Development of experimental coating equipment for the production of volumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays for physical vapour condensation (Q3056573)

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Project Q3056573 in Latvia
Language Label Description Also known as
Development of experimental coating equipment for the production of volumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays for physical vapour condensation
Project Q3056573 in Latvia


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    383,250.0 Euro
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    1,095,000.0 Euro
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    35.0 percent
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    25 May 2017
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    24 November 2020
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    57°23'51.29"N, 21°35'45.28"E
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    Projekta "Fizikālā tvaika kondensācijas metodes pārklājumu eksperimentālās ražošanas iekārtas izveidevolumetrisko trīs dimensiju attēlu displeju un bistabilo displeju ražošanai" mērķis ir jaunaseksperimentālās ražošanas līnijas iegāde ar mērķi veicināt uzņēmuma ražoto šķidro kristālu displejukonkurētspēju paaugstinot produkcijas ražošanas iznākumu (LCD industry’s yield) un samazinotpašizmaksu, aizstājot fleksogrāfijas tehnoloģijā veidotos pārklājumus ar kvalitatīvāku un izmaksu ziņāefektīvāku fizikālā tvaiku kondensācijas pārklājumu, turpmāk tekstā PVD, izmantošanas tehnoloģiju.Projekta galvenās darbības:1.Eksperimentālās ražošanas līnijas izgatavošana un piegāde.2.Eksperimentālās ražošanas līnijas uzstādīšana.3.Eksperimentālās tehnoloģijas testēšana reālā ražošanas vidēProjekta īstenošanas ilgums: 42 pilni mēneši. Projekta uzsākšana paredzēta pēc līguma noslēgšanas parprojekta īstenošanu, t.i., 2017.gada maijā. Projekta pabeigšana paredzēta 2020.gada novembrī. Pēc projektatiks veikta eksperimentālās tehnoloģijas testēšana reālā ražošanas vidē, veicot saimniecisko darbību.Projekta kopējās attiecināmās izmaksas ir 1 095 000.00 EUR. Kopējais Eiropas Reģionālās attīstībasfonda finansējuma apjoms – 383 250.00 EUR.Projekta rezultātā tiks uzstādītas eksperimentālās tehnoloģijas, kas un nodrošinās jauna produkta –uzlabotu bistabilo un volumetrisko trīsdimensiju attēlu veidošanas displeju ieviešanu ražošanā.Projekts tiks īstenots viedās specializācijas jeb RIS3 noteiktajā specializācijas jomā „Informācijas unkomunikācijas tehnoloģijas”. Projekta īstenošanas nozare - Datoru un perifēro iekārtu ražošana (NACE2. red. 26.20 kods). (Latvian)
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    The objective of the project “Development of a technical steam coating experimental production facility for the production ofvolumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays” is to purchase a new experimental production line with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of the company’s liquid crystal displays by increasing the output of production (LCD industry’s yield) and reducing the cost of self-cost, replacing the coatings of flexography technology with a higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output.Propermental design production process.Perial design production duration1.Priority of implementation technology.Environmental flexion technology.Supply of the flexography technology.Propermental and cost-effective manufacturing process.Perimental design production.Enhanced flexography technology.Supply for higher and cost-efficient production.Propermental design production.Eperational design.Environal power of production.Eperation of flexography technology.Supply for higher and cost-effective production.Properarative design production.Eperation of the feasibility of the projectThe development of experimental steam coating experimental production equipment for the production ofvoluumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays, and to reduce the cost-cost by replacing the coatings of flexography technology with a higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output (LCD industry’s yield) and the reduction of the cost-cost self-cost, by replacing the coatings with higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output.Properational design production.Perimental production duration.Eperational power line in terms of concision.Technology.Furation of flexision technology.Production and cost-efficiency.Professional design production.Periquential production duration.Installation of the main design line.Economic concasion technology in the text of “Developmental vapour coating experimental production equipment for the production ofvolumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays” is aimed at acquiring a new experimental production line with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of the company’s liquid crystal displays by increasing the production output (LCD industry’s yield) and reducing the 42 full months. Start of the project is planned after the conclusion of the contract for the implementation of the project, i.e. in May 2017. Completion of the project is planned in November 2020. The total eligible costs of the project are EUR 1095000.00. Total amount of funding from the European Regional Development Fund – EUR 383250.00. As a result of the project, experimental technologies will be installed, which will provide a new product – improved beautic and volumetric three-dimensional imaging displays in production.The project will be implemented in the field of smart specialisation or specialisation technologies defined by RIS3. Project implementation sector – Computers and peripheral equipment manufacturing (NACE Rev.2) 26.20). (English)
    15 July 2021
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    L’objectif du projet «Établissement d’une unité de production expérimentale de revêtements physiques de condensation de vapeur pour la production d’écrans d’images volumétriques tridimensionnels et d’affichages bistables» est l’acquisition d’une nouvelle ligne de production expérimentale dans le but de promouvoir la compétitivité des écrans à cristaux liquides produits par l’entreprise en augmentant la production (rendement de l’industrie LCD) et en réduisant le coût en remplaçant les revêtements flexographiques par un revêtement physique de condensation à la vapeur de plus grande qualité et rentable, ci-après dénommé PVD, la technologie d’utilisation.La principale ligne de production darbības:1.Eksperimentālās fabrication et livraison.2.Établissement de la ligne de production expérimentale.3.essais de technologie expérimentale dans un environnement de production réel de projet 42 mois complets. Le lancement du projet est prévu après la conclusion du contrat de mise en œuvre du projet, c’est-à-dire en mai 2017. L’achèvement du projet est prévu pour novembre 2020. Après le projet, la technologie pilote sera testée dans un environnement de production réel, exerçant une activité économique. Le coût total éligible du projet est de 1 095 000,00 EUR. Le montant total du financement du Fonds européen de développement régional s’élèvera à 383 250,00 EUR. Le projet aboutira à l’installation de technologies expérimentales qui assureront l’introduction d’un nouveau produit — des écrans d’imagerie tridimensionnels stables et volumétriques améliorés en production. Le projet sera mis en œuvre dans le domaine de la spécialisation intelligente ou RIS3 «Technologies de l’information et de la communication». Secteur d’exécution du projet — Fabrication d’ordinateurs et d’équipements périphériques (NACE Rev.2) Code 26.20). (French)
    25 November 2021
