Investments in Machinery, Equipment, Buildings, etc. (Existing Company) WITH ACTIVITY (Collecting and processing of pruning and solid garden waste) (Q2721437)
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Project Q2721437 in Cyprus
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
English | Investments in Machinery, Equipment, Buildings, etc. (Existing Company) WITH ACTIVITY (Collecting and processing of pruning and solid garden waste) |
Project Q2721437 in Cyprus |
146,612.67 Euro
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172,485.5 Euro
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85.0 percent
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22 June 2015
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20 June 2019
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Επενδύσεις σε Μηχανήματα,Εξοπλισμό,Κτίρια,κ.α. (Υφιστάμενη Επιχείρηση) ΜΕ ΔΡΑΣΤΗΡΙΟΤΗΤΑ (Συλλογή και επεξεργασία κλαδεμάτων και στερεών αποβλήτων κήπου) (Greek)
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Investments in Machinery, Equipment, Buildings, etc. (Existing Company) WITH ACTIVITY (Collecting and processing of pruning and solid garden waste) (English)
31 May 2021
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Investissements dans les machines, équipements, bâtiments, etc. (Entreprises existantes) avec ACTIVITÉ (collecte et traitement des élagages et des déchets de jardin solide) (French)
27 November 2021
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Investitionen in Maschinen, Anlagen, Gebäude usw. (Existing Business) mit ACTIVITY (Sammlung und Behandlung von Beschnitten und festen Gartenabfällen) (German)
29 November 2021
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Investeringen in machines, apparatuur, gebouwen, enz. (Bestaande bedrijven) met ACTIVITEIT (inzameling en behandeling van snoeien en vast tuinafval) (Dutch)
29 November 2021
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Investimenti in macchinari, attrezzature, edifici, ecc. (attività esistente) con ATTIVITÀ (raccolta e trattamento delle potature e dei rifiuti solidi del giardino) (Italian)
11 January 2022
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Inversiones en Maquinaria, Equipo, Edificios, etc. (Empresa existente) con ACTIVIDAD (recogida y tratamiento de poda y residuos sólidos de jardinería) (Spanish)
12 January 2022
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Investeringer i maskiner, udstyr, bygninger osv. (Eksisterende selskab) MED AKTIVITY (Indsamling og forarbejdning af beskæring og fast haveaffald) (Danish)
10 July 2022
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Ulaganja u strojeve, opremu, zgrade itd. (postojeće poduzeće) s AKTIVNOM (prikupljanje i obrada obrezivanje i kruti vrtni otpad) (Croatian)
10 July 2022
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Investiții în utilaje, echipamente, clădiri etc. (societate existentă) CU ACTIVITATE (Colectarea și prelucrarea tăierii și a deșeurilor solide de grădină) (Romanian)
10 July 2022
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Investície do strojov, zariadení, budov atď. (Existujúca spoločnosť) S ACTIVITOU (Zber a spracovanie prerezávania a pevného záhradného odpadu) (Slovak)
10 July 2022
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Investimenti f’Makkinarju, Tagħmir, Bini, eċċ. (Kumpanija Eżistenti) B’ATTIVITÀ (Ġbir u pproċessar ta’ żbir u skart solidu tal-ġonna) (Maltese)
10 July 2022
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Investimentos em máquinas, equipamentos, edifícios, etc. (Empresa existente) COM ATIVIDADE (Recolha e tratamento de poda e resíduos sólidos de jardim) (Portuguese)
10 July 2022
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Investoinnit koneisiin, laitteisiin, rakennuksiin jne. (olemassa oleva yritys) TOIMINTA (leikkausten ja kiinteiden puutarhajätteiden kerääminen ja käsittely) (Finnish)
10 July 2022
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Inwestycje w maszyny, wyposażenie, budynki itp. (istniejące przedsiębiorstwo) Z DZIAŁALNOŚĆ (Zbieranie i przetwarzanie przycinania i stałych odpadów ogrodniczych) (Polish)
10 July 2022
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Naložbe v stroje, opremo, zgradbe itd. (obstoječe podjetje) Z AKTIVNOSTI (zbiranje in predelava obrezovanja in trdnih vrtnih odpadkov) (Slovenian)
10 July 2022
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Investice do strojů, zařízení, budov atd. (stávající společnost) S ACTIVITY (Shromažďování a zpracování prořezávání a pevného zahradního odpadu) (Czech)
10 July 2022
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Investicijos į mašinas, įrangą, pastatus ir t. t. (egzistuojanti įmonė) SU AKTIVITIJA (genėjimo ir kietų sodo atliekų surinkimas ir perdirbimas) (Lithuanian)
10 July 2022
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Ieguldījumi mašīnās, iekārtās, ēkās utt. (esošais uzņēmums) AR ATTIECĪBU (apgriešanas un cieto dārza atkritumu savākšana un pārstrāde) (Latvian)
10 July 2022
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Инвестиции в машини, оборудване, сгради и др. (съществуващо дружество) С ACTIVITY (събиране и преработка на резитба и твърди градински отпадъци) (Bulgarian)
10 July 2022
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Beruházások gépekbe, berendezésekbe, épületekbe stb. (Meglévő vállalat) ACTIVITY (metszés és szilárd kerti hulladék gyűjtése és feldolgozása) (Hungarian)
10 July 2022
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Infheistíochtaí in Innealra, Trealamh, Foirgnimh, etc. (Cuideachta Reatha) LE GNÍOMHAÍOCHT (Bearradh agus dramhaíl ó ghairdín soladach a bhailiú agus a phróiseáil) (Irish)
10 July 2022
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Investeringar i maskiner, utrustning, byggnader, etc. (existerande företag) MED ACTIVITY (Samling och bearbetning av beskärning och fast trädgårdsavfall) (Swedish)
10 July 2022
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Investeeringud masinatesse, seadmetesse, hoonetesse jne (olemasolev ettevõte) WITH ACTIVITY (lõikamise ja tahkete aiajäätmete kogumine ja töötlemine) (Estonian)
10 July 2022
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0 references
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