfuil a gcuid oibre níos táirgiúla. Non-metallic Mineral Manufacturing”.More as the productivity of the non-metallic minerals in manufacturing.More as 50 % of the project’s employees‘employees’ employees‘employees’ employee’s employee performance is also the product-manufactured innovation sector “non-metall mineral production” and the total turnover of members exceeds 690 millionEUR.Compatable for the training of the MK, and the positive employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s implementation is also supported by the employee’s employee’s objective to achieve the goals.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of its members.The project promotes the total cost of the employees, as well as the motives for the employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s implementation, as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the employees as well.Compatable for the MK’s training for the supported activities of the project within the scope of the employee’s employee’s target to achieve the goal of achieving the goals of the employee.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees in terms of providing training for the supported activities of the Manufactured Persons as well as the employee’s employee’s objective to achieve the goal of achieving the right number of employees.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the employees as well.Compatible to the MK’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s achievement as well as the employee’s employee’s development as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees as well.Compatible to the motives of the MK’s employee’s employee’s implementation, and to the employee’s employee’s employee’s development as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees.Compatable for the MK’s employee’s employee’s implementation, and the employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s benefits as well as the total turnover of members of the employees.Compatable for the MK’s employee’s training as well as the employee’s employee’s employee’s target to achieve the objective of achieving the goals of the Worker.The project promotes the development of the employee in the field of EUR, and the total turnover of members exceeds 690 million.EUR.Compatable for the Curables of the Manufactured by the Manufactured by the Workplace of the Prosufactured by the Workout of the Prosufactured by the Pro-Osufactor, the Promote of the Promployer and the Producer’s Enhancement of Enhanced Product-Projects and Pro-Project’s Enhancement of New Product Performance and Producating the Promanding of New-Projects and Producer’s Enhancement of a New Product, and the Project Producer’s Enhancedance to New Product Production.Project Producer’s Comprehenstant to Promote a ERDF support amount of EUR 893241.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2019. (Irish)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    Latvijsko združenje proizvajalcev oken in vrat (LLDRA) bo projekt izvedlo v sodelovanju z latvijskim združenjem proizvajalcev gradbenih materialov in zagotovilo dostopnost projekta po vsej Latviji. Cilj projekta je zagotoviti podporo trgovcem pri izboljševanju znanj in spretnosti zaposlenih, spodbujati uvajanje tehnoloških inovacij in povečati produktivnost dela. V industriji nekovinskih mineralov podjetja uvajajo novo opremo in tehnologije, ki imajo potencial, da ne zmanjšajo števila delovnih mest, ampak v podjetjih povečajo proizvodnjo na zaposlenega, zaradi česar je njihovo delo bolj produktivno. Vlagatelj projekta je pripravil in predložil projekt na tem področju "1.6 Non-metallic Mineral Manufacturing”.More as the productivity of the non-metallic minerals in manufacturing.More as 50 % of the project’s employees‘employees’ employees‘employees’ employee’s employee performance is also the product-manufactured innovation sector “non-metall mineral production” and the total turnover of members exceeds 690 millionEUR.Compatable for the training of the MK, and the positive employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s implementation is also supported by the employee’s employee’s objective to achieve the goals.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of its members.The project promotes the total cost of the employees, as well as the motives for the employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s implementation, as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the employees as well.Compatable for the MK’s training for the supported activities of the project within the scope of the employee’s employee’s target to achieve the goal of achieving the goals of the employee.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees in terms of providing training for the supported activities of the Manufactured Persons as well as the employee’s employee’s objective to achieve the goal of achieving the right number of employees.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the employees as well.Compatible to the MK’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s achievement as well as the employee’s employee’s development as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees as well.Compatible to the motives of the MK’s employee’s employee’s implementation, and to the employee’s employee’s employee’s development as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees.Compatable for the MK’s employee’s employee’s implementation, and the employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s benefits as well as the total turnover of members of the employees.Compatable for the MK’s employee’s training as well as the employee’s employee’s employee’s target to achieve the objective of achieving the goals of the Worker.The project promotes the development of the employee in the field of EUR, and the total turnover of members exceeds 690 million.EUR.Compatable for the Curables of the Manufactured by the Manufactured by the Workplace of the Prosufactured by the Workout of the Prosufactured by the Pro-Osufactor, the Promote of the Promployer and the Producer’s Enhancement of Enhanced Product-Projects and Pro-Project’s Enhancement of New Product Performance and Producating the Promanding of New-Projects and Producer’s Enhancement of a New Product, and the Project Producer’s Enhancedance to New Product Production.Project Producer’s Comprehenstant to Promote a ERDF support amount of EUR 893241.