Development of a compact high brilliance laser imaging system for volumetric type 3D display systems (Q3056419)

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Project Q3056419 in Latvia
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Development of a compact high brilliance laser imaging system for volumetric type 3D display systems
Project Q3056419 in Latvia


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    552,987.9 Euro
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    789,982.71 Euro
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    70.0 percent
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    1 April 2019
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    31 March 2021
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    "HansaMatrix Innovation SIA"
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    56°56'5.96"N, 24°4'43.25"E
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    Projekta mērķis ir izstrādāt attēlprojekcijas sistēmu ar unikālu attēla raksturlielumiem. Inovatīvais risinājums nodrošinās jaunus virzienus Latvijas viedās inženierijas jomā, attīstot volumetriska tipa 3D displeja tehnoloģiju. Projekts “Kompaktas augsta spožuma lāzeru attēlprojekcijas sistēmas izveide pielietojumiem volumetriska tipa 3D displeju sistēmās” ir ar saimniecisku darbību saistīts projekts, kura ietvaros paredzama rūpnieciska izpēte. Projekta nozare pēc NACE 2 red. ir 26.70, darbības atbilst FORD klasifikācijas 2.2., 2.3. un 2.11. jomai. Projekta rezultātu sasaiste ir paredzama ar Latvijas Viedās specializācijas stratēģijas RIS3 1. un 6. prioritāti. Projekta īstenošanā sadarbosies divi uzņēmumi - „Hansamatrix Innovation” un „LightSpace Technologies” - un pētniecības organizācija Latvijas Universitātes (Optometrijas nodaļa). Projekta noslēgumā tehnoloģijas gatavības līmenis būs TRL4. Tiek paredzēta tehnoloģijas turpmāka ilgtspēju nostiprinoša attīstība līdz TRL-7 līmenim un ASV/Eiropas patenta iegūšana. Projekta ietvaros tiks veiktas šādas galvenās aktivitātes: 1)Padziļināta priekšizpēte ar mērķi noteikt visatbilstošāko attēlprojekcijas sistēmas uzbūvi attiecībā uz „LightSpace Technologies” volumetriska tipa 3D displejiem.2)Projekcijas sistēmas optomehāniskā dizaina izstrāde un galveno optikas komponenšu dizains un salikšana laboratorijas vidē3)Elektronikas izveide, tostarp gaismas avota (lāzera) vadības paneļa un displeja saskarnes izstrāde ar tai nepieciešamo kontroles algoritmu.4)Tehnoloģijas validācija laboratorijas vidē, kuras ietvaros tiks veikta attēla kvalitāti raksturlielumu noteikšana līdz optimālai attēlprojekcijas konstrukcijai saskaņā ar partneruzņēmuma LightSpace Technologies tehnoloģiskajām prasībām.5)Padziļināts pētījums, ko veiks Latvijas Universitāte, par tilpuma attēla kvalitāti un cilvēka redzes uztveri. Pētījuma mērķis ir izpētīt redzes sistēmas funkcionālo parametru izmaiņas un redzes uztveres reakciju, skatoties uz jaunas paaudzes volumetriskā displeja telpisko attēlu.Projekta īstenošanas laiks: 24 mēneši (uzsākšana 2019. gada 2. ceturksnis, pabeigšana: 2021. gada 1.ceturksnis)Projekta kopējās plānotās izmaksas ir 816 862.71,00 EUR, ERAF finansējums 552987.9,00 EUR (66,6%) un privātais finansējums 236 994.81 (28,5%).Projekta rezultātā tiks nodrošināta tehnoloģijas attīstība līdz TRL-4.Projektā paredzēts aizsargāt intelektuālo īpašumu ar vismaz vienu ASV/Eiropas patentu. Pārējie nozīmīgie zinātniskie rezultāti tiks izplatīti vismaz divās zinātniskās publikācijās Scopus, Web of Science datubāzēs u.tml. Projektā ir paredzēts radīt jaunas zinātnieku darba vietas vismaz 3 PLE, nodarbinot 2 maģistratūras studentus, 3 doktorantūras studentus un divus jaunos zinātniekus.Atslēgas vārdi:3D displeja tehnoloģija, attēlprojekcija, augsts atjaunošanas ātrums, telpiskais gaismas modulators, lāzera gaismas avots. (Latvian)
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    The aim of the project is to develop an imaging system with unique image characteristics. The innovative solution will provide new directions in the field of smart engineering in Latvia, developing volumetric type 3D display technology. The project “Development of a complex high brilliance laser imaging system for use in volumetric type 3D display systems” is a project related to economic activity, within which industrial research is expected. The project field according to NACE Rev. 2 is 26.70, the activities correspond to the FORD classifications 2.2, 2.3 and 2.11. Linking the project results with the 1st and 6 rd priority of the Latvian Smart Specialisation Strategy RIS3. Two companies – “HansaMatrix Innovation” and “LightSpace Technologies” – and research organisation of the University of Latvia (Optometria Division) will cooperate in the implementation of the project. At the end of the project, the technology readiness level will be TRL4. Further development of technology sustainability up to the TRL-7 level and acquisition of a US/European patent is envisaged. Within the framework of the project the following main activities will be carried out: 1)In-depth feasibility study to determine the most appropriate design of the imaging system in relation to “LightSpace Technologies” volumetric 3D displays.2) Development of the optical design of the projection system and design of the main optical components and assembly in laboratory environment3)Electronic development, including the light source (laser) control panel and display interface design with the necessary control components in the visual design and assembly of the lens in a technological environment5 the design of the human figure, including the development of the light source (laser) control interface with the required control components for it, to be carried out by the laboratory’s impurity design, which will be evaluated according to the laboratory design.4) The design of the light source (laser) control interface with the required control design of the company, which will be performed in accordance with the laboratory’s imputation of the image.4) The design of the lens according to the laboratory’s imperial design will be performed according to the quality of the laboratory.4) The feasibility of a feasibility study with the most appropriate design of the imaging system in relation to “LightSpace Technologies” volumetric 3D displays.2) Development of the optical design of the projection system and design of the main optical components and assembly in a laboratory environment3)The design of electronics, including the light source (laser) control interface and display interface with the necessary control components in the laboratory environment, will be tested for the quality of the human figure according to the laboratory’s impositation.4) The design of the optical source (laser) control panel and display interface with the necessary control components in a laboratory environment, which will be tested according to the laboratory image quality.4) The design of the lens according to the laboratory design.4) The design of the light source (laser) control panel and display interface with the necessary control components in the laboratory environment will be validated according to the laboratory design.4) The development of an electronics system, including the development of the optical source (laser) interface with the required control components and design and assembly of the main optical components in a laboratory environment3.Development of electronics, including the light source (laser) control panel and display interface design with the necessary control components in the visual range and assembly in a laboratory environmentThe design of electronics according to the technological design of the design of the lens, including the light source (laser The aim of the research is to explore changes in functional parameters of the visual system and visual perception response, looking at the spatial image of a new generation volumetric display. 24 months (starting Q2 2019, completion: Q1, 2021) The total estimated cost of the project is EUR 816 86271,00, including: ERDF funding EUR 5529879.00 (66.6 %) and private financing 236 994.81 (28.5 %). As a result of the project, technological development up to TRL-4 will be ensured.The project will protect intellectual property with at least one U.S./European patent. Other relevant scientific results will be disseminated in at least two scientific publications in Scopus, Web of Science databases, etc. The project aims to create new jobs for scientists at least 3 PLE, employing 2 master’s students, 3 doctoral students and two young scientists.Keywords: 3D display technology, imaging projection, high recovery speed, spatial light modulator, laser light source. (English)
    15 July 2021
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    L’objectif du projet est de développer un système de projection d’imagerie avec des caractéristiques d’image uniques. La solution innovante fournira de nouvelles orientations dans le domaine de l’ingénierie intelligente en Lettonie, en développant la technologie d’affichage volumétrique de type 3D. Le projet «Établissement d’un système compact d’imagerie laser à haute brillance pour des applications dans des systèmes d’affichage de type volumétrique 3D» est un projet d’activité économique dans lequel la recherche industrielle est attendue. Le secteur des projets selon la NACE Rév. 2 est de 26.70, les activités relèvent des champs d’application 2.2, 2.3 et 2.11 de la nomenclature FORD. Le lien entre les résultats du projet et les priorités 1 et 6 de la stratégie lettone de spécialisation intelligente RIS3. Deux entreprises — «HansaMatrix Innovation» et «LightSpace Technologies» — et l’organisation de recherche de l’Université de Lettonie (Département Optométrial) coopéreront à la mise en œuvre du projet. À la fin du projet, le niveau de préparation technologique sera TRL4. Le développement de la durabilité de la technologie jusqu’au niveau TRL-7 et l’acquisition du brevet américain/européen sont envisagés. Dans le cadre du projet, les principales activités suivantes seront menées: 1)Etude de faisabilité approfondie pour déterminer la conception la plus appropriée du système de projection d’imagerie pour les affichages volumétriques 3D des technologies LightSpace.2)Développement de la conception optomécanique du système de projection et de la conception et de l’assemblage des principaux composants optiques dans un environnement de laboratoire 3)Electronique, y compris le développement d’un panneau de commande de source lumineuse (laser) et d’une interface d’affichage avec l’algorithme de contrôle requis.4)Validation technique dans un environnement de laboratoire, dans le cadre duquel les caractéristiques de qualité de l’image seront déterminées jusqu’à la conception optimale de la projection d’image conformément aux exigences technologiques de la société partenaire LightSpace Technologies.5) Étude approfondie par l’Université de Lettonie sur la qualité de l’image volumétrique et la perception de la vision humaine. L’objectif de l’étude est d’étudier les changements dans les paramètres fonctionnels du système visuel et la réponse de la perception visuelle en regardant l’image spatiale de l’écran volumétrique de nouvelle génération.Le temps de mise en œuvre du projet: 24 mois (à compter du 2e trimestre 2019 — Achèvement: 1er trimestre 2021)Le coût total prévu du projet s’élève à 81 686 271,00 EUR, dont: Le FEDER finance 5 529 879,00 EUR (66,6 %) et le financement privé 236 994,81 (28,5 %).Le projet assurera le développement technologique jusqu’à TRL-4.Le projet vise à protéger la propriété intellectuelle avec au moins un brevet américain/européen. D’autres résultats scientifiques pertinents seront diffusés dans au moins deux publications scientifiques dans les bases de données Scopus, Web of Science, etc. Le projet prévoit la création de nouveaux emplois scientifiques pour au moins 3 PLE, employant 2 étudiants de master, 3 doctorants et deux jeunes scientifiques. Mots clés: technologie d’affichage 3D, projection d’imagerie, vitesse de récupération élevée, modulateur de lumière spatiale, source de lumière laser. (French)
    25 November 2021
