Support for tourism micro and small enterprises (Q2766100)

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Project Q2766100 in Greece
Language Label Description Also known as
Support for tourism micro and small enterprises
Project Q2766100 in Greece


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    75,000.0 Euro
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    11 February 2016
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    25 June 2021
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    39°34'38.86"N, 20°46'24.17"E
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    1. ΠΑΡΟΥΣΙΑΣΗ - ΣΤΟΧΟΙ ΕΠΕΝΔΥΤΙΚΟΥ ΣΧΕΔΙΟΥΒασικός στόχος του επενδυτικού σχεδίου είναι η ενίσχυση της υφιστάμενης τουριστικής επιχείρησης για τον εκσυγχρονισμό της υποδομής και της λειτουργίας της, την ποιοτική αναβάθμιση και τον εμπλουτισμό του τουριστικού προϊόντος, την αναβάθμιση και την πιστοποίηση των προσφερόμενων προϊόντων και υπηρεσιών της, ώστε να βελτιώσει τη θέση της στην εσωτερική και διεθνή τουριστική αγορά.Το επενδυτικό σχέδιο συνολικού προϋπολογισμού 162.087,16 € περιλαμβάνει όλες εκείνες τις απαραίτητες δαπάνες που θα συμβάλουν στην επίτευξη των στόχων του επενδυτικού σχεδίου, που πιο αναλυτικά είναι:• Ο Εμπλουτισμός του τουριστικού "προϊόντος" της επιχείρησης• Η Επέκταση της λειτουργικής περιόδου• Ο Εκσυγχρονισμός/επέκταση της κτιριακής υποδομής και του εξοπλισμού• Η Βελτίωση του περιβαλλοντικού αποτυπώματος της επιχείρησης• Η Ενίσχυση της Ανταγωνιστικότητας και της ΕξωστρέφειαςΜε απώτερο σκοπό την βελτίωση της θέσης της στην εσωτερική και διεθνή τουριστική αγορά. Το Επενδυτικό σχέδιο περιλαμβάνει δαπάνες από τις παρακάτω επιλέξιμες κατηγορίες:1. Κτίρια, λοιπές εγκαταστάσεις και περιβάλλων χώρος2. Μηχανήματα – Εξοπλισμός 3. Εξοπλισμός και εγκαταστάσεις προστασίας Περιβάλλοντος και εξοικονόμησης Ενέργειας και Ύδατος4. Προβολή – Προώθηση5. Μισθολογικό κόστος εργαζόμενων (νέο προσωπικό)2. ΣΥΣΧΕΤΙΣΗ ΤΟΥ ΑΝΤΙΚΕΙΜΕΝΟΥ ΤΗΣ ΕΠΕΝΔΥΣΗΣ ΜΕ ΤΟΥΣ ΣΤΟΧΟΥΣ ΤΟΥ ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΟΣΤο αντικείμενο της επένδυσης καλύπτει πλήρως τους στόχους του προγράμματος αφού περιλαμβάνει δαπάνες που εξασφαλίζουν:• Την Ποιοτική Αναβάθμιση και τον Εμπλουτισμό του τουριστικού "προϊόντος" της επιχείρησης• Την Επέκταση της λειτουργικής περιόδου• Τον Εκσυγχρονισμό της κτιριακής υποδομής και του εξοπλισμού• Τη Βελτίωση του περιβαλλοντικού αποτυπώματος της επιχείρησης• Την Ενίσχυση της Ανταγωνιστικότητας και της Εξωστρέφειας3. ΠΕΡΙΓΡΑΦΗ ΕΠΙΜΕΡΟΥΣ ΕΠΕΝΔΥΤΙΚΩΝ ΔΑΠΑΝΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΣΥΣΧΕΤΙΣΗ ΤΟΥΣ ΜΕ ΤΗΝ ΚΑΛΥΨΗ ΤΩΝ ΑΝΑΓΚΩΝ ΤΟΥ ΕΠΕΝΔΥΤΙΚΟΥ ΣΧΕΔΙΟΥ• Η ανάγκη για Εμπλουτισμό του τουριστικού "προϊόντος" της επιχείρησης καλύπτεται από τις παρακάτω δαπάνες:- Κατασκευή Πέργκολας στον χώρο της πισίνας και διαμόρφωση του δαπέδου.- Σύστημα ενδοεπικοινωνίας.- Προμήθεια ποδηλάτων.- Προσφορά υπηρεσιών Ευεξίας / Αναζωογόνησης.- Δημιουργία νέου, πλήρως εξοπλισμένου, χώρου απασχόλησης παιδιών.- Παροχή της κατάλληλης επίπλωσης και του αναγκαίου εξοπλισμού για την εστίαση παιδιών.- Δημιουργία νέας κατάλληλα εξοπλισμένης αίθουσας τηλεόρασης.- Αίθουσα βιβλιοθήκης, αναγνωστήριο.- Τοποθέτηση τηλεοράσεων νέας τεχνολογίας.- Προμήθεια ειδικού τύπου στρωμάτων και μαξιλαριών ύπνου (αντιαλγικά, ανατομικά κλπ.).• Η ανάγκη για επέκταση της λειτουργικής περιόδου της επιχείρησης καλύπτεται από τις παρακάτω δαπάνες:- Προμήθεια ποδηλάτων για την ανάπτυξη εναλλακτικών μορφών Τουρισμού.- Προμήθεια χειμερινών κλινοσπεπασμάτων.- Αναβάθμιση συστήματος παραγωγής ζεστού νερού χρήσης.- Υλοποίηση στοχευμένων δράσεων προβολής – προώθησης της επιχείρησης. • Η ανάγκη για εκσυγχρονισμό των κτιριακών υποδομών και του εξοπλισμού της επιχείρησης καλύπτεται από τις παρακάτω δαπάνες:- Μοκέτα δαπέδου- Ντουλάπες – έπιπλα- Συστήματα ύπνου- Θερμομονωτικά κουφώματα- Εργασίες στον περιβάλλοντα χώρο (Κατασκευή πέργκολας στον χώρο της πισίνας και αντικατάσταση δαπέδου).- Λευκά είδη (κουρτίνες – κλινοσκεπάσματα).• Η ανάγκη για βελτίωση του περιβαλλοντικού αποτυπώματος της επιχείρησης καλύπτεται από τις παρακάτω δαπάνες:- Σύστημα παραγωγής ζεστού νερού χρήσης- Θερμομονωτικά κουφώματα- Φωτισμός LED- Τηλεοράσεις ενεργειακής σήμανσης Α4. ΤΕΚΜΗΡΙΩΣΗ ΔΑΠΑΝΩΝ ΜΕ ΤΟΥΣ ΕΠΙΔΙΩΚΟΜΕΝΟΥΣ ΣΤΟΧΟΥΣ Οι δαπάνες του επιχειρηματικού σχεδίου ταυτίζονται πλήρως με του Επιδιωκόμενους στόχους, αφού:1. Η διαμόρφωση του περιβάλλοντα χώρου της πισίνας (κατασκευή πέργκολας και αντικατάσταση δαπέδου), η προμήθεια ποδηλάτων, η δημιουργία νέας κατάλληλα εξοπλισμένης αίθουσας τηλεόρασης, η δημιουργία αίθουσας (Greek)
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    1. Presentation – INVESTMENT PLANThe main objective of the investment project is to strengthen the existing tourism enterprise for the modernisation of the infrastructure and its operation, the qualitative upgrading and enrichment of the tourism product, the upgrading and certification of the offered products and services, in order to improve its position in the internal and international tourism market.The investment plan of the overall budget of EUR087,16 includes all the necessary costs that will contribute to the achievement of its objectives. The investment project includes expenditure from the following eligible categories:1. Buildings, other facilities and surroundings2. Machinery Equipment 3. Environmental protection and energy and water saving equipment and installations4. Promotional projection5. Wage costs of workers (new staff)2. The object of the investment fully covers the objectives of the programme since it includes costs that ensure: Quality Upgrading and Enrichment of the tourism “product” of the company The extension of the operational period The modernisation of the building infrastructure and the equipment Improvement of the company’s environmental footprint. Description OF PARTICULARY EXPENDITURE OF THE INVESTMENT AND CONSTRUCTION WITH THE COVERNMENT OF THE RESPONSIBILITY WITH COMMUNITY-INSTANCE-INSTANCE-Feature-approved.Approval-Approval.Approval.Approval.Approval.Application of the Company:- Construction of Pergola in the area of the swimming pool and the configuration of the floor.- Integration system.Approval-Approval.approved.Application.Application.Approval.Approval.Application.Appropriality of the Appropriate.Application of the Appropriate, the Appropriate type-approvement of the Appropriate type-approvement of the Approvement, the Appropriate.approvement of the Appropriacity.Approvement of the Appropriate.approvement of the Appropriate.Application.Application.Application of the Appropriate.Applause.approved.Applause.Application of the Appropriate.Appendice.Approved.Charity of the Appropriate.Application of the Appropri-Facility, the Appropriacity of the Appropriate.Appendice.Appendice.Appendice.Applicate.Application of the Appropri-Applicate.Application of the Appropriate.Application, the Appropriment of the Appliance of the Appropriate for the use of the Appropriate.approvement, the Appliance of the Appropriate.approvement, the Approvement of the Appropriate.Application.Application.Application of the Appropriate.Appropriate.Appendice.Appendix.Appendice.Approved.Appendice to the Appropri-Facility of the Type-Appendix, The Appropriation of the Furniture, Integrated and Furniture of the Furniture.Application of the Appliance.Appendix.Applicence.Applicence.Application.Applicence.Appendix.Application.Application.Application.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Application of the Appropriate.Appendix.Applicate.Application of Children’S Equity, Equity-Approved.Interface,Site Supply,Interface,Interface.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Application.Appendite.Appendice.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Charge.Approved.Charge-Approved.Presence.Approved.Charness.Approprily.approved.Appropriate.Appropriate.Applicate.Appropriate.Approprily.Applicate.Applicate.Application-Site Supply.Application-Site Supply.Application-Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Approprie.C.S.-.n.n-.n-.n-applying-approved.Cres-approved.Cres-approved.Creg.e-.equity-equity-e The need for modernisation of the company’s building infrastructure and equipment is covered by the following costs:- Floor carpets – cabinets – Sleeping systems – thermal insulation frames – Works in the surrounding area (Construction of pergolas in the pool area and replacement of flooring).- White goods (curtains bedding).The need to improve the environmental footprint of the company is covered by the following costs:- System for producing hot water for use- Thermos (drapes bedding).The need to improve the environmental footprint of the company is covered by the following costs:- System for producing hot water for use – Thermos. Documentation of expenditure WITH SERVICES The costs of the business plan shall be fully matched to the objectives pursued, since:1. The configuration of the surrounding area of the pool (construction of pergolas and floor replacement), the provision of bicycles, the creation of a new properly equipped TV room, the creation of a hall (English)
    2 July 2021
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    1. Le projet d’investissement vise à renforcer l’entreprise touristique existante pour la modernisation de son infrastructure et son fonctionnement, la mise à niveau et l’enrichissement qualitatifs du produit touristique, la mise à niveau et la certification de ses produits et services offerts, afin d’améliorer sa position sur le marché touristique national et international. Le plan d’investissement d’un montant total de 162,87,16 EUR comprend tous les coûts nécessaires qui contribueront à la réalisation des objectifs du plan d’investissement, qui est plus détaillé: l’enrichissement du «produit» touristique de l’expansion de l’entreprise de la période d’exploitation de l’entreprise. Le plan d’investissement comprend les coûts des catégories admissibles suivantes:1. Bâtiments, autres installations et environs2. Équipement de machines 3. Équipements et installations pour protéger l’environnement et économiser de l’énergie et de l’eau4. Vue de promotion5. Coûts salariaux des salariés (nouveaux employés)2. Le champ d’application de l’investissement couvre pleinement les objectifs du programme, puisqu’il comprend des coûts assurant: l’amélioration de la qualité et l’enrichissement du «produit» touristique de l’entreprise L’extension de la période d’exploitation Modernisation de l’infrastructure et de l’équipement du bâtiment L’amélioration de l’empreinte environnementale de l’entreprise L’amélioration de la compétitivité et de l’extroversion3. Le besoin d’enrichissement du «produit» touristique de l’entreprise est couvert par les coûts suivants:- Construction de Pergola dans la zone de la piscine et la configuration du plancher.- Système d’interphone.- Fourniture de vélos.- Offrir des services de bien-être/de rajeunissement.- Création d’une nouvelle salle de télévision, salle de lecture.- Montage de nouveaux téléviseurs technologiques.- Fourniture de mobiliers et d’équipements appropriés pour la restauration pour enfants.- Création d’une nouvelle salle de télévision correctement équipée.- Salle de bibliothèque, salle de lecture.- Montage de nouveaux téléviseurs technologiques.- Fourniture de type spécial de matelas et de coussins de couchage (antialgaic, anatomique, etc.). Le besoin de modernisation de l’infrastructure du bâtiment et de l’équipement de l’entreprise est couvert par les coûts suivants:- Moquette de plancher- Meubles d’armoires- Systèmes de couchage- Cadres isolants thermiques- Travaux dans les environs (construction de pergola dans la piscine et remplacement du plancher).- Linge (rideaux de lit). La nécessité d’améliorer l’empreinte environnementale de l’entreprise est couverte par les coûts suivants:- Système de production d’eau chaude- Cadres isolants thermiques- Éclairage LED — Étiquetage énergétique des téléviseurs A4. Les coûts du plan d’entreprise sont entièrement identiques aux objectifs poursuivis depuis:1. La configuration de la zone environnante de la piscine (construction de pergola et de remplacement du sol), la fourniture de vélos, la création d’une nouvelle salle TV correctement équipée, la création d’une salle (French)
    29 November 2021
