RTU Innovation Grants for Students (Q3056514)

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Project Q3056514 in Latvia
Language Label Description Also known as
RTU Innovation Grants for Students
Project Q3056514 in Latvia


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    2,400,000.0 Euro
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    3,200,000.0 Euro
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    75.0 percent
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    1 May 2019
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    30 April 2022
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    56°54'41.11"N, 24°8'39.98"E
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    Projekta vispārīgais mērķis ir ir sekmēt studējošo inovāciju pieteikumu īstenošanu, kas attīsta studējošo inovācijas spēju un uzņēmīgumu, t. sk. uzņēmējspēju, risina sabiedrībai vai tās daļai nozīmīgas problēmas, stiprina augstskolu un studējošo sadarbību ar komersantiem un piesaista privāto finansējumu Studentu inovāciju programmas īstenošanai. Savukārt projekta specifiskais mērķis ir īstenot RTU studentu inovāciju grantu programmu, lai veicinātu studentu uzņēmējspējas un inovatīvo domāšanu, nodrošinot tās attīstību caur veiksmīgu sadarbības platformu, kas apvienotu studentus no dažādiem studiju virzieniem, un universitātēm; un īstenotu apmācības starpdisciplīnu grupās jeb komandās, t.sk., iesaistot mācībspēkus un jaunos pētniekus ar mērķi sagatavoti jaunu produktu, tehnoloģiju vai pakalpojumu izstrādes projektus vai prototipus izvirzītajiem nozares un industrijas izaicinājumiem un nākotnes attīstības prognozēm.RTU studentu inovāciju grantu programmu īstenošana sniegs tiešu ieguldījumu Latvijas Viedās specializācijas stratēģijas mērķu sasniegšanā un izaugsmes prioritāšu īstenošanā, jo īpaši STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – zinātne, tehnoloģijas, inženierzinātnes, matemātika), medicīnas un radošo industriju jomās, tostarp sniedzot ieguldījumu cilvēkkapitāla pieauguma nodrošināšanā.Projekta ietvaros tiks īstenotas Produktu attīstības programma, DEMOLA Latvija, Vertikāli integrēti projekti, RTU IdeaLAB, Zinātnisko pētījumu komercializācijas apmācības, Programma Industriālais doktors; Ideācijas pasākumi; Universitāšu inkubators; RTU Studentu inovāciju grantu stipendiju fonds un Studentu prakses programma, kā arī projekta informācijas un publicitātes pasākumi un projekta vadība. Projekta ietvaros tiks realizēts arī komunikācijas un publicitātes plāns. Projekta aktivitātes tiks īstenotas sadarbībā ar projekta partneriem Latvijas universitāti, RTU Attīstības fondu, Sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību "Green Industry Innovation Center".Projekta darbības plānots realizēt 36 mēnešus – no 01.05.2019. līdz 30.04.2022. un tā kopējā attiecināmo izmaksu summa ir EUR 3 200 000, tai skaitā ERAF finansējums – EUR 2 400 000 un RTU piesaistītais privātais finansējums EUR 800 000. (Latvian)
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    The general objective of the project is to facilitate the implementation of the innovation applications of students, which develops the innovation capacity and enterprising capacity of students, incl. entrepreneurs, solves significant problems for the society or part of it, strengthens university and students’ cooperation with business and attracts private funding for the implementation of the Student Innovation Programme. The specific aim of the project is to implement the RTU student innovation grant programme in order to promote student entrepreneurial capacity and innovative thinking, ensuring its development through a successful cooperation platform that would bring together students from different fields of study and universities; And to implement training in interdisciplinary groups or teams, including involving teaching staff and young researchers with the aim of preparing development projects of new products, technologies or services or prototypes for the challenges and future development of the industry.Implementation of student innovation grant programmes will directly contribute to the goals of the Latvian Smart Specialisation Strategy and the implementation of growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology, Technology, Technology, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Latvia, Engineering and Engineering, Business Development projects in the field of Integrated Development, Mathematics, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), will be a direct contribution to the objectives of the Latvian Smart specialisation strategy, and to achieve growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering, engineering, and business development projects), will be implemented within the framework of the ICTEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology and Mathematics Programmes, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Innovative Science, Engineering and Business Development projects, in the field of vertical development, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), will be a direct contribution to the achievement of the goals of the Latvian Smart Specialisation Strategy, and the implementation of growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering programme, engineering and engineering, business development projects, in terms of providing advanced human resources, engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering and development projects in the field of engineering, formalisation and mathematics, in particular STEM (Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technology, engineering and engineering, business development projects, in terms of providing advanced human resources, engineering and mathematics – science, technology and mathematics, will be a direct contribution to the achievement of the goals of the Latvian Smart specialisation Strategy, and to achieve the priorities for growth, in particular STEM (Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering programme, engineering and business development projects, Ideation measures; University Incubator; RTU Student Innovation Grant Scholarship Fund and Student Practice Program, as well as information and publicity activities of the project and project management. The communication and publicity plan will also be implemented within the framework of the project. Project activities will be implemented in cooperation with project partners Latvian University, RTU Development Fund, Limited Liability Company “Green Industry Innovation Center”.Project activities are planned to be implemented for 36 months – from 01.05.2019 to 30.04.2022. and its total amount of eligible costs is EUR 3 200 000, including ERDF funding – EUR 2 400 000 and private funding attracted by RTU EUR 800 000. (English)
    15 July 2021
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    L’objectif général du projet est de promouvoir la mise en œuvre d’applications d’innovation étudiantes, qui développent la capacité d’innovation et l’esprit d’entreprise des étudiants, y compris l’entrepreneuriat, résolvent des problèmes importants pour la société ou une partie de celle-ci, renforcent la coopération entre les universités et les étudiants avec les hommes d’affaires et attirent des financements privés pour la mise en œuvre du programme d’innovation étudiante. À son tour, l’objectif spécifique du projet est de mettre en œuvre le programme de bourses d’études pour l’innovation des étudiants afin de promouvoir l’esprit d’entreprise et la pensée innovante des étudiants, en veillant à son développement grâce à une plateforme de coopération réussie qui réunirait des étudiants de différents domaines d’études et d’universités; et mettre en œuvre des formations en groupes ou équipes interdisciplinaires, y compris en associant les enseignants et les jeunes chercheurs en vue de la préparation de projets pour le développement de nouveaux produits, technologies ou services, ou de prototypes pour les défis de l’industrie et de l’industrie et les prévisions de développement futurs. La mise en œuvre de programmes de bourses d’innovation pour les étudiants de la RTU contribuera directement à la réalisation des objectifs de la stratégie de spécialisation intelligente de la Lettonie et à la mise en œuvre des priorités de croissance, en particulier les STIM (Science, Technologie, Ingénierie et Mathématiques — science, technologie, ingénierie, mathématiques), dans le cadre du projet sera mis en œuvre Programme de développement de produits, Demola Latvija, projets verticaux intégrés, RTU IdeaLab, Commercialisation Training of Scientific Research, Programme Doctor of Industry; Les mesures d’idéation; Incubateur universitaire; RTU Student Innovation Grant Scholarship Foundation and Student Stageeeship Programme, ainsi que des activités d’information et de publicité sur les projets et la gestion de projets. Le plan de communication et de publicité sera également mis en œuvre dans le cadre du projet. Les activités du projet seront mises en œuvre en coopération avec les partenaires du projet de l’Université de Lettonie, du Fonds de développement de la RTU, de la société à responsabilité limitée «Green Industry Innovation Center». Les activités du projet devraient être mises en œuvre pendant 36 mois — du 01.5.2019 au 30.04.2022 et le montant total des coûts éligibles s’élève à 3 200 000 EUR, y compris le financement du FEDER — 2 400 000 EUR et le financement privé attiré par RTU 800 000 EUR. (French)
    25 November 2021
