Synthesis of textile surface coatings modified at Nano-level and integration of an energy-independent measurement system into smart clothing with medical observation functions (Q3056327)

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Project Q3056327 in Latvia
Language Label Description Also known as
Synthesis of textile surface coatings modified at Nano-level and integration of an energy-independent measurement system into smart clothing with medical observation functions
Project Q3056327 in Latvia


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    516,575.43 Euro
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    607,735.79 Euro
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    1 March 2017
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    31 December 2019
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    56°57'11.84"N, 24°4'45.73"E
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    56°57'11.20"N, 24°4'41.74"E
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    56°57'12.20"N, 24°4'56.21"E
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    56°57'12.67"N, 24°4'41.56"E
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    1.1.1.Projekta kopsavilkuma īss apraksts Projekta mērķis ir veikt pētniecību, lai gūtu vairāk zināšanu un labāku izpratni par tādu viedā apģērba elementu kā tekstiliju, enerģētiski neatkarīgas sistēmas un uz tekstilsensoriem balstītas mērīšanas sistēmas izstrādi un pilnveidi, kā arī šo elementu piemērošanu un integrāciju viedā apģērba komplektā, kas paredzēts medicīnisko novērojumu veikšanai ortopēdijas jomā.Projekta mērķa sasniegšanai tiks veikti pētījumi šādos virzienos:-pētījumus uz tekstilsensoriem balstītas mērīšanas sistēmas izveidei podometrijas un skoliozes pacientu novērošanas vajadzībām; -pētījumus papildus funkcionalitātes piešķiršanai tekstilijām;-pētījumus enerģētiski neatkarīgas sistēmas pilnveidei un optimālai integrācijai apģērbā;-pētījumus viedā apģērba komplekta, kas paredzēts medicīnisko novērojumu veikšanai podometrijas un skoliozes pacientu vajadzībām, prototipa izstrāde.Projektā paredzēti starpnozaru pētījumi, kas saistīti ar tekstiliju un apģērbu projektēšanu, modificējošo nanopārklājumu sintēzi, elektronisko ierīču projektēšanu un pielāgošanu, kā arī komunikācijas tehnoloģiju attīstīšanu.Pētījuma rezultātā tiks izstrādāts viedapģērba komplekta prototips (TRL 7) ar iestrādātiem tekstilsensoriem medicīnisko novērojumu veikšanai. Komplekts būs enerģētiski neatkarīgs un no ārējiem apstākļiem aizsargājošs, nodrošinot ilgstošu un nepārtrauktu podometrijas un skoliozes novērojumu veikšanu.Atslēgas vārdi: funkcionālais tekstils, tekstiliju nanopārklājumi, cilvēka kustību enerģijas valkājamas elektroniskās sistēmas, biomehāniskie un fizioloģiskie mērījumi, viedapģērbs.1.1.2.Projekta kopsavilkuma pilns aprakstsProjekta mērķis ir veikt pētniecību, lai gūtu vairāk zināšanu un labāku izpratni par tādu viedā apģērba elementu kā tekstiliju, enerģētiski neatkarīgas sistēmas un uz tekstilsensoriem balstītas mērīšanas sistēmas izstrādi un pilnveidi, kā arī šo elementu piemērošanu un integrāciju viedā apģērba komplektā, kas paredzēts medicīnisko novērojumu veikšanai ortopēdijas jomā.Projektā paredzētais pētniecības veids ir rūpnieciskais pētījums ar eksperimentālo izstrādi.Projekts ir starpdisciplinārs un atbilst šādām zinātnes nozarēm: - 2.2.Elektronikas inženierija- 2.5. Materiālu inženierija;- 3.2. Klīniskā medicīna;- 2.10. Nano tehnoloģijas.Projekts ir ar saimniecisko darbību nesaistīts.Projekta galvenās aktivitātes:-Rūpnieciskie pētījumi:1) podometrijas un skoliozes novērošanas, izmantojot tekstilsensorus, metožu izstrādāšana;2) induktīvo elementu un magnētu izvietošanas viedajā apģērbā metodes izstrādāšana, to darbības saskaņošana un cilvēka kustību enerģijas pārveidošana elektrībā;3) nanolīmenī strukturētu pārklājumu sintēzes un uznešanas uz tekstilijām ar zemu karstumizturību metodes izstrādāšana.-Eksperimentālā izstrāde:1) enerģētiski neatkarīga viedā apģērba komplekta, kas paredzēts medicīnisko novērojumu veikšanai podometrijas un skoliozes pacientu vajadzībām, prototipa izstrāde;2) viedapģērba enerģētiski neatkarīgas sistēmas prototipa izstrāde;3) ar nanolīmenī strukturētu virsmas pārklājumu modificētu produktu prototipu izstrāde.Mērķa grupai, zinātniskajai institūcijai un zinātnē un pētniecībā nodarbinātajiem darbiniekiem, maģistriem un doktorantiem būs šādi atbalsta pasākumi: atlīdzība zinātniskajiem darbiniekiem, komandējuma un darba braucieni, pētniecības infrastruktūras izmaksas, ārpakalpojuma izmaksas, tehnoloģiju tiesību aizsardzības nostiprināšanas izmaksas.Projektā ir plānoti šādi rezultāti:- 10 oriģināli zinātniskie raksti,- 3 pieteikti patenti;- 3 jauna produkta prototips;- 2 jaunu tehnoloģiju prototipi;- 2 metodes- 1 citi pētījuma rezultāti, kas papildina Projekta rezultātus.Projekta kopējās izmaksas: 610 362,39 EUR, no tām plānotais atbalsts 564 585,21 EUR.Projekta īstenošanas ilgums 34 mēneši no 01.03.2017. līdz 31.12.2019). (Latvian)
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    1.1.1. Brief description of the project summary The aim of the project is to carry out research in order to gain more knowledge and better understanding of the development and improvement of smart clothing elements such as textiles, energy independent systems and textile sensors-based measurement system, as well as application and integration of these elements in a smart clothing set, which is intended for carrying out medical observations in the field of orthopaedics. — studies in addition to the functionalities of textiles;-researchs for the improvement of an energy-independent system and optimal integration into clothing;-researchs of smart clothing set, designed for medical observations for the needs of podometry and scoliosis patients.Project includes interdisciplinary research related to design of textiles and clothing, synthesis of modifying nano coverings, design and customisation of electronic devices, as well as development of communication technologies. The kit will be energetically independent and protective from external conditions, ensuring continuous and continuous monitoring of podometry and scoliosis. Functional textiles, textile nano coverings, human motion wearable electronic systems, biomechanical and physiological measurements, smart clothing.1.1.2. Full description of the project summary The aim of the project is to carry out research in order to gain more knowledge and a better understanding of smart clothing elements such as textiles, energy-dependent systems and textile sensors-based measurement system, as well as the application and integration of these elements in a smart clothing set.Project type of research between the following fields of study. — 2.2.Electronic engineering- 2.5. Material engineering;- 3.2. Clinical medicine;- 2.10. Nanotechnologies.The project is not related to economic activities.The main activities of the project:-Industrial studies:1) development of methods for monitoring podometrium and scoliosis using textiles sensors; 2) development of methods for placement of inductive elements and magnets in smart clothing, coordination of their activities and conversion of human motion energy into electricity;3) in nano-level, structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral specifications’ for independent patient-footed energy;3) in nano-level, structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, development of a 'doctoral self-consistence' method for independent patient-focusing and the transformation of human movement into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat-resistance method in research;).Developing a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral guidance' for independent patient-to-doctor energy;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral guidance' approach for independent patient-experience, and in a proto-formuo-external model for the design of structural coatings and donating on textiles with low-heat resistance method for smart design;2) development of a 'doctoral' and 'doubative' medical system with an independent design of the cell-external system.1) at nano-level, the synthesis of structured coatings and donating on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, support the development of a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral action' for independent patient-mouse and conversion of human movements into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat-resistance method for research;2) development of a 'doctoral’s and 'doodoometrics’ design for patient-to-use, independent design of cello-external energy with a proto-formulate, structured coating synthesis and non-emitting on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, development of a 'doctoral protection' and 'doctoral action' for independent patient-fouling and transforming human movements into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and non-employability on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral self-consistency', and the development of a pro-doctoral design for patient-moleometric energy for independent patient-to-murface energy;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral protection' method The following results are planned in the project:- 10 original scientific articles, – 3 patents filed;- 3 prototypes of a new product;- 2 prototypes of new technologies;- 2 methods- 1 other research results complementing Project results.Project total costs: EUR 610362,39, of which EUR 564585,21. Project implementation duration 34 months from 01.03.2017 to 31.12.2019). (English)
    15 July 2021
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    1.1.1.Description sommaire du projet L’objectif du projet est de mener des recherches afin d’acquérir plus de connaissances et une meilleure compréhension du développement et de l’amélioration d’éléments vestimentaires intelligents tels que les textiles, le système indépendant énergétique et le système de mesure à base textile, ainsi que l’application et l’intégration de ces éléments dans un ensemble intelligent de vêtements destinés à la réalisation d’observations médicales dans le domaine de l’orthopédie. la recherche en plus de fournir des fonctionnalités aux textiles;-des études pour l’amélioration et l’intégration optimale d’un système indépendant de l’énergie dans les vêtements;-des études pour le développement d’un prototype d’un ensemble intelligent de vêtements conçu pour effectuer des observations médicales pour les patients atteints de podométrie et de scoliose. Le projet comprend des recherches interdisciplinaires sur la conception textile et de vêtements, la synthèse de nanorevêtements modifiés, la conception et l’adaptation d’appareils électroniques, ainsi que le développement de technologies de communication. L’étude aboutira à la mise au point d’un prototype d’ensemble de vêtements intelligents (TRL 7) avec des capteurs textiles intégrés pour l’observation médicale. La trousse sera indépendante de l’énergie et protégée contre les conditions extérieures, assurant une observation continue et continue de la podométrie et de la scoliose. textiles fonctionnels, nanorevêtements textiles, systèmes électroniques porteurs d’énergie pour les mouvements humains, mesures biomécaniques et physiologiques, vêtements intelligents.1.1.2. Description complète du projet Résumé du projet L’objectif du projet est d’approfondir les connaissances et de mieux comprendre le développement et le développement d’éléments vestimentaires intelligents tels que les textiles, les systèmes indépendants énergétiques et les systèmes de mesure à base textile, ainsi que l’application et l’intégration de ces éléments dans un vêtement intelligent destiné à la réalisation d’observations médicales dans le domaine de l’orthopédie.Le type de recherche envisagé dans le projet est la recherche industrielle avec développement expérimental.Le projet est interdisciplinaire et correspond aux domaines scientifiques suivants: — 2.2.Ingénierie électronique — 2.5. Ingénierie des matériaux;- 3.2. Médecine clinique;- 2.10. Nanotechnologies.Le projet n’est pas lié à l’activité économique.Les principales activités du projet:-Recherche industrielle: 1) Développement de méthodes d’observation de la podométrie et de la scoliose à l’aide de capteurs textiles; 2) développement d’une méthode de placement d’éléments inductifs et d’aimants dans des vêtements intelligents, coordination de leur fonctionnement et conversion de l’énergie des mouvements humains en électricité; 3) développement d’une méthode de synthèse et d’application de revêtements structurés sur des textiles peu résistants à la chaleur au niveau nano.-Développement expérimental:1) Ensemble de vêtements intelligents indépendants énergétiquement, développement de prototypes d’observations médicales pour les patients atteints de podométrie et de scoliose; 2) développement d’un prototype de système indépendant de l’énergie des vêtements intelligents; 3) développement de prototypes de produits modifiés avec un revêtement de surface nanostructuré.Le groupe cible, l’institution scientifique et les chercheurs, les étudiants en master et les doctorants bénéficieront des mesures de soutien suivantes: les résultats suivants sont prévus dans le projet:- 10 articles scientifiques originaux, 3 brevets demandés;- 3 prototypes d’un nouveau produit;- 2 prototypes de nouvelles technologies;- 2 méthodes- 1 autres résultats de recherche qui complètent les résultats du projet. 610 362,39 EUR, dont l’aide prévue est de 564 585,21 EUR.Durée de la mise en œuvre du projet 34 mois du 01.03.2017 au 31.12.2019. (French)