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    1. Das Investitionsvorhaben zielt darauf ab, das bestehende Tourismusunternehmen für die Modernisierung seiner Infrastruktur und seinen Betrieb, die qualitative Modernisierung und Bereicherung des Tourismusprodukts, die Modernisierung und Zertifizierung seiner angebotenen Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu stärken, um seine Position auf dem inländischen und internationalen Tourismusmarkt zu verbessern. Der Investitionsplan von insgesamt 162 087,16 EUR umfasst alle notwendigen Kosten, die zur Erreichung der Ziele des Investitionsplans beitragen werden, der detaillierter ist: Bereicherung des touristischen „Produkts“ der Expansion des Unternehmens in der Betriebsperiode des Unternehmens. Die Investitionsoffensive umfasst Kosten aus den folgenden förderfähigen Kategorien:1. Gebäude, andere Einrichtungen und Umgebung2. Maschinenausrüstung 3. Geräte und Anlagen zum Schutz der Umwelt und zur Einsparung von Energie und Wasser4. Promotion-Ansicht5. Lohnkosten der Beschäftigten (neue Mitarbeiter)2. Der Umfang der Investition deckt voll und ganz die Ziele des Programms ab, da sie Kosten umfasst, die gewährleisten: Qualitätsverbesserung und Bereicherung des Tourismus des Unternehmens „Produkt“ Die Verlängerung der Betriebszeit Modernisierung der Gebäudeinfrastruktur und -ausrüstung Die Verbesserung des ökologischen Fußabdrucks des Unternehmens The Enhancement of Competitiveness and Extroversion3. Die Notwendigkeit der Bereicherung des Tourismus „Produkt“ des Unternehmens wird durch die folgenden Kosten gedeckt:- Bau von Pergola im Poolbereich und Bodenkonfiguration.- Intercom-System.- Fahrradversorgung.- Das Angebot von Wohlbefinden/Verjüngung.- Schaffung neuer, voll ausgestatteter, Kinderarbeitsbereich.- Bereitstellung der entsprechenden Möbel und Ausrüstung für die Kinderbetreuung.- Schaffung eines neuen ordnungsgemäß ausgestatteten Fernsehraums.- Bibliotheksraum, Leseraum.- Montage neuer Technologiefernseher.- Bereitstellung von speziellen Arten von Matratzen und Schlafpads (antialgaic, anatomisch, etc.). Die Notwendigkeit der Modernisierung der Gebäudeinfrastruktur und der Ausstattung des Unternehmens wird durch folgende Kosten gedeckt:- Boden moquette- Garderobenmöbel- Schlafsysteme- Wärmedämmrahmen- Arbeiten in der Umgebung (Bau von Pergola im Poolbereich und Bodenersatz).- Bettwäsche (Bettvorhänge). Die Notwendigkeit, den ökologischen Fußabdruck des Unternehmens zu verbessern, wird durch folgende Kosten gedeckt:- Warmwasserproduktion- Wärmedämmrahmen- LED- Beleuchtung – Energiekennzeichnungsgeräte A4. Die Kosten des Geschäftsplans sind mit den verfolgten Zielen völlig identisch, da:1. Die Konfiguration der Umgebung des Pools (Bau von Pergola und Bodenersatz), die Lieferung von Fahrrädern, die Schaffung eines neuen ordnungsgemäß ausgestatteten Fernsehraums, die Schaffung eines Raumes (German)
    5 December 2021
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    1. Het investeringsproject is gericht op het versterken van de bestaande toeristische onderneming voor de modernisering van de infrastructuur en de exploitatie, de kwalitatieve verbetering en verrijking van het toeristische product, de verbetering en certificering van de aangeboden producten en diensten, om haar positie op de binnenlandse en internationale toeristische markt te verbeteren. Het investeringsplan van in totaal 162 087,16 EUR omvat alle noodzakelijke kosten die zullen bijdragen tot de verwezenlijking van de doelstellingen van het investeringsplan, dat gedetailleerder is: Verrijking van het toeristische „product” van de uitbreiding van de bedrijfsperiode van het bedrijf. Het investeringsplan omvat kosten uit de volgende subsidiabele categorieën:1. Gebouwen, andere faciliteiten en omgeving2. Apparatuur voor machines 3. Apparatuur en installaties om het milieu te beschermen en energie en water te besparen4. Promotie View5. Loonkosten van werknemers (nieuw personeel)2. Het toepassingsgebied van de investering dekt volledig de doelstellingen van het programma, aangezien het kosten omvat die zorgen voor: Kwaliteitsverbetering en verrijking van het toerisme „product” van het bedrijf De verlenging van de operationele periode Modernisering van de infrastructuur en uitrusting van het gebouw De verbetering van de ecologische voetafdruk van de onderneming De verbetering van het concurrentievermogen en de extroversie3. De behoefte aan verrijking van het toerisme „product” van het bedrijf wordt gedekt door de volgende kosten:- Bouw van Pergola in het zwembad en de vloer configuratie.- Intercom systeem.- Fietslevering.- Bieden van welzijn/verjonging diensten.- Oprichting van nieuwe, volledig uitgeruste, kinderarbeidsruimte.- Levering van speciale soorten matrassen en slaapkussens.- Creatie van een nieuwe goed uitgeruste tv-ruimte.- Bibliotheekruimte, leeszaal.- Montage van nieuwe technologie televisies.- Levering van speciale soorten matrassen en slaapkussens (antialgaïsche, anatomische, enz.). De noodzaak om de operationele periode van de levering van de fiets te verlengen. De noodzaak van modernisering van de infrastructuur van het gebouw en de uitrusting van het bedrijf wordt gedekt door de volgende kosten:- Vloermoquette- Kleerkastenmeubelen- Slaapsystemen- Thermische isolatiekozijnen- Werken in de omgeving (bouw van pergola in het zwembad en vloervervanging).- Linnen (bedgordijnen). De noodzaak om de ecologische voetafdruk van het bedrijf te verbeteren, wordt gedekt door de volgende kosten:- Warmwaterproductiesysteem- Thermische isolerende frames- LED-verlichting — Energie-etikettering televisies A4. De kosten van het bedrijfsplan zijn volledig gelijk aan de nagestreefde doelstellingen, aangezien:1. De configuratie van de omgeving van het zwembad (bouw van pergola en vloervervanging), de levering van fietsen, het creëren van een nieuwe goed uitgeruste tv-kamer, de creatie van een kamer (Dutch)
    16 December 2021
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    1. Il progetto di investimento mira a rafforzare l'azienda turistica esistente per l'ammodernamento delle sue infrastrutture e del suo funzionamento, il miglioramento qualitativo e l'arricchimento del prodotto turistico, la riqualificazione e certificazione dei prodotti e dei servizi offerti, al fine di migliorare la sua posizione nel mercato turistico nazionale ed internazionale. Il piano d'investimento per un totale di 162 087,16 EUR comprende tutti i costi necessari che contribuiranno al raggiungimento degli obiettivi del piano d'investimento, che è più dettagliato: Arricchimento del "prodotto" turistico dell'espansione dell'impresa nel periodo operativo dell'impresa. Il piano di investimenti comprende i costi delle seguenti categorie ammissibili:1. Edifici, altre strutture e dintorni2. Attrezzatura del macchinario 3. Attrezzature e impianti per proteggere l'ambiente e risparmiare energia e acqua4. Promozione View5. Costi salariali dei dipendenti (nuovo personale)2. L'ambito dell'investimento copre pienamente gli obiettivi del programma, in quanto include i costi che garantiscono: miglioramento della qualità e arricchimento del "prodotto" turistico dell'azienda L'estensione del periodo operativo Ammodernamento delle infrastrutture e delle attrezzature edili Il miglioramento dell'impronta ambientale dell'impresa Il miglioramento della competitività e dell'estroversione3. La necessità di arricchire il "prodotto" turistico dell'azienda è coperta dai seguenti costi:- Costruzione di Pergola nell'area piscina e nella configurazione del pavimento.- Sistema intercom.- Fornitura di biciclette.- Offerta di servizi di benessere/ringiovanimento.- Creazione di nuove sale tv attrezzate.- Realizzazione di nuove tecnologie di televisori.- Fornitura di particolari tipi di materassi e di attrezzature per la ristorazione per bambini.- Creazione di una nuova sala TV adeguatamente attrezzata.- Sala biblioteca, sala lettura.- Montaggio di nuove tecnologie televisori.- Fornitura di particolari tipologie di materassi e lettini (antialgaico, anatomico, ecc.). La necessità di estendere i costi dell'azienda per lo sviluppo della bicicletta- le forme operative di realizzazione. Fornitura di materassi e lettini (antialgaico, anatomico, ecc.). La necessità di estendere i costi di esercizio dell'azienda- le forme operative del "prodotto" turistico dell'azienda è coperta dai seguenti costi:- Costruzione di Pergola nella zona piscina e nella configurazione del pavimento.- Sistemazione intercomunicazioni.- Forniture per la ristorazione per bambini.- Progettazione di una nuova sala TV adeguatamente attrezzata.- Creazione di nuove, attrezzate, sala lettura.- Montaggio di nuove tecnologie televisori.- Fornitura di particolari tipologie di materassi e lettini (antialgaico, anatomico, ecc.). La necessità di estendere i costi di produzione a caldo dell'azienda per lo sviluppo della bicicletta.- Fornitura di particolari tipi di materassi e lettini (antialgaico, anatomico, ecc.). La necessità di estendere i costi dell'azienda per lo sviluppo della bicicletta.- Fornitura di particolari tipologie di materassi e lettini (antialgaico, anatomico, ecc.). La necessità di estendere i costi di esercizio dell'azienda per l'ampliamento delle forme operative del "prodotto" turistico dell'azienda è coperta dai seguenti costi:- Costruzione di Pergola nella zona piscina e configurazione del pavimento.- Impianto intercomunale.- Fornitura di biciclette.- Fornitura di servizi di benessere/ringiovanimento.- Creazione di nuova, attrezzata, sala lettura.- Montaggio di nuove tecnologie televisori.- Fornitura di attrezzature speciali per la ristorazione per bambini.- Creazione di una nuova sala TV adeguatamente attrezzata.- Sala bibliotecaria, sala lettura.- Montaggio di nuove tecnologie televisoristiche.- Fornitura di particolari tipologie di materassi e lettini (antialgai, anatomici, etc.). La necessità di estendere i costi di attività di trasformazione dell'azienda.- Fornitura La necessità di ammodernare le infrastrutture edilizie e le attrezzature dell'azienda è coperta dai seguenti costi:- Moquette a pavimento- Armadi mobili- Sistemi di sonno- Infissi isolanti termici- Lavori nella zona circostante (costruzione di pergolato nella zona piscina e sostituzione del pavimento).- Biancheria (tende da letto). La necessità di migliorare l'impronta ambientale dell'azienda è coperta dai seguenti costi:- Sistema di produzione di acqua calda- Telari isolanti termici- Illuminazione a LED — Televisori per l'etichettatura energetica A4. I costi del piano aziendale sono del tutto identici agli obiettivi perseguiti, in quanto:1. La configurazione dell'area circostante della piscina (costruzione di pergolato e sostituzione del pavimento), la fornitura di biciclette, la creazione di una nuova sala TV adeguatamente attrezzata, la creazione di una stanza (Italian)
    14 January 2022
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    1. El proyecto de inversión tiene como objetivo fortalecer la empresa turística existente para la modernización de su infraestructura y operación, la mejora cualitativa y el enriquecimiento del producto turístico, la mejora y certificación de los productos y servicios ofrecidos, con el fin de mejorar su posición en el mercado turístico nacional e internacional. El plan de inversión por un total de 162 087,16 EUR incluye todos los costes necesarios que contribuirán a la consecución de los objetivos del plan de inversión, que es más detallado: Enriquecimiento del «producto» turístico de la expansión del período de explotación de la empresa. El Plan de Inversiones incluye los costes de las siguientes categorías subvencionables:1. Edificios, otras instalaciones y alrededores2. Equipo de maquinaria 3. Equipos e instalaciones para proteger el medio ambiente y ahorrar energía y agua4. Vista de promoción5. Costes salariales de los empleados (nuevo personal)2. El alcance de la inversión cubre plenamente los objetivos del programa, ya que incluye costes que aseguran: Mejora de la calidad y enriquecimiento del «producto» turístico de la empresa La ampliación del período operativo Modernización de la infraestructura y los equipos de construcción La mejora de la huella ambiental de la empresa El aumento de la competitividad y la extroversión3. La necesidad de enriquecimiento del «producto» turístico de la empresa está cubierta por los siguientes costes:- Construcción de Pérgola en la zona de piscina y configuración del suelo.- Sistema de Intercomunicación.- Suministro de bicicletas.- Ofrecer servicios de bienestar/rejuvenecimiento.- Creación de una nueva sala de TV debidamente equipada.- Creación de nueva sala de TV, sala de lectura.- Montaje de televisores de nueva tecnología.- Suministro de tipo especial de colchones y colchones para niños.- Creación de una nueva sala de TV adecuadamente equipada.- Sala de biblioteca, sala de lectura.- Montaje de televisores de nueva tecnología.- Suministro de tipo especial de colchones y almohadillas para dormir (antialgaic, anatomical, etc.). La necesidad de suministro de la compañía de agua caliente es la necesidad de ampliar el servicio de promoción de la compañía de servicio de promoción de la oferta de la empresa. La necesidad de modernización de la infraestructura del edificio y de los equipos de la empresa está cubierta por los siguientes costes:- Moqueta de piso- Muebles- Sistemas de sueño- Marcos aislantes térmicos- Obras en los alrededores (construcción de pérgola en la zona de piscina y reemplazo de piso).- Ropa de cama (cortinas de cama). La necesidad de mejorar la huella ambiental de la empresa está cubierta por los siguientes costes:- Sistema de producción de agua caliente- Marcos aislantes térmicos- Iluminación led — Televisores de etiquetado energético A4. Los costes del plan empresarial son totalmente idénticos a los objetivos perseguidos, ya que:1. La configuración de la zona circundante de la piscina (construcción de pérgola y reemplazo de piso), el suministro de bicicletas, la creación de una nueva sala de televisión adecuadamente equipada, la creación de una habitación (Spanish)
