Scale study for the extraction of microbial fertilisers and plant protection products from depth and surface cultivation processes (Q3056448)

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Project Q3056448 in Latvia
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Scale study for the extraction of microbial fertilisers and plant protection products from depth and surface cultivation processes
Project Q3056448 in Latvia


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    395,423.96 Euro
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    550,845.96 Euro
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    71.78 percent
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    1 May 2020
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    30 April 2023
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    Sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību "BIOEFEKTS"
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    56°58'29.75"N, 24°11'33.22"E
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    Projekta mērķis ir izpētīt komerciāli pieprasīto Trichoderma un Bacillus ģinšu mikroorganismu dziļuma un virsmas kultivēšanas mērogošanas un tai pakārtoto procesu parametrus mikrobioloģisko mēslošanas un augu aizsardzības līdzekļu iegūšanai starpdisciplināra, ar saimniecisko darbību saistīta, rūpnieciskās sadarbības pētījuma ietvaros, bioloģijas zinātnes un rūpnieciskās biotehnoloģijas jomā, kā arī veicināt iegūto zināšanu izplatīšanu.Projekta galvenās aktivitātes ir divu ekonomiski rentablu tehnoloģiju izstrāde Trichoderma un Bacillus biomasas iegūšanai, optimālu izejvielu/substrātu materiālu (piemēram, pelēko zirņu un to sēnalu, kviešu un to kliju, zāģu skaidu) izpēte, pielietojot fermentēšanas/kultivēšanas procesu modelēšanu un advancētus tiešsaistes uzraudzības rīkus (piemēram, vides duļķainība/elektriskā vadītspēja/dielektriskā caurlaidība, O2/CO2 reaktora izejas gāzu analīzes), izmantojot efektīvas pēcapstrādes metodes (piemēram, dinamisko šķērsplūsmas filtrēšanu) un analizējot produkta kvalitātes parametrus. Bacillus spp. iegūšanai tiks pētīta un aprobēta tikai dziļumkultivēšanas mērogošana 5 un 100 litru maisīšanas tipa bioreaktoros, bet Trichoderma spp. tiks analizēti dziļuma un virsmas fermentācijas procesi, un šo abu tehnoloģiju eksperimentālajai novērtēšanai plānots konstruēt eksperimentālu bioreaktoru prototipus, attiecīgi dziļumkultivēšanas bioreaktoru (5 l) un cilindriskās-rotācijas cietās fāzes bioreaktoru (50 l). Visu projekta laiku projekta īstenotāji piedalīsies dažādos publicitātes pasākumos, lai informētu sabiedrību par projekta norises gaitu. Līdz pētījuma rezultātu izmantošanu, SIA Bioefekts trīs gadu periodā pēc projekta noslēguma plāno uzlabot ieguves un ekonomiskos rādītājus vismaz 3-5 reizes.Projekta rezultātā tiks izstrādāti 2 jauni tehnoloģiju prototipi, kā arī sagatavoti un publicēti 2 zinātniskie raksti. Projekta realizācijai tiks piesaistīts zinātniskais personāls ar PLE noslodzi 4,9. Projekta kopējās izmaksas plānotas 566 170,76 Eur apmērā, attiecināmās izmaksas 550 845,96 Eur, 395 423,96 Eur (71,78 %) ERAF līdzfinansējums. Plānotais projekta īstenošanas ilgums ir 36 mēneši, projekta plānotais sākuma datums ir 2020. gada 1. maijs un beigu datums 2023.gada 30. aprīlis.Projekts atbilst ESAO zinātniskās nodaļas FORD klasifikācijas 1.6. Bioloģijas zinātnes jomai un Inženierzinātņu un tehnoloģiju jomai 2.9. Rūpnieciskā biotehnoloģija, kuru ietvaros šī projekta laikā ir paredzēta ekonomiski konkurētspējīga mikroorganismu kultivēšanas un tai pakārtota tehnoloģiskā procesa izstrāde, ar mērķi iegūt augsti koncentrētus Trichoderma un Bacillus ģinšu mikroorganismus saturošus preparātus ar optimālu uzglabāšanas laiku, kas var tikt izmantoti lauksaimniecībā un dārzkopībā. Projekta mērķis atbilst RIS3 noteiktajam tautsaimniecības transformācijas virzienam “Nākotnes izaugsmes tautsaimniecības nozares, kurās eksistē vai var rasties produkti un pakalpojumi ar augstu pievienoto vērtību”, 1. un 6. izaugsmes prioritātei un 1. viedās specializācijas jomai “Zināšanu-ietilpīga bioekonomika”, kā arī attiecas uz 2. un 3. viedās specializācijas jomu “Biomedicīna, medicīnas tehnoloģijas, biofarmācija un biotehnoloģijas” un “Viedie materiāli, tehnoloģijas un inženiersistēmas”. Projekta īstenošanas joma atbilst saimniecisko darbību statistiskās klasifikācijas (NACE kodam nr. 20.20. Atslēgvārdi: bioloģiskais mēslojums, bioloģiskie augu aizsardzības līdzekļi, dziļuma- un virsmas- kultivācija, ieguves mērogošanas pētījums (Latvian)
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    The aim of the project is to study parameters of scale of depth and surface culture of commercially requested Trichoderma and Bacillus genera and sub-process parameters for obtaining microbial fertilisers and plant protection products in an interdisciplinary, operational-related industrial collaborative study, biology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge for the cross-disciplinary, operationally related industrial collaboration study, biology/industrial biotechnology, e.g. in the field of equiferous/sub-surface modelling, e.g. gray-to-electometrics (e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing trichoderma and Bacillus biomas, optimal input/subsufficulating process in the field of efficacious modelling, for example, through the use of environmental modelling techniques, e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus biomas, optimal input/sub-sutilisation of the efficacious process through the use of on-line process modelling, e.g. by the use of microbial cross-fertilisation (e.g. through CO2) for the production of two economically cost-effective technologies for the production of Trichoderma and Bacillus biomass, optimal raw/industrial biotechnologies, through the use of efficiencies/concentric modelling, e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus bioma, optimal input/subsultiary modelling, using the efficiencies of the output, e.g. by using the microbial cross-fertilisation (electricity) and plant protection products through a cross-disciplinary, operational-related industrial collaboration study, biology science and industrial biotechnology in the fields of biotechnology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the use of the resulting cross-fertilisation (e.g. by means of a cross-fertilising process) through the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus biomass, optimal input/industrial biotechnology, and by promoting the distribution of the resulting knowledge through the use of the results of the cross-disciplinary economic activity related to an industrial collaboration study in the field of biology and industrial biotechnology, through the use of efficiencies of eco-industrial science and industrial biotechnologies, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the application of the cross-disciplinary, operational-related industrial collaboration study, biology science and industrial biotechnology in the field of biotechnology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the use of the results of the cross-ferentials (e.g. of the cross-cutting) of two economically cost-effective technologies Only the scale of deep cultivation in 5 and 100 litres of stirring type will be investigated and validated for the production of Bacillus spp., while Trichoderma spp. will be analysed for depth and surface fermentation processes, and for experimental evaluation of these two technologies prototypes of experimental bioreactors, deep cultivation bioreactors (5 l) and solid cylindrical-rotation bioreactor (50 l) will be designed for experimental evaluation. Throughout the project, project promoters will participate in various publicity events to inform the public about the progress of the project. Until the use of the results of the research, SIA Bioefekts plans to improve the acquisition and economic performance at least 3-5 times during the three-year period after the end of the project.The project will result in 2 new technology prototypes, as well as 2 scientific articles. For the implementation of the project scientific staff will be attracted with workload of FTE 4,9. The total cost of the project is estimated at EUR 566 170,76, eligible costs EUR 550 845,96, incl. EUR 395 423,96 (71.78 %) ERDF co-financing. The planned duration of the project is 36 months, the planned start date of the project is 1 May 2020 and the end date of 30 April 2023.The project complies with the FORD classification 1.6 of the scientific department of the OECD. Field of Biology and Engineering Sciences and Technology 2.9. Industrial biotechnology, under which the project is intended to develop an economically competitive process for the cultivation of micro-organisms and a downstream technological process, with a view to obtaining highly concentrated preparations containing Trichoderma and Bacillus micro-organisms with an optimal shelf life that can be used in agriculture and horticulture. (English)
    15 July 2021
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    L’objectif du projet est d’étudier l’ampleur de la culture en profondeur et en surface des micro-organismes du genre Trichoderma et Bacillus et ses processus sous-jacents pour l’obtention d’engrais microbiologiques et de produits phytopharmaceutiques dans le cadre d’une étude interdisciplinaire de coopération industrielle liée aux entreprises, de biologie et de biotechnologie industrielle, ainsi que de promouvoir la diffusion des connaissances acquises. exploration optimale des matières premières/substrats (p. ex. pois gris et leur enveloppe, blé et son, sciure) à l’aide de modèles de processus de fermentation/culture et d’outils avancés de surveillance en ligne (par exemple, turbidité environnementale, conductivité électrique/perméabilité diélectrique, analyse des gaz de sortie du réacteur O2/CO2) en utilisant des méthodes efficaces de post-traitement (par exemple, filtration dynamique en flux croisé) et en analysant les paramètres de qualité du produit. Pour la production de Bacillus spp., seule la mise à l’échelle de la culture en profondeur dans 5 et 100 litres de bioréacteurs de type mélange et Trichoderma spp. sera analysée pour les processus de fermentation en profondeur et en surface, et pour l’évaluation expérimentale de ces deux technologies, il est prévu de construire des prototypes de bioréacteurs expérimentaux, respectivement de bioréacteur à culture profonde (5 l) et de bioréacteur en phase solide à rotation cylindrique (50 l). Tout au long du projet, les promoteurs du projet participeront à diverses manifestations publicitaires afin d’informer le public sur l’état d’avancement du projet. Jusqu’à ce que les résultats de la recherche soient utilisés, SIA Bioefekts prévoit d’améliorer les indicateurs d’extraction et d’économie au moins 3 à 5 fois dans les trois ans suivant la fin du projet. Le personnel scientifique ayant une charge PLE de 4,9 sera associé à la mise en œuvre du projet. Le coût total du projet est estimé à 566 170,76 EUR, les coûts éligibles étant de 555 845,96 EUR, dont: 395 433,96 EUR (71,78 %) cofinancement FEDER. La durée prévue du projet est de 36 mois, la date de début prévue du projet est le 1er mai 2020 et la date de fin 30 avril 2023. Le projet correspond à la classification FORD 1.6 du chapitre scientifique de l’OCDE. Biologie, génie et technologie 2.9. Biotechnologie industrielle, dans le cadre de laquelle ce projet prévoit le développement d’une culture de micro-organismes économiquement compétitive et de procédés technologiques en aval, dans le but d’obtenir des préparations hautement concentrées contenant des micro-organismes du genre Trichoderma et Bacillus avec une durée de conservation optimale pouvant être utilisée dans l’agriculture et l’horticulture. L’objectif du projet est conforme au volet de transformation économique RIS3 «secteurs économiques de croissance future où des produits et services à forte valeur ajoutée existent ou peuvent se produire», aux priorités de croissance 1 et 6 et au domaine de spécialisation intelligente 1 «bioéconomie à forte intensité de connaissance», ainsi qu’aux domaines de spécialisation intelligente 2 et 3 «Biomedicine, technologies médicales, biopharmaceutiques et biotechnologies» et «Matériaux intelligents, technologies et systèmes d’ingénierie». Le champ d’application du projet correspond au code 20.20 de la nomenclature statistique des activités économiques (NACE Rév. 2). Mots-clés: engrais biologiques, produits phytopharmaceutiques biologiques, culture en profondeur et en surface, étude de mise à l’échelle minière (French)
    25 November 2021