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    Allgemeines Ziel des Projekts ist es, die Umsetzung von Innovationsanwendungen für Studierende zu fördern, die die Innovationsfähigkeit und unternehmerische Initiative der Studierenden, einschließlich unternehmerischer Initiative, entwickeln, Probleme zu lösen, die für die Gesellschaft oder einen Teil davon wichtig sind, die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Universitäten und Studierenden mit Unternehmern zu stärken und private Mittel für die Umsetzung des studentischen Innovationsprogramms anzuziehen. Im Gegenzug besteht das spezifische Ziel des Projekts darin, das Programm zur Förderung des Innovationsstipendiums der RTU-Studenten umzusetzen, um das Unternehmertum der Studierenden und das innovative Denken zu fördern und seine Entwicklung durch eine erfolgreiche Kooperationsplattform zu gewährleisten, die Studenten aus verschiedenen Bereichen des Studiums und der Universitäten zusammenbringt; Durchführung von Projekten zur Entwicklung neuer Produkte, Technologien oder Dienstleistungen oder Prototypen für die Herausforderungen der Industrie und der Industrie sowie künftige Entwicklungsprognosen. Die Umsetzung der Programme zur Förderung der Innovation der RTU wird direkt zur Verwirklichung der Ziele der Strategie für intelligente Spezialisierung Lettlands und zur Umsetzung von Wachstumsprioritäten beitragen, insbesondere der STEM (Wissenschaft, Technologie, Ingenieurwesen und Mathematik – Wissenschaft, Technologie, Ingenieurwesen, Mathematik), im Rahmen des Projekts werden Produktentwicklungsprogramm, Demola Latvija, Vertical Integrated Projects, RTU IdeaLab, Commercialization Training of Scientific Research, Program Doctor of Industry durchgeführt. Ideenmaßnahmen; Inkubator der Universität; RTU Student Innovation Grant Stipendiat Stiftung und Student Traineeship Programm, sowie Projektinformation und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und Projektmanagement. Im Rahmen des Projekts werden auch Kommunikations- und Publizitätspläne umgesetzt. Die Projektaktivitäten werden in Zusammenarbeit mit den Projektpartnern der Universität Lettland, dem RTU-Entwicklungsfonds, der Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung „Green Industry Innovation Center“ durchgeführt. Die Projektaktivitäten sollen für 36 Monate – vom 01.05.2019 bis zum 30.4.2022 – durchgeführt werden und der Gesamtbetrag der förderfähigen Kosten beläuft sich auf 3 200 000 EUR, einschließlich EFRE-Mitteln – 2 400 000 EUR und private Finanzierungen von 800000 RTU. (German)
    28 November 2021
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    De algemene doelstelling van het project is het bevorderen van de uitvoering van studenteninnovatietoepassingen, die de innovatiecapaciteit en het ondernemerschap van studenten ontwikkelen, met inbegrip van ondernemerschap, problemen oplossen die van belang zijn voor de samenleving of een deel ervan, de samenwerking tussen universiteiten en studenten met ondernemers versterken en particuliere financiering aantrekken voor de uitvoering van het programma Studenteninnovatie. De specifieke doelstelling van het project is op zijn beurt het innovatiesubsidieprogramma voor RTU-studenten ten uitvoer te leggen om ondernemerschap en innovatief denken van studenten te bevorderen, door de ontwikkeling ervan te waarborgen door middel van een succesvol samenwerkingsplatform dat studenten uit verschillende studierichtingen en universiteiten samenbrengt; en opleiding in interdisciplinaire groepen of teams te implementeren, onder meer door leerkrachten en jonge onderzoekers erbij te betrekken met het oog op de voorbereiding van projecten voor de ontwikkeling van nieuwe producten, technologieën of diensten, of prototypes voor de uitdagingen van de industrie en de industrie en toekomstige ontwikkelingsprognoses. De uitvoering van RTU-subsidieprogramma’s voor studenten zal rechtstreeks bijdragen tot de verwezenlijking van de doelstellingen van de strategie voor slimme specialisatie van Letland en tot de uitvoering van groeiprioriteiten, met name STEM (wetenschap, technologie, engineering en wiskunde — wetenschap, technologie, techniek, wiskunde), in het kader van het project zal worden uitgevoerd productontwikkelingsprogramma, Demola Latvija, verticale geïntegreerde projecten, RTU IdeaLab, commercialisering opleiding van wetenschappelijk onderzoek, programma Doctor of Industry; Conceptiemaatregelen; Universitair incubator; RTU Student Innovation Grant Scholarship Foundation en Student Traineeship Programme, evenals projectvoorlichtings- en publiciteitsactiviteiten en projectmanagement. Het communicatie- en publiciteitsplan zal ook in het kader van het project worden uitgevoerd. De projectactiviteiten zullen worden uitgevoerd in samenwerking met de projectpartners van de Universiteit van Letland, het RTU-Ontwikkelingsfonds, de vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid „Green Industry Innovation Center”. De projectactiviteiten zullen worden uitgevoerd voor 36 maanden — van 1.5.2019 tot 30.04.2022 en het totale bedrag van de subsidiabele kosten bedraagt 3 200 000 EUR, inclusief EFRO-financiering — 2 400 000 EUR en particuliere financiering door RTU 800 000 EUR. (Dutch)
    28 November 2021
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    L'obiettivo generale del progetto è promuovere l'attuazione di applicazioni di innovazione degli studenti, che sviluppino la capacità di innovazione e l'imprenditorialità degli studenti, compresa l'imprenditorialità, risolvano problemi importanti per la società o parte di essa, rafforzino la cooperazione tra università e studenti con uomini d'affari e attraggano finanziamenti privati per l'attuazione del programma per l'innovazione degli studenti. A sua volta, l'obiettivo specifico del progetto è attuare il programma di borse di studio per l'innovazione degli studenti RTU al fine di promuovere l'imprenditorialità degli studenti e il pensiero innovativo, garantendone lo sviluppo attraverso una piattaforma di cooperazione di successo che riunisca studenti provenienti da diversi settori di studio e università; e di attuare la formazione in gruppi o gruppi interdisciplinari, anche coinvolgendo insegnanti e giovani ricercatori al fine di preparare progetti per lo sviluppo di nuovi prodotti, tecnologie o servizi, o prototipi per le sfide dell'industria e dell'industria e previsioni di sviluppo future. L'attuazione dei programmi di borse di studio per l'innovazione degli studenti RTU contribuirà direttamente al conseguimento degli obiettivi della strategia di specializzazione intelligente della Lettonia e all'attuazione delle priorità di crescita, in particolare STEM (scienza, tecnologia, ingegneria e matematica — scienza, tecnologia, ingegneria, matematica), Nell'ambito del progetto sarà attuato Programma di sviluppo del prodotto, Demola Latvija, Vertical Integrated Projects, RTU IdeaLab, Commercialization Training of Scientific Research, Programme Doctor of Industry; Misure di ideazione; Incubatore universitario; RTU Student Innovation Grant Scholarship Foundation and Student Traineeship Programme, nonché attività di informazione e pubblicità e gestione del progetto. Anche il piano di comunicazione e pubblicità sarà attuato nel quadro del progetto. Le attività del progetto saranno attuate in collaborazione con i partner del progetto presso l'Università di Lettonia, il Fondo di sviluppo RTU, la società a responsabilità limitata "Green Industry Innovation Center". Le attività del progetto sono previste per 36 mesi — dal 01.05.2019 al 30.04.2022 e l'importo totale dei costi ammissibili è di 3 200 000 EUR, compresi i finanziamenti FESR — 2 400 000 EUR e finanziamenti privati attratti da 800 000 EUR RTU. (Italian)
    11 January 2022
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    El objetivo general del proyecto es promover la aplicación de aplicaciones de innovación estudiantil, que desarrollen la capacidad de innovación y el emprendimiento de los estudiantes, incluido el emprendimiento, resuelvan problemas importantes para la sociedad o parte de ella, refuercen la cooperación entre universidades y estudiantes con empresarios y atraigan financiación privada para la ejecución del Programa de Innovación Estudiantil. A su vez, el objetivo específico del proyecto es aplicar el programa de becas para la innovación de estudiantes RTU con el fin de promover el espíritu empresarial de los estudiantes y el pensamiento innovador, garantizando su desarrollo a través de una plataforma de cooperación exitosa que reúna a estudiantes de diferentes ámbitos de estudio y universidades; la aplicación de programas de becas para la innovación de estudiantes RTU contribuirá directamente a la consecución de los objetivos de la Estrategia de Especialización Inteligente de Letonia y a la aplicación de prioridades de crecimiento, en particular STEM (Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería y Matemáticas — ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería, matemáticas), dentro del alcance del proyecto se ejecutará el Programa de Desarrollo de Productos, Demola Latvija, Proyectos verticales integrados, RTU IdeaLab, Capacitación Comercialización de Investigaciones Científicas, Programa Doctor en Industria; Medidas de ideación; Incubadora universitaria; Fundación de Becas de Becas para Estudiantes RTU y Programa de Prácticas de Estudiantes, así como actividades de información y publicidad sobre proyectos y gestión de proyectos. El plan de comunicación y publicidad también se ejecutará en el marco del proyecto. Las actividades del proyecto se ejecutarán en cooperación con los socios del proyecto de la Universidad de Letonia, el Fondo de Desarrollo de la RTU, la empresa de responsabilidad limitada «Centro de Innovación de la Industria Verde». Las actividades del proyecto se ejecutarán durante 36 meses, del 1 de mayo de 2019 al 30.4.2022 y el importe total de los costes subvencionables es de 3 200 000 EUR, incluida la financiación del FEDER -2 400 000 EUR y la financiación privada atraída por 800 000 EUR RTU. (Spanish)
    12 January 2022
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    Projekti üldeesmärk on hõlbustada üliõpilaste innovatsioonirakenduste rakendamist, mis arendab üliõpilaste, sh ettevõtjate innovatsioonivõimet ja ettevõtlikkust, lahendab ühiskonna või selle osa olulisi probleeme, tugevdab ülikoolide ja üliõpilaste koostööd ettevõtetega ning meelitab ligi erasektori rahalisi vahendeid üliõpilaste innovatsiooniprogrammi rakendamiseks. Projekti konkreetne eesmärk on rakendada RTU üliõpilaste innovatsioonitoetuse programmi, et edendada üliõpilaste ettevõtlussuutlikkust ja innovaatilist mõtlemist, tagades selle arendamise eduka koostööplatvormi kaudu, mis tooks kokku erinevate õppevaldkondade ja ülikoolide üliõpilased; And to implement training in interdisciplinary groups or teams, including involving teaching staff and young researchers with the aim of preparing development projects of new products, technologies or services or prototypes for the challenges and future development of the industry.Implementation of student innovation grant programmes will directly contribute to the goals of the Latvian Smart Specialisation Strategy and the implementation of growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology, Technology, Technology, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Latvia, Engineering and Engineering, Business Development projects in the field of Integrated Development, Mathematics, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), will be a direct contribution to the objectives of the Latvian Smart specialisation strategy, and to achieve growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering, engineering, and business development projects), will