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Project Q2766866 in Greece
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English | M.KOFOPOULOS |
Project Q2766866 in Greece |
40,065.0 Euro
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19 December 2018
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10 November 2021
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Το παρόν επιχειρηματικό σχέδιο αφορά στην ενίσχυση εταιρείας χονδρικού εμπορίου τροφίμων και ποτών με έδρα το νησί της Λέσβου .Με την προμήθεια ενός νέου επαγγελματικού μέσου μεταφοράς και διανομής προϊόντων καλύπτονται οι ανάγκες αντικατάστασης του παλιού στόλου οχημάτων που λόγω παλαιότητας ,φθορών αλλά και περιβαλλοντικών λόγων (εκπομπές καυσαερίων) έπρεπε να αντικατασταθεί τα επόμενα 2-3 χρόνια με ένα νεότερο όχημα . Στο όχημα θα προστεθεί ψυκτικός θάλαμος καθώς η χρήση του θα αφορά προϊόντα που χρήζουν ψύξης κατά την μεταφορά τους .Επιπρόσθετα η επιχείρηση θα προχωρήσει σε προμήθεια εξοπλισμού ΤΠΕ για την καλύτερη οργάνωση και λειτουργία της και την αντικατάσταση των παλιών συστημάτων μηχανοργάνωσης (server , 3 ups και 6 νέους Η/Υ) καθώς και στην προμήθεια και εγκατάσταση ψηφιακού τηλεφωνικού κέντρου VOIP .Παράλληλα με την προμήθεια και εγκατάσταση συστήματος παραγωγής ηλεκτρικής ενέργειας από φωτοβολταικά πάνελ για τις ανάγκες ηλεκτροδότησης της επιχείρησης η επιχείρηση αποσκοπεί στην μείωση του κόστους λειτουργίας της και την μείωση του περιβαλλοντικού της αποτυπώματος .Με τον τρόπο αυτό η επιχείρηση θα αναβαθμίσει τις παρεχόμενες υπηρεσίες της και θα βελτιώσει την ανταγωνιστικότητα της προς όφελος των οικονομικών αποτελεσμάτων και της βιωσιμότητας της ενώ ταυτόχρονα θα αναβαθμίσει την επιχειρησιακή ικανότητα της. Ο φορέας της επένδυσης προτείνει ένα ρεαλιστικό επενδυτικό σχέδιο του οποίο το χρονοδιάγραμμα δεν θα αποκλίνει καθόλου και πιθανότατα θα ολοκληρωθεί και σε συντομότερο χρονικό διάστημα από τους 24 μήνες της πρόβλεψης οι οποίοι απαιτούνται για την συντηρητικότητα των προβλέψεων και για την πρόβλεψη έκτακτων γεγονότων ανωτέρας βίας . (Greek)
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This business plan concerns the support of a wholesale trade company of food and beverages based on the island of Lesvos.The supply of a new professional means of transport and distribution of products meets the needs of replacing the old fleet of vehicles which due to age, damage and environmental reasons (exhaust emissions) had to be replaced in the next 2-3 years with a new vehicle. In addition, the company will supply ICT equipment to better organise and operate and replace the old computer systems (server, 3 ups and 6 new PCs) as well as the supply and installation of a VOIP digital call centre.In addition to the supply and installation of the company’s ability to supply and install an electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels for the needs of the company, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company will aim to reduce its functionality, while the company’s efficiency will benefit from its capacity.In addition to the supply and installation of the electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels to the needs of the company, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company’s efficiency.In addition, the company’s capacity will be the best possible and the ability of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.The company’s efficiency will also be the advantage of the company’s efficiency and the efficiency of the company.In parallel with the supply and installation of the electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels, the company will reduce its costs and reduce its efficiency.The company’s advantages will be the benefit of the company’s ability to improve its functionality.In addition, the company’s capacity will be improved and the company’s capacity will be improved.In addition, the company’s ability to improve its functionality and the efficiency of the company will aim at the same time, the company’s ability to improve its efficiency and the efficiency of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.In addition, the company’s efficiency and efficiency will aim to the efficiency and efficiency of the company’s efficiency.The company’s efficiency will also be the benefit of the company’s capacity.In addition, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency of the company’s capacity and the efficiency of the company’s capacity.In addition to the supply and installation of the company’s capacity, the company’s capacity will be the cost-effectiveness and the efficiency of the company’s efficiency.In addition, the company’s capacity will be provided and the company’s capacity will be provided to the company’s capacity.In addition, the company’s capacity will aim to reduce the efficiency of the company’s capacity and the efficiency of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.In addition, The investment entity proposes a realistic investment plan that will not diverge at all and will likely be completed within a shorter period of time than the 24 months of the forecast required for the conservativeness of the forecasts and for the provision of exceptional events of force majeure. (English)
2 July 2021
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Ce plan d’entreprise concerne l’aide à une entreprise de gros de produits alimentaires et de boissons basée sur l’île de Lesvos. La fourniture d’un nouveau moyen professionnel de transport et de distribution de produits couvre la nécessité de remplacer l’ancien parc de véhicules qui, pour des raisons liées à l’âge, aux dommages et à l’environnement (émissions d’échappement), a dû être remplacé dans les deux ou trois prochaines années par un véhicule plus neuf. Une chambre frigorifique sera ajoutée au véhicule car son utilisation concernera des produits nécessitant un refroidissement pendant le transport. En outre, l’entreprise fournira des équipements TIC pour mieux organiser et exploiter et remplacer les anciens systèmes informatiques (serveur, 3 ups et 6 nouveaux PC) ainsi que la fourniture et l’installation d’un centre d’appel numérique VOIP. Parallèlement à la fourniture et à l’installation d’un système de production de panneaux photovoltaïques pour les besoins de l’entreprise en électricité, l’entreprise vise à réduire ses coûts d’exploitation et à réduire son empreinte environnementale. L’opérateur d’investissement propose un plan d’investissement réaliste qui ne divergera pas du tout et qui sera probablement achevé dans un délai plus court que les 24 mois de prévision nécessaires au maintien des provisions et à la prévision d’événements exceptionnels de force majeure. (French)
29 November 2021
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Dieser Geschäftsplan betrifft die Beihilfe für ein auf der Insel Lesvos ansässiges Lebensmittel- und Getränkegroßhandelsunternehmen. Die Lieferung eines neuen professionellen Transport- und Vertriebsmittels deckt den Bedarf an Ersatz der alten Fahrzeugflotte ab, die aus Altersgründen, Schäden und Umweltgründen (Abgasemissionen) in den nächsten 2-3 Jahren durch ein neueres Fahrzeug ersetzt werden musste. Darüber hinaus wird das Unternehmen IKT-Geräte zur besseren Organisation und Bedienung und Ersetzung der alten Computersysteme (Server, 3 ups und 6 neue PCs) sowie die Lieferung und Installation eines digitalen Callcenters VOIP liefern. Parallel zur Lieferung und Installation eines Photovoltaik-Panel-Generierungssystems für den Elektrizitätsbedarf des Unternehmens will das Unternehmen seine Betriebskosten senken und seinen ökologischen Fußabdruck verringern. Auf diese Weise wird das Unternehmen seine Dienstleistungen modernisieren und seine Wirtschaftlichkeit verbessern. Der Anlagebetreiber schlägt einen realistischen Investitionsplan vor, der überhaupt nicht voneinander abweichen wird und wahrscheinlich in einem kürzeren Zeitraum als in den 24 Monaten der Vorausschätzung für die Aufrechterhaltung der Rückstellungen und für die Vorhersage von außergewöhnlichen Ereignissen höherer Gewalt abgeschlossen sein wird. (German)
5 December 2021