    15 January 2022
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    1. Præsentation — INVESTERING PLANDet vigtigste mål med investeringsprojektet er at styrke den eksisterende turistvirksomhed med henblik på modernisering af infrastrukturen og dens drift, kvalitativ opgradering og berigelse af turistproduktet, opgradering og certificering af de tilbudte produkter og tjenesteydelser med henblik på at forbedre sin position på det indre og internationale turismemarked.Investeringsplanen for det samlede budget på 087,16 EUR omfatter alle de nødvendige omkostninger, der vil bidrage til at nå målene. Investeringsprojektet omfatter udgifter fra følgende støtteberettigede kategorier:1. Bygninger, andre faciliteter og omgivelser2. Maskiner Udstyr 3. Miljøbeskyttelse og energi- og vandbesparende udstyr og installationer4. Pr-projektion5. Lønomkostninger for arbejdstagere (nyt personale)2. Formålet med investeringen dækker fuldt ud programmets mål, da den omfatter omkostninger, der sikrer: Kvalitet Opgradering og berigelse af turismen "produkt" af virksomheden Forlængelsen af driftsperioden Modernisering af bygningsinfrastruktur og udstyr Forbedring af virksomhedens miljøaftryk. Description OF PARTICULARY EXPENDITURE OF THE INVESTMENT AND CONSTRUCTION WITH THE COVERNMENT OF THE RESPONSIBILITY WITH COMMUNITY-INSTANCE-INSTANCE-Feature-approved.Approval-Approval.Approval.Approval.Approval.Application of the Company:- Construction of Pergola in the area of the swimming pool and the configuration of the floor.- Integration system.Approval-Approval.approved.Application.Application.Approval.Approval.Application.Appropriality of the Appropriate.Application of the Appropriate, the Appropriate type-approvement of the Appropriate type-approvement of the Approvement, the Appropriate.approvement of the Appropriacity.Approvement of the Appropriate.approvement of the Appropriate.Application.Application.Application of the Appropriate.Applause.approved.Applause.Application of the Appropriate.Appendice.Approved.Charity of the Appropriate.Application of the Appropri-Facility, the Appropriacity of the Appropriate.Appendice.Appendice.Appendice.Applicate.Application of the Appropri-Applicate.Application of the Appropriate.Application, the Appropriment of the Appliance of the Appropriate for the use of the Appropriate.approvement, the Appliance of the Appropriate.approvement, the Approvement of the Appropriate.Application.Application.Application of the Appropriate.Appropriate.Appendice.Appendix.Appendice.Approved.Appendice to the Appropri-Facility of the Type-Appendix, The Appropriation of the Furniture, Integrated and Furniture of the Furniture.Application of the Appliance.Appendix.Applicence.Applicence.Application.Applicence.Appendix.Application.Application.Application.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Application of the Appropriate.Appendix.Applicate.Application of Children’S Equity, Equity-Approved.Interface,Site Supply,Interface,Interface.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Application.Appendite.Appendice.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Charge.Approved.Charge-Approved.Presence.Approved.Charness.Approprily.approved.Appropriate.Appropriate.Applicate.Appropriate.Approprily.Applicate.Applicate.Application-Site Supply.Application-Site Supply.Application-Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Approprie.C.S.-.n.n-.n-.n-applying-approved.Cres-approved.Cres-approved.Creg.e-.equity-equity-e The need for modernisation of the company’s building infrastructure and equipment is covered by the following costs:- Floor carpets – cabinets – Sleeping systems – thermal insulation frames – Works in the surrounding area (Construction of pergolas in the pool area and replacement of flooring).- White goods (curtains bedding).The need to improve the environmental footprint of the company is covered by the following costs:- System for producing hot water for use- Thermos (drapes bedding).The need to improve the environmental footprint of the company is covered by the following costs:- System for producing hot water for use – Thermos. Dokumentation for udgifter MED SERVICES Udgifterne til forretningsplanen skal være fuldt ud afstemt med de tilstræbte mål siden:1. Konfigurationen af det omkringliggende område af poolen (opførelse af pergolaer og gulv udskiftning), levering af cykler, oprettelse af et nyt korrekt udstyret tv-rum, oprettelse af en hal (Danish)
    11 July 2022
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    1. Prezentacija – INVESTMENT PLANOsnovni cilj investicijskog projekta je jačanje postojećeg turističkog poduzeća za modernizaciju infrastrukture i njezino funkcioniranje, kvalitativnu nadogradnju i obogaćivanje turističkog proizvoda, nadogradnju i certifikaciju ponuđenih proizvoda i usluga, kako bi se poboljšao njegov položaj na unutarnjem i međunarodnom turističkom tržištu. Plan ulaganja ukupnog proračuna od 087,16 EUR uključuje sve potrebne troškove koji će doprinijeti postizanju njegovih ciljeva. Investicijski projekt uključuje rashode iz sljedećih prihvatljivih kategorija:1. Zgrade, ostali sadržaji i okolica2. Oprema strojeva 3. Zaštita okoliša i oprema i instalacije za uštedu energije i vode4. Promotivna projekcija5. Troškovi plaća radnika (novo osoblje)2. Cilj ulaganja u potpunosti obuhvaća ciljeve programa jer uključuje troškove kojima se osigurava: Unapređenje kvalitete i obogaćivanje turističkog „proizvoda” tvrtke Produljenje operativnog razdoblja Modernizacija građevinske infrastrukture i oprema Poboljšanje ekološkog otiska tvrtke. Description OF PARTICULARY EXPENDITURE OF THE INVESTMENT AND CONSTRUCTION WITH THE COVERNMENT OF THE RESPONSIBILITY WITH COMMUNITY-INSTANCE-INSTANCE-Feature-approved.Approval-Approval.Approval.Approval.Approval.Application of the Company:- Construction of Pergola in the area of the swimming pool and the configuration of the floor.- Integration system.Approval-Approval.approved.Application.Application.Approval.Approval.Application.Appropriality of the Appropriate.Application of the Appropriate, the Appropriate type-approvement of the Appropriate type-approvement of the Approvement, the Appropriate.approvement of the Appropriacity.Approvement of the Appropriate.approvement of the Appropriate.Application.Application.Application of the Appropriate.Applause.approved.Applause.Application of the Appropriate.Appendice.Approved.Charity of the Appropriate.Application of the Appropri-Facility, the Appropriacity of the Appropriate.Appendice.Appendice.Appendice.Applicate.Application of the Appropri-Applicate.Application of the Appropriate.Application, the Appropriment of the Appliance of the Appropriate for the use of the Appropriate.approvement, the Appliance of the Appropriate.approvement, the Approvement of the Appropriate.Application.Application.Application of the Appropriate.Appropriate.Appendice.Appendix.Appendice.Approved.Appendice to the Appropri-Facility of the Type-Appendix, The Appropriation of the Furniture, Integrated and Furniture of the Furniture.Application of the Appliance.Appendix.Applicence.Applicence.Application.Applicence.Appendix.Application.Application.Application.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Application of the Appropriate.Appendix.Applicate.Application of Children’S Equity, Equity-Approved.Interface,Site Supply,Interface,Interface.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Application.Appendite.Appendice.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Charge.Approved.Charge-Approved.Presence.Approved.Charness.Approprily.approved.Appropriate.Appropriate.Applicate.Appropriate.Approprily.Applicate.Applicate.Application-Site Supply.Application-Site Supply.Application-Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Approprie.C.S.-.n.n-.n-.n-applying-approved.Cres-approved.Cres-approved.Creg.e-.equity-equity-e The need for modernisation of the company’s building infrastructure and equipment is covered by the following costs:- Floor carpets – cabinets – Sleeping systems – thermal insulation frames – Works in the surrounding area (Construction of pergolas in the pool area and replacement of flooring).- White goods (curtains bedding).The need to improve the environmental footprint of the company is covered by the following costs:- System for producing hot water for use- Thermos (drapes bedding).The need to improve the environmental footprint of the company is covered by the following costs:- System for producing hot water for use – Thermos. Dokumentacija o izdacima SERVICIJE Troškovi poslovnog plana u potpunosti su usklađeni s ciljevima koji se žele postići jer:1. Konfiguracija okolnog područja bazena (izgradnja pergola i zamjena poda), osiguravanje bicikala, stvaranje nove pravilno opremljene TV sobe, stvaranje dvorane (Croatian)
    11 July 2022
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    1. Prezentare – INVESTMENT PLANObiectivul principal al proiectului de investiții este de a consolida întreprinderea turistică existentă pentru modernizarea infrastructurii și exploatarea acesteia, modernizarea calitativă și îmbogățirea produsului turistic, modernizarea și certificarea produselor și serviciilor oferite, pentru a-și îmbunătăți poziția pe piața turistică internă și internațională. Planul de investiții al bugetului total de 087,16 EUR include toate costurile necesare care vor contribui la atingerea obiectivelor sale. Proiectul de investiții include cheltuieli din următoarele categorii eligibile:1. Clădiri, alte facilități și împrejurimi2. Echipament de mașini 3. Protecția mediului și echipamente și instalații de economisire a energiei și a apei4. Proiecție promoțională5. Costurile salariale ale lucrătorilor (personal nou)2. Obiectul investiției acoperă integral obiectivele programului, deoarece include costuri care asigură: Îmbunătățirea calității și îmbogățirea „produsului” turistic al companiei Extinderea perioadei operaționale Modernizarea infrastructurii de construcții și îmbunătățirea amprecierii amprentei de mediu a companiei. Description OF PARTICULARY EXPENDITURE OF THE INVESTMENT AND CONSTRUCTION WITH THE COVERNMENT OF THE RESPONSIBILITY WITH COMMUNITY-INSTANCE-INSTANCE-Feature-approved.Approval-Approval.Approval.Approval.Approval.Application of the Company:- Construction of Pergola in the area of the swimming pool and the configuration of the floor.- Integration system.Approval-Approval.approved.Application.Application.Approval.Approval.Application.Appropriality of the Appropriate.Application of the Appropriate, the Appropriate type-approvement of the Appropriate type-approvement of the Approvement, the Appropriate.approvement of the Appropriacity.Approvement of the Appropriate.approvement of the Appropriate.Application.Application.Application of the Appropriate.Applause.approved.Applause.Application of the Appropriate.Appendice.Approved.Charity of the Appropriate.Application of the Appropri-Facility, the Appropriacity of the Appropriate.Appendice.Appendice.Appendice.Applicate.Application of the Appropri-Applicate.Application of the Appropriate.Application, the Appropriment of the Appliance of the Appropriate for the use of the Appropriate.approvement, the Appliance of the Appropriate.approvement, the Approvement of the Appropriate.Application.Application.Application of the Appropriate.Appropriate.Appendice.Appendix.Appendice.Approved.Appendice to the Appropri-Facility of the Type-Appendix, The Appropriation of the Furniture, Integrated and Furniture of the Furniture.Application of the Appliance.Appendix.Applicence.Applicence.Application.Applicence.Appendix.Application.Application.Application.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Application of the Appropriate.Appendix.Applicate.Application of Children’S Equity, Equity-Approved.Interface,Site Supply,Interface,Interface.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Application.Appendite.Appendice.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Charge.Approved.Charge-Approved.Presence.Approved.Charness.Approprily.approved.Appropriate.Appropriate.Applicate.Appropriate.Approprily.Applicate.Applicate.Application-Site Supply.Application-Site Supply.Application-Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Approprie.C.S.-.n.n-.n-.n-applying-approved.Cres-approved.Cres-approved.Creg.e-.equity-equity-e The need for modernisation of the company’s building infrastructure and equipment is covered by the following costs:- Floor carpets – cabinets – Sleeping systems – thermal insulation frames – Works in the surrounding area (Construction of pergolas in the pool area and replacement of flooring).- White goods (curtains bedding).The need to improve the environmental footprint of the company is covered by the following costs:- System for producing hot water for use- Thermos (drapes bedding).The need to improve the environmental footprint of the company is covered by the following costs:- System for producing hot water for use – Thermos. Documentarea cheltuielilor CU SERVICII Costurile planului de afaceri trebuie să corespundă pe deplin obiectivelor urmărite, începând cu:1. Configurarea zonei înconjurătoare a piscinei (construcția pergolelor și înlocuirea pardoselilor), furnizarea de biciclete, crearea unei noi săli TV echipate corespunzător, crearea unei săli (Romanian)
