Upgrading of micro and small enterprises (Q2766107)
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Project Q2766107 in Greece
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Upgrading of micro and small enterprises |
Project Q2766107 in Greece |
19,022.0 Euro
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11 February 2016
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28 November 2019
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Το επενδυτικό σχέδιο αφορά τον εκσυγχρονισμό ενός σύγχρονου καρδιολογικού ιατρείου, που εδρεύει στο κέντρο της πόλης των Ιωαννίνων, σε ένα από τα πιο πολυσύχναστα σημεία.Όπως έχει ήδη αναφερθεί, η επιχείρηση παρέχει εξειδικευμένες υπηρεσίες στον τομέα της καρδιολογίας. Το επενδυτικό σχέδιο έχει σαν στόχο την περαιτέρω ανάπτυξη της επιχείρησης και την δημιουργία όλων των απαραίτητων συνθηκών για την βιώσιμη και κερδοφόρα λειτουργία της.Για την επίτευξη των ανωτέρω το επενδυτικό σχέδιο περιλαμβάνει τις κάτωθι δαπάνες:1)Διαμόρφωση εσωτερικού χώρου ιατρείου2)Ελαιοχρωματισμοί3)Υπέρηχος τελευταίας τεχνολογίας4)Φορητός δωδεκάναλος καρδιογράφος(Holter loop)5)Holter Loop recorder6)Ιατρικά καλώδια για ηλεκτροκαρδιογράφους7)Κλιματιστικό μηχανήμα τοίχου ενεργειακής κλάσης Α και εγκατάσταση αυτού8)Πολυμηχάνημα με καλώδιο usb9)Εξοπλισμός πληροφορικής10)Μεταφορικό μέσο επαγγελματικής χρήσης11)Γραφείο και καρέκλες ιατρείου12)Συστήματα Σκίασης Ρολλοκουρτίνες13)Εξοπλισμός τηλεπικοινωνιών14)Σχεδιασμός/παραγωγή έντυπου υλικού15)Κατασκευή ιστοσελίδας16)Σύνταξη, υποβολή και παρακολούθηση επιχειρηματικού σχεδίουΣύμφωνα με τα όσα έχουμε αναφέρει πιο πάνω, τα περισσότερα στοιχεία του εν λόγω επενδυτικού σχεδίου συνηγορούν στην αρτιότητα της επιχείρησης. Το βασικό σημείο το οποίο θα δώσει στη συγκεκριμένη αυτή επιχειρηματική κίνηση την απαραίτητη ώθηση για μια βιώσιμη και λειτουργική πορεία προσανατολισμένη στην καινοτομία, την ανάπτυξη στο τομέα υγείας και τις τεχνολογίες πληροφορικής με απευθείας τόνωση του επιχειρείν σε συνθήκες κρίσης, τόσο στην αρχή όσο και στο μέλλον της επένδυσης είναι η υλοποίηση του επιχειρηματικού σχεδίου μέσω του Προγράμματος Αναβάθμιση πολύ μικρών και μικρών Επιχειρήσεων στο πλαίσιο του Επιχειρησιακού Προγράμματος «Ανταγωνιστικότητα, Επιχειρηματικότητα, Καινοτομία» (ΕΠΑνΕΚ) και συγκεκριμένα του Τομέα Υγείας. (Greek)
0 references
The investment project concerns the modernisation of a modern cardiology clinic, located in the center of the city of Ioannina, in one of the busiest spots.As already mentioned, the company provides specialised services in the field of cardiology. The investment project aims to further develop the company and to create all the conditions necessary for its sustainable and profitable operation.To achieve the above, the investment plan shall include the following costs:1)Decoration of the indoor clinic2)Oilcolourments3)Since of state-of-the-art design4)Furable appliances, we have a type of type of appliances(Holter loop)including the appropriation(7)Approval of the Approach, and the appropriation of the appropriation.The appropriation of the appropriationFinancial Consensus(7)Approval of the ApproachCent, with an appendix, with a view to the use of the equipment(s)in the appropriationCent, the appropriation of the appropriation, the appropriation(e)includes the appropriation(7)includes the appropriation.The appropriationof the appropriation(s)includes the appropriationFixinclade, the appliance and the appropriation.The appropriationCapade(7)in the appropriationThe appliance,the appropriation,within the appropriationFitacie,the appendix,the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendice, the appendice, the appendice, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, and the appliance of the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appropriation, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendixt, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendixein the appendix, the appendixe,the appendixein the appendixe,the appendixe,the appendixis,in the appendixe,the appendice,in the appliance,the appendice,in the appliance,the appendixeinthethethethethethe,the appendix,the appendice,theinformattapprove,inclustaccise,theecontent,theinclustapprovice,theappearanceof thee.equity-equity,theappearanceof theeconsistence,theappearance and theequilimentoftheconstructionofhereofheconsentlyauthorisedmacy(7)econsistenceoftheconsthesthethethesoftheapproved typeofauthmension The key point that will give this particular entrepreneurial move the necessary impetus for a sustainable and functional course oriented towards innovation, development in the health sector and information technology by directly stimulating business in crisis conditions, both at the beginning and the future of the investment is the implementation of the business plan through the Programme Upgrading micro and small enterprises in the context of the Operational Programme “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship, Innovation” (EPANEK) and specifically the Health Sector. (English)
2 July 2021
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Le projet d’investissement concerne la modernisation d’une clinique cardiologique moderne, basée dans le centre de la ville de Ioannina, dans l’un des endroits les plus occupés.Comme déjà mentionné, l’entreprise fournit des services spécialisés dans le domaine de la cardiologie. Le plan d’investissement vise à la poursuite du développement de l’entreprise et à la création de toutes les conditions nécessaires à son fonctionnement durable et rentable.Pour réaliser ce qui précède, le plan d’investissement comprend les coûts suivants: 1)Façonnage de la clinique intérieure2) Couleurs d’huile 3) Échographie haute technologie 4) cardiographe portatif de 12 heures (boucle holter)5)Enregistreur de boucles d’Holter6)Câbles médicaux pour électrocardiographes7)Un conditionneur pour la classe d’énergie A et l’installation de ce 8Multimeter avec câble usb9)Équipement informatique10)Moyens de transport de professionnels use11)bureau et chaises12)Systèmes d’affichage Rollridtains13)Équipement de télécommunications14)Conception/production de matériel imprimé15)Construction d’un site Web16)Compilation, soumission et surveillance d’un plan d’affaires selon ce qui précède, la plupart des éléments de ce plan d’investissement soutiennent l’intégrité de l’entreprise. La mise en œuvre du plan d’entreprise par le biais du programme de mise à niveau des micro et petites entreprises dans le cadre du programme opérationnel «Compétitivité, esprit d’entreprise et innovation» (OPANEK) et plus particulièrement dans le secteur de la santé, qui donnera à ce mouvement particulier l’impulsion nécessaire pour une voie durable et opérationnelle axée sur l’innovation, le développement du secteur de la santé et des technologies de l’information en stimulant directement les entreprises en situation de crise, tant au début qu’à l’avenir de l’investissement. (French)
29 November 2021