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    Ziel des Projekts ist es, ein Bildgebungsprojektionssystem mit einzigartigen Bildeigenschaften zu entwickeln. Die innovative Lösung wird neue Wegbeschreibungen im Bereich Smart Engineering in Lettland geben und die volumetrische 3D-Displaytechnologie entwickeln. Das Projekt „Einrichtung eines kompakten Laserbildsystems mit hoher Brillanz für Anwendungen in volumetrischen 3D-Displaysystemen“ ist ein Wirtschaftsprojekt, in dem industrielle Forschung erwartet wird. Der Projektsektor gemäß der NACE Rev. 2 ist 26.70, die Tätigkeiten fallen in den Anwendungsbereich 2.2, 2.3 und 2.11 der FORD-Klassifikation. Die Verknüpfung der Projektergebnisse mit den Prioritäten 1 und 6 der lettischen Strategie für intelligente Spezialisierung RIS3 wird erwartet. Zwei Unternehmen – „HansaMatrix Innovation“ und „LightSpace Technologies“ – und die Forschungsorganisation der Universität Lettland (Optometrial Department) werden bei der Umsetzung des Projekts zusammenarbeiten. Am Ende des Projekts wird die Technologiebereitstellungsstufe TRL4 sein. Die Weiterentwicklung der Nachhaltigkeit der Technologie auf TRL-7-Ebene und die Übernahme des US-amerikanischen/europäischen Patents sind geplant. Im Rahmen des Projekts werden folgende Haupttätigkeiten durchgeführt: 1)Eingehende Machbarkeitsstudie zur Bestimmung des am besten geeigneten Entwurfs des bildgebenden Projektionssystems für die volumetrischen 3D-Displays der LightSpace Technologies.2) Entwicklung des optomechanischen Designs des Projektionssystems und der Konstruktion und Montage der wichtigsten optischen Komponenten in einer Laborumgebung3)Elektronik, einschließlich der Entwicklung eines Lichtquellen- (Laser-)Bedienfelds und der Anzeigeschnittstelle mit dem erforderlichen Regelalgorithmus.4)Technologievalidierung in einer Laborumgebung, in dessen Rahmen die Bildqualitätsmerkmale bis zur optimalen Bildprojektion in Übereinstimmung mit den technologischen Anforderungen des Partnerunternehmens LightSpace Technologies bestimmt werden.5)Eingehende Studie der Universität Lettland zur Qualität des volumetrischen Bildes und der Wahrnehmung des menschlichen Sehvermögens. Ziel der Studie ist es, Veränderungen in den Funktionsparametern des visuellen Systems und der visuellen Wahrnehmungsreaktion zu untersuchen, indem man das räumliche Bild des neuen volumetrischen Displays der neuen Generation betrachtet.Die Projektumsetzungszeit: 24 Monate (ab Q2 2019 – Abschluss: 1. Quartal 2021)Die Gesamtkosten des Projekts belaufen sich auf 81 686 271,00 EUR, davon: EFRE-Mittel 5 529 879,00 EUR (66,6 %) und private Finanzierungen 236 994,81 (28,5 %).Das Projekt wird die technologische Entwicklung bis zu TRL-4 gewährleisten.Das Projekt zielt darauf ab, geistiges Eigentum mit mindestens einem US/europäischen Patent zu schützen. Weitere relevante wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse werden in mindestens zwei wissenschaftlichen Publikationen in Scopus, Web of Science-Datenbanken usw. verbreitet. Das Projekt sieht die Schaffung neuer wissenschaftlicher Arbeitsplätze für mindestens 3 PLE vor, die 2 Masterstudenten, 3 Doktoranden und zwei junge Wissenschaftler beschäftigen. Keywords:3D-Displaytechnologie, Bildgebungsprojektion, hohe Regenerationsgeschwindigkeit, Raumlichtmodulator, Laserlichtquelle. (German)
    28 November 2021
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    Het doel van het project is het ontwikkelen van een beeldprojectiesysteem met unieke beeldkenmerken. De innovatieve oplossing zal nieuwe richtingen bieden op het gebied van slimme techniek in Letland, waarbij volumetrische 3D-displaytechnologie wordt ontwikkeld. Het project „Oprichting van een Compact High brilliance laser imaging systeem voor toepassingen in volumetrische type 3D display systemen” is een economische activiteit project waarin industrieel onderzoek wordt verwacht. De projectsector volgens de NACE Rev. 2 is 26.70; de activiteiten vallen onder de toepassingsgebieden 2.2, 2.3 en 2.11 van de FORD-classificatie. De koppeling van de projectresultaten wordt verwacht met de prioriteiten 1 en 6 van de Letse strategie voor slimme specialisatie RIS3. Twee bedrijven — „HansaMatrix Innovation” en „LightSpace Technologies” — en de onderzoeksorganisatie van de Universiteit van Letland (Optometrial Department) zullen samenwerken bij de uitvoering van het project. Aan het einde van het project zal het niveau van technologische paraatheid TRL4 zijn. Verdere ontwikkeling van de duurzaamheid van de technologie tot het TRL-7-niveau en de verwerving van het Amerikaanse/Europese octrooi worden overwogen. In het kader van het project worden de volgende hoofdactiviteiten uitgevoerd: 1)diepgaande haalbaarheidsstudie om het meest geschikte ontwerp van het beeldvormingsprojectiesysteem voor de volumetrische 3D-displays van de LightSpace Technologies te bepalen.2)Ontwikkeling van het optomechanische ontwerp van het projectiesysteem en het ontwerp en de assemblage van de belangrijkste optische componenten in een laboratoriumomgeving3)Elektronica, met inbegrip van de ontwikkeling van een lichtbron (laser) bedieningspaneel en weergave-interface met het vereiste controlealgoritme.4)Technologische validatie in een laboratoriumomgeving, in het kader waarvan de beeldkwaliteitskenmerken zullen worden bepaald tot het optimale beeldprojectieontwerp in overeenstemming met de technologische eisen van het partnerbedrijf LightSpace Technologies.5)Intensief onderzoek door de Universiteit van Letland naar de kwaliteit van het volumetrische beeld en de menselijke visieperceptie. Het doel van de studie is om veranderingen in de functionele parameters van het visuele systeem en de visuele waarnemingsrespons te bestuderen door te kijken naar het ruimtelijke beeld van het nieuwe generatie volumetrische display.De implementatietijd van het project: 24 maanden (vanaf het tweede kwartaal van 2019 — Voltooiing: 1e kwartaal 2021)De totale geplande kosten van het project bedragen 81 686 271,00 EUR, waarvan: EFRO-financiering 55 298 790,00 EUR (66,6 %) en particuliere financiering 236 994,81 (28,5 %).Het project zal zorgen voor technologische ontwikkeling tot TRL-4.Het project is gericht op de bescherming van intellectuele eigendom met ten minste één Amerikaans/Europees octrooi. Andere relevante wetenschappelijke resultaten worden verspreid in ten minste twee wetenschappelijke publicaties in Scopus, databanken Web of Science, enz. Het project voorziet in het creëren van nieuwe wetenschappelijke banen voor ten minste 3 PLE, met 2 masterstudenten, 3 doctoraatsstudenten en twee jonge wetenschappers. Keywords: 3D-displaytechnologie, beeldvormingsprojectie, hoge herstelsnelheid, ruimtelijke lichtmodulator, laserlichtbron. (Dutch)
    28 November 2021
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    L'obiettivo del progetto è quello di sviluppare un sistema di proiezione di immagini con caratteristiche di immagine uniche. La soluzione innovativa fornirà nuove direzioni nel campo dell'ingegneria intelligente in Lettonia, sviluppando la tecnologia volumetrica di visualizzazione 3D di tipo. Il progetto "Istituzione di un sistema di imaging laser compatto ad alta brillantezza per applicazioni in sistemi di visualizzazione volumetrici di tipo 3D" è un progetto di attività economica in cui è prevista la ricerca industriale. Il settore del progetto secondo la NACE Rev. 2 è 26.70, le attività rientrano negli ambiti 2.2, 2.3 e 2.11 della classificazione FORD. Il collegamento dei risultati del progetto è previsto con le priorità 1 e 6 della strategia lettone di specializzazione intelligente RIS3. Due società — "HansaMatrix Innovation" e "LightSpace Technologies" — e l'organizzazione di ricerca dell'Università di Lettonia (Dipartimento Optometriale) collaboreranno all'attuazione del progetto. Al termine del progetto, il livello di preparazione tecnologica sarà TRL4. Sono previsti un ulteriore sviluppo della sostenibilità della tecnologia a livello TRL-7 e l'acquisizione del brevetto USA/europeo. Nell'ambito del progetto saranno svolte le seguenti attività principali: 1) Studio di fattibilità approfondito per determinare la progettazione più appropriata del sistema di proiezione di immagini per i display volumetrici 3D delle tecnologie LightSpace.2) Sviluppo della progettazione optomeccanica del sistema di proiezione e progettazione e assemblaggio dei principali componenti ottici in un ambiente di laboratorio3) Elettronica, compreso lo sviluppo di un pannello di controllo della sorgente luminosa (laser) e di un'interfaccia di visualizzazione con il suo algoritmo di controllo richiesto.4) Convalida tecnica in un ambiente di laboratorio, Nell'ambito del quale le caratteristiche di qualità dell'immagine saranno determinate fino al progetto ottimale di proiezione dell'immagine in conformità con i requisiti tecnologici della società partner LightSpace Technologies.5) Studio approfondito da parte dell'Università di Lettonia sulla qualità dell'immagine volumetrica e percezione della visione umana. L'obiettivo dello studio è quello di studiare i cambiamenti nei parametri funzionali del sistema visivo e la risposta alla percezione visiva guardando l'immagine spaziale del display volumetrico di nuova generazione.Il tempo di implementazione del progetto: 24 mesi (a partire dal secondo trimestre 2019 — Completamento: 1º trimestre 2021)Il costo totale previsto del progetto ammonta a 81 686 271,00 EUR, di cui: Finanziamento FESR 5 529 879,00 EUR (66,6 %) e finanziamento privato 236.994,81 (28,5 %).Il progetto garantirà lo sviluppo tecnologico fino a TRL-4.Il progetto mira a proteggere la proprietà intellettuale con almeno un brevetto USA/europeo. Altri risultati scientifici pertinenti saranno diffusi in almeno due pubblicazioni scientifiche in Scopus, nelle banche dati Web of Science, ecc. Il progetto prevede la creazione di nuovi posti di lavoro scientifici per almeno 3 PLE, con l'impiego di 2 studenti master, 3 dottorandi e due giovani scienziati. (Italian)
    11 January 2022
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    El objetivo del proyecto es desarrollar un sistema de proyección de imágenes con características de imagen únicas. La solución innovadora proporcionará nuevas direcciones en el campo de la ingeniería inteligente en Letonia, desarrollando tecnología de visualización volumétrica tipo 3D. El proyecto «Establecimiento de un sistema compacto de imágenes láser de alto brillo para aplicaciones en sistemas volumétricos de visualización 3D» es un proyecto de actividad económica en el que se espera investigación industrial. Según la NACE Rev. 2, el sector de los proyectos es 26.70, y las actividades entran en los ámbitos 2.2, 2.3 y 2.11 de la clasificación FORD. Se espera vincular los resultados del proyecto con las prioridades 1 y 6 de la Estrategia de Especialización Inteligente de Letonia RIS3. Dos empresas — «HansaMatrix Innovation» y «LightSpace Technologies» — y la organización de investigación de la Universidad de Letonia (Departamento Optometrial) cooperarán en la ejecución del proyecto. Al final del proyecto, el nivel de preparación tecnológica será TRL4. Se prevé un mayor desarrollo de la sostenibilidad de la tecnología hasta el nivel TRL-7 y la adquisición de la patente estadounidense/europea. En el marco del proyecto, se llevarán a cabo las siguientes actividades principales: 1)Estudio de viabilidad en profundidad para determinar el diseño más apropiado del sistema de proyección de imágenes para las pantallas volumétricas 3D de las tecnologías LightSpace.2)Desarrollo del diseño optomecánico del sistema de proyección y el diseño y montaje de los principales componentes ópticos en un entorno de laboratorio3)Electrónica, incluido el desarrollo de un panel de control de fuente de luz (láser) y la interfaz de visualización con su algoritmo de control requerido. en cuyo marco se determinarán las características de calidad de la imagen hasta el diseño óptimo de la proyección de imagen de acuerdo con los requisitos tecnológicos de la empresa asociada LightSpace Technologies.5)Estudio en profundidad de la Universidad de Letonia sobre la calidad de la imagen volumétrica y la percepción de la visión humana. El objetivo del estudio es estudiar los cambios en los parámetros funcionales del sistema visual y la respuesta de la percepción visual, mirando la imagen espacial de la pantalla volumétrica de nueva generación.El tiempo de implementación del proyecto: 24 meses (a partir del segundo trimestre de 2019 — Finalización: Primer trimestre de 2021)El coste total previsto del proyecto es de 81 686 271,00 EUR, de los cuales: Financiación del FEDER 5 529 879,00 EUR (66,6 %) y financiación privada 236994,81 (28,5 %).El proyecto garantizará el desarrollo tecnológico hasta TRL-4. El proyecto tiene por objeto proteger la propiedad intelectual con al menos una patente estadounidense/europea. Se difundirán otros resultados científicos pertinentes en al menos dos publicaciones científicas en las bases de datos Scopus, Web of Science, etc. El proyecto prevé la creación de nuevos puestos de trabajo científicos para al menos 3 PLE, empleando a 2 estudiantes de maestría, 3 estudiantes de doctorado y dos jóvenes científicos. Palabras clave: tecnología de visualización 3D, proyección de imágenes, alta velocidad de recuperación, modulador de luz espacial, fuente de luz láser. (Spanish)
    12 January 2022
