Integrated electric propulsion drive with on-board propulsion, power electronics converters, energy sources and heat circuits smart thermal management (Q3056488)

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Project Q3056488 in Latvia
Language Label Description Also known as
Integrated electric propulsion drive with on-board propulsion, power electronics converters, energy sources and heat circuits smart thermal management
Project Q3056488 in Latvia


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    433,722.07 Euro
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    527,065.35 Euro
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    82.29 percent
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    1 June 2021
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    30 November 2023
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    56°57'5.36"N, 24°4'46.06"E
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    56°59'30.37"N, 24°7'17.15"E
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    56°57'28.55"N, 24°4'1.16"E
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    Abreviatūru Saraksts: EP – Elektriskā PiedziņaEM – Elektriskā MašīnaEEP – Energoelektronikas pārveidotājsSC – SiltumcauruleSCC – Siltumcaurule/SiltumcilpaMI – Mājsaimniecības IerīceEI – Elektriskā Iekārta (instruments)EAR – Elektrificēts Asistējošs RatiņkrēslsTTKP – Termālais Tīkls ar Koncentrētiem ParametriemIEA – Ierobežoto Elementu AnalīzeSŠD – Skaitļošanas Šķidruma DināmikaProjekta mērķis ir izstrādāt siltumapmaiņas sistēmas projektēšanas un izgatavošanas tehnoloģiju ar SCC dažādiem EP veidiem. Siltuma apmaiņas sistēmai jābūt konfigurējamai un jāspēj saistīt vairākus siltuma avotus (iztvaicējus) ar vairākiem siltuma novadītājiem (kondensatoriem). Tam jābūt arī elektroniski regulējamam, lai kontrolētu siltuma plūsmas, taču tajā pašā laikā ir jānodrošina prioritārā siltuma apmaiņas konfigurācija, ja kontroles nav.Šī mērķa sasniegšana prasa vairāku uzdevumu atrisināšana. Attiecībā uz katru konkrēto EP, kas saskaras ar iepriekšminētajām grūtībām, ir nepieciešams:(1) Izanalizēt jaudas zudumus, kas rodas piedziņas daļās, atrast siltuma sadalījumu, kas saistīts ar šiem zudumiem, atrast “karstās vietas” - kritiskās vietas, kurām ir tendence pārkarst, kā arī pārbaudīt iepriekš minētos rezultātus eksperimentālā modelī;(2) Ieteikt un izstrādāt konstrukciju piedāvājumu ar papildus funkcijām, kuras var ieviest ar SCC;(3) Projektēt SCC sistēmu šim lietojumam - uzskicēt jauno siltuma sadalījumu caur SCC, definēt iztvaicēju un kondensatoru skaitu un atrašanās vietu, definējot cauruļu konfigurāciju starp tām, definējot vadības vārstu skaitu un izvietojumu;(4) Salikt jauno uzlaboto piedziņas versiju ar piedziņas daļās uzstādītajiem SCC, atrast siltuma sadalījumu jaunajā sistēmā;(5) Salīdzināt piedziņu ar un bez SCC, atrast un salīdzināt temperatūru kritiskajos punktos, novērtēt drošumu un sasniegto jauno funkcionalitāti.Projekts ietver soļu (1) - (5) realizāciju vismaz diviem gadījumiem: (a) MI/EI un (b) ratiņkrēslu ar assistējošo piedziņu (EAR). Pēc abu variantu analīzes būs iespējams arī:(6) Sastādīt un aprakstīt jauno uzlaboto EP ražošanas tehnoloģiju, definējot tehnoloģisko darbību ķēdi, definējot katrai darbībai nepieciešamo aprīkojumu un dokumentāciju, izmantojot tehnoloģisko ķēdi abiem apskatītiem lietojumiem.Projektā iekļauto darba pakešu nosaukums un saturs kopumā izklāsta un atbilst tā mērķiem. Darba pakešu nosaukumi ir šādi: WP1 - enerģijas zudumu un siltuma pārneses analīze; WP2 - SCC sistēmu projektēšana; WP3 - jauno piedziņu salikšana un izmēģinājumi; WP4 - sākotnējo un jauno piedziņu salīdzinošā analīze; WP5 - tehnoloģiju izstrāde jauno uzlaboto piedziņas ražošanai.Projekta ilgums ir 30 mēneši no 01.06.2021 līdz 30.11.2023. Projekta kopējās izmaksas: EUR 527 065,35, no kuriem EUR 487 535,44 ir plānots atbalsts. Projekts nav saistīts ar saimniecisko darbību, un tā vadošais partneris būs Rīgas Tehniskā universitāte, kas nodrošinās inženierzinātņu un tehnoloģiju pētījumu vienību. Uzņēmums SIA “Allatherm” tiks iesaistīts projektā kā sadarbības partneris, kuram ir liela pieredze siltumtīklu sistēmu projektēšanā, izstrādē un izmantošanā. AS “Rīgas Elektromašīnbūves Rūpnīca” projektā tiks iesaistīta kā sadarbības partneris ar plašu pieredzi elektromotoru projektēšanā un pilna cikla ražošanā.Projekta izpētes veids ir rūpnieciskie pētījumi un eksperimentālā izstrāde (TRL 2-6). Projektā tiek plānoti šādi rezultāti:- 3 zinātniskie raksti žurnālos;- 1 oriģinālu zinātnisko rakstu, kas publicēts žurnālos vai konferenču rakstu krājumos, kuru citēšanas indekss sasniedz vismaz 50 procentus no nozares vidējā citēšanas indeksa;- 4 raksti konferenču rakstu krājumos;- 4 prezentācijas zinātniskās konferencēs;- 1 iesniegts patents;- 1 jaunas tehnoloģijas prototips. (Latvian)
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    List of abbreviation: EP – Electric drive – Electric MachineEEP – Electrical electronics converterSC – Heat tube/Heat pipe – Household Equipment – Electrical Equipment (instrument)EAR – Electrified Broadcasting chair TTTKP – Thermal Network with Concentrated ParametersIEA – Limited Element Analysis Solidity for different types of designing The object of the design with the Scale of designing DCC is designed for different types of heating system. The heat transfer system must be configurable and capable of linking several heat sources (evaporators) to several heat sinks (condensers). It must also be electronically adjustable to control heat flux, but at the same time, the configuration of priority heat exchange should be ensured if there is no control. For each specific EP facing the above difficulties, it is necessary to (1) analyse the power losses occurring in drive parts, find the heat distribution associated with these losses, find ‘hot locations’ – critical points that tend to overheat, as well as verify the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with the additional functions that can be introduced by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use, sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution in the SCC, and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Exclude and develop the new heat supply in the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – Screate the above results in the experimental model;(2) Exclude the new heat distribution in the SCC, compare and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be introduced by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and develop the new heat supply in the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application, sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with the additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Provide and design the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat distribution with the location of the new system with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat supply at the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat distribution in the location of the system with additional functions that can be implemented by (a) MI/EI and (b) a wheelchair equipped with assistive drive (EAR). After analysing the two options, it will also be possible to (6) compile and describe the new advanced EP production technology, defining the technological chain of activities, defining the equipment and documentation required for each activity, using the technological chain for the two applications considered. The titles of the work packages are as follows: WP1 – Analysis of energy loss and heat transfer; WP2 – SCC systems design; WP3 – Setting up and testing of new propulsions; WP4 – comparative analysis of initial and new drives; WP5 – development of technologies for production of new advanced drives.The duration of the project is 30 months from 01.06.2021 to 30.11.2023. Total cost of the project: EUR 527 065.35, of which EUR 487 535.44 is planned. The project is not related to economic activity, and its leading partner will be Riga Technical University, which will provide engineering and technology research unit. The company SIA “Allatherm” will be involved in the project as a cooperation partner with great experience in the design, development and use of heating network systems. (English)
    15 July 2021
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    Liste des abréviations: EP — Entrainement électrique — Machine électriqueEEP — Convertisseur électronique d’alimentationSC — Tuyau de chauffageSCC — Tuyau de chaleur/boucle de chaleurMI — Appareil ménager — Équipement électrique (instrument)EAR — Assistance électrique TTTKP — Réseau thermique avec paramètres concentrésIEA — Analyse d’éléments limitésŠD — Computing Liquid DjamicaProject vise à développer la conception et la technologie de fabrication de systèmes d’échange de chaleur avec SCC pour différents types de PE. Le système d’échange de chaleur doit être configurable et capable de relier plusieurs sources de chaleur (vaporateurs) à de multiples conducteurs de chaleur (condensateurs). Il doit également être réglable électroniquement pour contrôler les flux de chaleur, mais en même temps, il est nécessaire de fournir une configuration d’échange de chaleur prioritaire en l’absence de contrôle.La réalisation de cet objectif nécessite la résolution de plusieurs tâches. Pour chaque PE spécifique confronté aux difficultés ci-dessus, il est nécessaire de:(1) analyser les pertes de puissance résultant des pièces d’entraînement, trouver la répartition de la chaleur associée à ces pertes, trouver des «points chauds» — zones critiques sujettes à la surchauffe, ainsi que tester les résultats ci-dessus dans un modèle expérimental;(2) Suggérer et développer une offre de conception avec des fonctions supplémentaires qui peuvent être mises en œuvre par SCC; (3) concevoir un système SCC pour cette application — décrire la nouvelle distribution de chaleur par SCC, définir le nombre et l’emplacement des évaporateurs et condensateurs en définissant la configuration du tuyau entre eux, en définissant le nombre et la disposition des vannes de commande;(4) Assemblez la nouvelle version d’entraînement avancée avec le CCN installé dans les pièces d’entraînement, trouvez la distribution de chaleur dans le nouveau système;(5) Comparez l’entraînement vers et sans SCC, trouvez et comparez la température aux points critiques, évaluez la sécurité et la nouvelle fonctionnalité atteinte.Le projet comprend la mise en œuvre des étapes (1) à (5) pour au moins deux occasions: (a) MI/EI et (b) fauteuil roulant fonctionnel (EAR). À la suite de l’analyse des deux options, il sera également possible de:(6) Composer et décrire la nouvelle technologie de production avancée du PE en définissant la chaîne des activités technologiques, en définissant l’équipement et la documentation nécessaires pour chaque activité, en utilisant une chaîne technologique pour les deux applications considérées.Le nom et le contenu des modules de travail inclus dans le projet sont présentés en général et correspondent à ses objectifs. Les titres des modules de travail sont les suivants: WP1 — analyse des pertes d’énergie et du transfert de chaleur; WP2 — Conception du système SCC; WP3 — assemblage et essais de nouveaux entraînements; WP4 — analyse comparative de la récupération initiale et nouvelle; WP5 — développement de technologies pour la production de nouveaux entraînements avancés.La durée du projet est de 30 mois du 01.06.2021 au 30.11.2023. Coût total du projet: 527 065,35 EUR, dont 487 535,44 EUR sont prévus. Le projet n’est pas lié à l’activité économique et son partenaire directeur sera l’Université technique de Riga, qui fournira une unité de recherche en ingénierie et en technologie. La société SIA «Allatherm» sera impliquée dans le projet en tant que partenaire de coopération qui possède une vaste expérience dans la conception, le développement et l’utilisation de systèmes de réseau de chauffage. JSC «Rīgas Elektromašīnbūves rūpnīca» participera au projet en tant que partenaire de coopération ayant une vaste expérience dans la conception de moteurs électriques et la fabrication du cycle complet. Le type de recherche du projet est la recherche industrielle et le développement expérimental (TRL 2-6). Les résultats suivants sont prévus pour le projet:- 3 articles scientifiques dans des revues;- 1 articles scientifiques originaux publiés dans des revues ou des collections d’articles de conférence, dont l’indice de citation atteint au moins 50 % de l’indice moyen des citations de l’industrie;- 4 articles dans des documents de conférence;- 4 présentations à des conférences scientifiques;- 1 brevet déposé;- 1 prototype de nouvelles technologies. (French)