    25 November 2021
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    1.1.1.Kurzbeschreibung der Projektzusammenfassung Das Ziel des Projekts ist die Durchführung von Forschungsarbeiten, um mehr Wissen und ein besseres Verständnis für die Entwicklung und Verbesserung intelligenter Bekleidungselemente wie Textilien, energieunabhängiges System und textiles Messsystem zu gewinnen sowie die Anwendung und Integration dieser Elemente in eine intelligente Bekleidungsreihe, die für die Durchführung medizinischer Beobachtungen im Bereich der Orthopädie bestimmt ist. Forschung neben der Bereitstellung von Funktionalität für Textilien;-Studien zur Verbesserung und optimalen Integration eines energieunabhängigen Systems in der Bekleidung;-Studien zur Entwicklung eines Prototyps eines intelligenten Bekleidungssets zur Durchführung medizinischer Beobachtungen für Podometrie und Skoliosepatienten. Das Projekt umfasst interdisziplinäre Forschungen zum Textil- und Bekleidungsdesign, zur Synthese modifizierter Nanobeschichtungen, zur Gestaltung und Anpassung elektronischer Geräte sowie zur Entwicklung von Kommunikationstechnologien. Die Studie wird zur Entwicklung eines Prototyps des Smart-Kleidungssets (TRL 7) mit eingebetteten Textilsensoren für medizinische Beobachtungen führen. Das Kit wird energieunabhängig und vor äußeren Bedingungen geschützt sein und sorgt für eine kontinuierliche und kontinuierliche Beobachtung von Podometrie und Skoliose. Funktionstextilien, textile Nanobeschichtungen, energieverträgliche elektronische Systeme für menschliche Bewegungen, biomechanische und physiologische Messungen, intelligente Kleidung.1.1.2. Ziel des Projekts ist es, mehr Wissen und ein besseres Verständnis für die Entwicklung und Entwicklung von intelligenten Bekleidungselementen wie Textilien, energieunabhängigen Systemen und textilen Messsystemen sowie die Anwendung und Integration dieser Elemente in ein intelligentes Bekleidungsset für die Durchführung medizinischer Beobachtungen im Bereich der Orthopädie zu gewinnen. — 2.2.Elektroniktechnik – 2.5. Materialtechnik;- 3.2. Klinische Medizin;- 2.10. Nanotechnologien.Das Projekt ist unabhängig von der wirtschaftlichen Aktivität.Die Hauptaktivitäten des Projekts:-Industrial Research: 1) Entwicklung von Methoden zur Beobachtung von Podometrie und Skoliose mit textilen Sensoren;2) Entwicklung von Verfahren zur Platzierung von induktiven Elementen und Magneten in Smart-Kleidung, Koordination ihres Betriebs und Umwandlung von Energie aus menschlichen Bewegungen in Strom;3) Entwicklung einer Methode der Synthese und Anwendung strukturierter Beschichtungen auf niedrig hitzebeständigen Textilien auf Nanoebene.-Experimentelle Entwicklung:1) Energieunabhängige intelligente Kleidung, Entwicklung von Prototypen für medizinische Beobachtungen für Podometrie und Skoliosepatienten;2) Entwicklung eines Prototyps eines intelligenten, energieunabhängigen Systems; 3) Entwicklung von Prototypen von Produkten, die mit nanostrukturierter Oberflächenbeschichtung modifiziert werden.Die Zielgruppe, wissenschaftliche Einrichtung und Forschung und Forscher, Masters und Doktoranden haben folgende Unterstützungsmaßnahmen: im Projekt sind folgende Ergebnisse geplant:- 10 wissenschaftliche Originalartikel, 3 angemeldete Patente;- 3 Prototypen eines neuen Produkts;- 2 Prototypen neuer Technologien;- 2 Methoden- 1 weitere Forschungsergebnisse, die die Ergebnisse des Projekts ergänzen. 610 362,39 EUR, davon 564 585,21 EUR.Projektlaufzeit 34 Monate vom 01.03.2017 bis 31.12.2019. (German)
    28 November 2021
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    1.1.1.Beknopte beschrijving van de samenvatting van het project Het doel van het project is onderzoek te verrichten om meer kennis te verwerven en een beter inzicht te krijgen in de ontwikkeling en verbetering van slimme kledingelementen zoals textiel, energieonafhankelijk systeem en op textiel gebaseerd meetsysteem, alsmede de toepassing en integratie van deze elementen in een slimme kledingset die bestemd is voor het uitvoeren van medische observaties op het gebied van orthopedie. onderzoek naast het verstrekken van functionaliteit aan textiel;-studies voor de verbetering en optimale integratie van een energieonafhankelijk systeem in kleding;-studies voor de ontwikkeling van een prototype van een slimme set kleding die is ontworpen om medische observaties uit te voeren voor patiënten met podometrie en scoliose. Het project omvat interdisciplinair onderzoek met betrekking tot textiel- en kledingontwerp, synthese van aangepaste nanocoatings, ontwerp en aanpassing van elektronische apparaten, evenals de ontwikkeling van communicatietechnologieën. De studie zal resulteren in de ontwikkeling van een prototype van slimme kledingset (TRL 7) met ingebedde textielsensoren voor medische observaties. De kit zal energie-onafhankelijk zijn en beschermen tegen externe omstandigheden, waardoor continue en continue observatie van podometrie en scoliose wordt gewaarborgd. functionele textiel, textiel nanocoatings, energiedragende elektronische systemen voor menselijke bewegingen, biomechanische en fysiologische metingen, slimme kleding.1.1.2. Volledige beschrijving van het projectsamenvattingHet doel van het project is onderzoek te doen naar meer kennis en een beter begrip van de ontwikkeling en ontwikkeling van slimme kledingelementen zoals textiel, energieonafhankelijke systemen en op textiel gebaseerde meetsystemen, alsmede de toepassing en integratie van deze elementen in een slimme kleding die is ingesteld voor het uitvoeren van medische observaties op het gebied van orthopedie.Het type onderzoek dat in het project wordt beoogd, is industrieel onderzoek met experimentele ontwikkeling.Het project is interdisciplinair en stemt overeen met de volgende wetenschapsgebieden: — 2.2.Elektronicatechniek — 2.5. Materiaaltechniek;- 3.2. Klinische geneeskunde;- 2.10. Nanotechnologieën.Het project houdt geen verband met de economische activiteit.De belangrijkste activiteiten van het project:-Industrieel onderzoek: 1) Ontwikkeling van methoden voor waarneming van podometrie en scoliose met behulp van textielsensoren; 2) ontwikkeling van de methode voor het plaatsen van inductieve elementen en magneten in slimme kleding, coördinatie van hun werking en omzetting van energie uit menselijke bewegingen in elektriciteit;3) ontwikkeling van een methode voor synthese en toepassing van gestructureerde coatings op laag hittebestendig textiel op nanoniveau.-Experimentele ontwikkeling:1) Energie-onafhankelijke slimme kledingset, ontwikkeling van prototypes voor medische observaties voor podometrie en scoliosepatiënten; 2) ontwikkeling van een prototype van slimme kleding energieonafhankelijk systeem;3) ontwikkeling van prototypes van producten aangepast met nano-gestructureerde oppervlaktecoating.De doelgroep, wetenschappelijke instelling en onderzoeks- en onderzoeksmedewerkers, masters en doctoraatsstudenten zullen de volgende ondersteunende maatregelen hebben: de volgende resultaten zijn gepland in het project:- 10 originele wetenschappelijke artikelen, 3 octrooien aangevraagd;- 3 prototypes van een nieuw product;- 2 prototypes van nieuwe technologieën;- 2 methoden- 1 andere onderzoeksresultaten die de resultaten van het project aanvullen. 610 362,39 EUR, waarvan de voorgenomen steun 564 585,21 EUR bedraagt. De looptijd van de projectuitvoering 34 maanden van 1.3.2017 tot en met 31.12.2019. (Dutch)
    28 November 2021
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    1.1.1.Succinte descrizione della sintesi del progetto L'obiettivo del progetto è quello di effettuare ricerche al fine di acquisire maggiori conoscenze e una migliore comprensione dello sviluppo e del miglioramento di elementi di abbigliamento intelligente come i tessili, il sistema energetico indipendente e il sistema di misurazione su base tessile, nonché l'applicazione e l'integrazione di tali elementi in un insieme intelligente di indumenti destinati a effettuare osservazioni mediche nel campo dell'ortopedia. ricerca oltre a fornire funzionalità ai tessuti;-studi per il miglioramento e l'integrazione ottimale di un sistema energetico indipendente nell'abbigliamento;-studi per lo sviluppo di un prototipo di un set intelligente di abbigliamento progettato per eseguire osservazioni mediche per pazienti con podometria e scoliosi. Il progetto comprende ricerche interdisciplinari relative al design tessile e dell'abbigliamento, sintesi di nanorivestimenti modificati, progettazione e adattamento di dispositivi elettronici, nonché lo sviluppo di tecnologie di comunicazione. Lo studio si tradurrà nello sviluppo di un prototipo di smart clothing set (TRL 7) con sensori tessili integrati per osservazioni mediche. Il kit sarà indipendente dall'energia e protettivo dalle condizioni esterne, garantendo un'osservazione continua e continua della podometria e della scoliosi. tessuti funzionali, nanorivestimenti tessili, sistemi elettronici energeticamente indossabili per i movimenti umani, misure biomeccaniche e fisiologiche, abbigliamento intelligente.1.1.2. Descrizione completa della sintesi del progettoL'obiettivo del progetto è quello di effettuare ricerche per acquisire maggiori conoscenze e una migliore comprensione dello sviluppo e dello sviluppo di elementi di abbigliamento intelligente come tessuti, sistemi indipendenti dall'energia e sistemi di misurazione basati sul tessile, nonché l'applicazione e l'integrazione di questi elementi in un abbigliamento intelligente per effettuare osservazioni mediche nel campo dell'ortopedia.Il tipo di ricerca prevista nel progetto è la ricerca industriale con sviluppo sperimentale.Il progetto è interdisciplinare e corrisponde ai seguenti campi scientifici: — 2.2.Ingegnere elettronico — 2.5. Ingegneria dei materiali;- 3.2. Medicina clinica;- 2.10. Nanotecnologie.Il progetto non è correlato all'attività economica.Le principali attività del progetto:-Ricerca industriale: 1) Sviluppo di metodi di osservazione della podometria e della scoliosi utilizzando sensori tessili; 2) sviluppo del metodo di posizionamento di elementi induttivi e magneti in abbigliamento intelligente, coordinamento del loro funzionamento e conversione dell'energia dai movimenti umani in elettricità; 3) sviluppo di un metodo di sintesi e applicazione di rivestimenti strutturati su tessuti a bassa resistenza termica al livello nano.-Sviluppo sperimentale:1) Set di abbigliamento intelligente energeticamente indipendente, sviluppo di prototipi per osservazioni mediche per pazienti con podometria e scoliosi; 2) sviluppo di un prototipo di sistema di abbigliamento intelligente indipendente dall'energia; 3) sviluppo di prototipi di prodotti modificati con rivestimento superficiale nano-strutturato. Il gruppo destinatario, l'istituzione scientifica e i ricercatori, i maestri e gli studenti di dottorato avranno le seguenti misure di sostegno: nel progetto sono previsti i seguenti risultati:- 10 articoli scientifici originali, 3 brevetti richiesti;- 3 prototipi di un nuovo prodotto;- 2 prototipi di nuove tecnologie;- 2 metodi- 1 altri risultati di ricerca che integrano i risultati del progetto. 610 362,39 EUR, di cui l'aiuto previsto ammonta a 564 585,21 EUR.Durata dell'attuazione del progetto 34 mesi dall'1.1.2017 al 31.12.2019. (Italian)
    11 January 2022