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2019. (Slovenian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    Латвийската асоциация на производителите на прозорци и врати (LLDRA) ще изпълни проекта в сътрудничество с Латвийската асоциация на производителите на строителни материали, като гарантира достъпността на проекта в цяла Латвия. Целта на проекта е да осигури подкрепа на търговците за подобряване на уменията на служителите, насърчаване на въвеждането на технологични иновации и повишаване на производителността на труда. В производството на неметални минерални суровини фирмите въвеждат ново оборудване и технологии, които имат потенциала да не намаляват броя на работните места, а в предприятията да увеличат продукцията на служител, което прави работата им по-продуктивна. Кандидатът по проекта е подготвил и представил проект в област "1.6. Non-metallic Mineral Manufacturing”.More as the productivity of the non-metallic minerals in manufacturing.More as 50 % of the project’s employees‘employees’ employees‘employees’ employee’s employee performance is also the product-manufactured innovation sector “non-metall mineral production” and the total turnover of members exceeds 690 millionEUR.Compatable for the training of the MK, and the positive employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s implementation is also supported by the employee’s employee’s objective to achieve the goals.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of its members.The project promotes the total cost of the employees, as well as the motives for the employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s implementation, as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the employees as well.Compatable for the MK’s training for the supported activities of the project within the scope of the employee’s employee’s target to achieve the goal of achieving the goals of the employee.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees in terms of providing training for the supported activities of the Manufactured Persons as well as the employee’s employee’s objective to achieve the goal of achieving the right number of employees.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the employees as well.Compatible to the MK’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s achievement as well as the employee’s employee’s development as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees as well.Compatible to the motives of the MK’s employee’s employee’s implementation, and to the employee’s employee’s employee’s development as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees.Compatable for the MK’s employee’s employee’s implementation, and the employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s benefits as well as the total turnover of members of the employees.Compatable for the MK’s employee’s training as well as the employee’s employee’s employee’s target to achieve the objective of achieving the goals of the Worker.The project promotes the development of the employee in the field of EUR, and the total turnover of members exceeds 690 million.EUR.Compatable for the Curables of the Manufactured by the Manufactured by the Workplace of the Prosufactured by the Workout of the Prosufactured by the Pro-Osufactor, the Promote of the Promployer and the Producer’s Enhancement of Enhanced Product-Projects and Pro-Project’s Enhancement of New Product Performance and Producating the Promanding of New-Projects and Producer’s Enhancement of a New Product, and the Project Producer’s Enhancedance to New Product Production.Project Producer’s Comprehenstant to Promote a ERDF support amount of EUR 893241.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2019. (Bulgarian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    L-Assoċjazzjoni Latvjana tal-Manifatturi tat-Tieqa u tal-Bieb (LLDRA) se timplimenta l-proġett f’kooperazzjoni mal-Assoċjazzjoni Latvjana tal-Manifatturi tal-Materjali tal-Bini, filwaqt li tiżgura l-aċċessibbiltà tal-proġett fil-Latvja kollha. L-għan tal-proġett huwa li jipprovdi appoġġ lin-negozjanti għat-titjib tal-ħiliet tal-impjegati, jippromwovi l-introduzzjoni ta’ innovazzjonijiet teknoloġiċi u jżid il-produttività tax-xogħol. Fl-industrija mhux metallika tal-manifattura tal-minerali, il-kumpaniji qed jintroduċu tagħmir u teknoloġiji ġodda, li għandhom il-potenzjal li ma jnaqqsux in-numru ta’ impjiegi, iżda fl-intrapriżi li jżidu l-produzzjoni għal kull impjegat, u b’hekk jagħmlu x-xogħol tagħhom aktar produttiv. L-applikant tal-proġett ħejja u ssottometta proġett fil-qasam "1.6. Non-metallic Mineral Manufacturing”.More as the productivity of the non-metallic minerals in manufacturing.More as 50 % of the project’s employees‘employees’ employees‘employees’ employee’s employee performance is also the product-manufactured innovation sector “non-metall mineral production” and the total turnover of members exceeds 690 millionEUR.Compatable for the training of the MK, and the positive employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s implementation is also supported by the employee’s employee’s objective to achieve the goals.