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    Projekti eesmärk on töötada välja ainulaadsete kujutiste omadustega pildistamise süsteem. Uuenduslik lahendus pakub uusi suundi Läti aruka inseneriteaduse valdkonnas, arendades mahulist 3D-tüüpi kuvatehnoloogiat. Projekt „Keerulise kõrgkiirgusega laserpildistussüsteemi arendamine kasutamiseks mahttüüpi 3D kuvasüsteemides“ on majandustegevusega seotud projekt, mille raames oodatakse tööstusuuringuid. NACE Rev. 2 kohane projektiväli on 26,70, tegevus vastab FORDi klassifikaatorile 2.2, 2.3 ja 2.11. Projekti tulemuste sidumine Läti aruka spetsialiseerumise strateegia RIS3 1. ja 6. prioriteediga. Projekti rakendamisel teevad koostööd kaks ettevõtet – „HansaMatrix Innovation“ ja „LightSpace Technologies“ ning Läti Ülikooli teadusorganisatsioon (Optometria osakond). Projekti lõpus on tehnoloogilise valmisoleku tase TRL4. Kavandatakse tehnoloogia jätkusuutlikkuse edasiarendamist kuni TRL-7 tasemeni ning USA/Euroopa patendi omandamist. Projekti raames viiakse läbi järgmised peamised tegevused: 1)In-depth feasibility study to determine the most appropriate design of the imaging system in relation to “LightSpace Technologies” volumetric 3D displays.2) Development of the optical design of the projection system and design of the main optical components and assembly in laboratory environment3)Electronic development, including the light source (laser) control panel and display interface design with the necessary control components in the visual design and assembly of the lens in a technological environment5 the design of the human figure, including the development of the light source (laser) control interface with the required control components for it, to be carried out by the laboratory’s impurity design, which will be evaluated according to the laboratory design.4) The design of the light source (laser) control interface with the required control design of the company, which will be performed in accordance with the laboratory’s imputation of the image.4) The design of the lens according to the laboratory’s imperial design will be performed according to the quality of the laboratory.4) The feasibility of a feasibility study with the most appropriate design of the imaging system in relation to “LightSpace Technologies” volumetric 3D displays.2) Development of the optical design of the projection system and design of the main optical components and assembly in a laboratory environment3)The design of electronics, including the light source (laser) control interface and display interface with the necessary control components in the laboratory environment, will be tested for the quality of the human figure according to the laboratory’s impositation.4) The design of the optical source (laser) control panel and display interface with the necessary control components in a laboratory environment, which will be tested according to the laboratory image quality.4) The design of the lens according to the laboratory design.4) The design of the light source (laser) control panel and display interface with the necessary control components in the laboratory environment will be validated according to the laboratory design.4) The development of an electronics system, including the development of the optical source (laser) interface with the required control components and design and assembly of the main optical components in a laboratory environment3.Development of electronics, including the light source (laser) control panel and display interface design with the necessary control components in the visual range and assembly in a laboratory environmentThe design of electronics according to the technological design of the design of the lens, including the light source (laser The aim of the research is to explore changes in functional parameters of the visual system and visual perception response, looking at the spatial image of a new generation volumetric display. 24 kuud (alates 2019. aasta teisest kvartalist) 2021. aasta esimene kvartal) Projekti hinnanguline kogumaksumus on 816 86271,00 eurot, sealhulgas: ERFist rahastatakse 5529879.00 eurot (66,6 %) ja erasektori vahendeid 236 994,81 (28,5 %). Projekti tulemusena tagatakse tehnoloogia areng kuni TRL-4-ni. Projekt kaitseb intellektuaalomandit vähemalt ühe USA/Euroopa patendiga. Muid asjakohaseid teaduslikke tulemusi levitatakse vähemalt kahes teadusväljaandes Scopus, Web of Science andmebaasid, jne Projekti eesmärk on luua uusi töökohti teadlased vähemalt 3 PLE, kus töötab 2 magistriõppe üliõpilased, 3 doktorantide ja kaks noort teadlast.Märksõnad: 3D-kuvatehnoloogia, pildiprojektsioon, suur taastumiskiirus, ruumiline valguse modulaator, laservalgusallikas. (Estonian)
    3 August 2022
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    Projekto tikslas – sukurti vizualizavimo sistemą su unikaliomis vaizdo charakteristikomis. Novatoriškas sprendimas suteiks naujų krypčių išmaniosios inžinerijos srityje Latvijoje, kuriant tūrinio tipo 3D ekrano technologiją. Projektas „Sudėtingos didelio blizgesio lazerinės vaizdo sistemos kūrimas, skirtas naudoti tūrio tipo 3D ekranavimo sistemose“ yra su ekonomine veikla susijęs projektas, kuriame tikimasi pramonės tyrimų. Projekto sritis pagal NACE 2 red. yra 26.70, veikla atitinka FORD 2.2, 2.3 ir 2.11 klasifikatorius. Projekto rezultatų susiejimas su Latvijos pažangiosios specializacijos strategijos RIS3 1-uoju ir 6-uoju prioritetu. Įgyvendinant projektą bendradarbiaus dvi įmonės – „HansaMatrix Innovation“ ir „LightSpace Technologies“ ir Latvijos universiteto (Optometrijos skyriaus) mokslinių tyrimų organizacija. Projekto pabaigoje technologinio pasirengimo lygis bus TRL4. Numatoma toliau plėtoti technologijų tvarumą iki TRL-7 lygio ir įsigyti JAV ir (arba) Europos patentą. Įgyvendinant projektą bus vykdoma ši pagrindinė veikla: 1)In-depth feasibility study to determine the most appropriate design of the imaging system in relation to “LightSpace Technologies” volumetric 3D displays.2) Development of the optical design of the projection system and design of the main optical components and assembly in laboratory environment3)Electronic development, including the light source (laser) control panel and display interface design with the necessary control components in the visual design and assembly of the lens in a technological environment5 the design of the human figure, including the development of the light source (laser) control interface with the required control components for it, to be carried out by the laboratory’s impurity design, which will be evaluated according to the laboratory design.4) The design of the light source (laser) control interface with the required control design of the company, which will be performed in accordance with the laboratory’s imputation of the image.4) The design of the lens according to the laboratory’s imperial design will be performed according to the quality of the laboratory.4) The feasibility of a feasibility study with the most appropriate design of the imaging system in relation to “LightSpace Technologies” volumetric 3D displays.2) Development of the optical design of the projection system and design of the main optical components and assembly in a laboratory environment3)The design of electronics, including the light source (laser) control interface and display interface with the necessary control components in the laboratory environment, will be tested for the quality of the human figure according to the laboratory’s impositation.4) The design of the optical source (laser) control panel and display interface with the necessary control components in a laboratory environment, which will be tested according to the laboratory image quality.4) The design of the lens according to the laboratory design.4) The design of the light source (laser) control panel and display interface with the necessary control components in the laboratory environment will be validated according to the laboratory design.4) The development of an electronics system, including the development of the optical source (laser) interface with the required control components and design and assembly of the main optical components in a laboratory environment3.Development of electronics, including the light source (laser) control panel and display interface design with the necessary control components in the visual range and assembly in a laboratory environmentThe design of electronics according to the technological design of the design of the lens, including the light source (laser The aim of the research is to explore changes in functional parameters of the visual system and visual perception response, looking at the spatial image of a new generation volumetric display. 24 mėnesiai (pradedant 2019 m. II ketv., užbaigimas – 2021 m. 1 ketv.) Bendros numatomos projekto išlaidos yra 81 686 271,00 EUR, įskaitant: ERPF finansavimas 5 529 879,00 EUR (66,6 %) ir privatus finansavimas 236 994,81 (28,5 %). Dėl projekto bus užtikrinta technologinė plėtra iki TRL-4. Projektas apsaugos intelektinę nuosavybę bent vienu JAV/Europos patentu. Kiti svarbūs moksliniai rezultatai bus platinami bent dviejuose moksliniuose leidiniuose „Scopus“, „Web of Science“ duomenų bazėse ir kt. Projekto tikslas – sukurti naujas darbo vietas mokslininkams bent 3 PLE, įdarbinant 2 magistrantūros studentus, 3 doktorantus ir du jaunus mokslininkus. 3D ekrano technologija, vaizdo projekcija, didelis atkūrimo greitis, erdvinės šviesos moduliatorius, lazerio šviesos šaltinis. (Lithuanian)
    3 August 2022
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    Cilj projekta je razviti slikovni sustav s jedinstvenim karakteristikama slike. Inovativnim rješenjem pružit će se novi smjerovi u području pametnog inženjeringa u Latviji, uz razvoj volumetrijske tehnologije 3D prikaza. Projekt „Razvoj složenog sustava laserskog snimanja visokog sjaja za korištenje u volumetrijskim sustavima 3D prikaza” projekt je povezan s gospodarskom aktivnošću u okviru kojeg se očekuju industrijska istraživanja. Polje projekta prema NACE Rev. 2 je 26.70, djelatnosti odgovaraju FORD klasifikacijama 2.2, 2.3 i 2.11. Povezivanje rezultata projekta s prvim i šestim prioritetom latvijske strategije pametne specijalizacije RIS3. Dvije tvrtke – „HansaMatrix Innovation” i „LightSpace Technologies” – te istraživačka organizacija Sveučilišta u Latviji (Odjel za optometriju) surađivat će u provedbi projekta. Na kraju projekta razina tehnološke spremnosti bit će TRL4. Predviđa se daljnji razvoj tehnološke održivosti do razine TRL-7 i stjecanje američkog/europskog patenta. U okviru projekta provest će se sljedeće glavne aktivnosti: 1)In-depth feasibility study to determine the most appropriate design of the imaging system in relation to “LightSpace Technologies” volumetric 3D displays.2) Development of the optical design of the projection system and design of the main optical components and assembly in laboratory environment3)Electronic development, including the light source (laser) control panel and display interface design with the necessary control components in the visual design and assembly of the lens in a technological environment5 the design of the human figure, including the development of the light source (laser) control interface with the required control components for it, to be carried out by the laboratory’s impurity design, which will be evaluated according to the laboratory design.4) The design of the light source (laser) control interface with the required control design of the company, which will be performed in accordance with the laboratory’s imputation of the image.4) The design of the lens according to the laboratory’s imperial design will be performed according to the quality of the laboratory.4) The feasibility of a feasibility study with the most appropriate design of the imaging system in relation to “LightSpace Technologies” volumetric 3D displays.2) Development of the optical design of the projection system and design of the main optical components and assembly in a laboratory environment3)The design of electronics, including the light source (laser) control interface and display interface with the necessary control components in the laboratory environment, will be tested for the quality of the human figure according to the laboratory’s impositation.4) The design of the optical source (laser) control panel and display interface with the necessary control components in a laboratory environment, which will be tested according to the laboratory image quality.4) The design of the lens according to the laboratory design.4) The design of the light source (laser) control panel and display interface with the necessary control components in the laboratory environment will be validated according to the laboratory design.4) The development of an electronics system, including the development of the optical source (laser) interface with the required control components and design and assembly of the main optical components in a laboratory environment3.Development of electronics, including the light source (laser) control panel and display interface design with the necessary control components in the visual range and assembly in a laboratory environmentThe design of electronics according to the technological design of the design of the lens, including the light source (laser The aim of the research is to explore changes in functional parameters of the visual system and visual perception response, looking at the spatial image of a new generation volumetric display. 