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    1.1.1.Succinct Descripción del resumen del proyecto El objetivo del proyecto es llevar a cabo investigaciones para obtener más conocimientos y una mejor comprensión del desarrollo y la mejora de los elementos de la ropa inteligente como los textiles, el sistema independiente de energía y el sistema de medición basado en textiles, así como la aplicación e integración de estos elementos en un conjunto inteligente de prendas de vestir destinadas a realizar observaciones médicas en el campo de la ortopedia. investigación además de proporcionar funcionalidad a los textiles;-estudios para la mejora e integración óptima de un sistema independiente de energía en la ropa;-estudios para el desarrollo de un prototipo de un conjunto inteligente de ropa diseñado para realizar observaciones médicas para pacientes con podometría y escoliosis. El proyecto incluye investigación interdisciplinaria relacionada con el diseño textil y de la ropa, síntesis de nanorecubrimientos modificados, diseño y adaptación de dispositivos electrónicos, así como el desarrollo de tecnologías de comunicación. El estudio dará como resultado el desarrollo de un prototipo de conjunto de ropa inteligente (TRL 7) con sensores textiles incorporados para observaciones médicas. El kit será independiente de la energía y protegerá de las condiciones externas, asegurando la observación continua y continua de la podometría y la escoliosis. textiles funcionales, nanorevestimientos textiles, sistemas electrónicos energéticos para movimientos humanos, mediciones biomecánicas y fisiológicas, ropa inteligente.1.1.2. Descripción completa del resumen del proyectoEl objetivo del proyecto es llevar a cabo una investigación para adquirir más conocimientos y una mejor comprensión del desarrollo y desarrollo de elementos de ropa inteligente como textiles, sistemas independientes de energía y sistemas de medición basados en textiles, así como la aplicación e integración de estos elementos en un conjunto de prendas inteligentes para la realización de observaciones médicas en el campo de la ortopédica.El tipo de investigación previsto en el proyecto es investigación industrial con desarrollo experimental.El proyecto es interdisciplinario y corresponde a los siguientes campos de la ciencia: 2.2.Ingeniería electrónica — 2.5. Ingeniería de materiales;- 3.2. Medicina clínica;- 2.10. Nanotecnologías.El proyecto no está relacionado con la actividad económica.Las principales actividades del proyecto:-Investigación industrial: 1) Desarrollo de métodos de observación de podometría y escoliosis utilizando sensores textiles; 2) desarrollo del método de colocación de elementos inductivos e imanes en ropa inteligente, coordinación de su funcionamiento y conversión de la energía de los movimientos humanos en electricidad; 3) desarrollo de un método de síntesis y aplicación de revestimientos estructurados sobre textiles de baja resistencia al calor a nivel nano.-Desarrollo experimental:1) Conjunto de ropa inteligente energéticamente independiente, desarrollo de prototipos para observaciones médicas para pacientes con podometría y escoliosis; 2) desarrollo de un prototipo de sistema independiente de la energía de la ropa inteligente; 3) desarrollo de prototipos de productos modificados con revestimiento de superficie nanoestructurado. El grupo destinatario, la institución científica y los investigadores, maestros y doctorados tendrán las siguientes medidas de apoyo: en el proyecto se planifican los siguientes resultados:- 10 artículos científicos originales, 3 patentes solicitadas;- 3 prototipos de un nuevo producto;- 2 prototipos de nuevas tecnologías;- 2 métodos- 1 otros resultados de investigación que complementan los resultados del Proyecto. 610 362,39 EUR, de los cuales la ayuda prevista asciende a 564 585,21 EUR. Duración del proyecto 34 meses desde el 1.3.2017 hasta el 31.12.2019. (Spanish)
    12 January 2022
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    1.1.1. Projekti kokkuvõtte lühikirjeldus Projekti eesmärk on viia läbi teadusuuringuid, et saada rohkem teadmisi ja paremini mõista nutikate rõivaelementide, nagu tekstiilid, energiasõltumatud süsteemid ja tekstiilianduritel põhinev mõõtmissüsteem, arendamisest ja täiustamisest, samuti nende elementide rakendamist ja integreerimist arukasse rõivakomplekti, mis on mõeldud ortopeedia valdkonnas meditsiiniliste vaatluste tegemiseks. – uuringud lisaks funktsionaalsus tekstiilid;-uuringud parandada energiasõltumatu süsteemi ja optimaalne integreerimine riided;-uuringud nutikate rõivaste komplekt, mis on mõeldud meditsiiniliste vaatluste vajadustele podomeetria ja skolioos patsientide vajadustele.Projekt hõlmab interdistsiplinaarseid uuringuid, mis on seotud tekstiilide ja rõivaste disainiga, nanokatete muutmise sünteesiga, elektroonikaseadmete projekteerimise ja kohandamisega ning kommunikatsioonitehnoloogia arendamisega. Komplekt on energiliselt sõltumatu ja kaitseb välistingimuste eest, tagades podomeetria ja skolioosi pideva ja pideva jälgimise. Funktsionaalsed tekstiilmaterjalid, nanokatted, inimliikuvusega kantavad elektroonilised süsteemid, biomehaanilised ja füsioloogilised mõõtmised, nutikad rõivad.1.1.2. Projekti kokkuvõtte täielik kirjeldus Projekti eesmärk on viia läbi teadusuuringuid, et saada rohkem teadmisi ja paremini mõista nutikaid rõivaelemente, nagu tekstiilid, energiast sõltuvad süsteemid ja tekstiili anduritel põhinev mõõtesüsteem, samuti nende elementide rakendamist ja integreerimist nutikatesse rõivakomplektidesse.Projekti tüüpi uurimistöö järgmiste õppevaldkondade vahel. – 2.2.Elektrooniline insener- 2.5. Materjalitehnoloogia;- 3.2. Kliiniline meditsiin; – 2.10. Nanotehnoloogia.Projekt ei ole seotud majandustegevusega.Projekti põhitegevus:-Tööstusuuringud:1) meetodite väljatöötamine podomeetriumi ja skolioosi seireks tekstiiliandurite abil; 2) development of methods for placement of inductive elements and magnets in smart clothing, coordination of their activities and conversion of human motion energy into electricity;3) in nano-level, structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral specifications’ for independent patient-footed energy;3) in nano-level, structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, development of a 'doctoral self-consistence' method for independent patient-focusing and the transformation of human movement into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat-resistance method in research;).Developing a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral guidance' for independent patient-to-doctor energy;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral guidance' approach for independent patient-experience, and in a proto-formuo-external model for the design of structural coatings and donating on textiles with low-heat resistance method for smart design;2) development of a 'doctoral' and 'doubative' medical system with an independent design of the cell-external system.1) at nano-level, the synthesis of structured coatings and donating on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, support the development of a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral action' for independent patient-mouse and conversion of human movements into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat-resistance method for research;2) development of a 'doctoral’s and 'doodoometrics’ design for patient-to-use, independent design of cello-external energy with a proto-formulate, structured coating synthesis and non-emitting on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, development of a 'doctoral protection' and 'doctoral action' for independent patient-fouling and transforming human movements into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and non-employability on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral self-consistency', and the development of a pro-doctoral design for patient-moleometric energy for independent patient-to-murface energy;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral protection' method The following results are planned in the project:- 10 original scientific articles, – 3 patents filed;- 3 prototypes of a new product;- 2 prototypes of new technologies;- 2 methods- 1 other research results complementing Project results.Project total costs: 610362,39 eurot, millest 564585,21 eurot. Projekti rakendamise kestus 34 kuud alates 01.03.2017–31.12.2019). (Estonian)
    3 August 2022
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    1.1.1. Trumpas projekto santraukos aprašymas Projekto tikslas – atlikti mokslinius tyrimus siekiant įgyti daugiau žinių ir geriau suprasti išmaniųjų drabužių elementų, tokių kaip tekstilė, nuo energijos nepriklausomos sistemos ir tekstilės jutikliais pagrįsta matavimo sistema, kūrimą ir tobulinimą, taip pat šių elementų taikymą ir integravimą į išmanųjį drabužių komplektą, skirtą ortopedijos srities medicininiams stebėjimams atlikti. – tyrimai, papildantys tekstilės funkcijas;-tyrimai, skirti nuo energijos nepriklausomos sistemos tobulinimui ir optimaliam integravimui į aprangą;-išmaniųjų drabužių komplekto, skirto medicinos stebėjimui podometrijos ir skoliozės pacientų poreikiams, tyrimai.Projektas apima tarpdisciplininius tyrimus, susijusius su tekstilės ir drabužių dizainu, nano dangų modifikavimo sinteze, elektroninių prietaisų projektavimu ir pritaikymu, taip pat ryšių technologijų plėtra. Rinkinys bus energiškai nepriklausomas ir apsaugotas nuo išorinių sąlygų, užtikrinant nuolatinį ir nuolatinį podometrijos ir skoliozės stebėjimą. Funkcinė tekstilė, tekstilinė nano danga, žmogaus judesiui nešiojamos elektroninės sistemos, biomechaniniai ir fiziologiniai matavimai, išmanieji drabužiai.1.1.2. Išsamus projekto santraukos aprašymas Projekto tikslas – atlikti mokslinius tyrimus siekiant įgyti daugiau žinių ir geriau suprasti išmaniųjų drabužių elementus, tokius kaip tekstilė, nuo energijos priklausomos sistemos ir tekstilės jutikliais pagrįsta matavimo sistema, taip pat šių elementų pritaikymas ir integravimas į išmanųjį drabužių rinkinį.Projekto tipas mokslinių tyrimų tarp šių studijų sričių. – 2.2.Elektroninė inžinerija – 2.5. Medžiagų inžinerija;- 3.2. Klinikinė medicina; – 2.10. Nanotechnologies.Projektas nėra susijęs su ekonomine veikla.Pagrindinės projekto veiklos sritys:-Pramoniniai tyrimai:1) podometrio ir skoliozės stebėjimo naudojant tekstilės jutiklius metodų kūrimas; 2) development of methods for placement of inductive elements and magnets in smart clothing, coordination of their activities and conversion of human motion energy into electricity;3) in nano-level, structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral specifications’ for independent patient-footed energy;3) in nano-level, structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, development of a 'doctoral self-consistence' method for independent patient-focusing and the transformation of human movement into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat-resistance method in research;).Developing a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral guidance' for independent patient-to-doctor energy;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral guidance' approach for independent patient-experience, and in a proto-formuo-external model for the design of structural coatings and donating on textiles with low-heat resistance method for smart design;2) development of a 'doctoral' and 'doubative' medical system with an independent design of the cell-external system.1) at nano-level, the synthesis of structured coatings and donating on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, support the development of a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral action' for independent patient-mouse and conversion of human movements into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat-resistance method for research;2) development of a 'doctoral’s and 'doodoometrics’ design for patient-to-use, independent design of cello-external energy with a proto-formulate, structured coating synthesis and non-emitting on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, development of a 'doctoral protection' and 'doctoral action' for independent patient-fouling and transforming human movements into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and non-employability on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral self-consistency', and the development of a pro-doctoral design for patient-moleometric energy for independent patient-to-murface energy;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral protection' method The following results are planned in the project:- 10 original scientific articles, – 3 patents filed;- 3 prototypes of a new product;- 2 prototypes of new technologies;- 2 methods- 1 other research results complementing Project results.Project total costs: 610 362,39 EUR, iš kurių 564 585,21 EUR. Projekto įgyvendinimo trukmė – 34 mėnesiai nuo 2017 m. kovo 1 d. iki 2019 m. gruodžio 31 d. (Lithuanian)
    3 August 2022
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    1.1.1. Kratak opis sažetka projekta Cilj projekta je provođenje istraživanja kako bi se steklo više znanja i bolje razumijevanje razvoja i unaprjeđenja pametnih odjevnih elemenata kao što su tekstil, energetski neovisni sustavi i mjerni sustav temeljen na tekstilnim senzorima, kao i primjena i integracija tih elemenata u pametni set odjeće, koji je namijenjen provođenju medicinskih promatranja iz područja ortopedije. — studije osim funkcionalnosti tekstila;-istraživanja za poboljšanje energetski neovisnog sustava i optimalnu integraciju u odjeću;-istraživanja pametnog odjevnog seta, dizajniranog za medicinska promatranja za potrebe pacijenata s podometrijom i skoliozom.Projekt uključuje interdisciplinarna istraživanja vezana uz dizajn tekstila i odjeće, sintezu modifikacije nano obloga, dizajn i prilagodbu elektroničkih uređaja, kao i razvoj komunikacijskih tehnologija. Komplet će biti energetski neovisan i zaštićen od vanjskih uvjeta, osiguravajući kontinuirano i kontinuirano praćenje podometrije i skolioze. Funkcionalni tekstil, tekstilne nano obloge, elektronički sustavi nosivi po gibanju ljudi, biomehanička i fiziološka mjerenja, pametna odjeća.1.1.2. Potpuni opis sažetka projekta Cilj projekta je provođenje istraživanja kako bi se steklo više znanja i bolje razumijevanje pametnih odjevnih elemenata kao što su tekstil, energetski ovisni sustavi i mjerni sustav temeljen na tekstilnim senzorima, kao i primjena i integracija tih elemenata u pametni set odjeće. Vrsta projekta istraživanja između sljedećih područja studija. 