    11 July 2022
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    1. Prezentácia – INVESTMENT PLANH Hlavným cieľom investičného projektu je posilniť existujúci podnik cestovného ruchu pre modernizáciu infraštruktúry a jej prevádzku, kvalitatívnu modernizáciu a obohatenie produktu cestovného ruchu, modernizáciu a certifikáciu ponúkaných produktov a služieb s cieľom zlepšiť jeho pozíciu na vnútornom a medzinárodnom trhu cestovného ruchu. Investičný plán celkového rozpočtu vo výške 087,16 EUR zahŕňa všetky potrebné náklady, ktoré prispejú k dosiahnutiu jeho cieľov. Investičný projekt zahŕňa výdavky z nasledujúcich oprávnených kategórií:1. Budovy, iné zariadenia a okolie2. Strojové zariadenia 3. Ochrana životného prostredia a zariadenia a zariadenia na úsporu energie a vody4. Propagačná projekcia5. Mzdové náklady pracovníkov (nových zamestnancov)2. Predmet investície v plnej miere pokrýva ciele programu, pretože zahŕňa náklady, ktoré zabezpečujú: Modernizácia a obohacovanie cestovného ruchu „produktu“ spoločnosti Predĺženie prevádzkového obdobia Modernizácia stavebnej infraštruktúry a zariadení Zlepšenie environmentálnej stopy spoločnosti. Description OF PARTICULARY EXPENDITURE OF THE INVESTMENT AND CONSTRUCTION WITH THE COVERNMENT OF THE RESPONSIBILITY WITH COMMUNITY-INSTANCE-INSTANCE-Feature-approved.Approval-Approval.Approval.Approval.Approval.Application of the Company:- Construction of Pergola in the area of the swimming pool and the configuration of the floor.- Integration system.Approval-Approval.approved.Application.Application.Approval.Approval.Application.Appropriality of the Appropriate.Application of the Appropriate, the Appropriate type-approvement of the Appropriate type-approvement of the Approvement, the Appropriate.approvement of the Appropriacity.Approvement of the Appropriate.approvement of the Appropriate.Application.Application.Application of the Appropriate.Applause.approved.Applause.Application of the Appropriate.Appendice.Approved.Charity of the Appropriate.Application of the Appropri-Facility, the Appropriacity of the Appropriate.Appendice.Appendice.Appendice.Applicate.Application of the Appropri-Applicate.Application of the Appropriate.Application, the Appropriment of the Appliance of the Appropriate for the use of the Appropriate.approvement, the Appliance of the Appropriate.approvement, the Approvement of the Appropriate.Application.Application.Application of the Appropriate.Appropriate.Appendice.Appendix.Appendice.Approved.Appendice to the Appropri-Facility of the Type-Appendix, The Appropriation of the Furniture, Integrated and Furniture of the Furniture.Application of the Appliance.Appendix.Applicence.Applicence.Application.Applicence.Appendix.Application.Application.Application.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Application of the Appropriate.Appendix.Applicate.Application of Children’S Equity, Equity-Approved.Interface,Site Supply,Interface,Interface.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Application.Appendite.Appendice.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Charge.Approved.Charge-Approved.Presence.Approved.Charness.Approprily.approved.Appropriate.Appropriate.Applicate.Appropriate.Approprily.Applicate.Applicate.Application-Site Supply.Application-Site Supply.Application-Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Approprie.C.S.-.n.n-.n-.n-applying-approved.Cres-approved.Cres-approved.Creg.e-.equity-equity-e The need for modernisation of the company’s building infrastructure and equipment is covered by the following costs:- Floor carpets – cabinets – Sleeping systems – thermal insulation frames – Works in the surrounding area (Construction of pergolas in the pool area and replacement of flooring).- White goods (curtains bedding).The need to improve the environmental footprint of the company is covered by the following costs:- System for producing hot water for use- Thermos (drapes bedding).The need to improve the environmental footprint of the company is covered by the following costs:- System for producing hot water for use – Thermos. Dokumentácia výdavkov so SLUŽBOU Náklady na podnikateľský plán musia byť plne prispôsobené sledovaným cieľom od:1. Konfigurácia okolia bazéna (výstavba pergoly a výmena podlahy), poskytovanie bicyklov, vytvorenie novej vhodne vybavenej televíznej miestnosti, vytvorenie haly (Slovak)
    11 July 2022
    0 references
    1. Preżentazzjoni — PARTI TA’ INVESTIMENT L-għan ewlieni tal-proġett ta’ investiment huwa li tissaħħaħ l-intrapriża tat-turiżmu eżistenti għall-modernizzazzjoni tal-infrastruttura u l-operat tagħha, it-titjib kwalitattiv u l-arrikkiment tal-prodott turistiku, l-aġġornament u ċ-ċertifikazzjoni tal-prodotti u s-servizzi offruti, sabiex tittejjeb il-pożizzjoni tagħha fis-suq tat-turiżmu intern u internazzjonali. Il-pjan ta’ investiment tal-baġit globali ta’ EUR 087,16 jinkludi l-ispejjeż kollha meħtieġa li se jikkontribwixxu għall-kisba tal-objettivi tiegħu. Il-proġett ta’ investiment jinkludi n-nefqa mill-kategoriji eliġibbli li ġejjin:1. Bini, faċilitajiet oħra u l-inħawi tal-madwar2. Tagħmir tal-makkinarju 3. Il-protezzjoni ambjentali u t-tagħmir u l-installazzjonijiet li jiffrankaw l-enerġija u l-ilma4. Projezzjoni promozzjonali5. Spejjeż tal-pagi tal-ħaddiema (persunal ġdid)2. L-għan tal-investiment ikopri bis-sħiħ l-għanijiet tal-programm peress li jinkludi spejjeż li jiżguraw: Titjib tal-Kwalità u arrikkiment tal-“prodott” tat-turiżmu tal-kumpanija L-estensjoni tal-perjodu operattiv Il-modernizzazzjoni tal-infrastruttura tal-bini u t-tagħmir Titjib tal-impronta ambjentali tal-kumpanija. Description OF PARTICULARY EXPENDITURE OF THE INVESTMENT AND CONSTRUCTION WITH THE COVERNMENT OF THE RESPONSIBILITY WITH COMMUNITY-INSTANCE-INSTANCE-Feature-approved.Approval-Approval.Approval.Approval.Approval.Application of the Company:- Construction of Pergola in the area of the swimming pool and the configuration of the floor.- Integration system.Approval-Approval.approved.Application.Application.Approval.Approval.Application.Appropriality of the Appropriate.Application of the Appropriate, the Appropriate type-approvement of the Appropriate type-approvement of the Approvement, the Appropriate.approvement of the Appropriacity.Approvement of the Appropriate.approvement of the Appropriate.Application.Application.Application of the Appropriate.Applause.approved.Applause.Application of the Appropriate.Appendice.Approved.Charity of the Appropriate.Application of the Appropri-Facility, the Appropriacity of the Appropriate.Appendice.Appendice.Appendice.Applicate.Application of the Appropri-Applicate.Application of the Appropriate.Application, the Appropriment of the Appliance of the Appropriate for the use of the Appropriate.approvement, the Appliance of the Appropriate.approvement, the Approvement of the Appropriate.Application.Application.Application of the Appropriate.Appropriate.Appendice.Appendix.Appendice.Approved.Appendice to the Appropri-Facility of the Type-Appendix, The Appropriation of the Furniture, Integrated and Furniture of the Furniture.Application of the Appliance.Appendix.Applicence.Applicence.Application.Applicence.Appendix.Application.Application.Application.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Application of the Appropriate.Appendix.Applicate.Application of Children’S Equity, Equity-Approved.Interface,Site Supply,Interface,Interface.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Application.Appendite.Appendice.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Charge.Approved.Charge-Approved.Presence.Approved.Charness.Approprily.approved.Appropriate.Appropriate.Applicate.Appropriate.Approprily.Applicate.Applicate.Application-Site Supply.Application-Site Supply.Application-Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Approprie.C.S.-.n.n-.n-.n-applying-approved.Cres-approved.Cres-approved.Creg.e-.equity-equity-e The need for modernisation of the company’s building infrastructure and equipment is covered by the following costs:- Floor carpets – cabinets – Sleeping systems – thermal insulation frames – Works in the surrounding area (Construction of pergolas in the pool area and replacement of flooring).- White goods (curtains bedding).The need to improve the environmental footprint of the company is covered by the following costs:- System for producing hot water for use- Thermos (drapes bedding).The need to improve the environmental footprint of the company is covered by the following costs:- System for producing hot water for use – Thermos. Dokumentazzjoni tan-nefqa B’SERVIZZI L-ispejjeż tal-pjan tan-negozju għandhom jitqabblu b’mod sħiħ mal-objettivi segwiti, peress li:1. Il-konfigurazzjoni taż-żona tal-madwar tal-pool (kostruzzjoni ta’ pergolas u sostituzzjoni tal-art), il-forniment ta’ roti, il-ħolqien ta’ kamra ġdida tat-televiżjoni mgħammra kif suppost, il-ħolqien ta’ sala (Maltese)
    11 July 2022
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    1. Apresentação – PLANO DE INVESTIMENTOO principal objetivo do projeto de investimento é reforçar a empresa turística existente para a modernização da infraestrutura e o seu funcionamento, a melhoria qualitativa e o enriquecimento do produto turístico, a melhoria e a certificação dos produtos e serviços oferecidos, a fim de melhorar a sua posição no mercado interno e internacional do turismo.O plano de investimento do orçamento global de 087,16 EUR inclui todos os custos necessários que contribuirão para a consecução dos seus objetivos. O projeto de investimento inclui despesas das seguintes categorias elegíveis:1. Edifícios, outras instalações e arredores2. Equipamento da maquinaria 3. Protecção do ambiente e equipamento e instalações de poupança de energia e de água4. Projecção promocional5. Custos salariais dos trabalhadores (novo pessoal)2. O objeto do investimento abrange plenamente os objetivos do programa, uma vez que inclui custos que asseguram: Melhoria da qualidade e enriquecimento do «produto» turístico da empresa A prorrogação do período operacional A modernização da infraestrutura do edifício e do equipamento Melhoria da pegada ambiental da empresa. Description OF PARTICULARY EXPENDITURE OF THE INVESTMENT AND CONSTRUCTION WITH THE COVERNMENT OF THE RESPONSIBILITY WITH COMMUNITY-INSTANCE-INSTANCE-Feature-approved.Approval-Approval.Approval.Approval.Approval.Application of the Company:- Construction of Pergola in the area of the swimming pool and the configuration of the floor.