Training of technological innovation and labour productivity for light industrial and related businesses (Q3056610)

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Project Q3056610 in Latvia
Language Label Description Also known as
Training of technological innovation and labour productivity for light industrial and related businesses
Project Q3056610 in Latvia


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    1,395,213.0 Euro
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    2,721,900.0 Euro
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    51.26 percent
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    1 June 2016
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    31 December 2023
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    Vieglās rūpniecības uzņēmumu asociācija
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    56°54'41.11"N, 24°8'39.98"E
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    Vieglās rūpniecības uzņēmumu asociācija projektu realizēs sadarbībā ar citām nozares un reģionālajām organizācijām, nodrošinot projekta pasākumu plašāku pieejamību visā Latvijas teritorijā. Projekta mērķis ir komersantiem nodrošināt atbalstu nodarbināto prasmju pilnveidošanai, lai sekmētu tehnoloģisko inovāciju ieviešanu un darbaspēka produktivitātes paaugstināšanu. Vieglās rūpniecības (VR) nozare ir izteikti ražojoša, eksportējoša ar lielu nodarbināto skaitu. VR nozare veicina nodarbinātību mazattīstītos Latvijas reģionos. Nozare ir vertikāli integrēta, jo ražo gan izejvielas, gan gatavo produkciju. Projekta iesniedzējs sagatavojis un iesniedz projektu nozarē „1.7.vieglā rūpniecība”.Vairāk kā 50% projekta iesniedzēja biedru pārstāv nozari „vieglā rūpniecība” un biedru kopējais apgrozījums pārsniedz 270 milj.EUR.Atbilstoši MK noteikumos noteiktajām atbalstāmajām darbībām mērķa sasniegšanai plānotie risinājumi ir atbalsta sniegšana nodarbināto prasmju pilnveidošanai, organizējot atbalstāmo nozaru komersantiem atbilstošus un mērķa sasniegšanai nepieciešamus apmācību kursus nodarbinātām personām, konsultāciju formā, kā arī no Biedrības puses nodrošinot atbilstošu projekta administrēšanas procesu.Projekta īstenošanas rezultāts ir MK noteikumos noteikto atbalstāmo apmācību jomu ietvaros veiktās nodarbināto personu apmācības, kas sekmē atbalstāmo nozaru komersantu tehnoloģisko inovāciju ieviešanu un inovatīvu komersantu skaita palielināšanos, darbaspēka produktivitātes paaugstināšanu, atbalstu P&A darbībām - jaunu nišu, metožu, produktu un tehnoloģiju identificēšanu, kā arī jaunu vai uzlabotu produktu un tehnoloģiju izstrādi un ieviešanu ražošanā.Projektā plānots iesaistīt 55 komersantus un 23 komersantus Virssaistību piešķirtā atbalsta ietvaros, apmācības nodrošināt 1882 (ne-unikālās) nodarbinātām personām un 783 (ne-unikālās) nodarbinātām personām Virssaistību piešķirtā atbalsta ietvaros.Projekta kopējās attiecināmās izmaksas sastāda 2 721 900.00 EUR, ERAF atbalsta apjoms 895 213.00 EUR un Virssaistību atbalsta apjoms 500 000.00 EUR.Projektu plānots uzsākt līdz ar projekta pieteikuma iesniegšanu CFLA un īstenot līdz 2023.gada 31.decembrim. (Latvian)
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    The project will be implemented by the Association of Light Industry Enterprises in cooperation with other industry and regional organisations, ensuring wider availability of project activities throughout the territory of Latvia. The aim of the project is to provide support to merchants for the development of employees’ skills in order to facilitate implementation of technological innovations and increase of labour productivity. The light industry (LRA) sector is a highly manufacturing, exporting with a large number of employees. The VR sector promotes employment in underdeveloped regions of Latvia. The sector is vertically integrated as it produces both raw materials and finished products. The project applicant has prepared and submitted project in industry “1.7.light industry”.More as 50 % of the project applicant represents industry “light industry” and the total turnover of its members exceeds EUR 270 million.Compliant to the supported activities defined in the Cabinet Regulations the planned solutions are support for the improvement of employees‘skills, by organising the implementation of the Innovative Producers for the Prosumers’ Enhancement of Producers and the Enhancement of Enhancement of New Projects and the employees within the employees, including in the form of consultations, as well as from the support to the training of the employees, which support the implementation of the Innovative Workforce in the Prosurance of the Producers of the Enhanced Producers for new technologies and the employees within the scope of the employees.For the overall form of consultations, as well as from the support for the development of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovative Workforce for the Prosuer’s Prosuer’s Enhance for New Projects and for the achievement of the goal necessary for the employees, in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supported Training of the Worker in the Proceeding and Promote for the Enhanced Enhancementation of Innovative Processing of the Producer of Enabled Enterprises within the scope of Enhanced Employees and the Employees in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supported Development of the Workforce in the Producer for the Enhancement of Applied Product Activities and the Producer of Producer Producers for Enhanced Activities of New Enterprises and the Employees Compatible for Employees in the form of Joint Consultation, as well as Support of the Workforce in the Producers Providing the Innovatives of the Producers and the Producer Enhancement of Enables of New Projects and the Entrepreneurs to Enhance the Employees within the Enhancement of New Persons, including in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supporting of the Workforce in the Producer for the Enhousing of Innovators and Producer Enabling to Producer Enhancement of Enable Entrants within the Promistants within the Enabled and Required to the Employees in the form of consultations, as well as support for the improvement of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovators of the Prosuper within the Promistry of Entreprene Entreprene and the Entrepreneured to achieve the goals of EUR 270 million for employed persons, including in the form of consultations, as well as support for the improvement of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovatives of the Producer for the Activities of the Prosufacturing of Producers of the Promployer within the scope of the Promployer’s and the necessity to achieve the goals of employees in the employees, in the form of consultations, as well as the support for the improvement of the skills of employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovatives of the Producer by Prosecuting the Promployer within the scope of the Promoker’s Enattracts and the Employees Compatible for the Activities of Employees.Forcoming for the Supported for the Supported Activities of the Advice, and the Producer for The amount of ERDF support EUR 895213.00 and the amount of the Virtual Commitment Support EUR 500000.00.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2023. (English)
    15 July 2021
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    L’Association de l’industrie légère mettra en œuvre le projet en coopération avec d’autres entreprises et organisations régionales, en assurant une plus grande disponibilité des activités du projet sur l’ensemble du territoire letton. L’objectif du projet est d’apporter aux commerçants un soutien à l’amélioration des compétences des employés afin de faciliter l’introduction d’innovations technologiques et l’augmentation de la productivité de la main-d’œuvre. L’industrie légère est très manufacturière et exporte avec un grand nombre d’employés. Le secteur VR favorise l’emploi dans les régions sous-développées de Lettonie. Le secteur est verticalement intégré car il produit à la fois des matières premières et des produits finis. Le demandeur du projet a préparé et soumis un projet dans le secteur «1,7 industrie légère». Plus de 50 % des membres du projet représentent le secteur «industrie légère» et le chiffre d’affaires total des membres dépasse 270 millions d’euros.Selon les activités soutenues spécifiées dans le règlement du Cabinet, les solutions envisagées pour atteindre l’objectif sont de soutenir l’amélioration des compétences des salariés en organisant des cours de formation à l’intention des salariés appropriés et nécessaires à la réalisation de l’objectif, y compris sous la forme de consultations, le résultat de la mise en œuvre du projet est la formation des salariés dans le cadre des domaines de formation bénéficiant d’un soutien, ce qui contribue à l’introduction d’innovations technologiques et de commerçants innovants dans les secteurs bénéficiant d’une aide, à l’augmentation de la productivité de la main-d’œuvre, au soutien à P&Activités — identification de nouveaux créneaux, méthodes, produits et technologies, ainsi qu’au développement et à la mise en œuvre de produits et technologies nouveaux ou améliorés dans le domaine de la production. La formation est fournie à 1882 personnes (non uniques) occupées et 783 personnes (non uniques) employées dans le cadre de l’aide au surengagement.Le coût total éligible du projet est de 272 190,00 EUR, dont: Le montant de l’aide du FEDER s’élève à 895 213,00 EUR et le montant de l’aide au surengagement de 50 000,00 EUR. Le projet devrait débuter par la soumission de la demande de projet à l’ACCP et être mis en œuvre d’ici le 31 décembre 2023. (French)
    25 November 2021
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    Der Verband der Leichtindustrie wird das Projekt in Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Industrie- und Regionalorganisationen durchführen, um eine breitere Verfügbarkeit von Projektaktivitäten im gesamten Hoheitsgebiet Lettlands zu gewährleisten. Ziel des Projekts ist es, Händler bei der Verbesserung der Fähigkeiten der Mitarbeiter zu unterstützen, um die Einführung technologischer Innovationen und die Steigerung der Produktivität der Belegschaft zu erleichtern. Die Leichtindustrie ist hochverarbeitend und exportiert mit einer großen Anzahl von Mitarbeitern. Der VR-Sektor fördert die Beschäftigung in unterentwickelten Regionen Lettlands. Der Sektor ist vertikal integriert, da er sowohl Rohstoffe als auch Endprodukte herstellt. Der Projektantragsteller hat ein Projekt in der Branche „1.7.leichte Industrie“ vorbereitet und eingereicht. Mehr als 50 % der Projektanwärter vertreten den Sektor „Lichtindustrie“ und der Gesamtumsatz der Mitglieder übersteigt 270 Mio. EUR.Nach den in der Kabinettsverordnung genannten geförderten Aktivitäten sind die geplanten Lösungen zur Erreichung des Ziels darin, die Verbesserung der Fähigkeiten der Mitarbeiter durch die Organisation von Schulungen für Arbeitnehmer zu unterstützen, die für die Erreichung des Ziels angemessen und notwendig sind. auch in Form von Konsultationen ist das Ergebnis der Projektdurchführung die Ausbildung von Mitarbeitern im Rahmen der geförderten Ausbildungsbereiche, die zur Einführung von technologischen Innovationen und innovativen Händlern der geförderten Sektoren beiträgt, die Produktivität der Arbeitskräfte erhöht, die Unterstützung für P&A-Aktivitäten – Ermittlung neuer Nischen, Methoden, Produkte und Technologien sowie die Entwicklung und Umsetzung neuer oder verbesserter Produkte und Technologien in der Produktion. Die Ausbildung wird 1882 (nicht einzig) Erwerbstätigen und 783 (nicht einzigartige) Beschäftigten im Rahmen der Überverpflichtungsbeihilfe zur Verfügung gestellt.Die gesamten förderfähigen Kosten des Projekts betragen 2 721 900,00 EUR, davon: Der Betrag der EFRE-Unterstützung beläuft sich auf 8 295 213,00 EUR und der Betrag der Mittelüberschreitung 500 000 000,00 EUR. Das Projekt soll mit der Einreichung des Projektantrags bei der CFCA beginnen und bis zum 31. Dezember 2023 durchgeführt werden. (German)