    25 November 2021
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    Abkürzungen Liste: EP – Elektrischer Antrieb – Elektrische MaschineEEP – Elektronischer KonverterSC – HeizrohrSCC – Wärmerohr/Heat loopMI – Haushaltsgeräte – Elektrogeräte (Instrument)EAR – Elektrischer Rollstuhl TTTKP – Wärmenetz mit konzentrierten ParameternIEA – Analyse begrenzter ElementeŠD – Computing Liquid DjamicaProjekt zielt darauf ab, Wärmeaustauschsystem-Design und Fertigungstechnologie mit SCC für verschiedene EP-Typen zu entwickeln. Das Wärmetauschsystem muss konfigurierbar sein und in der Lage sein, mehrere Wärmequellen (Verdampfer) mit mehreren Wärmeleitern (Kondensatoren) zu verbinden. Es muss auch elektronisch einstellbar sein, um Wärmeflüsse zu steuern, aber gleichzeitig ist es notwendig, bei fehlender Steuerung eine vorrangige Wärmeaustauschkonfiguration bereitzustellen.Die Erreichung dieses Ziels erfordert die Auflösung mehrerer Aufgaben. Für jedes einzelne EP, das sich den oben genannten Schwierigkeiten gegenübersieht, ist es notwendig:(1) die Leistungsverluste aus den Antriebsteilen zu analysieren, die Wärmeverteilung im Zusammenhang mit diesen Verlusten zu finden, „Hot Spots“ zu finden – kritische Bereiche, die für eine Überhitzung anfällig sind, sowie die obigen Ergebnisse in einem Versuchsmodell zu testen;(2) Vorschlagen und entwickeln Sie ein Designangebot mit zusätzlichen Funktionen, die von SCC implementiert werden können; (3) Konzipieren Sie ein SCC-System für diese Anwendung – skizzieren Sie die neue Wärmeverteilung durch SCC, definieren Sie Anzahl und Lage der Verdampfer und Kondensatoren, indem Sie die Rohrkonfiguration zwischen ihnen definieren, Anzahl und Anordnung der Steuerventile definieren;(4) Die neue fortschrittliche Antriebsversion mit dem in den Antriebsteilen installierten SCC zusammenstellen, die Wärmeverteilung im neuen System finden;(5) Vergleichen Sie den Antrieb mit und ohne SCC, finden und vergleichen Sie die Temperatur an kritischen Punkten, bewerten Sie die Sicherheit und die erzielte neue Funktionalität.Das Projekt beinhaltet die Umsetzung von Schritten (1) – (5) mindestens zwei Mal: (a) MI/EI und b) Assistenzfahrrollstuhl (EAR). Im Anschluss an die Analyse beider Optionen wird es auch möglich sein,:(6) Die neue fortschrittliche EP-Produktionstechnologie zusammenzufassen und zu beschreiben, indem die Kette der technologischen Tätigkeiten definiert, die für jede Tätigkeit erforderlichen Ausrüstung und Dokumentation definiert wird, wobei eine technologische Kette für die beiden betrachteten Anwendungen verwendet wird.Der Name und der Inhalt der im Projekt enthaltenen Arbeitspakete werden im Allgemeinen vorgestellt und ihren Zielen entsprechen. Die Titel der Arbeitspakete lauten wie folgt: WP1 – Analyse von Energieverlusten und Wärmeübertragung; WP2 – Entwurf des SCC-Systems; WP3 – Montage und Erprobung neuer Antriebe; WP4 – vergleichende Analyse der ersten und neuen Erholung; WP5 – Entwicklung von Technologien für die Produktion neuer fortschrittlicher Antriebe.Die Projektlaufzeit beträgt 30 Monate vom 01.06.2021 bis 30.11.2023. Gesamtkosten des Projekts: 527 065,35 EUR, davon 4 875 535,44 EUR. Das Projekt steht nicht im Zusammenhang mit der wirtschaftlichen Tätigkeit, und ihr geschäftsführender Partner wird die Technische Universität Riga sein, die eine Abteilung für Ingenieur- und Technologieforschung bereitstellen wird. Das Unternehmen SIA „Allatherm“ wird als Kooperationspartner an dem Projekt beteiligt sein, der über umfangreiche Erfahrung in der Konzeption, Entwicklung und Nutzung von Heiznetzsystemen verfügt. JSC „Rīgas Elektromašīnbūves rūpnīca“ wird als Kooperationspartner mit langjähriger Erfahrung in der Entwicklung von Elektromotoren und der Herstellung des gesamten Zyklus beteiligt sein. Die Art der Projektforschung ist die industrielle Forschung und experimentelle Entwicklung (TRL 2-6). Für das Projekt sind folgende Ergebnisse geplant:- 3 wissenschaftliche Artikel in Zeitschriften;- 1 ursprüngliche wissenschaftliche Artikel in Zeitschriften oder Sammlungen von Tagungsartikeln, deren Zitierungsindex mindestens 50 Prozent des Branchendurchschnittsindex erreicht;- 4 Artikel in Konferenzpapieren;- 4 Präsentationen auf wissenschaftlichen Konferenzen;- 1 Patent angemeldet;- 1 Prototyp der neuen Technologie. (German)
    28 November 2021
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    Lijst met afkortingen: EP — Elektrische aandrijving — Elektrische machineEEP — Power electronic converterSC — VerwarmingspijpSCC — Warmtepijp/warmtelusMI — Huishoudapparaat — Elektrische apparatuur (instrument)EAR — Electrical Assisting Wheelchair TTTKP — Thermal Network with Concentrted ParametersIEA — Analyse van beperkte ElementsŠD — Computing Liquid DjamicaProject heeft tot doel het ontwerp en de productietechnologie van het warmtewisselsysteem te ontwikkelen met SCC voor verschillende EP-typen. Het warmtewisselsysteem moet configureerbaar zijn en in staat zijn meerdere warmtebronnen (verdampers) te verbinden met meerdere warmtegeleiders (condensatoren). Het moet ook elektronisch instelbaar zijn om warmtestromen te regelen, maar tegelijkertijd is het noodzakelijk om een ​​prioritaire warmte-uitwisselingsconfiguratie te bieden bij afwezigheid van controle.De verwezenlijking van dit doel vereist de afwikkeling van verschillende taken. Voor elk specifiek EP dat met bovengenoemde problemen te kampen heeft, is het noodzakelijk om:(1) de vermogensverliezen als gevolg van de aandrijfonderdelen te analyseren, de warmteverdeling in verband met deze verliezen te vinden, „hot spots” te vinden — kritieke gebieden die gevoelig zijn voor oververhitting, en de bovenstaande resultaten te testen in een experimenteel model;(2) Een ontwerpaanbod voorstellen en ontwikkelen met extra functies die door SCC kunnen worden geïmplementeerd; (3) Ontwerp een SCC-systeem voor deze toepassing — schets de nieuwe warmteverdeling via SCC, definieer het aantal en de locatie van verdampers en condensatoren door het definiëren van de buisconfiguratie tussen hen, het definiëren van het aantal en de opstelling van regelkleppen;(4) Assembleer de nieuwe geavanceerde aandrijving versie met de SCC geïnstalleerd in de aandrijfonderdelen, vind de warmteverdeling in het nieuwe systeem;(5) Vergelijk de aandrijving met en zonder SCC, vinden en vergelijken van de temperatuur op kritieke punten, evalueren van de veiligheid en de bereikte nieuwe functionaliteit.Het project omvat de uitvoering van stappen (1) — (5) voor ten minste twee gelegenheden: (a) MI/EI en (b) hulprijdende rolstoel (EAR). Na de analyse van beide opties zal het ook mogelijk zijn om:(6) De nieuwe geavanceerde productietechnologie van het EP op te stellen en te beschrijven door de keten van technologische activiteiten te definiëren, de voor elke activiteit vereiste apparatuur en documentatie te definiëren, met behulp van een technologische keten voor de twee onderzochte toepassingen.De naam en de inhoud van de werkpakketten van het project worden in het algemeen gepresenteerd en beantwoorden aan de doelstellingen ervan. De titels van de werkpakketten zijn als volgt: WP1 — analyse van energieverliezen en warmteoverdracht; WP2 — SCC-systeemontwerp; WP3 — montage en testen van nieuwe aandrijvingen; WP4 — vergelijkende analyse van het eerste en het nieuwe herstel; WP5 — ontwikkeling van technologieën voor de productie van nieuwe geavanceerde aandrijvingen. De duur van het project bedraagt 30 maanden van 01.06.2021 tot 30.11.2023. Totale kosten van het project: 527 065,35 EUR, waarvan 487 535,44 EUR is gepland. Het project houdt geen verband met economische activiteiten en de beherende partner van Riga is de Technische Universiteit van Riga, die zal zorgen voor een technische en technologische onderzoekseenheid. Het bedrijf SIA „Allatherm” zal bij het project worden betrokken als samenwerkingspartner die ruime ervaring heeft in het ontwerp, de ontwikkeling en het gebruik van verwarmingsnetsystemen. JSC „Rīgas Elektromašīnbūves rūpnīca” zal bij het project worden betrokken als samenwerkingspartner met uitgebreide ervaring in het ontwerpen van elektromotoren en de productie van de volledige cyclus. Het type projectonderzoek is industrieel onderzoek en experimentele ontwikkeling (TRL 2-6). Voor het project zijn de volgende resultaten gepland:- 3 wetenschappelijke artikelen in tijdschriften;- 1 originele wetenschappelijke artikelen gepubliceerd in tijdschriften of collecties van conferentieartikelen, waarvan de citatie-index ten minste 50 % van de gemiddelde index van de industrie bereikt;- 4 artikelen in conferentiedocumenten;- 4 presentaties op wetenschappelijke conferenties;- 1 octrooi aangevraagd;- 1 prototype van nieuwe technologie. (Dutch)
    28 November 2021
