Operating aid to overcome the permanent and structural difficulties faced by firms in the region (Q2884155)

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Project Q2884155 in Portugal
Language Label Description Also known as
Operating aid to overcome the permanent and structural difficulties faced by firms in the region
Project Q2884155 in Portugal


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    10,194.32 Euro
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    68,533.29 Euro
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    14.87 percent
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    1 January 2014
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    31 August 2015
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    32°38'58.74"N, 16°54'31.25"W
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    A candidatura ao incentivo permitirá à empresa um auxilio na manutenção do seu volume de emprego. (Portuguese)
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    The application for the incentive will enable the company to help maintain its employment volume. (English)
    7 July 2021
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    La demande d’incitation permettra à l’entreprise d’aider à maintenir son volume d’emploi. (French)
    5 December 2021
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    Der Antrag auf einen Anreiz wird es dem Unternehmen ermöglichen, bei der Aufrechterhaltung seines Beschäftigungsvolumens behilflich zu sein. (German)
    13 December 2021
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    De aanvraag voor de stimuleringsmaatregel zal de onderneming in staat stellen bij te dragen tot het behoud van haar werkgelegenheidsvolume. (Dutch)
    19 December 2021
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    La domanda di incentivazione consentirà all'impresa di contribuire al mantenimento del suo volume di occupazione. (Italian)
    17 January 2022
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    La solicitud del incentivo permitirá a la empresa ayudar a mantener su volumen de empleo. (Spanish)
    20 January 2022
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    Stiimuli taotlus võimaldab ettevõttel aidata säilitada oma tööhõivemahtu. (Estonian)
    29 July 2022
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    Pateikus prašymą taikyti šią paskatą, įmonė galės padėti išlaikyti užimtumo lygį. (Lithuanian)
    29 July 2022
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    Zahtjev za poticaj omogućit će poduzeću da pomogne u održavanju opsega zaposlenosti. (Croatian)
    29 July 2022
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    Η αίτηση παροχής κινήτρων θα επιτρέψει στην εταιρεία να συμβάλει στη διατήρηση του όγκου της απασχόλησής της. (Greek)
    29 July 2022
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    Žiadosť o stimul umožní spoločnosti pomôcť udržať si objem zamestnanosti. (Slovak)
    29 July 2022
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    Kannustinhakemuksen avulla yritys voi auttaa säilyttämään työpaikkansa. (Finnish)
    29 July 2022
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    Wniosek o przyznanie zachęty umożliwi przedsiębiorstwu pomoc w utrzymaniu zatrudnienia. (Polish)
    29 July 2022
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    Az ösztönzés iránti kérelem lehetővé teszi a vállalat számára, hogy hozzájáruljon foglalkoztatási volumenének fenntartásához. (Hungarian)
    29 July 2022
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    Žádost o pobídku umožní společnosti udržet si objem pracovních míst. (Czech)
    29 July 2022
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    Aicinājuma pieteikums ļaus uzņēmumam saglabāt savu nodarbinātības apjomu. (Latvian)
    29 July 2022
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    Cuirfidh an t-iarratas ar an dreasacht ar chumas na cuideachta a méid fostaíochta a chothabháil. (Irish)
    29 July 2022
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    Vloga za spodbudo bo podjetju omogočila, da pomaga ohraniti svoj obseg zaposlovanja. (Slovenian)
    29 July 2022
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    Заявлението за стимулиране ще даде възможност на дружеството да спомогне за запазване на обема на заетостта. (Bulgarian)
    29 July 2022
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    L-applikazzjoni għall-inċentiv se tippermetti lill-kumpanija tgħin biex jinżamm il-volum tal-impjiegi tagħha. (Maltese)
    29 July 2022
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    Ansøgningen om incitamentet vil gøre det muligt for virksomheden at bidrage til at opretholde sin beskæftigelse. (Danish)
    29 July 2022
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    Cererea de stimulare va permite întreprinderii să contribuie la menținerea volumului său de locuri de muncă. (Romanian)
    29 July 2022
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    Ansökan om incitament kommer att göra det möjligt för företaget att bidra till att upprätthålla sin sysselsättningsvolym. (Swedish)
    29 July 2022
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    23 May 2023
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