Technological innovation and employee productivity training project in tourism and related industries (Q3056612)

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Project Q3056612 in Latvia
Language Label Description Also known as
Technological innovation and employee productivity training project in tourism and related industries
Project Q3056612 in Latvia


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    2,096,282.0 Euro
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    4,043,000.0 Euro
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    51.85 percent
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    1 June 2016
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    31 December 2023
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    Latvijas Viesnīcu un restorānu asociācija
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    56°54'41.11"N, 24°8'39.98"E
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    Latvijas viesnīcu un restorānu asociācija (turpmāk – LVRA) ir biedrība, kas apvieno izmitināšanas un ēdināšanas uzņēmumus profesionālai sadarbībai, ar mērķi uzlabot klientu apkalpošanas kvalitāti, veicināt Latvijas kā tūrisma galamērķa popularitāti un pārstāvēt Latvijas tūrisma un saistīto nozaru komersantus Eiropā un pasaulē. LVRA ir dibināta 1993.gadā.Šobrīd LVRA ir vairāk kā 250 biedri, vairāk kā 50% projekta iesniedzēja biedru pārstāv nozari „Izmitināšanas un ēdināšanas pakalpojumi” un biedru kopējais apgrozījums pārsniedz 330 milj.EUR.Tūrisma nozarei ir liels multiplikatora efekts – tās izaugsme dod pieprasījuma stimulu ēdināšanas, transporta, veselības, u.c. pakalpojumiem.Projekta iesniedzējs sagatavojis un iesniedz projektu nozarē „3. Izmitināšanas un ēdināšanas pakalpojumi”.Projekta mērķis ir komersantiem nodrošināt atbalstu nodarbināto prasmju pilnveidošanai, lai sekmētu tehnoloģisko inovāciju ieviešanu un darbaspēka produktivitātes paaugstināšanu.Projekta mērķa sasniegšanai plānotie risinājumi ir atbalsta sniegšana nodarbināto prasmju pilnveidošanai, organizējot atbilstošus un mērķa sasniegšanai nepieciešamus apmācību kursus, konsultāciju formā, kā arī no Biedrības puses nodrošinot atbilstošu projekta administrēšanas procesu.Projekta īstenošanas rezultāts ir veiktās nodarbināto personu apmācības, konsultāciju formā, kas sekmē atbalstāmo nozaru komersantu tehnoloģisko inovāciju ieviešanu un inovatīvu komersantu skaita palielināšanos, darbaspēka produktivitātes paaugstināšanu, atbalstu P&A darbībām - jaunu nišu, metožu, produktu un tehnoloģiju identificēšanu, kā arī jaunu vai uzlabotu produktu un tehnoloģiju izstrādi un ieviešanu ražošanā.Projektā plānots iesaistīt 52 komersantus un 35 komersantus Virssaistību piešķirtā atbalsta ietvaros, apmācības nodrošināt 1874 (ne-unikālās) nodarbinātām personām un 1750 (ne-unikālās) nodarbinātām personām Virssaistību piešķirtā atbalsta ietvaros.Projekta kopējās attiecināmās izmaksas sastāda 4 043 000 EUR, ERAF atbalsta apjoms 896 282 EUR un Virssaistību atbalsta apjoms 1 200 000 EUR.Projektu plānots uzsākt līdz ar projekta pieteikuma iesniegšanu CFLA un īstenot līdz 2023.gada 31.decembrim. (Latvian)
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    The Association of Hotels and Restaurants of Latvia (hereinafter – LVRA) is an association that unites accommodation and catering companies for professional cooperation, with the aim to improve the quality of customer service, promote the popularity of Latvia as a tourism destination and represent Latvian tourism and related businesses in Europe and worldwide. The LVRA was founded in 1993.Currently, the LVRA has more than 250 members, more than 50 % of the project’s members represent the industry "Housing and Catering Services" and the total turnover of its members exceeds EUR 330 million.The tourism industry has a large multiplier effect – its growth gives an incentive to demand for catering, transport, health and other services.The project applicant prepared and submitted a project in the field "3. The aim of the project is to provide support to entrepreneurs to improve the skills of employees in order to promote the implementation of technological innovations and increase of labour productivity.The planned solutions for achieving the project goal are providing support to the development of the skills of employees by organising appropriate training courses necessary for achievement of the goal, including in the form of consultations, in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, support for the implementation of the 35-company product, as well as from the Company’s Producers for the Promotement of Enable Producers the Producer Enhancement for Provider and the Enhancement of Enhanced Persons.The result of the project is the training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which supports the implementation of innovative products, as well as to promote the development of innovative products within the scope of the Producer for Prosumers.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which supports the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Prosumers side, ensuring the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the project implementation is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which support the implementation of innovative products, as well as to promote the promotion of innovative technologies within the Company.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, support for the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s Promise of Enhanceable Producers of Producers and Enhances Enhancessupreparating Process for Persons of the Year 52.The result of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, that supports the implementation of the project in production, as well as the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Producers of the Producers within the scope of the project.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, support in the form of consultations, as well as support the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s side providing appropriate project administration process.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including consultations, support in the form of consultations, as well as to support the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s side to ensure the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of the employees, including in the form of consultations, in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, as well as from the Producer’s Producer-Employment, as well as from the Company’s side ensuring the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the project is the training of employees, including in the form of consultations, including consultations in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, as well as from the Company’s Producer for Enhancement of Enhancement of Producers and the Enhancement of Producers within the 52 Project.The result of the implementation of the project is the organisation of The amount of ERDF support EUR 896282 and the amount of the Virtual Commitment Support EUR 1200000.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2023. (English)
    15 July 2021
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    L’Association lettone des hôtels et restaurants (ci-après «LVRA») est une association qui réunit des entreprises d’hébergement et de restauration pour une coopération professionnelle, dans le but d’améliorer la qualité du service à la clientèle, de promouvoir la popularité de la Lettonie en tant que destination touristique et de représenter le tourisme letton et les industries connexes en Europe et dans le monde. LVRA a été fondée en 1993. Actuellement, LVRA compte plus de 250 membres, plus de 50 % des membres du projet sont représentés par le secteur "Housing and Food Services" et le chiffre d’affaires total des membres dépasse 330 millions d’euros. L’industrie touristique a un effet multiplicateur important — sa croissance stimule la demande pour la restauration, le transport, la santé, etc. Le demandeur du projet a préparé et présenté un projet dans le secteur "3. Services d’hébergement et de restauration".L’objectif du projet est d’apporter aux commerçants un soutien à l’amélioration des compétences des employés afin de faciliter l’introduction d’innovations technologiques et d’accroître la productivité de la main-d’œuvre. Les solutions prévues pour atteindre l’objectif du projet sont de soutenir l’amélioration des compétences des employés en organisant les cours de formation appropriés nécessaires à la réalisation de l’objectif, y compris sous la forme de consultations, ainsi que d’assurer le processus approprié d’administration du projet par l’Association. Le résultat de la mise en œuvre du projet est la formation des employés, sous la forme de consultations, qui promeuvent l’introduction d’innovations technologiques par les opérateurs économiques des secteurs soutenus et l’augmentation du nombre de commerçants innovants, l’augmentation de la productivité du travail, le soutien aux activités P&A — l’identification de nouveaux créneaux, méthodes, produits et technologies, ainsi que le développement et la mise en œuvre de produits et technologies nouveaux ou améliorés dans la production. la formation de 1 874 personnes (non uniques) occupées et de 1750 personnes occupées (non uniques) dans le cadre de l’aide accordée par surengagements. Le total des coûts éligibles du projet s’élève à 4 043 000 EUR, y compris: Le montant de l’aide du FEDER s’élève à 896 282 EUR et le montant de l’aide au surengagement s’élève à 1 200 000 EUR. Le projet devrait débuter par la soumission de la demande de projet à l’ACCP et être mis en œuvre d’ici le 31 décembre 2023. (French)
    25 November 2021
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    Der lettische Verband der Hotels und Restaurants (nachfolgend LVRA) ist ein Verein, der Unterkunfts- und Verpflegungsunternehmen für eine professionelle Zusammenarbeit vereint, um die Qualität des Kundenservices zu verbessern, die Popularität Lettlands als Tourismusdestination zu fördern und den lettischen Tourismus und verwandte Industriezweige in Europa und der Welt zu vertreten. LVRA wurde 1993 gegründet. Derzeit hat LVRA mehr als 250 Mitglieder, mehr als 50 % der Projektanwärter sind durch den Sektor "Housing and Food Services" vertreten und der Gesamtumsatz der Mitglieder übersteigt 330 Mio. EUR. Die Tourismusbranche hat einen großen Multiplikatoreffekt – ihr Wachstum gibt Nachfrageanreize für Verpflegung, Verkehr, Gesundheit usw. Der Projektantragsteller hat ein Projekt in der Branche vorbereitet und eingereicht "3. Das Ziel des Projekts ist es, Händlern bei der Verbesserung der Fähigkeiten der Mitarbeiter zu unterstützen, um die Einführung technologischer Innovationen zu erleichtern und die Produktivität der Belegschaft zu steigern. Die geplanten Lösungen zur Erreichung des Ziels sind die Unterstützung bei der Verbesserung der Fähigkeiten der Mitarbeiter durch die Organisation geeigneter Schulungen, die notwendig sind, um das Ziel zu erreichen, auch in Form von Konsultationen, sowie die Sicherstellung des entsprechenden Prozesses der Projektverwaltung durch den Verein. in Form von Konsultationen, die die Einführung technologischer Innovationen durch die Wirtschaftsakteure der geförderten Sektoren und die Zunahme der Zahl innovativer Händler, die Steigerung der Arbeitsproduktivität, die Unterstützung von P&A-Tätigkeiten – Ermittlung neuer Nischen, Methoden, Produkte und Technologien sowie die Entwicklung und Umsetzung neuer oder verbesserter Produkte und Technologien in der Produktion fördern. die Ausbildung zur Bereitstellung von 1 874 (nicht einmaligen) Beschäftigten und 1750 (nicht einzigartige) Beschäftigten im Rahmen der durch Überverpflichtungen gewährten Beihilfen. Die förderfähigen Gesamtkosten des Projekts belaufen sich auf 4 043 000 EUR, einschließlich: Die EFRE-Förderung beläuft sich auf 896 282 EUR und die Mittel für die Mittelüberschreitung auf 1 200 000 EUR. Das Projekt soll mit der Einreichung des Projektantrags bei der CFCA beginnen und bis zum 31. Dezember 2023 durchgeführt werden. (German)