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    Elenco delle abbreviazioni: EP — Azionamento elettrico — Macchina elettricaEEP — Convertitore elettronico di potenzaSC — Tubo di riscaldamentoSCC — Tubo di calore/Fondo di caloreMI — Elettrodomestico — Equipaggiamento elettrico (strumento)EAR — Sedia elettrica assistita TTTKP — Rete termica con parametri concentratiIEA — Analisi di elementi limitatiŠD — Computing Liquid DjamicaProject mira a sviluppare la progettazione del sistema di scambio termico e la tecnologia di produzione con SCC per diversi tipi di EP. Il sistema di scambio termico deve essere configurabile e in grado di collegare più fonti di calore (vaporatori) a più conduttori di calore (condensatori). Deve anche essere regolabile elettronicamente per controllare i flussi di calore, ma allo stesso tempo è necessario fornire una configurazione prioritaria di scambio termico in assenza di controllo. Il raggiungimento di questo obiettivo richiede la risoluzione di diversi compiti. Per ogni EP specifico che affronta le difficoltà di cui sopra, è necessario:(1) analizzare le perdite di potenza derivanti dalle parti di trasmissione, trovare la distribuzione del calore associata a tali perdite, trovare "punti caldi" — aree critiche soggette a surriscaldamento, nonché testare i risultati di cui sopra in un modello sperimentale;(2) Suggerire e sviluppare un'offerta di progettazione con funzioni aggiuntive che possono essere implementate da SCC; (3) Progettare un sistema SCC per questa applicazione — delineare la nuova distribuzione del calore attraverso SCC, definire il numero e la posizione degli evaporatori e condensatori definendo la configurazione del tubo tra di essi, definendo il numero e la disposizione delle valvole di controllo;(4) assemblare la nuova versione avanzata di azionamento con la SCC installata nelle parti di trasmissione, trovare la distribuzione del calore nel nuovo sistema;(5) Confrontare l'azionamento verso e senza SCC, trovare e confrontare la temperatura in punti critici, valutare la sicurezza e le nuove funzionalità raggiunte.Il progetto prevede l'implementazione delle fasi (1) — (5) per almeno due occasioni: (a) MI/EI e (b) sedia a rotelle con guida assistita (EAR). A seguito dell'analisi di entrambe le opzioni, sarà inoltre possibile:(6) Comporre e descrivere la nuova tecnologia di produzione avanzata del PE definendo la catena di attività tecnologiche, definendo le attrezzature e la documentazione necessarie per ciascuna attività, utilizzando una catena tecnologica per le due applicazioni considerate.Il nome e il contenuto dei pacchetti di lavoro inclusi nel progetto sono presentati in generale e corrispondono ai suoi obiettivi. I titoli dei pacchetti di lavoro sono i seguenti: WP1 — analisi delle perdite di energia e del trasferimento di calore; WP2 — progettazione del sistema SCC; WP3 — assemblaggio e collaudo di nuovi azionamenti; WP4 — analisi comparativa del recupero iniziale e nuovo; WP5 — sviluppo di tecnologie per la produzione di nuovi azionamenti avanzati. La durata del progetto è di 30 mesi dal 01.06.2021 al 30.11.2023. Costo totale del progetto: 527 065,35 EUR, di cui 487 535,44 EUR previsti. Il progetto non è legato all'attività economica, e il suo partner di gestione sarà Riga Technical University, che fornirà un'unità di ricerca di ingegneria e tecnologia. L'azienda SIA "Allatherm" sarà coinvolta nel progetto come partner di collaborazione che vanta una vasta esperienza nella progettazione, sviluppo e utilizzo di sistemi di rete di riscaldamento. JSC "Rīgas Elektromašīnbūves rūpnīca" sarà coinvolto nel progetto come partner di cooperazione con una vasta esperienza nella progettazione di motori elettrici e nella produzione dell'intero ciclo. Il tipo di ricerca del progetto è la ricerca industriale e lo sviluppo sperimentale (TRL 2-6). Per il progetto sono previsti i seguenti risultati:- 3 articoli scientifici in riviste;- 1 articoli scientifici originali pubblicati in riviste o raccolte di articoli di conferenza, il cui indice di citazione raggiunge almeno il 50 % dell'indice medio di citazione industriale;- 4 articoli in documenti di conferenza;- 4 presentazioni a conferenze scientifiche;- 1 brevetto depositato;- 1 prototipo di nuova tecnologia. (Italian)
    11 January 2022
    0 references
    Lista de abreviaturas: EP — Impulsión eléctrica — Máquina eléctricaEEP — Convertidor electrónico de potenciaSC — Tubo de calefacciónSCC — Tubo térmico/bucle térmicoMI — Electrodomésticos — Equipo eléctrico (instrumento)EAR — Silla de ruedas de asistencia eléctrica TTTKP — Red térmica con parámetros concentradosIEA — Análisis de elementos limitadosŠD — Informática líquida DjamicaProject tiene como objetivo desarrollar el diseño de sistemas de intercambio de calor y tecnología de fabricación con SCC para diferentes tipos de EP. El sistema de intercambio de calor debe ser configurable y capaz de vincular múltiples fuentes de calor (vaporadores) a múltiples conductores de calor (capacizadores). También debe ser ajustable electrónicamente para controlar los flujos de calor, pero al mismo tiempo es necesario proporcionar una configuración de intercambio de calor prioritaria en ausencia de control.El logro de este objetivo requiere la resolución de varias tareas. Para cada EP específico que se enfrenta a las dificultades anteriores, es necesario: (1) analizar las pérdidas de potencia resultantes de las piezas motrices, encontrar la distribución de calor asociada a estas pérdidas, encontrar «puntos calientes» — áreas críticas propensas al sobrecalentamiento, así como probar los resultados anteriores en un modelo experimental;(2) Sugerir y desarrollar una oferta de diseño con funciones adicionales que puedan ser implementadas por SCC; (3) diseñar un sistema SCC para esta aplicación — esbozar la nueva distribución de calor a través de SCC, definir el número y la ubicación de los evaporadores y condensadores mediante la definición de la configuración de la tubería entre ellos, definiendo el número y la disposición de las válvulas de control;(4) Montar la nueva versión de accionamiento avanzada con el SCC instalado en las piezas de accionamiento, encontrar la distribución de calor en el nuevo sistema;(5) Comparar la unidad con y sin SCC, encontrar y comparar la temperatura en puntos críticos, evaluar la seguridad y la nueva funcionalidad lograda.El proyecto incluye la implementación de pasos (1) — (5) durante al menos dos ocasiones: a) MI/IE y b) silla de ruedas de conducción asistida (EAR). Tras el análisis de ambas opciones, también será posible:(6) Componer y describir la nueva tecnología avanzada de producción del PE mediante la definición de la cadena de actividades tecnológicas, la definición de los equipos y documentación necesarios para cada actividad, utilizando una cadena tecnológica para las dos aplicaciones consideradas. El nombre y el contenido de los paquetes de trabajo incluidos en el proyecto se presentan en general y corresponden a sus objetivos. Los títulos de los paquetes de trabajo son los siguientes: WP1 — análisis de las pérdidas de energía y la transferencia de calor; WP2 — Diseño del sistema SCC; WP3: montaje y ensayo de nuevas unidades; WP4 — análisis comparativo de la recuperación inicial y nueva; WP5 — desarrollo de tecnologías para la producción de nuevas unidades avanzadas.La duración del proyecto es de 30 meses desde el 01.06.2021 hasta el 30.11.2023. Coste total del proyecto: 527 065,35 EUR, de los cuales 487 535,44 EUR están previstos. El proyecto no está relacionado con la actividad económica, y su socio gerente será la Universidad Técnica de Riga, que proporcionará una unidad de investigación de ingeniería y tecnología. La empresa SIA «Allatherm» participará en el proyecto como socio de cooperación que cuenta con una amplia experiencia en el diseño, desarrollo y uso de sistemas de red de calefacción. JSC «Rīgas Elektromašīnbūves rūpnīca» participará en el proyecto como socio de cooperación con amplia experiencia en el diseño de motores eléctricos y la fabricación de todo el ciclo. El tipo de investigación del proyecto es la investigación industrial y el desarrollo experimental (TRL 2-6). Se prevén los siguientes resultados para el proyecto:- 3 artículos científicos en revistas;- 1 artículos científicos originales publicados en revistas o colecciones de artículos de conferencias, cuyo índice de citación alcanza al menos el 50 % del índice medio de citación de la industria;- 4 artículos en ponencias de conferencias;- 4 presentaciones en conferencias científicas;- 1 patente presentada;- 1 prototipo de nueva tecnología. (Spanish)
    12 January 2022
    0 references
    Lühendite loetelu: EP – Elektriajam – Electric MachineEEP – Elektrielektroonika konverterSC – Soojustoru/soojustoru – Kodumajapidamisseadmed – Elektriseadmed (instrument)EAR – Elektriline ringhäälingutool TTTKP – Termovõrk kontsentreeritud parameetritegaIEA – piiratud elementide analüüs Solidity eri tüüpide projekteerimiseks. DCC projekteerimise skaalaga disaini objekt on mõeldud erinevat tüüpi küttesüsteemi jaoks. Soojusülekandesüsteem peab olema konfigureeritav ja võimeline ühendama mitut soojusallikat (aurusteid) mitme jahutusradiaatoriga (kondensaatorid). Samuti peab see olema elektrooniliselt reguleeritav soojusvoo reguleerimiseks, kuid samal ajal tuleks tagada prioriteetse soojusvahetuse konfiguratsioon, kui puudub kontroll. For each specific EP facing the above difficulties, it is necessary to (1) analyse the power losses occurring in drive parts, find the heat distribution associated with these losses, find ‘hot locations’ – critical points that tend to overheat, as well as verify the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with the additional functions that can be introduced by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use, sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution in the SCC, and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Exclude and develop the new heat supply in the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – Screate the above results in the experimental model;(2) Exclude the new heat distribution in the SCC, compare and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be introduced by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and develop the new heat supply in the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application, sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with the additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Provide and design the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat distribution with the location of the new system with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat supply at the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat distribution in the location of the system with additional functions that can be implemented by (a) MI/EI and (b) a wheelchair equipped with assistive drive (EAR). Pärast kahe võimaluse analüüsimist on võimalik (6) koostada ja kirjeldada Euroopa Parlamendi uut täiustatud tootmistehnoloogiat, määrata kindlaks tehnoloogiline tegevusahel, määrata kindlaks iga tegevuse jaoks vajalikud seadmed ja dokumendid, kasutades kahe vaadeldava rakenduse puhul tehnoloogilist ahelat. Tööpakettide pealkirjad on järgmised: WP1 – energiakao ja soojusülekande analüüs; WP2 – SCC-süsteemide projekteerimine; WP3 – uute jõuseadmete loomine ja katsetamine; WP4 – alg- ja uute ajamite võrdlev analüüs; WP5 – tehnoloogia arendamine uute arenenud ajamite tootmiseks. Projekti kestus on 30 kuud alates 1. juunist 2021 kuni 30. novembrini 2023. Projekti kogumaksumus: 527 065.35 eurot, millest 487 535,44 eurot on kavandatud. Projekt ei ole seotud majandustegevusega ja selle juhtiv partner on Riia Tehnikaülikool, mis pakub inseneri- ja tehnoloogiauuringute üksust. Ettevõte SIA „Allatherm“ kaasatakse projekti koostööpartnerina, kellel on suured kogemused küttevõrkude projekteerimisel, arendamisel ja kasutamisel. (Estonian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    Santrumpų sąrašas: EP – Elektrinė pavara – Elektrinė mašinaEEP – Elektros elektronikos konverterisSC – Šilumos vamzdis/šilumos vamzdis – Buitinė įranga – Elektros įranga (priemonė)EAR – Elektrinė transliavimo kėdė TTTKP – Terminis tinklas su