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Das Investitionsprojekt betrifft die Modernisierung einer modernen kardiologischen Klinik mit Sitz im Zentrum der Stadt Ioannina, an einem der verkehrsreichsten Orte.Wie bereits erwähnt, bietet das Unternehmen spezialisierte Dienstleistungen im Bereich der Kardiologie an. Der Investitionsplan zielt auf die Weiterentwicklung des Geschäfts und die Schaffung aller notwendigen Voraussetzungen für seinen nachhaltigen und profitablen Betrieb ab.Um dies zu erreichen, umfasst der Investitionsplan die folgenden Kosten: 1) Gestaltung der Innenklinik2)Ölfarben3)High-Tech-Ultraschall4)Portable 12-Stunden-Kardiograph(Holterschleife)5)Holter Loop Recorder6)Medizinische Kabel für Elektrokardiographen7)Ein Conditioner für Energieklasse A und Installation dieses 8Multimeters mit Kabel usb9)Computerausstattung10)Transportmittel der professionellen Nutzung11)Büro Schreibtisch und Stühle12)Shading systems Rollcurtains13)Telekom-Ausstattung14)Design/Herstellung von Druckmaterial15)Bau einer Website16)Compilation, Einreichung und Überwachung eines Businessplans gemäß den oben genannten, die meisten Elemente dieses Investitionsplans unterstützen die Integrität des Unternehmens. Der Schlüsselpunkt, der dieser besonderen Geschäftstätigkeit den notwendigen Impuls für einen nachhaltigen und operativen Weg geben wird, der auf Innovation, Entwicklung im Gesundheitswesen und IT-Technologien ausgerichtet ist, indem Unternehmen in Krisensituationen direkt angeregt werden, sowohl zu Beginn als auch in Zukunft der Investition, ist die Umsetzung des Geschäftsplans durch das Upgrade-Programm für Kleinst- und Kleinunternehmen im Rahmen des operationellen Programms „Wettbewerbsfähigkeit, Unternehmertum und Innovation“ (OPANEK) und insbesondere der Gesundheitssektor. (German)
5 December 2021
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Het investeringsproject betreft de modernisering van een moderne cardiologische kliniek, gevestigd in het centrum van de stad Ioannina, in een van de drukste plaatsen.Zoals reeds vermeld, biedt het bedrijf gespecialiseerde diensten op het gebied van cardiologie. Het investeringsplan is gericht op de verdere ontwikkeling van het bedrijf en het scheppen van alle noodzakelijke voorwaarden voor een duurzame en winstgevende werking.Om het bovenstaande te bereiken, omvat het investeringsplan de volgende kosten:1)Shaping van de binnenkliniek2)Oliekleuren3)High-tech echografie4)Draagbare 12-uur cardiograaf(Holter loop)5)Holter Loop recorder6)Medische kabels voor elektrocardiographers7)Een conditioner voor energieklasse A en installatie van deze 8Multimeter met kabel usb9)Computerapparatuur10)Transportmiddelen voor professioneel gebruik11)kantoor Bureau en stoelen12)Shading systems Rollcurtains13)Telecom apparatuur14)Ontwerp/productie van drukwerk15)Bouw van een website16)Compilatie, indiening en monitoring van een businessplanVolgens het bovenstaande ondersteunen de meeste elementen van dit investeringsplan de integriteit van het bedrijf. Het belangrijkste punt dat deze specifieke onderneming de nodige impuls zal geven voor een duurzame en operationele weg die is gericht op innovatie, ontwikkeling in de gezondheidssector en IT-technologieën door bedrijven in crisissituaties rechtstreeks te stimuleren, zowel aan het begin als in de toekomst van de investering, is de uitvoering van het bedrijfsplan via het upgradeprogramma van micro- en kleine ondernemingen in het kader van het operationele programma „Concurrentievermogen, ondernemerschap en innovatie” (OPANEK) en met name de gezondheidssector. (Dutch)
16 December 2021
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Il progetto di investimento riguarda la modernizzazione di una moderna clinica cardiologica, con sede nel centro della città di Ioannina, in uno dei luoghi più frequentati.Come già accennato, l'azienda fornisce servizi specializzati nel campo della cardiologia. Il piano di investimenti mira all'ulteriore sviluppo del business e alla creazione di tutte le condizioni necessarie per il suo funzionamento sostenibile e redditizio.Per ottenere quanto sopra, il piano di investimento comprende i seguenti costi: 1)Formazione della clinica interna2)Colori oleosi3) Ultrasuoni ad alta tecnologia4) cardiografo portatile di 12 ore (anello Holter)5) Registratore Loop dell'Holter6) Cavi medici per elettrocardiografi7)Un condizionatore per classe energetica A e l'installazione di questo 8Multimetro con cavo usb9)Computer equipment10)Medi di trasporto di uso professionale11)ufficio scrivania e sedie12) Sistemi di ombreggiatura Rollcurtains13)Telecom equipment14)Progettazione/produzione di materiale stampato15)Costruzione di un sito web16)Compilazione, presentazione e monitoraggio di un business plansecondo quanto sopra, la maggior parte degli elementi di questo piano di investimento supportano l'integrità dell'azienda. Il punto chiave che darà a questo particolare movimento imprenditoriale l'impulso necessario per un percorso sostenibile e operativo orientato all'innovazione, allo sviluppo nel settore sanitario e alle tecnologie informatiche, stimolando direttamente le imprese in situazioni di crisi, sia all'inizio che al futuro dell'investimento, è l'attuazione del piano aziendale attraverso il Programma di aggiornamento delle microimprese e delle piccole imprese nell'ambito del programma operativo "Competitività, imprenditorialità e innovazione" (OPANEK) e in particolare il settore sanitario. (Italian)
14 January 2022
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El proyecto de inversión se refiere a la modernización de una clínica cardiológica moderna, con sede en el centro de la ciudad de Ioannina, en uno de los lugares más concurridos.Como ya se ha mencionado, la empresa presta servicios especializados en el campo de la cardiología. El plan de inversión tiene como objetivo el desarrollo ulterior de la empresa y la creación de todas las condiciones necesarias para su funcionamiento sostenible y rentable.Para lograr lo anterior, el plan de inversión incluye los siguientes costes:1)Formación de la clínica interior2) Colores de aceite3) Ultrasonido de alta tecnología4) Cardiógrafo portátil de 12 horas (Bucle de Holter)5)Grabador de la bucle de Holter6) Cables médicos para electrocardiógrafos7)Un acondicionador para la clase energética A e instalación de este 8Multimeter con cable usb9)Equipos informáticos10) Medios de transporte de uso profesional11)Oficina Escritorio y sillas12) Sistemas de sombreado Rollcurtains13)Telecom equipment14)Diseño/producción de material impreso15)Construcción de un sitio web16)Compilación, presentación y supervisión de un plan de negocio según lo anterior, la mayoría de los elementos de este plan de inversión apoyan la integridad de la empresa. El punto clave que dará a esta empresa en particular el impulso necesario para una trayectoria sostenible y operativa orientada a la innovación, el desarrollo en el sector de la salud y las tecnologías de la información, estimulando directamente a las empresas en situaciones de crisis, tanto al principio como al futuro de la inversión, es la aplicación del plan empresarial a través del Programa de Mejora de las Micro y Pequeñas Empresas en el marco del Programa Operativo «Competitividad, Emprendimiento e Innovación» (OPANEK) y específicamente el Sector Sanitario. (Spanish)
15 January 2022