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Dit bedrijfsplan heeft betrekking op de steun aan een groothandel in voedingsmiddelen en dranken op het eiland Lesbos. De levering van een nieuw professioneel vervoermiddel en de distributie van producten dekt de behoefte aan vervanging van het oude wagenpark dat vanwege leeftijd, schade en milieuredenen (uitlaatemissies) in de komende 2-3 jaar moest worden vervangen door een nieuw voertuig. Een koelkamer wordt toegevoegd aan het voertuig omdat het gebruik ervan betrekking heeft op producten die tijdens het transport moeten worden gekoeld. Daarnaast zal het bedrijf ICT-apparatuur leveren om de oude computersystemen (server, 3 ups en 6 nieuwe pc’s) beter te organiseren en te bedienen en te vervangen, evenals de levering en installatie van een digitaal callcenter VOIP. Naast de levering en installatie van een fotovoltaïsch systeem voor de productie van fotovoltaïsche panelen voor de elektriciteitsbehoeften van het bedrijf, streeft het bedrijf ernaar zijn bedrijfskosten te verminderen en zijn ecologische voetafdruk te verkleinen. Op deze manier zal het bedrijf zijn diensten upgraden en de economische levensvatbaarheid verbeteren. De investeringsexploitant stelt een realistisch investeringsplan voor dat helemaal niet zal afwijken en waarschijnlijk zal worden voltooid in een kortere periode dan de 24 maanden van de raming die nodig is voor de handhaving van de bepalingen en voor het voorspellen van uitzonderlijke overmachtsgebeurtenissen. (Dutch)
16 December 2021
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Questo piano aziendale riguarda l'aiuto a una società all'ingrosso di prodotti alimentari e bevande con sede nell'isola di Lesbo. La fornitura di un nuovo mezzo professionale di trasporto e di distribuzione di prodotti risponde alle esigenze di sostituzione del vecchio parco veicoli che, a causa dell'età, dei danni e delle ragioni ambientali (emissioni di scarico) ha dovuto essere sostituito nei prossimi 2-3 anni da un veicolo più nuovo. Inoltre, l'azienda fornirà apparecchiature ICT per organizzare e gestire al meglio i vecchi sistemi informatici (server, 3 up e 6 nuovi PC) nonché la fornitura e l'installazione di un call center digitale VOIP. In parallelo con la fornitura e l'installazione di un impianto di generazione di pannelli fotovoltaici per le esigenze elettriche dell'azienda, l'azienda si propone di ridurre i costi operativi e ridurre la propria impronta ambientale. In questo modo, l'azienda aggiornerà i propri servizi e ne migliorerà la redditività economica. L'operatore d'investimento propone un piano di investimento realistico che non divergerà affatto e sarà probabilmente completato in un periodo più breve dei 24 mesi di previsione necessari per il mantenimento delle disposizioni e per la previsione di eventi eccezionali di forza maggiore. (Italian)
14 January 2022
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Este plan de negocio se refiere a la ayuda a una empresa mayorista de alimentos y bebidas basada en la isla de Lesbos. El suministro de un nuevo medio profesional de transporte y distribución de productos cubre las necesidades de sustitución de la antigua flota de vehículos que, debido a la edad, los daños y las razones medioambientales (emisiones de escape) tuvieron que ser sustituidos en los próximos 2-3 años por un vehículo más nuevo. Además, la empresa suministrará equipos TIC para organizar y operar mejor y reemplazar los antiguos sistemas informáticos (servidor, 3 ups y 6 PC nuevos) así como el suministro e instalación de un centro de llamadas digitales VOIP. En paralelo con el suministro e instalación de un sistema de generación de paneles fotovoltaicos para las necesidades eléctricas de la empresa, la empresa pretende reducir sus costes operativos y reducir su huella ambiental. De esta manera, la empresa mejorará sus servicios y mejorará su viabilidad económica. El gestor de inversiones propone un plan de inversión realista que no diverja en absoluto y que probablemente se completará en un período inferior a los veinticuatro meses de la previsión necesaria para el mantenimiento de las provisiones y para la previsión de casos excepcionales de fuerza mayor. (Spanish)
15 January 2022
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Denne forretningsplan vedrører støtte til et engroshandelsselskab for føde- og drikkevarer baseret på øen Lesvos. Leveringen af et nyt professionelt transport- og distributionsmiddel opfylder behovet for at erstatte den gamle bilpark, som på grund af alder, skader og miljømæssige årsager (udstødningsemissioner) i løbet af de næste 2-3 år måtte erstattes med et nyt køretøj. In addition, the company will supply ICT equipment to better organise and operate and replace the old computer systems (server, 3 ups and 6 new PCs) as well as the supply and installation of a VOIP digital call centre.In addition to the supply and installation of the company’s ability to supply and install an electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels for the needs of the company, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company will aim to reduce its functionality, while the company’s efficiency will benefit from its capacity.In addition to the supply and installation of the electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels to the needs of the company, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company’s efficiency.In addition, the company’s capacity will be the best possible and the ability of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.The company’s efficiency will also be the advantage of the company’s efficiency and the efficiency of the company.In parallel with the supply and installation of the electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels, the company will reduce its costs and reduce its efficiency.The company’s advantages will be the benefit of the company’s ability to improve its functionality.In addition, the company’s capacity will be improved and the company’s capacity will be improved.In addition, the company’s ability to improve its functionality and the efficiency of the company will aim at the same time, the company’s ability to improve its efficiency and the efficiency of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.In addition, the company’s efficiency and efficiency will aim to the efficiency and efficiency of the company’s efficiency.The company’s efficiency will also be the benefit of the company’s capacity.In addition, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency of the company’s capacity and the efficiency of the company’s capacity.In addition to the supply and installation of the company’s capacity, the company’s capacity will be the cost-effectiveness and the efficiency of the company’s efficiency.In addition, the company’s capacity will be provided and the company’s capacity will be provided to the company’s capacity.In addition, the company’s capacity will aim to reduce the efficiency of the company’s capacity and the efficiency of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.In addition, The investment entity proposes a realistic investment plan that will not diverge at all and will likely be completed within a shorter period of time than the 24 months of the forecast required for the conservativeness of the forecasts and for the provision of exceptional events of force majeure. (Danish)
11 July 2022