be implemented within the framework of the ICTEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology and Mathematics Programmes, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Innovative Science, Engineering and Business Development projects, in the field of vertical development, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), will be a direct contribution to the achievement of the goals of the Latvian Smart Specialisation Strategy, and the implementation of growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering programme, engineering and engineering, business development projects, in terms of providing advanced human resources, engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering and development projects in the field of engineering, formalisation and mathematics, in particular STEM (Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technology, engineering and engineering, business development projects, in terms of providing advanced human resources, engineering and mathematics – science, technology and mathematics, will be a direct contribution to the achievement of the goals of the Latvian Smart specialisation Strategy, and to achieve the priorities for growth, in particular STEM (Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering programme, engineering and business development projects, Ideation measures; Ülikooli inkubaator; RTU Student Innovation Grant Stipendium Fond ja Üliõpilaste Praktikaprogramm, samuti projekti ja projektijuhtimise teabe- ja reklaamitegevused. Teavitamis- ja avalikustamiskava rakendatakse ka projekti raames. Projekti tegevused viiakse ellu koostöös projektipartneritega Läti Ülikooli, RTU Arengufondi, piiratud vastutusega ettevõtte „Green Industry Innovation Center“raames. Projektitegevusi on kavas rakendada 36 kuuks – 01.05.2019–30.04.2022. ja selle abikõlblike kulude kogusumma on 3 200 000 eurot, sealhulgas ERFi vahendid – 2 400 000 eurot ja erasektori vahendid, mida RTU kaasab 800 000 eurot. (Estonian)
    3 August 2022
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    Bendras projekto tikslas – palengvinti studentų inovacinių taikomųjų programų įgyvendinimą, kuris vysto studentų, įskaitant verslininkus, inovacinius gebėjimus ir verslumo gebėjimus, sprendžia svarbias visuomenei ar jos daliai kylančias problemas, stiprina universitetų ir studentų bendradarbiavimą su verslu ir pritraukia privatų finansavimą studentų inovacijų programos įgyvendinimui. Konkretus projekto tikslas – įgyvendinti RTU studentų inovacijų stipendijų programą, siekiant skatinti studentų verslumo gebėjimus ir novatorišką mąstymą, užtikrinant jos plėtrą per sėkmingą bendradarbiavimo platformą, kuri suburtų įvairių studijų sričių studentus ir universitetus; And to implement training in interdisciplinary groups or teams, including involving teaching staff and young researchers with the aim of preparing development projects of new products, technologies or services or prototypes for the challenges and future development of the industry.Implementation of student innovation grant programmes will directly contribute to the goals of the Latvian Smart Specialisation Strategy and the implementation of growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology, Technology, Technology, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Latvia, Engineering and Engineering, Business Development projects in the field of Integrated Development, Mathematics, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), will be a direct contribution to the objectives of the Latvian Smart specialisation strategy, and to achieve growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering, engineering, and business development projects), will be implemented within the framework of the ICTEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology and Mathematics Programmes, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Innovative Science, Engineering and Business Development projects, in the field of vertical development, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), will be a direct contribution to the achievement of the goals of the Latvian Smart Specialisation Strategy, and the implementation of growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering programme, engineering and engineering, business development projects, in terms of providing advanced human resources, engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering and development projects in the field of engineering, formalisation and mathematics, in particular STEM (Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technology, engineering and engineering, business development projects, in terms of providing advanced human resources, engineering and mathematics – science, technology and mathematics, will be a direct contribution to the achievement of the goals of the Latvian Smart specialisation Strategy, and to achieve the priorities for growth, in particular STEM (Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering programme, engineering and business development projects, Ideation measures; Universiteto inkubatorius; RTU Studentų inovacijų stipendijų fondas ir Studentų praktikos programa, taip pat projekto ir projektų valdymo informavimo ir viešinimo veikla. Komunikacijos ir viešinimo planas taip pat bus įgyvendinamas įgyvendinant projektą. Projekto veikla bus įgyvendinama bendradarbiaujant su projekto partneriais Latvijos universitetu, RTU plėtros fondu, ribotos atsakomybės bendrove „Žaliosios pramonės inovacijų centras“.Projekto veiklą planuojama įgyvendinti 36 mėnesius – nuo 2019 05 01 iki 2022 04 30, o bendra tinkamų finansuoti išlaidų suma – 3 200 000 EUR, įskaitant ERPF finansavimą – 2 400 000 EUR ir privačias lėšas, pritrauktas RTU 800 000 EUR. (Lithuanian)
    3 August 2022
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    Opći cilj projekta je olakšati provedbu inovacijskih aplikacija studenata, koja razvija inovacijske kapacitete i poduzetni kapacitet studenata, uključujući poduzetnike, rješava značajne probleme za društvo ili dio njega, jača suradnju sveučilišta i studenata s poslovanjem i privlači privatna sredstva za provedbu Studentskog inovacijskog programa. Poseban cilj projekta je provedba programa stipendiranja za inovacije studenata RTU-a kako bi se promicali poduzetnički kapaciteti studenata i inovativno razmišljanje, osiguravajući njegov razvoj putem uspješne platforme za suradnju koja bi okupila studente iz različitih studijskih područja i sveučilišta; And to implement training in interdisciplinary groups or teams, including involving teaching staff and young researchers with the aim of preparing development projects of new products, technologies or services or prototypes for the challenges and future development of the industry.Implementation of student innovation grant programmes will directly contribute to the goals of the Latvian Smart Specialisation Strategy and the implementation of growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology, Technology, Technology, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Latvia, Engineering and Engineering, Business Development projects in the field of Integrated Development, Mathematics, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), will be a direct contribution to the objectives of the Latvian Smart specialisation strategy, and to achieve growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering, engineering, and business development projects), will be implemented within the framework of the ICTEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology and Mathematics Programmes, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Innovative Science, Engineering and Business Development projects, in the field of vertical development, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), will be a direct contribution to the achievement of the goals of the Latvian Smart Specialisation Strategy, and the implementation of growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering programme, engineering and engineering, business development projects, in terms of providing advanced human resources, engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering and development projects in the field of engineering, formalisation and mathematics, in particular STEM (Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technology, engineering and engineering, business development projects, in terms of providing advanced human resources, engineering and mathematics – science, technology and mathematics, will be a direct contribution to the achievement of the goals of the Latvian Smart specialisation Strategy, and to achieve the priorities for growth, in particular STEM (Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering programme, engineering and business development projects, Ideation measures; Sveučilišni inkubator; RTU Student Innovation Grant Scholarship Fund i Student Practice Program, kao i aktivnosti informiranja i promidžbe projekta i upravljanja projektima. Komunikacijski i promidžbeni plan također će se provoditi u okviru projekta. Projektne aktivnosti provodit će se u suradnji s projektnim partnerima Latvijsko sveučilište, RTU Razvojni fond, Društvo s ograničenom odgovornošću „Green Industry Innovation Center”. Projektne aktivnosti planirane su za 36 mjeseci – od 01.05.2019. do 30.04.2022., a ukupni iznos prihvatljivih troškova iznosi 3 200 000 EUR, uključujući financiranje EFRR-a – 2 400 000 EUR i privatno financiranje privučeno RTU-om 800 000 EUR. (Croatian)
    3 August 2022