    28 November 2021
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    De Letse vereniging van hotels en restaurants (hierna „LVRA” genoemd) is een vereniging die woon- en cateringbedrijven verenigt voor professionele samenwerking, met als doel de kwaliteit van de klantenservice te verbeteren, de populariteit van Letland als toeristische bestemming te bevorderen en het Letse toerisme en aanverwante industrieën in Europa en de wereld te vertegenwoordigen. LVRA is opgericht in 1993. Momenteel telt LVRA meer dan 250 leden, meer dan 50 % van de leden van het project wordt vertegenwoordigd door de sector "Housing and Food Services" en de totale omzet van de leden bedraagt meer dan 330 miljoen EUR. De toeristische sector heeft een groot multiplicatoreffect — de groei ervan geeft een stimulans aan de vraag naar catering, vervoer, gezondheid, enz. De projectaanvrager heeft een project voorbereid en ingediend in de sector "3. Huisvesting en cateringdiensten".Het doel van het project is om handelaren ondersteuning te bieden voor de verbetering van de vaardigheden van werknemers om de invoering van technologische innovaties te vergemakkelijken en de productiviteit van het personeel te verhogen. De geplande oplossingen voor het bereiken van het doel van het project zijn ondersteuning te bieden voor de verbetering van de vaardigheden van werknemers door het organiseren van passende opleidingen die nodig zijn om het doel te bereiken, onder meer in de vorm van overleg, en het waarborgen van het passende proces van projectbeheer door de vereniging. Het resultaat van de projectuitvoering is de opleiding van werknemers, in de vorm van raadplegingen, die de invoering van technologische innovaties door marktdeelnemers uit de ondersteunde sectoren en de toename van het aantal innovatieve handelaren, de verhoging van de arbeidsproductiviteit, steun voor P&A-activiteiten — identificatie van nieuwe niches, methoden, producten en technologieën, alsmede de ontwikkeling en toepassing van nieuwe of verbeterde producten en technologieën in de productie bevorderen. Het project is gepland om 52 handelaren en 35 handelaren te betrekken in het kader van de steun voor overvastleggingen, de opleiding voor 1 874 (niet-unieke) werknemers en 1750 (niet-unieke) werknemers in het kader van de steun die is toegekend door overvastleggingen. De totale subsidiabele kosten van het project bedragen 4 043 000 EUR, waaronder: Het bedrag van de EFRO-steun bedraagt 896 282 EUR en de steun voor overvastleggingen bedraagt 1 200 000 EUR. Het project zal naar verwachting beginnen met de indiening van de projectaanvraag bij het CFCA en uiterlijk op 31 december 2023 worden uitgevoerd. (Dutch)
    28 November 2021
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    L'Associazione lettone di alberghi e ristoranti (di seguito "LVRA") è un'associazione che unisce le imprese di alloggio e di ristorazione per la cooperazione professionale, con l'obiettivo di migliorare la qualità del servizio al cliente, promuovere la popolarità della Lettonia come destinazione turistica e rappresentare il turismo lettone e le industrie connesse in Europa e nel mondo. LVRA è stata fondata nel 1993. Attualmente, LVRA ha più di 250 membri, oltre il 50 % dei membri del candidato al progetto sono rappresentati dal settore "Housing and Food Services" e il fatturato totale dei soci supera i 330 milioni di EUR. L'industria del turismo ha un grande effetto moltiplicatore — la sua crescita dà uno stimolo alla domanda per la ristorazione, i trasporti, la salute, ecc. Il richiedente ha preparato e presentato un progetto nel settore "3. L'obiettivo del progetto è quello di fornire ai commercianti il supporto per il miglioramento delle competenze dei dipendenti al fine di facilitare l'introduzione di innovazioni tecnologiche e aumentare la produttività della forza lavoro. Le soluzioni previste per raggiungere l'obiettivo del progetto sono di fornire sostegno al miglioramento delle competenze dei dipendenti organizzando adeguati corsi di formazione necessari per raggiungere l'obiettivo, anche sotto forma di consultazioni, oltre ad assicurare l'adeguato processo di gestione del progetto da parte dell'Associazione. Il risultato della realizzazione del progetto è la formazione dei dipendenti, in forma di consultazioni, che promuovono l'introduzione di innovazioni tecnologiche da parte degli operatori economici dei settori sovvenzionati e l'aumento del numero di commercianti innovativi, l'aumento della produttività del lavoro, il sostegno alle attività di P&A — l'individuazione di nuove nicchie, metodi, prodotti e tecnologie, nonché lo sviluppo e l'attuazione di prodotti e tecnologie nuovi o migliorati nella produzione. la formazione destinata a fornire 1 874 lavoratori dipendenti (non unici) e 1750 dipendenti (non unici) nell'ambito dell'aiuto concesso mediante impegni eccessivi. I costi totali ammissibili del progetto ammontano a 4 043 000 EUR, tra cui: L'importo del sostegno FESR è di 896 282 EUR e l'importo del sostegno in eccesso è di 1 200 000 EUR. Il progetto dovrebbe iniziare con la presentazione della domanda di progetto all'FCCA e da attuare entro il 31 dicembre 2023. (Italian)
    11 January 2022
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    La Asociación letona de hoteles y restaurantes (en lo sucesivo, LVRA) es una asociación que une a las empresas de alojamiento y restauración para la cooperación profesional, con el objetivo de mejorar la calidad del servicio al cliente, promover la popularidad de Letonia como destino turístico y representar al turismo letón y a las industrias conexas en Europa y en el mundo. LVRA se fundó en 1993. Actualmente, LVRA cuenta con más de 250 miembros, más del 50 % de los miembros del solicitante del proyecto están representados por el sector "Housing and Food Services" y el volumen de negocios total de los miembros supera los 330 millones de euros. La industria turística tiene un gran efecto multiplicador: su crecimiento da un estímulo a la demanda de restauración, transporte, salud, etc. El solicitante del proyecto ha preparado y presentado un proyecto en el sector "3. Servicios de alojamiento y restauración".El objetivo del proyecto es proporcionar apoyo a los comerciantes para la mejora de las competencias de los empleados con el fin de facilitar la introducción de innovaciones tecnológicas y aumentar la productividad de la mano de obra. Las soluciones previstas para alcanzar el objetivo del proyecto son apoyar la mejora de las competencias de los empleados mediante la organización de cursos de formación adecuados necesarios para alcanzar el objetivo, incluso en forma de consultas, así como garantizar el proceso adecuado de administración de proyectos por parte de la Asociación. El resultado de la ejecución del proyecto es la formación de los empleados, en forma de consultas, que fomenten la introducción de innovaciones tecnológicas por parte de los operadores económicos de los sectores subvencionados y el aumento del número de comerciantes innovadores, el aumento de la productividad laboral, el apoyo a las actividades de P&A: identificación de nuevos nichos, métodos, productos y tecnologías, así como el desarrollo y la aplicación de productos y tecnologías nuevos o mejorados en la producción. la formación para ofrecer 1 874 trabajadores (no únicos) y 1750 trabajadores (no únicos) en el marco de la ayuda concedida mediante compromisos excesivos. Los costes subvencionables totales del proyecto ascienden a 4 043,000 EUR, incluidos: El importe de la ayuda del FEDER asciende a 896 282 EUR y el importe de la ayuda a los compromisos excesivos es de 1 200 000 EUR. Se prevé que el proyecto comience con la presentación de la solicitud de proyecto a la ACCP y se ejecute a más tardar el 31 de diciembre de 2023. (Spanish)
    12 January 2022
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    Läti hotellide ja restoranide liit (edaspidi LVRA) on ühendus, mis ühendab majutus- ja toitlustusettevõtteid professionaalseks koostööks eesmärgiga parandada klienditeeninduse kvaliteeti, edendada Läti populaarsust turismisihtkohana ning esindada Läti turismi ja sellega seotud ettevõtteid Euroopas ja kogu maailmas. LVRA asutati 1993. aastal. Praegu on LVRA-l üle 250 liikme, enam kui 50 % projekti liikmetest esindavad tööstust "Elu- ja toitlustusteenused" ning selle liikmete kogukäive ületab 330 miljonit eurot.Turismitööstusel on suur mitmekordistav mõju – selle kasv stimuleerib nõudlust toitlustuse, transpordi, tervishoiu ja muude teenuste järele.Projekti taotleja koostas ja esitas projekti valdkonnas "3. The aim of the project is to provide support to entrepreneurs to improve the skills of employees in order to promote the implementation of technological innovations and increase of labour productivity.The planned solutions for achieving the project goal are providing support to the development of the skills of employees by organising appropriate training courses necessary for achievement of the goal, including in the form of consultations, in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, support for the implementation of the 35-company product, as well as from the Company’s Producers for the Promotement of Enable Producers the Producer Enhancement for Provider and the Enhancement of Enhanced Persons.The result of the project is the training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which supports the implementation of innovative products, as well as to promote the development of innovative products within the scope of the Producer for Prosumers.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which supports the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Prosumers side, ensuring the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the project implementation is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which support the implementation of innovative products, as well as to promote the promotion of innovative technologies within the Company.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, support for the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s Promise of Enhanceable Producers of Producers and Enhances Enhancessupreparating Process for Persons of the Year 52.The result of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, that supports the implementation of the project in production, as well as the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Producers of the Producers within the scope of the project.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, support in the form of consultations, as well as support the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s side providing appropriate project administration process.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including consultations, support in the form of consultations, as well as to support the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s side to ensure the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of the employees, including in the form of consultations, in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, as well as from the Producer’s Producer-Employment, as well as from the Company’s side ensuring the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the project is the training of employees, including in the form of consultations, including consultations in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, as well as from the Company’s Producer for Enhancement of Enhancement of Producers and the Enhancement of Producers within the 52 Project.The result of the implementation of the project is the organisation of The amount of ERDF support EUR 896282 and the amount of the Virtual Commitment Support EUR 1200000.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2023. (Estonian)