24 mjeseca (počevši od drugog tromjesečja 2019., završetak: Prvo tromjesečje 2021.) Ukupni procijenjeni trošak projekta iznosi 81 686 271,00 EUR, uključujući: Iz EFRR-a se financira 5 529 879,00 EUR (66,6 %) i privatno financiranje 236 994,81 (28,5 %). Kao rezultat projekta osigurat će se tehnološki razvoj do TRL-4. Projekt će zaštititi intelektualno vlasništvo s najmanje jednim američkim/europskim patentom. Ostali relevantni znanstveni rezultati bit će diseminirani u najmanje dvije znanstvene publikacije u Scopusu, Web of Science bazama itd. Projekt ima za cilj stvoriti nova radna mjesta za znanstvenike najmanje 3 PLE, zapošljavati 2 magistarska studenata, 3 doktoranda i dva mlada znanstvenika.Ključne riječi: Tehnologija 3D prikaza, projekcija slike, visoka brzina oporavka, prostorni modulator svjetla, laserski izvor svjetlosti. (Croatian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    Στόχος του έργου είναι η ανάπτυξη ενός συστήματος απεικόνισης με μοναδικά χαρακτηριστικά εικόνας. Η καινοτόμος λύση θα προσφέρει νέες κατευθύνσεις στον τομέα της έξυπνης μηχανικής στη Λετονία, αναπτύσσοντας τεχνολογία ογκομετρικής τρισδιάστατης απεικόνισης τύπου. Το έργο «Ανάπτυξη ενός σύνθετου συστήματος απεικόνισης λέιζερ υψηλής λαμπρότητας για χρήση σε συστήματα ογκομετρικής τρισδιάστατης απεικόνισης» είναι ένα έργο που σχετίζεται με την οικονομική δραστηριότητα, στο πλαίσιο του οποίου αναμένεται βιομηχανική έρευνα. Το πεδίο του έργου σύμφωνα με τη NACE αναθ. 2 είναι 26.70, οι δραστηριότητες αντιστοιχούν στις ταξινομήσεις του FORD 2.2, 2.3 και 2.11. Σύνδεση των αποτελεσμάτων του έργου με την 1η και την 6η προτεραιότητα της λετονικής στρατηγικής έξυπνης εξειδίκευσης RIS3. Δύο εταιρείες — η «HansaMatrix Innovation» και η «LightSpace Technologies» — και ο ερευνητικός οργανισμός του Πανεπιστημίου της Λετονίας (τμήμα Optometria) θα συνεργαστούν για την υλοποίηση του έργου. Στο τέλος του έργου, το επίπεδο τεχνολογικής ετοιμότητας θα είναι το TRL4. Προβλέπεται περαιτέρω ανάπτυξη της τεχνολογικής βιωσιμότητας έως το επίπεδο TRL-7 και απόκτηση διπλώματος ευρεσιτεχνίας ΗΠΑ/ευρωπαϊκού. Στο πλαίσιο του έργου θα διεξαχθούν οι ακόλουθες κύριες δραστηριότητες: 1)In-depth feasibility study to determine the most appropriate design of the imaging system in relation to “LightSpace Technologies” volumetric 3D displays.2) Development of the optical design of the projection system and design of the main optical components and assembly in laboratory environment3)Electronic development, including the light source (laser) control panel and display interface design with the necessary control components in the visual design and assembly of the lens in a technological environment5 the design of the human figure, including the development of the light source (laser) control interface with the required control components for it, to be carried out by the laboratory’s impurity design, which will be evaluated according to the laboratory design.4) The design of the light source (laser) control interface with the required control design of the company, which will be performed in accordance with the laboratory’s imputation of the image.4) The design of the lens according to the laboratory’s imperial design will be performed according to the quality of the laboratory.4) The feasibility of a feasibility study with the most appropriate design of the imaging system in relation to “LightSpace Technologies” volumetric 3D displays.2) Development of the optical design of the projection system and design of the main optical components and assembly in a laboratory environment3)The design of electronics, including the light source (laser) control interface and display interface with the necessary control components in the laboratory environment, will be tested for the quality of the human figure according to the laboratory’s impositation.4) The design of the optical source (laser) control panel and display interface with the necessary control components in a laboratory environment, which will be tested according to the laboratory image quality.4) The design of the lens according to the laboratory design.4) The design of the light source (laser) control panel and display interface with the necessary control components in the laboratory environment will be validated according to the laboratory design.4) The development of an electronics system, including the development of the optical source (laser) interface with the required control components and design and assembly of the main optical components in a laboratory environment3.Development of electronics, including the light source (laser) control panel and display interface design with the necessary control components in the visual range and assembly in a laboratory environmentThe design of electronics according to the technological design of the design of the lens, including the light source (laser The aim of the research is to explore changes in functional parameters of the visual system and visual perception response, looking at the spatial image of a new generation volumetric display. 24 μήνες (από το δεύτερο τρίμηνο του 2019, ολοκλήρωση: Τ1, 2021) Το συνολικό εκτιμώμενο κόστος του έργου ανέρχεται σε 81 686 271,00 EUR, συμπεριλαμβανομένων: Χρηματοδότηση από το ΕΤΠΑ 5 529 879,00 EUR (66,6 %) και ιδιωτική χρηματοδότηση 236 994,81 (28,5 %). Ως αποτέλεσμα του έργου, θα διασφαλιστεί η τεχνολογική ανάπτυξη έως το TRL-4.Το έργο θα προστατεύσει τη διανοητική ιδιοκτησία με τουλάχιστον ένα δίπλωμα ευρεσιτεχνίας ΗΠΑ/ευρωπαϊκού διπλώματος ευρεσιτεχνίας. Άλλα σχετικά επιστημονικά αποτελέσματα θα διαδοθούν σε τουλάχιστον δύο επιστημονικές δημοσιεύσεις στο Scopus, στις βάσεις δεδομένων Web of Science κ.λπ. Το έργο αποσκοπεί στη δημιουργία νέων θέσεων εργασίας για επιστήμονες τουλάχιστον 3 PLE, απασχολώντας 2 μεταπτυχιακούς φοιτητές, 3 διδακτορικούς φοιτητές και δύο νέους επιστήμονες.Ετικέτες: Τρισδιάστατη τεχ... (Greek)
    3 August 2022
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    Cieľom projektu je vyvinúť zobrazovací systém s jedinečnými obrazovými charakteristikami. Inovatívne riešenie poskytne nové smery v oblasti inteligentného inžinierstva v Lotyšsku a bude rozvíjať objemovú technológiu 3D displejov. Projekt „Rozvoj komplexného vysoko brilančného laserového zobrazovacieho systému pre použitie v objemových 3D zobrazovacích systémoch“ je projekt súvisiaci s hospodárskou činnosťou, v rámci ktorého sa očakáva priemyselný výskum. Projektové pole podľa NACE Rev. 2 je 26.70, činnosti zodpovedajú klasifikáciám FORD 2.2, 2.3 a 2.11. Prepojenie výsledkov projektu s 1. a 6. prioritou lotyšskej stratégie pre inteligentnú špecializáciu RIS3. Dve spoločnosti – „HansaMatrix Innovation“ a „LightSpace Technologies“ – a výskumná organizácia Lotyšskej univerzity (Optometria Division) budú spolupracovať pri realizácii projektu. Na konci projektu bude úroveň technologickej pripravenosti TRL4. Plánuje sa ďalší rozvoj technologickej udržateľnosti až po úroveň TRL-7 a nadobudnutie patentu USA/európskeho patentu. V rámci projektu sa budú vykonávať tieto hlavné činnosti: 1)In-depth feasibility study to determine the most appropriate design of the imaging system in relation to “LightSpace Technologies” volumetric 3D displays.2) Development of the optical design of the projection system and design of the main optical components and assembly in laboratory environment3)Electronic development, including the light source (laser) control panel and display interface design with the necessary control components in the visual design and assembly of the lens in a technological environment5 the design of the human figure, including the development of the light source (laser) control interface with the required control components for it, to be carried out by the laboratory’s impurity design, which will be evaluated according to the laboratory design.4) The design of the light source (laser) control interface with the required control design of the company, which will be performed in accordance with the laboratory’s imputation of the image.4) The design of the lens according to the laboratory’s imperial design will be performed according to the quality of the laboratory.4) The feasibility of a feasibility study with the most appropriate design of the imaging system in relation to “LightSpace Technologies” volumetric 3D displays.2) Development of the optical design of the projection system and design of the main optical components and assembly in a laboratory environment3)The design of electronics, including the light source (laser) control interface and display interface with the necessary control components in the laboratory environment, will be tested for the quality of the human figure according to the laboratory’s impositation.4) The design of the optical source (laser) control panel and display interface with the necessary control components in a laboratory environment, which will be tested according to the laboratory image quality.4) The design of the lens according to the laboratory design.4) The design of the light source (laser) control panel and display interface with the necessary control components in the laboratory environment will be validated according to the laboratory design.4) The development of an electronics system, including the development of the optical source (laser) interface with the required control components and design and assembly of the main optical components in a laboratory environment3.Development of electronics, including the light source (laser) control panel and display interface design with the necessary control components in the visual range and assembly in a laboratory environmentThe design of electronics according to the technological design of the design of the lens, including the light source (laser The aim of the research is to explore changes in functional parameters of the visual system and visual perception response, looking at the spatial image of a new generation volumetric display. 24 mesiacov (začiatok 2. štvrťroka 2019, dokončenie: 1. štvrťrok 2021) Celkové odhadované náklady na projekt sú 81 686 271,00 EUR vrátane: Z EFRR sa financuje suma 5 529 879,00 EUR (66,6 %) a súkromné financovanie 236 994,81 EUR (28,5 %). Výsledkom projektu bude zabezpečenie technologického rozvoja až do úrovne TRL-4. Projekt bude chrániť duševné vlastníctvo aspoň jedným americkým/európskym patentom. Ďalšie relevantné vedecké výsledky sa budú šíriť aspoň v dvoch vedeckých publikáciách v databázach Scopus, Web of Science atď. Cieľom projektu je vytvoriť nové pracovné miesta pre vedcov aspoň 3 PLE, zamestnávať 2 magisterských študentov, 3 doktorandov a dvoch mladých vedcov.Kľúčové slová: Technológia 3D displeja, zobrazovacia projekcia, vysoká rýchlosť obnovy, modulátor priestorového svetla, laserový svetelný zdroj. (Slovak)
    3 August 2022
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    Hankkeen tavoitteena on kehittää kuvantamisjärjestelmä, jolla on ainutlaatuiset kuvaominaisuudet. Innovatiivinen ratkaisu tarjoaa uusia suuntauksia älykkään suunnittelun alalle Latviassa ja kehittää volumetrista tyyppiä 3D-näyttöteknologiaa. Projekti ”monimutkaisen suuren loistoluokan laserkuvausjärjestelmän kehittäminen volumetrisiin 3D-näyttöjärjestelmiin” on taloudelliseen toimintaan liittyvä hanke, jossa odotetaan teollista tutkimusta. NACE Rev. 2:n mukainen hankekenttä on 26.70. Toimialat vastaavat FORD-luokituksia 2.2, 2.3 ja 2.11. Hankkeen tulosten yhdistäminen Latvian älykkään erikoistumisen strategian RIS3-strategian ensimmäiseen ja kuudenteen painopistealueeseen. Kaksi yritystä – ”HansaMatrix Innovation” ja ”LightSpace Technologies” – ja Latvian yliopiston tutkimusorganisaatio (Optometria Division) tekevät yhteistyötä hankkeen toteuttamisessa. Hankkeen lopussa teknologiavalmiustaso on TRL4. Teknologian kestävyyttä on tarkoitus kehittää edelleen TRL-7-tasolle saakka ja hankkia yhdysvaltalainen/eurooppalainen patentti. Hankkeen puitteissa toteutetaan seuraavat keskeiset toimet: 1)In-depth feasibility study to determine the most appropriate design of the imaging system in relation to “LightSpace Technologies” volumetric 3D displays.2) Development of the optical design of the projection system and design of the main optical components and assembly in laboratory environment3)Electronic development, including the light source (laser) control panel and display interface design with the necessary control components in the visual design and assembly of the lens in a technological environment5 the design of the human figure, including the development of the light source (laser) control interface with the required control components for it, to be carried out by the laboratory’s impurity design, which will be evaluated according to the laboratory design.4) The design of the light source (laser) control interface with the required control design of the company, which will be performed in accordance with the laboratory’s imputation of the image.4) The design of the lens according to the laboratory’s imperial design will be performed according to the quality of the laboratory.4) The feasibility of a feasibility study with the most appropriate design of the imaging system in relation to “LightSpace Technologies” volumetric 3D displays.2) Development of the optical design of the projection system and design of the main optical components and assembly in a laboratory environment3)The design of electronics, including the light source (laser) control interface and display interface with the necessary control components in the laboratory environment, will be tested for the quality of the human figure according to the laboratory’s impositation.4) The design of the optical source (laser) control panel and display interface with the necessary control components in a laboratory environment, which will be tested according to the laboratory image quality.4) The design of the lens according to the laboratory design.4) The design of the light source (laser) control panel and display interface with the necessary control components in the laboratory environment will be validated according to the laboratory design.4) The development of an electronics system, including the development of the optical source (laser) interface with the required control components and design and assembly of the main optical components in a laboratory environment3.Development of electronics, including the light source (laser) control panel and display interface design with the necessary control components in the visual range and assembly in a laboratory environmentThe design of electronics according to the technological design of the design of the lens, including the light source (laser The aim of the research is to explore changes in functional parameters of the visual system and visual perception response, looking at the spatial image of a new generation volumetric display. 24 kuukautta (alkaen vuoden 2019 toisesta neljänneksestä alkaen: Q1, 2021) Hankkeen arvioidut kokonaiskustannukset ovat 816 86271,00 euroa, mukaan lukien EAKR:sta rahoitettiin 5 529879.00 euroa (66,6 prosenttia) ja yksityistä rahoitusta 236 994,81 euroa (28,5 prosenttia). Hankkeen tuloksena varmistetaan teknologian kehittäminen TRL-4:een asti. Hankkeella suojataan teollis- ja tekijänoikeuksia vähintään yhdellä yhdysvaltalaisella/eurooppalaisella patentilla. Muita asiaankuuluvia tieteellisiä tuloksia levitetään vähintään kahdessa tieteellisessä julkaisussa Scopusissa, Web of Science -tietokannoissa jne. Hankkeen tavoitteena on luoda uusia työpaikkoja tutkijoille vähintään 3 PLE, työllistää 2 maisterin opiskelijaa, 3 tohtoriopiskelijaa ja kaksi nuorta tutkijaa.Avainsanat: 3D-näyttötekniikka, kuvantamisprojektio, suuri palautusnopeus, tilava valomodulaattori, laservalonlähde. (Finnish)