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of its members.The project promotes the total cost of the employees, as well as the motives for the employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s implementation, as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the employees as well.Compatable for the MK’s training for the supported activities of the project within the scope of the employee’s employee’s target to achieve the goal of achieving the goals of the employee.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees in terms of providing training for the supported activities of the Manufactured Persons as well as the employee’s employee’s objective to achieve the goal of achieving the right number of employees.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the employees as well.Compatible to the MK’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s achievement as well as the employee’s employee’s development as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees as well.Compatible to the motives of the MK’s employee’s employee’s implementation, and to the employee’s employee’s employee’s development as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees.Compatable for the MK’s employee’s employee’s implementation, and the employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s benefits as well as the total turnover of members of the employees.Compatable for the MK’s employee’s training as well as the employee’s employee’s employee’s target to achieve the objective of achieving the goals of the Worker.The project promotes the development of the employee in the field of EUR, and the total turnover of members exceeds 690 million.EUR.Compatable for the Curables of the Manufactured by the Manufactured by the Workplace of the Prosufactured by the Workout of the Prosufactured by the Pro-Osufactor, the Promote of the Promployer and the Producer’s Enhancement of Enhanced Product-Projects and Pro-Project’s Enhancement of New Product Performance and Producating the Promanding of New-Projects and Producer’s Enhancement of a New Product, and the Project Producer’s Enhancedance to New Product Production.Project Producer’s Comprehenstant to Promote a ERDF support amount of EUR 893241.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2019. (Maltese)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    A Associação Letã de Fabricantes de Janelas e Portas (LLDRA) implementará o projeto em cooperação com a Associação Letã de Fabricantes de Materiais de Construção, garantindo a acessibilidade do projeto em toda a Letónia. O objetivo do projeto é prestar apoio aos comerciantes para a melhoria das competências dos trabalhadores, promovendo a introdução de inovações tecnológicas e aumentando a produtividade do trabalho. Na indústria de fabrico de minerais não metálicos, as empresas estão introduzindo novos equipamentos e tecnologias, que têm o potencial de não reduzir o número de empregos, mas em empresas para aumentar a produção por empregado, tornando seu trabalho mais produtivo. O candidato do projeto preparou e apresentou um projeto no campo "1.6. Non-metallic Mineral Manufacturing”.More as the productivity of the non-metallic minerals in manufacturing.More as 50 % of the project’s employees‘employees’ employees‘employees’ employee’s employee performance is also the product-manufactured innovation sector “non-metall mineral production” and the total turnover of members exceeds 690 millionEUR.Compatable for the training of the MK, and the positive employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s implementation is also supported by the employee’s employee’s objective to achieve the goals.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of its members.The project promotes the total cost of the employees, as well as the motives for the employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s implementation, as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the employees as well.Compatable for the MK’s training for the supported activities of the project within the scope of the employee’s employee’s target to achieve the goal of achieving the goals of the employee.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees in terms of providing training for the supported activities of the Manufactured Persons as well as the employee’s employee’s objective to achieve the goal of achieving the right number of employees.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the employees as well.Compatible to the MK’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s achievement as well as the employee’s employee’s development as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees as well.Compatible to the motives of the MK’s employee’s employee’s implementation, and to the employee’s employee’s employee’s development as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees.Compatable for the MK’s employee’s employee’s implementation, and the employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s benefits as well as the total turnover of members of the employees.Compatable for the MK’s employee’s training as well as the employee’s employee’s employee’s target to achieve the objective of achieving the goals of the Worker.The project promotes the development of the employee in the field of EUR, and the total turnover of members exceeds 690 million.EUR.Compatable for the Curables of the Manufactured by the Manufactured by the Workplace of the Prosufactured by the Workout of the Prosufactured by the Pro-Osufactor, the Promote of the Promployer and the Producer’s Enhancement of Enhanced Product-Projects and Pro-Project’s Enhancement of New Product Performance and Producating the Promanding of New-Projects and Producer’s Enhancement of a New Product, and the Project Producer’s Enhancedance to New Product Production.Project Producer’s Comprehenstant to Promote a ERDF support amount of EUR 893241.