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Ovaj poslovni plan odnosi se na potporu trgovačkog društva za veleprodaju hrane i pića na otoku Lezbosu. Opskrba novim profesionalnim prijevoznim sredstvom i distribucijom proizvoda zadovoljava potrebe zamjene starog voznog parka vozila koja je zbog starosti, štete i ekoloških razloga (ispušne emisije) morala biti zamijenjena novim vozilom u sljedeće 2 – 3 godine. In addition, the company will supply ICT equipment to better organise and operate and replace the old computer systems (server, 3 ups and 6 new PCs) as well as the supply and installation of a VOIP digital call centre.In addition to the supply and installation of the company’s ability to supply and install an electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels for the needs of the company, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company will aim to reduce its functionality, while the company’s efficiency will benefit from its capacity.In addition to the supply and installation of the electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels to the needs of the company, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company’s efficiency.In addition, the company’s capacity will be the best possible and the ability of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.The company’s efficiency will also be the advantage of the company’s efficiency and the efficiency of the company.In parallel with the supply and installation of the electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels, the company will reduce its costs and reduce its efficiency.The company’s advantages will be the benefit of the company’s ability to improve its functionality.In addition, the company’s capacity will be improved and the company’s capacity will be improved.In addition, the company’s ability to improve its functionality and the efficiency of the company will aim at the same time, the company’s ability to improve its efficiency and the efficiency of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.In addition, the company’s efficiency and efficiency will aim to the efficiency and efficiency of the company’s efficiency.The company’s efficiency will also be the benefit of the company’s capacity.In addition, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency of the company’s capacity and the efficiency of the company’s capacity.In addition to the supply and installation of the company’s capacity, the company’s capacity will be the cost-effectiveness and the efficiency of the company’s efficiency.In addition, the company’s capacity will be provided and the company’s capacity will be provided to the company’s capacity.In addition, the company’s capacity will aim to reduce the efficiency of the company’s capacity and the efficiency of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.In addition, The investment entity proposes a realistic investment plan that will not diverge at all and will likely be completed within a shorter period of time than the 24 months of the forecast required for the conservativeness of the forecasts and for the provision of exceptional events of force majeure. (Croatian)
11 July 2022
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Acest plan de afaceri se referă la sprijinirea unei societăți de comerț cu ridicata de produse alimentare și băuturi bazate pe insula Lesvos.Aprovizionarea unui nou mijloc profesional de transport și distribuție de produse răspunde nevoilor de înlocuire a vechii flote de vehicule care, din motive de vârstă, daune și de mediu (emisii de evacuare) au trebuit înlocuite în următorii 2-3 ani cu un vehicul nou. In addition, the company will supply ICT equipment to better organise and operate and replace the old computer systems (server, 3 ups and 6 new PCs) as well as the supply and installation of a VOIP digital call centre.In addition to the supply and installation of the company’s ability to supply and install an electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels for the needs of the company, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company will aim to reduce its functionality, while the company’s efficiency will benefit from its capacity.In addition to the supply and installation of the electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels to the needs of the company, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company’s efficiency.In addition, the company’s capacity will be the best possible and the ability of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.The company’s efficiency will also be the advantage of the company’s efficiency and the efficiency of the company.In parallel with the supply and installation of the electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels, the company will reduce its costs and reduce its efficiency.The company’s advantages will be the benefit of the company’s ability to improve its functionality.In addition, the company’s capacity will be improved and the company’s capacity will be improved.In addition, the company’s ability to improve its functionality and the efficiency of the company will aim at the same time, the company’s ability to improve its efficiency and the efficiency of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.In addition, the company’s efficiency and efficiency will aim to the efficiency and efficiency of the company’s efficiency.The company’s efficiency will also be the benefit of the company’s capacity.In addition, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency of the company’s capacity and the efficiency of the company’s capacity.In addition to the supply and installation of the company’s capacity, the company’s capacity will be the cost-effectiveness and the efficiency of the company’s efficiency.In addition, the company’s capacity will be provided and the company’s capacity will be provided to the company’s capacity.In addition, the company’s capacity will aim to reduce the efficiency of the company’s capacity and the efficiency of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.In addition, The investment entity proposes a realistic investment plan that will not diverge at all and will likely be completed within a shorter period of time than the 24 months of the forecast required for the conservativeness of the forecasts and for the provision of exceptional events of force majeure. (Romanian)
11 July 2022
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Tento podnikateľský plán sa týka podpory veľkoobchodnej spoločnosti s potravinami a nápojmi so sídlom na ostrove Lesbos.Dodávka nových profesionálnych dopravných prostriedkov a distribúcie výrobkov spĺňa potreby nahradiť starý vozový park vozidiel, ktoré z dôvodu veku, poškodenia a životného prostredia (výfukové emisie) museli byť v nasledujúcich 2 – 3 rokoch nahradené novým vozidlom. In addition, the company will supply ICT equipment to better organise and operate and replace the old computer systems (server, 3 ups and 6 new PCs) as well as the supply and installation of a VOIP digital call centre.In addition to the supply and installation of the company’s ability to supply and install an electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels for the needs of the company, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company will aim to reduce its functionality, while the company’s efficiency will benefit from its capacity.In addition to the supply and installation of the electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels to the needs of the company, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company’s efficiency.In addition, the company’s capacity will be the best possible and the ability of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.The company’s efficiency will also be the advantage of the company’s efficiency and the efficiency of the company.In parallel with the supply and installation of the electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels, the company will reduce its costs and reduce its efficiency.The company’s advantages will be the benefit of the company’s ability to improve its functionality.In addition, the company’s capacity will be improved and the company’s capacity will be improved.In addition, the company’s ability to improve its functionality and the efficiency of the company will aim at the same time, the company’s ability to improve its efficiency and the efficiency of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.In addition, the company’s efficiency and efficiency will aim to the efficiency and efficiency of the company’s efficiency.The company’s efficiency will also be the benefit of the company’s capacity.In addition, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency of the company’s capacity and the efficiency of the company’s capacity.In addition to the supply and installation of the company’s capacity, the company’s capacity will be the cost-effectiveness and the efficiency of the company’s efficiency.In addition, the company’s capacity will be provided and the company’s capacity will be provided to the company’s capacity.In addition, the company’s capacity will aim to reduce the efficiency of the company’s capacity and the efficiency of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.In addition, The investment entity proposes a realistic investment plan that will not diverge at all and will likely be completed within a shorter period of time than the 24 months of the forecast required for the conservativeness of the forecasts and for the provision of exceptional events of force majeure. (Slovak)