- Integration system.Approval-Approval.approved.Application.Application.Approval.Approval.Application.Appropriality of the Appropriate.Application of the Appropriate, the Appropriate type-approvement of the Appropriate type-approvement of the Approvement, the Appropriate.approvement of the Appropriacity.Approvement of the Appropriate.approvement of the Appropriate.Application.Application.Application of the Appropriate.Applause.approved.Applause.Application of the Appropriate.Appendice.Approved.Charity of the Appropriate.Application of the Appropri-Facility, the Appropriacity of the Appropriate.Appendice.Appendice.Appendice.Applicate.Application of the Appropri-Applicate.Application of the Appropriate.Application, the Appropriment of the Appliance of the Appropriate for the use of the Appropriate.approvement, the Appliance of the Appropriate.approvement, the Approvement of the Appropriate.Application.Application.Application of the Appropriate.Appropriate.Appendice.Appendix.Appendice.Approved.Appendice to the Appropri-Facility of the Type-Appendix, The Appropriation of the Furniture, Integrated and Furniture of the Furniture.Application of the Appliance.Appendix.Applicence.Applicence.Application.Applicence.Appendix.Application.Application.Application.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Application of the Appropriate.Appendix.Applicate.Application of Children’S Equity, Equity-Approved.Interface,Site Supply,Interface,Interface.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Application.Appendite.Appendice.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Charge.Approved.Charge-Approved.Presence.Approved.Charness.Approprily.approved.Appropriate.Appropriate.Applicate.Appropriate.Approprily.Applicate.Applicate.Application-Site Supply.Application-Site Supply.Application-Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Approprie.C.S.-.n.n-.n-.n-applying-approved.Cres-approved.Cres-approved.Creg.e-.equity-equity-e The need for modernisation of the company’s building infrastructure and equipment is covered by the following costs:- Floor carpets – cabinets – Sleeping systems – thermal insulation frames – Works in the surrounding area (Construction of pergolas in the pool area and replacement of flooring).- White goods (curtains bedding).The need to improve the environmental footprint of the company is covered by the following costs:- System for producing hot water for use- Thermos (drapes bedding).The need to improve the environmental footprint of the company is covered by the following costs:- System for producing hot water for use – Thermos. Documentação das despesas COM SERVIÇOS Os custos do plano de negócios devem corresponder plenamente aos objetivos perseguidos, desde:1. A configuração da área circundante da piscina (construção de pérgulas e substituição do piso), o fornecimento de bicicletas, a criação de uma nova sala de televisão devidamente equipada, a criação de um salão (Portuguese)
    11 July 2022
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    1. Esittely – INVESTMENT PLANInvestointihankkeen päätavoitteena on vahvistaa nykyistä matkailuyritystä infrastruktuurin ja sen toiminnan nykyaikaistamiseksi, matkailutuotteen laadulliseksi parantamiseksi ja rikastamiseksi sekä tarjottujen tuotteiden ja palvelujen parantamiseksi ja sertifioimiseksi, jotta voidaan parantaa sen asemaa sisäisillä ja kansainvälisillä matkailumarkkinoilla.Yleisbudjetin 087,16 euron investointisuunnitelma sisältää kaikki tarvittavat kustannukset, jotka edistävät sen tavoitteiden saavuttamista. Investointihanke sisältää menoja seuraavista tukikelpoisista luokista:1. Rakennukset, muut tilat ja ympäristö2. Konelaitteet 3. Ympäristönsuojelu sekä energiaa ja vettä säästävät laitteet ja laitteet4. Projisointiprojektio5. Työntekijöiden palkkakustannukset (uusi henkilöstö)2. Investoinnin tavoite kattaa täysin ohjelman tavoitteet, koska siihen sisältyvät kustannukset, joilla varmistetaan Laadun parantaminen ja rikastaminen matkailun ”tuotteen” yrityksen Toimintakauden jatkaminen Rakennuksen infrastruktuurin ja laitteiden nykyaikaistaminen Yrityksen ympäristöjalanjäljen parantaminen. Description OF PARTICULARY EXPENDITURE OF THE INVESTMENT AND CONSTRUCTION WITH THE COVERNMENT OF THE RESPONSIBILITY WITH COMMUNITY-INSTANCE-INSTANCE-Feature-approved.Approval-Approval.Approval.Approval.Approval.Application of the Company:- Construction of Pergola in the area of the swimming pool and the configuration of the floor.- Integration system.Approval-Approval.approved.Application.Application.Approval.Approval.Application.Appropriality of the Appropriate.Application of the Appropriate, the Appropriate type-approvement of the Appropriate type-approvement of the Approvement, the Appropriate.approvement of the Appropriacity.Approvement of the Appropriate.approvement of the Appropriate.Application.Application.Application of the Appropriate.Applause.approved.Applause.Application of the Appropriate.Appendice.Approved.Charity of the Appropriate.Application of the Appropri-Facility, the Appropriacity of the Appropriate.Appendice.Appendice.Appendice.Applicate.Application of the Appropri-Applicate.Application of the Appropriate.Application, the Appropriment of the Appliance of the Appropriate for the use of the Appropriate.approvement, the Appliance of the Appropriate.approvement, the Approvement of the Appropriate.Application.Application.Application of the Appropriate.Appropriate.Appendice.Appendix.Appendice.Approved.Appendice to the Appropri-Facility of the Type-Appendix, The Appropriation of the Furniture, Integrated and Furniture of the Furniture.Application of the Appliance.Appendix.Applicence.Applicence.Application.Applicence.Appendix.Application.Application.Application.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Application of the Appropriate.Appendix.Applicate.Application of Children’S Equity, Equity-Approved.Interface,Site Supply,Interface,Interface.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Application.Appendite.Appendice.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Charge.Approved.Charge-Approved.Presence.Approved.Charness.Approprily.approved.Appropriate.Appropriate.Applicate.Appropriate.Approprily.Applicate.Applicate.Application-Site Supply.Application-Site Supply.Application-Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Approprie.C.S.-.n.n-.n-.n-applying-approved.Cres-approved.Cres-approved.Creg.e-.equity-equity-e The need for modernisation of the company’s building infrastructure and equipment is covered by the following costs:- Floor carpets – cabinets – Sleeping systems – thermal insulation frames – Works in the surrounding area (Construction of pergolas in the pool area and replacement of flooring).- White goods (curtains bedding).The need to improve the environmental footprint of the company is covered by the following costs:- System for producing hot water for use- Thermos (drapes bedding).The need to improve the environmental footprint of the company is covered by the following costs:- System for producing hot water for use – Thermos. Kustannusten todentaminen PALVELUT Liiketoimintasuunnitelman kustannusten on vastattava täysin asetettuja tavoitteita, koska:1. Kokoonpano ympäröivän alueen uima-allas (rakentaminen pergolat ja lattian vaihto), tarjoaminen polkupyöriä, luominen uusi asianmukaisesti varustettu TV-huone, luominen sali (Finnish)
    11 July 2022
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    1. Prezentacja – INVESTMENT PLANGłównym celem projektu inwestycyjnego jest wzmocnienie istniejącego przedsiębiorstwa turystycznego w zakresie modernizacji i eksploatacji infrastruktury, jakościowej modernizacji i wzbogacania produktu turystycznego, modernizacji i certyfikacji oferowanych produktów i usług, w celu poprawy jego pozycji na wewnętrznym i międzynarodowym rynku turystycznym. Plan inwestycyjny ogólnego budżetu w wysokości 087,16 EUR obejmuje wszystkie niezbędne koszty, które przyczynią się do osiągnięcia jego celów. Projekt inwestycyjny obejmuje wydatki z następujących kategorii kwalifikowalnych:1. Budynki, inne obiekty i otoczenie2. Sprzęt maszynowy 3. Ochrona środowiska oraz urządzenia i instalacje oszczędzające energię i wodę4. Projekcja promocyjna5. Koszty wynagrodzeń pracowników (nowego personelu)2. Przedmiot inwestycji w pełni obejmuje cele programu, ponieważ obejmuje koszty zapewniające: Poprawa jakości i wzbogacenie „produktu” turystycznego firmy Przedłużenie okresu eksploatacji Modernizacja infrastruktury budowlanej i wyposażenia Poprawa śladu środowiskowego firmy. Description OF PARTICULARY EXPENDITURE OF THE INVESTMENT AND CONSTRUCTION WITH THE COVERNMENT OF THE RESPONSIBILITY WITH COMMUNITY-INSTANCE-INSTANCE-Feature-approved.Approval-Approval.Approval.Approval.Approval.Application of the Company:- Construction of Pergola in the area of the swimming pool and the configuration of the floor.- Integration system.Approval-Approval.approved.Application.Application.Approval.Approval.Application.Appropriality of the Appropriate.Application of the Appropriate, the Appropriate type-approvement of the Appropriate type-approvement of the Approvement, the Appropriate.approvement of the Appropriacity.Approvement of the Appropriate.approvement of the Appropriate.Application.Application.Application of the Appropriate.Applause.approved.Applause.Application of the Appropriate.Appendice.Approved.Charity of the Appropriate.Application of the Appropri-Facility, the Appropriacity of the Appropriate.Appendice.Appendice.Appendice.Applicate.Application of the Appropri-Applicate.Application of the Appropriate.Application, the Appropriment of the Appliance of the Appropriate for the use of the Appropriate.approvement, the Appliance of the Appropriate.approvement, the Approvement of the Appropriate.Application.Application.Application of the Appropriate.Appropriate.Appendice.Appendix.Appendice.Approved.Appendice to the Appropri-Facility of the Type-Appendix, The Appropriation of the Furniture, Integrated and Furniture of the Furniture.Application of the Appliance.Appendix.Applicence.Applicence.Application.Applicence.Appendix.Application.Application.Application.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Application of the Appropriate.Appendix.Applicate.Application of Children’S Equity, Equity-Approved.Interface,Site Supply,Interface,Interface.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Application.Appendite.Appendice.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Charge.Approved.Charge-Approved.Presence.Approved.Charness.Approprily.approved.Appropriate.Appropriate.Applicate.Appropriate.Approprily.Applicate.Applicate.Application-Site Supply.Application-Site Supply.Application-Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Approprie.C.S.-.n.n-.n-.n-applying-approved.Cres-approved.Cres-approved.Creg.e-.equity-equity-e The need for modernisation of the company’s building infrastructure and equipment is covered by the following costs:- Floor carpets – cabinets – Sleeping systems – thermal insulation frames – Works in the surrounding area (Construction of pergolas in the pool area and replacement of flooring).- White goods (curtains bedding).The need to improve the environmental footprint of the company is covered by the following costs:- System for producing hot water for use- Thermos (drapes bedding).The need to improve the environmental footprint of the company is covered by the following costs:- System for producing hot water for use – Thermos. Dokumentacja wydatków Z USŁUGami Koszty planu operacyjnego muszą być w pełni dostosowane do zamierzonych celów od: 1. Konfiguracja otaczającego obszaru basenu (budowa pergoli i wymiana podłogi), zapewnienie rowerów, stworzenie nowego odpowiednio wyposażonego pokoju telewizyjnego, stworzenie sali (Polish)
    11 July 2022