koncentruotais parametraisIEA – Ribotas elementų analizės tvirtumas įvairių tipų projektavimo darbams DCC projektavimo skalėje suprojektuotas įvairių tipų šildymo sistemos. Šilumos perdavimo sistema turi būti konfigūruojama ir ją turi būti įmanoma sujungti su keliais šilumos šaltiniais (garintuvais) su keliais šilumos šaltiniais (kondensatoriais). Jis taip pat turi būti reguliuojamas elektroniniu būdu, kad būtų galima kontroliuoti šilumos srautą, tačiau tuo pačiu metu turėtų būti užtikrinta prioritetinio šilumos mainų konfigūracija, jei nėra valdiklio. For each specific EP facing the above difficulties, it is necessary to (1) analyse the power losses occurring in drive parts, find the heat distribution associated with these losses, find ‘hot locations’ – critical points that tend to overheat, as well as verify the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with the additional functions that can be introduced by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use, sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution in the SCC, and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Exclude and develop the new heat supply in the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – Screate the above results in the experimental model;(2) Exclude the new heat distribution in the SCC, compare and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be introduced by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and develop the new heat supply in the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application, sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with the additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Provide and design the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat distribution with the location of the new system with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat supply at the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat distribution in the location of the system with additional functions that can be implemented by (a) MI/EI and (b) a wheelchair equipped with assistive drive (EAR). Išanalizavus abi galimybes, taip pat bus galima (6) parengti ir apibūdinti naują pažangią EP gamybos technologiją, apibrėžti technologinę veiklos grandinę, apibrėžti kiekvienai veiklai reikalingą įrangą ir dokumentus, naudojant technologinę grandinę abiem nagrinėjamoms reikmėms. Darbų paketų pavadinimai yra tokie: WP1 – Energijos nuostolių ir šilumos perdavimo analizė; WP2 – SCC sistemų projektavimas; WP3 – Naujų varytuvų įrengimas ir bandymas; WP4 – lyginamoji pradinių ir naujų pavarų analizė; WP5 – technologijų kūrimas naujų pažangių diskų gamybai.Projekto trukmė yra 30 mėnesių nuo 2021 06 01 iki 2023 11 30. Bendros projekto išlaidos: 527 065,35 EUR, iš kurių 487 535,44 EUR planuojama skirti. Projektas nesusijęs su ekonomine veikla, o jo pagrindinis partneris bus Rygos technikos universitetas, kuris suteiks inžinerijos ir technologijų tyrimų padalinį. Bendrovė SIA „Allatherm“ dalyvaus projekte kaip bendradarbiavimo partneris, turintis didelę patirtį projektuojant, kuriant ir naudojant šildymo tinklo sistemas. (Lithuanian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    Popis kratica: EP – Električni pogon – Električni MachineEEP – Električni pretvarač elektronikeSC – Toplinska cijev/cijevi za grijanje – Oprema za kućanstvo – Električna oprema (instrument)EAR – Električna stolica za emitiranje TTTKP – Termalna mreža s koncentriranim parametrimaIEA – Limited Element Analysis Solidity for different type of design Objekt dizajna s Scale dizajniran je za različite vrste sustava grijanja. Sustav za prijenos topline mora biti podesiv i sposoban povezati nekoliko izvora topline (isparivača) s nekoliko hladnjaka (kondenzatora). Također mora biti elektronički podesiva za kontrolu toplinskog toka, ali u isto vrijeme treba osigurati konfiguraciju prioritetne izmjene topline ako ne postoji kontrola. For each specific EP facing the above difficulties, it is necessary to (1) analyse the power losses occurring in drive parts, find the heat distribution associated with these losses, find ‘hot locations’ – critical points that tend to overheat, as well as verify the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with the additional functions that can be introduced by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use, sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution in the SCC, and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Exclude and develop the new heat supply in the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – Screate the above results in the experimental model;(2) Exclude the new heat distribution in the SCC, compare and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be introduced by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and develop the new heat supply in the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application, sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with the additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Provide and design the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat distribution with the location of the new system with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat supply at the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat distribution in the location of the system with additional functions that can be implemented by (a) MI/EI and (b) a wheelchair equipped with assistive drive (EAR). Nakon analize dviju mogućnosti, bit će moguće i (6) sastaviti i opisati novu naprednu proizvodnu tehnologiju EP-a, definirati tehnološki lanac aktivnosti, definirati opremu i dokumentaciju potrebnu za svaku aktivnost, koristeći tehnološki lanac za dvije razmatrane aplikacije. Naslovi radnih paketa su sljedeći: WP1 – Analiza gubitka energije i prijenosa topline; WP2 – Dizajn SCC sustava; WP3 – Postavljanje i ispitivanje novih pogona; WP4 – usporedna analiza početnih i novih pogona; WP5 – razvoj tehnologija za proizvodnju novih naprednih pogona. Trajanje projekta je 30 mjeseci od 01.06.2021 do 30.11.2023. Ukupni trošak projekta: 527 065,35 EUR, od čega se planira 487 535,44 EUR. Projekt nije povezan s gospodarskom aktivnošću, a njegov vodeći partner bit će Tehničko sveučilište u Rigi, koje će osigurati odjel za inženjerstvo i istraživanje tehnologije. Tvrtka SIA „Allatherm” bit će uključena u projekt kao partner za suradnju s velikim iskustvom u projektiranju, razvoju i korištenju mrežnih sustava grijanja. (Croatian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    Κατάλογος συντομογραφίας: EP — Electric drive — Electric MachineEEP — Electric electronics converterSC — Θερμικός σωλήνας/σωλήνας θερμότητας — οικιακός εξοπλισμός — Ηλεκτρικός εξοπλισμός (όργανο)EAR — Ηλεκτροκίνητη καρέκλα ραδιοτηλεόρασης TTTKP — Θερμικό δίκτυο με συμπυκνωμένες παραμέτρουςΙΕA — Περιορισμένη ανάλυση στοιχείων Στερεότητα για διαφορετικούς τύπους σχεδιασμού Το αντικείμενο του σχεδιασμού με την κλίμακα σχεδιασμού DCC έχει σχεδιαστεί για διαφορετικούς τύπους συστημάτων θέρμανσης. Το σύστημα μεταφοράς θερμότητας πρέπει να είναι προσαρμόσιμο και ικανό να συνδέει διάφορες πηγές θερμότητας (εξατμιστές) με διάφορους απαγωγείς θερμότητας (συμπυκνωτές). Πρέπει επίσης να είναι ηλεκτρονικά ρυθμιζόμενο για τον έλεγχο της ροής θερμότητας, αλλά ταυτόχρονα, θα πρέπει να εξασφαλίζεται η διαμόρφωση της κατά προτεραιότητα ανταλλαγής θερμότητας εάν δεν υπάρχει έλεγχος. For each specific EP facing the above difficulties, it is necessary to (1) analyse the power losses occurring in drive parts, find the heat distribution associated with these losses, find ‘hot locations’ – critical points that tend to overheat, as well as verify the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with the additional functions that can be introduced by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use, sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution in the SCC, and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Exclude and develop the new heat supply in the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – Screate the above results in the experimental model;(2) Exclude the new heat distribution in the SCC, compare and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be introduced by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and develop the new heat supply in the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application, sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with the additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Provide and design the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat distribution with the location of the new system with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat supply at the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat distribution in the location of the system with additional functions that can be implemented by (a) MI/EI and (b) a wheelchair equipped with assistive drive (EAR). Μετά την ανάλυση των δύο επιλογών, θα είναι επίσης δυνατόν (6) να συγκεντρωθεί και να περιγραφεί η νέα προηγμένη τεχνολογία παραγωγής του ΕΚ, καθορίζοντας την τεχνολογική αλυσίδα δραστηριοτήτων, καθορίζοντας τον εξοπλισμό και την τεκμηρίωση που απαιτούνται για κάθε δραστηριότητα, χρησιμοποιώντας την τεχνολογική αλυσίδα για τις δύο εξεταζόμενες εφαρμογές. Οι τίτλοι των πακέτων εργασίας είναι οι εξής: WP1 — Ανάλυση της απώλειας ενέργειας και της μεταφοράς θερμότητας· WP2 — Σχεδιασμός συστημάτων SCC· WP3 — Ρύθμιση και δοκιμή νέων συστημάτων πρόωσης· WP4 — συγκριτική ανάλυση των αρχικών και των νέων οδηγών. WP5 — ανάπτυξη τεχνολογιών για την παραγωγή νέων προηγμένων οδηγών. Η διάρκεια του έργου είναι 30 μήνες από 01.06.2021 έως 30.11.2023. Συνολικό κόστος του σχεδίου: 527 065,35 EUR, εκ των οποίων 487 535,44 EUR. Το έργο δεν σχετίζεται με την οικονομική δραστηριότητα, και ο κορυφαίος εταίρος του θα είναι το Τεχνικό Πανεπιστήμιο της Ρίγας, το οποίο θα παρέχει μονάδα έρευνας μηχανικής και τεχνολογίας. Η εταιρεία SIA «Allatherm» θα συμμετάσχει στο έργο ως συνεργάτης συνεργασίας με μεγάλη εμπειρία στο σχεδιασμό, την... (Greek)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    Zoznam skratiek: EP – Elektrický pohon – Elektrický strojEEP – Konvertor elektrickej elektronikySC – Tepelná trubica/tepelné potrubie – Zariadenia pre domácnosť – Elektrické zariadenia (nástroj)EAR – Elektrická vysielacia stolička TTTKP – Tepelná sieť s koncentrovanými parametramiIEA – Obmedzená analýza prvkov Solidity pre rôzne typy projektovania Predmet konštrukcie s rozsahom navrhovania DCC je určený pre rôzne typy vykurovacieho systému. Systém prenosu tepla musí byť konfigurovateľný a schopný spájať niekoľko zdrojov tepla (odparovačov) s niekoľkými zásobníkmi tepla (kondenzátory). Musí byť tiež elektronicky nastaviteľná na reguláciu tepelného toku, ale zároveň by sa mala zabezpečiť konfigurácia prioritnej výmeny tepla, ak neexistuje žiadna regulácia. For each specific EP facing the above difficulties, it is necessary to (1) analyse the power losses occurring in drive parts, find the heat distribution associated with these losses, find ‘hot locations’ – critical points that tend to overheat, as well as verify the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with the additional functions that can be