11 July 2022
0 references
Dan il-pjan ta’ negozju jikkonċerna l-appoġġ ta’ kumpanija kummerċjali bl-ingrossa ta’ ikel u xorb ibbażata fuq il-gżira ta’ Lesvos.Il-provvista ta’ mezz professjonali ġdid ta’ trasport u distribuzzjoni ta’ prodotti tissodisfa l-ħtiġijiet li tissostitwixxi l-flotta l-qadima ta’ vetturi li minħabba età, ħsara u raġunijiet ambjentali (emissjonijiet tal-egżost) kellha tiġi sostitwita b’vettura ġdida fis-sentejn jew tliet snin li ġejjin. In addition, the company will supply ICT equipment to better organise and operate and replace the old computer systems (server, 3 ups and 6 new PCs) as well as the supply and installation of a VOIP digital call centre.In addition to the supply and installation of the company’s ability to supply and install an electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels for the needs of the company, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company will aim to reduce its functionality, while the company’s efficiency will benefit from its capacity.In addition to the supply and installation of the electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels to the needs of the company, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company’s efficiency.In addition, the company’s capacity will be the best possible and the ability of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.The company’s efficiency will also be the advantage of the company’s efficiency and the efficiency of the company.In parallel with the supply and installation of the electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels, the company will reduce its costs and reduce its efficiency.The company’s advantages will be the benefit of the company’s ability to improve its functionality.In addition, the company’s capacity will be improved and the company’s capacity will be improved.In addition, the company’s ability to improve its functionality and the efficiency of the company will aim at the same time, the company’s ability to improve its efficiency and the efficiency of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.In addition, the company’s efficiency and efficiency will aim to the efficiency and efficiency of the company’s efficiency.The company’s efficiency will also be the benefit of the company’s capacity.In addition, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency of the company’s capacity and the efficiency of the company’s capacity.In addition to the supply and installation of the company’s capacity, the company’s capacity will be the cost-effectiveness and the efficiency of the company’s efficiency.In addition, the company’s capacity will be provided and the company’s capacity will be provided to the company’s capacity.In addition, the company’s capacity will aim to reduce the efficiency of the company’s capacity and the efficiency of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.In addition, The investment entity proposes a realistic investment plan that will not diverge at all and will likely be completed within a shorter period of time than the 24 months of the forecast required for the conservativeness of the forecasts and for the provision of exceptional events of force majeure. (Maltese)
11 July 2022
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Este plano de negócios diz respeito ao apoio de uma empresa de comércio por grosso de alimentos e bebidas sediada na ilha de Lesbos.O fornecimento de um novo meio profissional de transporte e distribuição de produtos satisfaz as necessidades de substituição da antiga frota de veículos que, devido à idade, danos e razões ambientais (emissões de escape), teve de ser substituída nos próximos 2-3 anos por um novo veículo. In addition, the company will supply ICT equipment to better organise and operate and replace the old computer systems (server, 3 ups and 6 new PCs) as well as the supply and installation of a VOIP digital call centre.In addition to the supply and installation of the company’s ability to supply and install an electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels for the needs of the company, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company will aim to reduce its functionality, while the company’s efficiency will benefit from its capacity.In addition to the supply and installation of the electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels to the needs of the company, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company’s efficiency.In addition, the company’s capacity will be the best possible and the ability of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.The company’s efficiency will also be the advantage of the company’s efficiency and the efficiency of the company.In parallel with the supply and installation of the electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels, the company will reduce its costs and reduce its efficiency.The company’s advantages will be the benefit of the company’s ability to improve its functionality.In addition, the company’s capacity will be improved and the company’s capacity will be improved.In addition, the company’s ability to improve its functionality and the efficiency of the company will aim at the same time, the company’s ability to improve its efficiency and the efficiency of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.In addition, the company’s efficiency and efficiency will aim to the efficiency and efficiency of the company’s efficiency.The company’s efficiency will also be the benefit of the company’s capacity.In addition, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency of the company’s capacity and the efficiency of the company’s capacity.In addition to the supply and installation of the company’s capacity, the company’s capacity will be the cost-effectiveness and the efficiency of the company’s efficiency.In addition, the company’s capacity will be provided and the company’s capacity will be provided to the company’s capacity.In addition, the company’s capacity will aim to reduce the efficiency of the company’s capacity and the efficiency of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.In addition, The investment entity proposes a realistic investment plan that will not diverge at all and will likely be completed within a shorter period of time than the 24 months of the forecast required for the conservativeness of the forecasts and for the provision of exceptional events of force majeure. (Portuguese)
11 July 2022
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Tämä liiketoimintasuunnitelma koskee Lesvosin saareen perustuvan elintarvikkeiden ja juomien tukkukauppayrityksen tukemista. Uusi ammattimainen kuljetus- ja jakeluväline vastaa tarpeeseen korvata vanha ajoneuvokanta, joka ikä-, vahinko- ja ympäristösyistä (pakopäästöt) oli korvattava uusilla ajoneuvoilla seuraavien 2–3 vuoden aikana. In addition, the company will supply ICT equipment to better organise and operate and replace the old computer systems (server, 3 ups and 6 new PCs) as well as the supply and installation of a VOIP digital call centre.In addition to the supply and installation of the company’s ability to supply and install an electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels for the needs of the company, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company will aim to reduce its functionality, while the company’s efficiency will benefit from its capacity.In addition to the supply and installation of the electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels to the needs of the company, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company’s efficiency.In addition, the company’s capacity will be the best possible and the ability of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.The company’s efficiency will also be the advantage of the company’s efficiency and the efficiency of the company.In parallel with the supply and installation of the electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels, the company will reduce its costs and reduce its efficiency.The company’s advantages will be the benefit of the company’s ability to improve its functionality.In addition, the company’s capacity will be improved and the company’s capacity will be