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    1. Predstavitev – INVESTMENT PLANG Glavni cilj naložbenega projekta je okrepiti obstoječe turistično podjetje za posodobitev infrastrukture in njenega delovanja, kakovostno nadgradnjo in obogatitev turističnega produkta, nadgradnjo in certificiranje ponujenih produktov in storitev, da bi se izboljšal njegov položaj na notranjem in mednarodnem turističnem trgu.Naložbeni načrt skupnega proračuna v višini 087,16 EUR vključuje vse potrebne stroške, ki bodo prispevali k doseganju njegovih ciljev. Naložbeni projekt vključuje izdatke iz naslednjih upravičenih kategorij:1. Stavbe, drugi objekti in okolica2. Oprema za stroje 3. Varstvo okolja ter oprema in naprave za varčevanje z energijo in vodo4. Promocijska projekcija5. Stroški plač delavcev (novo osebje)2. Cilj naložbe v celoti zajema cilje programa, saj vključuje stroške, ki zagotavljajo: Nadgradnja kakovosti in obogatitev turističnega „proizvoda“ podjetja Podaljšek obratovalnega obdobja Posodobitev gradbene infrastrukture in opreme Izboljšanje okoljskega odtisa podjetja. Description OF PARTICULARY EXPENDITURE OF THE INVESTMENT AND CONSTRUCTION WITH THE COVERNMENT OF THE RESPONSIBILITY WITH COMMUNITY-INSTANCE-INSTANCE-Feature-approved.Approval-Approval.Approval.Approval.Approval.Application of the Company:- Construction of Pergola in the area of the swimming pool and the configuration of the floor.- Integration system.Approval-Approval.approved.Application.Application.Approval.Approval.Application.Appropriality of the Appropriate.Application of the Appropriate, the Appropriate type-approvement of the Appropriate type-approvement of the Approvement, the Appropriate.approvement of the Appropriacity.Approvement of the Appropriate.approvement of the Appropriate.Application.Application.Application of the Appropriate.Applause.approved.Applause.Application of the Appropriate.Appendice.Approved.Charity of the Appropriate.Application of the Appropri-Facility, the Appropriacity of the Appropriate.Appendice.Appendice.Appendice.Applicate.Application of the Appropri-Applicate.Application of the Appropriate.Application, the Appropriment of the Appliance of the Appropriate for the use of the Appropriate.approvement, the Appliance of the Appropriate.approvement, the Approvement of the Appropriate.Application.Application.Application of the Appropriate.Appropriate.Appendice.Appendix.Appendice.Approved.Appendice to the Appropri-Facility of the Type-Appendix, The Appropriation of the Furniture, Integrated and Furniture of the Furniture.Application of the Appliance.Appendix.Applicence.Applicence.Application.Applicence.Appendix.Application.Application.Application.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Application of the Appropriate.Appendix.Applicate.Application of Children’S Equity, Equity-Approved.Interface,Site Supply,Interface,Interface.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Application.Appendite.Appendice.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Charge.Approved.Charge-Approved.Presence.Approved.Charness.Approprily.approved.Appropriate.Appropriate.Applicate.Appropriate.Approprily.Applicate.Applicate.Application-Site Supply.Application-Site Supply.Application-Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Approprie.C.S.-.n.n-.n-.n-applying-approved.Cres-approved.Cres-approved.Creg.e-.equity-equity-e The need for modernisation of the company’s building infrastructure and equipment is covered by the following costs:- Floor carpets – cabinets – Sleeping systems – thermal insulation frames – Works in the surrounding area (Construction of pergolas in the pool area and replacement of flooring).- White goods (curtains bedding).The need to improve the environmental footprint of the company is covered by the following costs:- System for producing hot water for use- Thermos (drapes bedding).The need to improve the environmental footprint of the company is covered by the following costs:- System for producing hot water for use – Thermos. Dokumentacija o izdatkih Z STORITVAmi Stroški poslovnega načrta morajo biti v celoti usklajeni z zastavljenimi cilji, saj:1. Konfiguracija okolice bazena (gradnja pergolov in zamenjava tal), zagotavljanje koles, oblikovanje nove ustrezno opremljene TV sobe, oblikovanje dvorane (Slovenian)
    11 July 2022
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    1. Prezentace – INVESTMENT PLAN Hlavním cílem investičního projektu je posílit stávající podnik cestovního ruchu pro modernizaci infrastruktury a jejího provozu, kvalitativní modernizaci a obohacení produktu cestovního ruchu, modernizaci a certifikaci nabízených produktů a služeb s cílem zlepšit jeho postavení na vnitřním a mezinárodním trhu cestovního ruchu. Investiční plán celkového rozpočtu ve výši 087,16 EUR zahrnuje veškeré nezbytné náklady, které přispějí k dosažení jeho cílů. Investiční projekt zahrnuje výdaje z následujících způsobilých kategorií:1. Budovy, jiná zařízení a okolí2. Strojní zařízení 3. Zařízení a zařízení na ochranu životního prostředí a úsporu energie a vody4. Propagační projekce5. Mzdové náklady pracovníků (nových zaměstnanců)2. Předmět investice plně pokrývá cíle programu, neboť zahrnuje náklady, které zajišťují: Modernizace a obohacování cestovního ruchu „produkt“ společnosti Prodloužení provozního období Modernizace stavební infrastruktury a zařízení Zlepšení environmentální stopy společnosti. Description OF PARTICULARY EXPENDITURE OF THE INVESTMENT AND CONSTRUCTION WITH THE COVERNMENT OF THE RESPONSIBILITY WITH COMMUNITY-INSTANCE-INSTANCE-Feature-approved.Approval-Approval.Approval.Approval.Approval.Application of the Company:- Construction of Pergola in the area of the swimming pool and the configuration of the floor.- Integration system.Approval-Approval.approved.Application.Application.Approval.Approval.Application.Appropriality of the Appropriate.Application of the Appropriate, the Appropriate type-approvement of the Appropriate type-approvement of the Approvement, the Appropriate.approvement of the Appropriacity.Approvement of the Appropriate.approvement of the Appropriate.Application.Application.Application of the Appropriate.Applause.approved.Applause.Application of the Appropriate.Appendice.Approved.Charity of the Appropriate.Application of the Appropri-Facility, the Appropriacity of the Appropriate.Appendice.Appendice.Appendice.Applicate.Application of the Appropri-Applicate.Application of the Appropriate.Application, the Appropriment of the Appliance of the Appropriate for the use of the Appropriate.approvement, the Appliance of the Appropriate.approvement, the Approvement of the Appropriate.Application.Application.Application of the Appropriate.Appropriate.Appendice.Appendix.Appendice.Approved.Appendice to the Appropri-Facility of the Type-Appendix, The Appropriation of the Furniture, Integrated and Furniture of the Furniture.Application of the Appliance.Appendix.Applicence.Applicence.Application.Applicence.Appendix.Application.Application.Application.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Application of the Appropriate.Appendix.Applicate.Application of Children’S Equity, Equity-Approved.Interface,Site Supply,Interface,Interface.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Application.Appendite.Appendice.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Charge.Approved.Charge-Approved.Presence.Approved.Charness.Approprily.approved.Appropriate.Appropriate.Applicate.Appropriate.Approprily.Applicate.Applicate.Application-Site Supply.Application-Site Supply.Application-Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Approprie.C.S.-.n.n-.n-.n-applying-approved.Cres-approved.Cres-approved.Creg.e-.equity-equity-e The need for modernisation of the company’s building infrastructure and equipment is covered by the following costs:- Floor carpets – cabinets – Sleeping systems – thermal insulation frames – Works in the surrounding area (Construction of pergolas in the pool area and replacement of flooring).- White goods (curtains bedding).The need to improve the environmental footprint of the company is covered by the following costs:- System for producing hot water for use- Thermos (drapes bedding).The need to improve the environmental footprint of the company is covered by the following costs:- System for producing hot water for use – Thermos. Dokumentace výdajů SLUŽBY Náklady na obchodní plán musí být plně sladěny se sledovanými cíli od:1. Konfigurace okolí bazénu (výstavba pergol a výměna podlahy), zajištění jízdních kol, vytvoření nové řádně vybavené TV místnosti, vytvoření haly (Czech)
    11 July 2022
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    1. Pristatymas – INVESTMENTAS PLANS Pagrindinis investicinio projekto tikslas – stiprinti esamą turizmo įmonę infrastruktūros modernizavimui ir jos eksploatavimui, kokybiniam turizmo produkto modernizavimui ir praturtinimui, siūlomų produktų ir paslaugų modernizavimui ir sertifikavimui, siekiant pagerinti jos padėtį vidaus ir tarptautinėje turizmo rinkoje. Bendro 087,16 EUR biudžeto investicijų planas apima visas būtinas išlaidas, kurios prisidės prie jos tikslų įgyvendinimo. Investicinis projektas apima šių reikalavimus atitinkančių kategorijų išlaidas:1. Pastatai, kiti įrenginiai ir aplinka2. Mašinų įranga 3. Aplinkos apsauga ir energiją bei vandenį taupanti įranga ir įrenginiai4. Reklaminė projekcija5. Darbuotojų (naujų darbuotojų) darbo užmokesčio išlaidos2. Investicijos tikslas visiškai atitinka programos tikslus, nes apima išlaidas, kuriomis užtikrinama: Bendrovės turizmo „produkto“ kokybės modernizavimas ir praturtinimas Veiklos laikotarpio pratęsimas Statybos infrastruktūros modernizavimas ir įranga. Įmonės aplinkosauginio pėdsako gerinimas. Description OF PARTICULARY EXPENDITURE OF THE INVESTMENT AND CONSTRUCTION WITH THE COVERNMENT OF THE RESPONSIBILITY WITH COMMUNITY-INSTANCE-INSTANCE-Feature-approved.Approval-Approval.Approval.Approval.Approval.Application of the Company:- Construction of Pergola in the area of the swimming pool and the configuration of the floor.- Integration system.Approval-Approval.approved.Application.Application.Approval.Approval.Application.Appropriality of the Appropriate.Application of the Appropriate, the Appropriate type-approvement of the Appropriate type-approvement of the Approvement, the Appropriate.approvement of the Appropriacity.Approvement of the Appropriate.approvement of the Appropriate.Application.Application.Application of the Appropriate.Applause.approved.Applause.Application of the Appropriate.Appendice.Approved.Charity of the Appropriate.Application of the Appropri-Facility, the Appropriacity of the Appropriate.Appendice.Appendice.Appendice.Applicate.Application of the Appropri-Applicate.Application of the Appropriate.Application, the Appropriment of the Appliance of the Appropriate for the use of the Appropriate.approvement, the Appliance of the Appropriate.approvement, the Approvement of the Appropriate.Application.Application.Application of the Appropriate.Appropriate.Appendice.Appendix.Appendice.Approved.Appendice to the Appropri-Facility of the Type-Appendix, The Appropriation of the Furniture, Integrated and Furniture of the Furniture.Application of the Appliance.Appendix.Applicence.Applicence.Application.Applicence.Appendix.Application.Application.Application.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Application of the Appropriate.Appendix.Applicate.Application of Children’S Equity, Equity-Approved.Interface,Site Supply,Interface,Interface.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Application.Appendite.Appendice.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Charge.Approved.Charge-Approved.Presence.Approved.Charness.Approprily.approved.Appropriate.Appropriate.Applicate.Appropriate.Approprily.Applicate.Applicate.Application-Site Supply.Application-Site Supply.Application-Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Approprie.C.S.-.n.n-.n-.n-applying-approved.Cres-approved.Cres-approved.Creg.e-.equity-equity-e The need for modernisation of the company’s building infrastructure and equipment is covered by the following costs:- Floor carpets – cabinets – Sleeping systems – thermal insulation frames – Works in the surrounding area (Construction of pergolas in the pool area and replacement of flooring).- White goods (curtains bedding).The need to improve the environmental footprint of the company is covered by the following costs:- System for producing hot water for use- Thermos (drapes bedding).The need to improve the environmental footprint of the company is covered by the following costs:- System for producing hot water for use – Thermos. Išlaidų dokumentavimas SU PASLAUGOS Verslo plano išlaidos visiškai atitinka siekiamus tikslus, nes:1. Iš aplinkinės zonos baseinas konfigūracija (statybos pavėsinės ir grindų pakeitimo), dviračių teikimas, naujos tinkamai įrengtos TV kambario sukūrimas, salės sukūrimas (Lithuanian)
    11 July 2022