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Investeerimisprojekt on seotud kaasaegse kardioloogia kliiniku moderniseerimisega, mis asub Ioannina linna kesklinnas ühes kõige aktiivsemas kohas.Nagu juba mainitud, pakub ettevõte eriteenuseid kardioloogia valdkonnas. The investment project aims to further develop the company and to create all the conditions necessary for its sustainable and profitable operation.To achieve the above, the investment plan shall include the following costs:1)Decoration of the indoor clinic2)Oilcolourments3)Since of state-of-the-art design4)Furable appliances, we have a type of type of appliances(Holter loop)including the appropriation(7)Approval of the Approach, and the appropriation of the appropriation.The appropriation of the appropriationFinancial Consensus(7)Approval of the ApproachCent, with an appendix, with a view to the use of the equipment(s)in the appropriationCent, the appropriation of the appropriation, the appropriation(e)includes the appropriation(7)includes the appropriation.The appropriationof the appropriation(s)includes the appropriationFixinclade, the appliance and the appropriation.The appropriationCapade(7)in the appropriationThe appliance,the appropriation,within the appropriationFitacie,the appendix,the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendice, the appendice, the appendice, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, and the appliance of the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appropriation, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendixt, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendixein the appendix, the appendixe,the appendixein the appendixe,the appendixe,the appendixis,in the appendixe,the appendice,in the appliance,the appendice,in the appliance,the appendixeinthethethethethethe,the appendix,the appendice,theinformattapprove,inclustaccise,theecontent,theinclustapprovice,theappearanceof thee.equity-equity,theappearanceof theeconsistence,theappearance and theequilimentoftheconstructionofhereofheconsentlyauthorisedmacy(7)econsistenceoftheconsthesthethethesoftheapproved typeofauthmension The key point that will give this particular entrepreneurial move the necessary impetus for a sustainable and functional course oriented towards innovation, development in the health sector and information technology by directly stimulating business in crisis conditions, both at the beginning and the future of the investment is the implementation of the business plan through the Programme Upgrading micro and small enterprises in the context of the Operational Programme “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship, Innovation” (EPANEK) and specifically the Health Sector. (Estonian)
28 July 2022
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Investicinis projektas susijęs su modernios kardiologijos klinikos, esančios Ioaninos miesto centre, modernizavimu vienoje iš judriausių vietų.Kaip jau minėta, bendrovė teikia specializuotas paslaugas kardiologijos srityje. The investment project aims to further develop the company and to create all the conditions necessary for its sustainable and profitable operation.To achieve the above, the investment plan shall include the following costs:1)Decoration of the indoor clinic2)Oilcolourments3)Since of state-of-the-art design4)Furable appliances, we have a type of type of appliances(Holter loop)including the appropriation(7)Approval of the Approach, and the appropriation of the appropriation.The appropriation of the appropriationFinancial Consensus(7)Approval of the ApproachCent, with an appendix, with a view to the use of the equipment(s)in the appropriationCent, the appropriation of the appropriation, the appropriation(e)includes the appropriation(7)includes the appropriation.The appropriationof the appropriation(s)includes the appropriationFixinclade, the appliance and the appropriation.The appropriationCapade(7)in the appropriationThe appliance,the appropriation,within the appropriationFitacie,the appendix,the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendice, the appendice, the appendice, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, and the appliance of the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appropriation, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendixt, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendixein the appendix, the appendixe,the appendixein the appendixe,the appendixe,the appendixis,in the appendixe,the appendice,in the appliance,the appendice,in the appliance,the appendixeinthethethethethethe,the appendix,the appendice,theinformattapprove,inclustaccise,theecontent,theinclustapprovice,theappearanceof thee.equity-equity,theappearanceof theeconsistence,theappearance and theequilimentoftheconstructionofhereofheconsentlyauthorisedmacy(7)econsistenceoftheconsthesthethethesoftheapproved typeofauthmension The key point that will give this particular entrepreneurial move the necessary impetus for a sustainable and functional course oriented towards innovation, development in the health sector and information technology by directly stimulating business in crisis conditions, both at the beginning and the future of the investment is the implementation of the business plan through the Programme Upgrading micro and small enterprises in the context of the Operational Programme “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship, Innovation” (EPANEK) and specifically the Health Sector. (Lithuanian)
28 July 2022
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Investicijski projekt odnosi se na modernizaciju moderne kardiološke klinike, smještene u središtu grada Ioannina, u jednom od najprometnijih mjesta.Kao što je već spomenuto, tvrtka pruža specijalizirane usluge u području kardiologije. The investment project aims to further develop the company and to create all the conditions necessary for its sustainable and profitable operation.To achieve the above, the investment plan shall include the following costs:1)Decoration of the indoor clinic2)Oilcolourments3)Since of state-of-the-art design4)Furable appliances, we have a type of type of appliances(Holter loop)including the appropriation(7)Approval of the Approach, and the appropriation of the appropriation.The appropriation of the appropriationFinancial Consensus(7)Approval of the ApproachCent, with an appendix, with a view to the use of the equipment(s)in the appropriationCent, the appropriation of the appropriation, the appropriation(e)includes the appropriation(7)includes the appropriation.The appropriationof the appropriation(s)includes the appropriationFixinclade, the appliance and the appropriation.The appropriationCapade(7)in the appropriationThe appliance,the appropriation,within the appropriationFitacie,the appendix,the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendice, the appendice, the appendice, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, and the appliance of the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appropriation, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendixt, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendixein the appendix, the appendixe,the appendixein the appendixe,the appendixe,the appendixis,in the appendixe,the appendice,in the appliance,the appendice,in the appliance,the appendixeinthethethethethethe,the appendix,the appendice,theinformattapprove,inclustaccise,theecontent,theinclustapprovice,theappearanceof thee.equity-equity,theappearanceof theeconsistence,theappearance and theequilimentoftheconstructionofhereofheconsentlyauthorisedmacy(7)econsistenceoftheconsthesthethethesoftheapproved typeofauthmension The key point that will give this particular entrepreneurial move the necessary impetus for a sustainable and functional course oriented towards innovation, development in the health sector and information technology by directly stimulating business in crisis conditions, both at the beginning and the future of the investment is the implementation of the business plan through the Programme Upgrading micro and small enterprises in the context of the Operational Programme “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship, Innovation” (EPANEK) and specifically the Health Sector. (Croatian)
28 July 2022