    3 August 2022
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    Latvijos viešbučių ir restoranų asociacija (toliau – LVRA) yra asociacija, vienijanti apgyvendinimo ir maitinimo įmones profesionaliam bendradarbiavimui, kurios tikslas – gerinti klientų aptarnavimo kokybę, skatinti Latvijos kaip turizmo vietovės populiarumą ir atstovauti Latvijos turizmui bei susijusioms įmonėms Europoje ir visame pasaulyje. LVRA įkurta 1993 m. Šiuo metu LVRA turi daugiau nei 250 narių, daugiau nei 50 % projekto narių atstovauja pramonei "Namų ir maitinimo paslaugos", o bendra jos narių apyvarta viršija 330 mln. EUR. Turizmo pramonė turi didelį dauginamąjį poveikį – jos augimas skatina maitinimo, transporto, sveikatos ir kitų paslaugų paklausą. Projekto pareiškėja parengė ir pateikė šios srities projektą "3. The aim of the project is to provide support to entrepreneurs to improve the skills of employees in order to promote the implementation of technological innovations and increase of labour productivity.The planned solutions for achieving the project goal are providing support to the development of the skills of employees by organising appropriate training courses necessary for achievement of the goal, including in the form of consultations, in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, support for the implementation of the 35-company product, as well as from the Company’s Producers for the Promotement of Enable Producers the Producer Enhancement for Provider and the Enhancement of Enhanced Persons.The result of the project is the training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which supports the implementation of innovative products, as well as to promote the development of innovative products within the scope of the Producer for Prosumers.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which supports the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Prosumers side, ensuring the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the project implementation is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which support the implementation of innovative products, as well as to promote the promotion of innovative technologies within the Company.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, support for the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s Promise of Enhanceable Producers of Producers and Enhances Enhancessupreparating Process for Persons of the Year 52.The result of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, that supports the implementation of the project in production, as well as the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Producers of the Producers within the scope of the project.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, support in the form of consultations, as well as support the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s side providing appropriate project administration process.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including consultations, support in the form of consultations, as well as to support the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s side to ensure the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of the employees, including in the form of consultations, in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, as well as from the Producer’s Producer-Employment, as well as from the Company’s side ensuring the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the project is the training of employees, including in the form of consultations, including consultations in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, as well as from the Company’s Producer for Enhancement of Enhancement of Producers and the Enhancement of Producers within the 52 Project.The result of the implementation of the project is the organisation of The amount of ERDF support EUR 896282 and the amount of the Virtual Commitment Support EUR 1200000.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2023. (Lithuanian)
    3 August 2022
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    Udruga hotela i restorana Latvije (u daljnjem tekstu: LVRA) udruga je koja ujedinjuje ugostiteljske tvrtke za profesionalnu suradnju s ciljem poboljšanja kvalitete usluga za korisnike, promicanja popularnosti Latvije kao turističkog odredišta i predstavljanja latvijskog turizma i povezanih poduzeća u Europi i svijetu. LVRA je osnovana 1993.Trenutno, LVRA ima više od 250 članova, više od 50 % članova projekta predstavlja industriju "Housing and Catering Services", a ukupni promet svojih članova prelazi 330 milijuna EUR.Turistička industrija ima veliki multiplikacijski učinak – njegov rast potiče potražnju za ugostiteljstvom, prijevozom, zdravstvom i drugim uslugama. Podnositelj zahtjeva za projekt pripremio je i podnio projekt u području "3. The aim of the project is to provide support to entrepreneurs to improve the skills of employees in order to promote the implementation of technological innovations and increase of labour productivity.The planned solutions for achieving the project goal are providing support to the development of the skills of employees by organising appropriate training courses necessary for achievement of the goal, including in the form of consultations, in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, support for the implementation of the 35-company product, as well as from the Company’s Producers for the Promotement of Enable Producers the Producer Enhancement for Provider and the Enhancement of Enhanced Persons.The result of the project is the training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which supports the implementation of innovative products, as well as to promote the development of innovative products within the scope of the Producer for Prosumers.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which supports the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Prosumers side, ensuring the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the project implementation is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which support the implementation of innovative products, as well as to promote the promotion of innovative technologies within the Company.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, support for the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s Promise of Enhanceable Producers of Producers and Enhances Enhancessupreparating Process for Persons of the Year 52.The result of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, that supports the implementation of the project in production, as well as the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Producers of the Producers within the scope of the project.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, support in the form of consultations, as well as support the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s side providing appropriate project administration process.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including consultations, support in the form of consultations, as well as to support the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s side to ensure the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of the employees, including in the form of consultations, in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, as well as from the Producer’s Producer-Employment, as well as from the Company’s side ensuring the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the project is the training of employees, including in the form of consultations, including consultations in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, as well as from the Company’s Producer for Enhancement of Enhancement of Producers and the Enhancement of Producers within the 52 Project.The result of the implementation of the project is the organisation of The amount of ERDF support EUR 896282 and the amount of the Virtual Commitment Support EUR 1200000.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2023. (Croatian)
    3 August 2022