    28 November 2021
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    De Light Industry Association zal het project uitvoeren in samenwerking met andere industrie- en regionale organisaties, en zorgen voor een ruimere beschikbaarheid van projectactiviteiten op het gehele grondgebied van Letland. Het project heeft tot doel handelaren te ondersteunen bij de verbetering van de vaardigheden van de werknemers, teneinde de invoering van technologische innovaties en de verhoging van de productiviteit van de werknemers te vergemakkelijken. De lichte industrie is zeer productief, exporteert met een groot aantal werknemers. De VR-sector bevordert de werkgelegenheid in onderontwikkelde regio’s van Letland. De sector is verticaal geïntegreerd omdat hij zowel grondstoffen als eindproducten produceert. De projectaanvrager heeft een project voorbereid en ingediend in de sector „1.7.light-industrie”. Meer dan 50 % van de leden van de projectaanvrager vertegenwoordigen de sector „lichte industrie” en de totale omzet van de leden bedraagt meer dan 270 miljoen EUR.Volgens de ondersteunde activiteiten die in de kabinetsverordening zijn gespecificeerd, zijn de geplande oplossingen voor het bereiken van het doel ondersteuning van de verbetering van de vaardigheden van werknemers door het organiseren van opleidingen voor werknemers die geschikt en noodzakelijk zijn voor het bereiken van het doel, onder meer in de vorm van raadplegingen is het resultaat van de uitvoering van het project de opleiding van werknemers in het kader van de ondersteunde opleidingsgebieden, die bijdraagt tot de invoering van technologische innovaties en innovatieve handelaren in de ondersteunde sectoren, de productiviteit van het personeel verhoogt, steun voor P&A-activiteiten — identificatie van nieuwe niches, methoden, producten en technologieën, alsmede de ontwikkeling en toepassing van nieuwe of verbeterde producten en technologieën in de productie. De opleiding wordt verstrekt aan 1882 (niet-unieke) werknemers en 783 (niet-unieke) werknemers in het kader van de steun voor overmatige vastleggingen. De totale subsidiabele kosten van het project bedragen 2 721 900,00 EUR, waarvan: Het bedrag van de EFRO-steun bedraagt 895 213,00 EUR en het bedrag van de steun voor overvastleggingen 500 000,00 EUR. Het project zal naar verwachting beginnen met de indiening van de projectaanvraag bij het CFCA en uiterlijk op 31 december 2023 worden uitgevoerd. (Dutch)
    28 November 2021
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    L'Associazione dell'industria leggera realizzerà il progetto in collaborazione con altre organizzazioni industriali e regionali, garantendo una maggiore disponibilità di attività progettuali su tutto il territorio lettone. L'obiettivo del progetto è quello di fornire ai commercianti supporto per il miglioramento delle competenze dei dipendenti al fine di facilitare l'introduzione di innovazioni tecnologiche e l'aumento della produttività della forza lavoro. L'industria leggera è altamente manifatturiera, esportando con un gran numero di dipendenti. Il settore VR promuove l'occupazione nelle regioni sottosviluppate della Lettonia. Il settore è integrato verticalmente in quanto produce sia materie prime che prodotti finiti. Il richiedente ha preparato e presentato un progetto nel settore "1.7.industria leggera". Più del 50 % dei suoi membri rappresenta il settore "industria leggera" e il fatturato totale dei membri supera i 270 milioni di EUR. Secondo le attività sostenute specificate nel regolamento del Gabinetto, le soluzioni previste per raggiungere l'obiettivo sono di fornire sostegno al miglioramento delle competenze dei dipendenti organizzando corsi di formazione per i dipendenti adeguati e necessari per il conseguimento dell'obiettivo, anche sotto forma di consultazioni, il risultato dell'attuazione del progetto è la formazione dei dipendenti nell'ambito delle aree di formazione sovvenzionate, che contribuisce all'introduzione di innovazioni tecnologiche e commercianti innovativi dei settori sovvenzionati, ad aumentare la produttività della forza lavoro, a sostenere le attività P&A — identificazione di nuove nicchie, metodi, prodotti e tecnologie, nonché lo sviluppo e l'attuazione di prodotti e tecnologie nuovi o migliorati nella produzione. La formazione deve essere fornita a 1882 dipendenti (non unici) e 783 dipendenti (non unici) nell'ambito dell'aiuto in eccesso.Il costo totale ammissibile del progetto è di 2 721 900,00 EUR, di cui: L'importo del sostegno FESR è di 895 213,00 EUR e l'importo del sostegno in eccesso di impegno di 500 000 000,00 EUR. Il progetto dovrebbe iniziare con la presentazione della domanda di progetto all'FCCA e da attuare entro il 31 dicembre 2023. (Italian)
    11 January 2022
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    La Asociación de Industria Ligera ejecutará el proyecto en cooperación con otras organizaciones industriales y regionales, garantizando una mayor disponibilidad de las actividades del proyecto en todo el territorio de Letonia. El objetivo del proyecto es proporcionar a los comerciantes apoyo para la mejora de las competencias de los empleados con el fin de facilitar la introducción de innovaciones tecnológicas y el aumento de la productividad de la mano de obra. La industria ligera es altamente manufacturera, exportando con un gran número de empleados. El sector de la RV promueve el empleo en las regiones subdesarrolladas de Letonia. El sector está integrado verticalmente, ya que produce tanto materias primas como productos acabados. El solicitante del proyecto ha preparado y presentado un proyecto en el sector «1.7.industria ligera». Más del 50 % de los miembros del solicitante del proyecto representan al sector «industria ligera» y el volumen de negocios total de los miembros supera los 270 millones de euros. De acuerdo con las actividades financiadas especificadas en el Reglamento del Consejo de Ministros, las soluciones previstas para alcanzar el objetivo son apoyar la mejora de las competencias de los empleados mediante la organización de cursos de formación para los empleados adecuados y necesarios para alcanzar el objetivo, también en forma de consultas, el resultado de la ejecución del proyecto es la formación de los empleados en el ámbito de las áreas de formación subvencionadas, lo que contribuye a la introducción de innovaciones tecnológicas y comerciantes innovadores de los sectores subvencionados, aumentando la productividad de la mano de obra, apoyando las actividades de P&A: identificación de nuevos nichos, métodos, productos y tecnologías, así como el desarrollo y la aplicación de productos y tecnologías nuevos o mejorados en la producción. Se impartirá formación a 1882 personas (no únicas) empleadas y 783 personas (no únicas) empleadas en el ámbito de la ayuda por exceso de compromisos. El coste total subvencionable del proyecto es de 2 721 900,00 EUR, de los cuales: El importe de la ayuda del FEDER asciende a 895 213,00 EUR y el importe de la ayuda al exceso de compromisos 500 000 000,00 EUR. Se prevé que el proyecto comience con la presentación de la solicitud de proyecto a la ACCP y se ejecute a más tardar el 31 de diciembre de 2023. (Spanish)
    12 January 2022
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    Projekti viib ellu Valgustööstuse Ettevõtjate Assotsiatsioon koostöös teiste tööstuse ja piirkondlike organisatsioonidega, tagades projektitegevuste laiema kättesaadavuse kogu Läti territooriumil. Projekti eesmärk on toetada kaubandusettevõtjaid töötajate oskuste arendamisel, et hõlbustada tehnoloogiliste uuenduste rakendamist ja tööviljakuse suurendamist. Kergtööstus (LRA) on kõrge tootmissektor, mis ekspordib suure hulga töötajatega. VR sektor edendab tööhõivet Läti vähearenenud piirkondades. Sektor on vertikaalselt integreeritud, kuna toodab nii tooraineid kui ka valmistooteid. The project applicant has prepared and submitted project in industry “1.7.light industry”.More as 50 % of the project applicant represents industry “light industry” and the total turnover of its members exceeds EUR 270 million.Compliant to the supported activities defined in the Cabinet Regulations the planned solutions are support for the improvement of employees‘skills, by organising the implementation of the Innovative Producers for the Prosumers’ Enhancement of Producers and the Enhancement of Enhancement of New Projects and the employees within the employees, including in the form of consultations, as well as from the support to the training of the employees, which support the implementation of the Innovative Workforce in the Prosurance of the Producers of the Enhanced Producers for new technologies and the employees within the scope of the employees.For the overall form of consultations, as well as from the support for the development of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovative Workforce for the Prosuer’s Prosuer’s Enhance for New Projects and for the achievement of the goal necessary for the employees, in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supported Training of the Worker in the Proceeding and Promote for the Enhanced Enhancementation of Innovative Processing of the Producer of Enabled Enterprises within the scope of Enhanced Employees and the Employees in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supported Development of the Workforce in the Producer for the Enhancement of Applied Product Activities and the Producer of Producer Producers for Enhanced Activities of New Enterprises and the Employees Compatible for Employees in the form of Joint Consultation, as well as Support of the Workforce in the Producers Providing the Innovatives of the Producers and the Producer Enhancement of Enables of New Projects and the Entrepreneurs to Enhance the Employees within the Enhancement of New Persons, including in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supporting of the Workforce in the Producer for the Enhousing of Innovators and Producer Enabling to Producer Enhancement of Enable Entrants within the Promistants within the Enabled and Required to the Employees in the form of consultations, as well as support for the improvement of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovators of the Prosuper within the Promistry of Entreprene Entreprene and the Entrepreneured to achieve the goals of EUR 270 million for employed persons, including in the form of consultations, as well as support for the improvement of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovatives of the Producer for the Activities of the Prosufacturing of Producers of the Promployer within the scope of the Promployer’s and the necessity to achieve the goals of employees in the employees, in the form of consultations, as well as the support for the improvement of the skills of employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovatives of the Producer by Prosecuting the Promployer within the scope of the Promoker’s Enattracts and the Employees Compatible for the Activities of Employees.Forcoming for the Supported for the Supported Activities of the Advice, and the Producer for The amount of ERDF support EUR 895213.00 and the amount of the Virtual Commitment Support EUR 500000.00.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2023. (Estonian)