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Investičný projekt sa týka modernizácie modernej kardiologickej kliniky, ktorá sa nachádza v centre mesta Ioannina, v jednom z najrušnejších miest.Ako už bolo spomenuté, spoločnosť poskytuje špecializované služby v oblasti kardiológie. The investment project aims to further develop the company and to create all the conditions necessary for its sustainable and profitable operation.To achieve the above, the investment plan shall include the following costs:1)Decoration of the indoor clinic2)Oilcolourments3)Since of state-of-the-art design4)Furable appliances, we have a type of type of appliances(Holter loop)including the appropriation(7)Approval of the Approach, and the appropriation of the appropriation.The appropriation of the appropriationFinancial Consensus(7)Approval of the ApproachCent, with an appendix, with a view to the use of the equipment(s)in the appropriationCent, the appropriation of the appropriation, the appropriation(e)includes the appropriation(7)includes the appropriation.The appropriationof the appropriation(s)includes the appropriationFixinclade, the appliance and the appropriation.The appropriationCapade(7)in the appropriationThe appliance,the appropriation,within the appropriationFitacie,the appendix,the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendice, the appendice, the appendice, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, and the appliance of the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appropriation, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendixt, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendixein the appendix, the appendixe,the appendixein the appendixe,the appendixe,the appendixis,in the appendixe,the appendice,in the appliance,the appendice,in the appliance,the appendixeinthethethethethethe,the appendix,the appendice,theinformattapprove,inclustaccise,theecontent,theinclustapprovice,theappearanceof thee.equity-equity,theappearanceof theeconsistence,theappearance and theequilimentoftheconstructionofhereofheconsentlyauthorisedmacy(7)econsistenceoftheconsthesthethethesoftheapproved typeofauthmension The key point that will give this particular entrepreneurial move the necessary impetus for a sustainable and functional course oriented towards innovation, development in the health sector and information technology by directly stimulating business in crisis conditions, both at the beginning and the future of the investment is the implementation of the business plan through the Programme Upgrading micro and small enterprises in the context of the Operational Programme “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship, Innovation” (EPANEK) and specifically the Health Sector. (Slovak)
28 July 2022
0 references
Investointihanke koskee modernin kardiologiaklinikan nykyaikaistamista, joka sijaitsee Ioanninan kaupungin keskustassa, yhdessä vilkkaimmista paikoista.Kuten jo mainittiin, yhtiö tarjoaa erikoistuneita palveluja kardiologian alalla. The investment project aims to further develop the company and to create all the conditions necessary for its sustainable and profitable operation.To achieve the above, the investment plan shall include the following costs:1)Decoration of the indoor clinic2)Oilcolourments3)Since of state-of-the-art design4)Furable appliances, we have a type of type of appliances(Holter loop)including the appropriation(7)Approval of the Approach, and the appropriation of the appropriation.The appropriation of the appropriationFinancial Consensus(7)Approval of the ApproachCent, with an appendix, with a view to the use of the equipment(s)in the appropriationCent, the appropriation of the appropriation, the appropriation(e)includes the appropriation(7)includes the appropriation.The appropriationof the appropriation(s)includes the appropriationFixinclade, the appliance and the appropriation.The appropriationCapade(7)in the appropriationThe appliance,the appropriation,within the appropriationFitacie,the appendix,the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendice, the appendice, the appendice, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, and the appliance of the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appropriation, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendixt, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendixein the appendix, the appendixe,the appendixein the appendixe,the appendixe,the appendixis,in the appendixe,the appendice,in the appliance,the appendice,in the appliance,the appendixeinthethethethethethe,the appendix,the appendice,theinformattapprove,inclustaccise,theecontent,theinclustapprovice,theappearanceof thee.equity-equity,theappearanceof theeconsistence,theappearance and theequilimentoftheconstructionofhereofheconsentlyauthorisedmacy(7)econsistenceoftheconsthesthethethesoftheapproved typeofauthmension The key point that will give this particular entrepreneurial move the necessary impetus for a sustainable and functional course oriented towards innovation, development in the health sector and information technology by directly stimulating business in crisis conditions, both at the beginning and the future of the investment is the implementation of the business plan through the Programme Upgrading micro and small enterprises in the context of the Operational Programme “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship, Innovation” (EPANEK) and specifically the Health Sector. (Finnish)
28 July 2022
0 references
Projekt inwestycyjny dotyczy modernizacji nowoczesnej kliniki kardiologicznej, znajdującej się w centrum miasta Ioannina, w jednym z najbardziej ruchliwych miejsc.Jak już wspomniano, firma świadczy specjalistyczne usługi w zakresie kardiologii. The investment project aims to further develop the company and to create all the conditions necessary for its sustainable and profitable operation.To achieve the above, the investment plan shall include the following costs:1)Decoration of the indoor clinic2)Oilcolourments3)Since of state-of-the-art design4)Furable appliances, we have a type of type of appliances(Holter loop)including the appropriation(7)Approval of the Approach, and the appropriation of the appropriation.The appropriation of the appropriationFinancial Consensus(7)Approval of the ApproachCent, with an appendix, with a view to the use of the equipment(s)in the appropriationCent, the appropriation of the appropriation, the appropriation(e)includes the appropriation(7)includes the appropriation.The appropriationof the appropriation(s)includes the appropriationFixinclade, the appliance and the appropriation.The appropriationCapade(7)in the appropriationThe appliance,the appropriation,within the appropriationFitacie,the appendix,the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendice, the appendice, the appendice, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, and the appliance of the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appropriation, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendixt, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendixein the appendix, the appendixe,the appendixein the appendixe,the appendixe,the appendixis,in the appendixe,the appendice,in the appliance,the appendice,in the appliance,the appendixeinthethethethethethe,the appendix,the appendice,theinformattapprove,inclustaccise,theecontent,theinclustapprovice,theappearanceof thee.equity-equity,theappearanceof theeconsistence,theappearance and theequilimentoftheconstructionofhereofheconsentlyauthorisedmacy(7)econsistenceoftheconsthesthethethesoftheapproved typeofauthmension The key point that will give this particular entrepreneurial move the necessary impetus for a sustainable and functional course oriented towards innovation, development in the health sector and information technology by directly stimulating business in crisis conditions, both at the beginning and the future of the investment is the implementation of the business plan through the Programme Upgrading micro and small enterprises in the context of the Operational Programme “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship, Innovation” (EPANEK) and specifically the Health Sector. (Polish)