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    Γενικός στόχος του έργου είναι η διευκόλυνση της υλοποίησης των εφαρμογών καινοτομίας των φοιτητών, η οποία αναπτύσσει την ικανότητα καινοτομίας και την επιχειρηματική ικανότητα των φοιτητών, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των επιχειρηματιών, επιλύει σημαντικά προβλήματα για την κοινωνία ή μέρος αυτής, ενισχύει τη συνεργασία πανεπιστημίων και φοιτητών με τις επιχειρήσεις και προσελκύει ιδιωτική χρηματοδότηση για την υλοποίηση του προγράμματος Student Innovation Programme. Ο συγκεκριμένος στόχος του σχεδίου είναι η υλοποίηση του προγράμματος υποτροφιών για την καινοτομία των σπουδαστών με σκοπό την προώθηση της επιχειρηματικής ικανότητας των σπουδαστών και της καινοτόμου σκέψης, διασφαλίζοντας την ανάπτυξή του μέσω μιας επιτυχημένης πλατφόρμας συνεργασίας που θα συγκεντρώνει φοιτητές από διαφορετικούς τομείς σπουδών και πανεπιστήμια· And to implement training in interdisciplinary groups or teams, including involving teaching staff and young researchers with the aim of preparing development projects of new products, technologies or services or prototypes for the challenges and future development of the industry.Implementation of student innovation grant programmes will directly contribute to the goals of the Latvian Smart Specialisation Strategy and the implementation of growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology, Technology, Technology, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Latvia, Engineering and Engineering, Business Development projects in the field of Integrated Development, Mathematics, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), will be a direct contribution to the objectives of the Latvian Smart specialisation strategy, and to achieve growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering, engineering, and business development projects), will be implemented within the framework of the ICTEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology and Mathematics Programmes, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Innovative Science, Engineering and Business Development projects, in the field of vertical development, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), will be a direct contribution to the achievement of the goals of the Latvian Smart Specialisation Strategy, and the implementation of growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering programme, engineering and engineering, business development projects, in terms of providing advanced human resources, engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering and development projects in the field of engineering, formalisation and mathematics, in particular STEM (Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technology, engineering and engineering, business development projects, in terms of providing advanced human resources, engineering and mathematics – science, technology and mathematics, will be a direct contribution to the achievement of the goals of the Latvian Smart specialisation Strategy, and to achieve the priorities for growth, in particular STEM (Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering programme, engineering and business development projects, Ideation measures; Εκκολαπτήριο πανεπιστημίου· RTU Student Innovation Grant Fund και Πρόγραμμα Φοιτητικής Πρακτικής, καθώς και δραστηριότητες ενημέρωσης και δημοσιότητας του έργου και της διαχείρισης του έργου. Το σχέδιο επικοινωνίας και δημοσιότητας θα υλοποιηθεί επίσης στο πλαίσιο του έργου. Οι δραστηριότητες του έργου θα υλοποιηθούν σε συνεργασία με τους εταίρους του έργου Latvian University, RTU Development Fund, Limited Liability Company «Green Industry Innovation Center». Οι δραστηριότητες του έργου προγραμματίζονται να υλοποιηθούν για 36 μήνες — από 01.05.2019 έως 30.04.2022. και το συνολικό ποσό των επιλέξιμων δαπανών της είναι 3 200 000 EUR, συμπεριλαμβανομένης της χρηματοδότησης από το ΕΤΠΑ — 2,400000 EUR και της ιδιωτικής χρηματοδότησης που προσελκύεται από το RTU 800 000 EUR. (Greek)
    3 August 2022
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    Všeobecným cieľom projektu je uľahčiť realizáciu inovačných aplikácií študentov, ktoré rozvíjajú inovačnú kapacitu a schopnosť podnikať študentov, vrátane podnikateľov, riešia významné problémy pre spoločnosť alebo jej časť, posilňujú spoluprácu univerzít a študentov s podnikaním a priťahujú súkromné finančné prostriedky na realizáciu študentského inovačného programu. Špecifickým cieľom projektu je realizovať grantový program pre študentské inovácie RTU s cieľom podporiť podnikateľské schopnosti študentov a inovatívne myslenie a zabezpečiť jeho rozvoj prostredníctvom úspešnej platformy spolupráce, ktorá by spájala študentov z rôznych študijných odborov a univerzít; And to implement training in interdisciplinary groups or teams, including involving teaching staff and young researchers with the aim of preparing development projects of new products, technologies or services or prototypes for the challenges and future development of the industry.Implementation of student innovation grant programmes will directly contribute to the goals of the Latvian Smart Specialisation Strategy and the implementation of growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology, Technology, Technology, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Latvia, Engineering and Engineering, Business Development projects in the field of Integrated Development, Mathematics, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), will be a direct contribution to the objectives of the Latvian Smart specialisation strategy, and to achieve growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering, engineering, and business development projects), will be implemented within the framework of the ICTEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology and Mathematics Programmes, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Innovative Science, Engineering and Business Development projects, in the field of vertical development, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), will be a direct contribution to the achievement of the goals of the Latvian Smart Specialisation Strategy, and the implementation of growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering programme, engineering and engineering, business development projects, in terms of providing advanced human resources, engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering and development projects in the field of engineering, formalisation and mathematics, in particular STEM (Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technology, engineering and engineering, business development projects, in terms of providing advanced human resources, engineering and mathematics – science, technology and mathematics, will be a direct contribution to the achievement of the goals of the Latvian Smart specialisation Strategy, and to achieve the priorities for growth, in particular STEM (Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering programme, engineering and business development projects, Ideation measures; Univerzitný inkubátor; RTU študent inovácie Grant štipendijný fond a študentskej praxe Program, rovnako ako informačné a propagačné aktivity projektu a projektového riadenia. Plán komunikácie a propagácie sa bude realizovať aj v rámci projektu. Projektové aktivity sa budú realizovať v spolupráci s projektovými partnermi Lotyšskej univerzity, Rozvojového fondu RTU, Spoločnosť s ručením obmedzeným „Zelený priemysel inovačné centrum“. Projektové aktivity sú naplánované na 36 mesiacov – od 01.05.2019 do 30.04.2022. a jeho celková výška oprávnených nákladov je 3 200 000 EUR, vrátane financovania z EFRR – 2 400 000 EUR a súkromné financovanie prilákané RTU 800 000 EUR. (Slovak)
    3 August 2022
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    Hankkeen yleisenä tavoitteena on helpottaa opiskelijoiden innovaatiosovellusten toteutusta, mikä kehittää opiskelijoiden, myös yrittäjien, innovointikykyä ja yritteliäisyyttä, ratkaisee merkittäviä ongelmia yhteiskunnalle tai sen osalle, vahvistaa yliopistojen ja opiskelijoiden yhteistyötä yritysten kanssa ja houkuttelee yksityistä rahoitusta opiskelijainnovointiohjelman toteuttamiseen. Hankkeen erityistavoitteena on toteuttaa RTU-opiskelijoiden innovaatioapurahaohjelma opiskelijoiden yrittäjävalmiuksien ja innovatiivisen ajattelun edistämiseksi ja varmistaa sen kehittäminen menestyksekkään yhteistyöfoorumin avulla, joka kokoaisi yhteen eri alojen ja yliopistojen opiskelijoita. And to implement training in interdisciplinary groups or teams, including involving teaching staff and young researchers with the aim of preparing development projects of new products, technologies or services or prototypes for the challenges and future development of the industry.Implementation of student innovation grant programmes will directly contribute to the goals of the Latvian Smart Specialisation Strategy and the implementation of growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology, Technology, Technology, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Latvia, Engineering and Engineering, Business Development projects in the field of Integrated Development, Mathematics, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), will be a direct contribution to the objectives of the Latvian Smart specialisation strategy, and to achieve growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering, engineering, and business development projects), will be implemented within the framework of the ICTEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology and Mathematics Programmes, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Innovative Science, Engineering and Business Development projects, in the field of vertical development, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), will be a direct contribution to the achievement of the goals of the Latvian Smart Specialisation Strategy, and the implementation of growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering programme, engineering and engineering, business development projects, in terms of providing advanced human resources, engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering and development projects in the field of engineering, formalisation and mathematics, in particular STEM (Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technology, engineering and engineering, business development projects, in terms of providing advanced human resources, engineering and mathematics – science, technology and mathematics, will be a direct contribution to the achievement of the goals of the Latvian Smart specialisation Strategy, and to achieve the priorities for growth, in particular STEM (Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering programme, engineering and business development projects, Ideation measures; Yliopistohautomo; RTU Student Innovation Grant -apuraharahasto ja Opiskelijaharjoitteluohjelma sekä projektin tiedotus- ja julkisuustoiminta sekä projektinhallinta. Viestintä- ja tiedotussuunnitelma toteutetaan myös hankkeen puitteissa. Hanketoimet toteutetaan yhteistyössä hankekumppaneiden Latvian yliopiston, RTU:n kehittämisrahaston, rajoitetun vastuuyhtiön ”Green Industry Innovation Center” kanssa. Hanketoimet on tarkoitus toteuttaa 36 kuukaudeksi – 1.5.2019–30.4.2022. Hankkeen tukikelpoiset kustannukset ovat yhteensä 3 200 000 euroa, mukaan lukien EAKR:n rahoitus – 2 400 000 euroa ja RTU:n saama 800 000 euron yksityinen rahoitus. (Finnish)
    3 August 2022