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    Ziel des Projekts „Einrichtung einer experimentellen Produktionseinheit physikalischer Dampfkondensationsbeschichtungen für die Produktion vonvolumetrischen dreidimensionalen Bilddisplays und bistablen Displays“ ist der Erwerb einer neuen experimentellen Produktionslinie mit dem Ziel, die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der vom Unternehmen produzierten Flüssigkristalldisplays zu fördern, indem die Produktionsleistung (LCD-Industrie) erhöht und die Kosten gesenkt werden, indem die Flexobeschichtungen durch eine höhere Qualität und kostengünstige physikalische Dampfkondensationsbeschichtung ersetzt werden, nachstehend als PVD bezeichnet, die Technologie der Nutzung.Die Hauptproduktionslinie darbības:1.Eksperimentālās Herstellung und Lieferung.2.Erstellung der experimentellen Produktionslinie in der Versuchsproduktionslinie.3.Experiment-Technologie 42 volle Monate. Der Projektbeginn ist nach Abschluss des Vertrags über die Durchführung des Projekts geplant, d. h. im Mai 2017. Der Abschluss des Projekts ist für November 2020 geplant. Nach dem Projekt wird die Pilottechnologie in einem realen Produktionsumfeld getestet und eine wirtschaftliche Tätigkeit durchgeführt. Die förderfähigen Gesamtkosten des Projekts betragen 1 095 000,00 EUR. Der Gesamtbetrag der Mittel aus dem Europäischen Fonds für regionale Entwicklung beläuft sich auf 383 250,00 EUR. Das Projekt wird zur Installation experimenteller Technologien führen, die die Einführung eines neuen Produkts gewährleisten – verbesserte stabile und volumetrische dreidimensionale Bildgebungsanzeigen in der Produktion. Das Projekt wird auf dem Gebiet der intelligenten Spezialisierung oder RIS3 „Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien“ umgesetzt. Durchführungsbereich des Projekts – Herstellung von Computern und Peripheriegeräten (NACE Rev. 2 Code 26.20). (German)
    28 November 2021
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    Het doel van het project „Oprichting van een experimentele productie-eenheid van fysische dampcondensatiecoatings voor de productie van volumetrische driedimensionale beeldschermen en bistabiele beeldschermen” is de aankoop van een nieuwe experimentele productielijn met als doel het concurrentievermogen van de door het bedrijf geproduceerde vloeistofkristalschermen te bevorderen door de productieproductie te verhogen (de opbrengst van de LCD-industrie) en door de kosten te verlagen door de flexografische coatings te vervangen door een hogere kwaliteit en kosteneffectieve fysische dampcondensatiecoating, hierna PVD genoemd, de gebruikstechnologie.De belangrijkste productielijn en levering darbības:1.Eksperimentālās 42 volle maanden. De start van het project is gepland na de sluiting van het contract voor de uitvoering van het project, d.w.z. in mei 2017. De voltooiing van het project is gepland voor november 2020. Na het project wordt de proeftechnologie getest in een echte productieomgeving, waarbij een economische activiteit wordt uitgevoerd. De totale subsidiabele kosten van het project bedragen 1 095 000,00 EUR. Het totale bedrag van de financiering uit het Europees Fonds voor Regionale Ontwikkeling bedraagt 383 250,00 EUR. Het project zal resulteren in de installatie van experimentele technologieën die zorgen voor de introductie van een nieuw product — verbeterde stabiele en volumetrische driedimensionale weergaveschermen in de productie. Het project zal worden uitgevoerd op het gebied van slimme specialisatie of RIS3 „Informatie- en communicatietechnologieën”. Sector van de tenuitvoerlegging van het project — Vervaardiging van computers en randapparatuur (NACE Rev.2) Code 26.20). (Dutch)
    28 November 2021
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    L'obiettivo del progetto "Istituzione di un'unità di produzione sperimentale di rivestimenti fisici di condensazione a vapore per la produzione di display d'immagine tridimensionalivolumetrici e display bistabili" è l'acquisizione di una nuova linea di produzione sperimentale con l'obiettivo di promuovere la competitività dei display a cristalli liquidi prodotti dall'azienda aumentando la produzione (rendimento dell'industria LCD) e riducendo i costi sostituendo i rivestimenti flessografici con un rivestimento di condensazione fisico a vapore di qualità superiore e conveniente, qui di seguito denominato PVD, la tecnologia di utilizzo. 42 mesi interi. L'inizio del progetto è previsto dopo la conclusione del contratto per l'attuazione del progetto, vale a dire nel maggio 2017. Il completamento del progetto è previsto per novembre 2020. Dopo il progetto, la tecnologia pilota sarà testata in un ambiente di produzione reale, svolgendo un'attività economica. Il costo totale ammissibile del progetto è di 1 095 000,00 EUR. L'importo totale del finanziamento da parte del Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale sarà di 383 250,00 EUR. Il progetto si tradurrà nell'installazione di tecnologie sperimentali che garantiranno l'introduzione di un nuovo prodotto — migliori display di imaging tridimensionali stabili e volumetrici in produzione. Il progetto sarà attuato nel campo della specializzazione intelligente o RIS3 "Tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione". Settore di attuazione del progetto — Fabbricazione di computer e apparecchiature periferiche (NACE Rev. 2) Codice 26.20). (Italian)
    11 January 2022
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    El objetivo del proyecto «Establecimiento de una unidad de producción experimental de recubrimientos de condensación de vapor físico para la producción de pantallas de imagen tridimensionales y pantallas bistables» es la adquisición de una nueva línea de producción experimental con el objetivo de promover la competitividad de las pantallas de cristal líquido producidas por la empresa aumentando la producción (rendimiento de la industria de LCD) y reduciendo el coste mediante la sustitución de los revestimientos flexográficos por un recubrimiento de condensación de vapor físico de mayor calidad y rentable, en lo sucesivo denominado PVD, la tecnología de uso. 42 meses completos. El inicio del proyecto está previsto tras la celebración del contrato para la ejecución del proyecto, es decir, en mayo de 2017. La finalización del proyecto está prevista para noviembre de 2020. Después del proyecto, la tecnología piloto se pondrá a prueba en un entorno de producción real, llevando a cabo una actividad económica. El coste total subvencionable del proyecto es de 1 095 000,00 EUR. El importe total de la financiación del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional será de 383 250,00 EUR. El proyecto dará lugar a la instalación de tecnologías experimentales que garanticen la introducción de un nuevo producto — mejores pantallas de imágenes tridimensionales estables y volumétricas en producción. El proyecto se ejecutará en el ámbito de la especialización inteligente o RIS3 «Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación». Sector de ejecución del proyecto — Fabricación de ordenadores y equipos periféricos (NACE Rev.2 Código 26.20). (Spanish)
    12 January 2022
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    The objective of the project “Development of a technical steam coating experimental production facility for the production ofvolumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays” is to purchase a new experimental production line with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of the company’s liquid crystal displays by increasing the output of production (LCD industry’s yield) and reducing the cost of self-cost, replacing the coatings of flexography technology with a higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output.Propermental design production process.Perial design production duration1.Priority of implementation technology.Environmental flexion technology.Supply of the flexography technology.Propermental and cost-effective manufacturing process.Perimental design production.Enhanced flexography technology.Supply for higher and cost-efficient production.Propermental design production.Eperational design.Environal power of production.Eperation of flexography technology.Supply for higher and cost-effective production.Properarative design production.Eperation of the feasibility of the projectThe development of experimental steam coating experimental production equipment for the production ofvoluumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays, and to reduce the cost-cost by replacing the coatings of flexography technology with a higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output (LCD industry’s yield) and the reduction of the cost-cost self-cost, by replacing the coatings with higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output.Properational design production.Perimental production duration.Eperational power line in terms of concision.Technology.Furation of flexision technology.Production and cost-efficiency.Professional design production.Periquential production duration.Installation of the main design line.Economic concasion technology in the text of “Developmental vapour coating experimental production equipment for the production ofvolumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays” is aimed at acquiring a new experimental production line with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of the company’s liquid crystal displays by increasing the production output (LCD industry’s yield) and reducing the 42 full months. Projekti käivitamine on kavandatud pärast projekti elluviimise lepingu sõlmimist, st 2017. aasta mais. Projekt on kavas lõpule viia 2020. aasta novembris. Projekti abikõlblikud kogukulud on 1095000.00 eurot. Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fondist eraldatavate vahendite kogusumma – 383250.00 eurot. Projekti tulemusena paigaldatakse eksperimentaalsed tehnoloogiad, mis annavad uue toote – täiustatud kosmeetilised ja mahulised kolmemõõtmelised kuvarid tootmises.Projekti rakendatakse aruka spetsialiseerumise või spetsialiseerumise tehnoloogiate valdkonnas, mis on määratletud RIS3-s. Projekti rakendamise sektor – Arvutite ja välisseadmete tootmine (NACE Rev.2) 26.20. (Estonian)