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    Η Ένωση Ξενοδοχείων και Εστιατόρια της Λετονίας (στο εξής — LVRA) είναι μια ένωση που ενώνει εταιρείες φιλοξενίας και εστίασης για επαγγελματική συνεργασία, με στόχο τη βελτίωση της ποιότητας της εξυπηρέτησης των πελατών, την προώθηση της δημοτικότητας της Λετονίας ως τουριστικού προορισμού και την εκπροσώπηση του λετονικού τουρισμού και συναφών επιχειρήσεων στην Ευρώπη και παγκοσμίως. Η LVRA ιδρύθηκε το 1993.Σήμερα, η LVRA έχει περισσότερα από 250 μέλη, πάνω από το 50 % των μελών του έργου εκπροσωπούν τον κλάδο "Υπηρεσίες στέγασης και εστίασης" και ο συνολικός κύκλος εργασιών των μελών της υπερβαίνει τα 330 εκατ. ευρώ.Η τουριστική βιομηχανία έχει μεγάλο πολλαπλασιαστικό αποτέλεσμα — η ανάπτυξή της δίνει κίνητρο στη ζήτηση για υπηρεσίες εστίασης, μεταφορών, υγείας και άλλες υπηρεσίες.Ο υποψήφιος για το έργο ετοίμασε και υπέβαλε σχέδιο στον τομέα "3. The aim of the project is to provide support to entrepreneurs to improve the skills of employees in order to promote the implementation of technological innovations and increase of labour productivity.The planned solutions for achieving the project goal are providing support to the development of the skills of employees by organising appropriate training courses necessary for achievement of the goal, including in the form of consultations, in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, support for the implementation of the 35-company product, as well as from the Company’s Producers for the Promotement of Enable Producers the Producer Enhancement for Provider and the Enhancement of Enhanced Persons.The result of the project is the training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which supports the implementation of innovative products, as well as to promote the development of innovative products within the scope of the Producer for Prosumers.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which supports the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Prosumers side, ensuring the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the project implementation is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which support the implementation of innovative products, as well as to promote the promotion of innovative technologies within the Company.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, support for the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s Promise of Enhanceable Producers of Producers and Enhances Enhancessupreparating Process for Persons of the Year 52.The result of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, that supports the implementation of the project in production, as well as the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Producers of the Producers within the scope of the project.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, support in the form of consultations, as well as support the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s side providing appropriate project administration process.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including consultations, support in the form of consultations, as well as to support the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s side to ensure the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of the employees, including in the form of consultations, in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, as well as from the Producer’s Producer-Employment, as well as from the Company’s side ensuring the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the project is the training of employees, including in the form of consultations, including consultations in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, as well as from the Company’s Producer for Enhancement of Enhancement of Producers and the Enhancement of Producers within the 52 Project.The result of the implementation of the project is the organisation of The amount of ERDF support EUR 896282 and the amount of the Virtual Commitment Support EUR 1200000.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2023. (Greek)
    3 August 2022
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    Lotyšská asociácia hotelov a reštaurácií (ďalej len LVRA) je združenie, ktoré spája ubytovacie a stravovacie spoločnosti pre profesionálnu spoluprácu s cieľom zlepšiť kvalitu služieb zákazníkom, podporiť popularitu Lotyšska ako turistickej destinácie a zastupovať lotyšský cestovný ruch a súvisiace podniky v Európe a na celom svete. LVRA bola založená v roku 1993. V súčasnosti má LVRA viac ako 250 členov, viac ako 50 % členov projektu zastupuje odvetvie "bytových a stravovacích služieb" a celkový obrat jej členov presahuje 330 miliónov EUR. Priemysel cestovného ruchu má veľký multiplikačný účinok – jeho rast stimuluje dopyt po stravovacích, dopravných, zdravotníckych a iných službách.Žiadateľ projektu pripravil a predložil projekt v oblasti "3. The aim of the project is to provide support to entrepreneurs to improve the skills of employees in order to promote the implementation of technological innovations and increase of labour productivity.The planned solutions for achieving the project goal are providing support to the development of the skills of employees by organising appropriate training courses necessary for achievement of the goal, including in the form of consultations, in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, support for the implementation of the 35-company product, as well as from the Company’s Producers for the Promotement of Enable Producers the Producer Enhancement for Provider and the Enhancement of Enhanced Persons.The result of the project is the training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which supports the implementation of innovative products, as well as to promote the development of innovative products within the scope of the Producer for Prosumers.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which supports the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Prosumers side, ensuring the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the project implementation is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which support the implementation of innovative products, as well as to promote the promotion of innovative technologies within the Company.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, support for the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s Promise of Enhanceable Producers of Producers and Enhances Enhancessupreparating Process for Persons of the Year 52.The result of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, that supports the implementation of the project in production, as well as the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Producers of the Producers within the scope of the project.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, support in the form of consultations, as well as support the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s side providing appropriate project administration process.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including consultations, support in the form of consultations, as well as to support the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s side to ensure the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of the employees, including in the form of consultations, in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, as well as from the Producer’s Producer-Employment, as well as from the Company’s side ensuring the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the project is the training of employees, including in the form of consultations, including consultations in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, as well as from the Company’s Producer for Enhancement of Enhancement of Producers and the Enhancement of Producers within the 52 Project.The result of the implementation of the project is the organisation of The amount of ERDF support EUR 896282 and the amount of the Virtual Commitment Support EUR 1200000.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2023. (Slovak)
    3 August 2022
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    Latvian hotelli- ja ravintolayhdistys, jäljempänä ’LVRA’, on yhdistys, joka yhdistää majoitus- ja ateriapalveluyrityksiä ammattimaiseen yhteistyöhön, jonka tavoitteena on parantaa asiakaspalvelun laatua, edistää Latvian suosiota matkailukohteena ja edustaa Latvian matkailua ja siihen liittyviä yrityksiä Euroopassa ja maailmanlaajuisesti. LVRA perustettiin vuonna 1993. Tällä hetkellä LVRA:lla on yli 250 jäsentä, yli 50 prosenttia hankkeen jäsenistä edustaa ”asunto- ja ateriapalvelualaa” ja sen jäsenten kokonaisliikevaihto ylittää 330 miljoonaa euroa.Matkailualalla on suuri kerrannaisvaikutus – sen kasvu kannustaa tarjoilu-, kuljetus-, terveys- ja muiden palvelujen kysyntään. Hankkeen hakija valmisteli ja esitti alan hankkeen ”3. The aim of the project is to provide support to entrepreneurs to improve the skills of employees in order to promote the implementation of technological innovations and increase of labour productivity.The planned solutions for achieving the project goal are providing support to the development of the skills of employees by organising appropriate training courses necessary for achievement of the goal, including in the form of consultations, in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, support for the implementation of the 35-company product, as well as from the Company’s Producers for the Promotement of Enable Producers the Producer Enhancement for Provider and the Enhancement of Enhanced Persons.The result of the project is the training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which supports the implementation of innovative products, as well as to promote the development of innovative products within the scope of the Producer for Prosumers.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which supports the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Prosumers side, ensuring the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the project implementation is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which support the implementation of innovative products, as well as to promote the promotion of innovative technologies within the Company.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, support for the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s Promise of Enhanceable Producers of Producers and Enhances Enhancessupreparating Process for Persons of the Year 52.The result of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, that supports the implementation of the project in production, as well as the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Producers of the Producers within the scope of the project.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, support in the form of consultations, as well as support the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s side providing appropriate project administration process.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including consultations, support in the form of consultations, as well as to support the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s side to ensure the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of the employees, including in the form of consultations, in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, as well as from the Producer’s Producer-Employment, as well as from the Company’s side ensuring the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the project is the training of employees, including in the form of consultations, including consultations in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, as well as from the Company’s Producer for Enhancement of Enhancement of Producers and the Enhancement of Producers within the 52 Project.The result of the implementation of the project is the organisation of The amount of ERDF support EUR 896282 and the amount of the Virtual Commitment Support EUR 1200000.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2023. (Finnish)
    3 August 2022