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    Ogólnym celem projektu jest ułatwienie realizacji innowacyjnych zastosowań studentów, które rozwijają potencjał innowacyjny i przedsiębiorczość studentów, w tym przedsiębiorców, rozwiązują istotne problemy dla społeczeństwa lub jego części, wzmacniają współpracę uczelni i studentów z biznesem oraz przyciągają prywatne fundusze na realizację Programu Innowacji Studenckich. Celem szczegółowym projektu jest wdrożenie programu grantu na innowacje dla studentów RTU w celu promowania zdolności przedsiębiorczości studentów i innowacyjnego myślenia, zapewniając jego rozwój za pośrednictwem udanej platformy współpracy, która zgromadziłaby studentów z różnych dziedzin studiów i uniwersytetów; And to implement training in interdisciplinary groups or teams, including involving teaching staff and young researchers with the aim of preparing development projects of new products, technologies or services or prototypes for the challenges and future development of the industry.Implementation of student innovation grant programmes will directly contribute to the goals of the Latvian Smart Specialisation Strategy and the implementation of growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology, Technology, Technology, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Latvia, Engineering and Engineering, Business Development projects in the field of Integrated Development, Mathematics, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), will be a direct contribution to the objectives of the Latvian Smart specialisation strategy, and to achieve growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering, engineering, and business development projects), will be implemented within the framework of the ICTEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology and Mathematics Programmes, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Innovative Science, Engineering and Business Development projects, in the field of vertical development, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), will be a direct contribution to the achievement of the goals of the Latvian Smart Specialisation Strategy, and the implementation of growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering programme, engineering and engineering, business development projects, in terms of providing advanced human resources, engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering and development projects in the field of engineering, formalisation and mathematics, in particular STEM (Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technology, engineering and engineering, business development projects, in terms of providing advanced human resources, engineering and mathematics – science, technology and mathematics, will be a direct contribution to the achievement of the goals of the Latvian Smart specialisation Strategy, and to achieve the priorities for growth, in particular STEM (Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering programme, engineering and business development projects, Ideation measures; Inkubator uniwersytecki; Fundusz Stypendialny Student Innovation Grant oraz Program Praktyki Studenckiej, a także działania informacyjne i reklamowe w ramach projektu i zarządzania projektami. Plan komunikacji i promocji będzie również realizowany w ramach projektu. Działania projektowe będą realizowane we współpracy z partnerami projektu Łotewski Uniwersytet, Fundusz Rozwoju RTU, Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością „Green Industry Innovation Center”.Działania projektowe planowane są na 36 miesięcy – od 01.05.2019 r. do 30.04.2022 r., a całkowita kwota kosztów kwalifikowalnych wynosi 3 200 000 EUR, w tym finansowanie z EFRR – 2 400 000 EUR i finansowanie prywatne pozyskane przez RTU 800 000 EUR. (Polish)
    3 August 2022
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    A projekt általános célja, hogy megkönnyítse a hallgatók innovációs alkalmazásainak megvalósítását, amely fejleszti a diákok, köztük a vállalkozók innovációs kapacitását és vállalkozói képességét, megoldja a társadalom vagy annak egy része számára jelentős problémákat, erősíti az egyetemek és a diákok üzleti együttműködését, és magánfinanszírozást vonz a Diák Innovációs Program végrehajtásához. A projekt konkrét célja az RTU hallgatói innovációs támogatási programjának végrehajtása a hallgatói vállalkozói kapacitás és az innovatív gondolkodás előmozdítása érdekében, biztosítva annak fejlesztését egy sikeres együttműködési platform révén, amely összehozná a különböző tanulmányi és egyetemi hallgatókat; And to implement training in interdisciplinary groups or teams, including involving teaching staff and young researchers with the aim of preparing development projects of new products, technologies or services or prototypes for the challenges and future development of the industry.Implementation of student innovation grant programmes will directly contribute to the goals of the Latvian Smart Specialisation Strategy and the implementation of growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology, Technology, Technology, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Latvia, Engineering and Engineering, Business Development projects in the field of Integrated Development, Mathematics, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), will be a direct contribution to the objectives of the Latvian Smart specialisation strategy, and to achieve growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering, engineering, and business development projects), will be implemented within the framework of the ICTEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology and Mathematics Programmes, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Innovative Science, Engineering and Business Development projects, in the field of vertical development, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), will be a direct contribution to the achievement of the goals of the Latvian Smart Specialisation Strategy, and the implementation of growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering programme, engineering and engineering, business development projects, in terms of providing advanced human resources, engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering and development projects in the field of engineering, formalisation and mathematics, in particular STEM (Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technology, engineering and engineering, business development projects, in terms of providing advanced human resources, engineering and mathematics – science, technology and mathematics, will be a direct contribution to the achievement of the goals of the Latvian Smart specialisation Strategy, and to achieve the priorities for growth, in particular STEM (Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering programme, engineering and business development projects, Ideation measures; Egyetemi inkubátor; RTU Student Innovation Grant Ösztöndíj Alap és Student Practice Program, valamint a tájékoztató és a nyilvánosság tevékenységét a projekt és a projekt menedzsment. A kommunikációs és nyilvánossági tervet a projekt keretében is végrehajtják. A projekttevékenységek végrehajtása a Lett Egyetem, az RTU Fejlesztési Alapja, a „Zöld Ipari Innovációs Központ” Korlátozott Felelősségű Társaság projektpartnereivel együttműködésben történik. A projekttevékenységeket a tervek szerint 36 hónapig – 2019.05.01-től 2022.04.30-ig – hajtják végre, és a támogatható költségek teljes összege 3 200 000 EUR, beleértve az ERFA-finanszírozást – 2 400 000 EUR-t és a magánfinanszírozást, amelyet a RTU 800 000 EUR vonz. (Hungarian)
    3 August 2022
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    Obecným cílem projektu je usnadnit realizaci inovačních aplikací studentů, které rozvíjí inovační kapacitu a podnikavost studentů, včetně podnikatelů, řeší významné problémy pro společnost nebo její část, posiluje spolupráci univerzit a studentů s podnikáním a přitahuje soukromé financování pro realizaci studentského inovačního programu. Specifickým cílem projektu je realizovat grantový program pro studentské inovace RTU s cílem podpořit podnikatelské schopnosti studentů a inovativní myšlení a zajistit jeho rozvoj prostřednictvím úspěšné platformy spolupráce, která by sdružovala studenty z různých studijních oborů a univerzit; And to implement training in interdisciplinary groups or teams, including involving teaching staff and young researchers with the aim of preparing development projects of new products, technologies or services or prototypes for the challenges and future development of the industry.Implementation of student innovation grant programmes will directly contribute to the goals of the Latvian Smart Specialisation Strategy and the implementation of growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology, Technology, Technology, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Latvia, Engineering and Engineering, Business Development projects in the field of Integrated Development, Mathematics, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), will be a direct contribution to the objectives of the Latvian Smart specialisation strategy, and to achieve growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering, engineering, and business development projects), will be implemented within the framework of the ICTEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology and Mathematics Programmes, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Innovative Science, Engineering and Business Development projects, in the field of vertical development, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), will be a direct contribution to the achievement of the goals of the Latvian Smart Specialisation Strategy, and the implementation of growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering programme, engineering and engineering, business development projects, in terms of providing advanced human resources, engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering and development projects in the field of engineering, formalisation and mathematics, in particular STEM (Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technology, engineering and engineering, business development projects, in terms of providing advanced human resources, engineering and mathematics – science, technology and mathematics, will be a direct contribution to the achievement of the goals of the Latvian Smart specialisation Strategy, and to achieve the priorities for growth, in particular STEM (Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering programme, engineering and business development projects, Ideation measures; Univerzitní inkubátor; RTU Student Innovation Grant stipendijní fond a program studentské praxe, jakož i informační a propagační činnosti projektu a projektového řízení. Plán komunikace a propagace bude rovněž prováděn v rámci projektu. Projektové činnosti budou prováděny ve spolupráci s projektovými partnery Lotyšské univerzity, Rozvojového fondu RTU, společnosti s ručením omezeným „Innovační centrum zeleného průmyslu“.Projektové činnosti mají být prováděny po dobu 36 měsíců – od 01.05.2019 do 30.4.2022. a celková výše způsobilých nákladů činí 3 200 000 EUR, včetně financování z EFRR – 240 000 EUR a soukromé financování přilákané z prostředků RTU 800 000 EUR. (Czech)