    3 August 2022
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    Celem projektu jest opracowanie systemu obrazowania o unikalnych cechach obrazu. Innowacyjne rozwiązanie zapewni nowe kierunki w dziedzinie inteligentnej inżynierii na Łotwie, rozwijając technologię wyświetlania 3D typu wolumetrycznego. Projekt „Opracowanie kompleksowego systemu obrazowania laserowego o wysokiej jasności do stosowania w systemach wyświetlaczy 3D typu wolumetrycznego” jest projektem związanym z działalnością gospodarczą, w ramach którego oczekuje się badań przemysłowych. Pole projektu zgodnie z NACE Rev. 2 to 26.70, działania odpowiadają klasyfikacjom FORD 2.2, 2.3 i 2.11. Powiązanie wyników projektu z pierwszym i szóstym priorytetem łotewskiej strategii inteligentnej specjalizacji RIS3. W realizacji projektu współpracują dwie firmy – „HansaMatrix Innovation” i „LightSpace Technologies” – oraz organizacja badawcza Uniwersytetu Łotewskiego (Optometria Division). Pod koniec projektu poziom gotowości technologicznej wyniesie TRL4. Przewiduje się dalszy rozwój zrównoważonego rozwoju technologii do poziomu TRL-7 oraz nabycie patentu amerykańskiego/europejskiego. W ramach projektu prowadzone będą następujące główne działania: 1)In-depth feasibility study to determine the most appropriate design of the imaging system in relation to “LightSpace Technologies” volumetric 3D displays.2) Development of the optical design of the projection system and design of the main optical components and assembly in laboratory environment3)Electronic development, including the light source (laser) control panel and display interface design with the necessary control components in the visual design and assembly of the lens in a technological environment5 the design of the human figure, including the development of the light source (laser) control interface with the required control components for it, to be carried out by the laboratory’s impurity design, which will be evaluated according to the laboratory design.4) The design of the light source (laser) control interface with the required control design of the company, which will be performed in accordance with the laboratory’s imputation of the image.4) The design of the lens according to the laboratory’s imperial design will be performed according to the quality of the laboratory.4) The feasibility of a feasibility study with the most appropriate design of the imaging system in relation to “LightSpace Technologies” volumetric 3D displays.2) Development of the optical design of the projection system and design of the main optical components and assembly in a laboratory environment3)The design of electronics, including the light source (laser) control interface and display interface with the necessary control components in the laboratory environment, will be tested for the quality of the human figure according to the laboratory’s impositation.4) The design of the optical source (laser) control panel and display interface with the necessary control components in a laboratory environment, which will be tested according to the laboratory image quality.4) The design of the lens according to the laboratory design.4) The design of the light source (laser) control panel and display interface with the necessary control components in the laboratory environment will be validated according to the laboratory design.4) The development of an electronics system, including the development of the optical source (laser) interface with the required control components and design and assembly of the main optical components in a laboratory environment3.Development of electronics, including the light source (laser) control panel and display interface design with the necessary control components in the visual range and assembly in a laboratory environmentThe design of electronics according to the technological design of the design of the lens, including the light source (laser The aim of the research is to explore changes in functional parameters of the visual system and visual perception response, looking at the spatial image of a new generation volumetric display. 24 miesiące (od II kwartału 2019 r., zakończenie: I kw. 2021 r.) Całkowity szacunkowy koszt projektu wynosi 81 686 271,00 EUR, w tym: Finansowanie z EFRR 5 529 879,00 EUR (66,6 %) i finansowanie prywatne 236 994,81 (28,5 %). W wyniku projektu zapewniony zostanie rozwój technologiczny do TRL-4.Projekt będzie chronił własność intelektualną za pomocą co najmniej jednego patentu amerykańskiego/europejskiego. Inne istotne wyniki naukowe zostaną rozpowszechnione w co najmniej dwóch publikacjach naukowych w bazach danych Scopus, Web of Science itp. Projekt ma na celu stworzenie nowych miejsc pracy dla naukowców co najmniej 3 PLE, zatrudniających 2 studentów magisterskich, 3 doktorantów i dwóch młodych naukowców.Słowa kluczowe: Technologia wyświetlania 3D, projekcja obrazowa, wysoka prędkość odzyskiwania, modulator światła przestrzennego, źródło światła laserowego. (Polish)
    3 August 2022
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    A projekt célja egy egyedi képjellemzőkkel rendelkező képalkotó rendszer kifejlesztése. Az innovatív megoldás új irányokat kínál az intelligens mérnöki tudományok területén Lettországban, fejlesztve a 3D-s térfogat-típusú kijelző technológiát. Az „Egy komplex, nagy briliáns lézeres képalkotó rendszer kifejlesztése a 3D-s volumentípusú kijelző rendszerekben való felhasználásra” elnevezésű projekt gazdasági tevékenységgel kapcsolatos projekt, amelyen belül ipari kutatás várható. A NACE Rev. 2. szerinti projektterület 26,70, a tevékenységek megfelelnek a FORD 2.2., 2.3. és 2.11. osztályozásának. A projekteredmények összekapcsolása a lett intelligens szakosodási stratégia első és hatodik prioritásával. Két vállalat – a „HansaMatrix Innovation” és a „LightSpace Technologies” – és a Lett Egyetem kutatószervezete (Optometria Division) együttműködik a projekt végrehajtásában. A projekt végén a technológiai felkészültségi szint a TRL4 lesz. A tervek szerint a technológiai fenntarthatóság továbbfejlesztése a TRL-7 szintig, valamint az USA/európai szabadalom megszerzése. A projekt keretében a következő fő tevékenységeket végzik: 1)In-depth feasibility study to determine the most appropriate design of the imaging system in relation to “LightSpace Technologies” volumetric 3D displays.2) Development of the optical design of the projection system and design of the main optical components and assembly in laboratory environment3)Electronic development, including the light source (laser) control panel and display interface design with the necessary control components in the visual design and assembly of the lens in a technological environment5 the design of the human figure, including the development of the light source (laser) control interface with the required control components for it, to be carried out by the laboratory’s impurity design, which will be evaluated according to the laboratory design.4) The design of the light source (laser) control interface with the required control design of the company, which will be performed in accordance with the laboratory’s imputation of the image.4) The design of the lens according to the laboratory’s imperial design will be performed according to the quality of the laboratory.4) The feasibility of a feasibility study with the most appropriate design of the imaging system in relation to “LightSpace Technologies” volumetric 3D displays.2) Development of the optical design of the projection system and design of the main optical components and assembly in a laboratory environment3)The design of electronics, including the light source (laser) control interface and display interface with the necessary control components in the laboratory environment, will be tested for the quality of the human figure according to the laboratory’s impositation.4) The design of the optical source (laser) control panel and display interface with the necessary control components in a laboratory environment, which will be tested according to the laboratory image quality.4) The design of the lens according to the laboratory design.4) The design of the light source (laser) control panel and display interface with the necessary control components in the laboratory environment will be validated according to the laboratory design.4) The development of an electronics system, including the development of the optical source (laser) interface with the required control components and design and assembly of the main optical components in a laboratory environment3.Development of electronics, including the light source (laser) control panel and display interface design with the necessary control components in the visual range and assembly in a laboratory environmentThe design of electronics according to the technological design of the design of the lens, including the light source (laser The aim of the research is to explore changes in functional parameters of the visual system and visual perception response, looking at the spatial image of a new generation volumetric display. 24 hónap (2019. második negyedévétől: 2021 1. negyedéve) A projekt teljes becsült költsége 81 686 271,00 EUR, beleértve a következőket: Az ERFA-finanszírozás 55 298 779,00 EUR (66,6%) és 236 994,81 (28,5%) magánfinanszírozás. A projekt eredményeként a technológiai fejlesztés a TRL-4-ig biztosított lesz.A projekt legalább egy amerikai/európai szabadalommal védi a szellemi tulajdont. Az egyéb releváns tudományos eredményeket legalább két tudományos publikációban terjesztik a Scopusban, a Web of Science adatbázisban stb. A projekt célja, hogy új munkahelyeket teremtsen a tudósok számára legalább 3 PLE, 2 mesterhallgató, 3 doktorandusz és két fiatal tudós foglalkoztatásával.Kulcsszavak: 3D kijelző technológia, képalkotó vetítés, nagy helyreállítási sebesség, térbeli fénymodulátor, lézeres fényforrás. (Hungarian)
    3 August 2022
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    Cílem projektu je vyvinout zobrazovací systém s jedinečnými obrazovými vlastnostmi. Inovativní řešení poskytne nové směry v oblasti inteligentního inženýrství v Lotyšsku a vývoj objemové technologie 3D displeje. Projekt „Vývoj komplexního laserového zobrazovacího systému s vysokou brilancí pro použití v objemových 3D zobrazovacích systémech“ je projektem souvisejícím s hospodářskou činností, v jehož rámci se očekává průmyslový výzkum. Oblast projektu podle NACE Rev. 2 je 26,70, činnosti odpovídají klasifikacím FORD 2.2, 2.3 a 2.11. Propojení výsledků projektu s první a šestou prioritou lotyšské strategie inteligentní specializace RIS3. Na realizaci projektu budou spolupracovat dvě společnosti – „HansaMatrix Innovation“ a „LightSpace Technologies“ – a výzkumná organizace Lotyšské univerzity (Optometria Division). Na konci projektu bude úroveň technologické připravenosti TRL4. Předpokládá se další rozvoj technologické udržitelnosti až na úroveň TRL-7 a získání amerického/evropského patentu. V rámci projektu budou prováděny tyto hlavní činnosti: 1)In-depth feasibility study to determine the most appropriate design of the imaging system in relation to “LightSpace Technologies” volumetric 3D displays.2) Development of the optical design of the projection system and design of the main optical components and assembly in laboratory environment3)Electronic development, including the light source (laser) control panel and display interface design with the necessary control components in the visual design and assembly of the lens in a technological environment5 the design of the human figure, including the development of the light source (laser) control interface with the required control components for it, to be carried out by the laboratory’s impurity design, which will be evaluated according to the laboratory design.4) The design of the light source (laser) control interface with the required control design of the company, which will be performed in accordance with the laboratory’s imputation of the image.4) The design of the lens according to the laboratory’s imperial design will be performed according to the quality of the laboratory.4) The feasibility of a feasibility study with the most appropriate design of the imaging system in relation to “LightSpace Technologies” volumetric 3D displays.2) Development of the optical design of the projection system and design of the main optical components and assembly in a laboratory environment3)The design of electronics, including the light source (laser) control interface and display interface with the necessary control components in the laboratory environment, will be tested for the quality of the human figure according to the laboratory’s impositation.4) The design of the optical source (laser) control panel and display interface with the necessary control components in a laboratory environment, which will be tested according to the laboratory image quality.4) The design of the lens according to the laboratory design.4) The design of the light source (laser) control panel and display interface with the necessary control components in the laboratory environment will be validated according to the laboratory design.4) The development of an electronics system, including the development of the optical source (laser) interface with the required control components and design and assembly of the main optical components in a laboratory environment3.Development of electronics, including the light source (laser) control panel and display interface design with the necessary control components in the visual range and assembly in a laboratory environmentThe design of electronics according to the technological design of the design of the lens, including the light source (laser The aim of the research is to explore changes in functional parameters of the visual system and visual perception response, looking at the spatial image of a new generation volumetric display. 24 měsíců (počínaje druhým čtvrtletím 2019, dokončení: Q1, 2021) Celkové odhadované náklady projektu činí 81 686 271,00 EUR, včetně: EFRR financuje 5 529 879,00 EUR (66,6 %) a soukromé financování 236 994,81 EUR (28,5 %). V důsledku projektu bude zajištěn technologický rozvoj až do TRL-4. Projekt bude chránit duševní vlastnictví alespoň jedním americkým/evropským patentem. Další relevantní vědecké výsledky budou šířeny alespoň ve dvou vědeckých publikacích ve Scopusu, v databázích Web of Science atd. Cílem projektu je vytvořit nová pracovní místa pro vědce alespoň 3 PLE, zaměstnávat 2 magisterské studenty, 3 doktorandy a dva mladé vědce. Klíčová slova: Technologie 3D displeje, zobrazovací projekce, vysoká rychlost obnovy, modulátor prostorového světla, laserový světelný zdroj. (Czech)