    3 August 2022
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    The objective of the project “Development of a technical steam coating experimental production facility for the production ofvolumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays” is to purchase a new experimental production line with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of the company’s liquid crystal displays by increasing the output of production (LCD industry’s yield) and reducing the cost of self-cost, replacing the coatings of flexography technology with a higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output.Propermental design production process.Perial design production duration1.Priority of implementation technology.Environmental flexion technology.Supply of the flexography technology.Propermental and cost-effective manufacturing process.Perimental design production.Enhanced flexography technology.Supply for higher and cost-efficient production.Propermental design production.Eperational design.Environal power of production.Eperation of flexography technology.Supply for higher and cost-effective production.Properarative design production.Eperation of the feasibility of the projectThe development of experimental steam coating experimental production equipment for the production ofvoluumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays, and to reduce the cost-cost by replacing the coatings of flexography technology with a higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output (LCD industry’s yield) and the reduction of the cost-cost self-cost, by replacing the coatings with higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output.Properational design production.Perimental production duration.Eperational power line in terms of concision.Technology.Furation of flexision technology.Production and cost-efficiency.Professional design production.Periquential production duration.Installation of the main design line.Economic concasion technology in the text of “Developmental vapour coating experimental production equipment for the production ofvolumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays” is aimed at acquiring a new experimental production line with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of the company’s liquid crystal displays by increasing the production output (LCD industry’s yield) and reducing the 42 full months. Projekto pradžia planuojama po to, kai bus sudaryta projekto įgyvendinimo sutartis, t. y. 2017 m. gegužės mėn. Projektą planuojama užbaigti 2020 m. lapkričio mėn. Visos tinkamos finansuoti projekto išlaidos yra 1 095 000,00 EUR. Bendra finansavimo iš Europos regioninės plėtros fondo suma – 383 250,00 EUR. Įgyvendinant projektą bus diegiamos eksperimentinės technologijos, kurios suteiks naują produktą – patobulintus kosminius ir tūrinius trimačius vaizdo vaizduoklius gamyboje. Projektas bus įgyvendinamas RIS3 apibrėžtos pažangiosios specializacijos ar specializacijos technologijų srityje. Projekto įgyvendinimo sektorius – Kompiuterių ir periferinės įrangos gamyba (NACE 2 red. 26.20). (Lithuanian)
    3 August 2022
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    The objective of the project “Development of a technical steam coating experimental production facility for the production ofvolumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays” is to purchase a new experimental production line with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of the company’s liquid crystal displays by increasing the output of production (LCD industry’s yield) and reducing the cost of self-cost, replacing the coatings of flexography technology with a higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output.Propermental design production process.Perial design production duration1.Priority of implementation technology.Environmental flexion technology.Supply of the flexography technology.Propermental and cost-effective manufacturing process.Perimental design production.Enhanced flexography technology.Supply for higher and cost-efficient production.Propermental design production.Eperational design.Environal power of production.Eperation of flexography technology.Supply for higher and cost-effective production.Properarative design production.Eperation of the feasibility of the projectThe development of experimental steam coating experimental production equipment for the production ofvoluumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays, and to reduce the cost-cost by replacing the coatings of flexography technology with a higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output (LCD industry’s yield) and the reduction of the cost-cost self-cost, by replacing the coatings with higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output.Properational design production.Perimental production duration.Eperational power line in terms of concision.Technology.Furation of flexision technology.Production and cost-efficiency.Professional design production.Periquential production duration.Installation of the main design line.Economic concasion technology in the text of “Developmental vapour coating experimental production equipment for the production ofvolumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays” is aimed at acquiring a new experimental production line with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of the company’s liquid crystal displays by increasing the production output (LCD industry’s yield) and reducing the 42 full months. Početak projekta planiran je nakon sklapanja ugovora za provedbu projekta, odnosno u svibnju 2017. godine. Završetak projekta planiran je u studenome 2020. Ukupni prihvatljivi troškovi projekta iznose 109 500,00 EUR. Ukupni iznos financiranja iz Europskog fonda za regionalni razvoj – 3 883 250,00 EUR. Kao rezultat projekta ugradit će se eksperimentalne tehnologije koje će osigurati novi proizvod – poboljšane kozmetičke i volumetrijske trodimenzionalne slikovne zaslone u proizvodnji. Projekt će se provoditi u području pametne specijalizacije ili specijalizacijskih tehnologija definiranih u RIS3. Sektor provedbe projekta – Proizvodnja računala i periferne opreme (NACE Rev.2) 26.20. (Croatian)
    3 August 2022
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    The objective of the project “Development of a technical steam coating experimental production facility for the production ofvolumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays” is to purchase a new experimental production line with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of the company’s liquid crystal displays by increasing the output of production (LCD industry’s yield) and reducing the cost of self-cost, replacing the coatings of flexography technology with a higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output.Propermental design production process.Perial design production duration1.Priority of implementation technology.Environmental flexion technology.Supply of the flexography technology.Propermental and cost-effective manufacturing process.Perimental design production.Enhanced flexography technology.Supply for higher and cost-efficient production.Propermental design production.Eperational design.Environal power of production.Eperation of flexography technology.Supply for higher and cost-effective production.Properarative design production.Eperation of the feasibility of the projectThe development of experimental steam coating experimental production equipment for the production ofvoluumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays, and