    3 August 2022
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    Is é cuspóir ginearálta an tionscadail cur chun feidhme na bhfeidhmchlár nuálaíochta atá ag mic léinn a éascú, lena bhforbraítear cumas nuálaíochta agus cumas fiontraíochta mac léinn, lena n-áirítear fiontraithe, lena réitítear fadhbanna suntasacha don tsochaí nó do chuid di, a neartaíonn comhar idir ollscoileanna agus mic léinn le gnólachtaí agus a mheallann maoiniú príobháideach chun an Clár um Nuálaíocht do Mhic Léinn a chur chun feidhme. Is é aidhm shonrach an tionscadail clár deontais nuálaíochta mac léinn RTU a chur i bhfeidhm chun cumas fiontraíochta agus smaointeoireacht nuálach na mac léinn a chur chun cinn, lena n-áiritheofar a fhorbairt trí ardán comhair rathúil a thabharfadh mic léinn ó réimsí éagsúla staidéir agus ollscoileanna le chéile; And to implement training in interdisciplinary groups or teams, including involving teaching staff and young researchers with the aim of preparing development projects of new products, technologies or services or prototypes for the challenges and future development of the industry.Implementation of student innovation grant programmes will directly contribute to the goals of the Latvian Smart Specialisation Strategy and the implementation of growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology, Technology, Technology, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Latvia, Engineering and Engineering, Business Development projects in the field of Integrated Development, Mathematics, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), will be a direct contribution to the objectives of the Latvian Smart specialisation strategy, and to achieve growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering, engineering, and business development projects), will be implemented within the framework of the ICTEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology and Mathematics Programmes, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Innovative Science, Engineering and Business Development projects, in the field of vertical development, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), will be a direct contribution to the achievement of the goals of the Latvian Smart Specialisation Strategy, and the implementation of growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering programme, engineering and engineering, business development projects, in terms of providing advanced human resources, engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering and development projects in the field of engineering, formalisation and mathematics, in particular STEM (Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technology, engineering and engineering, business development projects, in terms of providing advanced human resources, engineering and mathematics – science, technology and mathematics, will be a direct contribution to the achievement of the goals of the Latvian Smart specialisation Strategy, and to achieve the priorities for growth, in particular STEM (Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering programme, engineering and business development projects, Ideation measures; Gorlann na hOllscoile; Ciste Scoláireachtaí Deontais Nuálaíochta Mac Léinn RTU agus Clár Cleachtais na Mac Léinn, chomh maith le gníomhaíochtaí faisnéise agus poiblíochta an tionscadail agus bainistíochta tionscadail. Cuirfear an plean cumarsáide agus poiblíochta chun feidhme freisin faoi chuimsiú an tionscadail. Cuirfear gníomhaíochtaí tionscadail i bhfeidhm i gcomhar le comhpháirtithe tionscadail, Ollscoil Laitviach, Ciste Forbartha RTU, Limited Liability Company “Green Industry Innovation Centre”. Tá sé beartaithe gníomhaíochtaí tionscadail a chur chun feidhme ar feadh 36 mhí — ón 01.05.2019 go dtí 30.04.2022. agus is é EUR 3 200 000 méid iomlán na gcostas incháilithe, lena n-áirítear maoiniú CFRE — EUR 2 400 000 agus maoiniú príobháideach arna mhealladh ag RTU EUR 800 000. (Irish)
    3 August 2022
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    Splošni cilj projekta je olajšati izvajanje inovacijskih aplikacij študentov, ki razvija inovacijsko zmogljivost in podjetniško zmogljivost študentov, vključno s podjetniki, rešuje pomembne težave za družbo ali njen del, krepi sodelovanje univerz in študentov s podjetji ter privablja zasebna sredstva za izvajanje študentskega inovacijskega programa. Posebni cilj projekta je izvajanje programa štipendije za študentske inovacije RTU, da bi spodbudili študentsko podjetniško sposobnost in inovativno razmišljanje ter zagotovili njegov razvoj prek uspešne platforme za sodelovanje, ki bi združevala študente z različnih študijskih področij in univerz; And to implement training in interdisciplinary groups or teams, including involving teaching staff and young researchers with the aim of preparing development projects of new products, technologies or services or prototypes for the challenges and future development of the industry.Implementation of student innovation grant programmes will directly contribute to the goals of the Latvian Smart Specialisation Strategy and the implementation of growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology, Technology, Technology, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Latvia, Engineering and Engineering, Business Development projects in the field of Integrated Development, Mathematics, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), will be a direct contribution to the objectives of the Latvian Smart specialisation strategy, and to achieve growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering, engineering, and business development projects), will be implemented within the framework of the ICTEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology and Mathematics Programmes, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Innovative Science, Engineering and Business Development projects, in the field of vertical development, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), will be a direct contribution to the achievement of the goals of the Latvian Smart Specialisation Strategy, and the implementation of growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering programme, engineering and engineering, business development projects, in terms of providing advanced human resources, engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering and development projects in the field of engineering, formalisation and mathematics, in particular STEM (Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technology, engineering and engineering, business development projects, in terms of providing advanced human resources, engineering and mathematics – science, technology and mathematics, will be a direct contribution to the achievement of the goals of the Latvian Smart specialisation Strategy, and to achieve the priorities for growth, in particular STEM (Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering programme, engineering and business development projects, Ideation measures; Univerzitetni inkubator; RTU Študentski štipendijski sklad in program študentske prakse, kot tudi informacijske in oglaševalske dejavnosti projekta in projektnega vodenja. V okviru projekta se bo izvajal tudi načrt komuniciranja in obveščanja javnosti. Projektne aktivnosti se bodo izvajale v sodelovanju s projektnimi partnerji Latvijska univerza, Razvojni sklad RTU, podjetje z omejeno odgovornostjo „Center za inovacije na področju zelene industrije“. Projektne aktivnosti naj bi se izvajale za 36 mesecev – od 1. 5. 2019 do 30.04.2022., skupni znesek upravičenih stroškov pa 3 200 000 EUR, vključno s sredstvi ESRR – 2 400 000 EUR in zasebnimi sredstvi, ki jih privabi RTU 800 000 EUR. (Slovenian)
    3 August 2022
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    Общата цел на проекта е да улесни реализацията на иновационните приложения на студентите, които развиват иновационния капацитет и предприемаческия капацитет на студентите, вкл. предприемачите, решават значителни проблеми за обществото или част от него, укрепват сътрудничеството на университетите и студентите с бизнеса и привличат частно финансиране за изпълнението на програмата за студентски иновации. Конкретната цел на проекта е да се приложи програмата за студентски стипендии за иновации в областта на RTU, за да се насърчи предприемаческият капацитет на студентите и иновативното мислене, като се гарантира нейното развитие чрез платформа за успешно сътрудничество, която ще обедини студенти от различни области на обучение и университети; And to implement training in interdisciplinary groups or teams, including involving teaching staff and young researchers with the aim of preparing development projects of new products, technologies or services or prototypes for the challenges and future development of the industry.Implementation of student innovation grant programmes will directly contribute to the goals of the Latvian Smart Specialisation Strategy and the implementation of growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology, Technology, Technology, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Latvia, Engineering and Engineering, Business Development projects in the field of Integrated Development, Mathematics, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), will be a direct contribution to the objectives of the Latvian Smart specialisation strategy, and to achieve growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering, engineering, and business development projects), will be implemented within the framework of the ICTEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology and Mathematics Programmes, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Innovative Science, Engineering and Business Development projects, in the field of vertical development, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), will be a direct contribution to the achievement of the goals of the Latvian Smart Specialisation Strategy, and the implementation of growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering programme, engineering and engineering, business development projects, in terms of providing advanced human resources, engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering and development projects in the field of engineering, formalisation and mathematics, in particular STEM (Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technology, engineering and engineering, business development projects, in terms of providing advanced human resources, engineering and mathematics – science, technology and mathematics, will be a direct contribution to the achievement of the goals of the Latvian Smart specialisation Strategy, and to achieve the priorities for growth, in particular STEM (Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering programme, engineering and business development projects, Ideation measures; Университетски инкубатор; RTU студентски грант за иновации Стипендиантски фонд и програма за студентска практика, както и информационни и рекламни дейности на проекта и управлението на проекта. Планът за комуникация и публичност ще бъде изпълнен и в рамките на проекта. Дейностите по проекта ще се осъществяват в сътрудничество с партньорите по проекта Латвийски университет, Фонд за развитие на RTU, Дружество с ограничена отговорност „Иновационен център за зелена индустрия“. Дейностите по проекта са планирани за 36 месеца — от 01.05.2019 г. до 30.04.2022 г., а общият размер на допустимите разходи е 3 200 000 EUR, включително финансиране от ЕФРР — 2 400 000 EUR и частно финансиране, привлечено от RTU 800 000 EUR. (Bulgarian)