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    Ziel des Projektes ist es, den Umfang der Tiefe und des Oberflächenanbaus von Mikroorganismen der Gattung Trichoderma und Bacillus sowie deren zugrunde liegende Prozesse zur Gewinnung mikrobiologischer Düngemittel und Pflanzenschutzmittel im Rahmen einer interdisziplinären, betriebsbezogenen, industriellen Kooperationsstudie, Biologiewissenschaft und industrieller Biotechnologie zu untersuchen und die Verbreitung der erworbenen Kenntnisse zu fördern. optimale Exploration von Rohstoffen/Substraten (z. B. graue Erbsen und ihre Schale, Weizen und Kleie, Sägemehl) mit Hilfe von Fermentation/Anbauprozessmodellen und fortschrittlichen Online-Überwachungstools (z. B. Umweltturbidität/elektrische Leitfähigkeit/dielektrische Durchlässigkeit, O2/CO2-Reaktorleistungsgasanalyse), unter Verwendung effizienter Nachbehandlungsmethoden (z. B. dynamische Querflussfiltration) und Analyse von Produktqualitätsparametern. Für die Herstellung von Bacillus spp. wird nur die Skalierung der Tiefenanbauung in 5 und 100 Litern Mischbioreaktoren und Trichoderma spp. für Tiefen- und Oberflächengärprozesse analysiert, und für die experimentelle Bewertung dieser beiden Technologien ist geplant, Prototypen experimenteller Bioreaktoren bzw. Tiefkultivierungsbioreaktor (5 l) und zylindrischer Vollphasen-Bioreaktor (50 l) zu bauen. Während des gesamten Projekts werden Projektträger an verschiedenen Werbeveranstaltungen teilnehmen, um die Öffentlichkeit über den Projektfortschritt zu informieren. Bis zur Nutzung der Forschungsergebnisse plant SIA Bioefekts, die Extraktions- und Wirtschaftsindikatoren innerhalb von drei Jahren nach Projektende mindestens 3-5 Mal zu verbessern. Als Ergebnis des Projekts werden zwei neue Technologieprototypen entwickelt und 2 wissenschaftliche Artikel erstellt und veröffentlicht. Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter mit PLE-Last von 4.9 werden an der Durchführung des Projekts beteiligt. Die Gesamtkosten des Projekts werden auf 566 170,76 EUR veranschlagt, wobei die förderfähigen Kosten 5 508 845,96 EUR betragen, davon: 395 433,96 EUR (71,78 %) EFRE-Kofinanzierung. Die geplante Projektlaufzeit beträgt 36 Monate, der geplante Starttermin für das Projekt ist der 1. Mai 2020 und der 30. April 2023. Das Projekt entspricht dem wissenschaftlichen Kapitel FORD-Klassifikation 1.6 der OECD. Biologie und Technik und Technik 2.9. Industrielle Biotechnologie, in der dieses Projekt die Entwicklung eines wirtschaftlich wettbewerbsfähigen Mikroorganismusanbaus und nachgelagerten technologischen Prozessen vorsieht, mit dem Ziel, hochkonzentrierte Präparate mit Mikroorganismen der Gattungen Trichoderma und Bacillus mit einer optimalen Haltbarkeit zu erhalten, die in der Landwirtschaft und im Gartenbau eingesetzt werden kann. Ziel des Projekts ist die RIS3-Komponente wirtschaftliche Transformation „Zukunftswachstum Wirtschaftszweige, in denen Produkte und Dienstleistungen mit hohem Mehrwert vorhanden sind oder auftreten können“, Wachstumsprioritäten 1 und 6 und intelligente Spezialisierungsbereich 1 „Wissensintensive Bioökonomie“ sowie intelligente Spezialisierungsgebiete 2 und 3 „Biomedizin, Medizintechnik, Biopharmazeutika und Biotechnologien“ und „Intelligente Werkstoffe, Technologien und Ingenieursysteme“. Der Umfang des Projekts entspricht Code 20.20 der statistischen Systematik der Wirtschaftszweige (NACE Rev. 2). Schlagwörter: biologische Düngemittel, biologische Pflanzenschutzmittel, Tiefen- und Oberflächenanbau, Bergbau-Skalierungsstudie (German)
    28 November 2021
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    Het doel van het project is het bestuderen van de omvang van de diepte- en oppervlakteteelt van micro-organismen van het geslacht Trichoderma en Bacillus en de onderliggende processen voor het verkrijgen van microbiologische meststoffen en gewasbeschermingsmiddelen in het kader van een interdisciplinair, bedrijfsgerelateerd onderzoek naar industriële samenwerking, biologiewetenschap en industriële biotechnologie, alsook om de verspreiding van verworven kennis te bevorderen. De belangrijkste activiteiten van het project zijn de ontwikkeling van twee economisch kosteneffectieve technologieën voor de productie van trichoderma en Bacillus biomassa, optimale exploratie van grondstoffen/substraten (bv. grijze erwten en hun kaf, tarwe en zemelen, zaagsel) met behulp van modellering van fermentatie-/teeltproces en geavanceerde online monitoringinstrumenten (bv. milieutroebelheid/elektrische geleidbaarheid/diëlektrische permeabiliteit, O2/CO2-reactoroutputgasanalyse), met behulp van efficiënte nabehandelingsmethoden (bv. dynamische kruisstroomfiltratie) en analyse van productkwaliteitsparameters. Voor de productie van Bacillus spp. zal alleen de opschaling van de diepe teelt in 5 en 100 liter mengbioreactoren en Trichoderma spp. worden geanalyseerd op diepte- en oppervlaktegistingsprocessen, en voor de experimentele beoordeling van deze twee technologieën is het de bedoeling prototypes van experimentele bioreactoren te bouwen, respectievelijk een bioreactor met diepe teelt (5 l) en een vaste bioreactor met cilindrische rotatie (50 l). Gedurende het hele project zullen projectontwikkelaars deelnemen aan verschillende publiciteitsevenementen om het publiek te informeren over de voortgang van het project. Totdat de resultaten van het onderzoek zijn gebruikt, is SIA Bioefekts van plan om de extractie- en economische indicatoren ten minste 3-5 keer binnen drie jaar na het einde van het project te verbeteren. Als gevolg van het project zullen 2 nieuwe technologische prototypes worden ontwikkeld, evenals 2 wetenschappelijke artikelen worden opgesteld en gepubliceerd. Wetenschappelijk personeel met een PLE-belasting van 4,9 zal worden betrokken bij de uitvoering van het project. De totale kosten van het project worden geraamd op 566 170,76 EUR, in aanmerking komende kosten 555 845,96 EUR, waarvan: 395 433,96 EUR (71,78 %) medefinanciering uit het EFRO. De geplande duur van het project is 36 maanden, de geplande startdatum van het project is 1 mei 2020 en de einddatum 30 april 2023. Het project komt overeen met het OESO-wetenschappelijk hoofdstuk FORD classificatie 1.6. Biologie en Techniek en Technologie 2.9. Industriële biotechnologie, waarin dit project voorziet in de ontwikkeling van economisch concurrerende micro-organismen teelt en downstream technologische processen, met als doel het verkrijgen van sterk geconcentreerde preparaten met micro-organismen van het geslacht Trichoderma en Bacillus genera met een optimale houdbaarheid die kan worden gebruikt in de land- en tuinbouw. De doelstelling van het project is in overeenstemming met het onderdeel economische transformatie van RIS3 „Toekomstige economische sectoren waar producten en diensten met een hoge toegevoegde waarde bestaan of kunnen voorkomen”, groeiprioriteiten 1 en 6 en slimme specialisatiegebied 1 „Kennisintensieve bio-economie”, alsook slimme specialisatiegebieden 2 en 3 „Biogeneeskunde, medische technologieën, biofarmaceutische producten en biotechnologie” en „Slimme materialen, technologieën en technische systemen”. De reikwijdte van het project komt overeen met code 20.20 van de statistische classificatie van economische activiteiten (NACE Rev. 2). Trefwoorden: biologische meststoffen, biologische gewasbeschermingsmiddelen, diepte- en oppervlakteteelt, mijnbouwschaalstudie (Dutch)
    28 November 2021
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    L'obiettivo del progetto è quello di studiare la scala della profondità e della coltivazione superficiale di microrganismi del genere Trichoderma e Bacillus e i suoi processi di base per l'ottenimento di fertilizzanti microbiologici e prodotti fitosanitari nell'ambito di uno studio di cooperazione industriale interdisciplinare, commerciale, scientifico e biotecnologico industriale, nonché di promuovere la diffusione delle conoscenze acquisite. Le attività principali del progetto sono lo sviluppo di due tecnologie economicamente convenienti per la produzione di Trichoderma e biomassa di Bacillus, esplorazione ottimale delle materie prime/substrati (ad esempio piselli grigi e loro buccia, frumento e crusca, segatura) mediante modellizzazione del processo di fermentazione/coltivazione e strumenti avanzati di monitoraggio online (ad esempio torbidità ambientale/conducibilità elettrica/permeabilità dielettrica, analisi dei gas di uscita del reattore O2/CO2), utilizzando metodi efficienti di post-trattamento (ad esempio filtrazione dinamica a flusso incrociato) e analizzando i parametri di qualità del prodotto. Per la produzione di Bacillus spp., saranno analizzate solo la scalatura della coltivazione profonda in 5 e 100 litri di bioreattori di miscelazione e Trichoderma spp. per i processi di fermentazione in profondità e superficie, e per la valutazione sperimentale di queste due tecnologie si prevede di costruire prototipi di bioreattori sperimentali, rispettivamente bioreattori a coltivazione profonda (5 l) e bioreattori a fase solida a rotazione cilindrica (50 l). Durante tutto il progetto, i promotori del progetto parteciperanno a vari eventi pubblicitari al fine di informare il pubblico sullo stato di avanzamento del progetto. Fino a quando non saranno utilizzati i risultati della ricerca, SIA Bioefekts prevede di migliorare gli indicatori di estrazione e di economia almeno 3-5 volte entro tre anni dalla conclusione del progetto. Come risultato del progetto, saranno sviluppati 2 nuovi prototipi tecnologici, così come 2 articoli scientifici saranno preparati e pubblicati. Il personale scientifico con carico PLE di 4,9 sarà coinvolto nell'attuazione del progetto. Il costo totale del progetto è stimato a 566 170,76 EUR, costi ammissibili 550 845,96 EUR, di cui: 395 433,96 EUR (71,78 %) cofinanziamento FESR. La durata prevista del progetto è di 36 mesi, la data di inizio prevista del progetto è il 1º maggio 2020 e la data di fine 30 aprile 2023. Il progetto corrisponde al capitolo scientifico dell'OCSE Classificazione FORD 1.6. Biologia e Ingegneria e Tecnologia 2.9. Biotecnologie industriali, in cui il progetto prevede lo sviluppo di colture di microrganismi economicamente competitive e processi tecnologici a valle, con l'obiettivo di ottenere preparati altamente concentrati contenenti microrganismi dei generi Trichoderma e Bacillus con una durata ottimale di conservazione utilizzabile in agricoltura e orticoltura. L'obiettivo del progetto è in linea con la componente di trasformazione economica RIS3 "Settori economici di crescita futura in cui esistono o possono verificarsi prodotti e servizi ad alto valore aggiunto", priorità di crescita 1 e 6 e area di specializzazione intelligente 1 "bioeconomia ad alta intensità di conoscenze", nonché aree di specializzazione intelligente 2 e 3 "Biomedicina, tecnologie mediche, biofarmaceutiche e biotecnologie" e "Materiali intelligenti, tecnologie e sistemi ingegneristici". L'ambito del progetto corrisponde al codice 20.20 della classificazione statistica delle attività economiche (NACE Rev. 2). Parole chiave: fertilizzanti biologici, prodotti fitosanitari biologici, coltivazione di profondità e superficie, studio di scaling minerario (Italian)
    11 January 2022
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    El objetivo del proyecto es estudiar la escala del cultivo de profundidad y superficie de microorganismos del género Trichoderma y Bacillus y sus procesos subyacentes para la obtención de fertilizantes microbiológicos y productos fitosanitarios como parte de un estudio interdisciplinario, empresarial, de cooperación industrial, biología y biotecnología industrial, así como promover la difusión de los conocimientos adquiridos. exploración óptima de materias primas/sustratos (por ejemplo, guisantes grises y su cáscara, trigo y salvado, aserrín) utilizando modelos de procesos de fermentación/cultivación y herramientas avanzadas de supervisión en línea (por ejemplo, turbidez ambiental/conductividad eléctrica/permeabilidad dieléctrica, análisis de gases de salida de reactores O2/CO2), utilizando métodos eficientes de postratamiento (por ejemplo, filtración dinámica de flujo cruzado) y analizando parámetros de calidad del producto. Para la producción de Bacillus spp., solo se analizará la escala de cultivo profundo en 5 y 100 litros de biorreactores de mezcla y Trichoderma spp. para los procesos de fermentación de profundidad y superficie, y para la evaluación experimental de estas dos tecnologías se prevé construir prototipos de biorreactores experimentales, biorreactores de cultivo profundo (5 l) y biorreactor de fase sólida cilíndrica (50 l). A lo largo del proyecto, los promotores del proyecto participarán en diversos eventos publicitarios con el fin de informar al público sobre el progreso del proyecto. Hasta que se utilicen los resultados de la investigación, SIA Bioefekts planea mejorar la extracción y los indicadores económicos al menos 3-5 veces dentro de los tres años siguientes a la finalización del proyecto. Como resultado del proyecto, se desarrollarán 2 nuevos prototipos de tecnología, así como 2 artículos científicos serán preparados y publicados. El personal científico con una carga PLE de 4,9 participará en la ejecución del proyecto. El coste total del proyecto se estima en 566 170,76 EUR, costes subvencionables de 550 845,96 EUR, de los cuales: 395 433,96 EUR (71,78 %) cofinanciación del FEDER. La duración prevista del proyecto es de 36 meses, la fecha prevista de inicio del proyecto es el 1 de mayo de 2020 y la fecha de finalización el 30 de abril de 2023. El proyecto corresponde a la clasificación 1.6 del capítulo científico de la OCDE. Biología e Ingeniería y Tecnología 2.9. Biotecnología industrial, en la que este proyecto prevé el desarrollo de cultivos de microorganismos económicamente competitivos y procesos tecnológicos descendentes, con el objetivo de obtener preparaciones altamente concentradas que contengan microorganismos del género Trichoderma y Bacillus géneros con una vida útil óptima que pueda utilizarse en la agricultura y la horticultura. El objetivo del proyecto está en consonancia con el capítulo de transformación económica RIS3 «Futuros sectores económicos de crecimiento en los que existen o pueden existir productos y servicios de alto valor añadido», las prioridades de crecimiento 1 y 6 y el área de especialización inteligente 1 «bioeconomía intensiva en conocimiento», así como las áreas de especialización inteligente 2 y 3 «Biomedicina, tecnologías médicas, biofarmacéuticas y biotecnologías» y «Materiales, tecnologías y sistemas de ingeniería inteligentes». El alcance del proyecto corresponde al código 20.20 de la nomenclatura estadística de actividades económicas (NACE Rev. 2). Palabras clave: fertilizantes biológicos, productos fitosanitarios biológicos, cultivo de profundidad y superficie, estudio de escala de la minería (Spanish)