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    Stowarzyszenie Hotele i Restauracje Łotwy (zwane dalej LVRA) jest stowarzyszeniem, które łączy przedsiębiorstwa zajmujące się zakwaterowaniem i gastronomią w celu profesjonalnej współpracy w celu poprawy jakości obsługi klienta, promowania popularności Łotwy jako celu turystycznego oraz reprezentowania łotewskiej turystyki i powiązanych przedsiębiorstw w Europie i na całym świecie. LVRA została założona w 1993 roku.Obecnie LVRA ma ponad 250 członków, ponad 50 % członków projektu reprezentuje branżę "Housing and Catering Services", a całkowity obrót jej członków przekracza 330 mln EUR.Przemysł turystyczny ma duży efekt mnożnikowy – jego wzrost stanowi zachętę do popytu na usługi gastronomiczne, transportowe, zdrowotne i inne. Wnioskodawca projektu przygotował i przedłożył projekt w dziedzinie "3. The aim of the project is to provide support to entrepreneurs to improve the skills of employees in order to promote the implementation of technological innovations and increase of labour productivity.The planned solutions for achieving the project goal are providing support to the development of the skills of employees by organising appropriate training courses necessary for achievement of the goal, including in the form of consultations, in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, support for the implementation of the 35-company product, as well as from the Company’s Producers for the Promotement of Enable Producers the Producer Enhancement for Provider and the Enhancement of Enhanced Persons.The result of the project is the training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which supports the implementation of innovative products, as well as to promote the development of innovative products within the scope of the Producer for Prosumers.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which supports the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Prosumers side, ensuring the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the project implementation is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which support the implementation of innovative products, as well as to promote the promotion of innovative technologies within the Company.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, support for the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s Promise of Enhanceable Producers of Producers and Enhances Enhancessupreparating Process for Persons of the Year 52.The result of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, that supports the implementation of the project in production, as well as the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Producers of the Producers within the scope of the project.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, support in the form of consultations, as well as support the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s side providing appropriate project administration process.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including consultations, support in the form of consultations, as well as to support the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s side to ensure the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of the employees, including in the form of consultations, in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, as well as from the Producer’s Producer-Employment, as well as from the Company’s side ensuring the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the project is the training of employees, including in the form of consultations, including consultations in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, as well as from the Company’s Producer for Enhancement of Enhancement of Producers and the Enhancement of Producers within the 52 Project.The result of the implementation of the project is the organisation of The amount of ERDF support EUR 896282 and the amount of the Virtual Commitment Support EUR 1200000.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2023. (Polish)
    3 August 2022
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    A lettországi Szállodák és Éttermek Szövetsége (a továbbiakban: LVRA) olyan egyesület, amely a szállás- és vendéglátóipari vállalatokat szakmai együttműködés céljából egyesíti azzal a céllal, hogy javítsa az ügyfélszolgálat minőségét, népszerűsítse Lettország turisztikai célpontként való népszerűségét, és képviselje a lett turizmust és a kapcsolódó vállalkozásokat Európában és világszerte. Az LVRA 1993-ban alakult. Jelenleg az LVRA-nak több mint 250 tagja van, a projekt tagjainak több mint 50%-a a "Ház- és vendéglátási szolgáltatások" iparágat képviseli, és tagjainak teljes forgalma meghaladja a 330 millió EUR-t.Az idegenforgalmi ágazat jelentős multiplikátorhatással bír – növekedése ösztönzőleg hat az étkeztetésre, a közlekedésre, az egészségügyre és egyéb szolgáltatásokra.A projekt kérelmezője projektet készített és nyújtott be a "3. The aim of the project is to provide support to entrepreneurs to improve the skills of employees in order to promote the implementation of technological innovations and increase of labour productivity.The planned solutions for achieving the project goal are providing support to the development of the skills of employees by organising appropriate training courses necessary for achievement of the goal, including in the form of consultations, in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, support for the implementation of the 35-company product, as well as from the Company’s Producers for the Promotement of Enable Producers the Producer Enhancement for Provider and the Enhancement of Enhanced Persons.The result of the project is the training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which supports the implementation of innovative products, as well as to promote the development of innovative products within the scope of the Producer for Prosumers.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which supports the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Prosumers side, ensuring the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the project implementation is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which support the implementation of innovative products, as well as to promote the promotion of innovative technologies within the Company.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, support for the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s Promise of Enhanceable Producers of Producers and Enhances Enhancessupreparating Process for Persons of the Year 52.The result of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, that supports the implementation of the project in production, as well as the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Producers of the Producers within the scope of the project.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, support in the form of consultations, as well as support the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s side providing appropriate project administration process.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including consultations, support in the form of consultations, as well as to support the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s side to ensure the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of the employees, including in the form of consultations, in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, as well as from the Producer’s Producer-Employment, as well as from the Company’s side ensuring the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the project is the training of employees, including in the form of consultations, including consultations in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, as well as from the Company’s Producer for Enhancement of Enhancement of Producers and the Enhancement of Producers within the 52 Project.The result of the implementation of the project is the organisation of The amount of ERDF support EUR 896282 and the amount of the Virtual Commitment Support EUR 1200000.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2023. (Hungarian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    Sdružení hotelů a restaurací Lotyšska (dále jen LVRA) je sdružení, které spojuje ubytovací a stravovací společnosti pro profesionální spolupráci s cílem zlepšit kvalitu služeb zákazníkům, propagovat popularitu Lotyšska jako turistické destinace a reprezentovat lotyšský cestovní ruch a související podniky v Evropě i po celém světě. LVRA byla založena v roce 1993. V současné době má LVRA více než 250 členů, více než 50 % členů projektu představuje odvětví "Housing and Catering Services" a celkový obrat jeho členů přesahuje 330 milionů EUR.Turismus má velký multiplikační účinek – jeho růst je pobídkou k poptávce po stravovacích, dopravních, zdravotních a dalších službách.Žadatel projektu připravil a předložil projekt v oboru "3. The aim of the project is to provide support to entrepreneurs to improve the skills of employees in order to promote the implementation of technological innovations and increase of labour productivity.The planned solutions for achieving the project goal are providing support to the development of the skills of employees by organising appropriate training courses necessary for achievement of the goal, including in the form of consultations, in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, support for the implementation of the 35-company product, as well as from the Company’s Producers for the Promotement of Enable Producers the Producer Enhancement for Provider and the Enhancement of Enhanced Persons.The result of the project is the training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which supports the implementation of innovative products, as well as to promote the development of innovative products within the scope of the Producer for Prosumers.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which supports the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Prosumers side, ensuring the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the project implementation is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which support the implementation of innovative products, as well as to promote the promotion of innovative technologies within the Company.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, support for the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s Promise of Enhanceable Producers of Producers and Enhances Enhancessupreparating Process for Persons of the Year 52.The result of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, that supports the implementation of the project in production, as well as the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Producers of the Producers within the scope of the project.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, support in the form of consultations, as well as support the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s side providing appropriate project administration process.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including consultations, support in the form of consultations, as well as to support the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s side to ensure the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of the employees, including in the form of consultations, in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, as well as from the Producer’s Producer-Employment, as well as from the Company’s side ensuring the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the project is the training of employees, including in the form of consultations, including consultations in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, as well as from the Company’s Producer for Enhancement of Enhancement of Producers and the Enhancement of Producers within the 52 Project.The result of the implementation of the project is the organisation of The amount of ERDF support EUR 896282 and the amount of the Virtual Commitment Support EUR 1200000.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2023. (Czech)