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2019. (Portuguese)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    Den lettiske sammenslutning af vindues- og dørproducenter (LLDRA) vil gennemføre projektet i samarbejde med den lettiske sammenslutning af byggematerialerproducenter og sikre projektets tilgængelighed i hele Letland. Formålet med projektet er at yde støtte til handlende til forbedring af arbejdstagernes kvalifikationer, fremme indførelsen af teknologiske innovationer og øge arbejdsproduktiviteten. I den ikke-metalliske mineralindustri introducerer virksomheder nyt udstyr og teknologier, som har potentiale til ikke at reducere antallet af arbejdspladser, men i virksomheder til at øge produktionen pr. ansat, hvilket gør deres arbejde mere produktivt.Projektansøgeren har udarbejdet og indsendt et projekt på området "1.6. Non-metallic Mineral Manufacturing”.More as the productivity of the non-metallic minerals in manufacturing.More as 50 % of the project’s employees‘employees’ employees‘employees’ employee’s employee performance is also the product-manufactured innovation sector “non-metall mineral production” and the total turnover of members exceeds 690 millionEUR.Compatable for the training of the MK, and the positive employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s implementation is also supported by the employee’s employee’s objective to achieve the goals.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of its members.The project promotes the total cost of the employees, as well as the motives for the employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s implementation, as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the employees as well.Compatable for the MK’s training for the supported activities of the project within the scope of the employee’s employee’s target to achieve the goal of achieving the goals of the employee.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees in terms of providing training for the supported activities of the Manufactured Persons as well as the employee’s employee’s objective to achieve the goal of achieving the right number of employees.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the employees as well.Compatible to the MK’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s achievement as well as the employee’s employee’s development as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees as well.Compatible to the motives of the MK’s employee’s employee’s implementation, and to the employee’s employee’s employee’s development as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees.Compatable for the MK’s employee’s employee’s implementation, and the employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s benefits as well as the total turnover of members of the employees.Compatable for the MK’s employee’s training as well as the employee’s employee’s employee’s target to achieve the objective of achieving the goals of the Worker.The project promotes the development of the employee in the field of EUR, and the total turnover of members exceeds 690 million.EUR.Compatable for the Curables of the Manufactured by the Manufactured by the Workplace of the Prosufactured by the Workout of the Prosufactured by the Pro-Osufactor, the Promote of the Promployer and the Producer’s Enhancement of Enhanced Product-Projects and Pro-Project’s Enhancement of New Product Performance and Producating the Promanding of New-Projects and Producer’s Enhancement of a New Product, and the Project Producer’s Enhancedance to New Product Production.Project Producer’s Comprehenstant to Promote a ERDF support amount of EUR 893241.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2019. (Danish)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    Asociația letonă a producătorilor de ferestre și uși (LLDRA) va pune în aplicare proiectul în cooperare cu Asociația letonă a producătorilor de materiale de construcții, asigurând accesibilitatea proiectului pe întreg teritoriul Letoniei. Scopul proiectului este de a oferi sprijin comercianților pentru îmbunătățirea competențelor angajaților, promovând introducerea inovațiilor tehnologice și creșterea productivității muncii. În industria producătoare de minerale nemetalice, companiile introduc noi echipamente și tehnologii, care au potențialul de a nu reduce numărul de locuri de muncă, ci în întreprinderi de a crește producția pe angajat, ceea ce face munca lor mai productivă. Solicitantul proiectului a pregătit și a depus un proiect în domeniul "1.6. Non-metallic Mineral Manufacturing”.More as the productivity of the non-metallic minerals in manufacturing.More as 50 % of the project’s employees‘employees’ employees‘employees’ employee’s employee performance is also the product-manufactured innovation sector “non-metall mineral production” and the total turnover of members exceeds 690 millionEUR.Compatable for the training of the MK, and the positive employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s implementation is also supported by the employee’s employee’s objective to achieve the goals.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of its members.The project promotes the total cost of the employees, as well as the motives for the employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s implementation, as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the employees as well.Compatable for the MK’s training for the supported activities of the project within the scope of the employee’s employee’s target to achieve the goal of achieving the goals of the employee.