to reduce the cost-cost by replacing the coatings of flexography technology with a higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output (LCD industry’s yield) and the reduction of the cost-cost self-cost, by replacing the coatings with higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output.Properational design production.Perimental production duration.Eperational power line in terms of concision.Technology.Furation of flexision technology.Production and cost-efficiency.Professional design production.Periquential production duration.Installation of the main design line.Economic concasion technology in the text of “Developmental vapour coating experimental production equipment for the production ofvolumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays” is aimed at acquiring a new experimental production line with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of the company’s liquid crystal displays by increasing the production output (LCD industry’s yield) and reducing the 42 full months. Η έναρξη του έργου προγραμματίζεται μετά τη σύναψη της σύμβασης για την υλοποίηση του έργου, δηλαδή τον Μάιο του 2017. Η ολοκλήρωση του έργου προγραμματίζεται για τον Νοέμβριο του 2020. Οι συνολικές επιλέξιμες δαπάνες του έργου ανέρχονται σε 1 095 000,00 EUR. Συνολικό ποσό χρηματοδότησης από το Ευρωπαϊκό Ταμείο Περιφερειακής Ανάπτυξης — 383 250,00 EUR. Ως αποτέλεσμα του έργου, θα εγκατασταθούν πειραματικές τεχνολογίες, οι οποίες θα παρέχουν ένα νέο προϊόν — βελτιωμένες αισθητικές και ογκομετρικές τρισδιάστατες απεικονίσεις απεικόνισης στην παραγωγή. Το έργο θα υλοποιηθεί στον τομέα των τεχνολογιών έξυπνης εξειδίκευσης ή εξειδίκευσης που ορίζονται από το RIS3. Τομέας υλοποίησης του έργου — Κατασκευή υπολογιστών και περιφερειακού εξοπλισμού (NACE αναθ. 2) 26.20. (Greek)
    3 August 2022
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    The objective of the project “Development of a technical steam coating experimental production facility for the production ofvolumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays” is to purchase a new experimental production line with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of the company’s liquid crystal displays by increasing the output of production (LCD industry’s yield) and reducing the cost of self-cost, replacing the coatings of flexography technology with a higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output.Propermental design production process.Perial design production duration1.Priority of implementation technology.Environmental flexion technology.Supply of the flexography technology.Propermental and cost-effective manufacturing process.Perimental design production.Enhanced flexography technology.Supply for higher and cost-efficient production.Propermental design production.Eperational design.Environal power of production.Eperation of flexography technology.Supply for higher and cost-effective production.Properarative design production.Eperation of the feasibility of the projectThe development of experimental steam coating experimental production equipment for the production ofvoluumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays, and to reduce the cost-cost by replacing the coatings of flexography technology with a higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output (LCD industry’s yield) and the reduction of the cost-cost self-cost, by replacing the coatings with higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output.Properational design production.Perimental production duration.Eperational power line in terms of concision.Technology.Furation of flexision technology.Production and cost-efficiency.Professional design production.Periquential production duration.Installation of the main design line.Economic concasion technology in the text of “Developmental vapour coating experimental production equipment for the production ofvolumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays” is aimed at acquiring a new experimental production line with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of the company’s liquid crystal displays by increasing the production output (LCD industry’s yield) and reducing the 42 full months. Začiatok projektu sa plánuje po uzavretí zmluvy o realizácii projektu, t. j. v máji 2017. Dokončenie projektu sa plánuje v novembri 2020. Celkové oprávnené náklady na projekt sú 1 095 000,00 EUR. Celková suma finančných prostriedkov z Európskeho fondu regionálneho rozvoja -383 250 EUR. Výsledkom projektu budú inštalované experimentálne technológie, ktoré poskytnú nový produkt – vylepšené kozmetické a objemové trojrozmerné zobrazovacie displeje vo výrobe.Projekt sa bude realizovať v oblasti inteligentnej špecializácie alebo špecializačných technológií definovaných v RIS3. Sektor realizácie projektu – Výroba počítačov a periférnych zariadení (NACE Rev.2) 26.20. (Slovak)
    3 August 2022
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    The objective of the project “Development of a technical steam coating experimental production facility for the production ofvolumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays” is to purchase a new experimental production line with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of the company’s liquid crystal displays by increasing the output of production (LCD industry’s yield) and reducing the cost of self-cost, replacing the coatings of flexography technology with a higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output.Propermental design production process.Perial design production duration1.Priority of implementation technology.Environmental flexion technology.Supply of the flexography technology.Propermental and cost-effective manufacturing process.Perimental design production.Enhanced flexography technology.Supply for higher and cost-efficient production.Propermental design production.Eperational design.Environal power of production.Eperation of flexography technology.Supply for higher and cost-effective production.Properarative design production.Eperation of the feasibility of the projectThe development of experimental steam coating experimental production equipment for the production ofvoluumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays, and to reduce the cost-cost by replacing the coatings of flexography technology with a higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output (LCD industry’s yield) and the reduction of the cost-cost self-cost, by replacing the coatings with higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output.Properational design production.Perimental production duration.Eperational power line in terms of concision.Technology.Furation of flexision technology.Production and cost-efficiency.Professional design production.Periquential production duration.Installation of the main design line.Economic concasion technology in the text of “Developmental vapour coating experimental production equipment for the production ofvolumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays” is aimed at acquiring a new experimental production line with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of the company’s liquid crystal displays by increasing the production output (LCD industry’s yield) and reducing the 42 full months. Hanke on tarkoitus aloittaa sen jälkeen, kun hankkeen toteuttamista koskeva sopimus on tehty, eli toukokuussa 2017. Hanke on tarkoitus saattaa päätökseen marraskuussa 2020. Hankkeen tukikelpoiset kokonaiskustannukset ovat 1095000.00 euroa. Euroopan aluekehitysrahaston rahoituksen kokonaismäärä – 383250.00 euroa. Hankkeen tuloksena asennetaan kokeellisia teknologioita, jotka tarjoavat uuden tuotteen – parannetut kosmetologiset ja tilavuuden kolmiulotteiset kuvantamisnäytöt tuotannossa. Hanke toteutetaan älykkään erikoistumisen tai erikoistumisteknologian alalla, joka määritellään RIS3:ssa. Hankkeen toteutus – Tietokoneiden ja oheislaitteiden valmistus (NACE Rev.2) 26.20. (Finnish)
    3 August 2022