2.2.Elektronički inženjering- 2.5. Inženjering materijala;- 3.2. Klinička medicina;- 2.10. Nanotechnologies.Projekt nije povezan s gospodarskim djelatnostima.Glavne aktivnosti projekta:-Industrijske studije:1) razvoj metoda za praćenje podometrija i skolioze pomoću tekstilnih senzora; 2) development of methods for placement of inductive elements and magnets in smart clothing, coordination of their activities and conversion of human motion energy into electricity;3) in nano-level, structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral specifications’ for independent patient-footed energy;3) in nano-level, structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, development of a 'doctoral self-consistence' method for independent patient-focusing and the transformation of human movement into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat-resistance method in research;).Developing a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral guidance' for independent patient-to-doctor energy;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral guidance' approach for independent patient-experience, and in a proto-formuo-external model for the design of structural coatings and donating on textiles with low-heat resistance method for smart design;2) development of a 'doctoral' and 'doubative' medical system with an independent design of the cell-external system.1) at nano-level, the synthesis of structured coatings and donating on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, support the development of a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral action' for independent patient-mouse and conversion of human movements into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat-resistance method for research;2) development of a 'doctoral’s and 'doodoometrics’ design for patient-to-use, independent design of cello-external energy with a proto-formulate, structured coating synthesis and non-emitting on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, development of a 'doctoral protection' and 'doctoral action' for independent patient-fouling and transforming human movements into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and non-employability on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral self-consistency', and the development of a pro-doctoral design for patient-moleometric energy for independent patient-to-murface energy;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral protection' method The following results are planned in the project:- 10 original scientific articles, – 3 patents filed;- 3 prototypes of a new product;- 2 prototypes of new technologies;- 2 methods- 1 other research results complementing Project results.Project total costs: 610 362,39 EUR, od čega 564 585,21 EUR. Provedba projekta u trajanju od 34 mjeseca od 1.1.2017. do 31.12.2019.). (Croatian)
    3 August 2022
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    1.1.1. Σύντομη περιγραφή της περίληψης του έργου Σκοπός του έργου είναι η διεξαγωγή έρευνας με σκοπό την απόκτηση περισσότερων γνώσεων και την καλύτερη κατανόηση της ανάπτυξης και βελτίωσης έξυπνων στοιχείων ένδυσης, όπως τα κλωστοϋφαντουργικά προϊόντα, τα ενεργειακά ανεξάρτητα συστήματα και το σύστημα μέτρησης με βάση τους αισθητήρες κλωστοϋφαντουργίας, καθώς και η εφαρμογή και ενσωμάτωση αυτών των στοιχείων σε ένα έξυπνο σύνολο ρούχων, το οποίο προορίζεται για τη διενέργεια ιατρικών παρατηρήσεων στον τομέα της ορθοπαιδικής. — μελέτες εκτός από τις λειτουργίες των κλωστοϋφαντουργικών προϊόντων· — έρευνες για τη βελτίωση ενός ενεργειακού ανεξάρτητου συστήματος και τη βέλτιστη ενσωμάτωση στην ένδυση·-έρευνες έξυπνων ενδυμάτων, σχεδιασμένες για ιατρικές παρατηρήσεις για τις ανάγκες των ασθενών με ποδομετρία και σκολίωση. Το έργο περιλαμβάνει διεπιστημονική έρευνα σχετικά με το σχεδιασμό κλωστοϋφαντουργικών προϊόντων και ειδών ένδυσης, τη σύνθεση της τροποποίησης των νανοκαλύψεων, τον σχεδιασμό και την προσαρμογή των ηλεκτρονικών συσκευών, καθώς και την ανάπτυξη τεχνολογιών επικοινωνίας. Το κιτ θα είναι ενεργειακά ανεξάρτητο και προστατευτικό από εξωτερικές συνθήκες, εξασφαλίζοντας συνεχή και συνεχή παρακολούθηση της ποδομητρίας και της σκολίωσης. Λειτουργικά κλωστοϋφαντουργικά προϊόντα, νανοεπενδύσεις από υφαντικές ύλες, ηλεκτρονικά συστήματα που μπορούν να φορεθούν με ανθρώπινη κίνηση, βιομηχανικές και φυσιολογικές μετρήσεις, έξυπνα είδη ένδυσης.1.1.2. Πλήρης περιγραφή της περίληψης του έργου Σκοπός του έργου είναι η διεξαγωγή έρευνας για την απόκτηση περισσότερων γνώσεων και την καλύτερη κατανόηση των έξυπνων στοιχείων ένδυσης, όπως τα κλωστοϋφαντουργικά προϊόντα, τα συστήματα που εξαρτώνται από την ενέργεια και το σύστημα μέτρησης που βασίζεται σε αισθητήρες κλωστοϋφαντουργίας, καθώς και η εφαρμογή και ενσωμάτωση αυτών των στοιχείων σε ένα έξυπνο σύνολο ενδυμάτων. — 2.2.Ηλεκτρονική μηχανική- 2.5. Μηχανική υλικών, — 3.2. Κλινική ιατρική·- 2.10. Nanotechnologies.Το έργο δεν σχετίζεται με οικονομικές δραστηριότητες.Οι κύριες δραστηριότητες του έργου:-Βιομηχανικές μελέτες: 1) ανάπτυξη μεθόδων για την παρακολούθηση του podometrium και της σκολίωσης με τη χρήση αισθητήρων κλωστοϋφαντουργικών προϊόντων· 2) development of methods for placement of inductive elements and magnets in smart clothing, coordination of their activities and conversion of human motion energy into electricity;3) in nano-level, structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral specifications’ for independent patient-footed energy;3) in nano-level, structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, development of a 'doctoral self-consistence' method for independent patient-focusing and the transformation of human movement into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat-resistance method in research;).Developing a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral guidance' for independent patient-to-doctor energy;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral guidance' approach for independent patient-experience, and in a proto-formuo-external model for the design of structural coatings and donating on textiles with low-heat resistance method for smart design;2) development of a 'doctoral' and 'doubative' medical system with an independent design of the cell-external system.1) at nano-level, the synthesis of structured coatings and donating on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, support the development of a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral action' for independent patient-mouse and conversion of human movements into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat-resistance method for research;2) development of a 'doctoral’s and 'doodoometrics’ design for patient-to-use, independent design of cello-external energy with a proto-formulate, structured coating synthesis and non-emitting on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, development of a 'doctoral protection' and 'doctoral action' for independent patient-fouling and transforming human movements into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and non-employability on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral self-consistency', and the development of a pro-doctoral design for patient-moleometric energy for independent patient-to-murface energy;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral protection' method The following results are planned in the project:- 10 original scientific articles, – 3 patents filed;- 3 prototypes of a new product;- 2 prototypes of new technologies;- 2 methods- 1 other research results complementing Project results... (Greek)
    3 August 2022
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    1.1.1. Stručný opis zhrnutia projektu Cieľom projektu je uskutočniť výskum s cieľom získať viac poznatkov a lepšie pochopiť vývoj a zlepšenie inteligentných odevných prvkov, ako sú textil, energeticky nezávislé systémy a merací systém na báze textilných senzorov, ako aj aplikáciu a integráciu týchto prvkov do inteligentného odevného súboru, ktorý je určený na vykonávanie lekárskych pozorovaní v oblasti ortopédie. — štúdie okrem funkcií textilu;-výskumy na zlepšenie energeticky nezávislého systému a optimálnej integrácie do odevov;-výskum inteligentných odevných súprav, určený pre lekárske pozorovania pre potreby pacientov podometrie a skoliózy.Projekt zahŕňa interdisciplinárny výskum súvisiaci s dizajnom textílií a odevov, syntézu modifikácií nano krytín, dizajn a prispôsobenie elektronických zariadení, ako aj vývoj komunikačných technológií. Súprava bude energeticky nezávislá a chráni pred vonkajšími podmienkami a zabezpečí nepretržité a nepretržité monitorovanie podometrie a skoliózy. Funkčné textílie, textilné nano poťahy, elektronické systémy nositeľné ľudským pohybom, biomechanické a fyziologické merania, inteligentné odevy.1.1.2. Úplný opis zhrnutia projektu Cieľom projektu je uskutočniť výskum s cieľom získať viac poznatkov a lepšie pochopiť inteligentné odevné prvky, ako sú textil, energeticky závislé systémy a merací systém založený na textilných senzoroch, ako aj aplikáciu a integráciu týchto prvkov do inteligentného odevného súboru. Typ projektu výskumu medzi nasledujúcimi študijnými oblasťami. — 2.2.Elektronické inžinierstvo- 2.5. Materiálové inžinierstvo;- 3.2. Klinická medicína;- 2.10. Nanotechnológie.Projekt nesúvisí s hospodárskou činnosťou.Hlavné aktivity projektu:-Priemyselné štúdie:1) vývoj metód monitorovania podometria a skoliózy pomocou snímačov textilu; 2) development of methods for placement of inductive elements and magnets in smart clothing, coordination of their activities and conversion of human motion energy into electricity;3) in nano-level, structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral specifications’ for independent patient-footed energy;3) in nano-level, structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, development of a 'doctoral self-consistence' method for independent patient-focusing and the transformation of human movement into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat-resistance method in research;).Developing a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral guidance' for independent patient-to-doctor energy;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral guidance' approach for independent patient-experience, and in a proto-formuo-external model for the design of structural coatings and donating on textiles with low-heat resistance method for smart design;2) development of a 'doctoral' and 'doubative' medical system with an independent design of the cell-external system.1) at nano-level, the synthesis of structured coatings and donating on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, support the development of a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral action' for independent patient-mouse and conversion of human movements into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat-resistance method for research;2) development of a 'doctoral’s and 'doodoometrics’ design for patient-to-use, independent design of cello-external energy with a proto-formulate, structured coating synthesis and non-emitting on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, development of a 'doctoral protection' and 'doctoral action' for independent patient-fouling and transforming human movements into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and non-employability on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral self-consistency', and the development of a pro-doctoral design for patient-moleometric energy for independent patient-to-murface energy;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral protection' method The following results are planned in the project:- 10 original scientific articles, – 3 patents filed;- 3 prototypes of a new product;- 2 prototypes of new technologies;- 2 methods- 1 other research results complementing Project results.Project total costs: 610 362,39 EUR, z toho 564 585,21 EUR. Trvanie realizácie projektu 34 mesiacov od 1. 3. 2017 do 31.12.2019). (Slovak)
    3 August 2022
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    1.1.1. Hankkeen tiivistelmän lyhyt kuvaus Hankkeen tavoitteena on tehdä tutkimusta, jotta saadaan enemmän tietoa ja ymmärrystä älykkäiden vaatetuselementtien, kuten tekstiilien, energiariippumattomien järjestelmien ja tekstiilianturipohjaisten mittausjärjestelmien, kehittämisestä ja parantamisesta sekä näiden elementtien soveltamisesta ja integroinnista älyvaatteisiin, jotka on tarkoitettu lääketieteellisten havaintojen tekemiseen ortopedian alalla. — tutkimukset lisäksi toimintoja tekstiilit;-tutkimukset parantaa energiasta riippumaton järjestelmä ja optimaalinen integrointi vaatteisiin;-tutkimukset älyvaatteiden sarja, joka on suunniteltu lääketieteellisiin havaintoihin tarpeisiin podometry ja skolioosipotilaiden.Projekti sisältää monitieteisen tutkimuksen, joka liittyy tekstiilien ja vaatteiden suunnitteluun, synteesi nanopäällysteiden muokkaamiseen, elektronisten laitteiden suunnittelu ja räätälöinti sekä viestintätekniikan kehittäminen. Pakkaus on energisesti riippumaton ja suojaava ulkoisilta olosuhteista, mikä varmistaa podometryn ja skolioosin jatkuvan ja jatkuvan seurannan. Toiminnalliset tekstiilit, tekstiilin nanopäällysteet, ihmisen liikkeessä puettavat elektroniset järjestelmät, biomekaaniset ja fysiologiset mittaukset, älykkäät vaatteet.1.1.2. Hankkeen tiivistelmän täydellinen kuvaus Hankkeen tavoitteena on tehdä tutkimusta, jotta saadaan enemmän tietoa ja ymmärrystä älykkäistä vaatetuselementeistä, kuten tekstiileistä, energiariippuvista järjestelmistä ja tekstiiliantureihin perustuvasta mittausjärjestelmästä, sekä näiden elementtien soveltamisesta ja integroinnista älyvaatteisiin.Projektityyppitutkimus seuraavien opintoalojen välillä. — 2.2. Sähkötekniikka- 2.5. Materiaalitekniikka;- 3.2. Kliininen lääketiede;- 2.10. Nanoteknologiat. Hanke ei liity taloudelliseen toimintaan. Hankkeen päätoiminnot:-Teollisuustutkimukset:1) kehitetään menetelmiä podometriumin ja skolioosin seuraamiseksi tekstiiliantureilla; 2) development of methods for