improved.In addition, the company’s ability to improve its functionality and the efficiency of the company will aim at the same time, the company’s ability to improve its efficiency and the efficiency of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.In addition, the company’s efficiency and efficiency will aim to the efficiency and efficiency of the company’s efficiency.The company’s efficiency will also be the benefit of the company’s capacity.In addition, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency of the company’s capacity and the efficiency of the company’s capacity.In addition to the supply and installation of the company’s capacity, the company’s capacity will be the cost-effectiveness and the efficiency of the company’s efficiency.In addition, the company’s capacity will be provided and the company’s capacity will be provided to the company’s capacity.In addition, the company’s capacity will aim to reduce the efficiency of the company’s capacity and the efficiency of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.In addition, The investment entity proposes a realistic investment plan that will not diverge at all and will likely be completed within a shorter period of time than the 24 months of the forecast required for the conservativeness of the forecasts and for the provision of exceptional events of force majeure. (Finnish)
11 July 2022
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Ten biznesplan dotyczy wsparcia przedsiębiorstwa handlu hurtowego żywnością i napojami na wyspie Lesvos. Dostawa nowego profesjonalnego środka transportu i dystrybucji produktów odpowiada potrzebom zastąpienia starej floty pojazdów, która ze względu na wiek, szkody i względy środowiskowe (emisje spalin) musiała zostać zastąpiona nowym pojazdem w ciągu najbliższych 2-3 lat. In addition, the company will supply ICT equipment to better organise and operate and replace the old computer systems (server, 3 ups and 6 new PCs) as well as the supply and installation of a VOIP digital call centre.In addition to the supply and installation of the company’s ability to supply and install an electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels for the needs of the company, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company will aim to reduce its functionality, while the company’s efficiency will benefit from its capacity.In addition to the supply and installation of the electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels to the needs of the company, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company’s efficiency.In addition, the company’s capacity will be the best possible and the ability of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.The company’s efficiency will also be the advantage of the company’s efficiency and the efficiency of the company.In parallel with the supply and installation of the electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels, the company will reduce its costs and reduce its efficiency.The company’s advantages will be the benefit of the company’s ability to improve its functionality.In addition, the company’s capacity will be improved and the company’s capacity will be improved.In addition, the company’s ability to improve its functionality and the efficiency of the company will aim at the same time, the company’s ability to improve its efficiency and the efficiency of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.In addition, the company’s efficiency and efficiency will aim to the efficiency and efficiency of the company’s efficiency.The company’s efficiency will also be the benefit of the company’s capacity.In addition, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency of the company’s capacity and the efficiency of the company’s capacity.In addition to the supply and installation of the company’s capacity, the company’s capacity will be the cost-effectiveness and the efficiency of the company’s efficiency.In addition, the company’s capacity will be provided and the company’s capacity will be provided to the company’s capacity.In addition, the company’s capacity will aim to reduce the efficiency of the company’s capacity and the efficiency of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.In addition, The investment entity proposes a realistic investment plan that will not diverge at all and will likely be completed within a shorter period of time than the 24 months of the forecast required for the conservativeness of the forecasts and for the provision of exceptional events of force majeure. (Polish)
11 July 2022
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Ta poslovni načrt se nanaša na podporo grosističnega podjetja za trgovino s hrano in pijačo s sedežem na otoku Lezbos.Zagotavljanje novega poklicnega prevoznega sredstva in distribucije izdelkov ustreza potrebam zamenjave starega voznega parka vozil, ki jih je bilo treba zaradi starosti, škode in okoljskih razlogov (izpušne emisije) v naslednjih 2–3 letih zamenjati z novim vozilom. In addition, the company will supply ICT equipment to better organise and operate and replace the old computer systems (server, 3 ups and 6 new PCs) as well as the supply and installation of a VOIP digital call centre.In addition to the supply and installation of the company’s ability to supply and install an electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels for the needs of the company, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company will aim to reduce its functionality, while the company’s efficiency will benefit from its capacity.In addition to the supply and installation of the electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels to the needs of the company, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company’s efficiency.In addition, the company’s capacity will be the best possible and the ability of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.The company’s efficiency will also be the advantage of the company’s efficiency and the efficiency of the company.In parallel with the supply and installation of the electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels, the company will reduce its costs and reduce its efficiency.The company’s advantages will be the benefit of the company’s ability to improve its functionality.In addition, the company’s capacity will be improved and the company’s capacity will be improved.In addition, the company’s ability to improve its functionality and the efficiency of the company will aim at the same time, the company’s ability to improve its efficiency and the efficiency of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.In addition, the company’s efficiency and efficiency will aim to the efficiency and efficiency of the company’s efficiency.The company’s efficiency will also be the benefit of the company’s capacity.In addition, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency of the company’s capacity and the efficiency of the company’s capacity.In addition to the supply and installation of the company’s capacity, the company’s capacity will be the cost-effectiveness and the efficiency of the company’s efficiency.In addition, the company’s capacity will be provided and the company’s capacity will be provided to the company’s capacity.In addition, the company’s capacity will aim to reduce the efficiency of the company’s capacity and the efficiency of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.In addition, The investment entity proposes a realistic investment plan that will not diverge at all and will likely be completed within a shorter period of time than the 24 months of the forecast required for the conservativeness of the forecasts and for the provision of exceptional events of force majeure. (Slovenian)
11 July 2022