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    The objective of the project “Development of a technical steam coating experimental production facility for the production ofvolumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays” is to purchase a new experimental production line with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of the company’s liquid crystal displays by increasing the output of production (LCD industry’s yield) and reducing the cost of self-cost, replacing the coatings of flexography technology with a higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output.Propermental design production process.Perial design production duration1.Priority of implementation technology.Environmental flexion technology.Supply of the flexography technology.Propermental and cost-effective manufacturing process.Perimental design production.Enhanced flexography technology.Supply for higher and cost-efficient production.Propermental design production.Eperational design.Environal power of production.Eperation of flexography technology.Supply for higher and cost-effective production.Properarative design production.Eperation of the feasibility of the projectThe development of experimental steam coating experimental production equipment for the production ofvoluumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays, and to reduce the cost-cost by replacing the coatings of flexography technology with a higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output (LCD industry’s yield) and the reduction of the cost-cost self-cost, by replacing the coatings with higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output.Properational design production.Perimental production duration.Eperational power line in terms of concision.Technology.Furation of flexision technology.Production and cost-efficiency.Professional design production.Periquential production duration.Installation of the main design line.Economic concasion technology in the text of “Developmental vapour coating experimental production equipment for the production ofvolumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays” is aimed at acquiring a new experimental production line with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of the company’s liquid crystal displays by increasing the production output (LCD industry’s yield) and reducing the 42 full months. Rozpoczęcie projektu planowane jest po zawarciu umowy na realizację projektu, tj. w maju 2017 r. Zakończenie projektu planowane jest na listopad 2020 r. Całkowite koszty kwalifikowalne projektu wynoszą 1 095 000,00 EUR. Łączna kwota finansowania z Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego – 383 250,00 EUR. W wyniku projektu zostaną zainstalowane technologie eksperymentalne, które zapewnią nowy produkt – ulepszone trójwymiarowe wyświetlacze obrazowania kosmetycznego i objętościowego w produkcji. Projekt będzie realizowany w zakresie inteligentnych technologii specjalizacji lub specjalizacji określonych w RIS3. Sektor realizacji projektów – Produkcja komputerów i urządzeń peryferyjnych (NACE Rev.2) 26.20). (Polish)
    3 August 2022
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    The objective of the project “Development of a technical steam coating experimental production facility for the production ofvolumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays” is to purchase a new experimental production line with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of the company’s liquid crystal displays by increasing the output of production (LCD industry’s yield) and reducing the cost of self-cost, replacing the coatings of flexography technology with a higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output.Propermental design production process.Perial design production duration1.Priority of implementation technology.Environmental flexion technology.Supply of the flexography technology.Propermental and cost-effective manufacturing process.Perimental design production.Enhanced flexography technology.Supply for higher and cost-efficient production.Propermental design production.Eperational design.Environal power of production.Eperation of flexography technology.Supply for higher and cost-effective production.Properarative design production.Eperation of the feasibility of the projectThe development of experimental steam coating experimental production equipment for the production ofvoluumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays, and to reduce the cost-cost by replacing the coatings of flexography technology with a higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output (LCD industry’s yield) and the reduction of the cost-cost self-cost, by replacing the coatings with higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output.Properational design production.Perimental production duration.Eperational power line in terms of concision.Technology.Furation of flexision technology.Production and cost-efficiency.Professional design production.Periquential production duration.Installation of the main design line.Economic concasion technology in the text of “Developmental vapour coating experimental production equipment for the production ofvolumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays” is aimed at acquiring a new experimental production line with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of the company’s liquid crystal displays by increasing the production output (LCD industry’s yield) and reducing the 42 full months. A projekt elindítását a projekt végrehajtására vonatkozó szerződés megkötését követően, azaz 2017 májusában tervezik. A projekt befejezését 2020 novemberében tervezik. A projekt teljes elszámolható költsége 109 500,00 EUR. Az Európai Regionális Fejlesztési Alapból származó finanszírozás teljes összege: 383 250,00 EUR. A projekt eredményeként kísérleti technológiák kerülnek telepítésre, amelyek új terméket biztosítanak – továbbfejlesztett kozmetikus és térfogati háromdimenziós képalkotó kijelzők a gyártásban.A projektet a RIS3 által meghatározott intelligens szakosodási vagy szakosodási technológiák területén hajtják végre. Projektvégrehajtási ágazat – Számítógépek és perifériás berendezések gyártása (NACE Rev.2) 26.20. (Hungarian)
    3 August 2022
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    The objective of the project “Development of a technical steam coating experimental production facility for the production ofvolumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays” is to purchase a new experimental production line with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of the company’s liquid crystal displays by increasing the output of production (LCD industry’s yield) and reducing the cost of self-cost, replacing the coatings of flexography technology with a higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output.Propermental design production process.Perial design production duration1.Priority of implementation technology.Environmental flexion technology.Supply of the flexography technology.Propermental and cost-effective manufacturing process.Perimental design production.Enhanced flexography technology.Supply for higher and cost-efficient production.Propermental design production.Eperational design.Environal power of production.Eperation of flexography technology.Supply for higher and cost-effective production.Properarative design production.Eperation of the feasibility of the projectThe development of experimental steam coating experimental production equipment for the production ofvoluumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays, and to reduce the cost-cost by replacing the coatings of flexography technology with a higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output (LCD industry’s yield) and the reduction of the cost-cost self-cost, by replacing the coatings with higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output.Properational design production.Perimental production duration.Eperational power line in terms of concision.Technology.Furation of flexision technology.Production and cost-efficiency.Professional design production.Periquential production duration.Installation of the main design line.Economic concasion technology in the text of “Developmental vapour coating experimental production equipment for the production ofvolumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays” is aimed at acquiring a new experimental production line with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of the company’s liquid crystal displays by increasing the production output (LCD industry’s yield) and reducing the 42 full months. Zahájení projektu je plánováno po uzavření smlouvy o realizaci projektu, tj. v květnu 2017. Dokončení projektu je plánováno na listopad 2020. Celkové způsobilé náklady projektu činí 1 095 000,00 EUR. Celková výše finančních prostředků z Evropského fondu pro regionální rozvoj – 383 250,00 EUR. Výsledkem projektu bude instalace experimentálních technologií, které poskytnou nový produkt – vylepšené kosmetické a objemové trojrozměrné zobrazovací displeje ve výrobě. Projekt bude realizován v oblasti inteligentní specializace nebo specializačních technologií definovaných RIS3. Sektor realizace projektů – Výroba počítačů a periferních zařízení (NACE Rev.2) 26.20). (Czech)