placement of inductive elements and magnets in smart clothing, coordination of their activities and conversion of human motion energy into electricity;3) in nano-level, structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral specifications’ for independent patient-footed energy;3) in nano-level, structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, development of a 'doctoral self-consistence' method for independent patient-focusing and the transformation of human movement into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat-resistance method in research;).Developing a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral guidance' for independent patient-to-doctor energy;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral guidance' approach for independent patient-experience, and in a proto-formuo-external model for the design of structural coatings and donating on textiles with low-heat resistance method for smart design;2) development of a 'doctoral' and 'doubative' medical system with an independent design of the cell-external system.1) at nano-level, the synthesis of structured coatings and donating on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, support the development of a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral action' for independent patient-mouse and conversion of human movements into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat-resistance method for research;2) development of a 'doctoral’s and 'doodoometrics’ design for patient-to-use, independent design of cello-external energy with a proto-formulate, structured coating synthesis and non-emitting on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, development of a 'doctoral protection' and 'doctoral action' for independent patient-fouling and transforming human movements into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and non-employability on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral self-consistency', and the development of a pro-doctoral design for patient-moleometric energy for independent patient-to-murface energy;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral protection' method The following results are planned in the project:- 10 original scientific articles, – 3 patents filed;- 3 prototypes of a new product;- 2 prototypes of new technologies;- 2 methods- 1 other research results complementing Project results.Project total costs: 610362,39 euroa, josta 564585,21 euroa. Hankkeen toteutusaika 34 kuukautta 1.3.2017–31.12.2019). (Finnish)
    3 August 2022
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    1.1.1. Krótki opis podsumowania projektu Celem projektu jest przeprowadzenie badań w celu uzyskania większej wiedzy i lepszego zrozumienia rozwoju i doskonalenia inteligentnych elementów odzieżowych, takich jak tekstylia, systemy niezależne od energii i system pomiarowy oparty na czujnikach tekstylnych, a także zastosowanie i integracja tych elementów w inteligentnym zestawie odzieżowym przeznaczonym do przeprowadzania obserwacji medycznych w dziedzinie ortopedii. — oprócz funkcjonalności tekstyliów;-badania nad poprawą systemu niezależnego od energii i optymalnej integracji z odzieżą;-badania inteligentnego zestawu odzieżowego, przeznaczonego do obserwacji medycznych na potrzeby pacjentów z podometrią i skoliozą.Projekt obejmuje badania interdyscyplinarne związane z projektowaniem tekstyliów i odzieży, syntezą modyfikacji pokryć nano, projektowaniem i dostosowywaniem urządzeń elektronicznych, a także rozwojem technologii komunikacyjnych. Zestaw będzie niezależna energetycznie i ochronna przed warunkami zewnętrznymi, zapewniając ciągłą i ciągłą kontrolę podometrii i skoliozy. Tekstylia funkcjonalne, tekstylne pokrycia nano, systemy elektroniczne do noszenia w ruchu ludzkim, pomiary biomechaniczne i fizjologiczne, odzież inteligentna.1.1.2. Pełny opis podsumowania projektu Celem projektu jest przeprowadzenie badań w celu zdobycia większej wiedzy i lepszego zrozumienia inteligentnych elementów odzieżowych, takich jak tekstylia, systemy zależne od energii i system pomiarowy oparty na czujnikach tekstylnych, a także zastosowanie i integracja tych elementów w zestawie odzieży inteligentnej. Inżynieria elektroniczna – 2.5. Inżynieria materiałowa;- 3.2. Medycyna kliniczna;- 2.10. Nanotechnologie.Projekt nie jest związany z działalnością gospodarczą.Główne działania projektu: – Badania przemysłowe:1) opracowanie metod monitorowania podometrium i skoliozy z wykorzystaniem czujników tekstyliów; 2) development of methods for placement of inductive elements and magnets in smart clothing, coordination of their activities and conversion of human motion energy into electricity;3) in nano-level, structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral specifications’ for independent patient-footed energy;3) in nano-level, structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, development of a 'doctoral self-consistence' method for independent patient-focusing and the transformation of human movement into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat-resistance method in research;).Developing a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral guidance' for independent patient-to-doctor energy;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral guidance' approach for independent patient-experience, and in a proto-formuo-external model for the design of structural coatings and donating on textiles with low-heat resistance method for smart design;2) development of a 'doctoral' and 'doubative' medical system with an independent design of the cell-external system.1) at nano-level, the synthesis of structured coatings and donating on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, support the development of a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral action' for independent patient-mouse and conversion of human movements into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat-resistance method for research;2) development of a 'doctoral’s and 'doodoometrics’ design for patient-to-use, independent design of cello-external energy with a proto-formulate, structured coating synthesis and non-emitting on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, development of a 'doctoral protection' and 'doctoral action' for independent patient-fouling and transforming human movements into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and non-employability on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral self-consistency', and the development of a pro-doctoral design for patient-moleometric energy for independent patient-to-murface energy;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral protection' method The following results are planned in the project:- 10 original scientific articles, – 3 patents filed;- 3 prototypes of a new product;- 2 prototypes of new technologies;- 2 methods- 1 other research results complementing Project results.Project total costs: 610 362,39 EUR, z czego 564 585,21 EUR. Czas realizacji projektu 34 miesiące od 01.03.2017 do 31.12.2019). (Polish)
    3 August 2022
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    1.1.1. A projekt összefoglalásának rövid leírása A projekt célja, hogy kutatást végezzen az olyan intelligens ruházati elemek, mint a textíliák, az energiafüggetlen rendszerek és a textilérzékelőkön alapuló mérőrendszer fejlesztésével és fejlesztésével kapcsolatos ismeretek bővítése és jobb megértése érdekében, valamint ezen elemek alkalmazása és integrálása egy intelligens ruházati készletbe, amely az ortopédia területén végzett orvosi megfigyelések elvégzésére szolgál. – tanulmányok mellett a funkciók a textíliák;-kutatások javítása egy energiafüggetlen rendszer és optimális integráció a ruházatba;-kutatások intelligens ruházati készlet, célja orvosi megfigyelések igényeinek podometria és scoliosis betegek.A projekt magában foglalja az interdiszciplináris kutatás kapcsolatos tervezés textil és ruházat, szintézise módosítása nano burkolatok, tervezése és testreszabása elektronikus eszközök, valamint a kommunikációs technológiák fejlesztése. A készlet energetikailag független és védi a külső körülményeket, biztosítva a podometria és a scoliosis folyamatos és folyamatos monitorozását. Funkcionális textíliák, textil nanoborítások, emberi mozgással viselhető elektronikus rendszerek, biomechanikai és élettani mérések, intelligens ruházat.1.1.2. A projekt összefoglalásának teljes leírása A projekt célja, hogy kutatást végezzen annak érdekében, hogy több tudást szerezzen és jobban megértse az olyan intelligens ruházati elemeket, mint a textil, az energiafüggő rendszerek és a textilérzékelőkön alapuló mérőrendszer, valamint ezen elemek intelligens ruházati készletbe történő alkalmazása és integrálása. A következő tanulmányi területek közötti kutatás típusa. – 2.2.Elektronikus mérnöki- 2.5. Anyagfejlesztés;- 3.2. Klinikai orvostudomány;- 2.10. Nanotechnologies.A projekt nem kapcsolódik a gazdasági tevékenységekhez.A projekt fő tevékenységei:-Ipari tanulmányok:1) a podometrium és a scoliosis ellenőrzésére szolgáló módszerek kidolgozása textilérzékelők segítségével; 2) development of methods for placement of inductive elements and magnets in smart clothing, coordination of their activities and conversion of human motion energy into electricity;3) in nano-level, structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral specifications’ for independent patient-footed energy;3) in nano-level, structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, development of a 'doctoral self-consistence' method for independent patient-focusing and the transformation of human movement into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat-resistance method in research;).Developing a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral guidance' for independent patient-to-doctor energy;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral guidance' approach for independent patient-experience, and in a proto-formuo-external model for the design of structural coatings and donating on textiles with low-heat resistance method for smart design;2) development of a 'doctoral' and 'doubative' medical system with an independent design of the cell-external system.1) at nano-level, the synthesis of structured coatings and donating on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, support the development of a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral action' for independent patient-mouse and conversion of human movements into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat-resistance method for research;2) development of a 'doctoral’s and 'doodoometrics’ design for patient-to-use, independent design of cello-external energy with a proto-formulate, structured coating synthesis and non-emitting on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, development of a 'doctoral protection' and 'doctoral action' for independent patient-fouling and transforming human movements into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and non-employability on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral self-consistency', and the development of a pro-doctoral design for patient-moleometric energy for independent patient-to-murface energy;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral protection' method The following results are planned in the project:- 10 original scientific articles, – 3 patents filed;- 3 prototypes of a new product;- 2 prototypes of new technologies;- 2 methods- 1 other research results complementing Project results.Project total costs: 610 362,39 EUR, ebből 564 585,21 EUR. A projekt végrehajtásának időtartama 34 hónap, 2017. március 1-jétől 2019.12.31-ig). (Hungarian)
    3 August 2022