    3 August 2022
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    Is é aidhm an tionscadail córas íomháithe a fhorbairt le saintréithe uathúla íomhá. Cuirfidh an réiteach nuálach treoracha nua ar fáil i réimse na hinnealtóireachta cliste sa Laitvia, ag forbairt teicneolaíocht taispeána 3D de chineál toirtmhéadrach. Is é an tionscadal “Forbairt córas íomháithe léasair ard-bhrilliance casta le húsáid i gcórais taispeána 3D de chineál toirtmhéadrach” tionscadal a bhaineann le gníomhaíocht eacnamaíoch, ina bhfuiltear ag súil le taighde tionsclaíoch. Is é 26.70 réimse an tionscadail de réir NACE Ath. 2, agus comhfhreagraíonn na gníomhaíochtaí d’aicmithe FORD 2.2, 2.3 agus 2.11. Torthaí an tionscadail a nascadh leis an gcéad agus an 6ú tosaíocht de Straitéis um Speisialtóireacht Chliste na Laitvia RIS3. Beidh dhá chuideachta — “HansaMatrix Innovation” agus “LightSpace Technologies” — agus eagrú taighde Ollscoil na Laitvia (Rannán Optometria) ag comhoibriú i gcur chun feidhme an tionscadail. Ag deireadh an tionscadail, is é TRL4 an leibhéal ullmhachta teicneolaíochta. Tá sé beartaithe inbhuanaitheacht teicneolaíochta a fhorbairt a thuilleadh go dtí leibhéal TRL-7 agus paitinn SAM/Eorpach a fháil. Faoi chuimsiú an tionscadail, déanfar na príomhghníomhaíochtaí seo a leanas: 1)In-depth feasibility study to determine the most appropriate design of the imaging system in relation to “LightSpace Technologies” volumetric 3D displays.2) Development of the optical design of the projection system and design of the main optical components and assembly in laboratory environment3)Electronic development, including the light source (laser) control panel and display interface design with the necessary control components in the visual design and assembly of the lens in a technological environment5 the design of the human figure, including the development of the light source (laser) control interface with the required control components for it, to be carried out by the laboratory’s impurity design, which will be evaluated according to the laboratory design.4) The design of the light source (laser) control interface with the required control design of the company, which will be performed in accordance with the laboratory’s imputation of the image.4) The design of the lens according to the laboratory’s imperial design will be performed according to the quality of the laboratory.4) The feasibility of a feasibility study with the most appropriate design of the imaging system in relation to “LightSpace Technologies” volumetric 3D displays.2) Development of the optical design of the projection system and design of the main optical components and assembly in a laboratory environment3)The design of electronics, including the light source (laser) control interface and display interface with the necessary control components in the laboratory environment, will be tested for the quality of the human figure according to the laboratory’s impositation.4) The design of the optical source (laser) control panel and display interface with the necessary control components in a laboratory environment, which will be tested according to the laboratory image quality.4) The design of the lens according to the laboratory design.4) The design of the light source (laser) control panel and display interface with the necessary control components in the laboratory environment will be validated according to the laboratory design.4) The development of an electronics system, including the development of the optical source (laser) interface with the required control components and design and assembly of the main optical components in a laboratory environment3.Development of electronics, including the light source (laser) control panel and display interface design with the necessary control components in the visual range and assembly in a laboratory environmentThe design of electronics according to the technological design of the design of the lens, including the light source (laser The aim of the research is to explore changes in functional parameters of the visual system and visual perception response, looking at the spatial image of a new generation volumetric display. 24 mhí (ag tosú R2 2019, críochnú: C1, 2021) Is é EUR 816 86271,00 costas iomlán measta an tionscadail, lena n-áirítear: Maoiniú CFRE EUR 5529879.00 (66.6 %) agus maoiniú príobháideach 236 994.81 (28.5 %). Mar thoradh ar an tionscadal, áiritheofar forbairt theicneolaíoch go dtí TRL-4.Cosnóidh an tionscadal maoin intleachtúil le paitinn amháin de chuid na Stát Aontaithe/Eorpach ar a laghad. Beidh torthaí eolaíochta ábhartha eile a scaipeadh in ar a laghad dhá fhoilseachán eolaíochta i Scopus, Web of Science database, etc Tá sé mar aidhm ag an tionscadal a chruthú poist nua d’eolaithe ar a laghad 3 PLE, fhostú 2 mhic léinn máistreachta, 3 mic léinn dochtúireachta agus beirt eolaithe óga.Keywords: Teicneolaíocht taispeáint 3D, teilgean íomháithe, luas a ghnóthú ard, modulator solas spásúil, foinse solais léasair. (Irish)
    3 August 2022
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    Cilj projekta je razviti slikovni sistem z edinstvenimi značilnostmi slike. Inovativna rešitev bo zagotovila nove smeri na področju pametnega inženiringa v Latviji, razvoj volumetrične tehnologije 3D zaslonov. Projekt „Razvoj kompleksnega visoko brilliance laserskega slikovnega sistema za uporabo v volumetričnih 3D zaslonskih sistemih“ je projekt, povezan z gospodarsko dejavnostjo, v okviru katerega se pričakujejo industrijske raziskave. Projektno področje v skladu z NACE Rev. 2 je 26.70, dejavnosti ustrezajo klasifikacijam FORD 2.2, 2.3 in 2.11. Povezovanje rezultatov projekta s prvo in šesto prednostno nalogo latvijske strategije pametne specializacije RIS3. Pri izvajanju projekta bosta sodelovali dve podjetji – „HansaMatrix Innovation“ in „LightSpace Technologies“ – ter raziskovalna organizacija Univerze v Latviji (Oddelek Optometria). Na koncu projekta bo raven tehnološke pripravljenosti TRL4. Predviden je nadaljnji razvoj tehnološke trajnosti do ravni TRL-7 in pridobitev patenta ZDA/evropskega patenta. V okviru projekta se bodo izvajale naslednje glavne dejavnosti: 1)In-depth feasibility study to determine the most appropriate design of the imaging system in relation to “LightSpace Technologies” volumetric 3D displays.2) Development of the optical design of the projection system and design of the main optical components and assembly in laboratory environment3)Electronic development, including the light source (laser) control panel and display interface design with the necessary control components in the visual design and assembly of the lens in a technological environment5 the design of the human figure, including the development of the light source (laser) control interface with the required control components for it, to be carried out by the laboratory’s impurity design, which will be evaluated according to the laboratory design.4) The design of the light source (laser) control interface with the required control design of the company, which will be performed in accordance with the laboratory’s imputation of the image.4) The design of the lens according to the laboratory’s imperial design will be performed according to the quality of the laboratory.4) The feasibility of a feasibility study with the most appropriate design of the imaging system in relation to “LightSpace Technologies” volumetric 3D displays.2) Development of the optical design of the projection system and design of the main optical components and assembly in a laboratory environment3)The design of electronics, including the light source (laser) control interface and display interface with the necessary control components in the laboratory environment, will be tested for the quality of the human figure according to the laboratory’s impositation.4) The design of the optical source (laser) control panel and display interface with the necessary control components in a laboratory environment, which will be tested according to the laboratory image quality.4) The design of the lens according to the laboratory design.4) The design of the light source (laser) control panel and display interface with the necessary control components in the laboratory environment will be validated according to the laboratory design.4) The development of an electronics system, including the development of the optical source (laser) interface with the required control components and design and assembly of the main optical components in a laboratory environment3.Development of electronics, including the light source (laser) control panel and display interface design with the necessary control components in the visual range and assembly in a laboratory environmentThe design of electronics according to the technological design of the design of the lens, including the light source (laser The aim of the research is to explore changes in functional parameters of the visual system and visual perception response, looking at the spatial image of a new generation volumetric display. 24 mesecev (začetek drugega četrtletja leta 2019, zaključek: 1. četrtletje 2021) Skupni ocenjeni stroški projekta znašajo 81 686 271,00 EUR, vključno z: Financiranje iz ESRR 5 529 879,00 EUR (66,6 %) in zasebno financiranje 236 994,81 (28,5 %). Kot rezultat projekta bo zagotovljen tehnološki razvoj do TRL-4.Projekt bo zaščitil intelektualno lastnino z vsaj enim ameriškim/evropskim patentom. Drugi pomembni znanstveni rezultati se bodo razširjali v vsaj dveh znanstvenih publikacijah v Scopusu, Web of Science podatkovnih zbirkah itd. Cilj projekta je ustvariti nova delovna mesta za znanstvenike vsaj 3 PLE, ki zaposlujejo 2 magistrska študenta, 3 doktorske študente in dva mlada znanstvenika.Ključne besede: 3D zaslonska tehnologija, slikovna projekcija, visoka hitrost okrevanja, prostorski modulator svetlobe, vir laserske svetlobe. (Slovenian)
    3 August 2022
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    Целта на проекта е да се разработи система за изображения с уникални характеристики на изображението. Иновативното решение ще предостави нови насоки в областта на интелигентното инженерство в Латвия, като разработи обемна технология за 3D дисплей. Проектът „Разработване на сложна висококачествена лазерна визуализираща система за използване в обемни 3D системи за визуализация“ е проект, свързан с икономическата дейност, в рамките на който се очакват индустриални изследвания. Полето на проекта съгласно NACE Rev. 2 е 26.70, като дейностите отговарят на класификациите FORD 2.2, 2.3 и 2.11. Свързване на резултатите от проекта с първия и шестия приоритет на латвийската стратегия за интелигентна специализация RIS3. Две дружества — „HansaMatrix Innovation„и „LightSpace Technologies“ — и научноизследователската организация на Латвийския университет (отдел „Оптометрия“) ще си сътрудничат при изпълнението на проекта. В края на проекта нивото на технологична готовност ще бъде TRL4. Предвижда се по-нататъшно развитие на технологичната устойчивост до ниво TRL-7 и придобиване на патент от САЩ/Европейски патент. В рамките на проекта ще бъдат извършени следните основни дейности: 1)In-depth feasibility study to determine the most appropriate design of the imaging system in relation to “LightSpace Technologies” volumetric 3D displays.2) Development of the optical design of the projection system and design of the main optical components and assembly in laboratory environment3)Electronic development, including the light source (laser) control panel and display interface design with the necessary control components in the visual design and assembly of the lens in a technological environment5 the design of the human figure, including the development of the light source (laser) control interface with the required control components for it, to be carried out by the laboratory’s impurity design, which will be evaluated according to the laboratory design.4) The design of the light source (laser) control interface with the required control design of the company, which will be performed in accordance with the laboratory’s imputation of the image.4) The design of the lens according to the laboratory’s imperial design will be performed according to the quality of the laboratory.4) The feasibility of a feasibility study with the most appropriate design of the imaging system in relation to “LightSpace Technologies” volumetric 3D displays.2) Development of the optical design of the projection system and design of the main optical components and assembly in a laboratory environment3)The design of electronics, including the light source (laser) control interface and display interface with the necessary control components in the laboratory environment, will be tested for the quality of the human figure according to the laboratory’s impositation.4) The design of the optical source (laser) control panel and display interface with the necessary control components in a laboratory environment, which will be tested according to the laboratory image quality.4) The design of the lens according to the laboratory design.4) The design of the light source (laser) control panel and display interface with the necessary control components in the laboratory environment will be validated according to the laboratory design.4) The development of an electronics system, including the development of the optical source (laser) interface with the required control components and design and assembly of the main optical components in a laboratory environment3.Development of electronics, including the light source (laser) control panel and display interface design with the necessary control components in the visual range and assembly in a laboratory environmentThe design of electronics according to the technological design of the design of the lens, including the light source (laser The aim of the research is to explore changes in functional parameters of the visual system and visual perception response, looking at the spatial image of a new generation volumetric display. 