    3 August 2022
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    L-objettiv ġenerali tal-proġett huwa li jiffaċilita l-implimentazzjoni tal-applikazzjonijiet tal-innovazzjoni tal-istudenti, li jiżviluppa l-kapaċità tal-innovazzjoni u l-kapaċità intraprenditorjali tal-istudenti, inkluż l-intraprendituri, isolvi problemi sinifikanti għas-soċjetà jew parti minnha, isaħħaħ il-kooperazzjoni bejn l-universitajiet u l-istudenti man-negozju u jattira finanzjament privat għall-implimentazzjoni tal-Programm ta’ Innovazzjoni tal-Istudenti. L-għan speċifiku tal-proġett huwa li jimplimenta l-programm ta’ għotjiet għall-innovazzjoni għall-istudenti RTU sabiex jippromwovi l-kapaċità intraprenditorjali tal-istudenti u l-ħsieb innovattiv, filwaqt li jiżgura l-iżvilupp tiegħu permezz ta’ pjattaforma ta’ kooperazzjoni ta’ suċċess li tlaqqa’ flimkien studenti minn oqsma differenti ta’ studju u universitajiet; And to implement training in interdisciplinary groups or teams, including involving teaching staff and young researchers with the aim of preparing development projects of new products, technologies or services or prototypes for the challenges and future development of the industry.Implementation of student innovation grant programmes will directly contribute to the goals of the Latvian Smart Specialisation Strategy and the implementation of growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology, Technology, Technology, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Latvia, Engineering and Engineering, Business Development projects in the field of Integrated Development, Mathematics, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), will be a direct contribution to the objectives of the Latvian Smart specialisation strategy, and to achieve growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering, engineering, and business development projects), will be implemented within the framework of the ICTEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology and Mathematics Programmes, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Innovative Science, Engineering and Business Development projects, in the field of vertical development, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), will be a direct contribution to the achievement of the goals of the Latvian Smart Specialisation Strategy, and the implementation of growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering programme, engineering and engineering, business development projects, in terms of providing advanced human resources, engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering and development projects in the field of engineering, formalisation and mathematics, in particular STEM (Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technology, engineering and engineering, business development projects, in terms of providing advanced human resources, engineering and mathematics – science, technology and mathematics, will be a direct contribution to the achievement of the goals of the Latvian Smart specialisation Strategy, and to achieve the priorities for growth, in particular STEM (Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering programme, engineering and business development projects, Ideation measures; L-Università ta’ Incubator; RTU Istudenti Innovazzjoni Għotja Scholarship Fond u Programm Prattika Student, kif ukoll attivitajiet ta ‘informazzjoni u pubbliċità tal-proġett u l-ġestjoni tal-proġett. Il-pjan ta’ komunikazzjoni u pubbliċità se jiġi implimentat ukoll fil-qafas tal-proġett. L-attivitajiet tal-proġett se jiġu implimentati f’kooperazzjoni mas-sħab tal-proġett Latvjan University, RTU Development Fund, Limited Liability Company “Green Industry Innovation Center”.L-attivitajiet tal-proġett huma ppjanati li jiġu implimentati għal 36 xahar — mill-01.05.2019 sat-30.04.2022. u l-ammont totali tal-ispejjeż eliġibbli tiegħu huwa ta’ EUR 3 200 000, inkluż il-finanzjament tal-FEŻR — EUR 2 400 000 u l-finanzjament privat attirat minn RTU EUR 800 000. (Maltese)
    3 August 2022
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    O objetivo geral do projeto é facilitar a implementação das aplicações de inovação dos alunos, que desenvolve a capacidade de inovação e capacidade empreendedora dos estudantes, incluindo empreendedores, resolve problemas significativos para a sociedade ou parte dela, fortalece a cooperação das universidades e estudantes com as empresas e atrai financiamento privado para a implementação do Programa de Inovação Estudantil. O objetivo específico do projeto é implementar o programa de bolsas de inovação para estudantes da RTU, a fim de promover a capacidade empresarial dos estudantes e o pensamento inovador, assegurando o seu desenvolvimento através de uma plataforma de cooperação bem-sucedida que reúna estudantes de diferentes áreas de estudo e universidades; And to implement training in interdisciplinary groups or teams, including involving teaching staff and young researchers with the aim of preparing development projects of new products, technologies or services or prototypes for the challenges and future development of the industry.Implementation of student innovation grant programmes will directly contribute to the goals of the Latvian Smart Specialisation Strategy and the implementation of growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology, Technology, Technology, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Latvia, Engineering and Engineering, Business Development projects in the field of Integrated Development, Mathematics, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), will be a direct contribution to the objectives of the Latvian Smart specialisation strategy, and to achieve growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering, engineering, and business development projects), will be implemented within the framework of the ICTEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology and Mathematics Programmes, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Innovative Science, Engineering and Business Development projects, in the field of vertical development, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), will be a direct contribution to the achievement of the goals of the Latvian Smart Specialisation Strategy, and the implementation of growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering programme, engineering and engineering, business development projects, in terms of providing advanced human resources, engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering and development projects in the field of engineering, formalisation and mathematics, in particular STEM (Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technology, engineering and engineering, business development projects, in terms of providing advanced human resources, engineering and mathematics – science, technology and mathematics, will be a direct contribution to the achievement of the goals of the Latvian Smart specialisation Strategy, and to achieve the priorities for growth, in particular STEM (Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering programme, engineering and business development projects, Ideation measures; Incubadora universitária; RTU Student Innovation Grant Scholarship Fund and Student Practice Program, bem como atividades de informação e publicidade do projeto e gerenciamento de projetos. O plano de comunicação e publicidade será igualmente executado no âmbito do projeto. As atividades do projeto serão executadas em cooperação com parceiros do projeto Universidade letã, Fundo de Desenvolvimento da RTU, Sociedade de Responsabilidade Limitada «Green Industry Innovation Center». As atividades do projeto estão previstas para 36 meses — de 01.05.2019 a 30.04.2022. e o seu montante total de custos elegíveis é de 3 200 000 EUR, incluindo financiamento do FEDER — 2 400 000 EUR e financiamento privado atraído por 800 000 EUR. (Portuguese)
    3 August 2022