    3 August 2022
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    The objective of the project “Development of a technical steam coating experimental production facility for the production ofvolumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays” is to purchase a new experimental production line with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of the company’s liquid crystal displays by increasing the output of production (LCD industry’s yield) and reducing the cost of self-cost, replacing the coatings of flexography technology with a higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output.Propermental design production process.Perial design production duration1.Priority of implementation technology.Environmental flexion technology.Supply of the flexography technology.Propermental and cost-effective manufacturing process.Perimental design production.Enhanced flexography technology.Supply for higher and cost-efficient production.Propermental design production.Eperational design.Environal power of production.Eperation of flexography technology.Supply for higher and cost-effective production.Properarative design production.Eperation of the feasibility of the projectThe development of experimental steam coating experimental production equipment for the production ofvoluumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays, and to reduce the cost-cost by replacing the coatings of flexography technology with a higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output (LCD industry’s yield) and the reduction of the cost-cost self-cost, by replacing the coatings with higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output.Properational design production.Perimental production duration.Eperational power line in terms of concision.Technology.Furation of flexision technology.Production and cost-efficiency.Professional design production.Periquential production duration.Installation of the main design line.Economic concasion technology in the text of “Developmental vapour coating experimental production equipment for the production ofvolumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays” is aimed at acquiring a new experimental production line with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of the company’s liquid crystal displays by increasing the production output (LCD industry’s yield) and reducing the 42 full months. Tá tús an tionscadail beartaithe tar éis thabhairt i gcrích an chonartha chun an tionscadal a chur chun feidhme, i.e. i mí na Bealtaine 2017. Tá críochnú an tionscadail beartaithe i mí na Samhna 2020. Is é EUR 1095000.00 costais incháilithe iomlána an tionscadail. Méid iomlán an mhaoinithe ó Chiste Forbraíochta Réigiúnaí na hEorpa — EUR 383250.00. Mar thoradh ar an tionscadal, suiteálfar teicneolaíochtaí turgnamhacha, a sholáthróidh táirge nua — taispeántais íomháithe tríthoiseach beautic agus toirtmhéadracha feabhsaithe i dtáirgeadh. Earnáil cur chun feidhme tionscadal — Monaraíocht ríomhairí agus trealaimh fhorimeallacha (NACE Rev.2) 26.20). (Irish)
    3 August 2022
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    The objective of the project “Development of a technical steam coating experimental production facility for the production ofvolumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays” is to purchase a new experimental production line with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of the company’s liquid crystal displays by increasing the output of production (LCD industry’s yield) and reducing the cost of self-cost, replacing the coatings of flexography technology with a higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output.Propermental design production process.Perial design production duration1.Priority of implementation technology.Environmental flexion technology.Supply of the flexography technology.Propermental and cost-effective manufacturing process.Perimental design production.Enhanced flexography technology.Supply for higher and cost-efficient production.Propermental design production.Eperational design.Environal power of production.Eperation of flexography technology.Supply for higher and cost-effective production.Properarative design production.Eperation of the feasibility of the projectThe development of experimental steam coating experimental production equipment for the production ofvoluumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays, and to reduce the cost-cost by replacing the coatings of flexography technology with a higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output (LCD industry’s yield) and the reduction of the cost-cost self-cost, by replacing the coatings with higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output.Properational design production.Perimental production duration.Eperational power line in terms of concision.Technology.Furation of flexision technology.Production and cost-efficiency.Professional design production.Periquential production duration.Installation of the main design line.Economic concasion technology in the text of “Developmental vapour coating experimental production equipment for the production ofvolumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays” is aimed at acquiring a new experimental production line with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of the company’s liquid crystal displays by increasing the production output (LCD industry’s yield) and reducing the 42 full months. Začetek projekta je načrtovan po sklenitvi pogodbe za izvedbo projekta, tj. maja 2017. Zaključek projekta je načrtovan novembra 2020. Skupni upravičeni stroški projekta znašajo 1 095 000,00 EUR. Skupni znesek financiranja iz Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj – 383 250,00 EUR. Kot rezultat projekta bodo nameščene eksperimentalne tehnologije, ki bodo zagotovile nov izdelek – izboljšane lepotne in volumetrične tridimenzionalne zaslone za slikanje v proizvodnji. Projekt se bo izvajal na področju pametnih specializacijskih ali specializacijskih tehnologij, ki jih opredeljuje RIS3. Sektor izvajanja projektov – proizvodnja računalnikov in periferne opreme (NACE Rev.2) 26.20). (Slovenian)
    3 August 2022
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    The objective of the project “Development of a technical steam coating experimental production facility for the production ofvolumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays” is to purchase a new experimental production line with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of the company’s liquid crystal displays by increasing the output of production (LCD industry’s yield) and reducing the cost of self-cost, replacing the coatings of flexography technology with a higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output.Propermental design production process.Perial design production duration1.Priority of implementation technology.Environmental flexion technology.Supply of the flexography technology.Propermental and cost-effective manufacturing process.Perimental design production.Enhanced flexography technology.Supply for higher and cost-efficient production.Propermental design production.Eperational design.Environal power of production.Eperation of flexography technology.Supply for higher and cost-effective production.Properarative design production.Eperation of the feasibility of the projectThe development of experimental steam coating experimental production equipment for the production ofvoluumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays, and to reduce the cost-cost by replacing the coatings of flexography technology with a higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output (LCD industry’s yield) and the reduction of the cost-cost self-cost, by replacing the coatings with higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output.Properational design production.Perimental production duration.Eperational power line in terms of concision.Technology.Furation of flexision technology.Production and cost-efficiency.Professional design production.Periquential production duration.Installation of the main design line.Economic concasion technology in the text of “Developmental vapour coating experimental production equipment for the production ofvolumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays” is aimed at acquiring a new experimental production line with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of the company’s liquid crystal displays by increasing the production output (LCD industry’s yield) and reducing the 42 full months. Началото на проекта е планирано след сключването на договора за изпълнение на проекта, т.е. през май 2017 г. Завършването на проекта е планирано за ноември 2020 г. Общите допустими разходи по проекта са 1 095 000,00 EUR. Общ размер на финансирането от Европейския фонд за регионално развитие — 383 250,00 EUR. В резултат на проекта ще бъдат инсталирани експериментални технологии, които ще осигурят нов продукт — подобрени козметични и обемни триизмерни визуализиращи дисплеи в производството.Проектът ще бъде реализиран в областта на интелигентната специализация или технологиите за специализация, определени от RIS3. Сектор на изпълнение на проекти — производство на компютри и периферно оборудване (NACE Rev.2) 26.20). (Bulgarian)