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    1.1.1. Stručný popis shrnutí projektu Cílem projektu je provést výzkum s cílem získat více znalostí a lepší pochopení vývoje a zlepšení inteligentních oděvních prvků, jako jsou textilní výrobky, energeticky nezávislé systémy a měřicí systém založený na textilních senzorech, jakož i aplikace a integrace těchto prvků do inteligentního oděvního setu, který je určen k provádění lékařských pozorování v oblasti ortopedie. — studie kromě funkcí textilu;-výzkum pro zlepšení energeticky nezávislého systému a optimální integrace do oděvů;-výzkum inteligentního oděvního souboru, který je určen pro lékařské pozorování potřeb pacientů s podometrií a skoliózou.Projekt zahrnuje interdisciplinární výzkum týkající se designu textilu a oděvů, syntézy modifikace nano krytin, návrhu a přizpůsobení elektronických zařízení, jakož i vývoje komunikačních technologií. Souprava bude energeticky nezávislá a chránící před vnějšími podmínkami, zajišťuje kontinuální a nepřetržité sledování podometrie a skoliózy. Funkční textilie, textilní nanopotahy, přenosné elektronické systémy pro lidské pohyby, biomechanická a fyziologická měření, inteligentní oděvy.1.1.2. Úplný popis shrnutí projektu Cílem projektu je provést výzkum s cílem získat více znalostí a lepší pochopení inteligentních oděvních prvků, jako je textil, energeticky závislé systémy a systém měření textilních senzorů, jakož i aplikace a integrace těchto prvků do inteligentního oděvního souboru.Typ projektu výzkumu mezi následujícími obory. — 2.2.Elektronické inženýrství- 2.5. Materiálové inženýrství;- 3.2. Klinická medicína;- 2.10. Nanotechnologies.Projekt nesouvisí s ekonomickými aktivitami.Hlavní činnosti projektu:-Průmyslové studie:1) vývoj metod monitorování podometria a skoliózy pomocí textilních senzorů; 2) development of methods for placement of inductive elements and magnets in smart clothing, coordination of their activities and conversion of human motion energy into electricity;3) in nano-level, structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral specifications’ for independent patient-footed energy;3) in nano-level, structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, development of a 'doctoral self-consistence' method for independent patient-focusing and the transformation of human movement into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat-resistance method in research;).Developing a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral guidance' for independent patient-to-doctor energy;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral guidance' approach for independent patient-experience, and in a proto-formuo-external model for the design of structural coatings and donating on textiles with low-heat resistance method for smart design;2) development of a 'doctoral' and 'doubative' medical system with an independent design of the cell-external system.1) at nano-level, the synthesis of structured coatings and donating on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, support the development of a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral action' for independent patient-mouse and conversion of human movements into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat-resistance method for research;2) development of a 'doctoral’s and 'doodoometrics’ design for patient-to-use, independent design of cello-external energy with a proto-formulate, structured coating synthesis and non-emitting on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, development of a 'doctoral protection' and 'doctoral action' for independent patient-fouling and transforming human movements into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and non-employability on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral self-consistency', and the development of a pro-doctoral design for patient-moleometric energy for independent patient-to-murface energy;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral protection' method The following results are planned in the project:- 10 original scientific articles, – 3 patents filed;- 3 prototypes of a new product;- 2 prototypes of new technologies;- 2 methods- 1 other research results complementing Project results.Project total costs: 610 362,39 EUR, z toho 564 585,21 EUR. Doba realizace projektu 34 měsíců od 1. března 2017 do 31. prosince 2019). (Czech)
    3 August 2022
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    1.1.1. Is é aidhm an tionscadail taighde a dhéanamh chun tuilleadh eolais agus tuiscint níos fearr a fháil ar fhorbairt agus ar fheabhsú eilimintí éadaí cliste amhail teicstílí, córais atá neamhspleách ar fhuinneamh agus córas tomhais bunaithe ar bhraiteoirí teicstíle, chomh maith le cur i bhfeidhm agus comhtháthú na n-eilimintí sin i dtacar éadaí cliste, atá ceaptha chun breathnuithe leighis a dhéanamh i réimse na ortaipéidice. — staidéir chomh maith leis na feidhmiúlachtaí teicstílí;-taighde chun feabhas a chur ar chóras atá neamhspleách ar fhuinneamh agus comhtháthú is fearr is féidir i éadaí;-taighde a leagtar éadaí cliste, a ceapadh le haghaidh breathnuithe leighis do riachtanais podometry agus scoliosis patients.Project áirítear taighde idirdhisciplíneach a bhaineann le dearadh teicstílí agus éadaí, sintéis a mhodhnú clúdaigh nana, dearadh agus saincheapadh feistí leictreonacha, chomh maith le forbairt teicneolaíochtaí cumarsáide. Beidh an trealamh neamhspleách go fuinniúil agus cosanta ó choinníollacha seachtracha, ag cinntiú monatóireacht leanúnach agus leanúnach ar photaiméadracht agus scoliosis. Teicstílí feidhmiúla, clúdaigh nana teicstíle, córais leictreonacha atá inchaite ag an duine, tomhais bhithmheicniúla agus fhiseolaíocha, éadaí cliste.1.1.2. Cur síos iomlán ar achoimre an tionscadail Is é aidhm an tionscadail taighde a dhéanamh chun tuilleadh eolais a fháil agus tuiscint níos fearr a fháil ar eilimintí éadaí cliste amhail teicstílí, córais atá ag brath ar fhuinneamh agus córas tomhais bunaithe ar bhraiteoirí teicstíle, chomh maith leis na heilimintí sin a chur i bhfeidhm agus a chomhtháthú i dtacar éadaí cliste.Tionscadal taighde idir na réimsí staidéir seo a leanas. — 2.2.Innealtóireacht leictreonach — 2.5. Innealtóireacht ábhair;- 3.2. Leigheas cliniciúil;- 2.10. Nanotechnologies.Ní bhaineann an tionscadal le gníomhaíochtaí eacnamaíocha.Na príomhghníomhaíochtaí an tionscadail:-Staidéir thionsclaíocha:1) forbairt modhanna chun monatóireacht a dhéanamh ar phodometrium agus scoliosis ag baint úsáide as braiteoirí teicstílí; 2) development of methods for placement of inductive elements and magnets in smart clothing, coordination of their activities and conversion of human motion energy into electricity;3) in nano-level, structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral specifications’ for independent patient-footed energy;3) in nano-level, structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, development of a 'doctoral self-consistence' method for independent patient-focusing and the transformation of human movement into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat-resistance method in research;).Developing a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral guidance' for independent patient-to-doctor energy;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral guidance' approach for independent patient-experience, and in a proto-formuo-external model for the design of structural coatings and donating on textiles with low-heat resistance method for smart design;2) development of a 'doctoral' and 'doubative' medical system with an independent design of the cell-external system.1) at nano-level, the synthesis of structured coatings and donating on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, support the development of a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral action' for independent patient-mouse and conversion of human movements into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat-resistance method for research;2) development of a 'doctoral’s and 'doodoometrics’ design for patient-to-use, independent design of cello-external energy with a proto-formulate, structured coating synthesis and non-emitting on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, development of a 'doctoral protection' and 'doctoral action' for independent patient-fouling and transforming human movements into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and non-employability on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral self-consistency', and the development of a pro-doctoral design for patient-moleometric energy for independent patient-to-murface energy;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral protection' method The following results are planned in the project:- 10 original scientific articles, – 3 patents filed;- 3 prototypes of a new product;- 2 prototypes of new technologies;- 2 methods- 1 other research results complementing Project results.Project total costs: EUR 610362,39, lena n-áirítear EUR 564585,21. Fad an tionscadail a chur chun feidhme 34 mhí ón 01.03.2017 go dtí an 31.12.2019). (Irish)
    3 August 2022
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    1.1.1. Kratek opis povzetka projekta Namen projekta je izvesti raziskave, da bi pridobili več znanja in boljše razumevanje razvoja in izboljšanja elementov pametnih oblačil, kot so tekstil, energetsko neodvisni sistemi in merilni sistem, ki temelji na tekstilnih senzorjih, ter uporaba in integracija teh elementov v pametni komplet oblačil, ki je namenjen izvajanju medicinskih opazovanj na področju ortopedije. — študije poleg funkcionalnosti tekstila;-raziskave za izboljšanje energetsko neodvisnega sistema in optimalno integracijo v oblačila;-raziskave pametnih oblačil komplet, namenjen za medicinska opazovanja za potrebe bolnikov s podometrijo in skoliozo.Projekt vključuje interdisciplinarne raziskave v zvezi z oblikovanjem tekstila in oblačil, sintezo spreminjanja nano prevleke, oblikovanje in prilagajanje elektronskih naprav, kot tudi razvoj komunikacijskih tehnologij. Komplet bo energetsko neodvisen in zaščiten pred zunanjimi pogoji, kar bo zagotovilo stalno in stalno spremljanje podometrije in skolioze. Funkcionalni tekstil, tekstilne nano prevleke, elektronski sistemi, ki jih je mogoče prenašati s človeškim gibanjem, biomehanske in fiziološke meritve, pametna oblačila.1.1.2. Celoten opis povzetka projekta Namen projekta je izvesti raziskave, da bi pridobili več znanja in boljše razumevanje elementov pametnih oblačil, kot so tekstil, energetsko odvisni sistemi in merilni sistem, ki temelji na tekstilnih senzorjih, ter uporaba in integracija teh elementov v pametni komplet oblačil.Projektna vrsta raziskav med naslednjimi področji študija. — 2.2.Elektronski inženiring – 2.5. Inženirstvo materialov;- 3.2. Klinična medicina;- 2.10. Nanotehnologije.Projekt ni povezan z gospodarskimi dejavnostmi.Glavne dejavnosti projekta:-Industrijske študije:1) razvoj metod za spremljanje podometrija in skolioze s senzorji tekstila; 2) development of methods for placement of inductive elements and magnets in smart clothing, coordination of their activities and conversion of human motion energy into electricity;3) in nano-level, structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral specifications’ for independent patient-footed energy;3) in nano-level, structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, development of a 'doctoral self-consistence' method for independent patient-focusing and the transformation of human movement into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat-resistance method in research;).Developing a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral guidance' for independent patient-to-doctor energy;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral guidance' approach for independent patient-experience, and in a proto-formuo-external model for the design of structural coatings and donating on textiles with low-heat resistance method for smart design;2) development of a 'doctoral' and 'doubative' medical system with an independent design of the cell-external system.1) at nano-level, the synthesis of structured coatings and donating on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, support the development of a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral action' for independent patient-mouse and conversion of human movements into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat-resistance method for research;2) development of a 'doctoral’s and 'doodoometrics’ design for patient-to-use, independent design of cello-external energy with a proto-formulate, structured coating synthesis and non-emitting on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, development of a 'doctoral protection' and 'doctoral action' for independent patient-fouling and transforming human movements into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and non-employability on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral self-consistency', and the development of a pro-doctoral design for patient-moleometric energy for independent patient-to-murface energy;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral protection' method The following results are planned in the project:- 10 original scientific articles, – 3 patents filed;- 3 prototypes of a new product;- 2 prototypes of new technologies;- 2 methods- 1 other research results complementing Project results.Project total costs: 610 362,39 EUR, od tega 564 585,21 EUR. Trajanje izvajanja projekta 34 mesecev od 01.03.2017 do 31.12.2019). (Slovenian)
    3 August 2022