    12 January 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to study parameters of scale of depth and surface culture of commercially requested Trichoderma and Bacillus genera and sub-process parameters for obtaining microbial fertilisers and plant protection products in an interdisciplinary, operational-related industrial collaborative study, biology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge for the cross-disciplinary, operationally related industrial collaboration study, biology/industrial biotechnology, e.g. in the field of equiferous/sub-surface modelling, e.g. gray-to-electometrics (e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing trichoderma and Bacillus biomas, optimal input/subsufficulating process in the field of efficacious modelling, for example, through the use of environmental modelling techniques, e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus biomas, optimal input/sub-sutilisation of the efficacious process through the use of on-line process modelling, e.g. by the use of microbial cross-fertilisation (e.g. through CO2) for the production of two economically cost-effective technologies for the production of Trichoderma and Bacillus biomass, optimal raw/industrial biotechnologies, through the use of efficiencies/concentric modelling, e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus bioma, optimal input/subsultiary modelling, using the efficiencies of the output, e.g. by using the microbial cross-fertilisation (electricity) and plant protection products through a cross-disciplinary, operational-related industrial collaboration study, biology science and industrial biotechnology in the fields of biotechnology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the use of the resulting cross-fertilisation (e.g. by means of a cross-fertilising process) through the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus biomass, optimal input/industrial biotechnology, and by promoting the distribution of the resulting knowledge through the use of the results of the cross-disciplinary economic activity related to an industrial collaboration study in the field of biology and industrial biotechnology, through the use of efficiencies of eco-industrial science and industrial biotechnologies, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the application of the cross-disciplinary, operational-related industrial collaboration study, biology science and industrial biotechnology in the field of biotechnology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the use of the results of the cross-ferentials (e.g. of the cross-cutting) of two economically cost-effective technologies Only the scale of deep cultivation in 5 and 100 litres of stirring type will be investigated and validated for the production of Bacillus spp., while Trichoderma spp. will be analysed for depth and surface fermentation processes, and for experimental evaluation of these two technologies prototypes of experimental bioreactors, deep cultivation bioreactors (5 l) and solid cylindrical-rotation bioreactor (50 l) will be designed for experimental evaluation. Projekti elluviijad osalevad kogu projekti vältel erinevatel reklaamiüritustel, et teavitada üldsust projekti edenemisest. Kuni teadusuuringute tulemuste kasutamiseni kavatseb SIA Bioefekts kolme aasta jooksul pärast projekti lõppu parandada omandamist ja majandustulemusi vähemalt 3–5 korda. Projekti tulemuseks on 2 uue tehnoloogia prototüüpi, samuti kaks teadusartiklit. Projekti rakendamiseks meelitatakse teadustöötajaid ligi 4,9 täistööajale taandatud töötajaga. Projekti kogumaksumus on hinnanguliselt 566 170,76 eurot, abikõlblikud kulud 550 845,96 eurot, sh 395 423,96 eurot (71,78 %) ERFi kaasrahastamisest. Projekti kavandatud kestus on 36 kuud, projekti kavandatav alguskuupäev on 1. mai 2020 ja lõppkuupäev 30. aprill 2023. Projekt vastab OECD teadusosakonna FORDi liigitusele 1.6. Bioloogia ja inseneriteaduste ja tehnoloogia valdkond 2.9. Tööstuslik biotehnoloogia, mille raames on projekti eesmärk arendada välja majanduslikult konkurentsivõimeline protsess mikroorganismide kasvatamiseks ja järgneva etapi tehnoloogiline protsess, et saada väga kontsentreeritud preparaate, mis sisaldavad Trichoderma ja Bacillus mikroorganisme optimaalse säilivusajaga, mida saab kasutada põllumajanduses ja aianduses. (Estonian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to study parameters of scale of depth and surface culture of commercially requested Trichoderma and Bacillus genera and sub-process parameters for obtaining microbial fertilisers and plant protection products in an interdisciplinary, operational-related industrial collaborative study, biology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge for the cross-disciplinary, operationally related industrial collaboration study, biology/industrial biotechnology, e.g. in the field of equiferous/sub-surface modelling, e.g. gray-to-electometrics (e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing trichoderma and Bacillus biomas, optimal input/subsufficulating process in the field of efficacious modelling, for example, through the use of environmental modelling techniques, e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus biomas, optimal input/sub-sutilisation of the efficacious process through the use of on-line process modelling, e.g. by the use of microbial cross-fertilisation (e.g. through CO2) for the production of two economically cost-effective technologies for the production of Trichoderma and Bacillus biomass, optimal raw/industrial biotechnologies, through the use of efficiencies/concentric modelling, e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus bioma, optimal input/subsultiary modelling, using the efficiencies of the output, e.g. by using the microbial cross-fertilisation (electricity) and plant protection products through a cross-disciplinary, operational-related industrial collaboration study, biology science and industrial biotechnology in the fields of biotechnology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the use of the resulting cross-fertilisation (e.g. by means of a cross-fertilising process) through the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus biomass, optimal input/industrial biotechnology, and by promoting the distribution of the resulting knowledge through the use of the results of the cross-disciplinary economic activity related to an industrial collaboration study in the field of biology and industrial biotechnology, through the use of efficiencies of eco-industrial science and industrial biotechnologies, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the application of the cross-disciplinary, operational-related industrial collaboration study, biology science and industrial biotechnology in the field of biotechnology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the use of the results of the cross-ferentials (e.g. of the cross-cutting) of two economically cost-effective technologies Only the scale of deep cultivation in 5 and 100 litres of stirring type will be investigated and validated for the production of Bacillus spp., while Trichoderma spp. will be analysed for depth and surface fermentation processes, and for experimental evaluation of these two technologies prototypes of experimental bioreactors, deep cultivation bioreactors (5 l) and solid cylindrical-rotation bioreactor (50 l) will be designed for experimental evaluation. Projekto metu projekto rengėjai dalyvaus įvairiuose viešinimo renginiuose, kad informuotų visuomenę apie projekto eigą. Iki mokslinių tyrimų rezultatų panaudojimo, SIA Bioefekts planuoja pagerinti įsigijimą ir ekonominės veiklos rezultatus bent 3–5 kartus per trejų metų laikotarpį po projekto pabaigos. Projektas sukurs 2 naujų technologijų prototipus, taip pat 2 mokslinius straipsnius. Projekto įgyvendinimui mokslo darbuotojai bus pritraukti su 4,9 etato ekvivalentų darbo krūviu. Numatoma, kad bendros projekto išlaidos sudarys 566 170,76 EUR, reikalavimus atitinkančios išlaidos – 550 845,96 EUR, įskaitant 395 423,96 EUR (71,78 %) ERPF bendrą finansavimą. Planuojama projekto trukmė – 36 mėnesiai, planuojama projekto pradžios data – 2020 m. gegužės 1 d., o pabaigos data – 2023 m. balandžio 30 d. Projektas atitinka EBPO mokslo departamento FORD klasifikaciją 1.6. Biologijos ir inžinerijos mokslų ir technologijų sritis 2.9. Pramoninė biotechnologija, pagal kurią projektu siekiama sukurti ekonomiškai konkurencingą mikroorganizmų auginimo procesą ir tolesnės grandies technologinį procesą, siekiant gauti labai koncentruotus preparatus, kurių sudėtyje yra Trichoderma ir Bacillus mikroorganizmų, kurių galiojimo laikas yra optimalus ir kuriuos galima naudoti žemės ūkyje ir sodininkystėje. (Lithuanian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to study parameters of scale of depth and surface culture of commercially requested Trichoderma and Bacillus genera and sub-process parameters for obtaining microbial fertilisers and plant protection products in an interdisciplinary, operational-related industrial collaborative study, biology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge for the cross-disciplinary, operationally related industrial collaboration study, biology/industrial biotechnology, e.g. in the field of equiferous/sub-surface modelling, e.g. gray-to-electometrics (e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing trichoderma and Bacillus biomas, optimal input/subsufficulating process in the field of efficacious modelling, for example, through the use of environmental modelling techniques, e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus biomas, optimal input/sub-sutilisation of the efficacious process through the use of on-line process modelling, e.g. by the use of microbial cross-fertilisation (e.g. through CO2) for the production of two economically cost-effective technologies for the production of Trichoderma and Bacillus biomass, optimal raw/industrial biotechnologies, through the use of efficiencies/concentric modelling, e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus bioma, optimal input/subsultiary modelling, using the efficiencies of the output, e.g. by using the microbial cross-fertilisation (electricity) and plant protection products through a cross-disciplinary, operational-related industrial collaboration study, biology science and industrial biotechnology in the fields of biotechnology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the use of the resulting cross-fertilisation (e.g. by means of a cross-fertilising process) through the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus biomass, optimal input/industrial biotechnology, and by promoting the distribution of the resulting knowledge through the use of the results of the cross-disciplinary economic activity related to an industrial collaboration study in the field of biology and industrial biotechnology, through the use of efficiencies of eco-industrial science and industrial biotechnologies, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the application of the cross-disciplinary, operational-related industrial collaboration study, biology science and