    3 August 2022
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    Is comhlachas é Cumann Óstáin agus Bialanna na Laitvia (dá ngairtear an LVRA anseo feasta) a thugann cuideachtaí cóiríochta agus lónadóireachta le chéile don chomhar gairmiúil, agus é mar aidhm leis caighdeán na seirbhíse do chustaiméirí a fheabhsú, tóir na Laitvia mar cheann scríbe turasóireachta a chur chun cinn agus ionadaíocht a dhéanamh ar thurasóireacht na Laitvia agus ar ghnólachtaí gaolmhara san Eoraip agus ar fud an domhain. Bunaíodh an LVRA i 1993. Faoi láthair, tá níos mó ná 250 ball ag an LVRA, déanann níos mó ná 50 % de chomhaltaí an tionscadail ionadaíocht ar an tionscal “Seirbhísí Tithíochta agus Lónadóireachta” agus tá láimhdeachas iomlán a chuid ball níos mó ná EUR 330 milliún.Tá éifeacht mhór iolraitheora ag tionscal na turasóireachta — tugann a fhás dreasacht chun éileamh a dhéanamh ar sheirbhísí lónadóireachta, iompair, sláinte agus seirbhísí eile. The aim of the project is to provide support to entrepreneurs to improve the skills of employees in order to promote the implementation of technological innovations and increase of labour productivity.The planned solutions for achieving the project goal are providing support to the development of the skills of employees by organising appropriate training courses necessary for achievement of the goal, including in the form of consultations, in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, support for the implementation of the 35-company product, as well as from the Company’s Producers for the Promotement of Enable Producers the Producer Enhancement for Provider and the Enhancement of Enhanced Persons.The result of the project is the training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which supports the implementation of innovative products, as well as to promote the development of innovative products within the scope of the Producer for Prosumers.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which supports the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Prosumers side, ensuring the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the project implementation is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which support the implementation of innovative products, as well as to promote the promotion of innovative technologies within the Company.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, support for the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s Promise of Enhanceable Producers of Producers and Enhances Enhancessupreparating Process for Persons of the Year 52.The result of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, that supports the implementation of the project in production, as well as the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Producers of the Producers within the scope of the project.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, support in the form of consultations, as well as support the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s side providing appropriate project administration process.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including consultations, support in the form of consultations, as well as to support the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s side to ensure the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of the employees, including in the form of consultations, in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, as well as from the Producer’s Producer-Employment, as well as from the Company’s side ensuring the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the project is the training of employees, including in the form of consultations, including consultations in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, as well as from the Company’s Producer for Enhancement of Enhancement of Producers and the Enhancement of Producers within the 52 Project.The result of the implementation of the project is the organisation of The amount of ERDF support EUR 896282 and the amount of the Virtual Commitment Support EUR 1200000.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2023. (Irish)
    3 August 2022
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    Združenje hotelov in restavracij Latvije (v nadaljnjem besedilu: LVRA) je združenje, ki združuje nastanitvena in gostinska podjetja za strokovno sodelovanje z namenom izboljšanja kakovosti storitev za stranke, spodbujanja priljubljenosti Latvije kot turistične destinacije ter zastopanja latvijskega turizma in povezanih podjetij v Evropi in po svetu. LVRA je bila ustanovljena leta 1993.Trenutno ima LVRA več kot 250 članov, več kot 50 % članov projekta predstavlja industrijo "stanovanjske in gostinske storitve", skupni promet njenih članov pa presega 330 milijonov EUR. Turistična industrija ima velik multiplikacijski učinek – njegova rast spodbuja povpraševanje po gostinstvu, prevozu, zdravstvu in drugih storitvah.Prosilec projekta je pripravil in predložil projekt na tem področju "3. The aim of the project is to provide support to entrepreneurs to improve the skills of employees in order to promote the implementation of technological innovations and increase of labour productivity.The planned solutions for achieving the project goal are providing support to the development of the skills of employees by organising appropriate training courses necessary for achievement of the goal, including in the form of consultations, in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, support for the implementation of the 35-company product, as well as from the Company’s Producers for the Promotement of Enable Producers the Producer Enhancement for Provider and the Enhancement of Enhanced Persons.The result of the project is the training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which supports the implementation of innovative products, as well as to promote the development of innovative products within the scope of the Producer for Prosumers.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which supports the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Prosumers side, ensuring the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the project implementation is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which support the implementation of innovative products, as well as to promote the promotion of innovative technologies within the Company.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, support for the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s Promise of Enhanceable Producers of Producers and Enhances Enhancessupreparating Process for Persons of the Year 52.The result of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, that supports the implementation of the project in production, as well as the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Producers of the Producers within the scope of the project.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, support in the form of consultations, as well as support the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s side providing appropriate project administration process.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including consultations, support in the form of consultations, as well as to support the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s side to ensure the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of the employees, including in the form of consultations, in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, as well as from the Producer’s Producer-Employment, as well as from the Company’s side ensuring the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the project is the training of employees, including in the form of consultations, including consultations in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, as well as from the Company’s Producer for Enhancement of Enhancement of Producers and the Enhancement of Producers within the 52 Project.The result of the implementation of the project is the organisation of The amount of ERDF support EUR 896282 and the amount of the Virtual Commitment Support EUR 1200000.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2023. (Slovenian)
    3 August 2022
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    Асоциацията на хотелиерството и ресторантьорството на Латвия (наричана по-долу „LVRA“) е сдружение, което обединява компаниите за настаняване и кетъринг за професионално сътрудничество с цел подобряване на качеството на обслужването на клиентите, насърчаване на популярността на Латвия като туристическа дестинация и представлява латвийския туризъм и свързаните с него предприятия в Европа и по света. LVRA е основана през 1993 г. В момента LVRA има повече от 250 членове, повече от 50 % от членовете на проекта представляват сектора „Жилищни и кетъринг услуги„, а общият оборот на нейните членове надхвърля 330 млн. EUR. Туризмът има голям мултиплициращ ефект — растежът ѝ дава стимул за търсене на кетъринг, транспорт, здравеопазване и други услуги. Кандидатът по проекта подготви и представи проект в област“3. The aim of the project is to provide support to entrepreneurs to improve the skills of employees in order to promote the implementation of technological innovations and increase of labour productivity.The planned solutions for achieving the project goal are providing support to the development of the skills of employees by organising appropriate training courses necessary for achievement of the goal, including in the form of consultations, in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, support for the implementation of the 35-company product, as well as from the Company’s Producers for the Promotement of Enable Producers the Producer Enhancement for Provider and the Enhancement of Enhanced Persons.The result of the project is the training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which supports the implementation of innovative products, as well as to promote the development of innovative products within the scope of the Producer for Prosumers.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which supports the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Prosumers side, ensuring the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the project implementation is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which support the implementation of innovative products, as well as to promote the promotion of innovative technologies within the Company.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, support for the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s Promise of Enhanceable Producers of Producers and Enhances Enhancessupreparating Process for Persons of the Year 52.The result of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, that supports the implementation of the project in production, as well as the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Producers of the Producers within the scope of the project.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, support in the form of consultations, as well as support the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s side providing appropriate project administration process.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including consultations, support in the form of consultations, as well as to support the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s side to ensure the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of the employees, including in the form of consultations, in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, as well as from the Producer’s Producer-Employment, as well as from the Company’s side ensuring the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the project is the training of employees, including in the form of consultations, including consultations in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, as well as from the Company’s Producer for Enhancement of Enhancement of Producers and the Enhancement of Producers within the 52 Project.The result of the implementation of the project is the organisation of The amount of ERDF support EUR 896282 and the amount of the Virtual Commitment Support EUR 1200000.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2023. (Bulgarian)