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    Projektets overordnede mål er at lette gennemførelsen af de studerendes innovationsapplikationer, som udvikler de studerendes innovationskapacitet og iværksætterkapacitet, løser væsentlige problemer for samfundet eller en del af det, styrker universitetets og de studerendes samarbejde med erhvervslivet og tiltrækker privat finansiering til gennemførelsen af Student Innovation-programmet. Projektets specifikke mål er at gennemføre programmet for innovationstilskud til studerende på RTU med henblik på at fremme de studerendes iværksætterevne og innovative tænkning og sikre dets udvikling gennem en vellykket samarbejdsplatform, der samler studerende fra forskellige studieområder og universiteter. And to implement training in interdisciplinary groups or teams, including involving teaching staff and young researchers with the aim of preparing development projects of new products, technologies or services or prototypes for the challenges and future development of the industry.Implementation of student innovation grant programmes will directly contribute to the goals of the Latvian Smart Specialisation Strategy and the implementation of growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology, Technology, Technology, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Latvia, Engineering and Engineering, Business Development projects in the field of Integrated Development, Mathematics, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), will be a direct contribution to the objectives of the Latvian Smart specialisation strategy, and to achieve growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering, engineering, and business development projects), will be implemented within the framework of the ICTEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology and Mathematics Programmes, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Innovative Science, Engineering and Business Development projects, in the field of vertical development, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), will be a direct contribution to the achievement of the goals of the Latvian Smart Specialisation Strategy, and the implementation of growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering programme, engineering and engineering, business development projects, in terms of providing advanced human resources, engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering and development projects in the field of engineering, formalisation and mathematics, in particular STEM (Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technology, engineering and engineering, business development projects, in terms of providing advanced human resources, engineering and mathematics – science, technology and mathematics, will be a direct contribution to the achievement of the goals of the Latvian Smart specialisation Strategy, and to achieve the priorities for growth, in particular STEM (Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering programme, engineering and business development projects, Ideation measures; Universitetsinkubator; RTU Student Innovation Grant Scholarship Fund og Student Practice Program, samt oplysnings- og pr-aktiviteter i forbindelse med projektet og projektledelsen. Kommunikations- og pr-planen vil også blive gennemført inden for rammerne af projektet. Projektaktiviteter vil blive gennemført i samarbejde med projektpartnere Lettiske Universitet, RTU Development Fund, Limited Liability Company "Green Industry Innovation Center". Projektaktiviteter er planlagt til at blive gennemført i 36 måneder — fra 1.5.2019 til 30.04.2022. og det samlede beløb af støtteberettigede omkostninger er 3 200 000 EUR, herunder EFRU-støtte — 2 400 000 EUR og privat finansiering tiltrukket af RTU 800 000 EUR. (Danish)
    3 August 2022
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    Obiectivul general al proiectului este de a facilita implementarea aplicațiilor de inovare ale studenților, care dezvoltă capacitatea de inovare și capacitatea antreprenorială a studenților, inclusiv antreprenorii, rezolvă probleme semnificative pentru societate sau o parte a acesteia, consolidează cooperarea universităților și studenților cu mediul de afaceri și atrage finanțare privată pentru implementarea Programului de inovare studențească. Scopul specific al proiectului este de a pune în aplicare programul de granturi pentru inovare pentru studenți RTU pentru a promova capacitatea antreprenorială a studenților și gândirea inovatoare, asigurând dezvoltarea acestuia printr-o platformă de cooperare de succes care să reunească studenți din diferite domenii de studiu și universități; And to implement training in interdisciplinary groups or teams, including involving teaching staff and young researchers with the aim of preparing development projects of new products, technologies or services or prototypes for the challenges and future development of the industry.Implementation of student innovation grant programmes will directly contribute to the goals of the Latvian Smart Specialisation Strategy and the implementation of growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology, Technology, Technology, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Latvia, Engineering and Engineering, Business Development projects in the field of Integrated Development, Mathematics, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), will be a direct contribution to the objectives of the Latvian Smart specialisation strategy, and to achieve growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering, engineering, and business development projects), will be implemented within the framework of the ICTEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology and Mathematics Programmes, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Innovative Science, Engineering and Business Development projects, in the field of vertical development, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), will be a direct contribution to the achievement of the goals of the Latvian Smart Specialisation Strategy, and the implementation of growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering programme, engineering and engineering, business development projects, in terms of providing advanced human resources, engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering and development projects in the field of engineering, formalisation and mathematics, in particular STEM (Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technology, engineering and engineering, business development projects, in terms of providing advanced human resources, engineering and mathematics – science, technology and mathematics, will be a direct contribution to the achievement of the goals of the Latvian Smart specialisation Strategy, and to achieve the priorities for growth, in particular STEM (Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering programme, engineering and business development projects, Ideation measures; Incubator universitar; RTU Student Innovation Grant Bursa și Programul de Practică Studențească, precum și activități de informare și publicitate ale proiectului și managementului de proiect. Planul de comunicare și publicitate va fi, de asemenea, pus în aplicare în cadrul proiectului. Activitățile proiectului vor fi implementate în cooperare cu partenerii de proiect Universitatea Letonă, Fondul de Dezvoltare RTU, Compania cu răspundere limitată „Centrul de inovare a industriei verzi”. Activitățile proiectului sunt planificate a fi implementate timp de 36 de luni – de la 1.5.2019 la 30.04.2022. iar valoarea totală a costurilor eligibile este de 3 200 000 EUR, inclusiv finanțarea FEDR – 2 400 000 EUR și finanțarea privată atrasă de 800 000 EUR RTU. (Romanian)
    3 August 2022
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    Det allmänna målet med projektet är att underlätta implementeringen av studenternas innovationsapplikationer, som utvecklar innovationsförmågan och företagarförmågan hos studenter, inkl. entreprenörer, löser betydande problem för samhället eller delar av det, stärker universitetens och studenternas samarbete med näringslivet och lockar till sig privat finansiering för genomförandet av Studentinnovationsprogrammet. Det särskilda syftet med projektet är att genomföra RTU:s program för innovationsbidrag för att främja studenters entreprenörsförmåga och innovativa tänkande och säkerställa dess utveckling genom en framgångsrik samarbetsplattform som sammanför studenter från olika studieområden och universitet. And to implement training in interdisciplinary groups or teams, including involving teaching staff and young researchers with the aim of preparing development projects of new products, technologies or services or prototypes for the challenges and future development of the industry.Implementation of student innovation grant programmes will directly contribute to the goals of the Latvian Smart Specialisation Strategy and the implementation of growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology, Technology, Technology, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Latvia, Engineering and Engineering, Business Development projects in the field of Integrated Development, Mathematics, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), will be a direct contribution to the objectives of the Latvian Smart specialisation strategy, and to achieve growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering, engineering, and business development projects), will be implemented within the framework of the ICTEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Technology and Mathematics Programmes, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Innovative Science, Engineering and Business Development projects, in the field of vertical development, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), will be a direct contribution to the achievement of the goals of the Latvian Smart Specialisation Strategy, and the implementation of growth priorities, in particular STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering programme, engineering and engineering, business development projects, in terms of providing advanced human resources, engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering and development projects in the field of engineering, formalisation and mathematics, in particular STEM (Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technology, engineering and engineering, business development projects, in terms of providing advanced human resources, engineering and mathematics – science, technology and mathematics, will be a direct contribution to the achievement of the goals of the Latvian Smart specialisation Strategy, and to achieve the priorities for growth, in particular STEM (Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – science, technologies, engineering programme, engineering and business development projects, Ideation measures; Universitetsinkubator; RTU Student Innovation Grant Scholarship Fund and Student Practice Program, samt informations- och publicitetsaktiviteter inom projekt- och projektledning. Kommunikations- och publicitetsplanen kommer också att genomföras inom ramen för projektet. Projektverksamheten kommer att genomföras i samarbete med projektpartners lettiska universitet, RTU Development Fund, Limited Liability Company ”Green Industry Innovation Center”.Projektverksamheten är planerad att genomföras i 36 månader – från 01.05.2019 till 30.04.2022. och dess totala belopp av stödberättigande kostnader är 3 200 000 EUR, inklusive Eruf-finansiering – 2 400 000 EUR och privat finansiering lockas av RTU 800 000 EUR. (Swedish)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    Visa Latvija
    0 references

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