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    1. Prezentācija — INVESTMENT PLANIeguldījumu projekta galvenais mērķis ir stiprināt esošo tūrisma uzņēmumu infrastruktūras modernizācijai un tās darbībai, tūrisma produkta kvalitatīvai modernizācijai un bagātināšanai, piedāvāto produktu un pakalpojumu modernizēšanai un sertificēšanai, lai uzlabotu tā pozīciju iekšējā un starptautiskā tūrisma tirgū. Kopējā budžeta 087,16 investīciju plānā ir iekļautas visas nepieciešamās izmaksas, kas veicinās tā mērķu sasniegšanu. Ieguldījumu projekts ietver izdevumus no šādām attiecināmām kategorijām:1. Ēkas, citi objekti un apkārtne2. Mašīnu aprīkojums 3. Vides aizsardzības un enerģijas un ūdens taupīšanas iekārtas un iekārtas4. Reklāmas projekcija5. Darba ņēmēju (jaunu darbinieku) algu izmaksas2. Ieguldījuma mērķis pilnībā aptver programmas mērķus, jo tas ietver izmaksas, kas nodrošina: Uzņēmuma tūrisma “produkta” kvalitātes uzlabošana un bagātināšana Darbības perioda pagarināšana Būvinfrastruktūras modernizācija un iekārtas Uzņēmuma vides pēdas nospieduma uzlabošana. Description OF PARTICULARY EXPENDITURE OF THE INVESTMENT AND CONSTRUCTION WITH THE COVERNMENT OF THE RESPONSIBILITY WITH COMMUNITY-INSTANCE-INSTANCE-Feature-approved.Approval-Approval.Approval.Approval.Approval.Application of the Company:- Construction of Pergola in the area of the swimming pool and the configuration of the floor.- Integration system.Approval-Approval.approved.Application.Application.Approval.Approval.Application.Appropriality of the Appropriate.Application of the Appropriate, the Appropriate type-approvement of the Appropriate type-approvement of the Approvement, the Appropriate.approvement of the Appropriacity.Approvement of the Appropriate.approvement of the Appropriate.Application.Application.Application of the Appropriate.Applause.approved.Applause.Application of the Appropriate.Appendice.Approved.Charity of the Appropriate.Application of the Appropri-Facility, the Appropriacity of the Appropriate.Appendice.Appendice.Appendice.Applicate.Application of the Appropri-Applicate.Application of the Appropriate.Application, the Appropriment of the Appliance of the Appropriate for the use of the Appropriate.approvement, the Appliance of the Appropriate.approvement, the Approvement of the Appropriate.Application.Application.Application of the Appropriate.Appropriate.Appendice.Appendix.Appendice.Approved.Appendice to the Appropri-Facility of the Type-Appendix, The Appropriation of the Furniture, Integrated and Furniture of the Furniture.Application of the Appliance.Appendix.Applicence.Applicence.Application.Applicence.Appendix.Application.Application.Application.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Application of the Appropriate.Appendix.Applicate.Application of Children’S Equity, Equity-Approved.Interface,Site Supply,Interface,Interface.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Application.Appendite.Appendice.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Charge.Approved.Charge-Approved.Presence.Approved.Charness.Approprily.approved.Appropriate.Appropriate.Applicate.Appropriate.Approprily.Applicate.Applicate.Application-Site Supply.Application-Site Supply.Application-Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Approprie.C.S.-.n.n-.n-.n-applying-approved.Cres-approved.Cres-approved.Creg.e-.equity-equity-e The need for modernisation of the company’s building infrastructure and equipment is covered by the following costs:- Floor carpets – cabinets – Sleeping systems – thermal insulation frames – Works in the surrounding area (Construction of pergolas in the pool area and replacement of flooring).- White goods (curtains bedding).The need to improve the environmental footprint of the company is covered by the following costs:- System for producing hot water for use- Thermos (drapes bedding).The need to improve the environmental footprint of the company is covered by the following costs:- System for producing hot water for use – Thermos. Izdevumu dokumentācija ar PAKALPOJUMI Uzņēmējdarbības plāna izmaksām pilnībā jāatbilst izvirzītajiem mērķiem kopš:1. Konfigurācija apkārtējā teritorijā baseina (būvniecība pergolas un grīdas nomaiņu), nodrošināšana velosipēdiem, jaunas pareizi aprīkotas TV telpas izveide, izveide zālē (Latvian)
    11 July 2022
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    1. Представяне — ИНВЕСТИЦИОНЕН ПЛАН. Основната цел на инвестиционния проект е да укрепи съществуващото туристическо предприятие за модернизация на инфраструктурата и нейното функциониране, качествено осъвременяване и обогатяване на туристическия продукт, модернизиране и сертифициране на предлаганите продукти и услуги, с цел подобряване на позицията му на вътрешния и международния туристически пазар. Инвестиционният план на общия бюджет от 087,16 EUR включва всички необходими разходи, които ще допринесат за постигането на неговите цели. Инвестиционният проект включва разходи от следните допустими категории:1. Сгради, други съоръжения и околностите2. Оборудване за машини 3. Опазване на околната среда и енергоспестяващо и водоспестяващо оборудване и инсталации4. Промоционални прожекции5. Разходи за заплати на работниците (нов персонал)2. Целта на инвестицията покрива изцяло целите на програмата, тъй като включва разходи, които гарантират: Качествено осъвременяване и обогатяване на туристическия „продукт“ на фирмата Удължаване на периода на експлоатация Модернизиране на строителната инфраструктура и оборудване Подобряване на екологичния отпечатък на компанията. Description OF PARTICULARY EXPENDITURE OF THE INVESTMENT AND CONSTRUCTION WITH THE COVERNMENT OF THE RESPONSIBILITY WITH COMMUNITY-INSTANCE-INSTANCE-Feature-approved.Approval-Approval.Approval.Approval.Approval.Application of the Company:- Construction of Pergola in the area of the swimming pool and the configuration of the floor.- Integration system.Approval-Approval.approved.Application.Application.Approval.Approval.Application.Appropriality of the Appropriate.Application of the Appropriate, the Appropriate type-approvement of the Appropriate type-approvement of the Approvement, the Appropriate.approvement of the Appropriacity.Approvement of the Appropriate.approvement of the Appropriate.Application.Application.Application of the Appropriate.Applause.approved.Applause.Application of the Appropriate.Appendice.Approved.Charity of the Appropriate.Application of the Appropri-Facility, the Appropriacity of the Appropriate.Appendice.Appendice.Appendice.Applicate.Application of the Appropri-Applicate.Application of the Appropriate.Application, the Appropriment of the Appliance of the Appropriate for the use of the Appropriate.approvement, the Appliance of the Appropriate.approvement, the Approvement of the Appropriate.Application.Application.Application of the Appropriate.Appropriate.Appendice.Appendix.Appendice.Approved.Appendice to the Appropri-Facility of the Type-Appendix, The Appropriation of the Furniture, Integrated and Furniture of the Furniture.Application of the Appliance.Appendix.Applicence.Applicence.Application.Applicence.Appendix.Application.Application.Application.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Application of the Appropriate.Appendix.Applicate.Application of Children’S Equity, Equity-Approved.Interface,Site Supply,Interface,Interface.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Application.Appendite.Appendice.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Charge.Approved.Charge-Approved.Presence.Approved.Charness.Approprily.approved.Appropriate.Appropriate.Applicate.Appropriate.Approprily.Applicate.Applicate.Application-Site Supply.Application-Site Supply.Application-Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Approprie.C.S.-.n.n-.n-.n-applying-approved.Cres-approved.Cres-approved.Creg.e-.equity-equity-e The need for modernisation of the company’s building infrastructure and equipment is covered by the following costs:- Floor carpets – cabinets – Sleeping systems – thermal insulation frames – Works in the surrounding area (Construction of pergolas in the pool area and replacement of flooring).- White goods (curtains bedding).The need to improve the environmental footprint of the company is covered by the following costs:- System for producing hot water for use- Thermos (drapes bedding).The need to improve the environmental footprint of the company is covered by the following costs:- System for producing hot water for use – Thermos. Документация за разходите С УСЛУГИ Разходите по бизнес плана трябва да съответстват изцяло на преследваните цели от:1. Конфигурацията на околността на басейна (изграждане на перголи и подмяна на пода), предоставянето на велосипеди, създаването на нова правилно оборудвана телевизионна зала, създаването на зала (Bulgarian)
    11 July 2022
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    1. Bemutató – INVESTMENT PLANA beruházási projekt fő célja a meglévő idegenforgalmi vállalkozás megerősítése az infrastruktúra modernizálása és üzemeltetése, az idegenforgalmi termék minőségi korszerűsítése és gazdagítása, a kínált termékek és szolgáltatások korszerűsítése és tanúsítása érdekében, hogy javítsa pozícióját a belső és nemzetközi idegenforgalmi piacon. A teljes költségvetés 087,16 eurós beruházási terve tartalmazza az összes szükséges költséget, amely hozzájárul a célkitűzések eléréséhez. A beruházási projekt a következő támogatható kategóriákból származó kiadásokat tartalmazza:1. Épületek, egyéb létesítmények és környék2. Gépi berendezések 3. Környezetvédelem, energia- és víztakarékos berendezések és berendezések4. Promóciós prognózis5. A munkavállalók bérköltségei (új személyzet)2. A beruházás célja teljes mértékben lefedi a program célkitűzéseit, mivel olyan költségeket tartalmaz, amelyek biztosítják: A vállalat turisztikai „termékének” minőségi fejlesztése és gazdagítása Az üzemeltetési időszak meghosszabbítása Az építési infrastruktúra és a berendezések korszerűsítése A vállalat környezeti lábnyomának javítása. Description OF PARTICULARY EXPENDITURE OF THE INVESTMENT AND CONSTRUCTION WITH THE COVERNMENT OF THE RESPONSIBILITY WITH COMMUNITY-INSTANCE-INSTANCE-Feature-approved.Approval-Approval.Approval.Approval.Approval.Application of the Company:- Construction of Pergola in the area of the swimming pool and the configuration of the floor.- Integration system.Approval-Approval.approved.Application.Application.Approval.Approval.Application.Appropriality of the Appropriate.Application of the Appropriate, the Appropriate type-approvement of the Appropriate type-approvement of the Approvement, the Appropriate.approvement of the Appropriacity.Approvement of the Appropriate.approvement of the Appropriate.Application.Application.Application of the Appropriate.Applause.approved.Applause.Application of the Appropriate.Appendice.Approved.Charity of the Appropriate.Application of the Appropri-Facility, the Appropriacity of the Appropriate.Appendice.Appendice.Appendice.Applicate.Application of the Appropri-Applicate.Application of the Appropriate.Application, the Appropriment of the Appliance of the Appropriate for the use of the Appropriate.approvement, the Appliance of the Appropriate.approvement, the Approvement of the Appropriate.Application.Application.Application of the Appropriate.Appropriate.Appendice.Appendix.Appendice.Approved.Appendice to the Appropri-Facility of the Type-Appendix, The Appropriation of the Furniture, Integrated and Furniture of the Furniture.Application of the Appliance.Appendix.Applicence.Applicence.Application.Applicence.Appendix.Application.Application.Application.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Application of the Appropriate.Appendix.Applicate.Application of Children’S Equity, Equity-Approved.Interface,Site Supply,Interface,Interface.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Application.Appendite.Appendice.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Charge.Approved.Charge-Approved.Presence.Approved.Charness.Approprily.approved.Appropriate.Appropriate.Applicate.Appropriate.Approprily.Applicate.Applicate.Application-Site Supply.Application-Site Supply.Application-Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Approprie.C.S.-.n.n-.n-.n-applying-approved.Cres-approved.Cres-approved.Creg.e-.equity-equity-e The need for modernisation of the company’s building infrastructure and equipment is covered by the following costs:- Floor carpets – cabinets – Sleeping systems – thermal insulation frames – Works in the surrounding area (Construction of pergolas in the pool area and replacement of flooring).- White goods (curtains bedding).The need to improve the environmental footprint of the company is covered by the following costs:- System for producing hot water for use- Thermos (drapes bedding).The need to improve the environmental footprint of the company is covered by the following costs:- System for producing hot water for use – Thermos. Az üzleti terv költségeit teljes mértékben össze kell hangolni a kitűzött célokkal: 1. A konfiguráció a környező terület a medence (építés pergolák és padlócsere), a biztosítása kerékpárok, létrehozása egy új megfelelően felszerelt TV szoba, a létrehozása egy csarnok (Hungarian)
    11 July 2022