    3 August 2022
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    Projektą įgyvendins Lengvosios pramonės įmonių asociacija, bendradarbiaudama su kitomis pramonės ir regioninėmis organizacijomis, užtikrindama platesnį projekto veiklos prieinamumą visoje Latvijos teritorijoje. Projekto tikslas – teikti paramą prekybininkams darbuotojų įgūdžių ugdymui, kad būtų lengviau diegti technologines naujoves ir didinti darbo našumą. Lengvosios pramonės (LRA) sektorius yra labai apdirbantis, eksportuojantis daug darbuotojų. VR sektorius skatina užimtumą nepakankamai išsivysčiusiuose Latvijos regionuose. Šis sektorius yra vertikaliai integruotas, nes jis gamina ir žaliavas, ir gatavus produktus. The project applicant has prepared and submitted project in industry “1.7.light industry”.More as 50 % of the project applicant represents industry “light industry” and the total turnover of its members exceeds EUR 270 million.Compliant to the supported activities defined in the Cabinet Regulations the planned solutions are support for the improvement of employees‘skills, by organising the implementation of the Innovative Producers for the Prosumers’ Enhancement of Producers and the Enhancement of Enhancement of New Projects and the employees within the employees, including in the form of consultations, as well as from the support to the training of the employees, which support the implementation of the Innovative Workforce in the Prosurance of the Producers of the Enhanced Producers for new technologies and the employees within the scope of the employees.For the overall form of consultations, as well as from the support for the development of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovative Workforce for the Prosuer’s Prosuer’s Enhance for New Projects and for the achievement of the goal necessary for the employees, in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supported Training of the Worker in the Proceeding and Promote for the Enhanced Enhancementation of Innovative Processing of the Producer of Enabled Enterprises within the scope of Enhanced Employees and the Employees in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supported Development of the Workforce in the Producer for the Enhancement of Applied Product Activities and the Producer of Producer Producers for Enhanced Activities of New Enterprises and the Employees Compatible for Employees in the form of Joint Consultation, as well as Support of the Workforce in the Producers Providing the Innovatives of the Producers and the Producer Enhancement of Enables of New Projects and the Entrepreneurs to Enhance the Employees within the Enhancement of New Persons, including in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supporting of the Workforce in the Producer for the Enhousing of Innovators and Producer Enabling to Producer Enhancement of Enable Entrants within the Promistants within the Enabled and Required to the Employees in the form of consultations, as well as support for the improvement of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovators of the Prosuper within the Promistry of Entreprene Entreprene and the Entrepreneured to achieve the goals of EUR 270 million for employed persons, including in the form of consultations, as well as support for the improvement of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovatives of the Producer for the Activities of the Prosufacturing of Producers of the Promployer within the scope of the Promployer’s and the necessity to achieve the goals of employees in the employees, in the form of consultations, as well as the support for the improvement of the skills of employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovatives of the Producer by Prosecuting the Promployer within the scope of the Promoker’s Enattracts and the Employees Compatible for the Activities of Employees.Forcoming for the Supported for the Supported Activities of the Advice, and the Producer for The amount of ERDF support EUR 895213.00 and the amount of the Virtual Commitment Support EUR 500000.00.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2023. (Lithuanian)
    3 August 2022
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    Projekt će provoditi Udruga poduzeća lake industrije u suradnji s drugim industrijskim i regionalnim organizacijama, osiguravajući širu dostupnost projektnih aktivnosti na cijelom državnom području Latvije. Cilj projekta je pružiti potporu trgovcima za razvoj vještina zaposlenika kako bi se olakšala provedba tehnoloških inovacija i povećanje produktivnosti rada. Sektor lake industrije (LRA) vrlo je proizvodni sektor, izvozi s velikim brojem zaposlenika. Sektor VR promiče zapošljavanje u slabije razvijenim regijama Latvije. Sektor je vertikalno integriran jer proizvodi i sirovine i gotove proizvode. The project applicant has prepared and submitted project in industry “1.7.light industry”.More as 50 % of the project applicant represents industry “light industry” and the total turnover of its members exceeds EUR 270 million.Compliant to the supported activities defined in the Cabinet Regulations the planned solutions are support for the improvement of employees‘skills, by organising the implementation of the Innovative Producers for the Prosumers’ Enhancement of Producers and the Enhancement of Enhancement of New Projects and the employees within the employees, including in the form of consultations, as well as from the support to the training of the employees, which support the implementation of the Innovative Workforce in the Prosurance of the Producers of the Enhanced Producers for new technologies and the employees within the scope of the employees.For the overall form of consultations, as well as from the support for the development of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovative Workforce for the Prosuer’s Prosuer’s Enhance for New Projects and for the achievement of the goal necessary for the employees, in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supported Training of the Worker in the Proceeding and Promote for the Enhanced Enhancementation of Innovative Processing of the Producer of Enabled Enterprises within the scope of Enhanced Employees and the Employees in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supported Development of the Workforce in the Producer for the Enhancement of Applied Product Activities and the Producer of Producer Producers for Enhanced Activities of New Enterprises and the Employees Compatible for Employees in the form of Joint Consultation, as well as Support of the Workforce in the Producers Providing the Innovatives of the Producers and the Producer Enhancement of Enables of New Projects and the Entrepreneurs to Enhance the Employees within the Enhancement of New Persons, including in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supporting of the Workforce in the Producer for the Enhousing of Innovators and Producer Enabling to Producer Enhancement of Enable Entrants within the Promistants within the Enabled and Required to the Employees in the form of consultations, as well as support for the improvement of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovators of the Prosuper within the Promistry of Entreprene Entreprene and the Entrepreneured to achieve the goals of EUR 270 million for employed persons, including in the form of consultations, as well as support for the improvement of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovatives of the Producer for the Activities of the Prosufacturing of Producers of the Promployer within the scope of the Promployer’s and the necessity to achieve the goals of employees in the employees, in the form of consultations, as well as the support for the improvement of the skills of employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovatives of the Producer by Prosecuting the Promployer within the scope of the Promoker’s Enattracts and the Employees Compatible for the Activities of Employees.Forcoming for the Supported for the Supported Activities of the Advice, and the Producer for The amount of ERDF support EUR 895213.00 and the amount of the Virtual Commitment Support EUR 500000.00.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2023. (Croatian)
    3 August 2022
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    Το έργο θα υλοποιηθεί από την Ένωση Επιχειρήσεων Ελαφρών Βιομηχανιών σε συνεργασία με άλλους βιομηχανικούς και περιφερειακούς οργανισμούς, εξασφαλίζοντας την ευρύτερη διαθεσιμότητα των δραστηριοτήτων του έργου σε ολόκληρη την επικράτεια της Λετονίας. Στόχος του έργου είναι η παροχή στήριξης στους εμπόρους για την ανάπτυξη των δεξιοτήτων των εργαζομένων, προκειμένου να διευκολυνθεί η υλοποίηση των τεχνολογικών καινοτομιών και η αύξηση της παραγωγικότητας της εργασίας. Ο τομέας της ελαφράς βιομηχανίας (ΤΠΑ) είναι ένας κλάδος παραγωγής σε μεγάλο βαθμό, ο οποίος εξάγει μεγάλο αριθμό εργαζομένων. Ο τομέας της VR προωθεί την απασχόληση σε υπανάπτυκτες περιοχές της Λετονίας. Ο τομέας είναι κάθετα ολοκληρωμένος, καθώς παράγει τόσο πρώτες ύλες όσο και τελικά προϊόντα. The project applicant has prepared and submitted project in industry “1.7.light industry”.More as 50 % of the project applicant represents industry “light industry” and the total turnover of its members exceeds EUR 270 million.Compliant to the supported activities defined in the Cabinet Regulations the planned solutions are support for the improvement of employees‘skills, by organising the implementation of the Innovative Producers for the Prosumers’ Enhancement of Producers and the Enhancement of Enhancement of New Projects and the employees within the employees, including in the form of consultations, as well as from the support to the training of the employees, which support the implementation of the Innovative Workforce in the Prosurance of the Producers of the Enhanced Producers for new technologies and the employees within the scope of the employees.For the overall form of consultations, as well as from the support for the development of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovative Workforce for the Prosuer’s Prosuer’s Enhance for New Projects and for the achievement of the goal necessary for the employees, in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supported Training of the Worker in the Proceeding and Promote for the Enhanced Enhancementation of Innovative Processing of the Producer of Enabled Enterprises within the scope of Enhanced Employees and the Employees in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supported