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Tento obchodní plán se týká podpory velkoobchodu s potravinami a nápoji na ostrově Lesvos.Dodávka nového profesionálního dopravního prostředku a distribuce produktů odpovídá potřebám nahrazení starého vozového parku, který musel být z důvodu stáří, poškození a životního prostředí (emise z výfuku) v příštích 2–3 letech nahrazen novým vozidlem. In addition, the company will supply ICT equipment to better organise and operate and replace the old computer systems (server, 3 ups and 6 new PCs) as well as the supply and installation of a VOIP digital call centre.In addition to the supply and installation of the company’s ability to supply and install an electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels for the needs of the company, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company will aim to reduce its functionality, while the company’s efficiency will benefit from its capacity.In addition to the supply and installation of the electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels to the needs of the company, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company’s efficiency.In addition, the company’s capacity will be the best possible and the ability of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.The company’s efficiency will also be the advantage of the company’s efficiency and the efficiency of the company.In parallel with the supply and installation of the electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels, the company will reduce its costs and reduce its efficiency.The company’s advantages will be the benefit of the company’s ability to improve its functionality.In addition, the company’s capacity will be improved and the company’s capacity will be improved.In addition, the company’s ability to improve its functionality and the efficiency of the company will aim at the same time, the company’s ability to improve its efficiency and the efficiency of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.In addition, the company’s efficiency and efficiency will aim to the efficiency and efficiency of the company’s efficiency.The company’s efficiency will also be the benefit of the company’s capacity.In addition, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency of the company’s capacity and the efficiency of the company’s capacity.In addition to the supply and installation of the company’s capacity, the company’s capacity will be the cost-effectiveness and the efficiency of the company’s efficiency.In addition, the company’s capacity will be provided and the company’s capacity will be provided to the company’s capacity.In addition, the company’s capacity will aim to reduce the efficiency of the company’s capacity and the efficiency of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.In addition, The investment entity proposes a realistic investment plan that will not diverge at all and will likely be completed within a shorter period of time than the 24 months of the forecast required for the conservativeness of the forecasts and for the provision of exceptional events of force majeure. (Czech)
11 July 2022
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Šis verslo planas susijęs su maisto ir gėrimų didmeninės prekybos įmonės, įsikūrusios Lesbo saloje, parama. Naujos profesionalios transporto priemonės tiekimas ir produktų platinimas atitinka poreikius pakeisti seną transporto priemonių parką, kuris dėl amžiaus, žalos ir aplinkosaugos priežasčių (išmetamųjų teršalų kiekis) turėjo būti pakeistas nauja transporto priemone. In addition, the company will supply ICT equipment to better organise and operate and replace the old computer systems (server, 3 ups and 6 new PCs) as well as the supply and installation of a VOIP digital call centre.In addition to the supply and installation of the company’s ability to supply and install an electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels for the needs of the company, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company will aim to reduce its functionality, while the company’s efficiency will benefit from its capacity.In addition to the supply and installation of the electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels to the needs of the company, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company’s efficiency.In addition, the company’s capacity will be the best possible and the ability of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.The company’s efficiency will also be the advantage of the company’s efficiency and the efficiency of the company.In parallel with the supply and installation of the electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels, the company will reduce its costs and reduce its efficiency.The company’s advantages will be the benefit of the company’s ability to improve its functionality.In addition, the company’s capacity will be improved and the company’s capacity will be improved.In addition, the company’s ability to improve its functionality and the efficiency of the company will aim at the same time, the company’s ability to improve its efficiency and the efficiency of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.In addition, the company’s efficiency and efficiency will aim to the efficiency and efficiency of the company’s efficiency.The company’s efficiency will also be the benefit of the company’s capacity.In addition, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency of the company’s capacity and the efficiency of the company’s capacity.In addition to the supply and installation of the company’s capacity, the company’s capacity will be the cost-effectiveness and the efficiency of the company’s efficiency.In addition, the company’s capacity will be provided and the company’s capacity will be provided to the company’s capacity.In addition, the company’s capacity will aim to reduce the efficiency of the company’s capacity and the efficiency of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.In addition, The investment entity proposes a realistic investment plan that will not diverge at all and will likely be completed within a shorter period of time than the 24 months of the forecast required for the conservativeness of the forecasts and for the provision of exceptional events of force majeure. (Lithuanian)
11 July 2022
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Šis uzņēmējdarbības plāns attiecas uz atbalstu pārtikas un dzērienu vairumtirdzniecības uzņēmumam, kas atrodas Lesbas salā. Jauna profesionāla transportlīdzekļa piegāde un produktu izplatīšana atbilst vajadzībām aizstāt veco autoparku, kas vecuma, kaitējuma un vides apsvērumu dēļ (izplūdes emisijas) nākamajos 2–3 gados bija jāaizstāj ar jaunu transportlīdzekli. In addition, the company will supply ICT equipment to better organise and operate and replace the old computer systems (server, 3 ups and 6 new PCs) as well as the supply and installation of a VOIP digital call centre.In addition to the supply and installation of the company’s ability to supply and install an electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels for the needs of the company, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company will aim to reduce its functionality, while the company’s efficiency will benefit from its capacity.In addition to the supply and installation of the electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels to the needs of the company, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company’s efficiency.In addition, the company’s capacity will be the best possible and the ability of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.The company’s efficiency will also be the advantage of the company’s efficiency and the efficiency of the company.In parallel with the supply and installation of the electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels, the company will reduce its costs and reduce its efficiency.The company’s advantages will be the benefit of the company’s ability to improve its functionality.In addition, the company’s capacity will be improved and the company’s capacity will be improved.In addition, the company’s ability to improve its functionality and the efficiency of the company will aim at the same time, the company’s ability to improve its efficiency and the efficiency of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.In addition, the company’s efficiency and efficiency will aim to the efficiency and efficiency of the company’s efficiency.The company’s efficiency will also be the benefit of the company’s capacity.In addition, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency of the company’s capacity and the efficiency of the company’s capacity.In addition to the supply and installation of the company’s capacity, the company’s capacity will be the cost-effectiveness and the efficiency of the company’s efficiency.In addition, the company’s capacity will be provided and the company’s capacity will be provided to the company’s capacity.In addition, the company’s capacity will aim to reduce the efficiency of the company’s capacity and the efficiency of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.In addition, The investment entity proposes a realistic investment plan that will not diverge at all and will likely be completed within a shorter period of time than the 24 months of the forecast required for the conservativeness of the forecasts and for the provision of exceptional events of force majeure. (Latvian)