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    1. Cur i láthair — Plean INVESTMENTIs é príomhchuspóir an tionscadail infheistíochta an fiontar turasóireachta atá ann cheana a neartú chun an bonneagar agus a fheidhmiú a nuachóiriú, an táirge turasóireachta a uasghrádú agus a shaibhriú go cáilíochtúil, na táirgí agus na seirbhísí atá ar fáil a uasghrádú agus a dheimhniú, chun feabhas a chur ar a sheasamh sa mhargadh inmheánach agus idirnáisiúnta turasóireachta. Áirítear leis an tionscadal infheistíochta caiteachas ó na catagóirí incháilithe seo a leanas:1. Foirgnimh, áiseanna agus timpeallacht eile2. Trealamh Innealra 3. Cosaint an chomhshaoil agus trealamh agus suiteálacha coigilte fuinnimh agus uisce4. Teilgean bolscaireachta5. Costais phá na n-oibrithe (foireann nua)2. Cumhdaítear cuspóirí an chláir go hiomlán le cuspóir na hinfheistíochta ós rud é go n-áirítear ann costais lena n-áirithítear an méid seo a leanas: Uasghrádú Cáilíochta agus Saibhriú na turasóireachta “táirge” de chuid na cuideachta Síneadh ar an tréimhse oibriúcháin nuachóiriú an bhonneagair tógála agus an trealamh Feabhsú lorg comhshaoil na cuideachta. Description OF PARTICULARY EXPENDITURE OF THE INVESTMENT AND CONSTRUCTION WITH THE COVERNMENT OF THE RESPONSIBILITY WITH COMMUNITY-INSTANCE-INSTANCE-Feature-approved.Approval-Approval.Approval.Approval.Approval.Application of the Company:- Construction of Pergola in the area of the swimming pool and the configuration of the floor.- Integration system.Approval-Approval.approved.Application.Application.Approval.Approval.Application.Appropriality of the Appropriate.Application of the Appropriate, the Appropriate type-approvement of the Appropriate type-approvement of the Approvement, the Appropriate.approvement of the Appropriacity.Approvement of the Appropriate.approvement of the Appropriate.Application.Application.Application of the Appropriate.Applause.approved.Applause.Application of the Appropriate.Appendice.Approved.Charity of the Appropriate.Application of the Appropri-Facility, the Appropriacity of the Appropriate.Appendice.Appendice.Appendice.Applicate.Application of the Appropri-Applicate.Application of the Appropriate.Application, the Appropriment of the Appliance of the Appropriate for the use of the Appropriate.approvement, the Appliance of the Appropriate.approvement, the Approvement of the Appropriate.Application.Application.Application of the Appropriate.Appropriate.Appendice.Appendix.Appendice.Approved.Appendice to the Appropri-Facility of the Type-Appendix, The Appropriation of the Furniture, Integrated and Furniture of the Furniture.Application of the Appliance.Appendix.Applicence.Applicence.Application.Applicence.Appendix.Application.Application.Application.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Application of the Appropriate.Appendix.Applicate.Application of Children’S Equity, Equity-Approved.Interface,Site Supply,Interface,Interface.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Application.Appendite.Appendice.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Charge.Approved.Charge-Approved.Presence.Approved.Charness.Approprily.approved.Appropriate.Appropriate.Applicate.Appropriate.Approprily.Applicate.Applicate.Application-Site Supply.Application-Site Supply.Application-Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Approprie.C.S.-.n.n-.n-.n-applying-approved.Cres-approved.Cres-approved.Creg.e-.equity-equity-e The need for modernisation of the company’s building infrastructure and equipment is covered by the following costs:- Floor carpets – cabinets – Sleeping systems – thermal insulation frames – Works in the surrounding area (Construction of pergolas in the pool area and replacement of flooring).- White goods (curtains bedding).The need to improve the environmental footprint of the company is covered by the following costs:- System for producing hot water for use- Thermos (drapes bedding).The need to improve the environmental footprint of the company is covered by the following costs:- System for producing hot water for use – Thermos. Déanfar costais an phlean gnó a mheaitseáil go hiomlán leis na cuspóirí atá á saothrú, ós rud é:1. Cumraíocht an cheantair máguaird den linn snámha (tógáil pergolas agus athsholáthar urláir), rothair a sholáthar, seomra teilifíse nua atá feistithe i gceart a chruthú, halla a chruthú (Irish)
    11 July 2022
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    1. Presentation – INVESTERINGPLANDet främsta syftet med investeringsprojektet är att stärka det befintliga turistföretaget för modernisering av infrastrukturen och dess drift, kvalitativ uppgradering och berikning av turistprodukten, uppgradering och certifiering av de erbjudna produkterna och tjänsterna för att förbättra dess ställning på den inre och internationella marknaden för turism.I investeringsplanen för den totala budgeten på 087,16 EUR ingår alla nödvändiga kostnader som kommer att bidra till att dess mål uppnås. I investeringsprojektet ingår utgifter från följande stödberättigande kategorier:1. Byggnader, andra anläggningar och omgivningar2. Maskinutrustning 3. Miljöskydd och energi- och vattenbesparande utrustning och anläggningar4. PR-projektion5. Lönekostnader för arbetstagare (nyanställda)2. Syftet med investeringen täcker fullt ut programmets mål, eftersom det omfattar kostnader som säkerställer Kvalitet Uppgradering och Berikning av turismen ”produkt” av företaget Förlängningen av driftsperioden Modernisering av byggnadsinfrastruktur och utrustning Förbättring av företagets miljöavtryck. Description OF PARTICULARY EXPENDITURE OF THE INVESTMENT AND CONSTRUCTION WITH THE COVERNMENT OF THE RESPONSIBILITY WITH COMMUNITY-INSTANCE-INSTANCE-Feature-approved.Approval-Approval.Approval.Approval.Approval.Application of the Company:- Construction of Pergola in the area of the swimming pool and the configuration of the floor.- Integration system.Approval-Approval.approved.Application.Application.Approval.Approval.Application.Appropriality of the Appropriate.Application of the Appropriate, the Appropriate type-approvement of the Appropriate type-approvement of the Approvement, the Appropriate.approvement of the Appropriacity.Approvement of the Appropriate.approvement of the Appropriate.Application.Application.Application of the Appropriate.Applause.approved.Applause.Application of the Appropriate.Appendice.Approved.Charity of the Appropriate.Application of the Appropri-Facility, the Appropriacity of the Appropriate.Appendice.Appendice.Appendice.Applicate.Application of the Appropri-Applicate.Application of the Appropriate.Application, the Appropriment of the Appliance of the Appropriate for the use of the Appropriate.approvement, the Appliance of the Appropriate.approvement, the Approvement of the Appropriate.Application.Application.Application of the Appropriate.Appropriate.Appendice.Appendix.Appendice.Approved.Appendice to the Appropri-Facility of the Type-Appendix, The Appropriation of the Furniture, Integrated and Furniture of the Furniture.Application of the Appliance.Appendix.Applicence.Applicence.Application.Applicence.Appendix.Application.Application.Application.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Application of the Appropriate.Appendix.Applicate.Application of Children’S Equity, Equity-Approved.Interface,Site Supply,Interface,Interface.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Application.Appendite.Appendice.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Charge.Approved.Charge-Approved.Presence.Approved.Charness.Approprily.approved.Appropriate.Appropriate.Applicate.Appropriate.Approprily.Applicate.Applicate.Application-Site Supply.Application-Site Supply.Application-Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Approprie.C.S.-.n.n-.n-.n-applying-approved.Cres-approved.Cres-approved.Creg.e-.equity-equity-e The need for modernisation of the company’s building infrastructure and equipment is covered by the following costs:- Floor carpets – cabinets – Sleeping systems – thermal insulation frames – Works in the surrounding area (Construction of pergolas in the pool area and replacement of flooring).- White goods (curtains bedding).The need to improve the environmental footprint of the company is covered by the following costs:- System for producing hot water for use- Thermos (drapes bedding).The need to improve the environmental footprint of the company is covered by the following costs:- System for producing hot water for use – Thermos. Dokumentation av utgifter MED TJÄNSTER Kostnaderna för affärsplanen ska till fullo motsvara de eftersträvade målen sedan:1. Konfigurationen av det omgivande området av poolen (byggnation av pergolor och golvbyte), tillhandahållande av cyklar, skapandet av ett nytt välutrustat TV-rum, skapandet av en hall (Swedish)
    11 July 2022
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    1. Tutvustus – INVESTMENTPLANInvesteerimiskava peamine eesmärk on tugevdada olemasolevat turismiettevõtet infrastruktuuri ja selle toimimise ajakohastamiseks, turismitoote kvalitatiivseks ajakohastamiseks ja rikastamiseks, pakutavate toodete ja teenuste uuendamiseks ja sertifitseerimiseks, et parandada selle positsiooni sise- ja rahvusvahelisel turismiturul. 087,16 EUR suuruse üldeelarve investeerimiskava sisaldab kõiki vajalikke kulusid, mis aitavad kaasa selle eesmärkide saavutamisele. Investeerimisprojekt hõlmab järgmiste abikõlblike kategooriate kulusid:1. Hooned, muud rajatised ja ümbrus2. Masinaseadmed 3. Keskkonnakaitse ning energia- ja veesäästlikud seadmed ja rajatised4. Reklaamprojektsioon5. Töötajate (uute töötajate) palgakulud2. Investeeringu eesmärk katab täielikult programmi eesmärgid, kuna see hõlmab kulusid, mis tagavad: Ettevõtte turismi „toote“ kvaliteedi täiustamine ja rikastamine Tegevusaja pikendamine Ehitustaristu moderniseerimine ja seadmed Ettevõtte keskkonnajalajälje parandamine. Description OF PARTICULARY EXPENDITURE OF THE INVESTMENT AND CONSTRUCTION WITH THE COVERNMENT OF THE RESPONSIBILITY WITH COMMUNITY-INSTANCE-INSTANCE-Feature-approved.Approval-Approval.Approval.Approval.Approval.Application of the Company:- Construction of Pergola in the area of the swimming pool and the configuration of the floor.- Integration system.Approval-Approval.approved.Application.Application.Approval.Approval.Application.Appropriality of the Appropriate.Application of the Appropriate, the Appropriate type-approvement of the Appropriate type-approvement of the Approvement, the Appropriate.approvement of the Appropriacity.Approvement of the Appropriate.approvement of the Appropriate.Application.Application.Application of the Appropriate.Applause.approved.Applause.Application of the Appropriate.Appendice.Approved.Charity of the Appropriate.Application of the Appropri-Facility, the Appropriacity of the Appropriate.Appendice.Appendice.Appendice.Applicate.Application of the Appropri-Applicate.Application of the Appropriate.Application, the Appropriment of the Appliance of the Appropriate for the use of the Appropriate.approvement, the Appliance of the Appropriate.approvement, the Approvement of the Appropriate.Application.Application.Application of the Appropriate.Appropriate.Appendice.Appendix.Appendice.Approved.Appendice to the Appropri-Facility of the Type-Appendix, The Appropriation of the Furniture, Integrated and Furniture of the Furniture.Application of the Appliance.Appendix.Applicence.Applicence.Application.Applicence.Appendix.Application.Application.Application.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Application of the Appropriate.Appendix.Applicate.Application of Children’S Equity, Equity-Approved.Interface,Site Supply,Interface,Interface.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Application.Appendite.Appendice.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Appendite.Charge.Approved.Charge-Approved.Presence.Approved.Charness.Approprily.approved.Appropriate.Appropriate.Applicate.Appropriate.Approprily.Applicate.Applicate.Application-Site Supply.Application-Site Supply.Application-Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Application.Approprie.C.S.-.n.n-.n-.n-applying-approved.Cres-approved.Cres-approved.Creg.e-.equity-equity-e The need for modernisation of the company’s building infrastructure and equipment is covered by the following costs:- Floor carpets – cabinets – Sleeping systems – thermal insulation frames – Works in the surrounding area (Construction of pergolas in the pool area and replacement of flooring).- White goods (curtains bedding).The need to improve the environmental footprint of the company is covered by the following costs:- System for producing hot water for use- Thermos (drapes bedding).The need to improve the environmental footprint of the company is covered by the following costs:- System for producing hot water for use – Thermos. Kulude dokumenteerimine TEENUSED Äriplaani kulud peavad olema täielikult vastavuses taotletavate eesmärkidega alates:1. Basseini ümbritseva ala konfigureerimine (pergoolide ehitamine ja põranda väljavahetamine), jalgratastega varustamine, uue nõuetekohaselt varustatud teleruumi loomine, saali loomine (Estonian)
    11 July 2022
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