    3 August 2022
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    L-Assoċjazzjoni tal-Lukandi u r-Ristoranti tal-Latvja (minn hawn’il quddiem — LVRA) hija assoċjazzjoni li tgħaqqad il-kumpaniji tal-akkomodazzjoni u tal-catering għall-kooperazzjoni professjonali, bil-għan li ttejjeb il-kwalità tas-servizz tal-konsumatur, tippromwovi l-popolarità tal-Latvja bħala destinazzjoni turistika u tirrappreżenta t-turiżmu Latvjan u n-negozji relatati fl-Ewropa u madwar id-dinja. L-LVRA twaqqfet fl-1993. Bħalissa, l-LVRA għandha aktar minn 250 membru, aktar minn 50 % tal-membri tal-proġett jirrappreżentaw l-industrija "Housing and Catering Services" u l-fatturat totali tal-membri tagħha jaqbeż EUR 330 miljun. L-industrija tat-turiżmu għandha effett multiplikatur kbir — it-tkabbir tagħha jagħti inċentiv għad-domanda għall-forniment tal-ikel, it-trasport, is-saħħa u servizzi oħra.L-applikant tal-proġett ħejja u ssottometta proġett fil-qasam "3. The aim of the project is to provide support to entrepreneurs to improve the skills of employees in order to promote the implementation of technological innovations and increase of labour productivity.The planned solutions for achieving the project goal are providing support to the development of the skills of employees by organising appropriate training courses necessary for achievement of the goal, including in the form of consultations, in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, support for the implementation of the 35-company product, as well as from the Company’s Producers for the Promotement of Enable Producers the Producer Enhancement for Provider and the Enhancement of Enhanced Persons.The result of the project is the training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which supports the implementation of innovative products, as well as to promote the development of innovative products within the scope of the Producer for Prosumers.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which supports the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Prosumers side, ensuring the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the project implementation is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which support the implementation of innovative products, as well as to promote the promotion of innovative technologies within the Company.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, support for the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s Promise of Enhanceable Producers of Producers and Enhances Enhancessupreparating Process for Persons of the Year 52.The result of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, that supports the implementation of the project in production, as well as the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Producers of the Producers within the scope of the project.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, support in the form of consultations, as well as support the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s side providing appropriate project administration process.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including consultations, support in the form of consultations, as well as to support the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s side to ensure the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of the employees, including in the form of consultations, in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, as well as from the Producer’s Producer-Employment, as well as from the Company’s side ensuring the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the project is the training of employees, including in the form of consultations, including consultations in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, as well as from the Company’s Producer for Enhancement of Enhancement of Producers and the Enhancement of Producers within the 52 Project.The result of the implementation of the project is the organisation of The amount of ERDF support EUR 896282 and the amount of the Virtual Commitment Support EUR 1200000.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2023. (Maltese)
    3 August 2022
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    A Associação de Hotéis e Restaurantes da Letónia (a seguir designada «LVRA») é uma associação que reúne empresas de alojamento e restauração para fins de cooperação profissional, com o objetivo de melhorar a qualidade do serviço ao cliente, promover a popularidade da Letónia como destino turístico e representar o turismo letão e as empresas conexas na Europa e no mundo. A LVRA foi fundada em 1993.Atualmente, a LVRA tem mais de 250 membros, mais de 50 % dos membros do projeto representam a indústria "Serviços de habitação e restauração" e o volume de negócios total dos seus membros excede 330 milhões de euros.A indústria do turismo tem um grande efeito multiplicador — o seu crescimento dá um incentivo à procura de serviços de restauração, transportes, saúde e outros serviços.O candidato ao projeto preparou e apresentou um projeto no domínio "3. The aim of the project is to provide support to entrepreneurs to improve the skills of employees in order to promote the implementation of technological innovations and increase of labour productivity.The planned solutions for achieving the project goal are providing support to the development of the skills of employees by organising appropriate training courses necessary for achievement of the goal, including in the form of consultations, in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, support for the implementation of the 35-company product, as well as from the Company’s Producers for the Promotement of Enable Producers the Producer Enhancement for Provider and the Enhancement of Enhanced Persons.The result of the project is the training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which supports the implementation of innovative products, as well as to promote the development of innovative products within the scope of the Producer for Prosumers.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which supports the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Prosumers side, ensuring the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the project implementation is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which support the implementation of innovative products, as well as to promote the promotion of innovative technologies within the Company.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, support for the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s Promise of Enhanceable Producers of Producers and Enhances Enhancessupreparating Process for Persons of the Year 52.The result of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, that supports the implementation of the project in production, as well as the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Producers of the Producers within the scope of the project.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, support in the form of consultations, as well as support the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s side providing appropriate project administration process.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including consultations, support in the form of consultations, as well as to support the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s side to ensure the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of the employees, including in the form of consultations, in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, as well as from the Producer’s Producer-Employment, as well as from the Company’s side ensuring the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the project is the training of employees, including in the form of consultations, including consultations in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, as well as from the Company’s Producer for Enhancement of Enhancement of Producers and the Enhancement of Producers within the 52 Project.The result of the implementation of the project is the organisation of The amount of ERDF support EUR 896282 and the amount of the Virtual Commitment Support EUR 1200000.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2023. (Portuguese)
    3 August 2022