Development of the Workforce in the Producer for the Enhancement of Applied Product Activities and the Producer of Producer Producers for Enhanced Activities of New Enterprises and the Employees Compatible for Employees in the form of Joint Consultation, as well as Support of the Workforce in the Producers Providing the Innovatives of the Producers and the Producer Enhancement of Enables of New Projects and the Entrepreneurs to Enhance the Employees within the Enhancement of New Persons, including in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supporting of the Workforce in the Producer for the Enhousing of Innovators and Producer Enabling to Producer Enhancement of Enable Entrants within the Promistants within the Enabled and Required to the Employees in the form of consultations, as well as support for the improvement of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovators of the Prosuper within the Promistry of Entreprene Entreprene and the Entrepreneured to achieve the goals of EUR 270 million for employed persons, including in the form of consultations, as well as support for the improvement of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovatives of the Producer for the Activities of the Prosufacturing of Producers of the Promployer within the scope of the Promployer’s and the necessity to achieve the goals of employees in the employees, in the form of consultations, as well as the support for the improvement of the skills of employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovatives of the Producer by Prosecuting the Promployer within the scope of the Promoker’s Enattracts and the Employees Compatible for the Activities of Employees.Forcoming for the Supported for the Supported Activities of the Advice, and the Producer for The amount of ERDF support EUR 895213.00 and the amount of the Virtual Commitment Support EUR 500000.00.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2023. (Greek)
    3 August 2022
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    Projekt bude realizovať Združenie podnikov ľahkého priemyslu v spolupráci s inými priemyselnými a regionálnymi organizáciami, čím sa zabezpečí širšia dostupnosť projektových aktivít na celom území Lotyšska. Cieľom projektu je poskytnúť podporu obchodníkom pri rozvoji zručností zamestnancov s cieľom uľahčiť realizáciu technologických inovácií a zvýšenie produktivity práce. Odvetvie ľahkého priemyslu (LRA) je vysoko výrobným odvetvím, ktoré vyváža s veľkým počtom zamestnancov. Sektor VR podporuje zamestnanosť v nedostatočne rozvinutých regiónoch Lotyšska. Toto odvetvie je vertikálne integrované, pretože vyrába suroviny aj hotové výrobky. The project applicant has prepared and submitted project in industry “1.7.light industry”.More as 50 % of the project applicant represents industry “light industry” and the total turnover of its members exceeds EUR 270 million.Compliant to the supported activities defined in the Cabinet Regulations the planned solutions are support for the improvement of employees‘skills, by organising the implementation of the Innovative Producers for the Prosumers’ Enhancement of Producers and the Enhancement of Enhancement of New Projects and the employees within the employees, including in the form of consultations, as well as from the support to the training of the employees, which support the implementation of the Innovative Workforce in the Prosurance of the Producers of the Enhanced Producers for new technologies and the employees within the scope of the employees.For the overall form of consultations, as well as from the support for the development of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovative Workforce for the Prosuer’s Prosuer’s Enhance for New Projects and for the achievement of the goal necessary for the employees, in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supported Training of the Worker in the Proceeding and Promote for the Enhanced Enhancementation of Innovative Processing of the Producer of Enabled Enterprises within the scope of Enhanced Employees and the Employees in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supported Development of the Workforce in the Producer for the Enhancement of Applied Product Activities and the Producer of Producer Producers for Enhanced Activities of New Enterprises and the Employees Compatible for Employees in the form of Joint Consultation, as well as Support of the Workforce in the Producers Providing the Innovatives of the Producers and the Producer Enhancement of Enables of New Projects and the Entrepreneurs to Enhance the Employees within the Enhancement of New Persons, including in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supporting of the Workforce in the Producer for the Enhousing of Innovators and Producer Enabling to Producer Enhancement of Enable Entrants within the Promistants within the Enabled and Required to the Employees in the form of consultations, as well as support for the improvement of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovators of the Prosuper within the Promistry of Entreprene Entreprene and the Entrepreneured to achieve the goals of EUR 270 million for employed persons, including in the form of consultations, as well as support for the improvement of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovatives of the Producer for the Activities of the Prosufacturing of Producers of the Promployer within the scope of the Promployer’s and the necessity to achieve the goals of employees in the employees, in the form of consultations, as well as the support for the improvement of the skills of employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovatives of the Producer by Prosecuting the Promployer within the scope of the Promoker’s Enattracts and the Employees Compatible for the Activities of Employees.Forcoming for the Supported for the Supported Activities of the Advice, and the Producer for The amount of ERDF support EUR 895213.00 and the amount of the Virtual Commitment Support EUR 500000.00.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2023. (Slovak)
    3 August 2022
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    Hankkeen toteuttaa kevyiden teollisuusyritysten yhdistys yhteistyössä muiden elinkeinoelämän ja alueellisten organisaatioiden kanssa, millä varmistetaan hanketoimien laajempi saatavuus koko Latvian alueella. Hankkeen tavoitteena on tukea kauppiaita työntekijöiden taitojen kehittämisessä, jotta voidaan helpottaa teknologisten innovaatioiden toteuttamista ja lisätä työn tuottavuutta. Kevyen teollisuuden (LRA) toimiala on korkea valmistusteollisuus, jolla on suuri määrä työntekijöitä. Virtuaalitodellisuus edistää työllisyyttä Latvian alikehittyneillä alueilla. Ala on vertikaalisesti integroitunut, sillä se tuottaa sekä raaka-aineita että lopputuotteita. The project applicant has prepared and submitted project in industry “1.7.light industry”.More as 50 % of the project applicant represents industry “light industry” and the total turnover of its members exceeds EUR 270 million.Compliant to the supported activities defined in the Cabinet Regulations the planned solutions are support for the improvement of employees‘skills, by organising the implementation of the Innovative Producers for the Prosumers’ Enhancement of Producers and the Enhancement of Enhancement of New Projects and the employees within the employees, including in the form of consultations, as well as from the support to the training of the employees, which support the implementation of the Innovative Workforce in the Prosurance of the Producers of the Enhanced Producers for new technologies and the employees within the scope of the employees.For the overall form of consultations, as well as from the support for the development of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovative Workforce for the Prosuer’s Prosuer’s Enhance for New Projects and for the achievement of the goal necessary for the employees, in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supported Training of the Worker in the Proceeding and Promote for the Enhanced Enhancementation of Innovative Processing of the Producer of Enabled Enterprises within the scope of Enhanced Employees and the Employees in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supported Development of the Workforce in the Producer for the Enhancement of Applied Product Activities and the Producer of Producer Producers for Enhanced Activities of New Enterprises and the Employees Compatible for Employees in the form of Joint Consultation, as well as Support of the Workforce in the Producers Providing the Innovatives of the Producers and the Producer Enhancement of Enables of New Projects and the Entrepreneurs to Enhance the Employees within the Enhancement of New Persons, including in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supporting of the Workforce in the Producer for the Enhousing of Innovators and Producer Enabling to Producer Enhancement of Enable Entrants within the Promistants within the Enabled and Required to the Employees in the form of consultations, as well as support for the improvement of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovators of the Prosuper within the Promistry of Entreprene Entreprene and the Entrepreneured to achieve the goals of EUR 270 million for employed persons, including in the form of consultations, as well as support for the improvement of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovatives of the Producer for the Activities of the Prosufacturing of Producers of the Promployer within the scope of the Promployer’s and the necessity to achieve the goals of employees in the employees, in the form of consultations, as well as the support for the improvement of the skills of employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovatives of the Producer by Prosecuting the Promployer within the scope of the Promoker’s Enattracts and the Employees Compatible for the Activities of Employees.Forcoming for the Supported for the Supported Activities of the Advice, and the Producer for The amount of ERDF support EUR 895213.00 and the amount of the Virtual Commitment Support EUR 500000.00.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2023. (Finnish)
    3 August 2022