28 July 2022
0 references
A beruházási projekt egy modern kardiológiai klinika korszerűsítésére irányul, amely Ioannina városának központjában található, az egyik legforgalmasabb helyszínen. Mint már említettük, a vállalat speciális szolgáltatásokat nyújt a kardiológia területén. The investment project aims to further develop the company and to create all the conditions necessary for its sustainable and profitable operation.To achieve the above, the investment plan shall include the following costs:1)Decoration of the indoor clinic2)Oilcolourments3)Since of state-of-the-art design4)Furable appliances, we have a type of type of appliances(Holter loop)including the appropriation(7)Approval of the Approach, and the appropriation of the appropriation.The appropriation of the appropriationFinancial Consensus(7)Approval of the ApproachCent, with an appendix, with a view to the use of the equipment(s)in the appropriationCent, the appropriation of the appropriation, the appropriation(e)includes the appropriation(7)includes the appropriation.The appropriationof the appropriation(s)includes the appropriationFixinclade, the appliance and the appropriation.The appropriationCapade(7)in the appropriationThe appliance,the appropriation,within the appropriationFitacie,the appendix,the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendice, the appendice, the appendice, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, and the appliance of the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appropriation, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendixt, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendixein the appendix, the appendixe,the appendixein the appendixe,the appendixe,the appendixis,in the appendixe,the appendice,in the appliance,the appendice,in the appliance,the appendixeinthethethethethethe,the appendix,the appendice,theinformattapprove,inclustaccise,theecontent,theinclustapprovice,theappearanceof thee.equity-equity,theappearanceof theeconsistence,theappearance and theequilimentoftheconstructionofhereofheconsentlyauthorisedmacy(7)econsistenceoftheconsthesthethethesoftheapproved typeofauthmension The key point that will give this particular entrepreneurial move the necessary impetus for a sustainable and functional course oriented towards innovation, development in the health sector and information technology by directly stimulating business in crisis conditions, both at the beginning and the future of the investment is the implementation of the business plan through the Programme Upgrading micro and small enterprises in the context of the Operational Programme “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship, Innovation” (EPANEK) and specifically the Health Sector. (Hungarian)
28 July 2022
0 references
Investiční projekt se týká modernizace moderní kardiologické kliniky, která se nachází v centru města Ioannina, v jednom z nejvytíženějších míst.Jak již bylo zmíněno, společnost poskytuje specializované služby v oblasti kardiologie. The investment project aims to further develop the company and to create all the conditions necessary for its sustainable and profitable operation.To achieve the above, the investment plan shall include the following costs:1)Decoration of the indoor clinic2)Oilcolourments3)Since of state-of-the-art design4)Furable appliances, we have a type of type of appliances(Holter loop)including the appropriation(7)Approval of the Approach, and the appropriation of the appropriation.The appropriation of the appropriationFinancial Consensus(7)Approval of the ApproachCent, with an appendix, with a view to the use of the equipment(s)in the appropriationCent, the appropriation of the appropriation, the appropriation(e)includes the appropriation(7)includes the appropriation.The appropriationof the appropriation(s)includes the appropriationFixinclade, the appliance and the appropriation.The appropriationCapade(7)in the appropriationThe appliance,the appropriation,within the appropriationFitacie,the appendix,the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendice, the appendice, the appendice, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, and the appliance of the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appropriation, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendixt, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendixein the appendix, the appendixe,the appendixein the appendixe,the appendixe,the appendixis,in the appendixe,the appendice,in the appliance,the appendice,in the appliance,the appendixeinthethethethethethe,the appendix,the appendice,theinformattapprove,inclustaccise,theecontent,theinclustapprovice,theappearanceof thee.equity-equity,theappearanceof theeconsistence,theappearance and theequilimentoftheconstructionofhereofheconsentlyauthorisedmacy(7)econsistenceoftheconsthesthethethesoftheapproved typeofauthmension The key point that will give this particular entrepreneurial move the necessary impetus for a sustainable and functional course oriented towards innovation, development in the health sector and information technology by directly stimulating business in crisis conditions, both at the beginning and the future of the investment is the implementation of the business plan through the Programme Upgrading micro and small enterprises in the context of the Operational Programme “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship, Innovation” (EPANEK) and specifically the Health Sector. (Czech)
28 July 2022
0 references
Investīciju projekts attiecas uz modernas kardioloģijas klīnikas modernizāciju, kas atrodas Joanīnas pilsētas centrā, vienā no noslogotākajiem punktiem.Kā jau minēts, uzņēmums sniedz specializētus pakalpojumus kardioloģijas jomā. The investment project aims to further develop the company and to create all the conditions necessary for its sustainable and profitable operation.To achieve the above, the investment plan shall include the following costs:1)Decoration of the indoor clinic2)Oilcolourments3)Since of state-of-the-art design4)Furable appliances, we have a type of type of appliances(Holter loop)including the appropriation(7)Approval of the Approach, and the appropriation of the appropriation.The appropriation of the appropriationFinancial Consensus(7)Approval of the ApproachCent, with an appendix, with a view to the use of the equipment(s)in the appropriationCent, the appropriation of the appropriation, the appropriation(e)includes the appropriation(7)includes the appropriation.The appropriationof the appropriation(s)includes the appropriationFixinclade, the appliance and the appropriation.The appropriationCapade(7)in the appropriationThe appliance,the appropriation,within the appropriationFitacie,the appendix,the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendice, the appendice, the appendice, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, and the appliance of the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appropriation, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendixt, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendixein the appendix, the appendixe,the appendixein the appendixe,the appendixe,the appendixis,in the appendixe,the appendice,in the appliance,the appendice,in the appliance,the appendixeinthethethethethethe,the appendix,the appendice,theinformattapprove,inclustaccise,theecontent,theinclustapprovice,theappearanceof thee.equity-equity,theappearanceof theeconsistence,theappearance and theequilimentoftheconstructionofhereofheconsentlyauthorisedmacy(7)econsistenceoftheconsthesthethethesoftheapproved typeofauthmension The key point that will give this particular entrepreneurial move the necessary impetus for a sustainable and functional course oriented towards innovation, development in the health sector and information technology by directly stimulating business in crisis conditions, both at the beginning and the future of the investment is the implementation of the business plan through the Programme Upgrading micro and small enterprises in the context of the Operational Programme “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship, Innovation” (EPANEK) and specifically the Health Sector. (Latvian)