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    Sammenslutningen af hoteller og restauranter i Letland (i det følgende benævnt LVRA) er en forening, der forener indkvarterings- og cateringvirksomheder med henblik på professionelt samarbejde med det formål at forbedre kvaliteten af kundeservice, fremme Letlands popularitet som turistdestination og repræsentere lettisk turisme og tilknyttede virksomheder i Europa og på verdensplan. LVRA blev grundlagt i 1993.I øjeblikket har LVRA mere end 250 medlemmer, mere end 50 % af projektets medlemmer repræsenterer branchen "Housing and Catering Services", og dens medlemmers samlede omsætning overstiger 330 mio. EUR. Turismeindustrien har en stor multiplikatoreffekt — dens vækst giver et incitament til efterspørgsel efter catering, transport, sundhed og andre tjenester.Projektansøgeren udarbejdede og indsendte et projekt på området "3. The aim of the project is to provide support to entrepreneurs to improve the skills of employees in order to promote the implementation of technological innovations and increase of labour productivity.The planned solutions for achieving the project goal are providing support to the development of the skills of employees by organising appropriate training courses necessary for achievement of the goal, including in the form of consultations, in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, support for the implementation of the 35-company product, as well as from the Company’s Producers for the Promotement of Enable Producers the Producer Enhancement for Provider and the Enhancement of Enhanced Persons.The result of the project is the training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which supports the implementation of innovative products, as well as to promote the development of innovative products within the scope of the Producer for Prosumers.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which supports the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Prosumers side, ensuring the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the project implementation is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which support the implementation of innovative products, as well as to promote the promotion of innovative technologies within the Company.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, support for the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s Promise of Enhanceable Producers of Producers and Enhances Enhancessupreparating Process for Persons of the Year 52.The result of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, that supports the implementation of the project in production, as well as the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Producers of the Producers within the scope of the project.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, support in the form of consultations, as well as support the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s side providing appropriate project administration process.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including consultations, support in the form of consultations, as well as to support the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s side to ensure the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of the employees, including in the form of consultations, in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, as well as from the Producer’s Producer-Employment, as well as from the Company’s side ensuring the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the project is the training of employees, including in the form of consultations, including consultations in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, as well as from the Company’s Producer for Enhancement of Enhancement of Producers and the Enhancement of Producers within the 52 Project.The result of the implementation of the project is the organisation of The amount of ERDF support EUR 896282 and the amount of the Virtual Commitment Support EUR 1200000.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2023. (Danish)
    3 August 2022
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    Asociația hotelurilor și restaurantelor din Letonia (denumită în continuare LVRA) este o asociație care unește societățile de cazare și catering pentru cooperarea profesională, cu scopul de a îmbunătăți calitatea serviciilor pentru clienți, de a promova popularitatea Letoniei ca destinație turistică și de a reprezenta turismul leton și întreprinderile conexe din Europa și din întreaga lume. LVRA a fost fondată în 1993. În prezent, LVRA are peste 250 de membri, peste 50 % dintre membrii proiectului reprezintă industria "Servicii de cazare și catering", iar cifra de afaceri totală a membrilor săi depășește 330 milioane EUR. Industria turismului are un efect multiplicator mare – creșterea sa oferă un stimulent pentru cererea de servicii de catering, transport, sănătate și alte servicii. Solicitantul proiectului a pregătit și a depus un proiect în domeniul "3. The aim of the project is to provide support to entrepreneurs to improve the skills of employees in order to promote the implementation of technological innovations and increase of labour productivity.The planned solutions for achieving the project goal are providing support to the development of the skills of employees by organising appropriate training courses necessary for achievement of the goal, including in the form of consultations, in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, support for the implementation of the 35-company product, as well as from the Company’s Producers for the Promotement of Enable Producers the Producer Enhancement for Provider and the Enhancement of Enhanced Persons.The result of the project is the training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which supports the implementation of innovative products, as well as to promote the development of innovative products within the scope of the Producer for Prosumers.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which supports the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Prosumers side, ensuring the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the project implementation is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which support the implementation of innovative products, as well as to promote the promotion of innovative technologies within the Company.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, support for the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s Promise of Enhanceable Producers of Producers and Enhances Enhancessupreparating Process for Persons of the Year 52.The result of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, that supports the implementation of the project in production, as well as the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Producers of the Producers within the scope of the project.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, support in the form of consultations, as well as support the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s side providing appropriate project administration process.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including consultations, support in the form of consultations, as well as to support the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s side to ensure the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of the employees, including in the form of consultations, in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, as well as from the Producer’s Producer-Employment, as well as from the Company’s side ensuring the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the project is the training of employees, including in the form of consultations, including consultations in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, as well as from the Company’s Producer for Enhancement of Enhancement of Producers and the Enhancement of Producers within the 52 Project.The result of the implementation of the project is the organisation of The amount of ERDF support EUR 896282 and the amount of the Virtual Commitment Support EUR 1200000.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2023. (Romanian)
    3 August 2022
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    Lettlands hotell- och restaurangförening (nedan kallad LVRA) är en sammanslutning som förenar hotell- och cateringföretag för professionellt samarbete i syfte att förbättra kvaliteten på kundservicen, främja Lettlands popularitet som turistmål och företräda lettisk turism och närliggande företag i Europa och världen över. LVRA grundades 1993.För närvarande har LVRA mer än 250 medlemmar, mer än 50 % av projektets medlemmar representerar branschen ”Bostads- och cateringtjänster” och dess medlemmars totala omsättning överstiger 330 miljoner euro. Turistbranschen har en stor multiplikatoreffekt – dess tillväxt ger ett incitament till efterfrågan på catering, transport, hälso- och sjukvård och andra tjänster.Projektsökanden förberedde och lämnade in ett projekt inom området ”3. The aim of the project is to provide support to entrepreneurs to improve the skills of employees in order to promote the implementation of technological innovations and increase of labour productivity.The planned solutions for achieving the project goal are providing support to the development of the skills of employees by organising appropriate training courses necessary for achievement of the goal, including in the form of consultations, in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, support for the implementation of the 35-company product, as well as from the Company’s Producers for the Promotement of Enable Producers the Producer Enhancement for Provider and the Enhancement of Enhanced Persons.The result of the project is the training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which supports the implementation of innovative products, as well as to promote the development of innovative products within the scope of the Producer for Prosumers.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which supports the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Prosumers side, ensuring the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the project implementation is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, which support the implementation of innovative products, as well as to promote the promotion of innovative technologies within the Company.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, support for the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s Promise of Enhanceable Producers of Producers and Enhances Enhancessupreparating Process for Persons of the Year 52.The result of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, that supports the implementation of the project in production, as well as the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Producers of the Producers within the scope of the project.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including in the form of consultations, support in the form of consultations, as well as support the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s side providing appropriate project administration process.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of employees, including consultations, support in the form of consultations, as well as to support the implementation of innovative products, as well as from the Company’s side to ensure the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the implementation of the project is the total training of the employees, including in the form of consultations, in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, as well as from the Producer’s Producer-Employment, as well as from the Company’s side ensuring the appropriate process of managing the project.The result of the project is the training of employees, including in the form of consultations, including consultations in the form of consultations, as well as in the form of consultations, as well as from the Company’s Producer for Enhancement of Enhancement of Producers and the Enhancement of Producers within the 52 Project.The result of the implementation of the project is the organisation of The amount of ERDF support EUR 896282 and the amount of the Virtual Commitment Support EUR 1200000.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2023. (Swedish)
    3 August 2022
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    Visa Latvija
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