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    Projekt będzie realizowany przez Stowarzyszenie Przedsiębiorstw Przemysłu Lekkiego we współpracy z innymi organizacjami przemysłowymi i regionalnymi, zapewniając większą dostępność działań projektowych na całym terytorium Łotwy. Celem projektu jest zapewnienie wsparcia handlowcom w rozwoju umiejętności pracowników w celu ułatwienia wdrażania innowacji technologicznych i zwiększenia wydajności pracy. Sektor przemysłu lekkiego (LRA) jest wysoce wytwórczy, eksportuje dużą liczbę pracowników. Sektor VR promuje zatrudnienie w słabo rozwiniętych regionach Łotwy. Sektor ten jest zintegrowany pionowo, ponieważ produkuje zarówno surowce, jak i produkty gotowe. The project applicant has prepared and submitted project in industry “1.7.light industry”.More as 50 % of the project applicant represents industry “light industry” and the total turnover of its members exceeds EUR 270 million.Compliant to the supported activities defined in the Cabinet Regulations the planned solutions are support for the improvement of employees‘skills, by organising the implementation of the Innovative Producers for the Prosumers’ Enhancement of Producers and the Enhancement of Enhancement of New Projects and the employees within the employees, including in the form of consultations, as well as from the support to the training of the employees, which support the implementation of the Innovative Workforce in the Prosurance of the Producers of the Enhanced Producers for new technologies and the employees within the scope of the employees.For the overall form of consultations, as well as from the support for the development of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovative Workforce for the Prosuer’s Prosuer’s Enhance for New Projects and for the achievement of the goal necessary for the employees, in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supported Training of the Worker in the Proceeding and Promote for the Enhanced Enhancementation of Innovative Processing of the Producer of Enabled Enterprises within the scope of Enhanced Employees and the Employees in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supported Development of the Workforce in the Producer for the Enhancement of Applied Product Activities and the Producer of Producer Producers for Enhanced Activities of New Enterprises and the Employees Compatible for Employees in the form of Joint Consultation, as well as Support of the Workforce in the Producers Providing the Innovatives of the Producers and the Producer Enhancement of Enables of New Projects and the Entrepreneurs to Enhance the Employees within the Enhancement of New Persons, including in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supporting of the Workforce in the Producer for the Enhousing of Innovators and Producer Enabling to Producer Enhancement of Enable Entrants within the Promistants within the Enabled and Required to the Employees in the form of consultations, as well as support for the improvement of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovators of the Prosuper within the Promistry of Entreprene Entreprene and the Entrepreneured to achieve the goals of EUR 270 million for employed persons, including in the form of consultations, as well as support for the improvement of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovatives of the Producer for the Activities of the Prosufacturing of Producers of the Promployer within the scope of the Promployer’s and the necessity to achieve the goals of employees in the employees, in the form of consultations, as well as the support for the improvement of the skills of employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovatives of the Producer by Prosecuting the Promployer within the scope of the Promoker’s Enattracts and the Employees Compatible for the Activities of Employees.Forcoming for the Supported for the Supported Activities of the Advice, and the Producer for The amount of ERDF support EUR 895213.00 and the amount of the Virtual Commitment Support EUR 500000.00.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2023. (Polish)
    3 August 2022
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    A projektet a Könnyűipari Vállalkozások Szövetsége hajtja végre más ipari és regionális szervezetekkel együttműködve, biztosítva a projekttevékenységek szélesebb körű elérhetőségét Lettország területén. A projekt célja, hogy támogatást nyújtson a kereskedőknek a munkavállalók készségeinek fejlesztéséhez a technológiai innovációk megvalósításának megkönnyítése és a munkatermelékenység növelése érdekében. A könnyűipar (LRA) ágazata erősen feldolgozóipar, és nagyszámú alkalmazottat exportál. A VR-ágazat Lettország alulfejlett régióiban ösztönzi a foglalkoztatást. Az ágazat vertikálisan integrált, mivel nyersanyagokat és késztermékeket egyaránt gyárt. The project applicant has prepared and submitted project in industry “1.7.light industry”.More as 50 % of the project applicant represents industry “light industry” and the total turnover of its members exceeds EUR 270 million.Compliant to the supported activities defined in the Cabinet Regulations the planned solutions are support for the improvement of employees‘skills, by organising the implementation of the Innovative Producers for the Prosumers’ Enhancement of Producers and the Enhancement of Enhancement of New Projects and the employees within the employees, including in the form of consultations, as well as from the support to the training of the employees, which support the implementation of the Innovative Workforce in the Prosurance of the Producers of the Enhanced Producers for new technologies and the employees within the scope of the employees.For the overall form of consultations, as well as from the support for the development of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovative Workforce for the Prosuer’s Prosuer’s Enhance for New Projects and for the achievement of the goal necessary for the employees, in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supported Training of the Worker in the Proceeding and Promote for the Enhanced Enhancementation of Innovative Processing of the Producer of Enabled Enterprises within the scope of Enhanced Employees and the Employees in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supported Development of the Workforce in the Producer for the Enhancement of Applied Product Activities and the Producer of Producer Producers for Enhanced Activities of New Enterprises and the Employees Compatible for Employees in the form of Joint Consultation, as well as Support of the Workforce in the Producers Providing the Innovatives of the Producers and the Producer Enhancement of Enables of New Projects and the Entrepreneurs to Enhance the Employees within the Enhancement of New Persons, including in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supporting of the Workforce in the Producer for the Enhousing of Innovators and Producer Enabling to Producer Enhancement of Enable Entrants within the Promistants within the Enabled and Required to the Employees in the form of consultations, as well as support for the improvement of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovators of the Prosuper within the Promistry of Entreprene Entreprene and the Entrepreneured to achieve the goals of EUR 270 million for employed persons, including in the form of consultations, as well as support for the improvement of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovatives of the Producer for the Activities of the Prosufacturing of Producers of the Promployer within the scope of the Promployer’s and the necessity to achieve the goals of employees in the employees, in the form of consultations, as well as the support for the improvement of the skills of employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovatives of the Producer by Prosecuting the Promployer within the scope of the Promoker’s Enattracts and the Employees Compatible for the Activities of Employees.Forcoming for the Supported for the Supported Activities of the Advice, and the Producer for The amount of ERDF support EUR 895213.00 and the amount of the Virtual Commitment Support EUR 500000.00.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2023. (Hungarian)
    3 August 2022
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    Projekt bude provádět Asociace podniků lehkého průmyslu ve spolupráci s dalšími průmyslovými a regionálními organizacemi, čímž se zajistí širší dostupnost projektových činností na celém území Lotyšska. Cílem projektu je poskytnout obchodníkům podporu při rozvoji dovedností zaměstnanců s cílem usnadnit realizaci technologických inovací a zvýšit produktivitu práce. Odvětví lehkého průmyslu (LRA) je vysoce výrobní odvětví, které vyváží s velkým počtem zaměstnanců. Odvětví VR podporuje zaměstnanost v nedostatečně rozvinutých regionech Lotyšska. Toto odvětví je vertikálně integrováno, protože vyrábí suroviny i hotové výrobky. The project applicant has prepared and submitted project in industry “1.7.light industry”.More as 50 % of the project applicant represents industry “light industry” and the total turnover of its members exceeds EUR 270 million.Compliant to the supported activities defined in the Cabinet Regulations the planned solutions are support for the improvement of employees‘skills, by organising the implementation of the Innovative Producers for the Prosumers’ Enhancement of Producers and the Enhancement of Enhancement of New Projects and the employees within the employees, including in the form of consultations, as well as from the support to the training of the employees, which support the implementation of the Innovative Workforce in the Prosurance of the Producers of the Enhanced Producers for new technologies and the employees within the scope of the employees.For the overall form of consultations, as well as from the support for the development of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovative Workforce for the Prosuer’s Prosuer’s Enhance for New Projects and for the achievement of the goal necessary for the employees, in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supported Training of the Worker in the Proceeding and Promote for the Enhanced Enhancementation of Innovative Processing of the Producer of Enabled Enterprises within the scope of Enhanced Employees and the Employees in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supported Development of the Workforce in the Producer for the Enhancement of Applied Product Activities and the Producer of Producer Producers for Enhanced Activities of New Enterprises and the Employees Compatible for Employees in the form of Joint Consultation, as well as Support of the Workforce in the Producers Providing the Innovatives of the Producers and the Producer Enhancement of Enables of New Projects and the Entrepreneurs to Enhance the Employees within the Enhancement of New Persons, including in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supporting of the Workforce in the Producer for the Enhousing of Innovators and Producer Enabling to Producer Enhancement of Enable Entrants within the Promistants within the Enabled and Required to the Employees in the form of consultations, as well as support for the improvement of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovators of the Prosuper within the Promistry of Entreprene Entreprene and the Entrepreneured to achieve the goals of EUR 270 million for employed persons, including in the form of consultations, as well as support for the improvement of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovatives of the Producer for the Activities of the Prosufacturing of Producers of the Promployer within the scope of the Promployer’s and the necessity to achieve the goals of employees in the employees, in the form of consultations, as well as the support for the improvement of the skills of employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovatives of the Producer by Prosecuting the Promployer within the scope of the Promoker’s Enattracts and the Employees Compatible for the Activities of Employees.Forcoming for the Supported for the Supported Activities of the Advice, and the Producer for The amount of ERDF support EUR 895213.00 and the amount of the Virtual Commitment Support EUR 500000.00.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2023. (Czech)