introduced by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use, sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution in the SCC, and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Exclude and develop the new heat supply in the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – Screate the above results in the experimental model;(2) Exclude the new heat distribution in the SCC, compare and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be introduced by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and develop the new heat supply in the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application, sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with the additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Provide and design the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat distribution with the location of the new system with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat supply at the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat distribution in the location of the system with additional functions that can be implemented by (a) MI/EI and (b) a wheelchair equipped with assistive drive (EAR). Po analýze týchto dvoch možností bude možné (6) zostaviť a opísať novú vyspelú výrobnú technológiu EP, vymedziť technologický reťazec činností, vymedziť vybavenie a dokumentáciu potrebnú pre každú činnosť a využiť technologický reťazec pre obe posudzované aplikácie. Názvy pracovných balíkov sú tieto: WP1 – Analýza energetických strát a prenosu tepla; WP2 – Konštrukcia systémov SCC; WP3 – Nastavenie a skúšanie nových pohonov; WP4 – porovnávacia analýza počiatočných a nových pohonov; WP5 – vývoj technológií pre výrobu nových moderných pohonov. Trvanie projektu je 30 mesiacov od 01.06.2021 do 30.11.2023. Celkové náklady na projekt: 517 065,35 EUR, z čoho 487 535,44 EUR sa plánuje. Projekt nesúvisí s hospodárskou činnosťou a jeho hlavným partnerom bude Riga Technická univerzita, ktorá bude poskytovať inžiniersku a technologickú výskumnú jednotku. Spoločnosť SIA „Allatherm“ sa zapojí do projektu ako partner spolupráce s veľkými skúsenosťami v oblasti navrhovania, vývoja a využívania vykurovacích sústav. (Slovak)
    3 August 2022
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    Lyhenneluettelo: EP – Sähkökäyttö – Electric MachineEEP – Sähköelektroniikka converterSC – Lämpöputki/lämpöputki – kodinkoneet – Sähkölaitteet (instrumentti)EAR – sähkökäyttöinen yleisradiotuoli TTTKP – lämpöverkko, jossa on keskittyneitä parametrejaIEA – Rajoitettu elementtianalyysi Soliditeetti erityyppisille suunnitteluille. Suunnittelun kohde DCC: n suunnitteluasteikolla on suunniteltu erityyppisille lämmitysjärjestelmille. Lämmönsiirtojärjestelmän on oltava konfiguroitavissa ja pystyttävä yhdistämään useita lämmönlähteitä (haihduttimet) useisiin jäähdytyslevyihin (lauhduttimiin). Sen on oltava myös elektronisesti säädettävissä lämpövuon säätelemiseksi, mutta samalla olisi varmistettava ensisijaisen lämmönvaihdon konfiguraatio, jos ohjausta ei ole. For each specific EP facing the above difficulties, it is necessary to (1) analyse the power losses occurring in drive parts, find the heat distribution associated with these losses, find ‘hot locations’ – critical points that tend to overheat, as well as verify the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with the additional functions that can be introduced by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use, sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution in the SCC, and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Exclude and develop the new heat supply in the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – Screate the above results in the experimental model;(2) Exclude the new heat distribution in the SCC, compare and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be introduced by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and develop the new heat supply in the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application, sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with the additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Provide and design the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat distribution with the location of the new system with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat supply at the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat distribution in the location of the system with additional functions that can be implemented by (a) MI/EI and (b) a wheelchair equipped with assistive drive (EAR). Näiden kahden vaihtoehdon analysoinnin jälkeen on myös mahdollista (6) koota ja kuvata uutta kehittynyttä EP:n tuotantoteknologiaa määrittelemällä tekninen toimintaketju, määrittelemällä kutakin toimintoa varten tarvittavat laitteet ja asiakirjat käyttäen teknistä ketjua kyseisten kahden sovelluksen osalta. Työkokonaisuuksien otsikot ovat seuraavat: WP1 – Energiahäviön ja lämmönsiirron analysointi; WP2 – SCC-järjestelmien suunnittelu; WP3 – Uusien käyttövoimalaitteiden käyttöönotto ja testaus; WP4 – vertaileva analyysi alkuasemista ja uusista asemista; WP5 – teknologian kehittäminen uusien kehittyneiden asemien tuotantoa varten. Hankkeen kesto on 30 kuukautta 1.6.2021–30.11.2023. Hankkeen kokonaiskustannukset: 527 065,35 euroa, josta 487 535,44 euroa on suunniteltu. Hanke ei liity taloudelliseen toimintaan, ja sen johtava kumppani on Riian teknillinen yliopisto, joka tarjoaa insinööri- ja teknologiatutkimusyksikköä. Yritys SIA ”Allatherm” osallistuu hankkeeseen yhteistyökumppanina, jolla on runsaasti kokemusta lämmitysverkkojärjestelmien suunnittelusta, kehittämisestä ja käytöstä. (Finnish)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    Wykaz skrótów: EP – Napęd elektryczny – Electric MachineEEP – Elektryczny konwerter elektronikiSC – Rura cieplna/Rura cieplna – Urządzenia gospodarstwa domowego – Sprzęt elektryczny (instrument)EAR – Krzesło nadawcze elektryczności TTTKP – Sieć cieplna ze skoncentrowanymi parametramiIEA – Ograniczona analiza elementów Solidność dla różnych rodzajów projektowania Obiekt projektu ze skalą projektowania DCC jest przeznaczony dla różnych typów systemów grzewczych. Układ przenoszenia ciepła musi być konfigurowalny i zdolny do połączenia kilku źródeł ciepła (parowników) z kilkoma radiatorami (kondensatorami). Musi być również elektronicznie regulowany w celu kontrolowania strumienia ciepła, ale jednocześnie należy zapewnić konfigurację priorytetowej wymiany ciepła, jeżeli nie ma kontroli. For each specific EP facing the above difficulties, it is necessary to (1) analyse the power losses occurring in drive parts, find the heat distribution associated with these losses, find ‘hot locations’ – critical points that tend to overheat, as well as verify the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with the additional functions that can be introduced by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use, sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution in the SCC, and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Exclude and develop the new heat supply in the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – Screate the above results in the experimental model;(2) Exclude the new heat distribution in the SCC, compare and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be introduced by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and develop the new heat supply in the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application, sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with the additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Provide and design the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat distribution with the location of the new system with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat supply at the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat distribution in the location of the system with additional functions that can be implemented by (a) MI/EI and (b) a wheelchair equipped with assistive drive (EAR). Po przeanalizowaniu tych dwóch wariantów możliwe będzie również (6) opracowanie i opis nowej zaawansowanej technologii produkcji PE, określenie technologicznego łańcucha działań, zdefiniowanie sprzętu i dokumentacji wymaganej dla każdego działania, z wykorzystaniem łańcucha technologicznego dla dwóch rozpatrywanych zastosowań. Tytuły pakietów roboczych są następujące: WP1 – Analiza strat energii i wymiany ciepła; WP2 – projektowanie systemów SCC; WP3 – Tworzenie i testowanie nowych napędów; WP4 – analiza porównawcza napędów początkowych i nowych; WP5 – rozwój technologii produkcji nowych zaawansowanych napędów. Czas trwania projektu wynosi 30 miesięcy od 01.06.2021 do 30.11.2023. Całkowity koszt projektu: 577 065,35 EUR, z czego 487 535,44 EUR jest planowane. Projekt nie jest związany z działalnością gospodarczą, a jego wiodącym partnerem będzie Uniwersytet Techniczny w Rydze, który zapewni dział badań inżynieryjnych i technologicznych. Firma SIA „Allatherm” będzie zaangażowana w projekt jako partner współpracy z dużym doświadczeniem w projektowaniu, rozwoju i wykorzystaniu systemów sieci grzewczych. (Polish)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    Rövidítések listája: EP – Elektromos hajtás – Elektromos gépekEEP – Elektromos elektronika átalakítóSC – Hőcső/Hőcső – Háztartási berendezések – Elektromos berendezések (műszer)EAR – Elektromos műsorszóró szék TTTKP – Hőhálózat koncentrált paraméterekkelIEA – Korlátozott elemelemzési szilárdság különböző tervezési típusokhoz A tervezés tárgya a DCC tervezésekor különböző típusú fűtési rendszerekhez készült. A hőátadó rendszernek konfigurálhatónak kell lennie, és képesnek kell lennie arra, hogy több hőforrást (párologtatót) több hőelnyelővel (kondenzátorral) kapcsoljon össze. A hőáram szabályozására elektronikusan is állíthatónak kell lennie, ugyanakkor az elsőbbségi hőcserét is biztosítani kell, ha nincs szabályozás. For each specific EP facing the above difficulties, it is necessary to (1) analyse the power losses occurring in drive parts, find the heat distribution associated with these losses, find ‘hot locations’ – critical points that tend to overheat, as well as verify the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with the additional functions that can be introduced by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use, sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution in the SCC, and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Exclude and develop the new heat supply in the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – Screate the above results in the experimental model;(2) Exclude the new heat distribution in the SCC, compare and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be introduced by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and develop the new heat supply in the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application, sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with the additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Provide and design the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat distribution with the location of the new system with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat supply at the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat distribution in the location of the system with additional functions that can be implemented by (a) MI/EI and (b) a wheelchair equipped with assistive drive (EAR). A két lehetőség elemzését követően lehetőség lesz (6) az EP új fejlett gyártási technológiájának összeállítására és leírására, a tevékenységek technológiai láncának meghatározására, az egyes tevékenységekhez szükséges berendezések és dokumentáció meghatározására, a két érintett alkalmazás technológiai láncának felhasználásával. A munkacsomagok címei a következők: WP1 – Az energiaveszteség és a hőátadás elemzése; WP2 – SCC rendszerek tervezése; WP3 – Új meghajtások beállítása és tesztelése; WP4 – a kezdeti és az új meghajtók összehasonlító elemzése; WP5 – új fejlett meghajtók gyártására szolgáló technológiák kifejlesztése.A projekt időtartama 30 hónap 2021.06.01-től 23.11.30-ig. A projekt összköltsége: 527 065,35 EUR, ebből 487 535,44 EUR-t terveznek. A projekt nem kapcsolódik a gazdasági tevékenységhez, és vezető partnere a Rigai Műszaki Egyetem lesz, amely mérnöki és technológiai kutatási egységet biztosít. A SIA „Allatherm” cég a projektben olyan együttműködési partnerként vesz részt, amely nagy tapasztalattal rendelkezik a fűtési hálózati rendszerek tervezésében, fejlesztésében és használatában. (Hungarian)