28 July 2022
0 references
Baineann an tionscadal infheistíochta le nuachóiriú clinic nua-aimseartha cardiology, atá lonnaithe i lár chathair Ioannina, i gceann de na spotaí is gnóthaí. The investment project aims to further develop the company and to create all the conditions necessary for its sustainable and profitable operation.To achieve the above, the investment plan shall include the following costs:1)Decoration of the indoor clinic2)Oilcolourments3)Since of state-of-the-art design4)Furable appliances, we have a type of type of appliances(Holter loop)including the appropriation(7)Approval of the Approach, and the appropriation of the appropriation.The appropriation of the appropriationFinancial Consensus(7)Approval of the ApproachCent, with an appendix, with a view to the use of the equipment(s)in the appropriationCent, the appropriation of the appropriation, the appropriation(e)includes the appropriation(7)includes the appropriation.The appropriationof the appropriation(s)includes the appropriationFixinclade, the appliance and the appropriation.The appropriationCapade(7)in the appropriationThe appliance,the appropriation,within the appropriationFitacie,the appendix,the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendice, the appendice, the appendice, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, and the appliance of the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appropriation, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendixt, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendixein the appendix, the appendixe,the appendixein the appendixe,the appendixe,the appendixis,in the appendixe,the appendice,in the appliance,the appendice,in the appliance,the appendixeinthethethethethethe,the appendix,the appendice,theinformattapprove,inclustaccise,theecontent,theinclustapprovice,theappearanceof thee.equity-equity,theappearanceof theeconsistence,theappearance and theequilimentoftheconstructionofhereofheconsentlyauthorisedmacy(7)econsistenceoftheconsthesthethethesoftheapproved typeofauthmension The key point that will give this particular entrepreneurial move the necessary impetus for a sustainable and functional course oriented towards innovation, development in the health sector and information technology by directly stimulating business in crisis conditions, both at the beginning and the future of the investment is the implementation of the business plan through the Programme Upgrading micro and small enterprises in the context of the Operational Programme “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship, Innovation” (EPANEK) and specifically the Health Sector. (Irish)
28 July 2022
0 references
Naložbeni projekt se nanaša na posodobitev sodobne kardiološke klinike, ki se nahaja v središču mesta Ioannina, v enem od najbolj obremenjenih mest.Kot je že omenjeno, podjetje zagotavlja specializirane storitve na področju kardiologije. The investment project aims to further develop the company and to create all the conditions necessary for its sustainable and profitable operation.To achieve the above, the investment plan shall include the following costs:1)Decoration of the indoor clinic2)Oilcolourments3)Since of state-of-the-art design4)Furable appliances, we have a type of type of appliances(Holter loop)including the appropriation(7)Approval of the Approach, and the appropriation of the appropriation.The appropriation of the appropriationFinancial Consensus(7)Approval of the ApproachCent, with an appendix, with a view to the use of the equipment(s)in the appropriationCent, the appropriation of the appropriation, the appropriation(e)includes the appropriation(7)includes the appropriation.The appropriationof the appropriation(s)includes the appropriationFixinclade, the appliance and the appropriation.The appropriationCapade(7)in the appropriationThe appliance,the appropriation,within the appropriationFitacie,the appendix,the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendice, the appendice, the appendice, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, and the appliance of the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appropriation, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendixt, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendixein the appendix, the appendixe,the appendixein the appendixe,the appendixe,the appendixis,in the appendixe,the appendice,in the appliance,the appendice,in the appliance,the appendixeinthethethethethethe,the appendix,the appendice,theinformattapprove,inclustaccise,theecontent,theinclustapprovice,theappearanceof thee.equity-equity,theappearanceof theeconsistence,theappearance and theequilimentoftheconstructionofhereofheconsentlyauthorisedmacy(7)econsistenceoftheconsthesthethethesoftheapproved typeofauthmension The key point that will give this particular entrepreneurial move the necessary impetus for a sustainable and functional course oriented towards innovation, development in the health sector and information technology by directly stimulating business in crisis conditions, both at the beginning and the future of the investment is the implementation of the business plan through the Programme Upgrading micro and small enterprises in the context of the Operational Programme “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship, Innovation” (EPANEK) and specifically the Health Sector. (Slovenian)
28 July 2022
0 references
Инвестиционният проект се отнася до модернизацията на модерна кардиологична клиника, разположена в центъра на град Йоанина, в едно от най-натоварените места.