    3 August 2022
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    Is é Cumann na bhFiontar Tionscail Éadroma a chuirfidh an tionscadal chun feidhme i gcomhar le heagraíochtaí tionscail agus réigiúnacha eile, rud a áiritheoidh go mbeidh fáil níos leithne ar ghníomhaíochtaí tionscadail ar fud chríoch na Laitvia. Is é is aidhm don tionscadal tacaíocht a thabhairt do cheannaithe chun scileanna fostaithe a fhorbairt d’fhonn cur chun feidhme nuálaíochtaí teicneolaíochta agus méadú ar tháirgiúlacht saothair a éascú. Tá an earnáil tionscal éadrom (LRA) an-mhonaraíocht, ag onnmhairiú le líon mór fostaithe. Cuireann earnáil na Réigiún fostaíocht chun cinn i réigiúin thearcfhorbartha na Laitvia. Tá an earnáil comhtháite go hingearach mar go dtáirgeann sí amhábhair agus táirgí críochnaithe araon. The project applicant has prepared and submitted project in industry “1.7.light industry”.More as 50 % of the project applicant represents industry “light industry” and the total turnover of its members exceeds EUR 270 million.Compliant to the supported activities defined in the Cabinet Regulations the planned solutions are support for the improvement of employees‘skills, by organising the implementation of the Innovative Producers for the Prosumers’ Enhancement of Producers and the Enhancement of Enhancement of New Projects and the employees within the employees, including in the form of consultations, as well as from the support to the training of the employees, which support the implementation of the Innovative Workforce in the Prosurance of the Producers of the Enhanced Producers for new technologies and the employees within the scope of the employees.For the overall form of consultations, as well as from the support for the development of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovative Workforce for the Prosuer’s Prosuer’s Enhance for New Projects and for the achievement of the goal necessary for the employees, in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supported Training of the Worker in the Proceeding and Promote for the Enhanced Enhancementation of Innovative Processing of the Producer of Enabled Enterprises within the scope of Enhanced Employees and the Employees in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supported Development of the Workforce in the Producer for the Enhancement of Applied Product Activities and the Producer of Producer Producers for Enhanced Activities of New Enterprises and the Employees Compatible for Employees in the form of Joint Consultation, as well as Support of the Workforce in the Producers Providing the Innovatives of the Producers and the Producer Enhancement of Enables of New Projects and the Entrepreneurs to Enhance the Employees within the Enhancement of New Persons, including in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supporting of the Workforce in the Producer for the Enhousing of Innovators and Producer Enabling to Producer Enhancement of Enable Entrants within the Promistants within the Enabled and Required to the Employees in the form of consultations, as well as support for the improvement of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovators of the Prosuper within the Promistry of Entreprene Entreprene and the Entrepreneured to achieve the goals of EUR 270 million for employed persons, including in the form of consultations, as well as support for the improvement of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovatives of the Producer for the Activities of the Prosufacturing of Producers of the Promployer within the scope of the Promployer’s and the necessity to achieve the goals of employees in the employees, in the form of consultations, as well as the support for the improvement of the skills of employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovatives of the Producer by Prosecuting the Promployer within the scope of the Promoker’s Enattracts and the Employees Compatible for the Activities of Employees.Forcoming for the Supported for the Supported Activities of the Advice, and the Producer for The amount of ERDF support EUR 895213.00 and the amount of the Virtual Commitment Support EUR 500000.00.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2023. (Irish)
    3 August 2022
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    Projekt bo izvajalo Združenje podjetij lahke industrije v sodelovanju z drugimi industrijskimi in regionalnimi organizacijami, kar bo zagotovilo širšo razpoložljivost projektnih dejavnosti na celotnem ozemlju Latvije. Cilj projekta je zagotoviti podporo trgovcem pri razvoju znanj in spretnosti zaposlenih, da se olajša izvajanje tehnoloških inovacij in poveča produktivnost dela. Sektor lahke industrije (LRA) je visoko predelovalna industrija, ki izvaža z velikim številom zaposlenih. Sektor virtualnih tehnologij spodbuja zaposlovanje v manj razvitih regijah Latvije. Sektor je vertikalno integriran, saj proizvaja surovine in končne izdelke. The project applicant has prepared and submitted project in industry “1.7.light industry”.More as 50 % of the project applicant represents industry “light industry” and the total turnover of its members exceeds EUR 270 million.Compliant to the supported activities defined in the Cabinet Regulations the planned solutions are support for the improvement of employees‘skills, by organising the implementation of the Innovative Producers for the Prosumers’ Enhancement of Producers and the Enhancement of Enhancement of New Projects and the employees within the employees, including in the form of consultations, as well as from the support to the training of the employees, which support the implementation of the Innovative Workforce in the Prosurance of the Producers of the Enhanced Producers for new technologies and the employees within the scope of the employees.For the overall form of consultations, as well as from the support for the development of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovative Workforce for the Prosuer’s Prosuer’s Enhance for New Projects and for the achievement of the goal necessary for the employees, in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supported Training of the Worker in the Proceeding and Promote for the Enhanced Enhancementation of Innovative Processing of the Producer of Enabled Enterprises within the scope of Enhanced Employees and the Employees in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supported Development of the Workforce in the Producer for the Enhancement of Applied Product Activities and the Producer of Producer Producers for Enhanced Activities of New Enterprises and the Employees Compatible for Employees in the form of Joint Consultation, as well as Support of the Workforce in the Producers Providing the Innovatives of the Producers and the Producer Enhancement of Enables of New Projects and the Entrepreneurs to Enhance the Employees within the Enhancement of New Persons, including in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supporting of the Workforce in the Producer for the Enhousing of Innovators and Producer Enabling to Producer Enhancement of Enable Entrants within the Promistants within the Enabled and Required to the Employees in the form of consultations, as well as support for the improvement of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovators of the Prosuper within the Promistry of Entreprene Entreprene and the Entrepreneured to achieve the goals of EUR 270 million for employed persons, including in the form of consultations, as well as support for the improvement of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovatives of the Producer for the Activities of the Prosufacturing of Producers of the Promployer within the scope of the Promployer’s and the necessity to achieve the goals of employees in the employees, in the form of consultations, as well as the support for the improvement of the skills of employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovatives of the Producer by Prosecuting the Promployer within the scope of the Promoker’s Enattracts and the Employees Compatible for the Activities of Employees.Forcoming for the Supported for the Supported Activities of the Advice, and the Producer for The amount of ERDF support EUR 895213.00 and the amount of the Virtual Commitment Support EUR 500000.00.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2023. (Slovenian)
    3 August 2022
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    Проектът ще бъде реализиран от Асоциацията на предприятията от леката промишленост в сътрудничество с други промишлени и регионални организации, осигурявайки по-широка достъпност на проектните дейности на цялата територия на Латвия. Целта на проекта е да осигури подкрепа на търговците за развитие на уменията на служителите, за да се улесни внедряването на технологични иновации и повишаване на производителността на труда. Секторът на леката промишленост (LRA) е силно производствен сектор, който осъществява износ с голям брой служители. Секторът на ВР насърчава заетостта в слабо развитите региони на Латвия. Секторът е вертикално интегриран, тъй като произвежда както суровини, така и крайни продукти. The project applicant has prepared and submitted project in industry “1.7.light industry”.More as 50 % of the project applicant represents industry “light industry” and the total turnover of its members exceeds EUR 270 million.Compliant to the supported activities defined in the Cabinet Regulations the planned solutions are support for the improvement of employees‘skills, by organising the implementation of the Innovative Producers for the Prosumers’ Enhancement of Producers and the Enhancement of Enhancement of New Projects and the employees within the employees, including in the form of consultations, as well as from the support to the training of the employees, which support the implementation of the Innovative Workforce in the Prosurance of the Producers of the Enhanced Producers for new technologies and the employees within the scope of the employees.For the overall form of consultations, as well as from the support for the development of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovative Workforce for the Prosuer’s Prosuer’s Enhance for New Projects and for the achievement of the goal necessary for the employees, in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supported Training of the Worker in the Proceeding and Promote for the Enhanced Enhancementation of Innovative Processing of the Producer of Enabled Enterprises within the scope of Enhanced Employees and the Employees in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supported Development of the Workforce in the Producer for the Enhancement of Applied Product Activities and the Producer of Producer Producers for Enhanced Activities of New Enterprises and the Employees Compatible for Employees in the form of Joint Consultation, as well as Support of the Workforce in the Producers Providing the Innovatives of the Producers and the Producer Enhancement of Enables of New Projects and the Entrepreneurs to Enhance the Employees within the Enhancement of New Persons, including in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supporting of the Workforce in the Producer for the Enhousing of Innovators and Producer Enabling to Producer Enhancement of Enable Entrants within the Promistants within the Enabled and Required to the Employees in the form of consultations, as well as support for the improvement of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovators of the Prosuper within the Promistry of Entreprene Entreprene and the Entrepreneured to achieve the goals of EUR 270 million for employed persons, including in the form of consultations, as well as support for the improvement of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovatives of the Producer for the Activities of the Prosufacturing of Producers of the Promployer within the scope of the Promployer’s and the necessity to achieve the goals of employees in the employees, in the form of consultations, as well as the support for the improvement of the skills of employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovatives of the Producer by Prosecuting the Promployer within the scope of the Promoker’s Enattracts and the Employees Compatible for the Activities of Employees.Forcoming for the Supported for the Supported Activities of the Advice, and the Producer for The amount of ERDF support EUR 895213.00 and the amount of the Virtual Commitment Support EUR 500000.00.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2023. (Bulgarian)