    3 August 2022
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    The objective of the project “Development of a technical steam coating experimental production facility for the production ofvolumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays” is to purchase a new experimental production line with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of the company’s liquid crystal displays by increasing the output of production (LCD industry’s yield) and reducing the cost of self-cost, replacing the coatings of flexography technology with a higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output.Propermental design production process.Perial design production duration1.Priority of implementation technology.Environmental flexion technology.Supply of the flexography technology.Propermental and cost-effective manufacturing process.Perimental design production.Enhanced flexography technology.Supply for higher and cost-efficient production.Propermental design production.Eperational design.Environal power of production.Eperation of flexography technology.Supply for higher and cost-effective production.Properarative design production.Eperation of the feasibility of the projectThe development of experimental steam coating experimental production equipment for the production ofvoluumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays, and to reduce the cost-cost by replacing the coatings of flexography technology with a higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output (LCD industry’s yield) and the reduction of the cost-cost self-cost, by replacing the coatings with higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output.Properational design production.Perimental production duration.Eperational power line in terms of concision.Technology.Furation of flexision technology.Production and cost-efficiency.Professional design production.Periquential production duration.Installation of the main design line.Economic concasion technology in the text of “Developmental vapour coating experimental production equipment for the production ofvolumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays” is aimed at acquiring a new experimental production line with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of the company’s liquid crystal displays by increasing the production output (LCD industry’s yield) and reducing the 42 full months. Il-bidu tal-proġett huwa ppjanat wara l-konklużjoni tal-kuntratt għall-implimentazzjoni tal-proġett, jiġifieri f’Mejju 2017. It-tlestija tal-proġett hija ppjanata f’Novembru 2020. L-ispejjeż totali eliġibbli tal-proġett huma ta’ EUR 1095000.00. Ammont totali ta’ finanzjament mill-Fond Ewropew għall-Iżvilupp Reġjonali — EUR 383250.00. B’riżultat tal-proġett, se jiġu installati teknoloġiji sperimentali, li se jipprovdu prodott ġdid — wiri aħjar ta’ immaġnijiet bioloġiċi u volumetriċi fil-produzzjoni. Il-proġett se jiġi implimentat fil-qasam tal-ispeċjalizzazzjoni intelliġenti jew it-teknoloġiji ta’ speċjalizzazzjoni definiti mill-RIS3. Settur tal-implimentazzjoni tal-proġetti — Kompjuters u manifattura ta’ tagħmir periferali (NACE Rev.2) 26.20). (Maltese)
    3 August 2022
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    The objective of the project “Development of a technical steam coating experimental production facility for the production ofvolumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays” is to purchase a new experimental production line with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of the company’s liquid crystal displays by increasing the output of production (LCD industry’s yield) and reducing the cost of self-cost, replacing the coatings of flexography technology with a higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output.Propermental design production process.Perial design production duration1.Priority of implementation technology.Environmental flexion technology.Supply of the flexography technology.Propermental and cost-effective manufacturing process.Perimental design production.Enhanced flexography technology.Supply for higher and cost-efficient production.Propermental design production.Eperational design.Environal power of production.Eperation of flexography technology.Supply for higher and cost-effective production.Properarative design production.Eperation of the feasibility of the projectThe development of experimental steam coating experimental production equipment for the production ofvoluumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays, and to reduce the cost-cost by replacing the coatings of flexography technology with a higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output (LCD industry’s yield) and the reduction of the cost-cost self-cost, by replacing the coatings with higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output.Properational design production.Perimental production duration.Eperational power line in terms of concision.Technology.Furation of flexision technology.Production and cost-efficiency.Professional design production.Periquential production duration.Installation of the main design line.Economic concasion technology in the text of “Developmental vapour coating experimental production equipment for the production ofvolumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays” is aimed at acquiring a new experimental production line with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of the company’s liquid crystal displays by increasing the production output (LCD industry’s yield) and reducing the 42 full months. O início do projeto está previsto após a celebração do contrato de execução do projeto, ou seja, em maio de 2017. A conclusão do projeto está prevista para novembro de 2020. Os custos totais elegíveis do projeto ascendem a 109 500,00 EUR. Montante total do financiamento do Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional — 383 250,00 EUR. Como resultado do projeto, serão instaladas tecnologias experimentais, que proporcionarão um novo produto — ecrãs de imagem tridimensionais melhoradas e esteléticas em produção. O projeto será implementado no domínio da especialização inteligente ou das tecnologias de especialização definidas pela RIS3. Setor de execução do projeto — Fabrico de computadores e equipamentos periféricos (NACE Rev.2) 26.20). (Portuguese)
    3 August 2022