industrial biotechnology in the field of biotechnology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the use of the results of the cross-ferentials (e.g. of the cross-cutting) of two economically cost-effective technologies Only the scale of deep cultivation in 5 and 100 litres of stirring type will be investigated and validated for the production of Bacillus spp., while Trichoderma spp. will be analysed for depth and surface fermentation processes, and for experimental evaluation of these two technologies prototypes of experimental bioreactors, deep cultivation bioreactors (5 l) and solid cylindrical-rotation bioreactor (50 l) will be designed for experimental evaluation. Tijekom cijelog projekta promotori projekta sudjelovat će na raznim promidžbenim događanjima kako bi informirali javnost o napretku projekta. Do korištenja rezultata istraživanja, SIA Bioefekts planira poboljšati akviziciju i ekonomsku učinkovitost najmanje 3 – 5 puta tijekom trogodišnjeg razdoblja nakon završetka projekta. Projekt će rezultirati 2 nova tehnološka prototipa, kao i 2 znanstvena članka. Za provedbu projekta znanstveno osoblje bit će privučeno radnim opterećenjem EPRV-a 4,9. Ukupni trošak projekta procjenjuje se na 5 661 717,76 EUR, a prihvatljivi troškovi 550 845,96 EUR, uključujući 395 423,96 EUR (71,78 %) sufinanciranja iz EFRR-a. Planirano trajanje projekta je 36 mjeseci, planirani datum početka projekta je 1. svibnja 2020. i datum završetka 30. travnja 2023. Projekt je u skladu s FORD klasifikacijom 1.6 znanstvenog odjela OECD-a. Područje biologije i tehničkih znanosti i tehnologije 2.9. Industrijska biotehnologija, u okviru koje je projekt namijenjen razvoju ekonomski konkurentnog procesa za uzgoj mikroorganizama i silaznog tehnološkog procesa s ciljem dobivanja visoko koncentriranih pripravaka koji sadrže mikroorganizme Trichoderma i Bacillus s optimalnim rokom trajanja koji se mogu koristiti u poljoprivredi i hortikulturi. (Croatian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to study parameters of scale of depth and surface culture of commercially requested Trichoderma and Bacillus genera and sub-process parameters for obtaining microbial fertilisers and plant protection products in an interdisciplinary, operational-related industrial collaborative study, biology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge for the cross-disciplinary, operationally related industrial collaboration study, biology/industrial biotechnology, e.g. in the field of equiferous/sub-surface modelling, e.g. gray-to-electometrics (e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing trichoderma and Bacillus biomas, optimal input/subsufficulating process in the field of efficacious modelling, for example, through the use of environmental modelling techniques, e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus biomas, optimal input/sub-sutilisation of the efficacious process through the use of on-line process modelling, e.g. by the use of microbial cross-fertilisation (e.g. through CO2) for the production of two economically cost-effective technologies for the production of Trichoderma and Bacillus biomass, optimal raw/industrial biotechnologies, through the use of efficiencies/concentric modelling, e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus bioma, optimal input/subsultiary modelling, using the efficiencies of the output, e.g. by using the microbial cross-fertilisation (electricity) and plant protection products through a cross-disciplinary, operational-related industrial collaboration study, biology science and industrial biotechnology in the fields of biotechnology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the use of the resulting cross-fertilisation (e.g. by means of a cross-fertilising process) through the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus biomass, optimal input/industrial biotechnology, and by promoting the distribution of the resulting knowledge through the use of the results of the cross-disciplinary economic activity related to an industrial collaboration study in the field of biology and industrial biotechnology, through the use of efficiencies of eco-industrial science and industrial biotechnologies, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the application of the cross-disciplinary, operational-related industrial collaboration study, biology science and industrial biotechnology in the field of biotechnology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the use of the results of the cross-ferentials (e.g. of the cross-cutting) of two economically cost-effective technologies Only the scale of deep cultivation in 5 and 100 litres of stirring type will be investigated and validated for the production of Bacillus spp., while Trichoderma spp. will be analysed for depth and surface fermentation processes, and for experimental evaluation of these two technologies prototypes of experimental bioreactors, deep cultivation bioreactors (5 l) and solid cylindrical-rotation bioreactor (50 l) will be designed for experimental evaluation. Καθ’ όλη τη διάρκεια του έργου, οι φορείς υλοποίησης του έργου θα συμμετέχουν σε διάφορες εκδηλώσεις δημοσιότητας για την ενημέρωση του κοινού σχετικά με την πρόοδο του έργου. Μέχρι τη χρήση των αποτελεσμάτων της έρευνας, η SIA Bioefekts σχεδιάζει να βελτιώσει την απόκτηση και την οικονομική απόδοση τουλάχιστον 3-5 φορές κατά τη διάρκεια της τριετίας μετά το τέλος του έργου.Το έργο θα οδηγήσει σε 2 νέα τεχνολογικά πρωτότυπα, καθώς και σε 2 επιστημονικά άρθρα. Για την υλοποίηση του έργου, το επιστημονικό προσωπικό θα προσελκύεται με φόρτο εργασίας 4,9 ΙΠΑ. Το συνολικό κόστος του έργου εκτιμάται σε 566 170,76 EUR, επιλέξιμο κόστος 550 845,96 EUR, εκ των οποίων 395 423,96 EUR (71,78 %) συγχρηματοδότηση από το ΕΤΠΑ. Η προγραμματισμένη διάρκεια του έργου είναι 36 μήνες, η προγραμματισμένη ημερομηνία έναρξης του έργου είναι η 1η Μαΐου 2020 και η καταληκτική ημερομηνία της 30ής Απριλίου 2023.Το έργο συμμορφώνεται με την ταξινόμηση 1.6 του FORD του επιστημονικού τμήματος του ΟΟΣΑ. Τομέας Βιολογίας και Μηχανικών Επιστημών και Τεχνολογίας 2.9. Βιομηχανική βιοτεχνολογία, στο πλαίσιο της οποίας το σχέδιο αποσκοπεί στην ανάπτυξη μιας οικονομικά ανταγωνιστικής διαδικασίας για την καλλιέργεια μικροοργανισμών και μιας μεταγενέστερης τεχνολογικής διαδικασίας, με σκοπό την παραγωγή εξαιρετικά συμπυκνωμένων παρασκευασμάτων που περιέχουν μικροοργανισμούς Trichoderma και Bacillus με βέλτιστη διάρκεια ζωής που μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν στη γεωργία και την κηπευτική. (Greek)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to study parameters of scale of depth and surface culture of commercially requested Trichoderma and Bacillus genera and sub-process parameters for obtaining microbial fertilisers and plant protection products in an interdisciplinary, operational-related industrial collaborative study, biology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge for the cross-disciplinary, operationally related industrial collaboration study, biology/industrial biotechnology, e.g. in the field of equiferous/sub-surface modelling, e.g. gray-to-electometrics (e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing trichoderma and Bacillus biomas, optimal input/subsufficulating process in the field of efficacious modelling, for example, through the use of environmental modelling techniques, e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus biomas, optimal input/sub-sutilisation of the efficacious process through the use of on-line process modelling, e.g. by the use of microbial cross-fertilisation (e.g. through CO2) for the production of two economically cost-effective technologies for the production of Trichoderma and Bacillus biomass, optimal raw/industrial biotechnologies, through the use of efficiencies/concentric modelling, e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus bioma, optimal input/subsultiary modelling, using the efficiencies of the output, e.g. by using the microbial cross-fertilisation (electricity) and plant protection products through a cross-disciplinary, operational-related industrial collaboration study, biology science and industrial biotechnology in the fields of biotechnology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the use of the resulting cross-fertilisation (e.g. by means of a cross-fertilising process) through the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus biomass, optimal input/industrial biotechnology, and by promoting the distribution of the resulting knowledge through the use of the results of the cross-disciplinary economic activity related to an industrial collaboration study in the field of biology and industrial biotechnology, through the use of efficiencies of eco-industrial science and industrial biotechnologies, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the application of the cross-disciplinary, operational-related industrial collaboration study, biology science and industrial biotechnology in the field of biotechnology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the use of the results of the cross-ferentials (e.g. of the cross-cutting) of two economically cost-effective technologies Only the scale of deep cultivation in 5 and 100 litres of stirring type will be investigated and validated for the production of Bacillus spp., while Trichoderma spp. will be analysed for depth and surface fermentation processes, and for experimental evaluation of these two technologies prototypes of experimental bioreactors, deep cultivation bioreactors (5 l) and solid cylindrical-rotation bioreactor (50 l) will be designed for experimental evaluation. Počas celého projektu sa realizátori projektu zúčastnia na rôznych propagačných podujatiach s cieľom informovať verejnosť o pokroku projektu. Až do využitia výsledkov výskumu, SIA Bioefekts plánuje zlepšiť akvizíciu a ekonomickú výkonnosť aspoň 3 – 5 krát počas trojročného obdobia po ukončení projektu. Projekt bude mať za následok 2 nové technologické prototypy, rovnako ako 2 vedecké články. Na realizáciu projektu budú priťahovaní vedeckí pracovníci s pracovným zaťažením 4,9 FTE. Celkové náklady na projekt sa odhadujú na 566 170,76 EUR, oprávnené náklady 550 845,96 EUR vrátane 395 423,96 EUR (71,78 %) spolufinancovania z EFRR. Plánované trvanie projektu je 36 mesiacov, plánovaný dátum začatia projektu je 1. máj 2020 a dátum ukončenia 30. apríla 2023. Projekt je v súlade s klasifikáciou FORD 1.6 vedeckého oddelenia OECD. Oblasť biológie a inžinierskych vied a technológie 2.9. Priemyselná biotechnológia, v rámci ktorej má projekt rozvíjať hospodársky konkurencieschopný proces pestovania mikroorganizmov a nadväzujúci technologický proces s cieľom získať vysoko koncentrované prípravky obsahujúce mikroorganizmy Trichoderma a Bacillus s optimálnou trvanlivosťou, ktoré možno použiť v poľnohospodárstve a záhradníctve. (Slovak)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to study parameters of scale of depth and surface culture of commercially requested Trichoderma and Bacillus genera and sub-process parameters for obtaining microbial fertilisers and plant protection products in an interdisciplinary, operational-related industrial collaborative study, biology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge for the cross-disciplinary, operationally related industrial collaboration study, biology/industrial biotechnology, e.g. in the field of equiferous/sub-surface modelling, e.g. gray-to-electometrics (e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing trichoderma and Bacillus biomas, optimal input/subsufficulating process in the field of efficacious modelling, for example, through the use of environmental modelling techniques, e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus biomas, optimal input/sub-sutilisation of the efficacious process through the use of on-line process modelling, e.g. by the use of microbial cross-fertilisation (e.g. through CO2) for the production of two economically cost-effective technologies for the production of Trichoderma and Bacillus biomass, optimal raw/industrial biotechnologies, through the use of efficiencies/concentric modelling, e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus bioma, optimal input/subsultiary modelling, using the efficiencies of the output, e.g. by using the microbial cross-fertilisation (electricity) and plant protection products through a cross-disciplinary, operational-related industrial collaboration study, biology science and industrial biotechnology in the fields of biotechnology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the use of the resulting cross-fertilisation (e.g. by means of a cross-fertilising process) through the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus biomass, optimal input/industrial biotechnology, and by promoting the distribution of the resulting knowledge through the use of the results of