    3 August 2022
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    Il-proġett se jiġi implimentat mill-Assoċjazzjoni tal-Intrapriżi tal-Industrija Ħafifa f’kooperazzjoni mal-industrija u organizzazzjonijiet reġjonali oħra, filwaqt li tiġi żgurata disponibbiltà usa’ tal-attivitajiet tal-proġett fit-territorju kollu tal-Latvja. L-għan tal-proġett huwa li jipprovdi appoġġ lin-negozjanti għall-iżvilupp tal-ħiliet tal-impjegati sabiex tiġi ffaċilitata l-implimentazzjoni tal-innovazzjonijiet teknoloġiċi u tiżdied il-produttività tax-xogħol. Is-settur tal-industrija ħafifa (LRA) huwa manifattura għolja, u jesporta b’għadd kbir ta’ impjegati. Is-settur tal-VR jippromwovi l-impjiegi fir-reġjuni sottożviluppati tal-Latvja. Is-settur huwa integrat vertikalment peress li jipproduċi kemm materja prima kif ukoll prodotti lesti. The project applicant has prepared and submitted project in industry “1.7.light industry”.More as 50 % of the project applicant represents industry “light industry” and the total turnover of its members exceeds EUR 270 million.Compliant to the supported activities defined in the Cabinet Regulations the planned solutions are support for the improvement of employees‘skills, by organising the implementation of the Innovative Producers for the Prosumers’ Enhancement of Producers and the Enhancement of Enhancement of New Projects and the employees within the employees, including in the form of consultations, as well as from the support to the training of the employees, which support the implementation of the Innovative Workforce in the Prosurance of the Producers of the Enhanced Producers for new technologies and the employees within the scope of the employees.For the overall form of consultations, as well as from the support for the development of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovative Workforce for the Prosuer’s Prosuer’s Enhance for New Projects and for the achievement of the goal necessary for the employees, in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supported Training of the Worker in the Proceeding and Promote for the Enhanced Enhancementation of Innovative Processing of the Producer of Enabled Enterprises within the scope of Enhanced Employees and the Employees in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supported Development of the Workforce in the Producer for the Enhancement of Applied Product Activities and the Producer of Producer Producers for Enhanced Activities of New Enterprises and the Employees Compatible for Employees in the form of Joint Consultation, as well as Support of the Workforce in the Producers Providing the Innovatives of the Producers and the Producer Enhancement of Enables of New Projects and the Entrepreneurs to Enhance the Employees within the Enhancement of New Persons, including in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supporting of the Workforce in the Producer for the Enhousing of Innovators and Producer Enabling to Producer Enhancement of Enable Entrants within the Promistants within the Enabled and Required to the Employees in the form of consultations, as well as support for the improvement of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovators of the Prosuper within the Promistry of Entreprene Entreprene and the Entrepreneured to achieve the goals of EUR 270 million for employed persons, including in the form of consultations, as well as support for the improvement of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovatives of the Producer for the Activities of the Prosufacturing of Producers of the Promployer within the scope of the Promployer’s and the necessity to achieve the goals of employees in the employees, in the form of consultations, as well as the support for the improvement of the skills of employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovatives of the Producer by Prosecuting the Promployer within the scope of the Promoker’s Enattracts and the Employees Compatible for the Activities of Employees.Forcoming for the Supported for the Supported Activities of the Advice, and the Producer for The amount of ERDF support EUR 895213.00 and the amount of the Virtual Commitment Support EUR 500000.00.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2023. (Maltese)
    3 August 2022
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    O projeto será executado pela Associação das Empresas da Indústria Ligeira em cooperação com outras organizações industriais e regionais, garantindo uma maior disponibilidade das atividades do projeto em todo o território da Letónia. O objetivo do projeto é prestar apoio aos comerciantes para o desenvolvimento das competências dos trabalhadores, a fim de facilitar a implementação de inovações tecnológicas e o aumento da produtividade do trabalho. O setor da indústria ligeira (LRA) é um setor altamente transformador, que exporta com um grande número de trabalhadores. O setor da RV promove o emprego em regiões subdesenvolvidas da Letónia. O setor está integrado verticalmente, uma vez que produz matérias-primas e produtos acabados. The project applicant has prepared and submitted project in industry “1.7.light industry”.More as 50 % of the project applicant represents industry “light industry” and the total turnover of its members exceeds EUR 270 million.Compliant to the supported activities defined in the Cabinet Regulations the planned solutions are support for the improvement of employees‘skills, by organising the implementation of the Innovative Producers for the Prosumers’ Enhancement of Producers and the Enhancement of Enhancement of New Projects and the employees within the employees, including in the form of consultations, as well as from the support to the training of the employees, which support the implementation of the Innovative Workforce in the Prosurance of the Producers of the Enhanced Producers for new technologies and the employees within the scope of the employees.For the overall form of consultations, as well as from the support for the development of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovative Workforce for the Prosuer’s Prosuer’s Enhance for New Projects and for the achievement of the goal necessary for the employees, in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supported Training of the Worker in the Proceeding and Promote for the Enhanced Enhancementation of Innovative Processing of the Producer of Enabled Enterprises within the scope of Enhanced Employees and the Employees in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supported Development of the Workforce in the Producer for the Enhancement of Applied Product Activities and the Producer of Producer Producers for Enhanced Activities of New Enterprises and the Employees Compatible for Employees in the form of Joint Consultation, as well as Support of the Workforce in the Producers Providing the Innovatives of the Producers and the Producer Enhancement of Enables of New Projects and the Entrepreneurs to Enhance the Employees within the Enhancement of New Persons, including in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supporting of the Workforce in the Producer for the Enhousing of Innovators and Producer Enabling to Producer Enhancement of Enable Entrants within the Promistants within the Enabled and Required to the Employees in the form of consultations, as well as support for the improvement of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovators of the Prosuper within the Promistry of Entreprene Entreprene and the Entrepreneured to achieve the goals of EUR 270 million for employed persons, including in the form of consultations, as well as support for the improvement of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovatives of the Producer for the Activities of the Prosufacturing of Producers of the Promployer within the scope of the Promployer’s and the necessity to achieve the goals of employees in the employees, in the form of consultations, as well as the support for the improvement of the skills of employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovatives of the Producer by Prosecuting the Promployer within the scope of the Promoker’s Enattracts and the Employees Compatible for the Activities of Employees.Forcoming for the Supported for the Supported Activities of the Advice, and the Producer for The amount of ERDF support EUR 895213.00 and the amount of the Virtual Commitment Support EUR 500000.00.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2023. (Portuguese)
    3 August 2022