11 July 2022
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Този бизнес план се отнася до подкрепата на търговско дружество за търговия на едро с храни и напитки на остров Лесбос. Доставката на нови професионални транспортни средства и дистрибуция на продукти отговаря на нуждите от замяна на стария автомобилен парк, който поради възраст, щети и екологични причини (емисии от отработени газове) трябваше да бъде заменен през следващите 2—3 години с ново превозно средство. In addition, the company will supply ICT equipment to better organise and operate and replace the old computer systems (server, 3 ups and 6 new PCs) as well as the supply and installation of a VOIP digital call centre.In addition to the supply and installation of the company’s ability to supply and install an electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels for the needs of the company, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company will aim to reduce its functionality, while the company’s efficiency will benefit from its capacity.In addition to the supply and installation of the electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels to the needs of the company, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company’s efficiency.In addition, the company’s capacity will be the best possible and the ability of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.The company’s efficiency will also be the advantage of the company’s efficiency and the efficiency of the company.In parallel with the supply and installation of the electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels, the company will reduce its costs and reduce its efficiency.The company’s advantages will be the benefit of the company’s ability to improve its functionality.In addition, the company’s capacity will be improved and the company’s capacity will be improved.In addition, the company’s ability to improve its functionality and the efficiency of the company will aim at the same time, the company’s ability to improve its efficiency and the efficiency of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.In addition, the company’s efficiency and efficiency will aim to the efficiency and efficiency of the company’s efficiency.The company’s efficiency will also be the benefit of the company’s capacity.In addition, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency of the company’s capacity and the efficiency of the company’s capacity.In addition to the supply and installation of the company’s capacity, the company’s capacity will be the cost-effectiveness and the efficiency of the company’s efficiency.In addition, the company’s capacity will be provided and the company’s capacity will be provided to the company’s capacity.In addition, the company’s capacity will aim to reduce the efficiency of the company’s capacity and the efficiency of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.In addition, The investment entity proposes a realistic investment plan that will not diverge at all and will likely be completed within a shorter period of time than the 24 months of the forecast required for the conservativeness of the forecasts and for the provision of exceptional events of force majeure. (Bulgarian)
11 July 2022
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Ez az üzleti terv egy Leszbosz szigetén működő élelmiszer- és ital-nagykereskedelmi vállalat támogatására vonatkozik. Az új szakmai szállítóeszközök és termékforgalmazási eszközök szállítása megfelel annak az igénynek, hogy a régi járműparkot lecseréljék, amelyet az életkor, a kár és a környezeti okok (kipufogógáz-kibocsátás) miatt a következő 2–3 évben új járművel kellett helyettesíteni. In addition, the company will supply ICT equipment to better organise and operate and replace the old computer systems (server, 3 ups and 6 new PCs) as well as the supply and installation of a VOIP digital call centre.In addition to the supply and installation of the company’s ability to supply and install an electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels for the needs of the company, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company will aim to reduce its functionality, while the company’s efficiency will benefit from its capacity.In addition to the supply and installation of the electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels to the needs of the company, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company’s efficiency.In addition, the company’s capacity will be the best possible and the ability of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.The company’s efficiency will also be the advantage of the company’s efficiency and the efficiency of the company.In parallel with the supply and installation of the electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels, the company will reduce its costs and reduce its efficiency.The company’s advantages will be the benefit of the company’s ability to improve its functionality.In addition, the company’s capacity will be improved and the company’s capacity will be improved.In addition, the company’s ability to improve its functionality and the efficiency of the company will aim at the same time, the company’s ability to improve its efficiency and the efficiency of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.In addition, the company’s efficiency and efficiency will aim to the efficiency and efficiency of the company’s efficiency.The company’s efficiency will also be the benefit of the company’s capacity.In addition, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency of the company’s capacity and the efficiency of the company’s capacity.In addition to the supply and installation of the company’s capacity, the company’s capacity will be the cost-effectiveness and the efficiency of the company’s efficiency.In addition, the company’s capacity will be provided and the company’s capacity will be provided to the company’s capacity.In addition, the company’s capacity will aim to reduce the efficiency of the company’s capacity and the efficiency of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.In addition, The investment entity proposes a realistic investment plan that will not diverge at all and will likely be completed within a shorter period of time than the 24 months of the forecast required for the conservativeness of the forecasts and for the provision of exceptional events of force majeure. (Hungarian)
11 July 2022
0 references
Baineann an plean gnó seo le tacaíocht ó chuideachta trádála mórdhíola bia agus deochanna atá bunaithe ar oileán Lesvos.Comhlíonann soláthar modhanna nua gairmiúla iompair agus dáilte táirgí na riachtanais a bhaineann le seanfhlít feithiclí a chur in ionad an tseanfhlít feithiclí a bhí le feithicil nua a chur in ionad an tseanfhlít feithiclí de bharr aoise, damáiste agus comhshaoil (astaíochtaí sceite) sna 2-3 bliana amach romhainn. In addition, the company will supply ICT equipment to better organise and operate and replace the old computer systems (server, 3 ups and 6 new PCs) as well as the supply and installation of a VOIP digital call centre.In addition to the supply and installation of the company’s ability to supply and install an electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels for the needs of the company, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company will aim to reduce its functionality, while the company’s efficiency will benefit from its capacity.In addition to the supply and installation of the electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels to the needs of the company, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company’s efficiency.In addition, the company’s capacity will be the best possible and the