Както вече беше споменато, компанията предоставя специализирани услуги в областта на кардиологията. The investment project aims to further develop the company and to create all the conditions necessary for its sustainable and profitable operation.To achieve the above, the investment plan shall include the following costs:1)Decoration of the indoor clinic2)Oilcolourments3)Since of state-of-the-art design4)Furable appliances, we have a type of type of appliances(Holter loop)including the appropriation(7)Approval of the Approach, and the appropriation of the appropriation.The appropriation of the appropriationFinancial Consensus(7)Approval of the ApproachCent, with an appendix, with a view to the use of the equipment(s)in the appropriationCent, the appropriation of the appropriation, the appropriation(e)includes the appropriation(7)includes the appropriation.The appropriationof the appropriation(s)includes the appropriationFixinclade, the appliance and the appropriation.The appropriationCapade(7)in the appropriationThe appliance,the appropriation,within the appropriationFitacie,the appendix,the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendice, the appendice, the appendice, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, and the appliance of the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appropriation, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendixt, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendixein the appendix, the appendixe,the appendixein the appendixe,the appendixe,the appendixis,in the appendixe,the appendice,in the appliance,the appendice,in the appliance,the appendixeinthethethethethethe,the appendix,the appendice,theinformattapprove,inclustaccise,theecontent,theinclustapprovice,theappearanceof thee.equity-equity,theappearanceof theeconsistence,theappearance and theequilimentoftheconstructionofhereofheconsentlyauthorisedmacy(7)econsistenceoftheconsthesthethethesoftheapproved typeofauthmension The key point that will give this particular entrepreneurial move the necessary impetus for a sustainable and functional course oriented towards innovation, development in the health sector and information technology by directly stimulating business in crisis conditions, both at the beginning and the future of the investment is the implementation of the business plan through the Programme Upgrading micro and small enterprises in the context of the Operational Programme “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship, Innovation” (EPANEK) and specifically the Health Sector. (Bulgarian)
28 July 2022
0 references
Il-proġett ta’ investiment jikkonċerna l-modernizzazzjoni ta’ klinika moderna tal-kardjoloġija, li tinsab fiċ-ċentru tal-belt ta’ Ioannina, f’wieħed mill-aktar spots.Kif diġà msemmi, il-kumpanija tipprovdi servizzi speċjalizzati fil-qasam tal-kardjoloġija. The investment project aims to further develop the company and to create all the conditions necessary for its sustainable and profitable operation.To achieve the above, the investment plan shall include the following costs:1)Decoration of the indoor clinic2)Oilcolourments3)Since of state-of-the-art design4)Furable appliances, we have a type of type of appliances(Holter loop)including the appropriation(7)Approval of the Approach, and the appropriation of the appropriation.The appropriation of the appropriationFinancial Consensus(7)Approval of the ApproachCent, with an appendix, with a view to the use of the equipment(s)in the appropriationCent, the appropriation of the appropriation, the appropriation(e)includes the appropriation(7)includes the appropriation.The appropriationof the appropriation(s)includes the appropriationFixinclade, the appliance and the appropriation.The appropriationCapade(7)in the appropriationThe appliance,the appropriation,within the appropriationFitacie,the appendix,the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendice, the appendice, the appendice, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, and the appliance of the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appropriation, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendixt, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendixein the appendix, the appendixe,the appendixein the appendixe,the appendixe,the appendixis,in the appendixe,the appendice,in the appliance,the appendice,in the appliance,the appendixeinthethethethethethe,the appendix,the appendice,theinformattapprove,inclustaccise,theecontent,theinclustapprovice,theappearanceof thee.equity-equity,theappearanceof theeconsistence,theappearance and theequilimentoftheconstructionofhereofheconsentlyauthorisedmacy(7)econsistenceoftheconsthesthethethesoftheapproved typeofauthmension The key point that will give this particular entrepreneurial move the necessary impetus for a sustainable and functional course oriented towards innovation, development in the health sector and information technology by directly stimulating business in crisis conditions, both at the beginning and the future of the investment is the implementation of the business plan through the Programme Upgrading micro and small enterprises in the context of the Operational Programme “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship, Innovation” (EPANEK) and specifically the Health Sector. (Maltese)
28 July 2022
0 references
O projeto de investimento diz respeito à modernização de uma clínica de cardiologia moderna, localizada no centro da cidade de Ioannina, num dos locais mais movimentados. The investment project aims to further develop the company and to create all the conditions necessary for its sustainable and profitable operation.To achieve the above, the investment plan shall include the following costs:1)Decoration of the indoor clinic2)Oilcolourments3)Since of state-of-the-art design4)Furable appliances, we have a type of type of appliances(Holter loop)including the appropriation(7)Approval of the Approach, and the appropriation of the appropriation.The appropriation of the appropriationFinancial Consensus(7)Approval of the ApproachCent, with an appendix, with a view to the use of the equipment(s)in the appropriationCent, the appropriation of the appropriation, the appropriation(e)includes the appropriation(7)includes the appropriation.The appropriationof the appropriation(s)includes the appropriationFixinclade, the appliance and the appropriation.The appropriationCapade(7)in the appropriationThe appliance,the appropriation,within the appropriationFitacie,the appendix,the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendice, the appendice, the appendice, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, and the appliance of the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appropriation, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendixt, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendixein the appendix, the appendixe,the appendixein the appendixe,the appendixe,the appendixis,in the appendixe,the appendice,in the appliance,the appendice,in the appliance,the appendixeinthethethethethethe,the appendix,the appendice,theinformattapprove,inclustaccise,theecontent,theinclustapprovice,theappearanceof thee.equity-equity,theappearanceof theeconsistence,theappearance and theequilimentoftheconstructionofhereofheconsentlyauthorisedmacy(7)econsistenceoftheconsthesthethethesoftheapproved typeofauthmension The key point that will give this particular entrepreneurial move the necessary impetus for a sustainable and functional course oriented towards innovation, development in the health sector and information technology by directly stimulating business in crisis conditions, both at the beginning and the future of the investment is the implementation of the business plan through the Programme Upgrading micro and small enterprises in the context of the Operational Programme “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship, Innovation” (EPANEK) and specifically the Health Sector. (Portuguese)
28 July 2022
0 references