    3 August 2022
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    Seznam zkratek: EP – Elektrický pohon – Elektrický strojEEP – Měnič elektrické elektronikySC – Tepelná trubka/tepelná trubka – Zařízení pro domácnost – Elektrická zařízení (nástroj)EAR – Elektrická židle pro vysílání TTTKP – Tepelná síť s koncentrovanými parametryIEA – Omezená analýza prvků Solidita pro různé typy projektování Objekt návrhu s měřítkem návrhu DCC je určen pro různé typy topného systému. Systém přenosu tepla musí být konfigurovatelný a musí být schopen spojit několik zdrojů tepla (odpařovače) s několika chladiči (kondenzátory). Musí být také elektronicky nastavitelný pro regulaci toku tepla, ale zároveň by měla být zajištěna konfigurace prioritní výměny tepla, pokud neexistuje kontrola. For each specific EP facing the above difficulties, it is necessary to (1) analyse the power losses occurring in drive parts, find the heat distribution associated with these losses, find ‘hot locations’ – critical points that tend to overheat, as well as verify the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with the additional functions that can be introduced by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use, sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution in the SCC, and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Exclude and develop the new heat supply in the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – Screate the above results in the experimental model;(2) Exclude the new heat distribution in the SCC, compare and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be introduced by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and develop the new heat supply in the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application, sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with the additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Provide and design the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat distribution with the location of the new system with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat supply at the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat distribution in the location of the system with additional functions that can be implemented by (a) MI/EI and (b) a wheelchair equipped with assistive drive (EAR). Po analýze obou možností bude rovněž možné (6) sestavit a popsat novou vyspělou výrobní technologii EP, definovat technologický řetězec činností, definovat zařízení a dokumentaci vyžadovanou pro každou činnost a použít technologický řetězec pro obě posuzované aplikace. Názvy pracovních balíčků jsou tyto: WP1 – analýza energetických ztrát a přenosu tepla; WP2 – návrh systémů SCC; WP3 – Nastavení a zkoušení nových pohonů; WP4 – srovnávací analýza počátečních a nových pohonů; WP5 – vývoj technologií pro výrobu nových pokročilých pohonů.Doba trvání projektu je 30 měsíců od 01.06.2021 do 30.11.2023. Celkové náklady projektu: 527 065,35 EUR, z čehož je plánováno 4 875 535,44 EUR. Projekt nesouvisí s hospodářskou činností a jeho hlavním partnerem bude Riga Technical University, která bude poskytovat inženýrskou a technologickou výzkumnou jednotku. Společnost SIA „Allatherm“ se do projektu zapojí jako spolupracující partner s velkými zkušenostmi v oblasti navrhování, vývoje a využívání systémů vytápění. (Czech)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    Liosta an ghiorrúcháin: EP — Tiomántán Leictreach — Electric MachineEEP — Electrical leictreonaic converterSC — Teas feadán/Píopa Teasa — Trealamh Teaghlaigh — Trealamh Leictreach (ionstraim)EAR — Cathaoirleach Craolacháin Leictrithe TTTKP — Líonra Teirmeach le ParametersIEA Comhchruinnithe — Soladacht Anailís Eilimint Teoranta do chineálacha éagsúla dearadh Tá cuspóir an dearaidh leis an Scála de dhearadh DCC deartha le haghaidh cineálacha éagsúla córais téimh. Ní mór don chóras aistrithe teasa a bheith inchumraithe agus in ann roinnt foinsí teasa (evaporators) a nascadh le roinnt linnte teasa (comhdhlúthadáin). Caithfidh sé a bheith inchoigeartaithe go leictreonach freisin chun flosc teasa a rialú, ach ag an am céanna, ba chóir cumraíocht an mhalartaithe teasa tosaíochta a áirithiú mura bhfuil aon rialú ann. For each specific EP facing the above difficulties, it is necessary to (1) analyse the power losses occurring in drive parts, find the heat distribution associated with these losses, find ‘hot locations’ – critical points that tend to overheat, as well as verify the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with the additional functions that can be introduced by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use, sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution in the SCC, and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Exclude and develop the new heat supply in the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – Screate the above results in the experimental model;(2) Exclude the new heat distribution in the SCC, compare and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be introduced by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and develop the new heat supply in the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application, sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with the additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Provide and design the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat distribution with the location of the new system with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat supply at the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat distribution in the location of the system with additional functions that can be implemented by (a) MI/EI and (b) a wheelchair equipped with assistive drive (EAR). Tar éis anailís a dhéanamh ar an dá rogha, beifear in ann (6) ardteicneolaíocht táirgeachta nua Pharlaimint na hEorpa a thiomsú agus a thuairisciú, ag sainiú an tslabhra teicneolaíochta gníomhaíochtaí, ag sainiú an trealaimh agus na doiciméadachta is gá do gach gníomhaíocht, ag baint úsáide as an slabhra teicneolaíochta don dá fheidhmchlár atá á meas. Is iad seo a leanas teidil na bpacáistí oibre: WP1 — Anailís ar chaillteanas fuinnimh agus ar aistriú teasa; WP2 — dearadh córais SCC; WP3 — Tiománaithe nua a bhunú agus a thástáil; WP4 — anailís chomparáideach ar thiomáineann tosaigh agus nua; WP5 — forbairt teicneolaíochtaí chun cinn nua a tháirgeadh.Is é fad an tionscadail ná 30 mí ón 01.06.2021 go dtí 30.11.2023. Costas iomlán an tionscadail: EUR 527 065.35, a bhfuil EUR 487 535.44 de beartaithe. Níl baint ag an tionscadal le gníomhaíocht eacnamaíoch, agus is é Ollscoil Theicniúil Ríge a bheidh ina phríomh-chomhpháirtí, a sholáthróidh aonad taighde innealtóireachta agus teicneolaíochta. Beidh baint ag an gcuideachta SIA “Allatherm” leis an tionscadal mar chomhpháirtí comhoibrithe le taithí mhór i ndearadh, forbairt agus úsáid córas líonra téimh. (Irish)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    Seznam kratic: EP – Električni pogon – Električni strojEEP – Pretvornik električne elektronikeSC – Toplotna cev/toplotna cev – Gospodinjska oprema – Električna oprema (instrument)EAR – Električni stol za radiodifuzijo TTTKP – Termalno omrežje s koncentriranimi parametriIEA – Omejena trdnost Elementne trdnosti za različne vrste oblikovanja Predmet zasnove z lestvico oblikovanja DCC je zasnovan za različne vrste ogrevalnega sistema. Sistem za prenos toplote mora biti nastavljiv in sposoben povezati več virov toplote (uparjalniki) z več odvodi toplote (kondenzatorji). Prav tako mora biti elektronsko nastavljiv za nadzor toplotnega toka, hkrati pa je treba zagotoviti konfiguracijo prednostne izmenjave toplote, če ni nadzora. For each specific EP facing the above difficulties, it is necessary to (1) analyse the power losses occurring in drive parts, find the heat distribution associated with these losses, find ‘hot locations’ – critical points that tend to overheat, as well as verify the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with the additional functions that can be introduced by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use, sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution in the SCC, and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Exclude and develop the new heat supply in the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – Screate the above results in the experimental model;(2) Exclude the new heat distribution in the SCC, compare and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be introduced by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and develop the new heat supply in the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application, sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with the additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Provide and design the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat distribution with the location of the new system with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat supply at the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat distribution in the location of the system with additional functions that can be implemented by (a) MI/EI and (b) a wheelchair equipped with assistive drive (EAR). Po analizi obeh možnosti bo mogoče tudi (6) sestaviti in opisati novo napredno proizvodno tehnologijo EP, opredeliti tehnološko verigo dejavnosti, opredeliti opremo in dokumentacijo, ki se zahtevata za vsako dejavnost, ter uporabiti tehnološko verigo za obe obravnavani aplikaciji. Naslovi delovnih sklopov so naslednji: WP1 – Analiza izgube energije in prenosa toplote; WP2 – zasnova sistemov SCC; WP3 – Vzpostavitev in preskušanje novih pogonov; WP4 – primerjalna analiza začetnih in novih pogonov; WP5 – razvoj tehnologij za proizvodnjo novih naprednih pogonov. Trajanje projekta je 30 mesecev od 01.06.2021 do 30.11.2023. Skupni stroški projekta: 527 