24 месеца (от второто тримесечие на 2019 г., завършване: Първо тримесечие на 2021 г.) Общата прогнозна стойност на проекта възлиза на 81 686 271,00 EUR, включително: Финансиране от ЕФРР в размер на 5 529 879,00 EUR (66,6 %) и частно финансиране 236 994,81 (28,5 %). В резултат на проекта ще бъде осигурено технологично развитие до TRL-4.Проектът ще защити интелектуалната собственост с поне един американски/европейски патент. Други подходящи научни резултати ще бъдат разпространени в най-малко две научни публикации в Scopus, Web of Science бази данни и т.н. Проектът има за цел да създаде нови работни места за учените най-малко 3 PLE, в които работят двама студенти магистър, 3 докторанти и двама млади учени.Ключови думи: 3D технология на дисплея, прожекция на изображения, висока скорост на възстановяване, модулатор за пространствена светлина, лазерен източник на светлина. (Bulgarian)
    3 August 2022
    0 references
    L-għan tal-proġett huwa li tiġi żviluppata sistema ta’ immaġni b’karatteristiċi ta’ immaġni uniċi. Is-soluzzjoni innovattiva se tipprovdi direzzjonijiet ġodda fil-qasam tal-inġinerija intelliġenti fil-Latvja, bl-iżvilupp ta’ teknoloġija volumetrika tal-wiri 3D tat-tip. Il-proġett “Żvilupp ta’ sistema kumplessa ta’ immaġni bil-lejżer b’brilliance għolja għall-użu f’sistemi volumetriċi tat-tip 3D” huwa proġett relatat mal-attività ekonomika, li fih hija mistennija r-riċerka industrijali. Il-qasam tal-proġett skont in-NACE Rev. 2 huwa 26.70, l-attivitajiet jikkorrispondu għall-klassifikazzjonijiet FORD 2.2, 2.3 u 2.11. Ir-rabta tar-riżultati tal-proġett mal-ewwel u s-sitt prijorità tal-Istrateġija Latvjana għall-Ispeċjalizzazzjoni Intelliġenti RIS3. Żewġ kumpaniji — “HansaMatrix Innovation” u “Teknoloġiji LightSpace” — u l-organizzazzjoni tar-riċerka tal-Università tal-Latvja (id-Diviżjoni tal-Optometria) se jikkooperaw fl-implimentazzjoni tal-proġett. Fi tmiem il-proġett, il-livell ta’ prontezza teknoloġika se jkun TRL4. Huwa previst żvilupp ulterjuri tas-sostenibbiltà tat-teknoloġija sal-livell TRL-7 u l-akkwist ta’ privattiva Amerikana/Ewropea. Fil-qafas tal-proġett se jitwettqu l-attivitajiet ewlenin li ġejjin: 1)In-depth feasibility study to determine the most appropriate design of the imaging system in relation to “LightSpace Technologies” volumetric 3D displays.2) Development of the optical design of the projection system and design of the main optical components and assembly in laboratory environment3)Electronic development, including the light source (laser) control panel and display interface design with the necessary control components in the visual design and assembly of the lens in a technological environment5 the design of the human figure, including the development of the light source (laser) control interface with the required control components for it, to be carried out by the laboratory’s impurity design, which will be evaluated according to the laboratory design.4) The design of the light source (laser) control interface with the required control design of the company, which will be performed in accordance with the laboratory’s imputation of the image.4) The design of the lens according to the laboratory’s imperial design will be performed according to the quality of the laboratory.4) The feasibility of a feasibility study with the most appropriate design of the imaging system in relation to “LightSpace Technologies” volumetric 3D displays.2) Development of the optical design of the projection system and design of the main optical components and assembly in a laboratory environment3)The design of electronics, including the light source (laser) control interface and display interface with the necessary control components in the laboratory environment, will be tested for the quality of the human figure according to the laboratory’s impositation.4) The design of the optical source (laser) control panel and display interface with the necessary control components in a laboratory environment, which will be tested according to the laboratory image quality.4) The design of the lens according to the laboratory design.4) The design of the light source (laser) control panel and display interface with the necessary control components in the laboratory environment will be validated according to the laboratory design.4) The development of an electronics system, including the development of the optical source (laser) interface with the required control components and design and assembly of the main optical components in a laboratory environment3.Development of electronics, including the light source (laser) control panel and display interface design with the necessary control components in the visual range and assembly in a laboratory environmentThe design of electronics according to the technological design of the design of the lens, including the light source (laser The aim of the research is to explore changes in functional parameters of the visual system and visual perception response, looking at the spatial image of a new generation volumetric display. 24 xahar (bidu Q2 2019, tlestija: Q1, 2021) L-ispiża totali stmata tal-proġett hija ta’ EUR 816 86271,00, inklużi: Finanzjament tal-FEŻR EUR 5529879.00 (66.6 %) u finanzjament privat 236 994.81 (28.5 %). B’riżultat tal-proġett, se jiġi żgurat l-iżvilupp teknoloġiku sa TRL-4.Il-proġett se jipproteġi l-proprjetà intellettwali b’tal-anqas privattiva waħda tal-Istati Uniti/Ewropea. Riżultati xjentifiċi rilevanti oħra se jiġu disseminati f’mill-inqas żewġ pubblikazzjonijiet xjentifiċi fi Scopus, Web of Science databases, eċċ. Il-proġett għandu l-għan li joħloq impjiegi ġodda għax-xjenzati mill-inqas 3 PLE, jimpjega 2 studenti ta’ masters, 3 studenti tad-dottorat u żewġ xjentisti żgħażagħ. Teknoloġija tal-wiri 3D, projezzjoni tal-immaġini, veloċità għolja ta ‘rkupru, modulatur spazjali tad-dawl, sors tad-dawl laser. (Maltese)
    3 August 2022
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    O objetivo do projeto é desenvolver um sistema de imagem com características de imagem únicas. A solução inovadora fornecerá novas direções no campo da engenharia inteligente na Letónia, desenvolvendo tecnologia de exibição 3D tipo volumétrica. O projeto «Desenvolvimento de um complexo sistema de imagem laser de alto brilho para utilização em sistemas de visualização volumétrica 3D» é um projeto relacionado com a atividade económica, no âmbito do qual se espera a investigação industrial. O campo do projeto de acordo com a NACE Rev. 2 é 26.70, as atividades correspondem às classificações FORD 2.2, 2.3 e 2.11. Associar os resultados do projeto às 1.ª e 6.ª prioridades da estratégia letã de especialização inteligente RIS3. Duas empresas — «HansaMatrix Innovation» e «LightSpace Technologies» — e organização de pesquisa da Universidade da Letónia (Divisão Optometria) cooperarão na implementação do projeto. No final do projeto, o nível de preparação tecnológica será TRL4. Prevê-se um maior desenvolvimento da sustentabilidade tecnológica até ao nível TRL-7 e a aquisição de uma patente americana/europeia. No âmbito do projeto, serão realizadas as seguintes atividades principais: 1)In-depth feasibility study to determine the most appropriate design of the imaging system in relation to “LightSpace Technologies” volumetric 3D displays.2) Development of the optical design of the projection system and design of the main optical components and assembly in laboratory environment3)Electronic development, including the light source (laser) control panel and display interface design with the necessary control components in the visual design and assembly of the lens in a technological environment5 the design of the human figure, including the development of the light source (laser) control interface with the required control components for it, to be carried out by the laboratory’s impurity design, which will be evaluated according to the laboratory design.4) The design of the light source (laser) control interface with the required control design of the company, which will be performed in accordance with the laboratory’s imputation of the image.4) The design of the lens according to the laboratory’s imperial design will be performed according to the quality of the laboratory.4) The feasibility of a feasibility study with the most appropriate design of the imaging system in relation to “LightSpace Technologies” volumetric 3D displays.2) Development of the optical design of the projection system and design of the main optical components and assembly in a laboratory environment3)The design of electronics, including the light source (laser) control interface and display interface with the necessary control components in the laboratory environment, will be tested for the quality of the human figure according to the laboratory’s impositation.4) The design of the optical source (laser) control panel and display interface with the necessary control components in a laboratory environment, which will be tested according to the laboratory image quality.4) The design of the lens according to the laboratory design.4) The design of the light source (laser) control panel and display interface with the necessary control components in the laboratory environment will be validated according to the laboratory design.4) The development of an electronics system, including the development of the optical source (laser) interface with the required control components and design and assembly of the main optical components in a laboratory environment3.Development of electronics, including the light source (laser) control panel and display interface design with the necessary control components in the visual range and assembly in a laboratory environmentThe design of electronics according to the technological design of the design of the lens, including the light source (laser The aim of the research is to explore changes in functional parameters of the visual system and visual perception response, looking at the spatial image of a new generation volumetric display. 24 meses (início do segundo trimestre de 2019, conclusão: T1, 2021) O custo total estimado do projeto é de 81 686 271,00 EUR, incluindo: Financiamento do FEDER 5 529 879,00 EUR (66,6 %) e financiamento privado 236 994,81 (28,5 %). Como resultado do projeto, o desenvolvimento tecnológico até TRL-4 será assegurado. O projeto protegerá a propriedade intelectual com pelo menos uma patente dos EUA/europeia. Outros resultados científicos relevantes serão divulgados em, pelo menos, duas publicações científicas em bases de dados Scopus, Web of Science, etc. O projeto visa criar novos empregos para cientistas pelo menos 3 PLE, empregando 2 estudantes de mestrado, 3 doutorandos e dois jovens cientistas.Palavras-chave: Tecnologia de exibição 3D, projeção de imagem, alta velocidade de recuperação, modulador de luz espacial, fonte de luz laser. (Portuguese)
    3 August 2022