the cross-disciplinary economic activity related to an industrial collaboration study in the field of biology and industrial biotechnology, through the use of efficiencies of eco-industrial science and industrial biotechnologies, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the application of the cross-disciplinary, operational-related industrial collaboration study, biology science and industrial biotechnology in the field of biotechnology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the use of the results of the cross-ferentials (e.g. of the cross-cutting) of two economically cost-effective technologies Only the scale of deep cultivation in 5 and 100 litres of stirring type will be investigated and validated for the production of Bacillus spp., while Trichoderma spp. will be analysed for depth and surface fermentation processes, and for experimental evaluation of these two technologies prototypes of experimental bioreactors, deep cultivation bioreactors (5 l) and solid cylindrical-rotation bioreactor (50 l) will be designed for experimental evaluation. Koko hankkeen ajan hankkeen toteuttajat osallistuvat erilaisiin tiedotustapahtumiin, joissa yleisölle tiedotetaan hankkeen etenemisestä. Tutkimuksen tulosten käyttöön asti SIA Bioefekts aikoo parantaa hankintaa ja taloudellista suorituskykyä vähintään 3–5 kertaa hankkeen päättymistä seuraavan kolmen vuoden aikana. Hankkeen tuloksena on kaksi uutta teknologiaprototyyppiä sekä kaksi tieteellistä artikkelia. Hankkeen toteuttamiseksi tieteellistä henkilöstöä houkutellaan kokoaikaiseksi muutettuna 4,9. Hankkeen kokonaiskustannuksiksi arvioidaan 566 170,76 euroa, tukikelpoisiksi kustannuksiksi 550 845,96 euroa, mukaan luettuna 395 423,96 euroa (71,78 prosenttia) EAKR:n yhteisrahoitusta. Hankkeen suunniteltu kesto on 36 kuukautta, hankkeen suunniteltu aloituspäivä on 1. toukokuuta 2020 ja päättymisajankohta 30. huhtikuuta 2023. Hanke on OECD:n tieteellisen osaston FORD-luokituksen 1.6 mukainen. Biologian ja tekniikan ala 2.9. Teolliseen bioteknologiaan, jonka puitteissa hankkeen tarkoituksena on kehittää taloudellisesti kilpailukykyinen prosessi mikro-organismien viljelyä varten ja kehittää tuotantoketjun loppupään teknologinen prosessi, jotta saadaan erittäin keskittyneitä valmisteita, jotka sisältävät Trichodermaa ja Bacillus-mikro-organismeja, joiden säilyvyysaika on optimaalinen ja joita voidaan käyttää maataloudessa ja puutarhaviljelyssä. (Finnish)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to study parameters of scale of depth and surface culture of commercially requested Trichoderma and Bacillus genera and sub-process parameters for obtaining microbial fertilisers and plant protection products in an interdisciplinary, operational-related industrial collaborative study, biology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge for the cross-disciplinary, operationally related industrial collaboration study, biology/industrial biotechnology, e.g. in the field of equiferous/sub-surface modelling, e.g. gray-to-electometrics (e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing trichoderma and Bacillus biomas, optimal input/subsufficulating process in the field of efficacious modelling, for example, through the use of environmental modelling techniques, e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus biomas, optimal input/sub-sutilisation of the efficacious process through the use of on-line process modelling, e.g. by the use of microbial cross-fertilisation (e.g. through CO2) for the production of two economically cost-effective technologies for the production of Trichoderma and Bacillus biomass, optimal raw/industrial biotechnologies, through the use of efficiencies/concentric modelling, e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus bioma, optimal input/subsultiary modelling, using the efficiencies of the output, e.g. by using the microbial cross-fertilisation (electricity) and plant protection products through a cross-disciplinary, operational-related industrial collaboration study, biology science and industrial biotechnology in the fields of biotechnology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the use of the resulting cross-fertilisation (e.g. by means of a cross-fertilising process) through the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus biomass, optimal input/industrial biotechnology, and by promoting the distribution of the resulting knowledge through the use of the results of the cross-disciplinary economic activity related to an industrial collaboration study in the field of biology and industrial biotechnology, through the use of efficiencies of eco-industrial science and industrial biotechnologies, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the application of the cross-disciplinary, operational-related industrial collaboration study, biology science and industrial biotechnology in the field of biotechnology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the use of the results of the cross-ferentials (e.g. of the cross-cutting) of two economically cost-effective technologies Only the scale of deep cultivation in 5 and 100 litres of stirring type will be investigated and validated for the production of Bacillus spp., while Trichoderma spp. will be analysed for depth and surface fermentation processes, and for experimental evaluation of these two technologies prototypes of experimental bioreactors, deep cultivation bioreactors (5 l) and solid cylindrical-rotation bioreactor (50 l) will be designed for experimental evaluation. W trakcie całego projektu promotorzy projektu będą uczestniczyć w różnych imprezach reklamowych w celu informowania opinii publicznej o postępach w realizacji projektu. Do czasu wykorzystania wyników badań, SIA Bioefekts planuje poprawić akwizycję i wyniki ekonomiczne co najmniej 3-5 razy w okresie trzech lat po zakończeniu projektu. Projekt zaowocuje 2 prototypami nowych technologii, a także 2 artykułami naukowymi. Do realizacji projektu personel naukowy zostanie przyciągnięty do pracy w wysokości 4,9 EPC. Całkowity koszt projektu szacuje się na 56 670,76 EUR, koszty kwalifikowalne w wysokości 5 508 445,96 EUR, w tym 3 954 423,96 EUR (71,78 %) współfinansowania z EFRR. Planowany czas trwania projektu wynosi 36 miesięcy, planowana data rozpoczęcia projektu to 1 maja 2020 r., a koniec 30 kwietnia 2023 r. Projekt jest zgodny z klasyfikacją FORD 1.6 departamentu naukowego OECD. Dziedzina biologii i nauk inżynieryjnych i technologii 2.9. Biotechnologia przemysłowa, w ramach której projekt ma na celu opracowanie konkurencyjnego pod względem ekonomicznym procesu uprawy mikroorganizmów i dalszego procesu technologicznego, w celu uzyskania wysoce skoncentrowanych preparatów zawierających mikroorganizmy Trichoderma i Bacillus o optymalnym okresie przydatności do spożycia w rolnictwie i ogrodnictwie. (Polish)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to study parameters of scale of depth and surface culture of commercially requested Trichoderma and Bacillus genera and sub-process parameters for obtaining microbial fertilisers and plant protection products in an interdisciplinary, operational-related industrial collaborative study, biology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge for the cross-disciplinary, operationally related industrial collaboration study, biology/industrial biotechnology, e.g. in the field of equiferous/sub-surface modelling, e.g. gray-to-electometrics (e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing trichoderma and Bacillus biomas, optimal input/subsufficulating process in the field of efficacious modelling, for example, through the use of environmental modelling techniques, e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus biomas, optimal input/sub-sutilisation of the efficacious process through the use of on-line process modelling, e.g. by the use of microbial cross-fertilisation (e.g. through CO2) for the production of two economically cost-effective technologies for the production of Trichoderma and Bacillus biomass, optimal raw/industrial biotechnologies, through the use of efficiencies/concentric modelling, e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus bioma, optimal input/subsultiary modelling, using the efficiencies of the output, e.g. by using the microbial cross-fertilisation (electricity) and plant protection products through a cross-disciplinary, operational-related industrial collaboration study, biology science and industrial biotechnology in the fields of biotechnology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the use of the resulting cross-fertilisation (e.g. by means of a cross-fertilising process) through the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus biomass, optimal input/industrial biotechnology, and by promoting the distribution of the resulting knowledge through the use of the results of the cross-disciplinary economic activity related to an industrial collaboration study in the field of biology and industrial biotechnology, through the use of efficiencies of eco-industrial science and industrial biotechnologies, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the application of the cross-disciplinary, operational-related industrial collaboration study, biology science and industrial biotechnology in the field of biotechnology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the use of the results of the cross-ferentials (e.g. of the cross-cutting) of two economically cost-effective technologies Only the scale of deep cultivation in 5 and 100 litres of stirring type will be investigated and validated for the production of Bacillus spp., while Trichoderma spp. will be analysed for depth and surface fermentation processes, and for experimental evaluation of these two technologies prototypes of experimental bioreactors, deep cultivation bioreactors (5 l) and solid cylindrical-rotation bioreactor (50 l) will be designed for experimental evaluation. A projekt teljes időtartama alatt a projektgazdák különböző reklámrendezvényeken vesznek részt, hogy tájékoztassák a nyilvánosságot a projekt előrehaladásáról. A kutatási eredmények felhasználásáig a SIA Bioefekts a projekt befejezését követő hároméves időszakban legalább 3–5-ször javítja a beszerzést és a gazdasági teljesítményt.A projekt 2 új technológiai prototípust és 2 tudományos cikket fog eredményezni. A projekt végrehajtásához a tudományos munkatársakat 4,9 FTE munkateherrel fogják vonzani. A projekt teljes becsült költsége 566 170,76 EUR, támogatható költségek 550 845,96 EUR, beleértve 395 423,96 EUR (71,78%) ERFA-társfinanszírozást. A projekt tervezett időtartama 36 hónap, a projekt tervezett kezdő időpontja 2020. május 1. és 2023. április 30-a.A projekt megfelel az OECD tudományos osztályának 1.6. FORD besorolásának. Biológia és mérnöki tudományok és technológia területe 2.9. Ipari biotechnológia, amelynek keretében a projekt célja a mikroorganizmusok termesztésére irányuló, gazdaságilag versenyképes folyamat és egy későbbi technológiai folyamat kialakítása annak érdekében, hogy a Trichoderma és Bacillus mikroorganizmusokat tartalmazó, a mezőgazdaságban és a kertészetben használható, optimális eltarthatósági idővel rendelkező, erősen koncentrált készítményeket lehessen előállítani. (Hungarian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to study parameters of scale of depth and surface culture of commercially requested Trichoderma and Bacillus genera and sub-process parameters for obtaining microbial fertilisers and plant protection products in an interdisciplinary, operational-related industrial collaborative study, biology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge for the cross-disciplinary, operationally related industrial collaboration study, biology/industrial biotechnology, e.g. in the field of equiferous/sub-surface modelling, e.g. gray-to-electometrics (e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing trichoderma and Bacillus biomas, optimal input/subsufficulating process in the field of efficacious modelling, for example, through the use of environmental modelling techniques, e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus biomas, optimal input/sub-sutilisation of the efficacious process through the use of on-line process modelling, e.g. by the use of microbial cross-fertilisation (e.g. through CO2) for the production of two economically cost-effective technologies for the production of Trichoderma and Bacillus biomass, optimal raw/industrial biotechnologies, through the use of efficiencies/concentric modelling, e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus bioma, optimal input/subsultiary modelling, using the efficiencies of the output, e.g. by using the microbial cross-fertilisation (electricity) and plant protection products through a cross-disciplinary, operational-related industrial collaboration study, biology science and industrial biotechnology