065,35 EUR, od tega je načrtovanih 487 535,44 EUR. Projekt ni povezan z gospodarsko dejavnostjo, njen vodilni partner pa bo Riga Tehnična univerza, ki bo zagotovila inženirsko in tehnološko raziskovalno enoto. Podjetje SIA „Allatherm“ bo vključeno v projekt kot partner za sodelovanje z bogatimi izkušnjami pri oblikovanju, razvoju in uporabi sistemov ogrevalnih omrežij. (Slovenian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    Списък на съкращенията: EP — Електрическо задвижване — Електрическа машинаЕЕР — Електрически преобразувател на електрониkaSC — Топлинна тръба/топлинна тръба — Домакинско оборудване — Електрическо оборудване (инструмент)EAR — Електрически стол за излъчване TTTKP — термична мрежа с концентрирани параметриIEA — Ограничена устойчивост на анализ на елементите за различни видове проектиране Обектът на дизайна с скалата на проектиране DCC е предназначен за различни видове отоплителна система. Топлопреносната система трябва да може да се конфигурира и да може да свързва няколко източника на топлина (изпарители) към няколко топлоотвеждателя (кондензатори). Той трябва също така да може да се регулира по електронен път за регулиране на топлинния поток, но в същото време следва да се гарантира конфигурацията на приоритетния топлообмен, ако няма регулиране. For each specific EP facing the above difficulties, it is necessary to (1) analyse the power losses occurring in drive parts, find the heat distribution associated with these losses, find ‘hot locations’ – critical points that tend to overheat, as well as verify the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with the additional functions that can be introduced by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use, sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution in the SCC, and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Exclude and develop the new heat supply in the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – Screate the above results in the experimental model;(2) Exclude the new heat distribution in the SCC, compare and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be introduced by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and develop the new heat supply in the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application, sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with the additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Provide and design the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat distribution with the location of the new system with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat supply at the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat distribution in the location of the system with additional functions that can be implemented by (a) MI/EI and (b) a wheelchair equipped with assistive drive (EAR). След анализ на двата варианта ще бъде възможно също (6) да се състави и опише новата усъвършенствана производствена технология на ЕП, като се определи технологичната верига от дейности, като се определи оборудването и документацията, необходими за всяка дейност, като се използва технологичната верига за двете разглеждани приложения. Заглавията на работните пакети са, както следва: WP1 — Анализ на загубата на енергия и преноса на топлинна енергия; WP2 — проектиране на системи за ВКС; WP3 — Настройка и изпитване на нови задвижвания; WP4 — сравнителен анализ на първоначалните и новите двигатели; WP5 — разработване на технологии за производство на нови модерни устройства. Продължителността на проекта е 30 месеца от 01.06.2021 г. до 30.11.2023 г. Обща стойност на проекта: 527 065,35 EUR, от които 487 535,44 EUR са планирани. Проектът не е свързан с икономическата дейност и водещият му партньор ще бъде Техническият университет в Рига, който ще осигури инженерно-технологичен изследователски отдел. Фирма SIA „Allatherm“ ще участва в проекта като партньор за сътрудничество с голям опит в проектирането, разработването и използването на о... (Bulgarian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    Lista ta’ abbrevjazzjoni: EP — Power — Electric MachineEEP — Electric electronics converterSC — tubu tas-sħana/pajp tas-sħana — Tagħmir tad-dar — Tagħmir elettriku (strument)EAR — Elettrified Broadcasting chair TTTKP — Netwerk termali b’ParametriIEA Konċentrat — Analiżi ta ‘Element Limitat Solidità għal tipi differenti ta’ disinn L-għan tad-disinn bl-Iskala tad-disinn DCC huwa ddisinjat għal tipi differenti ta ‘sistema ta’ tisħin. Is-sistema għat-trasferiment tas-sħana għandha tkun konfigurabbli u kapaċi tgħaqqad diversi sorsi tas-sħana (evaporaturi) ma’ diversi sinkijiet tas-sħana (kondensaturi). Għandu wkoll ikun jista’ jiġi aġġustat elettronikament biex jikkontrolla l-fluss tas-sħana, iżda fl-istess ħin, il-konfigurazzjoni tal-iskambju tas-sħana ta’ prijorità għandha tiġi żgurata jekk ma jkun hemm l-ebda kontroll. For each specific EP facing the above difficulties, it is necessary to (1) analyse the power losses occurring in drive parts, find the heat distribution associated with these losses, find ‘hot locations’ – critical points that tend to overheat, as well as verify the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with the additional functions that can be introduced by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use, sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution in the SCC, and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Exclude and develop the new heat supply in the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – Screate the above results in the experimental model;(2) Exclude the new heat distribution in the SCC, compare and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be introduced by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and develop the new heat supply in the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application, sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with the additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Provide and design the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat distribution with the location of the new system with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat supply at the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat distribution in the location of the system with additional functions that can be implemented by (a) MI/EI and (b) a wheelchair equipped with assistive drive (EAR). Wara l-analiżi taż-żewġ għażliet, se jkun possibbli wkoll li (6) tinġabar u tiġi deskritta t-teknoloġija l-ġdida avvanzata tal-produzzjoni tal-PE, li tiddefinixxi l-katina teknoloġika tal-attivitajiet, tiddefinixxi t-tagħmir u d-dokumentazzjoni meħtieġa għal kull attività, bl-użu tal-katina teknoloġika għaż-żewġ applikazzjonijiet ikkunsidrati. It-titoli tal-pakketti ta’ ħidma huma kif ġej: WP1 — Analiżi tat-telf tal-enerġija u t-trasferiment tas-sħana; WP2 — Id-disinn tas-sistemi SCC; WP3 — It-twaqqif u l-ittestjar ta’ propulsjonijiet ġodda; WP4 — analiżi komparattiva ta’ drives inizjali u ġodda; WP5 — l-iżvilupp ta’ teknoloġiji għall-produzzjoni ta’ drives avvanzati ġodda. It-tul ta’ żmien tal-proġett huwa ta’ 30 xahar mill-01.06.2021 sat-30.11.2023. Spiża totali tal-proġett: EUR 527 065.35, li minnhom EUR 487 535.44 huma ppjanati. Il-proġett mhuwiex relatat mal-attività ekonomika, u l-imsieħeb ewlieni tagħha se jkun Riga Università Teknika, li se tipprovdi unità ta ‘riċerka fl-inġinerija u t-teknoloġija. Il-kumpanija SIA “Allatherm” se tkun involuta fil-proġett bħala sieħeb ta ‘kooperazzjoni ma’ esperjenza kbira fid-disinn, l-iżvilupp u l-użu ta ‘sistem... (Maltese)
    3 August 2022
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    Lista de abreviaturas: EP — Acionamento elétrico — Máquina elétricaEEP — Eletrônica conversorSC — Tubo de calor/tubo térmico — Equipamento doméstico — Equipamento elétrico (instrumento)EAR — Cadeira de transmissão eletrificada TTTKP — Rede térmica com parâmetros concentradosIEA — Análise limitada de elementos solidez para diferentes tipos de design O objeto do projeto com a escala de projeto DCC é projetado para diferentes tipos de sistema de aquecimento. O sistema de transferência de calor deve ser configurável e capaz de ligar várias fontes de calor (evaporadores) a vários dissipadores de calor (condensadores). Também deve ser eletronicamente ajustável para controlar o fluxo de calor, mas ao mesmo tempo, a configuração da troca de calor prioritária deve ser assegurada se não houver controle. For each specific EP facing the above difficulties, it is necessary to (1) analyse the power losses occurring in drive parts, find the heat distribution associated with these losses, find ‘hot locations’ – critical points that tend to overheat, as well as verify the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with the additional functions that can be introduced by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use, sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution in the SCC, and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Exclude and develop the new heat supply in the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – Screate the above results in the experimental model;(2) Exclude the new heat distribution in the SCC, compare and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be introduced by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and develop the new heat supply in the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application, sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with the additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Provide and design the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat distribution with the location of the new system with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat supply at the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat distribution in the location of the system with additional functions that can be implemented by (a) MI/EI and (b) a wheelchair equipped with assistive drive (EAR). Após análise das duas opções, será também possível (6) compilar e descrever a nova tecnologia de produção avançada do PE, definindo a cadeia tecnológica de atividades, definindo o equipamento e a documentação necessária para cada atividade, utilizando a cadeia tecnológica para as duas aplicações consideradas. Os títulos dos pacotes de trabalho são os seguintes: WP1 — Análise de perda de energia e transferência de calor; WP2 — Projeto de sistemas SCC; WP3 — Configuração e ensaio de novas propulsão; WP4 — análise comparativa de unidades iniciais e novas; WP5 — desenvolvimento de tecnologias para a produção de novas unidades avançadas.A duração do projeto é de 30 meses de 01.06.2021 a 30.11.2023. Custo total do projeto: 527 065,35 EUR, dos quais 487 535,44 EUR estão previstos. O projeto não está relacionado com a atividade económica, e o seu principal parceiro será a Universidade Técnica de Riga, que fornecerá uma unidade de investigação de engenharia e tecnologia. A empresa SIA «Allatherm» estará envolvida no projeto como um parceiro de cooperação com grande experiência na conceção, desenvolvimento e utilização de sistemas de rede de aquecimento. (Portuguese)
    3 August 2022