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    Formålet med projektet er at udvikle et billeddannelsessystem med unikke billedegenskaber. Den innovative løsning vil give nye retninger inden for smart engineering i Letland, udvikle volumetrisk type 3D display teknologi. Projektet "Udvikling af et komplekst laserbilleddannelsessystem med høj glans til brug i volumetriske 3D-skærmsystemer" er et projekt relateret til økonomisk aktivitet, inden for hvilket der forventes industriel forskning. Projektområdet i henhold til NACE rev. 2 er 26.70, og aktiviteterne svarer til FORD-klassifikationerne 2.2, 2.3 og 2.11. Sammenkædning af projektresultaterne med første og sjette prioritet i den lettiske strategi for intelligent specialisering RIS3. To virksomheder — "HansaMatrix Innovation" og "LightSpace Technologies" — og forskningsorganisation af Letlands Universitet (Optometria Division) vil samarbejde om gennemførelsen af projektet. Ved projektets afslutning vil det teknologiske beredskabsniveau være TRL4. Der er planer om yderligere udvikling af den teknologiske bæredygtighed op til TRL-7-niveauet og erhvervelse af et amerikansk/europæisk patent. Inden for rammerne af projektet vil følgende hovedaktiviteter blive gennemført: 1)In-depth feasibility study to determine the most appropriate design of the imaging system in relation to “LightSpace Technologies” volumetric 3D displays.2) Development of the optical design of the projection system and design of the main optical components and assembly in laboratory environment3)Electronic development, including the light source (laser) control panel and display interface design with the necessary control components in the visual design and assembly of the lens in a technological environment5 the design of the human figure, including the development of the light source (laser) control interface with the required control components for it, to be carried out by the laboratory’s impurity design, which will be evaluated according to the laboratory design.4) The design of the light source (laser) control interface with the required control design of the company, which will be performed in accordance with the laboratory’s imputation of the image.4) The design of the lens according to the laboratory’s imperial design will be performed according to the quality of the laboratory.4) The feasibility of a feasibility study with the most appropriate design of the imaging system in relation to “LightSpace Technologies” volumetric 3D displays.2) Development of the optical design of the projection system and design of the main optical components and assembly in a laboratory environment3)The design of electronics, including the light source (laser) control interface and display interface with the necessary control components in the laboratory environment, will be tested for the quality of the human figure according to the laboratory’s impositation.4) The design of the optical source (laser) control panel and display interface with the necessary control components in a laboratory environment, which will be tested according to the laboratory image quality.4) The design of the lens according to the laboratory design.4) The design of the light source (laser) control panel and display interface with the necessary control components in the laboratory environment will be validated according to the laboratory design.4) The development of an electronics system, including the development of the optical source (laser) interface with the required control components and design and assembly of the main optical components in a laboratory environment3.Development of electronics, including the light source (laser) control panel and display interface design with the necessary control components in the visual range and assembly in a laboratory environmentThe design of electronics according to the technological design of the design of the lens, including the light source (laser The aim of the research is to explore changes in functional parameters of the visual system and visual perception response, looking at the spatial image of a new generation volumetric display. 24 måneder (fra 2. kvartal 2019, afslutning: 1. kvartal 2021) De samlede anslåede omkostninger til projektet er 81 686 271,00 EUR, herunder: EFRU finansierer 5 529 879,00 EUR (66,6 %) og privat finansiering 236.994,81 (28,5 %). Som et resultat af projektet vil den teknologiske udvikling op til TRL-4 blive sikret. Projektet vil beskytte intellektuel ejendomsret med mindst ét amerikansk/europæisk patent. Andre relevante videnskabelige resultater vil blive formidlet i mindst to videnskabelige publikationer i Scopus, Web of Science databaser osv. Projektet har til formål at skabe nye job for forskere mindst 3 PLE, ansætte 2 kandidatstuderende, 3 ph.d.-studerende og to unge forskere.Nøgleord: 3D display teknologi, billeddannelse projektion, høj opsving hastighed, rumlig lys modulator, laser lyskilde. (Danish)
    3 August 2022
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    Scopul proiectului este de a dezvolta un sistem de imagistică cu caracteristici unice ale imaginii. Soluția inovatoare va oferi noi direcții în domeniul ingineriei inteligente în Letonia, dezvoltând tehnologia volumetrică de afișare 3D. Proiectul „Dezvoltarea unui sistem complex de imagistică laser de înaltă strălucire pentru utilizarea în sisteme volumetrice de afișare 3D” este un proiect legat de activitatea economică, în cadrul căruia se așteaptă cercetări industriale. Domeniul proiectului conform NACE Rev. 2 este 26.70, activitățile corespund clasificărilor FORD 2.2, 2.3 și 2.11. Corelarea rezultatelor proiectului cu prima și a șasea prioritate a strategiei de specializare inteligentă a Letoniei RIS3. Două companii – „HansaMatrix Innovation” și „LightSpace Technologies” – și organizația de cercetare a Universității din Letonia (Divizia Optometria) vor coopera la punerea în aplicare a proiectului. La sfârșitul proiectului, nivelul de pregătire tehnologică va fi TRL4. Se are în vedere dezvoltarea în continuare a durabilității tehnologiei până la nivelul TRL-7 și achiziționarea unui brevet american/european. În cadrul proiectului se vor desfășura următoarele activități principale: 1)In-depth feasibility study to determine the most appropriate design of the imaging system in relation to “LightSpace Technologies” volumetric 3D displays.2) Development of the optical design of the projection system and design of the main optical components and assembly in laboratory environment3)Electronic development, including the light source (laser) control panel and display interface design with the necessary control components in the visual design and assembly of the lens in a technological environment5 the design of the human figure, including the development of the light source (laser) control interface with the required control components for it, to be carried out by the laboratory’s impurity design, which will be evaluated according to the laboratory design.4) The design of the light source (laser) control interface with the required control design of the company, which will be performed in accordance with the laboratory’s imputation of the image.4) The design of the lens according to the laboratory’s imperial design will be performed according to the quality of the laboratory.4) The feasibility of a feasibility study with the most appropriate design of the imaging system in relation to “LightSpace Technologies” volumetric 3D displays.2) Development of the optical design of the projection system and design of the main optical components and assembly in a laboratory environment3)The design of electronics, including the light source (laser) control interface and display interface with the necessary control components in the laboratory environment, will be tested for the quality of the human figure according to the laboratory’s impositation.4) The design of the optical source (laser) control panel and display interface with the necessary control components in a laboratory environment, which will be tested according to the laboratory image quality.4) The design of the lens according to the laboratory design.4) The design of the light source (laser) control panel and display interface with the necessary control components in the laboratory environment will be validated according to the laboratory design.4) The development of an electronics system, including the development of the optical source (laser) interface with the required control components and design and assembly of the main optical components in a laboratory environment3.Development of electronics, including the light source (laser) control panel and display interface design with the necessary control components in the visual range and assembly in a laboratory environmentThe design of electronics according to the technological design of the design of the lens, including the light source (laser The aim of the research is to explore changes in functional parameters of the visual system and visual perception response, looking at the spatial image of a new generation volumetric display. 24 de luni (începând cu T2 2019, finalizare: T1, 2021) Costul total estimat al proiectului este de 81 686 271,00 EUR, incluzând: Finanțare FEDR în valoare de 5 529 879,00 EUR (66,6 %) și finanțare privată 236 994,81 (28,5 %). Ca urmare a proiectului, se va asigura dezvoltarea tehnologică până la TRL-4. Proiectul va proteja proprietatea intelectuală cu cel puțin un brevet american/european. Alte rezultate științifice relevante vor fi diseminate în cel puțin două publicații științifice din Scopus, bazele de date Web of Science etc. Proiectul își propune să creeze noi locuri de muncă pentru oamenii de știință cel puțin 3 PLE, care angajează 2 studenți la masterat, 3 doctoranzi și doi tineri oameni de știință.Keywords: Tehnologie de afișare 3D, proiecție imagistică, viteză mare de recuperare, modulator de lumină spațială, sursă de lumină laser. (Romanian)
    3 August 2022
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    Syftet med projektet är att utveckla ett bildsystem med unika bildegenskaper. Den innovativa lösningen kommer att ge nya riktningar inom smart teknik i Lettland, utveckla volymetrisk typ 3D display teknik. Projektet ”Utveckling av ett komplext laseravbildningssystem med hög briljans för användning i volymetriska typ 3D-displaysystem” är ett projekt relaterat till ekonomisk aktivitet, inom vilket industriell forskning förväntas. Projektfältet enligt Nace rev. 2 är 26.70, verksamheterna motsvarar FORD-klassifikationerna 2.2, 2.3 och 2.11. Koppla projektresultaten till den första och sjätte prioriteringen i Lettlands strategi för smart specialisering RIS3. Två företag – ”HansaMatrix Innovation” och ”LightSpace Technologies” – och forskningsorganisationen vid Lettlands universitet (Optometria Division) kommer att samarbeta i genomförandet av projektet. I slutet av projektet kommer den tekniska beredskapen att vara TRL4. Ytterligare utveckling av den tekniska hållbarheten upp till TRL-7-nivån och förvärv av ett amerikanskt/europeiskt patent planeras. Inom ramen för projektet kommer följande huvudsakliga verksamheter att genomföras: 1)In-depth feasibility study to determine the most appropriate design of the imaging system in relation to “LightSpace Technologies” volumetric 3D displays.2) Development of the optical design of the projection system and design of the main optical components and assembly in laboratory environment3)Electronic development, including the light source (laser) control panel and display interface design with the necessary control components in the visual design and assembly of the lens in a technological environment5 the design of the human figure, including the development of the light source (laser) control interface with the required control components for it, to be carried out by the laboratory’s impurity design, which will be evaluated according to the laboratory design.4) The design of the light source (laser) control interface with the required control design of the company, which will be performed in accordance with the laboratory’s imputation of the image.4) The design of the lens according to the laboratory’s imperial design will be performed according to the quality of the laboratory.4) The feasibility of a feasibility study with the most appropriate design of the imaging system in relation to “LightSpace Technologies” volumetric 3D displays.2) Development of the optical design of the projection system and design of the main optical components and assembly in a laboratory environment3)The design of electronics, including the light source (laser) control interface and display interface with the necessary control components in the laboratory environment, will be tested for the quality of the human figure according to the laboratory’s impositation.4) The design of the optical source (laser) control panel and display interface with the necessary control components in a laboratory environment, which will be tested according to the laboratory image quality.4) The design of the lens according to the laboratory design.4) The design of the light source (laser) control panel and display interface with the necessary control components in the laboratory environment will be validated according to the laboratory design.4) The development of an electronics system, including the development of the optical source (laser) interface with the required control components and design and assembly of the main optical components in a laboratory environment3.Development of electronics, including the light source (laser) control panel and display interface design with the necessary control components in the visual range and assembly in a laboratory environmentThe design of electronics according to the technological design of the design of the lens, including the light source (laser The aim of the research is to explore changes in functional parameters of the visual system and visual perception response, looking at the spatial image of a new generation volumetric display. 24 månader (med början andra kvartalet 2019, slutförande: Första kvartalet 2021) Den totala beräknade kostnaden för projektet är 81 686 271,00 EUR, inklusive Eruf-finansiering 5 529 879,00 EUR (66,6 %) och privat finansiering 236 994,81 EUR (28,5 %). Som ett resultat av projektet kommer teknisk utveckling upp till TRL-4 att säkerställas.Projektet kommer att skydda immateriella rättigheter med minst ett amerikanskt/europeiskt patent. Andra relevanta vetenskapliga resultat kommer att spridas i minst två vetenskapliga publikationer i Scopus, Web of Science-databaser etc. Projektet syftar till att skapa nya jobb för forskare minst 3 PLE, med 2 masterstudenter, 3 doktorander och två unga forskare. Nyckelord: 3D-displayteknik, bildprojektion, hög återhämtningshastighet, rumsligt ljusmodulator, laserljuskälla. (Swedish)
    3 August 2022
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    Ziedleju iela 1, Mārupe, Mārupes pag., Mārupes nov., LV-2167
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    Zeļļu iela 25, Rīga, LV-1002
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