in the fields of biotechnology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the use of the resulting cross-fertilisation (e.g. by means of a cross-fertilising process) through the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus biomass, optimal input/industrial biotechnology, and by promoting the distribution of the resulting knowledge through the use of the results of the cross-disciplinary economic activity related to an industrial collaboration study in the field of biology and industrial biotechnology, through the use of efficiencies of eco-industrial science and industrial biotechnologies, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the application of the cross-disciplinary, operational-related industrial collaboration study, biology science and industrial biotechnology in the field of biotechnology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the use of the results of the cross-ferentials (e.g. of the cross-cutting) of two economically cost-effective technologies Only the scale of deep cultivation in 5 and 100 litres of stirring type will be investigated and validated for the production of Bacillus spp., while Trichoderma spp. will be analysed for depth and surface fermentation processes, and for experimental evaluation of these two technologies prototypes of experimental bioreactors, deep cultivation bioreactors (5 l) and solid cylindrical-rotation bioreactor (50 l) will be designed for experimental evaluation. V průběhu projektu se předkladatelé projektů zúčastní různých propagačních akcí, aby informovali veřejnost o průběhu projektu. Až do využití výsledků výzkumu, SIA Bioefekts plánuje zlepšit akvizici a ekonomickou výkonnost nejméně 3–5 krát během tříletého období po ukončení projektu.Projekt bude mít za následek 2 nové technologické prototypy, stejně jako 2 vědecké články. Pro realizaci projektu přiláká vědecký personál s pracovní zátěží 4,9 FTE. Celkové náklady na projekt se odhadují na 56 617,76 EUR, způsobilé náklady 550 845,96 EUR, včetně 355 423,96 EUR (71,78 %) spolufinancování z EFRR. Plánovaná doba trvání projektu je 36 měsíců, plánované datum zahájení projektu je 1. května 2020 a datum ukončení 30. dubna 2023. Projekt je v souladu s klasifikací FORD 1.6 vědeckého oddělení OECD. Obor biologie a inženýrství věd a technologie 2.9. Průmyslová biotechnologie, v jejímž rámci má projekt vyvinout hospodářsky konkurenční proces pěstování mikroorganismů a navazující technologický proces s cílem získat vysoce koncentrované přípravky obsahující mikroorganismy Trichoderma a Bacillus s optimální trvanlivostí, které mohou být použity v zemědělství a zahradnictví. (Czech)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to study parameters of scale of depth and surface culture of commercially requested Trichoderma and Bacillus genera and sub-process parameters for obtaining microbial fertilisers and plant protection products in an interdisciplinary, operational-related industrial collaborative study, biology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge for the cross-disciplinary, operationally related industrial collaboration study, biology/industrial biotechnology, e.g. in the field of equiferous/sub-surface modelling, e.g. gray-to-electometrics (e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing trichoderma and Bacillus biomas, optimal input/subsufficulating process in the field of efficacious modelling, for example, through the use of environmental modelling techniques, e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus biomas, optimal input/sub-sutilisation of the efficacious process through the use of on-line process modelling, e.g. by the use of microbial cross-fertilisation (e.g. through CO2) for the production of two economically cost-effective technologies for the production of Trichoderma and Bacillus biomass, optimal raw/industrial biotechnologies, through the use of efficiencies/concentric modelling, e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus bioma, optimal input/subsultiary modelling, using the efficiencies of the output, e.g. by using the microbial cross-fertilisation (electricity) and plant protection products through a cross-disciplinary, operational-related industrial collaboration study, biology science and industrial biotechnology in the fields of biotechnology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the use of the resulting cross-fertilisation (e.g. by means of a cross-fertilising process) through the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus biomass, optimal input/industrial biotechnology, and by promoting the distribution of the resulting knowledge through the use of the results of the cross-disciplinary economic activity related to an industrial collaboration study in the field of biology and industrial biotechnology, through the use of efficiencies of eco-industrial science and industrial biotechnologies, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the application of the cross-disciplinary, operational-related industrial collaboration study, biology science and industrial biotechnology in the field of biotechnology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the use of the results of the cross-ferentials (e.g. of the cross-cutting) of two economically cost-effective technologies Only the scale of deep cultivation in 5 and 100 litres of stirring type will be investigated and validated for the production of Bacillus spp., while Trichoderma spp. will be analysed for depth and surface fermentation processes, and for experimental evaluation of these two technologies prototypes of experimental bioreactors, deep cultivation bioreactors (5 l) and solid cylindrical-rotation bioreactor (50 l) will be designed for experimental evaluation. Le linn an tionscadail, glacfaidh tionscnóirí tionscadail páirt in imeachtaí poiblíochta éagsúla chun an pobal a chur ar an eolas faoi dhul chun cinn an tionscadail. Go dtí an úsáid a bhaint as torthaí an taighde, pleananna SIA BioEfekts chun feabhas a chur ar fháil agus ar fheidhmíocht eacnamaíoch ar a laghad 3-5 huaire le linn na tréimhse trí bliana tar éis dheireadh an tionscadail project.The mar thoradh ar 2 fréamhshamhlacha teicneolaíochta nua, chomh maith le 2 earraí eolaíochta. Meallfar ualach oibre FTE 4,9 chun foireann eolaíochta an tionscadail a chur chun feidhme. Meastar gurb é costas iomlán an tionscadail EUR 566 170,76, costais incháilithe EUR 550 845,96, lena n-áirítear cómhaoiniú EUR 395 423,96 (71.78 %) CFRE. Is é 36 mhí an fad atá beartaithe don tionscadal, is é an 1 Bealtaine 2020 an dáta tosaigh atá beartaithe don tionscadal agus is é an 30 Aibreán 2023 an dáta deiridh. Tá an tionscadal i gcomhréir le haicmiú FORD 1.6 de chuid roinn eolaíoch ECFE. Réimse na Bitheolaíochta agus Eolaíochtaí Innealtóireachta agus Teicneolaíocht 2.9. Biteicneolaíocht thionsclaíoch, faoina mbeartaítear leis an tionscadal próiseas atá iomaíoch ó thaobh an gheilleagair de a fhorbairt chun miocrorgánaigh agus próiseas teicneolaíoch iartheachtach a shaothrú, d’fhonn ullmhóidí thar a bheith comhchruinnithe a fháil ina bhfuil miocrorgánaigh Trichoderma agus Bacillus a bhfuil seilfré optamach acu is féidir a úsáid sa talmhaíocht agus sa ghairneoireacht. (Irish)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to study parameters of scale of depth and surface culture of commercially requested Trichoderma and Bacillus genera and sub-process parameters for obtaining microbial fertilisers and plant protection products in an interdisciplinary, operational-related industrial collaborative study, biology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge for the cross-disciplinary, operationally related industrial collaboration study, biology/industrial biotechnology, e.g. in the field of equiferous/sub-surface modelling, e.g. gray-to-electometrics (e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing trichoderma and Bacillus biomas, optimal input/subsufficulating process in the field of efficacious modelling, for example, through the use of environmental modelling techniques, e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus biomas, optimal input/sub-sutilisation of the efficacious process through the use of on-line process modelling, e.g. by the use of microbial cross-fertilisation (e.g. through CO2) for the production of two economically cost-effective technologies for the production of Trichoderma and Bacillus biomass, optimal raw/industrial biotechnologies, through the use of efficiencies/concentric modelling, e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus bioma, optimal input/subsultiary modelling, using the efficiencies of the output, e.g. by using the microbial cross-fertilisation (electricity) and plant protection products through a cross-disciplinary, operational-related industrial collaboration study, biology science and industrial biotechnology in the fields of biotechnology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the use of the resulting cross-fertilisation (e.g. by means of a cross-fertilising process) through the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus biomass, optimal input/industrial biotechnology, and by promoting the distribution of the resulting knowledge through the use of the results of the cross-disciplinary economic activity related to an industrial collaboration study in the field of biology and industrial biotechnology, through the use of efficiencies of eco-industrial science and industrial biotechnologies, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the application of the cross-disciplinary, operational-related industrial collaboration study, biology science and industrial biotechnology in the field of biotechnology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the use of the results of the cross-ferentials (e.g. of the cross-cutting) of two economically cost-effective technologies Only the scale of deep cultivation in 5 and 100 litres of stirring type will be investigated and validated for the production of Bacillus spp., while Trichoderma spp. will be analysed for depth and surface fermentation processes, and for experimental evaluation of these two technologies prototypes of experimental bioreactors, deep cultivation bioreactors (5 l) and solid cylindrical-rotation bioreactor (50 l) will be designed for experimental evaluation. V celotnem projektu bodo nosilci projektov sodelovali na različnih reklamnih dogodkih, da bi javnost obveščali o napredku projekta. Do uporabe rezultatov raziskave, SIA Bioefekts namerava izboljšati pridobivanje in gospodarsko uspešnost vsaj 3–5 krat v obdobju treh let po koncu projekta. Projekt bo rezultat 2 nove tehnologije prototipov, kot tudi 2 znanstvena članka. Za izvajanje projekta bo pritegnilo znanstveno osebje z delovno obremenitvijo 4,9 EPDČ. Skupni stroški projekta so ocenjeni na 566 170,76 EUR, upravičeni stroški pa 550 845,96 EUR, vključno s 395 423,96 EUR (71,78 %) sofinanciranje ESRR. Načrtovano trajanje projekta je 36 mesecev, načrtovani datum začetka projekta je 1. maj 2020 in končni datum 30. april 2023.Projekt je v skladu s klasifikacijo FORD 1.6 znanstvenega oddelka OECD. Področje biologije in inženirskih znanosti in tehnologije 2.9. Industrijska biotehnologija, v okviru katere je projekt namenjen razvoju gospodarsko konkurenčnega procesa za gojenje mikroorganizmov in nadaljnjih tehnoloških procesov, da bi dobili visoko koncentrirane pripravke, ki vsebujejo mikroorganizme Trichoderma in Bacillus z optimalnim rokom uporabnosti, ki se lahko uporabljajo v kmetijstvu in vrtnarstvu. (Slovenian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to study parameters of scale of depth and surface culture of commercially requested Trichoderma and Bacillus genera and sub-process parameters for obtaining microbial fertilisers and plant protection products in an interdisciplinary, operational-related industrial collaborative study, biology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge for the cross-disciplinary, operationally related industrial collaboration study, biology/industrial biotechnology, e.g. in the field of equiferous/sub-surface modelling, e.g. gray-to-electometrics (e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing trichoderma and Bacillus biomas, optimal input/subsufficulating process in the field of efficacious modelling, for example, through the use of environmental modelling techniques, e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus biomas, optimal input/sub-sutilisation of the efficacious process through the use of on-line process modelling, e.g. by the use of microbial cross-fertilisation (e.g. through CO2) for the production of two economically cost-effective technologies for the production of Trichoderma and Bacillus biomass, optimal raw/industrial biotechnologies, through the use of efficiencies/concentric modelling, e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus bioma, optimal input/subsultiary