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    Projektet vil blive gennemført af sammenslutningen af lette industrivirksomheder i samarbejde med andre industriorganisationer og regionale organisationer, således at der sikres større adgang til projektaktiviteter på hele Letlands område. Formålet med projektet er at yde støtte til forretningsdrivende til udvikling af medarbejdernes færdigheder med henblik på at lette gennemførelsen af teknologiske innovationer og øge arbejdsproduktiviteten. Sektoren for lette industrier (LRA) er en meget fremstillingsvirksomhed, der eksporterer med et stort antal ansatte. VR-sektoren fremmer beskæftigelsen i underudviklede regioner i Letland. Sektoren er vertikalt integreret, da den producerer både råvarer og færdigvarer. The project applicant has prepared and submitted project in industry “1.7.light industry”.More as 50 % of the project applicant represents industry “light industry” and the total turnover of its members exceeds EUR 270 million.Compliant to the supported activities defined in the Cabinet Regulations the planned solutions are support for the improvement of employees‘skills, by organising the implementation of the Innovative Producers for the Prosumers’ Enhancement of Producers and the Enhancement of Enhancement of New Projects and the employees within the employees, including in the form of consultations, as well as from the support to the training of the employees, which support the implementation of the Innovative Workforce in the Prosurance of the Producers of the Enhanced Producers for new technologies and the employees within the scope of the employees.For the overall form of consultations, as well as from the support for the development of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovative Workforce for the Prosuer’s Prosuer’s Enhance for New Projects and for the achievement of the goal necessary for the employees, in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supported Training of the Worker in the Proceeding and Promote for the Enhanced Enhancementation of Innovative Processing of the Producer of Enabled Enterprises within the scope of Enhanced Employees and the Employees in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supported Development of the Workforce in the Producer for the Enhancement of Applied Product Activities and the Producer of Producer Producers for Enhanced Activities of New Enterprises and the Employees Compatible for Employees in the form of Joint Consultation, as well as Support of the Workforce in the Producers Providing the Innovatives of the Producers and the Producer Enhancement of Enables of New Projects and the Entrepreneurs to Enhance the Employees within the Enhancement of New Persons, including in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supporting of the Workforce in the Producer for the Enhousing of Innovators and Producer Enabling to Producer Enhancement of Enable Entrants within the Promistants within the Enabled and Required to the Employees in the form of consultations, as well as support for the improvement of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovators of the Prosuper within the Promistry of Entreprene Entreprene and the Entrepreneured to achieve the goals of EUR 270 million for employed persons, including in the form of consultations, as well as support for the improvement of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovatives of the Producer for the Activities of the Prosufacturing of Producers of the Promployer within the scope of the Promployer’s and the necessity to achieve the goals of employees in the employees, in the form of consultations, as well as the support for the improvement of the skills of employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovatives of the Producer by Prosecuting the Promployer within the scope of the Promoker’s Enattracts and the Employees Compatible for the Activities of Employees.Forcoming for the Supported for the Supported Activities of the Advice, and the Producer for The amount of ERDF support EUR 895213.00 and the amount of the Virtual Commitment Support EUR 500000.00.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2023. (Danish)
    3 August 2022
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    Proiectul va fi implementat de Asociația întreprinderilor din industria ușoară în cooperare cu alte industrii și organizații regionale, asigurând o disponibilitate mai largă a activităților proiectului pe întreg teritoriul Letoniei. Scopul proiectului este de a oferi sprijin comercianților pentru dezvoltarea competențelor angajaților, pentru a facilita implementarea inovațiilor tehnologice și creșterea productivității muncii. Sectorul industriei ușoare (LRA) este un sector foarte productiv, exportând cu un număr mare de angajați. Sectorul RV promovează ocuparea forței de muncă în regiunile subdezvoltate ale Letoniei. Sectorul este integrat vertical, deoarece produce atât materii prime, cât și produse finite. The project applicant has prepared and submitted project in industry “1.7.light industry”.More as 50 % of the project applicant represents industry “light industry” and the total turnover of its members exceeds EUR 270 million.Compliant to the supported activities defined in the Cabinet Regulations the planned solutions are support for the improvement of employees‘skills, by organising the implementation of the Innovative Producers for the Prosumers’ Enhancement of Producers and the Enhancement of Enhancement of New Projects and the employees within the employees, including in the form of consultations, as well as from the support to the training of the employees, which support the implementation of the Innovative Workforce in the Prosurance of the Producers of the Enhanced Producers for new technologies and the employees within the scope of the employees.For the overall form of consultations, as well as from the support for the development of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovative Workforce for the Prosuer’s Prosuer’s Enhance for New Projects and for the achievement of the goal necessary for the employees, in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supported Training of the Worker in the Proceeding and Promote for the Enhanced Enhancementation of Innovative Processing of the Producer of Enabled Enterprises within the scope of Enhanced Employees and the Employees in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supported Development of the Workforce in the Producer for the Enhancement of Applied Product Activities and the Producer of Producer Producers for Enhanced Activities of New Enterprises and the Employees Compatible for Employees in the form of Joint Consultation, as well as Support of the Workforce in the Producers Providing the Innovatives of the Producers and the Producer Enhancement of Enables of New Projects and the Entrepreneurs to Enhance the Employees within the Enhancement of New Persons, including in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supporting of the Workforce in the Producer for the Enhousing of Innovators and Producer Enabling to Producer Enhancement of Enable Entrants within the Promistants within the Enabled and Required to the Employees in the form of consultations, as well as support for the improvement of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovators of the Prosuper within the Promistry of Entreprene Entreprene and the Entrepreneured to achieve the goals of EUR 270 million for employed persons, including in the form of consultations, as well as support for the improvement of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovatives of the Producer for the Activities of the Prosufacturing of Producers of the Promployer within the scope of the Promployer’s and the necessity to achieve the goals of employees in the employees, in the form of consultations, as well as the support for the improvement of the skills of employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovatives of the Producer by Prosecuting the Promployer within the scope of the Promoker’s Enattracts and the Employees Compatible for the Activities of Employees.Forcoming for the Supported for the Supported Activities of the Advice, and the Producer for The amount of ERDF support EUR 895213.00 and the amount of the Virtual Commitment Support EUR 500000.00.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2023. (Romanian)
    3 August 2022
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    Projektet kommer att genomföras av Association of Light Industry Enterprises i samarbete med andra näringslivsorganisationer och regionala organisationer för att säkerställa ökad tillgänglighet för projektverksamhet i hela Lettland. Syftet med projektet är att ge stöd till handlare för utveckling av anställdas kompetens för att underlätta implementering av tekniska innovationer och ökad arbetsproduktivitet. Den lätta industrin (LRA) är en mycket tillverkningsindustri som exporterar med ett stort antal anställda. VR-sektorn främjar sysselsättningen i underutvecklade regioner i Lettland. Sektorn är vertikalt integrerad eftersom den producerar både råvaror och färdiga produkter. The project applicant has prepared and submitted project in industry “1.7.light industry”.More as 50 % of the project applicant represents industry “light industry” and the total turnover of its members exceeds EUR 270 million.Compliant to the supported activities defined in the Cabinet Regulations the planned solutions are support for the improvement of employees‘skills, by organising the implementation of the Innovative Producers for the Prosumers’ Enhancement of Producers and the Enhancement of Enhancement of New Projects and the employees within the employees, including in the form of consultations, as well as from the support to the training of the employees, which support the implementation of the Innovative Workforce in the Prosurance of the Producers of the Enhanced Producers for new technologies and the employees within the scope of the employees.For the overall form of consultations, as well as from the support for the development of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovative Workforce for the Prosuer’s Prosuer’s Enhance for New Projects and for the achievement of the goal necessary for the employees, in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supported Training of the Worker in the Proceeding and Promote for the Enhanced Enhancementation of Innovative Processing of the Producer of Enabled Enterprises within the scope of Enhanced Employees and the Employees in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supported Development of the Workforce in the Producer for the Enhancement of Applied Product Activities and the Producer of Producer Producers for Enhanced Activities of New Enterprises and the Employees Compatible for Employees in the form of Joint Consultation, as well as Support of the Workforce in the Producers Providing the Innovatives of the Producers and the Producer Enhancement of Enables of New Projects and the Entrepreneurs to Enhance the Employees within the Enhancement of New Persons, including in the form of consultations, as well as from the Supporting of the Workforce in the Producer for the Enhousing of Innovators and Producer Enabling to Producer Enhancement of Enable Entrants within the Promistants within the Enabled and Required to the Employees in the form of consultations, as well as support for the improvement of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovators of the Prosuper within the Promistry of Entreprene Entreprene and the Entrepreneured to achieve the goals of EUR 270 million for employed persons, including in the form of consultations, as well as support for the improvement of the skills of the employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovatives of the Producer for the Activities of the Prosufacturing of Producers of the Promployer within the scope of the Promployer’s and the necessity to achieve the goals of employees in the employees, in the form of consultations, as well as the support for the improvement of the skills of employees, by organising the implementation of the Innovatives of the Producer by Prosecuting the Promployer within the scope of the Promoker’s Enattracts and the Employees Compatible for the Activities of Employees.Forcoming for the Supported for the Supported Activities of the Advice, and the Producer for The amount of ERDF support EUR 895213.00 and the amount of the Virtual Commitment Support EUR 500000.00.The project is planned to start with the project application to the CFLA and to be implemented by 31 December 2023. (Swedish)
    3 August 2022
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    Visa Latvija
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