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    Liste over forkortelser: EP — Elektrisk drev — Elektrisk MachineEEP — Elektrisk elektronik konverterSC — Varmerør/varmerør — Husholdningsudstyr — Elektrisk udstyr (instrument)EAR — Elektrificeret Broadcasting stol TTTKP — Termisk netværk med koncentrerede parametreIEA — Begrænset elementanalyse Soliditet for forskellige typer design Objektet for designet med skalaen for design af DCC er designet til forskellige typer varmesystem. Varmeoverførselssystemet skal være konfigurerbart og være i stand til at forbinde flere varmekilder (fordampere) til flere varme dræn (kondensatorer). Den skal også kunne justeres elektronisk til styring af varmeflux, men samtidig bør konfigurationen af prioriteret varmeudveksling sikres, hvis der ikke er nogen kontrol. For each specific EP facing the above difficulties, it is necessary to (1) analyse the power losses occurring in drive parts, find the heat distribution associated with these losses, find ‘hot locations’ – critical points that tend to overheat, as well as verify the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with the additional functions that can be introduced by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use, sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution in the SCC, and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Exclude and develop the new heat supply in the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – Screate the above results in the experimental model;(2) Exclude the new heat distribution in the SCC, compare and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be introduced by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and develop the new heat supply in the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application, sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with the additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Provide and design the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat distribution with the location of the new system with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat supply at the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat distribution in the location of the system with additional functions that can be implemented by (a) MI/EI and (b) a wheelchair equipped with assistive drive (EAR). Efter at have analyseret de to muligheder vil det også være muligt (6) at samle og beskrive den nye avancerede EP-produktionsteknologi, definere den teknologiske kæde af aktiviteter, definere det udstyr og den dokumentation, der kræves for hver aktivitet, ved hjælp af den teknologiske kæde for de to omhandlede applikationer. Titlerne på arbejdspakkerne er som følger: WP1 — Analyse af energitab og varmeoverførsel WP2 — SCC-systemers udformning WP3 — Oprettelse og afprøvning af nye fremdriftssystemer WP4 — sammenlignende analyse af oprindelige og nye drev WP5 — udvikling af teknologier til produktion af nye avancerede drev. Projektets varighed er 30 måneder fra 1.6.2021 til 30.11.2023. Samlede projektomkostninger: 527 065,35 EUR, hvoraf 4 875 535,44 EUR er planlagt. Projektet er ikke relateret til økonomisk aktivitet, og dets førende partner vil være Riga Technical University, som vil levere ingeniør- og teknologiforskning enhed. Virksomheden SIA "Allatherm" vil blive involveret i projektet som samarbejdspartner med stor erfaring i design, udvikling og brug af varmenetsystemer. (Danish)
    3 August 2022
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    Lista abrevierii: EP – Dispozitiv de acționare electrică – MachineEEP electric – Convertor de electronice electriceSC – Tub de căldură/țevi de căldură – Echipamente de uz casnic – Echipamente electrice (instrument)EAR – Scaun electric de radiodifuziune TTTKP – Rețea termică cu parametri concentrațiIEA – Soliditate de analiză limitată a elementelor pentru diferite tipuri de proiectare Obiectivul proiectării DCC este proiectat pentru diferite tipuri de sistem de încălzire. Sistemul de transfer de căldură trebuie să fie configurabil și capabil să conecteze mai multe surse de căldură (evaporatoare) la mai multe absorbante de căldură (condensatoare). Acesta trebuie, de asemenea, să fie reglabil electronic pentru a controla fluxul de căldură, dar, în același timp, configurația schimbului de căldură prioritar ar trebui să fie asigurată în cazul în care nu există niciun control. For each specific EP facing the above difficulties, it is necessary to (1) analyse the power losses occurring in drive parts, find the heat distribution associated with these losses, find ‘hot locations’ – critical points that tend to overheat, as well as verify the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with the additional functions that can be introduced by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use, sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution in the SCC, and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Exclude and develop the new heat supply in the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – Screate the above results in the experimental model;(2) Exclude the new heat distribution in the SCC, compare and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be introduced by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and develop the new heat supply in the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application, sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with the additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Provide and design the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat distribution with the location of the new system with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat supply at the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat distribution in the location of the system with additional functions that can be implemented by (a) MI/EI and (b) a wheelchair equipped with assistive drive (EAR). După analizarea celor două opțiuni, va fi posibilă, de asemenea, (6) compilarea și descrierea noii tehnologii avansate de producție a PE, definind lanțul tehnologic de activități, definind echipamentele și documentația necesare pentru fiecare activitate, utilizând lanțul tehnologic pentru cele două aplicații avute în vedere. Titlurile pachetelor de lucru sunt următoarele: WP1 – Analiza pierderilor de energie și a transferului de căldură; WP2 – Proiectarea sistemelor SCC; WP3 – Configurarea și testarea noilor propulsie; WP4 – analiza comparativă a unităților inițiale și noi; WP5 – dezvoltarea de tehnologii pentru producerea de noi unități avansate. Durata proiectului este de 30 de luni de la 1.6.2021 până la 30.11.2023. Costul total al proiectului: 527 065,35 EUR, din care este planificată suma de 487 535,44 EUR. Proiectul nu are legătură cu activitatea economică, iar partenerul său principal va fi Universitatea Tehnică din Riga, care va furniza unitatea de cercetare în domeniul ingineriei și tehnologiei. Compania SIA „Allatherm” va fi implicată în proiect ca partener de cooperare cu o vastă experiență... (Romanian)
    3 August 2022
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    Förteckning över förkortningar: EP – Elektrisk enhet – Elektrisk maskinEEP – Elektrisk elektronikomvandlareSC – Värmerör/värmerör – Hushållsutrustning – Elektrisk utrustning (instrument)EAR – Elektrifierad sändningsstol TTTKP – Termiskt nätverk med koncentrerade parametrarIEA – Begränsat elementanalys Soliditet för olika typer av design. Värmeöverföringssystemet ska vara konfigurerbart och kunna koppla samman flera värmekällor (förångare) till flera kylflänsar (kondensatorer). Det måste också vara elektroniskt justerbart för att reglera värmeflödet, men samtidigt bör konfigurationen av prioriterad värmeväxling säkerställas om det inte finns någon reglering. For each specific EP facing the above difficulties, it is necessary to (1) analyse the power losses occurring in drive parts, find the heat distribution associated with these losses, find ‘hot locations’ – critical points that tend to overheat, as well as verify the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with the additional functions that can be introduced by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use, sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution in the SCC, and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Exclude and develop the new heat supply in the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – Screate the above results in the experimental model;(2) Exclude the new heat distribution in the SCC, compare and develop the new design offer with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be introduced by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this use – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and develop the new heat supply in the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by the SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application, sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Provide the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with the additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Provide and design the new heat distribution with the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in an experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat distribution with the location of the new system with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat supply at the location of the SCC with additional functions that can be implemented by SCC;(3) Design the SCC system for this application – sketch the above results in the experimental model;(2) Specify and design the new heat distribution in the location of the system with additional functions that can be implemented by (a) MI/EI and (b) a wheelchair equipped with assistive drive (EAR). Efter att ha analyserat de två alternativen kommer det också att vara möjligt att (6) sammanställa och beskriva den nya avancerade produktionstekniken för Europaparlamentet, definiera den tekniska verksamhetskedjan, definiera den utrustning och dokumentation som krävs för varje verksamhet, med hjälp av den tekniska kedjan för de två berörda tillämpningarna. Arbetspaketens titlar är följande: WP1 – Analys av energiförluster och värmeöverföring. WP2 – design av SCC-system. WP3 – Inställning och provning av nya framdrivningssystem. WP4 – jämförande analys av inledande och nya drivenheter. WP5 – utveckling av teknik för produktion av nya avancerade drivenheter.Projektets varaktighet är 30 månader från 01.06.2021 till 30.11.2023. Totalkostnad för projektet: 527 665,35 EUR, varav 487 535,44 EUR planeras. Projektet är inte relaterat till ekonomisk verksamhet, och dess ledande partner kommer att vara Riga Technical University, som kommer att tillhandahålla teknisk och teknisk forskningsenhet. Företaget SIA ”Allatherm” kommer att vara delaktigt i projektet som samarbetspartner med stor erfarenhet av design, utveckling och användning av värmenätssystem. (Swedish)
    3 August 2022
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    Āzenes iela 12 k-1, Rīga, LV-1048
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    Ganību dambis 53, Rīga, LV-1005
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    Pulka iela 3, Rīga, LV-1007
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