modelling, using the efficiencies of the output, e.g. by using the microbial cross-fertilisation (electricity) and plant protection products through a cross-disciplinary, operational-related industrial collaboration study, biology science and industrial biotechnology in the fields of biotechnology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the use of the resulting cross-fertilisation (e.g. by means of a cross-fertilising process) through the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus biomass, optimal input/industrial biotechnology, and by promoting the distribution of the resulting knowledge through the use of the results of the cross-disciplinary economic activity related to an industrial collaboration study in the field of biology and industrial biotechnology, through the use of efficiencies of eco-industrial science and industrial biotechnologies, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the application of the cross-disciplinary, operational-related industrial collaboration study, biology science and industrial biotechnology in the field of biotechnology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the use of the results of the cross-ferentials (e.g. of the cross-cutting) of two economically cost-effective technologies Only the scale of deep cultivation in 5 and 100 litres of stirring type will be investigated and validated for the production of Bacillus spp., while Trichoderma spp. will be analysed for depth and surface fermentation processes, and for experimental evaluation of these two technologies prototypes of experimental bioreactors, deep cultivation bioreactors (5 l) and solid cylindrical-rotation bioreactor (50 l) will be designed for experimental evaluation. По време на целия проект организаторите на проекти ще участват в различни рекламни прояви, за да информират обществеността за напредъка на проекта. До използването на резултатите от изследването, SIA Bioefekts планира да подобри придобиването и икономическите резултати поне 3—5 пъти по време на тригодишния период след края на проекта.Проектът ще доведе до 2 нови технологични прототипа, както и 2 научни статии. За изпълнението на проекта научният персонал ще бъде привлечен с работно натоварване 4,9 ЕПРВ. Общата стойност на проекта възлиза на 566 170,76 EUR, а допустимите разходи — 550 845,96 EUR, в т.ч. 395 423,96 EUR (71,78 %) съфинансиране от ЕФРР. Планираната продължителност на проекта е 36 месеца, планираната начална дата на проекта е 1 май 2020 г. и крайната дата 30 април 2023 г. Проектът е в съответствие с класификацията FORD 1.6 на научния отдел на ОИСР. Област на биологията и инженерните науки и технологии 2.9. Промишлена биотехнология, съгласно която проектът е предназначен да развие икономически конкурентен процес за отглеждане на микроорганизми и технологичен процес надолу по веригата с цел получаване на силно концентрирани препарати, съдържащи микроорганизми Trichoderma и Bacillus, с оптимален срок на годност, който може да се използва в селското стопанство и градинарството. (Bulgarian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to study parameters of scale of depth and surface culture of commercially requested Trichoderma and Bacillus genera and sub-process parameters for obtaining microbial fertilisers and plant protection products in an interdisciplinary, operational-related industrial collaborative study, biology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge for the cross-disciplinary, operationally related industrial collaboration study, biology/industrial biotechnology, e.g. in the field of equiferous/sub-surface modelling, e.g. gray-to-electometrics (e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing trichoderma and Bacillus biomas, optimal input/subsufficulating process in the field of efficacious modelling, for example, through the use of environmental modelling techniques, e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus biomas, optimal input/sub-sutilisation of the efficacious process through the use of on-line process modelling, e.g. by the use of microbial cross-fertilisation (e.g. through CO2) for the production of two economically cost-effective technologies for the production of Trichoderma and Bacillus biomass, optimal raw/industrial biotechnologies, through the use of efficiencies/concentric modelling, e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus bioma, optimal input/subsultiary modelling, using the efficiencies of the output, e.g. by using the microbial cross-fertilisation (electricity) and plant protection products through a cross-disciplinary, operational-related industrial collaboration study, biology science and industrial biotechnology in the fields of biotechnology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the use of the resulting cross-fertilisation (e.g. by means of a cross-fertilising process) through the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus biomass, optimal input/industrial biotechnology, and by promoting the distribution of the resulting knowledge through the use of the results of the cross-disciplinary economic activity related to an industrial collaboration study in the field of biology and industrial biotechnology, through the use of efficiencies of eco-industrial science and industrial biotechnologies, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the application of the cross-disciplinary, operational-related industrial collaboration study, biology science and industrial biotechnology in the field of biotechnology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the use of the results of the cross-ferentials (e.g. of the cross-cutting) of two economically cost-effective technologies Only the scale of deep cultivation in 5 and 100 litres of stirring type will be investigated and validated for the production of Bacillus spp., while Trichoderma spp. will be analysed for depth and surface fermentation processes, and for experimental evaluation of these two technologies prototypes of experimental bioreactors, deep cultivation bioreactors (5 l) and solid cylindrical-rotation bioreactor (50 l) will be designed for experimental evaluation. Matul il-proġett, il-promoturi tal-proġett se jipparteċipaw f’diversi avvenimenti ta’ pubbliċità biex jinfurmaw lill-pubbliku dwar il-progress tal-proġett. Sakemm jintużaw ir-riżultati tar-riċerka, SIA Bioefekts tippjana li ttejjeb l-akkwist u l-prestazzjoni ekonomika mill-inqas 3–5 darbiet matul il-perjodu ta’ tliet snin wara t-tmiem tal-proġett. Il-proġett se jirriżulta f’żewġ prototipi teknoloġiċi ġodda, kif ukoll 2 artikli xjentifiċi. Għall-implimentazzjoni tal-proġett, il-persunal xjentifiku se jiġi attirat b’ammont ta’ xogħol ta’ FTE 4,9. L-ispiża totali tal-proġett hija stmata għal EUR 566 170,76, spejjeż eliġibbli EUR 550 845,96, inklużi EUR 395 423,96 (71.78 %) kofinanzjament tal-FEŻR. It-tul ta’ żmien ippjanat tal-proġett huwa ta’ 36 xahar, id-data ppjanata għall-bidu tal-proġett hija l-1 ta’ Mejju 2020 u d-data tat-tmiem tat-30 ta’ April 2023. Il-proġett jikkonforma mal-klassifikazzjoni FORD 1.6 tad-dipartiment xjentifiku tal-OECD. Qasam tal-Bijoloġija u x-Xjenzi Inġinerija u t-Teknoloġija 2.9. Il-bijoteknoloġija industrijali, li taħtha l-proġett huwa maħsub biex jiżviluppa proċess ekonomikament kompetittiv għall-kultivazzjoni ta’ mikroorganiżmi u proċess teknoloġiku downstream, bil-ħsieb li jinkisbu preparazzjonijiet konċentrati ħafna li fihom mikroorganiżmi Trichoderma u Bacillus b’ħajja fuq l-ixkaffa ottimali li jistgħu jintużaw fl-agrikoltura u l-ortikultura. (Maltese)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to study parameters of scale of depth and surface culture of commercially requested Trichoderma and Bacillus genera and sub-process parameters for obtaining microbial fertilisers and plant protection products in an interdisciplinary, operational-related industrial collaborative study, biology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge for the cross-disciplinary, operationally related industrial collaboration study, biology/industrial biotechnology, e.g. in the field of equiferous/sub-surface modelling, e.g. gray-to-electometrics (e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing trichoderma and Bacillus biomas, optimal input/subsufficulating process in the field of efficacious modelling, for example, through the use of environmental modelling techniques, e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus biomas, optimal input/sub-sutilisation of the efficacious process through the use of on-line process modelling, e.g. by the use of microbial cross-fertilisation (e.g. through CO2) for the production of two economically cost-effective technologies for the production of Trichoderma and Bacillus biomass, optimal raw/industrial biotechnologies, through the use of efficiencies/concentric modelling, e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus bioma, optimal input/subsultiary modelling, using the efficiencies of the output, e.g. by using the microbial cross-fertilisation (electricity) and plant protection products through a cross-disciplinary, operational-related industrial collaboration study, biology science and industrial biotechnology in the fields of biotechnology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the use of the resulting cross-fertilisation (e.g. by means of a cross-fertilising process) through the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus biomass, optimal input/industrial biotechnology, and by promoting the distribution of the resulting knowledge through the use of the results of the cross-disciplinary economic activity related to an industrial collaboration study in the field of biology and industrial biotechnology, through the use of efficiencies of eco-industrial science and industrial biotechnologies, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the application of the cross-disciplinary, operational-related industrial collaboration study, biology science and industrial biotechnology in the field of biotechnology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the use of the results of the cross-ferentials (e.g. of the cross-cutting) of two economically cost-effective technologies Only the scale of deep cultivation in 5 and 100 litres of stirring type will be investigated and validated for the production of Bacillus spp., while Trichoderma spp. will be analysed for depth and surface fermentation processes, and for experimental evaluation of these two technologies prototypes of experimental bioreactors, deep cultivation bioreactors (5 l) and solid cylindrical-rotation bioreactor (50 l) will be designed for experimental evaluation. Ao longo do projeto, os promotores do projeto participarão em vários eventos publicitários para informar o público sobre o andamento do projeto. Até o uso dos resultados da pesquisa, a SIA Bioefekts planeja melhorar a aquisição e o desempenho econômico pelo menos 3-5 vezes durante o período de três anos após o término do projeto. O projeto resultará em 2 protótipos de novas tecnologias, além de 2 artigos científicos. Para a execução do projeto, o pessoal científico será atraído com uma carga de trabalho de 4,9 ETI. O custo total do projeto é estimado em 566 170,76 EUR, custos elegíveis 550 845,96 EUR, incluindo 395 423,96 EUR (71,78 %) cofinanciamento do FEDER. A duração prevista do projeto é de 36 meses, a data prevista de início do projeto é 1 de maio de 2020 e a data de termo de 30 de abril de 2023. O projeto está em conformidade com a classificação FORD 1.6 do departamento científico da OCDE. Área de Biologia e Engenharia Ciências e Tecnologia 2.9. Biotecnologia industrial, no âmbito da qual o projeto se destina a desenvolver um processo economicamente competitivo para o cultivo de microrganismos e um processo tecnológico a jusante, com vista a obter preparações altamente concentradas contendo microrganismos Trichoderma e Bacillus com uma vida útil ótima que possa ser utilizada na agricultura e na horticultura. (Portuguese)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to study parameters of scale of depth and surface culture of commercially requested Trichoderma and Bacillus genera and sub-process parameters for obtaining microbial fertilisers and plant protection products in an interdisciplinary, operational-related industrial collaborative study, biology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge for the cross-disciplinary, operationally related industrial collaboration study, biology/industrial biotechnology, e.g. in the field of equiferous/sub-surface modelling, e.g. gray-to-electometrics (e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing trichoderma and Bacillus biomas, optimal input/subsufficulating process in the field of efficacious modelling, for example, through the use of environmental modelling techniques, e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus biomas, optimal input/sub-sutilisation