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    1.1.1. Кратко описание на резюмето на проекта Целта на проекта е да се извършат изследвания с цел придобиване на повече знания и по-добро разбиране на развитието и усъвършенстването на интелигентните облекла като текстил, енергийно независими системи и система за измерване на текстилни сензори, както и прилагане и интегриране на тези елементи в комплект за интелигентно облекло, предназначен за извършване на медицински наблюдения в областта на ортопедията. — проучвания в допълнение към функционалностите на текстила;-изследвания за подобряване на енергийно независима система и оптимална интеграция в облеклото;-проучвания на комплект интелигентни дрехи, предназначени за медицински наблюдения за нуждите на пациентите с подометрия и сколиоза.Проектът включва интердисциплинарни изследвания, свързани с проектирането на текстил и облекло, синтез на модифициране на нанооблицовки, проектиране и персонализиране на електронни устройства, както и разработване на комуникационни технологии. Комплектът ще бъде енергийно независим и защитен от външни условия, осигурявайки непрекъснато и непрекъснато наблюдение на подометрията и сколиозата. Функционален текстил, текстилни нанооблицовки, електронни системи за носене от човека, биомеханични и физиологични измервания, интелигентно облекло.1.1.2. Пълно описание на резюмето на проекта Целта на проекта е да се извършат изследвания с цел придобиване на повече знания и по-добро разбиране на интелигентните елементи на облеклото като текстил, енергийно зависими системи и система за измерване на текстилни сензори, както и прилагането и интегрирането на тези елементи в комплект интелигентни облекла. — 2.2.Електронно инженерство — 2.5. Материално инженерство;- 3.2. Клинична медицина;- 2.10. Нанотехнологии.Проектът не е свързан с икономически дейности.Основните дейности по проекта:-Промишлени проучвания:1) разработване на методи за мониторинг на подометриума и сколиозата с използване на текстилни сензори; 2) development of methods for placement of inductive elements and magnets in smart clothing, coordination of their activities and conversion of human motion energy into electricity;3) in nano-level, structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral specifications’ for independent patient-footed energy;3) in nano-level, structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, development of a 'doctoral self-consistence' method for independent patient-focusing and the transformation of human movement into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat-resistance method in research;).Developing a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral guidance' for independent patient-to-doctor energy;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral guidance' approach for independent patient-experience, and in a proto-formuo-external model for the design of structural coatings and donating on textiles with low-heat resistance method for smart design;2) development of a 'doctoral' and 'doubative' medical system with an independent design of the cell-external system.1) at nano-level, the synthesis of structured coatings and donating on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, support the development of a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral action' for independent patient-mouse and conversion of human movements into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat-resistance method for research;2) development of a 'doctoral’s and 'doodoometrics’ design for patient-to-use, independent design of cello-external energy with a proto-formulate, structured coating synthesis and non-emitting on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, development of a 'doctoral protection' and 'doctoral action' for independent patient-fouling and transforming human movements into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and non-employability on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral self-consistency', and the development of a pro-doctoral design for patient-moleometric energy for independent patient-to-murface energy;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral protection' method The following results are planned in the project:- 10 original scientific articles, – 3 patents filed;- 3 prototypes of a new product;- 2 prototypes of new technologies;- 2 methods- 1 other research results complementing Project results.Project total costs: 610 362,39 EUR, от които 564 585,21 EUR. Срок на изпълнение на проекта 34 месеца от 1.3.2017 г. до 31.12.2019 г.). (Bulgarian)
    3 August 2022
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    1.1.1. Deskrizzjoni qasira tas-sommarju tal-proġett L-għan tal-proġett huwa li titwettaq riċerka sabiex jinkiseb aktar għarfien u fehim aħjar tal-iżvilupp u t-titjib ta’ elementi ta’ ħwejjeġ intelliġenti bħat-tessuti, sistemi indipendenti mill-enerġija u sistema ta’ kejl ibbażata fuq is-sensuri tat-tessuti, kif ukoll l-applikazzjoni u l-integrazzjoni ta’ dawn l-elementi f’sett ta’ ħwejjeġ intelliġenti, li huwa maħsub għat-twettiq ta’ osservazzjonijiet mediċi fil-qasam tal-ortopediċi. — studji flimkien mal-funzjonalitajiet tat-tessuti;-riċerka għat-titjib ta’ sistema indipendenti mill-enerġija u integrazzjoni ottimali fil-ħwejjeġ;-riċerka ta’ sett ta’ ħwejjeġ intelliġenti, imfassla għal osservazzjonijiet mediċi għall-ħtiġijiet ta’ pazjenti podometrija u skoljożi. Il-proġett jinkludi riċerka interdixxiplinari relatata mad-disinn ta’ tessuti u ħwejjeġ, sinteżi tal-modifikazzjoni tal-koperturi nano, id-disinn u l-personalizzazzjoni ta’ apparat elettroniku, kif ukoll l-iżvilupp ta’ teknoloġiji ta’ komunikazzjoni. Il-kitt se jkun enerġetikament indipendenti u protettiv minn kundizzjonijiet esterni, u jiżgura monitoraġġ kontinwu u kontinwu tal-podometrija u l-iskoljożi. Tessuti funzjonali, kisi tan-nanotessuti, sistemi elettroniċi li jintlibsu mill-moviment tal-bniedem, kejl bijomekkaniku u fiżjoloġiku, ilbies intelliġenti.1.1.2. Deskrizzjoni sħiħa tas-sommarju tal-proġett L-għan tal-proġett huwa li titwettaq riċerka sabiex jinkiseb aktar għarfien u fehim aħjar tal-elementi tal-ħwejjeġ intelliġenti bħat-tessuti, is-sistemi dipendenti fuq l-enerġija u s-sistema ta’ kejl ibbażata fuq is-sensuri tat-tessuti, kif ukoll l-applikazzjoni u l-integrazzjoni ta’ dawn l-elementi f’sett ta’ ħwejjeġ intelliġenti.Tip ta’ proġett ta’ riċerka bejn l-oqsma ta’ studju li ġejjin. — 2.2.Electronic engineering- 2.5. Inġinerija tal-materjal;- 3.2. Mediċina klinika;- 2.10. In-Nanoteknoloġiji.Il-proġett mhuwiex relatat ma’ attivitajiet ekonomiċi.L-attivitajiet ewlenin tal-proġett:-Studji industrijali:1) l-iżvilupp ta’ metodi għall-monitoraġġ tal-popoometriju u l-iskoljożi bl-użu ta’ sensuri tat-tessuti; 2) development of methods for placement of inductive elements and magnets in smart clothing, coordination of their activities and conversion of human motion energy into electricity;3) in nano-level, structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral specifications’ for independent patient-footed energy;3) in nano-level, structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, development of a 'doctoral self-consistence' method for independent patient-focusing and the transformation of human movement into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat-resistance method in research;).Developing a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral guidance' for independent patient-to-doctor energy;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral guidance' approach for independent patient-experience, and in a proto-formuo-external model for the design of structural coatings and donating on textiles with low-heat resistance method for smart design;2) development of a 'doctoral' and 'doubative' medical system with an independent design of the cell-external system.1) at nano-level, the synthesis of structured coatings and donating on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, support the development of a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral action' for independent patient-mouse and conversion of human movements into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat-resistance method for research;2) development of a 'doctoral’s and 'doodoometrics’ design for patient-to-use, independent design of cello-external energy with a proto-formulate, structured coating synthesis and non-emitting on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, development of a 'doctoral protection' and 'doctoral action' for independent patient-fouling and transforming human movements into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and non-employability on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral self-consistency', and the development of a pro-doctoral design for patient-moleometric energy for independent patient-to-murface energy;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral protection' method The following results are planned in the project:- 10 original scientific articles, – 3 patents filed;- 3 prototypes of a new product;- 2 prototypes of new technologies;- 2 methods- 1 other research results complementing Project results.Project total costs: EUR 610362,39, li minnhom EUR 564585,21. Tul ta’ żmien tal-implimentazzjoni tal-proġett 34 xahar mill-01.... (Maltese)
    3 August 2022
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    1.1.1. Breve descrição do resumo do projeto O objetivo do projeto é realizar investigação para obter mais conhecimentos e uma melhor compreensão do desenvolvimento e melhoria de elementos de vestuário inteligente, como têxteis, sistemas independentes de energia e sistema de medição baseado em sensores têxteis, bem como a aplicação e integração destes elementos num conjunto de vestuário inteligente, destinado à realização de observações médicas no domínio da ortopedia. — estudos para além das funcionalidades dos têxteis;-investigações para a melhoria de um sistema independente da energia e a integração ótima no vestuário;-investigações de conjuntos de vestuário inteligentes, concebidos para observações médicas para as necessidades dos doentes com podometria e escoliose.O projeto inclui investigação interdisciplinar relacionada com a conceção de têxteis e vestuário, a síntese de nanorevestimentos modificadores, a conceção e personalização de dispositivos eletrónicos, bem como o desenvolvimento de tecnologias de comunicação. O kit será energeticamente independente e protector das condições externas, garantindo uma monitorização contínua e contínua da podometria e da escoliose. Têxteis funcionais, nano revestimentos têxteis, sistemas eletrónicos usáveis em movimento humano, medições biomecânicas e fisiológicas, vestuário inteligente.1.1.2. Descrição completa do resumo do projeto O objetivo do projeto é realizar investigação, a fim de obter mais conhecimentos e uma melhor compreensão dos elementos de vestuário inteligente, tais como têxteis, sistemas dependentes de energia e sistemas de medição baseados em sensores têxteis, bem como a aplicação e integração destes elementos em um conjunto de vestuário inteligente. — 2.2.Engenharia eletrónica- 2.5. Engenharia de materiais;- 3.2. Medicina clínica;- 2.10. Nanotecnologias.O projecto não está relacionado com actividades económicas.As principais actividades do projecto:-Estudos industriais:1) desenvolvimento de métodos de monitorização do podométrio e da escoliose utilizando sensores têxteis; 2) development of methods for placement of inductive elements and magnets in smart clothing, coordination of their activities and conversion of human motion energy into electricity;3) in nano-level, structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral specifications’ for independent patient-footed energy;3) in nano-level, structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, development of a 'doctoral self-consistence' method for independent patient-focusing and the transformation of human movement into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat-resistance method in research;).Developing a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral guidance' for independent patient-to-doctor energy;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral guidance' approach for independent patient-experience, and in a proto-formuo-external model for the design of structural coatings and donating on textiles with low-heat resistance method for smart design;2) development of a 'doctoral' and 'doubative' medical system with an independent design of the cell-external system.1) at nano-level, the synthesis of structured coatings and donating on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, support the development of a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral action' for independent patient-mouse and conversion of human movements into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat-resistance method for research;2) development of a 'doctoral’s and 'doodoometrics’ design for patient-to-use, independent design of cello-external energy with a proto-formulate, structured coating synthesis and non-emitting on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, development of a 'doctoral protection' and 'doctoral action' for independent patient-fouling and transforming human movements into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and non-employability on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral self-consistency', and the development of a pro-doctoral design for patient-moleometric energy for independent patient-to-murface energy;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral protection' method The following results are planned in the project:- 10 original scientific articles, – 3 patents filed;- 3 prototypes of a new product;- 2 prototypes of new technologies;- 2 methods- 1 other research results complementing Project results.Project total costs: 610362,39 EUR, dos quais 564585,21 EUR. Duração da execução do projeto: 34 meses, de 1.3.2017 a 31.12.2019). (Portuguese)
    3 August 2022