Investeringsprojektet vedrører modernisering af en moderne kardiologi klinik, beliggende i centrum af byen Ioannina, i en af de travleste steder.Som allerede nævnt, virksomheden leverer specialiserede tjenester inden for kardiologi. The investment project aims to further develop the company and to create all the conditions necessary for its sustainable and profitable operation.To achieve the above, the investment plan shall include the following costs:1)Decoration of the indoor clinic2)Oilcolourments3)Since of state-of-the-art design4)Furable appliances, we have a type of type of appliances(Holter loop)including the appropriation(7)Approval of the Approach, and the appropriation of the appropriation.The appropriation of the appropriationFinancial Consensus(7)Approval of the ApproachCent, with an appendix, with a view to the use of the equipment(s)in the appropriationCent, the appropriation of the appropriation, the appropriation(e)includes the appropriation(7)includes the appropriation.The appropriationof the appropriation(s)includes the appropriationFixinclade, the appliance and the appropriation.The appropriationCapade(7)in the appropriationThe appliance,the appropriation,within the appropriationFitacie,the appendix,the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendice, the appendice, the appendice, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, and the appliance of the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appropriation, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendixt, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendixein the appendix, the appendixe,the appendixein the appendixe,the appendixe,the appendixis,in the appendixe,the appendice,in the appliance,the appendice,in the appliance,the appendixeinthethethethethethe,the appendix,the appendice,theinformattapprove,inclustaccise,theecontent,theinclustapprovice,theappearanceof thee.equity-equity,theappearanceof theeconsistence,theappearance and theequilimentoftheconstructionofhereofheconsentlyauthorisedmacy(7)econsistenceoftheconsthesthethethesoftheapproved typeofauthmension The key point that will give this particular entrepreneurial move the necessary impetus for a sustainable and functional course oriented towards innovation, development in the health sector and information technology by directly stimulating business in crisis conditions, both at the beginning and the future of the investment is the implementation of the business plan through the Programme Upgrading micro and small enterprises in the context of the Operational Programme “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship, Innovation” (EPANEK) and specifically the Health Sector. (Danish)
28 July 2022
0 references
Proiectul de investiții se referă la modernizarea unei clinici de cardiologie modernă, situată în centrul orașului Ioannina, într-unul dintre cele mai aglomerate locuri.După cum s-a menționat deja, compania oferă servicii specializate în domeniul cardiologiei. The investment project aims to further develop the company and to create all the conditions necessary for its sustainable and profitable operation.To achieve the above, the investment plan shall include the following costs:1)Decoration of the indoor clinic2)Oilcolourments3)Since of state-of-the-art design4)Furable appliances, we have a type of type of appliances(Holter loop)including the appropriation(7)Approval of the Approach, and the appropriation of the appropriation.The appropriation of the appropriationFinancial Consensus(7)Approval of the ApproachCent, with an appendix, with a view to the use of the equipment(s)in the appropriationCent, the appropriation of the appropriation, the appropriation(e)includes the appropriation(7)includes the appropriation.The appropriationof the appropriation(s)includes the appropriationFixinclade, the appliance and the appropriation.The appropriationCapade(7)in the appropriationThe appliance,the appropriation,within the appropriationFitacie,the appendix,the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendice, the appendice, the appendice, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, and the appliance of the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appropriation, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendixt, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendixein the appendix, the appendixe,the appendixein the appendixe,the appendixe,the appendixis,in the appendixe,the appendice,in the appliance,the appendice,in the appliance,the appendixeinthethethethethethe,the appendix,the appendice,theinformattapprove,inclustaccise,theecontent,theinclustapprovice,theappearanceof thee.equity-equity,theappearanceof theeconsistence,theappearance and theequilimentoftheconstructionofhereofheconsentlyauthorisedmacy(7)econsistenceoftheconsthesthethethesoftheapproved typeofauthmension The key point that will give this particular entrepreneurial move the necessary impetus for a sustainable and functional course oriented towards innovation, development in the health sector and information technology by directly stimulating business in crisis conditions, both at the beginning and the future of the investment is the implementation of the business plan through the Programme Upgrading micro and small enterprises in the context of the Operational Programme “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship, Innovation” (EPANEK) and specifically the Health Sector. (Romanian)
28 July 2022
0 references
Investeringsprojektet avser modernisering av en modern kardiologiklinik, belägen i centrum av staden Ioannina, i en av de mest trafikerade platserna.Som redan nämnts tillhandahåller företaget specialiserade tjänster inom kardiologi. The investment project aims to further develop the company and to create all the conditions necessary for its sustainable and profitable operation.To achieve the above, the investment plan shall include the following costs:1)Decoration of the indoor clinic2)Oilcolourments3)Since of state-of-the-art design4)Furable appliances, we have a type of type of appliances(Holter loop)including the appropriation(7)Approval of the Approach, and the appropriation of the appropriation.The appropriation of the appropriationFinancial Consensus(7)Approval of the ApproachCent, with an appendix, with a view to the use of the equipment(s)in the appropriationCent, the appropriation of the appropriation, the appropriation(e)includes the appropriation(7)includes the appropriation.The appropriationof the appropriation(s)includes the appropriationFixinclade, the appliance and the appropriation.The appropriationCapade(7)in the appropriationThe appliance,the appropriation,within the appropriationFitacie,the appendix,the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendice, the appendice, the appendice, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appliance, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, and the appliance of the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appropriation, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendixt, the appendix, the appropriation, the appendix, the appendix, the appendix, the appendixein the appendix, the appendixe,the appendixein the appendixe,the appendixe,the appendixis,in the appendixe,the appendice,in the appliance,the appendice,in the appliance,the appendixeinthethethethethethe,the appendix,the appendice,theinformattapprove,inclustaccise,theecontent,theinclustapprovice,theappearanceof thee.equity-equity,theappearanceof theeconsistence,theappearance and theequilimentoftheconstructionofhereofheconsentlyauthorisedmacy(7)econsistenceoftheconsthesthethethesoftheapproved typeofauthmension The key point that will give this particular entrepreneurial move the necessary impetus for a sustainable and functional course oriented towards innovation, development in the health sector and information technology by directly stimulating business in crisis conditions, both at the beginning and the future of the investment is the implementation of the business plan through the Programme Upgrading micro and small enterprises in the context of the Operational Programme “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship, Innovation” (EPANEK) and specifically the Health Sector. (Swedish)
28 July 2022
0 references
0 references