of the efficacious process through the use of on-line process modelling, e.g. by the use of microbial cross-fertilisation (e.g. through CO2) for the production of two economically cost-effective technologies for the production of Trichoderma and Bacillus biomass, optimal raw/industrial biotechnologies, through the use of efficiencies/concentric modelling, e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus bioma, optimal input/subsultiary modelling, using the efficiencies of the output, e.g. by using the microbial cross-fertilisation (electricity) and plant protection products through a cross-disciplinary, operational-related industrial collaboration study, biology science and industrial biotechnology in the fields of biotechnology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the use of the resulting cross-fertilisation (e.g. by means of a cross-fertilising process) through the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus biomass, optimal input/industrial biotechnology, and by promoting the distribution of the resulting knowledge through the use of the results of the cross-disciplinary economic activity related to an industrial collaboration study in the field of biology and industrial biotechnology, through the use of efficiencies of eco-industrial science and industrial biotechnologies, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the application of the cross-disciplinary, operational-related industrial collaboration study, biology science and industrial biotechnology in the field of biotechnology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the use of the results of the cross-ferentials (e.g. of the cross-cutting) of two economically cost-effective technologies Only the scale of deep cultivation in 5 and 100 litres of stirring type will be investigated and validated for the production of Bacillus spp., while Trichoderma spp. will be analysed for depth and surface fermentation processes, and for experimental evaluation of these two technologies prototypes of experimental bioreactors, deep cultivation bioreactors (5 l) and solid cylindrical-rotation bioreactor (50 l) will be designed for experimental evaluation. Under hele projektet vil projektiværksætterne deltage i forskellige PR-arrangementer for at informere offentligheden om projektets forløb. Indtil forskningsresultaterne udnyttes, planlægger SIA Bioefekts at forbedre erhvervelsen og den økonomiske ydeevne mindst 3-5 gange i løbet af den treårige periode efter projektets afslutning. Projektet vil resultere i 2 nye teknologiske prototyper samt 2 videnskabelige artikler. I forbindelse med gennemførelsen af projektet vil det videnskabelige personale blive tiltrukket med en arbejdsbyrde på 4,9 FTE. De samlede projektomkostninger anslås til 56 670,76 EUR, støtteberettigede omkostninger 5 508 845,96 EUR, inkl. 395 423,96 EUR (71,78 %) EFRU-medfinansiering. Projektets planlagte varighed er 36 måneder, projektets planlagte startdato er den 1. maj 2020 og slutdatoen den 30. april 2023. Projektet er i overensstemmelse med FORD-klassifikationen 1.6 fra OECD's videnskabelige afdeling. Biologi og Ingeniørvidenskab og Teknologi 2.9. Industriel bioteknologi, hvor projektet har til formål at udvikle en økonomisk konkurrencedygtig proces for dyrkning af mikroorganismer og en teknologisk proces i efterfølgende led med henblik på fremstilling af stærkt koncentrerede præparater indeholdende Trichoderma og Bacillus-mikroorganismer med en optimal holdbarhed, der kan anvendes i landbrug og gartneri. (Danish)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to study parameters of scale of depth and surface culture of commercially requested Trichoderma and Bacillus genera and sub-process parameters for obtaining microbial fertilisers and plant protection products in an interdisciplinary, operational-related industrial collaborative study, biology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge for the cross-disciplinary, operationally related industrial collaboration study, biology/industrial biotechnology, e.g. in the field of equiferous/sub-surface modelling, e.g. gray-to-electometrics (e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing trichoderma and Bacillus biomas, optimal input/subsufficulating process in the field of efficacious modelling, for example, through the use of environmental modelling techniques, e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus biomas, optimal input/sub-sutilisation of the efficacious process through the use of on-line process modelling, e.g. by the use of microbial cross-fertilisation (e.g. through CO2) for the production of two economically cost-effective technologies for the production of Trichoderma and Bacillus biomass, optimal raw/industrial biotechnologies, through the use of efficiencies/concentric modelling, e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus bioma, optimal input/subsultiary modelling, using the efficiencies of the output, e.g. by using the microbial cross-fertilisation (electricity) and plant protection products through a cross-disciplinary, operational-related industrial collaboration study, biology science and industrial biotechnology in the fields of biotechnology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the use of the resulting cross-fertilisation (e.g. by means of a cross-fertilising process) through the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus biomass, optimal input/industrial biotechnology, and by promoting the distribution of the resulting knowledge through the use of the results of the cross-disciplinary economic activity related to an industrial collaboration study in the field of biology and industrial biotechnology, through the use of efficiencies of eco-industrial science and industrial biotechnologies, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the application of the cross-disciplinary, operational-related industrial collaboration study, biology science and industrial biotechnology in the field of biotechnology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the use of the results of the cross-ferentials (e.g. of the cross-cutting) of two economically cost-effective technologies Only the scale of deep cultivation in 5 and 100 litres of stirring type will be investigated and validated for the production of Bacillus spp., while Trichoderma spp. will be analysed for depth and surface fermentation processes, and for experimental evaluation of these two technologies prototypes of experimental bioreactors, deep cultivation bioreactors (5 l) and solid cylindrical-rotation bioreactor (50 l) will be designed for experimental evaluation. Pe parcursul proiectului, promotorii de proiecte vor participa la diverse evenimente de publicitate pentru a informa publicul cu privire la evoluția proiectului. Până la utilizarea rezultatelor cercetării, SIA Bioefekts intenționează să îmbunătățească achiziția și performanța economică de cel puțin 3-5 ori pe parcursul perioadei de trei ani de la încheierea proiectului. Proiectul va avea ca rezultat 2 prototipuri tehnologice noi, precum și 2 articole științifice. Pentru implementarea proiectului, personalul științific va fi atras cu un volum de muncă de 4,9 ENI. Costul total al proiectului este estimat la 566 170,76 EUR, costurile eligibile fiind de 550 845,96 EUR, inclusiv 355 423,96 EUR (71,78 %) cofinanțare din FEDR. Durata planificată a proiectului este de 36 de luni, data planificată de începere a proiectului este 1 mai 2020, iar data de încheiere a proiectului este 30 aprilie 2023. Proiectul respectă clasificarea FORD 1.6 a departamentului științific al OCDE. Domeniul științelor biologiei și ingineriei și tehnologiei 2.9. Biotehnologia industrială, în cadrul căreia proiectul vizează dezvoltarea unui proces competitiv din punct de vedere economic de cultivare a microorganismelor și a unui proces tehnologic în aval, în vederea obținerii unor preparate foarte concentrate care conțin microorganisme Trichoderma și Bacillus, cu o durată optimă de valabilitate care poate fi utilizată în agricultură și horticultură. (Romanian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    The aim of the project is to study parameters of scale of depth and surface culture of commercially requested Trichoderma and Bacillus genera and sub-process parameters for obtaining microbial fertilisers and plant protection products in an interdisciplinary, operational-related industrial collaborative study, biology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge for the cross-disciplinary, operationally related industrial collaboration study, biology/industrial biotechnology, e.g. in the field of equiferous/sub-surface modelling, e.g. gray-to-electometrics (e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing trichoderma and Bacillus biomas, optimal input/subsufficulating process in the field of efficacious modelling, for example, through the use of environmental modelling techniques, e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus biomas, optimal input/sub-sutilisation of the efficacious process through the use of on-line process modelling, e.g. by the use of microbial cross-fertilisation (e.g. through CO2) for the production of two economically cost-effective technologies for the production of Trichoderma and Bacillus biomass, optimal raw/industrial biotechnologies, through the use of efficiencies/concentric modelling, e.g. the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus bioma, optimal input/subsultiary modelling, using the efficiencies of the output, e.g. by using the microbial cross-fertilisation (electricity) and plant protection products through a cross-disciplinary, operational-related industrial collaboration study, biology science and industrial biotechnology in the fields of biotechnology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the use of the resulting cross-fertilisation (e.g. by means of a cross-fertilising process) through the development of two economically cost-effective technologies for producing Trichoderma and Bacillus biomass, optimal input/industrial biotechnology, and by promoting the distribution of the resulting knowledge through the use of the results of the cross-disciplinary economic activity related to an industrial collaboration study in the field of biology and industrial biotechnology, through the use of efficiencies of eco-industrial science and industrial biotechnologies, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the application of the cross-disciplinary, operational-related industrial collaboration study, biology science and industrial biotechnology in the field of biotechnology and industrial biotechnology, as well as to facilitate the dissemination of the resulting knowledge through the use of the results of the cross-ferentials (e.g. of the cross-cutting) of two economically cost-effective technologies Only the scale of deep cultivation in 5 and 100 litres of stirring type will be investigated and validated for the production of Bacillus spp., while Trichoderma spp. will be analysed for depth and surface fermentation processes, and for experimental evaluation of these two technologies prototypes of experimental bioreactors, deep cultivation bioreactors (5 l) and solid cylindrical-rotation bioreactor (50 l) will be designed for experimental evaluation. Under projektets gång kommer de projektansvariga att delta i olika reklamevenemang för att informera allmänheten om hur projektet fortskrider. Fram till användningen av forskningsresultaten planerar SIA Bioefekts att förbättra förvärv och ekonomisk prestanda minst 3–5 gånger under treårsperioden efter projektets slut. Projektet kommer att resultera i två nya tekniska prototyper samt två vetenskapliga artiklar. För genomförandet av projektet kommer vetenskaplig personal att lockas med en arbetsbörda på 4,9 heltidsekvivalenter. Den totala kostnaden för projektet beräknas till 566 170,76 EUR, stödberättigande kostnader på 550 845,96 EUR, inkl. 395 423,96 EUR (71,78 %) medfinansiering från ERUF. Projektets planerade löptid är 36 månader, projektets planerade startdatum är den 1 maj 2020 och slutdatumet den 30 april 2023.Projektet överensstämmer med OECD:s vetenskapliga avdelnings FORD-klassificering 1.6. Ämnesområde Biologi och ingenjörsvetenskap och teknik 2.9. Industriell bioteknik, enligt vilken projektet syftar till att utveckla en ekonomiskt konkurrenskraftig process för odling av mikroorganismer och en teknisk process nedströms, i syfte att erhålla högkoncentrerade preparat som innehåller Trichoderma och Bacillusmikroorganismer med en optimal hållbarhetstid som kan användas inom jordbruk och trädgårdsodling. (Swedish)
    3 August 2022
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    Līvzemes iela 30, Salaspils, Salaspils nov., LV-2169
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    Dzērbenes iela 27, Rīga, LV-1006
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