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    1.1.1. Kort beskrivelse af projektresuméet Formålet med projektet er at udføre forskning for at opnå mere viden og bedre forståelse for udviklingen og forbedringen af intelligente beklædningselementer som tekstiler, energiuafhængige systemer og tekstilsensorer-baseret målesystem samt anvendelse og integration af disse elementer i et smart tøjsæt, der er beregnet til at udføre medicinske observationer inden for ortopædisk udstyr. — undersøgelser ud over tekstilernes funktionalitet-forskning med henblik på forbedring af et energiuafhængigt system og optimal integration i beklædning-forskninger af smarte tøjsæt, der er designet til medicinske observationer til behov for podometrisk og skoliosepatienter.Projektet omfatter tværfaglig forskning vedrørende design af tekstiler og beklædning, syntese af modifikation af nanobelægninger, design og tilpasning af elektronisk udstyr samt udvikling af kommunikationsteknologier. Sættet vil være energisk uafhængigt og beskyttende mod ydre forhold, hvilket sikrer kontinuerlig og kontinuerlig overvågning af podometry og skoliose. Funktionelle tekstiler, nanobelægninger af tekstiler, bærbare elektroniske systemer til bevægelse, biomekaniske og fysiologiske målinger, smart beklædning.1.1.2. Fuld beskrivelse af projektresuméet Formålet med projektet er at udføre forskning for at opnå mere viden og en bedre forståelse af smarte beklædningselementer som tekstiler, energiafhængige systemer og tekstilsensorer-baseret målesystem samt anvendelse og integration af disse elementer i et smart tøjsæt.Projekttype forskning mellem følgende studieområder. — 2.2.Elektronisk ingeniørvirksomhed- 2.5. Materialeteknik;- 3.2. Klinisk medicin;- 2.10. Nanoteknologi.Projektet er ikke relateret til økonomiske aktiviteter.Projektets hovedaktiviteter:-Industrielle undersøgelser:1) udvikling af metoder til overvågning af podometrium og skoliose ved hjælp af tekstilsensorer; 2) development of methods for placement of inductive elements and magnets in smart clothing, coordination of their activities and conversion of human motion energy into electricity;3) in nano-level, structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral specifications’ for independent patient-footed energy;3) in nano-level, structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, development of a 'doctoral self-consistence' method for independent patient-focusing and the transformation of human movement into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat-resistance method in research;).Developing a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral guidance' for independent patient-to-doctor energy;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral guidance' approach for independent patient-experience, and in a proto-formuo-external model for the design of structural coatings and donating on textiles with low-heat resistance method for smart design;2) development of a 'doctoral' and 'doubative' medical system with an independent design of the cell-external system.1) at nano-level, the synthesis of structured coatings and donating on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, support the development of a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral action' for independent patient-mouse and conversion of human movements into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat-resistance method for research;2) development of a 'doctoral’s and 'doodoometrics’ design for patient-to-use, independent design of cello-external energy with a proto-formulate, structured coating synthesis and non-emitting on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, development of a 'doctoral protection' and 'doctoral action' for independent patient-fouling and transforming human movements into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and non-employability on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral self-consistency', and the development of a pro-doctoral design for patient-moleometric energy for independent patient-to-murface energy;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral protection' method The following results are planned in the project:- 10 original scientific articles, – 3 patents filed;- 3 prototypes of a new product;- 2 prototypes of new technologies;- 2 methods- 1 other research results complementing Project results.Project total costs: 610 362,39 EUR, heraf 564 585,21 EUR. Projektgennemførelsesvarighed 34 måneder fra 1.3.2017 til 31.12.2019). (Danish)
    3 August 2022
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    1.1.1. Scurtă descriere a rezumatului proiectului Scopul proiectului este de a efectua cercetări pentru a obține mai multe cunoștințe și o mai bună înțelegere a dezvoltării și îmbunătățirii elementelor de îmbrăcăminte inteligente, cum ar fi textilele, sistemele independente din punct de vedere energetic și sistemul de măsurare bazat pe senzorii textilă, precum și aplicarea și integrarea acestor elemente într-un set de îmbrăcăminte inteligentă, care este destinat efectuării de observații medicale în domeniul ortopediei. — studii în plus față de funcționalitățile textilelor;-cercetări pentru îmbunătățirea unui sistem independent de energie și integrarea optimă în îmbrăcăminte;-cercetarea setului de îmbrăcăminte inteligentă, conceput pentru observații medicale pentru nevoile pacienților cu podometrie și scolioză.Proiectul include cercetarea interdisciplinară legată de proiectarea textilelor și a îmbrăcămintei, sinteza de modificare a învelișurilor nano, proiectarea și personalizarea dispozitivelor electronice, precum și dezvoltarea tehnologiilor de comunicare. Kitul va fi independent din punct de vedere energetic și protector față de condițiile externe, asigurând monitorizarea continuă și continuă a podometriei și scoliozei. Textile funcționale, nanoînvelitori textile, sisteme electronice portabile cu mișcare umană, măsurători biomecanice și fiziologice, îmbrăcăminte inteligentă.1.1.2. Descrierea completă a rezumatului proiectului Scopul proiectului este de a efectua cercetări pentru a obține mai multe cunoștințe și o mai bună înțelegere a elementelor de îmbrăcăminte inteligente, cum ar fi textilele, sistemele dependente de energie și sistemul de măsurare bazat pe senzorii textilă, precum și aplicarea și integrarea acestor elemente într-un set de îmbrăcăminte inteligentă. Tip de proiect de cercetare între următoarele domenii de studiu. 2.2.Inginerie electronică... 2.5. Inginerie materială;- 3.2. Medicină clinică;- 2.10. Nanotechnologies.Proiectul nu are legătură cu activitățile economice. Principalele activități ale proiectului:-Studii industriale: 1) elaborarea de metode de monitorizare a podometriului și scoliozei cu ajutorul senzorilor textile; 2) development of methods for placement of inductive elements and magnets in smart clothing, coordination of their activities and conversion of human motion energy into electricity;3) in nano-level, structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral specifications’ for independent patient-footed energy;3) in nano-level, structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, development of a 'doctoral self-consistence' method for independent patient-focusing and the transformation of human movement into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat-resistance method in research;).Developing a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral guidance' for independent patient-to-doctor energy;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral guidance' approach for independent patient-experience, and in a proto-formuo-external model for the design of structural coatings and donating on textiles with low-heat resistance method for smart design;2) development of a 'doctoral' and 'doubative' medical system with an independent design of the cell-external system.1) at nano-level, the synthesis of structured coatings and donating on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, support the development of a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral action' for independent patient-mouse and conversion of human movements into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat-resistance method for research;2) development of a 'doctoral’s and 'doodoometrics’ design for patient-to-use, independent design of cello-external energy with a proto-formulate, structured coating synthesis and non-emitting on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, development of a 'doctoral protection' and 'doctoral action' for independent patient-fouling and transforming human movements into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and non-employability on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral self-consistency', and the development of a pro-doctoral design for patient-moleometric energy for independent patient-to-murface energy;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral protection' method The following results are planned in the project:- 10 original scientific articles, – 3 patents filed;- 3 prototypes of a new product;- 2 prototypes of new technologies;- 2 methods- 1 other research results complementing Project results.Project total costs: 610 362,39 EUR, din care 564 585... (Romanian)
    3 August 2022
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    1.1.1. Kort beskrivning av projektsammanfattningen Syftet med projektet är att bedriva forskning för att få mer kunskap och bättre förståelse för utveckling och förbättring av smarta klädelement som textilier, energioberoende system och textilsensorbaserat mätsystem samt tillämpning och integrering av dessa element i en smart klädessats, som är avsedd för medicinska observationer inom ortopediområdet. — studier utöver textiliernas funktioner,-forskningar för att förbättra ett energioberoende system och optimal integrering i kläder,-forskningar av smarta kläder, utformade för medicinska observationer för behoven hos podometry- och skoliospatienter.Projektet omfattar tvärvetenskaplig forskning om design av textilier och kläder, syntes av modifiering av nanobeläggningar, design och anpassning av elektroniska apparater samt utveckling av kommunikationsteknik. Satsen kommer att vara energimässigt oberoende och skyddande från yttre förhållanden, vilket säkerställer kontinuerlig och kontinuerlig övervakning av podometry och skolios. Funktionella textilier, textila nanobeläggningar, bärbara elektroniska system för mänsklig rörelse, biomekaniska och fysiologiska mätningar, smarta kläder.1.1.2. Fullständig beskrivning av projektsammanfattningen Syftet med projektet är att bedriva forskning för att få mer kunskap och en bättre förståelse för smarta klädelement som textilier, energiberoende system och textilsensorbaserat mätsystem, samt tillämpning och integrering av dessa element i en smart kläduppsättning.Projekttyp av forskning mellan följande studieområden. — 2.2.Elektronisk teknik – 2.5. Materialteknik;- 3.2. Klinisk medicin;- 2.10. Nanoteknik.Projektet är inte relaterat till ekonomisk verksamhet.Projektets huvudsakliga verksamhet:-Industriella studier: 1) utveckling av metoder för övervakning av podometrium och skolios med hjälp av textilsensorer; 2) development of methods for placement of inductive elements and magnets in smart clothing, coordination of their activities and conversion of human motion energy into electricity;3) in nano-level, structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral specifications’ for independent patient-footed energy;3) in nano-level, structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, development of a 'doctoral self-consistence' method for independent patient-focusing and the transformation of human movement into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat-resistance method in research;).Developing a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral guidance' for independent patient-to-doctor energy;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral guidance' approach for independent patient-experience, and in a proto-formuo-external model for the design of structural coatings and donating on textiles with low-heat resistance method for smart design;2) development of a 'doctoral' and 'doubative' medical system with an independent design of the cell-external system.1) at nano-level, the synthesis of structured coatings and donating on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, support the development of a 'doctoral' and 'doctoral action' for independent patient-mouse and conversion of human movements into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat-resistance method for research;2) development of a 'doctoral’s and 'doodoometrics’ design for patient-to-use, independent design of cello-external energy with a proto-formulate, structured coating synthesis and non-emitting on textiles with low heat resistance method in research, development of a 'doctoral protection' and 'doctoral action' for independent patient-fouling and transforming human movements into electricity;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and non-employability on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral self-consistency', and the development of a pro-doctoral design for patient-moleometric energy for independent patient-to-murface energy;3) in nano-level structured coating synthesis and donating on textiles with low heat resistance in research, development of a 'doctoral protection' method The following results are planned in the project:- 10 original scientific articles, – 3 patents filed;- 3 prototypes of a new product;- 2 prototypes of new technologies;- 2 methods- 1 other research results complementing Project results.Project total costs: 610 362,39 EUR, varav 564 585,21 EUR. Projektets genomförandeperiod 34 månader från 1.3.2017 till 31.12.2019). (Swedish)
    3 August 2022
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    Paula Valdena iela 5, Rīga, LV-1048
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    Paula Valdena iela 3, Rīga, LV-1048
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    Paula Valdena iela 7, Rīga, LV-1048
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    Ķīpsalas iela 6, Rīga, LV-1048
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