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    The objective of the project “Development of a technical steam coating experimental production facility for the production ofvolumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays” is to purchase a new experimental production line with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of the company’s liquid crystal displays by increasing the output of production (LCD industry’s yield) and reducing the cost of self-cost, replacing the coatings of flexography technology with a higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output.Propermental design production process.Perial design production duration1.Priority of implementation technology.Environmental flexion technology.Supply of the flexography technology.Propermental and cost-effective manufacturing process.Perimental design production.Enhanced flexography technology.Supply for higher and cost-efficient production.Propermental design production.Eperational design.Environal power of production.Eperation of flexography technology.Supply for higher and cost-effective production.Properarative design production.Eperation of the feasibility of the projectThe development of experimental steam coating experimental production equipment for the production ofvoluumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays, and to reduce the cost-cost by replacing the coatings of flexography technology with a higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output (LCD industry’s yield) and the reduction of the cost-cost self-cost, by replacing the coatings with higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output.Properational design production.Perimental production duration.Eperational power line in terms of concision.Technology.Furation of flexision technology.Production and cost-efficiency.Professional design production.Periquential production duration.Installation of the main design line.Economic concasion technology in the text of “Developmental vapour coating experimental production equipment for the production ofvolumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays” is aimed at acquiring a new experimental production line with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of the company’s liquid crystal displays by increasing the production output (LCD industry’s yield) and reducing the 42 full months. Projektets start er planlagt efter indgåelsen af kontrakten om gennemførelse af projektet, dvs. i maj 2017. Projektets afslutning er planlagt til november 2020. De samlede støtteberettigede omkostninger til projektet er på 1 095 000,00 EUR. Samlet finansiering fra Den Europæiske Fond for Regionaludvikling — 383 250,00 EUR. Som et resultat af projektet vil der blive installeret eksperimentelle teknologier, som vil give et nyt produkt — forbedrede kosmetiske og volumetriske tredimensionale billedskærme i produktionen. Projektet vil blive gennemført inden for intelligente specialiserings- eller specialiseringsteknologier defineret af RIS3. Projektgennemførelsessektor — fremstilling af computere og perifert udstyr (NACE rev. 2) 26.20). (Danish)
    3 August 2022
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    The objective of the project “Development of a technical steam coating experimental production facility for the production ofvolumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays” is to purchase a new experimental production line with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of the company’s liquid crystal displays by increasing the output of production (LCD industry’s yield) and reducing the cost of self-cost, replacing the coatings of flexography technology with a higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output.Propermental design production process.Perial design production duration1.Priority of implementation technology.Environmental flexion technology.Supply of the flexography technology.Propermental and cost-effective manufacturing process.Perimental design production.Enhanced flexography technology.Supply for higher and cost-efficient production.Propermental design production.Eperational design.Environal power of production.Eperation of flexography technology.Supply for higher and cost-effective production.Properarative design production.Eperation of the feasibility of the projectThe development of experimental steam coating experimental production equipment for the production ofvoluumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays, and to reduce the cost-cost by replacing the coatings of flexography technology with a higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output (LCD industry’s yield) and the reduction of the cost-cost self-cost, by replacing the coatings with higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output.Properational design production.Perimental production duration.Eperational power line in terms of concision.Technology.Furation of flexision technology.Production and cost-efficiency.Professional design production.Periquential production duration.Installation of the main design line.Economic concasion technology in the text of “Developmental vapour coating experimental production equipment for the production ofvolumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays” is aimed at acquiring a new experimental production line with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of the company’s liquid crystal displays by increasing the production output (LCD industry’s yield) and reducing the 42 full months. Demararea proiectului este planificată după încheierea contractului pentru implementarea proiectului, adică în mai 2017. Finalizarea proiectului este planificată în noiembrie 2020. Costurile eligibile totale ale proiectului sunt de 1 095 000,00 EUR. Valoarea totală a finanțării din Fondul european de dezvoltare regională – 383 250,00 EUR. Ca urmare a proiectului, vor fi instalate tehnologii experimentale, care vor oferi un produs nou – afișaje imagistice tridimensionale îmbunătățite în producție. Proiectul va fi implementat în domeniul tehnologiilor de specializare inteligentă sau de specializare definite de RIS3. Sectorul de implementare a proiectului – Fabricarea calculatoarelor și a echipamentelor periferice (NACE Rev.2) 26.20). (Romanian)
    3 August 2022
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    The objective of the project “Development of a technical steam coating experimental production facility for the production ofvolumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays” is to purchase a new experimental production line with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of the company’s liquid crystal displays by increasing the output of production (LCD industry’s yield) and reducing the cost of self-cost, replacing the coatings of flexography technology with a higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output.Propermental design production process.Perial design production duration1.Priority of implementation technology.Environmental flexion technology.Supply of the flexography technology.Propermental and cost-effective manufacturing process.Perimental design production.Enhanced flexography technology.Supply for higher and cost-efficient production.Propermental design production.Eperational design.Environal power of production.Eperation of flexography technology.Supply for higher and cost-effective production.Properarative design production.Eperation of the feasibility of the projectThe development of experimental steam coating experimental production equipment for the production ofvoluumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays, and to reduce the cost-cost by replacing the coatings of flexography technology with a higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output (LCD industry’s yield) and the reduction of the cost-cost self-cost, by replacing the coatings with higher quality and cost-effective manufacturing output.Properational design production.Perimental production duration.Eperational power line in terms of concision.Technology.Furation of flexision technology.Production and cost-efficiency.Professional design production.Periquential production duration.Installation of the main design line.Economic concasion technology in the text of “Developmental vapour coating experimental production equipment for the production ofvolumetric three-dimensional image displays and bestable displays” is aimed at acquiring a new experimental production line with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of the company’s liquid crystal displays by increasing the production output (LCD industry’s yield) and reducing the 42 full months. Projektet planeras inledas efter det att kontraktet för genomförandet av projektet har ingåtts, dvs. i maj 2017. Projektet planeras slutföras i november 2020. De totala stödberättigande kostnaderna för projektet är 1 095 000,00 EUR. Totalt belopp från Europeiska regionala utvecklingsfonden – 383 250 EUR. Som ett resultat av projektet kommer experimentell teknik att installeras, vilket kommer att ge en ny produkt – förbättrade skönhets- och volymetriska tredimensionella bildskärmar i produktionen.Projektet kommer att genomföras inom området smart specialisering eller specialiseringsteknik som definieras av RIS3. Projektgenomförandesektor – Tillverkning av datorer och kringutrustning (NACE Rev.2) 26.20. (Swedish)
    3 August 2022
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    Ventspils Augsto tehnoloģiju parks 2, Ventspils, LV-3602
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