ability of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.The company’s efficiency will also be the advantage of the company’s efficiency and the efficiency of the company.In parallel with the supply and installation of the electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels, the company will reduce its costs and reduce its efficiency.The company’s advantages will be the benefit of the company’s ability to improve its functionality.In addition, the company’s capacity will be improved and the company’s capacity will be improved.In addition, the company’s ability to improve its functionality and the efficiency of the company will aim at the same time, the company’s ability to improve its efficiency and the efficiency of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.In addition, the company’s efficiency and efficiency will aim to the efficiency and efficiency of the company’s efficiency.The company’s efficiency will also be the benefit of the company’s capacity.In addition, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency of the company’s capacity and the efficiency of the company’s capacity.In addition to the supply and installation of the company’s capacity, the company’s capacity will be the cost-effectiveness and the efficiency of the company’s efficiency.In addition, the company’s capacity will be provided and the company’s capacity will be provided to the company’s capacity.In addition, the company’s capacity will aim to reduce the efficiency of the company’s capacity and the efficiency of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.In addition, The investment entity proposes a realistic investment plan that will not diverge at all and will likely be completed within a shorter period of time than the 24 months of the forecast required for the conservativeness of the forecasts and for the provision of exceptional events of force majeure. (Irish)
11 July 2022
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Denna affärsplan gäller stöd till ett partihandelsföretag för livsmedel och drycker på ön Lesvos.Tillhandahållandet av ett nytt professionellt transportmedel och distribution av produkter tillgodoser behovet av att ersätta den gamla fordonsparken, som på grund av ålder, skador och miljöskäl (avgasutsläpp) under de kommande 2–3 åren måste ersättas med ett nytt fordon. In addition, the company will supply ICT equipment to better organise and operate and replace the old computer systems (server, 3 ups and 6 new PCs) as well as the supply and installation of a VOIP digital call centre.In addition to the supply and installation of the company’s ability to supply and install an electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels for the needs of the company, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company will aim to reduce its functionality, while the company’s efficiency will benefit from its capacity.In addition to the supply and installation of the electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels to the needs of the company, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company’s efficiency.In addition, the company’s capacity will be the best possible and the ability of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.The company’s efficiency will also be the advantage of the company’s efficiency and the efficiency of the company.In parallel with the supply and installation of the electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels, the company will reduce its costs and reduce its efficiency.The company’s advantages will be the benefit of the company’s ability to improve its functionality.In addition, the company’s capacity will be improved and the company’s capacity will be improved.In addition, the company’s ability to improve its functionality and the efficiency of the company will aim at the same time, the company’s ability to improve its efficiency and the efficiency of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.In addition, the company’s efficiency and efficiency will aim to the efficiency and efficiency of the company’s efficiency.The company’s efficiency will also be the benefit of the company’s capacity.In addition, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency of the company’s capacity and the efficiency of the company’s capacity.In addition to the supply and installation of the company’s capacity, the company’s capacity will be the cost-effectiveness and the efficiency of the company’s efficiency.In addition, the company’s capacity will be provided and the company’s capacity will be provided to the company’s capacity.In addition, the company’s capacity will aim to reduce the efficiency of the company’s capacity and the efficiency of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.In addition, The investment entity proposes a realistic investment plan that will not diverge at all and will likely be completed within a shorter period of time than the 24 months of the forecast required for the conservativeness of the forecasts and for the provision of exceptional events of force majeure. (Swedish)
11 July 2022
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Äriplaan käsitleb Lesbose saarel asuva toidu ja jookide hulgimüügiettevõtte toetamist. Uue professionaalse transpordi- ja turustusvahendi pakkumine vastab vajadusele asendada vana sõidukipark, mis vanuse, kahju ja keskkonnaga seotud põhjustel (heitgaasid) tuli järgmise 2–3 aasta jooksul asendada uue sõidukiga. In addition, the company will supply ICT equipment to better organise and operate and replace the old computer systems (server, 3 ups and 6 new PCs) as well as the supply and installation of a VOIP digital call centre.In addition to the supply and installation of the company’s ability to supply and install an electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels for the needs of the company, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company will aim to reduce its functionality, while the company’s efficiency will benefit from its capacity.In addition to the supply and installation of the electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels to the needs of the company, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company will aim to reduce the efficiency and the efficiency of the company’s efficiency.In addition, the company’s capacity will be the best possible and the ability of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.The company’s efficiency will also be the advantage of the company’s efficiency and the efficiency of the company.In parallel with the supply and installation of the electricity generation system from photovoltaic panels, the company will reduce its costs and reduce its efficiency.The company’s advantages will be the benefit of the company’s ability to improve its functionality.In addition, the company’s capacity will be improved and the company’s capacity will be improved.In addition, the company’s ability to improve its functionality and the efficiency of the company will aim at the same time, the company’s ability to improve its efficiency and the efficiency of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.In addition, the company’s efficiency and efficiency will aim to the efficiency and efficiency of the company’s efficiency.The company’s efficiency will also be the benefit of the company’s capacity.In addition, the company’s efficiency will aim to reduce the efficiency of the company’s capacity and the efficiency of the company’s capacity.In addition to the supply and installation of the company’s capacity, the company’s capacity will be the cost-effectiveness and the efficiency of the company’s efficiency.In addition, the company’s capacity will be provided and the company’s capacity will be provided to the company’s capacity.In addition, the company’s capacity will aim to reduce the efficiency of the company’s capacity and the efficiency of the company’s ability to achieve its efficiency.In addition, The investment entity proposes a realistic investment plan that will not diverge at all and will likely be completed within a shorter period of time than the 24 months of the forecast required for the conservativeness of the forecasts and for the provision of exceptional events of force majeure. (Estonian)
11 July 2022
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