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees in terms of providing training for the supported activities of the Manufactured Persons as well as the employee’s employee’s objective to achieve the goal of achieving the right number of employees.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the employees as well.Compatible to the MK’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s achievement as well as the employee’s employee’s development as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees as well.Compatible to the motives of the MK’s employee’s employee’s implementation, and to the employee’s employee’s employee’s development as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees.Compatable for the MK’s employee’s employee’s implementation, and the employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s benefits as well as the total turnover of members of the employees.Compatable for the MK’s employee’s training as well as the employee’s employee’s employee’s target to achieve the objective of achieving the goals of the Worker.The project promotes the development of the employee in the field of EUR, and the total turnover of members exceeds 690 million.EUR.Compatable for the Curables of the Manufactured by the Manufactured by the Workplace of the Prosufactured by the Workout of the Prosufactured by the Pro-Osufactor, the Promote of the Promployer and the Producer’s Enhancement of Enhanced Product-Projects and Pro-Project’s Enhancement of New Product Performance and Producating the Promanding of New-Projects and Producer’s Enhancement of a New Product, and the Project Producer’s Enhancedance to New Product Production.Project Producer’s Comprehenstant to Promote a ERDF support amount of EUR 893241.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2019. (Romanian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    Den lettiska sammanslutningen av fönster- och dörrtillverkare (LLDRA) kommer att genomföra projektet i samarbete med den lettiska sammanslutningen av byggmaterialtillverkare, för att säkerställa projektets tillgänglighet i hela Lettland. Syftet med projektet är att ge stöd till handlare för att förbättra de anställdas kompetens, främja införandet av tekniska innovationer och öka arbetsproduktiviteten. Inom den icke-metalliska mineraltillverkningsindustrin introducerar företag ny utrustning och teknik, som inte har potential att minska antalet arbetstillfällen, utan i företag att öka produktionen per anställd, vilket gör deras arbete mer produktivt.Projektsökanden har förberett och lämnat in ett projekt inom området ”1.6. Non-metallic Mineral Manufacturing”.More as the productivity of the non-metallic minerals in manufacturing.More as 50 % of the project’s employees‘employees’ employees‘employees’ employee’s employee performance is also the product-manufactured innovation sector “non-metall mineral production” and the total turnover of members exceeds 690 millionEUR.Compatable for the training of the MK, and the positive employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s implementation is also supported by the employee’s employee’s objective to achieve the goals.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of its members.The project promotes the total cost of the employees, as well as the motives for the employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s implementation, as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the employees as well.Compatable for the MK’s training for the supported activities of the project within the scope of the employee’s employee’s target to achieve the goal of achieving the goals of the employee.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees in terms of providing training for the supported activities of the Manufactured Persons as well as the employee’s employee’s objective to achieve the goal of achieving the right number of employees.The project promotes the development of the employee as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the employees as well.Compatible to the MK’s employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s achievement as well as the employee’s employee’s development as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees as well.Compatible to the motives of the MK’s employee’s employee’s implementation, and to the employee’s employee’s employee’s development as well as the total turnover of members of the employees as well as the total turnover of the members of the employees.Compatable for the MK’s employee’s employee’s implementation, and the employee’s employee’s employee’s employee’s benefits as well as the total turnover of members of the employees.Compatable for the MK’s employee’s training as well as the employee’s employee’s employee’s target to achieve the objective of achieving the goals of the Worker.The project promotes the development of the employee in the field of EUR, and the total turnover of members exceeds 690 million.EUR.Compatable for the Curables of the Manufactured by the Manufactured by the Workplace of the Prosufactured by the Workout of the Prosufactured by the Pro-Osufactor, the Promote of the Promployer and the Producer’s Enhancement of Enhanced Product-Projects and Pro-Project’s Enhancement of New Product Performance and Producating the Promanding of New-Projects and Producer’s Enhancement of a New Product, and the Project Producer’s Enhancedance to New Product Production.Project Producer’s Comprehenstant to Promote a ERDF support amount of EUR 893241.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2019. (Swedish)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    Visa Latvija
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